Travelled to:
1 × Italy
Collaborated with:
T.Wrigstad S.Clebsch J.Franco S.Drossopoulou J.Vitek S.Brandauer E.Castegren D.Clarke K.Fernandez-Reyes E.B.Johnsen K.I.Pun S.L.T.Tarifa
Talks about:
parallel (2) languag (2) multicor (1) system (1) object (1) glimps (1) design (1) encor (1) actor (1) type (1)
Person: Albert Mingkun Yang
DBLP: Yang:Albert_Mingkun
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SFM-2015-BrandauerCCFJPT #parallel
- Parallel Objects for Multicores: A Glimpse at the Parallel Language Encore (SB, EC, DC, KFR, EBJ, KIP, SLTT, TW, AMY), pp. 1–56.
- OOPSLA-2017-ClebschFDYWV #co-evolution #design #garbage collection #named #type system
- Orca: GC and type system co-design for actor languages (SC, JF, SD, AMY, TW, JV), p. 28.