521 papers:
ECSA-2015-KallelTTDK #architecture #automation #component #constraints #specification- Automatic Translation of Architecture Constraint Specifications into Components (SK, BT, CT, CD, AHK), pp. 322–338.
FASE-2015-AndriescuMI #automaton #data type #using- Composing Message Translators and Inferring Their Data Types Using Tree Automata (EA, TM, VI), pp. 35–50.
FASE-2015-NgoTGG #compilation #validation- Translation Validation for Clock Transformations in a Synchronous Compiler (VCN, JPT, TG, PLG), pp. 171–185.
SANER-2015-DavisWZHW #named #python- Bash2py: A bash to Python translator (IJD, MW, CZ, RCH, TW), pp. 508–511.
SCAM-2015-BanerjeeMS #equivalence #framework #validation- A translation validation framework for symbolic value propagation based equivalence checking of FSMDAs (KB, CAM, DS), pp. 247–252.
SAS-2015-MonniauxA #abstraction #array- A Simple Abstraction of Arrays and Maps by Program Translation (DM, FA), pp. 217–234.
ICGT-2015-RadkeABHT #constraints #graph #invariant #ocl #set- Translating Essential OCL Invariants to Nested Graph Constraints Focusing on Set Operations (HR, TA, JSB, AH, GT), pp. 155–170.
CHI-2015-HaraI #lessons learnt- Effect of Machine Translation in Interlingual Conversation: Lessons from a Formative Study (KH, STI), pp. 3473–3482.
CHI-2015-NissenB #named #process- Data-Things: Digital Fabrication Situated within Participatory Data Translation Activities (BN, JB), pp. 2467–2476.
CHI-2015-TurnerABG #multi- Gaze+RST: Integrating Gaze and Multitouch for Remote Rotate-Scale-Translate Tasks (JT, JA, AB, HG), pp. 4179–4188.
CSCW-2015-GaoXHYCF #collaboration #multi- Two is Better Than One: Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Giving Two Machine Translation Outputs (GG, BX, DCH, ZY, DC, SRF), pp. 852–863.
SIGIR-2015-ParkC #concept #retrieval #using- Using Key Concepts in a Translation Model for Retrieval (JHP, WBC), pp. 927–930.
SAC-2015-CostaCFR #diagrams #modelling #precise #uml- From UML diagrams to simulink models: a precise and verified translation (AC, SAdCC, LF, LR), pp. 1547–1552.
SAC-2015-QueirozH #capacity- Translating full duplexity into capacity gains for the high-priority traffic classes of IEEE 802.11 (SQ, RH), pp. 634–639.
CGO-2015-HawkinsDBZ #optimisation- Optimizing binary translation of dynamically generated code (BH, BD, DB, QZ), pp. 68–78.
CGO-2015-ZhangGCCH #named #performance- HERMES: a fast cross-ISA binary translator with post-optimization (XZ, QG, YC, TC, WH), pp. 246–256.
DAC-2014-SampathRR #c #validation- Translation Validation for Stateflow to C (PS, ACR, SR), p. 6.
DATE-2014-GuoWWH #automation #effectiveness #named #test coverage- EATBit: Effective automated test for binary translation with high code coverage (HG, ZW, CW, RH), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WangLS #named #parallel #semantics- p-OFTL: An object-based semantic-aware parallel flash translation layer (WW, YL, JS), pp. 1–6.
SIGMOD-2014-0001SW #data flow #named #source code- BabbleFlow: a translator for analytic data flow programs (PJ, AS, KW), pp. 713–716.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-LiH #automation #fortran #matlab #named- Mc2FOR: A tool for automatically translating MATLAB to FORTRAN 95 (XL, LJH), pp. 234–243.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-LiH14a #automation #fortran #matlab- Mc2FOR demo: A tool for automatically translating MATLAB to FORTRAN 95 (XL, LJH), pp. 458–463.
MSR-2014-KevicF #source code #taxonomy- A dictionary to translate change tasks to source code (KK, TF), pp. 320–323.
CIAA-2014-Osterholzer #automaton #context-free grammar- Pushdown Machines for Weighted Context-Free Tree Translation (JO), pp. 290–303.
SEFM-2014-WangW #database- Translating Event-B Machines to Database Applications (QW, TW), pp. 265–270.
CHI-2014-NguyenK #matter #multi #performance- Orientation matters: efficiency of translation-rotation multitouch tasks (QN, MK), pp. 2013–2016.
CHI-2014-XuGFC- Improving machine translation by showing two outputs (BX, GG, SRF, DC), pp. 3743–3746.
CSCW-2014-GaoXCF #how #multi- How beliefs about the presence of machine translation impact multilingual collaborations (GG, BX, DC, SRF), pp. 1549–1560.
ICPR-2014-DuCZ #aspect-oriented #identification #using- A Product Aspects Identification Method by Using Translation-Based Language Model (JD, WC, XZ), pp. 2790–2795.
KDD-2014-WeiSZL0 #scalability- Scalable heterogeneous translated hashing (YW, YS, YZ, BL, QY), pp. 791–800.
SIGIR-2014-SokolovHR #learning #query- Learning to translate queries for CLIR (AS, FH, SR), pp. 1179–1182.
ICMT-2014-HermannGNEBMPEE #graph grammar #in the large- Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures (FH, SG, NN, HE, BB, GM, AP, TE, CE), pp. 122–137.
MoDELS-2014-Bergmann #graph #ocl- Translating OCL to Graph Patterns (GB), pp. 670–686.
MoDELS-2014-Bergmann #graph #ocl- Translating OCL to Graph Patterns (GB), pp. 670–686.
Onward-2014-KaraivanovRV #programming language #statistics- Phrase-Based Statistical Translation of Programming Languages (SK, VR, MTV), pp. 173–184.
OOPSLA-2014-RadoiFRS #imperative #pipes and filters- Translating imperative code to MapReduce (CR, SJF, RMR, MS), pp. 909–927.
SAC-2014-HundtSSGD #automation #invariant #named #similarity- GEM: an elastic and translation-invariant similarity measure with automatic trend adjustment (CH, BS, ES, HG, HVD), pp. 105–112.
SAC-2014-RiveraC #java #source code- Translating event-B to JML-specified Java programs (VR, NC), pp. 1264–1271.
ASPLOS-2014-PichaiHB #architecture #cpu #design #memory management- Architectural support for address translation on GPUs: designing memory management units for CPU/GPUs with unified address spaces (BP, LH, AB), pp. 743–758.
HPCA-2014-PhamBEL #clustering- Increasing TLB reach by exploiting clustering in page translations (BP, AB, YE, GHL), pp. 558–567.
HPCA-2014-PowerHW #gpu- Supporting x86-64 address translation for 100s of GPU lanes (JP, MDH, DAW), pp. 568–578.
LCTES-2014-SpinkWFT #code generation #performance- Efficient code generation in a region-based dynamic binary translator (TS, HW, BF, NPT), pp. 3–12.
DAC-2013-LeeH #mobile- An optimized page translation for mobile virtualization (YCL, CwH), p. 6.
DocEng-2013-SilvaSM #html #named #web- NCL4WEB: translating NCL applications to HTML5 web pages (ECOS, JAFdS, DCMS), pp. 253–262.
PLDI-2013-SewellMK #kernel #validation- Translation validation for a verified OS kernel (TALS, MOM, GK), pp. 471–482.
IFM-2013-Lausdahl #alloy- Translating VDM to Alloy (KL), pp. 46–60.
IFL-2013-GijzelN #framework #implementation #modelling #towards #verification- Towards a framework for the implementation and verification of translations between argumentation models (BvG, HN), p. 93.
CHI-2013-GaoWCF #experience- Same translation but different experience: the effects of highlighting on machine-translated conversations (GG, HCW, DC, SRF), pp. 449–458.
CHI-2013-GreenHM- The efficacy of human post-editing for language translation (SG, JH, CDM), pp. 439–448.
CHI-2013-LeeC #realtime- Real-time perception-level translation from audio signals to vibrotactile effects (JL, SC), pp. 2567–2576.
CSCW-2013-Hautasaari #analysis #process #quote #wiki- “Could someone please translate this?”: activity analysis of wikipedia article translation by non-experts (AMJH), pp. 945–954.
CSCW-2013-WangFC #idea- Machine translation vs. common language: effects on idea exchange in cross-lingual groups (HCW, SRF, DC), pp. 935–944.
CIKM-2013-TuLLHL #information retrieval #modelling #proximity #statistics- Exploiting proximity feature in statistical translation models for information retrieval (XT, JL, BL, TH, ML), pp. 1237–1240.
ECIR-2013-NikoulinaC #adaptation #information retrieval #modelling #statistics- Domain Adaptation of Statistical Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data for Cross Lingual Information Retrieval (VN, SC), pp. 768–771.
ECIR-2013-RahimiS #approach #corpus #modelling- A Language Modeling Approach for Extracting Translation Knowledge from Comparable Corpora (RR, AS), pp. 606–617.
SIGIR-2013-TureL #information retrieval #modelling- Flat vs. hierarchical phrase-based translation models for cross-language information retrieval (FT, JJL), pp. 813–816.
ICMT-2013-HermannGNBMPE #automation #graph grammar #on the #using- On an Automated Translation of Satellite Procedures Using Triple Graph Grammars (FH, SG, NN, BB, GM, AP, TE), pp. 50–51.
OOPSLA-2013-UrecheTO #morphism #named #parametricity #polymorphism #trade-off- Miniboxing: improving the speed to code size tradeoff in parametric polymorphism translations (VU, CT, MO), pp. 73–92.
SAC-2013-LeeJS #locality- Demand-based flash translation layer considering spatial locality (YL, TJ, IS), pp. 1550–1551.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenNN #migration #statistics- Lexical statistical machine translation for language migration (ATN, TTN, TNN), pp. 651–654.
LCTES-2013-WangLWS #hybrid #memory management #named #reduction- FTL2: a hybrid flash translation layer with logging for write reduction in flash memory (TW, DL, YW, ZS), pp. 91–100.
SOSP-2013-KediaB #kernel #performance- Fast dynamic binary translation for the kernel (PK, SB), pp. 101–115.
CADE-2013-KovasznaiFB #quantifier- : A Tool for Polynomially Translating Quantifier-Free Bit-Vector Formulas into (GK, AF, AB), pp. 443–449.
CAV-2013-UhlerD #automation #named #query #smt #symbolic computation- Smten: Automatic Translation of High-Level Symbolic Computations into SMT Queries (RU, ND), pp. 678–683.
CSL-2013-Kikuchi #nondeterminism #normalisation #proving #λ-calculus- Proving Strong Normalisation via Non-deterministic Translations into Klop’s Extended λ-Calculus (KK), pp. 395–414.
LICS-2013-FioreH #algebra #equation #logic #multi #polymorphism #semantics #syntax- Multiversal Polymorphic Algebraic Theories: Syntax, Semantics, Translations, and Equational Logic (MPF, MH), pp. 520–529.
DATE-2012-PomataMTRL #design #performance- Exploiting binary translation for fast ASIP design space exploration on FPGAs (SP, PM, GT, LR, ML), pp. 566–569.
SIGMOD-2012-KokkalisVZSKI #named #query- Logos: a system for translating queries into narratives (AK, PV, AZ, AS, GK, YEI), pp. 673–676.
TACAS-2012-BabiakKRS #automaton #ltl #performance- LTL to Büchi Automata Translation: Fast and More Deterministic (TB, MK, VR, JS), pp. 95–109.
WCRE-2012-TrudelFN #automation #c #eiffel- Automatic C to O-O Translation with C2Eiffel (MT, CAF, MN), pp. 501–502.
WCRE-2012-TrudelFNMO #c- C to O-O Translation: Beyond the Easy Stuff (MT, CAF, MN, BM, MO), pp. 19–28.
PEPM-2012-JainZS #nondeterminism- Translating flowcharts to non-deterministic languages (SKJ, CZ, BS), pp. 155–162.
IFM-2012-DiaconescuLPSS #interactive- Refinement-Preserving Translation from Event-B to Register-Voice Interactive Systems (DD, IL, LP, KS, GS), pp. 221–236.
IFM-2012-HansenL #validation- Translating TLA + to B for Validation with ProB (DH, ML), pp. 24–38.
CHI-2012-OdomSHT #comprehension #in the cloud- Lost in translation: understanding the possession of digital things in the cloud (WO, AS, RHRH, ET), pp. 781–790.
CSCW-2012-AmbatiVC #collaboration #crowdsourcing #workflow- Collaborative workflow for crowdsourcing translation (VA, SV, JGC), pp. 1191–1194.
ICEIS-v2-2012-HanadaOKM #java #ml #ocl #uml- Practical Application of a Translation Tool from UML/OCL to Java Skeleton with JML Annotation (KH, KO, SK, KM), pp. 389–394.
CIKM-2012-HuangKCMGR #recommendation- Recommending citations: translating papers into references (WH, SK, CC, PM, CLG, LR), pp. 1910–1914.
CIKM-2012-WangQD #automation #clustering #documentation #using- Improving document clustering using automated machine translation (XW, BQ, ID), pp. 645–653.
ECIR-2012-KarimzadehganZ #analysis #axiom #information retrieval- Axiomatic Analysis of Translation Language Model for Information Retrieval (MK, CZ), pp. 268–280.
ICPR-2012-CaoCDPN #documentation #recognition- Document recognition and translation system for unconstrained Arabic documents (HC, JC, JD, RP, PN), pp. 318–321.
KEOD-2012-BachaZ- Machine Translation System on the Pair of Arabic / English (KB, MZ), pp. 347–351.
KR-2012-BaralD #automation #how #learning #programming #set- Solving Puzzles Described in English by Automated Translation to Answer Set Programming and Learning How to Do that Translation (CB, JD).
SIGIR-2012-TureLO #information retrieval- Looking inside the box: context-sensitive translation for cross-language information retrieval (FT, JJL, DWO), pp. 1105–1106.
SIGIR-2012-YalnizM- Finding translations in scanned book collections (IZY, RM), pp. 465–474.
ICMT-2012-WagelaarIRP #co-evolution #emf #semantics #virtual machine- Translational Semantics of a Co-evolution Specific Language with the EMF Transformation Virtual Machine (DW, LI, DDR, AP), pp. 192–207.
TOOLS-EUROPE-J-2011-IngesmanE12 #calculus #java #morphism #polymorphism- Lifted Java: A Minimal Calculus for Translation Polymorphism (MDI, EE), pp. 1–23.
SAC-2012-CatanoWRRY #ml #specification- Translating B machines to JML specifications (NC, TW, CR, VR, DY), pp. 1271–1277.
ICSE-2012-Faghih #modelling- Model translations among big-step modeling languages (FF), pp. 1555–1558.
ASPLOS-2012-FeinerBG #kernel- Comprehensive kernel instrumentation via dynamic binary translation (PF, ADB, AG), pp. 135–146.
CGO-2012-HongHYWHLWC #concurrent #multi #named #thread- HQEMU: a multi-threaded and retargetable dynamic binary translator on multicores (DYH, CCH, PCY, JJW, WCH, PL, CMW, YCC), pp. 104–113.
LCTES-2012-KyleBFLT #embedded #manycore #set #simulation #using- Efficiently parallelizing instruction set simulation of embedded multi-core processors using region-based just-in-time dynamic binary translation (SCK, IB, BF, HL, NPT), pp. 21–30.
DAC-2011-KinsmanN #configuration management #on the fly- Dynamic binary translation to a reconfigurable target for on-the-fly acceleration (PK, NN), pp. 286–287.
DAC-2011-QinWLSG #memory management #named #performance- MNFTL: an efficient flash translation layer for MLC NAND flash memory storage systems (ZQ, YW, DL, ZS, YG), pp. 17–22.
DATE-2011-MichelFP #embedded #simulation- Speeding-up SIMD instructions dynamic binary translation in embedded processor simulation (LM, NF, FP), pp. 277–280.
DATE-2011-WangLQS #memory management #reuse- An endurance-enhanced Flash Translation Layer via reuse for NAND flash memory storage systems (YW, DL, ZQ, ZS), pp. 14–19.
ICDAR-2011-DuHSS #using- Snap and Translate Using Windows Phone (JD, QH, LS, JS), pp. 809–813.
ICDAR-2011-GenzelPSJSIT- Translation-Inspired OCR (DG, ACP, NS, MJ, AWS, EI, FYFT), pp. 1339–1343.
SIGMOD-2011-MaFL #memory management #named- LazyFTL: a page-level flash translation layer optimized for NAND flash memory (DM, JF, GL), pp. 1–12.
PLDI-2011-BohmKKFT #compilation #parallel #using- Generalized just-in-time trace compilation using a parallel task farm in a dynamic binary translator (IB, TJKEvK, SCK, BF, NPT), pp. 74–85.
PLDI-2011-TristanGM #validation- Evaluating value-graph translation validation for LLVM (JBT, PG, GM), pp. 295–305.
SEFM-2011-GarisCR #alloy #diagrams #ocl #specification #uml- Translating Alloy Specifications to UML Class Diagrams Annotated with OCL (AGG, AC, DR), pp. 221–236.
ICFP-2011-AhmedB #continuation #multi #semantics- An equivalence-preserving CPS translation via multi-language semantics (AA, MB), pp. 431–444.
CHI-2011-HuBRK #named- MonoTrans2: a new human computation system to support monolingual translation (CH, BBB, PR, YK), pp. 1133–1136.
HCI-ITE-2011-MiyabeY #people #question- Can Indicating Translation Accuracy Encourage People to Rectify Inaccurate Translations? (MM, TY), pp. 368–377.
CAiSE-2011-CaresF #approach #metamodelling- A Metamodelling Approach for i* Model Translations (CC, XF), pp. 337–351.
CIKM-2011-KimJHSZ #approach #corpus #graph #mining- Mining entity translations from comparable corpora: a holistic graph mapping approach (JK, LJ, SwH, YIS, MZ), pp. 1295–1304.
CIKM-2011-LuHSY #recommendation- Recommending citations with translation model (YL, JH, DS, HY), pp. 2017–2020.
CIKM-2011-MagdyJ #performance #using- An efficient method for using machine translation technologies in cross-language patent search (WM, GJFJ), pp. 1925–1928.
CIKM-2011-RiveroHRC #benchmark #metric #on the #ontology #semantics- On benchmarking data translation systems for semantic-web ontologies (CRR, IH, DR, RC), pp. 1613–1618.
ECIR-2011-HefnyDA #exclamation #query- Is a Query Worth Translating: Ask the Users! (AH, KD, AA), pp. 238–250.
ECIR-2011-HerbertSG #information retrieval #query- Combining Query Translation Techniques to Improve Cross-Language Information Retrieval (BH, GS, IG), pp. 712–715.
KEOD-2011-CruzN #graph #ontology #xml- A Graph-based Tool for the Translation of XML Data to OWL-DL Ontologies (CC, CN), pp. 361–364.
SEKE-2011-YooLJC #independence #named #source code- FBDtoVerilog: A Vendor-Independent Translation from FBDs into Verilog Programs (JY, JHL, SJ, SDC), pp. 48–51.
SIGIR-2011-NaN #documentation #information retrieval #representation- Enriching document representation via translation for improved monolingual information retrieval (SHN, HTN), pp. 853–862.
ECMFA-2011-BajwaL #constraints #ocl- Transformation Rules for Translating Business Rules to OCL Constraints (ISB, MGL), pp. 132–143.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-IngesmanE #calculus #java #morphism #polymorphism- Lifted Java: A Minimal Calculus for Translation Polymorphism (MDI, EE), pp. 179–193.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-TrudelOFN #automation #eiffel #java #source code- Automated Translation of Java Source Code to Eiffel (MT, MO, CAF, MN), pp. 20–35.
POPL-2011-ChoiAYT #multi #source code #static analysis- Static analysis of multi-staged programs via unstaging translation (WC, BA, KY, MT), pp. 81–92.
POPL-2011-Pottier- A typed store-passing translation for general references (FP), pp. 147–158.
SAC-2011-ChungPK #memory management #performance #scalability- LSTAFF*: an efficient flash translation layer for large block flash memory (TSC, DJP, JK), pp. 589–594.
CC-2011-Axelsen #imperative #programming language- Clean Translation of an Imperative Reversible Programming Language (HBA), pp. 144–163.
CADE-2011-ClaessenLS #first-order #logic- Sort It Out with Monotonicity — Translating between Many-Sorted and Unsorted First-Order Logic (KC, AL, NS), pp. 207–221.
CADE-2011-Ranta #logic #what- Translating between Language and Logic: What Is Easy and What Is Difficult (AR), pp. 5–25.
CAV-2011-SteppTL #validation- Equality-Based Translation Validator for LLVM (MS, RT, SL), pp. 737–742.
SAT-2011-Aavani #constraints #pseudo- Translating Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (AA), pp. 357–359.
CASE-2010-YangO #design #parallel- Singularity-free workspace design for the translational 3-UPU parallel robot (YY, JFO), pp. 222–227.
SAS-2010-Goldberg #framework #in memory #memory management #optimisation #pipes and filters #validation- Translation Validation of Loop Optimizations and Software Pipelining in the TVOC Framework — In Memory of Amir Pnueli (BG), pp. 6–21.
IFM-2010-MateescuS #π-calculus- Translating π-Calculus into LOTOS NT (RM, GS), pp. 229–244.
IFM-2010-MilhauFGL- Systematic Translation Rules from astd to Event-B (JM, MF, FG, RL), pp. 245–259.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-LemosCV #query #relational #sql #using #xml- Using SQL/XML for Efficiently Translating Queries over XML View of Relational Data (FCL, CC, VMPV), pp. 269–274.
CIKM-2010-GaoHN #modelling #web #word- Clickthrough-based translation models for web search: from word models to phrase models (JG, XH, JYN), pp. 1139–1148.
CIKM-2010-KaluarachchiVBWPF #evolution #query #retrieval- Incorporating terminology evolution for query translation in text retrieval with association rules (ACK, ASV, SJB, GW, JP, AF), pp. 1789–1792.
ECIR-2010-KnothCSZ #multi #named #retrieval- EUROGENE: Multilingual Retrieval and Machine Translation Applied to Human Genetics (PK, TDC, ES, ZZ), pp. 670–671.
ECIR-2010-SaralegiL #query #web- Estimating Translation Probabilities from the Web for Structured Queries on CLIR (XS, MLdL), pp. 586–589.
ECIR-2010-Shi #information retrieval #mining #web- Mining OOV Translations from Mixed-Language Web Pages for Cross Language Information Retrieval (LS), pp. 471–482.
ICML-2010-VogtPFR #clustering #distance #invariant #process- The Translation-invariant Wishart-Dirichlet Process for Clustering Distance Data (JEV, SP, TJF, VR), pp. 1111–1118.
ICPR-2010-GongLTPLLTZ #automation #framework #image #statistics- Automatic Pathology Annotation on Medical Images: A Statistical Machine Translation Framework (TG, SL, CLT, BCP, CCTL, CKL, QT, ZZ), pp. 2504–2507.
ICPR-2010-Gonzalez-RubioC #multi #on the #string- On the Use of Median String for Multi-source Translation (JGR, FC), pp. 4328–4331.
SIGIR-2010-KarimzadehganZ #ad hoc #estimation #information retrieval #modelling #statistics- Estimation of statistical translation models based on mutual information for ad hoc information retrieval (MK, CZ), pp. 323–330.
SIGIR-2010-LeeCKC #question- To translate or not to translate? (CJL, CHC, SHK, PJC), pp. 651–658.
PPDP-2010-Martinez #concurrent #constraints #linear #programming #semantics- Semantics-preserving translations between linear concurrent constraint programming and constraint handling rules (TM), pp. 57–66.
RE-2010-Kof #automation #documentation #interactive #modelling #requirements- From Requirements Documents to System Models: A Tool for Interactive Semi-Automatic Translation (LK), pp. 391–392.
SAC-2010-Brunthaler #performance- Efficient inline caching without dynamic translation (SB), pp. 2155–2156.
SAC-2010-MaoH #robust #web- A robust link-translating proxy server mirroring the whole web (ZM, CH), pp. 818–825.
SAC-2010-SiderisMP #hardware #java- A hardware peripheral for Java bytecodes translation acceleration (IS, NKM, KZP), pp. 552–553.
FSE-2010-WangZXMS #constant #string #web- Locating need-to-translate constant strings in web applications (XW, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 87–96.
LDTA-J-2007-CamachoMBV #automation #generative #tool support #using #verification- Automated generation of program translation and verification tools using annotated grammars (DOC, KM, MvdB, JJV), pp. 3–20.
SLE-2010-JohnstoneS10a #generative #using- Translator Generation Using ART (AJ, ES), pp. 306–315.
ASPLOS-2010-RomanescuLS #consistency #memory management #specification #verification- Specifying and dynamically verifying address translation-aware memory consistency (BFR, ARL, DJS), pp. 323–334.
HPCA-2010-RomanescuLSB #protocol- UNified Instruction/Translation/Data (UNITD) coherence: One protocol to rule them all (BFR, ARL, DJS, AB), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2010-GuanYCGLC #distributed #named- DistriBit: a distributed dynamic binary translator system for thin client computing (HG, YY, KC, YG, LL, YC), pp. 684–691.
LCTES-2010-BrandtSS #concurrent #specification- Translating concurrent action oriented specifications to synchronous guarded actions (JB, KS, SKS), pp. 47–56.
LCTES-2010-WangLWQSG #memory management #named- RNFTL: a reuse-aware NAND flash translation layer for flash memory (YW, DL, MW, ZQ, ZS, YG), pp. 163–172.
ICLP-J-2010-DrescherW #approach #constraints #set- A translational approach to constraint answer set solving (CD, TW), pp. 465–480.
ASE-2009-BalasubramanianJ #semantics- Lost in Translation: Forgetful Semantic Anchoring (DB, EKJ), pp. 645–649.
DAC-2009-BaiocchiC #in memory #memory management #using- Heterogeneous code cache: using scratchpad and main memory in dynamic binary translators (JB, BRC), pp. 744–749.
DATE-2009-ChoSE #memory management #named #realtime- KAST: K-associative sector translation for NAND flash memory in real-time systems (HjC, DS, YIE), pp. 507–512.
DATE-2009-MylavarapuCSLG #file system #named- FSAF: File system aware flash translation layer for NAND Flash Memories (SKM, SC, AS, JL, TG), pp. 399–404.
PEPM-2009-DavidGC #calculus #exception #optimisation- Translation and optimization for a core calculus with exceptions (CD, CG, WNC), pp. 41–50.
FM-2009-Eshuis #petri net- Translating Safe Petri Nets to Statecharts in a Structure-Preserving Way (RE), pp. 239–255.
IFM-2009-ZeydaC #diagrams- Mechanised Translation of Control Law Diagrams into Circus (FZ, AC), pp. 151–166.
CHI-2009-YamashitaIKI #multi #using- Difficulties in establishing common ground in multiparty groups using machine translation (NY, RI, HK, TI), pp. 679–688.
HCD-2009-WallineL #design #experience #metric- Translating Subjective Data to Objective Measures to Drive Product Design and Experience (EKW, BL), pp. 351–356.
IDGD-2009-Ellis #case study- A Case Study in Community-Driven Translation of a Fast-Changing Website (DE), pp. 236–244.
SIGAda-2009-Mentis #ada #api #type safety- A robotics API dialect for type-safe robots: translating Myro to Ada (ASM), pp. 91–102.
CIKM-2009-AgarwalGHJK- Translating relevance scores to probabilities for contextual advertising (DA, EG, RH, VJ, RK), pp. 1899–1902.
CIKM-2009-DalviKPT- A translation model for matching reviews to objects (NND, RK, BP, AT), pp. 167–176.
SEKE-2009-SloanKV- An Extendible Translation of BPEL to a Machine-verifiable Model (JCS, TMK, AV), pp. 344–349.
SIGIR-2009-FujiiUYU #retrieval- Evaluating effects of machine translation accuracy on cross-lingual patent retrieval (AF, MU, MY, TU), pp. 674–675.
SIGIR-2009-NohPYLP #automation #folksonomy #multi #network #using- An automatic translation of tags for multimedia contents using folksonomy networks (TGN, SBP, HGY, SJL, SYP), pp. 492–499.
REFSQ-2009-Kof #automaton #modelling #specification- Translation of Textual Specifications to Automata by Means of Discourse Context Modeling (LK), pp. 197–211.
ICSE-2009-WangZXMS #constant #string- Locating need-to-translate constant strings for software internationalization (XW, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 353–363.
ICSE-2009-WangZXMS09a #automation #named #string- TranStrL: An automatic need-to-translate string locator for software internationalization (XW, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 555–558.
ASPLOS-2009-GuptaKU #named- DFTL: a flash translation layer employing demand-based selective caching of page-level address mappings (AG, YK, BU), pp. 229–240.
CGO-2009-BoissinotDRDG #correctness #performance #quality- Revisiting Out-of-SSA Translation for Correctness, Code Quality and Efficiency (BB, AD, FR, BDdD, CG), pp. 114–125.
CGO-2009-LiWH #data access #evaluation- An Evaluation of Misaligned Data Access Handling Mechanisms in Dynamic Binary Translation Systems (JL, CW, WCH), pp. 180–189.
PPoPP-2009-LeeME #automation #compilation #framework #optimisation- OpenMP to GPGPU: a compiler framework for automatic translation and optimization (SL, SJM, RE), pp. 101–110.
CAV-2009-RyabtsevS #c #validation- Translation Validation: From Simulink to C (MR, OS), pp. 696–701.
TLCA-2009-Miquel- Relating Classical Realizability and Negative Translation for Existential Witness Extraction (AM), pp. 188–202.
ASE-2008-CamachoM #automation #named #using- APPAREIL: A Tool for Building Automated Program Translators Using Annotated Grammars (DOC, KM), pp. 489–490.
DAC-2008-Larson- Translation of an existing VMM-based SystemVerilog testbench to OVM (KDL), p. 237.
VLDB-2008-HernandezPT- Data exchange with data-metadata translations (MAH, PP, WCT), pp. 260–273.
ESOP-2008-BartheK #abstract interpretation- Certificate Translation in Abstract Interpretation (GB, CK), pp. 368–382.
FASE-2008-LaraV #analysis #modelling- Translating Model Simulators to Analysis Models (JdL, HV), pp. 77–92.
TACAS-2008-LiS- Trusted Source Translation of a Total Function Language (GL, KS), pp. 471–485.
FLOPS-2008-Kobayashi08a #backtracking #continuation- A New Translation for Semi-classical Theories — Backtracking without CPS (SK), pp. 210–223.
CIAA-2008-NishiyamaM #html- A Translation from the HTML DTD into a Regular Hedge Grammar (TN, YM), pp. 122–131.
FM-2008-PonsiniS #modelling #semantics- A Schedulerless Semantics of TLM Models Written in SystemC Via Translation into LOTOS (OP, WS), pp. 278–293.
ICFP-2008-ChargueraudP #calculus #functional- Functional translation of a calculus of capabilities (AC, FP), pp. 213–224.
GT-VMT-2006-WinkelmannTEK08 #constraints #generative #graph grammar #metamodelling #ocl #strict- Translation of Restricted OCL Constraints into Graph Constraints for Generating Meta Model Instances by Graph Grammars (JW, GT, KE, JMK), pp. 159–170.
CIKM-2008-HeW #feedback #information retrieval- Translation enhancement: a new relevance feedback method for cross-language information retrieval (DH, DW), pp. 729–738.
ECIR-2008-LoponenPJK #implementation #novel- A Novel Implementation of the FITE-TRT Translation Method (AL, AP, KJ, HK), pp. 138–149.
ICPR-2008-LiLS #feature model #invariant #recognition- Redundant DWT based translation invariant wavelet feature extraction for face recognition (DL, HL, ZS), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-Argote-GarciaCHFS #approach #architecture #formal method- A Formal Approach for Translating a SAM Architecture to PROMELA (GAG, PJC, XH, YF, LS), pp. 440–447.
SEKE-2008-LiYB #aspect-oriented #owl- Translating OWL Specified Domain Knowledge to Aspect Oriented Model (JL, XY, XB), pp. 203–208.
SEKE-2008-NavarroMFC #design #diagrams #web #workflow- Translating Workflow Diagrams into Web Designs (AN, JM, AFV, JC), pp. 667–672.
SIGIR-2008-HuCBLCY #mining #query #web- Web query translation via web log mining (RH, WC, PB, YL, ZC, QY), pp. 749–750.
SIGIR-2008-WuH #interactive #named- Ice-tea: an interactive cross-language search engine with translation enhancement (DW, DH), p. 882.
BX-2008-Diskin1 #algebra #semantics- Algebraic Semantics for Model Translation (ZD), p. 34.
ICMT-2008-RomeikatRMB #qvt- Translation of QVT Relations into QVT Operational Mappings (RR, SR, PM, BB), pp. 137–151.
POPL-2008-TristanL #case study #optimisation #scheduling #validation #verification- Formal verification of translation validators: a case study on instruction scheduling optimizations (JBT, XL), pp. 17–27.
SAC-2008-ZhouTBAG #ambiguity #graph #named #query- Gcon: a graph-based technique for resolving ambiguity in query translation candidates (DZ, MT, TJB, HA, JG), pp. 1566–1573.
CC-2008-WangYW #compilation #legacy #optimisation #transaction- Supporting Legacy Binary Code in a Software Transaction Compiler with Dynamic Binary Translation and Optimization (CW, VY, YW), pp. 291–306.
HPCA-2008-ChungDKK #memory management #thread #transaction #using- Thread-safe dynamic binary translation using transactional memory (JC, MD, HK, CK), pp. 279–289.
OSDI-2008-BansalA #using- Binary Translation Using Peephole Superoptimizers (SB, AA), pp. 177–192.
SIGMOD-2007-AtzeniCG #independence #named- MIDST: model independent schema and data translation (PA, PC, GG), pp. 1134–1136.
ITiCSE-2007-Dickinson07b #navigation- Is the shortcut the quickest way to go?: translating instructions for keyboard navigation and other stories (AD), p. 358.
CIAA-2007-SteinbyT #morphism- Syntax-Directed Translations and Quasi-alphabetic Tree Bimorphisms (MS, CIT), pp. 265–276.
IFM-2007-SalaunKLM #automaton #network- Translating FSP into LOTOS and Networks of Automata (GS, JK, FL, JM), pp. 558–578.
ICFP-2007-Leijen #system f- A type directed translation of MLF to system F (DL), pp. 111–122.
DHM-2007-GaoABPM #experience #requirements #user interface- Translating User Experience to Requirements (JG, GJA, BWB, RP, DM), pp. 392–398.
CAiSE-2007-PapottiT #automation #generative- Automatic Generation of Model Translations (PP, RT), pp. 36–50.
CIKM-2007-CaoGNB #markov #modelling #query- Extending query translation to cross-language query expansion with markov chain models (GC, JG, JYN, JB), pp. 351–360.
CIKM-2007-WangG #image #topic #word- Translating topics to words for image annotation (YW, SG), pp. 995–998.
SEKE-2007-FuDASH #approach #correctness #java #validation- An Approach to Validating Translation Correctness From SAM to Java (YF, ZD, GAG, LS, XH), p. 45–?.
SEKE-2007-LeitaoTB #named #natural language #specification #testing- NLForSpec: Translating Natural Language Descriptions into Formal Test Case Specifications (DL, DT, FdAB), pp. 129–134.
SEKE-2007-TeekayuphunS #approach #hybrid #natural language #query- A Hybrid Approach for Natural Language Query Translation (PT, OS), pp. 368–373.
OOPSLA-2007-BiermanMT #c# #formal method- Lost in translation: formalizing proposed extensions to c# (GMB, EM, MT), pp. 479–498.
PPDP-2007-Hanus #declarative #javascript #programming #web- Putting declarative programming into the web: translating curry to javascript (MH), pp. 155–166.
SAC-2007-CleenewerckK #domain-specific language #semantics- Separation of concerns in translational semantics for DSLs in model engineering (TC, IK), pp. 985–992.
SAC-2007-LuXG #ambiguity- Translation disambiguation in web-based translation extraction for English-Chinese CLIR (CL, YX, SG), pp. 819–823.
CGO-2007-Fang #parallel #programming- Parallel Programming Environment: A Key to Translating Tera-Scale Platforms into a Big Success (JF), p. 18.
CGO-2007-HiserWHDMC #branch- Evaluating Indirect Branch Handling Mechanisms in Software Dynamic Translation Systems (JH, DWW, WH, JWD, JM, BRC), pp. 61–73.
LCTES-2007-AliasBD #array #implementation #text-to-text- Bee+Cl@k: an implementation of lattice-based array contraction in the source-to-source translator rose (CA, FB, AD), pp. 73–82.
PPoPP-2007-Fang #parallel #programming- Parallel programming environment: a key to translating tera-scale platforms into a big success (JZF), p. 1.
VLDB-2006-WarrenT #database #multi #string- Multi-column Substring Matching for Database Schema Translation (RHW, FWT), pp. 331–342.
ITiCSE-2006-Robetaling #named #user interface- Translator: a package for internationalization for java-based applications and GUIs (GR), p. 312.
SCAM-2006-JacobsL #c #metaprogramming #semantics- SMART C: A Semantic Macro Replacement Translator for C (MJ, ECL), pp. 95–106.
WCRE-2006-Ribic #concept #decompiler #embedded #equivalence #execution #implementation #programming language- Concept and implementation of the programming language and translator, for embedded systems, based on machine code decompilation and equivalence between source and executable code (SR), pp. 307–308.
SAS-2006-BartheGKR #compilation #optimisation- Certificate Translation for Optimizing Compilers (GB, BG, CK, TR), pp. 301–317.
FM-2006-FreitasC #automation #java- Automatic Translation from Circus to Java (AF, AC), pp. 115–130.
CSCW-2006-YamashitaI #collaboration- Effects of machine translation on collaborative work (NY, TI), pp. 515–524.
CAiSE-2006-MergenH #taxonomy- Data Translation Between Taxonomies (SLSM, CAH), pp. 111–124.
CAiSE-2006-OuyangDBH #modelling #process #standard- Translating Standard Process Models to BPEL (CO, MD, SB, AHMtH), pp. 417–432.
EDOC-2006-MilosevicSO #contract #process- Translating business contract into compliant business processes (ZM, SWS, MEO), pp. 211–220.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-BettentruppGGBG #prototype #xquery- A Prototype for Translating XSLT into XQuery (RB, SG, JG, SB, LG), pp. 22–29.
CIKM-2006-KadriN #estimation #information retrieval #query- Improving query translation with confidence estimation for cross language information retrieval (YK, JYN), pp. 818–819.
ICPR-v1-2006-QinL #algorithm- An Improved Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machine Based Translation Algorithm for BCI Systems (JQ, YL), pp. 1240–1243.
ICPR-v1-2006-SibiryakovB #analysis #multi #realtime- Real-Time Multi-Frame Analysis of Dominant Translation (AS, MB), pp. 55–58.
SEKE-2006-BokhariP #analysis #modelling #petri net #uml- Translation of UML Models to Object Coloured Petri Nets with a view to Analysis (AB, WFSP), pp. 568–571.
SEKE-2006-MokhatiBG #approach #diagrams #maude #specification #uml- Translating UML Diagrams Into Maude Formal Specifications: A Systematic Approach (FM, MB, PG), pp. 572–577.
SIGIR-2006-GaoN #case study #modelling #query #statistics- A study of statistical models for query translation: finding a good unit of translation (JG, JYN), pp. 194–201.
SIGIR-2006-WangO #bidirectional #information retrieval- Combining bidirectional translation and synonymy for cross-language information retrieval (JW, DWO), pp. 202–209.
PADL-2006-NagyLS #logic #prolog #query- Translating Description Logic Queries to Prolog (ZN, GL, PS), pp. 168–182.
SAC-2006-LejdforsO #embedded #generative #gpu #implementation- Implementing an embedded GPU language by combining translation and generation (CL, LO), pp. 1610–1614.
SAC-2006-PirkolaTKJ #named #quality #word- FITE-TRT: a high quality translation technique for OOV words (AP, JT, HK, KJ), pp. 1043–1049.
SAC-2006-StutsmanGAG- Lost in just the translation (RS, CG, MJA, KG), pp. 338–345.
LDTA-2006-CamachoMBV #automation- Automated Derivation of Translators From Annotated Grammars (DOC, KM, MvdB, JJV), pp. 121–137.
CC-2006-GuoWWBOVCA #ambiguity #memory management #runtime- Selective Runtime Memory Disambiguation in a Dynamic Binary Translator (BG, YW, CW, MJB, GO, NV, JC, DIA), pp. 65–79.
CGO-2006-LiZXH #optimisation- Optimizing Dynamic Binary Translation for SIMD Instructions (JL, QZ, SX, BH), pp. 269–280.
CAV-2006-RosuB #linear #logic #ltl #monitoring #synthesis- Allen Linear (Interval) Temporal Logic — Translation to LTL and Monitor Synthesis (GR, SB), pp. 263–277.
TestCom-2006-El-FakihPY #automaton- FSM Test Translation Through Context (KEF, AP, NY), pp. 245–258.
DAC-2005-BeckC #configuration management- Dynamic reconfiguration with binary translation: breaking the ILP barrier with software compatibility (ACSB, LC), pp. 732–737.
DATE-2005-SchnerrBR #agile #prototype #simulation- Cycle Accurate Binary Translation for Simulation Acceleration in Rapid Prototyping of SoCs (JS, OB, WR), pp. 792–797.
DocEng-2005-ChoumaneBR #editing- Integrating translation services within a structured editor (AC, HB, CR), pp. 165–167.
HT-2005-RampBB #adaptation #hypermedia- High-level translation of adaptive hypermedia applications (ER, PDB, PB), pp. 126–128.
ICDAR-2005-TakiguchiOM #comprehension #layout #recognition #semantics- A Fundamental Study of Output Translation from Layout Recognition and Semantic Understanding System for Mathematical Formulae (YT, MO, YM), pp. 745–749.
VLDB-2005-BernsteinMM #interactive- Interactive Schema Translation with Instance-Level Mappings (PAB, SM, PM), pp. 1283–1286.
VLDB-2005-FanYLLR #query #recursion #sql #xpath- Query Translation from XPath to SQL in the Presence of Recursive DTDs (WF, JXY, HL, JL, RR), pp. 337–348.
CSEET-2005-Cowling #approach #diagrams #formal method- Translating Diagrams: A New Approach to Introducing Formal Methods (AJC), pp. 121–128.
IFM-2005-SalaunS #algebra #hardware #process #standard- Translating Hardware Process Algebras into Standard Process Algebras: Illustration with CHP and LOTOS (GS, WS), pp. 287–306.
CHI-2005-KrugerCST #integration- Fluid integration of rotation and translation (RK, MSTC, SDS, AT), pp. 601–610.
ECIR-2005-KutsumiYKSI #ambiguity- Acquisition of Translation Knowledge of Syntactically Ambiguous Named Entity (TK, TY, KK, IS, HI), pp. 533–535.
SEKE-2005-SenachakSOF #java- Provably Correct Translation from CafeOBJ into Java (JS, TS, KO, KF), pp. 614–619.
SIGIR-2005-JinC #information retrieval #online #using- Study of cross lingual information retrieval using on-line translation systems (RJ, JYC), pp. 619–620.
SIGIR-2005-McNameeM #word- Translating pieces of words (PM, JM), pp. 643–644.
SIGIR-2005-MonzD #ambiguity #information retrieval- Iterative translation disambiguation for cross-language information retrieval (CM, BJD), pp. 520–527.
SIGIR-2005-ZhangHV #mining #query #web- Mining translations of OOV terms from the web through cross-lingual query expansion (YZ, FH, SV), pp. 669–670.
SAC-2005-NeisseAGT #network #policy- Policies translation for integrated management of grids and networks (RN, MJBA, LZG, LMRT), pp. 724–729.
LCTES-2005-Oi #design #hardware #java #on the #virtual machine- On the design of the local variable cache in a hardware translation-based java virtual machine (HO), pp. 87–94.
CAV-2005-BarrettFGHPZ #compilation #named #optimisation #validation- TVOC: A Translation Validator for Optimizing Compilers (CWB, YF, BG, YH, AP, LDZ), pp. 291–295.
DAC-2004-MittalZTB #automation- Automatic translation of software binaries onto FPGAs (GM, DZ, XT, PB), pp. 389–394.
DATE-v1-2004-Velev #performance #verification- Exploiting Signal Unobservability for Efficient Translation to CNF in Formal Verification of Microprocessors (MNV), pp. 266–271.
DATE-v2-2004-ShoganC- Compact Binaries with Code Compression in a Software Dynamic Translator (SS, BRC), pp. 1052–1059.
VLDB-2004-KementsietsidisA #query- Data Sharing Through Query Translation in Autonomous Sources (AK, MA), pp. 468–479.
VLDB-2004-KrishnamurthyKN #performance #query #question- Efficient XML-to-SQL Query Translation: Where to Add the Intelligence? (RK, RK, JFN), pp. 144–155.
FASE-2004-MoldtO #automation #named #petri net- DaGen: A Tool for Automatic Translation from DAML-S to High-Level Petri Nets (DM, JO), pp. 209–213.
FASE-2004-XieLKB #design #model checking- Translating Software Designs for Model Checking (FX, VL, RPK, JCB), pp. 324–338.
ICFP-2004-TseZ #dependence #parametricity- Translating dependency into parametricity (ST, SZ), pp. 115–125.
ICGT-2004-CorradiniDFR #graph transformation #java- Translating Java Code to Graph Transformation Systems (AC, FLD, LF, LR), pp. 383–398.
CHI-2004-SchraefelHMSPF #pervasive- Breaking the book: translating the chemistry lab book into a pervasive computing lab environment (MMCS, GVH, HRM, GS, TRP, JGF), pp. 25–32.
ICEIS-v1-2004-JuniorV #algorithm #graph #relational #xml- Keys Graph — Based Relational to XML Translation Algorithm (WMdAJ, CV), pp. 142–148.
CIKM-2004-KangJC #automation #image #modelling- Regularizing translation models for better automatic image annotation (FK, RJ, JYC), pp. 350–359.
ICPR-v1-2004-HammarstedtKH- Affine Structure from Translational Motion with Varying and Unknown Focal Length (PH, FK, AH), pp. 120–123.
ICPR-v2-2004-ZhangHHL #kernel- Kernel-Based Method for Tracking Objects with Rotation and Translation (HZ, ZH, WH, LL), pp. 728–731.
SIGIR-2004-ChengTCWLC #corpus #information retrieval #query #web- Translating unknown queries with web corpora for cross-language information retrieval (PJC, JWT, RCC, JHW, WHL, LFC), pp. 146–153.
SIGIR-2004-LamHC #learning #mining #similarity- Learning phonetic similarity for matching named entity translations and mining new translations (WL, RH, PSC), pp. 289–296.
SIGIR-2004-MayfieldM- Triangulation without translation (JM, PM), pp. 490–491.
SIGIR-2004-ZhangV #automation #information retrieval #using #web- Using the web for automated translation extraction in cross-language information retrieval (YZ, PV), pp. 162–169.
SIGIR-2004-ZhangV04a #detection #query- Detection and translation of OOV terms prior to query time (YZ, PV), pp. 524–525.
SAC-2004-Hamie #constraints #java #modelling #ocl- Translating the Object Constraint Language into the Java Modelling Language (AH), pp. 1531–1535.
ICSE-2004-RyanW #evolution #protocol #using- Using Event-Based Translation to Support Dynamic Protocol Evolution (NDR, ALW), pp. 408–417.
CGO-2004-HuS #using- Using Dynamic Binary Translation to Fuse Dependent Instructions (SH, JES), pp. 213–226.
CGO-2004-RastelloFG #constraints #optimisation #using- Optimizing Translation Out of SSA Using Renaming Constraints (FR, FdF, CG), pp. 265–278.
CGO-2004-WuBQEF #predict- The Accuracy of Initial Prediction in Two-Phase Dynamic Binary Translators (YW, MBJ, JQ, OE, JF), pp. 227–238.
LICS-2004-BaldamusPV #π-calculus- Sπ Calculus Translated to ?--Calculus Preserving May-Tests (MB, JP, BV), pp. 22–31.
SAT-2004-Velev #encoding #performance #satisfiability- Encoding Global Unobservability for Efficient Translation to SAT (MNV), pp. 197–204.
SIGMOD-2003-DeHaanTCO #encoding #sql #using #xquery- A Comprehensive XQuery to SQL Translation using Dynamic Interval Encoding (DD, DT, MPC, MTÖ), pp. 623–634.
VLDB-2003-TorloneA #named #web- Chameleon: an Extensible and Customizable Tool for Web Data Translation (RT, PA), pp. 1085–1088.
STOC-2003-FriedlIMSS #quantum- Hidden translation and orbit coset in quantum computing (KF, GI, FM, MS, PS), pp. 1–9.
FME-2003-BertBPRV #adaptation #c #embedded #source code #specification- Adaptable Translator of B Specifications to Embedded C Programs (DB, SB, MLP, AR, LV), pp. 94–113.
FME-2003-XieBK #composition #reasoning- Translation-Based Compositional Reasoning for Software Systems (FX, JCB, RPK), pp. 582–599.
AGTIVE-2003-CordesHK #collaboration #diagrams #interactive #sequence chart #uml- UML Interaction Diagrams: Correct Translation of Sequence Diagrams into Collaboration Diagrams (BC, KH, HJK), pp. 275–291.
CHI-2003-Kaptelinin #interactive #named- UMEA: translating interaction histories into project contexts (VK), pp. 353–360.
CAiSE-2003-DammHG #ontology #using- Translating and Searching Service Descriptions Using Ontologies (DD, FH, AG), pp. 308–323.
CIKM-2003-BallesterosS #retrieval- Addressing the lack of direct translation resources for cross-language retrieval (LB, MS), pp. 147–152.
KDD-2003-ChudovaGMS #clustering #invariant #modelling- Translation-invariant mixture models for curve clustering (DC, SG, EM, PS), pp. 79–88.
SIGIR-2003-HeWON #interactive #query- User-assisted query translation for interactive CLIR (DH, JW, DWO, MN), p. 461.
SIGIR-2003-PirkolaTKVJ #fuzzy- Fuzzy translation of cross-lingual spelling variants (AP, JT, HK, KV, KJ), pp. 345–352.
GPCE-2003-ChibaN #bytecode #java #performance #tool support- An Easy-to-Use Toolkit for Efficient Java Bytecode Translators (SC, MN), pp. 364–376.
PPDP-2003-BanyasadC #functional #geometry #on the- On translating geometric solids to functional expressions (OB, PTC), pp. 44–55.
CGO-2003-KimS #architecture- Dynamic Binary Translation for Accumulator-Oriented Architectures (HSK, JES), pp. 25–35.
CGO-2003-ScottKVCDS #configuration management- Retargetable and Reconfigurable Software Dynamic Translation (KS, NK, SV, BRC, JWD, MLS), pp. 36–47.
CADE-2003-HladikS #automaton #logic- A Translation of Looping Alternating Automata into Description Logics (JH, US), pp. 90–105.
CADE-2003-Nivelle #axiom #first-order #proving- Translation of Resolution Proofs into Short First-Order Proofs without Choice Axioms (HdN), pp. 365–379.
CADE-2003-SchmidtH #axiom #first-order- A Principle for Incorporating Axioms into the First-Order Translation of Modal Formulae (RAS, UH), pp. 412–426.
LICS-2003-LaurentR #linear #logic- About Translations of Classical Logic into Polarized Linear Logic (OL, LR), pp. 11–20.
RTA-2003-AotoY #term rewriting #termination- Termination of Simply Typed Term Rewriting by Translation and Labelling (TA, TY), pp. 380–394.
TLCA-2003-Fujita #λ-calculus #μ-calculus- A Sound and Complete CPS-Translation for λμ-Calculus (KeF), pp. 120–134.
VLDB-2002-BenediktCFRZZ- DTD-Directed Publishing with Attribute Translation Grammars (MB, CYC, WF, RR, SZ, AZ), pp. 838–849.
VLDB-2002-PopaVMHF #web- Translating Web Data (LP, YV, RJM, MAH, RF), pp. 598–609.
WCRE-2002-ProbstKS #analysis #liveness #optimisation- Register Liveness Analysis for Optimizing Dynamic Binary Translation (MP, AK, BS), pp. 35–44.
WCRE-2002-TrogerC #analysis- Analysis of Virtual Method Invocation for Binary Translation (JT, CC), p. 65–?.
PEPM-2002-BartheU #continuation #induction- CPS translating inductive and coinductive types (GB, TU), pp. 131–142.
IFM-2002-KatzG #framework #modelling #specification- A Framework for Translating Models and Specifications (SK, OG), pp. 145–164.
IFM-2002-KorenblatGK #petri net- Translations between Textual Transition Systems and Petri Nets (KK, OG, SK), pp. 339–359.
IFM-2002-SekerinskiZ- Translating Statecharts to B (ES, RZ), pp. 128–144.
CIKM-2002-LeeMCC #constraints #relational #semantics #using #xml- NeT & CoT: translating relational schemas to XML schemas using semantic constraints (DL, MM, FC, WWC), pp. 282–291.
ECIR-2002-OardE #retrieval- Translation-Based Indexing for Cross-Language Retrieval (DWO, FE), pp. 324–333.
ICPR-v1-2002-OkataniD #3d #estimation #image #robust #using- Robust Estimation of Camera Translation Between Two Images Using a Camera With a 3D Orientation Sensor (TO, KD), pp. 275–278.
ICPR-v3-2002-Sakano #how #learning #query #search-based- Genetic Translator: How to Apply Query Learning to Practical OCR (HS), pp. 184–187.
SIGIR-2002-FedericoB #information retrieval #query #statistics #using- Statistical cross-language information retrieval using n-best query translations (MF, NB), pp. 167–174.
SIGIR-2002-GaoZNHC #ambiguity #dependence #query #using- Resolving query translation ambiguity using a decaying co-occurrence model and syntactic dependence relations (JG, MZ, JYN, HH, WC), pp. 183–190.
SIGIR-2002-KeskustaloHA #framework #query- UTACLIR -: general query translation framework for several language pairs (HK, TH, EA), p. 448.
SIGIR-2002-McNameeM #query- Comparing cross-language query expansion techniques by degrading translation resources (PM, JM), pp. 159–166.
SIGIR-2002-WangCB- Example-based phrase translation in Chinese-English CLIR (BW, XC, SB), pp. 435–436.
LOPSTR-2002-GrecoGTZ #optimisation #query #source code- Translating Datalog-Like Optimization Queries into ILOG Programs (GG, SG, IT, EZ), pp. 48–49.
ASPLOS-2002-AshokCM #energy #memory management #named #performance- Cool-Mem: combining statically speculative memory accessing with selective address translation for energy efficiency (RA, SC, CAM), pp. 133–143.
CAV-2002-BarrettDS #first-order #incremental #satisfiability- Checking Satisfiability of First-Order Formulas by Incremental Translation to SAT (CWB, DLD, AS), pp. 236–249.
ICLP-2002-PearceSSTW #logic programming #polynomial #source code- A Polynomial Translation of Logic Programs with Nested Expressions into Disjunctive Logic Programs: Preliminary Report (DP, VS, TS, HT, SW), pp. 405–420.
ASE-2001-GrundyMHK #generative #specification #visual notation- Generating EDI Message Translations from Visual Specifications (JCG, RM, JGH, PK), pp. 35–42.
ASE-2001-LeDang #automation #specification #uml- Automatic Translation from UML Specifications to B (HL), p. 436.
FLOPS-2001-DanvyN #higher-order- A Higher-Order Colon Translation (OD, LRN), pp. 78–91.
DLT-2001-Choffrut- Elementary Theory of Ordinals with Addition and Left Translation by ω (CC), pp. 15–20.
FME-2001-Katz #modelling #specification- Faithful Translations among Models and Specifications (SK), pp. 419–434.
CIKM-2001-AljlaylF #effectiveness #information retrieval- Effective Arabic-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval via Machine-Readable Dictionaries and Machine Translation (MA, OF), pp. 295–302.
SEKE-2001-Mellor #abstraction #execution- Raising the Level of Abstraction: Model Execution and Translation (SJM), p. 1.
SIGIR-2001-GaoXZHNZ #information retrieval #modelling #query #statistics #using- Improving Query Translation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Using Statistical Models (JG, EX, MZ, CH, JYN, JZ), pp. 96–104.
SIGIR-2001-GollinsS #information retrieval- Improving Cross Language Information Retrieval with Triangulated Translation (TG, MS), pp. 90–95.
SIGIR-2001-LuLC #mining #query- Anchor Text Mining for Translation Extraction of Query Terms (WHL, HJL, LFC), pp. 388–389.
UML-2001-SekerinskiZ #named #statechart- iState: A Statechart Translator (ES, RZ), pp. 376–390.
ECOOP-2001-TatsuboriSCI #bytecode #distributed #execution #java #legacy- A Bytecode Translator for Distributed Execution of “Legacy” Java Software (MT, TS, SC, KI), pp. 236–255.
SAC-2001-WahlsL #algorithm #concurrent #constraints #modelling #semantics #source code #specification- Formal semantics of an algorithm for translating model-based specifications to concurrent constraint programs (TW, GTL), pp. 567–575.
CAV-2001-GastinO #automaton #ltl #performance- Fast LTL to Büchi Automata Translation (PG, DO), pp. 53–65.
ASE-2000-Li #case study #diagrams #sequence chart- Translating Use Cases to Sequence Diagrams (LL), pp. 293–296.
VLDB-2000-ChangG #approximate #query- Approximate Query Translation Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (KCCC, HGM), pp. 566–577.
ESOP-2000-AmtoftT #polymorphism- Faithful Translations between Polyvariant Flows and Polymorphic Types (TA, FAT), pp. 26–40.
ESOP-2000-Muller-OlmW #finite #on the- On the Translation of Procedures to Finite Machines (MMO, AW), pp. 290–304.
PLDI-2000-Necula #compilation #optimisation #validation- Translation validation for an optimizing compiler (GCN), pp. 83–94.
ICALP-2000-McKenzieSTV- The Many Faces of a Translation (PM, TS, DT, HV), pp. 890–901.
ICEIS-2000-FredF #modelling #multi- Syntax-Directed Translation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems Conversation Modelling (ALNF, JF), pp. 132–138.
ICPR-v3-2000-Garcia-VareaSC #approach #statistics- A New Approach to Speech-Input Statistical Translation (IGV, AS, FC), pp. 3094–3097.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ney #classification #modelling #probability #recognition #speech- Stochastic Modeling: From Pattern Classification to Speech Recognition and Translation (HN), pp. 3025–3032.
KR-2000-Chalupsky #named- OntoMorph: A Translation System for Symbolic Knowledge (HC), pp. 471–482.
SIGIR-2000-SpererO #information retrieval- Structured translation for cross-language information retrieval (RS, DWO), pp. 120–127.
OOPSLA-2000-ViroliN #approach #java #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism- Parametric polymorphism in Java: an approach to translation based on reflective features (MV, AN), pp. 146–165.
CSL-2000-Schulte #state machine- Translating Theory into Practice — Abstract State Machines within Microsoft (WS), p. 71.
ASE-1999-Bose #architecture #automation #modelling #simulation #uml #using #verification- Automated Translation of UML Models of Architectures for Verification and Simulation Using SPIN (PKB), pp. 102–109.
WCRE-1999-CifuentesER #design- The Design of a Resourceable and Retargetable Binary Translator (CC, MVE, NR), pp. 280–291.
SAS-1999-SreedharJGS- Translating Out of Static Single Assignment Form (VCS, RDCJ, DMG, VS), pp. 194–210.
FM-v2-1999-SeshiaSBD- A Translation of Statecharts to Esterel (SAS, RKS, AKB, SDD), pp. 983–1007.
ICFP-1999-WallaceR #combinator #haskell #question #type system #xml- Haskell and XML: Generic Combinators or Type-Based Translation? (MW, CR), pp. 148–159.
AdaEurope-1999-GarciaV #ada #petri net- Translating Time Petri Net Structures into Ada 95 Statements (FJGI, JLV), pp. 158–169.
ICEIS-1999-NicolleCY #using- Using Transformation Paths to Translate and Migrate Data (CN, NC, KY), pp. 125–131.
SIGIR-1999-BergerL #information retrieval #statistics- Information Retrieval as Statistical Translation (ALB, JDL), pp. 222–229.
SIGIR-1999-FranzM #information retrieval- Machine Translation and Monolingual Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (MF, JSM), pp. 295–296.
SIGIR-1999-JonesSCKS #comparison #information retrieval #query- A Comparison of Query Translation Methods for English-Japanese Cross-Language Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (GJFJ, TS, NC, AK, KS), pp. 269–270.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-Jin #query- Translating Object Query Language (BJ), pp. 380–385.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Li #approach #automation #case study #diagrams #sequence chart- A Semi-Automatic Approach to Translating Use Cases to Sequence Diagrams (LL), pp. 184–193.
VLDB-1998-MiloZ #semistructured data #using- Using Schema Matching to Simplify Heterogeneous Data Translation (TM, SZ), pp. 122–133.
TACAS-1998-PnueliSS #validation- Translation Validation (AP, MS, ES), pp. 151–166.
ICSM-1998-CifuentesSF #assembly- Assembly to High-Level Language Translation (CC, DS, AF), pp. 228–237.
ICALP-1998-Abadi- Protection in Programming-Language Translations (MA), pp. 868–883.
ICALP-1998-PnueliSS #validation- Translation Validation for Synchronous Languages (AP, OS, MS), pp. 235–246.
FM-1998-PnueliSS #validation- Translation Validation: From DC+ to C* (AP, OS, MS), pp. 137–150.
TAGT-1998-JacquetK #approach- Node Replacement in Hypergraphs: Translating NCE Rewriting into the Pullback Approach (HJ, RKH), pp. 117–130.
SIGAda-1998-PlintaDS #code generation #specification #validation- A Specification and Code Generation Tool for Message Translation and Validation (CP, RD, RVS), pp. 276–286.
CAiSE-1998-GasparyA #interactive #multi #named #specification- MUSE — An Interactive Networked Multimedia Applications Specification Environment with E-LOTOS Translator (LPG, MJBA), pp. 273–287.
ICPR-1998-KaufmannB #fault #locality #using- Amount translation and error localization in check processing using syntax-directed translation (GK, HB), pp. 1530–1534.
ICPR-1998-WatanabeOKT- Translation camera (YW, YO, YBK, TT), pp. 613–617.
SAC-1998-BuddrusS #c++ #java #named- Cappuccino — A C++ to Java translator (FB, JS), pp. 660–665.
ASPLOS-1998-ChenBDDL #interface #named #network- UTLB: A Mechanism for Address Translation on Network Interfaces (YC, AB, SND, CD, KL), pp. 193–204.
ASPLOS-1998-Le #execution #runtime- An Out-of-Order Execution Technique for Runtime Binary Translators (BCL), pp. 151–158.
CC-1998-EngelbrechtK #java #smalltalk- Issues in Translating Smalltalk into Java (RLE, DGK), pp. 249–263.
HPCA-1998-SchoinasH #interface #network- Address Translation Mechanisms In Network Interfaces (IS, MDH), pp. 219–230.
ISSTA-1998-MolloyAHCV #automation #generative #testing #text-to-text- Automatic Interoperability Test Generation for Source-to-Source Translators (MM, KA, JH, DC, PDV), pp. 93–101.
PLDI-1997-Proebsting #evaluation- Simple Translation of Goal-Directed Evaluation (TAP), pp. 1–6.
FME-1997-Mukherjee #automation #specification- Automatic Translation of VDM-SL Specifications into Gofer (PM), pp. 258–277.
CHI-1997-Muller #analysis #collaboration #human-computer- Translation in HCI: Formal Representations for Work Analysis and Collaboration (MJM), pp. 544–545.
HCI-CC-1997-KameiMSH #integration- Creating a Source and Target Language Mixed Stage for Integration of Human Knowledge into Machine Translation (SiK, KM, KS, KH), pp. 825–828.
SIGIR-1997-BallesterosC #information retrieval #query- Phrasal Translation and Query Expansion Techniques for Cross-language Information Retrieval (LB, WBC), pp. 84–91.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Kuhne- The Translator Pattern — External Functionality with Homomorphic Mappings (TK), pp. 48–62.
PLILP-1997-JanousekM #lr- Formal Translations Described by Translation Grammars with LR(k) Input Grammars (JJ, BM), pp. 421–422.
POPL-1997-OderskyW #java- Pizza into Java: Translating Theory into Practice (MO, PW), pp. 146–159.
HPCA-1997-JacobM- Software-Managed Address Translation (BLJ, TNM), pp. 156–167.
CADE-1997-Egly #how- Some Pitfalls of LK-to-LJ Translations and How to Avoid Them (UE), pp. 116–130.
CADE-1997-KornK #logic- Deciding Intuitionistic Propositional Logic via Translation into Classical Logic (DSK, CK), pp. 131–145.
ICLP-1997-Raamsdonk #logic programming #source code #term rewriting- Translating Logic Programs into Conditional Rewriting Systems (FvR), pp. 168–182.
TLCA-1997-Akama #normalisation- A λ-to-CL Translation for Strong Normalization (YA), pp. 1–10.
DAC-1996-HansenS #diagrams #synthesis #using- Synthesis by Spectral Translation Using Boolean Decision Diagrams (JPH, MS), pp. 248–253.
ICSM-1996-CifuentesM #question- Binary Translation: Static, Dynamic, Retargetable? (CC, VMM), pp. 340–349.
WCRE-1996-Davis #flexibility #reverse engineering- Combining a Flexible Data Model and Phase Schema Translation in Data Model Reverse Engineering (KHD), p. 141–?.
STOC-1996-Milenkovic #linear #programming #strict #using- Translational Polygon Containment and Minimal Enclosure using Linear Programming Based Restriction (VM), pp. 109–118.
FME-1996-ShiN #petri net #specification- An Improved Translation of SA/RT Specification Model to High-Level Timed Petri Nets (LS, PN), pp. 518–537.
CAiSE-1996-NicolleBY #information management #modelling #multi- Multi-Data Models Translations in Interoperable Information Systems (CN, DB, KY), pp. 176–192.
ICPR-1996-CucchiaraF #identification- The vector-gradient Hough transform for identifying straight-translation generated shapes (RC, FF), pp. 502–510.
CADE-1996-EglyR #normalisation #on the- On the Practical Value of Different Definitional Translations to Normal Form (UE, TR), pp. 403–417.
CAV-1996-NelkenF #automation #natural language #specification- Automatic Translation of Natural Language System Specifications (RN, NF), pp. 360–371.
KBSE-1995-FeldmanF #automation #case study #scalability- Portability by Automatic Translation — A Large-Scale Case Study (YAF, DF), pp. 123–130.
SIGMOD-1995-HammerGIPUW- Information Translation, Mediation, and Mosaic-Based Browsing in the TSIMMIS System (JH, HGM, KI, YP, JDU, JW), p. 483.
VLDB-1995-AgrawalLSS #database #performance #scalability #similarity- Fast Similarity Search in the Presence of Noise, Scaling, and Translation in Time-Series Databases (RA, KIL, HSS, KS), pp. 490–501.
WCRE-1995-ZoufalyASB #legacy #named- RESCUE: Legacy Systems Translator (FZ, CA, IS, FB).
SAS-1995-NielsenS #call-by- Call-By-Name CPS-Translation as a Binding-Time Improvement (KN, MHS), pp. 296–313.
FPCA-1995-HengleinR #ml #polymorphism #type inference- Safe Polymorphic Type Inference for Scheme: Translating Scheme to ML (FH, JR), pp. 192–203.
AdaEurope-1995-SchneeweissAV #ada #analysis #modelling #object-oriented- Translating Shlaer/Mellor Object-Oriented Analysis Models into Ada 95 (HS, VA, OV), pp. 249–270.
CIKM-1995-BuvacF #declarative #formal method- A Declarative Formalization of Knowledge Translation (SB, RF), pp. 340–347.
LOPSTR-1995-Hanus #functional #lazy evaluation #logic programming #performance #prolog #source code- Efficient Translation of Lazy Functional Logic Programs into Prolog (MH), pp. 252–266.
ICLP-1995-Hirata #correctness #haskell #proving #π-calculus- Proving Correctness of Translation from Moded Flat GHC to π-Calculus (KH), p. 818.
TLCA-1995-AspertiL #graph #λ-calculus- Comparing λ-calculus translations in Sharing Graphs (AA, CL), pp. 1–15.
TLCA-1995-RitterP #ml #standard #λ-calculus- A Fully Abstract Translation between a λ-Calculus with Reference Types and Standard ML (ER, AMP), pp. 397–413.
ESOP-1994-OHearnR #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism- Fully Abstract Translations and Parametric Polymorphism (PWO, JGR), pp. 454–468.
TAGT-1994-Drewes #algebra #graph #transducer- The Use of Tree Transducers to Compute Translations Between Graph Algebras (FD), pp. 196–210.
KR-1994-BaalenF #representation- The Role of Reversible Grammars in Translating Between Representation Languages (JVB, RF), pp. 562–571.
POPL-1994-Muller #calculus #staging #verification- A Staging Calculus and its Application to the Verification of Translators (RM), pp. 389–396.
PODS-1993-Escobar-MolanoHJ #calculus #query #safety- Safety and Translation of Calculus Queries with Scalar Functions (MEM, RH, DJ), pp. 253–264.
VLDB-1993-MillerIR #capacity #integration- The Use of Information Capacity in Schema Integration and Translation (RJM, YEI, RR), pp. 120–133.
CSM-1993-Chu #approach #re-engineering- A Re-Engineering Approach to Program Translation (WCC), pp. 42–50.
HCI-ACS-1993-AhmadHRHHHKM #case study #development- User-driven Software Development: Translator’s Workbench — An Exemplar Case Study (KA, PHH, MR, MH, KLH, CH, RK, RM), pp. 319–324.
HCI-SHI-1993-KurokawaMW #bidirectional #communication #people- Bidirectional Translation between Sign Language and Japanese for Communication with Deaf-Mute People (TK, TM, SW), pp. 1109–1114.
TRI-Ada-1993-FergusonW #ada #framework #independence #syntax- Platform Independent Translations for a Compilable Ada Abstract Syntax (WDF, JKW), pp. 312–322.
CIKM-1993-Devanbu #logic #query- Translating Description Logics to Information Server Queries (PTD), pp. 256–263.
RE-1993-IshiharaSK #dependence #natural language #specification #using- A translation method from natural language specifications into formal specifications using contextual dependencies (YI, HS, TK), pp. 232–239.
IWPTS-1993-AhtiainenCHK #automation #case study #experience #tool support- Experiences with Octopus Automated TTCN Translation Tools Applied to GSM/SS7 (AA, BC, MWAH, SK), pp. 231–253.
TLCA-1993-JacobsM #dependent type #higher-order #logic #type system- Translating Dependent Type Theory into Higher Order Logic (BJ, TFM), pp. 209–229.
CHI-1992-KoonsOFL #multi- The computer Sciences Electronic Magazine: Translating from Paper to Multimedia (WRK, AMO, NJF, ML), pp. 11–18.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BoukachourGIP- An Experimental Translation from Flavors to CLOS (JB, TG, MI, JPP), pp. 391–398.
POPL-1992-FarrowMY #attribute grammar #composition #design #implementation- Composable Attribute Grammars: Support for Modularity in Translator Design and Implementation (RF, TJM, DMY), pp. 223–234.
ASPLOS-1992-AndrewsS #migration #product line- Migrating a CISC Computer Family onto RISC via Object Code Translation (KA, DS), pp. 213–222.
ASPLOS-1992-ChiuehK #physics- Eliminating the Address Translation Bottleneck for Physical Address Cache (TcC, RHK), pp. 137–148.
CC-1992-Melichar #lr #parsing #syntax- Syntax Directed Translation with LR Parsing (BM), pp. 30–36.
LICS-1992-Murthy #analysis- A Computational Analysis of Girard’s Translation and LC (CRM), pp. 90–101.
LOPSTR-1991-Huntbach #automation #concurrent #logic- Automated Translation of Occam to a Concurrent Logic Language (MMH), pp. 254–275.
POPL-1991-Riecke #functional- Fully Abstract Translations between Functional Languages (JGR), pp. 245–254.
CSL-1991-Stewart #on the- On Completeness for NP via Projection Translations (IAS), pp. 353–366.
TAV-1991-GhezziK #approach #specification- Executing Formal Specifications: The ASTRAL to TRIO Translation Approach (CG, RAK), pp. 112–122.
ECHT-1990-StottsF #composition #hypermedia #scripting language- Hierarchy, Composition, Scripting Languages, and Translators for Structured Hypertext (PDS, RF), pp. 180–193.
WAGA-1990-PittC #natural language #semantics- Attributed Translation and the Semantics of Natural Language (JVP, JC), pp. 284–297.
CHI-1989-LerchMO #cost analysis- Skilled financial planning: the cost of translating ideas into action (FJL, MMM, JRO), pp. 121–126.
ASPLOS-1989-BlackRGHB #approach #consistency- Translation Lookaside Buffer Consistency: A Software Approach (DLB, RFR, DBG, CRH, RVB), pp. 113–122.
SOSP-1989-Rosenburg #consistency #multi #scalability- Low-Synchronization Translation Lookaside Buffer Consistency in Large-Scale Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (BSR), pp. 137–146.
ALP-1988-Drosten #algebra #case study #comparative #prolog #source code #specification- Translating Algebraic Specifications to Prolog Programs: A Comparative Study (KD), pp. 137–146.
JICSCP-1988-Abramson88 #approach #aspect-oriented #definite clause grammar #metaprogramming- Metarules and an Approach to Conjunction in Definite Clause Translation Grammars: Some Aspects of Grammatical Metaprogramming (HA), pp. 233–248.
PODS-1987-GelderT #calculus #relational #safety- Safety and Correct Translation of Relational Calculus Formulas (AVG, RWT), pp. 313–327.
VLDB-1987-Bultzingsloewen #optimisation #query #sql- Translating and Optimizing SQL Queries Having Aggregates (GvB), pp. 235–243.
VLDB-1987-HowellsFG #query #relational #text-to-text- A Source-to-Source Meta-Translation System for Relational Query Languages (DIH, NJF, WAG), pp. 227–234.
ECOOP-1987-Dewhurst #representation- Object Representation of Scope During Translation (SCD), pp. 71–78.
OOPSLA-1987-CoxS #named- Producer: A Tool for Translating Smalltalk-80 to Objective-C (BJC, KJS), pp. 423–429.
ESEC-1987-BlackSLL #development- Translation between Pragmatic Software Development Methods (WJB, AGS, PL, PJL), pp. 357–365.
SLP-1987-Reintjes87 #named- AUNT: A Universal Netlist Translator (PBR), pp. 508–515.
SIGMOD-1986-FreytagG #query #relational #rule-based #source code- Rule-Based Translation of Relational Queries into Iterative Programs (JCF, NG), pp. 206–214.
VLDB-1986-CeriGL #algebra #approach #logic #optimisation #query- Translation and Optimization of Logic Queries: The Algebraic Approach (SC, GG, LL), pp. 395–402.
VLDB-1986-Freytag #query #source code- Translating Aggregate Queries into Iterative Programs (JCF, NG), pp. 138–146.
VLDB-1986-Keller- Choosing a View Update Translator by Dialog at View Definition Time (AMK), pp. 467–474.
ICLP-1986-McCord86 #design #prolog- Design of a Prolog-Based Machine Translation System (MCM), pp. 350–374.
LICS-1986-Despeyroux #proving #semantics- Proof of Translation in Natural Semantics (JD), pp. 193–205.
LICS-1986-Statman #combinator #on the #problem- On Translating λ Terms into Combinators; The Basis Problem (RS), pp. 378–382.
DAC-1985-Rosenberg #layout- Auto-interactive schematics to layout translation (JBR), pp. 82–87.
PODS-1985-Keller #algorithm #database- Algorithms for Translating View Updates to Database Updates for Views Involving Selections, Projections, and Joins (AMK), pp. 154–163.
ICALP-1985-Fortune #algorithm #performance- A Fast Algorithm for Polygon Containment by Translation (Extended Abstract) (SF), pp. 189–198.
ICSE-1985-YellinM #attribute grammar- Two-Way Translators Based on Attribute Grammar Inversion (DMY, EMMM), pp. 36–42.
VLDB-1984-Masunaga #database #relational- A Relational Database View Update Translation Mechanism (YM), pp. 309–320.
SLP-1984-Abramson84 #definite clause grammar- Definite Clause Translation Grammars (HA), pp. 233–240.
PODS-1983-Kintala #attribute grammar #query- Attributed Grammars for Query Language Translations (CMRK), pp. 137–148.
SIGMOD-1982-ImielinskiL82a #database- A Technique for Translating States Between Database Schemata (TI, WLJ), pp. 61–68.
SCC-1982-Farrow #attribute grammar #named- LINGUIST-86: Yet Another Translator Writing System Based On Attribute Grammars (RF), pp. 160–171.
GG-1982-Messerschmidt #automation #graph #natural language- Graph transductions in the field of automatic translation of natural languages (JM), pp. 255–266.
POPL-1982-GansnerHKMS #correctness #query #semantics- Semantics and Correctness of a Query Language Translation (EG, JRH, CMRK, DJM, PS), pp. 289–298.
POPL-1982-ShermanPH #logic #process- Is the Interesting Part of Process Logic Uninteresting — A Translation from PL to PDL (RS, AP, DH), pp. 347–360.
DAC-1980-Dunlop- SLIM-the translation of symbolic layouts into mask data (AED), pp. 595–602.
VLDB-1980-Spyratos #relational- Translation Structures of Relational Views (NS), pp. 411–416.
STOC-1980-GuibasY #on the #set- On Translating a Set of Rectangles (LJG, FFY), pp. 154–160.
POPL-1979-CohenH #attribute grammar #automation #generative- Automatic Generation of Near-Optimal Translators for Noncircular Attribute Grammars (RSC, EH), pp. 121–134.
ICSE-1979-AnconaDD #development #using- Cross Software Development for Microprocessors Using a Translator Writing System (MA, GD, ELD), pp. 399–402.
DAC-1978-Frasson #database- Generalized translation in a data base system (CF), pp. 176–181.
ICALP-1977-KriegelO- Left-Fitting Translations (HPK, TO), pp. 309–322.
SIGMOD-1976-WintersD- A Business Application of Data Translation (EWW, AFD), pp. 189–196.
STOC-1976-MachteyY- Simple Gödel Numberings, Translations, and the P-Hierarchy (MM, PY), pp. 236–243.
ICSE-1976-McLeod #query- The Translation and Compatibility of SEQUEL and Query by Example (DM), pp. 520–526.
SIGMOD-1975-BakkomB #implementation #prototype- Implementation of a Prototype Generalized File Translator (DEB, JAB), pp. 99–110.
SIGMOD-1975-NavatheM #relational- Investigations into the Application of the Relational Model to Data Translation (SBN, AGM), pp. 123–138.
SIGMOD-1975-ShuHL #named- CONVERT: A High Level Translation Definition Language for Data Conversion (Abstract) (NCS, BCH, VYL), p. 111.
SIGFIDET-1974-LiuH #grammarware- A Record Oriented, Grammar Driven Data Translation Model (SL, JH), pp. 171–189.
SIGFIDET-1974-MertenF #approach- A Data Description Language Approach to File Translation (AGM, JPF), pp. 191–205.
SIGFIDET-1974-SuL #automation #database #network- A Semi-automatic Data Base Translation System for Achieving Data Sharing in a Network Environment (SYWS, HL), pp. 227–247.
STOC-1974-Chandra #canonical- Degrees of Translatability and Canonical Forms in Program Schemas: Part I (AKC), pp. 1–12.
ICALP-1974-HartmanisB #on the- On Simple Goedel Numberings and Translations (JH, TPB), pp. 301–316.
STOC-1973-LewisRS- Attributed Translations (PMLI, DJR, RES), pp. 160–171.
SIGIR-1973-Marcus #interactive #interface #network #retrieval- A Translating Computer Interface for a Network of Heterogeneous Interactive Retrieval Systems (RSM), pp. 2–12.
SIGFIDET-1972-FryFH #development- A Development Model for Data Translation (JPF, RLF, EAHI), pp. 77–105.
SIGFIDET-1972-FryST #approach- An Approach to Stored Data Definition and Translation (JPF, DCPS, RWT), pp. 13–56.
SIGFIDET-1972-Smith #using- A Method for Data Translation Using the Stored Data Definition and Translation Task Group Languages (DCPS), pp. 107–124.
ICALP-1972-Bohm #question #syntax- Can Syntax Be Ignored during Translation? (CB, MDC), pp. 197–207.
ICALP-1972-Engelfriet- Translation of Simple Program Schemes (JE), pp. 215–223.
DAC-1971-SuBC #modelling- A system modeling language translator (SYHS, MB, RLC), pp. 35–49.
STOC-1971-ConstableH #complexity- Complexity of Formal Translations and Speed-Up Results (RLC, JH), pp. 244–250.
SIGFIDET-1970-Gosden #summary- Translation (Inter-System) (pre-discussion summary) (JAG), p. 284.
SIGFIDET-1970-Young #approach- A Procedural Approach to File Translation (JWY), pp. 354–367.
STOC-1970-Strong #equation #recursion- Translating Recursion Equations into Flow Charts (HRSJ), pp. 184–197.
STOC-1969-AhoU #context-free grammar- Translations on a Context Free Grammar (AVA, JDU), pp. 93–112.
STOC-1969-Thatcher #automaton #finite- Transformations and Translations from the Point of View of Generalized Finite Automata Theory (JWT), pp. 129–142.