178 papers:
DAC-2015-HeyseS- Avoiding transitional effects in dynamic circuit specialisation on FPGAs (KH, DS), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2015-0002KBDHKFG #coordination #program analysis #protocol #transaction- The Homeostasis Protocol: Avoiding Transaction Coordination Through Program Analysis (SR, LK, GB, BD, HH, CK, NF, JG), pp. 1311–1326.
TACAS-2015-JeanninGKGSZP #hybrid- A Formally Verified Hybrid System for the Next-Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (JBJ, KG, YK, RG, AS, EZ, AP), pp. 21–36.
CSCW-2015-Thebault-Spieker #crowdsourcing #mobile- Avoiding the South Side and the Suburbs: The Geography of Mobile Crowdsourcing Markets (JTS, LGT, BH), pp. 265–275.
ICEIS-v1-2015-RezendeJ #concurrent #process #using #workflow- Deadlock Avoidance in Interorganizational Business Processes using a Possibilistic WorkFlow Net (LPdR, SJ), pp. 429–439.
ICSE-v2-2015-DoligezFHM #development #functional #programming #security #validation #xml- Avoiding Security Pitfalls with Functional Programming: A Report on the Development of a Secure XML Validator (DD, CF, TH, MM), pp. 209–218.
SLE-2015-RitschelE #composition #program transformation- Modular capture avoidance for program transformations (NR, SE), pp. 59–70.
SPLC-2015-GreggSC #product line- The more you do, the more you save: the superlinear cost avoidance effect of systems product line engineering (SPG, RS, PC), pp. 303–310.
CASE-2014-AfaghaniA #concurrent #online- Advanced-collision-map-based on-line collision and deadlock avoidance between two robot manipulators with PTP commands (AYA, YA), pp. 1244–1251.
CASE-2014-KoHCAY- Guidance and obstacle avoidance of passive robot walking helper based on receding horizon control (CHK, YHH, YTC, SKA, KYY), pp. 1032–1037.
DAC-2014-WangSYHC #functional- Practical Functional and Washing Droplet Routing for Cross-Contamination Avoidance in Digital Microfluidic Biochips (QW, YS, HY, TYH, YC), p. 6.
DATE-2014-SilvaLCH #multi- Electromigration-aware and IR-Drop avoidance routing in analog multiport terminal structures (RMAeS, NCL, AC, NH), pp. 1–6.
VLDB-2015-BailisFFGHS14 #coordination #database- Coordination Avoidance in Database Systems (PB, AF, MJF, AG, JMH, IS), pp. 185–196.
TACAS-2014-EssenG #generative- Analyzing the Next Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (CvE, DG), pp. 620–635.
ECOOP-2014-ErdwegSD #program transformation- Capture-Avoiding and Hygienic Program Transformations (SE, TvdS, YD), pp. 489–514.
FSE-2014-SwansonCDGF #adaptation #configuration management #self- Beyond the rainbow: self-adaptive failure avoidance in configurable systems (JS, MBC, MBD, BJG, JF), pp. 377–388.
CASE-2013-YueH13a #assembly #concurrent #petri net #policy #polynomial #process- A polynomial deadlock avoidance policy for a class of assembly processes based on Petri nets (HY, HH), pp. 1151–1156.
DAC-2013-CongX #fault #programmable- Defect tolerance in nanodevice-based programmable interconnects: utilization beyond avoidance (JC, BX), p. 8.
DATE-2013-KumarK #3d- Crosstalk avoidance codes for 3D VLSI (RK, SPK), pp. 1673–1678.
VLDB-2013-AlexiouKL #adaptation- Adaptive Range Filters for Cold Data: Avoiding Trips to Siberia (KA, DK, PÅL), pp. 1714–1725.
VLDB-2014-LiDWLKC13 #detection- Attraction and Avoidance Detection from Movements (ZL, BD, FW, TKHL, RK, MC), pp. 157–168.
MSR-2013-GreilerZDS #evolution #smell- Strategies for avoiding text fixture smells during software evolution (MG, AZ, AvD, MADS), pp. 387–396.
DLT-2013-Blanchet-SadriW #bound #strict- Strict Bounds for Pattern Avoidance (FBS, BW), pp. 106–117.
DLT-2013-MercasS- 3-Abelian Cubes Are Avoidable on Binary Alphabets (RM, AS), pp. 374–383.
DLT-2013-MousaviS- Repetition Avoidance in Circular Factors (HM, JS), pp. 384–395.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SuzukiM #fault- Acceptable System Error of Collision Avoidance System Based on the Integrated Error of Driver and System (KS, MM), pp. 568–576.
SAC-2013-MendesW #navigation #realtime #using- Real time autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance using a semi-global stereo method (CCTM, DFW), pp. 235–236.
ASPLOS-2013-LuciaC #empirical #parallel #source code #thread- Cooperative empirical failure avoidance for multithreaded programs (BL, LC), pp. 39–50.
CASE-2012-BergagardF #concurrent #multi #sequence- Deadlock avoidance for multi product manufacturing systems modeled as sequences of operations (PB, MF), pp. 515–520.
DAC-2012-LeeLHCCLS #design- Obstacle-avoiding free-assignment routing for flip-chip designs (PWL, HCL, YKH, YWC, CFC, IJL, CFS), pp. 1088–1093.
DAC-2012-LiuCL #algorithm #multi #performance- An efficient algorithm for multi-layer obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree construction (CHL, ICC, DTL), pp. 613–622.
DAC-2012-ShachamGSWBVHDQR #design #game studies- Avoiding game over: bringing design to the next level (OS, SG, SS, MW, JB, AV, MH, AD, WQ, SR), pp. 623–629.
ITiCSE-2012-Rosenbloom #animation- Breadth first search (animation and obstacle avoidance) (AR), p. 375.
PEPM-2012-Katayama #functional #induction #programming #source code- An analytical inductive functional programming system that avoids unintended programs (SK), pp. 43–52.
DLT-2012-ManeaMN #permutation- The Avoidability of Cubes under Permutations (FM, MM, DN), pp. 416–427.
FM-2012-JohnsonGMDE #case study #hybrid #verification- Satellite Rendezvous and Conjunction Avoidance: Case Studies in Verification of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems (TTJ, JG, SM, RD, RSE), pp. 252–266.
HPCA-2012-JiangBMD #network- Network congestion avoidance through Speculative Reservation (NJ, DUB, GM, WJD), pp. 443–454.
PPoPP-2012-BallardDK #communication #reduction- Communication avoiding successive band reduction (GB, JD, NK), pp. 35–44.
PPoPP-2012-BuhlerALC #concurrent #performance #streaming- Efficient deadlock avoidance for streaming computation with filtering (JDB, KA, PL, RDC), pp. 235–246.
CASE-2011-MohajeraniMF #composition #nondeterminism #synthesis- Nondeterminism avoidance in compositional synthesis of discrete event systems (SM, RM, MF), pp. 19–24.
CASE-2011-NazeemR #classification #concurrent #design #policy #resource management- Designing maximally permissive deadlock avoidance policies for sequential resource allocation systems through classification theory (AN, SAR), pp. 405–412.
DATE-2011-YanC #multi- Obstacle-aware multiple-source rectilinear Steiner tree with electromigration and IR-drop avoidance (JTY, ZWC), pp. 449–454.
AFL-2011-Blanchet-Sadri #problem #word- Open Problems on Avoidable Patterns in Partial Words (FBS), pp. 12–24.
DLT-2011-Blanchet-SadriS #word- Avoiding Abelian Powers in Partial Words (FBS, SS), pp. 70–81.
DLT-2011-Zetzsche- A Sufficient Condition for Erasing Productions to Be Avoidable (GZ), pp. 452–463.
LATA-2011-Blanchet-SadriBZ #word- Unary Pattern Avoidance in Partial Words Dense with Holes (FBS, KB, AZ), pp. 155–166.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CharissisPMA #evaluation #interface #prototype- Evaluation of Collision Avoidance Prototype Head-Up Display Interface for Older Drivers (VC, SP, LMM, SA), pp. 367–375.
KDD-2011-KaufmanRP #data mining #detection #mining- Leakage in data mining: formulation, detection, and avoidance (SK, SR, CP), pp. 556–563.
ECOOP-2011-Taube-SchockWW #question- Can We Avoid High Coupling? (CTS, RJW, IHW), pp. 204–228.
RE-2011-PuhlF #how #requirements #towards- How to assign cost to “avoidable requirements creep”: A step towards the waterfall’s agilization (SP, RF), pp. 307–312.
ASE-2010-Holotescu #adaptation #black box #component- Error-avoiding adaptors for black-box software components (CH), pp. 487–492.
CASE-2010-ZengB #mobile #predict- Collision avoidance for nonholonomic mobile robots among unpredictable dynamic obstacles including humans (LZ, GMB), pp. 940–947.
DAC-2010-GoodenoughA #design- Post-silicon is too late avoiding the $50 million paperweight starts with validated designs (JG, RA), pp. 8–11.
DAC-2010-ZhaoC- Synchronization of washing operations with droplet routing for cross-contamination avoidance in digital microfluidic biochips (YZ, KC), pp. 635–640.
DATE-2010-ArtiagaC #metadata #using- Using filesystem virtualization to avoid metadata bottlenecks (EA, TC), pp. 562–567.
DATE-2010-GaoM #lazy evaluation- Enhancing double-patterning detailed routing with lazy coloring and within-path conflict avoidance (XG, LM), pp. 1279–1284.
PLDI-2010-XuR #detection- Detecting inefficiently-used containers to avoid bloat (G(X, AR), pp. 160–173.
DLT-2010-ChiniforooshanKX #pseudo- Pseudo-power Avoidance (EC, LK, ZX), pp. 432–433.
LATA-2010-Blanchet-SadriMSW #word- Avoidable Binary Patterns in Partial Words (FBS, RM, SS, EW), pp. 106–117.
SIGAda-2010-JemliR #compilation #problem #static analysis #using- A methodology for avoiding known compiler problems using static analysis (MJ, JPR), pp. 23–30.
ICPR-2010-GriptonL #kernel #semistructured data #using- Kernel Domain Description with Incomplete Data: Using Instance-Specific Margins to Avoid Imputation (AG, WL), pp. 2921–2924.
SAC-2010-BattistelliMMSS #documentation- Avoiding to dispense with accuracy: a method to make different DTDs documents comparable (MB, SM, LAM, PS, SS), pp. 862–866.
FSE-2010-Johnson10a #research- Avoiding the classic catastrophic computer science failure mode: 2010 acm sigsoft outstanding research award talk (REJ), pp. 5–6.
SPLC-2010-StrickerMP #testing- Avoiding Redundant Testing in Application Engineering (VS, AM, KP), pp. 226–240.
ISMM-2010-PetricekS- Collecting hollywood’s garbage: avoiding space-leaks in composite events (TP, DS), pp. 53–62.
CASE-2009-WangLNRKML #concurrent #parallel #source code #thread- Maximally permissive deadlock avoidance for multithreaded computer programs (Extended abstract) (YW, HL, AN, SAR, TK, SAM, SL), pp. 37–41.
DAC-2009-LiuYKC #algorithm- An O(n log n) path-based obstacle-avoiding algorithm for rectilinear Steiner tree construction (CHL, SYY, SYK, YHC), pp. 314–319.
DATE-2009-ZhaoC- Cross-contamination avoidance for droplet routing in digital microfluidic biochips (YZ, KC), pp. 1290–1295.
STOC-2009-BernsteinK- A nearly optimal oracle for avoiding failed vertices and edges (AB, DRK), pp. 101–110.
DLT-2009-BlakeleyBGR #complexity #on the #set #word- On the Complexity of Deciding Avoidability of Sets of Partial Words (BB, FBS, JG, NR), pp. 113–124.
FM-2009-PlatzerC #case study #verification- Formal Verification of Curved Flight Collision Avoidance Maneuvers: A Case Study (AP, EMC), pp. 547–562.
DHM-2009-LandryL #assurance- A Model of Integrated Operator-System Separation Assurance and Collision Avoidance (SJL, AVL), pp. 394–402.
HIMI-II-2009-DwyerL #assurance #concept #generative- Separation Assurance and Collision Avoidance Concepts for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (JPD, SJL), pp. 748–757.
KDD-2009-CrookFKL #web- Seven pitfalls to avoid when running controlled experiments on the web (TC, BF, RK, RL), pp. 1105–1114.
POPL-2009-WangLKKM #concurrent #formal method- The theory of deadlock avoidance via discrete control (YW, SL, TK, MK, SAM), pp. 252–263.
ICSE-2009-MenziesWBH #how #probability #process #using- How to avoid drastic software process change (using stochastic stability) (TM, SW, BWB, JH), pp. 540–550.
DAC-2008-DuanZK #design- Forbidden transition free crosstalk avoidance CODEC design (CD, CZ, SPK), pp. 986–991.
DATE-2008-HalakY #optimisation- Bandwidth-Centric Optimisation for Area-Constrained Links with Crosstalk Avoidance Methods (BH, AY), pp. 438–443.
CSEET-2008-RootRT08a #how- Proposal Based Studio Projects: How to Avoid Producing “Cookie Cutter” Software Engineers (DR, MRL, GT), pp. 145–151.
CSEET-2008-TaranRR #challenge #industrial- Continuing Challenges in Selecting Industry Projects for Academic Credit: Points to Consider and Pitfalls to Avoid (GT, DR, MRL), pp. 163–170.
DLT-J-2007-OchemRS08 #approximate- Avoiding Approximate Squares (PO, NR, JS), pp. 633–648.
KR-2008-Chetcuti-SperandioL #how #logic #strict- How to Choose Weightings to Avoid Collisions in a Restricted Penalty Logic (NCS, SL), pp. 340–347.
RecSys-2008-ZhangH #recommendation- Avoiding monotony: improving the diversity of recommendation lists (MZ, NH), pp. 123–130.
OSDI-2008-AnandSKPAAAB #file system- Avoiding File System Micromanagement with Range Writes (AA, SS, AK, FIP, AA, ACAD, RHAD, SB), pp. 161–176.
OSDI-2008-WangKKLM #concurrent #named #parallel #source code #thread- Gadara: Dynamic Deadlock Avoidance for Multithreaded Programs (YW, TK, MK, SL, SAM), pp. 281–294.
CASE-2007-ReveliotisR0 #algebra #concurrent #correctness #policy #programming #verification- Correctness Verification of Generalized Algebraic Deadlock Avoidance Policies through Mathematical Programming (SR, ER, JYC), pp. 200–206.
DATE-2007-PomeranzR #generative #on the #testing- On test generation by input cube avoidance (IP, SMR), pp. 522–527.
FASE-2007-SanchezSM #concurrent #distributed #product line #protocol- A Family of Distributed Deadlock Avoidance Protocols and Their Reachable State Spaces (CS, HBS, ZM), pp. 155–169.
DLT-2007-KriegerORS #approximate- Avoiding Approximate Squares (DK, PO, NR, JS), pp. 278–289.
SEKE-2007-PivetaHMPAGP #aspect-oriented #smell- Avoiding Bad Smells in Aspect-Oriented Software (EKP, MH, AMDM, MSP, JA, PG, RTP), p. 81–?.
CGO-2007-GrzegorczykSKW #feedback #using- Isla Vista Heap Sizing: Using Feedback to Avoid Paging (CG, SS, CK, RW), pp. 325–340.
SAT-2007-Gelder #satisfiability #verification- Verifying Propositional Unsatisfiability: Pitfalls to Avoid (AVG), pp. 328–333.
CASE-2006-XingTXH #complexity #concurrent #flexibility #policy #polynomial- Optimal Polynomial Complexity Deadlock Avoidance Policies for Manufacturing Systems with Flexible Routings (KX, FT, HX, BH), pp. 448–453.
DAC-2006-WangZ #bound- Optimal jumper insertion for antenna avoidance under ratio upper-bound (JW, HZ), pp. 761–766.
DATE-2006-FeyGD #verification- Avoiding false negatives in formal verification for protocol-driven blocks (GF, DG, RD), pp. 1225–1226.
PEPM-2006-SwadiTKP #approach #monad #staging- A monadic approach for avoiding code duplication when staging memoized functions (KNS, WT, OK, EP), pp. 160–169.
CSCW-2006-McNeeKK #recommendation #research- Don’t look stupid: avoiding pitfalls when recommending research papers (SMM, NK, JAK), pp. 171–180.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChenCPKA #capacity #mobile #realtime- A Moving Object Tracked by A Mobile Robot with Real-Time Obstacles Avoidance Capacity (CHC, CC, DLP, AK, MAA), pp. 1091–1094.
SAC-2006-HeatherS #analysis #infinity #protocol #security- To infinity and beyond or, avoiding the infinite in security protocol analysis (JH, SS), pp. 346–353.
HPDC-2006-ZhengYS #algorithm #grid #how #novel #probability #scheduling- How to avoid herd: a novel stochastic algorithm in grid scheduling (QZ, HY, YS), pp. 267–278.
LICS-2006-Kupferman- Avoiding Determinization (OK), pp. 243–254.
DAC-2005-SuC #algorithm- An exact jumper insertion algorithm for antenna effect avoidance/fixing (BYS, YWC), pp. 325–328.
DLT-J-2004-Rampersad05 #morphism #word- Words avoiding 7/3-powers and the thue-morse morphism (NR), pp. 755–766.
CIKM-2005-LiL05a #encoding #named #novel #xml- QED: a novel quaternary encoding to completely avoid re-labeling in XML updates (CL, TWL), pp. 501–508.
ICML-2005-MichelsSN #learning #using- High speed obstacle avoidance using monocular vision and reinforcement learning (JM, AS, AYN), pp. 593–600.
SAC-2005-JuurlinkSV #embedded- Avoiding data conversions in embedded media processors (BHHJ, AS, SV), pp. 901–902.
ICSE-2005-MichailX #debugging #user interface- Helping users avoid bugs in GUI applications (AM, TX), pp. 107–116.
TLCA-2005-UrbanC #prolog- Avoiding Equivariance in αProlog (CU, JC), pp. 401–416.
ASE-2004-PerssonY #automation #case study #experience #industrial #testing- Establishment of Automated Regression Testing at ABB: Industrial Experience Report on “Avoiding the Pitfalls” (CP, NY), pp. 112–121.
DAC-2004-JerkeLS #design #layout- Reliability-driven layout decompaction for electromigration failure avoidance in complex mixed-signal IC designs (GJ, JL, JS), pp. 181–184.
DATE-v1-2004-ChinN #scheduling #trade-off- SoC Test Scheduling with Power-Time Tradeoff and Hot Spot Avoidance (JC, MN), pp. 710–711.
DLT-2004-DAlessandroV #set- Avoidable Sets and Well Quasi-Orders (FD, SV), pp. 139–150.
DLT-2004-Rampersad #morphism #word- Words Avoiding 7/3-Powers and the Thue-Morse Morphism (NR), pp. 357–367.
CSCW-2004-TseHSG #clustering #dependence #how #people- Avoiding interference: how people use spatial separation and partitioning in SDG workspaces (ET, JH, SDS, SG), pp. 252–261.
SPLC-2004-Krueger04a #product line- Avoiding, Surviving, and Prevailing over Pitfalls in Product Line Engineering (CWK), p. 307.
DATE-2003-LomenaLWK #approach #explosion #performance #scheduling- An Efficient Hash Table Based Approach to Avoid State Space Explosion in History Driven Quasi-Static Scheduling (AGL, MLLV, YW, AK), pp. 10428–10435.
VLDB-2003-WangC #query- Avoiding Ordering and Grouping In Query Processing (XW, MC), pp. 826–837.
ICEIS-v3-2003-HellmanG #collaboration #ontology- Structural Conflict Avoidance in Collaborative Ontology Engineering (ZH, AG), pp. 67–76.
ICML-2003-JensenNH #bias #relational- Avoiding Bias when Aggregating Relational Data with Degree Disparity (DJ, JN, MH), pp. 274–281.
DATE-2002-BecerZBPH #analysis #using- Analysis of Noise Avoidance Techniques in DSM Interconnects Using a Complete Crosstalk Noise Model (MRB, VZ, DB, RP, INH), pp. 456–463.
DLT-2002-CurrieF #word- Circular Words Avoiding Patterns (JDC, DSF), pp. 319–325.
FME-2001-DerepasGP #distributed #explosion- Avoiding State Explosion for Distributed Systems with Timestamps (FD, PG, DP), pp. 119–134.
POPL-2001-FlanaganS #explosion #exponential #generative #verification- Avoiding exponential explosion: generating compact verification conditions (CF, JBS), pp. 193–205.
SAC-2001-CiSN #network #performance #using- Improving performance of MAC layer by using congestion control/avoidance methods in wireless network (SC, HS, GN), pp. 420–424.
HPDC-2001-JardineSC #concurrent- Livelock Avoidance for Meta-Schedulers (JJ, QS, MJC), pp. 141–146.
ITiCSE-2000-Klassner #development #question #web- Can Web development courses avoid obsolescence? (FK), pp. 77–80.
ICPR-v3-2000-SmolkaW #image #random- Edge Preserving Image Smoothing Based on Self Avoiding Random Walk (BS, KWW), pp. 3668–3671.
ICPR-v4-2000-StofflerBF #realtime #using- Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using an MPEG-Processor-Based Optic Flow Sensor (NOS, TB, GF), pp. 4161–4166.
HPDC-2000-WolskiGT #metric #network- Synchronizing Network Probes to Avoid Measurement Intrusiveness with the Network Weather Service (RW, BG, BT), pp. 147–154.
ASE-1999-MiliCXA #fault tolerance- Combining Fault Avoidance, Fault Removal and Fault Tolerance: An Integrated Model (AM, BC, TX, RBA), p. 137–?.
DLT-1999-LoftusSW #problem- New problems of pattern avoidance (JL, JS, MwW), pp. 185–199.
ESEC-FSE-1999-JaramilloGS #approach #comparison #debugging- Comparison Checking: An Approach to Avoid Debugging of Optimized Code (CJ, RG, MLS), pp. 268–284.
ICSE-1999-DeLine #flexibility- Avoiding Packaging Mismatch with Flexible Packaging (RD), pp. 97–106.
VLDB-1998-OzsuVU #algorithm #consistency- An Asynchronous Avoidance-Based Cache Consistency Algorithm for Client Caching DBMSs (MTÖ, KV, RCU), pp. 440–451.
ICFP-1998-Gustavsson #analysis #optimisation- A Type Based Sharing Analysis for Update Avoidance and Optimisation (JG), pp. 39–50.
AdaEurope-1998-SchumacherN #ada #how #inheritance- How to Avoid the Inheritance Anomaly in Ada (GS, WN), pp. 53–64.
AdaEurope-1997-GellerichP #alias #problem- : Parameter-Induced Aliasing and Related Problems can be Avoided (WG, EP), pp. 161–172.
CADE-1997-Egly #how- Some Pitfalls of LK-to-LJ Translations and How to Avoid Them (UE), pp. 116–130.
DAC-1996-ClarkeKZ #fault #model checking #word- Word Level Model Checking — Avoiding the Pentium FDIV Error (EMC, MK, XZ), pp. 645–648.
ITiCSE-1996-Miller #video- Mistakes to avoid in the introduction of compressed video (JEM), pp. 150–152.
ICPR-1996-CamusCHH #realtime #using- Real-time single-workstation obstacle avoidance using only wide-field flow divergence (TC, DC, MH, THH), pp. 323–330.
ICPR-1996-LiuHHC #image #visual notation- Image gradient evolution-a visual cue for collision avoidance (HL, THH, MH, RC), pp. 446–450.
ICPR-1996-MarchandRC #visual notation- Avoiding robot joint limits and kinematic singularities in visual servoing (ÉM, AR, FC), pp. 297–301.
PLDI-1995-MuellerW #branch #replication- Avoiding Conditional Branches by Code Replication (FM, DBW), pp. 56–66.
SAS-1995-JagannathanW #analysis #effectiveness #runtime- Effective Flow Analysis for Avoiding Run-Time Checks (SJ, AKW), pp. 207–224.
ICML-1995-Pomerleau #learning- Learning for Automotive Collision Avoidance and Autonomous Control (DP), p. 589.
CAV-1995-BernMS #memory management- Global rebuilding of OBDDs Avoiding Memory Requirement Maxima (JB, CM, AS), pp. 4–15.
AdaEurope-1994-Kettani #ada #how #realtime- How to Avoid and Control Proliferation of New Ada Real Time Extensions (NK), pp. 349–354.
LOPSTR-1994-SemeraroEMBP #case study #learning #logic #source code- Avoiding Non-Termination when Learning Logical Programs: A Case Study with FOIL and FOCL (GS, FE, DM, CB, MJP), pp. 183–198.
ASPLOS-1994-BershadLRC #scalability- Avoiding Conflict Misses Dynamically in Large Direct-Mapped Caches (BNB, DL, THR, JBC), pp. 158–170.
ICLP-1994-ProiettiP #logic- Completeness of Some Transformation Strategies for Avoiding Unnecessary Logical Variables (MP, AP), pp. 714–729.
ILPS-1994-Brisset #logic programming #polymorphism #programming language #type checking- Avoiding Dynamic Type Checking in a Polymorphic Logic Programming Language (PB), p. 674.
WSA-1993-Thiemann #pattern matching #testing- Avoiding Repeated Tests in Pattern Matching (PT), pp. 141–152.
AdaEurope-1993-Wild #inheritance- Avoiding Anomalies in Inheritance Schemes (FHWI), pp. 108–113.
PLILP-1993-Boye #functional #logic programming #source code- Avoiding Dynamic Delays in Functional Logic Programs (JB), pp. 12–27.
ICLP-1993-Debray #on the- On Copy Avoidance in Single Assignment Languages (SKD), pp. 393–407.
PODS-1992-Morishita #multi #source code- Avoiding Cartesian Products in Programs for Multiple Joins (SM), pp. 368–379.
SIGMOD-1992-MohanPL #flexibility #performance #transaction #version control- Efficient and Flexible Methods for Transient Versioning of Records to Avoid Locking by Read-Only Transactions (CM, HP, RAL), pp. 124–133.
VLDB-1992-MoenkebergW #adaptation #evaluation #performance #robust- Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive and Robust Load Control Method for the Avoidance of Data-Contention Thrashing (AM, GW), pp. 432–443.
PLDI-1992-MuellerW #replication- Avoiding Unconditional Jumps by Code Replication (FM, DBW), pp. 322–330.
ICALP-1992-Keranen- Abelian Squares are Avoidable on 4 Letters (VK), pp. 41–52.
AdaEurope-1992-LanderM #ada #detection #multi #problem #realtime- Detection and Avoidance of Elaboration-Time Problems for Multi-Unit Real-Time Ada Applications (LCL, SM), pp. 165–181.
CAV-1992-McMillan #explosion #problem #using #verification- Using Unfoldings to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in the Verification of Asynchronous Circuits (KLM), pp. 164–177.
HT-1991-ThuringHH #how #what- What’s Eliza Doing in the Chinese Room? Incoherent Hyperdocuments — and How to Avoid Them (MT, JMH, JH), pp. 161–177.
PEPM-1991-RufW #using- Using Types to Avoid Redundant Specialization (ER, DW), pp. 321–333.
ML-1991-MillanT #learning- Learning to Avoid Obstacles Through Reinforcement (JdRM, CT), pp. 298–302.
LOPSTR-1991-ProiettiP #automation #logic programming #source code- An Automatic Transfomation Strategy for Avoiding Unnecessary Variables in Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (MP, AP), pp. 126–128.
CAV-1991-FinkelP #composition #graph- Avoiding State Exposion by Composition of Minimal Covering Graphs (AF, LP), pp. 169–180.
ISLP-1991-BruynoogheSM #deduction #infinity #logic programming #source code- A General Criterion for Avoiding Infinite Unfolding During Partial Deduction of Logic Programs (MB, DDS, BM), pp. 117–131.
ISLP-1991-FosterW #analysis #reuse- Copy Avoidance through Compile-Time Analysis and Local Reuse (ITF, WHW), pp. 455–469.
CAV-1990-Clarke #explosion #logic #model checking #problem- Temporal Logic Model Checking: Two Techniques for Avoiding the State Explosion Problem (EMC), p. 1.
CAV-1990-ProbstL #explosion #partial order #problem #semantics #using- Using Partial-Order Semantics to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in Asynchronous Systems (DKP, HFL), pp. 146–155.
NACLP-1990-Spencer #proving- Avoiding Duplicate Proofs (BS), pp. 569–584.
DAC-1987-Koeppe #fault #layout- Optimal Layout to Avoid CMOS Stuck-Open Faults (SK), pp. 829–835.
DAC-1984-HamachiO- A switchbox router with obstacle avoidance (GTH, JKO), pp. 173–179.
SIGMOD-1977-Lomet #algorithm #concurrent #database- A Practical Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm for Data Base Systems (DBL), pp. 122–127.
VLDB-1977-GardarinL #algorithm #consistency #database #nondeterminism #scalability #scheduling- Scheduling Algorithms for Avoiding Inconsistency in Large Databases (GG, PL), pp. 501–506.
SOSP-1971-Fontao #algorithm #concurrent- A Concurrent Algorithm for Avoiding Deadlocks (ROF), pp. 72–79.