8 papers:
VLDB-2009-BhideABPMV #integration #named #xml- XPEDIA: XML ProcEssing for Data IntegrAtion (MB, MKA, ABO, SP, SM, GV), pp. 1330–1341.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-NiuLZ #concept #framework #modelling- Enriching Executives’ Situation Awareness and Mental Models — A Conceptual ESS Framework (LN, JL, GZ), pp. 510–516.
DAC-1994-Radtke #design #hardware #process #scalability- The AT&T 5ESS Hardware Design Environment: A Large System’s Hardware design Process (KAR), pp. 527–531.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-CattaneoCLZ #analysis #bibliography #database #evolution #object-oriented- Overview and Progress Report of the ESSE Project: Supporting Object-Oriented Database Schema Analysis and Evolution (FC, ACP, LL, RZ), pp. 63–74.
SEKE-1989-Anderson #design- Software Design for the 5ESS(R) Switch (LGA), p. 59.
SEKE-1989-Thanawala #specification- Requirement Specifications For The AT8T 5ESS(R) Switch (RCT), p. 58.
ICSE-1982-BuyanskyS- No 1A ESS Laboratory Support System — Erasable Flag Facility (DVB, JWS), pp. 279–286.
DAC-1973-OkuiKW #automation #design- Design Automation System for ESS in FUJITSU (MO, AK, KW), pp. 193–198.