35 papers:
CADE-2015-BalbianiB #composition #logic #parallel- Tableaux Methods for Propositional Dynamic Logics with Separating Parallel Composition (PB, JB), pp. 539–554.
CADE-2015-David #satisfiability- Deciding ATL* Satisfiability by Tableaux (AD), pp. 214–228.
KR-2014-Belardinelli #logic #satisfiability- Satisfiability of Alternating-Time Temporal Epistemic Logic Through Tableaux (FB).
IJCAR-2014-CerritoDG #atl #logic #satisfiability #testing- Optimal Tableaux-Based Decision Procedure for Testing Satisfiability in the Alternating-Time Temporal Logic ATL+ (SC, AD, VG), pp. 277–291.
IJCAR-2014-Gore #fixpoint #logic #ltl- And-Or Tableaux for Fixpoint Logics with Converse: LTL, CTL, PDL and CPDL (RG), pp. 26–45.
CHI-2013-WallaceSM #collaboration- Collaborative sensemaking on a digital tabletop and personal tablets: prioritization, comparisons, and tableaux (JRW, SDS, CGM), pp. 3345–3354.
IJCAR-2012-JacquelBDD #automation #deduction #modulo theories #proving #theorem proving #using #verification- Tableaux Modulo Theories Using Superdeduction — An Application to the Verification of B Proof Rules with the Zenon Automated Theorem Prover (MJ, KB, DD, CD), pp. 332–338.
VLDB-2010-GolabKKS #quality #semantics #using- Data Auditor: Exploring Data Quality and Semantics using Pattern Tableaux (LG, HJK, FK, DS), pp. 1641–1644.
IJCAR-2010-BackesB #higher-order #logic- Analytic Tableaux for Higher-Order Logic with Choice (JB, CEB), pp. 76–90.
IJCAR-2010-FriedmannLL #automaton- A Decision Procedure for CTL* Based on Tableaux and Automata (OF, ML, ML), pp. 331–345.
IJCAR-2010-GoreW #logic- Optimal and Cut-Free Tableaux for Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse (RG, FW), pp. 225–239.
IJCAR-2010-KaminskiS #hybrid #logic- Terminating Tableaux for Hybrid Logic with Eventualities (MK, GS), pp. 240–254.
CSL-2009-CirsteaKP #algebra #calculus #μ-calculus- EXPTIME Tableaux for the Coalgebraic μ-Calculus (CC, CK, DP), pp. 179–193.
VLDB-2008-GolabKKSY #dependence #functional #generative #on the- On generating near-optimal tableaux for conditional functional dependencies (LG, HJK, FK, DS, BY), pp. 376–390.
IJCAR-2008-KaminskiS #difference #hybrid #logic- Terminating Tableaux for Hybrid Logic with the Difference Modality and Converse (MK, GS), pp. 210–225.
CADE-2007-BaumgartnerFP #similarity- Hyper Tableaux with Equality (PB, UF, BP), pp. 492–507.
ICLP-2007-GebserS #programming #set- Generic Tableaux for Answer Set Programming (MG, TS), pp. 119–133.
ICLP-2007-JarvisaloO #logic programming #source code- Extended ASP Tableaux and Rule Redundancy in Normal Logic Programs (MJ, EO), pp. 134–148.
IJCAR-2006-Paskevich #lazy evaluation- Connection Tableaux with Lazy Paramodulation (AP), pp. 112–124.
IJCAR-2004-LetzS- Generalised Handling of Variables in Disconnection Tableaux (RL, GS), pp. 289–306.
SEKE-2002-Lascio #fuzzy #logic- Hilbertian systems, analytic fuzzy tableaux and cut rule elimination in rational pavelka logic (LDL), pp. 117–124.
CSL-2002-GalmicheMP- Resource Tableaux (DG, DM, DJP), pp. 183–199.
STOC-2001-AraiPU #complexity- The complexity of analytic tableaux (NHA, TP, AU), pp. 356–363.
CSL-2001-Eijck- Constrained Hyper Tableaux (JvE), pp. 232–246.
IJCAR-2001-CerritoM #logic #quantifier- Free-Variable Tableaux for Constant-Domain Quantified Modal Logics with Rigid and Non-rigid Designation (SC, MCM), pp. 137–151.
IJCAR-2001-Giese #incremental- Incremental Closure of Free Variable Tableaux (MG), pp. 545–560.
IJCAR-2001-LutzSWZ #constant #logic- Tableaux for Temporal Description Logic with Constant Domains (CL, HS, FW, MZ), pp. 121–136.
KR-2000-Massacci #first-order #reduction- Reduction rules and universal variables for first order tableaux and DPLL (FM), pp. 186–197.
CADE-1998-Letz #using- Using Matings for Pruning Connection Tableaux (RL), pp. 381–396.
LICS-1998-Voronkov #automation #reasoning #semantics #theorem- Herbrand’s Theorem, Automated Reasoning and Semantics Tableaux (AV), pp. 252–263.
CADE-1996-GiacomoM #algorithm #logic- Tableaux and Algorithms for Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse (GDG, FM), pp. 613–627.
CADE-1994-KlingenbeckH #semantics #strict- Semantic Tableaux with Ordering Restrictions (SK, RH), pp. 708–722.
CADE-1994-Massacci #logic- Strongly Analytic Tableaux for Normal Modal Logics (FM), pp. 723–737.
CADE-1992-BeckertH #semantics #similarity- An Improved Method for Adding Equality to Free Variable Semantic Tableaux (BB, RH), pp. 507–521.
LICS-1986-PnueliZ #probability #verification- Probabilistic Verification by Tableaux (AP, LDZ), pp. 322–331.