298 papers:
HIMI-IKC-2015-ZhangT #design #game studies- Considering a New Nanbu Fuurin Design that Play a Healing Sound — Including Innovations in Appearance and Texture, and Continually Improving- (YZ, TT), pp. 675–684.
CHI-2014-KaziCGZF #named- Draco: bringing life to illustrations with kinetic textures (RHK, FC, TG, SZ, GWF), pp. 351–360.
HIMI-DE-2014-YamanakaN #image #research- Basic Research on the Factors Influencing Perception of Texture from Images (KY, KN), pp. 281–288.
ICPR-2014-AwadCR #hybrid- A New Hybrid Texture-Perceptual Descriptor: Application CBIR (DA, VC, AR), pp. 1150–1155.
ICPR-2014-BertoliniOJS #identification- Assessing Textural Features for Writer Identification on Different Writing Styles and Forgeries (DB, LSO, EJRJ, RS), pp. 268–272.
ICPR-2014-ByeonLB #2d #classification #network #using- Texture Classification Using 2D LSTM Networks (WB, ML, TMB), pp. 1144–1149.
ICPR-2014-ChenWLHI #image #robust #segmentation #using- Robust Text Line Segmentation for Historical Manuscript Images Using Color and Texture (KC, HW, ML, JH, RI), pp. 2978–2983.
ICPR-2014-CoteA #segmentation- Sparseness-Based Descriptors for Texture Segmentation (MC, ABA), pp. 1108–1113.
ICPR-2014-GadermayrHU #adaptation #classification- Scale-Adaptive Texture Classification (MG, SH, AU), pp. 2643–2648.
ICPR-2014-Garcia-OlallaAFG #classification #statistics- Local Oriented Statistics Information Booster (LOSIB) for Texture Classification (OGO, EA, LFR, VGC), pp. 1114–1119.
ICPR-2014-HafianePS #adaptation #classification- Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for Texture Classification (AH, KP, GS), pp. 1138–1143.
ICPR-2014-HouHW #modelling #synthesis #video- Cloud Model-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Video Coding (ZH, RH, ZW), pp. 838–842.
ICPR-2014-KacheleS #independence #recognition #set- Cascaded Fusion of Dynamic, Spatial, and Textural Feature Sets for Person-Independent Facial Emotion Recognition (MK, FS), pp. 4660–4665.
ICPR-2014-LiuXYZ #analysis- Texture Analysis with Shape Co-occurrence Patterns (GL, GSX, WY, LZ), pp. 1627–1632.
ICPR-2014-MajtnerSS #image #named #performance- RSURF — The Efficient Texture-Based Descriptor for Fluorescence Microscopy Images of HEP-2 Cells (TM, RS, DS), pp. 1194–1199.
ICPR-2014-MehnertMSMB #approach- A Structural Texture Approach for Characterising Malignancy Associated Changes in Pap Smears Based on Mean-Shift and the Watershed Transform (AM, RM, KS, PM, EB), pp. 1189–1193.
ICPR-2014-MehriMHGMM #benchmark #documentation #evaluation #metric #performance #set- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Six Texture-Based Feature Sets for Segmenting Historical Documents (MM, MM, PH, PGK, MAM, RM), pp. 2885–2890.
ICPR-2014-MiyanS #consistency #image #using- Finding Corresponding Patches in Texture Images Using Tensor Consistency Check (SBM, JS), pp. 4021–4026.
ICPR-2014-MurshedJI #robust- Discriminative Directional Texture and Color for Robust Target Tracking (MM, TJ, SMZI), pp. 4176–4181.
ICPR-2014-SariE #analysis #detection #fault #independence #using- Texture Defect Detection Using Independent Vector Analysis in Wavelet Domain (LS, AE), pp. 1639–1644.
ICPR-2014-SeckDT #3d #analysis #geometry #using- 3D Facial Skin Texture Analysis Using Geometric Descriptors (AS, HD, BT), pp. 1126–1131.
ICPR-2014-SintornK #recognition- Virus Recognition Based on Local Texture (IMS, GK), pp. 3227–3232.
ICPR-2014-SouzaSB #classification- Extracting Texture Features for Time Series Classification (VMAdS, DFS, GEAPAB), pp. 1425–1430.
ICPR-2014-TianLL #image #modelling #segmentation- A Histogram-Based Chan-Vese Model Driven by Local Contrast Pattern for Texture Image Segmentation (HT, YL, JHL), pp. 954–959.
ICPR-2014-WangYLZF #independence #recognition #using- Micro-expression Recognition Using Dynamic Textures on Tensor Independent Color Space (SW, WJY, XL, GZ, XF), pp. 4678–4683.
ICPR-2014-ZhuYCTJYZ #adaptation #classification #hybrid- A Noise-Robust Adaptive Hybrid Pattern for Texture Classification (ZZ, XY, CLPC, DT, XJ, FY, JZ), pp. 1633–1638.
ICDAR-2013-KieuJVMD #3d #documentation #generative #image #using- Semi-synthetic Document Image Generation Using Texture Mapping on Scanned 3D Document Shapes (VCK, NJ, MV, RM, JPD), pp. 489–493.
ICDAR-2013-ZhangLSM #invariant #rank- Rectification of Optical Characters as Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures (XZ, ZL, FS, YM), pp. 393–397.
DHM-HB-2013-IkenoboKKGK #case study #process- A Study of the Effect of the Shape, the Color, and the Texture of Ikebana on a Brain Activity (YI, YK, NK, AG, AK), pp. 59–65.
DUXU-NTE-2013-FukatsuOKST #evaluation #mobile- Evaluation of Effects of Textures Attached to Mobile Devices on Pointing Accuracy (YF, TO, YK, BS, JT), pp. 255–263.
DUXU-WM-2013-Cho #image- Texture and Relative Movement in Moving Image (YTC), pp. 478–485.
HCI-III-2013-JuL #algorithm- A Dense Stereo Matching Algorithm with Occlusion and Less or Similar Texture Handling (HJ, CL), pp. 171–177.
HCI-IMT-2013-DharmaT #diagrams- Mapping Texture Phase Diagram of Artificial Haptic Stimuli Generated by Vibrotactile Actuators (AAGD, KT), pp. 578–586.
DRR-2012-ChandaFP #clustering #documentation #using- Clustering document fragments using background color and texture information (SC, KF, UP).
CHI-2012-KaziIZD #design #gesture #interactive #named- Vignette: interactive texture design and manipulation with freeform gestures for pen-and-ink illustration (RHK, TI, SZ, RCD), pp. 1727–1736.
ICPR-2012-0001ZP #segmentation #using- Unsupervised dynamic texture segmentation using local descriptors in volumes (JC, GZ, MP), pp. 3622–3625.
ICPR-2012-AdanMS #3d #geometry #modelling- Creating realistic 3D models from scanners by decoupling geometry and texture (AA, PM, SS), pp. 457–460.
ICPR-2012-CataldoBFM #classification #image- Applying textural features to the classification of HEp-2 cell patterns in IIF images (SDC, AB, EF, EM), pp. 3349–3352.
ICPR-2012-DoshiS #algorithm #benchmark #metric #retrieval- A comprehensive benchmark of local binary pattern algorithms for texture retrieval (NPD, GS), pp. 2760–2763.
ICPR-2012-GossowWB #invariant- Distinctive texture features from perspective-invariant keypoints (DG, DW, MB), pp. 2764–2767.
ICPR-2012-HaindlRH #markov- Potts compound Markovian texture model (MH, VR, VH), pp. 29–32.
ICPR-2012-HongZPC #correlation- Combining local and global correlation for texture description (XH, GZ, MP, XC), pp. 2756–2759.
ICPR-2012-HouHWH #synthesis #video- Improvements of dynamic texture synthesis for video coding (ZH, RH, ZW, ZH), pp. 3148–3151.
ICPR-2012-HsinSK #algorithm #performance #synthesis- A fast wavelet-packet-based algorithm for texture synthesis (HCH, TYS, LTK), pp. 3124–3127.
ICPR-2012-LiYLKZL #classification #multi #using- Multiclass boosting SVM using different texture features in HEp-2 cell staining pattern classification (KL, JY, ZL, XK, RZ, WL), pp. 170–173.
ICPR-2012-PedoneH #invariant #recognition #robust- Local phase quantization descriptors for blur robust and illumination invariant recognition of color textures (MP, JH), pp. 2476–2479.
ICPR-2012-SantosPTGPF #classification #image #multi #using #visual notation #word- Improving texture description in remote sensing image multi-scale classification tasks by using visual words (JAdS, OABP, RdST, PHG, SPF, AXF), pp. 3090–3093.
ICPR-2012-SchaeferD #analysis #multi- Multi-dimensional local binary pattern descriptors for improved texture analysis (GS, NPD), pp. 2500–2503.
ICPR-2012-SimoesSW #detection #image #using- Using local texture maps of brain MR images to detect Mild Cognitive Impairment (RS, CHS, AMvCvW), pp. 153–156.
ICPR-2012-SintornK #recognition- Regional Zernike moments for texture recognition (IMS, GK), pp. 1635–1638.
ICPR-2012-SnellCK #identification- Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis (VS, WJC, JK), pp. 3750–3753.
ICPR-2012-ThibaultA #classification #performance #statistics- Efficient statistical/morphological cell texture characterization and classification (GT, JA), pp. 2440–2443.
ICPR-2012-WangCCP #detection #realtime #using- Real-time smoke detection using texture and color features (YW, TWC, RC, NTP), pp. 1727–1730.
SAC-2012-CarvalhoSG #adaptation #fuzzy #segmentation #using- Texture fuzzy segmentation using adaptive affinity functions (BMC, TSS, EG), pp. 51–53.
ICDAR-2011-ZhangS #rank- Circle Text Expansion as Low-Rank Textures (XZ, FS), pp. 202–206.
CSCW-2011-AspinR #3d #approach #gpu #multi- A GPU based, projective multi-texturing approach to reconstructing the 3D human form for application in tele-presence (RAA, DJR), pp. 105–112.
MLDM-2011-AttigP #biology #comparison #image #random #set- A Comparison between Haralick’s Texture Descriptor and the Texture Descriptor Based on Random Sets for Biological Images (AA, PP), pp. 524–538.
SAC-2011-LanLSH #algorithm #analysis #case study #classification #comparative #image- A comparative study and analysis on K-view based algorithms for image texture classification (YL, HL, ES, CCH), pp. 859–860.
ICPR-2010-AlbarelliRCT #approach #game studies #robust- Robust Figure Extraction on Textured Background: A Game-Theoretic Approach (AA, ER, AC, AT), pp. 360–363.
ICPR-2010-Allili #retrieval #using- Wavelet-Based Texture Retrieval Using a Mixture of Generalized Gaussian Distributions (MSA), pp. 3143–3146.
ICPR-2010-AlvarezSVO #dataset- Perceptual Color Texture Codebooks for Retrieving in Highly Diverse Texture Datasets (SÁ, AS, MV, XO), pp. 866–869.
ICPR-2010-BespalovDS #geometry- Geometric Total Variation for Texture Deformation (DB, ABD, AS), pp. 4597–4600.
ICPR-2010-DongSD #3d #estimation- Illumination Estimation of 3D Surface Texture Based on Active Basis (JD, LS, YD), pp. 870–873.
ICPR-2010-DuboisPM #adaptation #analysis #component #composition #using- Decomposition of Dynamic Textures Using Morphological Component Analysis: A New Adaptative Strategy (SD, RP, MM), pp. 2258–2261.
ICPR-2010-FilipHC- Gaze-Motivated Compression of Illumination and View Dependent Textures (JF, MH, MJC), pp. 862–865.
ICPR-2010-GhanemA #linear #recognition- Sparse Coding of Linear Dynamical Systems with an Application to Dynamic Texture Recognition (BG, NA), pp. 987–990.
ICPR-2010-GuneyA- Maximally Stable Texture Regions (MG, NA), pp. 4549–4552.
ICPR-2010-HaindlH- A Compound MRF Texture Model (MH, VH), pp. 1792–1795.
ICPR-2010-HaindlH10a- Near-Regular BTF Texture Model (MH, MH), pp. 2114–2117.
ICPR-2010-IiyamaKM #image #multi- Super-Resolution Texture Mapping from Multiple View Images (MI, KK, MM), pp. 1820–1823.
ICPR-2010-MelendezPG #adaptation #classification #on the #segmentation- On Adapting Pixel-based Classification to Unsupervised Texture Segmentation (JM, DP, MAG), pp. 854–857.
ICPR-2010-MumtazMM #approach- A New Approach to Aircraft Surface Inspection Based on Directional Energies of Texture (MM, ABM, HM), pp. 4404–4407.
ICPR-2010-QiaoC #3d #analysis #component #modelling #statistics #using- Statistical Texture Modeling for Medical Volume Using Generalized N-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis Method and 3D Volume Morphing (XQ, YWC), pp. 2488–2491.
ICPR-2010-RaraAESF #re-engineering #recognition #using- Face Recognition at-a-Distance Using Texture, Dense- and Sparse-Stereo Reconstruction (HMR, AMA, SYE, TLS, AAF), pp. 1221–1224.
ICPR-2010-TosunSD #image #object-oriented #segmentation- Unsupervised Tissue Image Segmentation through Object-Oriented Texture (ABT, CS, CGD), pp. 2516–2519.
ICPR-2010-VachaH #invariant #recognition- Natural Material Recognition with Illumination Invariant Textural Features (PV, MH), pp. 858–861.
ICPR-2010-VesBRAS #modelling #retrieval- Wavelet-Based Texture Retrieval Modeling the Magnitudes of Wavelet Detail Coefficients with a Generalized Gamma Distribution (EdV, XB, AMCR, DGA, LS), pp. 221–224.
SAC-2010-LanLSH #algorithm #classification #image #using- An improved K-view algorithm for image texture classification using new characteristic views selection methods (YL, HL, ES, CCH), pp. 959–963.
SAC-2010-MillerRPW #identification #using- Personal identification using periocular skin texture (PEM, AWR, SJP, DLW), pp. 1496–1500.
ICDAR-2009-EmmanouilidisBP #classification #development #evaluation #locality- Development and Evaluation of Text Localization Techniques Based on Structural Texture Features and Neural Classifiers (CE, CB, NP), pp. 1270–1274.
ICDAR-2009-FornesLSB #identification #music #on the- On the Use of Textural Features for Writer Identification in Old Handwritten Music Scores (AF, JL, GS, HB), pp. 996–1000.
CHI-2009-HarrisonH09a #approach- Texture displays: a passive approach to tactile presentation (CH, SEH), pp. 2261–2264.
KDIR-2009-Abbadeni #multi #representation #retrieval- Texture Representation and Retrieval based on Multiple Strategies (NA), pp. 53–61.
SAC-2009-LiuDSYH #algorithm #classification #image #invariant #using- A new K-View algorithm for texture image classification using rotation-invariant feature (HL, SD, ES, CY, CCH), pp. 914–921.
SOFTVIS-2008-ByelasT #architecture #metric #visualisation- Texture-based visualization of metrics on software architectures (HB, ACT), pp. 205–206.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-ConciNPS #algorithm #detection- Comparing Color and Texture-Based Algorithms for Human Skin Detection (AC, EN, JJP, ÁS), pp. 166–173.
ICPR-2008-BaiPC- Relative advantage of touch over vision in the exploration of texture (YHB, CP, YC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-BattiatoPB #video- Regular texture removal for video stabilization (SB, GP, AB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChenZP #segmentation #using- Unsupervised dynamic texture segmentation using local spatiotemporal descriptors (JC, GZ, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-CheongL #approach #image #matrix #multi #orthogonal #recognition #using- An approach to texture-based image recognition by deconstructing multispectral co-occurrence matrices using Tchebichef orthogonal polynomials (MCYC, KSL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-DonoserB #matrix #segmentation #using- Using covariance matrices for unsupervised texture segmentation (MD, HB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-El-BazCGMSVM #3d #analysis #matter- Dyslexia diagnostics by 3D texture analysis of cerebral white matter gyrifications (AEB, MC, GLG, MM, AES, EV, RM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HaindlM08a #benchmark #metric #segmentation- Texture segmentation benchmark (MH, SM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HeAP- A Bayesian Local Binary Pattern texture descriptor (CH, TA, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-JiaDQA #3d #estimation #metric #using- Directionality measurement and illumination estimation of 3D surface textures by using mojette transform (PJ, JD, LQ, FA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KangKNN #image #multi #recognition #segmentation #using- Multiband image segmentation and object recognition using texture filter banks (YK, KK, TN, YN), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LecellierFJRA #segmentation- Region-based active contours and sparse representations for texture segmentation (FL, JF, SJB, MR, GA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LuCC #analysis #image #multi #recognition- Multilinear analysis based on image texture for face recognition (HL, HC, YWC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MieziankoP #detection #multi- Detecting changes in multilayered orthoimages with spatiotemporal texture blocks (RM, DP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MunizCR #classification #independence- Use of band ratioing for building illumination independent texture classification systems (RM, JAC, MRS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-OjansivuRH #analysis #invariant- Rotation invariant local phase quantization for blur insensitive texture analysis (VO, ER, JH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SatoOKI #image #realtime- Real-time image-based rendering system for virtual city based on image compression technique and eigen texture method (RS, SO, HK, KI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TarghiGZ #classification #image- Texture classification with minimal training images (ATT, JMG, AZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ThomeeHBL #retrieval #using- Using an artificial imagination for texture retrieval (BT, MJH, EMB, MSL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Vega-PonsRV #algorithm #segmentation #set #using- Active contour algorithm for texture segmentation using a texture feature set (SVP, JLGR, OLV), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-XiaDG #analysis #invariant- Locally invariant texture analysis from the topographic map (GSX, JD, YG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangGZ #detection #modelling- Complex background modeling and motion detection based on Texture Pattern Flow (BZ, YG, BZ), pp. 1–4.
SAC-2008-AvolaC #analysis #image- Encephalic NMR image analysis by textural interpretation (DA, LC), pp. 1338–1342.
SAC-2008-ZhangMD #feature model #fuzzy #image #retrieval #set #using- Texture feature extraction and description using fuzzy set of main dominant directions of variable scales in content-based medical image retrieval (GZ, ZMM, LD), pp. 1760–1761.
ICDAR-2007-GazzahA #analysis #identification #using- Arabic Handwriting Texture Analysis for Writer Identification Using the DWT-Lifting Scheme (SG, NEBA), pp. 1133–1137.
ICDAR-2007-LemaitreGP #2d #analysis #approach #layout #markov- Preliminary experiments in layout analysis of handwritten letters based on textural and spatial information and a 2D Markovian approach (ML, EG, FJP), pp. 1023–1027.
ICPR-v1-2006-HuYN #automation #generative- Automatic Pose Recovery for High-Quality Textures Generation (JH, SY, UN), pp. 561–565.
ICPR-v1-2006-LaggerF #multi #using- Using Specularities to Recover Multiple Light Sources in the Presence of Texture (PL, PF), pp. 587–590.
ICPR-v2-2006-ArivazhaganGK #classification #statistics #using- Texture classification using Curvelet Statistical and Co-occurrence Features (SA, LG, TGSK), pp. 938–941.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenB #classification #invariant #using- Invariant Texture Classification Using Ridgelet Packets (GC, PB), pp. 464–467.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenCC #comparison- A Comparison of Texture Features Based on SVM and SOM (CMC, CCC, CCC), pp. 630–633.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenW #analysis #component #independence #segmentation #using- Texture Segmentation Using Independent Component Analysis of Gabor Features (YC, RW), pp. 147–150.
ICPR-v2-2006-DonateDR #classification- Classification of Textures Distorted by WaterWaves (AD, GD, ER), pp. 421–424.
ICPR-v2-2006-FloreaBRB #image #representation #using- Using texture-based symbolic features for medical image representation (FF, EB, AR, AB), pp. 946–949.
ICPR-v2-2006-GranaCPS #detection #network- Line Detection and Texture Characterization of Network Patterns (CG, RC, GP, SS), pp. 275–278.
ICPR-v2-2006-GrimHSP #approach #modelling #using- A Subspace Approach to Texture Modelling by Using Gaussian Mixtures (JG, MH, PS, PP), pp. 235–238.
ICPR-v2-2006-GuptaD #detection #multi #using- Texture Edge Detection using Multi-resolution Features and SOM (LG, SD), pp. 199–202.
ICPR-v2-2006-HaindlM #approach #modelling #multi #segmentation #using- Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multispectral Modelling Approach (MH, SM), pp. 203–206.
ICPR-v2-2006-KimYL #estimation #image #interactive #modelling #parametricity #random #segmentation #using- New MRF Parameter Estimation Technique for Texture Image Segmentation using Hierarchical GMRF Model Based on Random Spatial Interaction and Mean Field Theory (DHK, IDY, SUL), pp. 365–368.
ICPR-v2-2006-Kittipanya-ngamC #performance- The effect of texture representations on AAM performance (PKn, TFC), pp. 328–331.
ICPR-v2-2006-LettnerS #recognition- Texture and Profile Features for Drawing Media Recognition in Underdrawings (ML, RS), pp. 308–311.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiA #estimation #predict- Texture-Constrained Shape Prediction for Mouth Contour Extraction and its State Estimation (ZL, HA), pp. 88–91.
ICPR-v2-2006-QinWHG #automation #classification- Unsupervised Texture Classification: Automatically Discover and Classify Texture Patterns (LQ, WW, QH, WG), pp. 433–436.
ICPR-v2-2006-SavelonasIM #algorithm #segmentation- An LBP-Based Active Contour Algorithm for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation (MAS, DKI, DEM), pp. 279–282.
ICPR-v2-2006-ScarpaH #clustering #independence #segmentation- Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Spectral-Spatial-Independent Clustering (GS, MH), pp. 151–154.
ICPR-v2-2006-TsaiTCY #analysis #component #design #detection #fault #image #independence- Independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast textured images (DMT, YHT, SMC, CHY), pp. 231–234.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZhangPB #classification #learning #representation- Learning Optimal Filter Representation for Texture Classification (PZ, JP, BPB), pp. 1138–1141.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZhaoP #recognition- Local Binary Pattern Descriptors for Dynamic Texture Recognition (GZ, MP), pp. 211–214.
ICPR-v3-2006-HaindlV #invariant #retrieval- Illumination Invariant Texture Retrieval (MH, PV), pp. 276–279.
ICPR-v3-2006-SagirogluE #approach #assembly #automation- A Texture Based Matching Approach for Automated Assembly of Puzzles (MSS, AE), pp. 1036–1041.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangGL #automation #recognition #synthesis- Automatic Texture Synthesis for Face Recognition from Single Views (XZ, YG, MKHL), pp. 1151–1154.
ICPR-v4-2006-ChikkerurPJRB #locality #representation #using- Fingerprint Representation Using Localized Texture Features (SC, SP, AJ, NKR, RMB), pp. 521–524.
ICPR-v4-2006-FilipHC #performance #synthesis- Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour Textures (JF, MH, DC), pp. 25–28.
ICPR-v4-2006-HeYTWX #image #matrix #novel #retrieval #symmetry #using- Texture Image Retrieval Using Novel Non-separable Filter Banks Based on Centrally Symmetric Matrices (ZH, XY, YYT, PSPW, YX), pp. 161–164.
ICPR-v4-2006-OuyangFSC- Fingerprint Matching With Rotation-Descriptor Texture Features (ZO, JF, FS, AC), pp. 417–420.
ICPR-v4-2006-TodorovicA #3d #classification #segmentation #using- 3D Texture Classification Using the Belief Net of a Segmentation Tree (ST, NA), pp. 33–36.
ICPR-v4-2006-XuC #classification #invariant #multi- Multiscale Blob Features for Gray Scale, Rotation and Spatial Scale Invariant Texture Classification (QX, YQC), pp. 29–32.
DRR-2005-MaD #identification #using- Font identification using the grating cell texture operator (HM, DSD), pp. 148–156.
VLDB-2005-ErcegovacDR #benchmark #metric #performance #query #relational- The TEXTURE Benchmark: Measuring Performance of Text Queries on a Relational DBMS (VE, DJD, RR), pp. 313–324.
ECIR-2005-Belkhatir #automation #image #retrieval #semantics #visual notation- Combining Visual Semantics and Texture Characterizations for Precision-Oriented Automatic Image Retrieval (MB), pp. 457–474.
MLDM-2005-LateckiMP #detection #process- Activity and Motion Detection Based on Measuring Texture Change (LJL, RM, DP), pp. 476–486.
CIAA-2004-EramianD #complexity #question- Does Hausdorff Dimension Measure Texture Complexity? (MGE, MD), pp. 317–318.
CHI-2004-LecuyerBE #interface #pseudo- Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures (AL, JMB, LE), pp. 239–246.
ICPR-v1-2004-ChengLLC #classification #component #independence #kernel #using- Texture Classification Using Kernel Independent Component Analysi (JC, QL, HL, YWC), pp. 620–623.
ICPR-v1-2004-ClausiD #image #segmentation- Feature Fusion for Image Texture Segmentation (DAC, HD), pp. 580–583.
ICPR-v1-2004-ClausiY #comparison #markov #random #segmentation #using- Texture Segmentation Comparison Using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Probabilities and Markov Random Fields (DAC, BY), pp. 584–587.
ICPR-v1-2004-FilipH #bidirectional #synthesis- Non-linear Reflectance Model for Bidirectional Texture Function Synthesis (JF, MH), pp. 80–83.
ICPR-v1-2004-Horikawa #classification #comparison #invariant #kernel- Comparison of Support Vector Machines with Autocorrelation Kernels for Invariant Texture Classification (YH), pp. 660–663.
ICPR-v1-2004-KokareBC #image #retrieval- Rotated Complex Wavelet based Texture Features for Content Based Image Retrieval (MK, PKB, BNC), pp. 652–655.
ICPR-v1-2004-KusachiSIA #detection #image #recognition #robust- Kanji Recognition in Scene Images without Detection of Text Fields — Robust Against Variation of Viewpoint, Contrast, and Background Texture (YK, AS, NI, KA), pp. 457–460.
ICPR-v1-2004-NammalwarGW #integration #segmentation- Integration of Feature Distributions for Colour Texture Segmentation (PN, OG, PFW), pp. 716–719.
ICPR-v1-2004-Rivero-MorenoB #feature model- Texture Feature Extraction and Indexing by Hermite Filters (CJRM, SB), pp. 684–687.
ICPR-v1-2004-XuC #classification #statistics- Statistical Landscape Features for Texture Classification (CLX, YQC), pp. 676–679.
ICPR-v1-2004-Zwiggelaar #automation #matrix #segmentation- Texture Based Segmentation: Automatic Selection of Co-Occurrence Matrices (RZ), pp. 588–591.
ICPR-v2-2004-GimelfarbGZ #modelling #probability #question- To FRAME or not to FRAME in Probabilistic Texture Modelling? (GLG, LJVG, AZ), pp. 707–711.
ICPR-v2-2004-Hammoud #visual notation- Color Texture Signatures for Art-Paintings vs. Scene-Photographs Based on Human Visual System (RIH), pp. 525–528.
ICPR-v2-2004-SahaDC #metric #using- CBIR using Perception based Texture and Colour Measures (SKS, AKD, BC), pp. 985–988.
ICPR-v2-2004-SantamariaBS #analysis #statistics #using- Texture Analysis using Level-crossing Statistics (CS, MB, WS), pp. 712–715.
ICPR-v3-2004-HaindlGSPK- A Gaussian Mixture-Based Colour Texture Model (MH, JG, PS, PP, MK), pp. 177–180.
ICPR-v3-2004-YapCLHP #analysis #detection- Detecting Femur Fractures by Texture Analysis of Trabeculae (DWHY, YC, WKL, TSH, MAP), pp. 730–733.
ICPR-v4-2004-LiuWP #classification #composition #empirical- Texture Classification Through Directional Empirical Mode Decomposition (ZL, HW, SP), pp. 803–806.
ICPR-v4-2004-YangL #detection #multi- Multiple Pedestrian Detection and Tracking based on Weighted Temporal Texture Features (HDY, SWL), pp. 248–251.
DocEng-2003-ZhuN #encoding- Information encoding into and decoding from dot texture for active forms (BZ, MN), pp. 105–114.
ICDAR-2003-AllierDGME #logic- Texture Feature Characterization for Logical Pre-labeling (BA, JD, AG, PM, HE), pp. 567–571.
SAC-2003-YangH #classification #data flow #image #using- Image Texture Classification Using Datagrams and Characteristic Views (SY, CCH), pp. 22–26.
ICPR-v1-2002-CarcassoniRH #analysis #recognition- Texture Recognition through Modal Analysis of Spectral Peak Patterns (MC, ER, ERH), pp. 243–246.
ICPR-v1-2002-CostaGB #difference #statistics- Orientation Difference Statistics for Texture Description (JPDC, CG, PB), pp. 652–655.
ICPR-v1-2002-HaindlH #multi- A Multiscale Colour Texture Model (MH, VH), p. 255–?.
ICPR-v1-2002-HayashiYIK #estimation #gender #image- Age and Gender Estimation Based on Wrinkle Texture and Color of Facial Images (JiH, MY, HI, HK), pp. 405–408.
ICPR-v1-2002-KatoPQ #image #multi #segmentation- Multicue MRF Image Segmentation: Combining Texture and Color Features (ZK, TCP, SGQ), pp. 660–663.
ICPR-v1-2002-KovalevKC #3d #analysis #image #symmetry- Structural Brain Asymmetry as Revealed by 3D Texture Analysis of Anatomical MR Images (VAK, FK, DYvC), p. 808–?.
ICPR-v1-2002-LongL #hybrid #invariant- A Hybrid Model for Invariant and Perceptual Texture Mapping (HL, WKL), pp. 135–138.
ICPR-v1-2002-MaenpaaPV- Separating Color and Pattern Information for Color Texture Discrimination (TM, MP, JV), pp. 668–671.
ICPR-v1-2002-OjalaMPVKH #algorithm #analysis #empirical #evaluation #framework- Outex- New Framework for Empirical Evaluation of Texture Analysis Algorithms (TO, TM, MP, JV, JK, SH), pp. 701–706.
ICPR-v1-2002-RellierDZF #analysis- A Gauss-Markov Model for Hyperspectral Texture Analysis of Urban Areas (GR, XD, JZ, FF), pp. 692–695.
ICPR-v1-2002-SinghMS #analysis #dependence #image- Colour Image Texture Analysis: Dependence on Colour Spaces (MS, MM, SS), pp. 672–675.
ICPR-v1-2002-SinghS #analysis #case study #comparative- Spatial Texture Analysis: A Comparative Study (MS, SS), pp. 676–679.
ICPR-v1-2002-YuLC #multi #synthesis- Multiresolution Block Sampling-Based Method for Texture Synthesis (YY, JL, CWC), pp. 239–242.
ICPR-v2-2002-BhagavathyNM #image #modelling #using- Modeling Object Classes in Aerial Images Using Texture Motifs (SB, SN, BSM), pp. 981–984.
ICPR-v2-2002-IqbalA #evaluation #image #performance #retrieval- Combining Structure, Color and Texture for Image Retrieval: A Performance Evaluation (QI, JKA), pp. 438–443.
ICPR-v2-2002-LladoP- Classifying Textures when Seen from Different Distances (XL, MP), pp. 909–912.
ICPR-v2-2002-MaZ #representation #video- Motion Texture: A New Motion Based Video Representation (YFM, HZ), pp. 548–551.
ICPR-v2-2002-Okombi-DibaMS #image #segmentation- Segmentation of Spatially Variant Image Textures (BROD, JM, KS), pp. 917–920.
ICPR-v2-2002-PaclikDKK #image #segmentation- Supervised Segmentation of Textures in Backscatter Images (PP, RPWD, GMPvK, RK), pp. 490–493.
ICPR-v2-2002-PernerPM #classification- Texture Classification Based on the Boolean Model and its Application to Hep-2 Cells (PP, HP, BM), pp. 406–409.
ICPR-v2-2002-TweedM #analysis #automation #detection- Automatic Detection of Regions of Interest in Mammographies Based on a Combined Analysis of Texture and Histogram (TT, SM), pp. 448–452.
ICPR-v2-2002-UtsumiT #adaptation #statistics #using- Texture Adaptation for Human Tracking Using Statistical Shape Model (AU, NT), pp. 973–976.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZhangTM #invariant #segmentation- Invariant Texture Segmentation Via Circular Gabor Filters (JZ, TT, LM), pp. 901–904.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZollerHB #clustering #parametricity #segmentation- Combined Color And Texture Segmentation by Parametric Distributional Clustering (TZ, LH, JMB), pp. 627–630.
ICPR-v3-2002-ChenZL #analysis #component #detection #independence #segmentation- Edge Detection and Texture Segmentation Based on Independent Component Analysis (YWC, XYZ, HL), pp. 351–354.
ICPR-v3-2002-GarciaP #feature model #integration #multi #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Improving Texture Pattern Recognition by Integration of Multiple Texture Feature Extraction Methods (MAG, DP), pp. 7–10.
ICPR-v3-2002-KongZ #analysis #authentication #image- Palmprint Texture Analysis Based on Low-Resolution Images for Personal Authentication (AWKK, DZ), pp. 807–810.
ICPR-v4-2002-HoogsCK #3d #classification #metaprogramming #using- Classification of 3D Macro Texture Using Perceptual Observables (AH, RC, RK), pp. 113–117.
PADL-2002-Karczmarczuk #approach #functional #generative- Functional Approach to Texture Generation (JK), pp. 225–242.
DAC-2001-SolomonH #layout #using- Using Texture Mapping with Mipmapping to Render a VLSI Layout (JS, MH), pp. 500–505.
ICDAR-2001-SanchezL #graph grammar- A Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols (GS, JL), pp. 465–469.
ICPR-v1-2000-AllezardDJ #3d #modelling #recognition- Recognition of 3D Textured Objects by Mixing View-Based and Model-Based Representations (NA, MD, FJ), pp. 1960–1963.
ICPR-v1-2000-AwanzinoLDLV #locality- A Method Designed for Trihedron Localization in a Textured Environment (CA, JML, MD, LL, MV), pp. 1664–1667.
ICPR-v1-2000-KruizingaP #analysis- A Nonlinear Texture Operator Specialized in the Analysis of Dot-Patterns (PK, NP), pp. 1197–1201.
ICPR-v1-2000-RibeiroH- Texture Plane Orientation from Spectral Accumulation (ER, ERH), pp. 1802–1806.
ICPR-v1-2000-RibeiroWH- An Eigendecomposition Method for Shape-from-Texture (ER, PLW, ERH), pp. 1758–1761.
ICPR-v1-2000-RidderKLD #adaptation #segmentation- The Adaptive Subspace Map for Texture Segmentation (DdR, JK, OL, RPWD), pp. 1216–1220.
ICPR-v1-2000-RomdhaniPG #scalability- A Generic Face Appearance Model of Shape and Texture under Very Large Pose Variations from Profile to Profile Views (SR, AP, SG), pp. 5060–5063.
ICPR-v2-2000-BovisS #detection #using- Detection of Masses in Mammograms Using Texture Features (KB, SS), pp. 2267–2270.
ICPR-v2-2000-MetzlerAPL #classification #image #matrix #multi- Texture Classification of Graylevel Images by Multiscale Cross-Cooccurrence Matrices (VM, TA, CP, TML), pp. 2549–2552.
ICPR-v2-2000-NgB #classification #segmentation #using- Supervised Texture Segmentation using DWT and a Modified K-NN Classifier (BWN, AB), pp. 2545–2548.
ICPR-v3-2000-AbbadeniZW #visual notation- Autocovariance-based Perceptual Textural Features Corresponding to Human Visual Perception (NA, DZ, SW), pp. 3913–3916.
ICPR-v3-2000-AcharyyaK #segmentation #using- Two Texture Segmentation Using M-Band Wavelet Transform (MA, MKK), pp. 3405–3408.
ICPR-v3-2000-BouttePLC #adaptation- Texel Extraction on Inclined Textures by Adaptive Thresholding of Local Scales (LB, JP, SL, PC), pp. 3560–3563.
ICPR-v3-2000-CamilleriP #bound #refinement- Spectral Unmixing of Mixed Pixels for Texture Boundary Refinement (KPC, MP), pp. 7096–7099.
ICPR-v3-2000-ChantlerM #classification #invariant #on the- On the Use of Gradient Space Eigenvalues for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification (MJC, GM), pp. 3943–3946.
ICPR-v3-2000-ChantlerM00a- The Response of Texture Features to Illuminant Rotation (MJC, GM), pp. 3955–3958.
ICPR-v3-2000-ChetverikovF #classification #invariant- Affine-Invariant Texture Classification (DC, ZF), pp. 3901–3904.
ICPR-v3-2000-CostaBG #algorithm #feature model- Level Curve Tracking Algorithm for Textural Feature Extraction (JPDC, PB, CG), pp. 3921–3924.
ICPR-v3-2000-Garcia-SevillaP #analysis #case study #comparative- Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions: A Comparative Study (PGS, MP), pp. 7080–7083.
ICPR-v3-2000-GermainCB #estimation #multi- Multiscale Estimation of Textural Features. Application to the Characterization of Texture Anisotropy (CG, JPDC, PB), pp. 3935–3938.
ICPR-v3-2000-GrigorescuP #graph- Graph-Based Features for Texture Discrimination (CG, NP), pp. 7088–7091.
ICPR-v3-2000-GrigorescuPK #case study #comparative #distance #using- A Comparative Study of Filter Based Texture Operators Using Mahalanobis Distance (SEG, NP, PK), pp. 3897–3900.
ICPR-v3-2000-HuangCH #adaptation #classification- An Adaptive Model for Texture Classification (YH, KLC, ZH), pp. 3905–3908.
ICPR-v3-2000-HuangCH00a #2d #analysis #pseudo- Local Spectra Features Extraction Based-On 2D Pseudo-Wigner Distribution for Texture Analysis (ZH, KLC, YH), pp. 3925–3928.
ICPR-v3-2000-KobayakwaHO #correlation #image #retrieval #robust #using- Robust Texture Image Retrieval Using Hierarchical Correlations of Wavelet Coefficients (MK, MH, TO), pp. 3395–3400.
ICPR-v3-2000-KobayashiK #comprehension #multi- Multi Contrast Based Texture Model for Understanding Human Subjectivity (YK, TK), pp. 3929–3934.
ICPR-v3-2000-Levienaise-ObadiaKC #retrieval #similarity- Defining Quantization Strategies and a Perceptual Similarity Measure for Texture-Based Annotation and Retrieval (BLO, JK, WJC), pp. 3453–3457.
ICPR-v3-2000-LiapisST #algorithm #performance #segmentation #using- Color and/or Texture Segmentation Using Deterministic Relaxation and Fast Marching Algorithms (SL, ES, GT), pp. 3621–3624.
ICPR-v3-2000-LimiaNF #3d #segmentation- Texture Segmentation of a 3D Seismic Section with Wavelet Transform and Gabor Filters (MFL, AMN, MTF), pp. 3358–3361.
ICPR-v3-2000-MaenpaaOPM #classification #robust #set- Robust Texture Classification by Subsets of Local Binary Patterns (TM, TO, MP, MS), pp. 3947–3950.
ICPR-v3-2000-MaenpaaPO #classification #multi- Texture Classification by Multi-Predicate Local Binary Pattern Operators (TM, MP, TO), pp. 3951–3954.
ICPR-v3-2000-Manduchi #clustering #segmentation- A Cluster Grouping Technique for Texture Segmentation (RM), pp. 7072–7075.
ICPR-v3-2000-MiyagawaFA #modelling #using- Texture Modeling by Optimal Gray Scale Structuring Elements Using Morphological Pattern Spectrum (MM, MF, AA), pp. 3479–3482.
ICPR-v3-2000-PetrosinoC #clustering #fuzzy #parallel #set- Unsupervised Texture Discrimination Based on Rough Fuzzy Sets and Parallel Hierarchical Clustering (AP, MC), pp. 7100–7103.
ICPR-v3-2000-RittscherS #bound #detection- An Integral Criterion for Detecting Boundary Edges and Textured Regions (JR, JS), pp. 7076–7079.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ruiz-del-SolarK #architecture #segmentation- Neural-Based Architectures for the Segmentation of Textures (JRdS, DK), pp. 7092–7095.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ruiz-del-SolarS #framework- Bio-Inspired Framework for the Fusion of Chromatic, Infrared and Textural Information (JRdS, ASF), pp. 3576–3579.
ICPR-v3-2000-SebeL00a #classification- Wavelet Based Texture Classification (NS, MSL), pp. 3959–3962.
ICPR-v3-2000-UchiyamaMK #estimation #image #segmentation- Estimation of Homogeneous Regions for Segmentation of Textured Images (TU, NM, HK), pp. 7084–7087.
ICPR-v3-2000-ValdesME #analysis #behaviour #case study #image- Behavior Analysis of Fractal Features for Texture Description in Digital Images: An Experimental Study (JJV, LCM, SE), pp. 3917–3920.
ICPR-v3-2000-VandenbrouckeMP #classification #image #segmentation- Color Image Segmentation by Supervised Pixel Classification in a Color Texture Feature Space: Application to Soccer Image Segmentation (NV, LM, JGP), pp. 3625–3628.
ICPR-v3-2000-VertanB #classification #normalisation #representation- Color Texture Classification by Normalized Color Space Representation (CV, NB), pp. 3584–3587.
ICPR-v4-2000-PatriceK #feedback #image #query #retrieval #similarity- Texture Similarity Queries and Relevance Feedback for Image Retrieval (BP, HK), pp. 4055–4058.
ICPR-v4-2000-WolfKBJ #image #retrieval #using- Content Based Image Retrieval Using Interest Points and Texture Features (CW, WGK, HB, JMJ), pp. 4234–4237.
ICPR-v4-2000-XuGMC #analysis #performance #retrieval- Performance Analysis in Content-Based Retrieval with Textures (KX, BG, PM, DC), pp. 4275–4278.
HPCA-2000-VartanianBD #3d #parallel- The Best Distribution for a Parallel OpenGL 3D Engine with Texture Caches (AV, JLB, NDT), pp. 399–408.
DAC-1999-NachtergaeleVPLBB #implementation #scalability #visual notation- Implementation of a Scalable MPEG-4 Wavelet-Based Visual Texture Compression System (LN, BV, MP, GL, JB, IB), pp. 333–336.
ICDAR-1999-ZhuTW #analysis #recognition- Font Recognition based on Global Texture Analysis (YZ, TT, YW), pp. 349–352.
ICPR-1998-Aviles-Cruz #algorithm #data fusion #probability #segmentation #using- Unsupervised texture segmentation using stochastic version of the EM algorithm and data fusion (CAC), pp. 1005–1009.
ICPR-1998-Garcia-SevillaP #analysis #image- The use of Boolean model for texture analysis of grey images (PGS, MP), pp. 811–813.
ICPR-1998-GoktepeAYY #image #markov #modelling #random #segmentation #using- Unsupervised texture based image segmentation by simulated annealing using Markov random field and Potts models (MG, VA, NY, CY), pp. 820–822.
ICPR-1998-HepplewhiteS #fuzzy #image #representation- Image representation, texture and the fuzzy n-tuple (LH, TJS), pp. 1028–1030.
ICPR-1998-IivarinenV #adaptation #classification #fault- An adaptive texture and shape based defect classification (JI, AV), pp. 117–122.
ICPR-1998-KruizingaP #segmentation- Grating cell operator features for oriented texture segmentation (PK, NP), pp. 1010–1014.
ICPR-1998-LuC #segmentation- Wold features for unsupervised texture segmentation (CSL, PCC), pp. 1689–1693.
ICPR-1998-OjalaP #multi #parametricity- Nonparametric multichannel texture description with simple spatial operators (TO, MP), pp. 1052–1056.
ICPR-1998-OtsukaHSF #feature model- Feature extraction of temporal texture based on spatiotemporal motion trajectory (KO, TH, SS, MF), pp. 1047–1051.
ICPR-1998-OzdemirBMEE #algorithm #analysis #comparative #evaluation #fault- Comparative evaluation of texture analysis algorithms for defect inspection of textile products (SÖ, AB, RM, AE, AE), pp. 1738–1740.
ICPR-1998-PagetL #markov #multi #parametricity #random #recognition #synthesis- Texture synthesis and unsupervised recognition with a nonparametric multiscale Markov random field model (RP, DL), pp. 1068–1070.
ICPR-1998-SmithL #segmentation #using- Texture segmentation using zero crossings information (GS, DL), pp. 262–264.
ICPR-1998-TsengTL #image #multi #segmentation- Unsupervised texture segmentation for multispectral remote-sensing images (DCT, HMT, CCL), pp. 1630–1632.
ICPR-1998-ValkealahtiO #multi- Reduced multidimensional histograms in color texture description (KV, EO), pp. 1057–1061.
ICPR-1998-WangLL #classification #composition #markov #modelling #random #using- Texture classification using wavelet decomposition with Markov random field models (LW, JL, SZL), pp. 1613–1615.
ICPR-1998-WouwerSD #invariant #using- Rotation-invariant texture characterization using isotropic wavelet frames (GVdW, PS, DVD), pp. 814–816.
ICPR-1998-YangX #image #retrieval #scalability- Scaling laws in image gradient fields and texture retrieval (ZY, JX), pp. 1062–1064.
ICPR-1998-YogesanEB #analysis #image- Texture analysis of retinal images to determine nerve fibre loss (KY, RHE, CJB), pp. 1665–1667.
ICDAR-1997-CullenHH #analysis #database #documentation #image #retrieval #using- Document image database retrieval and browsing using texture analysis (JFC, JJH, PEH), pp. 718–721.
ICDAR-1997-Soffer #categorisation #image #using- Image Categorization Using Texture Features (AS), pp. 233–237.
HCI-SEC-1997-IkeiWF- Texture Display for Tactile Sensation (YI, KW, SF), pp. 961–964.
ICPR-1996-BelloK #analysis #using- Co-occurrence-based texture analysis using irregular tessellations (FB, RIK), pp. 780–784.
ICPR-1996-BhattacharyaCP #segmentation #set- An MLP-based texture segmentation technique which does not require a feature set (UB, BBC, SKP), pp. 805–809.
ICPR-1996-BrancaTAD #composition #detection- Directionality detection in compositional textures (AB, MT, GA, AD), pp. 830–834.
ICPR-1996-CarevicC #adaptation #segmentation- Adaptive Gabor filters for texture segmentation (DC, TC), pp. 606–610.
ICPR-1996-Chetverikov #algorithm #interactive #performance- Structural filtering with texture feature-based interaction maps: fast algorithm and applications (DC), pp. 795–799.
ICPR-1996-ChetverikovLKH #classification #using- Zone classification using texture features (DC, JL, JK, RMH), pp. 676–680.
ICPR-1996-CohenDE #classification #image- Computerized classification of color textured perthite images (BC, ID, ME), pp. 601–605.
ICPR-1996-DelagnesB #graph #image #markov #random- Rectilinear structure extraction in textured images with an irregular, graph-based Markov random field model (PD, DB), pp. 800–804.
ICPR-1996-Gimelfarb #interactive #multi- Non-Markov Gibbs texture model with multiple pairwise pixel interactions (GLG), pp. 591–595.
ICPR-1996-Gimelfarb96a #modelling #segmentation #simulation- Gibbs models for Bayesian simulation and segmentation of piecewise-uniform textures (GLG), pp. 760–764.
ICPR-1996-GoktepeYA #markov #segmentation- Unsupervised segmentation of gray level Markov model textures with hierarchical self organizing maps (MG, NY, VA), pp. 90–94.
ICPR-1996-GonzalezC #classification #functional #markov #random- The Markov random fields in functional neighbors as a texture model: applications in texture classification (AMG, DC), pp. 815–819.
ICPR-1996-Hauta-KasariPJL #analysis #matrix #multi- Generalized co-occurrence matrix for multispectral texture analysis (MHK, JP, TJ, RL), pp. 785–789.
ICPR-1996-HepplewhiteS #classification #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #using- Texture classification using n-tuple pattern recognition (LH, TJS), pp. 159–163.
ICPR-1996-HepplewhiteS96a #segmentation- Unsupervised texture segmentation by Hebbian learnt cortical cells (LH, TJS), pp. 381–385.
ICPR-1996-KaruJB #image #question- Is there any texture in the image? (KK, AKJ, RMB), pp. 770–774.
ICPR-1996-LiuL #approach #classification #effectiveness #performance #using- An efficient and effective texture classification approach using a new notion in wavelet theory (JFL, JCML), pp. 820–824.
ICPR-1996-Matalas #approximate #image #multi #set- A new set of multiscale texture features based on B-spline image approximation (IM), pp. 810–814.
ICPR-1996-NodaSK #image #modelling #segmentation- An MRF model-based method for unsupervised textured image segmentation (HN, MNS, EK), pp. 765–769.
ICPR-1996-SerraS #image #network #using- Perceptual grouping on texture images using non-cartesian networks (JRS, JBSV), pp. 462–466.
ICPR-1996-Sinclair96a #analysis #clustering- Cluster-based texture analysis (DS), pp. 825–829.
ICPR-1996-Solberg #analysis #classification #flexibility- Texture fusion and classification based on flexible discriminant analysis (AHSS), pp. 596–600.
ICPR-1996-WalkerJ #analysis #geometry #statistics- Statistical geometric features-extensions for cytological texture analysis (RFW, PTJ), pp. 790–794.
ICDAR-v2-1995-WangHR #recognition #segmentation- A shape band-pass filter for character recognition and texture segmentation (DW, VHC, JR), pp. 681–684.
ICDAR-1993-JainC #analysis #locality #using- Bar code localization using texture analysis (AKJ, YC), pp. 41–44.
CHI-1992-WareK #visual notation- Orderable Dimensions of Visual Texture for Data Display: Orientation, Size and Contrast (CW, WK), pp. 203–209.
ML-1991-PachowiczB #concept #effectiveness #recognition- Improving Recognition Effectiveness of Noisy Texture Concepts (PP, JWB), pp. 625–629.
SIGMOD-1985-KamelK #analysis- A Model of Data Distribution Based on Texture Analysis (NK, RK), pp. 319–325.