Stem orthograph$ (all stems)
4 papers:
- ECMFA-2010-Atkinson #approach #modelling #novel #re-engineering
- Orthographic Software Modelling: A Novel Approach to View-Based Software Engineering (CA), p. 1.
- FASE-2008-AtkinsonS #modelling
- Orthographic Modeling Environment (CA, DS), pp. 93–96.
- ICPR-v2-2006-MizunoN #comprehension #constraints #prototype
- Constraint-Based Prototyping for Understanding Three Orthographic Views (KM, SN), pp. 1090–1093.
- ICPR-v4-2002-AppelN #3d #framework #image #re-engineering
- 3D Reconstruction from Co-Registered Orthographic and Perspective Images: Theoretical Framework and Applications (MA, NN), pp. 21–26.