Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.M.Needham E.Wobber M.D.Schroeder R.Levin B.J.Nelson M.Abadi T.Harris M.Isard M.B.Jones G.Nelson S.S.Owicki J.V.Guttag J.J.Horning J.Hsieh
Talks about:
implement (3) distribut (2) transact (2) system (2) memori (2) multiprocessor (1) synchron (1) procedur (1) gravevin (1) grapevin (1)
Person: Andrew Birrell
DBLP: Birrell:Andrew
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CC-2009-AbadiBHHI #implementation #memory management #transaction #using
- Implementation and Use of Transactional Memory with Dynamic Separation (MA, AB, TH, JH, MI), pp. 63–77.
- POPL-2008-AbadiBHI #automation #memory management #semantics #transaction
- Semantics of transactional memory and automatic mutual exclusion (MA, AB, TH, MI), pp. 63–74.
- SOSP-1993-BirrellNOW #network
- Network Objects (AB, GN, SSO, EW), pp. 217–230.
- SOSP-1987-BirrellGHL #multi #specification
- Synchronization Primitives for a Multiprocessor: A Formal Specification (AB, JVG, JJH, RL), pp. 94–102.
- SOSP-1987-BirrellJW #big data #database #implementation #performance
- A Simple and Efficient Implementation for Small Databases (AB, MBJ, EW), pp. 149–154.
- SOSP-1983-BirrellN #implementation
- Implementing Remote Procedure Calls (AB, BJN), p. 3.
- SOSP-1983-SchroederBN #distributed #experience
- Experience with Grapevine: The Growth of a Distributed System (MDS, AB, RMN), pp. 141–142.
- SOSP-1981-BirrellLNS #distributed #named
- Gravevine: An Exercise in Distributed Computing (AB, RL, RMN, MDS), pp. 178–179.
- SOSP-1977-NeedhamB
- The Cap Filing System (RMN, AB), pp. 11–16.