Stem postmortem$ (all stems)
5 papers:
ASE-2013-OhmannL #analysis #control flow #debugging #lightweight- Lightweight control-flow instrumentation and postmortem analysis in support of debugging (PO, BL), pp. 378–388.
ICSE-2011-XiaoZZ #analysis #data type- Tracking data structures for postmortem analysis (XX, JZ, CZ), pp. 896–899.
ICPC-2006-JetleyZI #analysis #slicing #using- Using Abstraction-driven Slicing for Postmortem Analysis of Software (RPJ, YZ, SPI), pp. 107–116.
FSE-2004-ManevichSA #named #static analysis- PSE: explaining program failures via postmortem static analysis (RM, MS, SA, MD, ZY), pp. 63–72.
LSO-2002-DingsoyrH #agile #feedback- Extending Agile Methods: Postmortem Reviews as Extended Feedback (TD, GKH), pp. 4–12.