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47 papers:

DATEDATE-2015-ChangD #analysis #model checking #modelling #using
May-happen-in-parallel analysis of ESL models using UPPAAL model checking (CWC, RD), pp. 1567–1570.
SASSAS-2015-AlbertGG #analysis #interprocedural #source code
May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis for Asynchronous Programs with Inter-Procedural Synchronization (EA, SG, PG), pp. 72–89.
SEKESEKE-2015-BurnayJF #elicitation #how #requirements
How Stakeholders’ Commitment May Affect the Success of Requirements Elicitation (CB, IJ, SF), pp. 336–341.
DATEDATE-2014-ChenHD #analysis #graph #modelling
May-happen-in-parallel analysis based on segment graphs for safe ESL models (WC, XH, RD), pp. 1–6.
HCIDUXU-DP-2014-BuchdidPB #aspect-oriented #persuasion
You Can Interact with Your TV and You May Like It an Investigation on Persuasive Aspects for an iDTV Application (SBB, RP, MCCB), pp. 208–219.
HCISCSM-2014-FraidakiPD #how #information management #process #social #social media
Living in the Era of Social Media: How the Different Types of Social Media May Affect Information Acquisition Process (KF, KP, GID), pp. 178–185.
HILTHILT-2014-BaggeH #algebra #api #specification #why
Specification of generic APIs, or: why algebraic may be better than pre/post (AHB, MH), pp. 71–80.
RTARTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-SchaussS #call-by #λ-calculus
Applicative May- and Should-Simulation in the Call-by-Value λ Calculus with AMB (MSS, DS), pp. 379–394.
CAVCAV-2013-ChevalCP #how #privacy
Lengths May Break Privacy — Or How to Check for Equivalences with Length (VC, VC, AP), pp. 708–723.
SASSAS-2012-LeePMH #analysis #parallel #performance
Efficient May Happen in Parallel Analysis for Async-Finish Parallelism (JKL, JP, RM, HH), pp. 5–23.
FSEFSE-2012-AlbertFG #concurrent #named
MayPar: a may-happen-in-parallel analyzer for concurrent objects (EA, AFM, SG), p. 14.
RTARTA-2011-MoserS #complexity #dependence #framework #multi #proving #recursion #termination
Termination Proofs in the Dependency Pair Framework May Induce Multiple Recursive Derivational Complexity (GM, AS), pp. 235–250.
CASECASE-2010-CabasinoGS #fault #petri net #using
Diagnosis using labeled Petri nets: Faults may either be silent or undistinguishable events (MPC, AG, CS), pp. 485–490.
As we may have thought, and may (still) think (AD), pp. 1–2.
CHICHI-2010-ViewegHSP #microblog #twitter #what
Microblogging during two natural hazards events: what twitter may contribute to situational awareness (SV, ALH, KS, LP), pp. 1079–1088.
POPLPOPL-2010-GodefroidNRT #composition #power of #program analysis
Compositional may-must program analysis: unleashing the power of alternation (PG, AVN, SKR, ST), pp. 43–56.
CAVCAV-2010-SinghGP #abstraction #component #interface #learning
Learning Component Interfaces with May and Must Abstractions (RS, DG, CSP), pp. 527–542.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-HuangAKO #database #named #probability
MayBMS: a probabilistic database management system (JH, LA, CK, DO), pp. 1071–1074.
SCAMSCAM-2008-StoneSB #analysis #automation #data flow #set
Automatic Determination of May/Must Set Usage in Data-Flow Analysis (AS, MS, SB), pp. 153–162.
VLDBVLDB-2007-AntovaKO #query
Query language support for incomplete information in the MayBMS system (LA, CK, DO), pp. 1422–1425.
PPoPPPPoPP-2007-AgarwalBSS #analysis #source code
May-happen-in-parallel analysis of X10 programs (SA, RB, VS, RKS), pp. 183–193.
STOCSTOC-2006-Nordstrom #proving
Narrow proofs may be spacious: separating space and width in resolution (JN), pp. 507–516.
HTHT-2005-DmitrievLS #documentation #hypermedia #logic
As we may perceive: inferring logical documents from hypertext (PD, CL, BS), pp. 66–74.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-CabotT #constraints #ocl
Computing the Relevant Instances That May Violate an OCL Constraint (JC, ET), pp. 48–62.
UMLUML-2004-CabotT #constraints
Determining the Structural Events That May Violate an Integrity Constraint (JC, ET), pp. 320–334.
LICSLICS-2004-BaldamusPV #π-calculus
Sπ Calculus Translated to ?--Calculus Preserving May-Tests (MB, JP, BV), pp. 22–31.
WRLAWRLA-2002-ThatiSM #execution #maude #semantics #specification #testing #π-calculus
An Executable Specification of Asynchronous π-Calculus Semantics and May Testing in Maude 2.0 (PT, KS, NMO), pp. 261–281.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-Klette02a #problem
Switche May Solve Adjacency Problems (RK), pp. 907–910.
LICSLICS-2002-JeffreyR #concurrent #semantics #testing
A Fully Abstract May Testing Semantics for Concurrent Objects (AJ, JR), pp. 101–112.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2001-WillmottB #information management
May Your Information Service Live in Interesting Times.. (SW, BB), pp. 1101–1109.
ICMLICML-2001-LatinneSD #classification #multi #problem
Adjusting the Outputs of a Classifier to New a Priori Probabilities May Significantly Improve Classification Accuracy: Evidence from a multi-class problem in remote sensing (PL, MS, CD), pp. 298–305.
POPLPOPL-2001-BhargavanCMG #automaton #monitoring #network #what
What packets may come: automata for network monitoring (KB, SC, PJM, CAG), pp. 206–219.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-1999-BorealeNP #formal method #testing
A Theory of “May” Testing for Asynchronous Languages (MB, RDN, RP), pp. 165–179.
SIGIRSIGIR-1999-Eastman #internet #precise
30, 000 Hits may be Better than 300: Precision Anomalies in Internet Searches (poster abstract) (CME), pp. 313–314.
HPCAHPCA-1999-HilyS #effectiveness #execution #multi #thread
Out-of-Order Execution may not be Cost-Effective on Processors Featuring Simultaneous Multithreading (SH, AS), pp. 64–67.
FSEFSE-1998-NaumovichA #algorithm #data flow #detection #parallel
A Conservative Data Flow Algorithm for Detecting All Pairs of Statement That May Happen in Parallel (GN, GSA), pp. 24–34.
STOCSTOC-1996-Naor #evaluation #generative
Evaluation May Be Easier Than Generation (Extended Abstract) (MN), pp. 74–83.
ICPRICPR-1996-Fainzilberg #recognition #statistics #why
Why relevant features may be unuseful in statistical recognition of two classes (LF), pp. 730–734.
TLCATLCA-1995-Mellie #λ-calculus
Typed λ-calculi with explicit substitutions may not terminate (PAM), pp. 328–334.
PLDIPLDI-1994-Deutsch #alias #analysis #interprocedural #pointer
Interprocedural May-Alias Analysis for Pointers: Beyond k-limiting (AD), pp. 230–241.
PLDIPLDI-1993-CytronG #alias #performance
Efficient Accomodation of May-Alias Information in SSA Form (RC, RG), pp. 36–45.
STOCSTOC-1988-GurevichS #linear #nondeterminism #sublinear
Nondeterministic Linear-Time Tasks May Require Substantially Nonlinear Deterministic Time in the Case of Sublinear Work Space (YG, SS), pp. 281–289.
LISPLFP-1988-MeyerR #continuation
Continuations May be Unreasonable (ARM, JGR), pp. 63–71.
ECOOPECOOP-1988-MadsenM #object-oriented #programming #what
What Object-Oriented Programming May Be — and What It Does Not Have To Be (OLM, BMP), pp. 1–20.
May we introduce to you: hyperedge replacement (AH, HJK), pp. 15–26.
STOCSTOC-1984-BarringerKP #logic #specification
Now You May Compose Temporal Logic Specifications (HB, RK, AP), pp. 51–63.
SIGIRSIGIR-1981-Fraenkel #classification #documentation #problem
Document Classification, Indexing and Abstracting May be Inherently Difficult Problems (ASF), pp. 77–82.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.