Stem fractur$ (all stems)
4 papers:
- DAC-2015-KagalwallaG #effectiveness #modelling #reduction
- Effective model-based mask fracturing for mask cost reduction (AAK, PG), p. 6.
- ICPR-2008-Kherroubi #automation #image
- Automatic extraction of natural fracture traces from borehole images (JK), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-v3-2004-YapCLHP #analysis #detection
- Detecting Femur Fractures by Texture Analysis of Trabeculae (DWHY, YC, WKL, TSH, MAP), pp. 730–733.
- VLDB-2002-RamamurthyDS
- A Case for Fractured Mirrors (RR, DJD, QS), pp. 430–441.