Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × China
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × India
1 × Japan
2 × Belgium
2 × Canada
2 × Ireland
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Italy
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Muthig M.Naab D.Rost M.Lindvall S.Duszynski G.Meier T.Forster M.Pinzger U.Haury D.Ganesan I.John T.Keuler D.Popescu G.Calderon-Meza R.Carbon C.Schitter D.Hein R.Kolb M.Becker J.Girard E.Bouwers J.Visser M.Becker D.Zeckzer T.Lehner K.Yoshimura M.Anastasopolous D.Pech F.Usero J.L.Arciniegas C.Riva
Talks about:
softwar (15) architectur (13) product (8) experi (7) line (7) evalu (6) practic (4) visual (4) framework (3) complianc (3)
♂ Person: Jens Knodel
DBLP: Knodel:Jens
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 27 papers:
- SANER-2015-KnodelNBV #risk management
- Software risk management in practice: Shed light on your software product (JK, MN, EB, JV), pp. 592–594.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-KnodelN #architecture #industrial
- Mitigating the Risk of software change in practice: Retrospective on more than 50 architecture evaluations in industry (JK, MN), pp. 2–17.
- WICSA-2014-KnodelN #architecture #evaluation #industrial
- Software Architecture Evaluation in Practice: Retrospective on More Than 50 Architecture Evaluations in Industry (JK, MN), pp. 115–124.
- CSMR-2013-ForsterKKB #component #dependence
- Recovering Component Dependencies Hidden by Frameworks-Experiences from Analyzing OSGi and Qt (TF, TK, JK, MCB), pp. 295–304.
- WICSA-ECSA-2012-KeulerKNR #architecture #framework #re-engineering #towards
- Architecture Engagement Purposes: Towards a Framework for Planning “Just Enough”-Architecting in Software Engineering (TK, JK, MN, DR), pp. 234–238.
- WCRE-2011-DuszynskiKB #multi #reuse #source code
- Analyzing the Source Code of Multiple Software Variants for Reuse Potential (SD, JK, MB), pp. 303–307.
- CSMR-2009-DuszynskiKL #architecture #evaluation #named #visualisation
- SAVE: Software Architecture Visualization and Evaluation (SD, JK, ML), pp. 323–324.
- SPLC-2009-PechKCSH #case study #development #experience #lessons learnt #variability
- Variability management in small development organizations: experiences and lessons learned from a case study (DP, JK, RC, CS, DH), pp. 285–294.
- CSMR-2008-KnodelMHM #architecture #case study #experience #industrial
- Architecture Compliance Checking — Experiences from Successful Technology Transfer to Industry (JK, DM, UH, GM), pp. 43–52.
- ICSM-2008-KnodelMR #architecture #empirical #feedback
- Constructive architecture compliance checking — an experiment on support by live feedback (JK, DM, DR), pp. 287–296.
- SPLC-2008-CarbonKMM #feedback #game studies #product line
- Providing Feedback from Application to Family Engineering — The Product Line Planning Game at the Testo AG (RC, JK, DM, GM), pp. 180–189.
- WCRE-2008-DuszynskiKNHS #comparison #visualisation
- Variant Comparison — A Technique for Visualizing Software Variants (SD, JK, MN, DH, CS), pp. 229–233.
- SPLC-2007-GanesanKKHM #case study #cost analysis #product line
- Comparing Costs and Benefits of Different Test Strategies for a Software Product Line: A Study from Testo AG (DG, JK, RK, UH, GM), pp. 74–83.
- WICSA-2007-KnodelP #architecture #comparison
- A Comparison of Static Architecture Compliance Checking Approaches (JK, DP), p. 12.
- CSMR-2006-KnodelMNL #architecture #evaluation
- Static Evaluation of Software Architectures (JK, DM, MN, ML), pp. 279–294.
- SOFTVIS-2006-KnodelMNZ #architecture #empirical #towards #visualisation
- Towards empirically validated software architecture visualization (JK, DM, MN, DZ), pp. 187–188.
- SPLC-2006-JohnKLM #product line
- A Practical Guide to Product Line Scoping (IJ, JK, TL, DM), pp. 3–12.
- SPLC-2006-KolbJKMHM #case study #development #embedded #experience #product line
- Experiences with Product Line Development of Embedded Systems at Testo AG (RK, IJ, JK, DM, UH, GM), pp. 172–181.
- WCRE-2006-GanesanMKY #aspect-oriented #case study #product line #source code
- Discovering Organizational Aspects from the Source Code History Log during the Product Line Planning Phase — A Case Study (DG, DM, JK, KY), pp. 211–220.
- WCRE-2006-KnodelMN #architecture #comprehension #empirical #visual notation #visualisation
- Understanding Software Architectures by Visualization — An Experiment with Graphical Elements (JK, DM, MN), pp. 39–50.
- CSMR-2005-KnodelFG #architecture #design #product line
- Comparing Design Alternatives from Field-Tested Systems to Support Product Line Architecture Design (JK, TF, JFG), pp. 344–353.
- WCRE-2005-KnodelJGPUAR #product line
- Asset Recovery and Their Incorporation into Product Lines (JK, IJ, DG, MP, FU, JLA, CR), pp. 120–129.
- WICSA-2005-KnodelLM #architecture #evaluation #summary
- Static Evaluation of Software Architectures — A Short Summary (JK, ML, DM), pp. 237–238.
- ATEM-2004-KnodelAFM05 #development #migration #modelling #performance
- An Efficient Migration to Model-driven Development (MDD) (JK, MA, TF, DM), pp. 17–27.
- ATEM-2003-KnodelC04 #delphi #fact extraction #metamodelling #source code
- A Meta-Model for Fact Extraction from Delphi Source Code (JK, GCM), pp. 19–28.
- WCRE-2003-KnodelP #fact extraction
- Improving Fact Extraction of Framework-Based Software Systems (JK, MP), pp. 186–195.
- ICSA-2018-NaabRK #architecture #case study #ecosystem #experience
- Architecting a Software-Based Ecosystem for the Automotive Aftermarket: An Experience Report (MN, DR, JK), pp. 57–64.