Travelled to:
1 × France
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ R.F.Rashid D.Rosu M.Rosu A.Birrell E.Wobber M.R.Thompson J.Dunagan N.J.A.Harvey D.Kostic M.Theimer A.Wolman
Talks about:
distribut (3) interfac (3) system (3) matchmak (2) interpos (2) languag (2) effici (2) user (2) code (2) lightweight (1)
Person: Michael B. Jones
DBLP: Jones:Michael_B=
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- OSDI-2004-DunaganHJKTW #distributed #lightweight #named
- FUSE: Lightweight Guaranteed Distributed Failure Notification (JD, NJAH, MBJ, DK, MT, AW), pp. 151–166.
- SOSP-1997-JonesRR #constraints #cpu #independence #performance #predict #process #scheduling
- CPU Reservations and Time Constraints: Efficient, Predictable Scheduling of Independent Activities (MBJ, DR, MCR), pp. 198–211.
- SOSP-1993-Jones #interface
- Interposition Agents: Transparently Interposing User Code at the System Interface (MBJ), pp. 80–93.
- SOSP-WIP-1991-Jones92 #interface #tool support
- A Toolkit for Interposing User Code at the System Interface (MBJ), p. 21.
- SOSP-1987-BirrellJW #big data #database #implementation #performance
- A Simple and Efficient Implementation for Small Databases (AB, MBJ, EW), pp. 149–154.
- OOPSLA-1986-JonesR #distributed #kernel #object-oriented
- Mach and Matchmaker: Kernel and Language Support for Object-Oriented Distributed Systems (MBJ, RFR), pp. 67–77.
- POPL-1985-JonesRT #distributed #interface #named #specification
- Matchmaker: An Interface Specification Language for Distributed Processing (MBJ, RFR, MRT), pp. 225–235.