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Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Austria
2 × Poland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Hirshfeld B.A.Trakhtenbrot G.Yorsh W.Thomas P.A.Abdulla F.Moller N.Immerman T.W.Reps S.Sagiv D.Beauquier A.Slissenko M.Sagiv A.Meyer A.Bouajjani
Talks about:
logic (5) decid (4) system (3) probabilist (2) structur (2) communic (2) quantit (2) between (2) verif (2) check (2)

Person: Alexander Moshe Rabinovich

DBLP DBLP: Rabinovich:Alexander_Moshe

Contributed to:

CSL 20062006
FoSSaCS 20062006
CAV 20042004
CSL 20042004
FoSSaCS 20032003
ICALP 20032003
CSL 20022002
CSL 19991999
ICALP 19991999
LICS 19991999
ICALP 19921992
ICALP 19901990
LICS 19891989

Wrote 14 papers:

CSL-2006-Rabinovich #parametricity #problem #synthesis
Church Synthesis Problem with Parameters (AMR), pp. 546–561.
CSL-2006-RabinovichT #decidability
Decidable Theories of the Ordering of Natural Numbers with Unary Predicates (AMR, WT), pp. 562–574.
FoSSaCS-2006-YorshRSMB #linked data #logic #open data
A Logic of Reachable Patterns in Linked Data-Structures (GY, AMR, MS, AM, AB), pp. 94–110.
CAV-2004-ImmermanRRSY #simulation #verification
Verification via Structure Simulation (NI, AMR, TWR, SS, GY), pp. 281–294.
CSL-2004-ImmermanRRSY #bound #decidability #logic #transitive
The Boundary Between Decidability and Undecidability for Transitive-Closure Logics (NI, AMR, TWR, SS, GY), pp. 160–174.
FoSSaCS-2003-AbdullaR #communication #probability #verification
Verification of Probabilistic Systems with Faulty Communication (PAA, AMR), pp. 39–53.
ICALP-2003-Rabinovich #analysis #probability
Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems (AMR), pp. 1008–1021.
CSL-2002-BeauquierRS #decidability #logic #model checking #probability
A Logic of Probability with Decidable Model-Checking (DB, AMR, AS), pp. 306–321.
CSL-1999-HirshfeldR #logic
Quantitative Temporal Logic (YH, AMR), pp. 172–187.
ICALP-1999-HirshfeldR #decidability #framework #logic
A Framework for Decidable Metrical Logics (YH, AMR), pp. 422–432.
LICS-1999-MollerR #on the #power of
On the Expressive Power of CTL (FM, AMR), pp. 360–368.
ICALP-1992-Rabinovich #concurrent #finite
Checking Equivalences Between Concurrent Systems of Finite Agents (AMR), pp. 696–707.
ICALP-1990-RabinovichT #communication
Communication among Relations (AMR, BAT), pp. 294–307.
LICS-1989-RabinovichT #data flow
Nets and Data Flow Interpreters (AMR, BAT), pp. 164–174.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.