1414 papers:
- DATE-2015-DeAntoniDTCC #concurrent #domain-specific language #metalanguage #towards
- Towards a meta-language for the concurrency concern in DSLs (JD, PID, CT, JC, BC), pp. 313–316.
- SIGMOD-2015-0001MK #concurrent #database #in memory #multi #performance
- Fast Serializable Multi-Version Concurrency Control for Main-Memory Database Systems (TN, TM, AK), pp. 677–689.
- SIGMOD-2015-BailisFFGHS #concurrent #empirical
- Feral Concurrency Control: An Empirical Investigation of Modern Application Integrity (PB, AF, MJF, AG, JMH, IS), pp. 1327–1342.
- SIGMOD-2015-BernsteinDDP #concurrent #database #optimisation
- Optimizing Optimistic Concurrency Control for Tree-Structured, Log-Structured Databases (PAB, SD, BD, MP), pp. 1295–1309.
- VLDB-2015-FaleiroA #concurrent #multi
- Rethinking serializable multiversion concurrency control (JMF, DJA), pp. 1190–1201.
- VLDB-2015-LevandoskiLSS0 #concurrent #multi
- Multi-Version Range Concurrency Control in Deuteronomy (JJL, DBL, SS, RS, RW), pp. 2146–2157.
- VLDB-2015-PsaroudakisSMSA #adaptation #concurrent #in memory #scalability #towards
- Scaling Up Concurrent Main-Memory Column-Store Scans: Towards Adaptive NUMA-aware Data and Task Placement (IP, TS, NM, AS, AA), pp. 1442–1453.
- ESOP-2015-BattyMNPS #concurrent #problem #programming language #semantics
- The Problem of Programming Language Concurrency Semantics (MB, KM, KN, JPP, PS), pp. 283–307.
- ESOP-2015-RaadVG #concurrent #logic #named
- CoLoSL: Concurrent Local Subjective Logic (AR, JV, PG), pp. 710–735.
- ESOP-2015-SergeyNB #algorithm #concurrent #specification #verification
- Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Algorithms with Histories and Subjectivity (IS, AN, AB), pp. 333–358.
- TACAS-2015-BloemCJK #concurrent #source code #synthesis
- Assume-Guarantee Synthesis for Concurrent Reactive Programs with Partial Information (RB, KC, SJ, RK), pp. 517–532.
- TACAS-2015-TomascoI0TP15a #concurrent #memory management #source code #verification
- Verifying Concurrent Programs by Memory Unwinding (ET, OI, BF, SLT, GP), pp. 551–565.
- PEPM-2015-LeCT #concurrent #thread #verification
- Threads as Resource for Concurrency Verification (DKL, WNC, YMT), pp. 73–84.
- PEPM-2015-LiT #concurrent #slicing
- Safe Concurrency Introduction through Slicing (HL, SJT), pp. 103–113.
- PLDI-2015-Huang #concurrent #model checking #reduction #source code
- Stateless model checking concurrent programs with maximal causality reduction (JH), pp. 165–174.
- PLDI-2015-MachadoLR #concurrent #debugging #difference
- Concurrency debugging with differential schedule projections (NM, BL, LETR), pp. 586–595.
- PLDI-2015-SergeyNB #concurrent #fine-grained #source code #verification
- Mechanized verification of fine-grained concurrent programs (IS, AN, AB), pp. 77–87.
- PLDI-2015-ZivAGRS #concurrent
- Composing concurrency control (OZ, AA, GGG, GR, MS), pp. 240–249.
- CIAA-2015-Bollig #automaton #concurrent #logic #modelling
- Automata and Logics for Concurrent Systems: Five Models in Five Pages (BB), pp. 3–12.
- FM-2015-AlbertACGGMPR #analysis #concurrent #distributed #source code
- Resource Analysis: From Sequential to Concurrent and Distributed Programs (EA, PA, JC, SG, MGZ, EMM, GP, GRD), pp. 3–17.
- SEFM-2015-BlomHZ #behaviour #concurrent #functional #source code #verification
- History-Based Verification of Functional Behaviour of Concurrent Programs (SB, MH, MZS), pp. 84–98.
- GaM-2015-HeussnerPCM #concurrent #graph #object-oriented #towards #verification
- Towards Practical Graph-Based Verification for an Object-Oriented Concurrency Model (AH, CMP, CC, BM), pp. 32–47.
- MoDELS-2015-PrzigodaHWPD #behaviour #concurrent #modelling #ocl #uml
- Checking concurrent behavior in UML/OCL models (NP, CH, RW, JP, RD), pp. 176–185.
- ECOOP-2015-DongolDGS #architecture #concurrent #correctness #manycore
- Defining Correctness Conditions for Concurrent Objects in Multicore Architectures (BD, JD, LG, GS), pp. 470–494.
- OOPSLA-2015-UpadhyayaR #abstraction #concurrent #effectiveness #java #message passing #thread #virtual machine
- Effectively mapping linguistic abstractions for message-passing concurrency to threads on the Java virtual machine (GU, HR), pp. 840–859.
- PPDP-2015-CanoRLP #concurrent #declarative
- Declarative interpretations of session-based concurrency (MC, CR, HAL, JAP), pp. 67–78.
- PPDP-2015-HaarPRV #algebra #concurrent #logic
- An algebraic view of space/belief and extrusion/utterance for concurrency/epistemic logic (SH, SP, CR, FDV), pp. 161–172.
- PPDP-2015-StievenartNMR #abstract interpretation #concurrent #debugging #detection #higher-order #source code
- Detecting concurrency bugs in higher-order programs through abstract interpretation (QS, JN, WDM, CDR), pp. 232–243.
- POPL-2015-BouajjaniEEH #concurrent #refinement
- Tractable Refinement Checking for Concurrent Objects (AB, ME, CE, JH), pp. 651–662.
- POPL-2015-GuptaHRST #concurrent #representation #set
- Succinct Representation of Concurrent Trace Sets (AG, TAH, AR, RS, TT), pp. 433–444.
- POPL-2015-HeGWZ #automaton #composition #concurrent #probability #reasoning
- Leveraging Weighted Automata in Compositional Reasoning about Concurrent Probabilistic Systems (FH, XG, BYW, LZ), pp. 503–514.
- POPL-2015-JungSSSTBD #concurrent #invariant #monad #named #orthogonal #reasoning
- Iris: Monoids and Invariants as an Orthogonal Basis for Concurrent Reasoning (RJ, DS, FS, KS, AT, LB, DD), pp. 637–650.
- SAC-2015-Homm0G #concurrent #markov #modelling #statistics #testing
- Concurrent streams in Markov chain usage models for statistical testing of complex systems (DH, JE, RG), pp. 1803–1807.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-WestNM #concurrent #object-oriented #performance
- Efficient and reasonable object-oriented concurrency (SW, SN, BM), pp. 734–744.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-Yu #concurrent #named #source code #testing
- TACO: test suite augmentation for concurrent programs (TY), pp. 918–921.
- ICSE-v1-2015-HuangLR #analysis #concurrent #named #predict
- GPredict: Generic Predictive Concurrency Analysis (JH, QL, GR), pp. 847–857.
- ICSE-v1-2015-TerragniCZ #concurrent #effectiveness #named #source code #testing
- RECONTEST: Effective Regression Testing of Concurrent Programs (VT, SCC, CZ), pp. 246–256.
- ICSE-v1-2015-YuanWWLYHFLCG #concurrent #debugging #named #using
- ReCBuLC: Reproducing Concurrency Bugs Using Local Clocks (XY, CW, ZW, JL, PCY, JH, XF, YL, YC, YG), pp. 824–834.
- ICSE-v2-2015-ShinRM #concurrent #education #re-engineering
- Concurrent Software Engineering and Robotics Education (JS, AR, BM), pp. 370–379.
- SLE-2015-LatombeCCDP #concurrent #domain-specific language #execution #modelling #weaving
- Weaving concurrency in executable domain-specific modeling languages (FL, XC, BC, JD, MP), pp. 125–136.
- ASPLOS-2015-AlglaveBDGKPSW #behaviour #concurrent #gpu #programming
- GPU Concurrency: Weak Behaviours and Programming Assumptions (JA, MB, AFD, GG, JK, DP, TS, JW), pp. 577–591.
- ASPLOS-2015-DavidGT #concurrent #data type #scalability
- Asynchronized Concurrency: The Secret to Scaling Concurrent Search Data Structures (TD, RG, VT), pp. 631–644.
- CGO-2015-JiaoLHM #concurrent #energy #execution #kernel
- Improving GPGPU energy-efficiency through concurrent kernel execution and DVFS (QJ, ML, HPH, TM), pp. 1–11.
- CGO-2015-LuciaC #concurrent #source code
- Data provenance tracking for concurrent programs (BL, LC), pp. 146–156.
- CGO-2015-ShresthaGMMF #concurrent #locality
- Locality aware concurrent start for stencil applications (SS, GRG, JM, AM, JF), pp. 157–166.
- ISMM-2015-OsterlundL #concurrent #protocol #using
- Concurrent compaction using a field pinning protocol (EÖ, WL), pp. 56–69.
- PPoPP-2015-ArbelM #concurrent #scalability
- Predicate RCU: an RCU for scalable concurrent updates (MA, AM), pp. 21–30.
- PPoPP-2015-ChangG #algorithm #concurrent #parallel
- A parallel algorithm for global states enumeration in concurrent systems (YJC, VKG), pp. 140–149.
- PPoPP-2015-Gramoli #algorithm #concurrent #impact analysis
- More than you ever wanted to know about synchronization: synchrobench, measuring the impact of the synchronization on concurrent algorithms (VG), pp. 1–10.
- PPoPP-2015-RamachandranM #concurrent #named #performance #using
- CASTLE: fast concurrent internal binary search tree using edge-based locking (AR, NM), pp. 281–282.
- PPoPP-2015-ThomsonD #concurrent #lazy evaluation #partial order #reduction #testing
- The lazy happens-before relation: better partial-order reduction for systematic concurrency testing (PT, AFD), pp. 259–260.
- PPoPP-2015-WestNM #concurrent #object-oriented #performance
- Efficient and reasonable object-oriented concurrency (SW, SN, BM), pp. 273–274.
- SOSP-2015-MatveevSFM #concurrent #lightweight #named #programming
- Read-log-update: a lightweight synchronization mechanism for concurrent programming (AM, NS, PF, PM), pp. 168–183.
- SOSP-2015-XieSLAK0 #composition #concurrent
- High-performance ACID via modular concurrency control (CX, CS, CL, LA, MK, YW), pp. 279–294.
- CADE-2015-DinBH #concurrent #deduction #modelling #named #verification
- KeY-ABS: A Deductive Verification Tool for the Concurrent Modelling Language ABS (CCD, RB, RH), pp. 517–526.
- CAV-2015-HawblitzelPQT #automation #composition #concurrent #reasoning #refinement #source code
- Automated and Modular Refinement Reasoning for Concurrent Programs (CH, EP, SQ, ST), pp. 449–465.
- ICST-2015-FarzanHV #concurrent #execution #testing
- Perspectives on White-Box Testing: Coverage, Concurrency, and Concolic Execution (AF, AH, HV), pp. 1–11.
- ISSTA-2015-KhoshnoodKW #concurrent #constraints #debugging #named #theorem proving
- ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs (SK, MK, CW), pp. 165–176.
- ISSTA-2015-Narayanaswamy #concurrent #performance
- When truth is efficient: analysing concurrency (GN), pp. 141–152.
- TAP-2015-AthanasiouLS #concurrent #generative #testing #using
- Test Case Generation for Concurrent Systems Using Event Structures (KA, HPdL, SS), pp. 19–37.
- QoSA-2014-MzidMBA #concurrent #design pattern #modelling #named #realtime
- SRMP: a software pattern for deadlocks prevention inreal-time concurrency models (RM, CM, JPB, MA), pp. 139–144.
- ASE-2014-OsterlundL #component #concurrent #using
- Concurrent transformation components using contention context sensors (EÖ, WL), pp. 223–234.
- ASE-2014-WangWWYSYLFG #concurrent #debugging #locality #memory management #using
- Localization of concurrency bugs using shared memory access pairs (WW, ZW, CW, PCY, XS, XY, JL, XF, YG), pp. 611–622.
- DATE-2014-ChenWP #capacity #concurrent #distributed #framework
- Concurrent placement, capacity provisioning, and request flow control for a distributed cloud infrastructure (SC, YW, MP), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-JunsangsriLH #concurrent #detection #hybrid
- A hybrid non-volatile SRAM cell with concurrent SEU detection and correction (PJ, FL, JH), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-MurilloWCLA #automation #concurrent #constraints #debugging #detection
- Automatic detection of concurrency bugs through event ordering constraints (LGM, SW, JC, RL, GA), pp. 1–6.
- SIGMOD-2014-PsaroudakisAOA #concurrent #query
- Reactive and proactive sharing across concurrent analytical queries (IP, MA, MO, AA), pp. 889–892.
- VLDB-2014-SadoghiCBNR #concurrent #database #multi
- Reducing Database Locking Contention Through Multi-version Concurrency (MS, MC, BB, FN, KAR), pp. 1331–1342.
- VLDB-2014-WangZYMLD0 #concurrent #query
- Concurrent Analytical Query Processing with GPUs (KW, KZ, YY, SM, RL, XD, XZ), pp. 1011–1022.
- VLDB-2015-YuBPDS14 #concurrent #evaluation
- Staring into the Abyss: An Evaluation of Concurrency Control with One Thousand Cores (XY, GB, AP, SD, MS), pp. 209–220.
- ESOP-2014-AguadoMHF #concurrent #programming
- Grounding Synchronous Deterministic Concurrency in Sequential Programming (JA, MM, RvH, IF), pp. 229–248.
- ESOP-2014-NanevskiLSD #communication #concurrent #fine-grained
- Communicating State Transition Systems for Fine-Grained Concurrent Resources (AN, RLW, IS, GAD), pp. 290–310.
- ESOP-2014-SvendsenB #concurrent
- Impredicative Concurrent Abstract Predicates (KS, LB), pp. 149–168.
- FASE-2014-Zaharieva-StojanovskiH #concurrent #invariant #source code #verification
- Verifying Class Invariants in Concurrent Programs (MZS, MH), pp. 230–245.
- FoSSaCS-2014-EsparzaD #concurrent #on the
- On Negotiation as Concurrency Primitive II: Deterministic Cyclic Negotiations (JE, JD), pp. 258–273.
- TACAS-2014-AlbertAFGGMPR #concurrent #named
- SACO: Static Analyzer for Concurrent Objects (EA, PA, AFM, SG, MGZ, EMM, GP, GRD), pp. 562–567.
- TACAS-2014-Ardeshir-LarijaniGN #concurrent #equivalence #protocol #quantum #verification
- Verification of Concurrent Quantum Protocols by Equivalence Checking (EAL, SJG, RN), pp. 500–514.
- TACAS-2014-Lowe #algorithm #concurrent
- Concurrent Depth-First Search Algorithms (GL), pp. 202–216.
- WRLA-2014-AlrahmanABL #concurrent #maude #memory management #modelling #question #source code
- Can We Efficiently Check Concurrent Programs Under Relaxed Memory Models in Maude? (YAA, MA, AB, ALL), pp. 21–41.
- ICSME-2014-LiuQWM #concurrent #debugging #named #precise
- Pinso: Precise Isolation of Concurrency Bugs via Delta Triaging (BL, ZQ, BW, RM), pp. 201–210.
- ICSME-2014-TaoQ #analysis #concurrent #java #refactoring #source code
- Refactoring Java Concurrent Programs Based on Synchronization Requirement Analysis (BT, JQ), pp. 361–370.
- PLDI-2014-Hoare #concurrent #programming
- Laws of concurrent programming (CARH), p. 20.
- PLDI-2014-Misra #concurrent
- A personal perspective on concurrency (JM), p. 41.
- PLDI-2014-StorkNSMFMA #approach #named #programming language
- Æminium: a permission based concurrent-by-default programming language approach (SS, KN, JS, MM, AF, PM, JA), p. 4.
- STOC-2014-AlistarhCS #algorithm #concurrent #question
- Are lock-free concurrent algorithms practically wait-free? (DA, KCH, NS), pp. 714–723.
- FM-2014-ArmstrongGS #algebra #concurrent #tool support #verification
- Algebraic Principles for Rely-Guarantee Style Concurrency Verification Tools (AA, VBFG, GS), pp. 78–93.
- FM-2014-BlomH #concurrent #source code #verification
- The VerCors Tool for Verification of Concurrent Programs (SB, MH), pp. 127–131.
- FM-2014-LinH #composition #concurrent #learning #model checking #synthesis
- Compositional Synthesis of Concurrent Systems through Causal Model Checking and Learning (SWL, PAH), pp. 416–431.
- SFM-2014-AlbertAGR #concept #concurrent #execution #generative #symbolic computation #testing
- Test Case Generation by Symbolic Execution: Basic Concepts, a CLP-Based Instance, and Actor-Based Concurrency (EA, PA, MGZ, JMR), pp. 263–309.
- SFM-2014-AmighiBDHMZ #concurrent #verification
- Verification of Concurrent Systems with VerCors (AA, SB, SD, MH, WM, MZS), pp. 172–216.
- ICFP-2014-MarlowBCP #abstraction #concurrent #data access #performance
- There is no fork: an abstraction for efficient, concurrent, and concise data access (SM, LB, JC, JP), pp. 325–337.
- ICFP-2014-SchlesingerGW #concurrent #pipes and filters #policy
- Concurrent NetCore: from policies to pipelines (CS, MG, DW), pp. 11–24.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-PfisterHN #agile #concurrent #design #diagrams #framework #metamodelling #modelling #synthesis #towards #visual notation
- A Framework for Concurrent Design of Metamodels and Diagrams — Towards an Agile Method for the Synthesis of Domain Specific Graphical Modeling Languages (FP, MH, CN), pp. 298–306.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-SarmientoLRS #approach #automation #concurrent #generative #requirements #testing
- An Automated Approach of Test Case Generation for Concurrent Systems from Requirements Descriptions (ES, JCSdPL, NR, AvS), pp. 339–347.
- KR-2014-GutierrezHW #concurrent #reasoning
- Reasoning about Equilibria in Game-Like Concurrent Systems (JG, PH, MW).
- MLDM-2014-WangLK #concurrent #data mining #mining
- Applications of Concurrent Sequential Patterns in Protein Data Mining (CW, JL, MK), pp. 243–257.
- AMT-2014-ZhangBBEHKW #code generation #concurrent #java #state machine #towards
- Towards Verified Java Code Generation from Concurrent State Machines (DZ, DB, MvdB, LE, CH, RK, AW), pp. 64–69.
- ECOOP-2014-GramoliG #concurrent #data type #reuse
- Reusable Concurrent Data Types (VG, RG), pp. 182–206.
- ECOOP-2014-LeeKZ #concurrent #execution #multi
- Infrastructure-Free Logging and Replay of Concurrent Execution on Multiple Cores (KHL, DK, XZ), pp. 232–256.
- ECOOP-2014-MillerHO #concurrent #named #type system
- Spores: A Type-Based Foundation for Closures in the Age of Concurrency and Distribution (HM, PH, MO), pp. 308–333.
- POPL-2014-Birkedal #composition #concurrent #higher-order #imperative #reasoning #source code
- Modular reasoning about concurrent higher-order imperative programs (LB), pp. 1–2.
- FSE-2014-0010TZ #concurrent #debugging #named
- Grail: context-aware fixing of concurrency bugs (PL, OT, CZ), pp. 318–329.
- FSE-2014-EslamimehrP #concurrent #detection #named #scalability #source code
- Sherlock: scalable deadlock detection for concurrent programs (ME, JP), pp. 353–365.
- FSE-2014-LinRD #android #concurrent #refactoring
- Retrofitting concurrency for Android applications through refactoring (YL, CR, DD), pp. 341–352.
- FSE-2014-ZhangWLQRZ #concurrent #debugging #lightweight #named
- AI: a lightweight system for tolerating concurrency bugs (MZ, YW, SL, SQ, JR, WZ), pp. 330–340.
- ICSE-2014-BeschastnikhBEK #behaviour #concurrent #modelling
- Inferring models of concurrent systems from logs of their behavior with CSight (IB, YB, MDE, AK), pp. 468–479.
- ICSE-2014-JiangGXML #concurrent #java #named #source code
- CARE: cache guided deterministic replay for concurrent Java programs (YJ, TG, CX, XM, JL), pp. 457–467.
- HPCA-2014-LiuXGZC #concurrent #consistency #hardware #memory management #transaction #virtual machine
- Concurrent and consistent virtual machine introspection with hardware transactional memory (YL, YX, HG, BZ, HC), pp. 416–427.
- HPCA-2014-ZhangPXSX #architecture #memory management #named
- CREAM: A Concurrent-Refresh-Aware DRAM Memory architecture (TZ, MP, CX, GS, YX), pp. 368–379.
- HPDC-2014-XueYQHD #concurrent #graph #low cost #named #performance
- Seraph: an efficient, low-cost system for concurrent graph processing (JX, ZY, ZQ, SH, YD), pp. 227–238.
- ISMM-2014-BrandtKSB #concurrent #garbage collection #linear #parallel
- Concurrent, parallel garbage collection in linear time (SRB, HK, GS, CB), pp. 47–58.
- LCTES-2014-KimBL #concurrent #garbage collection #javascript #lightweight
- Lightweight and block-level concurrent sweeping for javascript garbage collection (HK, SB, JL), pp. 155–164.
- OSDI-2014-0001RB #concurrent #debugging #kernel #named
- SKI: Exposing Kernel Concurrency Bugs through Systematic Schedule Exploration (PF, RR, BBB), pp. 415–431.
- OSDI-2014-MuCZLL #concurrent #distributed #transaction
- Extracting More Concurrency from Distributed Transactions (SM, YC, YZ, WL, JL), pp. 479–494.
- PPoPP-2014-DrachslerVY #concurrent #logic
- Practical concurrent binary search trees via logical ordering (DD, MTV, EY), pp. 343–356.
- PPoPP-2014-EslamimehrP #concurrent #scheduling #source code
- Race directed scheduling of concurrent programs (ME, JP), pp. 301–314.
- PPoPP-2014-LeeKZ #concurrent #execution #multi
- Infrastructure-free logging and replay of concurrent execution on multiple cores (KHL, DK, XZ), pp. 371–372.
- PPoPP-2014-NatarajanM #concurrent #performance
- Fast concurrent lock-free binary search trees (AN, NM), pp. 317–328.
- PPoPP-2014-ThomsonDB #bound #concurrent #empirical #testing #using
- Concurrency testing using schedule bounding: an empirical study (PT, AFD, AB), pp. 15–28.
- PPoPP-2014-WangWYYWL0 #concurrent #debugging #locality #memory management #using
- Concurrency bug localization using shared memory access pairs (WW, CW, PCY, XY, ZW, JL, XF), pp. 375–376.
- CAV-2014-CernyHRRT #concurrent #synthesis
- Regression-Free Synthesis for Concurrency (PC, TAH, AR, LR, TT), pp. 568–584.
- CAV-2014-LesaniMP #automation #concurrent #data type #verification
- Automatic Atomicity Verification for Clients of Concurrent Data Structures (ML, TDM, JP), pp. 550–567.
- CAV-2014-SanchezS #concurrent #data type #named #verification
- LEAP: A Tool for the Parametrized Verification of Concurrent Datatypes (AS, CS), pp. 620–627.
- ICLP-J-2014-CruzRGP #concurrent #graph #linear #logic programming #programming language
- A Linear Logic Programming Language for Concurrent Programming over Graph Structures (FC, RR, SCG, FP), pp. 493–507.
- ICLP-J-2014-PimentelON #concurrent #constraints #programming #proving
- A Proof Theoretic Study of Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming (EP, CO, VN), pp. 649–663.
- ICST-2014-HongPK #concurrent #detection #fault #java #web
- Detecting Concurrency Errors in Client-Side Java Script Web Applications (SH, YP, MK), pp. 61–70.
- ICST-2014-WojciakT #case study #combinator #concurrent #maintenance #testing
- System Level Combinatorial Testing in Practice — The Concurrent Maintenance Case Study (PW, RTB), pp. 103–112.
- ISSTA-2014-PradelHG #concurrent #performance #testing
- Performance regression testing of concurrent classes (MP, MH, TRG), pp. 13–25.
- ISSTA-2014-ZhangW #concurrent #parallel #runtime #thread
- Runtime prevention of concurrency related type-state violations in multithreaded applications (LZ, CW), pp. 1–12.
- LICS-CSL-2014-CastellanCW #concurrent #game studies #symmetry
- Symmetry in concurrent games (SC, PC, GW), p. 10.
- LICS-CSL-2014-GutierrezW #concurrent #game studies
- Equilibria of concurrent games on event structures (JG, MW), p. 10.
- LICS-CSL-2014-LiangFS #composition #concurrent #refinement #source code #verification
- Compositional verification of termination-preserving refinement of concurrent programs (HL, XF, ZS), p. 10.
- RTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-Schauss #analysis #concurrent #programming language #semantics
- Concurrent Programming Languages and Methods for Semantic Analyses (Extended Abstract of Invited Talk) (MSS), pp. 21–30.
- VMCAI-2014-WangH #concurrent #reachability
- Precisely Deciding Control State Reachability in Concurrent Traces with Limited Observability (CW, KH), pp. 376–394.
- ECSA-2013-MorandiWNG #behaviour #concurrent #design pattern #development #object-oriented
- Concurrent Object-Oriented Development with Behavioral Design Patterns (BM, SW, SN, HG), pp. 25–32.
- ASE-2013-0002IP #c #concurrent #named #preprocessor #tool support #verification
- CSeq: A concurrency pre-processor for sequential C verification tools (BF, OI, GP), pp. 710–713.
- ASE-2013-KusanoW #c #c++ #concurrent #generative #named #parallel #thread
- CCmutator: A mutation generator for concurrency constructs in multithreaded C/C++ applications (MK, CW), pp. 722–725.
- ASE-2013-ZhangCW #concurrent #data type #named #runtime
- Round-up: Runtime checking quasi linearizability of concurrent data structures (LZ, AC, CW), pp. 4–14.
- CASE-2013-MashaeiL #automation #concurrent #design
- Concurrent design and control of automated material handling systems (MM, BL), pp. 292–299.
- DAC-2013-KauerNSLCH #architecture #composition #concurrent
- Modular system-level architecture for concurrent cell balancing (MK, SN, SS, ML, SC, LH), p. 10.
- DATE-2013-ElbayoumiHE #concurrent #diagrams #manycore #novel
- A novel concurrent cache-friendly binary decision diagram construction for multi-core platforms (ME, MSH, MYE), pp. 1427–1430.
- DATE-2013-FreitasRS #concurrent #consistency #memory management #on the fly #verification
- On-the-fly verification of memory consistency with concurrent relaxed scoreboards (LSF, EAR, LCVdS), pp. 631–636.
- DATE-2013-HanxledenMADFMMO #concurrent
- Sequentially constructive concurrency: a conservative extension of the synchronous model of computation (RvH, MM, JA, BD, IF, CM, SM, OO), pp. 581–586.
- DATE-2013-LagraaTP #concurrent #data access #data mining #identification #memory management #mining #simulation
- Data mining MPSoC simulation traces to identify concurrent memory access patterns (SL, AT, FP), pp. 755–760.
- DATE-2013-SarrazinENBG #concurrent #design #detection #fault #performance
- Scan design with shadow flip-flops for low performance overhead and concurrent delay fault detection (SS, SE, LAdBN, YB, VG), pp. 1077–1082.
- SIGMOD-2013-MozafariCJM #modelling #performance
- Performance and resource modeling in highly-concurrent OLTP workloads (BM, CC, AJ, SM), pp. 301–312.
- VLDB-2013-PsaroudakisAA #concurrent #query
- Sharing Data and Work Across Concurrent Analytical Queries (IP, MA, AA), pp. 637–648.
- VLDB-2013-WuCHN #concurrent #database #execution #predict #query #towards
- Towards Predicting Query Execution Time for Concurrent and Dynamic Database Workloads (WW, YC, HH, JFN), pp. 925–936.
- ESOP-2013-BouajjaniEEH #concurrent #source code #specification #verification
- Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications (AB, ME, CE, JH), pp. 290–309.
- ESOP-2013-GotsmanRY #algorithm #concurrent #memory management #verification
- Verifying Concurrent Memory Reclamation Algorithms with Grace (AG, NR, HY), pp. 249–269.
- ESOP-2013-KatoenP #concurrent #implementation #modelling #probability
- Taming Confusion for Modeling and Implementing Probabilistic Concurrent Systems (JPK, DP), pp. 411–430.
- ESOP-2013-LaneseLMSS #concurrent #flexibility
- Concurrent Flexible Reversibility (IL, ML, CAM, AS, JBS), pp. 370–390.
- ESOP-2013-SvendsenBP #composition #concurrent #data type #reasoning
- Modular Reasoning about Separation of Concurrent Data Structures (KS, LB, MJP), pp. 169–188.
- FoSSaCS-2013-MioS #composition #concurrent #probability #process #proving #verification
- A Proof System for Compositional Verification of Probabilistic Concurrent Processes (MM, AS), pp. 161–176.
- TACAS-2013-AbdullaHHJR #concurrent #data type #specification #verification
- An Integrated Specification and Verification Technique for Highly Concurrent Data Structures (PAA, FH, LH, BJ, AR), pp. 324–338.
- ICSM-2013-XinQHXZWG #concurrent #empirical #source code
- An Automation-Assisted Empirical Study on Lock Usage for Concurrent Programs (RX, ZQ, SH, CX, YZ, YW, HG), pp. 100–109.
- PASTE-2013-DingesCA #automation #concurrent #execution #set
- Automated inference of atomic sets for safe concurrent execution (PD, MC, GA), pp. 1–8.
- PLDI-2013-ElmasBNS #concurrent #debugging #domain-specific language #named
- CONCURRIT: a domain specific language for reproducing concurrency bugs (TE, JB, GCN, KS), pp. 153–164.
- PLDI-2013-Golan-GuetaRSY #concurrent #library
- Concurrent libraries with foresight (GGG, GR, MS, EY), pp. 263–274.
- PLDI-2013-HuangZD #concurrent #named
- CLAP: recording local executions to reproduce concurrency failures (JH, CZ, JD), pp. 141–152.
- SAS-2013-DOsualdoKO #automation #concurrent #verification
- Automatic Verification of Erlang-Style Concurrency (ED, JK, CHLO), pp. 454–476.
- SAS-2013-RaychevVY #automation #concurrent #synthesis
- Automatic Synthesis of Deterministic Concurrency (VR, MTV, EY), pp. 283–303.
- STOC-2013-Goyal #concurrent #simulation
- Non-black-box simulation in the fully concurrent setting (VG), pp. 221–230.
- LATA-2013-DengZDZ #concurrent #π-calculus
- The Buffered π-Calculus: A Model for Concurrent Languages (XD, YZ, YD, FZ), pp. 250–261.
- IFM-2013-GiachinoGLLW #analysis #concurrent #theory and practice
- Deadlock Analysis of Concurrent Objects: Theory and Practice (EG, CAG, CL, ML, PYHW), pp. 394–411.
- ICFP-2013-TuronDB #concurrent #higher-order #hoare #logic #reasoning #refinement
- Unifying refinement and hoare-style reasoning in a logic for higher-order concurrency (AT, DD, LB), pp. 377–390.
- GT-VMT-2013-Corradini #concurrent #semantics
- Invited Talk: On the Concurrent Semantics of Transformation Systems with Negative Application Conditions (AC).
- VISSOFT-2013-WallerWFDH #3d #concurrent #monitoring #named #visualisation
- Synchrovis: 3D visualization of monitoring traces in the city metaphor for analyzing concurrency (JW, CW, FF, PD, WH), pp. 1–4.
- ICML-c3-2013-SilverNBWM #concurrent #interactive #learning
- Concurrent Reinforcement Learning from Customer Interactions (DS, LN, DB, SW, JM), pp. 924–932.
- SEKE-2013-LiLJJ #communication #comprehension #concurrent #debugging #graph
- Locating and Understanding Concurrency Bugs Based on Edge-labeled Communication Graphs (S) (HL, ML, TJ, ZJ), pp. 525–530.
- SEKE-2013-QiHW #combinator #concurrent #source code #testing
- A Mixed-way Combinatorial Testing for Concurrent Programs (S) (XQ, JH, PW), pp. 699–702.
- AMT-2013-Gottmann0NBEEE #concurrent #correctness #graph grammar
- Correctness and Completeness of Generalised Concurrent Model Synchronisation Based on Triple Graph Grammars (SG, FH, NN, BB, CE, HE, TE), pp. 62–71.
- BX-2013-OrejasBE0S #concurrent #on the
- On Propagation-Based Concurrent Model Synchronization (FO, AB, HE, FH, HS), pp. 18–36.
- ECOOP-2013-GruberB #concurrent #manycore
- Ownership-Based Isolation for Concurrent Actors on Multi-core Machines (OG, FB), pp. 281–301.
- ECOOP-2013-SvendsenBP #case study #composition #concurrent #higher-order #library #named #specification
- Joins: A Case Study in Modular Specification of a Concurrent Reentrant Higher-Order Library (KS, LB, MJP), pp. 327–351.
- ECOOP-2013-TasharofiDJ #concurrent #developer #modelling #question #scala #why
- Why Do Scala Developers Mix the Actor Model with other Concurrency Models? (ST, PD, REJ), pp. 302–326.
- OOPSLA-2013-ClebschD #concurrent #garbage collection #manycore
- Fully concurrent garbage collection of actors on many-core machines (SC, SD), pp. 553–570.
- OOPSLA-2013-Deng0L #detection #performance
- Efficient concurrency-bug detection across inputs (DD, WZ, SL), pp. 785–802.
- OOPSLA-2013-NorrisD #c #c++ #concurrent #data type #named
- CDSchecker: checking concurrent data structures written with C/C++ atomics (BN, BD), pp. 131–150.
- OOPSLA-2013-VafeiadisN #concurrent #logic
- Relaxed separation logic: a program logic for C11 concurrency (VV, CN), pp. 867–884.
- PPDP-2013-PinoBV #concurrent #confluence #constraints #equivalence #performance #programming
- Efficient computation of program equivalence for confluent concurrent constraint programming (LFP, FB, FDV), pp. 263–274.
- QAPL-2013-McIverRS #algebra #concurrent #probability
- Probabilistic Concurrent Kleene Algebra (AM, TMR, GS), pp. 97–115.
- POPL-2013-BattyDG #abstraction #c #c++ #concurrent #library
- Library abstraction for C/C++ concurrency (MB, MD, AG), pp. 235–248.
- POPL-2013-Dinsdale-YoungBGPY #composition #concurrent #named #reasoning #source code
- Views: compositional reasoning for concurrent programs (TDY, LB, PG, MJP, HY), pp. 287–300.
- POPL-2013-HenzingerKPSS #concurrent #data type
- Quantitative relaxation of concurrent data structures (TAH, CMK, HP, AS, AS), pp. 317–328.
- POPL-2013-Ley-WildN #concurrent
- Subjective auxiliary state for coarse-grained concurrency (RLW, AN), pp. 561–574.
- POPL-2013-TuronTABD #concurrent #fine-grained #logic
- Logical relations for fine-grained concurrency (AJT, JT, AA, LB, DD), pp. 343–356.
- SAC-2013-LourencoSM #concurrent
- Concurrent typed intermediate language (LML, JCS, FM), pp. 1587–1588.
- SAC-2013-OyamadaKK #concurrent #query
- Continuous query processing with concurrency control: reading updatable resources consistently (MO, HK, HK), pp. 788–794.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-AlbertAGW #concurrent #generative #named #testing
- aPET: a test case generation tool for concurrent objects (EA, PA, MGZ, PYHW), pp. 595–598.
- ICSE-2013-Park #comprehension #concurrent #fault #source code
- Fault comprehension for concurrent programs (SP), pp. 1444–1446.
- ICSE-2013-PradelG #automation #concurrent #testing
- Automatic testing of sequential and concurrent substitutability (MP, TRG), pp. 282–291.
- SLE-2013-CombemaleDLMBBF #concurrent #execution #metamodelling
- Reifying Concurrency for Executable Metamodeling (BC, JD, MVL, FM, OB, BB, RBF), pp. 365–384.
- ASPLOS-2013-PaiTG #concurrent #kernel
- Improving GPGPU concurrency with elastic kernels (SP, MJT, RG), pp. 407–418.
- ASPLOS-2013-ZhangKLLS #concurrent #debugging #execution #named #thread
- ConAir: featherweight concurrency bug recovery via single-threaded idempotent execution (WZ, MdK, AL, SL, KS), pp. 113–126.
- CGO-2013-ChoKWLLM #concurrent #source code
- Practical lock/unlock pairing for concurrent programs (HKC, TK, YW, SL, HL, SAM), p. 12.
- PPoPP-2013-HeumannAW #concurrent
- The tasks with effects model for safe concurrency (SH, VSA, SW), pp. 239–250.
- PPoPP-2013-MorrisonA #concurrent #performance
- Fast concurrent queues for x86 processors (AM, YA), pp. 103–112.
- PPoPP-2013-XiangS #compilation #concurrent #data type #performance
- Compiler aided manual speculation for high performance concurrent data structures (LX, MLS), pp. 47–56.
- CAV-2013-AlglaveKT #bound #concurrent #model checking #partial order #performance
- Partial Orders for Efficient Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Software (JA, DK, MT), pp. 141–157.
- CAV-2013-AndreLSDL #concurrent #named #parametricity #realtime #synthesis
- PSyHCoS: Parameter Synthesis for Hierarchical Concurrent Real-Time Systems (ÉA, YL, JS, JSD, SWL), pp. 984–989.
- CAV-2013-Brenguier #concurrent #game studies #named #nash
- PRALINE: A Tool for Computing Nash Equilibria in Concurrent Games (RB), pp. 890–895.
- CAV-2013-CernyHRRT #concurrent #performance #semantics #synthesis
- Efficient Synthesis for Concurrency by Semantics-Preserving Transformations (PC, TAH, AR, LR, TT), pp. 951–967.
- CAV-2013-DragoiGH #automation #concurrent #proving
- Automatic Linearizability Proofs of Concurrent Objects with Cooperating Updates (CD, AG, TAH), pp. 174–190.
- CSL-2013-Goller #concurrent #model checking #parametricity
- The Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Model Checking Concurrent Systems (SG), pp. 332–347.
- ICST-2013-ChristakisGS #concurrent #detection #erlang #fault #source code #testing
- Systematic Testing for Detecting Concurrency Errors in Erlang Programs (MC, AG, KFS), pp. 154–163.
- ICST-2013-HongSAKR #concurrent #effectiveness #metric #testing
- The Impact of Concurrent Coverage Metrics on Testing Effectiveness (SH, MS, JA, MK, GR), pp. 232–241.
- ICST-2013-LinD #concurrent #java
- CHECK-THEN-ACT Misuse of Java Concurrent Collections (YL, DD), pp. 164–173.
- ICST-2013-SteenbuckF #concurrent #generative #testing
- Generating Unit Tests for Concurrent Classes (SS, GF), pp. 144–153.
- ICTSS-2013-KocaSA #concurrent #fault #locality
- Spectrum-Based Fault Localization for Diagnosing Concurrency Faults (FK, HS, RA), pp. 239–254.
- ICTSS-2013-LeonHL #concurrent #consistency #testing
- Unfolding-Based Test Selection for Concurrent Conformance (HPdL, SH, DL), pp. 98–113.
- ISSTA-2013-ChocklerEY #concurrent #fault
- Finding rare numerical stability errors in concurrent computations (HC, KE, EY), pp. 12–22.
- ISSTA-2013-GligoricZPP #concurrent #mutation testing #testing
- Selective mutation testing for concurrent code (MG, LZ, CP, GP), pp. 224–234.
- ISSTA-2013-Park #concurrent #debugging
- Debugging non-deadlock concurrency bugs (SP), pp. 358–361.
- ISSTA-2013-ParkHV #comprehension #concurrent #data access #debugging #named
- Griffin: grouping suspicious memory-access patterns to improve understanding of concurrency bugs (SP, MJH, RWV), pp. 134–144.
- SAT-2013-WieringaH #concurrent
- Concurrent Clause Strengthening (SW, KH), pp. 116–132.
- DAC-2012-El-ShambakeyR #bound #concurrent #embedded #realtime
- STM concurrency control for embedded real-time software with tighter time bounds (MES, BR), pp. 437–446.
- DAC-2012-GuoK #concurrent #detection #encryption #fault #standard
- Invariance-based concurrent error detection for advanced encryption standard (XG, RK), pp. 573–578.
- DAC-2012-UrdahlSWK #abstraction #composition #concurrent #verification
- System verification of concurrent RTL modules by compositional path predicate abstraction (JU, DS, MW, WK), pp. 334–343.
- DATE-2012-GaoWHZL #clustering #concurrent #debugging #manycore
- A clustering-based scheme for concurrent trace in debugging NoC-based multicore systems (JG, JW, YH, LZ, XL), pp. 27–32.
- DATE-2012-Voyiatzis #concurrent #logic #monitoring #multi
- Input vector monitoring on line concurrent BIST based on multilevel decoding logic (IV), pp. 1251–1256.
- VLDB-2012-GraefeHIKM #adaptation #concurrent
- Concurrency Control for Adaptive Indexing (GG, FH, SI, HAK, SM), pp. 656–667.
- VLDB-2012-PattersonENAA #concurrent #multi
- Serializability, not Serial: Concurrency Control and Availability in Multi-Datacenter Datastores (SP, AJE, FN, DA, AEA), pp. 1459–1470.
- ESOP-2012-BurckhardtGMY #concurrent #correctness #library #memory management
- Concurrent Library Correctness on the TSO Memory Model (SB, AG, MM, HY), pp. 87–107.
- ESOP-2012-PerezCPT #concurrent #linear #logic
- Linear Logical Relations for Session-Based Concurrency (JAP, LC, FP, BT), pp. 539–558.
- FASE-2012-HermannEEO #concurrent #graph grammar
- Concurrent Model Synchronization with Conflict Resolution Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, CE, FO), pp. 178–193.
- FoSSaCS-2012-BouyerBMU #concurrent #game studies #order
- Concurrent Games with Ordered Objectives (PB, RB, NM, MU), pp. 301–315.
- FoSSaCS-2012-Chatterjee #concurrent #game studies #robust
- Robustness of Structurally Equivalent Concurrent Parity Games (KC), pp. 270–285.
- FoSSaCS-2012-Winskel #concurrent #game studies
- Bicategories of Concurrent Games — (Invited Paper) (GW), pp. 26–41.
- TACAS-2012-CairesV #concurrent #logic #model checking #named #specification
- SLMC: A Tool for Model Checking Concurrent Systems against Dynamical Spatial Logic Specifications (LC, HTV), pp. 485–491.
- PLDI-2012-HawkinsAFRS #concurrent #data transformation #representation #synthesis
- Concurrent data representation synthesis (PH, AA, KF, MCR, MS), pp. 417–428.
- PLDI-2012-NagarakatteBMM #concurrent #debugging #detection #manycore
- Multicore acceleration of priority-based schedulers for concurrency bug detection (SN, SB, MMKM, MM), pp. 543–554.
- PLDI-2012-Turon #concurrent #fine-grained #named
- Reagents: expressing and composing fine-grained concurrency (AT), pp. 157–168.
- STOC-2012-ChalermsookCEL #algorithm #approximate #concurrent
- Approximation algorithms and hardness of integral concurrent flow (PC, JC, AE, SL), pp. 689–708.
- LATA-2012-KlimosLST #concurrent #game studies #nash
- Nash Equilibria in Concurrent Priced Games (MK, KGL, FS, JT), pp. 363–376.
- IFM-2012-LensinkSE #concurrent #framework #proving #source code
- A Proof Framework for Concurrent Programs (LL, SS, MCJDvE), pp. 174–190.
- SEFM-2012-BistarelliS #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Securely Accessing Shared Resources with Concurrent Constraint Programming (SB, FS), pp. 308–322.
- SEFM-2012-Jones #abstraction #concurrent #formal method
- Abstraction as a Unifying Link for Formal Approaches to Concurrency (CBJ), pp. 1–15.
- SEFM-2012-ZhuXMQQ #approach #concurrent #source code #verification
- The Rely/Guarantee Approach to Verifying Concurrent BPEL Programs (HZ, QX, CM, SQ, ZQ), pp. 172–187.
- ICFP-2012-StefanRBLMM #concurrent #data flow #termination
- Addressing covert termination and timing channels in concurrent information flow systems (DS, AR, PB, AL, JCM, DM), pp. 201–214.
- ICGT-2012-HeckelEGH #concurrent #graph transformation #parallel #probability
- Parallelism and Concurrency of Stochastic Graph Transformations (RH, HE, UG, FH), pp. 96–110.
- ICGT-2012-SerbanutaR #concurrent #framework #graph transformation #semantics #𝕂
- A Truly Concurrent Semantics for the 𝕂 Framework Based on Graph Transformations (TFS, GR), pp. 294–310.
- CHI-2012-KimCZT #concurrent
- Enabling concurrent dual views on common LCD screens (SK, XC, HZ, DST), pp. 2175–2184.
- CIKM-2012-ThonangiB0 #concurrent
- A practical concurrent index for solid-state drives (RT, SB, JY), pp. 1332–1341.
- ECIR-2012-JonassenB #concurrent #distributed #pipes and filters #retrieval
- Intra-query Concurrent Pipelined Processing for Distributed Full-Text Retrieval (SJ, SEB), pp. 413–425.
- ICPR-2012-GimelfarbGND #concurrent #optimisation #problem
- Concurrent propagation for solving ill-posed problems of global discrete optimisation (GLG, RG, RN, PD), pp. 1864–1867.
- ICPR-2012-WangXZH #concurrent #image #segmentation
- Concurrent segmentation of categorized objects from an image collection (LW, JX, NZ, GH), pp. 3309–3312.
- SEKE-2012-QiXW #concurrent #graph #interprocedural #reachability #slicing #source code
- Slicing Concurrent Interprocedural Programs Based on Program Reachability Graphs (XQ, XX, PW), pp. 293–298.
- SEKE-2012-XuT #automation #concurrent #generative
- Automated Generation of Concurrent Test Code from Function Nets (DX, JT), pp. 346–351.
- OOPSLA-2012-HuangZ #agile #concurrent #debugging #execution #named #reduction
- LEAN: simplifying concurrency bug reproduction via replay-supported execution reduction (JH, CZ), pp. 451–466.
- OOPSLA-2012-HuangZ12a #concurrent #execution #source code
- Execution privatization for scheduler-oblivious concurrent programs (JH, CZ), pp. 737–752.
- OOPSLA-2012-KaliberaMJV #approach #black box #comprehension #concurrent
- A black-box approach to understanding concurrency in DaCapo (TK, MM, REJ, JV), pp. 335–354.
- OOPSLA-2012-MullerC #concurrent #towards
- Towards a practical secure concurrent language (SM, SC), pp. 57–74.
- OOPSLA-2012-PrountzosMP #concurrent #graph #named #source code
- Elixir: a system for synthesizing concurrent graph programs (DP, RM, KP), pp. 375–394.
- OOPSLA-2012-SuenagaFI #concurrent #type system
- Type-based safe resource deallocation for shared-memory concurrency (KS, RF, AI), pp. 1–20.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-MarrD #abstraction #concurrent #identification #implementation #multi #virtual machine
- Identifying a Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-language Virtual Machines (SM, TD), pp. 171–186.
- PPDP-2012-OlartePRC #approach #automation #concurrent #constraints #linear #verification
- A linear concurrent constraint approach for the automatic verification of access permissions (CO, EP, CR, NC), pp. 207–216.
- QAPL-2012-Bernardo #bisimulation #concurrent #markov #process
- Weak Markovian Bisimulation Congruences and Exact CTMC-Level Aggregations for Concurrent Processes (MB), pp. 122–136.
- PADL-2012-AlbertAG #concurrent #execution #symbolic computation
- Symbolic Execution of Concurrent Objects in CLP (EA, PA, MGZ), pp. 123–137.
- POPL-2012-BattyMOSS #c #c++ #compilation #concurrent
- Clarifying and compiling C/C++ concurrency: from C++11 to POWER (MB, KM, SO, SS, PS), pp. 509–520.
- POPL-2012-FarzanK #composition #concurrent #reasoning #source code #verification
- Verification of parameterized concurrent programs by modular reasoning about data and control (AF, ZK), pp. 297–308.
- POPL-2012-LiangFF #concurrent #program transformation #simulation #verification
- A rely-guarantee-based simulation for verifying concurrent program transformations (HL, XF, MF), pp. 455–468.
- SAC-2012-BistarelliCS #concurrent #constraints #coordination #programming
- A secure coordination of agents with nonmonotonic soft Concurrent Constraint Programming (SB, PC, FS), pp. 1551–1553.
- SAC-2012-El-ShambakeyR #bound #concurrent #embedded #manycore #realtime #trade-off
- STM concurrency control for multicore embedded real-time software: time bounds and tradeoffs (MES, BR), pp. 1602–1609.
- FSE-2012-AlbertFG #concurrent #named
- MayPar: a may-happen-in-parallel analyzer for concurrent objects (EA, AFM, SG), p. 14.
- FSE-2012-FarzanMRS #concurrent #predict #source code
- Predicting null-pointer dereferences in concurrent programs (AF, PM, NR, FS), p. 47.
- ASPLOS-2012-CheritonFSSA #architecture #data access #named #performance
- HICAMP: architectural support for efficient concurrency-safe shared structured data access (DRC, AF, AS, JPS, OA), pp. 287–300.
- ASPLOS-2012-VolosTSL #concurrent #debugging #memory management #transaction
- Applying transactional memory to concurrency bugs (HV, AJT, MMS, SL), pp. 211–222.
- ISMM-2012-IyengarGWM #concurrent #parallel #scalability
- Scalable concurrent and parallel mark (BI, EFG, MW, KM), pp. 61–72.
- OSDI-2012-Jin0D #automation
- Automated Concurrency-Bug Fixing (GJ, WZ, DD), pp. 221–236.
- PPoPP-2012-ParkS #concurrent
- Concurrent breakpoints (CSP, KS), pp. 331–332.
- PPoPP-2012-ProkopecBBO #concurrent #performance
- Concurrent tries with efficient non-blocking snapshots (AP, NGB, PB, MO), pp. 151–160.
- CAV-2012-KahlonW #concurrent #source code
- Lock Removal for Concurrent Trace Programs (VK, CW), pp. 227–242.
- CSL-2012-BirkedalST #concurrent #logic
- A Concurrent Logical Relation (LB, FS, JT), pp. 107–121.
- ICLP-2012-AlbertAG #concurrent #testing #towards
- Towards Testing Concurrent Objects in CLP (EA, PA, MGZ), pp. 98–108.
- ICLP-2012-VirsedaMT #concurrent #constraints #functional #logic programming #semantics
- A Concurrent Operational Semantics for Constraint Functional Logic Programming (RdVV, FPM, MMGT), pp. 154–163.
- ICST-2012-ParkVH #approach #concurrent #debugging
- A Unified Approach for Localizing Non-deadlock Concurrency Bugs (SP, RWV, MJH), pp. 51–60.
- ISSTA-2012-HongAPKH #concurrent #source code #testing
- Testing concurrent programs to achieve high synchronization coverage (SH, JA, SP, MK, MJH), pp. 210–220.
- LICS-2012-ClairambaultGW #concurrent #game studies
- The Winning Ways of Concurrent Games (PC, JG, GW), pp. 235–244.
- LICS-2012-SabelS #concurrent #haskell
- Conservative Concurrency in Haskell (DS, MSS), pp. 561–570.
- SAT-2012-TakHB #concurrent
- Concurrent Cube-and-Conquer — (Poster Presentation) (PvdT, MH, AB), pp. 475–476.
- ASE-2011-WesongaMR #concurrent #fault #source code #visualisation
- Guided test visualization: Making sense of errors in concurrent programs (SW, EGM, NR), pp. 624–627.
- CASE-2011-LeeL #clustering #concurrent #multi
- Concurrent processing of multiple wafer types in a single-armed cluster tool (JHL, TEL), pp. 102–107.
- DATE-2011-GhermanMECB #concurrent #fault #predict #self
- Error prediction based on concurrent self-test and reduced slack time (VG, JM, SE, SC, YB), pp. 1626–1631.
- ICDAR-2011-HamamuraINOS #clustering #concurrent #optimisation #recognition #using #word
- Concurrent Optimization of Context Clustering and GMM for Offline Handwritten Word Recognition Using HMM (TH, BI, TN, NO, SS), pp. 523–527.
- SIGMOD-2011-DugganCPU #concurrent #database #performance #predict
- Performance prediction for concurrent database workloads (JD, UÇ, OP, EU), pp. 337–348.
- VLDB-2011-BernsteinRWY #concurrent
- Optimistic Concurrency Control by Melding Trees (PAB, CWR, MW, XY), pp. 944–955.
- VLDB-2012-LarsonBDFPZ11 #concurrent #database #in memory
- High-Performance Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Main-Memory Databases (PÅL, SB, CD, CF, JMP, MZ), pp. 298–309.
- CSEET-2011-NanzTPM #assessment #concurrent #education #empirical
- Empirical assessment of languages for teaching concurrency: Methodology and application (SN, FT, MP, BM), pp. 477–481.
- ESOP-2011-BurckhardtL #concurrent #semantics
- Semantics of Concurrent Revisions (SB, DL), pp. 116–135.
- ESOP-2011-HoborG #concurrent #logic
- Barriers in Concurrent Separation Logic (AH, CG), pp. 276–296.
- FoSSaCS-2011-AristizabalBPPV #concurrent #constraints #programming #similarity
- Deriving Labels and Bisimilarity for Concurrent Constraint Programming (AA, FB, CP, LFP, FDV), pp. 138–152.
- SCAM-J-2009-Giffhorn11 #concurrent #source code
- Advanced chopping of sequential and concurrent programs (DG), pp. 239–294.
- PLDI-2011-LuciaWC #comprehension #concurrent #execution #fault #using
- Isolating and understanding concurrency errors using reconstructed execution fragments (BL, BPW, LC), pp. 378–388.
- PLDI-2011-Sevcik #concurrent #optimisation #source code
- Safe optimisations for shared-memory concurrent programs (JS), pp. 306–316.
- PLDI-2011-ZengWL #concurrent #data type #monitoring #named #using
- Cruiser: concurrent heap buffer overflow monitoring using lock-free data structures (QZ, DW, PL), pp. 367–377.
- SAS-2011-BouajjaniEP #concurrent #on the #source code
- On Sequentializing Concurrent Programs (AB, ME, GP), pp. 129–145.
- SAS-2011-HuangZ #concurrent #debugging #performance #source code
- An Efficient Static Trace Simplification Technique for Debugging Concurrent Programs (JH, CZ), pp. 163–179.
- SAS-2011-MightH #abstract interpretation #concurrent #higher-order #product line #source code #static analysis
- A Family of Abstract Interpretations for Static Analysis of Concurrent Higher-Order Programs (MM, DVH), pp. 180–197.
- FM-2011-AlbertGGJST #behaviour #bound #concurrent #simulation #worst-case
- Simulating Concurrent Behaviors with Worst-Case Cost Bounds (EA, SG, MGZ, EBJ, RS, SLTT), pp. 353–368.
- CEFP-2011-Marlow #concurrent #haskell #parallel #programming
- Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell (SM), pp. 339–401.
- VISSOFT-2011-LonnbergBM #concurrent #dependence #graph #source code #visualisation
- Visualising concurrent programs with dynamic dependence graphs (JL, MBA, LM), pp. 1–4.
- SEKE-2011-El-KharboutlyG #analysis #architecture #concurrent #probability #reliability #using
- Architecture-based Reliability Analysis of Concurrent Software Applications using Stochastic Reward Nets (REK, SSG), pp. 635–639.
- SEKE-2011-Kaiser #concurrent #debugging #higher-order #using
- Constructing Subtle Concurrency Bugs Using Synchronization-Centric Second-Order Mutation Operators (LWGK), pp. 244–249.
- SEKE-2011-SoundarajanBK #aspect-oriented #concurrent #formal method #reuse
- Formalizing Reusable Aspect-Oriented Concurrency Control (NS, DB, RK), pp. 111–114.
- SEKE-2011-SouzaSMCSZ #concurrent #quality #reachability #testing #using
- Using Coverage and Reachability Testing to Improve Concurrent Program Testing Quality (SdRSdS, PSLdS, MCCM, MSC, AdSS, EZ), pp. 207–212.
- OOPSLA-2011-PintoDDGW #abstraction #concurrent
- A simple abstraction for complex concurrent indexes (PdRP, TDY, MD, PG, MJW), pp. 845–864.
- OOPSLA-2011-ShachamBASVY #concurrent #testing
- Testing atomicity of composed concurrent operations (OS, NGB, AA, MS, MTV, EY), pp. 51–64.
- PPDP-2011-BlanchetteWBOS #c++ #concurrent
- Nitpicking C++ concurrency (JCB, TW, MB, SO, SS), pp. 113–124.
- PPDP-2011-SabelS #concurrent #haskell #semantics
- A contextual semantics for concurrent Haskell with futures (DS, MSS), pp. 101–112.
- PADL-2011-PetricekS #concurrent #control flow #named #parallel #programming
- Joinads: A Retargetable Control-Flow Construct for Reactive, Parallel and Concurrent Programming (TP, DS), pp. 205–219.
- POPL-2011-AttiyaGHKMV #algorithm #concurrent #order
- Laws of order: expensive synchronization in concurrent algorithms cannot be eliminated (HA, RG, DH, PK, MMM, MTV), pp. 487–498.
- POPL-2011-BattyOSSW #c++ #concurrent
- Mathematizing C++ concurrency (MB, SO, SS, PS, TW), pp. 55–66.
- POPL-2011-GordonHHJS #concurrent #verification
- Robin Milner 1934--2010: verification, languages, and concurrency (ADG, RH, JH, AJ, PS), pp. 473–474.
- POPL-2011-JacobsP #composition #concurrent #fine-grained #specification
- Expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specification (BJ, FP), pp. 271–282.
- POPL-2011-SevcikVNJS #compilation #concurrent
- Relaxed-memory concurrency and verified compilation (JS, VV, FZN, SJ, PS), pp. 43–54.
- POPL-2011-TuronW #concurrent #logic
- A separation logic for refining concurrent objects (AJT, MW), pp. 247–258.
- ICSE-2011-AraujoBL #concurrent #contract #java #modelling #runtime
- Enabling the runtime assertion checking of concurrent contracts for the Java modeling language (WA, LCB, YL), pp. 786–795.
- ICSE-2011-Kumar #concurrent #distributed #mining #specification
- Specification mining in concurrent and distributed systems (SK), pp. 1086–1089.
- ICSE-2011-Kumar11a #concurrent #distributed #mining #specification
- Specification mining in concurrent and distributed systems (SK), pp. 1161–1163.
- ICSE-2011-TanZP #concurrent #debugging #detection #mining #named
- aComment: mining annotations from comments and code to detect interrupt related concurrency bugs (LT, YZ, YP), pp. 11–20.
- ICSE-2011-WangSG #concurrent #testing
- Coverage guided systematic concurrency testing (CW, MS, AG), pp. 221–230.
- SLE-2011-Wojciechowski #communication #concurrent #scripting language
- Typed First-Class Communication Channels and Mobility for Concurrent Scripting Languages (PTW), pp. 378–387.
- ASPLOS-2011-GaoZCZQ #concurrent #debugging #named #towards #type system
- 2ndStrike: toward manifesting hidden concurrency typestate bugs (QG, WZ, ZC, MZ, FQ), pp. 239–250.
- ASPLOS-2011-NguyenP #algorithm #concurrent
- Synthesizing concurrent schedulers for irregular algorithms (DN, KP), pp. 333–344.
- ASPLOS-2011-ZhangLOSJLR #concurrent #debugging #detection #fault #named
- ConSeq: detecting concurrency bugs through sequential errors (WZ, JL, RO, JS, GJ, SL, TWR), pp. 251–264.
- ISMM-2011-TeneIW #concurrent #named
- C4: the continuously concurrent compacting collector (GT, BI, MW), pp. 79–88.
- PPoPP-2011-Ding #concurrent #parallel #programming
- Two examples of parallel programming without concurrency constructs (PP-CC) (CD), pp. 299–300.
- PPoPP-2011-FischerMR #concurrent #modelling
- Symbolically modeling concurrent MCAPI executions (TF, EM, NR), pp. 307–308.
- PPoPP-2011-LuchangcoM #concurrent #transaction
- Transaction communicators: enabling cooperation among concurrent transactions (VL, VJM), pp. 169–178.
- CAV-2011-CernyCHRS #concurrent #source code #synthesis
- Quantitative Synthesis for Concurrent Programs (PC, KC, TAH, AR, RS), pp. 243–259.
- CAV-2011-DonaldsonKKW #abstraction #concurrent #source code #symmetry
- Symmetry-Aware Predicate Abstraction for Shared-Variable Concurrent Programs (AFD, AK, DK, TW), pp. 356–371.
- CSL-2011-MoreNS #axiom #concurrent #independence #semantics
- Concurrency Semantics for the Geiger-Paz-Pearl Axioms of Independence (SMM, PN, BS), pp. 443–457.
- ICLP-J-2011-CominiTV #concurrent #constraints #source code
- Abstract diagnosis for timed concurrent constraint programs (MC, LT, AV), pp. 487–502.
- ICLP-J-2011-Haemmerle #concurrent #constraints #linear #logic
- Observational equivalences for linear logic concurrent constraint languages (RH), pp. 469–485.
- ICTSS-2011-PeleskaHLLSSVZ #benchmark #concurrent #metric #realtime #testing
- A Real-World Benchmark Model for Testing Concurrent Real-Time Systems in the Automotive Domain (JP, AH, FL, HL, HS, PS, EV, CZ), pp. 146–161.
- ISSTA-2011-BurnimSS #concurrent #memory management #modelling #source code #testing
- Testing concurrent programs on relaxed memory models (JB, KS, CS), pp. 122–132.
- ISSTA-2011-HuangZ #concurrent #persuasion #predict
- Persuasive prediction of concurrency access anomalies (JH, CZ), pp. 144–154.
- LICS-2011-RideauW #concurrent
- Concurrent Strategies (SR, GW), pp. 409–418.
- VMCAI-2011-GawlitzaLMSW #analysis #concurrent #process #reachability #source code
- Join-Lock-Sensitive Forward Reachability Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Dynamic Process Creation (TMG, PL, MMO, HS, AW), pp. 199–213.
- SIGMOD-2010-JonesAM #concurrent #database #in memory #memory management
- Low overhead concurrency control for partitioned main memory databases (EPCJ, DJA, SM), pp. 603–614.
- ESOP-2010-DeshmukhRRV #concurrent #logic #proving
- Logical Concurrency Control from Sequential Proofs (JVD, GR, VPR, KV), pp. 226–245.
- ESOP-2010-FerreiraFS #concurrent #logic #memory management #modelling
- Parameterized Memory Models and Concurrent Separation Logic (RF, XF, ZS), pp. 267–286.
- FASE-2010-LuoZZH #approach #concurrent #lightweight
- A Lightweight and Portable Approach to Making Concurrent Failures Reproducible (QL, SZ, JZ, MH), pp. 323–337.
- TACAS-2010-BallBCMQ #concurrent #performance #testing
- Preemption Sealing for Efficient Concurrency Testing (TB, SB, KEC, MM, SQ), pp. 420–434.
- TACAS-2010-DragerKFW #concurrent #infinity #model checking #named
- SLAB: A Certifying Model Checker for Infinite-State Concurrent Systems (KD, AK, BF, HW), pp. 271–274.
- WRLA-2010-KatelmanKM #analysis #concurrent #semantics
- Concurrent Rewriting Semantics and Analysis of Asynchronous Digital Circuits (MK, SK, JM), pp. 140–156.
- WRLA-2010-Velardo #concurrent #framework #multi #semantics
- Multiset Rewriting: A Semantic Framework for Concurrency with Name Binding (FRV), pp. 191–207.
- ICSM-2010-JalbertB #clone detection #concurrent #debugging #detection #identification #using
- Using clone detection to identify bugs in concurrent software (KJ, JSB), pp. 1–5.
- PASTE-2010-FlanaganF #concurrent #dynamic analysis #framework #source code
- The RoadRunner dynamic analysis framework for concurrent programs (CF, SNF), pp. 1–8.
- PASTE-2010-HaC #communication #concurrent #dynamic analysis
- Opportunities for concurrent dynamic analysis with explicit inter-core communication (JH, SPC), pp. 17–20.
- SCAM-2010-KesterMB #concurrent #debugging #how #question #static analysis
- How Good is Static Analysis at Finding Concurrency Bugs? (DK, MM, JSB), pp. 115–124.
- SCAM-2010-LuoHDQ #concurrent #debugging #effectiveness #java #static analysis
- Effective Static Analysis to Find Concurrency Bugs in Java (ZDL, LH, RD, YQ), pp. 135–144.
- WCRE-2010-MilanovaL #comprehension #concurrent #java #source code #static analysis
- Static Analysis for Understanding Shared Objects in Open Concurrent Java Programs (AM, YL), pp. 45–54.
- PLDI-2010-MarinoSMMN #concurrent #memory management #named #performance #programming language
- DRFX: a simple and efficient memory model for concurrent programming languages (DM, AS, TDM, MM, SN), pp. 351–362.
- SAS-2010-BellAW #concurrent #logic #parallel #pipes and filters
- Concurrent Separation Logic for Pipelined Parallelization (CJB, AWA, DW), pp. 151–166.
- SAS-2010-FarzanK #analysis #composition #concurrent #source code
- Compositional Bitvector Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Nested Locks (AF, ZK), pp. 253–270.
- FLOPS-2010-Sagonas #concurrent #detection #erlang #fault #source code #static analysis #using
- Using Static Analysis to Detect Type Errors and Concurrency Defects in Erlang Programs (KFS), pp. 13–18.
- ICALP-v1-2010-YaoYZ #concurrent
- Concurrent Knowledge Extraction in the Public-Key Model (ACCY, MY, YZ), pp. 702–714.
- ICFP-2010-MazurakZ #concurrent #linear #logic #named
- Lolliproc: to concurrency from classical linear logic via curry-howard and control (KM, SZ), pp. 39–50.
- IFL-2010-HerhutJSPG #case study #concurrent #experience
- Concurrent Non-deferred Reference Counting on the Microgrid: First Experiences (SH, CJ, SBS, RP, CG), pp. 185–202.
- ICGT-2010-Esparza #concurrent #tool support
- A False History of True Concurrency: From Petri to Tools (JE), pp. 1–2.
- SOFTVIS-2010-JohnsonM #concurrent #execution #named #source code #visualisation
- Beat: a tool for visualizing the execution of object orientated concurrent programs (PJ, SM), pp. 225–226.
- SIGAda-2010-Pettit #ada #concurrent #design #embedded #realtime #uml #using
- Designing real-time, concurrent, and embedded software systems using UML and Ada (RGPI), pp. 7–8.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2010-BeestSW #concurrent #process
- Assessing the Interference in Concurrent Business Processes (NRTPvB, NBS, JCW), pp. 261–270.
- CIKM-2010-RonenS10a #concurrent #network #protocol #social
- Concurrent atomic protocols for making and changing decisions in social networks (RR, OS), pp. 1337–1340.
- KEOD-2010-GibbsC #concurrent #ontology #question
- Concurrency Conundrums — An Ontological Solution? (CG, YC), pp. 305–310.
- ECOOP-2010-Dinsdale-YoungDGPV #concurrent
- Concurrent Abstract Predicates (TDY, MD, PG, MJP, VV), pp. 504–528.
- ECOOP-2010-Owens #abstraction #concurrent #implementation #reasoning
- Reasoning about the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on x86-TSO (SO), pp. 478–503.
- ECOOP-2010-SchaferDSTT #concurrent #java #refactoring
- Correct Refactoring of Concurrent Java Code (MS, JD, MS, ET, FT), pp. 225–249.
- ECOOP-2010-SchaferP #component #concurrent #named
- JCoBox: Generalizing Active Objects to Concurrent Components (JS, APH), pp. 275–299.
- OOPSLA-2010-BurckhardtBL #concurrent #programming
- Concurrent programming with revisions and isolation types (SB, AB, DL), pp. 691–707.
- OOPSLA-2010-JinTLL #concurrent #debugging
- Instrumentation and sampling strategies for cooperative concurrency bug isolation (GJ, AVT, BL, SL), pp. 241–255.
- OOPSLA-2010-RajanKR #composition #concurrent #design pattern
- Concurrency by modularity: design patterns, a case in point (HR, SMK, WR), pp. 790–805.
- OOPSLA-2010-ShiPYLZCZ #concurrent #debugging #detection #invariant
- Do I use the wrong definition?: DeFuse: definition-use invariants for detecting concurrency and sequential bugs (YS, SP, ZY, SL, YZ, WC, WZ), pp. 160–174.
- GPCE-2010-LongMSR #concurrent
- Implicit invocation meets safe, implicit concurrency (YL, SLM, TS, HR), pp. 63–72.
- PPDP-2010-Martinez #concurrent #constraints #linear #programming #semantics
- Semantics-preserving translations between linear concurrent constraint programming and constraint handling rules (TM), pp. 57–66.
- PADL-2010-MarquesSC #concurrent #implementation #performance
- A Simple and Efficient Implementation of Concurrent Local Tabling (RM, TS, JCC), pp. 264–278.
- POPL-2010-MartinHCAC #c #c++ #concurrent #policy #source code
- Dynamically checking ownership policies in concurrent c/c++ programs (JPM, MH, MC, PA, MC), pp. 457–470.
- SAC-2010-KerfootM #aspect-oriented #concurrent #contract
- Checking concurrent contracts with aspects (EK, SM), pp. 2523–2530.
- FSE-2010-HuangLZ #concurrent #java #lightweight #multi #named #source code
- LEAP: lightweight deterministic multi-processor replay of concurrent java programs (JH, PL, CZ), pp. 207–216.
- FSE-2010-HuangLZ10a #concurrent #java #lightweight #multi #named #source code
- LEAP: lightweight deterministic multi-processor replay of concurrent java programs (JH, PL, CZ), pp. 385–386.
- FSE-2010-JalbertS #concurrent #debugging #effectiveness #source code
- A trace simplification technique for effective debugging of concurrent programs (NJ, KS), pp. 57–66.
- FSE-2010-SinhaW #concurrent #program analysis #staged
- Staged concurrent program analysis (NS, CW), pp. 47–56.
- ICSE-2010-DemskyL #concurrent #named
- Views: object-inspired concurrency control (BD, PL), pp. 395–404.
- ICSE-2010-Elmas #abstraction #concurrent #named #proving #reduction #verification
- QED: a proof system based on reduction and abstraction for the static verification of concurrent software (TE), pp. 507–508.
- ICSE-2010-HarperZM #case study #concurrent #experience #research
- Experiences in initiating concurrency software research efforts (KEH, JZ, SM), pp. 139–148.
- ICSE-2010-ParkVH #concurrent #fault #locality #named #source code
- Falcon: fault localization in concurrent programs (SP, RWV, MJH), pp. 245–254.
- ICSE-2010-Rakamaric #concurrent #named #source code
- STORM: static unit checking of concurrent programs (ZR), pp. 519–520.
- ICSE-2010-RungtaM #concurrent #debugging #slicing #source code
- Slicing and dicing bugs in concurrent programs (NR, EM), pp. 195–198.
- ASPLOS-2010-WeeratungeZJ #concurrent #debugging #manycore
- Analyzing multicore dumps to facilitate concurrency bug reproduction (DW, XZ, SJ), pp. 155–166.
- ASPLOS-2010-ZhangSL #approach #concurrent #debugging #detection #named
- ConMem: detecting severe concurrency bugs through an effect-oriented approach (WZ, CS, SL), pp. 179–192.
- HPDC-2010-MoiseAB #concurrent #framework
- Improving the Hadoop map/reduce framework to support concurrent appends through the BlobSeer BLOB management system (DM, GA, LB), pp. 834–840.
- ISMM-2010-HellyerJH #concurrent #locality
- The locality of concurrent write barriers (LH, REJ, ALH), pp. 83–92.
- ISMM-2010-Siebert #concurrent #garbage collection #parallel #realtime
- Concurrent, parallel, real-time garbage-collection (FS), pp. 11–20.
- LCTES-2010-BrandtSS #concurrent #specification
- Translating concurrent action oriented specifications to synchronous guarded actions (JB, KS, SKS), pp. 47–56.
- PPoPP-2010-BronsonCCO #concurrent
- A practical concurrent binary search tree (NGB, JC, HC, KO), pp. 257–268.
- PPoPP-2010-CedermanT #composition #concurrent
- Supporting lock-free composition of concurrent data objects (DC, PT), pp. 339–340.
- PPoPP-2010-ChandramowlishwaranKV #algebra #concurrent #linear #parallel #programming
- Applying the concurrent collections programming model to asynchronous parallel dense linear algebra (AC, KK, RWV), pp. 345–346.
- PPoPP-2010-CoonsBM #concurrent #effectiveness #library #named #testing
- GAMBIT: effective unit testing for concurrency libraries (KEC, SB, MM), pp. 15–24.
- CAV-2010-CernyRZCA #concurrent #implementation #model checking
- Model Checking of Linearizability of Concurrent List Implementations (PC, AR, DZ, SC, RA), pp. 465–479.
- CAV-2010-CohenMST #concurrent #invariant #source code #verification
- Local Verification of Global Invariants in Concurrent Programs (EC, MM, WS, ST), pp. 480–494.
- CAV-2010-KahlonW #concurrent #debugging #detection #graph #precise #source code
- Universal Causality Graphs: A Precise Happens-Before Model for Detecting Bugs in Concurrent Programs (VK, CW), pp. 434–449.
- CAV-2010-KaiserKW #concurrent #detection #source code
- Dynamic Cutoff Detection in Parameterized Concurrent Programs (AK, DK, TW), pp. 645–659.
- CAV-2010-KunduGW #analysis #concurrent #named #testing
- Contessa: Concurrency Testing Augmented with Symbolic Analysis (SK, MKG, CW), pp. 127–131.
- CAV-2010-Michael #algorithm #concurrent #memory management
- Memory Management in Concurrent Algorithms (MMM), p. 23.
- CAV-2010-TorreMP #concurrent #interface #linear #model checking #source code #using
- Model-Checking Parameterized Concurrent Programs Using Linear Interfaces (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 629–644.
- ICLP-2010-Demeyer10 #concurrent #declarative #program analysis #programming
- Program Analysis to Support Concurrent Programming in Declarative Languages (RD), pp. 248–254.
- ICLP-2010-Martinez10 #concurrent #constraints #design #implementation #linear #logic programming #programming language
- Design and Implementation of a Concurrent Logic Programming Language with Linear Logic Constraints (TM), pp. 277–280.
- ICLP-2010-P10 #concurrent #constraints #programming #similarity
- Bisimilarity in Concurrent Constraint Programming (AAAP), pp. 236–240.
- ISSTA-2010-WeeratungeZSJ #concurrent #debugging #slicing #using
- Analyzing concurrency bugs using dual slicing (DW, XZ, WNS, SJ), pp. 253–264.
- VMCAI-2010-Leino #concurrent #source code #verification
- Verifying Concurrent Programs with Chalice (KRML), p. 2.
- ASE-2009-DeshmukhES #analysis #concurrent #library
- Symbolic Deadlock Analysis in Concurrent Libraries and Their Clients (JVD, EAE, SS), pp. 480–491.
- DAC-2009-Leiserson #concurrent #framework
- The Cilk++ concurrency platform (CEL), pp. 522–527.
- DATE-2009-Anghel #concurrent #development #topic
- HOT TOPIC — Concurrent SoC development and end-to-end planning (LA), p. 430.
- DATE-2009-BolzaniCMMP #concurrent #design #industrial #power management
- Enabling concurrent clock and power gating in an industrial design flow (LMVB, AC, AM, EM, MP), pp. 334–339.
- DATE-2009-ChangHL #adaptation #concurrent #embedded #manycore #named #testing
- pTest: An adaptive testing tool for concurrent software on embedded multicore processors (SWC, KYH, JKL), pp. 1012–1017.
- DocEng-2009-BattleB #behaviour #concurrent #documentation #modelling #state machine
- Modelling composite document behaviour with concurrent hierarchical state machines (SB, HB), pp. 25–28.
- VLDB-2009-CandeaPV #concurrent #predict #scalability
- A Scalable, Predictable Join Operator for Highly Concurrent Data Warehouses (GC, NP, RV), pp. 277–288.
- ITiCSE-2009-CasselLMW #concurrent #ontology #parallel
- Concurrency and parallelism in the computing ontology (LNC, RJL, ADM, MW), p. 402.
- ESOP-2009-FilipovicORY #abstraction #concurrent
- Abstraction for Concurrent Objects (IF, PWO, NR, HY), pp. 252–266.
- FASE-2009-ChocklerFGN #concurrent #source code
- Cross-Entropy-Based Replay of Concurrent Programs (HC, EF, BG, SN), pp. 201–215.
- FoSSaCS-2009-AbbesB #algebra #concurrent #probability
- Concurrency, σ-Algebras, and Probabilistic Fairness (SA, AB), pp. 380–394.
- FoSSaCS-2009-BolligGH #concurrent #recursion #source code
- Realizability of Concurrent Recursive Programs (BB, MLG, PH), pp. 410–424.
- FoSSaCS-2009-Gutierrez #bisimulation #concurrent #game studies #logic
- Logics and Bisimulation Games for Concurrency, Causality and Conflict (JG), pp. 48–62.
- TACAS-2009-AtigBQ #analysis #bound #concurrent #source code #thread
- Context-Bounded Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Dynamic Creation of Threads (MFA, AB, SQ), pp. 107–123.
- TACAS-2009-KahlonSG #concurrent #reduction #semantics #source code #thread
- Semantic Reduction of Thread Interleavings in Concurrent Programs (VK, SS, AG), pp. 124–138.
- CSMR-2009-LuciaFST #concurrent #fine-grained #modelling #uml #version control
- Concurrent Fine-Grained Versioning of UML Models (ADL, FF, GS, GT), pp. 89–98.
- SCAM-2009-Giffhorn #concurrent #source code
- Chopping Concurrent Programs (DG), pp. 13–22.
- PLDI-2009-AndersonGN #concurrent #data type #lightweight
- Lightweight annotations for controlling sharing in concurrent data structures (ZRA, DG, MN), pp. 98–109.
- STOC-2009-LinPV #concurrent #framework #security
- A unified framework for concurrent security: universal composability from stand-alone non-malleability (HL, RP, MV), pp. 179–188.
- ICALP-v2-2009-GriponS #concurrent #game studies #probability
- Qualitative Concurrent Stochastic Games with Imperfect Information (VG, OS), pp. 200–211.
- LATA-2009-GauwinNT #bound #concurrent #query
- Bounded Delay and Concurrency for Earliest Query Answering (OG, JN, ST), pp. 350–361.
- FM-2009-DaylightS #case study #design #on the
- On the Difficulties of Concurrent-System Design, Illustrated with a 2×2 Switch Case Study (EGD, SKS), pp. 273–288.
- FM-2009-JohnsenKY #composition #concurrent #distributed #evolution
- Dynamic Classes: Modular Asynchronous Evolution of Distributed Concurrent Objects (EBJ, MK, ICY), pp. 596–611.
- FM-2009-WangKGG #analysis #concurrent #predict #source code
- Symbolic Predictive Analysis for Concurrent Programs (CW, SK, MKG, AG), pp. 256–272.
- IFM-2009-BoitenD #concurrent #modelling #refinement #relational
- Modelling Divergence in Relational Concurrent Refinement (EAB, JD), pp. 183–199.
- SEFM-2009-ChandrasekaranM #component #concurrent #coordination #specification
- Specifying Interacting Components with Coordinated Concurrent Scenarios (PC, MM), pp. 61–69.
- SEFM-2009-Jeannet #concurrent #interprocedural #relational #source code #verification
- Relational Interprocedural Verification of Concurrent Programs (BJ), pp. 83–92.
- ICFP-2009-Chaudhuri #concurrent #haskell #library #ml
- A concurrent ML library in concurrent Haskell (AC), pp. 269–280.
- ICFP-2009-ReppyRX #concurrent #ml #parallel
- Parallel concurrent ML (JHR, CVR, YX), pp. 257–268.
- ICFP-2009-ZiarekSJ #communication #concurrent
- Partial memoization of concurrency and communication (LZ, KCS, SJ), pp. 161–172.
- CHI-2009-BlanchO #concurrent #performance
- Rake cursor: improving pointing performance with concurrent input channels (RB, MO), pp. 1415–1418.
- CHI-2009-SalvucciTB #concurrent #formal method #multi #performance #towards
- Toward a unified theory of the multitasking continuum: from concurrent performance to task switching, interruption, and resumption (DDS, NT, JPB), pp. 1819–1828.
- HCI-NT-2009-RaoCJB #concurrent #exclamation #how #people
- “You’ve Got IMs!” How People Manage Concurrent Instant Messages (SR, JC, RJ, RB), pp. 500–509.
- SIGAda-2009-Barkstrom #ada #algorithm #concurrent #multi #on the #problem #using
- On using Ada to solve problems in computational economics and related disciplines with concurrent, multiagent algorithms (BRB), pp. 61–72.
- MoDELS-2009-ShoushaBL #analysis #concurrent #detection #uml
- A UML/MARTE Model Analysis Method for Detection of Data Races in Concurrent Systems (MS, LCB, YL), pp. 47–61.
- MoDELS-2009-ShoushaBL #analysis #concurrent #detection #uml
- A UML/MARTE Model Analysis Method for Detection of Data Races in Concurrent Systems (MS, LCB, YL), pp. 47–61.
- OOPSLA-2009-BloomFNORSVW #concurrent #named #robust #virtual machine
- Thorn: robust, concurrent, extensible scripting on the JVM (BB, JF, NN, JÖ, GR, RS, JV, TW), pp. 117–136.
- OOPSLA-2009-HaABM #concurrent #dynamic analysis #framework #hardware #manycore
- A concurrent dynamic analysis framework for multicore hardware (JH, MA, SMB, KSM), pp. 155–174.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-Vitek #concurrent #modelling #programming #realtime
- Programming Models for Concurrency and Real-Time (JV), p. 17.
- PPDP-2009-FalaschiOP #abstract interpretation #concurrent #constraints #framework #source code
- A framework for abstract interpretation of timed concurrent constraint programs (MF, CO, CP), pp. 207–218.
- SAC-2009-CapozuccaG #concurrent #design #object-oriented #realtime #reliability
- Designing reliable real-time concurrent object-oriented software systems (AC, NG), pp. 1996–1997.
- SAC-2009-LeoniGLM #adaptation #mobile #online #process
- On-line adaptation of sequential mobile processes running concurrently (MdL, GDG, YL, MM), pp. 1345–1352.
- SAC-2009-VasudevanE #compilation #concurrent #manycore
- Celling SHIM: compiling deterministic concurrency to a heterogeneous multicore (NV, SAE), pp. 1626–1631.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-KahlonSKZ #concurrent #detection #source code
- Static data race detection for concurrent programs with asynchronous calls (VK, NS, EK, YZ), pp. 13–22.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-ShermanDE #concurrent #source code #testing
- Saturation-based testing of concurrent programs (ES, MBD, SGE), pp. 53–62.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-WangCGY #concurrent
- Symbolic pruning of concurrent program executions (CW, SC, AG, YY), pp. 23–32.
- ICSE-2009-DigME #concurrent #java #library #refactoring
- Refactoring sequential Java code for concurrency via concurrent libraries (DD, JM, MDE), pp. 397–407.
- CC-2009-VasudevanTDE #analysis #concurrent #source code
- Compile-Time Analysis and Specialization of Clocks in Concurrent Programs (NV, OT, JD, SAE), pp. 48–62.
- CGO-2009-DuanFWZY #c #c++ #concurrent #consistency #detection #source code
- Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violations of Sequential Consistency for Concurrent C/C++ Programs (YD, XF, LW, CZ, PCY), pp. 25–34.
- PPoPP-2009-MarkstrumFM #concurrent #refactoring #towards
- Towards concurrency refactoring for x10 (SM, RMF, TDM), pp. 303–304.
- CAV-2009-BaslerMWK #abstraction #concurrent
- Symbolic Counter Abstraction for Concurrent Software (GB, MM, TW, DK), pp. 64–78.
- CAV-2009-JoshiNPS #concurrent #framework #named #source code #testing
- CalFuzzer: An Extensible Active Testing Framework for Concurrent Programs (PJ, MN, CSP, KS), pp. 675–681.
- CAV-2009-LahiriQR #concurrent #detection #fault #precise #smt #using
- Static and Precise Detection of Concurrency Errors in Systems Code Using SMT Solvers (SKL, SQ, ZR), pp. 509–524.
- CAV-2009-TorreMP #bound #concurrent #reachability
- Reducing Context-Bounded Concurrent Reachability to Sequential Reachability (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 477–492.
- CAV-2009-WintersteigerHM #approach #concurrent #smt
- A Concurrent Portfolio Approach to SMT Solving (CMW, YH, LMdM), pp. 715–720.
- CSL-2009-TurnerW #concurrent
- Nominal Domain Theory for Concurrency (DT, GW), pp. 546–560.
- ICLP-2009-CampliB #concurrent #constraints
- Capturing Fair Computations on Concurrent Constraint Language (PC, SB), pp. 559–560.
- ICLP-2009-HildebrandtL #concurrent #constraints #pattern matching #programming
- Types for Secure Pattern Matching with Local Knowledge in Universal Concurrent Constraint Programming (TTH, HAL), pp. 417–431.
- LICS-2009-HansenKM #concurrent #game studies #reachability
- Winning Concurrent Reachability Games Requires Doubly-Exponential Patience (KAH, MK, PBM), pp. 332–341.
- MBT-2009-KimHHK #concurrent #debugging #kernel #modelling #testing
- Model-based Kernel Testing for Concurrency Bugs through Counter Example Replay (MK, SH, CH, TK), pp. 21–36.
- VMCAI-2009-Gupta #concurrent #model checking #source code
- Model Checking Concurrent Programs (AG), p. 2.
- VMCAI-2009-KiddRDV #debugging #random #using
- Finding Concurrency-Related Bugs Using Random Isolation (NK, TWR, JD, MV), pp. 198–213.
- ASE-2008-Yom-TovTUH #automation #concurrent #debugging #random #source code
- Automatic Debugging of Concurrent Programs through Active Sampling of Low Dimensional Random Projections (EYT, RT, SU, SH), pp. 307–316.
- CASE-2008-KhaledMM #architecture #collaboration #concurrent
- A Service Oriented Architecture for CAX concurrent collaboration (AK, YM, JM), pp. 650–655.
- CASE-2008-MunguiaR #agile #concurrent
- A concurrent Rapid Manufacturing advice system (JM, CR), pp. 947–952.
- DAC-2008-LukasiewyczGHTRL #concurrent #integration #network #optimisation
- Concurrent topology and routing optimization in automotive network integration (ML, MG, CH, JT, RR, BL), pp. 626–629.
- DATE-2008-ChoudhuryM #approximate #concurrent #detection #fault #logic
- Approximate logic circuits for low overhead, non-intrusive concurrent error detection (MRC, KM), pp. 903–908.
- DATE-2008-EdwardsVT #compilation #concurrent #memory management #message passing #multi #programming #thread
- Programming Shared Memory Multiprocessors with Deterministic Message-Passing Concurrency: Compiling SHIM to Pthreads (SAE, NV, OT), pp. 1498–1503.
- DATE-2008-LiMM #concurrent #named #self #using
- CASP: Concurrent Autonomous Chip Self-Test Using Stored Test Patterns (YL, SM, SM), pp. 885–890.
- DATE-2008-StrikGW #concurrent #design #process
- Subsystem Exchange in a Concurrent Design Process Environment (MS, AG, PW), pp. 953–958.
- DATE-2008-VemuJAPG #concurrent #detection #fault #logic #low cost
- A low-cost concurrent error detection technique for processor control logic (RV, AJ, JAA, SP, RG), pp. 897–902.
- ITiCSE-2008-ErnstS #concurrent #manycore #student
- Concurrent CS: preparing students for a multicore world (DJE, DES), pp. 230–234.
- ESOP-2008-BuscemiM #bisimulation #concurrent #constraints #π-calculus
- Open Bisimulation for the Concurrent Constraint π-Calculus (MGB, UM), pp. 254–268.
- ESOP-2008-HoborAN #concurrent #logic #semantics
- Oracle Semantics for Concurrent Separation Logic (AH, AWA, FZN), pp. 353–367.
- FoSSaCS-2008-HasuoJS #algebra #concurrent
- The Microcosm Principle and Concurrency in Coalgebra (IH, BJ, AS), pp. 246–260.
- TACAS-2008-ClarkeTV #abstraction #concurrent #framework #model checking #proving
- Proving Ptolemy Right: The Environment Abstraction Framework for Model Checking Concurrent Systems (EMC, MT, HV), pp. 33–47.
- TACAS-2008-LalTKR #analysis #bound #concurrent #interprocedural #source code
- Interprocedural Analysis of Concurrent Programs Under a Context Bound (AL, TT, NK, TWR), pp. 282–298.
- TACAS-2008-TorreMP #analysis #bound #concurrent #queue
- Context-Bounded Analysis of Concurrent Queue Systems (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 299–314.
- ICPC-2008-FlemingKSDX #comprehension #concurrent #maintenance
- Refining Existing Theories of Program Comprehension During Maintenance for Concurrent Software (SDF, EK, REKS, LKD, SX), pp. 23–32.
- ICSM-2008-BaroneLFRST #concurrent #named #version control
- COMOVER: Concurrent model versioning (IB, ADL, FF, ER, GS, GT), pp. 462–463.
- PEPM-2008-EdwardsZ #concurrent #recursion
- Static elaboration of recursion for concurrent software (SAE, JZ), pp. 71–80.
- PLDI-2008-BoehmA #c++ #concurrent #memory management
- Foundations of the C++ concurrency memory model (HJB, SVA), pp. 68–78.
- PLDI-2008-ChughVJL #analysis #concurrent #data flow #detection #source code #using
- Dataflow analysis for concurrent programs using datarace detection (RC, JWV, RJ, SL), pp. 316–326.
- PLDI-2008-PizloPS #case study #concurrent #garbage collection #realtime
- A study of concurrent real-time garbage collectors (FP, EP, BS), pp. 33–44.
- PLDI-2008-Sen #concurrent #random testing #source code #testing
- Race directed random testing of concurrent programs (KS), pp. 11–21.
- PLDI-2008-Solar-LezamaJB #concurrent #data type #sketching
- Sketching concurrent data structures (ASL, CGJ, RB), pp. 136–148.
- PLDI-2008-VechevY #concurrent #fine-grained
- Deriving linearizable fine-grained concurrent objects (MTV, EY), pp. 125–135.
- SAS-2008-ManevichLSRB #analysis #composition #concurrent
- Heap Decomposition for Concurrent Shape Analysis (RM, TLA, MS, GR, JB), pp. 363–377.
- SAS-2008-NanzNN #abstraction #behaviour #concurrent
- Modal Abstractions of Concurrent Behaviour (SN, FN, HRN), pp. 159–173.
- CIAA-2008-Yen #concurrent #petri net
- Concurrency, Synchronization, and Conflicts in Petri Nets (HCY), pp. 33–35.
- ICALP-C-2008-OstrovskyPV #concurrent
- Constant-Round Concurrent Non-malleable Zero Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model (RO, GP, IV), pp. 548–559.
- LATA-2008-Kahramanogullari #concurrent #linear #logic #on the
- On Linear Logic Planning and Concurrency (OK), pp. 250–262.
- FM-2008-MateescuT #concurrent #model checking
- A Model Checking Language for Concurrent Value-Passing Systems (RM, DT), pp. 148–164.
- AFP-2008-JonesS08 #concurrent #haskell #parallel #programming #tutorial
- A Tutorial on Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell (SLPJ, SS), pp. 267–305.
- AdaEurope-2008-Evequoz #concurrent #performance #using #word
- Practical, Fast and Simple Concurrent FIFO Queues Using Single Word Synchronization Primitives (CE), pp. 59–72.
- AdaEurope-2008-KaiserPP #concurrent #metric
- Concurrent Program Metrics Drawn by Quasar (CK, CP, JFPP), pp. 101–114.
- AdaEurope-2008-Pettit #analysis #architecture #concurrent
- Increasing Confidence in Concurrent Software through Architectural Analysis (RGPI), pp. 199–210.
- ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-Nikovski #concurrent #mining #process #representation #workflow
- Workflow Trees for Representation and Mining of Implicitly Concurrent Business Processes (DN), pp. 30–36.
- MoDELS-2008-ShoushaBL #algorithm #analysis #concurrent #search-based #uml
- A UML/SPT Model Analysis Methodology for Concurrent Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms (MS, LCB, YL), pp. 475–489.
- MoDELS-2008-ShoushaBL #algorithm #analysis #concurrent #search-based #uml
- A UML/SPT Model Analysis Methodology for Concurrent Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms (MS, LCB, YL), pp. 475–489.
- ECOOP-2008-ZhangJ #concurrent #java
- Externalizing Java Server Concurrency with CAL (CZ, HAJ), pp. 362–386.
- QAPL-2008-Bortolussi #approximate #concurrent #constraints #equation #on the #probability #programming
- On the Approximation of Stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming by Master Equation (LB), pp. 163–180.
- POPL-2008-Fontana #biology #concurrent #modelling
- Systems biology, models, and concurrency (WF), pp. 1–2.
- POPL-2008-NeamtiuHFP #concurrent #programming
- Contextual effects for version-consistent dynamic software updating and safe concurrent programming (IN, MH, JSF, PP), pp. 37–49.
- SAC-2008-GrovPMI #component #concurrent #coordination
- Preserving coordination properties when transforming concurrent system components (GG, RFP, GM, AI), pp. 126–127.
- SAC-2008-OlarteV #concurrent #constraints #security #semantics
- Universal concurrent constraint programing: symbolic semantics and applications to security (CO, FDV), pp. 145–150.
- FSE-2008-DragertDR #concurrent #generative #using
- Generation of concurrency control code using discrete-event systems theory (CD, JD, KR), pp. 146–157.
- FSE-2008-ParkS #concurrent #detection #random #source code
- Randomized active atomicity violation detection in concurrent programs (CSP, KS), pp. 135–145.
- ICSE-2008-FlemingKSXD #case study #concurrent #maintenance #student
- A study of student strategies for the corrective maintenance of concurrent software (SDF, EK, REKS, SX, LKD), pp. 759–768.
- ASPLOS-2008-LuPSZ #concurrent #debugging #learning
- Learning from mistakes: a comprehensive study on real world concurrency bug characteristics (SL, SP, ES, YZ), pp. 329–339.
- ASPLOS-2008-WegielK #concurrent #memory management #parallel
- The mapping collector: virtual memory support for generational, parallel, and concurrent compaction (MW, CK), pp. 91–102.
- CC-2008-LiuLS #concurrent #named
- Coqa: Concurrent Objects with Quantized Atomicity (YDL, XL, SFS), pp. 260–275.
- OSDI-2008-MusuvathiQBBNN #concurrent #source code
- Finding and Reproducing Heisenbugs in Concurrent Programs (MM, SQ, TB, GB, PAN, IN), pp. 267–280.
- PPoPP-2008-AnsariKJLKW #adaptation #algorithm #case study #concurrent #experience #memory management #transaction #using
- Experiences using adaptive concurrency in transactional memory with Lee’s routing algorithm (MA, CK, KJ, ML, CCK, IW), pp. 261–262.
- PPoPP-2008-DingC #concurrent #profiling
- All-window profiling of concurrent executions (CD, TMC), pp. 265–266.
- PPoPP-2008-GiacomoniMV #concurrent #parallel #performance #pipes and filters #queue
- FastForward for efficient pipeline parallelism: a cache-optimized concurrent lock-free queue (JG, TM, MV), pp. 43–52.
- PPoPP-2008-HerlihyK #transaction
- Transactional boosting: a methodology for highly-concurrent transactional objects (MH, EK), pp. 207–216.
- PPoPP-2008-McGacheyAHMSS #concurrent #garbage collection #memory management #transaction
- Concurrent GC leveraging transactional memory (PM, ARAT, RLH, VM, BS, TS), pp. 217–226.
- PPoPP-2008-PraunBC #analysis #concurrent #dependence #modelling #using
- Modeling optimistic concurrency using quantitative dependence analysis (CvP, RB, CC), pp. 185–196.
- CAV-2008-BerdineLMRS #analysis #concurrent #quantifier #thread
- Thread Quantification for Concurrent Shape Analysis (JB, TLA, RM, GR, SS), pp. 399–413.
- CAV-2008-CohenN #concurrent #linear #proving #source code
- Local Proofs for Linear-Time Properties of Concurrent Programs (AC, KSN), pp. 149–161.
- CAV-2008-FarzanM #concurrent #monitoring #source code
- Monitoring Atomicity in Concurrent Programs (AF, PM), pp. 52–65.
- CAV-2008-LalR #analysis #bound #concurrent
- Reducing Concurrent Analysis Under a Context Bound to Sequential Analysis (AL, TWR), pp. 37–51.
- ICLP-2008-ArandaPRV #behaviour #concurrent #constraints #probability #programming
- Stochastic Behavior and Explicit Discrete Time in Concurrent Constraint Programming (JA, JAP, CR, FDV), pp. 682–686.
- ICLP-2008-Beauxis #concurrent #modelling #probability #security
- Probabilistic and Concurrent Models for Security (RB), pp. 801–802.
- ICLP-2008-MarquesS #concurrent #evaluation #source code
- Concurrent and Local Evaluation of Normal Programs (RM, TS), pp. 206–222.
- ICLP-2008-PerezR #concurrent #constraints #nondeterminism #programming
- Non-determinism and Probabilities in Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (JAP, CR), pp. 677–681.
- ICST-2008-LeiWL #concurrent #consistency #diagrams #java #nondeterminism #process #source code #testing #uml
- UML Activity Diagram Based Testing of Java Concurrent Programs for Data Race and Inconsistency (BL, LW, XL), pp. 200–209.
- IJCAR-2008-Schack-NielsenS #concurrent #deduction #framework #logic #named
- Celf — A Logical Framework for Deductive and Concurrent Systems (System Description) (ASN, CS), pp. 320–326.
- LICS-2008-Kahlon #abstraction #analysis #approach #concurrent #data flow #source code
- Parameterization as Abstraction: A Tractable Approach to the Dataflow Analysis of Concurrent Programs (VK), pp. 181–192.
- TestCom-FATES-2008-WangH #analysis #concurrent #generative #realtime #testing
- Test Plan Generation for Concurrent Real-Time Systems Based on Zone Coverage Analysis (FW, GDH), pp. 234–249.
- ASE-2007-ChenM #concurrent #source code #testing #using
- Testing concurrent programs using value schedules (JC, SM), pp. 313–322.
- ASE-2007-PughA #concurrent #testing
- Unit testing concurrent software (WP, NA), pp. 513–516.
- ASE-2007-Sen #concurrent #effectiveness #random testing #source code #testing
- Effective random testing of concurrent programs (KS), pp. 323–332.
- ASE-2007-WitkowskiBKW #concurrent #linux #model checking
- Model checking concurrent linux device drivers (TW, NB, DK, GW), pp. 501–504.
- DAC-2007-BhojwaniM #concurrent #online #protocol #robust
- A Robust Protocol for Concurrent On-Line Test (COLT) of NoC-based Systems-on-a-Chip (PB, RNM), pp. 670–675.
- DAC-2007-RizzoM #concurrent
- Concurrent Wire Spreading, Widening, and Filling (OR, HM), pp. 350–353.
- VLDB-2007-LeeZL #approach #concurrent #distributed #integration #query #throughput
- Request Window: an Approach to Improve Throughput of RDBMS-based Data Integration System by Utilizing Data Sharing Across Concurrent Distributed Queries (RL, MZ, HL), pp. 1219–1230.
- VLDB-2007-RomanK #behaviour #concurrent #logic #reasoning #semantics #transaction #web #web service
- Reasoning about the Behavior of Semantic Web Services with Concurrent Transaction Logic (DR, MK), pp. 627–638.
- ITiCSE-2007-Ben-Ari #concurrent #education #nondeterminism
- Teaching concurrency and nondeterminism with spin (MBA), pp. 363–364.
- ITiCSE-2007-OechsleB #automation #concurrent #thread
- Checking automatically the output of concurrent threads (RO, KB), pp. 43–47.
- ESOP-2007-AcciaiBD #calculus #concurrent #transaction
- A Concurrent Calculus with Atomic Transactions (LA, MB, SDZ), pp. 48–63.
- ESOP-2007-FengFS #concurrent #logic #on the #reasoning
- On the Relationship Between Concurrent Separation Logic and Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (XF, RF, ZS), pp. 173–188.
- ESOP-2007-SuenagaK #analysis #calculus #concurrent #type system
- Type-Based Analysis of Deadlock for a Concurrent Calculus with Interrupts (KS, NK), pp. 490–504.
- TACAS-2007-FarzanM #analysis #concurrent #data flow #source code
- Causal Dataflow Analysis for Concurrent Programs (AF, PM), pp. 102–116.
- TACAS-2007-HerbreteauST #concurrent
- Unfolding Concurrent Well-Structured Transition Systems (FH, GS, TQT), pp. 706–720.
- SCAM-2007-GiffhornH #algorithm #concurrent #evaluation #slicing #source code
- An Evaluation of Slicing Algorithms for Concurrent Programs (DG, CH), pp. 17–26.
- PLDI-2007-BurckhardtAM #concurrent #consistency #data type #memory management #modelling #named
- CheckFence: checking consistency of concurrent data types on relaxed memory models (SB, RA, MMKM), pp. 12–21.
- PLDI-2007-LiZ #concurrent #evaluation #implementation #monad #network #scalability #thread
- Combining events and threads for scalable network services implementation and evaluation of monadic, application-level concurrency primitives (PL, SZ), pp. 189–199.
- PLDI-2007-VechevYBR #automation #concurrent #named
- CGCExplorer: a semi-automated search procedure for provably correct concurrent collectors (MTV, EY, DFB, NR), pp. 456–467.
- SAS-2007-CalcagnoPV #composition #concurrent #fine-grained #safety
- Modular Safety Checking for Fine-Grained Concurrency (CC, MJP, VV), pp. 233–248.
- ICALP-2007-LuttgenV #concurrent #exclamation #logic #simulation
- Ready Simulation for Concurrency: It’s Logical! (GL, WV), pp. 752–763.
- IFM-2007-Bruckner #concurrent #realtime #slicing #specification #verification
- Slicing Concurrent Real-Time System Specifications for Verification (IB), pp. 54–74.
- SEFM-2007-BeckertK #concurrent #deduction #logic #source code #verification
- A Dynamic Logic for Deductive Verification of Concurrent Programs (BB, VK), pp. 141–150.
- SEFM-2007-Cook #automation #concurrent #proving #source code
- Automatically Proving Concurrent Programs Correct (BC), pp. 269–272.
- DHM-2007-ZhengLZK #assessment #concurrent #experience #usability #user interface #visualisation
- Visualizing User Experience Through “Perceptual Maps”: Concurrent Assessment of Perceived Usability and Subjective Appearance in Car Infotainment Systems (XSZ, JJWL, SZ, CK), pp. 536–545.
- HCI-IDU-2007-Jensen #comparison #concurrent
- Evaluating in a Healthcare Setting: A Comparison Between Concurrent and Retrospective Verbalisation (JJJ), pp. 508–516.
- HCI-MIE-2007-Wheatley #communication #concurrent #design #evaluation
- User-Centered Design and Evaluation of a Concurrent Voice Communication and Media Sharing Application (DW), pp. 990–999.
- AdaEurope-2007-KaiserPP #ada #concurrent #modelling
- Modelling Remote Concurrency with Ada (CK, CP, JFPP), pp. 192–207.
- SEKE-2007-YasudaM #concurrent
- Tree Hash Under Concurrency Control (KY, TM), pp. 574–579.
- ECOOP-2007-Armstrong #concurrent #erlang #named
- Erlang — Software for a Concurrent World (JA), p. 1.
- QAPL-2007-BortolussiP #concurrent #constraints #difference #equation #probability #programming
- Stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming and Differential Equations (LB, AP), pp. 27–42.
- PADL-2007-Russo #concurrent #library
- The Joins Concurrency Library (CVR), pp. 260–274.
- SAC-2007-SoaresB #aspect-oriented #composition #concurrent #reuse #towards
- Towards reusable and modular aspect-oriented concurrency control (SS, PB), pp. 1293–1294.
- ICSE-2007-XieKS #comprehension #concept #concurrent #design #diagrams #evaluation
- Design and Evaluation of a Diagrammatic Notation to Aid in the Understanding of Concurrency Concepts (SX, EK, REKS), pp. 727–731.
- HPCA-2007-ShaferCMRCZW #concurrent #monitoring #network #virtual machine
- Concurrent Direct Network Access for Virtual Machine Monitors (JS, DC, AM, SR, ALC, WZ, PW), pp. 306–317.
- ISMM-2007-OHearn #concurrent #logic #resource management
- Separation logic and concurrent resource management (PWO), p. 1.
- PPoPP-2007-SaraswatSP #architecture #concurrent #named #programming
- X10: concurrent programming for modern architectures (VAS, VS, CvP), p. 271.
- PPoPP-2007-UpadhyayaPM #concurrent
- Expressing and exploiting concurrency in networked applications with aspen (GU, VSP, SPM), pp. 13–23.
- PPoPP-2007-ZhangSZSG #concurrent
- Optimized lock assignment and allocation: a method for exploiting concurrency among critical sections (YZ, VCS, WZ, VS, GRG), pp. 146–147.
- SOSP-2007-KluesHLWCGL #concurrent #energy
- Integrating concurrency control and energy management in device drivers (KK, VH, CL, AW, DEC, DG, PL), pp. 251–264.
- SOSP-2007-LuPHMJLPZ #automation #concurrent #correlation #debugging #detection #multi #named #semantics
- MUVI: automatically inferring multi-variable access correlations and detecting related semantic and concurrency bugs (SL, SP, CH, XM, WJ, ZL, RAP, YZ), pp. 103–116.
- CAV-2007-KahlonYSG #concurrent #detection #performance #source code
- Fast and Accurate Static Data-Race Detection for Concurrent Programs (VK, YY, SS, AG), pp. 226–239.
- ICLP-2007-FalaschiOPV #concurrent #constraints #declarative #source code
- Declarative Diagnosis of Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programs (MF, CO, CP, FV), pp. 271–285.
- ICLP-2007-OlartePV #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Universal Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (CO, CP, FV), pp. 464–465.
- ISSTA-2007-TzorefUY #automation #concurrent #debugging
- Instrumenting where it hurts: an automatic concurrent debugging technique (RT, SU, EYT), pp. 27–38.
- ASE-2006-EstublierG #concurrent #re-engineering
- Concurrent Engineering support in Software Engineering (JE, SG), pp. 209–220.
- DATE-2006-AlmukhaizimM #concurrent #detection #fault
- Berger code-based concurrent error detection in asynchronous burst-mode machines (SA, YM), pp. 71–72.
- DATE-2006-HosseinabadyBBN #concurrent #testing
- A concurrent testing method for NoC switches (MH, AB, MNB, ZN), pp. 1171–1176.
- DATE-2006-ZengI #concurrent #testing #using
- Concurrent core test for SOC using shared test set and scan chain disable (GZ, HI), pp. 1045–1050.
- FASE-2006-AichernigD #concurrent #fault #testing
- From Faults Via Test Purposes to Test Cases: On the Fault-Based Testing of Concurrent Systems (BKA, CCD), pp. 324–338.
- TACAS-2006-ChakiCKRT #c #concurrent #message passing #recursion #source code #verification
- Verifying Concurrent Message-Passing C Programs with Recursive Calls (SC, EMC, NK, TWR, TT), pp. 334–349.
- TACAS-2006-DwyerHHRRW #concurrent #effectiveness #object-oriented #reduction #slicing #source code
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Slicing for Model Reduction of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs (MBD, JH, MH, VPR, R, TW), pp. 73–89.
- TACAS-2006-GhicaM #composition #concurrent #higher-order #source code
- Compositional Model Extraction for Higher-Order Concurrent Programs (DRG, ASM), pp. 303–317.
- PLDI-2006-KermanyP #concurrent #incremental #parallel
- The Compressor: concurrent, incremental, and parallel compaction (HK, EP), pp. 354–363.
- PLDI-2006-VechevYB #algorithm #concurrent #garbage collection
- Correctness-preserving derivation of concurrent garbage collection algorithms (MTV, EY, DFB), pp. 341–353.
- ICALP-v2-2006-EtessamiY #concurrent #game studies #probability #recursion
- Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games (KE, MY), pp. 324–335.
- ICFP-2006-DowseB #concurrent #modelling
- Modelling deterministic concurrent I/O (MD, AB), pp. 148–159.
- ICFP-2006-Shapiro #concurrent #proving #source code
- Practical proofs of concurrent programs (MS), p. 123.
- ICFP-2006-ZiarekSJ #abstraction #composition #concurrent #functional #named #source code
- Stabilizers: a modular checkpointing abstraction for concurrent functional programs (LZ, PS, SJ), pp. 136–147.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2006-ChengX #approach #behaviour #concurrent #detection #formal method #online
- A Formal Approach to Detecting Shilling Behaviors in Concurrent Online Auctions (YTC, HX), pp. 375–381.
- ICPR-v1-2006-CaparG #concurrent #performance #recognition #segmentation
- Concurrent Segmentation and Recognition with Shape-Driven Fast Marching Methods (AÇ, MG), pp. 155–158.
- ICPR-v1-2006-GimelfarbLMD #concurrent #image
- Concurrent Stereo under Photometric Image Distortions (GLG, JL, JM, PD), pp. 111–114.
- ECOOP-2006-Yonezawa #concurrent #mobile
- Early Concurrent/Mobile Objects (AY), pp. 198–202.
- GPCE-2006-DouenceBNS #aspect-oriented #concurrent
- Concurrent aspects (RD, DLB, JN, MS), pp. 79–88.
- LOPSTR-2006-MusuvathiQ #concurrent #named #testing
- CHESS: Systematic Stress Testing of Concurrent Software (MM, SQ), pp. 15–16.
- QAPL-2006-Bortolussi #concurrent #constraints #probability #programming
- Stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming (LB), pp. 65–80.
- SAC-2006-LiH #concurrent #multi #thread
- A concurrent reactive Esterel processor based on multi-threading (XL, RvH), pp. 912–917.
- SAC-2006-RuizCCP #algebra #analysis #concurrent #e-commerce #process #protocol #set #using
- Analysis of the SET e-commerce protocol using a true concurrency process algebra (MCR, DC, FC, JJP), pp. 879–886.
- ICSE-2006-Gomaa #concurrent #design #distributed #realtime #uml
- Designing concurrent, distributed, and real-time applications with UML (HG), pp. 1059–1060.
- ICSE-2006-PettitG #behaviour #concurrent #design pattern #modelling
- Modeling behavioral design patterns of concurrent objects (RGPI, HG), pp. 202–211.
- ICSE-2006-StrooperW #component #concurrent #java #testing
- Testing concurrent java components (PAS, LW), pp. 1075–1076.
- HPCA-2006-KumarA #concurrent #detection #fault #performance
- Reducing resource redundancy for concurrent error detection techniques in high performance microprocessors (SK, AA), pp. 212–221.
- ISMM-2006-Hosking #garbage collection #multi
- Portable, mostly-concurrent, mostly-copying garbage collection for multi-processors (ALH), pp. 40–51.
- PPoPP-2006-ManassievMA #clustering #concurrent #distributed #memory management #transaction
- Exploiting distributed version concurrency in a transactional memory cluster (KM, MM, CA), pp. 198–208.
- PPoPP-2006-VafeiadisHHS #correctness #proving
- Proving correctness of highly-concurrent linearisable objects (VV, MH, CARH, MS), pp. 129–136.
- PPoPP-2006-WangS #concurrent #detection #fault #performance #runtime #source code
- Accurate and efficient runtime detection of atomicity errors in concurrent programs (LW, SDS), pp. 137–146.
- CAV-2006-BurckhardtAM #bound #case study #concurrent #data type #memory management #model checking #modelling
- Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Data Types on Relaxed Memory Models: A Case Study (SB, RA, MMKM), pp. 489–502.
- CAV-2006-ColvinGLM #algorithm #concurrent #lazy evaluation #set #verification
- Formal Verification of a Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm (RC, LG, VL, MM), pp. 475–488.
- CAV-2006-KahlonGS #concurrent #model checking #on the fly #partial order #source code #transaction #using
- Symbolic Model Checking of Concurrent Programs Using Partial Orders and On-the-Fly Transactions (VK, AG, NS), pp. 286–299.
- CSL-2006-Chatterjee #concurrent #game studies
- Concurrent Games with Tail Objectives (KC), pp. 256–270.
- ICLP-2006-LopezPPRV #concurrent #constraints #declarative #framework #programming #security
- A Declarative Framework for Security: Secure Concurrent Constraint Programming (HAL, CP, JAP, CR, FDV), pp. 449–450.
- LICS-2006-HaymanW #concurrent #independence #logic
- Independence and Concurrent Separation Logic (JH, GW), pp. 147–156.
- TestCom-2006-CsorbaPDC #analysis #concurrent #performance
- Performance Analysis of Concurrent PCOs in TTCN-3 (MJC, SP, SD, GC), pp. 149–160.
- ASE-2005-Betin-CanBLLT #concurrent #design #verification
- Application of design for verification with concurrency controllers to air traffic control software (ABC, TB, ML, BL, ST), pp. 14–23.
- DATE-2005-AlmukhaizimM #concurrent #detection #fault
- Concurrent Error Detection in Asynchronous Burst-Mode Controllers (SA, YM), pp. 1272–1277.
- DATE-2005-CarterOS #concurrent #fault #modelling #testing
- Circuit-Level Modeling for Concurrent Testing of Operational Defects due to Gate Oxide Breakdown (JRC, SO, DJS), pp. 300–305.
- DATE-2005-RosselloCBKS #concurrent #performance
- A Fast Concurrent Power-Thermal Model for Sub-100nm Digital ICs (JLR, VC, SAB, AK, JS), pp. 206–211.
- WRLA-2004-CiobanuL05 #communication #concurrent
- Communicating Concurrent Objects in HiddenCCS (GC, DL), pp. 353–373.
- WRLA-2004-JohnsenOA05 #concurrent #runtime
- A Run-Time Environment for Concurrent Objects With Asynchronous Method Calls (EBJ, OO, EWA), pp. 375–392.
- FASE-2005-RodriguesRU #component #concurrent #predict #reliability #using
- Using Scenarios to Predict the Reliability of Concurrent Component-Based Software Systems (GNR, DSR, SU), pp. 111–126.
- FoSSaCS-2005-Froschle #composition
- Composition and Decomposition in True-Concurrency (SBF), pp. 333–347.
- TACAS-2005-QadeerR #bound #concurrent #model checking
- Context-Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Software (SQ, JR), pp. 93–107.
- PLDI-2005-ElmasTQ #concurrent #detection #named #runtime #source code #verification
- VYRD: verifYing concurrent programs by runtime refinement-violation detection (TE, ST, SQ), pp. 27–37.
- STOC-2005-KalaiLP #composition #concurrent #protocol
- Concurrent general composition of secure protocols in the timing model (YTK, YL, MP), pp. 644–653.
- ICALP-2005-CrescenzoV #concurrent
- Concurrent Zero Knowledge in the Public-Key Model (GDC, IV), pp. 816–827.
- ICALP-2005-PersianoV #concurrent #constant
- Single-Prover Concurrent Zero Knowledge in Almost Constant Rounds (GP, IV), pp. 228–240.
- FM-2005-CampbellGNSTV #concurrent #object-oriented #specification #testing
- Testing Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems with Spec Explorer (CC, WG, LN, WS, NT, MV), pp. 542–547.
- SEFM-2005-JacobsPLS #concurrent #invariant
- Safe Concurrency for Aggregate Objects with Invariants (BJ, FP, KRML, WS), pp. 137–147.
- SEFM-2005-JinH #concurrent #process #towards
- Towards A Truly Concurrent Model for Processes Sharing Resources (NJ, JH), pp. 231–239.
- ICFP-2005-FengS #assembly #composition #concurrent #termination #thread #verification
- Modular verification of concurrent assembly code with dynamic thread creation and termination (XF, ZS), pp. 254–267.
- IFL-2005-HuchK #composition #concurrent #haskell #implementation #memory management #transaction
- A High-Level Implementation of Composable Memory Transactions in Concurrent Haskell (FH, FK), pp. 124–141.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-KaurSS #algorithm #concurrent #database #distributed #multi
- Secure Concurrency Control Algorithm for Multilevel Secure Distributed Database Systems (NK, RS, HKS), pp. 267–272.
- ICML-2005-RohanimaneshM #approach #concurrent #generative #markov #named #process
- Coarticulation: an approach for generating concurrent plans in Markov decision processes (KR, SM), pp. 720–727.
- ECOOP-2005-VechevBCG #concurrent #evaluation
- Derivation and Evaluation of Concurrent Collectors (MTV, DFB, PC, DG), pp. 577–601.
- PPDP-2005-LopezPPW #concurrent #linear #logic programming #monad
- Monadic concurrent linear logic programming (PL, FP, JP, KW), pp. 35–46.
- RE-2005-SongMHRN #concurrent #named #process #prototype #requirements #workflow
- S-RaP: A Concurrent Prototyping Process for Refining Workflow-Oriented Requirements (XS, GM, BH, AR, CN), pp. 416–420.
- LDTA-2005-CassidyCDD #analysis #concurrent
- Source Transformation for Concurrency Analysis (TC, JRC, TRD, JD), pp. 57–75.
- CC-2005-PazPB #concurrent #garbage collection
- Age-Oriented Concurrent Garbage Collection (HP, EP, SMB), pp. 121–136.
- CGO-2005-NandivadaD #concurrent
- Compile-Time Concurrent Marking Write Barrier Removal (VKN, DD), pp. 37–48.
- CAV-2005-BarnerGR #concurrent #debugging #formal method #named #using
- Wolf — Bug Hunter for Concurrent Software Using Formal Methods (SB, ZG, IR), pp. 153–157.
- CAV-2005-PastorPS #concurrent #named #verification
- TRANSYT: A Tool for the Verification of Asynchronous Concurrent Systems (EP, MAP, MS), pp. 424–428.
- CAV-2005-RabinovitzG #bound #concurrent #model checking #source code
- Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Programs (IR, OG), pp. 82–97.
- FATES-2005-TasiranEBK #component #metric #novel #test coverage
- A Novel Test Coverage Metric for Concurrently-Accessed Software Components (ST, TE, GB, MEK), pp. 62–71.
- FATES-2005-XieD #approach #concurrent #testing
- Testing Systems of Concurrent Black-Boxes-An Automata-Theoretic and Decompositional Approach (GX, ZD), pp. 170–186.
- ICLP-2005-Bortolussi #concurrent #optimisation
- Concurrent Methodologies for Global Optimization (LB), pp. 441–443.
- ICLP-2005-BortolussiW #concurrent #constraints #distributed #probability #programming language
- A Distributed and Probabilistic Concurrent Constraint Programming Language (LB, HW), pp. 143–158.
- ICLP-2005-Haemmerle #concurrent #constraints #linear #programming
- SiLCC Is Linear Concurrent Constraint Programming (RH), pp. 448–449.
- ICLP-2005-Santos #concurrent #logic #semantics #transaction #using
- Denotational Semantics Using Horn Concurrent Transaction Logic (MVS), pp. 431–432.
- LICS-2005-FaggianM #concurrent #game studies #interactive
- Ludics Nets, a game Model of Concurrent Interaction (CF, FM), pp. 376–385.
- LICS-2005-Winskel #concurrent
- Relations in Concurrency (GW), pp. 2–11.
- VMCAI-2005-AttieC #concurrent #scalability #source code
- Efficiently Verifiable Conditions for Deadlock-Freedom of Large Concurrent Programs (PCA, HC), pp. 465–481.
- WICSA-2004-PettitG #architecture #behaviour #concurrent #modelling #petri net #using
- Modeling Behavioral Patterns of Concurrent Software Architectures Using Petri Nets (RGPI, HG), pp. 57–68.
- ASE-2004-Betin-CanB #concurrent #programming #using
- Verifiable Concurrent Programming Using Concurrency Controllers (ABC, TB), pp. 248–257.
- ASE-2004-Boulila #collaboration #concurrent #distributed #modelling
- Group Support for Distributed Collaborative Concurrent Software Modeling (NB), pp. 422–425.
- ASE-2004-Capuano #interactive #source code #visualisation
- Interactive Visualization of Concurrents Programs (RC), pp. 418–421.
- DAC-2004-KapoorJ #concurrent #logic #specification #synthesis
- Decomposing specifications with concurrent outputs to resolve state coding conflicts in asynchronous logic synthesis (HKK, MBJ), pp. 830–833.
- DATE-v1-2004-AlmukhaizimDM #bound #concurrent #detection #fault #latency #on the
- On Concurrent Error Detection with Bounded Latency in FSMs (SA, PD, YM), pp. 596–603.
- DATE-v1-2004-ChengHP #concurrent #power management #scalability
- Power Minimization in a Backlit TFT-LCD Display by Concurrent Brightness and Contrast Scaling (WCC, YH, MP), pp. 252–259.
- DATE-v1-2004-SrivastavaSB #concurrent #design #power management
- Concurrent Sizing, Vdd and Vth Assignment for Low-Power Design (AS, DS, DB), pp. 718–719.
- ITiCSE-2004-Ben-Ari #concurrent #education #tool support
- A suite of tools for teaching concurrency (MBA), p. 251.
- ESOP-2004-OHearn #concurrent #reasoning
- Resources, Concurrency, and Local Reasoning (Abstract) (PWO), pp. 1–2.
- FoSSaCS-2004-GhicaM #concurrent #fine-grained #semantics
- Angelic Semantics of Fine-Grained Concurrency (DRG, ASM), pp. 211–225.
- ICSM-2004-Krinke04a #concurrent #slicing #source code
- Advanced Slicing of Sequential and Concurrent Programs (JK), pp. 464–468.
- STOC-2004-Pass #bound #multi
- Bounded-concurrent secure multi-party computation with a dishonest majority (RP), pp. 232–241.
- ICALP-2004-GhicaMO #concurrent
- Syntactic Control of Concurrency (DRG, ASM, CHLO), pp. 683–694.
- IFM-2004-CiobanuL #concurrent #specification #verification
- Specification and Verification of Synchronizing Concurrent Objects (GC, DL), pp. 307–327.
- IFM-2004-WildmanDS #component #concurrent #testing
- Viewpoint-Based Testing of Concurrent Components (LW, RD, PAS), pp. 501–520.
- SEFM-2004-JohnsenO #communication #concurrent #distributed
- An Asynchronous Communication Model for Distributed Concurrent Objects (EBJ, OO), pp. 188–197.
- SEFM-2004-WuY #ambiguity #concurrent #refinement #towards
- Towards Action Refinement for Concurrent Systems with Causal Ambiguity (JW, HY), pp. 300–309.
- ICFP-2004-ChristiansenH #concurrent #debugging #haskell #source code
- Searching for deadlocks while debugging concurrent haskell programs (JC, FH), pp. 28–39.
- ICFP-2004-YuS #assembly #concurrent #safety #verification
- Verification of safety properties for concurrent assembly code (DY, ZS), pp. 175–188.
- IFL-2004-DowseBE #concurrent #functional #reasoning
- Reasoning About Deterministic Concurrent Functional I/O (MD, AB, MCJDvE), pp. 177–194.
- CHI-2004-WigdorB #comparison #concurrent #mobile
- A comparison of consecutive and concurrent input text entry techniques for mobile phones (DW, RB), pp. 81–88.
- LSO-2004-GoethalsVLS #concurrent #development #framework
- A Framework for Managing Concurrent Business and ICT Development (FGG, JV, WL, MS), pp. 131–136.
- UML-2004-GoniE #concurrent #ocl #precise #uml #using
- Building Precise UML Constructs to Model Concurrency Using OCL (AG, YE), pp. 212–225.
- TOOLS-USA-2003-Silva04 #approach #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming: The MP-Eiffel Approach (MOeS), pp. 97–124.
- ECOOP-2004-VitenbergKS #concurrent #database #program analysis #using
- Increasing Concurrency in Databases Using Program Analysis (RV, KK, AKS), pp. 341–363.
- ECOOP-2004-WelcJH #concurrent #monitoring #transaction
- Transactional Monitors for Concurrent Objects (AW, SJ, ALH), pp. 519–542.
- LOPSTR-2004-Fruhwirth #concurrent #multi
- Specialization of Concurrent Guarded Multi-set Transformation Rules (TWF), pp. 133–148.
- PDCL-2004-RoychoudhuryR #automation #concurrent #verification
- Unfold/Fold Transformations for Automated Verification of Parameterized Concurrent Systems (AR, CRR), pp. 261–290.
- POPL-2004-QadeerRR #concurrent #source code
- Summarizing procedures in concurrent programs (SQ, SKR, JR), pp. 245–255.
- SAC-2004-RamirezS #concurrent #constraints #distributed #logic programming #source code #using
- Concurrent and distributed programming using constraint logic programs (RR, AES), pp. 508–509.
- SAC-2004-SundellT #concurrent #scalability
- Scalable and lock-free concurrent dictionaries (HS, PT), pp. 1438–1445.
- FSE-2004-DingelL #analysis #automation #concurrent #safety #source code #txl #using
- Automating comprehensive safety analysis of concurrent programs using verisoft and TXL (JD, HL), pp. 13–22.
- CC-2004-RanganathH #concurrent #dependence #java #slicing #source code
- Pruning Interference and Ready Dependence for Slicing Concurrent Java Programs (VPR, JH), pp. 39–56.
- ISMM-2004-OssiaBS #concurrent #garbage collection
- Mostly concurrent compaction for mark-sweep GC (YO, OBY, MS), pp. 25–36.
- ISMM-2004-SagonasW #concurrent #garbage collection #incremental
- Message analysis-guided allocation and low-pause incremental garbage collection in a concurrent language (KFS, JW), pp. 1–12.
- ISMM-2004-VechevB #concurrent #garbage collection
- Write barrier elision for concurrent garbage collectors (MTV, DFB), pp. 13–24.
- LCTES-2004-QinRM #architecture #concurrent #development #modelling #synthesis #tool support
- A formal concurrency model based architecture description language for synthesis of software development tools (WQ, SR, SM), pp. 47–56.
- LCTES-2004-ZengSE #concurrent #dependence #generative #graph #performance
- Generating fast code from concurrent program dependence graphs (JZ, CS, SAE), pp. 175–181.
- CAV-2004-AndrewsQRRX #concurrent #model checking #named
- Zing: A Model Checker for Concurrent Software (TA, SQ, SKR, JR, YX), pp. 484–487.
- ICLP-2004-Neugebauer #concurrent #constraints #modelling #programming
- Concurrent Constraint Programming and Tree-Based Acoustic Modelling (MN), pp. 467–468.
- VMCAI-2004-HatcliffRD #concurrent #model checking #object-oriented #specification #using #verification
- Verifying Atomicity Specifications for Concurrent Object-Oriented Software Using Model-Checking (JH, R, MBD), pp. 175–190.
- ASE-2003-DengFC #concurrent #database #testing #transaction
- Testing Database Transaction Concurrency (YD, PGF, ZC), pp. 184–195.
- ASE-2003-Safranek #concurrent #specification #visual notation
- Visual Specification of Concurrent Systems (DS), pp. 369–372.
- DATE-2003-DrineasM #concurrent #detection #fault #monitoring
- Non-Intrusive Concurrent Error Detection in FSMs through State/Output Compaction and Monitoring via Parity Trees (PD, YM), pp. 11164–11167.
- DATE-2003-PastorP #concurrent #simulation #traversal #verification
- Combining Simulation and Guided Traversal for the Verification of Concurrent Systems (EP, MAP), pp. 11158–11159.
- DocEng-2003-BrunDFLP #authoring #concurrent #documentation #protocol #semantics
- Semantically-based text authoring and the concurrent documentation of experimental protocols (CB, MD, EF, SL, SP), pp. 193–202.
- TACAS-2003-ZhangCS #analysis #concurrent #functional #performance #verification
- The Integrated CWB-NC/PIOATool for Functional Verification and Performance Analysis of Concurrent Systems (DZ, RC, EWS), pp. 431–436.
- SAS-2003-CarlssonSW #analysis #concurrent
- Message Analysis for Concurrent Languages (RC, KFS, JW), pp. 73–90.
- STOC-2003-Lindell #bound
- Bounded-concurrent secure two-party computation without setup assumptions (YL), pp. 683–692.
- ICALP-2003-AlfaroF #concurrent #data flow #game studies
- Information Flow in Concurrent Games (LdA, MF), pp. 1038–1053.
- SEFM-2003-DukeWL #concurrent #java #modelling
- Modelling Java Concurrency with Object-Z (RD, LW, BL), pp. 173–181.
- AdaEurope-2003-EvangelistaKPR #ada #analysis #concurrent #named #source code
- Quasar: A New Tool for Concurrent Ada Programs Analysis (SE, CK, JFPP, PR), pp. 168–181.
- SIGAda-2003-EvangelistaKPR #ada #concurrent #linear #logic #source code #verification
- Verifying linear time temporal logic properties of concurrent Ada programs with quasar (SE, CK, JFPP, PR), pp. 17–24.
- OOPSLA-2003-BarabashOP #concurrent #garbage collection #revisited
- Mostly concurrent garbage collection revisited (KB, YO, EP), pp. 255–268.
- PPDP-2003-EchahedPS #concurrent #process
- Statically assuring secrecy for dynamic concurrent processes (RE, FP, WS), pp. 91–101.
- POPL-2003-BouajjaniET #approach #concurrent #source code #static analysis
- A generic approach to the static analysis of concurrent programs with procedures (AB, JE, TT), pp. 62–73.
- SAC-2003-BorgerRC #concurrent #modelling #state machine #uml
- Modeling the Meaning of Transitions from and to Concurrent States in UML State Machines (EB, ER, AC), pp. 1086–1091.
- SAC-2003-Huntbach #concurrent #programming language
- Features of the Concurrent Programming Language Aldwych (MMH), pp. 1048–1054.
- ESEC-FSE-2003-Krinke #concurrent #slicing #source code
- Context-sensitive slicing of concurrent programs (JK), pp. 178–187.
- PPoPP-2003-KimPR #concurrent #interface #network #programmable
- Exploiting task-level concurrency in a programmable network interface (HyK, VSP, SR), pp. 61–72.
- CSL-2003-AndreoliM #concurrent
- Concurrent Construction of Proof-Nets (JMA, LM), pp. 29–42.
- ICLP-2003-DrejhammarSBH #concurrent #declarative #java
- Flow Java: Declarative Concurrency for Java (FD, CS, PB, SH), pp. 346–360.
- ICLP-2003-Valencia #concurrent #constraints
- Concurrency, Time, and Constraints (FDV), pp. 72–101.
- ICLP-2003-Valencia03a #concurrent #constraints #decidability #ltl #programming
- Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming: Decidability Results and Their Application to LTL (FDV), pp. 422–437.
- ASE-2002-CalderM #automation #communication #concurrent #process #verification
- Automatic Verification of any Number of Concurrent, Communicating Processes (MC, AM), pp. 227–230.
- ASE-2002-DiasR #component #concurrent #identification
- Identifying Cause & Effect Relations between Events in Concurrent Event-Based Components (MSD, DJR), pp. 245–248.
- DAC-2002-RaganSS #co-evolution #concurrent #cost analysis #design #hardware
- A detailed cost model for concurrent use with hardware/software co-design (DR, PS, PS), pp. 269–274.
- DATE-2002-GericotaASF #concurrent #configuration management #novel
- A Novel Methodology for the Concurrent Test of Partial and Dynamically Reconfigurable SRAM-Based FPGAs (MGG, GRA, MLS, JMF), p. 1126.
- DATE-2002-RezvaniP #concurrent #logic
- Concurrent and Selective Logic Extraction with Timing Consideration (PR, MP), p. 1086.
- DATE-2002-SavoiuSG #automation #concurrent #modelling #performance #simulation
- Automated Concurrency Re-Assignment in High Level System Models for Efficient System-Level Simulation (NS, SKS, RKG), pp. 875–881.
- ITiCSE-2002-Barros #concurrent #petri net #programming
- Specific proposals for the use of petri nets in a concurrent programming course (JPB), pp. 165–167.
- ESOP-2002-BistarelliMR #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming (SB, UM, FR), pp. 53–67.
- FoSSaCS-2002-BoerGM #concurrent #constraints #correctness #proving #source code
- Proving Correctness of Timed Concurrent Constraint Programs (FSdB, MG, MCM), pp. 37–51.
- TACAS-2002-GunterP #concurrent #debugging
- Temporal Debugging for Concurrent Systems (ELG, DP), pp. 431–444.
- SCAM-J-2001-ChenXYZ02 #ada #concurrent #detection
- Concurrent Ada dead statements detection (ZC, BX, HY, JZ), pp. 733–741.
- SCAM-2002-Ghosh #concurrent #fault #metric #object-oriented #source code #testing #towards #using
- Towards Measurement of Testability of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs Using Fault Insertion: A Preliminary Investigation (SG), pp. 17–25.
- WCRE-2002-CookD #concurrent #interactive #thread
- Discovering Thread Interactions in a Concurrent System (JEC, ZD), p. 255–?.
- PLDI-2002-OssiaBGKLO #concurrent #garbage collection #incremental #parallel
- A Parallel, Incremental and Concurrent GC for Servers (YO, OBY, IG, EKK, VL, AO), pp. 129–140.
- SAS-2002-Esparza #algebra #approach #concurrent #static analysis
- An Algebraic Approach to the Static Analysis of Concurrent Software (JE), p. 3.
- SAS-2002-SabelfeldM #communication #concurrent
- Securing Communication in a Concurrent Language (AS, HM), pp. 376–394.
- SAS-2002-Yavuz-KahveciB #automation #concurrent #verification
- Automated Verification of Concurrent Linked Lists with Counters (TYK, TB), pp. 69–84.
- STOC-2002-Goldreich #concurrent #revisited
- Concurrent zero-knowledge with timing, revisited (OG), pp. 332–340.
- IFM-2002-Smith #concurrent #csp #integration #realtime #specification
- An Integration of Real-Time Object-Z and CSP for Specifying Concurrent Real-Time Systems (GS), pp. 267–285.
- AFP-2002-FournetFMS02 #concurrent #distributed #mobile #named #programming
- JoCaml: A Language for Concurrent Distributed and Mobile Programming (CF, FLF, LM, AS), pp. 129–158.
- AdaEurope-2002-ChenBZY #ada #analysis #concurrent #dependence #source code
- Static Dependency Analysis for Concurrent Ada 95 Programs (ZC, BX, JZ, HY), pp. 219–230.
- AdaEurope-2002-Patino-MartinezJKA #concurrent #transaction
- Concurrency Control in Transactional Drago (MPM, RJP, JK, SA), pp. 309–320.
- ICPR-v2-2002-Andrade-CettoS #concurrent #locality #validation
- Concurrent Map Building and Localization with Landmark Validation (JAC, AS), pp. 693–696.
- ECOOP-2002-BentonCF #abstraction #c# #concurrent
- Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C# (NB, LC, CF), pp. 415–440.
- ECOOP-2002-KienzleG #aspect-oriented #concurrent #named
- AOP: Does It Make Sense? The Case of Concurrency and Failures (JK, RG), pp. 37–61.
- PPDP-2002-NielsenPV #concurrent #constraints #on the #power of #programming language
- On the expressive power of temporal concurrent constraint programming languages (MN, CP, FDV), pp. 156–167.
- SAC-2002-GarciaF #concurrent #distributed
- Concurrency control for distributed cooperative engineering applications (JCG, PF), pp. 958–963.
- ICSE-2002-AtiyaK #concurrent #verification
- A compliance notation for verifying concurrent systems (DMA, SK), pp. 731–732.
- ICSE-2002-DengDHM #concurrent #invariant #source code #specification #synthesis #verification
- Invariant-based specification, synthesis, and verification of synchronization in concurrent programs (XD, MBD, JH, MM), pp. 442–452.
- ICSE-2002-GreenhouseS #concurrent #evolution #policy #source code
- Assuring and evolving concurrent programs: annotations and policy (AG, WLS), pp. 453–463.
- ISMM-2002-JohanssonSW #architecture #concurrent #message passing #using
- Heap architectures for concurrent languages using message passing (EJ, KFS, JW), pp. 195–206.
- ICLP-2002-BockmayrC #biology #concurrent #constraints #hybrid #programming #using
- Using Hybrid Concurrent Constraint Programming to Model Dynamic Biological Systems (AB, AC), pp. 85–99.
- ISSTA-2002-Yavuz-KahveciB #component #concurrent #specification #synthesis #verification
- Specification, verification, and synthesis of concurrency control components (TYK, TB), pp. 169–179.
- LICS-2002-JeffreyR #concurrent #semantics #testing
- A Fully Abstract May Testing Semantics for Concurrent Objects (AJ, JR), pp. 101–112.
- TestCom-2002-Jard #distributed #modelling #synthesis
- Principles of Distributed Test Synthesis based on True-concurrency Models (CJ), pp. 301–316.
- ASE-2001-GrosuLSSY #automation #concurrent #re-engineering #using
- Automated Software Engineering Using Concurrent Class Machines (RG, YAL, SAS, SDS, JY), p. 297–?.
- ASE-2001-LongHS #concurrent #java #monitoring
- A Concurrency Test Tool for Java Monitors (BL, DH, PAS), pp. 421–425.
- ASE-2001-Romanovsky #concurrent #model checking #realtime
- Model-Checking Real-Time Concurrent Systems (IR), p. 439.
- DAC-2001-KarriWMK #concurrent #detection #fault #symmetry
- Concurrent Error Detection of Fault-Based Side-Channel Cryptanalysis of 128-Bit Symmetric Block Ciphers (RK, KW, PM, YK), pp. 579–585.
- DATE-2001-WongMYCMPCLV #concurrent #summary
- Task concurrency management methodology summary (CW, PM, PY, FC, HDM, ASP, NC, RL, DV), p. 813.
- DATE-2001-ZolfyMN #adaptation #concurrent #fault #simulation
- Adaptation of an event-driven simulation environment to sequentially propagated concurrent fault simulation (MZ, SM, ZN), p. 823.
- VLDB-2001-ChaHKK #concurrent #in memory #multi
- Cache-Conscious Concurrency Control of Main-Memory Indexes on Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems (SKC, SH, KK, KK), pp. 181–190.
- ITiCSE-2001-Barros #concurrent #petri net #programming
- Use petri nets to improve your concurrent programming course (JPB), p. 192.
- ICSM-2001-CookHM #behaviour #concurrent
- Measuring Behavioral Correspondence to a Timed Concurrent Model (JEC, CH, CM), pp. 332–341.
- ICSM-2001-EveraarsAK #concurrent #coordination #source code #using
- Using Coordination to Restructure Sequential Source Code into a Concurrent Program (CTHE, FA, BK), p. 342–?.
- ICSM-2001-ZhaoCU #concurrent #dependence #logic programming #source code
- A Program Dependence Model for Concurrent Logic Programs and its Applications (JZ, JC, KU), pp. 672–681.
- SCAM-2001-ChenXY #concurrent #detection #source code
- Detecting Dead Statements for Concurrent Programs (ZC, BX, HY), pp. 67–74.
- SAS-2001-BertranBCN #communication #concurrent #imperative #parallel #source code
- Communication and Parallelism Introduction and Elimination in Imperative Concurrent Programs (MB, FXB, AC, MN), pp. 20–39.
- STOC-2001-CanettiKPR #black box #concurrent
- Black-box concurrent zero-knowledge requires Ω(log n) rounds (RC, JK, EP, AR), pp. 570–579.
- STOC-2001-KilianP #concurrent
- Concurrent and resettable zero-knowledge in poly-loalgorithm rounds (JK, EP), pp. 560–569.
- ICALP-2001-BoudolC #concurrent #source code
- Noninterference for Concurrent Programs (GB, IC), pp. 382–395.
- SVIS-2001-Mehner #concurrent #debugging #java #named #source code #uml #visualisation
- JaVis: A UML-Based Visualization and Debugging Environment for Concurrent Java Programs (KM), pp. 163–175.
- AdaEurope-2001-Sanden #concurrent #design pattern #process #state machine
- A Design Pattern for State Machines and Concurrent Activities (BS), pp. 203–214.
- SIGAda-2001-ChenBY #adaptation #algorithm #detection #using
- Detecting concurrently executed pairs of statements using an adapted MHP algorithm (ZC, BX, HY), pp. 107–114.
- CIKM-2001-XiaKCRB #concurrent #data access #database #in memory #memory management #version control
- Dynamic Versioning Concurrency Control for Index-Based Data Access in Main Memory Database Systems (YX, SHK, SKC, KWR, HYB), pp. 550–552.
- UML-2001-SendallS #behaviour #concurrent #constraints #ocl #specification #uml #using
- Specifying Concurrent System Behavior and Timing Constraints Using OCL and UML (SS, AS), pp. 391–405.
- ECOOP-2001-BaconR #concurrent
- Concurrent Cycle Collection in Reference Counted Systems (DFB, VTR), pp. 207–235.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-Meyer01c #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (BM), p. 203.
- TOOLS-USA-2001-Brosgol #ada #bibliography #comparison #concurrent #java #programming #realtime
- A Survey and Comparison of Concurrency and Real-Time Programming Support in Java, Ada, and Posix (BMB), p. 362.
- TOOLS-USA-2001-Holmes #concurrent #java #programming
- Concurrent O-O Programming in Java (DH), p. 359.
- TOOLS-USA-2001-Stal01a #concurrent #design pattern #distributed
- Design Patterns for Concurrent and Distributed Objects (MS), p. 361.
- QAPL-2001-Fruhwirth #analysis #automation #complexity #concurrent #source code
- As Time Goes By II: More Automatic Complexity Analysis of Concurrent Rule Programs (TWF), pp. 185–206.
- POPL-2001-Yahav #concurrent #java #logic #safety #source code #using #verification
- Verifying safety properties of concurrent Java programs using 3-valued logic (EY), pp. 27–40.
- SAC-2001-WahlsL #algorithm #concurrent #constraints #modelling #semantics #source code #specification
- Formal semantics of an algorithm for translating model-based specifications to concurrent constraint programs (TW, GTL), pp. 567–575.
- ICSE-2001-Gomaa01a #concurrent #design #distributed #realtime #uml
- Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Applications with UML (HG), pp. 737–738.
- CAV-2001-LeuckerN #concurrent #framework #named #parallel #verification
- Truth/SLC — A Parallel Verification Platform for Concurrent Systems (ML, TN), pp. 255–259.
- ICLP-2001-Ueda #concurrent #constraints
- A Close Look at Constraint-Based Concurrency (KU), p. 9.
- DAC-2000-KatagiriYKHT #communication #concurrent #hardware #implementation #multi #protocol
- Hardware implementation of communication protocols modeled by concurrent EFSMs with multi-way synchronization (HK, KY, AK, TH, KT), pp. 762–767.
- DATE-2000-VardanianM #concurrent #detection #fault
- Improving the Error Detection Ability of Concurrent Checkers by Observation Point Insertion in the Circuit Under Check (VAV, LBM), p. 762.
- VLDB-2000-Taylor #concurrent
- Concurrency in the Data Warehouse (RT), pp. 724–727.
- ITiCSE-2000-Exton #comprehension #concurrent #execution #named #object-oriented
- Elucidate: a tool to aid comprehension of concurrent object oriented execution (CE), pp. 33–36.
- FoSSaCS-2000-Pinto #automaton #concurrent #interactive
- Sequential and Concurrent Abstract Machines for Interaction Nets (JSP), pp. 267–282.
- TACAS-2000-Bultan #concurrent #constraints #evaluation #model checking
- BDD vs. Constraint-Based Model Checking: An Experimental Evaluation for Asynchronous Concurrent Systems (TB), pp. 441–455.
- SAS-2000-UngureanuJ #analysis #concurrent #java
- Concurrency Analysis for Java (CU, SJ), pp. 413–432.
- IFM-2000-KlaudelP #composition #concurrent #petri net #semantics
- A Concurrent and Compositional Petri Net Semantics of Preemption (HK, FP), pp. 318–337.
- IFL-2000-Hammond #behaviour #bound #concurrent
- The Dynamic Properties of Hume: A Functionally-Based Concurrent Language with Bounded Time and Space Behaviour (KH), pp. 122–139.
- EDOC-2000-SuLMLL #concurrent #distributed #documentation #integration
- Distributed and Concurrent Processing of Business Object Documents in Support of e-Enterprise Integration (SYWS, YL, JM, ML, HL), p. 107–?.
- ICEIS-2000-VarvalhoANKCBR #concurrent #nondeterminism #validation
- Concurrent Validation in the Treatment of Uncertainty in a Expert System (LFdC, FMdA, SMN, CK, HJTdC, CTB, FR), pp. 102–107.
- ICPR-v1-2000-CufiMFM #algorithm #concurrent
- A Concurrent Region Growing Algorithm Guided by Circumscribed Contours (XC, XM, JF, JM), pp. 1432–1435.
- KR-2000-Giunchiglia #concurrent #constraints #nondeterminism #satisfiability
- Planning as Satisfiability with Expressive Action Languages: Concurrency, Constraints and Nondeterminism (EG), pp. 657–666.
- KR-2000-IocchiNR #concurrent #framework #implementation #logic
- Planning with sensing, concurrency, and exogenous events: logical framework and implementation (LI, DN, RR), pp. 678–689.
- UML-2000-MizunoSN #approach #concurrent #source code #uml
- A Structured Approach to Develop Concurrent Programs in UML (MM, GS, MLN), pp. 451–465.
- OOPSLA-2000-BuhrHLC #concurrent #object-oriented #realtime
- Object-oriented real-time concurrency (PAB, ASH, PEL, JC), pp. 29–46.
- TOOLS-ASIA-2000-ZhengZYW #compilation #concurrent #design #hybrid #java #virtual machine
- A Java Virtual Machine Design Based on Hybrid Concurrent Compilation Model (WZ, FZ, BY, YW), pp. 18–23.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-HolmesL #concurrent #java #object-oriented #programming
- Introduction to Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming in Java (DH, DL), p. 457.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-HolmesL00a #concurrent #design #java #object-oriented #source code
- Designing Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs in Java (DH, DL), p. 461.
- PPDP-2000-Fages #concurrent #constraints #linear #logic #programming
- Concurrent constraint programming and linear logic (abstract) (FF), p. 44.
- PPDP-2000-PierroW #abstract interpretation #concurrent #constraints #probability #programming #towards
- Concurrent constraint programming: towards probabilistic abstract interpretation (ADP, HW), pp. 127–138.
- PADL-2000-Schulte #combinator #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Programming Deep Concurrent Constraint Combinators (CS), pp. 215–229.
- SAC-2000-Jimenez-PerisPA #concurrent #transaction
- Concurrent Transactional Replicated Servers (RJP, MPM, SA), pp. 655–660.
- SAC-2000-LohHTN #concurrent #database #hybrid #mobile
- A Hybrid Method for Concurrent Updates on Disconnected Databases in Mobile Computing Environments (YHL, TH, MT, SN), pp. 563–565.
- SAC-2000-MillerS #concurrent #csp #process
- Eclectic CSP: A Language of Concurrent Processes (QM, BS), pp. 840–842.
- FSE-2000-BehrendsS #approach #composition #concurrent #reliability #source code
- The universe model: an approach for improving the modularity and reliability of concurrent programs (RB, KS), pp. 20–29.
- ICSE-2000-Iosif #concurrent #java #verification
- Formal verification applied to Java concurrent software (RI), pp. 707–709.
- ISMM-2000-HeilS #concurrent #garbage collection #profiling
- Concurrent Garbage Collection UsingHardware-Assisted Profiling (THH, JES), pp. 80–93.
- ISMM-2000-PlakalF #concurrent #garbage collection #parallel #slicing #thread #using
- Concurrent Garbage Collection Using Program Slices on Multithreaded Processors (MP, CNF), pp. 94–100.
- ISMM-2000-PrintezisD #garbage collection
- A Generational Mostly-Concurrent Garbage Collector (TP, DD), pp. 143–154.
- LCTES-2000-JeongKL #concurrent #multi #realtime #using
- Optimistic Secure Real-Time Concurrency Control Using Multiple Data Version (BSJ, DK, SL), pp. 33–47.
- CADE-2000-Gillard #calculus #concurrent #formal method
- A Formalization of a Concurrent Object Calculus up to alpha-Conversion (GG), pp. 417–432.
- CL-2000-GilbertP #concurrent #constraints #process #programming
- Concurrent Constraint Programming with Process Mobility (DRG, CP), pp. 463–477.
- CSL-2000-Bradfield #concurrent #independence #logic #named
- Independence: Logics and Concurrency (JCB), pp. 247–261.
- ISSTA-2000-NandaR #concurrent #slicing #source code
- Slicing concurrent programs (MGN, SR), pp. 180–190.
- LICS-2000-AlfaroH #concurrent #game studies
- Concurrent ω-Regular Games (LdA, TAH), pp. 141–154.
- LICS-2000-JeffreyR #bisimulation #concurrent #formal method #ml
- A Theory of Bisimulation for a Fragment of Concurrent ML with Local Names (AJ, JR), pp. 311–321.
- TestCom-2000-PetrenkoU #concurrent #testing #verification
- Verification and Testing of Concurrent Systems with Action Races (AP, AU), pp. 261–280.
- ASE-1999-Saidi #analysis #composition #concurrent #incremental
- Modular and Incremental Analysis of Concurrent Software Systems (HS), pp. 92–101.
- PODS-1999-SchuldtAS #concurrent #process #transaction
- Concurrency Control and Recovery in Transactional Process Management (HS, GA, HJS), pp. 316–326.
- SIGMOD-1999-ChakrabartiM #concurrent #data access #multi #performance
- Efficient Concurrency Control in Multidimensional Access Methods (KC, SM), pp. 25–36.
- SIGMOD-1999-ShanmugasundaramNSR #concurrent #performance
- Efficient Concurrency Control for Broadcast Environments (JS, AN, RMS, KR), pp. 85–96.
- ITiCSE-1999-Ben-AriK #concurrent #learning #parallel #process
- Thinking parallel: the process of learning concurrency (MBA, YBDK), pp. 13–16.
- ESOP-1999-PodelskiCM #analysis #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #source code
- Set-Based Failure Analysis for Logic Programs and Concurrent Constraint Programs (AP, WC, MM), pp. 177–192.
- FASE-1999-CosicaR #concurrent #named
- JTN: A Java-Targeted Graphic Formal Notation for Reactive and Concurrent Systems (EC, GR), pp. 77–97.
- FoSSaCS-1999-RocklS #algol #concurrent #process #semantics #π-calculus
- A π-calculus Process Semantics of Concurrent Idealised ALGOL (CR, DS), pp. 306–321.
- FoSSaCS-1999-Sangiorgi #concurrent #reasoning #using
- Reasoning About Concurrent Systems Using Types (DS), pp. 31–40.
- ICSM-1999-ChungKBKL #concurrent #source code #specification #testing
- Testing of Concurrent Programs After Specification Changes (ISC, HSK, HSB, YRK, DGL), p. 199–?.
- IWPC-1999-Zhao #concurrent #java #slicing #source code
- Slicing Concurrent Java Programs (JZ), pp. 126–133.
- SAS-1999-HatcliffCDSZ #concurrent #formal method #multi #slicing #source code #thread #virtual machine
- A Formal Study of Slicing for Multi-threaded Programs with JVM Concurrency Primitives (JH, JCC, MBD, SS, HZ), pp. 1–18.
- FM-v1-1999-PaigeH #concurrent #object-oriented #realtime #specification
- Bunches for Object-Oriented, Concurrent, and Real-Time Specification (RFP, ECRH), pp. 530–550.
- FM-v2-1999-BoerHR #approach #concurrent #paradigm #semantics
- Formal Justification of the Rely-Guarantee Paradigm for Shared-Variable Concurrency: A Semantic Approach (FSdB, UH, WPdR), pp. 1245–1265.
- FM-v2-1999-PoizatCR #approach #automaton #concurrent #requirements
- From Informal Requirements to COOP: A Concurrent Automata Approach (PP, CC, JCR), pp. 939–962.
- IFM-1999-Paige #communication #concurrent #refinement #specification #using
- Specification and Refinement using a Heterogeneous Notation for Concurrency and Communication (RFP), pp. 353–372.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-TornbergV #concurrent #process #using
- Concurrent engineering activities using videophone communications (VT, SV), pp. 256–260.
- AdaEurope-1999-BrunetonP #ada #automation #concurrent #source code #verification
- Automatic Verification of Concurrent Ada Programs (EB, JFPP), pp. 146–157.
- SIGAda-1999-GedelaSX #ada #concurrent #formal method #modelling
- Formal modeling of synchronization methods for concurrent objects in Ada 95 (RKG, SMS, HX), pp. 211–220.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-BogerWL #concurrent #distributed #java #named
- Dejay: Unifying Concurrency and Distribution to Achive a Distributed Java (MB, FW, WL), pp. 285–294.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-DuvalC #architecture #concurrent #distributed
- Developing Safe Concurrent and Distributed Applications with an Architectural Environment (GD, TC), pp. 20–32.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-MajoulPB #component #concurrent #coordination #java
- A Concurrent Object-Based Model and its Use for Coordinating Java Components (SM, CP, JPB), p. 332–?.
- PADL-1999-LetelierSR #automation #concurrent #logic programming #prototype #requirements #specification
- Prototyping a Requirements Specification through an Automatically Generated Concurrent Logic Program (PL, PS, IR), pp. 31–45.
- POPL-1999-GuptaJP #concurrent #constraints #probability #process #source code
- Stochastic Processes as Concurrent Constraint Programs (VG, RJ, PP), pp. 189–202.
- SAC-1999-PuntigamP #component #concurrent #interface
- Changeable Interfaces and Promised Messages for Concurrent Components (FP, CP), pp. 141–145.
- ESEC-FSE-1999-NaumovichAC #algorithm #concurrent #java #performance #source code
- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing MHP Information for Concurrent Java Programs (GN, GSA, LAC), pp. 338–354.
- ICSE-1999-NaumovichAC #analysis #concurrent #data flow #java #source code
- Data Flow Analysis for Checking Properties of Concurrent Java Programs (GN, GSA, LAC), pp. 399–410.
- OSDI-1999-GamsaKAS #concurrent #locality #memory management #multi #named #operating system
- Tornado: Maximizing Locality and Concurrency in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor Operating System (BG, OK, JA, MS), pp. 87–100.
- CSL-1999-GastinM #concurrent #parallel #programming language #semantics
- A Truly Concurrent Semantics for a Simple Parallel Programming Language (PG, MWM), pp. 515–529.
- ICLP-1999-CarroH #concurrent #database #prolog #thread #using
- Concurrency in Prolog Using Threads and a Shared Database (MC, MVH), pp. 320–334.
- ICLP-1999-HirataY #concurrent #declarative #logic
- Declarative Priority in a Concurrent Logic Language ON (KH, KY), pp. 215–229.
- LICS-1999-AbramskyM #concurrent #game studies
- Concurrent Games and Full Completeness (SA, PAM), pp. 431–442.
- DAC-1998-Lin #concurrent #source code #synthesis
- Software Synthesis of Process-Based Concurrent Programs (BL), pp. 502–505.
- DATE-1998-AntolaPS #approach #detection #fault
- A Low-Redundancy Approach to Semi-Concurrent Error Detection in Data Paths (AA, VP, MS), pp. 266–272.
- DATE-1998-BolchiniSS #analysis #concurrent #detection #fault #network
- Fault Analysis in Networks with Concurrent Error Detection Properties (CB, FS, DS), pp. 957–958.
- DATE-1998-DaveJ #architecture #concurrent #embedded #named #realtime #specification
- CASPER: Concurrent Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Hard Real-Time Aperiodic and Periodic Specifications of Embedded System Architectures (BPD, NKJ), pp. 118–124.
- DATE-1998-HamiltonO #concurrent #fault #latency
- Concurrent Error Recovery with Near-Zero Latency in Synthesized ASICs (SNH, AO), pp. 604–609.
- DATE-1998-Lin #compilation #concurrent #performance #runtime #scheduling #source code
- Efficient Compilation of Process-Based Concurrent Programs without Run-Time Scheduling (BL), pp. 211–217.
- DATE-1998-NiemannM #communication #concurrent #hardware #synthesis
- Synthesis of Communicating Controllers for Concurrent Hardware/Software Systems (RN, PM), pp. 912–913.
- ITiCSE-1998-PerskyB #concurrent #re-engineering
- Re-engineering a concurrency simulator (YP, MBA), pp. 185–188.
- ESOP-1998-CairesM #concurrent #execution #logic #specification
- Verifiable and Executable Logic Specifications of Concurrent Objects in Lpi (LC, LM), pp. 42–56.
- ESOP-1998-Smolka #concurrent #constraints #functional #programming
- Concurrent Constraint Programming Based on Functional Programming (Extended Abstract) (GS), pp. 1–11.
- FASE-1998-Lechner #concept #concurrent #object-oriented #reuse
- Constructs, Concepts and Criteria for Reuse in Concurrent Object-Oriented languages (UL), pp. 171–187.
- TACAS-1998-Ben-AbdallahL #concurrent #design #named
- MESA: Support for Scenario-Based Design of Concurrent Systems (HBA, SL), pp. 118–135.
- WRLA-1998-Bruni #composition #concurrent #logic
- A logic for modular descriptions of asynchronous and synchronized concurrent systems (RB), pp. 161–172.
- CSMR-1998-ZhaoCU #concurrent #dependence #maintenance #object-oriented #representation
- A Dependence-Based Representation for Concurrent Object-Oriented Software Maintenance (JZ, JC, KU), pp. 60–66.
- CSMR-1998-ZhaoCU98a #concurrent #logic programming #metric #source code
- A Metrics Suite for Concurrent Logic Programs (JZ, JC, KU), pp. 172–178.
- IWPC-1998-BechiniT #concurrent #design #dynamic analysis #java #tool support
- Design of a Toolset for Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Java Program (AB, KCT), pp. 190–197.
- PASTE-1998-NaumovichCO #analysis #concurrent #data flow #performance #source code
- Efficient Composite Data Flow Analysis Applied to Concurrent Programs (GN, LAC, LJO), pp. 51–58.
- SAS-1998-BodeiDP #abstract interpretation #concurrent #semantics
- Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, PD, CP), pp. 168–183.
- STOC-1998-DworkNS #concurrent
- Concurrent Zero-Knowledge (CD, MN, AS), pp. 409–418.
- ICALP-1998-BaierKL #concurrent #metric #realtime #semantics
- Metric Semantics for True Concurrent Real Time (CB, JPK, DL), pp. 568–579.
- ICALP-1998-VictorP #calculus #concurrent #constraints
- Concurrent Constraints in the Fusion Calculus (BV, JP), pp. 455–469.
- IFL-1998-HolyerS #concurrent #monad
- Concurrent Monadic Interfacing (IH, ES), pp. 72–87.
- IFL-1998-SerrarensP #concurrent #message passing
- Explicit Message Passing for Concurrent Clean (PRS, MJP), pp. 229–245.
- SIGAda-1998-Brosgol #ada #comparison #concurrent #java
- A Comparison of the Concurrency Features of Ada 95 and Java (BMB), pp. 175–192.
- SIGAda-1998-KaislerF #ada #concurrent #design #object-oriented
- Object-Oriented and Concurrent Program Design Issues in Ada 95 (SHK, MBF), pp. 246–254.
- EDOC-1998-HillebrandKLP #concurrent
- Integration-based cooperation in concurrent engineering (GGH, PK, PCL, DP), pp. 344–355.
- KR-1998-Pinto #concurrent
- Concurrent Actions and Interacting Effects (JP), pp. 292–303.
- ECOOP-1998-CrnogoracRR #concurrent #inheritance #object-oriented #programming
- Classifying Inheritance Mechanisms in Concurrent Object Oriented Programming (LC, ASR, KR), pp. 571–600.
- ECOOP-1998-MasuharaY #concurrent #design #partial evaluation
- Design and Partial Evaluation of Meta-Objects for a Concurrent Reflective Language (HM, AY), pp. 418–439.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1998-WangZZ #ada #automation #concurrent #generative
- Automatically Generating Ada95 Codes for Concurrent Objects (ZW, HZ, LZ), p. 222–?.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1998-ZhangP #approach #composition #concurrent
- A Compositional Approach to Concurrent Objects (XZ, JP), pp. 116–126.
- SAC-1998-JoLS #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- A realization of a concurrent object-oriented programming (CHJ, CHL, JGS), pp. 558–563.
- FSE-1998-CoolW #concurrent #detection
- Event-Base Detection of Concurrency (JEC, ALW), pp. 35–45.
- HPCA-1998-TsaiJNY #concurrent #parallel #performance #thread
- Performance Study of a Concurrent Multithreaded Processor (JYT, ZJ, EN, PCY), pp. 24–35.
- ISMM-1998-HuelsbergenW #concurrent #garbage collection
- Very Concurrent Mark-&-Sweep Garbage Collection without Fine-Grain Synchronization (LH, PW), pp. 166–175.
- CAV-1998-Balarin #approach #concurrent #correctness #modelling #verification
- Correctness of the Concurrent Approach to Symbolic Verification of Interleaved Models (FB), pp. 391–402.
- ISSTA-1998-Corbett #concurrent #java #modelling #source code
- Constructing Compact Models of Concurrent Java Programs (JCC), pp. 1–10.
- IWTCS-1998-PetrenkoUC #concurrent #detection #fault #using
- Using Partial-Orders for Detecting Faults in Concurrent Systems (AP, AU, VC), pp. 175–190.
- LICS-1998-CattaniFW #concurrent #formal method #recursion
- A Theory of Recursive Domains with Applications to Concurrency (GLC, MPF, GW), pp. 214–225.
- LICS-1998-FagesRS #concurrent #constraints #semantics #source code #verification
- Phase Semantics and Verification of Concurrent Constraint Programs (FF, PR, SS), pp. 141–152.
- ASE-1997-Dwyer #analysis #composition #concurrent
- Modular Flow Analysis for Concurrent Software (MBD), pp. 264–273.
- DAC-1997-BaltusVADM #concurrent #generative #library #standard
- Developing a Concurrent Methodology for Standard-Cell Library Generation (DGB, TV, RCA, JD, TGM), pp. 333–336.
- EDTC-1997-GibsonA #concurrent #design #verification
- Practical concurrent ASIC and system design and verification (IG, CA), pp. 532–536.
- SIGMOD-1997-KornackerMH #concurrent
- Concurrency and Recovery in Generalized Search Trees (MK, CM, JMH), pp. 62–72.
- SIGMOD-1997-ZaharioudakisC #concurrent #consistency #database
- Highly Concurrent Cache Consistency for Indices in Client-Server Database Systems (MZ, MJC), pp. 50–61.
- VLDB-1997-SkubiszewskiV #concurrent #garbage collection
- Concurrent Garbage Collection in O2 (MS, PV), pp. 356–365.
- ITiCSE-1997-FeldmanB #concurrent #education #programming
- Concurrent programming CAN be introduced into the lower-level undergraduate curriculum (MBF, BDB), pp. 77–79.
- ICSM-2000-YoungerBL #concurrent #refinement #source code
- A Formal Transformation and Refinement Method for Concurrent Programs (EJY, KHB, ZL), p. 287–?.
- PEPM-1997-MarinescuG #concurrent #source code
- Partial-Evaluation Techniques for Concurrent Programs (MM, BG), pp. 47–62.
- SAS-1997-BodeiP #abstract interpretation #concurrent
- True Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, CP), pp. 202–216.
- SAS-1997-IgarashiK #analysis #communication #concurrent #programming language #type system
- Type-Based Analysis of Communication for Concurrent Programming Languages (AI, NK), pp. 187–201.
- STOC-1997-NisanB #concurrent #pointer
- Pointer Jumping Requires Concurrent Read (NN, ZBY), pp. 549–558.
- FME-1997-BoerHR #composition #concurrent #proving
- A Compositional Proof System for Shared Variable Concurrency (FSdB, UH, WPdR), pp. 515–532.
- FME-1997-Smith #concurrent #csp #integration #semantics #specification
- A Semantic Integration of Object-Z and CSP for the Specification of Concurrent Systems (GS), pp. 62–81.
- IFL-1997-KarlsenW #concurrent #haskell #repository #using
- Using Concurrent Haskell to Develop Views over an Active Repository (EWK, SW), pp. 285–303.
- TRI-Ada-1997-Cheng #ada #concurrent #dependence
- Task Dependence Nets for Concurrent Systems with Ada 95 and Its Applications (JC), pp. 67–78.
- TRI-Ada-1997-Sanden #concurrent #design pattern #resource management
- Concurrent Design Patterns for Resource Sharing (BS), pp. 173–183.
- CIKM-1997-LeeHL #approach #concurrent #multi
- A Uniform Approach to Global Concurrency Control and Recovery in Multidatabase Environment (SL, CSH, WGL), pp. 51–58.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Holmes #concurrent #java #library #programming
- Concurrent Programming in Java: Language and Libraries (DH), p. 371.
- PLILP-1997-GallardoGR #concurrent #haskell #inheritance
- Inheritance and Selective Methods Dispatching in Concurrent Haskell (JEG, FG, BCR), pp. 33–46.
- PLILP-1997-Gregory #approach #concurrent #declarative #programming
- A Declarative Approach to Concurrent Programming (SG), pp. 79–93.
- SAC-1997-MurthyK #concurrent #programming
- Heterogeneous programming with concurrent objects (VKM, EVK), pp. 454–463.
- ICSE-1997-NaumovichCOD #concurrent #verification
- Verification of Concurrent Software with FLAVERS (GN, LAC, LJO, MBD), pp. 594–595.
- CAV-1997-Godefroid #analysis #automation #concurrent #named
- VeriSoft: A Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Concurrent Reactive Software (PG), pp. 476–479.
- CSL-1997-HartonasH #concurrent #functional #higher-order
- Full Abstractness for a Functional/Concurrent Language with Higher-Order Value-Passing (Extended Abstract) (CH, MH), pp. 239–254.
- CSL-1997-Moschovakis #concurrent #game studies #recursion #λ-calculus
- A Game-Theoretic, Concurrent and Fair Model of the Typed λ-calculus, with Full Recursion (YNM), pp. 341–359.
- CSL-1997-RuetF #commutative #concurrent #constraints #logic #programming
- Concurrent Constraint Programming and Non-commutative Logic (PR, FF), pp. 406–423.
- ICLP-1997-Mahajan #concurrent #logic programming #π-calculus
- Concurrent Logic Programming and π Calculus (SM, SR), p. 411.
- ICLP-1997-MullerW #concurrent #constraints
- Connecting Propagators with a Concurrent Constraint Language (TM, JW), p. 412.
- ILPS-1997-MullerW #concurrent #constraints
- Extending a Concurrent Constraint Language by Propagators (TM, JW), pp. 149–163.
- LICS-1997-KanovichI #concurrent #linear #logic #process #specification
- Temporal Linear Logic Specifications for Concurrent Processes (Extended Abstract) (MIK, TI), pp. 48–57.
- DAC-1996-LokanathanBR #concurrent #library #optimisation #process
- A Methodology for Concurrent Fabrication Process/Cell Library Optimization (ANL, JBB, JER), pp. 825–830.
- DAC-1996-MonahanB #analysis #concurrent #optimisation
- Concurrent Analysis Techniques for Data Path Timing Optimization (CM, FB), pp. 47–50.
- ESOP-1996-Goubault #concurrent
- Durations for Truly-Concurrent Transitions (EG), pp. 173–187.
- TACAS-1996-CleavelandLSS #concurrent #development
- The Concurrency Factory Software Development Environment (RC, PML, SAS, OS), pp. 391–395.
- TACAS-1996-Saidi #automation #concurrent #proving
- A Tool for Proving Invariance Properties of Concurrent Systems Automatically (HS), pp. 412–416.
- ICSM-1996-YoungerLBB #analysis #concurrent #formal method #modelling #reverse engineering #source code #using
- Reverse Engineering Concurrent Programs using Formal Modelling and Analysis (EJY, ZL, KHB, TMB), pp. 255–264.
- WCRE-1996-YoungerLBB #analysis #concurrent #formal method #modelling #reverse engineering #source code #using
- Reverse Engineering Concurrent Programs Using Formal Modelling and Analysis (EJY, ZL, KHB, TMB), pp. 239–248.
- PLDI-1996-RussinovichC #concurrent #memory management #nondeterminism
- Replay For Concurrent Non-Deterministic Shared Memory Applications (MR, BC), pp. 258–266.
- WIA-1996-GarzonE #automaton #concurrent #implementation #nondeterminism
- Dynamical Implementation of Nondeterministic Automata and Concurrent Systems (MHG, EE), pp. 35–49.
- FME-1996-WangL #concurrent #realtime #verification
- Procedure-Level Verification of Real-time Concurrent Systems (FW, CTDL), pp. 682–701.
- IFL-1996-BreitingerKL #concurrent #haskell #implementation
- An Implementation of Eden on Top of Concurrent Haskell (SB, UK, RL), pp. 141–161.
- IFL-1996-DebbabiFT #algorithm #analysis #concurrent #control flow #higher-order #source code #type system
- A Type-Based Algorithm for the Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Concurrent Programs (MD, AF, NT), pp. 247–266.
- CSCW-1996-MunsonD #collaboration #concurrent #framework
- A Concurrency Control Framework for Collaborative Systems (JPM, PD), pp. 278–287.
- CSCW-1996-ResselNG #approach #concurrent #editing #undo
- An Integrating, Transformation-Oriented Approach to Concurrency Control and Undo in Group Editors (MR, DNR, RG), pp. 288–297.
- AdaEurope-1996-BurnsW #ada #concurrent #effectiveness #programming language
- Ada 95: An Effective Concurrent Programming Language (AB, AJW), pp. 58–77.
- TRI-Ada-1996-DwyerCR #ada #concurrent #independence
- An Application-Independent Concurrency Skeleton in Ada 95 (MBD, MJC, ER), pp. 179–192.
- CAiSE-1996-HanneghanMC #concurrent #framework #interactive #web
- The World-Wide Web as Platform for Supporting Interactive Concurrent Engineering (MH, MM, GC), pp. 301–318.
- CIKM-1996-LeeJH #concurrent #database
- A New Conflict Relation for Concurrency Control and Recovery in object-based Databases (SL, SYJ, CSH), pp. 288–295.
- ICPR-1996-Goller #concurrent #image
- Concurrent radar image shape-from-shading on high-performance computers (AG), pp. 589–593.
- KR-1996-Reiter #calculus #concurrent
- Natural Actions, Concurrency and Continuous Time in the Situation Calculus (RR), pp. 2–13.
- SEKE-1996-MillsG #approach #automation #concurrent #design #knowledge-based #realtime
- A Knowledge-based Approach for Automating a Design Method for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems (KLM, HG), pp. 529–536.
- ECOOP-1996-LechnerLNW #concurrent #inheritance #reuse
- (Objects + Concurrency) & Reusability — A Proposal to Circumvent the Inheritance Anomaly (UL, CL, FN, MW), pp. 232–247.
- ALP-1996-AlouiniK #concurrent #implementation #towards
- Toward the Concurrent Implementation of Computational Systems (IA, CK), pp. 1–31.
- ALP-1996-BrimJGK #algebra #concurrent #constraints #process #programming
- A Process Algebra for Synchronous Concurrent Constraint Programming (LB, JMJ, DRG, MK), pp. 165–178.
- PLILP-1996-FrancescoS #concurrent #process
- Unfold/Fold Transformations of Concurrent Processes (NDF, AS), pp. 167–181.
- PLILP-1996-RoyMS #concurrent #constraints #performance #programming
- Integrating Efficient Records into Concurrent Constraint Programming (PVR, MM, RS), pp. 438–453.
- PLILP-1996-Scholz #concurrent #constraints #framework #functional #named #programming #user interface
- PIDGETS — Unifying Pictures and Widgets in a Constraint-Based Framework for Concurrent Functional GUI Programming (ES), pp. 363–377.
- POPL-1996-JonesGF #concurrent #haskell
- Concurrent Haskell (SLPJ, ADG, SF), pp. 295–308.
- POPL-1996-Niehren #concurrent #functional
- Functional Computation as Concurrent Computation (JN), pp. 333–343.
- SAC-1996-Jo #concurrent #empirical #object-oriented #programming language
- An experiment on a concurrent object-oriented programming language (CHJ), pp. 98–104.
- SAC-1996-LeeL #concurrent #constraints #incremental #query
- Incremental querying in the concurrent CLP language IFD-Constraint Pandora (JHML, HfL), pp. 387–392.
- CAV-1996-CleavelandLSS #concurrent #development
- The Concurrency Factory: A Development Environment for Concurrent Systems (RC, PML, SAS, OS), pp. 398–401.
- CAV-1996-CleavelandS #concurrent
- The NCSU Concurrency Workbench (RC, SS), pp. 394–397.
- CAV-1996-Gonthier #concurrent #garbage collection #safety #verification
- Verifying the Safety of a Practical Concurrent Garbage Collector (GG), pp. 462–465.
- CSL-1996-CattaniW #concurrent #modelling
- Presheaf Models for Concurrency (GLC, GW), pp. 58–75.
- ISSTA-1996-ChamillardC #analysis #concurrent #petri net #source code
- Improving the Accuracy of Petri Net-Based Analysis of Concurrent Programs (ATC, LAC), pp. 24–38.
- ISSTA-1996-Corbett #concurrent #modelling #realtime
- Constructing Abstract Models of Concurrent Real-Time Software (JCC), pp. 250–260.
- ISSTA-1996-GodefroidPS #concurrent #industrial #partial order #source code #using #validation
- Using Partial-Order Methods in the Formal Validation of Industrial Concurrent Programs (PG, DP, MGS), pp. 261–269.
- ISSTA-1996-KoppolT #approach #concurrent #incremental #testing
- An Incremental Approach to Structural Testing of Concurrent Software (PVK, KCT), pp. 14–23.
- JICSLP-1996-BonnerK #communication #concurrent #logic #transaction
- Concurrency and Communication in Transaction Logic (AJB, MK), pp. 142–156.
- JICSLP-1996-ChoU #concurrent #logic programming #source code
- Diagnosing Non-Well-Moded Concurrent Logic Programs (KC, KU), pp. 215–229.
- JICSLP-1996-FalaschiHW #analysis #concurrent #constraints #source code
- Demand Transformation Analysis for Concurrent Constraint Programs (MF, PH, WHW), pp. 333–347.
- LICS-1996-AlurMP #concurrent #correctness #model checking
- Model-Checking of Correctness Conditions for Concurrent Objects (RA, KLM, DP), pp. 219–228.
- RTA-1996-KirchnerLS #concurrent #fine-grained
- Fine-Grained Concurrent Completion (CK, CL, CS), pp. 3–17.
- DAC-1995-Albrecht #concurrent #configuration management #design #simulation
- Concurrent Design Methodology and Configuration Management of the SIEMENS EWSD — CCS7E Processor System Simulation (TWA), pp. 222–227.
- DAC-1995-SilburtPBNDW #behaviour #concurrent #design #hardware #modelling #simulation
- Accelerating Concurrent Hardware Design with Behavioural Modelling and System Simulation (AS, IP, JB, SN, MD, GW), pp. 528–533.
- DAC-1995-SmailagicSAKMS #benchmark #concurrent #design #metric
- Benchmarking An Interdisciplinary Concurrent Design Methodology for Electronic/Mechanical Systems (AS, DPS, DA, CK, TLM, JS), pp. 514–519.
- SIGMOD-1995-AdyaGLM #concurrent #performance #using
- Efficient Optimistic Concurrency Control Using Loosely Synchronized Clocks (AA, RG, BL, UM), pp. 23–34.
- VLDB-1995-BestavrosB #concurrent
- Value-cognizant Speculative Concurrency Control (AB, SB), pp. 122–133.
- VLDB-1995-EvangelidisLS #concurrent
- The hBP-tree: A Modified hB-tree Supporting Concurrency, Recovery and Node Consolidation (GE, DBL, BS), pp. 551–561.
- VLDB-1995-GoyalHSS #concurrent #database #realtime
- Index Concurrency Control in Firm Real-Time Database Systems (BG, JRH, SS, VS), pp. 146–157.
- VLDB-1995-KornackerB
- High-Concurrency Locking in R-Trees (MK, DB), pp. 134–145.
- VLDB-1995-WuYCT #concurrent #database #multi #performance
- A Performance Study of Workfile Disk Management for Concurrent Mergesorts in a Multiprocessor Database System (KLW, PSY, JYC, JZT), pp. 100–109.
- PEPM-1995-Colby #communication #concurrent #source code
- Analyzing the Communication Topology of Concurrent Programs (CC), pp. 202–213.
- PEPM-1995-Cridlig #analysis #concurrent #model checking #semantics #using
- Semantic Analysis of Shared-Memory Concurrent Languages using Abstract Model-Checking (RC), pp. 214–225.
- SAS-1995-Colby #concurrent #source code
- Determining Storage Properties of Sequential and Concurrent Programs with Assignment and Structured Data (CC), pp. 64–81.
- SAS-1995-KobayashiNY #communication #concurrent #programming language #static analysis
- Static Analysis of Communication for Asynchronous Concurrent Programming Languages (NK, MN, AY), pp. 225–242.
- ICALP-1995-DiekertG #concurrent #termination
- A Domain for Concurrent Termination: A Generalization of Mazurkiewicz Traces (Extended Abstract) (VD, PG), pp. 15–26.
- AdaEurope-1995-Sanden #concurrent #design #problem
- Design of Concurrent Software Based on Problem Concurrency (BS), pp. 298–310.
- TRI-Ada-1995-Bardin #ada #concurrent #implementation #source code
- Implementing Concurrent Programs in Ada 95 (BMB), pp. 557–654.
- TRI-Ada-1995-Sanden #concurrent #design
- Design of Concurrent Software (BS), pp. 5–26.
- CIKM-1995-CorrelM #concurrent #on the
- On Isolation, Concurrency, and the Venus Rule Language (SC, DPM), pp. 281–289.
- KDD-1995-SkowronS #approach #concurrent #modelling #set
- Discovery of Concurrent Data Models from Experimental Tables: A Rough Set Approach (AS, ZS), pp. 288–293.
- OOPSLA-1995-ItohYT #concurrent #low level #named #operating system #programming #using
- SCONE: Using Concurrent Objects for Low-level Operating System Programming (JiI, YY, MT), pp. 385–398.
- OOPSLA-1995-MasuharaMAY #compilation #concurrent #object-oriented #partial evaluation #using
- Compiling Away the Meta-Level in Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Languages Using Partial Evaluation (HM, SM, KA, AY), pp. 300–315.
- LOPSTR-1995-Gregory #algorithm #concurrent
- Derivation of Concurrent Algorithms in Tempo (SG), pp. 46–60.
- PLILP-1995-TongL #concurrent #constraints #performance #programming
- Performance of A Data-Parallel Concurrent Constraint Programming System (BMT, HfL), pp. 463–464.
- POPL-1995-PlevyakZC #concurrent #object-oriented #performance
- Obtaining Sequential Efficiency for Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages (JP, XZ, AAC), pp. 311–321.
- POPL-1995-SaraswatJG #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Default Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (VAS, RJ, VG), pp. 272–285.
- SAC-1995-ChenH #algorithm #analysis #concurrent #database #performance
- Performance analysis of a periodic data reorganization algorithm for concurrent B-trees in database systems (IRC, SH), pp. 40–45.
- SAC-1995-Huntbach #concurrent #object-oriented
- The concurrent object-oriented language braid (MMH), pp. 140–146.
- SAC-1995-Huntbach95a #concurrent #logic
- Search in concurrent logic languages (MMH), pp. 164–170.
- SAC-1995-Scholz #concurrent #data type #functional #programming language
- Turning a functional data type into a concurrent programming language (ES), pp. 135–139.
- ESEC-1995-TaiC #concurrent #source code #testing
- A Specification-Based Methology for Testing Concurrent Programs (KCT, RHC), pp. 154–172.
- ICSE-1995-DwyerCN #concurrent #petri net #representation #source code
- A Compact Petri Net Representation for Concurrent Programs (MBD, LAC, KAN), pp. 147–157.
- ICSE-1995-HeinemanK #architecture #concurrent #framework
- An Architecture for Integrating Concurrency Control into Environment Frameworks (GTH, GEK), pp. 305–313.
- HPDC-1995-FerrariS #concurrent #distributed #named #process
- TPVM: Distributed Concurrent Computing with Lighweight Processes (AF, VSS), pp. 211–218.
- IWMM-1995-Virding #concurrent #erlang #garbage collection #realtime
- A Garbage Collector for the Concurrent Real-Time Language Erlang (RV), pp. 343–354.
- LCT-RTS-1995-HuangL #concurrent #execution #predict #worst-case
- Predicting the Worst-Case Execution Time of the Concurrent Execution of Instructions and Cycle-Stealing DMA I/O Operations (TYH, JWSL), pp. 1–6.
- ICLP-1995-GregoryR #concurrent #declarative #named #programming language
- Tempo: A Declarative Concurrent Programming Language (SG, RR), pp. 515–529.
- ICLP-1995-HermenegildoGC #concurrent #implementation #logic programming #parallel #using
- Using Attributed Variables in the Implementation of Concurrent and Parallel Logic Programming Systems (MVH, DCG, MC), pp. 631–645.
- ICLP-1995-JacquetB #concurrent #logic #on the #process
- On Composing Concurrent Logic Processes (JMJ, KDB), pp. 531–545.
- ICLP-1995-Kahn #concurrent #constraints #named #programming
- ToonTalk — Concurrent Constraint Programming for Kids (KMK), p. 3.
- ICLP-1995-SahlinS #concurrent #constraints
- An Analyzer for a Concurrent Constraint Language (DS, TS), p. 828.
- ICLP-1995-Smolka #concurrent #constraints #named #programming
- Oz: Concurrent Constraint Programming for Real (GS), p. 13.
- ICLP-1995-ZhaoCU #analysis #concurrent #dependence #logic programming #source code
- Program Dependence Analysis of Concurrent Logic Programs and Its Applications (JZ, JC, KU), p. 825.
- ILPS-1995-BoerG #concurrent #constraints #modelling #programming #realtime
- Modelling Real-Time in Concurrent Constraint Programming (FSdB, MG), pp. 528–542.
- ILPS-1995-TseWL #concurrent #logic programming #object-oriented #programming language #prolog
- P&P: A Combined Parlog and Prolog Concurrent Object-Oriented Logic Programming Language (MlT, WhW, HfL), p. 640.
- LICS-1995-Jeffrey #concurrent #functional #monad #semantics
- A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Concurrent Functional Language with Monadic Types (AJ), pp. 255–264.
- RTA-1995-Alouini #concurrent #garbage collection
- Concurrent Garbage Collection for Concurrent Rewriting (IA), pp. 132–146.
- DAC-1994-HarrisO #architecture #concurrent #design #synthesis
- Microarchitectural Synthesis of VLSI Designs with High Test Concurrency (IGH, AO), pp. 206–211.
- DAC-1994-JongL #communication #concurrent #design #petri net
- A Communicating Petri Net Model for the Design of Concurrent Asynchronous Modules (GGdJ, BL), pp. 49–55.
- EDAC-1994-HarrisO #concurrent #fine-grained #scheduling
- Fine-Grained Concurrency in Test Scheduling for Partial-Intrusion BIST (IGH, AO), pp. 119–123.
- VLDB-1994-SetzerZ #algorithm #concurrent
- New Concurrency Control Algorithms for Accessing and Compacting B-Trees (VWS, AZ), pp. 238–248.
- CSEE-1994-Gomaa #concurrent #design #realtime
- Software Design Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems (HG), p. 341.
- ICSM-1994-AngerRY #concurrent #dynamic analysis #source code
- Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Programs (FDA, RVR, MY), pp. 89–98.
- ICALP-1994-CorradiniN #concurrent #locality
- Distribution and Locality of Concurrent Systems (FC, RDN), pp. 154–165.
- ICALP-1994-Droste #concurrent #monad #theorem
- A KLeene Theorem for Recognizable Languages over Concurrency Monoids (MD), pp. 388–399.
- FME-1994-Evans #concurrent #specification #using #verification
- Specifying & Verifying Concurrent Systems Using Z (AE), pp. 366–380.
- FME-1994-KeaneSW #concurrent #framework #modelling #process
- Applying a Concurrent Formal Framework to Process Modelling (JAK, JS, BW), pp. 291–305.
- FME-1994-MossesM #action semantics #concurrent #ml #semantics
- An Action Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives (PDM, MM), pp. 461–479.
- LFP-1994-OTooleN #concurrent #garbage collection
- Concurrent Replicating Garbage Collection (JO, SN), pp. 34–42.
- CSCW-1994-GreenbergM #concurrent #distributed #interface #realtime
- Real Time Groupware as a Distributed System: Concurrency Control and Its Effect on the Interface (SG, DM), pp. 207–217.
- TRI-Ada-1994-Oliver #ada #concurrent #design #implementation #object-oriented #realtime
- Object Oriented Design and Implementation of Concurrent and Real Time Systems in Ada (SRO), pp. 343–349.
- CIKM-1994-Al-AnziS #behaviour #concurrent #modelling #towards
- Modeling Behavior, A Step Towards Defining Functionally Correct Views of Complex Objects in Concurrent Engineering (FSAA, DLS), pp. 1–9.
- SEKE-1994-BadrL #automation #concurrent #re-engineering
- Automation support for concurrent software engineering (SB, L), pp. 46–53.
- SEKE-1994-CookeDGK #concurrent #linear #logic programming #source code
- Bag languages, concurrency, Horn logic programs, and linear logic (DEC, RD, AQG, VK), pp. 289–297.
- ECOOP-1994-LopesL #concurrent #object-oriented
- Abstracting Process-to-Function Relations in Concurrency Object-Oriented Applications (CVL, KJL), pp. 81–99.
- ECOOP-1994-Vasconcelos #concurrent
- Typed Concurrent Objects (VTV), pp. 100–117.
- OOPSLA-1994-KobayashiY #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Type-Theoretic Foundations for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (NK, AY), pp. 31–45.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-DurrG #concurrent #development
- Rigorous Development of Concurrent O-O Systems (ED, SJG), p. 515.
- ALP-1994-BuenoHMR #concurrent #semantics #source code
- From Eventual to Atomic Locally Atomic CC Programs: A Concurrent Semantics (FB, MVH, UM, FR), pp. 114–132.
- ALP-1994-Palamidessi #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Concurrent Constraint Programming (CP), pp. 1–2.
- ALP-1994-Volpe #concurrent #linear #logic programming #proving
- Concurrent Logic Programming as Uniform Linear Proofs (PV), pp. 133–149.
- PLILP-1994-Palamidessi #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Concurrent Constraint Programming (CP), pp. 1–2.
- PLILP-1994-ZffanellaGL #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Abstracting Synchronization in Concurrent Constraint Programming (EZ, RG, GL), pp. 57–72.
- POPL-1994-BoerGMP #concurrent #constraints #proving #source code
- Proving Concurrent Constraint Programs Correct (FSdB, MG, EM, CP), pp. 98–108.
- POPL-1994-NielsonN #communication #concurrent #finite #higher-order #source code
- Higher-Order Concurrent Programs with Finite Communication Topology (HRN, FN), pp. 84–97.
- SAC-1994-LeeL #concurrent #constraints #incremental #logic programming #named #nondeterminism #query #towards
- IQ: towards incremental query processing in non-deterministic concurrent constraint logic programming (JHML, HfL), pp. 405–409.
- FSE-1994-DillonY #concurrent
- Oracles for Checking Temporal Properties of Concurrent Systems (LKD, QY), pp. 140–153.
- FSE-1994-DwyerC #analysis #concurrent #data flow #source code #verification
- Data Flow Analysis for Verifying Properties of Concurrent Programs (MBD, LAC), pp. 62–75.
- ICLP-1994-Guglielmi #concurrent #generative #logic programming #programming language
- Concurrency and Plan Generation in a Logic Programming Language with a Sequential Operator (AG), pp. 240–254.
- ICLP-1994-KumonH #concurrent #logic
- A New Transformation based on Process-Message Duality for Concurrent Logic Languages (KK, KH), pp. 684–698.
- ILPS-1994-CarlsonHJ #concurrent #programming
- AKL(FD) — A Concurrent Language for FD Programming (BC, SH, SJ), pp. 521–535.
- ILPS-1994-JourdanFRD #concurrent #constraints #modelling #parallel #programming #scheduling #using
- Data Alignment and Task Scheduling On Parallel Machines Using Concurrent Constraint Model-based Programming (JJ, FF, DR, AD), p. 678.
- ILPS-1994-SchulteS #concurrent #constraints #encapsulation #higher-order #programming
- Encapsulated Search for Higher-order Concurrent Constraint Programming (CS, GS), pp. 505–520.
- LICS-1994-Clarke #automation #concurrent #finite #verification
- Automatic Verification of Finite-State Concurrent Systems (EMC), p. 126.
- LICS-1994-Jeffrey #concurrent #graph #reduction #semantics
- A Fully Abstract Semantics for Concurrent Graph Reduction (AJ), pp. 82–91.
- LICS-1994-SaraswatJG #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Foundations of Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (VAS, RJ, VG), pp. 71–80.
- HT-1993-WiilL #collaboration #concurrent #hypermedia
- Concurrency Control in Collaborative Hypertext Systems (UKW, JJL), pp. 14–24.
- PODS-1993-SchekWY #concurrent #formal method #towards
- Towards a Unified Theory of Concurrency Control and Recovery (HJS, GW, HY), pp. 300–311.
- PODS-1993-WongA #approach #concurrent #semantics
- Context-Based Synchronisation: An Approach beyond Semantics for Concurrency Control (MHW, DA), pp. 276–287.
- SIGMOD-1993-JinRNS #concurrent #multi
- Concurrency Control and Recovery of Multidatabase Work Flows in Telecommunication Applications (WWJ, MR, LN, APS), pp. 456–459.
- VLDB-1993-Lomet #concurrent
- Key Range Locking Strategies for Improved Concurrency (DBL), pp. 655–664.
- ICALP-1993-BrachoD #automaton #concurrent
- From Domains to Automata with Concurrency (FB, MD), pp. 669–681.
- ICALP-1993-CodishFMW #analysis #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #performance #source code
- Efficient Analysis of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (MC, MF, KM, WHW), pp. 633–644.
- ICALP-1993-JategaonkarM #concurrent #finite
- Deciding True Concurrency Equivalences on Finite Sate Nets (Preliminary Report) (LJ, ARM), pp. 519–531.
- ICALP-1993-Vogler #concurrent #testing
- Timed Testing of Concurrent Systems (WV), pp. 532–543.
- FME-1993-BrownM #concurrent #proving #source code
- A Proof Environment for Concurrent Programs (NB, DM), pp. 196–215.
- FME-1993-HaxthausenG #case study #concurrent #using
- A Concurrency Case Study Using RAISE (AEH, CG), pp. 367–387.
- HCI-ACS-1993-AdachiSE #aspect-oriented #concurrent #social
- Social and Managerial Aspects of Group Work in Concurrent Engineering (TA, LCS, TE), pp. 8–13.
- INTERCHI-1993-NigayC #concurrent #data fusion #design #multimodal
- A design space for multimodal systems: concurrent processing and data fusion (LN, JC), pp. 172–178.
- CIKM-1993-HwangHS #approach #concurrent #database
- Concurrency Control in Federated Databases: A Dynamic Approach (SYH, JH, JS), pp. 694–703.
- SEKE-1993-Eichmann #concurrent #experience #information management
- Knowledge Engineering in Concurrent Engineering and Experience Factories (DE), p. 472.
- ECOOP-1993-Meseguer #concurrent #inheritance #object-oriented #programming
- Solving the Inheritance Anomaly in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (JM), pp. 220–246.
- OOPSLA-1993-KaleK #c++ #concurrent #object-oriented
- CHARM++: A Portable Concurrent Object Oriented System Based On C++ (LVK, SK), pp. 91–108.
- OOPSLA-1993-MatsuokaTY #concurrent #encapsulation #object-oriented #performance
- Highly Efficient and Encapsulated Re-use of Synchronization Code in Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages (SM, KT, AY), pp. 109–126.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-LingD #comparison #concurrent #object-oriented #paradigm #specification #using
- A Comparison of Techniques for Specifying Concurrent Systems Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm (SL, BD), pp. 155–177.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Meyer93c #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Systematic Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (BM), p. 325.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Meyer93d #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Systematic Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (BM), pp. 523–576.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-CaromelR #concurrent #reuse
- Object-Based Concurrency: Ten Language Features to Achieve Reuse (DC, MR), pp. 205–213.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-Meyer #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Systematic Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (BM), p. 553.
- POPL-1993-DoligezL #concurrent #garbage collection #implementation #ml #parallel #thread
- A Concurrent, Generational Garbage Collector for a Multithreaded Implementation of ML (DD, XL), pp. 113–123.
- SAC-1993-MotzkinJHK #concurrent #execution #information management #on the
- On Concurrent Execution of Information Systems Applications (DM, EJ, DH, MK), pp. 775–781.
- ESEC-1993-Beeck #analysis #concurrent #integration #realtime #specification
- Integration of Structured Analysis and Timed Statecharts for Real-Time and Concurrency Specification (MvdB), pp. 313–328.
- FSE-1993-BahsounMS #concurrent #formal method #framework #programming
- A Framework for Programming and Formalizing Concurrent Objects (JPB, SM, CS), pp. 126–137.
- PPoPP-1993-HuelsbergenL #concurrent #garbage collection
- A Concurrent Copying Garbage Collector for Languages that Distinguish (Im)mutable Data (LH, JRL), pp. 73–82.
- PPoPP-1993-MasticolaR #analysis
- Non-concurrency Analysis (SPM, BGR), pp. 129–138.
- PPoPP-1993-TauraMY #concurrent #implementation #multi #object-oriented #performance
- An Efficient Implementation Scheme of Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages on Stock Multicomputers (KT, SM, AY), pp. 218–228.
- SOSP-1993-OTooleNG #concurrent #garbage collection #persistent
- Concurrent Compacting Garbage Collection of a Persistent Heap (JO, SN, DKG), pp. 161–174.
- CAV-1993-KuttyRMDM #concurrent #logic #tool support #verification #visual notation
- A Graphical Interval Logic Toolset for Verifying Concurrent Systems (GK, YSR, LEM, LKD, PMMS), pp. 138–153.
- CSL-1993-ComptonU #concurrent
- The Model Theory of Concurrency (KJC, RUS), pp. 78–90.
- ILPS-1993-BoerKPR #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Non-monotonic Concurrent Constraint Programming (FSdB, JNK, CP, JJMMR), pp. 315–334.
- ILPS-1993-FribourgP #automaton #concurrent #constraints
- Concurrent Constraint Automata (LF, MVP), p. 656.
- ILPS-1993-KobayashiY #concurrent #linear #logic programming #named #paradigm
- ACL — A Concurrent Linear Logic Programming Paradigm (NK, AY), pp. 279–294.
- ILPS-1993-NystromJ #concurrent #constraints #fixpoint #programming #semantics
- Indeterminate Concurrent Constraint Programming: A Fixpoint Semantics for Non-Terminating Computations (SON, BJ), pp. 335–352.
- ILPS-1993-Pimentel #concurrent #logic #object-oriented
- L2||O2: A Concurrent Object-oriented Logic Language (EP), p. 665.
- ILPS-1993-TongL #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #parallel
- Concurrent Constraint Logic Programming On Massively Parallel SIMD Computers (BMT, HfL), pp. 388–402.
- ISSTA-1993-CorbettA #bound #concurrent #realtime
- A Practical Technique for Bounding the Time Between Events in Concurrent Real-Time Systems (JCC, GSA), pp. 110–116.
- ISSTA-1993-LevineT #analysis #concurrent #metric #re-engineering
- Metric-Driven Reengineering for Static Concurrency Analysis (DLL, RNT), pp. 40–50.
- DAC-1992-BoseA #concurrent #fault #logic #memory management #message passing #multi #simulation
- Concurrent Fault Simulation of Logic Gates and Memory Blocks on Message Passing Multicomputers (SB, PA), pp. 332–335.
- DAC-1992-LeeR92a #concurrent #fault #on the #performance #simulation
- On Efficient Concurrent Fault Simulation for Synchronous Sequential Circuits (DHL, SMR), pp. 327–331.
- PODS-1992-TurekSP #algorithm #concurrent #data type
- Locking without Blocking: Making Lock Based Concurrent Data Structure Algorithms Nonblocking (JT, DS, SP), pp. 212–222.
- PODS-1992-WongA #bound #concurrent #consistency #database #nondeterminism
- Tolerating Bounded Inconsistency for Increasing Concurrency in Database Systems (MHW, DA), pp. 236–245.
- SIGMOD-1992-Descollonges #concurrent #transaction
- A Concurrency Model for Transaction Management (MD), p. 164.
- SIGMOD-1992-HarrisRW #concurrent #database #multi #performance #protocol
- A High Performance Multiversion Concurrency Control Protocol of Object Databases (CH, MR, CW), p. 320.
- SIGMOD-1992-LometS #concurrent
- Access Method Concurrency with Recovery (DBL, BS), pp. 351–360.
- SIGMOD-1992-MehrotraRBKS #concurrent #multi #problem
- The Concurrency Control Problem in Multidatabases: Characteristics and Solutions (SM, RR, YB, HFK, AS), pp. 288–297.
- SIGMOD-1992-MohanL #concurrent #named #performance #using
- ARIES/IM: An Efficient and High Concurrency Index Management Method Using Write-Ahead Logging (CM, FEL), pp. 371–380.
- PLDI-1992-JagannathanP #concurrent
- A Customizable Substrate for Concurrent Languages (SJ, JP), pp. 55–67.
- PLDI-1992-WortmanJ #compilation #concurrent
- A Concurrent Compiler for Modula-2+ (DBW, MDJ), pp. 68–81.
- STOC-1992-DworkW #bound #concurrent #exclamation #performance
- Simple and Efficient Bounded Concurrent Timestamping or Bounded Concurrent Timestamp Systems are Comprehensible! (CD, OW), pp. 655–666.
- WSA-1992-AmatoGM #analysis #concurrent #database #functional #programming language #transaction
- Analysis of Concurrent Transactions in a Functional Database Programming Language (GA, FG, GM), pp. 174–184.
- WSA-1992-CodishFMW #analysis #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #performance #source code
- Efficient Analysis of Reactive Properties of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (MC, MF, KM, WHW), pp. 35–42.
- ICALP-1992-Rabinovich #concurrent #finite
- Checking Equivalences Between Concurrent Systems of Finite Agents (Extended Abstract) (AMR), pp. 696–707.
- CSCW-1992-Newman-WolfeWM #concurrent #editing #object-oriented
- Implicit Locking in the Ensemble Concurrent Object-Oriented Graphics Editor (RENW, MLW, MM), pp. 265–272.
- AdaEurope-1992-Cheng #ada #concurrent #dependence #representation #source code
- Task Dependence Net as a Representation for Concurrent Ada Programs (JC), pp. 150–164.
- TRI-Ada-C-1992-Acosta #ada #concurrent #prototype #source code #specification
- Specification Prototyping of Concurrent Ada Programs in DProto (RDA), pp. 258–266.
- KR-1992-ChaudhriHM #concurrent #knowledge base
- Concurrency Control for Knowledge Bases (VKC, VH, JM), pp. 762–773.
- SEKE-1992-WangG #algorithm #concurrent #transaction
- An Optomized Concurrency Control Algorithm for Transaction Brocessing (SW, UOG), pp. 9–16.
- ECOOP-1992-Frolund #concurrent #constraints #inheritance #object-oriented #programming language
- Inheritance of Synchronization Constraints in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages (SF), pp. 185–196.
- OOPSLA-1992-Lohr #concurrent
- Concurrency Annotations (KPL), pp. 327–340.
- OOPSLA-1992-MasuharaMWY #concurrent #object-oriented
- Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Languages can be Implemented Efficiently (HM, SM, TW, AY), pp. 127–144.
- OOPSLA-1992-SatohT #concurrent #object-oriented #realtime
- A Formalism for Real-Time Concurrent Object-Oriented Computing (IS, MT), pp. 315–326.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-JalloulP #concurrent #eiffel #modelling
- Models for Concurrent Eiffel (GJ, JP), pp. 183–191.
- TOOLS-USA-1992-KaraormanB #concurrent #eiffel
- A concurrency Mechanism for Sequential Eiffel (MK, JLB), pp. 63–77.
- TOOLS-USA-1992-Lohr #concurrent #reuse
- Concurrency Annotations Improve Reusability (KPL), pp. 53–62.
- TOOLS-USA-1992-Lohr92a #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming (KPL), p. 274.
- ALP-1992-GioviniMC #algebra #concurrent #implementation #prototype #specification #tool support
- Implementation of a Toolset for Prototyping Algebraic Specifications of Concurrent Systems (AG, FM, AC), pp. 335–349.
- ALP-1992-KingS #analysis #concurrent #logic programming #source code
- Serialisation Analysis of Concurrent Logic Programs (AK, PS), pp. 322–334.
- POPL-1992-BerryMT #concurrent #ml #semantics
- A Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives (DB, RM, DNT), pp. 119–129.
- ICSE-1992-DillonKMMR #concurrent #specification #visual notation
- Graphical Specifications for Concurrent Software Systems (LKD, GK, LEM, PMMS, YSR), pp. 214–224.
- ICSE-1992-RomanGB #concurrent #programming #rule-based
- Seeking Concurrency in Rule-Based Programming (GCR, RFG, WEB), pp. 225–234.
- SOSP-WIP-1991-Herlihy92 #concurrent #implementation
- A Methodology for Implementing Highly Concurrent Data Objects (Abstract) (MH), p. 12.
- IWMM-1992-DuvvuruSTSHZ #concurrent #logic programming #source code
- A Compile-Time Memory-Reuse Scheme for Concurrent Logic Programs (SD, RS, ET, AVSS, LH, XZ), pp. 264–276.
- IWMM-1992-Rojemo #concurrent #garbage collection #graph #parallel #reduction
- A Concurrent Generational Garbage Collector for a Parallel Graph Reducer (NR), pp. 440–453.
- CAV-1992-EngbergGL #concurrent #verification
- Mechanical Verification of Concurrent Systems with TLA (UE, PG, LL), pp. 44–55.
- CAV-1992-WrightL #algorithm #concurrent #proving #reasoning #theorem proving #using
- Using a Theorem Prover for Reasoning about Concurrent Algorithms (JvW, TL), pp. 56–68.
- IWPTS-1992-WalterP #concurrent #semantics
- An Operational Semantics for Concurrent TTCN (TW, BP), pp. 131–143.
- JICSLP-1992-BoerP #algebra #concurrent #constraints #process #programming
- A Process Algebra of Concurrent Constraint Programming (FSdB, CP), pp. 463–477.
- JICSLP-1992-KingS #analysis #concurrent #logic programming #source code
- Schedule Analysis of Concurrent Logic programs (AK, PS), pp. 478–492.
- JICSLP-1992-SundararajanST #analysis #concurrent #logic programming #source code #thread
- Variable Threadedness Analysis for Concurrent Logic Programs (RS, AVSS, ET), pp. 493–508.
- JICSLP-1992-Tick #concurrent #logic programming #tutorial
- Advanced Tutorial: Concurrent Logic Programming (ET), p. 25.
- LICS-1992-Sangiorgi #concurrent #lazy evaluation #λ-calculus
- The Lazy λ Calculus in a Concurrency Scenario (Extended Abstract) (DS), pp. 102–109.
- DAC-1991-Chen #clustering #concurrent #graph #scheduling
- Graph Partitioning for Concurrent Test Scheduling in VLSI Circuit (CIHC), pp. 287–290.
- DAC-1991-MontessoroG #concurrent #fault #multi #named #performance #simulation
- Creator: General and Efficient Multilevel Concurrent Fault Simulation (PLM, SG), pp. 160–163.
- KBSE-1991-FrinckeAL #algorithm #approach #automation #concurrent #detection #named
- CTPLAN: A Planning-Based Approach to Automatically Detecting Flaws in Concurrent Algorithms (DAF, MA, KNL), pp. 151–160.
- SIGMOD-1991-ChrysanthisRR #concurrent
- Extracting Concurrency from Objects: A Methodology (PKC, SR, KR), pp. 108–117.
- SIGMOD-1991-SrinivasanC #algorithm #concurrent #performance
- Performance of B-Tree Concurrency Algorithms (VS, MJC), pp. 416–425.
- SIGMOD-1991-WangR #architecture #concurrent #consistency
- Cache Consistency and Concurrency Control in a Client/Server DBMS Architecture (YW, LAR), pp. 367–376.
- VLDB-1991-HuangSRT #concurrent #evaluation #realtime
- Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time Optimistic Concurrency Control Schemes (JH, JAS, KR, DFT), pp. 35–46.
- PLDI-1991-Reppy #concurrent #higher-order #named
- CML: A Higher-Order Concurrent Language (JHR), pp. 293–305.
- STOC-1991-Shapiro #category theory #concurrent
- Separating Concurrent Languages with Categories of Language Embeddings (Extended Abstract) (EYS), pp. 198–208.
- VDME-1991-1-Milner #concurrent #process
- Concurrent Processes as Objects (Abstract) (RM), p. 9.
- VDME-1991-1-Stolen #concurrent
- An Attempt to Reason about Shared-State Concurrency in the Style of VDM (KS), pp. 324–342.
- ECOOP-1991-Crespi-ReghizziPG #component #concurrent #reuse
- Definition of Reusable Concurrent Software Components (SCR, GGdP, SG), pp. 148–166.
- ECOOP-1991-MatsuokaWY #architecture #concurrent #hybrid #object-oriented #programming
- Hybrid Group Reflective Architecture for Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Programming (SM, TW, AY), pp. 231–250.
- TOOLS-USA-1991-Briot #concurrent #object-oriented
- Concurrency in Object-Oriented Systems (JPB), pp. 447–448.
- TOOLS-USA-1991-LescaudronBB #concurrent #experience #object-oriented #programming #prototype
- Associated Paper: Prototyping Programming Environments for Object-Oriented Concurrent Languages: a Smalltalk-Based Experience (LL, JPB, MB), pp. 449–462.
- LOPSTR-1991-Huntbach #automation #concurrent #logic
- Automated Translation of Occam to a Concurrent Logic Language (MMH), pp. 254–275.
- POPL-1991-Pratt #concurrent #geometry #modelling
- Modeling Concurrency with Geometry (VRP), pp. 311–322.
- POPL-1991-SaraswatRP #concurrent #constraints #programming #semantics
- Semantic Foundations of Concurrent Constraint Programming (VAS, MCR, PP), pp. 333–352.
- PPoPP-1991-BakewellQW #concurrent #source code
- Mapping Concurrent Programs to VLIW Processors (HB, DJQ, PYW), pp. 21–27.
- CAV-1991-AvruninBC #analysis #concurrent #integer #programming
- Integer Programming in the Analysis of Concurrent Systems (GSA, UAB, JCC), pp. 92–102.
- CAV-1991-Jensen #concurrent
- The Concurrency Workbench with Priorities (CTJ), pp. 147–157.
- CAV-1991-NicolaFGR #behaviour #concurrent #framework #logic #verification
- An Action Based Framework for Verifying Logical and Behavioural Properties of Concurrent Systems (RDN, AF, SG, GR), pp. 37–47.
- CSL-1991-Pinchinat #comparative #concurrent #process #semantics
- Ordinal Processes in Comparative Concurrency Semantics (SP), pp. 293–305.
- ICLP-1991-CodishFM #analysis #concurrent #logic programming #source code
- Suspension Analysis for Concurrent Logic Programs (MC, MF, KM), pp. 331–345.
- ICLP-1991-KorslootT #compilation #concurrent #logic programming #programming language
- Compilation Techniques for Nondeterminate Flat Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (MK, ET), pp. 457–471.
- ISLP-1991-MontanariR #concurrent #constraints #programming
- True Concurrency in Concurrent Constraint Programming (UM, FR), pp. 694–713.
- IWPTS-1991-ArakawaS #concurrent #generative #source code #testing
- A Test Case Generation Method for Concurrent Programs (NA, TS), pp. 95–106.
- TAV-1991-DuesterwaldS #analysis #concurrent #data flow #framework #using
- Concurrency Analysis in the Presence of Procedures Using a Data-Flow Framework (ED, MLS), pp. 36–48.
- TAV-1991-LongC #analysis #concurrent #data flow
- Data Flow Analysis of Concurrent Systems that Use the Rendezvous Model of Synchronization (DLL, LAC), pp. 21–35.
- PODS-1990-JohnsonS #algorithm #analysis #concurrent #framework #performance
- A Framework for the Performance Analysis of Concurrent B-tree Algorithms (TJ, DS), pp. 273–287.
- SIGMOD-1990-BadrinathR #concurrent #evaluation #multi #performance #protocol #semantics
- Performance Evaluation of Semantics-based Multilevel Concurrency Control Protocols (BRB, KR), pp. 163–172.
- SIGMOD-1990-KoganJ #architecture #concurrent #database #multi
- Concurrency Control in Multilevel-Secure Databases Based on Replicated Architecture (BK, SJ), pp. 153–162.
- VLDB-1990-Mohan #concurrent #multi #named #transaction
- ARIES/KVL: A Key-Value Locking Method for Concurrency Control of Multiaction Transactions Operating on B-Tree Indexes (CM), pp. 392–405.
- SEI-1990-Bustard #concurrent #education #experience #roadmap
- An Experience of Teaching Concurrency: looking back, looking forward (DWB), pp. 123–135.
- ESOP-1990-Gribomont #concurrent #development #incremental
- Development of Concurrent Systems by Incremental Transformations (EPG), pp. 161–176.
- STOC-1990-KleinST #algorithm #approximate #concurrent #performance
- Leighton-Rao Might Be Practical: Faster Approximation Algorithms for Concurrent Flow with Uniform Capacities (PNK, CS, ÉT), pp. 310–321.
- ICALP-1990-Droste #automaton #concurrent
- Concurrency, Automata and Domains (MD), pp. 195–208.
- ICALP-1990-PrasadGM #algebra #concurrent #functional #integration #programming #semantics #symmetry
- Operational and Algebraic Semantics for Facile: A Symmetric Integration of Concurrent and Functional Programming (SP, AG, PM), pp. 765–778.
- VDME-1990-WoodcockM #concurrent #refinement
- Refinement of State-Based Concurrent Systems (JW, CM), pp. 340–351.
- GG-1990-KaplanLG #concurrent #specification
- Specifying Concurrent Languages and Systems with ???-Grammars (SMK, JPL, SKG), pp. 475–489.
- CSCW-1990-HarrisonOS #concurrent #coordination #development
- Coordinating Concurrent Development (WHH, HO, PFS), pp. 157–168.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-AndreoliP #concurrent #exclamation #process
- LO and Behold! Concurrent Structured Processes (JMA, RP), pp. 44–56.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-KahnS #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Actors as a Special Case of Concurrent Constraint Programming (KMK, VAS), pp. 57–66.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-Meseguer #concurrent #logic
- A Logical Theory of Concurrent Objects (JM), pp. 101–115.
- ALP-1990-DershowitzL #concurrent
- An Abstract Concurrent Machine for Rewriting (ND, NL), pp. 318–331.
- ALP-1990-GabbrielliL #concurrent #constraints #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code
- Unfolding and Fixpoint Semantics of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 204–216.
- POPL-1990-SaraswatR #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Concurrent Constraint Programming (VAS, MCR), pp. 232–245.
- POPL-1990-Stark #automaton #concurrent #on the
- On the Relations Computable by a Class of Concurrent Automata (EWS), pp. 329–340.
- WAGA-1990-Alblas #concurrent #evaluation #incremental
- Concurrent Incremental Attribute Evaluation (HA), pp. 343–358.
- CC-1990-Lampe #concurrent #evaluation #named
- MATE — A Metasystem with Concurrent Attribute Evaluation (Abstract) (JL), pp. 222–223.
- PPoPP-1990-ChienD #concurrent
- Concurrent Aggregates (CA) (AAC, WJD), pp. 187–196.
- PPoPP-1990-Herlihy #concurrent #data type #implementation
- A Methodology for Implementing Highly Concurrent Data Structures (MH), pp. 197–206.
- PPoPP-1990-HiebD #concurrent #continuation
- Continuations and Concurrency (RH, RKD), pp. 128–136.
- PPoPP-1990-HseushK #concurrent #debugging #modelling #parallel
- Modeling Concurrency in Parallel Debugging (WH, GEK), pp. 11–20.
- PPoPP-1990-LiNP #concurrent #parallel #realtime #source code
- Real-Time, Concurrent Checkpoint for Parallel Programs (KL, JFN, JSP), pp. 79–88.
- CLP-1990-Saraswat90 #concurrent #constraints #paradigm #programming
- The Paradigm of Concurrent Constraint Programming (VAS), pp. 777–778.
- LICS-1990-HarelRV #bound #concurrent #on the #power of #reasoning #source code
- On the Power of Bounded Concurrency~III: Reasoning About Programs (Preliminary Report) (DH, RR, MYV), pp. 478–488.
- NACLP-1990-BoerP #comparison #concurrent #logic programming
- Concurrent Logic Programming: Asynchronism and Language Comparison (FSdB, CP), pp. 175–194.
- NACLP-1990-CodognetCC #abstract interpretation #concurrent #logic
- Abstract Interpretation for Concurrent Logic Languages (CC, PC, MMC), pp. 215–232.
- DAC-1989-JonePP #concurrent #testing
- A Scheme for Overlaying Concurrent Testing of VLSI Circuits (WBJ, CAP, MP), pp. 531–536.
- PODS-1989-FuK #concurrent #transaction
- Concurrency Control of Nested Transactions Accessing B-Trees (AWCF, TK), pp. 270–285.
- PODS-1989-Weihl #concurrent
- The Impact of Recovery on Concurrency Control (WEW), pp. 259–269.
- SIGMOD-1989-AgrawalS #composition #concurrent #database #multi
- Modular Synchronization in Multiversion Databases: versionControl and Concurrency Control (DA, SS), pp. 408–417.
- SIGMOD-1989-CareyL #concurrent #database #distributed #parallel #performance
- Parallelism and Concurrency Control Performance in Distributed Database Machines (MJC, ML), pp. 122–133.
- SIGMOD-1989-EllisG #concurrent
- Concurrency Control in Groupware Systems (CAE, SJG), pp. 399–407.
- VLDB-1989-DuE #concurrent #correctness
- Quasi Serializability: a Correctness Criterion for Global Concurrency Control in InterBase (WD, AKE), pp. 347–355.
- STOC-1989-Boppana #parallel
- Optimal Separations Between Concurrent-Write Parallel Machines (RBB), pp. 320–326.
- STOC-1989-DolevS #bound #concurrent
- Bounded Concurrent Time-Stamp Systems Are Constructible (DD, NS), pp. 454–466.
- ICALP-1989-LiV #concurrent #how
- How to Share Concurrent Asynchronous Wait-Free Variables (Preliminary Version) (ML, PMBV), pp. 488–505.
- SEKE-1989-Tang #automation #concurrent #infinity #source code #verification
- Temporal Theory for Automatic Verification of Infinite State Concurrent Programs (TGT), pp. 134–139.
- SEKE-1989-YangC #ada #concurrent #testing
- Testing Concurrent Ada Program with Reproducible Test Cases (RDY, CGC), pp. 19–24.
- ECOOP-1989-KafuraL #concurrent #inheritance #object-oriented
- Inheritance in Actor Based Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages (DGK, KHL), pp. 131–145.
- POPL-1989-AttieE #concurrent #process #synthesis
- Synthesis of Concurrent Systems with Many Similar Sequential Processes (PCA, EAE), pp. 191–201.
- ESEC-1989-MorascaP #ada #concurrent #execution #source code #symbolic computation #using #validation
- Validation of Concurrent ADA Programs using Symbolic Execution (SM, MP), pp. 469–486.
- ICSE-1989-Hsieh #analysis #concurrent #source code
- Timing Analysis of Cyclic Concurrent Programs (CSH), pp. 312–318.
- ICSE-1989-LongC #analysis #concurrent #graph #interactive
- Task Interaction Graphs for Concurrency Analysis (DLL, LAC), pp. 44–52.
- CSL-1989-Penczek #branch #concurrent #logic
- A Concurrent Branching Time Temporal Logic (WP), pp. 337–354.
- LICS-1989-Moschovakis #concurrent #formal method #game studies #modelling
- A Game-Theoretic Modeling of Concurrency (YNM), pp. 154–163.
- NACLP-1989-GaifmanMS #behaviour #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code
- Reactive Behaviour Semantics for Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (HG, MJM, EYS), pp. 553–569.
- NACLP-1989-KahnK #concurrent #logic programming
- Money as a Concurrent Logic Program (KMK, WAK), pp. 513–535.
- NACLP-1989-Nystrom #concurrent #execution #logic
- Variable-Free Execution of Concurrent Logic Languages (SON), pp. 536–552.
- TAV-1989-AvruninWD #analysis #automation #concurrent
- Experiments in Automated Analysis of Concurrent Software Systems (GSA, JCW, LKD), pp. 124–130.
- TAV-1989-YoungTFB #analysis #concurrent #development
- Integrated Concurrency Analysis in a Software Development Enviornment (MY, RNT, KF, DB), pp. 200–209.
- DAC-1988-AgrawalCA #concurrent #contest #generative #named
- Contest: A Concurrent Test Generator for Sequential Circuits (VDA, KTC, PA), pp. 84–89.
- DAC-1988-GaedeRMB #automation #concurrent #named #parallel #testing #using
- CATAPULT: Concurrent Automatic Testing Allowing Parallelization and Using Limited Topology (RKG, DER, MRM, KMB), pp. 597–600.
- DAC-1988-GaiMS #algorithm #concurrent #fault #performance #simulation
- The Performance of the Concurrent Fault Simulation Algorithms in MOZART (SG, PLM, FS), pp. 692–697.
- DAC-1988-WidyaLW #concurrent #database #design
- Concurrency Control in a VLSI Design Database (IW, TGRvL, PvdW), pp. 357–362.
- PODS-1988-Hadzilacos #algorithm #concurrent #graph #multi
- Serialization Graph Algorithms for Multiversion Concurrency Control (TH), pp. 135–141.
- PODS-1988-HerlihyW #concurrent #data type #hybrid
- Hybrid Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types (MH, WEW), pp. 201–210.
- PODS-1988-LaninS #concurrent #set
- Concurrent Set Manipulation without Locking (VL, DS), pp. 211–220.
- SIGMOD-1988-AbbadiT #concurrent #paradigm #protocol
- The Group Paradigm for Concurrency Control Protocols (AEA, ST), pp. 126–134.
- VLDB-1988-AspnesFLMW #concurrent #formal method #transaction
- A Theory of Timestamp-Based Concurrency Control for Nested Transactions (JA, AF, NAL, MM, WEW), pp. 431–444.
- VLDB-1988-CareyL #algorithm #case study #concurrent #distributed #performance #replication
- Distributed Concurrency Control Performance: A Study of Algorithms, Distribution, and Replication (MJC, ML), pp. 13–25.
- VLDB-1988-PonsV #concurrent #database #distributed
- Mixed concurrency control: Dealing with heterogeneity in distributed database systems (JFP, JFV), pp. 445–456.
- SEI-1988-Tai #concurrent
- A Course on Software Enigneering for Concurrent Systems (KCT), pp. 106–119.
- ESOP-1988-KaplanK #abstraction #concurrent #graph #named #programming
- Garp: Graph Abstractions for Concurrent Programming (SMK, GEK), pp. 191–205.
- PLDI-1988-AppelEL #concurrent #multi #realtime
- Real-Time Concurrent Collection on Stock Multiprocessors (AWA, JRE, KL), pp. 11–20.
- PLDI-1988-SeshadriWJWYS #analysis #compilation #concurrent #semantics
- Semantic Analysis in a Concurrent Compiler (VS, DBW, MDJ, SW, CPY, IS), pp. 233–240.
- PLDI-1988-Stone #case study #concurrent #debugging #process
- Debugging Concurrent Processes: A Case Study (JMS), pp. 145–153.
- Best-of-PLDI-1988-Appel #concurrent #multi #realtime
- Real-time concurrent collection on stock multiprocessors (with retrospective) (AWA), pp. 205–216.
- ICALP-1988-KokR #concurrent #semantics
- Contractions in Comparing Concurrent Semantics (JNK, JJMMR), pp. 317–332.
- ECOOP-1988-DoiKH #concurrent #implementation #kernel #object-oriented #operating system #using
- An Implementation of an Operating System Kernel Using Concurrent Object-Oriented Language ABCL/c+ (ND, YK, KH), pp. 250–266.
- ECOOP-1988-HondaY #concurrent #debugging
- Debugging Concurrent Systems Based on Object Groups (YH, AY), pp. 267–282.
- ECOOP-1988-ParringtonS #concurrent #implementation #object-oriented #reliability
- Implementing Concurrency Control in Reliable Object-Oriented Systems (GDP, SKS), pp. 233–249.
- ECOOP-1988-VaucherLM #concurrent #object-oriented #prolog
- SCOOP, Structured Concurrent Object-Oriented Prolog (JGV, GL, JM), pp. 191–211.
- OOPSLA-1988-KleynG #comprehension #named #object-oriented #using
- GraphTrace — Understanding Object-Oriented Systems Using Concurrently Animated Views (MFK, PCG), pp. 191–205.
- OOPSLA-1988-Shibayama #approach #concurrent #distributed #how #implementation
- How To Invent Distributed Implementation Schemes of an Object-Based Concurrent Language: A Transformational Approach (ES), pp. 297–305.
- OOPSLA-1988-WatanabeY #concurrent #object-oriented
- Reflection in an Object-Oriented Concurrent Language (TW, AY), pp. 306–315.
- ICSE-1988-ChiuL #concurrent #database #distributed #specification
- High-Level Specification of Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems (LC, MTL), pp. 309–319.
- ICSE-1988-Roman #concurrent #scalability #visualisation
- Language and Visualization Support for Large-Scale Concurrency (GCR), pp. 296–308.
- PPEALS-1988-LarusH #concurrent #execution #lisp #source code
- Restructuring Lisp Programs for Concurrent Execution (JRL, PNH), pp. 100–110.
- CSL-1988-DaneluttoM #approach #concurrent #finite #logic
- A temporal Logic Approach to Specify and to Prove Properties of Finite State Concurrent Systems (MD, AM), pp. 63–79.
- JICSCP-1988-AlkalajS88 #architecture #concurrent #prolog
- An Architectural Model for a Flat Concurrent Prolog Processor (LA, EYS), pp. 1277–1297.
- LICS-1988-Dam #composition #concurrent #logic
- Relevance Logic and Concurrent Composition (MD), pp. 178–185.
- LICS-1988-DeganoNM #concurrent #consistency #on the #semantics
- On the Consistency of “Truly Concurrent” Operational and Denotational Semantics (Extended Abstract) (PD, RDN, UM), pp. 133–141.
- LICS-1988-GerthCLS #concurrent #prolog #semantics
- Fully Abstract Denotational Semantics for Flat Concurrent Prolog (RG, MC, YL, EYS), pp. 320–335.
- PODS-1987-NurmiSW #concurrent #database
- Concurrency Control in Database Structures with Relaxed Balance (ON, ESS, DW), pp. 170–176.
- PODS-1987-SunT #concurrent #multi #performance
- Performance Results in Multiversion Timestamp Concurrency Control with Predeclared Writesets (RS, GT), pp. 177–184.
- PODS-1987-WangL #algorithm #concurrent #database #distributed
- The Precedence-Assignment Model for Distributed Database Concurrency Control Algorithms (CPW, VOKL), pp. 119–128.
- VLDB-1987-DiasIRY #analysis #design
- Design and Analysis of Integrated Concurrency-Coherence Controls (DMD, BRI, JTR, PSY), pp. 463–471.
- VLDB-1987-NoeW #concurrent #performance
- Measured Performance of Time Interval Concurrency Control Techniques (JDN, DBW), pp. 359–367.
- PLDI-1987-KearnsF #concurrent #named
- CCAL: An interpreted language for experimentation in concurrent control (PK, CC, MF), pp. 283–291.
- ICALP-1987-Diekert #concurrent #on the #process
- On the Knuth-Bendix Completion for Concurrent Processes (VD), pp. 42–53.
- FPCA-1987-NorthR #concurrent #garbage collection #hardware
- Concurrent garbage collection on stock hardware (SCN, JHR), pp. 113–133.
- ECOOP-1987-BriotY #concurrent #inheritance #object-oriented
- Inheritance and Synchronization in Concurrent OOP (JPB, AY), pp. 32–40.
- ECOOP-1987-MossK #concurrent #owl
- Concurrency Features for the Trellis/Owl Language (JEBM, WHK), pp. 171–180.
- OOPSLA-1987-YokoteT #evolution #experience
- Experience and Evolution of ConcurrentSmalltalk (YY, MT), pp. 406–415.
- POPL-1987-HerlihyW #axiom #concurrent
- Axioms for Concurrent Objects (MH, JMW), pp. 13–26.
- POPL-1987-MannaP #concurrent #source code #specification #verification
- Specification and Verification of Concurrent Programs By Forall-Automata (ZM, AP), pp. 1–12.
- POPL-1987-Oles #concurrent #semantics
- Semantics for Concurrency without Powerdomains (FJO), pp. 211–222.
- POPL-1987-Saraswat #concurrent #logic programming #programming language #semantics
- The Concurrent Logic Programming Language CP: Definition and Operational Semantics (VAS), pp. 49–62.
- POPL-1987-Stark #concurrent #network #process #semantics
- Concurrent Transition System Semantics of Process Networks (EWS), pp. 199–210.
- ICSE-1987-Ladkin #concurrent #dependence #process #specification #synthesis
- Specification of Time Dependencies and Synthesis of Concurrent Processes (PBL), pp. 106–115.
- ICLP-1987-NaishTR87 #concurrent #database #prolog
- Concurrent Database Updates in PROLOG (LN, JAT, KR), pp. 178–195.
- ICLP-1987-Sato87 #concurrent #logic #named
- Quty: A Concurrent Language Based on Logic and Function (MS), pp. 1034–1056.
- LICS-1987-GaifmanP #concurrent #modelling #partial order
- Partial Order Models of Concurrency and the Computation of Functions (HG, VRP), pp. 72–85.
- LICS-1987-Vardi #concurrent #framework #source code #verification
- Verification of Concurrent Programs: The Automata-Theoretic Framework (MYV), pp. 167–176.
- SLP-1987-Wilson87 #case study #concurrent #logic programming
- Concurrent α-β: A Study in Concurrent Logic Programming (WGW), pp. 360–367.
- DAC-1986-BruckKKR #algorithm #composition #concurrent #synthesis
- Synthesis of concurrent modular controllers from algorithmic descriptions (RB, BK, TK, FJR), pp. 285–292.
- PODS-1986-Weikum #concurrent #multi
- A Theoretical Foundation of Multi-Level Concurrency Control (GW), pp. 31–43.
- VLDB-1986-HsuY #concurrent
- Concurrent Operations in Extendible Hashing (MH, WPY), pp. 241–247.
- ESOP-1986-TanakaK #compilation #concurrent #prolog #queue
- Compiling Extended Concurrent Prolog — Single Queue Compilation (JT, MK), pp. 301–314.
- STOC-1986-Beame #parallel #power of
- Limits on the Power of Concurrent-Write Parallel Machines (PB), pp. 169–176.
- STOC-1986-CourcoubetisVW #concurrent #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning about Fair Concurrent Programs (CC, MYV, PW), pp. 283–294.
- ICALP-1986-ArquesFGG #algorithm #approach #combinator #comparison #concurrent #database
- Comparison of Algorithms Controlling Concurrent Access to a Database: A Combinatorial Approach (DA, JF, MTG, PG), pp. 11–20.
- ICALP-1986-Lisper #concurrent #equivalence #synthesis
- Synthesis and Equivalence of Concurrent Systems (BL), pp. 226–235.
- ICALP-1986-RosierY #complexity #concurrent #finite #on the #probability #source code #termination
- On The Complexity of Deciding Fair Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Finite-State Programs (LER, HCY), pp. 334–343.
- ICALP-1986-Stirling #composition #concurrent #correctness #logic
- A Compositional Reformulation of Owicki-Gries’s Partial Correctness Logic for a Concurrent While Language (CS), pp. 407–415.
- GG-1986-Jackel #graph grammar
- ADA-Concurrency specified by Graph Grammars (MJ), pp. 262–279.
- GG-1986-Kreowski #concurrent #graph grammar #parallel
- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 1: Derivations in graph grammars (HJK), pp. 343–360.
- GG-1986-KreowskiW #concurrent #graph grammar #parallel #process
- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 2: Non-sequential processes in graph grammars (HJK, AW), pp. 361–377.
- OOPSLA-1986-IshikawaT #concurrent #implementation #information management #object-oriented #representation
- A Concurrent Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation Language Orient84/K: Its Features and Implementation (YI, MT), pp. 232–241.
- OOPSLA-1986-KahnTMB #concurrent #logic programming #programming language
- Objects in Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (KMK, EDT, MSM, DGB), pp. 242–257.
- OOPSLA-1986-YokoteT #design #implementation
- The Design and Implementation of ConcurrentSmalltalk (YY, MT), pp. 331–340.
- OOPSLA-1986-YonezawaBS #concurrent #object-oriented #programming
- Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming in ABCL/1 (AY, JPB, ES), pp. 258–268.
- POPL-1986-BarringerKP #concurrent #logic
- A Really Abstract Concurrent Model and its Temporal Logic (HB, RK, AP), pp. 173–183.
- POPL-1986-LengauerH #concurrent #network #sorting #theorem
- A Mechanically Certified Theorem about Optimal Concurrency of Sorting Networks (CL, CHH), pp. 307–317.
- ICLP-1986-Abramson86 #concurrent #logic
- Sequential and Concurrent Deterministic Logic Grammars (HA), pp. 389–395.
- ICLP-1986-Beckman86 #concurrent #logic programming #programming language #semantics #towards
- Towards a Formal Semantics for Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (LB), pp. 335–349.
- LICS-1986-MonteiroP #concurrent #formal method
- A Sheaf-Theoretic Model of Concurrency (LM, FCNP), pp. 66–76.
- DAC-1985-BryantS #concurrent #evaluation #fault #performance
- Performance evaluation of FMOSSIM, a concurrent switch-level fault simulator (REB, MDS), pp. 715–719.
- PODS-1985-Ellis #concurrent #linear
- Concurrency and Linear Hashing (CSE), pp. 1–7.
- PODS-1985-GoodmanS #concurrent #semantics
- Semantically-based Concurrency Control for Search Structures (NG, DS), pp. 8–19.
- PODS-1985-HadzilacosP #algorithm #aspect-oriented #concurrent #multi
- Algorithmic Aspects of Multiversion Concurrency Control (TH, CHP), pp. 96–104.
- PODS-1985-PapadimitriouY #complexity #concurrent #reliability
- The Complexity of Reliable Concurrency Control (CHP, MY), pp. 230–234.
- PODS-1985-Sagiv #concurrent
- Concurrent Operations on B-Trees with Overtaking (YS), pp. 28–37.
- PODS-1985-TuzhilinS #approach #concurrent #correctness #semantics #transaction
- A Semantic Approach to Correctness of Concurrent Transaction Executions (AT, PGS), pp. 85–95.
- SIGMOD-1985-AgrawalCL #concurrent #modelling #performance
- Models for Studying Concurrency Control Performance: Alternatives and Implications (RA, MJC, ML), pp. 108–121.
- VLDB-1985-DadamLPS #concurrent #information management #maintenance
- Selective Deferred Index Maintenance & Concurrency Control in Integrated Information Systems (PD, VYL, UP, GS), pp. 142–150.
- VLDB-1985-MondR #concurrent #database #using
- Concurrency Control in B+-Trees Databases Using Preparatory Operations (YM, YR), pp. 331–334.
- STOC-1985-BakkerMOZ #concurrent #semantics
- Transition Systems, Infinitary Languages and the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO, JIZ), pp. 252–262.
- STOC-1985-Peleg #concurrent #logic
- Concurrent Dynamic Logic (Extended Abstract) (DP), pp. 232–239.
- ICALP-1985-BakkerMO #concurrent #finite #infinity #semantics
- Infinite Streams and Finite Observations in the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO), pp. 149–157.
- ICALP-1985-ZwiersRB #composition #concurrent #network
- Compositionality and Concurrent Networks: Soundness and Completeness of a Proofsystem (JZ, WPdR, PvEB), pp. 509–519.
- POPL-1985-Lamport #concurrent #specification #what #why
- What It Means for a Concurrent Program to Satisfy a Specification: Why No One Has Specified Priority (LL), pp. 78–83.
- POPL-1985-LichtensteinP #concurrent #finite #linear #source code #specification
- Checking That Finite State Concurrent Programs Satisfy Their Linear Specification (OL, AP), pp. 97–107.
- ICSE-1985-FrancescoLV #concurrent #debugging #interactive
- An Interactive Debugger for a Concurrent Language (NDF, DL, GV), pp. 320–329.
- ICSE-1985-StavelyBOT #concurrent #design #tool support
- A Collection of Software Tools for Analyzing Design of Concurrent Software Systems (AMS, DCB, SPO, GBT), pp. 111–118.
- SOSP-1985-MullenderT #concurrent #distributed
- A Distributed File Service Based on Optimistic Concurrency Control (SJM, AST), pp. 51–62.
- SLP-1985-LeeG85 #concurrent #multi #prolog
- Concurrent Prolog in a Multiprocess Environment (RKSL, RG), pp. 100–109.
- SLP-1985-MiyazakiTC85 #concurrent #implementation #prolog
- A Sequential Implementation of Concurrent Prolog Based on the Shallow Binding Scheme (TM, AT, TC), pp. 110–118.
- SLP-1985-UedaC85 #compilation #concurrent #prolog
- Concurrent Prolog Compiler on Top of Prolog (KU, TC), pp. 119–126.
- PODS-1984-BuckleyS #concurrent #graph #protocol #using
- Concurrency Control in Graph Protocols by Using Edge Locks (GNB, AS), pp. 45–50.
- PODS-1984-FordC #algorithm #concurrent
- Concurrency Control Mechanisms and the Serializability of Concurrent Tree Algorithms (RF, JC), pp. 51–60.
- PODS-1984-LausenSW #concurrent
- Maximal Concurrency by Locking (GL, ESS, PW), pp. 38–44.
- SIGMOD-1984-BoralG #adaptation #algorithm #concurrent #self #towards
- Towards A Self-Adapting Centralized Concurrency Control Algorithm (HB, IG), pp. 18–32.
- VLDB-1984-CareyS #algorithm #concurrent #database #performance
- The Performance of Concurrency Control Algorithms for Database Management Systems (MJC, MS), pp. 107–118.
- STOC-1984-Manber #concurrent #information management #maintenance #on the
- On Maintaining Dynamic Information in a Concurrent Environment (Preliminary Version) (UM), pp. 273–278.
- ICALP-1984-ColbournP #concurrent #network
- Concurrent Transmissions in Broadcast Networks (CJC, AP), pp. 128–136.
- POPL-1984-Shapiro #concurrent #programming #prolog
- Systems Programming in Concurrent Prolog (EYS), pp. 93–105.
- ICSE-1984-Moawad #comparison #concurrent #modelling #reliability
- Comparison of Concurrent Software Reliability Models (RM), pp. 222–229.
- ILPC-1984-BoscoGG84 #concurrent #logic #process #prolog #specification #verification
- A Prolog System for the Verification of Concurrent Processes Against Temporal Logic Specifications (PGB, GG, EG), pp. 219–229.
- ILPC-1984-HirakawaCF84 #concurrent #lazy evaluation #prolog
- Eager and Lazy Enumerations in Concurrent Prolog (HH, TC, KF), pp. 89–100.
- ILPC-1984-Levy84 #algorithm #concurrent #prolog #unification
- A Unification Algorithm for Concurrent Prolog (JL), pp. 333–341.
- ILPC-1984-Nakamura84 #concurrent #evaluation #logic programming #source code
- Associative Concurrent Evaluation of Logic Programs (KN), pp. 321–331.
- SLP-1984-Gelernter84 #concurrent #programming #prolog
- A Note on Systems Programming in Concurrent Prolog (DG), pp. 76–82.
- SLP-1984-HellersteinS84 #algorithm #concurrent #experience #implementation #parallel #prolog
- Implementing Parallel Algorithms in Concurrent Prolog: The MAXFLOW Experience (LH, EYS), pp. 99–115.
- SLP-1984-ShapiroM84 #concurrent #implementation #prolog #self #specification
- Fair, Biased, and Self-Balancing Merge Operators: Their Specification and Implementation in Concurrent Prolog (EYS, CM), pp. 83–90.
- DAC-1983-Ulrich #concurrent #design #simulation #verification
- A design verification methodology based on concurrent simulation and clock suppression (EU), pp. 709–712.
- PODS-1983-Carey #concurrent
- Granularity Hierarchies in Concurrency Control (MJC), pp. 156–165.
- PODS-1983-Ellis #concurrent #distributed
- Extendible Hashing for Concurrent Operations and Distributed Data (CSE), pp. 106–116.
- PODS-1983-HsuM #composition #concurrent #database
- Hierarchical Database Decomposition — A Technique for Database Concurrency Control (MH, SEM), pp. 182–191.
- PODS-1983-Lynch #concurrent #transaction
- Concurrency Control for Resilient Nested Transactions (NAL), pp. 166–181.
- SIGMOD-1983-Carey #algorithm #concurrent #database
- An Abstract Model of Database Concurrency Control Algorithms (MJC), pp. 97–107.
- VLDB-1983-DasguptaK #concurrent #database #protocol
- A Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocol for Concurrency Control in General Databases (PD, ZMK), pp. 92–94.
- VLDB-1983-PeinlR #comparison #concurrent #database #empirical
- Empirical Comparison of Database Concurrency Schemes (PP, AR), pp. 97–108.
- VLDB-1983-Reimer #concurrent #problem
- Solving the Phantom Problem by Predicative Optimistic Concurrency Control (MR), pp. 81–88.
- ICALP-1983-HartS #concurrent #how #probability
- Concurrent Probabilistic Program, or: How to Schedule if You Must (SH, MS), pp. 304–318.
- POPL-1983-ClarkeES #approach #automation #concurrent #finite #logic #specification #using #verification
- Automatic Verification of Finite State Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications: A Practical Approach (EMC, EAE, APS), pp. 117–126.
- PODS-1982-ManberL #concurrent
- Concurrency Control in a Dynamic Search Structure (UM, REL), pp. 268–282.
- PODS-1982-PapadimitriouK #concurrent #multi #on the
- On Concurrency Control by Multiple Versions (CHP, PCK), pp. 76–82.
- PODS-1982-Reuter #concurrent
- Concurrency on High-trafic Data Elements (AR0), pp. 83–92.
- SIGMOD-1982-ChanFLNR #concurrent #implementation
- The Implementation of an Integrated Concurrency Control and Recovery Scheme (AC, SF, WTKL, AN, DRR), pp. 184–191.
- VLDB-1982-BernsteinG #concurrent #distributed
- A Sophisticate’s Introduction to Distributed Concurrency Control (Invited Paper) (PAB, NG), pp. 62–76.
- VLDB-1982-Xu #concurrent #formal method #transaction
- A Formal Model for Maximum Concurrency in Transaction Systems with Predeclared Writesets (JX), pp. 77–90.
- STOC-1982-DeBakkerZ #concurrent #semantics
- Denotational Semantics of Concurrency (JWdB, JIZ), pp. 153–158.
- GG-1982-Ehrig #aspect-oriented #concurrent #graph grammar
- Aspects of concurrency in graph grammars (HE), pp. 58–81.
- POPL-1982-HailpernO #composition #concurrent #source code #verification
- Modular Verification of Concurrent Programs (BH, SSO), pp. 322–336.
- POPL-1982-HartSP #concurrent #probability #source code #termination
- Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Programs (SH, MS, AP), pp. 1–6.
- ILPC-1982-Bowen82 #concurrent #execution #logic
- Concurrent Execution of Logic (KAB), pp. 26–30.
- ILPC-1982-FurukawaNM82 #concurrent #interpreter #programming #prolog
- Prolog Interpreter Based on Concurrent Programming (KF, KN, YM), pp. 38–44.
- ILPC-1982-Monteiro82 #concurrent #horn clause #logic #specification
- A Horn Clause-like Logic for Specifying Concurrency (LM), pp. 1–8.
- DAC-1981-KozawaTSMI #algorithm #concurrent
- A concurrent pattern operation algorithm for VLSI mask data (TK, AT, JS, CM, TI), pp. 563–570.
- SIGMOD-1981-Lin #concurrent #database #distributed #evaluation #performance
- Performance Evaluation of Two Concurrency Control Mechanisms in a Distributed Database System (WTKL), pp. 84–92.
- SIGMOD-1981-StearnsR #concurrent #database #distributed #using
- Distributed Database Concurrency Controls Using Before-Values (RES, DJR), pp. 74–83.
- VLDB-1981-Schlageter #concurrent #database #distributed
- Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems (GS), pp. 125–130.
- VLDB-1981-Soderlund #assessment #concurrent #database #modelling
- Concurrent Data Base Reorganization — Assessment of a Powerful Technique through Modeling (LS), pp. 499–509.
- STOC-1981-Yannakakis #concurrent #correctness #database
- Issues of Correctness in Database Concurrency Control by Locking (MY), pp. 363–367.
- ICALP-1981-LehmannPS #concurrent #termination
- Impartiality, Justice and Fairness: The Ethics of Concurrent Termination (DJL, AP, JS), pp. 264–277.
- ICSE-1981-PenedoBE #algorithm #concurrent #generative
- An Algorithm to Support Code-Skeleton Generation for Concurrent Systems (MH(P, DMB, GE), pp. 125–135.
- DAC-1980-dAbreuT #concurrent #fault #functional
- An accurate functional level concurrent fault simulator (MAd, EWT), pp. 210–217.
- DAC-1980-UlrichLPTKEB #concurrent #fault #performance #simulation
- High-speed concurrent fault simulation with vectors and scalars (EU, DL, NP, JT, MK, TE, RB), pp. 374–380.
- SIGMOD-1980-KwongW #concurrent #on the
- On B-Trees: Routing Schemes and Concurrency (YSK, DW), pp. 207–211.
- VLDB-1980-Badal #analysis #concurrent #database #distributed #performance
- The Analysis of the Effects of Concurrency Control on Distributed Database System Performance (DZB), pp. 376–383.
- VLDB-1980-BayerEHR #concurrent #database #distributed
- Distributed Concurrency Control in Database Systems (RB, KE, HH, AR), pp. 275–284.
- VLDB-1980-BernsteinG80a #algorithm #concurrent #database #distributed
- Timestamp-Based Algorithms for Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems (PAB, NG), pp. 285–300.
- ICALP-1980-HennessyM #concurrent #nondeterminism #on the
- On Observing Nondeterminism and Concurrency (MH, RM), pp. 299–309.
- LISP-1980-Marti #compilation #concurrent #control flow #lisp
- Compilation Techniques for a Control-Flow Concurrent LISP System (JM), pp. 203–207.
- SIGMOD-1979-IraniL #concurrent #database #modelling #network #transaction
- Queuing Network Models for Concurrent Transaction Processing in a Database System (KBI, HLL), pp. 134–142.
- SIGMOD-1979-KungP #concurrent #database
- An Optimality Theory of Concurrency Control for Databases (HTK, CHP), pp. 116–126.
- VLDB-1979-KungR #concurrent #on the
- On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control (HTK, JTR), p. 351.
- VLDB-1979-LuqueRRB #concurrent #database
- Database Concurrent Processor (EL, JJR, AR, AB), pp. 273–279.
- ICALP-1979-ShieldsL #concurrent #semantics
- A Formal Semantics for Concurrent Systems (MWS, PEL), pp. 571–584.
- POPL-1979-Clarke #concurrent #invariant #source code #synthesis
- Synthesis of Resource Invariants for Concurrent Programs (EMC), pp. 211–221.
- ICSE-1979-RiddleBDE #concurrent #detection #source code
- Anomaly Detection in Concurrent Programs (WER, GB, CD, BE), pp. 265–273.
- DAC-1978-AgerwalaC #concurrent #synthesis
- A synthesis rule for concurrent systems (TA, YCCA), pp. 305–311.
- SIGMOD-1978-LienW #concurrent #consistency
- Consistency, Concurrency and Crash Recovery (YEL, PJW), pp. 9–14.
- VLDB-1978-KungL #concurrent #database #problem
- A Concurrent Database Manipulation Problem: Binary Search Trees (Abstract) (HTK, PLL), p. 498.
- GG-1978-Wileden #analysis #concurrent #design #graph grammar
- Relationships Between Graph Grammars and the Design and Analysis of Concurrent Software (JCW), pp. 456–463.
- POPL-1978-Mizell #aspect-oriented #concurrent #design #verification
- Verification and Design Aspects of “True” Concurrency (DWM), pp. 171–175.
- POPL-1978-OgdenRR #complexity #concurrent
- Complexity of Expressions Allowing Concurrency (WFO, WER, WCR), pp. 185–194.
- ICSE-1978-CamposE #concurrent #design
- Concurrent Software System Design, Supported by SARA at the Age of One (IMC, GE), pp. 230–242.
- DAC-1977-AbramoviciBK #concurrent #fault #functional #modelling #simulation
- Concurrent fault simulation and functional level modeling (MA, MAB, KK), pp. 128–137.
- DAC-1977-HeathCC #concurrent #development #hardware #named
- CDL — A tool for concurrent hardware and software development (JRH, BDC, TTC), pp. 445–449.
- SIGMOD-1977-MunzK #concurrent #database #simulation
- Concurrency in Database Systems — A Simulation Study (RM, GK), pp. 111–120.
- SOSP-1977-Lohr #concurrent #pascal
- Beyond Concurrent Pascal (KPL), pp. 173–180.
- DIPL-1976-Dennis #concurrent #design
- A language design for structured concurrency (JBD), pp. 231–242.
- ICSE-1976-SilberschatzKB #concurrent #pascal #resource management
- Extending Concurrent Pascal to Allow Dynamic Resource Management (Abstract) (AS, RBK, AJB), p. 236.
- DAC-1975-SchulerUBB #concurrent #generative #logic #random testing #simulation #testing #using
- Random test generation using concurrent logic simulation (DMS, EGU, TEB, SPB), pp. 261–267.
- VLDB-1975-Sekino #concurrent #multi
- Multiple Concurrent Updates (LCS), pp. 505–507.
- POPL-1975-Lester #concurrent #execution
- Program Schemas with Concurrency: Execution Time and Hangups (BPL), pp. 185–193.
- DAC-1973-UlrichB #concurrent #network #simulation
- The concurrent simulation of nearly identical digital networks (EGU, TEB), pp. 145–150.
- SOSP-1971-Fontao #algorithm #concurrent
- A Concurrent Algorithm for Avoiding Deadlocks (ROF), pp. 72–79.