Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Greece
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.A.Servedio D.A.Spielman D.v.Melkebeek P.Harsha R.Meka J.C.Jackson I.Diakonikolas P.Raghavendra L.Tan
Talks about:
polynomi (3) sensit (2) time (2) subexponenti (1) nonisomorph (1) threshold (1) multivari (1) hierarchi (1) principl (1) learnabl (1)
Person: Adam Klivans
DBLP: Klivans:Adam
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- STOC-2010-DiakonikolasHKMRST #bound #polynomial
- Bounding the average sensitivity and noise sensitivity of polynomial threshold functions (ID, PH, AK, RM, PR, RAS, LYT), pp. 533–542.
- STOC-2010-HarshaKM
- An invariance principle for polytopes (PH, AK, RM), pp. 543–552.
- STOC-2002-JacksonKS
- Learnability beyond AC0 (JCJ, AK, RAS), pp. 776–784.
- STOC-2001-KlivansS #multi #performance #testing
- Randomness efficient identity testing of multivariate polynomials (AK, DAS), pp. 216–223.
- STOC-2001-KlivansS01a #learning
- Learning DNF in time 2Õ(n1/3) (AK, RAS), pp. 258–265.
- STOC-1999-KlivansM #graph #morphism #polynomial #proving
- Graph Nonisomorphism has Subexponential Size Proofs Unless the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy Collapses (AK, DvM), pp. 659–667.