Chris Grzegorczyk, Sunil Soman, Chandra Krintz, Richard Wolski
Isla Vista Heap Sizing: Using Feedback to Avoid Paging
CGO, 2007.
@inproceedings{CGO-2007-GrzegorczykSKW, acmid = "1252551", author = "Chris Grzegorczyk and Sunil Soman and Chandra Krintz and Richard Wolski", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization}", doi = "10.1109/CGO.2007.20", isbn = "978-0-7695-2764-2", pages = "325--340", publisher = "{IEEE Computer Society}", title = "{Isla Vista Heap Sizing: Using Feedback to Avoid Paging}", year = 2007, }