Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Germany
1 × Russia
Collaborated with:
T.K.Sellis L.Mazzola P.Chahuara M.Pedone N.Karayannidis R.Pieringer V.Markl F.Ramsak R.Fenk K.Elhardt R.Bayer
Talks about:
queri (2) transform (1) hierarch (1) geograph (1) resolut (1) process (1) presenc (1) general (1) cluster (1) tempor (1)
Person: Aris Tsois
DBLP: Tsois:Aris
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- MLDM-2014-MazzolaCTP #string
- Resolution of Geographical String Name through Spatio-Temporal Information (LM, PC, AT, MP), pp. 498–512.
- VLDB-2003-TsoisS #dependence #optimisation
- The Generalized Pre-Grouping Transformation: Aggregate-Query Optimization in the Presence of Dependencies (AT, TKS), pp. 644–655.
- VLDB-2002-KarayannidisTSPMRFEB #clustering #query
- Processing Star Queries on Hierarchically-Clustered Fact Tables (NK, AT, TKS, RP, VM, FR, RF, KE, RB), pp. 730–741.