Travelled to:
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
M.A.R.Pascual R.Mayo F.Castejón R.M.Garcia I.M.Llorente A.Bustos J.Guasp L.A.Flores E.Montes
Talks about:
fusion (3) execut (3) carlo (2) mont (2) grid (2) code (2) framework (1) version (1) montera (1) solver (1)
Person: Antonio J. Rubio-Montero
DBLP: Rubio-Montero:Antonio_J=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SAC-2015-Rubio-MonteroPG #adaptation #evaluation #framework #monte carlo
- Evaluation of an adaptive framework for resilient Monte Carlo executions (AJRM, MARP, RMG), pp. 448–455.
- PDP-2011-PascualRMBCL #case study #monte carlo #performance
- More Efficient Executions of Monte Carlo Fusion Codes by Means of Montera: The ISDEP Use Case (MARP, AJRM, RM, AB, FC, IML), pp. 380–384.
- PDP-2010-Rodriguez-PascualGCRLM #grid
- A Grid Version of the Fusion Code FAFNER (MARP, JG, FC, AJRM, IML, RM), pp. 449–453.
- PDP-2010-Rubio-MonteroFCMPM #equation #grid
- Executions of a Fusion Drift Kinetic Equation Solver on Grid (AJRM, LAF, FC, EM, MARP, RM), pp. 454–459.