Surafel Lemma Abebe, Sonia Haiduc, Andrian Marcus, Paolo Tonella, Giuliano Antoniol
Analyzing the Evolution of the Source Code Vocabulary
CSMR, 2009.
@inproceedings{CSMR-2009-AbebeHMTA, author = "Surafel Lemma Abebe and Sonia Haiduc and Andrian Marcus and Paolo Tonella and Giuliano Antoniol", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering}", doi = "10.1109/CSMR.2009.61", editor = "Andreas Winter and Rudolf Ferenc and Jens Knodel", pages = "189--198", publisher = "{IEEE}", title = "{Analyzing the Evolution of the Source Code Vocabulary}", year = 2009, }