Tag #feedback
650 papers:
EDM-2019-AguerrebereBCGK #education #how #online #question #student- How Should Online Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Write Feedback to Students? (CA, MB, CC, SG, GK, JW).
EDM-2019-UnnamTA #email #generative- Grading emails and generating feedback (AU, RT, VA).
EDM-2019-ZhiMDLPB #data-driven #programming #towards- Toward Data-Driven Example Feedback for Novice Programming (RZ, SM, YD, NL, TWP, TB).
ICPC-2019-KuangG0M0ME #analysis #traceability #using- Using frugal user feedback with closeness analysis on code to improve IR-based traceability recovery (HK, HG, HH0, XM, JL0, PM, AE), pp. 369–379.
CHI-PLAY-2019-LiS0F #game studies #interactive #motivation- Turning Your Book into a Game: Improving Motivation through Tangible Interaction and Diegetic Feedback in an AR Mathematics Game for Children (JL, EDVdS, JH0, LMGF), pp. 73–85.
CHI-PLAY-2019-SeeringMHCCH #game studies #industrial #process- Peer Feedback Processes in the Game Industry (JS, RM, EH, TC, ASC, JH), pp. 427–438.
CIKM-2019-BiAZC - Conversational Product Search Based on Negative Feedback (KB, QA, YZ, WBC), pp. 359–368.
CIKM-2019-Zhang0H #interactive- An Interactive Mechanism to Improve Question Answering Systems via Feedback (XZ, LZ0, SH), pp. 1381–1390.
ECIR-p1-2019-BiAC #retrieval #semantics- Iterative Relevance Feedback for Answer Passage Retrieval with Passage-Level Semantic Match (KB, QA, WBC), pp. 558–572.
ECIR-p1-2019-KhawarZ - Conformative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Data (FK, NLZ), pp. 164–178.
ECIR-p1-2019-YuXL - Simple Techniques for Cross-Collection Relevance Feedback (RY, YX, JL), pp. 397–409.
ICML-2019-CortesDGMY #graph #learning #online- Online Learning with Sleeping Experts and Feedback Graphs (CC, GD, CG, MM, SY), pp. 1370–1378.
ICML-2019-KarimireddyRSJ #fault- Error Feedback Fixes SignSGD and other Gradient Compression Schemes (SPK, QR, SUS, MJ), pp. 3252–3261.
ICML-2019-ZhangAD0N #robust- Warm-starting Contextual Bandits: Robustly Combining Supervised and Bandit Feedback (CZ, AA, HDI, JL0, SN), pp. 7335–7344.
KDD-2019-TuLYC #approach #modelling- Feedback Shaping: A Modeling Approach to Nurture Content Creation (YT, CL, YY, SC), pp. 2241–2250.
ASE-2019-ZhengLZLZD #detection #named #online #realtime #scalability- iFeedback: Exploiting User Feedback for Real-Time Issue Detection in Large-Scale Online Service Systems (WZ, HL, YZ, JL, HZ, YD), pp. 352–363.
- ICSE-2019-CitoLRG #ide #interactive #performance
- Interactive production performance feedback in the IDE (JC, PL, MR, HCG), pp. 971–981.
CASE-2019-BayueloABNS #composition- Computing Feedback Plans from Dynamical System Composition (AB, TA, LB, LFN, RNS), pp. 1175–1180.
ECSA-2018-Christensen #architecture #assessment #automation #named- Crunch: Automated Assessment of Microservice Architecture Assignments with Formative Feedback (HBC), pp. 175–190.
ICPC-2018-TymchukGN #developer #jit #static analysis #what- JIT feedback: what experienced developers like about static analysis (YT, MG, ON), pp. 64–73.
SANER-2018-GranoCPPG #android #automation #integration #testing- Exploring the integration of user feedback in automated testing of Android applications (GG, AC, SP, FP, HCG), pp. 72–83.
CHI-PLAY-2018-DeyCBL - Effects of Manipulating Physiological Feedback in Immersive Virtual Environments (AD, HC, MB, RWL), pp. 101–111.
CIG-2018-Cutumisu #assessment #game studies #performance #student- The Influence of Feedback Choice on University Students' Revision Choices and Performance in a Digital Assessment Game (MC), pp. 1–7.
CIKM-2018-MedlarG #consistency #how #question- How Consistent is Relevance Feedback in Exploratory Search? (AM, DG), pp. 1615–1618.
CIKM-2018-YuZYWW0C #multi #ranking- Multiple Pairwise Ranking with Implicit Feedback (RY, YZ, YY, LW, CW, QL0, EC), pp. 1727–1730.
ICML-2018-Pike-Burke0SG - Bandits with Delayed, Aggregated Anonymous Feedback (CPB, SA0, CS, SG), pp. 4102–4110.
KDD-2018-ZhaoZDXTY #learning #recommendation- Recommendations with Negative Feedback via Pairwise Deep Reinforcement Learning (XZ, LZ, ZD, LX, JT, DY), pp. 1040–1048.
PLDI-2018-WangSS #data-driven #generative #programming- Search, align, and repair: data-driven feedback generation for introductory programming exercises (KW0, RS, ZS), pp. 481–495.
IJCAR-2018-PiotrowskiU #learning #named- ATPboost: Learning Premise Selection in Binary Setting with ATP Feedback (BP, JU), pp. 566–574.
JCDL-2017-GippBMB #named #overview #using- CryptSubmit: Introducing Securely Timestamped Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Feedback Using the Blockchain (BG, CB, NM, JB), pp. 273–276.
CSEET-2017-DaunBOPMSR #concept #education #modelling #online- Teaching Conceptual Modeling in Online Courses: Coping with the Need for Individual Feedback to Modeling Exercises (MD, JB, PAO, KP, SM, HS, MR), pp. 134–143.
EDM-2017-ChenNSN #programming #realtime- Real-time programming exercise feedback in MOOCs (ZC, AN, AS, JN).
EDM-2017-MichalenkoLB #memory management #network #personalisation #using- Personalized Feedback for Open-Response Mathematical Questions using Long Short-Term Memory Networks (JJM, ASL, RGB).
EDM-2017-PriceZB #algorithm #data-driven #evaluation #programming- Evaluation of a Data-driven Feedback Algorithm for Open-ended Programming (TWP, RZ, TB).
SANER-2017-NorikaneIM #overview #question- Which review feedback did long-term contributors get on OSS projects? (TN, AI, KM), pp. 571–572.
CIKM-2017-El-RobyA #integration #named #web- UFeed: Refining Web Data Integration Based on User Feedback (AER, AA), pp. 187–196.
ECIR-2017-AriannezhadMZS #documentation #estimation #pseudo- Iterative Estimation of Document Relevance Score for Pseudo-Relevance Feedback (MA, AM, HZ, AS), pp. 676–683.
ECIR-2017-ZagheliAS #framework #modelling #recommendation- Negative Feedback in the Language Modeling Framework for Text Recommendation (HRZ, MA, AS), pp. 662–668.
ICML-2017-MacGlashanHLPWR #interactive #learning- Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human Feedback (JM, MKH, RTL, BP, GW, DLR, MET, MLL), pp. 2285–2294.
ICML-2017-ShamirS #learning #online #permutation- Online Learning with Local Permutations and Delayed Feedback (OS, LS), pp. 3086–3094.
KDD-2017-AgarwalBSJ #effectiveness #evaluation #multi #using- Effective Evaluation Using Logged Bandit Feedback from Multiple Loggers (AA, SB0, TS, TJ), pp. 687–696.
KDD-2017-WoodsAMM #modelling #predict #using- Formative Essay Feedback Using Predictive Scoring Models (BW, DA, SM, EM), pp. 2071–2080.
CASE-2017-DingWL #approach #logic #matrix #network- Output feedback disturbance decoupling of boolean control networks: A logical matrix factorization approach (XD, SW, HL0), pp. 181–186.
CASE-2017-Garcia-ChavezM - Global control for the Furuta Pendulum based on Partial Feedback Linearization and stabilization of the Zero Dynamics (GGC, EMP), pp. 334–339.
CASE-2017-HammoucheLR #automation #robust- Robust feedback control for automated force/position control of piezoelectric tube based microgripper (MH, PL, MR), pp. 598–604.
CASE-2017-LiLZ - Stability of (n, k) nonlinear feedback shift registers (ML, JL, JZ), pp. 166–170.
EDM-2016-BorgeR #automation #case study #collaboration #experience #process #quality- Automated Feedback on the Quality of Collaborative Processes: An Experience Report (MB, CPR), pp. 573–574.
EDM-2016-CutumisuS #assessment #game studies #learning- Choosing versus Receiving Feedback: The Impact of Feedback Valence on Learning in an Assessment Game (MC, DLS), pp. 341–346.
EDM-2016-FeildLZRE #automation #framework #learning #platform #scalability- A Scalable Learning Analytics Platform for Automated Writing Feedback (JLF, NL, NLZ, MR, AE), pp. 688–693.
EDM-2016-Kyrilov #automation #programming #reasoning #using- Using Case-Based Reasoning to Automatically Generate High-Quality Feedback for Programming Exercises (AK), pp. 669–671.
EDM-2016-RaffertyJG #personalisation #using- Using Inverse Planning for Personalized Feedback (ANR, RJ, TLG), pp. 472–477.
EDM-2016-RawatA #automation- An Automated Test of Motor Skills for Job Selection and Feedback (BPS, VA), pp. 694–699.
EDM-2016-RoscoeJAJM #automation #evaluation #towards- Toward Revision-Sensitive Feedback in Automated Writing Evaluation (RDR, MEJ, LKA, ACJ, DSM), pp. 628–629.
EDM-2016-SabourinKHM #automation #student #towards- Toward Automated Support for Teacher-Facilitated Formative Feedback on Student Writing (JS, LK, KH, SWM), pp. 703–704.
DiGRA-FDG-2016-WellsSL #behaviour #energy #game studies- Behaviour Change Wheel Driven Normative Feedback in a Serious Game for Energy Conservation (LW, KdS, IJL).
CIKM-2016-ChenNLXA #modelling #recommendation #scalability- Separating-Plane Factorization Models: Scalable Recommendation from One-Class Implicit Feedback (HC, DN, KL, YX, MA), pp. 669–678.
CIKM-2016-DehghaniAK #documentation #power of- The Healing Power of Poison: Helpful Non-relevant Documents in Feedback (MD0, SA, JK), pp. 2065–2068.
CIKM-2016-RoyGMJ #composition #estimation #kernel #using #word- Word Vector Compositionality based Relevance Feedback using Kernel Density Estimation (DR, DG, MM, GJFJ), pp. 1281–1290.
CIKM-2016-ZamaniDSC #matrix #pseudo- Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Based on Matrix Factorization (HZ, JD, AS, WBC), pp. 1483–1492.
ECIR-2016-AlmasriBC #comparison #learning #pseudo #query- A Comparison of Deep Learning Based Query Expansion with Pseudo-Relevance Feedback and Mutual Information (MA, CB, JPC), pp. 709–715.
ECIR-2016-HasanKMLS #research- Feedback or Research: Separating Pre-purchase from Post-purchase Consumer Reviews (MH, AK, AM, SL, PMS), pp. 682–688.
ECIR-2016-ValcarcePB #collaboration #performance #pseudo #recommendation- Efficient Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Methods for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation (DV, JP, AB), pp. 602–613.
ICML-2016-CohenHK #graph #learning #online- Online Learning with Feedback Graphs Without the Graphs (AC, TH, TK), pp. 811–819.
ICML-2016-ZhangYJXZ #linear #online #optimisation #probability- Online Stochastic Linear Optimization under One-bit Feedback (LZ0, TY, RJ, YX, ZHZ), pp. 392–401.
KDD-2016-TangLCA #empirical #multi #recommendation- An Empirical Study on Recommendation with Multiple Types of Feedback (LT, BL, BCC, DA), pp. 283–292.
FSE-2016-BaresiGLQ - A discrete-time feedback controller for containerized cloud applications (LB, SG, AL, GQ), pp. 217–228.
FSE-2016-KaleeswaranSKG #generative- Semi-supervised verified feedback generation (SK, AS, AK, SG), pp. 739–750.
CASE-2016-HanLD #bound #mobile- Flocking of mobile robots by bounded feedback (TTH, HML, BHD), pp. 689–694.
CASE-2016-TinhLCTAA #mobile #modelling- Modeling and feedback linearization control of a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot with longitudinal, lateral slips (NVT, NTL, PTC, PMT, MNA, NPTA), pp. 996–1001.
QoSA-2015-CaporuscioMT #composition- QoS-based Feedback for Service Compositions (MC, RM, CT), pp. 37–42.
JCDL-2015-JayarathnaPS #modelling #multi- Unified Relevance Feedback for Multi-Application User Interest Modeling (SJ, AP, FS), pp. 129–138.
VLDB-2015-JiangN #interactive #named #query #specification- SnapToQuery: Providing Interactive Feedback during Exploratory Query Specification (LJ, AN), pp. 1250–1261.
EDM-2015-AltrabshehCF #predict #student- Predicting Learning-Related Emotions from Students' Textual Classroom Feedback (NA, MC, SF), pp. 436–439.
EDM-2015-Hayashi #analysis #network #online #process- Psychological Effects of In-Group Activity Feedback in an Online Explanation Task: Lexical Network Analysis (YH), pp. 484–487.
ITiCSE-2015-BlauM #automation #java #student- FrenchPress Gives Students Automated Feedback on Java Program Flaws (HB, JEBM), pp. 15–20.
ITiCSE-2015-MagnenatBKS #artificial reality #programming #visual notation- Enhancing Robot Programming with Visual Feedback and Augmented Reality (SM, MBA, SK, RWS), pp. 153–158.
SIGITE-2015-Seeling - Augmented Lectures: A Liquid Feedback System for the Traditional and Blended Classroom (PS), p. 123.
SIGITE-2015-ZhouCKNCUG #collaboration #scalability #student #using- M-CAFE 1.0: Motivating and Prioritizing Ongoing Student Feedback During MOOCs and Large on-Campus Courses using Collaborative Filtering (MZ, AC, SK, BN, CC, KU, KG), pp. 153–158.
ICALP-v1-2015-LokshtanovRS #algorithm #linear #set- Linear Time Parameterized Algorithms for Subset Feedback Vertex Set (DL, MSR, SS), pp. 935–946.
CHI-PLAY-2015-WuR #game studies #gesture- Responsive Environmental Diegetic Audio Feedback for Hand Gestures in Audio-Only Games (WW, SR), pp. 739–744.
CHI-2015-AkshitaSILB #interactive #multimodal #towards #visual notation- Towards Multimodal Affective Feedback: Interaction between Visual and Haptic Modalities (A, HAS, BI, EL, YB), pp. 2043–2052.
CHI-2015-DamianTBSLA #behaviour #interactive #realtime #social #using- Augmenting Social Interactions: Realtime Behavioural Feedback using Social Signal Processing Techniques (ID, CSST, TB, JS, KL, EA), pp. 565–574.
CHI-2015-PatilHSKL #privacy- Interrupt Now or Inform Later?: Comparing Immediate and Delayed Privacy Feedback (SP, RH, RS, AK, AJL), pp. 1415–1418.
CHI-2015-RobbPKC #crowdsourcing #design #question- Crowdsourced Feedback With Imagery Rather Than Text: Would Designers Use It? (DAR, SP, BK, MJC), pp. 1355–1364.
CHI-2015-SchwarzMH #architecture #generative #interactive #probability #user interface- An Architecture for Generating Interactive Feedback in Probabilistic User Interfaces (JS, JM, SEH), pp. 2545–2554.
CHI-2015-ShayBCCFKMMSU #behaviour- A Spoonful of Sugar?: The Impact of Guidance and Feedback on Password-Creation Behavior (RS, LB, NC, LFC, AF, SK, MLM, WM, SMS, BU), pp. 2903–2912.
CHI-2015-TangYBJT #visual notation- Physio@Home: Exploring Visual Guidance and Feedback Techniques for Physiotherapy Exercises (RT, XDY, SB, JAJ, AT), pp. 4123–4132.
CHI-2015-ValtchanovH #named- EnviroPulse: Providing Feedback about the Expected Affective Valence of the Environment (DV, MSH), pp. 2073–2082.
CHI-2015-WilsonDB #interactive- In the Heat of the Moment: Subjective Interpretations of Thermal Feedback During Interaction (GW, GD, SAB), pp. 2063–2072.
CHI-2015-YannierILK #named- FeelSleeve: Haptic Feedback to Enhance Early Reading (NY, AI, JFL, RLK), pp. 1015–1024.
CSCW-2015-MaYFD #design #online- Exiting the Design Studio: Leveraging Online Participants for Early-Stage Design Feedback (XM, LY, JLF, SPD), pp. 676–685.
CSCW-2015-XuRDB #design #process #using- A Classroom Study of Using Crowd Feedback in the Iterative Design Process (AX, HR, SPD, BPB), pp. 1637–1648.
DHM-EH-2015-CheffiRBBS #approach #cost analysis #optimisation- A Bi-level Optimization Approach to Get an Optimal Combination of Cost Functions for Pilot’s Arm Movement: The Case of Helicopter’s Flying Aid Functions with Haptic Feedback (SC, TR, LB, PB, JCS), pp. 248–257.
DHM-EH-2015-KollingKHC #design #evaluation #interactive #process #using- Estimating Ergonomic Comfort During the Process of Mechanism Design by Interaction with a Haptic Feedback-System — Evaluation of Simulated and Kinesthetically Displayed Mechanisms Using the Haptic Feedback System RePlaLink (TK, MK, MH, BC), pp. 62–73.
DUXU-DD-2015-AhmedS #energy #metric #named- OBDEnergy — Making Metrics Meaningful in Eco-driving Feedback (SA, AS), pp. 395–405.
DUXU-DD-2015-RossBOAA #case study #experience- A Feasibility Study of the Effect of Phone-Based Feedback of Other Commuters’ Subjective Experiences on Driver Intentions to Change (TR, AB, LO, BA, VAS), pp. 548–558.
DUXU-IXD-2015-KarlinSDBHBKS - Diffusion of Feedback: Perceptions and Adoption of Devices in the Residential Market (BK, AS, ND, KB, KH, JB, DK, DS), pp. 368–379.
HCI-UC-2015-DarzentasBC #multimodal- Designed to Thrill: Exploring the Effects of Multimodal Feedback on Virtual World Immersion (DPD, MAB, NC), pp. 384–395.
HIMI-IKD-2015-TanumaOM #recognition- Human Characteristics of Figure Recognition in Tactile Feedback (MT, MO, HM), pp. 458–465.
LCT-2015-Ai #automation #detection #fault #generative- Automatic Pronunciation Error Detection and Feedback Generation for CALL Applications (RA), pp. 175–186.
LCT-2015-Alvarez-Montero #concept #overview #perspective #tool support- Feedback in Computer-Based Concept Mapping Tools: A Short Review (FJÁM, HJG, ERR), pp. 187–198.
CAiSE-2015-TsuchiyaWFOM #configuration management #interactive #requirements #traceability #using- Interactive Recovery of Requirements Traceability Links Using User Feedback and Configuration Management Logs (RT, HW, YF, KO, RM), pp. 247–262.
CIKM-2015-BhowmickDCA #paradigm #query #semistructured data #visual notation- Interruption-Sensitive Empty Result Feedback: Rethinking the Visual Query Feedback Paradigm for Semistructured Data (SSB, CED, BC, MHA), pp. 723–732.
CIKM-2015-FanQLY #microblog #retrieval- Improving Microblog Retrieval with Feedback Entity Model (FF, RQ, CL, JY), pp. 573–582.
CIKM-2015-GhoshP #clustering- Clustered Semi-Supervised Relevance Feedback (KG, SKP), pp. 1723–1726.
ECIR-2015-Moghaddam #analysis #fault #mining #sentiment- Beyond Sentiment Analysis: Mining Defects and Improvements from Customer Feedback (SM), pp. 400–410.
ECIR-2015-RaoLE #twitter- Reproducible Experiments on Lexical and Temporal Feedback for Tweet Search (JR, JL, ME), pp. 755–767.
ICML-2015-ChungGCB #network- Gated Feedback Recurrent Neural Networks (JC, ÇG, KC, YB), pp. 2067–2075.
ICML-2015-PiechHNPSG #learning #student- Learning Program Embeddings to Propagate Feedback on Student Code (CP, JH, AN, MP, MS, LJG), pp. 1093–1102.
ICML-2015-SwaminathanJ #learning- Counterfactual Risk Minimization: Learning from Logged Bandit Feedback (AS, TJ), pp. 814–823.
ICML-2015-WuGS #combinator #finite #identification #on the- On Identifying Good Options under Combinatorially Structured Feedback in Finite Noisy Environments (YW, AG, CS), pp. 1283–1291.
KDD-2015-SuYSSKVY #graph- Exploiting Relevance Feedback in Knowledge Graph Search (YS, SY, HS, MS, SK, MV, XY), pp. 1135–1144.
RecSys-2015-LimML #recommendation- Top-N Recommendation with Missing Implicit Feedback (DL, JM, GRGL), pp. 309–312.
RecSys-2015-MouliC #dependence #modelling- Making the Most of Preference Feedback by Modeling Feature Dependencies (SCM, SC), pp. 285–288.
SEKE-2015-TakahashiNT #automation #elicitation #requirements #topic #towards #using- Towards Automatic Requirements Elicitation from Feedback Comments: Extracting Requirements Topics Using LDA (HT, HN, TT), pp. 489–494.
SIGIR-2015-VolkovsY #effectiveness #modelling #recommendation- Effective Latent Models for Binary Feedback in Recommender Systems (MV, GWY), pp. 313–322.
SIGIR-2015-ZhangGKDDCGH #adaptation #named #query- adaQAC: Adaptive Query Auto-Completion via Implicit Negative Feedback (AZ, AG, WK, HD, AD, YC, CAG, JH), pp. 143–152.
Onward-2015-CitoLGDKR #developer #metric #runtime #using- Runtime metric meets developer: building better cloud applications using feedback (JC, PL, HCG, AD, AK, AR), pp. 14–27.
REFSQ-2015-KnaussARI #development #requirements #research- Research Preview: Supporting Requirements Feedback Flows in Iterative System Development (EK, AA, MR, EI), pp. 277–283.
ICSE-v2-2015-VetroOF0 #empirical #performance #re-engineering #research- Fast Feedback Cycles in Empirical Software Engineering Research (AV, SO, DMF, SW), pp. 583–586.
SAC-2015-CanoA #multi #scalability #streaming- Feedback management for scaling clients in streaming multicast (JC, LA), pp. 669–671.
SAC-2015-DionisisCP #adaptation #execution #framework #hybrid #monitoring #using- A hybrid framework for WS-BPEL scenario execution adaptation, using monitoring and feedback data (MD, VC, GP), pp. 1672–1679.
SAC-2015-HozanoFSFC #detection #developer #smell #using- Using developers’ feedback to improve code smell detection (MH, HF, ICLS, BF, EC), pp. 1661–1663.
SAC-2015-VinagreJG #collaboration- Collaborative filtering with recency-based negative feedback (JV, AMJ, JG), pp. 963–965.
CASE-2015-SikstromCL #case study #modelling- Model based feedback control of gas tungsten arc welding — An experimental study (FS, AKC, BL), pp. 411–416.
DAC-2015-WangSBS #implementation #probability- Randomness meets feedback: stochastic implementation of logistic map dynamical system (ZW, NS, KB, AS), p. 7.
LICS-2015-AckermanFL - Feedback Turing Computability, and Turing Computability as Feedback (NLA, CEF, RSL), pp. 523–534.
HT-2014-NoorianMV #adaptation #self #using- Self-adaptive filtering using pid feedback controller in electronic commerce (ZN, MM, JV), pp. 267–272.
EDM-2014-EagleB14a #data-driven- Data-Driven Feedback Beyond Next-Step Hints (ME, TB), pp. 444–446.
EDM-2014-OstrowH #authentication #comparison #multi #testing #video- Testing the Multimedia Principle in the Real World: A Comparison of Video vs. Text Feedback in Authentic Middle School Math Assignments (KO, NTH), pp. 296–299.
ITiCSE-2014-BuffardiE #adaptation #testing- Responses to adaptive feedback for software testing (KB, SHE), pp. 165–170.
FDG-2014-Back #game studies- 'Knock Once for Yes' - Knocking as feedback in the location-based game passing on (JB).
CHI-2014-HachisuF #interactive #interface #named #using- VacuumTouch: attractive force feedback interface for haptic interactive surface using air suction (TH, MF), pp. 411–420.
CHI-2014-KangasARIMR #gesture #mobile- Gaze gestures and haptic feedback in mobile devices (JK, DA, JR, PI, PM, RR), pp. 435–438.
CHI-2014-LeeD #realtime- Real-time feedback for improving medication taking (MLL, AKD), pp. 2259–2268.
CHI-2014-PatilSKL #how- Reflection or action?: how feedback and control affect location sharing decisions (SP, RS, AK, AJL), pp. 101–110.
CHI-2014-WilsonCSB #locality- Perception of ultrasonic haptic feedback on the hand: localisation and apparent motion (GW, TC, SS, SAB), pp. 1133–1142.
CSCW-2014-LiuJPP #using #visual notation- Supporting task resumption using visual feedback (YL, YJ, WP, MSP), pp. 767–777.
CSCW-2014-MasliT - Leveraging the contributory potential of user feedback (MM, LGT), pp. 956–966.
CSCW-2014-XuHB #design #generative #named #using #visual notation- Voyant: generating structured feedback on visual designs using a crowd of non-experts (AX, SWH, BPB), pp. 1433–1444.
DUXU-DP-2014-MiddenH #behaviour #energy #power of- The Power of Negative Feedback from an Artificial Agent to Promote Energy Saving Behavior (CJHM, JRCH), pp. 328–338.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-FloraB #behaviour #energy #graph- Energy Graph Feedback: Attention, Cognition and Behavior Intentions (JAF, BB), pp. 520–529.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-FordPLNCM #design- User-Centred Design of an Audio Feedback System for Power Demand Management (RF, JP, YCL, KN, WC, MM), pp. 530–541.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-RettieBH #design #energy- Energy Consumption Feedback: Engagement by Design (RR, KB, TH), pp. 594–604.
HCI-AS-2014-MoserF #branch #experience #game studies- Narrative Control and Player Experience in Role Playing Games: Decision Points and Branching Narrative Feedback (CM, XF), pp. 622–633.
HCI-AS-2014-SchwallerKAL #gesture #learning #visual notation- Improving In-game Gesture Learning with Visual Feedback (MS, JK, LA, DL), pp. 643–653.
HIMI-DE-2014-KoltzRRVMSB - Effects of Type and Strength of Force Feedback on the Path of Movement in a Target Selection Task (MTK, RCR, JR, KPLV, PM, TZS, VB), pp. 217–225.
LCT-NLE-2014-Kim #learning #self #simulation- Simulation Training in Self-Regulated Learning: Investigating the Effects of Dual Feedback on Dynamic Decision-Making Tasks (JHK), pp. 419–428.
SCSM-2014-FardounA #approach #community #framework #platform- Feedback Platform for Community Colleges: An Approach to Knowledge Excellence (HMF, AAMAG), pp. 306–313.
VISSOFT-2014-GuzmanBB #evolution #named #visualisation- FAVe: Visualizing User Feedback for Software Evolution (EG, PB, BB), pp. 167–171.
ICEIS-v2-2014-TrienekensK #metric- Structuring Software Measurement — Metrication in the Context of Feedback Loops (JJMT, RJK), pp. 129–136.
CIKM-2014-LiuYGS #graph #pseudo #ranking #recommendation- Meta-Path-Based Ranking with Pseudo Relevance Feedback on Heterogeneous Graph for Citation Recommendation (XL, YY, CG, YS), pp. 121–130.
CIKM-2014-LvZ - Revisiting the Divergence Minimization Feedback Model (YL, CZ), pp. 1863–1866.
ECIR-2014-LeeC #pseudo- Cross-Language Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Techniques for Informal Text (CJL, WBC), pp. 260–272.
ICML-c2-2014-AzarLB #correlation #online #optimisation #probability- Online Stochastic Optimization under Correlated Bandit Feedback (MGA, AL, EB), pp. 1557–1565.
ICML-c2-2014-LinAKLC #combinator #game studies #linear #monitoring- Combinatorial Partial Monitoring Game with Linear Feedback and Its Applications (TL, BDA, RDK, JL, WC), pp. 901–909.
ICML-c2-2014-SchoenauerASS #programming- Programming by Feedback (MS, RA, MS, JCS), pp. 1503–1511.
ICPR-2014-ManzatoDMR #personalisation #ranking #recommendation #topic- Improving Personalized Ranking in Recommender Systems with Topic Hierarchies and Implicit Feedback (MGM, MAD, RMM, SOR), pp. 3696–3701.
ICPR-2014-WangZYH #recognition #robust #visual notation- Robust Object Recognition via Visual Pathway Feedback (CW, JZ, PY, KH), pp. 604–607.
KDD-2014-Chapelle #modelling- Modeling delayed feedback in display advertising (OC), pp. 1097–1105.
KMIS-2014-SelmiHA #mining #predict- Opinion Mining for Predicting Peer Affective Feedback Helpfulness (MS, HH, EA), pp. 419–425.
RecSys-2014-Aiolli #optimisation #recommendation- Convex AUC optimization for top-N recommendation with implicit feedback (FA), pp. 293–296.
RecSys-2014-LercheJ #personalisation #ranking #using- Using graded implicit feedback for bayesian personalized ranking (LL, DJ), pp. 353–356.
RecSys-2014-SuiB #online #rank #recommendation- Clinical online recommendation with subgroup rank feedback (YS, JWB), pp. 289–292.
SEKE-2014-TianWHZG #recommendation #using #web #web service- Cold-Start Web Service Recommendation Using Implicit Feedback (GT, JW, KH, WZ, PG), pp. 371–376.
SIGIR-2014-CanCM #modelling #ranking- Incorporating query-specific feedback into learning-to-rank models (EFC, WBC, RM), pp. 1035–1038.
SIGIR-2014-EfronLHV #estimation #parametricity #twitter- Temporal feedback for tweet search with non-parametric density estimation (ME, JL, JH, APdV), pp. 33–42.
SIGIR-2014-RabinovichRK #retrieval- Utilizing relevance feedback in fusion-based retrieval (ER, OR, OK), pp. 313–322.
SIGIR-2014-YeH #effectiveness #pseudo- A simple term frequency transformation model for effective pseudo relevance feedback (ZY, JXH), pp. 323–332.
RE-2014-Bano #requirements- Aligning services and requirements with user feedback (MB), pp. 473–478.
RE-2014-PorterLS #case study #experience #framework #requirements #using- Building a National E-Service using Sentire experience report on the use of Sentire: A volere-based requirements framework driven by calibrated personas and simulated user feedback (CP, EL, MAS), pp. 374–383.
ASE-2014-WangLJ #code search- Active code search: incorporating user feedback to improve code search relevance (SW, DL, LJ), pp. 677–682.
FSE-2014-GulwaniRZ #generative #performance #problem #programming- Feedback generation for performance problems in introductory programming assignments (SG, IR, FZ), pp. 41–51.
SAC-2014-BasuCKMVG0M #privacy #social- Privacy preserving trusted social feedback (AB, JCC, SK, SM, JV, GG, JZ, YM), pp. 1706–1711.
DATE-2014-ZangenehJ #design #logic #using- Sub-threshold logic circuit design using feedback equalization (MZ, AJ), pp. 1–6.
ICDAR-2013-Martin-AlboRV #interactive #online #using- Interactive Off-Line Handwritten Text Transcription Using On-Line Handwritten Text as Feedback (DMA, VR, EV), pp. 1280–1284.
JCDL-2013-GodoiTCGFFF #ambiguity #approach #problem- A relevance feedback approach for the author name disambiguation problem (TAG, RdST, AMBRC, MAG, AAF, WF, EAF), pp. 209–218.
VLDB-2013-YanZITY #integration #keyword #query #search-based- Actively Soliciting Feedback for Query Answers in Keyword Search-Based Data Integration (ZY, NZ, ZGI, PPT, CY), pp. 205–216.
VLDB-2014-EravciF13 - Diversity based Relevance Feedback for Time Series Search (BE, HF), pp. 109–120.
ITiCSE-2013-Law13a #game studies #programming #student #using- Using screencasts to enhance coursework feedback for game programming students (RL), p. 329.
ITiCSE-2013-MacWilliamM #towards- Streamlining grading toward better feedback (TM, DJM), pp. 147–152.
VS-Games-2013-SeebauerBKM #automation #game studies #integration #social- Green Gang Vs. Captain Carbon. Integration of Automated Data Collection and Ecological Footprint Feedback in a Smartphone-Based Social Game for Carbon Saving (SS, MB, KHK, MM), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2013-DoucetteMGNP #interactive- The effects of tactile feedback and movement alteration on interaction and awareness with digital embodiments (AD, RLM, CG, MAN, AP), pp. 1891–1900.
CHI-2013-EricksonLKDSCSN #evaluation- The dubuque electricity portal: evaluation of a city-scale residential electricity consumption feedback system (TE, ML, YK, AD, SS, TC, PS, MRN), pp. 1203–1212.
CHI-2013-FanISMWIFT - Reality jockey: lifting the barrier between alternate realities through audio and haptic feedback (KF, HI, YS, KM, SW, MI, NF, ST), pp. 2557–2566.
CHI-2013-LopesB #mobile- Muscle-propelled force feedback: bringing force feedback to mobile devices (PL, PB), pp. 2577–2580.
CHI-2013-RoudautRSPLB #gesture #using- Gesture output: eyes-free output using a force feedback touch surface (AR, AR, CS, MP, PL, PB), pp. 2547–2556.
CHI-2013-TausczikP #realtime #using- Improving teamwork using real-time language feedback (YRT, JWP), pp. 459–468.
CHI-2013-ZhuZHKK #empirical #wiki- Effects of peer feedback on contribution: a field experiment in Wikipedia (HZ, AZ, JH, REK, AK), pp. 2253–2262.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MurrayHSHR #behaviour #interface- Avatar Interfaces for Biobehavioral Feedback (TM, DH, DSM, EBH, AR), pp. 424–434.
DUXU-NTE-2013-StillwaterK #design #empirical #matter #multi- Design Matters: Mid-Term Results from a Multi-Design Fuel Economy Feedback Experiment (TS, KSK), pp. 578–584.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Flanagan #how #interface- Haptic Interface Aesthetics — “Feedback Loops, Live Coding and How to Harness the Potential of Embodied Estrangement in Artistic Practices and Aesthetic Theories within Interface Culture” (PJF), pp. 58–67.
DUXU-PMT-2013-KarlinF #usability- The Usability Perception Scale (UPscale): A Measure for Evaluating Feedback Displays (BK, RF), pp. 312–321.
DUXU-WM-2013-KimFJ #case study #experience #social #social media- The Effect of Feedback within Social Media in Tourism Experiences (J(K, DRF, SLJ), pp. 212–220.
HCI-III-2013-MiwaWS #recognition #reliability #robust #using- Robust Face Recognition System Using a Reliability Feedback (SM, SW, MS), pp. 178–185.
HCI-IMT-2013-CorbettYLHBN #3d- Influence of Haptic Feedback on a Pointing Task in a Haptically Enhanced 3D Virtual Environment (BC, TY, SL, LH, SB, CSN), pp. 561–567.
HCI-IMT-2013-JeonLBN #2d #effectiveness #navigation- Assessing the Effectiveness of Vibrotactile Feedback on a 2D Navigation Task (WJ, YL, SB, CSN), pp. 594–600.
HCI-IMT-2013-Jokinen #interactive #multimodal- Multimodal Feedback in First Encounter Interactions (KJ), pp. 262–271.
HCI-UC-2013-ArmentanoA #interactive #navigation #web- The Effects of Negative Interaction Feedback in a Web Navigation Assistant (MGA, AAA), pp. 107–116.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-KometaniTFA #education #student #using #video- Video Feedback System for Teaching Improvement Using Students’ Sequential and Overall Teaching Evaluations (YK, TT, TF, TA), pp. 79–88.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-YuL #approach #mining- Exploring User Feedback of a E-Learning System: A Text Mining Approach (WBY, RL), pp. 182–191.
CIKM-2013-KimCHZRD #mining #modelling #topic- Mining causal topics in text data: iterative topic modeling with time series feedback (HDK, MC, MH, CZ, TAR, DD), pp. 885–890.
CIKM-2013-MiyanishiSU #pseudo #twitter- Improving pseudo-relevance feedback via tweet selection (TM, KS, KU), pp. 439–448.
CIKM-2013-XuXWW #automation #image #ranking- A heterogenous automatic feedback semi-supervised method for image reranking (XCX, XSX, YW, XW), pp. 999–1008.
ECIR-2013-KumarC #query #twitter- Time Based Feedback and Query Expansion for Twitter Search (NK, BAC), pp. 734–737.
ICML-c3-2013-JoulaniGS #learning #online- Online Learning under Delayed Feedback (PJ, AG, CS), pp. 1453–1461.
KDD-2013-FuLLFHS #mobile #people #why- Why people hate your app: making sense of user feedback in a mobile app store (BF, JL, LL, CF, JIH, NMS), pp. 1276–1284.
KDD-2013-JieLSHSC #online- A unified search federation system based on online user feedback (LJ, SL, RS, EH, HS, YC), pp. 1195–1203.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SediriMLH #experience- Decision Support by Handling Experience Feedback of Crisis Situations (MS, NM, SL, AH), pp. 351–359.
RecSys-2013-BlancoR #recommendation- Acquiring user profiles from implicit feedback in a conversational recommender system (HB, FR), pp. 307–310.
RecSys-2013-OstuniNSM #linked data #open data #recommendation- Top-N recommendations from implicit feedback leveraging linked open data (VCO, TDN, EDS, RM), pp. 85–92.
RecSys-2013-YuRSSKGNH #network #recommendation- Recommendation in heterogeneous information networks with implicit user feedback (XY, XR, YS, BS, UK, QG, BN, JH), pp. 347–350.
SEKE-2013-AndradeM #adaptation #architecture #design #self- Architectural Design Spaces for Feedback Control Concerns in Self-Adaptive Systems (SSA, RJdAM), pp. 741–746.
SIGIR-2013-ChenHL13a #recommendation- Tagcloud-based explanation with feedback for recommender systems (WC, WH, MLL), pp. 945–948.
SIGIR-2013-Crane - Diversified relevance feedback (MC), p. 1142.
SIGIR-2013-DalipGCC #case study #rank #stack overflow- Exploiting user feedback to learn to rank answers in q&a forums: a case study with stack overflow (DHD, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 543–552.
SIGIR-2013-GangulyGLJ #named #navigation #topic #user interface- TopicVis: a GUI for topic-based feedback and navigation (DG, MG, JL, GJFJ), pp. 1103–1104.
SIGIR-2013-LagunSWBB - Explicit feedback in local search tasks (DL, AS, RWW, PB, GB), pp. 1065–1068.
SIGIR-2013-MoshfeghiJ #behaviour #effectiveness #using- An effective implicit relevance feedback technique using affective, physiological and behavioural features (YM, JMJ), pp. 133–142.
SIGIR-2013-SekiM #social #using- Finding impressive social content creators: searching for SNS illustrators using feedback on motifs and impressions (YS, KM), pp. 1041–1044.
SIGIR-2013-WuF #approach #incremental #performance #pseudo- An incremental approach to efficient pseudo-relevance feedback (HW, HF), pp. 553–562.
SIGIR-2013-ZhangGY #query- Query change as relevance feedback in session search (SZ, DG, HY), pp. 821–824.
PLDI-2013-BurckhardtFHMMTK #exclamation #programming #user interface- It’s alive! continuous feedback in UI programming (SB, MF, PdH, SM, MM, NT, JK), pp. 95–104.
PLDI-2013-SinghGS #automation #generative #programming- Automated feedback generation for introductory programming assignments (RS, SG, ASL), pp. 15–26.
RE-2013-PaganoM #empirical- User feedback in the appstore: An empirical study (DP, WM), pp. 125–134.
REFSQ-2013-ProynovaP #predict- Factors Influencing User Feedback on Predicted Satisfaction with Software Systems (RP, BP), pp. 96–111.
SAC-2013-Manzato #metadata #recommendation- gSVD++: supporting implicit feedback on recommender systems with metadata awareness (MGM), pp. 908–913.
CASE-2013-GuoUZ #energy #monitoring- Evaluating feedback systems for residential building energy monitoring (WWG, TU, MZ), pp. 112–116.
CASE-2013-MilneBPCHGP - Robotic arm kinematics and bilateral haptic feedback over an ethernet communications link (BM, GB, SP, XC, CEH, AG, RP), pp. 960–965.
DAC-2013-TuJ #synthesis- Synthesis of feedback decoders for initialized encoders (KHT, JHRJ), p. 6.
DATE-2013-HasanA #analysis #fault #formal method #using- Formal analysis of steady state errors in feedback control systems using HOL-light (OH, MA), pp. 1423–1426.
ICSM-2012-GongLJZ #fault #interactive #locality- Interactive fault localization leveraging simple user feedback (LG, DL, LJ, HZ), pp. 67–76.
ICALP-v1-2012-ChitnisCHM #parametricity #set- Directed Subset Feedback Vertex Set Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (RHC, MC, MTH, DM), pp. 230–241.
CHI-2012-BadshahGMPT #named- GyroTab: a handheld device that provides reactive torque feedback (AB, SG, DM, SP, DST), pp. 3153–3156.
CHI-2012-EricksonPSDCN #evaluation- The dubuque water portal: evaluation of the uptake, use and impact of residential water consumption feedback (TE, MP, SS, JD, TC, MRN), pp. 675–684.
CHI-2012-HalveyWBH #quote- “Baby it’s cold outside”: the influence of ambient temperature and humidity on thermal feedback (MH, GW, SAB, SAH), pp. 715–724.
CHI-2012-LiuHDMB #artificial reality #mobile #realtime- Evaluating the benefits of real-time feedback in mobile augmented reality with hand-held devices (CL, SH, JD, WEM, MBL), pp. 2973–2976.
CHI-2012-YataniBT #named #people #representation #using #visual notation- SpaceSense: representing geographical information to visually impaired people using spatial tactile feedback (KY, NB, KNT), pp. 415–424.
CSCW-2012-NowakKKN #social #visualisation- Social visualization and negotiation: effects of feedback configuration and status (MN, JK, NWK, CN), pp. 1081–1090.
CSCW-2012-YataniGT #collaboration #coordination #visual notation- Investigating effects of visual and tactile feedback on spatial coordination in collaborative handheld systems (KY, DG, KNT), pp. 661–670.
CIKM-2012-FangS #approach #learning #recommendation- A latent pairwise preference learning approach for recommendation from implicit feedback (YF, LS), pp. 2567–2570.
CIKM-2012-GutierrezDFG #information management #ontology #student #summary- Providing grades and feedback for student summaries by ontology-based information extraction (FG, DD, SF, GG), pp. 1722–1726.
CIKM-2012-SudituF #adaptation #trade-off- Iterative relevance feedback with adaptive exploration/exploitation trade-off (NS, FF), pp. 1323–1331.
ECIR-2012-Lubell-DoughtieH #learning #rank- Learning to Rank from Relevance Feedback for e-Discovery (PLD, KH), pp. 535–539.
ECIR-2012-WhitingKJ #microblog #pseudo #retrieval- Temporal Pseudo-relevance Feedback in Microblog Retrieval (SW, IAK, JMJ), pp. 522–526.
ICPR-2012-0001HS #similarity- Medical prognosis based on patient similarity and expert feedback (FW, JH, JS), pp. 1799–1802.
KDD-2012-RamanSJ #learning #online- Online learning to diversify from implicit feedback (KR, PS, TJ), pp. 705–713.
RecSys-2012-MolingBR #recommendation- Optimal radio channel recommendations with explicit and implicit feedback (OM, LB, FR), pp. 75–82.
RecSys-2012-PraweshP #probability #recommendation- Probabilistic news recommender systems with feedback (SP, BP), pp. 257–260.
RecSys-2012-YangCZLY #mining #music #recommendation- Local implicit feedback mining for music recommendation (DY, TC, WZ, QL, YY), pp. 91–98.
SIGIR-2012-CaballeroA #statistics #topic- Incorporating statistical topic information in relevance feedback (KLCE, RA), pp. 1093–1094.
SIGIR-2012-KoumpouriS #effectiveness #query #retrieval- Queries without clicks: evaluating retrieval effectiveness based on user feedback (AK, VS), pp. 1133–1134.
SIGIR-2012-WhiteB - Text selections as implicit relevance feedback (RWW, GB), pp. 1151–1152.
REFSQ-2012-Koziolek #architecture #evaluation #quality #requirements #research- Research Preview: Prioritizing Quality Requirements Based on Software Architecture Evaluation Feedback (AK), pp. 52–58.
ICSE-2012-WehrmakerGS - ConTexter feedback system (TW, SG, KS), pp. 1459–1460.
ICSE-2012-Westermann #developer #performance- A generic methodology to derive domain-specific performance feedback for developers (DW), pp. 1527–1530.
SAC-2012-ShinC #comparative #evaluation #requirements #retrieval- A comparative evaluation of two user feedback techniques for requirements trace retrieval (YS, JCH), pp. 1069–1074.
CASE-2012-JoKOO #using- Contact force control of a robotic hand using F/T sensory feedback with a rigid object (JJ, SKK, YO, SRO), pp. 436–441.
CASE-2012-SawadaS #design #on the #optimisation- On numerical optimization design of continuous-time feedback type quantizer for networked control systems (KS, SS), pp. 1144–1149.
CASE-2012-TuanKL #3d- Partial Feedback Linearization Control of the three dimensional overhead crane (LAT, GHK, SGL), pp. 1198–1203.
DATE-2012-LevequePLACSMC #embedded #modelling #multi- Holistic modeling of embedded systems with multi-discipline feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System (AL, FP, MML, HA, FC, SS, AM, LC), pp. 739–744.
ICST-2012-BandyopadhyayG #fault #locality- Tester Feedback Driven Fault Localization (AB, SG), pp. 41–50.
ICDAR-2011-AugereauJD #documentation #image #industrial- Document Images Indexing with Relevance Feedback: An Application to Industrial Context (OA, NJ, JPD), pp. 1190–1194.
ITiCSE-2011-Harrach #research- Best practices for peer feedback in interdisciplinary research groups (SH), p. 348.
ICALP-v1-2011-CyganPPW #parametricity #set- Subset Feedback Vertex Set Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (MC, MP, MP, JOW), pp. 449–461.
CHI-2011-AyyavuJ #heuristic #privacy #security- Integrating user feedback with heuristic security and privacy management systems (PA, CJ), pp. 2305–2314.
CHI-2011-BadshahGCVHP #generative #interactive #self- Interactive generator: a self-powered haptic feedback device (AB, SG, GC, NV, SH, SNP), pp. 2051–2054.
CHI-2011-GabrielliSMMM #behaviour #interface #named- BeeParking: feedback interfaces for collective behavior change (SG, AS, JM, MM, OM), pp. 2145–2148.
CHI-2011-IannacciTAP #interactive #multi #physics- The haptic laser: multi-sensation tactile feedback for at-a-distance physical space perception and interaction (FI, ET, DA, SNP), pp. 2047–2050.
CHI-2011-KimK #design #multimodal #performance- Designing of multimodal feedback for enhanced multitasking performance (GK, HCK), pp. 3113–3122.
CHI-2011-KoZ #detection #web- Feedlack detects missing feedback in web applications (AJK, XZ), pp. 2177–2186.
CHI-2011-LindenJBRS #game studies #lessons learnt #realtime- Buzzing to play: lessons learned from an in the wild study of real-time vibrotactile feedback (JvdL, RMGJ, JB, YR, ES), pp. 533–542.
CHI-2011-LylykangasSSRLRR #design- Designing tactile feedback for piezo buttons (JL, VS, KS, JR, PL, KR, RR), pp. 3281–3284.
CHI-2011-PasqueroH #interactive #mobile- Tactile feedback can assist vision during mobile interactions (JP, VH), pp. 3277–3280.
CHI-2011-WilsonHBH #mobile- Some like it hot: thermal feedback for mobile devices (GW, MH, SAB, SAH), pp. 2555–2564.
CSCW-2011-ChenHHLZ #design #health #self- Designing for context-aware health self-monitoring, feedback, and engagement (FXC, EBH, JH, SL, CZ), pp. 613–616.
DUXU-v1-2011-Schmid #analysis #development #learning- Development of an Augmented Feedback Application to Support Motor Learning after Stroke: Requirement Analysis (SS), pp. 305–314.
HCI-DDA-2011-BirinciGG #image #query #retrieval- Dynamic Queries with Relevance Feedback for Content Based Image Retrieval (MB, EG, MG), pp. 547–554.
HCI-ITE-2011-ShinPCPK - Needle Insertion Simulator with Haptic Feedback (SS, WP, HC, SHP, LK), pp. 119–124.
HCI-UA-2011-HwangC #adaptation #design #fault #image #music- The Design of Adaptive Error Feedback Music Ear-Training System with Image Cues (YTH, CNC), pp. 35–38.
HIMI-v2-2011-BrandonEGFGV #behaviour #social #visual notation- The Effects Visual Feedback on Social Behavior during Decision Making Meetings (MB, SE, TdG, TF, BvG, TV), pp. 219–228.
HIMI-v2-2011-MurataHS #video #visual notation- Visual Feedback to Reduce Influence of Delay on Video Chatting (KM, MH, YS), pp. 157–164.
IDGD-2011-ZhangFZ #visual notation- Effects of Different Visual Feedback Forms on Eye Cursor’s Stabilities (XZ, WF, HZ), pp. 273–282.
OCSC-2011-GamberiniMSBF #network #process #quote #social- “Your Team Cohesion is Low”: A Systematic Study of the Effects of Social Network Feedback on Mediated Activity (LG, FM, AS, RB, MF), pp. 172–181.
CAiSE-2011-KofP #formal method #generative #modelling #requirements- From Requirements to Models: Feedback Generation as a Result of Formalization (LK, BP), pp. 93–107.
CIKM-2011-BaiCJ - Discovering URLs through user feedback (XB, BBC, FPJ), pp. 77–86.
CIKM-2011-GangulyLMJ #pseudo #query #reduction #using- Patent query reduction using pseudo relevance feedback (DG, JL, WM, GJFJ), pp. 1953–1956.
CIKM-2011-KeikhaSCC #documentation #effectiveness #predict #pseudo- Predicting document effectiveness in pseudo relevance feedback (MK, JS, WBC, FC), pp. 2061–2064.
CIKM-2011-KotovZ #interactive #query- Interactive sense feedback for difficult queries (AK, CZ), pp. 163–172.
CIKM-2011-LiSZ - Learning-based relevance feedback for web-based relation completion (ZL, LS, XZ), pp. 1535–1540.
CIKM-2011-WangYS #documentation- Relevance feedback exploiting query-specific document manifolds (CW, EY, MS), pp. 1957–1960.
CIKM-2011-XingZZ #bias #on the #problem- On bias problem in relevance feedback (QX, YZ, LZ), pp. 1965–1968.
ECIR-2011-BaskayaKJ #simulation- Simulating Simple and Fallible Relevance Feedback (FB, HK, KJ), pp. 593–604.
ECIR-2011-IofciuDCV #effectiveness #named #ranking- ReFER: Effective Relevance Feedback for Entity Ranking (TI, GD, NC, APdV), pp. 264–276.
ECIR-2011-Joachims - The Value of User Feedback (TJ), p. 6.
ECIR-2011-KeikhaGC #named- TEMPER: A Temporal Relevance Feedback Method (MK, SG, FC), pp. 436–447.
ICML-2011-CrammerG #adaptation #classification #multi #using- Multiclass Classification with Bandit Feedback using Adaptive Regularization (KC, CG), pp. 273–280.
ICML-2011-JetchevT #retrieval #using- Task Space Retrieval Using Inverse Feedback Control (NJ, MT), pp. 449–456.
KDD-2011-AndrzejewskiB #information retrieval #topic- Latent topic feedback for information retrieval (DA, DB), pp. 600–608.
RecSys-2011-TakacsPT #collaboration- Applications of the conjugate gradient method for implicit feedback collaborative filtering (GT, IP, DT), pp. 297–300.
SEKE-2011-KrikavaC #architecture- A Reflective Model for Architecting Feedback Control Systems (FK, PC), pp. 553–559.
SIGIR-2011-GaoZLLW #learning- Learning features through feedback for blog distillation (DG, RZ, WL, RYKL, KFW), pp. 1085–1086.
SIGIR-2011-KrikonK #ad hoc #retrieval- Utilizing minimal relevance feedback for ad hoc retrieval (EK, OK), pp. 1099–1100.
SIGIR-2011-LvZC #approach #pseudo- A boosting approach to improving pseudo-relevance feedback (YL, CZ, WC), pp. 165–174.
SIGIR-2011-WhitingMJ #pseudo- Exploring term temporality for pseudo-relevance feedback (SW, YM, JMJ), pp. 1245–1246.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangZX #documentation- Filtering semi-structured documents based on faceted feedback (LZ, YZ, QX), pp. 645–654.
RE-2011-Schneider #evolution- Focusing spontaneous feedback to support system evolution (KS), pp. 165–174.
ICSE-2011-BayneCE - Always-available static and dynamic feedback (MB, RC, MDE), pp. 521–530.
CASE-2011-ChenZAB #energy- Feedback control of machine startup for energy-efficient manufacturing in Bernoulli serial lines (GC, LZ, JA, SB), pp. 666–671.
CASE-2011-DjebraniBA #mobile #modelling- Modelling and feedback control of an omni-directional mobile manipulator (SD, AB, FA), pp. 785–791.
CASE-2011-SapuppoAB - Micro-optic technology for the microfluidics feedback (FS, PA, MB), pp. 381–386.
DATE-2011-PontarelliOSZ - Feedback based droop mitigation (SP, MO, AS, KZ), pp. 879–882.
PDP-2011-SharifiK #3d #automation #hybrid #multi- Automatic Feedback Control of Shared Hybrid Caches in 3D Chip Multiprocessors (AS, MTK), pp. 393–400.
ISSTA-2011-DumluYCP #adaptation #combinator #testing- Feedback driven adaptive combinatorial testing (ED, CY, MBC, AAP), pp. 243–253.
HT-2010-WolffMZ #approach #hypermedia #summary #visual notation- Visual summaries of data: a spatial hypertext approach to user feedback (AW, PM, ZZ), pp. 287–288.
ITiCSE-2010-BasawapatnaR #how #physics #student #using- Cyberspace meets brick and mortar: an investigation into how students engage in peer to peer feedback using both cyberlearning and physical infrastructures (ARB, AR), pp. 184–188.
CHI-2010-DixonPH #named #recognition #sketching #using- iCanDraw: using sketch recognition and corrective feedback to assist a user in drawing human faces (DD, MP, TH), pp. 897–906.
CHI-2010-HeGH #design #energy- One size does not fit all: applying the transtheoretical model to energy feedback technology design (HAH, SG, EMH), pp. 927–936.
CHI-2010-RicheDM - Studying always-on electricity feedback in the home (YR, JD, RAM), pp. 1995–1998.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-MuranoT #effectiveness #statistics- Effectiveness and Preferences of Anthropomorphic Feedback in a Statistics Context (PM, NMT), pp. 143–148.
CIKM-2010-BenderskyCS #pseudo #query #using- Structural annotation of search queries using pseudo-relevance feedback (MB, WBC, DAS), pp. 1537–1540.
CIKM-2010-DillonC #algorithm #framework #optimisation #pseudo #robust- A unified optimization framework for robust pseudo-relevance feedback algorithms (JVD, KCT), pp. 1069–1078.
CIKM-2010-KarimzadehganZ #interactive #trade-off- Exploration-exploitation tradeoff in interactive relevance feedback (MK, CZ), pp. 1397–1400.
CIKM-2010-LadY #documentation #learning #novel #rank- Learning to rank relevant and novel documents through user feedback (AL, YY), pp. 469–478.
CIKM-2010-LiuXZY #collaboration- Unifying explicit and implicit feedback for collaborative filtering (NNL, EWX, MZ, QY), pp. 1445–1448.
CIKM-2010-MoonLCLZC #learning #online #ranking #realtime #using- Online learning for recency search ranking using real-time user feedback (TM, LL, WC, CL, ZZ, YC), pp. 1501–1504.
CIKM-2010-PickensCG - Reverted indexing for feedback and expansion (JP, MC, GG), pp. 1049–1058.
ECIR-2010-RamanUBB #documentation #on the #pseudo #using- On Improving Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Using Pseudo-Irrelevant Documents (KR, RU, PB, AB), pp. 573–576.
KDIR-2010-CamposFHM #approach #query- A Content-Bsed Approach to Relevance Feedback in XML-IR for Content and Structure Queries (LMdC, JMFL, JFH, CJMD), pp. 418–427.
KDIR-2010-SinghMG #query #realtime- Dynamic Query Expansion based on User’s Real Time Implicit Feedback (SRS, HAM, TAG), pp. 112–121.
RecSys-2010-JawaheerSK #music #online #recommendation- Characterisation of explicit feedback in an online music recommendation service (GJ, MS, PK), pp. 317–320.
RecSys-2010-PilaszyZT #dataset #matrix #performance- Fast als-based matrix factorization for explicit and implicit feedback datasets (IP, DZ, DT), pp. 71–78.
SIGIR-2010-LvZ #pseudo- Positional relevance model for pseudo-relevance feedback (YL, CZ), pp. 579–586.
SIGIR-2010-UdupaB #pseudo- Investigating the suboptimality and instability of pseudo-relevance feedback (RU, AB), pp. 813–814.
SIGIR-2010-ZhangZ #interactive #retrieval- Interactive retrieval based on faceted feedback (LZ, YZ), pp. 363–370.
RE-2010-PengCYZ #self- Self-Tuning of Software Systems Through Goal-based Feedback Loop Control (XP, BC, YY, WZ), pp. 104–107.
DATE-2010-SharifiZK #multi- Feedback control for providing QoS in NoC based multicores (AS, HZ, MTK), pp. 1384–1389.
CAV-2010-MariMST #hybrid #linear #synthesis- Synthesis of Quantized Feedback Control Software for Discrete Time Linear Hybrid Systems (FM, IM, IS, ET), pp. 180–195.
TAP-2010-Ernst #how #proving #testing- How Tests and Proofs Impede One Another: The Need for Always-On Static and Dynamic Feedback (MDE), pp. 1–2.
QoSA-2009-KrogmannSBKMM #architecture #performance #predict #using #visualisation- Improved Feedback for Architectural Performance Prediction Using Software Cartography Visualizations (KK, CMS, SB, MK, AM, FM), pp. 52–69.
ICDAR-2009-RomeroTV #image #using- Using Mouse Feedback in Computer Assisted Transcription of Handwritten Text Images (VR, AHT, EV), pp. 96–100.
SIGMOD-2009-ChaiVDN #information management #integration #source code- Efficiently incorporating user feedback into information extraction and integration programs (XC, BQV, AD, JFN), pp. 87–100.
CSEET-2009-Bourque - SWEBOK Refresh and Continuous Update: A Call for Feedback and Participation (PB), pp. 288–289.
CSEET-2009-TaranRMB #collaboration #design #implementation #process #source code- A Training Process for Faculty Members in Collaborative Degree Programs: Design, Implementation and Feedback (GT, MZR, PM, PB), pp. 122–129.
EDM-2009-MadhyasthaT #assessment #consistency #online #student- Student Consistency and Implications for Feedback in Online Assessment Systems (TMM, SLT), pp. 81–90.
ITiCSE-2009-AuvinenKA #assessment #authoring #named #online #personalisation- Rubyric: an online assessment tool for effortless authoring of personalized feedback (TA, VK, TA), p. 377.
ITiCSE-2009-Palmer-BrownDL #learning- Guided learning via diagnostic feedback to question responses (DPB, CD, SWL), p. 362.
ICSM-2009-GayHMM #concept #on the #using- On the use of relevance feedback in IR-based concept location (GG, SH, AM, TM), pp. 351–360.
DiGRA-2009-BangSG #design #energy #game studies #mobile #persuasion #social- Persuasive design of a mobile energy conservation game with direct feedback and social cues (MB, MS, AG).
CHI-2009-DunlopT #predict- Tactile feedback for predictive text entry (MDD, FT), pp. 2257–2260.
CHI-2009-HailpernKH #visual notation- Creating a spoken impact: encouraging vocalization through audio visual feedback in children with ASD (JMH, KK, JH), pp. 453–462.
CHI-2009-HogganCBK #question- Audio or tactile feedback: which modality when? (EEH, AC, SAB, TK), pp. 2253–2256.
CHI-2009-KratzB #gesture #mobile #recognition #visual notation- Unravelling seams: improvoing mobile gesture recognition with visual feedback techniques (SGK, RB), pp. 937–940.
CHI-2009-LeshedPHCBLMG #behaviour #realtime #visualisation- Visualizing real-time language-based feedback on teamwork behavior in computer-mediated groups (GL, DP, JTH, DC, JPB, SL, PLM, GG), pp. 537–546.
CHI-2009-TsaiKDCHS #mobile- Who’s viewed you?: the impact of feedback in a mobile location-sharing application (JYT, PGK, PHD, LFC, JIH, NMS), pp. 2003–2012.
DHM-2009-DemirelD #analysis- Impact of Force Feedback on Computer Aided Ergonomic Analyses (HOD, VGD), pp. 608–613.
DHM-2009-ZhengHLZLQ #fuzzy #logic #nondeterminism- Fuzzy Logic in Exploring Data Effects: A Way to Unveil Uncertainty in EEG Feedback (FZ, BH, LL, TZ, YL, YQ), pp. 754–763.
HCI-AUII-2009-IbenWK #smarttech #visual notation- The Impact of Different Visual Feedback Presentation Methods in a Wearable Computing Scenario (HI, HW, EMK), pp. 752–759.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KasamatsuMIJ #effectiveness #visual notation- Effective Combination of Haptic, Auditory and Visual Information Feedback in Operation Feeling (KK, TM, KI, HJ), pp. 58–65.
HIMI-DIE-2009-BruinLB #case study #how- How to Learn from Intelligent Products; The Structuring of Incoherent Field Feedback Data in Two Case Studies (RdB, YL, AB), pp. 227–232.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-MuranoMH #email #evaluation #user interface- Evaluation of Anthropomorphic User Interface Feedback in an Email Client Context and Affordances (PM, AM, POH), pp. 15–20.
CIKM-2009-AlgarniLXL #effectiveness #information management #using- An effective model of using negative relevance feedback for information filtering (AA, YL, YX, RYKL), pp. 1605–1608.
CIKM-2009-BashirR #clustering #documentation #pseudo- Improving retrievability of patents with cluster-based pseudo-relevance feedback documents selection (SB, AR), pp. 1863–1866.
CIKM-2009-CaoQCS #query- Exploring path query results through relevance feedback (HC, YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 1959–1962.
CIKM-2009-HeO #documentation- Finding good feedback documents (BH, IO), pp. 2011–2014.
CIKM-2009-Jarvelin #interactive- Interactive relevance feedback with graded relevance and sentence extraction: simulated user experiments (KJ), pp. 2053–2056.
CIKM-2009-LeeNL #approach #retrieval #using- An improved feedback approach using relevant local posts for blog feed retrieval (YL, SHN, JHL), pp. 1971–1974.
CIKM-2009-LvZ #adaptation #information retrieval- Adaptive relevance feedback in information retrieval (YL, CZ), pp. 255–264.
CIKM-2009-LvZ09a #case study #comparative #modelling #pseudo #query- A comparative study of methods for estimating query language models with pseudo feedback (YL, CZ), pp. 1895–1898.
CIKM-2009-Paranjpe #documentation #learning- Learning document aboutness from implicit user feedback and document structure (DP), pp. 365–374.
CIKM-2009-PuH #clustering #pseudo #semantics #using- Pseudo relevance feedback using semantic clustering in relevance language model (QP, DH), pp. 1931–1934.
CIKM-2009-WichterichBSS #database #distance #multi- Exploring multimedia databases via optimization-based relevance feedback and the earth mover’s distance (MW, CB, MS, TS), pp. 1621–1624.
CIKM-2009-YuKOKK #named #retrieval- RefMed: relevance feedback retrieval system fo PubMed (HY, TK, JO, IK, SK), pp. 2099–2100.
RecSys-2009-MoghaddamJEH #named #recommendation #trust #using- FeedbackTrust: using feedback effects in trust-based recommendation systems (SM, MJ, ME, JH), pp. 269–272.
SEKE-2009-KongLLYW #refinement #traceability- A Requirement Traceability Refinement Method Based on Relevance Feedback (LK, JL, YL, YY, QW), pp. 37–42.
SEKE-2009-MitaniMIBMM #empirical #metric- An Empirical Study of the Feedback of the In-process Measurement in a Japanese Consortium-type Software Project (YM, TM, KI, MB, AM, KiM), pp. 631–636.
SIGIR-2009-BuscherED #comparison #eye tracking- Segment-level display time as implicit feedback: a comparison to eye tracking (GB, LvE, AD), pp. 67–74.
SIGIR-2009-DiazA #adaptation #predict- Adaptation of offline vertical selection predictions in the presence of user feedback (FD, JA), pp. 323–330.
SIGIR-2009-XuJW #pseudo #query #wiki- Query dependent pseudo-relevance feedback based on wikipedia (YX, GJFJ, BW), pp. 59–66.
OOPSLA-2009-KatsJNV #agile #composition #fault #parsing- Providing rapid feedback in generated modular language environments: adding error recovery to scannerless generalized-LR parsing (LCLK, MdJ, ENN, EV), pp. 445–464.
SAC-2009-MartinsBPS #information retrieval- Implicit relevance feedback for context-aware information retrieval in UbiLearning environments (DSM, MB, AFdP, WLdS), pp. 659–663.
HPCA-2009-HurL #memory management #probability- Feedback mechanisms for improving probabilistic memory prefetching (IH, CL), pp. 443–454.
SIGMOD-2008-JefferyFH - Pay-as-you-go user feedback for dataspace systems (SRJ, MJF, AYH), pp. 847–860.
VLDB-2008-ChaudhuriNR #execution #framework #query- A pay-as-you-go framework for query execution feedback (SC, VRN, RR), pp. 1141–1152.
ICSM-2008-KnodelMR #architecture #empirical- Constructive architecture compliance checking — an experiment on support by live feedback (JK, DM, DR), pp. 287–296.
CHI-2008-ForlinesB - Evaluating tactile feedback and direct vs. indirect stylus input in pointing and crossing selection tasks (CF, RB), pp. 1563–1572.
CHI-2008-HogganBJ #effectiveness #mobile- Investigating the effectiveness of tactile feedback for mobile touchscreens (EEH, SAB, JJ), pp. 1573–1582.
CHI-2008-KimKLNL - Inflatable mouse: volume-adjustable mouse with air-pressure-sensitive input and haptic feedback (SK, HK, BL, TJN, WL), pp. 211–224.
CSCW-2008-Bietz #communication- Effects of communication media on the interpretation of critical feedback (MJB), pp. 467–476.
CSCW-2008-KalnikaiteW #question #social #speech #summary- Social summarization: does social feedback improve access to speech data? (VK, SW), pp. 9–12.
CSCW-2008-KimCHP - Meeting mediator: enhancing group collaborationusing sociometric feedback (TK, AC, LH, AP), pp. 457–466.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-MuranoEH #effectiveness #user interface- Effectiveness and Preferences of Anthropomorphic User Interface Feedback in a PC Building Context and Cognitive Load (PM, CE, POH), pp. 181–188.
CIKM-2008-BroderCFGJR #using #web- Search advertising using web relevance feedback (AZB, PC, MF, EG, VJ, LR), pp. 1013–1022.
CIKM-2008-HeW #information retrieval- Translation enhancement: a new relevance feedback method for cross-language information retrieval (DH, DW), pp. 729–738.
CIKM-2008-XuA #query- Active relevance feedback for difficult queries (ZX, RA), pp. 459–468.
ECIR-2008-HuangSR #documentation #pseudo #query #robust- Robust Query-Specific Pseudo Feedback Document Selection for Query Expansion (QH, DS, SMR), pp. 547–554.
ECIR-2008-JonesL #hypermedia #topic- Focused Browsing: Providing Topical Feedback for Link Selection in Hypertext Browsing (GJFJ, QL), pp. 700–704.
ICPR-2008-AmanoK #using- Appearance enhancement using a projector-camera feedback system (TA, HK), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-CrandallCHKS #community #online #similarity #social- Feedback effects between similarity and social influence in online communities (DJC, DC, DPH, JMK, SS), pp. 160–168.
SIGIR-2008-Arapakis #process- Affective feedback: an investigation into the role of emotions in the information seeking process (IA), p. 891.
SIGIR-2008-ArapakisJG #process- Affective feedback: an investigation into the role of emotions in the information seeking process (IA, JMJ, PDG), pp. 395–402.
SIGIR-2008-BuscherDE #query #using- Query expansion using gaze-based feedback on the subdocument level (GB, AD, LvE), pp. 387–394.
SIGIR-2008-CaoNGR #pseudo- Selecting good expansion terms for pseudo-relevance feedback (GC, JYN, JG, SR), pp. 243–250.
SIGIR-2008-Diaz08a #modelling- Improving relevance feedback in language modeling with score regularization (FDD), pp. 807–808.
SIGIR-2008-ElsasACC #modelling #retrieval- Retrieval and feedback models for blog feed search (JLE, JA, JC, JGC), pp. 347–354.
SIGIR-2008-HuSL #comprehension #documentation #summary- Comments-oriented document summarization: understanding documents with readers’ feedback (MH, AS, EPL), pp. 291–298.
SIGIR-2008-LeeCA #clustering #pseudo- A cluster-based resampling method for pseudo-relevance feedback (KSL, WBC, JA), pp. 235–242.
SIGIR-2008-PanSW #fine-grained #retrieval #xml- Fine-grained relevance feedback for XML retrieval (HP, RS, GW), p. 887.
SIGIR-2008-WangFZ #case study- A study of methods for negative relevance feedback (XW, HF, CZ), pp. 219–226.
SIGIR-2008-XuA - A bayesian logistic regression model for active relevance feedback (ZX, RA), pp. 227–234.
SPLC-2008-CarbonKMM #game studies #product line- Providing Feedback from Application to Family Engineering — The Product Line Planning Game at the Testo AG (RC, JK, DM, GM), pp. 180–189.
SAC-2008-BayanC #automation #testing- Automatic feedback, control-based, stress and load testing (MSB, JWC), pp. 661–666.
SAC-2008-RazenteBTT #image #query #retrieval #similarity- Aggregate similarity queries in relevance feedback methods for content-based image retrieval (HLR, MCNB, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 869–874.
SAC-2008-TakanoC #documentation #feature model- A light-weight feedback method for reconstructing a document vector space on a feature extraction model (KT, XC), pp. 1169–1170.
DAC-2008-OgrasMM #adaptation #multi- Variation-adaptive feedback control for networks-on-chip with multiple clock domains (ÜYO, RM, DM), pp. 614–619.
DATE-2008-DubrovaTT #analysis #on the #synthesis- On Analysis and Synthesis of (n, k)-Non-Linear Feedback Shift Registers (ED, MT, HT), pp. 1286–1291.
HPCA-2008-WangC #clustering #optimisation #performance- Cluster-level feedback power control for performance optimization (XW, MC), pp. 101–110.
PDP-2008-GrossF #communication #data mining #mining #named #ubiquitous- CoDaMine: Communication Data Mining for Feedback and Control in Ubiquitous Environments (TG, MF), pp. 539–546.
STOC-2008-ChenLL #algorithm #parametricity #problem #set- A fixed-parameter algorithm for the directed feedback vertex set problem (JC, YL, SL, BO, IR), pp. 177–186.
ECDL-2007-MeijR - Thesaurus-Based Feedback to Support Mixed Search and Browsing Environments (EM, MdR), pp. 247–258.
VLDB-2007-HaasHM #dependence #detection #query- Detecting Attribute Dependencies from Query Feedback (PJH, FH, VM), pp. 830–841.
ICFP-2007-HarrisS #parallel- Feedback directed implicit parallelism (TH, SS), pp. 251–264.
CHI-2007-BrewsterCB #interactive #mobile- Tactile feedback for mobile interactions (SAB, FC, LMB), pp. 159–162.
CHI-2007-KuberYM #internet #towards #visual notation- Towards developing assistive haptic feedback for visually impaired internet users (RK, WY, GM), pp. 1525–1534.
CHI-2007-ZhaoDCBB #named #using- Earpod: eyes-free menu selection using touch input and reactive audio feedback (SZ, PD, MHC, RB, PB), pp. 1395–1404.
DHM-2007-CaoWJWC #design #visual notation- The Design and Exploitation of Visual Feedback System for Rowing (CC, CW, LJ, ZW, XC), pp. 794–802.
HCI-AS-2007-KimuraIKMC #visual notation- Visual Feedback: Its Effect on Teleconferencing (AK, MI, MK, YM, KC), pp. 591–600.
HCI-IPT-2007-JungC #mobile #power management- Perceived Magnitude and Power Consumption of Vibration Feedback in Mobile Devices (JJ, SC), pp. 354–363.
HCI-IPT-2007-Young-hyunK #smarttech- Information Display of Wearable Devices Through Sound Feedback of Wearable Computing (PYh, HKh), pp. 1200–1209.
HCI-MIE-2007-ChenC07a #algorithm #design #fault- An Improved H.264 Error Concealment Algorithm with User Feedback Design (XC, YYC), pp. 815–820.
HCI-MIE-2007-KimCPH #multimodal #user interface- A Tangible User Interface with Multimodal Feedback (LK, HC, SHP, MH), pp. 94–103.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MurataNSKT #visual notation- Visual Feedback to Reduce the Negative Effects of Message Transfer Delay on Voice Chatting (KM, MN, YS, IK, YT), pp. 95–101.
OCSC-2007-GamberiniMSSS #communication #game studies #multi #online #process #social- Unveiling the Structure: Effects of Social Feedback on Communication Activity in Online Multiplayer Videogames (LG, FM, FS, AS, AS), pp. 334–341.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HubertM #evaluation- Relevance Feedback as an Indicator to Select the Best Search Engine — Evaluation on TREC Data (GH, JM), pp. 184–189.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-MuranoGH #online #user interface- Anthropomorphic vs Non-Anthropomorphic User Interface Feedback for Online Hotel Bookings (PM, AG, POH), pp. 157–163.
CIKM-2007-HlaouaBP #retrieval #xml- Combination of evidences in relevance feedback for xml retrieval (LH, MB, KPS), pp. 893–896.
CIKM-2007-LadY #using- Generalizing from relevance feedback using named entity wildcards (AL, YY), pp. 721–730.
CIKM-2007-MelucciW #geometry- Utilizing a geometry of context for enhanced implicit feedback (MM, RWW), pp. 273–282.
CIKM-2007-WangFZ #query #retrieval #using- Improve retrieval accuracy for difficult queries using negative feedback (XW, HF, CZ), pp. 991–994.
CIKM-2007-YanH #multi #probability #query #retrieval #using- Query expansion using probabilistic local feedback with application to multimedia retrieval (RY, AGH), pp. 361–370.
ECIR-2007-MacdonaldO #using- Using Relevance Feedback in Expert Search (CM, IO), pp. 431–443.
ECIR-2007-XuAZ #learning- Incorporating Diversity and Density in Active Learning for Relevance Feedback (ZX, RA, YZ), pp. 246–257.
ECIR-2007-YamoutOT #query #using- Relevance Feedback Using Weight Propagation Compared with Information-Theoretic Query Expansion (FY, MPO, JT), pp. 258–270.
KDD-2007-Sculley #learning- Practical learning from one-sided feedback (DS), pp. 609–618.
RecSys-2007-Fu #web- Evaluating sources of implicit feedback in web searches (XF), pp. 191–194.
SIGIR-2007-Collins-ThompsonC #estimation #nondeterminism #pseudo #using- Estimation and use of uncertainty in pseudo-relevance feedback (KCT, JC), pp. 303–310.
SIGIR-2007-KoAS #effectiveness #generative #pseudo #using- An effective snippet generation method using the pseudo relevance feedback technique (YK, HA, JS), pp. 711–712.
SIGIR-2007-RaghavanA #algorithm #interactive- An interactive algorithm for asking and incorporating feature feedback into support vector machines (HR, JA), pp. 79–86.
SIGIR-2007-ShahKF #algorithm #case study- Making mind and machine meet: a study of combining cognitive and algorithmic relevance feedback (CS, DK, XF), pp. 877–878.
SIGIR-2007-TanVFZ #information retrieval #modelling- Term feedback for information retrieval with language models (BT, AV, HF, CZ), pp. 263–270.
REFSQ-2007-Schneider #elicitation #generative #performance #requirements- Generating Fast Feedback in Requirements Elicitation (KS), pp. 160–174.
ESEC-FSE-2007-SankaranarayananCJI #constraints #generative #monte carlo #using- State space exploration using feedback constraint generation and Monte-Carlo sampling (SS, RMC, GJ, FI), pp. 321–330.
ICSE-2007-YuanM #runtime #testing #user interface #using- Using GUI Run-Time State as Feedback to Generate Test Cases (XY, AMM), pp. 396–405.
SAC-2007-NangP #multi #performance #retrieval- An efficient indexing structure for content based multimedia retrieval with relevance feedback (JN, JP), pp. 517–524.
CASE-2007-JasperDF #automation #flexibility #named- CameraMan — Robot Cell with Flexible Vision Feedback for Automated Nanohandling inside SEMs (DJ, CD, SF), pp. 51–56.
CGO-2007-GrzegorczykSKW #using- Isla Vista Heap Sizing: Using Feedback to Avoid Paging (CG, SS, CK, RW), pp. 325–340.
DAC-2007-KillpackKC #metric- Silicon Speedpath Measurement and Feedback into EDA flows (KK, CVK, EC), pp. 390–395.
HPCA-2007-SrinathMKP #hardware #performance- Feedback Directed Prefetching: Improving the Performance and Bandwidth-Efficiency of Hardware Prefetchers (SS, OM, HK, YNP), pp. 63–74.
LCTES-2007-ZhuM #named #reduction #scalability #scheduling- DVSleak: combining leakage reduction and voltage scaling in feedback EDF scheduling (YZ, FM), pp. 31–40.
PPoPP-2007-AgrawalHL #adaptation #parallel- Adaptive work stealing with parallelism feedback (KA, YH, CEL), pp. 112–120.
JCDL-2006-JordanWG #algorithm #generative #query #using- Using controlled query generation to evaluate blind relevance feedback algorithms (CJ, CRW, QG), pp. 286–295.
VLDB-2006-ZhangZWSP #image #interactive #using- Using High Dimensional Indexes to Support Relevance Feedback Based Interactive Images Retrival (JZ, XZ, WW, BS, JP), pp. 1211–1214.
ITiCSE-2006-Bibby #exclamation- Getting feedback: no pressure! (PB), p. 346.
ICSM-2006-BouktifAM #assessment #case study #evolution #open source #quality- A Feedback Based Quality Assessment to Support Open Source Software Evolution: the GRASS Case Study (SB, GA, EM), pp. 155–165.
CHI-2006-GergleKF #collaboration #performance #visual notation- The impact of delayed visual feedback on collaborative performance (DG, REK, SRF), pp. 1303–1312.
CHI-2006-MarentakisB - Effects of feedback, mobility and index of difficulty on deictic spatial audio target acquisition in the horizontal plane (GNM, SAB), pp. 359–368.
CHI-2006-WallB #graph #navigation #what- Feeling what you hear: tactile feedback for navigation of audio graphs (SAW, SAB), pp. 1123–1132.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-Bakhtyari #automation #generative #ontology #student #using- Automatic Feedback Generation — Using Ontology in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Both Learner and Author Based on Student Model (PB), pp. 116–123.
CIKM-2006-HlaouaSB #retrieval #xml- A structure-oriented relevance feedback method for XML retrieval (LH, KS, MB), pp. 780–781.
CIKM-2006-WhiteK #case study #performance #personalisation- A study on the effects of personalization and task information on implicit feedback performance (RWW, DK), pp. 297–306.
CIKM-2006-WuLWK #probability- Probabilistic document-context based relevance feedback with limited relevance judgments (HCW, RWPL, KFW, KLK), pp. 854–855.
CIKM-2006-ZigorisZ #adaptation #profiling- Bayesian adaptive user profiling with explicit & implicit feedback (PZ, YZ), pp. 397–404.
ECIR-2006-GurrinJS #video- Supporting Relevance Feedback in Video Search (CG, DJ, AFS), pp. 561–564.
ECIR-2006-KeskustaloJP #interactive #modelling #quality #simulation- The Effects of Relevance Feedback Quality and Quantity in Interactive Relevance Feedback: A Simulation Based on User Modeling (HK, KJ, AP), pp. 191–204.
ECIR-2006-SchenkelT #keyword #retrieval #xml- Structural Feedback for Keyword-Based XML Retrieval (RS, MT), pp. 326–337.
ECIR-2006-YamoutOT #using- Relevance Feedback Using Weight Propagation (FY, MPO, JT), pp. 575–578.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChengW #image #multi #retrieval- Multi-View Sampling for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval (JC, KW), pp. 881–884.
ICPR-v3-2006-JainML #clustering- Bayesian Feedback in Data Clustering (AKJ, PKM, MHCL), pp. 374–378.
ICPR-v3-2006-QiuXT #clustering #kernel #performance #using- Efficient Relevance Feedback Using Semi-supervised Kernel-specified K-means Clustering (BQ, CX, QT), pp. 316–319.
KDD-2006-XinSMH #interactive- Discovering interesting patterns through user’s interactive feedback (DX, XS, QM, JH), pp. 773–778.
SIGIR-2006-HeP - Comparing two blind relevance feedback techniques (DH, YP), pp. 649–650.
SIGIR-2006-HuangM #clustering- Text clustering with extended user feedback (YH, TMM), pp. 413–420.
SIGIR-2006-JinFM #analysis #consistency #nondeterminism #performance- Quantative analysis of the impact of judging inconsistency on the performance of relevance feedback (XJ, JCF, JM), pp. 655–656.
SIGIR-2006-KellyF #elicitation- Elicitation of term relevance feedback: an investigation of term source and context (DK, XF), pp. 453–460.
SIGIR-2006-KumaranA #pseudo- Simple questions to improve pseudo-relevance feedback results (GK, JA), pp. 661–662.
SIGIR-2006-ParikhK #named #query #using- Unity: relevance feedback using user query logs (JP, SK), pp. 689–690.
SIGIR-2006-TaoZ #estimation #modelling #pseudo #robust- Regularized estimation of mixture models for robust pseudo-relevance feedback (TT, CZ), pp. 162–169.
SIGIR-2006-Tomlinson #metric #precise- Early precision measures: implications from the downside of blind feedback (ST), pp. 705–706.
SIGIR-2006-VassilvitskiiB #distance #using #web- Using web-graph distance for relevance feedback in web search (SV, EB), pp. 147–153.
SAC-2006-LiuHVY #performance #scalability- Efficient target search with relevance feedback for large CBIR systems (DL, KAH, KV, NY), pp. 1393–1397.
SAC-2006-PetrakisKVM #image #retrieval #web- Relevance feedback methods for logo and trademark image retrieval on the web (EGMP, KK, EV, EEM), pp. 1084–1088.
LCTES-2006-PlatenE #layout #optimisation- Feedback linking: optimizing object code layout for updates (CvP, JE), pp. 2–11.
PPoPP-2006-AgrawalHHL #adaptation #parallel #scheduling- Adaptive scheduling with parallelism feedback (KA, YH, WJH, CEL), pp. 100–109.
ICDAR-2005-MaD #adaptation- Adaptive OCR with Limited User Feedback (HM, DSD), pp. 814–818.
ITiCSE-2005-KrebsLOT #algorithm #assessment #flexibility #generative #student #visualisation- Student-built algorithm visualizations for assessment: flexible generation, feedback and grading (MK, TL, TO, ST), pp. 281–285.
MSR-2005-HayesDS #how #mining #re-engineering- Text mining for software engineering: how analyst feedback impacts final results (JHH, AD, SKS), pp. 56–60.
CHI-2005-ArroyoBS #named #persuasion- Waterbot: exploring feedback and persuasive techniques at the sink (EA, LB, TS), pp. 631–639.
ICEIS-v5-2005-Murano #effectiveness #user interface #why- Why Anthropomorphic User Interface Feedback can be Effective and Preferred by Users (PM), pp. 12–19.
CIKM-2005-KangHLM #modelling #statistics #using- Establishing value mappings using statistical models and user feedback (JK, TSH, DL, PM), pp. 68–75.
CIKM-2005-TerraW #documentation- Poison pills: harmful relevant documents in feedback (ELT, RW), pp. 319–320.
ECIR-2005-VinayCMW #algorithm- Evaluating Relevance Feedback Algorithms for Searching on Small Displays (VV, IJC, NMF, KRW), pp. 185–199.
ICML-2005-LalSHP #interface #online- A brain computer interface with online feedback based on magnetoencephalography (TNL, MS, NJH, HP, TH, JM, MB, WR, TH, NB, BS), pp. 465–472.
KDD-2005-RadlinskiJ #learning #query #rank- Query chains: learning to rank from implicit feedback (FR, TJ), pp. 239–248.
LSO-2005-ZuserG #using- Using Feedback for Supporting Software Team Improvement (WZ, TG), pp. 119–123.
MLDM-2005-KuhnertK #learning- Autonomous Vehicle Steering Based on Evaluative Feedback by Reinforcement Learning (KDK, MK), pp. 405–414.
SIGIR-2005-HoenkampD05a #query #visual notation- Live visual relevance feedback for query formulation (EH, GvD), pp. 611–612.
SIGIR-2005-JoachimsGPHG - Accurately interpreting clickthrough data as implicit feedback (TJ, LAG, BP, HH, GG), pp. 154–161.
SIGIR-2005-LinM #independence- Assessing the term independence assumption in blind relevance feedback (JJL, GCM), pp. 635–636.
SIGIR-2005-SharmaJ #automation #evaluation #performance- Automated evaluation of search engine performance via implicit user feedback (HS, BJJ), pp. 649–650.
SIGIR-2005-ShenTZ #information management #information retrieval #using- Context-sensitive information retrieval using implicit feedback (XS, BT, CZ), pp. 43–50.
SIGIR-2005-ShenZ #ad hoc #information retrieval- Active feedback in ad hoc information retrieval (XS, CZ), pp. 59–66.
SIGIR-2005-WhiteRJ #case study- A study of factors affecting the utility of implicit relevance feedback (RWW, IR, JMJ), pp. 35–42.
SIGIR-2005-ZhangCJ #image #interactive #retrieval- User term feedback in interactive text-based image retrieval (CZ, JYC, RJ), pp. 51–58.
LCTES-2005-ZhuM #scalability #scheduling- Feedback EDF scheduling exploiting hardware-assisted asynchronous dynamic voltage scaling (YZ, FM), pp. 203–212.
ITiCSE-2004-HeaneyD - Mass production of individual feedback (DH, CD), pp. 117–121.
ITiCSE-2004-Tanaka-IshiiKT #named #programming #verification- EMMA: a web-based report system for programming course--automated verification and enhanced feedback (KTI, KK, MT), p. 278.
CHI-2004-JackoBKMEES #multimodal #visual notation- Isolating the effects of visual impairment: exploring the effect of AMD on the utility of multimodal feedback (JAJ, LB, TK, KPM, PJE, VKE, FS), pp. 311–318.
ICEIS-v1-2004-LaiCC #incremental #topic- Applying Cross-Topic Relationships to Incremental Relevance Feedback (TCHL, SCfC, KFLC), pp. 356–363.
CIKM-2004-BotW #algorithm #documentation #using- Improving document representations using relevance feedback: the RFA algorithm (RSB, YfBW), pp. 270–278.
CIKM-2004-LynamBCC #analysis #documentation #multi- A multi-system analysis of document and term selection for blind feedback (TRL, CB, CLAC, GVC), pp. 261–269.
CIKM-2004-MaG #detection #information retrieval #using- Using relevance feedback to detect misuse for information retrieval systems (LM, NG), pp. 164–165.
ECIR-2004-CloughS #image #retrieval- Relevance Feedback for Cross Language Image Retrieval (PDC, MS), pp. 238–252.
ECIR-2004-WhiteJRR #modelling- A Simulated Study of Implicit Feedback Models (RWW, JMJ, CJvR, IR), pp. 311–326.
ICPR-v2-2004-GiacintoR #image #prototype #retrieval- Nearest-Prototype Relevance Feedback for Content Based Image Retrieval (GG, FR), pp. 989–992.
ICPR-v2-2004-TaoT #analysis #image #parametricity #retrieval- Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis in Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval (DT, XT), pp. 1013–1016.
ICPR-v3-2004-HoiL - Group-based Relevance Feedback with Support Vector Machine Ensembles (SCHH, MRL), pp. 874–877.
ICPR-v3-2004-LiSH #estimation #graph #image #retrieval- Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback Based on Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation (CYL, MCS, CTH), pp. 842–845.
ICPR-v4-2004-FrancoLM #approach- A New Approach for Relevance Feedback Through Positive and Negative Samples (AF, AL, DM), pp. 905–908.
SIGIR-2004-Bot #algorithm #documentation #representation- Improving document representation by accumulating relevance feedback (abstract only): the relevance feedback accumulation algorithm (RSB), p. 602.
SIGIR-2004-CloughS #pseudo- Measuring pseudo relevance feedback & CLIR (PDC, MS), pp. 484–485.
SIGIR-2004-FanLWXF #ranking #retrieval #robust- Tuning before feedback: combining ranking discovery and blind feedback for robust retrieval (WF, ML, LW, WX, EAF), pp. 138–145.
SIGIR-2004-GuL #comparison #documentation #information retrieval #using- Comparison of using passages and documents for blind relevance feedback in information retrieval (ZG, ML), pp. 482–483.
SIGIR-2004-KellyB #comprehension- Display time as implicit feedback: understanding task effects (DK, NJB), pp. 377–384.
SIGIR-2004-MontgomerySCE #analysis #documentation #empirical- Effect of varying number of documents in blind feedback: analysis of the 2003 NRRC RIA workshop “bf_numdocs” experiment suite (JM, LS, JC, DAE), pp. 476–477.
SIGIR-2004-TaoZ #pseudo- A two-stage mixture model for pseudo feedback (TT, CZ), pp. 486–487.
SIGIR-2004-WarrenL #information management #overview #reliability- A review of relevance feedback experiments at the 2003 reliable information access (RIA) workshop (RHW, TL), pp. 570–571.
SAC-2004-BrowneS #information retrieval #using #video- Video information retrieval using objects and ostensive relevance feedback (PB, AFS), pp. 1084–1090.
DAC-2004-KahngR #concept- Placement feedback: a concept and method for better min-cut placements (ABK, SR), pp. 357–362.
LCTES-2004-KastensLST - Feedback driven instruction-set extension (UK, DKL, AS, MT), pp. 126–135.
STOC-2004-AwerbuchK #adaptation #distributed #geometry #learning- Adaptive routing with end-to-end feedback: distributed learning and geometric approaches (BA, RDK), pp. 45–53.
ICDAR-2003-KiseYM #2d #documentation #image #pseudo #retrieval- Document Image Retrieval Based on 2D Density Distributions of Terms with Pseudo Relevance Feedback (KK, WY, KM), pp. 488–492.
SIGMOD-2003-KimC #adaptation #clustering #image #named #retrieval #using- Qcluster: Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval (DHK, CWC), pp. 599–610.
CHI-2003-JackoSSBEEKMZ #multimodal #performance #question #visual notation #what- Older adults and visual impairment: what do exposure times and accuracy tell us about performance gains associated with multimodal feedback? (JAJ, IUS, FS, LB, PJE, VKE, TK, KPM, BSZ), pp. 33–40.
CIKM-2003-NallapatiCA #modelling #query #statistics- Relevant query feedback in statistical language modeling (RN, WBC, JA), pp. 560–563.
ECIR-2003-HeeschR #image #question #retrieval #what- Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval: What Can Three Mouse Clicks Achieve? (DH, SMR), pp. 363–376.
MLDM-2003-GiacintoR #difference #image #representation #retrieval- Dissimilarity Representation of Images for Relevance Feedback in Content-Based Image Retrieval (GG, FR), pp. 202–214.
SIGIR-2003-Anick #refinement #using #web- Using terminological feedback for web search refinement: a log-based study (PGA), pp. 88–95.
SAC-2003-Ortega-BinderbergeCM #evaluation #multi #performance #retrieval- Efficient Evaluation of Relevance Feedback for Multidimensional All-pairs Retrieval (MOB, KC, SM), pp. 847–852.
DATE-2003-OhKWS #architecture #using- Test Pattern Compression Using Prelude Vectors in Fan-Out Scan Chain with Feedback Architecture (NO, RK, TWW, JS), pp. 10110–10115.
ECDL-2002-Ruthven #on the #using- On the Use of Explanations as Mediating Device for Relevance Feedback (IR), pp. 338–345.
ITiCSE-2002-Fone #multi #testing- Improving feedback from multiple choice tests (WF), p. 196.
CHI-2002-PierceP - Comparing voodoo dolls and HOMER: exploring the importance of feedback in virtual environments (JSP, RFP), pp. 105–112.
ECIR-2002-WhiteRJ #retrieval #using #web- The Use of Implicit Evidence for Relevance Feedback in Web Retrieval (RW, IR, JMJ), pp. 93–109.
ICPR-v1-2002-HarnsomburanaS #approach #database #hybrid #image #performance #retrieval- A Hybrid Tree Approach for Efficient Image Database Retrieval with Dynamic Feedback (JH, CRS), pp. 263–266.
ICPR-v2-2002-KherfiZB #image #learning #retrieval- Learning from Negative Example in Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval (MLK, DZ, AB), pp. 933–936.
ICPR-v4-2002-Heisterkamp #database #image #semantics- Building a Latent Semantic Index of an Image Database from Patterns of Relevance Feedback (DRH), pp. 134–137.
ICPR-v4-2002-KoB02a #image #multi #network #probability #retrieval- Probabilistic Neural Networks Supporting Multi-Class Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval (BK, HB), pp. 138–141.
KR-2002-Shanahan #logic- A Logical Account of Perception Incorporating Feedback and Expectation (MS), pp. 3–13.
LSO-2002-DingsoyrH #agile- Extending Agile Methods: Postmortem Reviews as Extended Feedback (TD, GKH), pp. 4–12.
SIGIR-2002-HoashiZI #implementation #music #retrieval- Implementation of relevance feedback for content-based music retrieval based on user prefences (KH, EZ, NI), pp. 385–386.
SIGIR-2002-WhiteJR #documentation #ranking #using #web- A system using implicit feedback and top ranking sentences to help users find relevant web documents (RW, JMJ, IR), p. 446.
DATE-2002-Hieu #analysis #design #linear #optimisation- Optimization Techniques for Design of General and Feedback Linear Analog Amplifier with Symbolic Analysis (TcH), p. 1104.
DATE-2002-LinLC #performance- An Efficient Test and Diagnosis Scheme for the Feedback Type of Analog Circuits with Minimal Added Circuits (JWL, CLL, JEC), p. 1119.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-DudaniMZ #constraints #embedded #energy #realtime #scheduling- Energy-conserving feedback EDF scheduling for embedded systems with real-time constraints (AD, FM, YZ), pp. 213–222.
ICDAR-2001-ZhuS #recognition- A Handwritten Character Recognition Method with ANN Feedback (XZ, YS), pp. 255–259.
ITiCSE-2001-Grissom - Reality check: an informal feedback tool (SG), p. 195.
CHI-2001-CorbettA #learning- Locus of feedback control in computer-based tutoring: impact on learning rate, achievement and attitudes (ATC, JRA), pp. 245–252.
ICEIS-v2-2001-BohnackerDFR #analysis #automation- Automatic Analysis of Customer Feedback and Inquiries (UB, LD, JF, IR), pp. 1162–1165.
CIKM-2001-ZhaiL #approach #information retrieval #modelling- Model-based Feedback in the Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 403–410.
ICML-2001-DruckerSG #using- Relevance Feedback using Support Vector Machines (HD, BS, DCG), pp. 122–129.
LSO-2001-LewerentzRS #development #metric- A Model for Analyzing Measurement Based Feedback Loops in Software Development Projects (CL, HR, FS), pp. 135–151.
MLDM-2001-BhanuD #clustering #concept #fuzzy #learning- Concepts Learning with Fuzzy Clustering and Relevance Feedback (BB, AD), pp. 102–116.
SIGIR-2001-KellyB #interactive- Reading Time, Scrolling and Interaction: Exploring Implicit Sources of User Preferences for Relevant Feedback (DK, NJB), pp. 408–409.
SIGIR-2001-Lam-AdesinaJ #summary- Applying Summarization Techniques for Term Selection in Relevance Feedback (AMLA, GJFJ), pp. 1–9.
SIGIR-2001-LosadaB #framework- An Homogeneous Framework to Model Relevance Feedback (DEL, AB), pp. 422–423.
SIGIR-2001-SakaiR #flexibility #optimisation #pseudo #using- Flexible Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Using Optimization Tables (TS, SER), pp. 396–397.
SIGIR-2001-WenZN #clustering #query #using #word- Query Clustering Using Content Words and User Feedback (JRW, HZ, JYN), pp. 442–443.
ASE-2001-BarberGH #architecture #automation #development #model checking- Providing Early Feedback in the Development Cycle Through Automated Application of Model Checking to Software Architectures (KSB, TJG, JH), pp. 341–345.
ICSE-2001-FeilerW #adaptation #incremental #scheduling- Adaptive Feedback Scheduling of Incremental and Design-to-Time Tasks (PHF, JJW), pp. 318–326.
- DL-2000-JonesRTG #library #mobile #tool support
- Live from the stacks: user feedback on mobile computers and wireless tools for library patrons (MLWJ, RR, PT, GG), pp. 95–102.
VLDB-2000-WuFSP #adaptation #named #retrieval- FALCON: Feedback Adaptive Loop for Content-Based Retrieval (LW, CF, KPS, TRP), pp. 297–306.
CHI-2000-ArsenaultW - Eye-hand co-ordination with force feedback (RA, CW), pp. 408–414.
ICPR-v1-2000-MullerMMPS #image #retrieval- Strategies for Positive and Negative Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval (HM, WM, SMM, TP, DS), pp. 5043–5042.
ICPR-v1-2000-WuTH #image #retrieval- Integrating Unlabeled Images for Image Retrieval Based on Relevance Feedback (YW, QT, TSH), pp. 1021–1024.
ICPR-v4-2000-AksoyHCG #approach #distance- A Weighted Distance Approach to Relevance Feedback (SA, RMH, FAC, MG), pp. 4812–4815.
ICPR-v4-2000-PatriceK #image #query #retrieval #similarity- Texture Similarity Queries and Relevance Feedback for Image Retrieval (BP, HK), pp. 4055–4058.
SIGIR-2000-Iwayama #clustering #documentation #incremental- Relevance reedback with a small number of relevance judgements: incremental relevance feedback vs. document clustering (MI), pp. 10–16.
VLDB-1999-TanGO #multi #online #query #thread- Online Feedback for Nested Aggregate Queries with Multi-Threading (KLT, CHG, BCO), pp. 18–29.
ITiCSE-1999-LowderH #learning #student- Web-based student feedback to improve learning (JL, DH), pp. 151–154.
HCI-EI-1999-Baumann #evaluation #matrix #usability- Matrix Evaluation Method for Planned Usability Improvements Based on Customer Feedback (KB), pp. 701–705.
HCI-EI-1999-PlachW #usability #user interface- Improving the Usability of User Interfaces by Supporting the Anticipation Feedback Loop (MP, DW), pp. 256–260.
HCI-EI-1999-Ramadhan99a - Improving the Engineering of Immediate Feedback for Model-Tracing Based Program Diagnosis (HAR), pp. 1283–1287.
HCI-EI-1999-Sokolov #biology #education- Computer Assisted Education with Cognitive and Biological Feedback Loops (ES), pp. 834–837.
HCI-EI-1999-SteffanKB #3d #design #interactive #multimodal- Design of Multimodal Feedback Mechanisms for Interactive 3D Object Manipulation (RS, TK, FB), pp. 461–465.
HCI-EI-1999-Thompson - Keyboard Tactile Feedback and its Effect on Keying Force Applied (DAT), pp. 157–161.
SIGIR-1999-AnickT - The Paraphrase Search Assistant: Terminological Feedback for Iterative Information Seeking (PGA, ST), pp. 153–159.
SIGIR-1999-KeoghP #retrieval- Relevance Feedback Retrieval of Time Series Data (EJK, MJP), pp. 183–190.
DAC-1999-VandecappelleMBCV #design #memory management #multi #using- Global Multimedia System Design Exploration Using Accurate Memory Organization Feedback (AV, MM, EB, FC, DV), pp. 327–332.
DATE-1999-VerhoevenS - Systematic Biasing of Negative Feedback Amplifiers (CJMV, AvS), pp. 318–322.
IWPC-1998-BinkleyDJW #compilation- The Feedback Compiler (DB, BD, BJ, AW), pp. 198–205.
ICPR-1998-QiTD #algorithm #classification #search-based- Fingerprint classification system with feedback mechanism based on genetic algorithm (YQ, JT, RD), pp. 163–165.
KDD-1998-KeoghP #classification #clustering #performance #representation- An Enhanced Representation of Time Series Which Allows Fast and Accurate Classification, Clustering and Relevance Feedback (EJK, MJP), pp. 239–243.
ECDL-1997-SmeatonC #library #query #web- Relevance Feedback and Query Expansion for Searching the Web: A Model for Searching a Digital Library (AFS, FC), pp. 99–112.
ITiCSE-1997-PriceP #education #empirical #evaluation #programming- Teaching programming through paperless assignments: an empirical evaluation of instructor feedback (BAP, MP), pp. 94–99.
CHI-1997-WilcoxABCC #debugging #programming #question #visual notation- Does Continuous Visual Feedback Aid Debugging in Direct-Manipulation Programming Systems? (EMW, JWA, MMB, JJC, CRC), pp. 258–265.
HCI-SEC-1997-FriedlanderSM - A Bullseye Menu With Sound Feedback (NF, KS, MMM), pp. 379–382.
HCI-SEC-1997-MurraySKK - Getting a Grip: Touch Feedback with Binary Stimulators (AMM, KBS, RLK, PKK), pp. 913–916.
CIKM-1997-LundquistGF - Improving Relevance Feedback in the Vector Space Model (CL, DAG, OF), pp. 16–23.
SIGIR-1997-FitzpatrickD #automation #query #question #social #using- Automatic Feedback Using Past Queries: Social Searching? (LF, MD), pp. 306–313.
PLDI-1997-DinizR #adaptation #effectiveness- Dynamic Feedback: An Effective Technique for Adaptive Computing (PCD, MCR), pp. 71–84.
ASE-1997-KrappW - Feedback Handling in Dynamic Task Nets (CAK, BW), pp. 301–302.
CHI-1996-Perez-QuinonesS #collaboration #human-computer #interactive- A Collaborative Model of Feedback in Human-Computer Interaction (MAPQ, JLS), pp. 316–323.
ICPR-1996-CoxMOY #image #named #retrieval- PicHunter: Bayesian relevance feedback for image retrieval (IJC, MLM, SMO, PNY), pp. 361–369.
SIGIR-1996-Allan #incremental #information management- Incremental Relevance Feedback for Information Filtering (JA), pp. 270–278.
CAiSE-1995-Laitinen #development- Natural Naming in Software Development: Feedback from Practitioners (KL), pp. 375–388.
SIGIR-1995-Allan - Relevance Feedback With Too Much Data (JA), pp. 337–343.
SIGIR-1995-BuckleyS #optimisation- Optimization of Relevance Feedback Weights (CB, GS), pp. 351–357.
OOPSLA-1995-AgesenH #comparison #object-oriented #optimisation #type inference- Type Feedback vs. Concrete Type Inference: A Comparison of Optimization Techniques for Object-Oriented Languages (OA, UH), pp. 91–107.
SAC-1995-BironK #information retrieval #performance- New methods for relevance feedback: improving information retrieval performance (PVB, DHK), pp. 482–487.
DAC-1995-Najm #correlation #estimation- Feedback, Correlation, and Delay Concerns in the Power Estimation of VLSI Circuits (FNN), pp. 612–617.
SIGMOD-1994-ChenR #adaptation #estimation #query #using- Adaptive Selectivity Estimation Using Query Feedback (CMC, NR), pp. 161–172.
SIGIR-1994-BuckleySA - The Effect of Adding Relevance Information in a Relevance Feedback Environment (CB, GS, JA), pp. 292–300.
SIGIR-1994-Spink #design #query- Term Relevance Feedback and Query Expansion: Relation to Design (AS), pp. 81–90.
PLDI-1994-HolzleU #optimisation #runtime- Optimizing Dynamically-Dispatched Calls with Run-Time Type Feedback (UH, DU), pp. 326–336.
ICDAR-1993-Yamada #network #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Feedback pattern recognition by inverse recall neural network model (KY), pp. 254–257.
VLDB-1993-ChenR93a #adaptation #database #query #using- Adaptive Database Buffer Allocation Using Query Feedback (CMC, NR), pp. 342–353.
CSM-1993-Abran #benchmark #industrial #maintenance #metric #quality- Maintenance Productivity and Quality Studies: Industry Feedback on Benchmarking (AA), p. 370.
HCI-ACS-1993-AielloS #monitoring #performance- Electronic Performance Monitoring and Stress: The Role of Feedback and Goal Setting (JRA, YS), pp. 1011–1016.
HCI-SHI-1993-Caldwell93a #social- Social Implications of Feedback and Delay Characteristics in Electronic Communications Usage (BSC), pp. 843–848.
HCI-SHI-1993-Watanabe #speech- Voice-Responsive Eye-Blinking Feedback for Improved Human-to-Machine Speech Input (TW), pp. 1091–1096.
SIGIR-1993-HainesC #network- Relevance Feedback and Inference Networks (DH, WBC), pp. 2–11.
ICSE-1993-BhandariR #comparative #evaluation- Post-Process Feedback With and Without Attribute Focusing: A Comparative Evaluation (ISB, NR), pp. 89–98.
SAC-1993-SyangS #simulation- Qualitative Simulation: A Feedback Control System (AS, YS), pp. 504–510.
KR-1992-Jang #hybrid #information management #representation- Knowledge Representation and Incorporation in a Hybrid System with Feedback (YJ), pp. 477–488.
SIGIR-1992-Aalbersberg #incremental- Incremental Relevance Feedback (IJA), pp. 11–22.
SIGIR-1992-Harman #revisited- Relevance Feedback Revisited (DH), pp. 1–10.
DAC-1992-JohnsonR #parallel- Parallel Waveform Relaxation of Circuits with Global Feedback Loops (TAJ, AER), pp. 12–15.
ICSE-1991-SelbyPSB #analysis #development #empirical #metric- Metric-Driven Analysis and Feedback Systems for Enabling Empirically Guided Software Development (RWS, AAP, DCS, JB), pp. 288–298.
CHI-1990-Hudson #adaptation #semantics- Adaptive semantic snaping — a technique for semantic feedback at the lexical level (SEH), pp. 65–70.
CSCW-1990-LosadaSN #collaboration #interactive #process #sequence- Collaborative Technology and Group Process Feedback: Their Impact on Interactive Sequences in Meetings (ML, PS, EEN), pp. 53–64.
SIGIR-1990-FuhrB #documentation #probability- Probabilistic Document Indexing from Relevance Feedback Data (NF, CB), pp. 45–61.
CAV-1990-Yodaiken #algebra #automaton- The Algebraic Feedback Product of Automata (VY), pp. 263–271.
DAC-1989-OdentCM #implementation #multi #scalability- Feedback Loops and Large Subcircuits in the Multiprocessor Implementation of a Relaxation Based Circuit Simulator (PO, LJMC, HDM), pp. 25–30.
SIGMOD-1987-StempleMS #design #on the #transaction- On the Modes and Meaning of Feedback to Transaction Designers (DWS, SM, TS), pp. 374–386.
HCI-SES-1987-McKendree - Feedback Content During Complex Skill Acquisition (JM), pp. 181–188.
HCI-SES-1987-SmithS #interface- Motor Feedback Control of Human Cognition: Implication for the Cognitive Interface (TJS, KUS), pp. 239–254.
SIGIR-1984-Kwok #probability #retrieval #similarity- A Document-Document Similarity Measure Based on Cited Titles and Probability Theory, and Its Application to Relevance Feedback Retrieval (KLK), pp. 221–231.
SIGIR-1982-Morrissey #implementation #retrieval #scalability- An Intelligent Terminal for Implementing Relevance Feedback on Large Operational Retrieval Systems (JMM), pp. 38–50.
SIGIR-1982-Radecki #retrieval- Incorporation of Relevance Feedback into Boolean Retrieval System (TR), pp. 133–150.
SIGIR-1978-Williams #documentation #performance #question #retrieval- Does Relevance Feedback Improve Document Retrieval Performance? (RLW), pp. 151–170.