Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Croatia
1 × Russia
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Herbreteau I.Walukiewicz M.Praveen P.Gastin S.M.0002
Talks about:
automata (4) time (4) abstract (2) constraint (1) algorithm (1) presenc (1) partit (1) effici (1) diagon (1) better (1)
Person: B. Srivathsan
DBLP: Srivathsan:B=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- PODS-2015-PraveenS #graph #how #question
- Defining Relations on Graphs: How Hard is it in the Presence of Node Partitions? (MP, BS), pp. 159–172.
- CAV-2013-HerbreteauSW #abstraction #automaton #lazy evaluation
- Lazy Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 990–1005.
- LICS-2012-HerbreteauSW #abstraction #automaton
- Better Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 375–384.
- CAV-2010-HerbreteauSW #automaton #performance
- Efficient Emptiness Check for Timed Büchi Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 148–161.
- CAV-2019-Gastin0S #algorithm #automaton #constraints #performance
- Fast Algorithms for Handling Diagonal Constraints in Timed Automata (PG, SM0, BS), pp. 41–59.