502 papers:
CASE-2015-ChenXZCL #effectiveness #learning #multi #optimisation #simulation- An effective learning procedure for multi-fidelity simulation optimization with ordinal transformation (RC, JX, SZ, CHC, LHL), pp. 702–707.
DATE-2015-DupuisBFNR #hardware #testing- New testing procedure for finding insertion sites of stealthy hardware trojans (SD, PSB, MLF, GDN, BR), pp. 776–781.
VLDB-2015-WangWYZ #benchmark #community #detection #framework #metric #network #social- Community Detection in Social Networks: An In-depth Benchmarking Study with a Procedure-Oriented Framework (MW, CW, JXY, JZ), pp. 998–1009.
ESOP-2015-FrielinghausPS #interprocedural- Inter-procedural Two-Variable Herbrand Equalities (SSF, MP, HS), pp. 457–482.
PLDI-2015-LalQ #graph #source code- DAG inlining: a decision procedure for reachability-modulo-theories in hierarchical programs (AL, SQ), pp. 280–290.
SAS-2015-AlbertGG #analysis #interprocedural #source code- May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis for Asynchronous Programs with Inter-Procedural Synchronization (EA, SG, PG), pp. 72–89.
DUXU-IXD-2015-OpromollaVIFRPM #gesture #recognition #usability- A Usability Study of a Gesture Recognition System Applied During the Surgical Procedures (AO, VV, AI, SF, CR, DP, CMM), pp. 682–692.
HCI-DE-2015-MullerT #evaluation #framework- Analytical Steps for the Calibration of an Emotional Framework — Pre-test and Evaluation Procedures (NHM, MT), pp. 512–519.
HCI-UC-2015-BorsciLBJ #assessment #prototype- Early Prototype Assessment of a New Virtual System for Training Procedural Skills of Automotive Service Operators: LARTE Tool (SB, GL, MB, BJ), pp. 135–143.
HIMI-IKC-2015-OliveiraCBA #artificial reality #gamification #interface #motivation #using- A Head-up Display with Augmented Reality and Gamification for an E-Maintenance System: Using Interfaces and Gamification to Motivate Workers in Procedural Tasks (AO, NC, LCB, RBdA), pp. 499–510.
ICML-2015-BenavoliCMZ #algorithm #parametricity- A Bayesian nonparametric procedure for comparing algorithms (AB, GC, FM, MZ), pp. 1264–1272.
SIGIR-2015-YangN- Leveraging Procedural Knowledge for Task-oriented Search (ZY, EN), pp. 513–522.
POPL-2015-FosterKM0T #algebra- A Coalgebraic Decision Procedure for NetKAT (NF, DK, MM, AS, LT), pp. 343–355.
CADE-2015-ReynoldsB #data type #smt- A Decision Procedure for (Co)datatypes in SMT Solvers (AR, JCB), pp. 197–213.
CSL-2015-MolinariMP #logic #model checking- A Model Checking Procedure for Interval Temporal Logics based on Track Representatives (AM, AM, AP), pp. 193–210.
CSL-2015-Traytel #algebra- A Coalgebraic Decision Procedure for WS1S (DT), pp. 487–503.
CASE-2014-ZhangLYL #optimisation #parametricity #simulation- Simulation and parameter optimization of the key working procedure of engine box (CZ, JL, RY, GL), pp. 315–319.
TACAS-2014-AlbertiGS #array- Decision Procedures for Flat Array Properties (FA, SG, NS), pp. 15–30.
IFL-2014-FredrikssonGW #higher-order #towards- Towards native higher-order remote procedure calls (OF, DRG, BW), p. 10.
ICGT-2014-JansenN #generative #graph #pointer #source code #summary- Generating Abstract Graph-Based Procedure Summaries for Pointer Programs (CJ, TN), pp. 49–64.
CHI-2014-MentisCS #learning- Learning to see the body: supporting instructional practices in laparoscopic surgical procedures (HMM, AC, SDS), pp. 2113–2122.
CHI-2014-Smith #analysis #comprehension #game studies #generative- Understanding procedural content generation: a design-centric analysis of the role of PCG in games (GS), pp. 917–926.
DUXU-DP-2014-NomisoP #usability- Usability Methodological Procedures Applied on an Institutional Site (LSN, LCP), pp. 423–433.
ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaSMMS #branch #design #heuristic #network #problem- A Heuristic Procedure with Local Branching for the Fixed Charge Network Design Problem with User-optimal Flow (PHGS, LGS, CAdJM, PYPM, ES), pp. 384–394.
ICPR-2014-Dahllof #classification- Scribe Attribution for Early Medieval Handwriting by Means of Letter Extraction and Classification and a Voting Procedure for Larger Pieces (MD), pp. 1910–1915.
MLDM-2014-MalenichevSKMM #automation- An Automatic Matching Procedure of Ultrasonic Railway Defectograms (AM, VS, OK, VM, AM), pp. 315–327.
SEKE-2014-MarinQ #diagrams #metric- A COSMIC Measurement Procedure for BPMN Diagrams (BM, JQ), pp. 408–411.
ICMT-2014-HermannGNEBMPEE #graph grammar #in the large- Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures (FH, SG, NN, HE, BB, GM, AP, TE, CE), pp. 122–137.
MoDELS-2014-SoltanaFASB #approach #case study #modelling #uml #using- Using UML for Modeling Procedural Legal Rules: Approach and a Study of Luxembourg’s Tax Law (GS, EF, MA, MS, LCB), pp. 450–466.
MoDELS-2014-SoltanaFASB #approach #case study #modelling #uml #using- Using UML for Modeling Procedural Legal Rules: Approach and a Study of Luxembourg’s Tax Law (GS, EF, MA, MS, LCB), pp. 450–466.
PPDP-2014-AotoS #induction #proving #theorem- Decision Procedures for Proving Inductive Theorems without Induction (TA, SS), pp. 237–248.
SPLC-2014-KodamaSTKT #case study #experience- Experiences with commonality control procedures to develop clinical instrument system (RK, JS, YT, SK, ST), pp. 254–263.
IJCAR-2014-CerritoDG #atl #logic #satisfiability #testing- Optimal Tableaux-Based Decision Procedure for Testing Satisfiability in the Alternating-Time Temporal Logic ATL+ (SC, AD, VG), pp. 277–291.
IJCAR-2014-ChocronFR #satisfiability- A Gentle Non-disjoint Combination of Satisfiability Procedures (PC, PF, CR), pp. 122–136.
IJCAR-2014-LahavZ #calculus #satisfiability- SAT-Based Decision Procedure for Analytic Pure Sequent Calculi (OL, YZ), pp. 76–90.
IJCAR-2014-PapacchiniS #generative #logic- Terminating Minimal Model Generation Procedures for Propositional Modal Logics (FP, RAS), pp. 381–395.
IJCAR-2014-SteigmillerGL #algorithm #logic- Coupling Tableau Algorithms for Expressive Description Logics with Completion-Based Saturation Procedures (AS, BG, TL), pp. 449–463.
LICS-CSL-2014-BrotherstonFPG #induction #logic #satisfiability- A decision procedure for satisfiability in separation logic with inductive predicates (JB, CF, JANP, NG), p. 10.
SMT-2014-AlbertiGS #array- Decision Procedures for Flat Array Properties (FA, SG, NS), p. 51.
TACAS-2013-GantyIK #approximate #integer #source code #summary- Underapproximation of Procedure Summaries for Integer Programs (PG, RI, FK), pp. 245–259.
DLT-2013-MarsaultS #set- Ultimate Periodicity of b-Recognisable Sets: A Quasilinear Procedure (VM, JS), pp. 362–373.
ICFP-2013-TraytelN #regular expression #word- Verified decision procedures for MSO on words based on derivatives of regular expressions (DT, TN), pp. 3–12.
GT-VMT-2013-WinetzhammerW #behaviour #emf #modelling #rule-based- ModGraph meets Xcore: Combining Rule-Based and Procedural Behavioral Modeling for EMF (SW, BW).
CHI-2013-KhaledNB #design #game studies #generative- Design metaphors for procedural content generation in games (RK, MJN, PB), pp. 1509–1518.
CSCW-2013-NovA #design- Personality-targeted design: theory, experimental procedure, and preliminary results (ON, OA), pp. 977–984.
HCI-AMTE-2013-BorsciMB #assessment #data transformation- A Grounded Procedure for Managing Data and Sample Size of a Home Medical Device Assessment (SB, JLM, JB), pp. 166–175.
HCI-AS-2013-JohnsonOVYP #adaptation- Examining the Role of Contextual Exercises and Adaptive Expertise on CAD Model Creation Procedures (MDJ, EO, LV, BY, XP), pp. 408–417.
HIMI-D-2013-HiranoNN #development #evaluation #tool support- Evaluation of System Engineers’ Intellectual Productivity — Focusing on Coding Procedures in Application Development Tools (RH, YN, MN), pp. 305–315.
HIMI-HSM-2013-JangOKK- User Guiding Information Supporting Application for Clinical Procedure in Traditional Medicine (HJ, YTO, AK, SKK), pp. 100–109.
OCSC-2013-Meiselwitz #assessment #network #policy #readability #social- Readability Assessment of Policies and Procedures of Social Networking Sites (GM), pp. 67–75.
RecSys-2013-DoerfelJ #analysis #evaluation #recommendation- An analysis of tag-recommender evaluation procedures (SD, RJ), pp. 343–346.
ICMT-2013-HermannGNBMPE #automation #graph grammar #on the #using- On an Automated Translation of Satellite Procedures Using Triple Graph Grammars (FH, SG, NN, BB, GM, AP, TE), pp. 50–51.
SAC-2013-ShikanoAYSOU #case study #design- Study on supporting technology for operational procedure design of IT systems in cloud-era datacenters (HS, MA, JY, TS, SO, KU), pp. 405–407.
CADE-2013-Mayer #hybrid #logic #proving #transitive- A Proof Procedure for Hybrid Logic with Binders, Transitivity and Relation Hierarchies (MCM), pp. 76–90.
RTA-2013-GuiraudMM #monad #topic- A Homotopical Completion Procedure with Applications to Coherence of Monoids (YG, PM, SM), pp. 223–238.
VMCAI-2013-JacobsKS #reduction #synthesis- Reductions for Synthesis Procedures (SJ, VK, PS), pp. 88–107.
ASE-2012-AbadiF #automation- Automatic recovery of statecharts from procedural code (MA, YAF), pp. 238–241.
CASE-2012-BilykM #heuristic #parallel #problem #search-based- Variable neighborhood search-based subproblem solution procedures for a parallel shifting bottleneck heuristic for complex job shops (AB, LM), pp. 419–424.
CASE-2012-ZhangLCCJ #set #simulation- An improved simulation budget allocation procedure to efficiently select the optimal subset of many alternatives (SZ, LHL, EPC, CHC, HYJ), pp. 230–236.
DATE-2012-LiuJL #constant #parallel- Parallel probing: Dynamic and constant time setup procedure in circuit switching NoC (SL, AJ, ZL), pp. 1289–1294.
WRLA-2012-TushkanovaGRK #framework #rule-based- A Rule-Based Framework for Building Superposition-Based Decision Procedures (ET, AG, CR, OK), pp. 221–239.
ICFP-2012-Sheard #design #programming #reduction- Painless programming combining reduction and search: design principles for embedding decision procedures in high-level languages (TES), pp. 89–102.
KR-2012-DvorakJWW- Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation (WD, MJ, JPW, SW).
SAC-2012-ChiwiacowskyGMVG #algorithm #search-based- A two-level procedure based on genetic algorithms to optimize an aeronautical composite structure (LDC, PG, RM, HFdCV, ATG), pp. 259–260.
SAC-2012-GomesP #analysis #interactive #social- A media-based social interactions analysis procedure (AKG, MdGCP), pp. 1018–1024.
IJCAR-2012-FalkeK #induction #linear- Rewriting Induction + Linear Arithmetic = Decision Procedure (SF, DK), pp. 241–255.
IJCAR-2012-GaoAC #satisfiability- δ-Complete Decision Procedures for Satisfiability over the Reals (SG, JA, EMC), pp. 286–300.
VMCAI-2012-AlbarghouthiGC #algorithm #interprocedural #named #verification- Whale: An Interpolation-Based Algorithm for Inter-procedural Verification (AA, AG, MC), pp. 39–55.
VMCAI-2012-RosenbergBN #logic- Decision Procedures for Region Logic (SR, AB, DAN), pp. 379–395.
ASE-2011-LutzJP #assurance #modelling #using- Using model-based assurance to strengthen diagnostic procedures (RRL, JJ, APH), pp. 516–519.
DATE-2011-BernardiGSB #fault #self #testing- Fault grading of software-based self-test procedures for dependable automotive applications (PB, MG, ES, OB), pp. 513–514.
ITiCSE-2011-LevyV #education #problem- A problem solving teaching guide based on a procedure intertwined with a teaching model (RBBL, JÁVI), p. 374.
FoSSaCS-2011-CousotCM #abstract domain- The Reduced Product of Abstract Domains and the Combination of Decision Procedures (PC, RC, LM), pp. 456–472.
PLDI-2011-BouajjaniDES #analysis #interprocedural #on the #source code- On inter-procedural analysis of programs with lists and data (AB, CD, CE, MS), pp. 578–589.
PLDI-2011-DilligDAS #composition #precise #source code #summary- Precise and compact modular procedure summaries for heap manipulating programs (ID, TD, AA, MS), pp. 567–577.
SAS-2011-MadhusudanQ #performance #using- Efficient Decision Procedures for Heaps Using STRAND (PM, XQ), pp. 43–59.
CHI-2011-MitchellM #interactive- Limits of rereadability in procedural interactive stories (AM, KM), pp. 1939–1948.
CHI-2011-PaekH #set- Sampling representative phrase sets for text entry experiments: a procedure and public resource (TP, BJPH), pp. 2477–2480.
CHI-2011-WobbrockFGH #analysis #parametricity #rank #using- The aligned rank transform for nonparametric factorial analyses using only anova procedures (JOW, LF, DG, JJH), pp. 143–146.
KDD-2011-BoleyLPG #performance #random- Direct local pattern sampling by efficient two-step random procedures (MB, CL, DP, TG), pp. 582–590.
KMIS-2011-AndreasikCU #correctness #health #semantics #web- A Semantic Web Technologies-based System for Controlling the Correctness of Medical Procedures in Polish National Health Fund (JA, AC, SU), pp. 331–336.
RecSys-2011-KnijnenburgWK #evaluation #recommendation- A pragmatic procedure to support the user-centric evaluation of recommender systems (BPK, MCW, AK), pp. 321–324.
SEKE-2011-WangL #interprocedural #profiling- A Technology of Profiling Inter-procedural Paths (LW, BL), pp. 31–36.
CADE-2011-WiesMK #data type #imperative #performance- An Efficient Decision Procedure for Imperative Tree Data Structures (TW, MM, VK), pp. 476–491.
CSL-2011-Aschieri #analysis- Transfinite Update Procedures for Predicative Systems of Analysis (FA), pp. 20–34.
RTA-2011-ConchinhaBC #deduction #equivalence #named #performance- FAST: An Efficient Decision Procedure for Deduction and Static Equivalence (BC, DAB, CC), pp. 11–20.
SAT-2011-BeyersdorffGL #complexity- Parameterized Complexity of DPLL Search Procedures (OB, NG, ML), pp. 5–18.
VMCAI-2011-PiskacW #automation #proving #termination- Decision Procedures for Automating Termination Proofs (RP, TW), pp. 371–386.
ASE-2010-Letarte #analysis #graph #interprocedural #model checking #precise #representation- Model checking graph representation of precise boolean inter-procedural flow analysis (DL), pp. 511–516.
CASE-2010-GibsonM #geometry #integration- Geometric integration of impact during an orbital docking procedure (CG, TDM), pp. 928–932.
DAC-2010-LaiJW #abstraction #learning #named- BooM: a decision procedure for boolean matching with abstraction and dynamic learning (CFL, JHRJ, KHW), pp. 499–504.
ICSM-2010-Letarte #interprocedural #model checking #performance #static analysis- Conversion of fast inter-procedural static analysis to model checking (DL), pp. 1–2.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MokotoffGP #multi #normalisation #problem- Normalization Procedures on Multicriteria Decision Making — An Example on Environmental Problems (EM, EG, JP), pp. 206–211.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-CappelliSNBD #estimation #process- An Estimation Procedure to Determine the Effort Required to Model Business Processes (CC, FMS, VTN, MdOB, JRD), pp. 178–184.
ICPR-2010-RevaudLAB #graph #learning #performance #recognition #robust- Learning an Efficient and Robust Graph Matching Procedure for Specific Object Recognition (JR, GL, YA, AB), pp. 754–757.
KDIR-2010-ZhangUC #information management #using- A Comprehensive Solution to Procedural Knowledge Acquisition using Information Extraction (ZZ, VSU, FC), pp. 432–437.
POPL-2010-SuterDK #abstraction #algebra #data type- Decision procedures for algebraic data types with abstractions (PS, MD, VK), pp. 199–210.
ICLP-2010-AlbertiGL10 #abduction #constraints #proving #runtime- Runtime Addition of Integrity Constraints in an Abductive Proof Procedure (MA, MG, EL), pp. 4–13.
IJCAR-2010-Bjorner #linear #quantifier- Linear Quantifier Elimination as an Abstract Decision Procedure (NB), pp. 316–330.
IJCAR-2010-FriedmannLL #automaton- A Decision Procedure for CTL* Based on Tableaux and Automata (OF, ML, ML), pp. 331–345.
IJCAR-2010-ShermanGD #partial order #type system- A Slice-Based Decision Procedure for Type-Based Partial Orders (ES, BJG, MBD), pp. 156–170.
VMCAI-2010-AlurC #reasoning #source code- Temporal Reasoning for Procedural Programs (RA, SC), pp. 45–60.
VMCAI-2010-JungKWY #abstraction #algorithm #invariant #learning- Deriving Invariants by Algorithmic Learning, Decision Procedures, and Predicate Abstraction (YJ, SK, BYW, KY), pp. 180–196.
ASE-2009-Majumdar #aspect-oriented #migration #paradigm #programming- Migration from Procedural Programming to Aspect Oriented Paradigm (DM), pp. 712–715.
TACAS-2009-NicoliniRR #integer #satisfiability- Satisfiability Procedures for Combination of Theories Sharing Integer Offsets (EN, CR, MR), pp. 428–442.
WCRE-1999-LetarteM99a #interprocedural #modelling #php- Extraction of Inter-procedural Simple Role Privilege Models from PHP Code (DL, EM), pp. 187–191.
PLDI-2009-HooimeijerW #constraints #regular expression #set- A decision procedure for subset constraints over regular languages (PH, WW), pp. 188–198.
SAS-2009-Bodik #algorithm #source code #synthesis- Algorithmic Program Synthesis with Partial Programs and Decision Procedures (RB), p. 1.
SAS-2009-GodoyT #invariant #source code- Invariant Checking for Programs with Procedure Calls (GG, AT), pp. 326–342.
ICML-2009-LiuPZ #coordination #multi #semantics- Blockwise coordinate descent procedures for the multi-task lasso, with applications to neural semantic basis discovery (HL, MP, JZ), pp. 649–656.
SEKE-2009-ScheithauerAW #modelling #towards- Business Modeling for Service Engineering: Toward an integrated Procedure Model (GS, SA, GW), pp. 322–327.
SAC-2009-CazzolaCH #aspect-oriented #design #game studies- Aspect-oriented procedural content engineering for game design (WC, DC, DH), pp. 1957–1962.
ESEC-FSE-2009-BeltRD #analysis #lightweight #optimisation #symbolic computation- Sireum/Topi LDP: a lightweight semi-decision procedure for optimizing symbolic execution-based analyses (JB, R, XD), pp. 355–364.
CGO-2009-SchackelerS #abstraction- Procedural Abstraction with Reverse Prefix Trees (SS, WS), pp. 243–253.
CADE-2009-GoreW #on the fly #satisfiability- An Optimal On-the-Fly Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for PDL-Satisfiability (RG, FW), pp. 437–452.
CAV-2009-Monniaux #float #linear #on the #using- On Using Floating-Point Computations to Help an Exact Linear Arithmetic Decision Procedure (DM), pp. 570–583.
SAT-2009-SinzI #heuristic #problem- Problem-Sensitive Restart Heuristics for the DPLL Procedure (CS, MI), pp. 356–362.
VMCAI-2009-GurovH #behaviour #source code- Reducing Behavioural to Structural Properties of Programs with Procedures (DG, MH), pp. 136–150.
CASE-2008-GarciaJMM #analysis #distributed #effectiveness #modelling- A procedure for modeling and analysis of service-oriented and distributed productive systems (JIG, FJ, RAGM, PEM), pp. 941–946.
DocEng-2008-FontanS #repository- Constructing a know-how repository of advices and warnings from procedural texts (LF, PSD), pp. 249–252.
VLDB-2008-GuravannavarS- Rewriting procedures for batched bindings (RG, SS), pp. 1107–1123.
ESOP-2008-Muller-OlmS #interprocedural #performance- Upper Adjoints for Fast Inter-procedural Variable Equalities (MMO, HS), pp. 178–192.
ICPC-2008-BhattiDR #mining #object-oriented- Aspect Mining in Procedural Object Oriented Code (MUB, SD, AR), pp. 230–235.
WCRE-2008-BhattiDH #object-oriented- Reconsidering Classes in Procedural Object-Oriented Code (MUB, SD, MH), pp. 257–266.
WCRE-2008-JiangHH #analysis- Analysis of Procedure Splitability (TJ, MH, YH), pp. 247–256.
SAS-2008-LammichM #analysis #concurrent #monitoring #source code #thread- Conflict Analysis of Programs with Procedures, Dynamic Thread Creation, and Monitors (PL, MMO), pp. 205–220.
ICALP-A-2008-PemmarajuS #random #symmetry- The Randomized Coloring Procedure with Symmetry-Breaking (SVP, AS), pp. 306–319.
SEFM-2008-GorankoS #distributed #logic #multi- Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for the Multi-agent Epistemic Logic with Operators of Common and Distributed Knowledge (VG, DS), pp. 237–246.
SEKE-2008-Condori-FernandezP #metric #modelling #towards- Towards a Theoretical Model for Evaluating the Acceptance of Model-driven Measurement Procedures (NCF, OP), pp. 22–25.
SEKE-2008-VogelBW #configuration management #enterprise- Autonomous Reconfiguration Procedures for EJB-based Enterprise Applications (TV, JB, GW), pp. 48–53.
POPL-2008-YorshYC #generative #precise #summary- Generating precise and concise procedure summaries (GY, EY, SC), pp. 221–234.
ISMM-2008-JungY #detection #memory management #summary- Practical memory leak detector based on parameterized procedural summaries (YJ, KY), pp. 131–140.
IJCAR-2008-Gupta #automation #challenge #verification- Software Verification: Roles and Challenges for Automatic Decision Procedures (AG), p. 1.
SAT-2008-Goldberg- A Decision-Making Procedure for Resolution-Based SAT-Solvers (EG), pp. 119–132.
VMCAI-2008-DimitrovaP #abstraction #lazy evaluation #protocol #question- Is Lazy Abstraction a Decision Procedure for Broadcast Protocols? (RD, AP), pp. 98–111.
VMCAI-2008-PiskacK #constraints #multi- Decision Procedures for Multisets with Cardinality Constraints (RP, VK), pp. 218–232.
DAC-2007-DengBWYZ #named #performance #satisfiability #using- EHSAT: An Efficient RTL Satisfiability Solver Using an Extended DPLL Procedure (SD, JB, WW, XY, YZ), pp. 588–593.
ITiCSE-2007-VilnerZG #case study #concept #object-oriented #paradigm- Fundamental concepts of CS1: procedural vs. object oriented paradigm — a case study (TV, EZ, JGE), pp. 171–175.
ESOP-2007-GulwaniT #analysis #interprocedural #summary- Computing Procedure Summaries for Interprocedural Analysis (SG, AT), pp. 253–267.
PLDI-2007-VechevYBR #automation #concurrent #named- CGCExplorer: a semi-automated search procedure for provably correct concurrent collectors (MTV, EY, DFB, NR), pp. 456–467.
STOC-2007-HartM #communication #complexity #equilibrium #nash- The communication complexity of uncoupled nash equilibrium procedures (SH, YM), pp. 345–353.
IFL-2007-Feeley #c #compilation- Speculative Inlining of Predefined Procedures in an R5RS Scheme to C Compiler (MF), pp. 237–253.
CHI-2007-ZimmermanTSHMCM #approach #automation #learning #named- Vio: a mixed-initiative approach to learning and automating procedural update tasks (JZ, AT, IS, IH, KM, JC, RMM), pp. 1445–1454.
HIMI-MTT-2007-YamamotoN- The Activation Mechanism for Dynamically Generated Procedures in Hyperlogo (NY, TN), pp. 785–792.
CAiSE-2007-SedlmayrRGRMM #automation #standard- Automating Standard Operating Procedures in Intensive Care (MS, TR, TG, RR, MM, AMB), pp. 516–530.
SEKE-2007-Condori-FernandezP #evaluation #functional #metric- Analyzing the Applicability of a Theoretical Model in the Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Procedures (NCF, OP), pp. 736–739.
MoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #metric #modelling #validation #web- A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
MoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #metric #modelling #validation #web- A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
SAC-2007-IeongL #forensics- Deriving cse-specific live forensics investigation procedures from FORZA (RSCI, HCL), pp. 175–180.
CGO-2007-DrewekeWFSMP #abstraction #graph- Graph-Based Procedural Abstraction (AD, MW, IF, DS, TM, MP), pp. 259–270.
SMT-J-2006-BarrettST07 #data type #formal method #induction- An Abstract Decision Procedure for a Theory of Inductive Data Types (CB, IS, CT), pp. 21–46.
CADE-2007-HeilalaP #bidirectional #logic- Bidirectional Decision Procedures for the Intuitionistic Propositional Modal Logic IS4 (SH, BP), pp. 116–131.
CADE-2007-UnelT #incremental- An Incremental Technique for Automata-Based Decision Procedures (GÜ, DT), pp. 100–115.
CAV-2007-GaneshD #array- A Decision Procedure for Bit-Vectors and Arrays (VG, DLD), pp. 519–531.
CSL-2007-BlanquiJS #calculus #induction- Building Decision Procedures in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (FB, JPJ, PYS), pp. 328–342.
ICLP-2007-UnelT #approach #logic programming- Logic Programming Approach to Automata-Based Decision Procedures (GÜ, DT), pp. 165–179.
SAT-2007-HeuleM07a #effectiveness- Effective Incorporation of Double Look-Ahead Procedures (MH, HvM), pp. 258–271.
TLCA-2007-Nakazawa #morphism #proving #reduction- An Isomorphism Between Cut-Elimination Procedure and Proof Reduction (KN), pp. 336–350.
VMCAI-2007-RakamaricBH #data type #source code #verification- An Inference-Rule-Based Decision Procedure for Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs with Mutable Data and Cyclic Data Structures (ZR, JDB, AJH), pp. 106–121.
DATE-2006-GiunchigliaNT #quantifier- Quantifier structure in search based procedures for QBFs (EG, MN, AT), pp. 812–817.
CIAA-2006-Luttenberger #analysis #integer #reachability #source code- Reachability Analysis of Procedural Programs with Affine Integer Arithmetic (ML), pp. 281–282.
DLT-2006-BonizzoniM #reflexive- A Decision Procedure for Reflexive Regular Splicing Languages (PB, GM), pp. 315–326.
FM-2006-Preoteasa #logic #pointer #recursion #using #verification- Mechanical Verification of Recursive Procedures Manipulating Pointers Using Separation Logic (VP), pp. 508–523.
SEFM-2006-RaniseZ #formal method- A Theory of Singly-Linked Lists and its Extensible Decision Procedure (SR, CGZ), pp. 206–215.
SFM-2006-CimattiS #performance #satisfiability- Building Efficient Decision Procedures on Top of SAT Solvers (AC, RS), pp. 144–175.
CSCW-2006-KoschmannLGF #problem- The mystery of the missing referent: objects, procedures, and the problem of the instruction follower (TK, CL, CG, PJF), pp. 373–382.
SOFTVIS-2006-HundhausenBF #algorithm #design #pointer #visualisation- Adding procedures and pointers to the ALVIS algorithm visualization software: a preliminary design (CDH, JLB, SF), pp. 155–156.
ECIR-2006-YinP #adaptation #classification #naive bayes #rank- Adapting the Naive Bayes Classifier to Rank Procedural Texts (LY, RP), pp. 179–190.
POPL-2006-OlinskyLR #composition #implementation #specification #staged- Staged allocation: a compositional technique for specifying and implementing procedure calling conventions (RO, CL, NR), pp. 409–421.
ICLP-2006-Emden #composition #logic #semantics- Compositional Semantics for the Procedural Interpretation of Logic (MHvE), pp. 315–329.
IJCAR-2006-BonacinaGNRZ #decidability- Decidability and Undecidability Results for Nelson-Oppen and Rewrite-Based Decision Procedures (MPB, SG, EN, SR, DZ), pp. 513–527.
IJCAR-2006-KazakovM- A Resolution-Based Decision Procedure for SHOIQ (YK, BM), pp. 662–677.
IJCAR-2006-NivelleM #finite #geometry #proving- Geometric Resolution: A Proof Procedure Based on Finite Model Search (HdN, JM), pp. 303–317.
IJCAR-2006-ReeberH #satisfiability #subclass- A SAT-Based Decision Procedure for the Subclass of Unrollable List Formulas in ACL2 (SULFA) (ER, WAHJ), pp. 453–467.
VMCAI-2006-BinghamR #abstraction #logic #source code- A Logic and Decision Procedure for Predicate Abstraction of Heap-Manipulating Programs (JDB, ZR), pp. 207–221.
TACAS-2005-BozzanoBCJRSS #incremental #linear #logic #satisfiability- An Incremental and Layered Procedure for the Satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (MB, RB, AC, TAJ, PvR, SS, RS), pp. 317–333.
ICSM-2005-Zou #design #migration #object-oriented #quality- Quality Driven Software Migration of Procedural Code to Object-Oriented Design (YZ), pp. 709–713.
ECOOP-2005-KiczalesM- Separation of Concerns with Procedures, Annotations, Advice and Pointcuts (GK, MM), pp. 195–213.
POPL-2005-RinetzkyBRSW #abstraction #semantics- A semantics for procedure local heaps and its abstractions (NR, JB, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 296–309.
SAC-2005-Goualard #algorithm #constraints #on the #theorem proving- On considering an interval constraint solving algorithm as a free-steering nonlinear Gauss-Seidel procedure (FG), pp. 1434–1438.
CC-2005-LeLH #interprocedural #jit #optimisation #using- Using Inter-Procedural Side-Effect Information in JIT Optimizations (AL, OL, LJH), pp. 287–304.
COCV-J-2005-SalcianuA #analysis #correctness #data flow #proving- Machine-Checkable Correctness Proofs for Intra-procedural Dataflow Analyses (AS, KA), pp. 53–68.
SAT-J-2004-ArmandoCGM05 #constraints #difference #satisfiability- A SAT-Based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints (AA, CC, EG, MM), pp. 16–29.
SAT-J-2004-BenedettiB05 #incremental- Incremental Compilation-to-SAT Procedures (MB, SB), pp. 46–58.
CADE-2005-BryantS #verification- Decision Procedures Customized for Formal Verification (REB, SAS), pp. 255–259.
CADE-2005-McLaughlinH- A Proof-Producing Decision Procedure for Real Arithmetic (SM, JH), pp. 295–314.
CAV-2005-ConwayNDE #algorithm #analysis #incremental #interprocedural #safety- Incremental Algorithms for Inter-procedural Analysis of Safety Properties (CLC, KSN, DD, SAE), pp. 449–461.
CAV-2005-LahiriBC #abstraction- Predicate Abstraction via Symbolic Decision Procedures (SKL, TB, BC), pp. 24–38.
CAV-2005-MeirS #logic #similarity- Yet Another Decision Procedure for Equality Logic (OM, OS), pp. 307–320.
ICLP-2005-GiunchigliaM #on the #satisfiability #set- On the Relation Between Answer Set and SAT Procedures (or, Between cmodels and smodels) (EG, MM), pp. 37–51.
SCAM-2004-HarmanBSH- Amorphous Procedure Extraction (MH, DB, RS, RMH), pp. 85–94.
CHI-2004-LinAL #effectiveness- Virtual guiding avatar: an effective procedure to reduce simulator sickness in virtual environments (JJWL, HAR, ML), pp. 719–726.
ICPR-v1-2004-ColemanSH #design #scalability- A Systematic Design Procedure for Scalable Near-Circular Laplacian of Gaussian Operators (SAC, BWS, MGH), pp. 700–703.
POPL-2004-QadeerRR #concurrent #source code- Summarizing procedures in concurrent programs (SQ, SKR, JR), pp. 245–255.
CGO-2004-TallamZG #bound #profiling- Extending Path Profiling across Loop Backedges and Procedure Boundaries (ST, XZ, RG), pp. 251–264.
CAV-2004-GanzingerHNOT #performance- DPLL( T): Fast Decision Procedures (HG, GH, RN, AO, CT), pp. 175–188.
CAV-2004-LahiriS- The UCLID Decision Procedure (SKL, SAS), pp. 475–478.
CAV-2004-MouraR #evaluation- An Experimental Evaluation of Ground Decision Procedures (LMdM, HR), pp. 162–174.
IJCAR-2004-BaaderGT #decidability #logic #problem #word- A New Combination Procedure for the Word Problem That Generalizes Fusion Decidability Results in Modal Logics (FB, SG, CT), pp. 183–197.
IJCAR-2004-KazakovN #transitive- A Resolution Decision Procedure for the Guarded Fragment with Transitive Guards (YK, HdN), pp. 122–136.
IJCAR-2004-MaricJ #framework #named- argo-lib: A Generic Platform for Decision Procedures (FM, PJ), pp. 213–217.
IJCAR-2004-MouraORRS #deduction #embedded- The ICS Decision Procedures for Embedded Deduction (LMdM, SO, HR, JMR, NS), pp. 218–222.
IJCAR-2004-ZhangSM #constraints #data type #integer #recursion- Decision Procedures for Recursive Data Structures with Integer Constraints (TZ, HBS, ZM), pp. 152–167.
SAT-2004-ArmandoCGM #constraints #difference #satisfiability- A SAT-based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints (AA, CC, EG, MM), pp. 166–173.
SAT-2004-BenedettiB #incremental- Incremental Compilation-to-SAT Procedures (MB, SB), pp. 205–213.
DAC-2003-SeshiaLB #hybrid #logic #satisfiability- A hybrid SAT-based decision procedure for separation logic with uninterpreted functions (SAS, SKL, REB), pp. 425–430.
TACAS-2003-BerezinGD #linear #online- An Online Proof-Producing Decision Procedure for Mixed-Integer Linear Arithmetic (SB, VG, DLD), pp. 521–536.
TACAS-2003-ConchonK- Strategies for Combining Decision Procedures (SC, SK), pp. 537–552.
TACAS-2003-VaziriJ #constraints #theorem proving- Checking Properties of Heap-Manipulating Procedures with a Constraint Solver (MV, DJ), pp. 505–520.
IWPC-2003-KomondoorH #automation #effectiveness- Effective, Automatic Procedure Extraction (RK, SH), pp. 33–43.
CHI-2003-BhavnaniCJLPSS- Strategy hubs: next-generation domain portals with search procedures (SKB, CKB, TMJ, RJL, FAP, JLS, VJS), pp. 393–400.
ICEIS-v2-2003-NastacM #network #performance- An Efficient Procedure for Artificial Neural Networks Retraining (DIN, RM), pp. 324–329.
ICML-2003-ZhangY #convergence #on the- On the Convergence of Boosting Procedures (TZ, BY), pp. 904–911.
POPL-2003-BouajjaniET #approach #concurrent #source code #static analysis- A generic approach to the static analysis of concurrent programs with procedures (AB, JE, TT), pp. 62–73.
CADE-2003-GulwaniN #random- A Randomized Satisfability Procedure for Arithmetic and Uninterpreted Function Symbols (SG, GCN), pp. 167–181.
LICS-2003-ChevalierKRT #protocol- An NP Decision Procedure for Protocol Insecurity with XOR (YC, RK, MR, MT), pp. 261–270.
ASE-2002-Griche #automation #generative #interprocedural #testing- Automatic Inter-Procedural Test Case Generation (KCG), p. 316.
ASE-2002-RoachB #automation #case study #deduction #experience #synthesis- Experience Report on Automated Procedure Construction for Deductive Synthesis (SR, JVB), p. 69–?.
DATE-2002-LuchettaMP #comparison #fault- Critical Comparison among Some Analog Fault Diagnosis Procedures Based on Symbolic Techniques (AL, SM, MCP), p. 1105.
FASE-2002-HagererHMNSI #modelling #testing- Demonstration of an Operational Procedure for the Model-Based Testing of CTI Systems (AH, HH, TMS, ON, BS, HDI), pp. 336–340.
ICSM-2002-Sneed #object-oriented #repository- Transforming Procedural Program Structures to Object-Oriented Class Structures for the Purpose of Populating a Common Software Repository (HMS), p. 286.
ICALP-2002-Damaschke #scheduling- Scheduling Search Procedures (PD), pp. 281–292.
AdaEurope-2002-ChatzigeorgiouS #embedded #object-oriented #performance #power of #programming- Evaluating Performance and Power of Object-Oriented Vs. Procedural Programming in Embedded Processors (AC, GS), pp. 65–75.
ICEIS-2002-Veryha #classification #database #fuzzy #implementation #query #relational #using- Implementation of Fuzzy Classification Query Language in Relational Databases Using Stored Procedures (YV), pp. 195–202.
KR-2002-HustadtS #benchmark #logic #metric- Scientific Benchmarking with Temporal Logic Decision Procedures (UH, RAS), pp. 533–546.
KR-2002-WinikoffPHT #declarative- Declarative & Procedural Goals in Intelligent Agent Systems (MW, LP, JH, JT), pp. 470–481.
SAC-2002-Pillay #algorithm #induction #programming #search-based #using- Using genetic programming for the induction of novice procedural programming solution algorithms (NP), pp. 578–583.
SAC-2002-PleiteOBLV- A procedure to model the frequency response (JP, EO, AB, AL, JV), pp. 189–193.
CADE-2002-FordS #verification- Formal Verification of a Combination Decision Procedure (JF, NS), pp. 347–362.
CADE-2002-PanSV- BDD-Based Decision Procedures for K (GP, US, MYV), pp. 16–30.
CSL-2002-Nipkow #bound #hoare #logic #nondeterminism #recursion- Hoare Logics for Recursive Procedures and Unbounded Nondeterminism (TN), pp. 103–119.
RTA-2002-BaaderT- Combining Decision Procedures for Positive Theories Sharing Constructors (FB, CT), pp. 352–366.
SAT-2002-DrakeFW #satisfiability- Adding resolution to the DPLL procedure for satisfiability (LD, AF, TW), p. 46.
SAT-2002-LiJP #symmetry- Integrating symmetry breaking into a DLL procedure (CML, BJ, PWP), p. 18.
DAC-2001-VelevB #effectiveness #satisfiability #verification- Effective Use of Boolean Satisfiability Procedures in the Formal Verification of Superscalar and VLIW Microprocessors (MNV, REB), pp. 226–231.
DATE-2001-NovikovG #learning #multi #performance- An efficient learning procedure for multiple implication checks (YN, EIG), pp. 127–135.
DATE-2001-PomeranzR #order #sequence- Sequence reordering to improve the levels of compaction achievable by static compaction procedures (IP, SMR), pp. 214–218.
ICML-2001-Venkataraman #learning- A procedure for unsupervised lexicon learning (AV), pp. 569–576.
CSL-2001-ArmandoRR- Uniform Derivation of Decision Procedures by Superposition (AA, SR, MR), pp. 513–527.
CSL-2001-Klaedtke- Decision Procedure for an Extension of WS1S (FK), pp. 384–398.
IJCAR-2001-ArmandoCR- System Description: RDL : Rewrite and Decision Procedure Laboratory (AA, LC, SR), pp. 663–669.
IJCAR-2001-NivelleP #similarity- A Resolution-Based Decision Procedure for the Two-Variable Fragment with Equality (HdN, IPH), pp. 211–225.
IJCAR-2001-Pliuskevicius- Deduction-Based Decision Procedure for a Clausal Miniscoped Fragment of FTL (RP), pp. 107–120.
IJCAR-2001-Wang #semantics #top-down- A Top-Down Procedure for Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics (KW), pp. 305–317.
LICS-2001-StumpBDL #array- A Decision Procedure for an Extensional Theory of Arrays (AS, CWB, DLD, JRL), pp. 29–37.
SAT-2001-LagoudakisL #branch #learning #satisfiability- Learning to Select Branching Rules in the DPLL Procedure for Satisfiability (MGL, MLL), pp. 344–359.
SAT-2001-Subramani #satisfiability- A polyhedral projection procedure for Q2SAT (KS), pp. 369–375.
TLCA-2001-Urban #normalisation- Strong Normalisation for a Gentzen-like Cut-Elimination Procedure (CU), pp. 415–430.
ESOP-2000-Muller-OlmW #finite #on the- On the Translation of Procedures to Finite Machines (MMO, AW), pp. 290–304.
ESOP-2000-SeidlS #analysis #constraints #interprocedural #parallel #source code- Constraint-Based Inter-Procedural Analysis of Parallel Programs (HS, BS), pp. 351–365.
CSMR-2000-CifuentesS #abstraction- Procedure Abstraction Recovery from Binary Code (CC, DS), pp. 55–64.
CSMR-2000-Sneed #component #distributed #generative #reuse #source code- Generation of Stateless Components from Procedural Programs for Reuse in a Distributed System (HMS), pp. 183–188.
IWPC-2000-CorritoreW #empirical #object-oriented #process- Direction and Scope of Comprehension-Related Activities by Procedural and Object-Oriented Programmers: An Empirical Study (CLC, SW), pp. 139–148.
STOC-2000-KatzT #on the #performance- On the efficiency of local decoding procedures for error-correcting codes (JK, LT), pp. 80–86.
ICALP-2000-AielloBOR #performance #proving #verification- Fast Verification of Any Remote Procedure Call: Short Witness-Indistinguishable One-Round Proofs for NP (WA, SNB, RO, SR), pp. 463–474.
ICPR-v2-2000-HamadaSHT #automation #classification #image- Automated Construction of Image Processing Procedure Based on Misclassification Condition (TH, AS, JiH, JiT), pp. 2430–2433.
POPL-2000-KomondoorH #semantics- Semantics-Preserving Procedure Extraction (RK, SH), pp. 155–169.
LCTES-2000-RunesonNS #abstraction #optimisation- Optimizing Code Size through Procedural Abstraction (JR, SON, JS), pp. 204–205.
CADE-2000-BarrettDS #framework- A Framework for Cooperating Decision Procedures (CWB, DLD, AS), pp. 79–98.
CADE-2000-Baumgartner #first-order #named- FDPLL — A First Order Davis-Putnam-Longeman-Loveland Procedure (PB), pp. 200–219.
CADE-2000-ChatalicS #named- ZRES: The Old Davis-Putman Procedure Meets ZBDD (PC, LS), pp. 449–454.
CADE-2000-GiunchigliaT #development #framework- System Description: *SAT: A Platform for the Development of Modal Decision Procedures (EG, AT), pp. 291–296.
CADE-2000-KapurS #induction- Extending Decision Procedures with Induction Schemes (DK, MS), pp. 324–345.
CADE-2000-SchmidtH #logic- A Resolution Decision Procedure for Fluted Logic (RAS, UH), pp. 433–448.
CAV-2000-AyariBK #automaton #induction- Decision Procedures for Inductive Boolean Functions Based on Alternating Automata (AA, DAB, FK), pp. 170–185.
CAV-2000-WilliamsBCG #diagrams #model checking #performance #satisfiability- Combining Decision Diagrams and SAT Procedures for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking (PFW, AB, EMC, AG), pp. 124–138.
CL-2000-Dierkes- An Application of Model Building in a Resolution Decision Procedure for Guarded Formulas (MD), pp. 583–597.
CL-2000-Pliuskevicius #deduction #on the #strict- On an ω-Decidable Deductive Procedure for Non-Horn Sequents of a Restricted FTL (RP), pp. 523–537.
LICS-2000-KorovinV #algebra- A Decision Procedure for the Existential Theory of Term Algebras with the Knuth-Bendix Ordering (KK, AV), pp. 291–302.
LICS-2000-RybinaV #algebra- A Decision Procedure for Term Algebras with Queues (TR, AV), pp. 279–290.
DAC-1999-BiereCCFZ #model checking #satisfiability #using- Symbolic Model Checking Using SAT Procedures instead of BDDs (AB, AC, EMC, MF, YZ), pp. 317–320.
DATE-1999-MartinolleDCF #user interface- Interoperability of Verilog/VHDL Procedural Language Interfaces to Build a Mixed Language GUI (FM, CD, DC, MF), pp. 788–789.
PASTE-1999-FieldR #cobol #identification #source code- Identifying Procedural Structure in Cobol Programs (JF, GR), pp. 1–10.
PEPM-1999-TullsenH- Shifting Expression Procedures into Reverse (MT, PH), pp. 95–104.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Callantine #analysis #performance #visualisation- Visualization and analysis of flight crew procedure performance (TJC), pp. 1281–1285.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HollnagelN #approach #collaboration #performance- The collaboration between operators and procedures: a cognitive systems engineering approach to performance improvement (EH, YN), pp. 1211–1215.
TOOLS-USA-1999-EgeRLL #database #java #using- Using Java to Add “Stored Procedures” to Databases (RKE, NR, JL, VL), pp. 322–331.
SAC-1999-ValasareddiC #maintenance #representation- A Representation Model for Procedural Program Maintenance (RRV, DLC), pp. 580–585.
CADE-1999-Gradel #logic- Invited Talk: Decision procedures for guarded logics (EG), pp. 31–51.
CADE-1999-JanicicBG #flexibility #framework #integration #proving #theorem proving- A Framework for the Flexible Integration of a Class of Decision Procedures into Theorem Provers (PJ, AB, IG), pp. 127–141.
CAV-1999-BloemRS #linear #logic #model checking #performance- Efficient Decision Procedures for Model Checking of Linear Time Logic Properties (RB, KR, FS), pp. 222–235.
LICS-1999-GanzingerN #similarity- A Superposition Decision Procedure for the Guarded Fragment with Equality (HG, HdN), pp. 295–303.
DAC-1998-BarrettDL- A Decision Procedure for Bit-Vector Arithmetic (CWB, DLD, JRL), pp. 522–527.
DATE-1998-GuoPR #sequence #testing- Procedures for Static Compaction of Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits Based on Vector Restoration (RG, IP, SMR), pp. 583–587.
DATE-1998-PomeranzR #flexibility #logic #synthesis- A Synthesis Procedure for Flexible Logic Functions (IP, SMR), pp. 973–974.
DATE-1998-RiesgoTTU #estimation #fault #functional #modelling #quality #validation- Quality Estimation of Test Vectors and Functional Validation Procedures Based on Fault and Error Models (TR, YT, EdlT, JU), pp. 955–956.
WCRE-1998-ValasareddiC #graph #identification #process #source code- A Graph-Based Object Identification Process for Procedural Programs (RRV, DLC), pp. 50–58.
ICML-1998-FriessCC #algorithm #kernel #learning #performance- The Kernel-Adatron Algorithm: A Fast and Simple Learning Procedure for Support Vector Machines (TTF, NC, CC), pp. 188–196.
ICML-1998-PiaterCZA #performance #random- A Randomized ANOVA Procedure for Comparing Performance Curves (JHP, PRC, XZ, MA), pp. 430–438.
KR-1998-GiunchigliaGST #evaluation #logic- More Evaluation of Decision Procedures for Modal Logics (EG, FG, RS, AT), pp. 626–635.
LOPSTR-1998-BaalenR #deduction #synthesis #using- Using Decision Procedures to Accelerate Domain-Specific Deductive Synthesis Systems (JVB, SR), pp. 61–70.
HPCA-1998-KalamatianosK #order #performance- Temporal-Based Procedure Reordering for Improved Instruction Cache Performance (JK, DRK), pp. 244–253.
CADE-1998-Nivelle- A Resolution Decision Procedure for the Guarded Fragment (HdN), pp. 191–204.
CAV-1998-ColonU #abstraction #finite #generative #using- Generating Finite-State Abstractions of Reactive Systems Using Decision Procedures (MC, TEU), pp. 293–304.
CAV-1998-GoelSZAS #formal method #similarity- BDD Based Procedures for a Theory of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions (AG, KS, HZ, AA, VS), pp. 244–255.
IWTCS-1998-BourhfirDAR #consistency #generative #incremental #protocol #testing- A Guided Incremental Test Case Generation Procedure for Conformance Testing for CEFSM Specified Protocols (CB, RD, EMA, NR), pp. 275–290.
JICSLP-1998-YouYG #semantics- Regular Extension Semantics and Disjunctive Eshghi Kowalski Procedure (JHY, LYY, RG), pp. 175–189.
ASE-1997-SahraouiMLD #concept #identification- Applying Concept Formation Methods to Object Identification in Procedural Code (HAS, WLM, HL, FD), pp. 210–218.
EDTC-1997-Vahid #clustering #functional- Procedure cloning: a transformation for improved system-level functional partitioning (FV), pp. 487–492.
ICSM-2000-Lynd #2d #maintenance #using- Living with the 2-digit Year Year 2000 Maintenance Using a Procedural Solution (ECL), p. 206–?.
PLDI-1997-HashemiKC #performance #using- Efficient Procedure Mapping Using Cache Line Coloring (AHH, DRK, BC), pp. 171–182.
SAS-1997-WaddellD #effectiveness #performance- Fast and Effective Procedure Inlining (OW, RKD), pp. 35–52.
WIA-1997-Ponty #performance #regular expression- An Efficient Null-Free Procedure for Deciding Regular Language Membership (JLP), pp. 159–170.
CADE-1997-BaaderT #approach #problem #word- A New Approach for Combining Decision Procedure for the Word Problem, and Its Connection to the Nelson-Oppen Combination Method (FB, CT), pp. 19–33.
CADE-1997-BjornerSU #first-order #integration #reasoning- A Practical Integration of First-Order Reasoning and Decision Procedures (NB, MES, TEU), pp. 101–115.
CADE-1997-GiunchigliaRS #logic #testing- A New Method for Testing Decision Procedures in Modal Logics (FG, MR, RS), pp. 264–267.
CAV-1997-CyrlukMR #formal method #performance- An Efficient Decision Procedure for the Theory of Fixed-Sized Bit-Vectors (DC, MOM, HR), pp. 60–71.
CAV-1997-TurkPP #process #testing #verification- Verification of a Chemical Process Leak Test Procedure (ALT, STP, GJP), pp. 84–94.
ILPS-1997-BressanGLMS #query- A Procedure for Mediation of Queries to Sources in Disparate Contexts (SB, CHG, TL, SEM, MS), pp. 213–227.
VLDB-1996-Mattos #compilation #sql- Supporting Procedural Constructs in SQL Compilers (NMM), p. 581.
PLDI-1996-BaileyD #generative #sequence #source code- Target-Sensitive Construction of Diagnostic Programs for Procedure Calling Sequence Generators (MWB, JWD), pp. 249–257.
WIA-1996-Schubert #automaton #how #sorting- How to Use Sorting Procedures to Minimize DFA (BS), pp. 159–166.
FME-1996-WangL #concurrent #realtime #verification- Procedure-Level Verification of Real-time Concurrent Systems (FW, CTDL), pp. 682–701.
ICPR-1996-HeikkilaS #off the shelf- Calibration procedure for short focal length off-the-shelf CCD cameras (JH, OS), pp. 166–170.
KR-1996-GiunchigliaS #satisfiability- A SAT-based Decision Procedure for ALC (FG, RS), pp. 304–314.
KR-1996-JonssonG #constraints #reasoning- Procedural Reasoning in Constraint Satisfaction (AKJ, MLG), pp. 160–171.
SEKE-1996-Carver #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering Procedural Code for Object Recovery (DLC), pp. 442–449.
LOPSTR-1996-DungKT #proving #reasoning #synthesis- Synthesis of Proof Procedures for Default Reasoning (PMD, RAK, FT), pp. 313–324.
HPDC-1996-HafidBK #distributed #multi #quality- A Quality of Service Negotiation Procedure for Distributed Multimedia Presentational Applications (AH, GvB, BK), pp. 330–339.
CADE-1996-CyrlukLS #on the- On Shostak’s Decision Procedure for Combinations of Theories (DC, PL, NS), pp. 463–477.
CADE-1996-GiunchigliaS #case study #logic- Building Decision Procedures for Modal Logics from Propositional Decision Procedure — The Case Study of Modal K (FG, RS), pp. 583–597.
CADE-1996-HomeierM #recursion #verification- Mechanical Verification of Mutually Recursive Procedures (PVH, DFM), pp. 201–215.
ISSTA-1996-Korel #automation #generative #source code #testing- Automated Test Data Generation for Programs with Procedures (BK), pp. 209–215.
JICSLP-1996-Thielscher #logic programming #proving #semantics #source code- A Nonmonotonic Disputation-Based Semantics and Proof Procedure for Logic Programs (MT), pp. 483–497.
DAC-1995-LiuPD #performance #scalability- A Fast State Assignment Procedure for Large FSMs (SL, MP, AMD), pp. 327–332.
VLDB-1995-SubietaKL #object-oriented #query- Procedures in Object-Oriented Query Languages (KS, YK, JL), pp. 182–193.
WCRE-1995-GallK #approach #source code- Finding Objects in Procedural Programs: An Alternative Approach (HG, RK), pp. 208–216.
WCRE-1995-NewcombK #object-oriented #re-engineering- Reengineering Procedural into Object-Oriented Systems (PN, GK).
WCRE-1995-NewcombM #data flow #re-engineering #source code- Reengineering Procedural into Data Flow Programs (PN, PM).
WCRE-1995-SneedN #object-oriented #source code #specification- Extracting Object-Oriented Specification from Procedurally Oriented Programs (HMS, EN).
WCRE-1995-YehHR #data type- Recovering Abstract Data Types and Object Instances from a Conventional Procedural Language (ASY, DRH, HBR), pp. 227–236.
PEPM-1995-Sands #higher-order- Higher Order Expression Procedures (DS), pp. 178–189.
LOPSTR-1995-Renault #logic programming #proving #source code #towards- Towards a Complete Proof Procedure to Prove Properties of Normal Logic Programs under the Completion (SR), pp. 204–218.
POPL-1995-BaileyD #formal method- A Formal Model of Procedure Calling Conventions (MWB, JWD), pp. 298–310.
SAC-1995-HartensteinS #compilation #programming- Combining structural and procedural programming by parallelizing compilation (RWH, KS), pp. 130–134.
ASF+SDF-1995-NaidichD #asf+sdf #automation #induction #proving #specification- Specifying an Automated Induction Proof Procedure in ASF+SDF (DN, TBD), pp. 233–254.
ICLP-1995-DegtyarevV #horn clause #similarity- A New Procedural Interpretation of Horn Clauses with Equality (AD, AV), pp. 565–579.
EDAC-1994-KimCL #refinement #synthesis #testing- A Stepwise Refinement Data Path Synthesis Procedure for Easy Testability (TK, KSC, CLL), pp. 586–590.
LFP-1994-DzengH #re-engineering- Type Reconstruction for Variable-Arity Procedures (HD, CTH), pp. 239–249.
AdaEurope-1994-Noseck #analysis #reuse- Cost-Benefit Analysis for Software-Reuse — A Decision Procedure (HN), pp. 397–405.
KR-1994-DechterR #revisited- Directional Resolution: The Davis-Putnam Procedure, Revisited (RD, IR), pp. 134–145.
SEKE-1994-JablonowskiM #development- Procedure handling in computer aided program development (JJ, EMB), pp. 486–492.
SEKE-1994-Pliuskeviciene #hoare #logic #recursion- Specialization of derivations in Hoare-like logic with recursive procedures (AP), pp. 124–130.
PLILP-1994-Voronkov #bottom-up #implementation- An Implementation Technique for a Class of Bottom-Up Procedures (AV), pp. 147–164.
SAC-1994-ChandH #realtime #using- A real-time contol application using asynchronous remote procedure calls (GC, DMH), pp. 515–517.
SAC-1994-GallK #program transformation #reuse- Program transformation to enhance the reuse potential of procedural software (HG, RK), pp. 99–104.
FSE-1994-VandevoordeG #analysis #composition #runtime #using- Using Specialized Procedures and Specification-Based Analysis to Reduce the Runtime Costs of Modularity (MTV, JVG), pp. 121–127.
CC-1994-BenkerBZ #array #compilation #fortran #interface #performance- Processing Array Statements and Procedure Interfaces in the PREPARE High Performance Fortran Compiler (SB, PB, HPZ), pp. 324–338.
ICLP-1994-DeckerC #database #deduction- A Slick Procedure for Integrity Checking in Deductive Databases (HD, MC), pp. 456–469.
ILPS-1994-AlferesDP #named #source code #top-down- SLX — A Top-down Derivation Procedure for Programs with Explicit Negation (JJA, CVD, LMP), pp. 424–438.
VLDB-1993-SubietaMSR #named- Viewers: A Data-World Analogue of Procedure Calls (KS, FM, JWS, AR), pp. 268–277.
HCI-ACS-1993-Zwaga #design #process #requirements- Developing Process Control Systems: Procedural Requirements in Design (HJGZ), pp. 127–132.
CAiSE-1993-EwaldO #approach #evolution- A Procedural Approach to Schema Evolution (CAE, MEO), pp. 22–38.
ICML-1993-HuffmanL #interactive #learning #natural language- Learning Procedures from Interactive Natural Language Instructions (SBH, JEL), pp. 143–150.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Coomber #object-oriented #realtime #simulation- An Object-Oriented Procedure for Simulating Real-Time Systems (CJC), pp. 269–278.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Silva-Lepe #migration #object-oriented #source code- A Model for Migrating Procedural Programs into Object-Oriented Programs (ISL), pp. 193–209.
TOOLS-USA-1993-MannsC #migration- Addressing the Task of Procedural to O-O Migration Through Corporate & Academic Cooperation (MLM, JNC), pp. 595–596.
LOPSTR-1993-BoeckC #logic #prolog- Mechanical Transformation of Logic Definitions Augmented with Type Information into Prolog Procedures: Some Experiments (PDB, BLC), pp. 229–245.
LOPSTR-1993-Neugebauer #analysis #reachability- Reachability Analysis for the Extension Procedure — A Topological Result (GN), pp. 32–44.
POPL-1993-WeeksF #algol #on the #orthogonal- On the Orthogonality of Assignments and Procedures in Algol (SW, MF), pp. 57–70.
SAC-1993-Chen #fault #probability #robust- Effect of Probabilistic Error Checking Procedures and Performability of Robust Objects (IRC), pp. 677–681.
SAC-1993-Trans #simulation- A Symbolic Simulation Model of the Organization of Human Procedural Knowledge (KT), pp. 482–489.
ICSE-1993-BorgidaMR #problem #quote #specification- “...And Nothing Else Changes”: The Frame Problem in Procedure Specifications (AB, JM, RR), pp. 303–314.
ICLP-1993-GiordanoMS #semantics- A Semantics for Eshghi and Kowalski’s Procedure (LG, AM, MLS), pp. 586–600.
ILPS-1993-BarbackL #proving- A Proof Procedure for Default Theories with Extensions (MDB, JL), p. 651.
ILPS-1993-Teusink #logic programming #proving #source code- A Proof Procedure for Extended Logic Programs (FT), pp. 235–249.
SIGMOD-1992-HaasS #estimation #query- Sequential Sampling Procedures for Query Size Estimation (PJH, ANS), pp. 341–350.
CHI-1992-RowleyR #evaluation #user interface- The cognitive jogthrough: a fast-paced user interface evaluation procedure (DER, DGR), pp. 389–395.
SEKE-1992-KaoH #graph #logic #proving #realtime- A Graph Proof Procedure for Real Time Logic (JHK, LJH), pp. 300–306.
SEKE-1992-ReynoldsMZ #induction #using- Extracting Procedural Knowledge from Software Systems Using Inductive Leaning in the PM system (RGR, JIM, EZ), pp. 131–139.
CADE-1992-BaaderS #equation #unification- Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures (FB, KUS), pp. 50–65.
CADE-1992-UribeFM #automation #bibliography #framework #proving- An Overview of FRAPPS 2.0: A Framework for Resolution-based Automated Proof Procedure Systems (TEU, AMF, MKM), pp. 721–725.
CADE-1992-YelickG #parallel #term rewriting- A Parallel Completion Procedure for Term Rewriting Systems (KAY, SJG), pp. 109–123.
CAV-1992-HiguchiSSFK #communication #finite #invariant #state machine #verification- A Verification Procedure via Invariant for Extended Communicating Finite-State Machines (MH, OS, HS, MF, TK), pp. 384–395.
JICSLP-1992-DeneckerS #abduction #named #source code- SLDNFA: An Abductive Procedure for Normal Abductive Programs (MD, DDS), pp. 686–700.
SIGMOD-1991-Neugebauer #database #embedded #evaluation #optimisation #query- Optimization and Evaluation of Database Queries Including Embedded Interpolation Procedures (LN), pp. 118–127.
PLDI-1991-McFarling- Procedure Merging with Instruction Caches (SM), pp. 71–79.
WSA-1991-DenisD #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code- Unfolding, Procedural and Fixpoint Semantics of Logic Programs (FD, JPD), pp. 157–164.
WSA-1991-EchahedJPS #case study #comparative #equation #program transformation- Equational Reasonning and the Completion Procedure. A Comparative Study in Program Transformation (RE, PJ, MLP, SS), pp. 53–61.
ICALP-1991-MadlenerNO #monad #string #term rewriting- A Specialized Completion Procedure for Monadic String-Rewriting Systems Presenting Groups (KM, PN, FO), pp. 279–290.
KR-1991-Baalen #automation #design #satisfiability- The Completeness of DRAT, A Technique for Automatic Design of Satisfiability Procedures (JVB), pp. 514–525.
ML-1991-Rouveirol #induction- Completeness for Inductive Procedures (CR), pp. 452–456.
PLILP-1991-Boye #logic programming #named #semantics #source code- S-SLD-resolution — An Operational Semantics for Logic Programs with External Procedures (JB), pp. 383–393.
CSL-1991-ChirimarL- Provability in TBLL: A Decision Procedure (JC, JL), pp. 53–67.
CSL-1991-Schmerl #proving #source code- A Cut-Elimination Procedure Designed for Evaluating Proofs as Programs (URS), pp. 316–325.
ICLP-1991-Hagiya #higher-order #proving #theorem proving #unification- Higher-Order Unification as a Theorem Proving Procedure (MH), pp. 270–284.
ICLP-1991-VerschaetseS #logic programming #proving #source code #termination #using- Deriving Termination Proofs for Logic Programs, Using Abstract Procedures (KV, DDS), pp. 301–315.
ISLP-1991-LauP #product line #recursion #sorting #synthesis- Synthesis of a Family of Recursive Sorting Procedures (KKL, SDP), pp. 641–658.
TAV-1991-DuesterwaldS #analysis #concurrent #data flow #framework #using- Concurrency Analysis in the Presence of Procedures Using a Data-Flow Framework (ED, MLS), pp. 36–48.
DAC-1990-DevadasK #logic #optimisation #robust #synthesis- Synthesis and Optimization Procedures for Robustly Delay-Fault Testable Combinational Logic Circuits (SD, KK), pp. 221–227.
SIGMOD-1990-StonebrakerJGP #database #on the- On Rules, Procedures, Caching and Views in Data Base Systems (MS, AJ, JG, SP), pp. 281–290.
PLDI-1990-SanthanamO #bound- Register Allocation Across Procedure and Module Boundaries (VS, DO), pp. 28–39.
ICALP-1990-Schwartzbach #correctness- Static Correctness of Hierarchical Procedures (MIS), pp. 32–45.
ML-1990-Hume #induction #learning- Learning Procedures by Environment-Driven Constructive Induction (DVH), pp. 113–121.
SEKE-1990-ChungK #automation #programming #specification- An Automatic Programming Method of Nonprocedural / Procedural Program Specification (MDC, YTK), pp. 222–227.
PLILP-1990-BoeckC #analysis #correctness #prolog #static typing- Static Type Analysis of Prolog Procedures for Ensuring Correctness (PDB, BLC), pp. 222–237.
PLILP-1990-Bourdoncle #abstract interpretation #alias #interprocedural- Interprocedural Abstract Interpretation of Block Structured Languages with Nested Procedures, Aliasing and Recursivity (FB), pp. 307–323.
PLILP-1990-Fribourg #execution #prolog- A New Presburger Arithmetic Decision Procedure Based on Extended Prolog Execution (LF), pp. 174–188.
CADE-1990-Lescanne #implementation #named #set- ORME: An Implementation of Completion Procedures as Sets of Transition Rules (PL), pp. 661–662.
CAV-1990-BarbeauB #specification- Extension of the Karp and Miller Procedure to Lotos Specifications (MB, GvB), pp. 333–342.
CLP-1990-LauP90 #first-order #logic #recursion #specification #synthesis #top-down- Top-down Synthesis of Recursive Logic Procedures from First-order Logic Specifications (KKL, SDP), pp. 667–684.
CSL-1990-Hahnle #logic #multi #performance #proving #towards- Towards an Efficient Tableau Proof Procedure for Multiple-Valued Logics (RH), pp. 248–260.
LICS-1990-HeintzeJ #constraints #set- A Decision Procedure for a Class of Set Constraints (Extended Abstract) (NH, JJ), pp. 42–51.
NACLP-1990-BenkerimiL #logic programming #partial evaluation #source code- A Partial Evaluation Procedure for Logic Programs (KB, JWL), pp. 343–358.
PODS-1989-Elkan #query- A Decision Procedure for Conjunctive Query Disjointness (CE), pp. 134–139.
PODS-1989-Ross #logic programming #semantics #source code- A Procedural Semantics for Well Founded Negation in Logic Programs (KAR), pp. 22–33.
ML-1989-MatwinM #learning- Learning Procedural Knowledge in the EBG Context (SM, JM), pp. 197–199.
SOSP-1989-BershadALL #lightweight- Lightweight Remote Procedure Call (BNB, TEA, EDL, HML), pp. 102–113.
RTA-1989-ZhangK- Consider Only General Superpositions in Completion Procedures (HZ, DK), pp. 513–527.
DAC-1988-OgawaTK #automation #layout- Automatic Layout Procedures for Serial Routing Devices (YO, HT, TK), pp. 642–645.
PODS-1988-AbiteboulV #database #declarative- Procedural and Declarative Database Update Languages (SA, VV), pp. 240–250.
SIGMOD-1988-Hanson #analysis #database #performance #query- Processing Queries Against Database Procedures: A Performance Analysis (ENH), pp. 295–302.
VLDB-1988-Jhingran #algorithm #database #optimisation #performance #query- A Performance Study of Query Optimization Algorithms on a Database System Supporting Procedures (AJ), pp. 88–99.
PLDI-1988-Chow- Minimizing Register Usage Penalty at Procedure Calls (FCC), pp. 85–94.
PLDI-1988-LiskovS #distributed #named #performance- Promises: Linguistic Support for Efficient Asynchronous Procedure Calls in Distributed Systems (BL, LS), pp. 260–267.
STOC-1988-KarpZ #bound #parallel #random- A Randomized Parallel Branch-and-Bound Procedure (RMK, YZ), pp. 290–300.
LFP-1988-DybvigH #interface- A Variable-Arity Procedural Interface (RKD, RH), pp. 106–115.
SIGIR-1988-TagueS #evaluation #information retrieval #metric #user interface- Some Measures and Procedures for Evaluation of the User Interface in an Information Retrieval System (JT, RS), pp. 371–385.
ALP-1988-Bousdira #term rewriting- A Completion Procedure for Hierarchical Conditional Rewriting Systems (WB), pp. 93–107.
PLILP-1988-BonnierM #logic programming #source code #towards- Towards a Clean Amalgamation of Logic Programs with External Procedures (SB, JM), pp. 20–34.
CADE-1988-MinkerR #logic programming #source code- Procedural Interpretation of Non-Horn Logic Programs (JM, AR), pp. 278–293.
CADE-1988-Moser #graph- A Decision Procedure for Unquantified Formulas of Graph Theory (LEM), pp. 344–357.
CADE-1988-Niemela #logic- Decision Procedure for Autoepistemic Logic (IN), pp. 675–684.
CSL-1988-SchonfeldS #integration- Integration of Descriptive and Procedural Language Constructs (WS, WS), pp. 344–356.
JICSCP-1988-BonnierM88 #logic programming #source code #towards- Towards a Clean Amalgamation of Logic Programs with External Procedures (SB, JM), pp. 311–326.
JICSCP-1988-BrayshawE88 #abstraction #prolog- Adding Data and Procedure Abstraction to the Transparent Prolog Machine TPM (MB, ME), pp. 532–547.
JICSCP-1988-KempT88 #database #evaluation #query #top-down- Completeness of a Top-Down Query Evaluation Procedure for Stratified Databases (DBK, RWT), pp. 178–194.
DAC-1987-Chi #automation #clustering #standard- An Automatic Rectilinear Partitioning Procedure for Standard Cells (MCC), pp. 50–55.
SIGMOD-1987-Sellis #database #relational- Efficiently Supporting Procedures in Relational Database Systems (TKS), pp. 278–291.
ICALP-1987-Finkel- A Generalization of the Procedure of Karp and Miller to Well Structured Transition Systems (AF), pp. 499–508.
HCI-CE-1987-Owen #reasoning- Direct Manipulation and Procedural Reasoning (DO), pp. 349–356.
ICLP-1987-Vieille87 #proving- A Database-Complete Proof Procedure Based on SLD-Resolution (LV), pp. 74–103.
RTA-1987-GallierS- A General Complete E-Unification Procedure (JHG, WS), pp. 216–227.
DAC-1986-Hartoog #analysis #layout #standard- Analysis of placement procedures for VLSI standard cell layout (MRH), pp. 314–319.
DAC-1986-Wolf #database #object-oriented- An object-oriented, procedural database for VLSI chip planning (WW), pp. 744–751.
ESOP-1986-KastensS #analysis #parametricity- Lifetime Analysis for Procedure Parameters (UK, MS), pp. 53–69.
ESOP-1986-TrioletFI #automation #fortran #parallel #source code- Automatic Parallelization of Fortran Programs in the Presence of Procedure Calls (RT, PF, FI), pp. 210–222.
ICALP-1986-Fribourg #induction #strict- A Strong Restriction of the Inductive Completion Procedure (LF), pp. 105–115.
CADE-1986-CherifaL #implementation #polynomial #term rewriting #termination- An Actual Implementation of a Procedure That Mechanically Proves Termination of Rewriting Systems Based on Inequalities Between Polynomial Interpretations (ABC, PL), pp. 42–51.
CADE-1986-EisingerO- The Markgraf Karl Refutation Procedure (MKRP) (NE, HJO), pp. 681–682.
CADE-1986-Wang #named #proving #similarity- ECR: An Equality Conditional Resolution Proof Procedure (TCW), pp. 254–271.
ICLP-1986-Abdallah86 #programming- Procedures in Horn-Clause Programming (MANA), pp. 433–447.
DAC-1985-Mata #named #specification- ALLENDE: a procedural language for the hierarchical specification of VLSI layouts (JMdM), pp. 183–189.
DAC-1985-TeraiHK #array #metaprogramming #standard- A routing procedure for mixed array of custom macros and standard cells (HT, MH, TK), pp. 503–508.
DAC-1985-ZaraRNS #automaton #data type #functional #modelling- An abstract machine data structure for non-procedural functional models (RVZ, KR, GN, HS), pp. 753–756.
ICSE-1985-CrawfordF #development #process- Software Development Process Audits — A General Procedure (SGC, MHF), pp. 137–141.
RTA-1985-Buchberger #development- Basic Features and Development of the Critical-Pair/Completion Procedure (BB), pp. 1–45.
RTA-1985-DetlefsF #automation #proving #set #termination- A Procedure for Automatically Proving the Termination of a Set of Rewrite Rules (DD, RF), pp. 255–270.
DAC-1984-Biswas- Computer aided minimization procedure for boolean functions (NNB), pp. 699–702.
LFP-1984-RivieresS #implementation- The Implementation of Procedurally Reflective Languages (JdR, BCS), pp. 331–347.
CADE-1984-Fribourg- A Narrowing Procedure for Theories with Constructors (LF), pp. 259–281.
DAC-1983-MayoO #layout- Pictures with parentheses: Combining graphics and procedures in a VLSI layout tool (RNM, JKO), pp. 270–276.
DAC-1983-TsengS #automation #named #synthesis- Facet: A procedure for the automated synthesis of digital systems (CJT, DPS), pp. 490–496.
STOC-1983-Olderog #hoare #logic #source code- A Characterization of Hoare’s Logic for Programs with Pascal-like Procedures (ERO), pp. 320–329.
SOSP-1983-BirrellN #implementation- Implementing Remote Procedure Calls (Abstract) (AB, BJN), p. 3.
DAC-1982-LiptonNSVV #named- ALI: A procedural language to describe VLSI layouts (RJL, SCN, RS, JV, GV), pp. 467–474.
STOC-1982-EmersonH #branch #logic- Decision Procedures and Expressiveness in the Temporal Logic of Branching Time (EAE, JYH), pp. 169–180.
ASPLOS-1982-Lampson #performance- Fast Procedure Calls (BWL), pp. 66–76.
CADE-1982-WinkerW #implementation- Procedure Implementation Through Demodulation and Related Tricks (SKW, LW), pp. 109–131.
DAC-1981-GoatesP #array #design #layout #lisp #logic #modelling #named- ABLE: A LISP-based layout modeling language with user-definable procedural models for storage/logic array design (GBG, SSP), pp. 322–329.
STOC-1981-Leivant #complexity #independence #parametricity #polymorphism #programming language #theorem- The Complexity of Parameter Passing in Polymorphic Procedures (or: Programming Language Theorems Independent of Very Strong Theories) (DL), pp. 38–45.
ICALP-1981-ItzhaikY #equivalence #linear- A Decision Procedure for the Equivalence of Two DPDAs, One of Which is Linear (Extended Abstract) (YI, AY), pp. 229–237.
SIGIR-1981-KambayashiHY #clustering- Dynamic Clustering Procedures for Bibliographic Data (YK, TH, SY), pp. 90–99.
ICSE-1981-BrittonPP #design #interface- A Procedure for Designing Abstract Interfaces for Device Interface Modules (KHB, RAP, DLP), pp. 195–206.
ICALP-1980-LangmaackO #hoare #programming language- Present-Day Hoare-Like Systems for Programming Languages with Procedures: Power, Limits and most Likely Expressions (HL, ERO), pp. 363–373.
POPL-1980-Weihl #analysis #data flow #interprocedural #pointer- Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Pointers, Procedure Variables and Label Variables (WEW), pp. 83–94.
CADE-1980-FerroOS #set- Decision Procedures for Some Fragments of Set Theory (AF, EGO, JTS), pp. 88–96.
DAC-1979-CarterBS #incremental- Incremental processing applied to Steinberg’s placement procedure (HWC, MAB, ZAS), pp. 26–31.
DAC-1979-El-Ziq #fault #generative #network #performance #simulation #testing- Testing of MOS combinational networks a procedure for efficient fault simulation and test generation (YMEZ), pp. 162–170.
DAC-1979-MuraiTKST- A hierarchical placement procedure with a simple blocking scheme (SM, HT, MK, KS, CT), pp. 18–23.
DAC-1979-Preiss #2d #3d #consistency #finite- A procedure for checking the topological consistency of a 2-D or 3-D finite element mesh (KP), pp. 200–206.
VLDB-1979-Pirotte #design #relational- Fundamental and Secondary Issues in the Design of Non-Procedural Relational Languages (AP), pp. 239–250.
SCC-1979-Ball #optimisation #predict- Predicting the effects of optimization on a procedure body (JEB), pp. 214–220.
POPL-1979-Banning #alias #performance- An Efficient Way to Find Side Effects of Procedure Calls and Aliases of Variables (JB), pp. 29–41.
SIGMOD-1978-ClarkH- A Procedure for the Determination of Attribute Access Probabilities (JDC, JAH), pp. 110–117.
STOC-1978-RivestMKWS #fault- Coping with Errors in Binary Search Procedures (Preliminary Report) (RLR, ARM, DJK, KW, JS), pp. 227–232.
ICALP-1978-Gallier #correctness #nondeterminism #recursion #semantics #source code- Semantics and Correctness of Nondeterministic Flowchart Programs with Recursive Procedures (JHG), pp. 251–267.
POPL-1978-CartwrightO #hoare #logic #strict- Unrestricted Procedure Calls in Hoare’s Logic (RC, DCO), pp. 131–140.
ICSE-1978-AzemaAB #approach #bottom-up #communication #design #verification- Design and Verification of Communication Procedures: A Bottom-Up Approach (PA, JMA, BB), pp. 168–174.
ICSE-1978-Panzl #automation #testing- Automatic Revision of Formal Test Procedures (DJP), pp. 320–326.
DAC-1977-ChenFKNS #automation #layout #problem- The chip layout problem: An automatic wiring procedure (KAC, MF, KHK, NN, SS), pp. 298–302.
DAC-1977-KhokhaniP #layout #problem- The chip layout problem: A placement procedure for lsi (KHK, AMP), pp. 291–297.
ICALP-1977-AptB #pascal #proving #semantics- Semantics and Proof Theory of Pascal Procedures (KRA, JWdB), pp. 30–44.
POPL-1977-Lang #call-by #evaluation #semantics- Threshold Evaluation and the Semantics of Call by Value, Assignment and Generic Procedures (BL), pp. 227–237.
DAC-1976-Johnson #automation #testing- An automated probing procedure for board testing (WAJ), pp. 205–213.
ICALP-1976-Galil #integer #on the #programming #proving #theorem proving- On Enumeration Procedures for Theorem Proving and for Integer Programming (ZG), pp. 355–381.
DIPL-1976-Cohen #independence- Target computer independent optimizaton procedure for for metacompilers (PMC), pp. 321–334.
POPL-1976-BrittonDGHH- Procedure Referencing Environments in SL5 (DEB, FCD, REG, DRH, RAH), pp. 185–191.
ICSE-1976-Panzl #approach #testing #verification- Test Procedures: A New Approach to Software Verification (DJP), pp. 477–485.
DAC-1975-GilliO #algebra #network #scalability #simulation- A new algebraic procedure for the simulation of large digital networks (LG, FO), pp. 32–41.
DAC-1975-IshigaKS #clustering #logic- A logic partitioning procedure by interchanging clusters (TI, TK, SS), pp. 369–377.
DAC-1975-Valle #layout #relational- Relational data handling techniques in integrated circuit mask layout procedures (GV), pp. 407–413.
DAC-1975-YoshizawaKK #array #heuristic- A heuristic procedure for ordering MOS arrays (HY, HK, KK), pp. 384–393.
VLDB-1975-BrowneL #database #scalability- An Optimizable Model for Application of Rollback/Restart/Recovery Procedures for Large Data Bases (JCB, GLL), pp. 508–510.
DAC-1974-ShapiraF #design #generative- A procedure for generating floor plans computer aided design (HBjS, RSF), pp. 229–236.
ICALP-1974-FischerP #algorithm #matrix #performance #using- Efficient Procedures for Using Matrix Algorithms (PCF, RLP), pp. 413–427.
POPL-1973-Maggiolo-SchettiniRS #optimisation- Procedure Linkage Optimization (AMS, BKR, HRS), pp. 183–193.
STOC-1971-Cook #complexity- The Complexity of Theorem-Proving Procedures (SAC), pp. 151–158.
STOC-1971-McNaughton #set- A Decision Procedure for Generalized Sequential Mapability-onto of Regular Sets (RM), pp. 206–218.
SIGFIDET-1970-Martin- Information Compressing Procedures for Storing Binary Relations (JJM), pp. 142–173.
SIGFIDET-1970-Young #approach- A Procedural Approach to File Translation (JWY), pp. 354–367.
STOC-1969-Blum #algorithm #effectiveness #on the- On Effective Procedures for Speeding Up Algorithms (MB), pp. 43–53.