6 papers:
DATE-2015-DupuisBFNR #hardware #testing- New testing procedure for finding insertion sites of stealthy hardware trojans (SD, PSB, MLF, GDN, BR), pp. 776–781.
DAC-2014-RudraDNH #case study #design #logic- Designing Stealthy Trojans with Sequential Logic: A Stream Cipher Case Study (MRR, NAD, VN, DHKH), p. 4.
DAC-2014-TsoutsosKM #design #hardware- Advanced Techniques for Designing Stealthy Hardware Trojans (NGT, CK, MM), p. 4.
ICSE-2014-HuangZTWL #android #behaviour #detection #named #user interface- AsDroid: detecting stealthy behaviors in Android applications by user interface and program behavior contradiction (JH, XZ, LT, PW, BL), pp. 1036–1046.
WCRE-2011-Raber #debugging #kernel #profiling- Stealthy Profiling and Debugging of Malware Trampolining from User to Kernel Space (JR), pp. 431–432.
POPL-1998-CollbergTL- Manufacturing Cheap, Resilient, and Stealthy Opaque Constructs (CSC, CDT, DL), pp. 184–196.