16 papers:
DLT-2012-Okhotin #theorem- Non-erasing Variants of the Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem (AO), pp. 121–129.
CSEET-2011-HattoriBLL #game studies #learning- Erase and rewind — Learning by replaying examples (LH, AB, ML, ML), p. 558.
DLT-J-2009-Zetzsche11 #capacity #comprehension #generative #matrix #towards- Toward Understanding the Generative Capacity of Erasing Rules in Matrix Grammars (GZ), pp. 411–426.
DLT-2011-Zetzsche- A Sufficient Condition for Erasing Productions to Be Avoidable (GZ), pp. 452–463.
DLT-2010-ReidenbachS #ambiguity #morphism #strict- Restricted Ambiguity of Erasing Morphisms (DR, JCS), pp. 387–398.
ICALP-v2-2010-Zetzsche #on the #random- On Erasing Productions in Random Context Grammars (GZ), pp. 175–186.
DLT-2009-Zetzsche #matrix #petri net- Erasing in Petri Net Languages and Matrix Grammars (GZ), pp. 490–501.
LATA-2009-Gierasimczuk #learning #logic- Learning by Erasing in Dynamic Epistemic Logic (NG), pp. 362–373.
CHI-2009-AkersSJW #problem #undo #usability- Undo and erase events as indicators of usability problems (DA, MS, RJ, TW), pp. 659–668.
DLT-2006-Krieger #fixpoint #morphism #on the- On Critical Exponents in Fixed Points of Non-erasing Morphisms (DK), pp. 280–291.
DRR-2005-WalvoordEKH #recognition- Enhancement and character recognition of the erased colophon of a 15th-century Hebrewa prayer book (DJW, RLEJ, KTK, MH), pp. 157–166.
SOSP-1997-SavageABNS #concurrent #detection #multi #named #source code #thread- Eraser: A Dynamic Data Race Detector for Multi-Threaded Programs (SS, MB, GN, PS, TEA), pp. 27–37.
DLT-1993-PaunRS- Contextual Grammars: Erasing, Determinism, One-Side Contexts (GP, GR, AS), pp. 370–388.
ICSE-1982-BuyanskyS- No 1A ESS Laboratory Support System — Erasable Flag Facility (DVB, JWS), pp. 279–286.
ICALP-1977-HopnerO- Renaming and Erasing in Szilard Languages (MH, MO), pp. 244–257.
STOC-1972-Carlyle-GreibachGG- Uniformly Erasable AFL (SCG, SG, JG), pp. 207–213.