Travelled to:
1 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Steurer V.Guruswami P.Tetali ∅ J.R.Lee P.Gopalan A.Louis S.Vempala R.Manokaran J.Naor R.Schwartz I.Diakonikolas P.Harsha A.Klivans R.Meka R.A.Servedio L.Tan
Talks about:
sensit (2) graph (2) bound (2) cut (2) semidefinit (1) isoperimetr (1) inapproxim (1) threshold (1) interleav (1) eigenvalu (1)
Person: Prasad Raghavendra
DBLP: Raghavendra:Prasad
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- STOC-2015-LeeRS #bound #programming
- Lower Bounds on the Size of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations (JRL, PR, DS), pp. 567–576.
- STOC-2012-LouisRTV
- Many sparse cuts via higher eigenvalues (AL, PR, PT, SV), pp. 1131–1140.
- STOC-2010-DiakonikolasHKMRST #bound #polynomial
- Bounding the average sensitivity and noise sensitivity of polynomial threshold functions (ID, PH, AK, RM, PR, RAS, LYT), pp. 533–542.
- STOC-2010-RaghavendraS #game studies #graph
- Graph expansion and the unique games conjecture (PR, DS), pp. 755–764.
- STOC-2010-RaghavendraST #approximate #graph #parametricity
- Approximations for the isoperimetric and spectral profile of graphs and related parameters (PR, DS, PT), pp. 631–640.
- STOC-2009-GopalanGR
- List decoding tensor products and interleaved codes (PG, VG, PR), pp. 13–22.
- STOC-2008-ManokaranNRS #metric #multi
- Sdp gaps and ugc hardness for multiway cut, 0-extension, and metric labeling (RM, JN, PR, RS), pp. 11–20.
- STOC-2008-Raghavendra #algorithm #csp #question
- Optimal algorithms and inapproximability results for every CSP? (PR), pp. 245–254.
- STOC-2007-GuruswamiR #integer
- A 3-query PCP over integers (VG, PR), pp. 198–206.