Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Iwayama N.Kando ∅ T.Suzuki T.Takaki T.Ishikawa M.Utiyama M.Yamamoto T.Utsuro Y.Marukawa
Talks about:
retriev (5) patent (5) document (3) mathemat (2) analysi (2) workshop (1) translat (1) structur (1) accuraci (1) newspap (1)
Person: Atsushi Fujii
DBLP: Fujii:Atsushi
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- SIGIR-2009-FujiiUYU #retrieval
- Evaluating effects of machine translation accuracy on cross-lingual patent retrieval (AF, MU, MY, TU), pp. 674–675.
- SIGIR-2007-Fujii #analysis #retrieval
- Enhancing patent retrieval by citation analysis (AF), pp. 793–794.
- CIKM-2004-TakakiFI #analysis #documentation #query #retrieval #topic
- Associative document retrieval by query subtopic analysis and its application to invalidity patent search (TT, AF, TI), pp. 399–405.
- SIGIR-2004-FujiiIK #retrieval
- The patent retrieval task in the fourth NTCIR workshop (AF, MI, NK), pp. 560–561.
- SIGIR-2003-IwayamaFKM #documentation #empirical #modelling #retrieval
- An empirical study on retrieval models for different document genres: patents and newspaper articles (MI, AF, NK, YM), pp. 251–258.
- JCDL-2017-SuzukiF #categorisation #documentation
- Mathematical Document Categorization with Structure of Mathematical Expressions (TS, AF), pp. 119–128.