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Tag #equation

477 papers:

CSLCSL-2020-Jez #problem #unification #word
Solving Word Equations (And Other Unification Problems) by Recompression (Invited Talk) (AJ), p. 17.
FMFM-2019-TanP #approach #axiom #difference #liveness
An Axiomatic Approach to Liveness for Differential Equations (YKT, AP), pp. 371–388.
ICFP-2019-Morihata #algebra #parallel #reasoning #reduction #λ-calculus
Lambda calculus with algebraic simplification for reduction parallelization by equational reasoning (AM), p. 25.
ICFP-2019-SozeauM #coq #functional #programming #proving
Equations reloaded: high-level dependently-typed functional programming and proving in Coq (MS, CM), p. 29.
ICMLICML-2019-JohnHS #difference #named #off the shelf
GOODE: A Gaussian Off-The-Shelf Ordinary Differential Equation Solver (DJ, VH, MS), pp. 3152–3162.
CADECADE-2019-AnantharamanHNR #unification #word
Unification Modulo Lists with Reverse Relation with Certain Word Equations (SA, PH, PN, MR), pp. 1–17.
CADECADE-2019-SternagelW #order #reasoning
Certified Equational Reasoning via Ordered Completion (CS, SW), pp. 508–525.
CAVCAV-2019-FengCZF0 #bound #difference #verification
Taming Delays in Dynamical Systems - Unbounded Verification of Delay Differential Equations (SF, MC, NZ, MF, BX0), pp. 650–669.
FSCDFSCD-2018-Ayala-RinconFN #constraints #fixpoint #unification
Fixed-Point Constraints for Nominal Equational Unification (MAR, MF, DNS), p. 16.
FSCDFSCD-2018-CernaK #anti #higher-order
Higher-Order Equational Pattern Anti-Unification (DMC, TK), p. 17.
HaskellHaskell-2018-VazouBKHH #functional #haskell #proving #reasoning #theorem proving
Theorem proving for all: equational reasoning in liquid Haskell (functional pearl) (NV, JB, RK, DVH, GH), pp. 132–144.
ICMLICML-2018-LuZLD #architecture #difference #finite #network
Beyond Finite Layer Neural Networks: Bridging Deep Architectures and Numerical Differential Equations (YL, AZ, QL, BD0), pp. 3282–3291.
ICMLICML-2018-ODonoghueOMM #nondeterminism
The Uncertainty Bellman Equation and Exploration (BO, IO, RM, VM), pp. 3836–3845.
ICMLICML-2018-PanFWNGN #difference #learning
Reinforcement Learning with Function-Valued Action Spaces for Partial Differential Equation Control (YP, AmF, MW, SN, PG, DN), pp. 3983–3992.
ICMLICML-2018-RyderGMP #black box #difference #probability
Black-Box Variational Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations (TR, AG, ASM, DP), pp. 4420–4429.
ICMLICML-2018-SahooLM #learning
Learning Equations for Extrapolation and Control (SSS, CHL, GM), pp. 4439–4447.
KDDKDD-2018-DuT #graph #mining #named #performance
FASTEN: Fast Sylvester Equation Solver for Graph Mining (BD, HT), pp. 1339–1347.
CAVCAV-2018-GoubaultPS #approximate #difference
Inner and Outer Approximating Flowpipes for Delay Differential Equations (EG, SP, LS), pp. 523–541.
IJCARIJCAR-2018-ClaessenS #encoding #first-order #logic #performance
Efficient Encodings of First-Order Horn Formulas in Equational Logic (KC, NS), pp. 388–404.
HaskellHaskell-2017-BraquehaisR #black box #named #reasoning
Speculate: discovering conditional equations and inequalities about black-box functions by reasoning from test results (RB, CR), pp. 40–51.
ICMLICML-2017-ChenKB #identification #linear #modelling #testing #using
Identification and Model Testing in Linear Structural Equation Models using Auxiliary Variables (BC, DK, EB), pp. 757–766.
ICMLICML-2017-LiTE #adaptation #algorithm #probability
Stochastic Modified Equations and Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Algorithms (QL, CT, WE), pp. 2101–2110.
ICMLICML-2017-Simsekli #difference #markov #monte carlo #probability
Fractional Langevin Monte Carlo: Exploring Levy Driven Stochastic Differential Equations for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (US), pp. 3200–3209.
Ternary Equational Languages (), pp. 77–88.
DLTDLT-2016-ManeaNS #on the #problem #strict #word
On the Solvability Problem for Restricted Classes of Word Equations (FM, DN, MLS), pp. 306–318.
DLTDLT-2016-NowotkaS #word
One-Unknown Word Equations and Three-Unknown Constant-Free Word Equations (DN, AS), pp. 332–343.
FMFM-2016-SogokonGJ #abstraction #difference
Decoupling Abstractions of Non-linear Ordinary Differential Equations (AS, KG, TTJ), pp. 628–644.
CoGCIG-2016-ViljanenAPH16a #difference #game studies #mobile #process #question
User activity decay in mobile games determined by simple differential equations? (MV, AA, TP, JH), pp. 1–8.
ICMLICML-2016-TuBSSR #linear #matrix #rank
Low-rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Procrustes Flow (ST, RB, MS, MS, BR), pp. 964–973.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2016-AlpuenteCEM #axiom #order #partial evaluation #source code
Partial Evaluation of Order-Sorted Equational Programs Modulo Axioms (MA, ACO, SE, JM), pp. 3–20.
POPLPOPL-2016-LinB #logic #string #towards #transducer #word
String solving with word equations and transducers: towards a logic for analysing mutation XSS (AWL, PB), pp. 123–136.
CASECASE-2016-Csiszar #approach #automation #combinator #generative
A combinatorial approach to the automated generation of inverse kinematics equations for robot arms (AC), pp. 984–989.
IJCARIJCAR-2016-AthanasiouLW #bound #thread #using #verification
Unbounded-Thread Program Verification using Thread-State Equations (KA, PL, TW), pp. 516–531.
EDMEDM-2015-Rau #how #learning #why
Why Do the Rich Get Richer? A Structural Equation Model to Test How Spatial Skills Affect Learning with Representations (MAR), pp. 350–357.
ICALPICALP-v2-2015-CiobanuDE #set
Solution Sets for Equations over Free Groups are EDT0L Languages (LC, VD, ME), pp. 134–145.
ICALPICALP-v2-2015-EtessamiSY #branch #fixpoint #markov #polynomial #probability #process #reachability
Greatest Fixed Points of Probabilistic Min/Max Polynomial Equations, and Reachability for Branching Markov Decision Processes (KE, AS, MY), pp. 184–196.
LATALATA-2015-HadravovaH #word
Equation xⁱyʲxᵏ=uⁱvʲuᵏ in Words (JH, SH), pp. 414–423.
RTARTA-2015-EndrullisHHP0 #framework #induction #reasoning
A Coinductive Framework for Infinitary Rewriting and Equational Reasoning (JE, HHH, DH, AP, AS), pp. 143–159.
RTARTA-2015-KotsireasKS #design #orthogonal #unification
Constructing Orthogonal Designs in Powers of Two: Gröbner Bases Meet Equational Unification (ISK, TK, DES), pp. 241–256.
HaskellHaskell-2015-FarmerSG #haskell #reasoning #source code #tool support
Reasoning with the HERMIT: tool support for equational reasoning on GHC core programs (AF, NS, AG), pp. 23–34.
ICGTICGT-2015-KissingerZ #diagrams #product line #reasoning #string
Equational Reasoning with Context-Free Families of String Diagrams (AK, VZ), pp. 138–154.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2015-MeseguerS #algebra #order
Equational Formulas and Pattern Operations in Initial Order-Sorted Algebras (JM, SS), pp. 36–53.
Equations, Contractions, and Unique Solutions (DS), pp. 421–432.
CADECADE-2015-EchenimPT #generative #logic #quantifier
Quantifier-Free Equational Logic and Prime Implicate Generation (ME, NP, ST), pp. 311–325.
CAVCAV-2015-ZhengGSTDZ #constraints #effectiveness #regular expression #string
Effective Search-Space Pruning for Solvers of String Equations, Regular Expressions and Length Constraints (YZ, VG, SS, OT, JD, XZ), pp. 235–254.
CAVCAV-2015-ZouFZM #automation #difference #safety #verification
Automatic Verification of Stability and Safety for Delay Differential Equations (LZ, MF, NZ, PNM), pp. 338–355.
AFLAFL-2014-MignotSZ14a #automaton
$k$-Position, Follow, Equation and $k$-C-Continuation Tree Automata Constructions (LM, NOS, DZ), pp. 327–341.
CIAACIAA-2014-EsparzaLS #fixpoint #named
FPsolve: A Generic Solver for Fixpoint Equations over Semirings (JE, ML, MS), pp. 1–15.
ICALPICALP-v2-2014-GoncharovP #algebra #bisimulation #monad #recursion
Coalgebraic Weak Bisimulation from Recursive Equations over Monads (SG, DP), pp. 196–207.
ICALPICALP-v2-2014-KozenM #algebra
Kleene Algebra with Equations (DK, KM), pp. 280–292.
LATALATA-2014-MasseGHL #morphism #word
Solving Equations on Words with Morphisms and Antimorphisms (ABM, SG, SH, ML), pp. 186–197.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-BarberW #difference #estimation #process
Gaussian Processes for Bayesian Estimation in Ordinary Differential Equations (DB, YW), pp. 1485–1493.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-SatoN #analysis #approximate #probability #process #using
Approximation Analysis of Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics by using Fokker-Planck Equation and Ito Process (IS, HN), pp. 982–990.
POPLPOPL-2014-EisenbergVJW #product line
Closed type families with overlapping equations (RAE, DV, SLPJ, SW), pp. 671–684.
SASSAS-2014-GhorbalSP #algebra #difference #polynomial
Invariance of Conjunctions of Polynomial Equalities for Algebraic Differential Equations (KG, AS, AP), pp. 151–167.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2014-RotB #algebra #semantics
Combining Bialgebraic Semantics and Equations (JR, MMB), pp. 381–395.
IJCARIJCAR-2014-EchenimPT #logic
A Rewriting Strategy to Generate Prime Implicates in Equational Logic (ME, NP, ST), pp. 137–151.
ICDARICDAR-2013-LiuS #detection #documentation #image
A Simple Equation Region Detector for Printed Document Images in Tesseract (ZL, RS), pp. 245–249.
DLTDLT-2013-Jez #named #word
Recompression: Word Equations and Beyond (AJ), pp. 12–26.
ICALPICALP-v2-2013-Jez #linear #word
One-Variable Word Equations in Linear Time (AJ), pp. 324–335.
PADLPADL-2013-BrasselHPR #constraints #functional #implementation
Implementing Equational Constraints in a Functional Language (BB, MH, BP, FR), pp. 125–140.
PLDIPLDI-2013-ApinisSV #how
How to combine widening and narrowing for non-monotonic systems of equations (KA, HS, VV), pp. 377–386.
SACSAC-2013-LaroucheMGH #satisfiability #word
Solving equations on words through boolean satisfiability (ML, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 104–106.
CGOCGO-2013-DuchateauPB #algebra #algorithm #automation #linear #named
Hydra: Automatic algorithm exploration from linear algebra equations (AD, DAP, DB), p. 10.
PDPPDP-2013-ColmenaresODFR #using
Solving the Linearized Poisson-Boltzmann Equation on GPUs Using CUDA (JC, JO, SD, AF, WR), pp. 420–426.
CSLCSL-2013-WangB #decidability #semantics #type system
Semantics of Intensional Type Theory extended with Decidable Equational Theories (QW, BB), pp. 653–667.
LICSLICS-2013-FioreH #algebra #logic #multi #polymorphism #semantics #syntax
Multiversal Polymorphic Algebraic Theories: Syntax, Semantics, Translations, and Equational Logic (MPF, MH), pp. 520–529.
Equational Descriptions of Languages (JÉP), pp. 1227–1240.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-EtessamiSY #algorithm #branch #markov #polynomial #probability #process
Polynomial Time Algorithms for Branching Markov Decision Processes and Probabilistic Min(Max) Polynomial Bellman Equations (KE, AS, MY), pp. 314–326.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-Spielman #algorithm #graph #linear
Algorithms, Graph Theory, and the Solution of Laplacian Linear Equations (DAS), pp. 24–26.
IFMIFM-2012-NgoTGGB #compilation #verification
Formal Verification of Compiler Transformations on Polychronous Equations (VCN, JPT, TG, PLG, LB), pp. 113–127.
RTARTA-2012-SattlerB #polymorphism
Turing-Completeness of Polymorphic Stream Equation Systems (CS, FB), pp. 256–271.
GRAPHITEGRAPHITE-2012-KantP #game studies #performance
Efficient Instantiation of Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems to Parity Games (GK, JvdP), pp. 50–65.
CIKMCIKM-2012-KimYK #query #retrieval #using #word
Mathematical equation retrieval using plain words as a query (SK, SY, YK), pp. 2407–2410.
ICPRICPR-2012-AskKA #performance #polynomial #symmetry
Exploiting p-fold symmetries for faster polynomial equation solving (EA, YK, ), pp. 3232–3235.
PADLPADL-2012-BromanN #modelling #object-oriented #semantics
Node-Based Connection Semantics for Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages (DB, HN), pp. 258–272.
SACSAC-2012-ZhaoHWA #constraints #diagrams #difference #polynomial
Real solution formulas of cubic and quartic equations applied to generate dynamic diagrams with inequality constraints (TZ, HH, DW, PA), pp. 94–101.
ESOPESOP-2012-KrishnaswamiB #system f
Adding Equations to System F Types (NRK, NB), pp. 417–435.
TACASTACAS-2012-LangM #lts #model checking #network #using
Partial Model Checking Using Networks of Labelled Transition Systems and Boolean Equation Systems (FL, RM), pp. 141–156.
CSLCSL-2012-CarraroS #consistency #formal method #modelling #on the #λ-calculus
On the equational consistency of order-theoretic models of the λ-calculus (AC, AS), pp. 152–166.
CSLCSL-2012-DawarGHKP #linear
Definability of linear equation systems over groups and rings (AD, EG, BH, EK, WP), pp. 213–227.
CSLCSL-2012-GroheO #game studies #linear
Pebble Games and Linear Equations (MG, MO), pp. 289–304.
SCAMSCAM-2011-CooganD #assembly #reasoning
Equational Reasoning on x86 Assembly Code (KC, SKD), pp. 75–84.
DLTDLT-J-2009-LaineP11 #word
Word Equations with One Unknown (ML, WP), pp. 345–375.
DLTDLT-J-2009-LehtinenO11 #on the #set
On Equations over Sets of Numbers and their Limitations (TL, AO), pp. 377–393.
Equational descriptions of languages (JÉP), pp. 50–63.
ICFPICFP-2011-GibbonsH #monad #reasoning
Just do it: simple monadic equational reasoning (JG, RH), pp. 2–14.
CHICHI-2011-PfeiferB #social
Is the media equation a flash in the pan?: the durability and longevity of social responses to computers (LMP, TWB), pp. 777–780.
Exact Solutions for the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation (PQ, DW, CG, HS), pp. 675–677.
DACDAC-2011-ChaiJ #complexity #linear #matrix
Direct matrix solution of linear complexity for surface integral-equation based impedance extraction of high bandwidth interconnects (WC, DJ), pp. 206–211.
PDPPDP-2011-YurtesenRAW #gpu #implementation #integration
SSE Vectorized and GPU Implementations of Arakawa’s Formula for Numerical Integration of Equations of Fluid Motion (EY, MR, MA, JW), pp. 341–348.
STOCSTOC-2011-KhotM #approximate #linear #np-hard
NP-hardness of approximately solving linear equations over reals (SK, DM), pp. 413–420.
TACASTACAS-2011-WimmelW #petri net
Applying CEGAR to the Petri Net State Equation (HW, KW), pp. 224–238.
CAVCAV-2011-JohnC #algorithm #composition #linear #quantifier
A Quantifier Elimination Algorithm for Linear Modular Equations and Disequations (AKJ, SC), pp. 486–503.
DLTDLT-2010-LehtinenO #on the
On Language Equations XXK = XXL and XM = N over a Unary Alphabet (TL, AO), pp. 291–302.
LATALATA-2010-HemmerlingSK #difference #network #process #programming language #specification
A Programming Language Tailored to the Specification and Solution of Differential Equations Describing Processes on Networks (RH, KS, WK), pp. 297–308.
ICPRICPR-2010-SeppkeDHW #multi #parametricity #performance #using
Fast Derivation of Soil Surface Roughness Parameters Using Multi-band SAR Imagery and the Integral Equation Model (BS, LSDF, JAH, FW), pp. 3931–3934.
PPDPPPDP-2010-KameyamaT #axiom #call-by
Equational axiomatization of call-by-name delimited control (YK, AT), pp. 77–86.
SASSAS-2010-NasreG #analysis #linear #points-to
Points-to Analysis as a System of Linear Equations (RN, RG), pp. 422–438.
LCTESLCTES-2010-ShrivastavaLJ #embedded #fault
Cache vulnerability equations for protecting data in embedded processor caches from soft errors (AS, JL, RJ), pp. 143–152.
PDPPDP-2010-Rubio-MonteroFCMPM #grid
Executions of a Fusion Drift Kinetic Equation Solver on Grid (AJRM, LAF, FC, EM, MARP, RM), pp. 454–459.
STOCSTOC-2010-BurgisserC #polynomial #problem
Solving polynomial equations in smoothed polynomial time and a near solution to smale’s 17th problem (PB, FC), pp. 503–512.
WRLAWRLA-2010-DuranM #maude #order #specification
A Church-Rosser Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Equational Maude Specifications (FD, JM), pp. 69–85.
CSLCSL-2010-FioreH #higher-order #logic
Second-Order Equational Logic (MPF, CKH), pp. 320–335.
DLTDLT-2009-LaineP #word
Word Equations with One Unknown (ML, WP), pp. 348–359.
DLTDLT-2009-LehtinenO #on the #set
On Equations over Sets of Numbers and Their Limitations (TL, AO), pp. 360–371.
DLTDLT-2009-Saarela #complexity #on the #satisfiability #theorem
On the Complexity of Hmelevskii’s Theorem and Satisfiability of Three Unknown Equations (AS), pp. 443–453.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-BrancoP #polynomial #regular expression
Equations Defining the Polynomial Closure of a Lattice of Regular Languages (MJJB, JÉP), pp. 115–126.
TLCATLCA-2009-FioreH #deduction #synthesis
Mathematical Synthesis of Equational Deduction Systems (MPF, CKH), pp. 1–2.
KDDKDD-2009-HiroseYNF #detection #network
Network anomaly detection based on Eigen equation compression (SH, KY, TN, RF), pp. 1185–1194.
SACSAC-2009-CipciganR #difference #probability
Interlaced Euler scheme for stiff systems of stochastic differential equations (IC, MR), pp. 989–994.
DACDAC-2009-AbercrombiePC #design #simulation #using
Use of lithography simulation for the calibration of equation-based design rule checks (DA, FP, CC), pp. 67–70.
DACDAC-2009-ChaiJK #3d #complexity #linear #scalability
A direct integral-equation solver of linear complexity for large-scale 3D capacitance and impedance extraction (WC, DJ, CKK), pp. 752–757.
DACDAC-2009-Li #modelling #performance #scalability
Finding deterministic solution from underdetermined equation: large-scale performance modeling by least angle regression (XL0), pp. 364–369.
WRLAWRLA-2008-EscobarMS09 #unification
Variant Narrowing and Equational Unification (SE, JM, RS), pp. 103–119.
WRLAWRLA-2008-HassN09 #abstraction
Equational Abstractions for Reducing the State Space of Rewrite Theories (LHH, TN), pp. 139–154.
WRLAWRLA-2008-LucasM09 #order #source code #termination
Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs: the Order-Sorted Way (SL, JM), pp. 207–225.
TACASTACAS-2009-OrzanWW #static analysis
Static Analysis Techniques for Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (SO, WW, TACW), pp. 230–245.
CADECADE-2009-CiobacaDK #convergence #protocol #security
Computing Knowledge in Security Protocols under Convergent Equational Theories (SC, SD, SK), pp. 355–370.
AFLAFL-2008-BreveglieriCNR #problem #satisfiability
NP-completeness of the alphabetical satisfiability problem for trace equations (LB, AC, CDN, ER), pp. 111–121.
CIAACIAA-2008-El-FakihY #automaton
Progressive Solutions to FSM Equations (KEF, NY), pp. 274–282.
ICALPICALP-A-2008-EsparzaGKS #approximate
Approximative Methods for Monotone Systems of Min-Max-Polynomial Equations (JE, TG, SK, HS), pp. 698–710.
ICALPICALP-B-2008-GehrkeGP #regular expression
Duality and Equational Theory of Regular Languages (MG, SG, JÉP), pp. 246–257.
ICALPICALP-B-2008-JezO #on the #set
On the Computational Completeness of Equations over Sets of Natural Numbers (AJ, AO), pp. 63–74.
RTARTA-2008-HendrixO #automaton
Combining Equational Tree Automata over AC and ACI Theories (JH, HO), pp. 142–156.
ICPRICPR-2008-SukF #automation #invariant
Affine moment invariants generated by automated solution of the equations (TS, JF), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-TaEL #difference #graph
Nonlocal morphological levelings by partial difference equations over weighted graphs (VTT, AE, OL), pp. 1–4.
The projective equation of a circle and its application in camera calibration (YZ, YL), pp. 1–4.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2008-AlpuenteEMO #algorithm #composition
A Modular Equational Generalization Algorithm (MA, SE, JM, PO), pp. 24–39.
QAPLQAPL-2008-Bortolussi #approximate #concurrent #constraints #on the #probability #programming
On the Approximation of Stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming by Master Equation (LB), pp. 163–180.
SASSAS-2008-SeidlFP #polynomial
Analysing All Polynomial Equations in ℤ₂ᵂ (HS, AF, MP), pp. 299–314.
CASECASE-2008-MittalYBB #difference #modelling #multi #performance #probability #using
Dynamics and performance modeling of multi-stage manufacturing systems using nonlinear stochastic differential equations (UM, HY, STSB, LGB), pp. 498–503.
CASECASE-2008-WangSF #automation #detection #difference
Partial differential equation-based GPR signature discrimination for automatic detection of bridge deck delamination (ZWW, GGS, TF), pp. 431–435.
DACDAC-2008-HanSE #3d #modelling
Electric field integral equation combined with cylindrical conduction mode basis functions for electrical modeling of three-dimensional interconnects (KJH, MS, EE), pp. 421–424.
DACDAC-2008-MoselhyD #performance #probability
Stochastic integral equation solver for efficient variation-aware interconnect extraction (TM, LD), pp. 415–420.
DACDAC-2008-YeZP #analysis #linear #multi
Generalized Krylov recycling methods for solution of multiple related linear equation systems in electromagnetic analysis (ZY, ZZ, JRP), pp. 682–687.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2008-Parys #commutative #finite
Systems of Equations Satisfied in All Commutative Finite Semigroups (PP), pp. 261–272.
CAVCAV-2008-JainCG #composition #linear #performance
Efficient Craig Interpolation for Linear Diophantine (Dis)Equations and Linear Modular Equations (HJ, EMC, OG), pp. 254–267.
CAVCAV-2008-KingS #congruence #satisfiability #using
Inferring Congruence Equations Using SAT (AK, HS), pp. 281–293.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-TourEN #unification
Unification and Matching Modulo Leaf-Permutative Equational Presentations (TBdlT, ME, PN), pp. 332–347.
CIAACIAA-J-2006-CzeizlerK07 #independence #on the #word
On Non-Periodic Solutions of Independent Systems of Word Equations over Three Unknowns (EC, JK), pp. 873–897.
DLTDLT-2007-ChamparnaudOZ #performance
An Efficient Computation of the Equation K-Automaton of a Regular K-Expression (JMC, FO, DZ), pp. 145–156.
DLTDLT-2007-Kunc #question #what
What Do We Know About Language Equations? (MK), pp. 23–27.
ICALPICALP-2007-AtseriasBD07a #logic
Affine Systems of Equations and Counting Infinitary Logic (AA, AAB, AD), pp. 558–570.
Equational Systems and Free Constructions (MPF, CKH), pp. 607–618.
LATALATA-2007-Diekert #graph #named #word
Equations: From Words to Graph Products (VD), pp. 1–6.
TLCATLCA-2007-DavidN #calculus #normalisation #proving #recursion
An Arithmetical Proof of the Strong Normalization for the λ -Calculus with Recursive Equations on Types (RD, KN), pp. 84–101.
HCIDHM-2007-QiaoYY #predict
The Application of Kane Equation in the Impact Prediction of Human Motion (MQ, CY, XY), pp. 179–188.
QAPLQAPL-2007-BortolussiP #concurrent #constraints #difference #probability #programming
Stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming and Differential Equations (LB, AP), pp. 27–42.
SACSAC-2007-FeydyS #integer #linear
Propagating dense systems of integer linear equations (TF, PJS), pp. 306–310.
Interdependent Latch Setup/Hold Time Characterization via Euler-Newton Curve Tracing on State-Transition Equations (SS, JSR), pp. 136–141.
DATEDATE-2007-Wong #performance #symmetry #using
Fast positive-real balanced truncation of symmetric systems using cross Riccati equations (NW), pp. 1496–1501.
STOCSTOC-2007-KieferLE #convergence #on the #polynomial
On the convergence of Newton’s method for monotone systems of polynomial equations (SK, ML, JE), pp. 217–226.
Language Equations with Complementation (AO, OY), pp. 420–432.
ICALPICALP-v2-2006-AcetoFIL #communication #finite
A Finite Equational Base for CCS with Left Merge and Communication Merge (LA, WF, AI, BL), pp. 492–503.
RTARTA-2006-Aoto #induction
Dealing with Non-orientable Equations in Rewriting Induction (TA), pp. 242–256.
RTARTA-2006-Hoffman #monad
Unions of Equational Monadic Theories (PH), pp. 81–95.
RTARTA-2006-Salvati #linear #type system #λ-calculus
Syntactic Descriptions: A Type System for Solving Matching Equations in the Linear λ-Calculus (SS), pp. 151–165.
HaskellHaskell-2006-Gill #haskell #reasoning
Introducing the Haskell equational reasoning assistant (AG), pp. 108–109.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2006-KafkasBY #algebra #implementation
Implementation Strategies for “Equation Guru” — A User Friendly Intelligent Algebra Tutor (SK, ZB, HY), pp. 58–65.
ICEISICEIS-J-2006-Ifinedo06a #approach #enterprise #modelling #resource management
Measuring Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Success: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach (PI), pp. 86–97.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-WangH #probability #using
Probabilistic Relaxation using the Heat Equation (HW, ERH), pp. 666–669.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-ChenY06a #adaptation #image
A new adaptive diffusion equation for image noise removal and feature preservation (SC, XY), pp. 885–888.
GPCEGPCE-2006-BromanNF #constraints #using
Determining over- and under-constrained systems of equations using structural constraint delta (DB, KN, PF), pp. 151–160.
CASECASE-2006-LiLWC #automation #component #generative #graph #linear #using
Automatic Generation of Component-level Dynamic Equations Using Extensible Element Linear Graph Method (YL, ZL, HW, YC), pp. 118–123.
CASECASE-2006-ShangYQ #algorithm #linear
Algorithm of Two-Step Eye-Hand Calibration by Resolving Linear Equations (YS, QY, ZQ), pp. 218–222.
DATEDATE-2006-CherrounDF #constraints #scheduling #using
Scheduling under resource constraints using dis-equations (HC, AD, PF), pp. 1067–1072.
Presenting Functors by Operations and Equations (MMB, AK), pp. 172–186.
STOCSTOC-2006-Plandowski #algorithm #performance #word
An efficient algorithm for solving word equations (WP), pp. 467–476.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-JacquemardRV #automaton #constraints #similarity
Tree Automata with Equality Constraints Modulo Equational Theories (FJ, MR, LV), pp. 557–571.
ICALPICALP-2005-BaudetCK #implementation
Computationally Sound Implementations of Equational Theories Against Passive Adversaries (MB, VC, SK), pp. 652–663.
ICALPICALP-2005-Kayal #finite #polynomial
Solvability of a System of Bivariate Polynomial Equations over a Finite Field (NK), pp. 551–562.
RTARTA-2005-Hoffman #algebra #approach
Union of Equational Theories: An Algebraic Approach (PH), pp. 61–73.
RTARTA-2005-LafourcadeLT #deduction #morphism
Intruder Deduction for AC-Like Equational Theories with Homomorphisms (PL, DL, RT), pp. 308–322.
RTARTA-2005-LynchM #performance
Faster Basic Syntactic Mutation with Sorts for Some Separable Equational Theories (CL, BM), pp. 90–104.
IFLIFL-2005-ShafarenkoSHGT #case study #experience #implementation #lessons learnt #using
Implementing a Numerical Solution of the KPI Equation Using Single Assignment C: Lessons and Experiences (AVS, SBS, SH, CG, KT), pp. 160–177.
CHICHI-2005-ChiassonG #testing
Testing the media equation with children (SC, CG), pp. 829–838.
CIKMCIKM-2005-PuM #functional #query #specification
Typed functional query languages with equational specifications (KQP, AOM), pp. 233–234.
Semi-inversion of Guarded Equations (TÆM), pp. 189–204.
DATEDATE-2005-MishchenkoBJVY #performance #using
Efficient Solution of Language Equations Using Partitioned Representations (AM, RKB, JHRJ, TV, NY), pp. 418–423.
PDPPDP-2005-FaberoBC #clustering #parallel #performance #simulation
Efficiency on Clusters of Parallel Simulation of Sine-Gordon Equation over Hexagonal Tessellation (JCF, AB, LC), pp. 68–75.
PDPPDP-2005-JoubertM #distributed
Distributed Local Resolution of Boolean Equation Systems (CJ, RM), pp. 264–271.
CADECADE-2005-VermaSS #complexity #horn clause #on the
On the Complexity of Equational Horn Clauses (KNV, HS, TS), pp. 337–352.
CSLCSL-2005-Adamek #logic
A Logic of Coequations (JA), pp. 70–86.
ICALPICALP-2004-AbadiC #protocol #security
Deciding Knowledge in Security Protocols Under Equational Theories (MA, VC), pp. 46–58.
ICALPICALP-2004-DabrowskiP #word
Solving Two-Variable Word Equations (RD, WP), pp. 408–419.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-CongEPB #morphism #using
Shape Metamorphism using p-Laplacian Equation (GC, ME, BP, GB), pp. 15–18.
PEPMPEPM-2004-DuranLMMU #proving #source code #termination
Proving termination of membership equational programs (FD, SL, JM, CM, XU), pp. 147–158.
STOCSTOC-2004-HolmerinK #linear #verification
A new PCP outer verifier with applications to homogeneous linear equations and max-bisection (JH, SK), pp. 11–20.
TACASTACAS-2004-GrooteK #fixpoint
Solving Disjunctive/Conjunctive Boolean Equation Systems with Alternating Fixed Points (JFG, MK), pp. 436–450.
CSLCSL-2004-GanzingerK #proving #reasoning #theorem proving
Integrating Equational Reasoning into Instantiation-Based Theorem Proving (HG, KK), pp. 71–84.
Overlapping Leaf Permutative Equations (TBdlT, ME), pp. 430–444.
VMCAIVMCAI-2004-Etessami #analysis #data flow #game studies #graph #recursion #using
Analysis of Recursive Game Graphs Using Data Flow Equations (KE), pp. 282–296.
CIAACIAA-2003-XieLD #complexity #linear #problem #using
New Complexity Results for Some Linear Counting Problems Using Minimal Solutions to Linear Diophantine Equations (GX, CL, ZD), pp. 163–175.
ICALPICALP-2003-Okhotin #problem
Decision Problems for Language Equations with Boolean Operations (AO), pp. 239–251.
ICALPICALP-2003-XieDI #infinity #polynomial #verification
A Solvable Class of Quadratic Diophantine Equations with Applications to Verification of Infinite-State Systems (GX, ZD, OHI), pp. 668–680.
FMFME-2003-RosuELM #proving
Certifying and Synthesizing Membership Equational Proofs (GR, SE, PL, JM), pp. 359–380.
RTARTA-2003-Kutsia #proving
Equational Prover of THEOREMA (TK), pp. 367–379.
RTARTA-2003-Verma #automaton #decidability
Two-Way Equational Tree Automata for AC-Like Theories: Decidability and Closure Properties (KNV), pp. 180–196.
IFLIFL-2003-Choppella #polymorphism #re-engineering #using
Polymorphic Type Reconstruction Using Type Equations (VC), pp. 53–68.
IFLIFL-2003-VasconcelosH #functional #higher-order #polymorphism #recursion #source code
Inferring Cost Equations for Recursive, Polymorphic and Higher-Order Functional Programs (PBV, KH), pp. 86–101.
ICMLICML-2003-Graepel #difference #linear #process
Solving Noisy Linear Operator Equations by Gaussian Processes: Application to Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (TG), pp. 234–241.
DATEDATE-2003-FreitasO #estimation
Implicit Resolution of the Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations for Sequential Circuits: An Application in Power Estimation (ATF, ALO), pp. 10764–10769.
Equisolvability of Series vs. Controller’s Topology in Synchronous Language Equations (NY, TV, RKB, AP, ALSV), pp. 11154–11155.
TACASTACAS-2003-Mateescu #on the fly
A Generic On-the-Fly Solver for Alternation-Free Boolean Equation Systems (RM), pp. 81–96.
CADECADE-2003-DeplagneKKN #induction #proving #theorem
Proof Search and Proof Check for Equational and Inductive Theorems (ED, CK, HK, QHN), pp. 297–316.
CADECADE-2003-GieslK #induction
Deciding Inductive Validity of Equations (JG, DK), pp. 17–31.
CADECADE-2003-MeseguerPM #abstraction
Equational Abstractions (JM, MP, NMO), pp. 2–16.
ICLPICLP-2003-Smaus #first-order #question #semantics
Is There an Optimal Generic Semantics for First-Order Equations? (JGS), pp. 438–450.
PASTEPASTE-2002-Fiskio-LasseterY #graph #programming
Flow equations as a generic programming tool for manipulation of attributed graphs (JHEFL, MY), pp. 69–76.
SCAMSCAM-2002-BunusF #combinator #declarative #graph transformation #semantics
Semantics Guided Filtering of Combinatorial Graph Transformations in Declarative Equation-Based Languages (PB, PF), pp. 163–172.
Syntactic Semiring and Language Equations (LP), pp. 182–193.
DLTDLT-2002-DiekertK #polynomial
A Remark about Quadratic Trace Equations (VD, MK), pp. 59–66.
ICALPICALP-2002-EngebretsenHR #finite
Inapproximability Results for Equations over Finite Groups (LE, JH, AR), pp. 73–84.
RTARTA-2002-OhsakiT #decidability
Decidability and Closure Properties of Equational Tree Languages (HO, TT), pp. 114–128.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-ChengWHT #approach #self
A New Approach to Solving Kruppa Equations for Camera Self-Calibration (LC, FW, ZH, HTT), pp. 308–311.
PADLPADL-2002-BunusF #debugging #declarative #modelling
A Debugging Scheme for Declarative Equation Based Modeling Languages (PB, PF), pp. 280–298.
WRLAWRLA-J-1996-Viry02 #logic
Equational rules for rewriting logic (PV), pp. 487–517.
STOCSTOC-2002-Hallgren #algorithm #polynomial #problem #quantum
Polynomial-time quantum algorithms for Pell’s equation and the principal ideal problem (SH), pp. 653–658.
WRLAWRLA-2002-ClavelMP #logic #similarity
Reflection in Membership Equational Logic, Many-Sorted Equational Logic, Horn Logic with Equality, and Rewriting Logic (MC, JM, MP), pp. 110–126.
CADECADE-2002-GramlichP #algorithm #aspect-oriented #modelling
Algorithmic Aspects of Herbrand Models Represented by Ground Atoms with Ground Equations (BG, RP), pp. 241–259.
Counting the Solutions of Presburger Equations without Enumerating Them (BB, LL), pp. 40–51.
DLTDLT-2001-Esik #fixpoint
The Equational Theory of Fixed Points with Applications to Generalized Language Theory (), pp. 21–36.
ICALPICALP-2001-DiekertM #commutative #decidability
Solvability of Equations in Free Partially Commutative Groups Is Decidable (VD, AM), pp. 543–554.
RTARTA-2001-GieslK #dependence
Dependency Pairs for Equational Rewriting (JG, DK), pp. 93–108.
RTARTA-2001-LevyV #traversal #unification
Context Unification and Traversal Equations (JL, MV), pp. 169–184.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2001-Coppo #recursion #type inference
Type Inference with Recursive Type Equations (MC), pp. 184–198.
CSLCSL-2001-Ohsaki #automaton #commutative
Beyond Regularity: Equational Tree Automata for Associative and Commutative Theories (HO), pp. 539–553.
CSLCSL-2001-Rosu #category theory #deduction
Complete Categorical Equational Deduction (GR), pp. 528–538.
ICLPICLP-2001-KumarRS #fixpoint #modelling
Alternating Fixed Points in Boolean Equation Systems as Preferred Stable Models (KNK, CRR, SAS), pp. 227–241.
Instructing Equational Set-Reasoning with Otter (AF, EGO, MT), pp. 152–167.
IJCARIJCAR-2001-LynchM #complexity #decidability #linear
Decidability and Complexity of Finitely Closable Linear Equational Theories (CL, BM), pp. 499–513.
ICALPICALP-2000-FokkinkL #specification
An ω-Complete Equational Specification of Interleaving (WF, SPL), pp. 729–743.
Negation Elimination from Simple Equational Formulae (RP), pp. 612–623.
ICMLICML-2000-TodorovskiDSWG #behaviour #difference
Discovering the Structure of Partial Differential Equations from Example Behaviour (LT, SD, AS, JPW, DG), pp. 991–998.
Enhancing the Plausibility of Law Equation Discovery (TW, HM, YN), pp. 1127–1134.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-BaumelaARB #difference #estimation #using
Motion Estimation Using the Differential Epipolar Equation (LB, LdA, IDR, PB), pp. 3848–3851.
SACSAC-2000-Reich #algorithm #difference #simulation #using
Simulation of Imprecise Ordinary Differential Equations Using Evolutionary Algorithms (CR), pp. 428–432.
SACSAC-2000-Shaw #algorithm #parallel
A Parallel Algorithm for NonLinear Volterra Integro-Differential Equations (RES), pp. 86–88.
ESOPESOP-2000-WellsV #reasoning
Equational Reasoning for Linking with First-Class Primitive Modules (JBW, RV), pp. 412–428.
STOCSTOC-2000-Gutierrez #satisfiability
Satisfiability of equations in free groups is in PSPACE (CG), pp. 21–27.
TACASTACAS-2000-Mateescu #generative #performance
Efficient Diagnostic Generation for Boolean Equation Systems (RM), pp. 251–265.
ICLPCL-2000-StorrT #calculus
A New Equational Foundation for the Fluent Calculus (HPS, MT), pp. 733–746.
CSLCSL-2000-OhsakiMG #semantics #termination
Equational Termination by Semantic Labelling (HO, AM, JG), pp. 457–471.
RTARTA-1999-BaaderT #problem #word
Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories Sharing Constructors (FB, CT), pp. 175–189.
RTARTA-1999-KepserR #algorithm #named #unification
UNIMOK: A System for Combining Equational Unification Algorithm (SK, JR), pp. 248–251.
TLCATLCA-1999-Statman #consistency #theorem
Consequences of Jacopini’s Theorem: Consistent Equalities and Equations (RS), pp. 355–364.
SASSAS-1999-CorrensonDPR #semantics
Equational Semantics (LC, ÉD, DP, GR), pp. 264–283.
DACDAC-1999-LiWW #approach #generative #modelling #performance
An Efficient Lyapunov Equation-Based Approach for Generating Reduced-Order Models of Interconnect (JRL, FW, JW), pp. 1–6.
DACDAC-1999-Sheehan #named #order #performance #reduction #using
ENOR: Model Order Reduction of RLC Circuits Using Nodal Equations for Efficient Factorization (BNS), pp. 17–21.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-1999-GordonC #mobile
Equational Properties of Mobile Ambients (ADG, LC), pp. 212–226.
STOCSTOC-1999-Plandowski #satisfiability #word
Satisfiability of Word Equations with Constants is in NEXPTIME (WP), pp. 721–725.
CADECADE-1999-Pichler #problem
Solving Equational Problems Efficiently (RP), pp. 97–111.
CADECADE-1999-Schmidt-SchaussS #decidability
Solvability of Context Equations with Two Context Variables is Decidable (MSS, KUS), pp. 67–81.
ICALPICALP-1998-PlandowskiR #encoding #word
Application of Lempel-Ziv Encodings to the Solution of Words Equations (WP, WR), pp. 731–742.
RTARTA-1998-JacquemardMW #unification
Unification in Extension of Shallow Equational Theories (FJ, CM, CW), pp. 76–90.
RTARTA-1998-LimetR #term rewriting
Solving Disequations Modulo Some Class of Rewrite Systems (SL, PR), pp. 121–135.
RTARTA-1998-Schmidt-SchaussS #on the
On the Exponent of Periodicity of Minimal Solutions of Context Equation (MSS, KUS), pp. 61–75.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-Nedjah #source code
Postponing Redex Contractions in Equational Programs (NN), pp. 40–60.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-Tsukada #reasoning
Type-free Equational Reasoning in the Theeory of Inductively Defined Types (YT), pp. 227–246.
ASEASE-1998-MonroyBG #verification
Planning Equational Verification in CCS (RM, AB, IG), pp. 43–52.
DACDAC-1998-ChouW #multi #parametricity
Multilevel Integral Equation Methods for the Extraction of Substrate Coupling Parameters in Mixed-Signal IC’s (MC, JW), pp. 20–25.
PDPPDP-1998-PinuelLT #difference #parallel
A special-purpose parallel computer for solving partial differential equations (LP, IML, FT), pp. 509–517.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-1998-AcetoFI #axiom
A Cook’s Tour of Equational Axiomatizations for Prefix Iteration (LA, WF, AI), pp. 20–34.
STOCSTOC-1998-MourrainP #multi #polynomial
Asymptotic Acceleration of Solving Multivariate Polynomial Systems of Equations (BM, VYP), pp. 488–496.
WRLAWRLA-1998-Jouannaud #calculus #induction #logic
Membership equational logic, calculus of inductive instructions, and rewrite logic (JPJ), pp. 388–393.
WRLAWRLA-1998-Viry #calculus
Adventures in sequent calculus modulo equations (PV), pp. 21–32.
CADECADE-1998-BoudetC #confluence #term rewriting
About the Confluence of Equational Pattern Rewrite Systems (AB, EC), pp. 88–102.
CADECADE-1998-Peltier #constraints
System Description: An Equational Constraints Solver (NP), pp. 119–123.
Tree Codes and Equations (SM, AR), pp. 119–133.
ICALPICALP-1997-DiekertMM #normalisation #using
Solving Trace Equations Using Lexicographical Normal Forms (VD, YM, AM), pp. 336–346.
ICALPICALP-1997-KarhumakiPM #word
The Expressibility of Languages and Relations by Word Equations (JK, WP, FM), pp. 98–109.
Periodic and Non-periodic Min-Max Equations (US, LT), pp. 379–389.
RTARTA-1997-KuhlerW #data type #induction #proving #specification #theorem proving
Conditional Equational Specifications of Data Types with Partial Operations for Inductive Theorem Proving (UK, CPW), pp. 38–52.
RTARTA-1997-TomasF #geometry #linear #using
Solving Linear Diophantine Equations Using the Geometric Structure of the Solution Space (APT, MF), pp. 269–283.
Names, Equations, Relations: Practical Ways to Reason about new (IS), pp. 336–353.
ICMLICML-1997-TodorovskiD #bias #declarative
Declarative Bias in Equation Discovery (LT, SD), pp. 376–384.
KDDKDD-1997-Zytkow #concept
Knowledge = Concepts: A Harmful Equation (JMZ), pp. 104–109.
PPDPALP-1997-KirchnerR #higher-order #unification
Higher-Order Equational Unification via Explicit Substitutions (CK, CR), pp. 61–75.
PEPMPEPM-1997-DanvyS #named #recursion #source code #λ-calculus
λ-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure (OD, UPS), pp. 90–106.
SACSAC-1997-ChungLLD #using
Effect of data distribution in data assimilation using Burgers’ equation (WC, JML, SL, SKD), pp. 521–526.
PDPPDP-1997-Ojeda-GuerraS #linear #network
Solving linear systems of equations overlapping communications and computations in torus networks (CNOG, ÁS), pp. 453–460.
STOCSTOC-1997-Pan #performance
Faster Solution of the Key Equation for Decoding BCH Error-Correcting Codes (VYP), pp. 168–175.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1997-BouhoulaJM #logic #proving #specification
Specification and Proof in Membership Equational Logic (AB, JPJ, JM), pp. 67–92.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1997-MantaciM #algorithm
An Algorithm for the Solution of Tree Equations (SM, DM), pp. 417–428.
CSLCSL-1997-Hollenberg #algebra #axiom
Equational Axioms of Test Algebra (MH), pp. 295–310.
Dummy Elimination in Equational Rewriting (MCFF), pp. 78–92.
RTARTA-1996-WaltersK #automaton #named
EPIC: An Equational Language -Abstract Machine Supporting Tools- (HRW, JFTK), pp. 424–427.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1996-NishimuraOT #object-oriented #query
An Equational Object-Oriented Data Model and its Data-Parallel Query Language (SN, AO, KT), pp. 1–17.
SASSAS-1996-FechtS #performance
An Even Faster Solver for General Systems of Equations (CF, HS), pp. 189–204.
ASEKBSE-1996-EllmanM #algebra #deduction #difference #network #simulation #source code #synthesis
Deductive Synthesis of Numerical Simulation Programs from Networks of Algebraic and Ordinary Differential Equations (TE, TM), p. 5.
DACDAC-1996-BorchersHB #behaviour #generative
Equation-Based Behavioral Model Generation for Nonlinear Analog Circuits (CB, LH, EB), pp. 236–239.
DACDAC-1996-SunDH #geometry #independence #parametricity #performance #using
Fast Parameters Extraction of General Three-Dimension Interconnects Using Geometry Independent Measured Equation of Invariance (WS, WWMD, WHI), pp. 371–376.
PDPPDP-1996-Hegland #divide and conquer #linear
Divide and Conquer for the Solution of Banded Linear Systems of Equations (MH), pp. 394–403.
PDPPDP-1996-LeungC #behaviour #concurrent #inheritance #object-oriented #programming language
Behaviour Equation as Solution of Inheritance Anomaly in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages (BCLL, PPKC), pp. 360–366.
WRLARWLW-1996-Eker #performance
Fast matching in combinations of regular equational theories (SE), pp. 90–109.
STOCSTOC-1996-AllenderBO #complexity #linear #matrix #rank
The Complexity of Matrix Rank and Feasible Systems of Linear Equations (EA, RB, MO), pp. 161–167.
CAVCAV-1996-Greenstreet #difference #safety #verification
Verifying Safety Properties of Differential Equations (MRG), pp. 277–287.
LICSLICS-1996-BhatC #calculus #model checking #performance #μ-calculus
Efficient Model Checking via the Equational μ-Calculus (GB, RC), pp. 304–312.
LICSLICS-1996-Narendran #linear #polynomial
Solving Linear Equations over Polynomial Semirings (PN), pp. 466–472.
ICALPICALP-1995-BestK #recursion
Solving Recursive Net Equations (EB, MK), pp. 605–623.
ICALPICALP-1995-EsikB #axiom
Nonfinite Axiomatizability of the Equational Theory of Shuffle (, MB), pp. 27–38.
Compactness of Systems of Equations in Semigroups (TH, JK, WP), pp. 444–454.
RTARTA-1995-AbdulrabM #linear
General Solution of Systems of Linear Diophantine Equations and Inequations (HA, MM), pp. 339–351.
RTARTA-1995-AvenhausDF #deduction #distributed #named
DISCOUNT: A SYstem for Distributed Equational Deduction (JA, JD, MF), pp. 397–402.
RTARTA-1995-ChazarainM #automation #named #recursion #source code #synthesis
LEMMA: A System for Automated Synthesis of Recursive Programs in Equational Theories (JC, SM), pp. 420–425.
RTARTA-1995-Holmes #proving #recursion #theorem
Disguising Recursively Chained Rewrite Rules as Equational Theorems, as Implemented in the Prover EFTTP Mark 2 (MRH), pp. 432–437.
RTARTA-1995-OttoND #independence #unification
Some Independent Results for Equational Unification (FO, PN, DJD), pp. 367–381.
TLCATLCA-1995-Kondoh #data type
Basic Properties of Data Types with Inequational Refinements (HK), pp. 279–296.
TLCATLCA-1995-Padovani #equivalence #on the
On Equivalence Classes of Interpolation Equations (VP), pp. 335–349.
PDPPDP-1995-MartinFTB #clustering #difference #distributed #parallel #simulation
Distributed parallel computers versus PVM on a workstation cluster in the simulation of time dependent partial differential equations (IML, JCF, FT, AB), pp. 20–26.
CAVCAV-1995-CousotC #composition #constraints #fixpoint #game studies #induction #rule-based #semantics
Compositional and Inductive Semantic Definitions in Fixpoint, Equational, Constraint, Closure-condition, Rule-based and Game-Theoretic Form (PC, RC), pp. 293–308.
ICLPICLP-1995-BurgSTY #constraints #linear #logic programming
Linear Equation Solving for Constraint Logic Programming (JB, PJS, JCHT, RHCY), pp. 33–47.
ICLPICLP-1995-ChengPE #implementation #logic programming #source code
A Method for Implementing Equational Theories as Logic Programs (MHMC, DSPJ, MHvE), pp. 497–511.
ICLPICLP-1995-Hanus #logic programming #on the
On Extra Variables in (Equational) Logic Programming (MH), pp. 665–679.
ICLPICLP-1995-MulkersSJB #on the
On the Practicality of Abstract Equation Systems (AM, WS, GJ, MB), pp. 781–795.
ICALPICALP-1994-HintermeierKK #dynamic typing #order
Dynamically-Typed Computations for Order-Sorted Equational Presentations (CH, CK, HK), pp. 450–461.
Least Solutions of Equations over N (HS), pp. 400–411.
ICALPICALP-1994-VergauwenL #correctness #performance
Efficient Local Correctness Checking for Single and Alternating Boolean Equation Systems (BV, JL), pp. 304–315.
LISPLFP-1994-StefanescuZ #analysis #framework #functional #higher-order #source code
An Equational Framework for the Flow Analysis of Higher Order Functional Programs (DCS, YZ), pp. 318–327.
PPDPALP-1994-AlpuenteFV #analysis #composition #source code
Compositional Analysis for Equational Horn Programs (MA, MF, GV), pp. 77–94.
Equation Solving in Projective Planes and Planar Ternary Rings (PB), pp. 95–113.
POPLPOPL-1994-Qian #higher-order #logic programming
Higher-Order Equational Logic Programming (ZQ), pp. 254–267.
DACDAC-1994-KahngM #analysis #using
Delay Analysis of VLSI Interconnections Using the Diffusion Equation Model (ABK, SM), pp. 563–569.
HPDCHPDC-1994-HuiCYHA #difference #network
Solving Partial Differential Equations on a Network of Workstations (CCH, GKKC, MMSY, MH, IA), pp. 194–201.
STOCSTOC-1994-JacquetS #algorithm #analysis #functional
A functional equation often arising in the analysis of algorithms (PJ, WS), pp. 780–789.
Combination Techniques for Non-Disjoint Equational Theories (ED, FK, CR), pp. 267–281.
CADECADE-1994-HermannK #complexity #problem
The Complexity of Counting Problems in Equational Matching (MH, PGK), pp. 560–574.
CADECADE-1994-WirthG #induction #on the
On Notions of Inductive Validity for First-Oder Equational Clauses (CPW, BG), pp. 162–176.
ICLPICLP-1994-Thielscher #logic programming #representation
Representing Actions in Equational Logic Programming (MT), pp. 207–224.
ICLPILPS-1994-Imbert #linear
Redundancy, Variable Elimination and Linear Disequations (JLI), pp. 139–153.
ISSTAISSTA-1994-Kapur #automation #specification
An Automated Tool for Analyzing Completeness of Equational Specifications (DK), pp. 28–43.
LICSLICS-1994-Sewell #axiom #bisimulation #first-order
Bisimulation is Not Finitely (First Order) Equationally Axiomatisable (PS), pp. 62–70.
DLTDLT-1993-Cazanescu #logic
Local Equational Logic II (VEC), pp. 210–221.
RTARTA-1993-AvenhausD #proving #theorem proving
Distributing Equational Theorem Proving (JA, JD), pp. 62–76.
RTARTA-1993-Matthews #ml #named #reasoning #standard
MERILL: An Equational Reasoning System in Standard ML (BM), pp. 441–445.
RTARTA-1993-NiehrenPT #constraints #finite
Equational and Membership Constraints for Finite Trees (JN, AP, RT), pp. 106–120.
RTARTA-1993-Tajine #decidability
The Negation Elimination from Syntactic Equational Formula is Decidable (MT), pp. 316–327.
RTARTA-1993-Verma #named
Smaran: A Congruence-Closure Based System for Equational Computations (RMV), pp. 457–461.
PPDPPLILP-1993-AlpuenteFRV #approximate #logic programming #optimisation #source code
Narrowing Approximations as an Optimization for Equational Logic Programs (MA, MF, MJR, GV), pp. 391–409.
SACSAC-1993-KelleherLD #on the #parallel #performance #reduction
On the Performance of a Direct Parallel Method for Solving Separable Elliptic Equations Based on Block Cyclic Reduction (KK, SL, SKD), pp. 517–524.
PDPPDP-1993-HuesoHM #algorithm #matrix
Systolic algorithms for matrix functions via the commutant equation (JLH, VH, GM), pp. 222–229.
PPoPPPPoPP-1993-GrunwaldS #data flow #parallel #source code
Data Flow Equations for Explicitly Parallel Programs (DG, HS), pp. 159–168.
An Equational Language for Data-Parallelism (PR, CW), pp. 112–118.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1993-Becker #confluence #induction #proving #specification
Proving Ground Confluence and Inductive Validity in Constructor Based Equational Specifications (KB0), pp. 46–60.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1993-Kirkwood #automation #implementation #reasoning #using
Automating (Specififation = Implementation) Using Equational Reasoning and LOTOS (CK), pp. 544–558.
ICLPICLP-1993-BenhamouM #constraints #logic programming #pseudo
Boolean Pseudo-equations in Constraint Logic Programming (FB, JLM), pp. 517–531.
ICLPILPS-1993-Ait-Kaci #inheritance #logic #programming
An introduction to LIFE: Programming with Logic, Inheritance, Functions, and Equations (HAK), pp. 52–68.
ICLPILPS-1993-AlpuenteFV #analysis #constraints #incremental
Incremental Equational Constraint Analyses (MA, MF, GV), p. 657.
ICLPILPS-1993-MoraPRF #prototype #type system
A Prototype System for Equational Constructive Negation (AM, JP, MJR, MF), p. 638.
SEKESEKE-1992-SotiropoulouP #case study #difference #information management
A Case Study of Knowledge Engineering in the Application Area of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDE’s) (VVS, TSP), pp. 261–268.
PPDPALP-1992-BoudetC #on the
On n-Syntactic Equational Theories (AB, EC), pp. 446–457.
PPDPALP-1992-EhrigP #algebra #specification
High-Level-Replacement Systems for Equational Algebraic Specifications (HE, FPP), pp. 3–20.
PEPMPEPM-1992-ShermanS #logic programming #source code
Call Unfolding Strategies for Equational Logic Programs (DS, RS), pp. 48–53.
PLDIPLDI-1992-Maslov #dependence #multi #named #performance
Delinearization: An Efficient Way to Break Multiloop Dependence Equations (VM), pp. 152–161.
PPDPPLILP-1992-AlpuenteFM #analysis #consistency #incremental #logic programming #nondeterminism
Analyses of Inconsistency for Incremental Equational Logic Programming (MA, MF, FM), pp. 443–457.
PPDPPLILP-1992-Hamel #logic programming #named
UCG-E: An Equational Logic Programming System (LHH), pp. 473–474.
DACDAC-1992-DamianiM #logic #optimisation
Recurrence Equations and the Optimization of Synchronous Logic Circuits (MD, GDM), pp. 556–561.
DACDAC-1992-HamadaCC #estimation
A Wire Length Estimation Technique Utilizing Neighborhood Density Equations (TH, CKC, PMC), pp. 57–61.
STOCSTOC-1992-Barvinok #polynomial #testing
Feasibility Testing for Systems of Real Quadratic Equations (AIB), pp. 126–132.
CADECADE-1992-BaaderS #unification
Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures (FB, KUS), pp. 50–65.
CADECADE-1992-SekarR #evaluation #framework #lazy evaluation #parallel #programming
Programming with Equations: A Framework for Lazy Parallel Evaluation (RCS, IVR), pp. 618–632.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-GrosseHSST #logic programming
Equational Logic Programming Actions, and Change (GG, SH, JS, UCS, MT), pp. 177–191.
Turning SOS Rules into Equations (LA, BB, FWV), pp. 113–124.
LICSLICS-1992-ComonHJ #decidability #problem
Decidable Problems in Shallow Equational Theories (HC, MH, JPJ), pp. 255–265.
RTARTA-1991-Avenhaus #induction #proving #theorem
Proving Equational and Inductive Theorems by Completion and Embedding Techniques (JA), pp. 361–373.
RTARTA-1991-BaaderN #algebra #commutative #how #morphism #unification
Adding Homomorphisms to Commutative/Monoidal Theories or How Algebra Can Help in Equational Unification (FB, WN), pp. 124–135.
RTARTA-1991-Deruyver #first-order #logic #named #proving #theorem proving
EMMY: A Refutational Theorem Prover for First-Order Logic with Equation (AD), pp. 439–441.
RTARTA-1991-Wolfram #higher-order #unification
Rewriting, and Equational Unification: the Higher-Order Cases (DAW), pp. 25–36.
ICMLML-1991-RaoLS #knowledge-based
Knowledge-Based Equation Discovery in Engineering Domains (RBR, SCYL, RES), pp. 630–634.
PEPMPEPM-1991-Muller #logic #named #semantics
M-LISP: Its Natural Semantics and Equational Logic (RM), pp. 234–242.
PEPMPEPM-1991-ShermanSD #optimisation #partial evaluation #source code #using
Optimization of Equational Programs Using Partial Evaluation (DS, RS, ID), pp. 72–82.
PPDPPLILP-1991-Naish #prolog
Adding equations to NU-Prolog (LN), pp. 15–26.
SASWSA-1991-DurandSS #partial evaluation #source code
Partial Evaluation of an Intermediate Language for Equational Programs (ID, DS, RS), pp. 98–106.
SASWSA-1991-EchahedJPS #case study #comparative #program transformation
Equational Reasonning and the Completion Procedure. A Comparative Study in Program Transformation (RE, PJ, MLP, SS), pp. 53–61.
SASWSA-1991-Sun #logic
Equational Logics (YS), pp. 44–52.
DACDAC-1991-ShihK #approach #named #performance #using
ILLIADS: A New Fast MOS Timing Simulator Using Direct Equation-Solving Approach (YHS, SMK), pp. 20–25.
ESOPESOP-J-1990-Bondorf91 #automation #higher-order #recursion
Automatic Autoprojection of Higher Order Recursive Equations (AB), pp. 3–34.
TAPSOFTCAAP-1991-JonssonL #algebra #complexity #on the #process
On the Complexity of Equation Solving in Process Algebra (BJ, KGL), pp. 381–396.
STOCSTOC-1991-Ko #polynomial
Integral Equations, Systems of Quadratic Equations, and Exponential-Time Completeness (KIK), pp. 10–20.
CSLCSL-1991-Meinke #combinator #data type #specification
Equational Specification of Abstract Types and Combinators (KM), pp. 257–271.
LICSLICS-1991-Tronci #λ-calculus
Equational Prgoramming in λ-calculus (ET), pp. 191–202.
ICALPICALP-1990-Comon #algebra #order
Equational Formulas in Order-Sorted Algebras (HC), pp. 674–688.
ICGTGG-1990-Bauderon #recursion
General Solution to a System of Recursive Equations (MB), pp. 113–126.
PPDPALP-1990-DebartEL #logic programming #multi #order #using
Multi-Modal Logic Programming using Equational and Order-Sorted Logic (FD, PE, ML), pp. 55–69.
Equation Solving in Conditional AC-Theories (ND, SM, GS), pp. 283–297.
PPDPALP-1990-Hanus #logic programming #source code #specification
Logic Programs with Equational Type Specifications (MH), pp. 70–85.
ESOPESOP-1990-Bondorf #automation #higher-order #recursion
Automatic Autoprojection of Higher Order Recursive Equations (AB), pp. 70–87.
CADECADE-1990-Boudet #algorithm #performance #unification
Unification in a Combination of Equational Theories: an Efficient Algorithm (AB), pp. 292–307.
CADECADE-1990-BrownA90a #algebra
Cylindric Algebra Equation Solver (FMB, CA), pp. 645–646.
CADECADE-1990-Kirchner #tutorial #unification
Tutorial on Equational Unification (CK), p. 682.
CADECADE-1990-NarendranO #unification
Some Results on Equational Unification (PN, FO), pp. 276–291.
CADECADE-1990-Rittri #identifier #library
Retrieving Library Identifiers via Equational Matching of Types (MR), pp. 603–617.
LICSLICS-1990-BoudetCD #algorithm #unification
A New AC Unification Algorithm with an Algorithm for Solving Systems of Diophantine Equations (AB, EC, HD), pp. 289–299.
LICSLICS-1990-Comon #algebra
Solving Inequations in Term Algebras (HC), pp. 62–69.
LICSLICS-1990-LarsenX #using
Equation Solving Using Modal Transition Systems (KGL, LX), pp. 108–117.
LICSLICS-1990-Nipkow #proving
Proof Transformations for Equational Theories (TN), pp. 278–288.
LICSLICS-1990-SekarR #logic #programming
Programming in Equational Logic: Beyond Strong Sequentiality (RCS, IVR), pp. 230–241.
ICALPICALP-1989-Courcelle #graph #higher-order #logic #monad
The Definability of Equational Graphs in Monadic Second-Order Logic (BC), pp. 207–221.
RTARTA-1989-AbdulrabP #linear #word
Solving Systems of Linear Diophantine Equations and Word Equations (HA, JPP), pp. 530–532.
RTARTA-1989-BonacinaS #named #proving #theorem proving
KBlab: An Equational Theorem Prover for the Macintosh (MPB, GS), pp. 548–550.
RTARTA-1989-McNulty #logic
An Equational Logic Sampler (GFM), pp. 234–262.
RTARTA-1989-Snyder #algorithm #generative #performance #set
Efficient Ground Completion: An O(n log n) Algorithm for Generating Reduced Sets of Ground Rewrite Rules Equivalent to a Set of Ground Equations E (WS), pp. 419–433.
RTARTA-1989-Strandh #performance #source code
Classes of Equational Programs that Compile into Efficient Machine Code (RS), pp. 449–461.
KRKR-1989-Sandewall #difference #logic
Combining Logic and Differential Equations for Describing Real-World Systems (ES), pp. 412–420.
DACDAC-1989-GoreR #array #automation #logic #programmable #synthesis #using
Automatic Synthesis of Boolean Equations Using Programmable Array Logic (RG, KR), pp. 283–289.
TAPSOFTCAAP-1989-BloomS #parallel #petri net
Shuffle Equations, Parallel Transition Systems and Equational Petri Nets (SLB, KS), pp. 134–148.
ICLPNACLP-1989-JayaramanP #programming #set
Programming with Equations, Subsets, and Relations (BJ, DAP), pp. 1051–1068.
Outer Narrowing for Equational Theories Based on Constructors (JHY), pp. 727–741.
FMVDME-1988-Haxthausen #algebra #recursion
Mutually Recursive Algebraic Domain Equations (AEH), pp. 299–317.
PPDPALP-1988-BeierleP #data type #logic programming #specification
Integrating Logic Programming and Equational Specification of Abstract Data Types (CB, UP), pp. 71–82.
Narrowing in Partial Conditional Equational Theories (UW), p. 244.
Solving Equations in an Equational Language (JHY), pp. 245–254.
ESOPESOP-1988-BertlingGS #named #specification
CEC: A System for the Completion of Conditional Equational Specifications (HB, HG, RS), pp. 378–379.
CADECADE-1988-BlasiusS #graph #reasoning #unification
Partial Unification for Graph Based Equational Reasoning (KHB, JHS), pp. 397–414.
Solving Disequations in Equational Theories (HJB), pp. 517–526.
CADECADE-1988-GallierNPRS #canonical #finite #polynomial #set #term rewriting
Finding Canonical Rewriting Systems Equivalent to a Finite Set of Ground Equations in Polynomial Time (JHG, PN, DAP, SR, WS), pp. 182–196.
CADECADE-1988-Schmidt-Schauss #unification
Unification in a Combination of Arbitrary Disjoint Equational Theories (MSS), pp. 378–396.
CADECADE-1988-ZhangKK #induction #specification
A Mechanizable Induction Principle for Equational Specifications (HZ, DK, MSK), pp. 162–181.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-GallierI88 #logic #order
Rewriting in Order-sorted Equational Logic (JHG, TI), pp. 280–294.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Zachary88 #approach #logic programming
A Pragmatic Approach to Equational Logic Programming (JLZ), pp. 295–310.
LICSLICS-1988-Bachmair #consistency #proving
Proof by Consistency in Equational Theories (LB), pp. 228–233.
VLDBVLDB-1987-CeriT #algebra #datalog #optimisation #query
Optimization of Systems of Algebraic Equations for Evaluating Datalog Queries (SC, LT), pp. 31–41.
ICALPICALP-1987-HsiangR #on the #problem #word
On Word Problems in Equational Theories (JH, MR), pp. 54–71.
RTARTA-1987-BurckertHS #decidability #on the #unification
On Equational Theories, Unification and Decidability (HJB, AH, MSS), pp. 204–215.
RTARTA-1987-ODonnell #implementation #logic programming
Term-Rewriting Implementation of Equational Logic Programming (MJO), pp. 1–12.
RTARTA-1987-Strandh #optimisation #source code
Optimizing Equational Programs (RS), pp. 13–24.
LICSLICS-1987-GallierRS #proving #theorem proving #using
Theorem Proving Using Rigid E-Unification Equational Matings (JHG, SR, WS), pp. 338–346.
Solving Disequations (CK, PL), pp. 347–352.
ICLPSLP-1987-Ait-KaciLN87 #logic
Le Fun: Logic, Equations and Functions (HAK, PL, RN), pp. 17–23.
ICLPSLP-1987-Holldobler87 #logic programming
Equational Logic Programming (SH), pp. 335–346.
LISPLFP-1986-JayaramanS #functional #logic programming #reduction #semantics #set
Equations, Sets, and Reduction Semantics for Functional and Logic Programming (BJ, FSKS), pp. 320–331.
LISPLFP-1986-Thatte #programming language #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantic Theory for Equational Programming Languages (SRT), pp. 332–342.
ICGTGG-1986-HotzKM #algebra #network #on the #recursion
On Network Algebras and Recursive Equations (GH, RK, PM), pp. 250–261.
POPLPOPL-1986-YouS #logic programming
Equational Logic Programming: An Extension to Equational Programming (JHY, PAS), pp. 209–218.
CADECADE-1986-DickC #automation #empirical #reasoning #using
Using Narrowing to do Isolation in Symbolic Equation Solving — An Experiment in Automated Reasoning (AJJD, JC), pp. 272–280.
CADECADE-1986-PoratF #term rewriting
Full-Commutation and Fair-Termination in Equational (and Combined) Term-Rewriting Systems (SP, NF), pp. 21–41.
ICLPICLP-1986-JaffarS86 #logic programming #semantics
Logic Program Semantics for Programming with Equations (JJ, PJS), pp. 313–326.
LICSLICS-1986-AmadioBL #higher-order #λ-calculus
The Finitary Projection Model for Second Order λ Calculus and Solutions to Higher Order Domain Equations (RMA, KBB, GL), pp. 122–130.
LICSLICS-1986-BachmairDH #order #proving
Orderings for Equational Proofs (LB, ND, JH), pp. 346–357.
LICSLICS-1986-JouannaudK #automation #induction #proving
Automatic Proofs by Induction in Equational Theories Without Constructors (JPJ, EK), pp. 358–366.
ICLPSLP-1986-MartelliMR86 #algorithm #unification
An Algorithm for Unification in Equational Theories (AM, CM, GR), pp. 180–186.
RTARTA-1985-Ait-Kaci #graph grammar
Solving Type Equations by Graph Rewriting (HAK), pp. 158–179.
RTARTA-1985-CosmadakisK #database
Two Applications of Equational Theories to Database Theory (SSC, PCK), pp. 107–123.
RTARTA-1985-Yelick #algorithm #unification
Combining Unification Algorithms for Confined Regular Equational Theories (KAY), pp. 365–380.
FPCAFPCA-1985-Johnsson85 #recursion #source code
λ Lifting: Treansforming Programs to Recursive Equations (TJ), pp. 190–203.
STOCSTOC-1985-BruceL #modelling #morphism
Provable Isomorphisms and Domain Equations in Models of Typed Languages (KBB, GL), pp. 263–272.
STOCSTOC-1985-CosmadakisK #constraints #database
Equational Theories and Database Constraints (SSC, PCK), pp. 273–284.
VLDBVLDB-1984-Morgenstern #automation #constraints #declarative
Constraint Equations: Declarative Expression of Constraints With Automatic Enforcement (MM), pp. 291–300.
ICALPICALP-1984-Bidoit #algebra #exception #fault #specification
Algebraic Specification of Exception Handling and Error Recovery by Means of Declarations and Equations (MB), pp. 95–108.
ICALPICALP-1984-Fribourg #programming language
Oriented Equational Clauses as a Programming Language (LF), pp. 162–173.
POPLPOPL-1984-HoffmannO #implementation #interpreter
Implementation of an Interpreter for Abstract Equations (CMH, MJO), pp. 111–121.
POPLPOPL-1984-JouannaudK #set
Completion of a Set of Rules Modulo a Set of Equations (JPJ, HK), pp. 83–92.
STOCSTOC-1984-Kozen #logic
Pebblings, Edgings, and Equational Logic (DK), pp. 428–435.
STOCSTOC-1984-OngSS #performance #polynomial
An Efficient Signature Scheme Based on Quadratic Equations (HO, CPS, AS), pp. 208–216.
CADECADE-1984-JouannaudM #set #termination
Termination of a Set of Rules Modulo a Set of Equations (JPJ, MM), pp. 175–193.
CADECADE-1984-Kirchner #algorithm #unification
A New Equational Unification Method: A Generalization of Martelli-Montanari’s Algorithm (CK), pp. 224–247.
ICLPILPC-1984-Pique84 #prolog
Drawing Trees and their Equations in Prolog (JFP), pp. 23–33.
ICALPICALP-1983-JouannaudKK #algorithm #incremental #unification
Incremental Construction of Unification Algorithms in Equational Theories (JPJ, CK, HK), pp. 361–373.
Making Variables Abstract: An Equational Theory for Russell (AJD, JED), pp. 59–72.
ICSEICSE-1982-LucasR #evaluation #representation
Representation of Factual Information by Equations and Their Evaluation (PL, TR), pp. 367–376.
DACDAC-1982-LarsenLS #logic
Aw expanded logic equation list for checkout (RPL, JAL, AKS), pp. 291–299.
CADECADE-1982-SiekmannS #classification #unification
Universal Unification and a Classification of Equational Theories (JHS, PS), pp. 369–389.
The Application of Homogenization to Simultaneous Equations (BS), pp. 132–143.
ICALPICALP-1981-PnueliZ #specification
Realizing an Equational Specification (AP, RZ), pp. 459–478.
STOCSTOC-1981-ChandraHMP #logic #process
Equations between Regular Terms and an Application to Process Logic (AKC, JYH, ARM, RP), pp. 384–390.
ICALPICALP-1980-BergstraT #data type #finite #specification
A Characterisation of Computable Data Types by Means of a Finite Equational Specification Method (JAB, JVT), pp. 76–90.
ICALPICALP-1979-DembinskiM #two-level grammar
Two Level Grammars: CF-Grammars with Equation Schemes (PD, JM), pp. 171–187.
STOCSTOC-1977-ODonnell #combinator #lisp #logic #program transformation #recursion
Subtree Replacement Systems: A Unifying Theory for Recursive Equations, LISP, Lucid and Combinatory Logic (MO), pp. 295–305.
ICALPICALP-1974-BohmD #combinator #normalisation #problem
Combinatorial Problems, Combinator Equations and Normal Forms (CB, MDC), pp. 185–199.
ICALPICALP-1974-CourcelleKV #equivalence #french #recursion #reduction
Algorithmes d’equivalence et de reduction a des expressions minimales dans une classe d’equations recursives simples (BC, GK, JV), pp. 200–213.
ICALPICALP-1972-Lentin #monad
Equations in Free Monoids (AL), pp. 67–85.
DACDAC-1971-LarsenM #clustering #layout #logic
Partitioning and ordering of logic equations for optimum MOS LSI device layout (RPL, LM), pp. 131–142.
STOCSTOC-1970-Strong #recursion
Translating Recursion Equations into Flow Charts (HRSJ), pp. 184–197.
DACDAC-1969-RaderI #logic
Aw expanded logic equation list for checkout (JAR, DAI), pp. 291–296.
DACDAC-1968-Rader #logic #syntax
Application of a syntax driver to logic equation processing and data-control card scanning (JAR).
DACDAC-1967-Richards #automation #logic #named #programming #simulation
SWAP — a programming system for automatic simulation, wiring and placement of logical equations (DLR).

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.