Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
L.Birkedal R.Clouston H.B.Grathwohl R.Krebbers M.Miculan Daniel Gratzer R.J.0002 J.Jourdan D.Dreyer A.A.0001 G.Barthe M.Gaboardi D.G.0001 B.Spitters A.Vezzosi
Talks about:
guard (5) logic (3) type (3) concurr (2) theori (2) recurs (2) reason (2) higher (2) separ (2) relat (2)
Person: Ales Bizjak
DBLP: Bizjak:Ales
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- FoSSaCS-2015-BizjakB #logic #probability
- Step-Indexed Logical Relations for Probability (AB, LB), pp. 279–294.
- FoSSaCS-2015-CloustonBGB #induction #programming #reasoning #recursion
- Programming and Reasoning with Guarded Recursion for Coinductive Types (RC, AB, HBG, LB), pp. 407–421.
- RTA-TLCA-2014-BizjakBM #nondeterminism #type system
- A Model of Countable Nondeterminism in Guarded Type Theory (AB, LB, MM), pp. 108–123.
- ESOP-2017-Krebbers0BJDB #concurrent #higher-order #logic
- The Essence of Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic (RK, RJ0, AB, JHJ, DD, LB), pp. 696–723.
- ESOP-2018-0001BBBG0 #markov #probability #reasoning #relational #λ-calculus
- Relational Reasoning for Markov Chains in a Probabilistic Guarded Lambda Calculus (AA0, GB, LB, AB, MG, DG0), pp. 214–241.
- CSL-2016-BirkedalBCGSV #recursion #similarity #type system
- Guarded Cubical Type Theory: Path Equality for Guarded Recursion (LB, AB, RC, HBG, BS, AV), p. 17.
- POPL-2019-BizjakGKB #concurrent #higher-order #logic #named
- Iron: managing obligations in higher-order concurrent separation logic (AB, DG, RK, LB), p. 30.