10 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-WeimerCCCCDLMMM #execution #framework #named- REEF: Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework (MW, YC, BGC, TC, CC, CD, YL, TM, DM, SM, BM, SN, RR, SR, RS, BS, JW), pp. 1343–1355.
DAC-2014-LinKH #mobile #power management- Catch Your Attention: Quality-retaining Power Saving on Mobile OLED Displays (CHL, CKK, PCH), p. 6.
CSCW-2014-SheppardWT #monitoring #quality #volunteer- Capturing quality: retaining provenance for curated volunteer monitoring data (SAS, AW, LGT), pp. 1234–1245.
DUXU-DI-2014-GencerBZV #detection #machine learning #mobile- Detection of Churned and Retained Users with Machine Learning Methods for Mobile Applications (MG, GB, ÖZ, TV), pp. 234–245.
DATE-2013-KahngKP #power management #reduction- Active-mode leakage reduction with data-retained power gating (ABK, SK, BP), pp. 1209–1214.
VLDB-2013-ChunCCRSW #execution #framework #named- REEF: Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework (BGC, TC, CC, RR, RS, MW), pp. 1370–1373.
DAC-2012-ChenZCZX #mobile #scalability #streaming #video- Quality-retaining OLED dynamic voltage scaling for video streaming applications on mobile devices (XC, JZ, YC, MZ, CJX), pp. 1000–1005.
FoSSaCS-2010-GeorgievskaA #probability #testing- Retaining the Probabilities in Probabilistic Testing Theory (SG, SA), pp. 79–93.
SAC-2010-ZhangGCQC #case study #effectiveness #reduction #testing- A study of relative redundancy in test-suite reduction while retaining or improving fault-localization effectiveness (XZ, QG, XC, JQ, DC), pp. 2229–2236.
CSL-1989-DeckerC- Generalizing Allowedness While Retaining Completeness of SLDNF-Resolution (HD, LC), pp. 98–115.