9 papers:
ECSA-2015-ShahinB #architecture #design #quality- Improving the Quality of Architecture Design Through Peer-Reviews and Recombination (MS, MAB), pp. 70–86.
ICSE-v1-2015-LaTozaCJZH #case study #contest #design- Borrowing from the Crowd: A Study of Recombination in Software Design Competitions (TDL, MC, LJ, MZ, AvdH), pp. 551–562.
SEKE-2010-AndresMN #algorithm #multi #search-based #testing- Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms: Construction and Recombination of Passive Testing Properties (CA, MGM, MN), pp. 405–410.
SAC-2009-ChenJ #evolution- A gradient oriented recombination scheme for evolution strategies (HC, GJ), pp. 1080–1084.
LATA-2008-Domaratzki #formal method #tool support- Formal Language Tools for Template-Guided DNA Recombination (MD), pp. 3–5.
DLT-2004-JonoskaS #algebra #modelling #process- Algebraic and Topological Models for DNA Recombinant Processes (NJ, MS), pp. 49–62.
SAC-2001-WangZZ #network- Perfect phylogenetic networks with recombination (LW, KZ, LZ), pp. 46–50.
SAC-2000-CottaT #heuristic #on the #representation- On the Influence of the Representation Granularity in Heuristic Forma Recombination (CC, JMT), pp. 433–439.
SEKE-1996-Berzins #specification- Recombining Changes to Software Specifications (VB), pp. 136–144.