302 papers:
DAC-2015-CampbellLMC #debugging #detection #fault #hybrid #synthesis #using #validation- Hybrid quick error detection (H-QED): accelerator validation and debug using high-level synthesis principles (KAC, DL, SM, DC), p. 6.
DATE-2015-ArumugamSAPUBPY #algorithm #co-evolution #design #energy #memory management #novel #performance- Novel inexact memory aware algorithm co-design for energy efficient computation: algorithmic principles (GPA, PS, JA, KVP, EU, AB, P, SY), pp. 752–757.
SIGMOD-2015-MozafariGY #database #design #framework #named #robust- CliffGuard: A Principled Framework for Finding Robust Database Designs (BM, EZYG, DYY), pp. 1167–1182.
VLDB-2015-BhattacherjeeCH #dataset #trade-off #version control- Principles of Dataset Versioning: Exploring the Recreation/Storage Tradeoff (SB, AC, SH, AD, AGP), pp. 1346–1357.
ICALP-v2-2015-AisenbergBBCI #principle #proving- Short Proofs of the Kneser-Lovász Coloring Principle (JA, MLB, SB, AC, GI), pp. 44–55.
ICFP-2015-PloegC #exclamation- Practical principled FRP: forget the past, change the future, FRPNow! (AvdP, KC), pp. 302–314.
CHI-2015-SlegersRVD #elicitation #game studies #research #user interface #using- Using Game Principles in UX Research: A Board Game for Eliciting Future User Needs (KS, SR, JV, PD), pp. 1225–1228.
DUXU-DD-2015-CamposBFNC #experience #guidelines #heuristic #industrial #multimodal- Combining Principles of Experience, Traditional Heuristics and Industry Guidelines to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Artifacts (FC, RB, WF, EVN, WC), pp. 130–137.
DUXU-IXD-2015-Farkas #human-computer #user interface- Defining HCI/UX Principles for Urban Environment (PF), pp. 346–356.
ICEIS-v1-2015-CaballeroBP #assessment #process #towards- Towards Principled Data Science Assessment — The Personal Data Science Process (PdsP) (IC, LBE, MP), pp. 374–378.
ICML-2015-JohnsonG #named #optimisation #scalability- Blitz: A Principled Meta-Algorithm for Scaling Sparse Optimization (TJ, CG), pp. 1171–1179.
BX-2015-CheneyGMS #bidirectional #towards- Towards a Principle of Least Surprise for Bidirectional Transformations (JC, JG, JM, PS), pp. 66–80.
ASPLOS-2015-ZhaoS #automaton #on the fly #parallel- On-the-Fly Principled Speculation for FSM Parallelization (ZZ, XS), pp. 619–630.
TLCA-2015-EscardoX #consistency #nondeterminism- The Inconsistency of a Brouwerian Continuity Principle with the Curry-Howard Interpretation (MHE, CX), pp. 153–164.
CBSE-2014-Dustdar- Principles and methods for elastic computing (SD), pp. 1–2.
DAC-2014-WangA #constraints #data mining #mining- Data Mining In EDA — Basic Principles, Promises, and Constraints (LCW, MSA), p. 6.
PODS-2014-Kimelfeld #database #information management- Database principles in information extraction (BK), pp. 156–163.
VLDB-2014-ArenasDFKS #approach #graph- A Principled Approach to Bridging the Gap between Graph Data and their Schemas (MA, GID, AF, AK, KS), pp. 601–612.
CSEET-2014-Lethbridge #development #education #effectiveness #modelling #using- Teaching modeling using Umple: Principles for the development of an effective tool (TCL), pp. 23–28.
ITiCSE-2014-MI14a #principle #problem #using- Problem-solving using the extremality principle (JM, SI), pp. 87–92.
ITiCSE-2014-PorterTW #concept #development #flexibility #open source- Leveraging open source principles for flexible concept inventory development (LP, CT, KCW), pp. 243–248.
FM-2014-ArmstrongGS #algebra #concurrent #tool support #verification- Algebraic Principles for Rely-Guarantee Style Concurrency Verification Tools (AA, VBFG, GS), pp. 78–93.
IFM-2014-PatcasLM #embedded- A Separation Principle for Embedded System Interfacing (LMP, ML, TSEM), pp. 373–388.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-MarcusDW #design- User-Experience for Personal Sustainability Software: Applying Design Philosophy and Principles (AM, JD, LW), pp. 583–593.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-PetkovB #design- Hardwired Critical Action Panels for Emergency Preparedness: — Design Principles and CAP Design for Offshore Petroleum Platforms (BP, AOB), pp. 326–337.
ICEIS-v3-2014-AlvesVS #analysis #architecture- Architecture Principles Compliance Analysis (JA, AV, PS), pp. 328–334.
ICPR-2014-OtteSZ #algorithm #named #using- ANTSAC: A Generic RANSAC Variant Using Principles of Ant Colony Algorithms (SO, US, AZ), pp. 3558–3563.
KEOD-2014-BrucatoD #modelling #ontology #simulation- The Minimal Ontology Principle — Philosophical Foundations of OPM-based Modelling and Simulation (JB, DD), pp. 405–409.
KR-2014-DeneckerV #induction #principle #revisited #semantics- The Well-Founded Semantics Is the Principle of Inductive Definition, Revisited (MD, JV).
SIGIR-2014-TongWZ #corpus #taxonomy- Principled dictionary pruning for low-memory corpus compression (JT, AW, JZ), pp. 283–292.
ASPLOS-2014-ZhaoWS #finite #state machine- Challenging the “embarrassingly sequential”: parallelizing finite state machine-based computations through principled speculation (ZZ, BW, XS), pp. 543–558.
ICLP-J-2014-GelfondZ #logic programming #source code- Vicious Circle Principle and Logic Programs with Aggregates (MG, YZ), pp. 587–601.
LICS-CSL-2014-Das #on the- On the pigeonhole and related principles in deep inference and monotone systems (AD), p. 10.
DATE-2013-YakovlevVR #industrial #logic #roadmap #tool support- Advances in asynchronous logic: from principles to GALS & NoC, recent industry applications, and commercial CAD tools (AY, PV, MR), pp. 1715–1724.
TFPIE-2013-Caldwell #functional #induction- Structural Induction Principles for Functional Programmers (JC), pp. 16–26.
TFPIE-2013-Tobin-HochstadtH- From Principles to Practice with Class in the First Year (STH, DVH), pp. 1–15.
MSR-2013-RaemaekersNDV #locality #testing- Testing principles, current practices, and effects of change localization (SR, GFN, AvD, JV), pp. 257–266.
HCI-IMT-2013-DruryPKL #design #lessons learnt #visualisation- Decision Space Visualization: Lessons Learned and Design Principles (JLD, MSP, GLK, YL), pp. 658–667.
HCI-UC-2013-YangRV #industrial #interactive- Principled Ways of Finding, Analysing and Planning for Communicative Overhead in Interaction Technology for Fashion Industry (JY, SR, SV), pp. 484–491.
POPL-2013-Adams #parsing- Principled parsing for indentation-sensitive languages: revisiting landin’s offside rule (MDA), pp. 511–522.
POPL-2013-Goodman #probability #programming- The principles and practice of probabilistic programming (NDG), pp. 399–402.
POPL-2013-Krishnamurthi #programming language- From principles to programming languages (and back) (SK), pp. 233–234.
ICSE-2013-NelsonSDFK #named- Aluminum: principled scenario exploration through minimality (TN, SS, DJD, KF, SK), pp. 232–241.
ICSE-2013-SantosS #assessment #authentication #case study #education #re-engineering- Authentic assessment in software engineering education based on PBL principles: a case study in the telecom market (SCdS, FSFS), pp. 1055–1062.
ISMM-2013-WhiteSAJ- Control theory for principled heap sizing (DRW, JS, JMA, REJ), pp. 27–38.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-BegoliH #big data #design #effectiveness #information management- Design Principles for Effective Knowledge Discovery from Big Data (EB, JLH), pp. 215–218.
DLT-J-2011-ArrighiD12 #physics #quantum- The Physical Church-Turing Thesis and the Principles of Quantum Theory (PA, GD), pp. 1131–1146.
LATA-2012-Dowek #automaton #formal method #physics #quantum- Around the Physical Church-Turing Thesis: Cellular Automata, Formal Languages, and the Principles of Quantum Theory (GD), pp. 21–37.
ICFP-2012-Sheard #design #programming #reduction- Painless programming combining reduction and search: design principles for embedding decision procedures in high-level languages (TES), pp. 89–102.
CIKM-2012-LongGXK #approach #design #using- A simple approach to the design of site-level extractors using domain-centric principles (CL, XG, CX, SK), pp. 1517–1521.
ICPR-2012-RichtsfeldZV #implementation #segmentation- Implementation of Gestalt principles for object segmentation (AR, MZ, MV), pp. 1330–1333.
KDD-2012-RaederSDPP #design #predict #robust- Design principles of massive, robust prediction systems (TR, OS, BD, CP, FJP), pp. 1357–1365.
MLDM-2012-SapkotaBS #grammar inference #principle #using- Unsupervised Grammar Inference Using the Minimum Description Length Principle (US, BRB, APS), pp. 141–153.
Onward-2012-MeyerovichR #named #programming language- Socio-PLT: principles for programming language adoption (LAM, ASR), pp. 39–54.
CSEET-2011-ChenZL #education #testing- Teaching software testing methods based on diversity principles (ZC, JZ, BL), pp. 391–395.
LATA-2011-Marciniec- Tarski’s Principle, Categorial Grammars and Learnability (JM), pp. 378–389.
ICFP-2011-HinzeJ #category theory #fixpoint #proving- Proving the unique fixed-point principle correct: an adventure with category theory (RH, DWHJ), pp. 359–371.
ICFP-2011-PopescuG #recursion #syntax- Recursion principles for syntax with bindings and substitution (AP, ELG), pp. 346–358.
CHI-2011-McLoughlinC #assembly #design- Design interventions for open-air museums: applying and extending the principles of “assembly” (MM, LC), pp. 553–556.
DUXU-v1-2011-AuingerAKH #design #difference #question #web- Conformity with User Expectations on the Web: Are There Cultural Differences for Design Principles? (AA, AMA, HK, AH), pp. 3–12.
DUXU-v1-2011-MarcusDW #design- User-Experience for Personal Sustainability Software: Determining Design Philosophy and Principles (AM, JD, LW), pp. 172–177.
IDGD-2011-Shin #challenge #multi #towards- Toward the New Sullivan Principles in the Information Age: Conflicts and Challenges of Multinational Information Technology Companies in Asian Countries (BS), pp. 393–401.
CIKM-2011-WangC #information retrieval #modelling #probability #ranking #statistics- Statistical information retrieval modelling: from the probability ranking principle to recent advances in diversity, portfolio theory, and beyond (JW, KCT), pp. 2603–2604.
ECIR-2011-ZellhoferFSLR #information retrieval #principle #towards- Towards Quantum-Based DB+IR Processing Based on the Principle of Polyrepresentation (DZ, IF, IS, ML, KvR), pp. 729–732.
KDIR-2011-LiVM #graph #learning #relational #using #visual notation- Unsupervised Handwritten Graphical Symbol Learning — Using Minimum Description Length Principle on Relational Graph (JL, CVG, HM), pp. 172–178.
KDIR-2011-Schreiber #information management #web- Principles for Knowledge Engineering on the Web (GS), p. 11.
KEOD-2011-KotowskiHGHS #design #user interface #workflow- Leveraging user Knowledge — Design Principles for an Intuitive User Interface for Building Workflows (DK, GH, MGG, HH, DAS), pp. 176–182.
SEKE-2011-VilainM #agile #case study- Neglecting Agile Principles and Practices: A Case Study (PV, AJBM), pp. 596–601.
SIGIR-2011-AlonsoL #crowdsourcing #information retrieval- Crowdsourcing for information retrieval: principles, methods, and applications (OA, ML), pp. 1299–1300.
BX-2011-Glueck #programming language- Principles of Reversible Programming Languages (RG), p. 50.
ICSE-2011-WilliamsW #contract #re-engineering #research- The American law institute’s principles on software contracts and their ramifications for software engineering research (JBW, JHWJ), pp. 972–975.
SAT-2011-BennettS #principle #using- Model Counting Using the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (HB, SS), pp. 362–363.
DATE-2010-HatamiP #analysis #component #library #performance #representation #robust #using- Efficient representation, stratification, and compression of variational CSM library waveforms using Robust Principle Component Analysis (SH, MP), pp. 1285–1290.
DocEng-2010-BalinskyBS #documentation #on the- On helmholtz’s principle for documents processing (AAB, HB, SJS), pp. 283–286.
STOC-2010-HarshaKM- An invariance principle for polytopes (PH, AK, RM), pp. 543–552.
CAiSE-2010-JarkeLLMR #design #requirements- The Brave New World of Design Requirements: Four Key Principles (MJ, PL, KL, JM, WNR), pp. 470–482.
CAiSE-2010-LagunaMC #case study #modelling #on the #question #semantics- On the Semantics of the Extend Relationship in Use Case Models: Open-Closed Principle or Clairvoyance? (MAL, JMM, YC), pp. 409–423.
ECIR-2010-ZucconA #documentation #probability #quantum #rank #ranking #using- Using the Quantum Probability Ranking Principle to Rank Interdependent Documents (GZ, LA), pp. 357–369.
ICML-2010-ZiebartBD #interactive #modelling #principle- Modeling Interaction via the Principle of Maximum Causal Entropy (BDZ, JAB, AKD), pp. 1255–1262.
ICPR-2010-Panagiotakis #modelling #principle #segmentation- Simultaneous Segmentation and Modelling of Signals Based on an Equipartition Principle (CP), pp. 85–88.
KEOD-2010-Picca #multi- Building Multilingual Lexical Resources on Semiotic Principles (DP), pp. 412–415.
KR-2010-BaralHS #information management #reasoning #representation- Invited Presentations at the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (CB, IH, YS).
KR-2010-MouraLSN #information management #reasoning #representation #tutorial- Tutorial Presentations at the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (LMdM, CL, MMCS, BN).
SIGIR-2010-ZucconAR #question- Has portfolio theory got any principles? (GZ, LA, KvR), pp. 755–756.
SAC-2010-AlmeidaYA10a #principle #using- Filtering spams using the minimum description length principle (TAA, AY, JA), pp. 1854–1858.
SAC-2010-CaetanoST #composition #principle #process- A method for business process decomposition based on the separation of concerns principle (AC, ARS, JMT), pp. 79–85.
ICSE-2010-Wieringa #design- Design science methodology: principles and practice (RW), pp. 493–494.
LICS-2010-Herbelin #logic #markov #principle- An Intuitionistic Logic that Proves Markov’s Principle (HH), pp. 50–56.
DATE-2009-GoyalSC #novel #self- A novel self-healing methodology for RF Amplifier circuits based on oscillation principles (AG, MS, AC), pp. 1656–1661.
CSMR-2009-Rombach #design #maintenance #product line- Design for Maintenance — Use of Engineering Principles and Product Line Technology (HDR), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2009-Cockton #design #interactive- Getting there: six meta-principles and interaction design (GC), pp. 2223–2232.
HCD-2009-WatanabeYA #usability #web- Investigation of Web Usability Based on the Dialogue Principles (MW, SY, YA), pp. 825–832.
HCI-VAD-2009-Al-NanihAO #approach #health #human-computer #information management #modelling- New Health Information Systems (HIS) Quality-in-Use Model Based on the GQM Approach and HCI Principles (RAN, HAN, OO), pp. 429–438.
HCI-VAD-2009-Loreto #design #game studies #social #web- Games Design Principles for Improving Social Web Applications (IDL), pp. 287–295.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-Kumlander #framework #nondeterminism- Uncertainties Management Framework — Foundational Principles (DK), pp. 103–108.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-OussenaB #analysis #implementation #modelling #process #using- Layered Process Models — Analysis and Implementation (using MDA Principles) (SO, BSB), pp. 168–175.
KDD-2009-QiD #clustering #flexibility #framework- A principled and flexible framework for finding alternative clusterings (ZQ, ID), pp. 717–726.
KEOD-2009-VealeL #clique #ontology- Ontological Cliques — Analogy as an Organizing Principle in Ontology Construction (TV, GL), pp. 34–41.
OOPSLA-2009-Mullen #design #people- Writing code for other people: cognitive psychology and the fundamentals of good software design principles (TM), pp. 481–492.
GPCE-2009-Nikhil #design #hardware #using- Using GPCE principles for hardware systems and accelerators: (bridging the gap to HW design) (RSN), pp. 1–2.
SAC-2009-NetoBFF #case study #interface #multimodal #usability #web- Developing and evaluating web multimodal interfaces — a case study with usability principles (ATN, TJB, RPdMF, KF), pp. 116–120.
SPLC-2009-DordowskyH #product line- Adopting software product line principles to manage software variants in a complex avionics system (FD, WH), pp. 265–274.
ASPLOS-2009-CameronL #architecture #induction #parallel #principle- Architectural support for SWAR text processing with parallel bit streams: the inductive doubling principle (RDC, DL), pp. 337–348.
ASPLOS-2009-LenharthAK #operating system- Recovery domains: an organizing principle for recoverable operating systems (AL, VSA, STK), pp. 49–60.
WICSA-2008-CantoneK #design #documentation #empirical- Value-Based Design Decision Rationale Documentation: Principles and Empirical Feasibility Study (GC, PK), pp. 189–198.
DATE-2008-DasMJZMC #analysis #component #detection #implementation #network #performance- An Efficient FPGA Implementation of Principle Component Analysis based Network Intrusion Detection System (AD, SM, SJ, JZ, GM, ANC), pp. 1160–1165.
FoSSaCS-2008-HasuoJS #algebra #concurrent- The Microcosm Principle and Concurrency in Coalgebra (IH, BJ, AS), pp. 246–260.
ICSM-2008-WermelingerYL #architecture #case study #design #evolution- Design principles in architectural evolution: A case study (MW, YY, AL), pp. 396–405.
CHI-2008-PinelleW #design #evaluation #game studies #heuristic #usability #video- Heuristic evaluation for games: usability principles for video game design (DP, NW), pp. 1453–1462.
CHI-2008-RanjanBB #detection- Improving meeting capture by applying television production principles with audio and motion detection (AR, JPB, RB), pp. 227–236.
CSCW-2008-CampbellNF #design #game studies- Game design principles in everyday fitness applications (TC, BN, JF), pp. 249–252.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-DamaseviciusT #design #learning #re-engineering #user interface- Learning Object Reengineering Based on Principles for Usable User Interface Design (RD, LT), pp. 124–129.
ICPR-2008-HulkkonenH #detection #monitoring- A minimum description length principle based method for signal change detection in machine condition monitoring (JJH, JVH), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-AnalytiAD #composition #framework #semantics #web- A Principled Framework for Modular Web Rule Bases and Its Semantics (AA, GA, CVD), pp. 390–400.
SIGIR-2008-Wong #principle- Guilt by association as a search principle (LW), p. 2.
PPoPP-2008-RyooRBSKH #evaluation #gpu #optimisation #parallel #performance #thread #using- Optimization principles and application performance evaluation of a multithreaded GPU using CUDA (SR, CIR, SSB, SSS, DBK, WmWH), pp. 73–82.
STOC-2007-Indyk #nondeterminism- Uncertainty principles, extractors, and explicit embeddings of l2 into l1 (PI), pp. 615–620.
CHI-2007-Gerber #design- Improvisation principles and techniques for design (EG), pp. 1069–1072.
HCI-IDU-2007-AkatsuMH #design- Design Principles Based on Cognitive Aging (HA, HM, NH), pp. 3–10.
HCI-IDU-2007-TarbyERTLK #architecture #aspect-oriented #comparison #evaluation #interactive #programming #usability #using- Traces Using Aspect Oriented Programming and Interactive Agent-Based Architecture for Early Usability Evaluation: Basic Principles and Comparison (JCT, HE, JR, CDT, PL, CK), pp. 632–641.
HCI-MIE-2007-LepreuxHRTTK #composition #multimodal #towards #user interface- Towards Multimodal User Interfaces Composition Based on UsiXML and MBD Principles (SL, AH, JR, DT, JCT, CK), pp. 134–143.
SIGIR-2007-Stein #retrieval- Principles of hash-based text retrieval (BS), pp. 527–534.
SIGIR-2007-WuLW #probability #rank #ranking- Probability ranking principle via optimal expected rank (HCW, RWPL, KFW), pp. 713–714.
GPCE-2007-Veldhuizen #component #metalanguage- Parsimony principles for software components and metalanguages (TLV), pp. 115–122.
SAC-2007-Li #abstraction #parametricity #protocol #proving #verification- Mechanized proofs for the parameter abstraction and guard strengthening principle in parameterized verification of cache coherence protocols (YL), pp. 1534–1535.
ICSE-2007-Jones #analysis #case study #design #implementation #re-engineering- Bringing the Systems Analysis and Design Course into 21^st Century: A Case Study in Implementing Modern Software Engineering Principles (CGJ), pp. 744–747.
LICS-2007-BraunerHK #deduction- Principles of Superdeduction (PB, CH, CK), pp. 41–50.
VMCAI-2007-WachterW #principle- The Spotlight Principle (BW, BW), pp. 182–198.
QoSA-2006-Stafford #documentation- Documentation Principles and Practices That You Can Live with (JAS), pp. 3–4.
DATE-2006-RobellySCF #architecture #design #energy #performance #programmable #trade-off- Energy efficiency vs. programmability trade-off: architectures and design principles (PR, HS, KCC, GF), pp. 587–592.
DATE-2006-ViaudPG #modelling #parallel #performance #simulation- An efficient TLM/T modeling and simulation environment based on conservative parallel discrete event principles (EV, FP, AG), pp. 94–99.
DRR-2006-Vega-RiverosS #automation #comprehension #design #documentation #segmentation- Graphic design principles for automated document segmentation and understanding (JFVR, HJSV).
PODS-2006-HalevyFM- Principles of dataspace systems (AYH, MJF, DM), pp. 1–9.
CAiSE-2006-HaggmarkA #analysis #logic #principle #why- Why Software Engineers Do Not Keep to the Principle of Separating Business Logic from Display: A Method Rationale Analysis (MH, PJÅ), pp. 399–413.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-Patokorpi #learning- Constructivist Instructional Principles, Learner Psychology and Technological Enablers of Learning (EP), pp. 103–109.
CIKM-2006-BaiKCS #functional #image #information retrieval- IR principles for content-based indexing and retrieval of functional brain images (BB, PBK, NDC, DS), pp. 828–829.
ICPR-v1-2006-MiaoQS #composition #principle #using- Unsupervised Decomposition of Mixed Pixels Using the Maximum Entropy Principle (LM, HQ, HS), pp. 1067–1070.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZhangR #incremental #learning- A New Data Selection Principle for Semi-Supervised Incremental Learning (RZ, AIR), pp. 780–783.
ICPR-v4-2006-KropotovPVV #kernel #on the #principle #using- On Kernel Selection in Relevance Vector Machines Using Stability Principle (DK, NP, OV, DV), pp. 233–236.
KDD-2006-ManiyarN #algorithm #data mining #mining #using #visual notation #visualisation- Visual data mining using principled projection algorithms and information visualization techniques (DMM, ITN), pp. 643–648.
RE-2006-AxenathGKF #evaluation #synthesis- Systematic Requirements-Driven Evaluation and Synthesis of Alternative Principle Solutions for Advanced Mechatronic Systems (BA, HG, FK, UF), pp. 156–165.
LICS-2006-Kozen #induction #probability #process #proving- Coinductive Proof Principles for Stochastic Processes (DK), pp. 359–366.
CBSE-2005-LanHMWMZC #architecture #component #deployment #scalability- Architecture Based Deployment of Large-Scale Component Based Systems: The Tool and Principles (LL, GH, LM, MW, HM, LZ, YC), pp. 123–138.
SIGMOD-2005-BabcockC #approach #query #robust #towards- Towards a Robust Query Optimizer: A Principled and Practical Approach (BB, SC), pp. 119–130.
VLDB-2005-RonstromO #clustering- Recovery Principles in MySQL Cluster 5.1 (MR, JO), pp. 1108–1115.
ITiCSE-2005-RaoJMSAF #case study #design #education #implementation- Principles of curriculum design and revision: a case study in implementing computing curricula CC2001 (MRKKR, SJ, TM, MS, MA, KAF), pp. 256–260.
CIAA-J-2004-AllauzenMR05 #algorithm #design #library- The design principles and algorithms of a weighted grammar library (CA, MM, BR), pp. 403–421.
ICALP-2005-BradleyMS #principle #ranking- The Polyranking Principle (ARB, ZM, HBS), pp. 1349–1361.
ICFP-2005-HallgrenJLT #approach #haskell #operating system- A principled approach to operating system construction in Haskell (TH, MPJ, RL, APT), pp. 116–128.
ICEIS-v5-2005-TyynelaJIKM #3d #design #user interface- Design Principles for Desktop 3D User Interfaces — Case Movie Plaza (MT, TJ, MI, PK, OM), pp. 85–90.
ECIR-2005-DominichGHK #principle- “Beauty” of the World Wide Web-Cause, Goal, or Principle (SD, JG, MH, TK), pp. 67–80.
MLDM-2005-MottlKSM #data mining #kernel #mining #multi- Principles of Multi-kernel Data Mining (VM, OK, OS, IBM), pp. 52–61.
PADL-2005-Ramsey #compilation #declarative- Building the World from First Principles: Declarative Machine Descriptions and Compiler Construction (NR), pp. 1–4.
RE-2005-RegevW #requirements- Where do Goals Come from: the Underlying Principles of Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GR, AW), pp. 353–362.
ICSE-2005-SherrellS #education #process #question- Will earlier projects plus a disciplined process enforce SE principles throughout the CS curriculum? (LBS, SGS), pp. 619–620.
STOC-2004-AzarR #network- The zero-one principle for switching networks (YA, YR), pp. 64–71.
ICALP-2004-Toftdal #analysis #effectiveness #logic #theorem- A Calibration of Ineffective Theorems of Analysis in a Hierarchy of Semi-classical Logical Principles: (Extended Abstract) (MT), pp. 1188–1200.
EDOC-2004-PignatonVAB #component #using- Developing QoS-aware Component-Based Applications Using MDA Principles (RP, VAV, JIA, JB), pp. 172–183.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Feoktistov #difference #evolution- New Energetic Selection Principle in Differential Evolution (VF), pp. 29–35.
ICEIS-v4-2004-CostaCA04a #design #perspective #web- Principles for Creating Web Sites: A Design Perspective (CJC, PC, MA), pp. 484–488.
ICPR-v4-2004-HaritC #using #video- Video Shot Interpretation using Principles of Perceptual Prominence and Perceptual Grouping in Spatio-Temporal Domain (GH, SC), pp. 256–259.
OOPSLA-2004-BrachaU #design #named #object-oriented #programming language- Mirrors: design principles for meta-level facilities of object-oriented programming languages (GB, DU), pp. 331–344.
RE-2004-RegevW #approach #requirements- Defining Early IT System Requirements with Regulation Principles: The Lightswitch Approach (GR, AW), pp. 144–153.
SAC-2004-Bardram #design- Applications of context-aware computing in hospital work: examples and design principles (JB), pp. 1574–1579.
SAC-2004-SchaadM #bibliography #case study #process- Separation, review and supervision controls in the context of a credit application process: a case study of organisational control principles (AS, JDM), pp. 1380–1384.
HPDC-2004-FosterGG #grid- The Grid2003 Production Grid: Principles and Practice (ITF, JG, SG, NM, ENM, AR, DS, AV, JS, SY, DA, RB, WD, JS, DY, IL, SS, CS, YX, MAA, EB, JA, LATB, ME, IF, LG, GEG, AH, JK, NK, RP, VS, JW, YW, KB, LS, JH, MA, LG, JH, FL, SP, RQ, SCS, GF, Jv, KC, KK, DS, HP, SC, KRJ, DEK, JL, DO, IS, BT, MG, RM, JL, TM, DB, CD, DE, RG, MM, YS, JSV, MW, YZ, XZ, PA, RC, BK, CP, JLR, AZ, SM, CTJ, JEP, TLT, HS, BC, ED, LF, CK, GM, NO, KV, KD, PM, MS, DB, PC, AD, CK, EP, AR, SK, BM, BB, PS), pp. 236–245.
LICS-2004-AkamaBHK- An Arithmetical Hierarchy of the Law of Excluded Middle and Related Principles (YA, SB, SH, UK), pp. 192–201.
DAC-2003-SuAN #algebra #grid #multi #power management #reduction- Power grid reduction based on algebraic multigrid principles (HS, EA, SRN), pp. 109–112.
ICML-2003-WangSPZ #learning #modelling #principle- Learning Mixture Models with the Latent Maximum Entropy Principle (SW, DS, FP, YZ), pp. 784–791.
ICML-2003-WiewioraCE #learning- Principled Methods for Advising Reinforcement Learning Agents (EW, GWC, CE), pp. 792–799.
MLDM-2003-TanakaU #analysis #component #multi #principle #using- Discover Motifs in Multi-dimensional Time-Series Using the Principal Component Analysis and the MDL Principle (YT, KU), pp. 252–265.
CADE-2003-SchmidtH #axiom #first-order- A Principle for Incorporating Axioms into the First-Order Translation of Modal Formulae (RAS, UH), pp. 412–426.
HT-2002-YamamotoNA #authoring #design #development #hypermedia #interactive #principle- Spatial Hypertext for linear-information authoring: Interaction design and system development based on the ART Design principle (YY, KN, AA), pp. 35–44.
SIGMOD-2002-ShashaB #database- Database tuning: principles, experiments, and troubleshooting techniques (part II) (DS, PB), p. 637.
SIGMOD-2002-ShashaB02a #database- Database tuning: principles, experiments, and troubleshooting techniques (part I) (DS, PB), p. 637.
VLDB-2002-ShashaB #database- Database Tuning: Principles, Experiments, and Troubleshooting Techniques (DS, PB).
ICSM-2002-Curtis #maturity #principle- The Principle of Organizational Maturity and E-Type Dynamics (BC), p. 68.
ICSM-2002-Perry #evolution- Laws and Principles of Evolution (DEP), p. 70.
STOC-2002-Raz02a #bound #principle- Resolution lower bounds for the weak pigeonhole principle (RR), pp. 553–562.
ICALP-2002-DuchonFLS #random- Random Sampling from Boltzmann Principles (PD, PF, GL, GS), pp. 501–513.
ICALP-2002-Hitchcock #effectiveness- Correspondence Principles for Effective Dimensions (JMH), pp. 561–571.
CHI-2002-SuhWRG #bibliography #documentation #interface- Popout prism: adding perceptual principles to overview+detail document interfaces (BS, AW, RR, AG), pp. 251–258.
SIGIR-2002-Zha #clustering #summary #using- Generic summarization and keyphrase extraction using mutual reinforcement principle and sentence clustering (HZ), pp. 113–120.
PPDP-2002-PembeciNH #domain-specific language #functional #integration- Functional reactive robotics: an exercise in principled integration of domain-specific languages (IP, HN, GDH), pp. 168–179.
ICSE-2002-Hazra #enterprise- Building enterprise portals: principles to practice (TKH), pp. 623–633.
CSL-2002-KuceraS #logic #ltl- The Stuttering Principle Revisited: On the Expressiveness of Nested X and U Operators in the Logic LTL (AK, JS), pp. 276–291.
TestCom-2002-Jard #distributed #modelling #synthesis- Principles of Distributed Test Synthesis based on True-concurrency Models (CJ), pp. 301–316.
TestCom-2002-SeolKC #communication #generative #multi #principle #protocol #testing- Interoperability Test Generation for Communication Protocols based on Multiple Stimuli Principle (SS, MK, STC), pp. 151–168.
VLDB-2001-Gentili #architecture- Italian Electronic Identity Card — principle and architecture (MG), pp. 629–632.
PLDI-2001-MonnierSS- Principled Scavenging (SM, BS, ZS), pp. 81–91.
STOC-2001-PitassiR #bound #principle- Regular resolution lower bounds for the weak pigeonhole principle (TP, RR), pp. 347–355.
DLT-2001-Razborov #complexity #proving- Proof Complexity of Pigeonhole Principles (AAR), pp. 100–116.
ICALP-2001-AtseriasBE #bound- Lower Bounds for the Weak Pigeonhole Principle Beyond Resolution (AA, MLB, JLE), pp. 1005–1016.
POPL-2001-LeeJB #termination- The size-change principle for program termination (CSL, NDJ, AMBA), pp. 81–92.
RE-2001-PaigeO #principle- The Single Model Principle (RFP, JSO), pp. 292–293.
CSL-2001-KopylovN #markov #type system- Markov’s Principle for Propositional Type Theory (AK, AN), pp. 570–584.
CSL-2001-Martin #induction- A Principle of Induction (KM), pp. 458–468.
HT-2000-DouglasH- The pleasure principle: immersion, engagement, flow (YD, AH), pp. 153–160.
PLDI-2000-WanH #functional #programming- Functional reactive programming from first principles (ZW, PH), pp. 242–252.
STOC-2000-MacielPW #principle #proving- A new proof of the weak pigeonhole principle (AM, TP, ARW), pp. 368–377.
ICALP-2000-AtseriasGG #principle #proving- Monotone Proofs of the Pigeon Hole Principle (AA, NG, RG), pp. 151–162.
CAiSE-2000-JohannessonP #design #integration- Design Principles for Application Integration (PJ, EP), pp. 212–231.
ICML-2000-NomotoM #analysis #automation- Comparing the Minimum Description Length Principle and Boosting in the Automatic Analysis of Discourse (TN, YM), pp. 687–694.
GCSE-2000-KlaerenPRS #composition #contract #design #principle- Aspect Composition Applying the Design by Contract Principle (HK, EP, AR, AS), pp. 57–69.
ICSE-2000-FieldingT #architecture #design #web- Principled design of the modern Web architecture (RTF, RNT), pp. 407–416.
ICSE-2000-GurrT #design #diagrams #re-engineering #towards- Towards the principled design of software engineering diagrams (CAG, KT), pp. 509–518.
ICSE-2000-LittlewoodS00a #assessment #design #fault #fault tolerance #reliability #tutorial- Fault tolerance via diversity against design faults (tutorial session): design principles and reliability assessment (BL, LS), p. 835.
ESOP-1999-TrifonovS- Safe and Principled Language Interoperation (VT, ZS), pp. 128–146.
CHI-1999-Horvitz #user interface- Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces (EH), pp. 159–166.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Sutcliffe #design #human-computer #information retrieval- Developing HCI design principles for information retrieval applications (AGS), pp. 90–96.
HCI-EI-1999-Johnson #design #interactive #modelling- Tasks and Situations: Considerations for Models and Design Principles in Human Computer Interaction (PJ), pp. 1199–1204.
HCI-EI-1999-MaggioniR #case study #experience #novel #user interface- Virtual Touchscreen — a novel User Interface made of Light — Principles, metaphors and experiences (CM, HR), pp. 301–305.
HCI-EI-1999-ScharKK #concept #learning #multi #named- Multimedia: the Effect of Picture, Voice & Text for the Learning of Concepts and Principles (SGS, JK, HK), pp. 456–460.
SIGAda-1999-HulseEUV #architecture #maintenance- Reducing maintenance costs through the application of modern software architecture principles (CH, SE, MU, LV), pp. 101–110.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-RumpeBK #re-engineering #uml- Applied Software Engineering Principles for UML (BR, RB, IK), p. 410.
SAC-1999-LuR #functional #information management #knowledge base #named #principle- KAT: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Acquiring Functional Knowledge Based Upon the No-Causality-In-Functional Principle (CL, DJR), pp. 8–13.
ICSE-1999-WiledenK- Software Interoperability: Principles and Practice (JCW, AK), pp. 675–676.
CSL-1999-Beklemishev #bound #query- Open Least Element Principle and Bounded Query Computation (LDB), pp. 389–404.
IWTCS-1999-BenattouCPR #distributed #testing #tool support- Principles and Tools for Testing Open Distributed Systems (MB, LC, RP, OR), pp. 77–92.
PODS-1998-ChristodoulakisZ #database #design- Data Base Design Principles for Striping and Placement of Delay-Sensitive Data on Disks (SC, FZ), pp. 69–78.
ITiCSE-1998-Scoy #programming language #using- Using the BURKS 2 CD-ROM in a principles of programming languages course (FLVS), pp. 239–242.
ICPR-1998-KosmalaR98a #clustering #online #recognition #scalability #self #using- Tree-based state clustering using self-organizing principles for large vocabulary on-line handwriting recognition (AK, GR), pp. 1313–1315.
ICPR-1998-LiuD #algorithm #evaluation #performance #recognition- Performance evaluation of graphics recognition algorithms: principles and applications (WL, DD), pp. 1180–1182.
ICPR-1998-XiaoYM- Some general grouping principles: line perception from points as an example (JX, ZY, SM), pp. 1825–1827.
SIGMOD-1997-CareyMN #challenge #database #tutorial- Object-Relational Database Systems: Principles, Products, and Challenges (Tutorial) (MJC, NMM, AN), p. 502.
VLDB-1997-ChristodoulakisTZ #library- Principles of Optimally Placing Data in Tertiary Storage Libraries (SC, PT, FZ), pp. 236–245.
CSEET-1997-Pierce #education #re-engineering #using- Teaching software engineering principles using maintenance-based projects (KRP), pp. 53–60.
STOC-1997-RazborovWY #branch #calculus #proving #source code- Read-Once Branching Programs, Rectangular Proofs of the Pigeonhole Principle and the Transversal Calculus (AAR, AW, ACCY), pp. 739–748.
HCI-CC-1997-SchaabH #industrial- Application of Ergonomics Principles Within the Semiconductor Industry (JAS, MRH), pp. 707–710.
HCI-CC-1997-Stary #design #evaluation #user interface- The Role of Design and Evaluation Principles for User Interfaces for All (CS), pp. 477–480.
HCI-SEC-1997-FariasA #design #interactive- Design Principles for a Training Software Agent: Issues Concerning Agent-User Interaction (AF, TNA), pp. 181–184.
HCI-SEC-1997-Johannesson #distance #workflow- Action Workflow Loops in Distance Education-Design Principles for Integrating CAL and CMC (PJ), pp. 185–188.
HCI-SEC-1997-ZanottiRC- Human Factors Principles for Variable Message Signs Utilized in Intelligent Transportation Systems (AZ, MLR, GC), pp. 339–342.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Philips97a #java- Applying O-O Principles of Java (RP), p. 370.
POPL-1997-Sands #functional #proving- From SOS Rules to Proof Principles: An Operational Metatheory for Functional Languages (DS), pp. 428–441.
ICSE-1997-WiledenK #tutorial- Software Interoperability: Principles and Practice (Tutorial) (JCW, AK), pp. 631–632.
CSL-1997-BussP #principle- Resolution and the Weak Pigeonhole Principle (SRB, TP), pp. 149–156.
RWLW-1996-ClavelELM #maude- Principles of Maude (MC, SE, PL, JM), pp. 65–89.
CSCW-1996-Boettger #community- Metonymy as an Organising Principle of IT Communities (doctoral colloquium) (OB), p. 445.
CAiSE-1996-Beeche #database- Advanced Principles for Changing Schemas of Object Databases (PB), pp. 476–495.
ICML-1996-Suzuki #algorithm #learning #network #performance #using- Learning Bayesian Belief Networks Based on the Minimum Description Length Principle: An Efficient Algorithm Using the B & B Technique (JS), pp. 462–470.
ICPR-1996-AkhmetshinL #difference #fourier #image #principle #re-engineering- The reconstruction of signals and images from the noisy Fourier transform phase by means of the generalized difference principle (AMA, IL), pp. 370–375.
ICPR-1996-AugustSZ #principle- Fragment grouping via the principle of perceptual occlusion (JA, KS, SWZ), pp. 3–8.
ICPR-1996-KudoS #classification #using- Selection of classifiers based on the MDL principle using the VC dimension (MK, MS), pp. 886–890.
ICPR-1996-TanakaI #algorithm #modelling #principle #statistics- Statistical-mechanical algorithm in MRF model based on variational principle (KT, MI), pp. 381–388.
KR-1996-SmirnovV #contest #integer #performance #programming #representation- Efficiency Competition through Representation Changes: Pigeonhole Principle vs. Integer Programming Methods (YVS, MMV), pp. 124–134.
VLDB-1995-Korth #abstraction #concept #evolution #transaction- The Double Life of the Transaction Abstraction: Fundamental Principle and Evolving System Concept (HFK), pp. 2–6.
CSEE-1995-Card #education #metric- Teaching Practical Principles of Software Measurement (DNC), p. 443.
CSEE-1995-DickJ #education #industrial #learning- Industry Involvement in Undergraduate Curricula: Reinforcing Learning by Applying the Principles (GND, SFJ), pp. 51–63.
FPLE-1995-Keravnou #functional #programming- Introducing Computer Science Undergraduates to Principles of Programming Through a Functional Language (ETK), pp. 15–34.
CHI-1994-HoudeS94a #design #programming- In search of design principles for programming environments (SH, RS), pp. 424–430.
ICML-1994-Quinlan #category theory- The Minimum Description Length Principle and Categorical Theories (JRQ), pp. 233–241.
OOPSLA-1994-RobertsonCMRAK #design #learning #named #object-oriented #self- ODE: A Self-Guided, Scenario-Based Learning Environment for Object-Oriented Design Principles (SPR, JMC, RLM, MBR, SRA, JKB), pp. 51–64.
SAC-1994-WassermanS #locality #logic programming- The locality principle and completeness in logic programming (HCW, ZS), pp. 286–291.
ICDAR-1993-NakagawaKMS #design #interface- Principles of pen interface design for creative work (MN, NK, KM, TS), pp. 718–721.
SIGMOD-1993-Shan #architecture #design- Pegasus Architecture and Design Principles (MCS), pp. 422–425.
INTERCHI-1993-Tognazzini #design #interface- Principles, techniques, and ethics of stage magic and their application to human interface design (BT), pp. 355–362.
TRI-Ada-1993-SitaramanG #re-engineering #reuse- Software Reuse: A Context for Introducing Software Engineering Principles in a Traditional Computer Science Second Course (MS, JG), pp. 137–146.
SEKE-1993-BachateneCS #design #re-engineering #using- Using Software Engineering Principles to Design Intelligent Cooperative Systems (HB, MC, AEFS), pp. 309–313.
ICRE-1993-GornyVQD #prototype #user interface- Slow and Principled Prototyping of Usage Surfaces: A Mehtd For User Interface Engineering (PG, AV, LQ, UD), pp. 125–133.
CAV-1993-KurshanMOS #process- A Structural Linearization Principle for Processes (RPK, MM, AO, SRS), pp. 491–504.
IWPTS-1993-WittemanW #network #principle #testing #using- ATM Broadband Network Testing Using the Ferry Principle (MFW, RCvW), pp. 125–138.
DAC-1992-HillD #design #tutorial- FPGA Design Principles (A Tutorial) (DDH, ED), pp. 45–46.
VLDB-1992-Raz #multi #principle #using- The Principle of Commitment Ordering, or Guaranteeing Serializability in a Heterogeneous Environment of Multiple Autonomous Resource Mangers Using Atomic Commitment (YR), pp. 292–312.
VLDB-1992-SalzbergD #online #transaction- Principles of Transaction-Based On-Line Reorganization (BS, AD), pp. 511–520.
SEI-1992-Berztiss #re-engineering- Engineering Principles and Software Engineering (ATB), pp. 437–450.
STOC-1992-BeameIKPPW #bound #exponential #principle- Exponential Lower Bounds for the Pigeonhole Principle (PB, RI, JK, TP, PP, ARW), pp. 200–220.
CAiSE-1992-HainautCDM #architecture #automation #database #design #flexibility- Database CASE Tool Architecture: Principles for Flexible Design Strategies (JLH, MC, BD, OM), pp. 187–207.
KR-1992-PinkasL #consistency #nondeterminism #reasoning #taxonomy- Reasoning from Inconsistency: A Taxonomy of Principles for Resolving Conflict (GP, RPL), pp. 709–719.
SIGIR-1992-Hess #documentation #incremental #logic #retrieval- An Incrementally Extensible Document Retrieval System Based on Linguistic and Logical Principles (MH), pp. 190–197.
CADE-1992-VershininR #logic #nondeterminism- One More Logic with Uncertainty and Resolution Principle for it (KV, IR), pp. 663–667.
ICLP-1991-Haridi #logic programming #parallel #principle- Parallel Logic Programming based on the Andorra Principle (SH), p. 943.
ISLP-1991-Nakayama #principle #program transformation #proving- Program Transformation under the Principle of Proof as Program (HN), pp. 626–640.
POPL-1990-Russell #network #on the #principle- On Oraclizable Networks and Kahn’s Principle (JRR), pp. 320–328.
CADE-1990-Burckert #constraints- A Resolution Principle for Clauses with Constraints (HJB), pp. 178–192.
KR-1989-Ishida #framework #information management #representation- A Framework for Dynamic Representation of Knowledge: A Minimum Principle in Organizing Knowledge Representation (YI), pp. 170–179.
KR-1989-RussellW- Principles of Metareasoning (SJR, EW), pp. 400–411.
ICSE-1989-HumphreyK #modelling #process- Software Process Modeling: Principles of Entity Process Models (WSH, MIK), pp. 331–342.
ICSE-1988-YoungTTK #design- Design Principles behind Chiron: A UIMS for Software Environments (MY, RNT, DBT, CDK), pp. 367–376.
CADE-1988-ZhangKK #equation #induction #specification- A Mechanizable Induction Principle for Equational Specifications (HZ, DK, MSK), pp. 162–181.
ESEC-1987-DixHRT #design #interactive #modelling- Interaction Models and the Principled Design of Interactive Systems (AJD, MDH, CR, HWT), pp. 118–126.
DAC-1986-JerrayaVJC #compilation- Principles of the SYCO compiler (AAJ, PV, RJ, BC), pp. 715–721.
DAC-1986-OhnoMYOKI #design #scalability- Principles of design automatioon system for very large scale computer design (YO, MM, NY, TO, TK, KI), pp. 354–359.
SIGMOD-1986-FrassonE- Principles of an Icons-Based Command Language (CF, MEr), pp. 144–152.
SIGIR-1986-KantorL #information retrieval- The Maximum Entropy Principle in Information Retrieval (PBK, JJL), pp. 269–274.
POPL-1985-FutatsugiGJM- Principles of OBJ2 (KF, JAG, JPJ, JM), pp. 52–66.
ICSE-1985-ParnasW #design- Active Design Reviews: Principles and Practices (DLP, DMW), pp. 132–136.
ICSE-1985-Schaul #bibliography #design #education #re-engineering #using- Design Using Software Engineering Principles: Overview of an Educational Program (MS), pp. 201–209.
SOSP-1985-SatyanarayananHNSSW #design #distributed #file system- The ITC Distributed File System: Principles and Design (MS, JHH, DAN, RNS, AZS, MJW), pp. 35–50.
CADE-1984-Paul #principle- A New Interpretation of the Resolution Principle (EP), pp. 333–355.
CADE-1984-WosVSM- The Linked Inference Principle, II: The User’s Viewpoint (LW, RV, BS, WM), pp. 316–332.
DAC-1983-NattrassO #design- Some Computer Aided Engineering System design principles (HLN, GKO), pp. 571–577.
POPL-1983-BonarS #programming- Uncovering Principles of Novice Programming (JB, ES), pp. 10–13.
POPL-1980-DemersD80a #design #principle- “Type-Completeness” as a Language Design Principle (AJD, JED), pp. 234–244.
POPL-1979-GoodC #proving #source code- Principles of Proving Programs Correct in Gypsy (DIG, RMC, JKW), pp. 42–52.
VDM-1978-Bjorner78a #abstraction #operating system #pl-i #specification #tutorial- Software Abstraction Principles: Tutorial Examples of: An Operating System Command Language Specification, and a PL/I-like On-Condition Language Definition (DB), pp. 337–374.
ICSE-1978-BoiM #design #fault tolerance- Design and Principles of a Fault Tolerant System (LB, PM), pp. 207–214.
DAC-1976-Misra #algorithm #design #problem- A principle of algorithm design on limited problem domain (JM), pp. 479–483.
ICSE-1976-AlsbergD #distributed- A Principle for Resilient Sharing of Distributed Resources (PA, JDD), pp. 562–570.
VLDB-1975-DatheDH #database #design- Design Principles of a Data Base System for Unlimited Quantities of Data with Highly Complex Structures (GD, KHD, GH), pp. 546–548.
SOSP-1969-EarlB- Basic time-sharing: a system of computing principles (DBE, FLB), pp. 75–79.
SOSP-1969-Hellerman #principle #scheduling- Complementary replacement: a meta scheduling principle (HH), pp. 43–46.