Tag #constant
102 papers:
CADE-2019-GieslGH #probability #source code- Computing Expected Runtimes for Constant Probability Programs (JG, PG, MH), pp. 269–286.
VMCAI-2019-HoenickeS #array- Solving and Interpolating Constant Arrays Based on Weak Equivalences (JH, TS), pp. 297–317.
ICML-2017-BachemL0 #distributed- Distributed and Provably Good Seedings for k-Means in Constant Rounds (OB, ML, AK0), pp. 292–300.
POPL-2016-ChatterjeeGIP #algebra #algorithm #component #concurrent- Algorithms for algebraic path properties in concurrent systems of constant treewidth components (KC, AKG, RIJ, AP), pp. 733–747.
ASE-2016-Rodriguez-Cancio #automation #benchmark #generative- Automatic microbenchmark generation to prevent dead code elimination and constant folding (MRC, BC, BB), pp. 132–143.
POPL-2015-ChatterjeeIPG #algebra #algorithm #performance #recursion #state machine- Faster Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Recursive State Machines with Constant Treewidth (KC, RIJ, AP, PG), pp. 97–109.
ICSE-v1-2015-OcteauLDJM #analysis #android #communication #component- Composite Constant Propagation: Application to Android Inter-Component Communication Analysis (DO, DL, MD, SJ, PM), pp. 77–88.
CAV-2015-ChatterjeeIP #algorithm #graph #performance #verification- Faster Algorithms for Quantitative Verification in Constant Treewidth Graphs (KC, RIJ, AP), pp. 140–157.
CHI-2014-MazmanianE #comprehension- The product of availability: understanding the economic underpinnings of constant connectivity (MM, IE), pp. 763–772.
CHI-2014-WinklerSDR #mobile #pervasive- Pervasive information through constant personal projection: the ambient mobile pervasive display (AMP-D) (CW, JS, DD, ER), pp. 4117–4126.
DATE-2014-AksoyFM #complexity #design #multi #optimisation- Optimization of design complexity in time-multiplexed constant multiplications (LA, PFF, JCM), pp. 1–4.
STOC-2014-BermanHT #bias- Coin flipping of any constant bias implies one-way functions (IB, IH, AT), pp. 398–407.
STOC-2014-Chechik #approximate #distance #query- Approximate distance oracles with constant query time (SC), pp. 654–663.
STOC-2014-CoudronY #infinity- Infinite randomness expansion with a constant number of devices (MC, HY), pp. 427–436.
STOC-2014-MakarychevMV #approximate- Constant factor approximation for balanced cut in the PIE model (KM, YM, AV), pp. 41–49.
STOC-2014-Mehta #game studies #rank- Constant rank bimatrix games are PPAD-hard (RM), pp. 545–554.
ICALP-v1-2013-KucherovN #realtime- Full-Fledged Real-Time Indexing for Constant Size Alphabets (GK, YN), pp. 650–660.
DATE-2013-PollexFSMMW #analysis #realtime- Sufficient real-time analysis for an engine control unit with constant angular velocities (VP, TF, FS, UM, RM, GW), pp. 1335–1338.
PODS-2012-Tao #2d- Indexability of 2D range search revisited: constant redundancy and weak indivisibility (YT), pp. 131–142.
DATE-2012-KwongG #architecture #geometry #performance- A high performance split-radix FFT with constant geometry architecture (JK, MG), pp. 1537–1542.
DATE-2012-LiuJL #parallel- Parallel probing: Dynamic and constant time setup procedure in circuit switching NoC (SL, AJ, ZL), pp. 1289–1294.
STOC-2012-Chuzhoy12a #graph- Routing in undirected graphs with constant congestion (JC), pp. 855–874.
DLT-2011-BonizzoniJ - Regular Splicing Languages Must Have a Constant (PB, NJ), pp. 82–92.
ICALP-v1-2011-DurocherHMNS #linear- Range Majority in Constant Time and Linear Space (SD, MH, JIM, PKN, MS), pp. 244–255.
ICALP-v1-2011-JansenS #polynomial- Permanent Does Not Have Succinct Polynomial Size Arithmetic Circuits of Constant Depth (MJJ, RS), pp. 724–735.
STOC-2011-Goyal #protocol #using- Constant round non-malleable protocols using one way functions (VG), pp. 695–704.
PASTE-2010-MizushimaMY #parsing- Packrat parsers can handle practical grammars in mostly constant space (KM, AM, YY), pp. 29–36.
ICML-2010-BartlettPW #memory management #process- Forgetting Counts: Constant Memory Inference for a Dependent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process (NB, DP, FW), pp. 63–70.
ICPR-2010-Alsam #image- Colour Constant Image Sharpening (AA), pp. 4545–4548.
ICPR-2010-MicoO #algorithm #nearest neighbour #performance- A Constant Average Time Algorithm to Allow Insertions in the LAESA Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Index (LM, JO), pp. 3911–3914.
FSE-2010-WangZXMS #string #web- Locating need-to-translate constant strings in web applications (XW, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 87–96.
SAC-2010-ReisS #programming language- General constant expressions for system programming languages (GDR, BS), pp. 2131–2136.
DAC-2010-ThongN #algorithm #multi #novel- A novel optimal single constant multiplication algorithm (JT, NN), pp. 613–616.
ICALP-v1-2009-Jansen #scheduling #using- An EPTAS for Scheduling Jobs on Uniform Processors: Using an MILP Relaxation with a Constant Number of Integral Variables (KJ), pp. 562–573.
ICSE-2009-WangZXMS #string- Locating need-to-translate constant strings for software internationalization (XW, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 353–363.
ICALP-A-2008-BaswanaGSU #distance #fault #graph #polynomial- Distance Oracles for Unweighted Graphs: Breaking the Quadratic Barrier with Constant Additive Error (SB, AG, SS, JU), pp. 609–621.
STOC-2008-IshaiKOS #encryption- Cryptography with constant computational overhead (YI, EK, RO, AS), pp. 433–442.
ICALP-2007-KontogiannisS #algorithm #approximate #game studies #performance- Efficient Algorithms for Constant Well Supported Approximate Equilibria in Bimatrix Games (SCK, PGS), pp. 595–606.
STOC-2007-GoldwasserGHKR #verification- Verifying and decoding in constant depth (SG, DG, AH, TK, GNR), pp. 440–449.
STOC-2007-PaghPR #independence #linear- Linear probing with constant independence (AP, RP, MR), pp. 318–327.
CSL-2007-BaganDG #on the #query- On Acyclic Conjunctive Queries and Constant Delay Enumeration (GB, AD, EG), pp. 208–222.
ICGT-2006-DoddsP #graph transformation- Graph Transformation in Constant Time (MD, DP), pp. 367–382.
ICPR-v1-2006-CaoXF #self #using- Self-Calibration Using Constant Camera Motion (XC, JX, HF), pp. 595–598.
STOC-2006-ChekuriKS #graph- Edge-disjoint paths in Planar graphs with constant congestion (CC, SK, FBS), pp. 757–766.
STOC-2006-Rao #independence- Extractors for a constant number of polynomially small min-entropy independent sources (AR), pp. 497–506.
SAT-2006-DantsinW #performance #satisfiability- MAX-SAT for Formulas with Constant Clause Density Can Be Solved Faster Than in O(s2) Time (ED, AW), pp. 266–276.
CIAA-2005-CanoG #automaton #bound #finite- Finite Automata and Unions of Regular Patterns with Bounded Constant Segments (AC, PG), pp. 104–115.
ICALP-2005-AlstrupGRTZ - Union-Find with Constant Time Deletions (SA, ILG, TR, MT, UZ), pp. 78–89.
ICALP-2005-DietzfelbingerW - Balanced Allocation and Dictionaries with Tightly Packed Constant Size Bins (MD, CW), pp. 166–178.
ICALP-2005-GentryR #communication #information retrieval- Single-Database Private Information Retrieval with Constant Communication Rate (CG, ZR), pp. 803–815.
ICALP-2005-PersianoV #concurrent- Single-Prover Concurrent Zero Knowledge in Almost Constant Rounds (GP, IV), pp. 228–240.
DATE-2005-TiriV #design #difference #logic #power management- Design Method for Constant Power Consumption of Differential Logic Circuits (KT, IV), pp. 628–633.
CHI-2004-GonzalezM #multi #quote- “Constant, constant, multi-tasking craziness”: managing multiple working spheres (VMG, GM), pp. 113–120.
DAC-2004-TummeltshammerHP #multi- Multiple constant multiplication by time-multiplexed mapping of addition chains (PT, JCH, MP), pp. 826–829.
PODS-2003-Lechtenborger #approach #towards- The impact of the constant complement approach towards view updating (JL), pp. 49–55.
STOC-2003-AmirKR #approximate #graph- Constant factor approximation of vertex-cuts in planar graphs (EA, RK, SR), pp. 90–99.
STOC-2003-KowalikK #graph #query- Short path queries in planar graphs in constant time (LK, MK), pp. 143–148.
STOC-2003-LuRVW #named- Extractors: optimal up to constant factors (CJL, OR, SPV, AW), pp. 602–611.
STOC-2003-OstlinP #linear- Uniform hashing in constant time and linear space (AÖ, RP), pp. 622–628.
STOC-2003-Thorup #integer #problem- Integer priority queues with decrease key in constant time and the single source shortest paths problem (MT), pp. 149–158.
KDD-2002-HultenD #database #mining #modelling #scalability- Mining complex models from arbitrarily large databases in constant time (GH, PMD), pp. 525–531.
DATE-2002-SulimmaKNV - Improving Placement under the Constant Delay Model (KS, WK, IN, LPPPvG), pp. 677–682.
STOC-2002-CryanD #algorithm #approximate #polynomial- A polynomial-time algorithm to approximately count contingency tables when the number of rows is constant (MC, MED), pp. 240–249.
ESOP-2001-Muller-OlmR #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Constant Propagation (MMO, OR), pp. 190–205.
STOC-2001-GuhaMM #approximate #problem- A constant factor approximation for the single sink edge installation problems (SG, AM, KM), pp. 383–388.
IJCAR-2001-LutzSWZ #logic- Tableaux for Temporal Description Logic with Constant Domains (CL, HS, FW, MZ), pp. 121–136.
SAC-2000-LenartSG #analysis- SSA-based Flow-sensitive Type Analysis: Combining Constant and Type Propagation (AL, CS, SKSG), pp. 813–817.
CC-2000-KnoopR #graph- Constant Propagation on the Value Graph: Simple Constants and Beyond (JK, OR), pp. 94–109.
DAC-2000-GaurdianiSMSC #bound #component #simulation #statistics- An asymptotically constant, linearly bounded methodology for the statistical simulation of analog circuits including component mismatch effects (CG, SS, PM, PS, DC), pp. 15–18.
STOC-2000-GuptaT #algorithm #approximate #classification #problem- A constant factor approximation algorithm for a class of classification problems (AG, ÉT), pp. 652–658.
ICPR-1998-MokhtariB #multi #using- Multiscale compression of planar curves using constant curvature segments (MM, RB), pp. 744–746.
SAS-1998-SarkarK #array- Enabling Sparse Constant Propagation of Array Elements via Array SSA Form (VS, KK), pp. 33–56.
HPDC-1998-FryNS #approach #distributed- Computing Twin Primes and Brun’s Constant: A Distributed Approach (PHF, JN, BKS), pp. 42–49.
DLT-1997-KarhumakiPM #bound- A lower bound for a constant in Shallit’s conjecture (JK, WP, FM), pp. 103–118.
ICALP-1997-Bournez #bound #power of- Some Bounds on the Computational Power of Piecewise Constant Derivative Systems (OB), pp. 143–153.
STOC-1997-AharonovB #fault tolerance #quantum- Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation With Constant Error (DA, MBO), pp. 176–188.
STOC-1997-Reif #approximate #evaluation #polynomial- Approximate Complex Polynomial Evaluation in Near Constant Work Per Point (JHR), pp. 30–39.
ICPR-1996-HeydenA #parametricity #re-engineering- Euclidean reconstruction from constant intrinsic parameters (AH, KÅ), pp. 339–343.
CC-1996-VerbruggeCH #c #case study- Generalized Constant Propagation: A Study in C (CV, PC, LJH), pp. 74–90.
TAPSOFT-J-1995-SagivRH96 #analysis #data flow #interprocedural #precise- Precise Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis with Applications to Constant Propagation (SS, TWR, SH), pp. 131–170.
PLDI-1995-CariniH #interprocedural- Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Constant Propagation (PRC, MH), pp. 23–31.
TAPSOFT-1995-SagivRH #analysis #data flow #interprocedural #precise- Precise Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis with Applications to Constant Propagation (SS, TWR, SH), pp. 651–665.
CSCW-1994-RouncefieldHRV - Working with “Constant Interruption”: CSCW and the Small Office (MR, JAH, TR, SV), pp. 275–286.
SAC-1994-StoltzWG - Constant propagation: a fresh, demand-driven look (ES, MW, MPG), pp. 400–404.
CC-1994-Binkley #data flow #dependence #graph #interprocedural #using- Interprocedural Constant Propagation using Dependence Graphs and a Data-Flow Model (DB), pp. 374–388.
DAC-1994-PotkonjakSC #multi #performance #using- Efficient Substitution of Multiple Constant Multiplications by Shifts and Additions Using Iterative Pairwise Matching (MP, MBS, AC), pp. 189–194.
CADE-1994-JohannK #order #unification #λ-calculus- Unification in an Extensional Lambda Calculus with Ordered Function Sorts and Constant Overloading (PJ, MK), pp. 620–634.
CSM-1993-MerloGHM #multi #re-engineering #user interface- Multi-Valued Constant Propagation for the Reengineering of User Interfaces (EM, JFG, LJH, RdM), pp. 120–129.
SIGIR-1993-CuttingKP #documentation #scalability- Constant Interaction-Time Scatter/Gather Browsing of Very Large Document Collections (DRC, DRK, JOP), pp. 126–134.
PLDI-1993-GroveT #case study #implementation #interprocedural- Interprocedural Constant Propagation: A Study of Jump Function Implementations (DG, LT), pp. 90–99.
STOC-1993-Jones #matter- Constant time factors do matter (NDJ), pp. 602–611.
LICS-1992-Clote #proving- Cutting Planes and constant depth Frege proofs (PC), pp. 296–307.
PPoPP-1991-KrothapalliS #dependence- Removal of Redundant Dependences in DOACROSS Lops with Constant Dependences (VPK, PS), pp. 51–60.
STOC-1990-BellareMO - Perfect Zero-Knowledge in Constant Rounds (MB, SM, RO), pp. 482–493.
STOC-1990-GilHW - Not All Keys Can Be Hashed in Constant Time (JYG, FMadH, AW), pp. 244–253.
STOC-1988-Ben-OrC #algebra #using- Computing Algebraic Formulas Using a Constant Number of Registers (MBO, RC), pp. 254–257.
PODS-1986-GrahamW #maintenance- Constant Time Maintenance or The Triumph of the fd (MHG, KW), pp. 202–216.
Best-of-PLDI-1986-CallahanCKT #interprocedural- Interprocedural constant propagation (with retrospective) (DC, KDC, KK, LT), pp. 155–166.
POPL-1985-WegmanZ #branch- Constant Propagation with Conditional Branches (MNW, FKZ), pp. 291–299.
STOC-1984-AjtaiB #probability #theorem- A Theorem on Probabilistic Constant Depth Computations (MA, MBO), pp. 471–474.
ICALP-1983-ChandraFL #bound #problem- Lower Bounds for Constant Depth Circuits for Prefix Problems (AKC, SF, RJL), pp. 109–117.
LFP-1982-White #bound- Constant Time Interpretation for Shallow-bound Variables in the Presence of Mixed SPECIAL/LOCAL Declarations (JLW), pp. 196–200.