2712 papers:
CBSE-2015-RuchkinSG #abstraction #architecture #hybrid #source code- Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs (IR, BRS, DG), pp. 65–74.
WICSA-2015-CoutoTCL #abstract syntax tree #architecture #migration #syntax- Migrating to an Extensible Architecture for Abstract Syntax Trees (LDC, PWVTJ, JWC, KL), pp. 145–154.
CASE-2015-AicherRV #abstraction #automation #simulation #towards #verification- Towards finding the appropriate level of abstraction to model and verify automated production systems in discrete event simulation (TA, SR, BVH), pp. 1048–1053.
DAC-2015-BalajiFDGA #abstraction #architecture #cyber-physical #modelling- Models, abstractions, and architectures: the missing links in cyber-physical systems (BB, MAAF, NDD, RKG, YA), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BombieriFPS #abstraction #verification- RTL property abstraction for TLM assertion-based verification (NB, RF, GP, FS), pp. 85–90.
DATE-2015-MadhukarSWKM #abstraction #lazy evaluation #using #verification- Verifying synchronous reactive systems using lazy abstraction (KM, MS, BW, DK, RM), pp. 1571–1574.
DocEng-2015-BanerjeeMS #generative #summary- Generating Abstractive Summaries from Meeting Transcripts (SB, PM, KS), pp. 51–60.
VLDB-2015-MullerG #abstract interpretation #sql- Provenance for SQL through Abstract Interpretation: Value-less, but Worthwhile (TM, TG), pp. 1872–1883.
ESOP-2015-CernyHKRZ #abstraction #analysis #execution #worst-case- Segment Abstraction for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (PC, TAH, LK, AR, JZ), pp. 105–131.
ESOP-2015-CoxCR #abstraction #multi #source code- Desynchronized Multi-State Abstractions for Open Programs in Dynamic Languages (AC, BYEC, XR), pp. 483–509.
ESOP-2015-Ricciotti #data type- Binding Structures as an Abstract Data Type (WR), pp. 762–786.
TACAS-2015-SoudjaniGA #abstraction #probability #process- FAUST 2 : Formal Abstractions of Uncountable-STate STochastic Processes (SEZS, CG, AA), pp. 272–286.
TACAS-2015-Urban #abstract domain #contest #named #termination- FuncTion: An Abstract Domain Functor for Termination — (Competition Contribution) (CU), pp. 464–466.
ICSME-2015-NittaM #abstraction #why- Delta extraction: An abstraction technique to comprehend why two objects could be related (NN, TM), pp. 61–70.
SANER-2015-MattsenWS #abstract domain #analysis- A non-convex abstract domain for the value analysis of binaries (SM, AW, SS), pp. 271–280.
PEPM-2015-PoulsenMT #abstract interpretation #imperative #morphism #polymorphism- Imperative Polymorphism by Store-Based Types as Abstract Interpretations (CBP, PDM, PT), pp. 3–8.
PLDI-2015-Appel #encryption #verification- Verification of a cryptographic primitive: SHA-256 (abstract) (AWA), p. 153.
SAS-2015-CattaruzzaASK #analysis #bound- Unbounded-Time Analysis of Guarded LTI Systems with Inputs by Abstract Acceleration (DC, AA, PS, DK), pp. 312–331.
SAS-2015-ChenC #abstract domain- A Binary Decision Tree Abstract Domain Functor (JC, PC), pp. 36–53.
SAS-2015-MonniauxA #abstraction #array- A Simple Abstraction of Arrays and Maps by Program Translation (DM, FA), pp. 217–234.
STOC-2015-AggarwalDRS #problem #using- Solving the Shortest Vector Problem in 2n Time Using Discrete Gaussian Sampling: Extended Abstract (DA, DD, OR, NSD), pp. 733–742.
STOC-2015-KothariM #generative #pseudo- Almost Optimal Pseudorandom Generators for Spherical Caps: Extended Abstract (PKK, RM), pp. 247–256.
STOC-2015-SunW #canonical #performance- Faster Canonical Forms for Primitive Coherent Configurations: Extended Abstract (XS, JW), pp. 693–702.
CIAA-2015-GruberHJ #automaton #finite #nondeterminism- More on Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Cover Automata — Extended Abstract (HG, MH, SJ), pp. 114–126.
CIAA-2015-Watson #automaton #finite #hardware #implementation #regular expression- Hardware Implementations of Finite Automata and Regular Expressions — Extended Abstract (BWW), pp. 13–17.
DLT-2015-Yamakami #bound #complexity #quantum- Complexity Bounds of Constant-Space Quantum Computation — (Extended Abstract) (TY), pp. 426–438.
ICALP-v1-2015-GoldreichGR #branch #context-free grammar #proving #proximity #source code- Proofs of Proximity for Context-Free Languages and Read-Once Branching Programs — (Extended Abstract) (OG, TG, RDR), pp. 666–677.
LATA-2015-MakowskyL #graph #matrix #word- Hankel Matrices: From Words to Graphs (Extended Abstract) (JAM, NL), pp. 47–55.
FM-2015-0009ZZZ #abstraction #hybrid- Abstraction of Elementary Hybrid Systems by Variable Transformation (JL, NZ, HZ, LZ), pp. 360–377.
FM-2015-AmatoMMS #abstract domain- Narrowing Operators on Template Abstract Domains (GA, SDNDM, MCM, FS), pp. 57–72.
FM-2015-ChimdyalwarDCVC #abstraction #bound #model checking #static analysis #using- Eliminating Static Analysis False Positives Using Loop Abstraction and Bounded Model Checking (BC, PD, AC, SV, AC), pp. 573–576.
SEFM-2015-JonesY #abstraction #reasoning #using- Reasoning about Separation Using Abstraction and Reification (CBJ, NY), pp. 3–19.
CHI-2015-Gilbert #abstraction- Open Book: A Socially-inspired Cloaking Technique that Uses Lexical Abstraction to Transform Messages (EG), pp. 477–486.
CHI-2015-PolitisBP #multimodal- To Beep or Not to Beep?: Comparing Abstract versus Language-Based Multimodal Driver Displays (IP, SAB, FEP), pp. 3971–3980.
DHM-HM-2015-ShodaYSS #analysis #behaviour #how #people- Exploring How People Collaborate with a Stranger: — Analyses of Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors in Abstract Art Reproduction (HS, TY, NS, MS), pp. 379–388.
HCI-DE-2015-Moallem #question #user interface- Concrete or Abstract User Interface? (AM), pp. 390–395.
HCI-DE-2015-Teixeira-FariaI #abstraction #complexity #component #interactive #visual notation- Reduce Complexity by Increasing Abstraction in Interactive Visual Components (PMTF, JRI), pp. 426–437.
HIMI-IKC-2015-OgusuOKY #generative #music- Enhancing Abstract Imaginations of Viewers of Abstract Paintings by a Gaze Based Music Generation System (TO, JO, JK, SY), pp. 457–464.
HIMI-IKC-2015-WatanabeTA #abstraction #development #learning #source code- Development of a Learning Support System for Reading Source Code by Stepwise Abstraction (KW, TT, TA), pp. 387–394.
ICML-2015-JiangKS #abstraction #learning #modelling- Abstraction Selection in Model-based Reinforcement Learning (NJ, AK, SS), pp. 179–188.
MoDELS-2015-EichlerMSGD #graph grammar #term rewriting- Enhanced graph rewriting systems for complex software domains (SoSyM abstract) (CE, TM, PS, LAG, KD), p. 447.
MoDELS-2015-FarwickSBH #architecture #automation #documentation #enterprise- A situational method for semi-automated enterprise architecture documentation (SoSyM abstract) (MF, CMS, RB, IH), p. 448.
MoDELS-2015-RagoMD #case study #identification #semantics- Identifying duplicate functionality in textual use cases by aligning semantic actions (SoSyM abstract) (AR, CM, JADP), p. 446.
MoDELS-2015-SongLASDC #architecture #formal method #probability #using #verification- Formalizing and verifying stochastic system architectures using Monterey Phoenix (SoSyM abstract) (SS, YL, MA, JS, JSD, TC), p. 449.
ECOOP-2015-BurckhardtLPF #abstraction #protocol #robust #sequence- Global Sequence Protocol: A Robust Abstraction for Replicated Shared State (SB, DL, JP, MF), pp. 568–590.
ECOOP-2015-DimovskiBW #abstraction #analysis #precise #variability- Variability Abstractions: Trading Precision for Speed in Family-Based Analyses (ASD, CB, AW), pp. 247–270.
OOPSLA-2015-BlackshearCS #abstraction #control flow- Selective control-flow abstraction via jumping (SB, BYEC, MS), pp. 163–182.
OOPSLA-2015-DaraisMH #composition #program analysis #reuse- Galois transformers and modular abstract interpreters: reusable metatheory for program analysis (DD, MM, DVH), pp. 552–571.
OOPSLA-2015-UpadhyayaR #abstraction #concurrent #effectiveness #java #message passing #thread #virtual machine- Effectively mapping linguistic abstractions for message-passing concurrency to threads on the Java virtual machine (GU, HR), pp. 840–859.
PPDP-2015-Cousot #abstract interpretation #induction #verification- Verification by abstract interpretation, soundness and abstract induction (PC), pp. 1–4.
PPDP-2015-StievenartNMR #abstract interpretation #concurrent #debugging #detection #higher-order #source code- Detecting concurrency bugs in higher-order programs through abstract interpretation (QS, JN, WDM, CDR), pp. 232–243.
POPL-2015-BonchiSZ #abstraction #graph- Full Abstraction for Signal Flow Graphs (FB, PS, FZ), pp. 515–526.
POPL-2015-DelawarePGC #data type #deduction #named #proving #synthesis- Fiat: Deductive Synthesis of Abstract Data Types in a Proof Assistant (BD, CPC, JG, AC), pp. 689–700.
POPL-2015-GuKRSWWZG #abstraction #specification- Deep Specifications and Certified Abstraction Layers (RG, JK, TR, ZS, X(W, SCW, HZ, YG), pp. 595–608.
POPL-2015-PredaGLM #analysis #automaton #bytecode #semantics #similarity- Abstract Symbolic Automata: Mixed syntactic/semantic similarity analysis of executables (MDP, RG, AL, IM), pp. 329–341.
ESEC-FSE-2015-SunXLLQ #abstraction #learning #named #testing #validation- TLV: abstraction through testing, learning, and validation (JS, HX, YL, SWL, SQ), pp. 698–709.
SPLC-2015-DimovskiABW #model checking #off the shelf #using- Family-based model checking using off-the-shelf model checkers: extended abstract (ASD, ASAS, CB, AW), p. 397.
ASPLOS-2015-ChisnallRWWVMRD #architecture #automaton #c- Beyond the PDP-11: Architectural Support for a Memory-Safe C Abstract Machine (DC, CR, RNMW, JW, MV, SWM, MR, BD, PGN), pp. 117–130.
CGO-2015-DeweyKH #interpreter #javascript #parallel- A parallel abstract interpreter for JavaScript (KD, VK, BH), pp. 34–45.
HPDC-2015-ZhouLLPZ #abstraction #graph #parallel #performance- Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Resource Aware Graph Parallel Abstractions (YZ, LL, KL, CP, QZ), pp. 179–190.
LCTES-2015-ZhangK #abstract interpretation #analysis #persistent #precise- Improving the Precision of Abstract Interpretation Based Cache Persistence Analysis (ZZ, XDK), p. 10.
PPoPP-2015-YouWTC #abstraction #framework #named- VirtCL: a framework for OpenCL device abstraction and management (YPY, HJW, YNT, YTC), pp. 161–172.
CADE-2015-DSilvaU #abstract interpretation #automation #deduction- Abstract Interpretation as Automated Deduction (VD, CU), pp. 450–464.
CAV-2015-KonnovVW #abstraction #algorithm #distributed #model checking #smt- SMT and POR Beat Counter Abstraction: Parameterized Model Checking of Threshold-Based Distributed Algorithms (IK, HV, JW), pp. 85–102.
CAV-2015-OulamaraV #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation with Higher-Dimensional Ellipsoids and Conic Extrapolation (MO, AJV), pp. 415–430.
CAV-2015-Tiwari #abstraction- Time-Aware Abstractions in HybridSal (AT), pp. 504–510.
CAV-2015-DesaiSQBE #abstraction #approximate #distributed- Approximate Synchrony: An Abstraction for Distributed Almost-Synchronous Systems (AD, SAS, SQ, DB, JCE), pp. 429–448.
CAV-2015-KuwaharaSU0 #abstraction #functional #higher-order #source code #termination- Predicate Abstraction and CEGAR for Disproving Termination of Higher-Order Functional Programs (TK, RS, HU, NK), pp. 287–303.
ICLP-2015-AriasC #execution #interface #towards- Towards a Generic Interface to Integrate CLP and Tabled Execution (Extended Abstract) (JA, MC).
ICLP-2015-BrocheninM #reasoning #set- Abstract Answer Set Solvers for Cautious Reasoning (RB, MM).
ICLP-2015-Maher- Relating Concrete Argumentation Formalisms and Abstract Argumentation (MJM).
ICLP-2015-Nys #deduction #roadmap- Advances in Analyzing Coroutines by Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction (VN).
ICLP-J-2015-GagglMRWW #encoding #programming- Improved answer-set programming encodings for abstract argumentation (SAG, NM, AR, JPW, SW), pp. 434–448.
ICLP-J-2015-GebserHKLS- Abstract gringo (MG, AH, RK, VL, TS), pp. 449–463.
ISSTA-2015-GuiSLD #abstraction #assessment #communication #distributed #refinement #reliability- Reliability assessment for distributed systems via communication abstraction and refinement (LG, JS, YL, JSD), pp. 293–304.
LICS-2015-CastellanCW #game studies #parallel- The Parallel Intensionally Fully Abstract Games Model of PCF (SC, PC, GW), pp. 232–243.
LICS-2015-KobayashiL #abstraction #model checking #refinement- Automata-Based Abstraction Refinement for μHORS Model Checking (NK, XL), pp. 713–724.
LICS-2015-McIverMR #data flow #markov #modelling #monad- Abstract Hidden Markov Models: A Monadic Account of Quantitative Information Flow (AM, CM, TMR), pp. 597–608.
RTA-2015-Kirchner #data analysis #graph- Port Graphs, Rules and Strategies for Dynamic Data Analytics — Extended Abstract (Invited Talk) (HK), pp. 1–4.
RTA-2015-Rosu #logic- Matching Logic — Extended Abstract (Invited Talk) (GR), pp. 5–21.
VMCAI-2015-BackesR #abstraction #analysis #clustering #graph transformation #infinity- Analysis of Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems by Cluster Abstraction (PB, JR), pp. 135–152.
VMCAI-2015-BjornerG #abstraction- Property Directed Polyhedral Abstraction (NB, AG), pp. 263–281.
VMCAI-2015-BraitlingFHWBH #automaton #markov #metric- Abstraction-Based Computation of Reward Measures for Markov Automata (BB, LMFF, HH, RW, BB, HH), pp. 172–189.
VMCAI-2015-Cousot #induction- Abstracting Induction by Extrapolation and Interpolation (PC), pp. 19–42.
VMCAI-2015-DanMVY #abstraction #effectiveness #memory management #modelling #verification- Effective Abstractions for Verification under Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 449–466.
VMCAI-2015-GanjeiREP #process- Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes (ZG, AR, PE, ZP), pp. 227–244.
VMCAI-2015-LiuR #abstraction #array- Abstraction of Arrays Based on Non Contiguous Partitions (JL, XR), pp. 282–299.
VMCAI-2015-PrabhakarS #abstraction #analysis #hybrid- Foundations of Quantitative Predicate Abstraction for Stability Analysis of Hybrid Systems (PP, MGS), pp. 318–335.
VMCAI-2015-UrbanM #abstract interpretation #proving- Proving Guarantee and Recurrence Temporal Properties by Abstract Interpretation (CU, AM), pp. 190–208.
ASE-2014-KusanoW #abstraction #optimisation #partial order #reduction- Assertion guided abstraction: a cooperative optimization for dynamic partial order reduction (MK, CW), pp. 175–186.
ASE-2014-UbayashiALLHK #compilation #verification- Abstraction-aware verifying compiler for yet another MDD (NU, DA, PL, YNL, SH, YK), pp. 557–562.
DAC-2014-PrussKE #abstraction #equivalence #scalability #using #verification- Equivalence Verification of Large Galois Field Arithmetic Circuits using Word-Level Abstraction via Gröbner Bases (TP, PK, FE), p. 6.
DATE-2014-SchlichtmannKAEGGHNW #abstraction #design- Connecting different worlds — Technology abstraction for reliability-aware design and Test (US, VK, JAA, AE, CGD, MG, AH, SRN, NW), pp. 1–8.
DATE-2014-WangLLW0 #design #functional #generative #testing- Functional test generation guided by steady-state probabilities of abstract design (JW, HL, TL, TW, XL), pp. 1–4.
DocEng-2014-FerilliGRE #detection #order- Abstract argumentation for reading order detection (SF, DG, DR, FE), pp. 45–48.
ITiCSE-2014-Hidalgo-CespedesRL #concept #design #game studies #learning #programming #video- Playing with metaphors: a methodology to design video games for learning abstract programming concepts (JHC, GMR, VLV), p. 348.
ESOP-2014-Fu #abstraction #analysis #memory management- Targeted Update — Aggressive Memory Abstraction Beyond Common Sense and Its Application on Static Numeric Analysis (ZF), pp. 534–553.
ESOP-2014-SvendsenB #concurrent- Impredicative Concurrent Abstract Predicates (KS, LB), pp. 149–168.
ESOP-2014-UrbanM #abstract domain #ranking- An Abstract Domain to Infer Ordinal-Valued Ranking Functions (CU, AM), pp. 412–431.
FASE-2014-MudduluruR #abstraction #incremental #performance #static analysis #using- Efficient Incremental Static Analysis Using Path Abstraction (RM, MKR), pp. 125–139.
FoSSaCS-2014-KoutavasSH #bisimulation #communication #transaction- Bisimulations for Communicating Transactions — (Extended Abstract) (VK, CS, MH), pp. 320–334.
TACAS-2014-CimattiGMT #abstraction #modulo theories- IC3 Modulo Theories via Implicit Predicate Abstraction (AC, AG, SM, ST), pp. 46–61.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-Grosjean #biology #maintenance #using- Using biology and ecology as inspiration for software maintenance? (Keynote abstract) (PG), p. 1.
SCAM-2014-Abi-AntounCVG #abstract interpretation #graph #question #using- Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? (MAA, SC, RV, AG), pp. 245–254.
PEPM-J-2013-Garcia-PerezN14 #automaton #functional #hybrid #on the- On the syntactic and functional correspondence between hybrid (or layered) normalisers and abstract machines (ÁGP, PN), pp. 176–199.
PLDI-2014-HuangMR #abstraction #concurrent #control flow #detection #predict- Maximal sound predictive race detection with control flow abstraction (JH, POM, GR), p. 36.
PLDI-2014-ZhangMGNY #abstraction #analysis #datalog #on the #refinement- On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog (XZ, RM, RG, MN, HY), p. 27.
SAS-2014-BakhirkinBP #abstraction #analysis #approximate- Backward Analysis via over-Approximate Abstraction and under-Approximate Subtraction (AB, JB, NP), pp. 34–50.
SAS-2014-ChenLMKW #abstract domain #constraints- An Abstract Domain to Infer Octagonal Constraints with Absolute Value (LC, JL, AM, DK, JW), pp. 101–117.
SAS-2014-ToubhansCR #abstract domain #abstraction #combinator #memory management- An Abstract Domain Combinator for Separately Conjoining Memory Abstractions (AT, BYEC, XR), pp. 285–301.
SAS-2014-UrbanM #abstract domain #proving #termination- A Decision Tree Abstract Domain for Proving Conditional Termination (CU, AM), pp. 302–318.
AFL-2014-Klima #algebra #automaton #on the- On Varieties of Automata Enriched with an Algebraic Structure (Extended Abstract) (OK), pp. 49–54.
DLT-2014-HolzerJ #automaton- Minimal and Hyper-Minimal Biautomata — (Extended Abstract) (MH, SJ), pp. 291–302.
ICALP-v1-2014-BringmannKPPT #performance #physics #simulation- Internal DLA: Efficient Simulation of a Physical Growth Model — (Extended Abstract) (KB, FK, KP, UP, HT), pp. 247–258.
ICALP-v1-2014-EmekR #set- Semi-Streaming Set Cover — (Extended Abstract) (YE, AR), pp. 453–464.
ICALP-v1-2014-MekaRRR #independence #performance #pseudo- Fast Pseudorandomness for Independence and Load Balancing — (Extended Abstract) (RM, OR, GNR, RDR), pp. 859–870.
ICALP-v1-2014-Tzameret #algorithm #problem #random #satisfiability- Sparser Random 3-SAT Refutation Algorithms and the Interpolation Problem — (Extended Abstract) (IT), pp. 1015–1026.
LATA-2014-GantyR #order #verification- Ordered Counter-Abstraction — Refinable Subword Relations for Parameterized Verification (PG, AR), pp. 396–408.
SEFM-2014-BratNSV #abstract interpretation #framework #named #static analysis- IKOS: A Framework for Static Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (GB, JAN, NS, AV), pp. 271–277.
ICFP-2014-AccattoliBM #automaton- Distilling abstract machines (BA, PB, DM), pp. 363–376.
ICFP-2014-MarlowBCP #abstraction #concurrent #data access #performance- There is no fork: an abstraction for efficient, concurrent, and concise data access (SM, LB, JC, JP), pp. 325–337.
GRAPHITE-2014-Ziegert #abstraction #graph transformation- Graph Transformation Planning via Abstraction (SZ), pp. 71–83.
ICGT-2014-JansenN #generative #graph #pointer #source code #summary- Generating Abstract Graph-Based Procedure Summaries for Pointer Programs (CJ, TN), pp. 49–64.
CHI-2014-Blythe #design #research- Research through design fiction: narrative in real and imaginary abstracts (MB), pp. 703–712.
HIMI-AS-2014-NarumiOKTH #abstraction #comprehension- Switching the Level of Abstraction in Digital Exhibitions to Provide an Understanding of Mechanisms (TN, HO, RK, TT, MH), pp. 567–576.
EDOC-2014-GarciaV #abstraction #architecture #framework #implementation #process- Object-Business Process Mapping Frameworks: Abstractions, Architecture, and Implementation (RG, MTV), pp. 160–169.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BelgamoHZRF #abstraction #case study #visualisation- Code Inspection Supported by Stepwise Abstraction and Visualization — An Experimental Study (AB, EMH, AZ, RSR, SF), pp. 39–48.
ICML-c1-2014-SteinhardtL- Filtering with Abstract Particles (JS, PL), pp. 727–735.
KR-2014-CeruttiGVZ #recursion- An SCC Recursive Meta-Algorithm for Computing Preferred Labellings in Abstract Argumentation (FC, MG, MV, MZ).
KR-2014-DoutreHP #framework #logic- A Dynamic Logic Framework for Abstract Argumentation (SD, AH, LP).
KR-2014-DunneDLW #multi- Characteristics of Multiple Viewpoints in Abstract Argumentation (PED, WD, TL, SW).
KR-2014-LomuscioM #abstraction #atl #multi #specification #verification- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Multi-Agent Systems Against ATL Specifications (AL, JM).
KR-2014-PatriziV #constraints #database #similarity- Action Theories over Generalized Databases with Equality Constraints (Extended Abstract) (FP, SV).
KR-2014-StrassW #approximate #complexity #fixpoint #framework- Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory (HS, JPW).
SEKE-2014-ChenM #abstraction #evolution- Change and Role as First-Class Abstractions for Realising Dynamic Evolution (YC, XM), pp. 443–446.
SKY-2014-OsetinskyY #abstraction #case study #effectiveness #legacy #using- Working More Effectively with Legacy Code Using Domain Knowledge and Abstractions: A Case Study (IO, RY), pp. 63–70.
ECOOP-2014-OkurED #abstraction #low level #parallel- Converting Parallel Code from Low-Level Abstractions to Higher-Level Abstractions (SO, CE, DD), pp. 515–540.
ECOOP-2014-PintoDG #abstraction #logic #named- TaDA: A Logic for Time and Data Abstraction (PdRP, TDY, PG), pp. 207–231.
OOPSLA-2014-PartushY #correlation #difference #semantics- Abstract semantic differencing via speculative correlation (NP, EY), pp. 811–828.
OOPSLA-2014-WangCC #abstraction #compilation #verification- Compiler verification meets cross-language linking via data abstraction (PW, SC, AC), pp. 675–690.
LOPSTR-2014-SchreyeNN #compilation #deduction- Analysing and Compiling Coroutines with Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction (DDS, VN, CJN), pp. 21–38.
PPDP-2014-Ramsay #abstraction #recursion #safety- Exact Intersection Type Abstractions for Safety Checking of Recursion Schemes (SJR), pp. 175–186.
QAPL-2014-BraitlingFHWBH #abstraction #automaton #game studies #markov #named #refinement- MeGARA: Menu-based Game Abstraction and Abstraction Refinement of Markov Automata (BB, LMFF, HH, RW, BB, HH), pp. 48–63.
PADL-2014-LierlerT #composition- Abstract Modular Inference Systems and Solvers (YL, MT), pp. 49–64.
POPL-2014-Benton0N #logic- Abstract effects and proof-relevant logical relations (NB, MH, VN), pp. 619–632.
POPL-2014-ChongDK #abstraction #parallel #reasoning- A sound and complete abstraction for reasoning about parallel prefix sums (NC, AFD, JK), pp. 397–410.
POPL-2014-CousotC #abstract interpretation #calculus- A galois connection calculus for abstract interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 3–4.
POPL-2014-DissegnaLR #abstract interpretation #compilation- Tracing compilation by abstract interpretation (SD, FL, FR), pp. 47–60.
POPL-2014-DSilvaHK #satisfiability- Abstract satisfaction (VD, LH, DK), pp. 139–150.
POPL-2014-EhrhardTP #probability- Probabilistic coherence spaces are fully abstract for probabilistic PCF (TE, CT, MP), pp. 309–320.
POPL-2014-HouCGT #logic #proving- Proof search for propositional abstract separation logics via labelled sequents (ZH, RC, RG, AT), pp. 465–476.
POPL-2014-JeannetSS #linear- Abstract acceleration of general linear loops (BJ, PS, SS), pp. 529–540.
POPL-2014-RamsayNO #abstraction #approach #higher-order #model checking #refinement- A type-directed abstraction refinement approach to higher-order model checking (SJR, RPN, CHLO), pp. 61–72.
SAC-2014-A #authentication #health #mobile #network #privacy #research #student- Student research abstract: a privacy-preserving profile matching based authentication system for mobile health networks (DHA), pp. 196–197.
SAC-2014-Chen #analysis #behaviour #coordination #energy #research #scheduling #student- Student research abstract: demand behavior analysis and coordination scheduling for energy saving in smart building (SC), pp. 569–570.
SAC-2014-Cooper #android #detection #research #student- Student research abstract: android malware detection based on Kullback-Leibler divergence (VNC), pp. 1695–1696.
SAC-2014-Khan #independence #research #standard #student- Student research abstract: an optimized handover scheme based on media independent handover standard IEEE 802.21 (MK), pp. 717–718.
SAC-2014-Mota #internet #quality #research #student- Student research abstract: mechanisms to ensure quality of service for the internet of things (RPBM), pp. 713–714.
SAC-2014-PatrignaniC #low level #semantics- Fully abstract trace semantics for low-level isolation mechanisms (MP, DC), pp. 1562–1569.
SAC-2014-RockiBS #abstraction #future of #performance #programming #question- The future of accelerator programming: abstraction, performance or can we have both? (KR, MB, RS), pp. 886–895.
FSE-2014-CordyHLSDL #abstraction #behaviour #modelling #product line #refinement- Counterexample guided abstraction refinement of product-line behavioural models (MC, PH, AL, PYS, BD, ML), pp. 190–201.
FSE-2014-MileaJK #abstraction #detection #refactoring #scalability- Vector abstraction and concretization for scalable detection of refactorings (NAM, LJ, SCK), pp. 86–97.
LCTES-2014-LezuoPK #compilation #named #state machine- CASM: optimized compilation of abstract state machines (RL, PP, AK), pp. 13–22.
OSDI-2014-KimHZHWWS #abstraction #gpu #named #network #source code- GPUnet: Networking Abstractions for GPU Programs (SK, SH, XZ, YH, AW, EW, MS), pp. 201–216.
OSDI-2014-SpahnBLBGK #abstraction #data transformation #fine-grained #named #operating system- Pebbles: Fine-Grained Data Management Abstractions for Modern Operating Systems (RS, JB, ML, SB, RG, GEK), pp. 113–129.
CAV-2014-BirgmeierBW #abstraction #induction- Counterexample to Induction-Guided Abstraction-Refinement (CTIGAR) (JB, ARB, GW), pp. 831–848.
CAV-2014-CoxCS #abstraction #library #named #parametricity #reuse #set- QUICr: A Reusable Library for Parametric Abstraction of Sets and Numbers (AC, BYEC, SS), pp. 866–873.
CAV-2014-HansenLLN0 #abstraction #automaton #partial order #reduction #women- Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend: Partial Order Reduction for Timed Automata with Abstractions (HH, SWL, YL, TKN, JS), pp. 391–406.
CAV-2014-LeeS #abstraction #approximate #bound #reachability #scalability #verification- Unbounded Scalable Verification Based on Approximate Property-Directed Reachability and Datapath Abstraction (SL, KAS), pp. 849–865.
ICLP-J-2014-CominiTV #linear #logic #using- Abstract Diagnosis for tccp using a Linear Temporal Logic (MC, LT, AV), pp. 787–801.
ICLP-J-2014-SerranoLH #abstract interpretation #analysis #logic programming #resource management #source code #using- Resource Usage Analysis of Logic Programs via Abstract Interpretation Using Sized Types (AS, PLG, MVH), pp. 739–754.
LICS-CSL-2014-0001C #abstract interpretation #automaton- Abstract interpretation from Büchi automata (MH, WC), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-CousotC #abstract interpretation #past present future- Abstract interpretation: past, present and future (PC, RC), p. 10.
RTA-TLCA-2014-BaeM #abstraction- Predicate Abstraction of Rewrite Theories (KB, JM), pp. 61–76.
RTA-TLCA-2014-EscardoS #data type #type system- Abstract Datatypes for Real Numbers in Type Theory (MHE, AS), pp. 208–223.
RTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-Schauss #analysis #concurrent #programming language #semantics- Concurrent Programming Languages and Methods for Semantic Analyses (Extended Abstract of Invited Talk) (MSS), pp. 21–30.
TAP-2014-ArcainiGR #abstraction #model checking #testing- An Abstraction Technique for Testing Decomposable Systems by Model Checking (PA, AG, ER), pp. 36–52.
VMCAI-2014-Ferrara #abstract interpretation #analysis- Generic Combination of Heap and Value Analyses in Abstract Interpretation (PF), pp. 302–321.
VMCAI-2014-Fu #abstract domain #analysis #java #points-to #scalability- Modularly Combining Numeric Abstract Domains with Points-to Analysis, and a Scalable Static Numeric Analyzer for Java (ZF), pp. 282–301.
VMCAI-2014-GustavssonGL #analysis #execution #parallel #using- Timing Analysis of Parallel Software Using Abstract Execution (AG, JG, BL), pp. 59–77.
VMCAI-2014-Mine #abstract interpretation #analysis #relational #thread- Relational Thread-Modular Static Value Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (AM), pp. 39–58.
CASE-2013-HanzG #abstraction #cyber-physical #mobile- An abstraction layer for controlling heterogeneous mobile cyber-physical systems (TH, MG), pp. 117–121.
CASE-2013-Markovski #analysis #synthesis- Synthesis and analysis of supervisory controllers for time-abstracted discrete-event systems (JM), pp. 1075–1082.
CASE-2013-PerinF #automation #modelling- Comparing detailed and abstract timed models of automated discrete manufacturing systems (MP, JMF), pp. 916–923.
DAC-2013-BombieriLFC #c++ #synthesis- A method to abstract RTL IP blocks into C++ code and enable high-level synthesis (NB, HYL, FF, LPC), p. 9.
DAC-2013-XiongW #abstraction #constraints #grid #power management #verification- Constraint abstraction for vectorless power grid verification (XX, JW), p. 6.
DATE-2013-Belov0MM #abstraction #satisfiability- Core minimization in SAT-based abstraction (AB, HC, AM, JMS), pp. 1411–1416.
DATE-2013-MishchenkoEBBMN #abstraction #named #revisited- GLA: gate-level abstraction revisited (AM, NE, RKB, JB, HM, PKN), pp. 1399–1404.
ESOP-2013-JagadeesanPPR #composition #memory management #modelling #reasoning- Quarantining Weakness — Compositional Reasoning under Relaxed Memory Models (Extended Abstract) (RJ, GP, CP, JR), pp. 492–511.
ESOP-2013-VazouRJ #refinement- Abstract Refinement Types (NV, PMR, RJ), pp. 209–228.
FASE-2013-BapodraH #abstraction #graph transformation #probability- Abstraction and Training of Stochastic Graph Transformation Systems (MB, RH), pp. 312–326.
FASE-2013-Czarnecki #state of the art #variability- Variability in Software: State of the Art and Future Directions — (Extended Abstract) (KC), pp. 1–5.
FoSSaCS-2013-Clouston #abstraction #set- Generalised Name Abstraction for Nominal Sets (RC), pp. 434–449.
FoSSaCS-2013-Staton #algebra #logic- An Algebraic Presentation of Predicate Logic — (Extended Abstract) (SS), pp. 401–417.
TACAS-2013-AlbarghouthiGLCC #abstract interpretation #contest #named #verification- UFO: Verification with Interpolants and Abstract Interpretation — (Competition Contribution) (AA, AG, YL, SC, MC), pp. 637–640.
TACAS-2013-BansalKWZ #abstraction- Structural Counter Abstraction (KB, EK, TW, DZ), pp. 62–77.
ICSM-2013-AnandEKSBK #abstraction #analysis #bytecode #framework #memory management #stack- An Accurate Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables (KA, KE, AK, MS, RB, ADK), pp. 90–99.
ICSM-2013-LeWL #locality #multi- Multi-abstraction Concern Localization (TDBL, SW, DL), pp. 364–367.
SCAM-2013-KiwelekarJ #abstraction #object-oriented #ontology #programming- Ontological interpretation of object-oriented programming abstractions (AWK, RKJ), pp. 189–198.
PEPM-2013-OliveiraL #domain-specific language #graph #syntax- Abstract syntax graphs for domain specific languages (BCdSO, AL), pp. 87–96.
PEPM-2013-SulzmannNZ #abstraction #correctness #traceability- Traceability and evidence of correctness of EDSL abstractions (MS, JNF, AZ), pp. 71–74.
PLDI-2013-SergeyDMMDCP #monad- Monadic abstract interpreters (IS, DD, MM, JM, DD, DC, FP), pp. 399–410.
PLDI-2013-ZhangNY #abstraction #analysis #data flow #parametricity- Finding optimum abstractions in parametric dataflow analysis (XZ, MN, HY), pp. 365–376.
SAS-2013-0001MP #abstract domain #automaton #quantifier- Quantified Data Automata on Skinny Trees: An Abstract Domain for Lists (PG, PM, GP), pp. 172–193.
SAS-2013-BlazyLMP #abstract interpretation #analysis #c #verification- Formal Verification of a C Value Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (SB, VL, AM, DP), pp. 324–344.
SAS-2013-BrainDGHK #float #source code #verification- Interpolation-Based Verification of Floating-Point Programs with Abstract CDCL (MB, VD, AG, LH, DK), pp. 412–432.
SAS-2013-DanMVY #abstraction #memory management #modelling- Predicate Abstraction for Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 84–104.
SAS-2013-FouilheMP #abstract domain #correctness #generative #performance- Efficient Generation of Correctness Certificates for the Abstract Domain of Polyhedra (AF, DM, MP), pp. 345–365.
SAS-2013-GangeNSSS #abstract domain #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation over Non-lattice Abstract Domains (GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 6–24.
SAS-2013-Goubault #abstract interpretation #source code #static analysis- Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of Numerical Programs and Systems, and FLUCTUAT (EG), pp. 1–3.
SAS-2013-KimDS #documentation #html #parsing #semantics #validation- Static Validation of Dynamically Generated HTML Documents Based on Abstract Parsing and Semantic Processing (HK, KGD, DAS), pp. 194–214.
SAS-2013-Komondoor #abstract interpretation #imperative #precise #slicing #source code- Precise Slicing in Imperative Programs via Term-Rewriting and Abstract Interpretation (RK), pp. 259–282.
SAS-2013-PartushY #difference #semantics #source code- Abstract Semantic Differencing for Numerical Programs (NP, EY), pp. 238–258.
SAS-2013-Urban #abstract domain #ranking- The Abstract Domain of Segmented Ranking Functions (CU), pp. 43–62.
STOC-2013-BeckNT #calculus #polynomial #trade-off- Some trade-off results for polynomial calculus: extended abstract (CB, JN, BT), pp. 813–822.
STOC-2013-Bernstein #graph #maintenance- Maintaining shortest paths under deletions in weighted directed graphs: [extended abstract] (AB), pp. 725–734.
STOC-2013-CaiGW- A complete dichotomy rises from the capture of vanishing signatures: extended abstract (JYC, HG, TW), pp. 635–644.
STOC-2013-KingS #polynomial- Byzantine agreement in polynomial expected time: [extended abstract] (VK, JS), pp. 401–410.
STOC-2013-LenzenP #performance #using- Fast routing table construction using small messages: extended abstract (CL, BPS), pp. 381–390.
CIAA-2013-HolzerJ #algorithm #robust- Brzozowski’s Minimization Algorithm — More Robust than Expected — (Extended Abstract) (MH, SJ), pp. 181–192.
ICALP-v1-2013-AumullerD #clustering- Optimal Partitioning for Dual Pivot Quicksort — (Extended Abstract) (MA, MD), pp. 33–44.
ICALP-v1-2013-BohlerCKLPZ #complexity #diagrams #higher-order #on the- On the Complexity of Higher Order Abstract Voronoi Diagrams (CB, PC, RK, CHL, EP, MZ), pp. 208–219.
ICALP-v1-2013-FilmusLMNV #bound #calculus #comprehension #polynomial #towards- Towards an Understanding of Polynomial Calculus: New Separations and Lower Bounds — (Extended Abstract) (YF, ML, MM, JN, MV), pp. 437–448.
ICALP-v2-2013-CelisGK #information management #on the- On Revenue Maximization for Agents with Costly Information Acquisition — Extended Abstract (LEC, DCG, ARK), pp. 484–495.
ICALP-v2-2013-ImNP #data type #parametricity #recursion- Contractive Signatures with Recursive Types, Type Parameters, and Abstract Types (HI, KN, SP), pp. 299–311.
IFM-2013-AlbertCPR #abstraction #distributed #quantifier- Quantified Abstractions of Distributed Systems (EA, JC, GP, GRD), pp. 285–300.
ICFP-2013-JohnsonLMH #automaton #optimisation- Optimizing abstract abstract machines (JIJ, NL, MM, DVH), pp. 443–454.
IFL-2013-DanvyTZ #abstraction- Circularity and λ Abstraction: From Bird to Pettorossi and back (OD, PT, IZ), p. 85.
ICEIS-v1-2013-BevacquaCFGP #abstraction #adaptation #approach #predict #process- A Data-adaptive Trace Abstraction Approach to the Prediction of Business Process Performances (AB, MC, FF, MG, LP), pp. 56–65.
KEOD-2013-NiewiadomskiP #ontology #smt #towards- Towards SMT-based Abstract Planning in PlanICS Ontology (AN, WP), pp. 123–131.
ICMT-2013-Horn #query- Model Querying with FunnyQT — (Extended Abstract) (TH), pp. 56–57.
ICMT-2013-LepperT #performance #validation- Fragmented Validation: A Simple and Efficient Contribution to XSLT Checking (Extended Abstract) (ML, BTyW), pp. 54–55.
ECOOP-2013-HeuleKMS #abstraction #generative #logic #verification- Verification Condition Generation for Permission Logics with Abstract Predicates and Abstraction Functions (SH, ITK, PM, AJS), pp. 451–476.
ECOOP-2013-SummersD #abstraction #recursion #semantics- A Formal Semantics for Isorecursive and Equirecursive State Abstractions (AJS, SD), pp. 129–153.
OOPSLA-2013-ChongDKKQ #abstraction #analysis #gpu #invariant #kernel- Barrier invariants: a shared state abstraction for the analysis of data-dependent GPU kernels (NC, AFD, PHJK, JK, SQ), pp. 605–622.
OOPSLA-2013-KansalSBMMZ #abstraction #energy #latency #mobile #performance- The latency, accuracy, and battery (LAB) abstraction: programmer productivity and energy efficiency for continuous mobile context sensing (AK, TSS, AJBB, KSM, TM, RZ), pp. 661–676.
GPCE-2013-Richard-FoyBJ #abstraction #performance #programming #web- Efficient high-level abstractions for web programming (JRF, OB, JMJ), pp. 53–60.
LOPSTR-2013-DanvyJ #automaton #reduction #semantics- From Outermost Reduction Semantics to Abstract Machine (OD, JJ), pp. 91–108.
PPDP-2013-Holdermans #data type #functional #guidelines #random testing #testing- Random testing of purely functional abstract datatypes: guidelines for dealing with operation invariance (SH), pp. 275–284.
PPDP-2013-SimmonsZ #automaton #logic #semantics- A logical correspondence between natural semantics and abstract machines (RJS, IZ), pp. 109–119.
PADL-2013-RodriguesASF #abstraction #analysis #composition #declarative #multi #using- A Declarative Compositional Timing Analysis for Multicores Using the Latency-Rate Abstraction (VR, BA, SMdS, MF), pp. 43–59.
POPL-2013-AtkeyJK #abstraction #algebra- Abstraction and invariance for algebraically indexed types (RA, PJ, AK), pp. 87–100.
POPL-2013-BattyDG #abstraction #c #c++ #concurrent #library- Library abstraction for C/C++ concurrency (MB, MD, AG), pp. 235–248.
POPL-2013-CernyHR #abstraction #refinement- Quantitative abstraction refinement (PC, TAH, AR), pp. 115–128.
POPL-2013-DSilvaHK #learning- Abstract conflict driven learning (VD, LH, DK), pp. 143–154.
POPL-2013-FournetSCDSL #compilation #javascript- Fully abstract compilation to JavaScript (CF, NS, JC, PÉD, PYS, BL), pp. 371–384.
POPL-2013-LoschP #abstraction- Full abstraction for nominal Scott domains (SL, AMP), pp. 3–14.
SAC-OOPS-J-2009-LievensH13 #abstraction #encapsulation #implementation #multi #symmetry- Abstraction over implementation structure with symmetrically encapsulated multimethods (DL, WH), pp. 953–968.
SAC-2013-ChenLWW #abstraction #source code #static analysis- Static analysis of list-manipulating programs via bit-vectors and numerical abstractions (LC, RL, XW, JW), pp. 1204–1210.
SAC-2013-HalderC #database #query #slicing- Abstract program slicing of database query languages (RH, AC), pp. 838–845.
SAC-2013-KolbR #abstraction #adaptation #data flow #process- Data flow abstractions and adaptations through updatable process views (JK, MR), pp. 1447–1453.
ESEC-FSE-2013-PhamW #abstraction #algebra #data type #named #reasoning- RADA: a tool for reasoning about algebraic data types with abstractions (THP, MWW), pp. 611–614.
ICSE-2013-BakZCADWR #abstraction #modelling- Example-driven modeling: model = abstractions + examples (KB, DZ, KC, MA, ZD, AW, DR), pp. 1273–1276.
ICSE-2013-TianD #detection #model checking- Detecting spurious counterexamples efficiently in abstract model checking (CT, ZD), pp. 202–211.
LDTA-J-2009-SoderbergEHM #abstract syntax tree #analysis #syntax- Extensible intraprocedural flow analysis at the abstract syntax tree level (ES, TE, GH, EM), pp. 1809–1827.
LCTES-2013-KhudiaM #control flow #low cost #using- Low cost control flow protection using abstract control signatures (DSK, SAM), pp. 3–12.
CADE-2013-BaumgartnerW #abstraction- Hierarchic Superposition with Weak Abstraction (PB, UW), pp. 39–57.
CADE-2013-HahnleSB #reuse #verification- Reuse in Software Verification by Abstract Method Calls (RH, IS, RB), pp. 300–314.
CAV-2013-HerbreteauSW #abstraction #automaton #lazy evaluation- Lazy Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 990–1005.
CAV-2013-KomuravelliGCC #abstraction #automation #bound #model checking #smt- Automatic Abstraction in SMT-Based Unbounded Software Model Checking (AK, AG, SC, EMC), pp. 846–862.
CAV-2013-LaarmanODLP #abstraction #automaton #manycore #using- Multi-core Emptiness Checking of Timed Büchi Automata Using Inclusion Abstraction (AL, MCO, AED, KGL, JvdP), pp. 968–983.
CAV-2013-PrabhakarS #abstraction #hybrid #model checking- Abstraction Based Model-Checking of Stability of Hybrid Systems (PP, MGS), pp. 280–295.
CSL-2013-Nishimura #game studies #parallel #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Parallelism with Non-Blocking Synchronization on Shared Variables (SN), pp. 578–596.
ICST-2013-CzemerinskiBU #abstraction #behaviour #black box- Behaviour Abstraction Coverage as Black-Box Adequacy Criteria (HC, VAB, SU), pp. 222–231.
LICS-2013-FredrikssonG #automaton #game studies #revisited #semantics- Abstract Machines for Game Semantics, Revisited (OF, DRG), pp. 560–569.
RTA-2013-BaeEM #infinity #logic #model checking #using- Abstract Logical Model Checking of Infinite-State Systems Using Narrowing (KB, SE, JM), pp. 81–96.
VMCAI-2013-BrainDHGK #abstract interpretation- An Abstract Interpretation of DPLL(T) (MB, VD, LH, AG, DK), pp. 455–475.
VMCAI-2013-DSilvaK #abstraction #syntax- Abstraction of Syntax (VD, DK), pp. 396–413.
VMCAI-2013-HeuleLMS- Abstract Read Permissions: Fractional Permissions without the Fractions (SH, KRML, PM, AJS), pp. 315–334.
VMCAI-2013-PelleauMTB #abstract domain #constraints #theorem proving- A Constraint Solver Based on Abstract Domains (MP, AM, CT, FB), pp. 434–454.
VMCAI-2013-Ranzato #abstraction- Complete Abstractions Everywhere (FR), pp. 15–26.
VMCAI-2013-SeladjiB #abstract domain #analysis #fixpoint #tool support #using- Fixpoint Computation in the Polyhedra Abstract Domain Using Convex and Numerical Analysis Tools (YS, OB), pp. 149–168.
VMCAI-2013-ToubhansCR #abstract domain- Reduced Product Combination of Abstract Domains for Shapes (AT, BYEC, XR), pp. 375–395.
VMCAI-2013-Yahav #synthesis- Abstraction-Guided Synthesis (EY), p. 27.
QoSA-2012-HaitzerZ #abstraction #architecture #automation #component #lifecycle- DSL-based support for semi-automated architectural component model abstraction throughout the software lifecycle (TH, UZ), pp. 61–70.
ASE-2012-JacobsonSJK #re-engineering- Re-founding software engineering — SEMAT at the age of three (keynote abstract) (IJ, IS, PJ, MKM), pp. 15–19.
CASE-2012-ShoaeiFL #abstraction #automaton #finite- Abstractions for nonblocking supervisory control of Extended Finite Automata (MRS, LF, BL), pp. 364–370.
DAC-2012-AadithyaR #abstraction #automation #automaton #generative #logic #named- DAE2FSM: automatic generation of accurate discrete-time logical abstractions for continuous-time circuit dynamics (KVA, JSR), pp. 311–316.
DAC-2012-KengV #abstraction #debugging #design #refinement #satisfiability- Path directed abstraction and refinement in SAT-based design debugging (BK, AGV), pp. 947–954.
DAC-2012-UrdahlSWK #abstraction #composition #concurrent #verification- System verification of concurrent RTL modules by compositional path predicate abstraction (JU, DS, MW, WK), pp. 334–343.
DATE-2012-Gamatie #design #streaming #using- Design of streaming applications on MPSoCs using abstract clocks (AG), pp. 763–768.
DATE-2012-KatzRZ #csp #generative #using- Generating instruction streams using abstract CSP (YK, MR, AZ), pp. 15–20.
DATE-2012-LuMS #abstraction #modelling #prototype #transaction- Accurately timed transaction level models for virtual prototyping at high abstraction level (KL, DMG, US), pp. 135–140.
DATE-2012-StattelmannGCBR #hybrid #modelling #simulation #using- Hybrid source-level simulation of data caches using abstract cache models (SS, GG, CC, OB, WR), pp. 376–381.
PODS-2012-NgoPRR #algorithm #worst-case- Worst-case optimal join algorithms: [extended abstract] (HQN, EP, CR, AR), pp. 37–48.
SIGMOD-2012-BarbosaMLO #named #network #recommendation #visualisation #web- VRRC: web based tool for visualization and recommendation on co-authorship network (abstract only) (EMB, MMM, GRL, JPMdO), p. 865.
SIGMOD-2012-BoltonIRT #declarative #development #encapsulation #javascript #web- Declarative web application development: encapsulating dynamic JavaScript widgets (abstract only) (RB, DI, CR, KLT), p. 863.
SIGMOD-2012-MongioviBRSPF #mining #named #network- SigSpot: mining significant anomalous regions from time-evolving networks (abstract only) (MM, PB, RR, AKS, EEP, CF), p. 865.
SIGMOD-2012-OhKKL #sorting- Reducing cache misses in hash join probing phase by pre-sorting strategy (abstract only) (GHO, JMK, WHK, SWL), p. 864.
SIGMOD-2012-PengYZWY #difference #multi #named #privacy- DP-tree: indexing multi-dimensional data under differential privacy (abstract only) (SP, YY, ZZ, MW, YY), p. 864.
SIGMOD-2012-RosnerHGPB #correlation #performance #word- Fast sampling word correlations of high dimensional text data (abstract only) (FR, AH, MG, MP, AB), p. 866.
SIGMOD-2012-SliwkanichSYHB #corpus #scalability #summary #towards #visualisation- Towards scalable summarization and visualization of large text corpora (abstract only) (TS, DS, AY, MH, DB), p. 863.
SIGMOD-2012-XueYC- Temporal provenance discovery in micro-blog message streams (abstract only) (ZX, JY, BC), p. 864.
CSEET-2012-Virseda #algebra #data type #implementation #specification #testing #verification- A Software Testing Tool for the Verification of Abstract Data Type Implementations from Formal Algebraic Specifications (RdVV), pp. 100–104.
ITiCSE-2012-CookDHHJKS #abstraction #approach #education #modelling- A systematic approach to teaching abstraction and mathematical modeling (CTC, SDS, JOH, JEH, DPJ, JK, MS), pp. 357–362.
ITiCSE-2012-GinatA #composition #pseudo- Pseudo abstract composition: the case of language concatenation (DG, RA), pp. 28–33.
ITiCSE-2012-Khalifa #data type- Intuitive thinking while dealing with abstract data types (WK), p. 391.
ESOP-2012-CousotM #abstract interpretation #probability- Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation (PC, MM), pp. 169–193.
FASE-2012-LongCMM #abstraction #refinement- Language-Theoretic Abstraction Refinement (ZL, GC, RM, RM), pp. 362–376.
FoSSaCS-2012-AdamekMMS #algebra- Well-Pointed Coalgebras (Extended Abstract) (JA, SM, LSM, LS), pp. 89–103.
FoSSaCS-2012-DArgenioL #abstraction #bisimulation #congruence #probability #specification- Probabilistic Transition System Specification: Congruence and Full Abstraction of Bisimulation (PRD, MDL), pp. 452–466.
FoSSaCS-2012-GlabbeekGS #on the #petri net- On Distributability of Petri Nets — (Extended Abstract) (RJvG, UG, JWSU), pp. 331–345.
FoSSaCS-2012-MazzaR #abstraction #combinator #interactive #modelling #symmetry- Full Abstraction for Set-Based Models of the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM, NJR), pp. 316–330.
TACAS-2012-Wonisch #abstraction #contest- Block Abstraction Memoization for CPAchecker — (Competition Contribution) (DW), pp. 531–533.
CSMR-2012-HamannVGK #monitoring #runtime- Abstract Runtime Monitoring with USE (LH, LV, MG, MK), pp. 549–552.
ICPC-2012-DeLine #developer- Studying developers for fun and profit: (Keynote abstract) (RD), p. 11.
ICPC-2012-NunezK #abstraction #case study #comprehension- Understanding registration-based abstractions: A quantitative user study (JJN, GK), pp. 93–102.
WCRE-2012-NodaKA #abstraction #execution- Execution Trace Abstraction Based on Meta Patterns Usage (KN, TK, KA), pp. 167–176.
SAS-2012-AbdullaACLR #abstraction #automation #integer #source code- Automatic Fence Insertion in Integer Programs via Predicate Abstraction (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 164–180.
SAS-2012-ChengR #abstract domain #spreadsheet- An Abstract Domain to Infer Types over Zones in Spreadsheets (TC, XR), pp. 94–110.
SAS-2012-GiacobazziM #abstract interpretation #modelling #obfuscation- Making Abstract Interpretation Incomplete: Modeling the Potency of Obfuscation (RG, IM), pp. 129–145.
SAS-2012-HenryMM #abstract interpretation #algorithm #analysis #evaluation- Succinct Representations for Abstract Interpretation — Combined Analysis Algorithms and Experimental Evaluation (JH, DM, MM), pp. 283–299.
SAS-2012-IoualalenM #abstract domain #representation- A New Abstract Domain for the Representation of Mathematically Equivalent Expressions (AI, MM), pp. 75–93.
SAS-2012-ThakurER #abstraction #algorithm- Bilateral Algorithms for Symbolic Abstraction (AVT, ME, TWR), pp. 111–128.
STOC-2012-Ajtai #nondeterminism #testing- Determinism versus nondeterminism with arithmetic tests and computation: extended abstract (MA), pp. 249–268.
STOC-2012-Belovs #source code- Span programs for functions with constant-sized 1-certificates: extended abstract (AB), pp. 77–84.
STOC-2012-Kayal- Affine projections of polynomials: extended abstract (NK), pp. 643–662.
DLT-2012-HolzerJ #automaton #equivalence #fault- From Equivalence to Almost-Equivalence, and Beyond — Minimizing Automata with Errors — (Extended Abstract) (MH, SJ), pp. 190–201.
DLT-2012-KetemaS #normalisation #string #termination- Characterizing Languages by Normalization and Termination in String Rewriting — (Extended Abstract) (JK, JGS), pp. 459–464.
ICALP-v1-2012-BabaiCQ #morphism #polynomial- Polynomial-Time Isomorphism Test for Groups with No Abelian Normal Subgroups — (Extended Abstract) (LB, PC, YQ), pp. 51–62.
ICALP-v2-2012-Fiore #polynomial- Discrete Generalised Polynomial Functors — (Extended Abstract) (MPF), pp. 214–226.
ICALP-v2-2012-GugelmannPP #clustering #graph #random #sequence- Random Hyperbolic Graphs: Degree Sequence and Clustering — (Extended Abstract) (LG, KP, UP), pp. 573–585.
ICALP-v2-2012-KufleitnerL #logic #word- Lattices of Logical Fragments over Words — (Extended Abstract) (MK, AL), pp. 275–286.
ICALP-v2-2012-ReddyD #algol #formal method- An Automata-Theoretic Model of Idealized Algol — (Extended Abstract) (USR, BPD), pp. 337–350.
ICALP-v2-2012-Vocking #multi #random- Randomized Mechanisms for Multi-unit Auctions — (Extended Abstract) (BV), pp. 27–29.
LATA-2012-Bozzelli #abstraction #constraints #termination- Strong Termination for Gap-Order Constraint Abstractions of Counter Systems (LB), pp. 155–168.
FM-2012-AartsHKOV #abstraction #automaton #learning #refinement- Automata Learning through Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement (FA, FH, HK, PO, FWV), pp. 10–27.
IFM-2012-HoomanMW #abstraction #detection #fault #industrial #modelling #using- Early Fault Detection in Industry Using Models at Various Abstraction Levels (JH, AJM, HvW), pp. 268–282.
SEFM-2012-Jones #abstraction #concurrent #formal method- Abstraction as a Unifying Link for Formal Approaches to Concurrency (CBJ), pp. 1–15.
SEFM-2012-OuchaniMD #abstraction #diagrams #performance #probability #process- Efficient Probabilistic Abstraction for SysML Activity Diagrams (SO, OAM, MD), pp. 263–277.
SFM-2012-CasoBGU #abstraction #validation- Abstractions for Validation in Action (GdC, VAB, DG, SU), pp. 192–218.
ICFP-2012-Axelsson #embedded #syntax- A generic abstract syntax model for embedded languages (EA), pp. 323–334.
GRAPHITE-2012-ZambonR #graph- Graph Subsumption in Abstract State Space Exploration (EZ, AR), pp. 35–49.
ICGT-2012-RensinkZ #abstraction #graph- Pattern-Based Graph Abstraction (AR, EZ), pp. 66–80.
CAiSE-2012-LaraGC #approach #modelling- Abstracting Modelling Languages: A Reutilization Approach (JdL, EG, JSC), pp. 127–143.
ECIR-2012-CoelhoR #abstraction #image #retrieval- Image Abstraction in Crossmedia Retrieval for Text Illustration (FC, CR), pp. 329–339.
ICPR-2012-Laine-HernandezKKLKO #categorisation #image #visual notation- Visual saliency and categorisation of abstract images (MLH, TK, JKK, LL, HK, PO), pp. 2752–2755.
KR-2012-BackstromJ #abstraction- Abstracting Abstraction in Search with Applications to Planning (CB, PJ).
KR-2012-BelardinelliLP #abstraction #verification- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Artifact-Centric Systems (FB, AL, FP).
KR-2012-DvorakJWW- Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation (WD, MJ, JPW, SW).
KR-2012-Grossi #fixpoint- Fixpoints and Iterated Updates in Abstract Argumentation (DG).
KR-2012-TosattoBTV #proving #semantics- Abstract Normative Systems: Semantics and Proof Theory (SCT, GB, LWNvdT, SV).
SEKE-2012-CostaCORSZ #generative #modelling #performance #testing- Generating Performance Test Scripts and Scenarios Based on Abstract Intermediate Models (LTC, RMC, FMdO, EdMR, MBdS, AFZ), pp. 112–117.
MoDELS-2012-BrancoTCKV #abstraction #process #workflow- Matching Business Process Workflows across Abstraction Levels (MCB, JT, KC, JMK, HV), pp. 626–641.
MoDELS-2012-BrancoTCKV #abstraction #process #workflow- Matching Business Process Workflows across Abstraction Levels (MCB, JT, KC, JMK, HV), pp. 626–641.
Onward-2012-LohSC #abstraction #composition- Managed data: modular strategies for data abstraction (AL, TvdS, WRC), pp. 179–194.
OOPSLA-2012-CousotCLB #abstract interpretation #contract #framework #refactoring- An abstract interpretation framework for refactoring with application to extract methods with contracts (PC, RC, FL, MB), pp. 213–232.
OOPSLA-2012-ParizekL #abstraction #java #source code- Predicate abstraction of Java programs with collections (PP, OL), pp. 75–94.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-MarrD #abstraction #concurrent #identification #implementation #multi #virtual machine- Identifying a Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-language Virtual Machines (SM, TD), pp. 171–186.
GPCE-2012-RaysideMLYXJ #abstraction- Synthesizing iterators from abstraction functions (DR, VM, FL, AY, KX, DJ), pp. 31–40.
POPL-2012-CousotC #abstract interpretation #framework #termination- An abstract interpretation framework for termination (PC, RC), pp. 245–258.
POPL-2012-CretinR #abstraction #on the #power of- On the power of coercion abstraction (JC, DR), pp. 361–372.
POPL-2012-NaikYCS #abstraction #testing- Abstractions from tests (MN, HY, GC, MS), pp. 373–386.
SAC-2012-MenezesOV #abstraction #composition #coordination #pervasive- Dynamic composition of coordination abstractions for pervasive systems: the case of LogOp (RM, AO, MV), pp. 1557–1559.
SAC-2012-ScandurraAYD #case study #functional #modelling #requirements #state machine #validation- Functional requirements validation by transforming use case models into Abstract State Machines (PS, AA, TY, MD), pp. 1063–1068.
FSE-2012-AthanasopoulosZV #abstraction #quality- Service selection for happy users: making user-intuitive quality abstractions (DA, AZ, PV), p. 32.
ICSE-2012-CordyCPSHL #abstraction #model checking #product line- Simulation-based abstractions for software product-line model checking (MC, AC, GP, PYS, PH, AL), pp. 672–682.
SLE-2012-Sloane #abstraction #analysis #attribute grammar #evaluation- Profile-Based Abstraction and Analysis of Attribute Grammar Evaluation (AMS), pp. 24–43.
CAV-2012-AlbarghouthiLGC #framework #named #verification- Ufo: A Framework for Abstraction- and Interpolation-Based Software Verification (AA, YL, AG, MC), pp. 672–678.
CAV-2012-AlbertiBGRS #abstraction #array #named #smt- SAFARI: SMT-Based Abstraction for Arrays with Interpolants (FA, RB, SG, SR, NS), pp. 679–685.
CAV-2012-BerdineCIW #abstraction #analysis- Diagnosing Abstraction Failure for Separation Logic-Based Analyses (JB, AC, SI, CMW), pp. 155–173.
CAV-2012-FredriksonJJRPSY #abstraction #performance #policy #refinement #runtime #using- Efficient Runtime Policy Enforcement Using Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (MF, RJ, SJ, TWR, PAP, HS, VY), pp. 548–563.
CAV-2012-KomuravelliPC #abstraction #probability #refinement- Assume-Guarantee Abstraction Refinement for Probabilistic Systems (AK, CSP, EMC), pp. 310–326.
CAV-2012-ThakurR #symbolic computation- A Method for Symbolic Computation of Abstract Operations (AVT, TWR), pp. 174–192.
CAV-2012-Tiwari #relational- HybridSAL Relational Abstracter (AT), pp. 725–731.
CAV-2012-ZutshiST #abstraction #relational- Timed Relational Abstractions for Sampled Data Control Systems (AZ, SS, AT), pp. 343–361.
ICLP-2012-OetschPT #constraints #semantics #source code- An FLP-Style Answer-Set Semantics for Abstract-Constraint Programs with Disjunctions (JO, JP, HT), pp. 222–234.
ICST-2012-JuzgadoVSAR #abstraction #branch #clustering #effectiveness #equivalence #testing- Comparing the Effectiveness of Equivalence Partitioning, Branch Testing and Code Reading by Stepwise Abstraction Applied by Subjects (NJJ, SV, MS, SA, IR), pp. 330–339.
ICST-2012-PonsiniMR #abstract interpretation #analysis #constraints #float #programming #source code- Combining Constraint Programming and Abstract Interpretation for Value Analysis of Floating-point Programs (OP, CM, MR), pp. 775–776.
ICTSS-2012-Havelund #analysis- Requirements-Driven Log Analysis (Extended Abstract) (KH), pp. 1–4.
IJCAR-2012-Bjorner #satisfiability- Taking Satisfiability to the Next Level with Z3 — (Abstract) (NB), pp. 1–8.
IJCAR-2012-Brock-NannestadS #abstraction #monad- Truthful Monadic Abstractions (TBN, CS), pp. 97–110.
ISSTA-2012-StrejcekT- Abstracting path conditions (JS, MT), pp. 155–165.
LICS-2012-HerbreteauSW #abstraction #automaton- Better Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 375–384.
RTA-2012-Accattoli #theorem- An Abstract Factorization Theorem for Explicit Substitutions (BA), pp. 6–21.
TAP-2012-KosmatovW #automation #testing #tutorial- Tutorial on Automated Structural Testing with PathCrawler — (Extended Abstract) (NK, NW), p. 176.
VMCAI-2012-BouajjaniDES #abstract domain #automation #infinity #reasoning #source code- Abstract Domains for Automated Reasoning about List-Manipulating Programs with Infinite Data (AB, CD, CE, MS), pp. 1–22.
VMCAI-2012-BozzelliP #abstraction #constraints #verification- Verification of Gap-Order Constraint Abstractions of Counter Systems (LB, SP), pp. 88–103.
VMCAI-2012-GhorbalIBMG #abstract interpretation #performance- Donut Domains: Efficient Non-convex Domains for Abstract Interpretation (KG, FI, GB, NM, AG), pp. 235–250.
VMCAI-2012-ZuffereyWH #abstraction- Ideal Abstractions for Well-Structured Transition Systems (DZ, TW, TAH), pp. 445–460.
WICSA-2011-Selic #abstraction- Making Abstraction Concrete (BS), p. 1.
ASE-2011-Vakili #modelling- Analyzing temporal properties of abstract models (AV), pp. 656–659.
DAC-2011-HolcombBS #performance #verification- Abstraction-based performance verification of NoCs (DEH, BAB, SAS), pp. 492–497.
DAC-2011-NguyenWSK #abstraction #hardware- Formal hardware/software co-verification by interval property checking with abstraction (MDN, MW, DS, WK), pp. 510–515.
DATE-2011-SinhaP #representation #state machine #synthesis- Abstract state machines as an intermediate representation for high-level synthesis (RS, HDP), pp. 1406–1411.
CSEET-2011-OffuttLAX #abstraction #design #education #using #web- Using abstraction and Web applications to teach criteria-based test design (JO, NL, PA, WX), pp. 227–236.
ITiCSE-2011-OliveiraMR #learning #problem #programming- From concrete to abstract?: problem domain in the learning of introductory programming (OLO, AMM, NTR), pp. 173–177.
ESOP-2011-KoutavasH #encryption #higher-order #testing- A Testing Theory for a Higher-Order Cryptographic Language — (Extended Abstract) (VK, MH), pp. 358–377.
FoSSaCS-2011-CousotCM #abstract domain- The Reduced Product of Abstract Domains and the Combination of Decision Procedures (PC, RC, LM), pp. 456–472.
FoSSaCS-2011-GhicaM #abstraction #game studies #semantics- Synchronous Game Semantics via Round Abstraction (DRG, MNM), pp. 350–364.
FoSSaCS-2011-Hamana #polymorphism #syntax- Polymorphic Abstract Syntax via Grothendieck Construction (MH), pp. 381–395.
TACAS-2011-CimattiNR #abstraction #lazy evaluation #partial order #reduction- Boosting Lazy Abstraction for SystemC with Partial Order Reduction (AC, IN, MR), pp. 341–356.
TACAS-2011-KupferschmidW #abstraction #database- Abstractions and Pattern Databases: The Quest for Succinctness and Accuracy (SK, MW), pp. 276–290.
TACAS-2011-PodelskiR #abstraction #invariant #termination- Transition Invariants and Transition Predicate Abstraction for Program Termination (AP, AR), pp. 3–10.
CSMR-2011-AlawnehH #abstraction #communication #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to the Abstraction of Traces of Inter-Process Communication (LA, AHL), pp. 211–220.
MSR-2011-Whitehead #data mining #game studies #mining #what- Fantasy, farms, and freemium: what game data mining teaches us about retention, conversion, and virality (keynote abstract) (JW), p. 1.
MSR-2011-Zhou #debugging #detection #problem- Connecting technology with real-world problems — from copy-paste detection to detecting known bugs: (keynote abstract) (YZ), p. 2.
PLDI-2011-KobayashiSU #abstraction #higher-order #model checking- Predicate abstraction and CEGAR for higher-order model checking (NK, RS, HU), pp. 222–233.
PLDI-2011-KupersteinVY #abstraction #memory management #modelling- Partial-coherence abstractions for relaxed memory models (MK, MTV, EY), pp. 187–198.
PLDI-2011-LiangN #abstraction #refinement #scalability- Scaling abstraction refinement via pruning (PL, MN), pp. 590–601.
SAS-2011-AvniK #abstraction #framework #query- An Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Trigger Querying (GA, OK), pp. 263–279.
SAS-2011-ElderLSAR #abstract domain- Abstract Domains of Affine Relations (ME, JL, TS, TA, TWR), pp. 198–215.
SAS-2011-EsparzaG #abstraction #probability- Probabilistic Abstractions with Arbitrary Domains (JE, AG), pp. 334–350.
SAS-2011-GorogiannisKO #abduction #abstraction #complexity- The Complexity of Abduction for Separated Heap Abstractions (NG, MIK, PWO), pp. 25–42.
SAS-2011-MadhavanRV #abstract interpretation #analysis- Purity Analysis: An Abstract Interpretation Formulation (RM, GR, KV), pp. 7–24.
SAS-2011-McMillanZ #abstract interpretation #invariant- Invisible Invariants and Abstract Interpretation (KLM, LDZ), pp. 249–262.
SAS-2011-MightH #abstract interpretation #concurrent #higher-order #product line #source code #static analysis- A Family of Abstract Interpretations for Static Analysis of Concurrent Higher-Order Programs (MM, DVH), pp. 180–197.
SAS-2011-SchrammelJ #data flow #source code #verification- Logico-Numerical Abstract Acceleration and Application to the Verification of Data-Flow Programs (PS, BJ), pp. 233–248.
SAS-2011-ZulegerGSV #abstraction #analysis #bound #imperative #source code- Bound Analysis of Imperative Programs with the Size-Change Abstraction (FZ, SG, MS, HV), pp. 280–297.
STOC-2011-HansenKLMT #algorithm #game studies #probability- Exact algorithms for solving stochastic games: extended abstract (KAH, MK, NL, PBM, EPT), pp. 205–214.
STOC-2011-KouckyNP #generative #pseudo- Pseudorandom generators for group products: extended abstract (MK, PN, PP), pp. 263–272.
STOC-2011-LenzenW #bound #parallel #random- Tight bounds for parallel randomized load balancing: extended abstract (CL, RW), pp. 11–20.
STOC-2011-NovocinSV #algorithm #complexity- An LLL-reduction algorithm with quasi-linear time complexity: extended abstract (AN, DS, GV), pp. 403–412.
CIAA-2011-OrtizLS #automaton #distributed- Distributed Event Clock Automata — Extended Abstract (JJO, AL, PYS), pp. 250–263.
DLT-2011-Wilke #functional #regular expression- A Functional Program for Regular Expressions Matching — Abstract of Invited Talk (TW), pp. 44–45.
ICALP-v1-2011-FeldmanNS #algorithm- Nonmonotone Submodular Maximization via a Structural Continuous Greedy Algorithm — (Extended Abstract) (MF, JN, RS), pp. 342–353.
ICALP-v1-2011-GuoLV #complexity #problem #symmetry- The Complexity of Symmetric Boolean Parity Holant Problems — (Extended Abstract) (HG, PL, LGV), pp. 712–723.
ICALP-v1-2011-Laekhanukit #algorithm #approximate #low cost #set- An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Subset k-Connectivity — (Extended Abstract) (BL), pp. 13–24.
ICALP-v1-2011-Mengel #constraints #problem- Characterizing Arithmetic Circuit Classes by Constraint Satisfaction Problems — (Extended Abstract) (SM), pp. 700–711.
ICALP-v1-2011-NgoPR #matrix- Efficiently Decodable Error-Correcting List Disjunct Matrices and Applications — (Extended Abstract) (HQN, EP, AR), pp. 557–568.
ICALP-v2-2011-CrafaR #abstract interpretation #algorithm #bisimulation #probability #simulation- Probabilistic Bisimulation and Simulation Algorithms by Abstract Interpretation (SC, FR), pp. 295–306.
ICALP-v2-2011-GotsmanY #abstraction- Liveness-Preserving Atomicity Abstraction (AG, HY), pp. 453–465.
LATA-2011-Rampersad- Abstract Numeration Systems (NR), pp. 65–79.
IFM-J-2009-Weiss11 #abstraction #calculus #logic- Predicate abstraction in a program logic calculus (BW), pp. 861–876.
SFM-2011-ClarkeDHJSSSW #behaviour #modelling #variability- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability with the HATS Abstract Behavioral Modeling Language (DC, ND, RH, EBJ, IS, JS, RS, PYHW), pp. 417–457.
SFM-2011-JurjensOSMHI #evolution #modelling #specification- Modelling Secure Systems Evolution: Abstract and Concrete Change Specifications (JJ, MO, HS, LM, SHH, SI), pp. 504–526.
SFM-2011-Moschitti #automation #kernel #learning #modelling- Kernel-Based Machines for Abstract and Easy Modeling of Automatic Learning (AM), pp. 458–503.
GT-VMT-2011-DuvalEP #category theory #graph transformation #term rewriting- Categorical Abstract Rewriting Systems and Functoriality of Graph Transformation (DD, RE, FP).
HCI-DDA-2011-Teixeira-FariaI #abstraction #component #user interface #visual notation- Complex Components Abstraction in Graphical User Interfaces (PMTF, JRI), pp. 309–318.
HIMI-v1-2011-WuS #abstraction #source code #visualisation- Visualizing Programs on Different Levels of Abstractions (JHW, JS), pp. 66–75.
VISSOFT-2011-ChoudhuryR #behaviour #memory management #runtime #visualisation- Abstract visualization of runtime memory behavior (ANMIC, PR), pp. 1–8.
AdaEurope-2011-Rodriguez-LopezG #abstraction #architecture #middleware #paradigm- Architecting a Common Bridge Abstraction over Different Middleware Paradigms (IRL, MGV), pp. 132–146.
CAiSE-2011-SmirnovRW #abstraction #approach #process #semantics- A Semantic Approach for Business Process Model Abstraction (SS, HAR, MW), pp. 497–511.
KEOD-2011-YamasakiS #graph- A Graph Manipulation System Abstracted from e-Learning (SY, MS), pp. 466–469.
SEKE-2011-TsuiGDJ #abstraction #development- Measuring Levels of Abstraction in Software Development (FT, AG, SD, EJ), pp. 466–469.
SIGIR-2011-ValimakiC #challenge- Elsevier SIGIR 2011 application challenge abstract (JV, RC), pp. 1341–1342.
ECMFA-2011-AlferezACFKKKMMRZ #abstraction #aspect-oriented #development- Aspect-Oriented Model Development at Different Levels of Abstraction (MA, NA, SC, FF, JK, JK, MEK, SM, GM, EER, GZ), pp. 361–376.
MoDELS-2011-SchulteJ #development #modelling- Finding Models in Model-Based Development — (Abstract) (WS, EKJ), p. 591.
MoDELS-2011-SchulteJ #development #modelling- Finding Models in Model-Based Development — (Abstract) (WS, EKJ), p. 591.
OOPSLA-2011-PintoDDGW #abstraction #concurrent- A simple abstraction for complex concurrent indexes (PdRP, TDY, MD, PG, MJW), pp. 845–864.
GPCE-J-2005-CaretteK11 #abstraction #monad #multi #programming- Multi-stage programming with functors and monads: Eliminating abstraction overhead from generic code (JC, OK), pp. 349–375.
LOPSTR-2011-Gallagher #analysis #logic programming #source code #using- Analysis of Logic Programs Using Regular Tree Languages — (Extended Abstract) (JPG), pp. 1–3.
QAPL-2011-DengGHM #probability #process #testing- Real-Reward Testing for Probabilistic Processes (Extended Abstract) (YD, RJvG, MH, CM), pp. 61–73.
POPL-2011-GuptaPR #abstraction #concurrent #multi #refinement #source code #thread #verification- Predicate abstraction and refinement for verifying multi-threaded programs (AG, CP, AR), pp. 331–344.
POPL-2011-LiangTN #abstraction #learning- Learning minimal abstractions (PL, OT, MN), pp. 31–42.
POPL-2011-RivalC #abstraction- Calling context abstraction with shapes (XR, BYEC), pp. 173–186.
POPL-2011-SinhaW #abstraction #on the- On interference abstractions (NS, CW), pp. 423–434.
POPL-2011-WeirichVJZ #abstraction #generative- Generative type abstraction and type-level computation (SW, DV, SLPJ, SZ), pp. 227–240.
SAC-2011-BabichCPK #abstraction #case study #eclipse #fault #object-oriented #predict #using- Using a class abstraction technique to predict faults in OO classes: a case study through six releases of the Eclipse JDT (DB, PJC, JFP, BMGK), pp. 1419–1424.
SAC-2011-CaniouCDA #constraints #parallel- Parallel constraint-based local search on the HA8000 supercomputer (abstract) (YC, PC, DD, SA), pp. 920–921.
SAC-2011-KusamaI #music #named #user interface- MusCat: a music browser featuring abstract pictures and zooming user interface (KK, TI), pp. 1222–1228.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Baluda #abstraction #automation #refinement #testing- Automatic structural testing with abstraction refinement and coarsening (MB), pp. 400–403.
ICSE-2011-AthanasopoulosZVI #abstraction #mining- Mining service abstractions (DA, AZ, PV, VI), pp. 944–947.
ICSE-2011-CasoBGU #abstraction #behaviour #validation- Program abstractions for behaviour validation (GdC, VAB, DG, SU), pp. 381–390.
ICSE-2011-Kidwell #classification #fault #research- A decision support system for the classification of software coding faults: a research abstract (BK), pp. 1158–1160.
ICSE-2011-Nakakoji #experience #sketching- Interactivity, continuity, sketching, and experience: (keynote abstract) (KN), p. 621.
LDTA-2011-SergeyC #automaton #recursion #type checking- From type checking by recursive descent to type checking with an abstract machine (IS, DC), p. 2.
SPLC-2011-ThumKES #feature model #modelling- Abstract Features in Feature Modeling (TT, CK, SE, NS), pp. 191–200.
HPCA-2011-JacobsonBBAE #abstraction #architecture #modelling #scalability- Abstraction and microarchitecture scaling in early-stage power modeling (HMJ, AB, PB, EA, RJE), pp. 394–405.
LCTES-2011-NavabpourBF #debugging #testing #using- Software debugging and testing using the abstract diagnosis theory (SN, BB, SF), pp. 111–120.
SOSP-2011-RossbachCSRW #abstraction #named #operating system- PTask: operating system abstractions to manage GPUs as compute devices (CJR, JC, MS, BR, EW), pp. 233–248.
CADE-2011-Claessen #automation #first-order #logic #reasoning- The Anatomy of Equinox — An Extensible Automated Reasoning Tool for First-Order Logic and Beyond — (Talk Abstract) (KC), pp. 1–3.
CAV-2011-DonaldsonKKW #abstraction #concurrent #source code #symmetry- Symmetry-Aware Predicate Abstraction for Shared-Variable Concurrent Programs (AFD, AK, DK, TW), pp. 356–371.
CAV-2011-JhalaMR #functional #named #source code #using #verification- HMC: Verifying Functional Programs Using Abstract Interpreters (RJ, RM, AR), pp. 470–485.
CAV-2011-SankaranarayananT #abstraction #hybrid #relational- Relational Abstractions for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (SS, AT), pp. 686–702.
CSL-2011-BucciarelliCEM #abstraction #calculus #testing- Full Abstraction for Resource Calculus with Tests (AB, AC, TE, GM), pp. 97–111.
ICLP-J-2011-CominiTV #concurrent #constraints #source code- Abstract diagnosis for timed concurrent constraint programs (MC, LT, AV), pp. 487–502.
ICST-2011-SprenklePS #case study #modelling #navigation #testing #web- A Study of Usage-Based Navigation Models and Generated Abstract Test Cases for Web Applications (SS, LLP, LS), pp. 230–239.
SAT-2011-JanotaS #algorithm- Abstraction-Based Algorithm for 2QBF (MJ, JPMS), pp. 230–244.
TAP-2011-DegiovanniPAF #abstraction #automation #generative #requirements #specification #testing- Abstraction Based Automated Test Generation from Formal Tabular Requirements Specifications (RD, PP, NA, MFF), pp. 84–101.
TLCA-2011-BakelBd #λ-calculus #μ-calculus- A Filter Model for the λμ-Calculus — (Extended Abstract) (SvB, FB, Ud), pp. 213–228.
TLCA-2011-RoweB #approximate #object-oriented #programming #semantics- Approximation Semantics and Expressive Predicate Assignment for Object-Oriented Programming — (Extended Abstract) (RNSR, SvB), pp. 229–244.
VMCAI-2011-DelahayeKLLPSW #automaton #probability- Abstract Probabilistic Automata (BD, JPK, KGL, AL, MLP, FS, AW), pp. 324–339.
VMCAI-2011-HowarSM #abstraction #automation #automaton #learning #refinement- Automata Learning with Automated Alphabet Abstraction Refinement (FH, BS, MM), pp. 263–277.
VMCAI-2011-KimC #abstract interpretation #analysis #string- String Analysis as an Abstract Interpretation (SWK, KMC), pp. 294–308.
VMCAI-2011-Logozzo #abstract interpretation #verification- Practical Verification for the Working Programmer with CodeContracts and Abstract Interpretation — (Invited Talk) (FL), pp. 19–22.
VMCAI-2011-OhBY #locality- Access Analysis-Based Tight Localization of Abstract Memories (HO, LB, KY), pp. 356–370.
CBSE-2010-SuryadevaraKSP #embedded #modelling #semantic gap- Bridging the Semantic Gap between Abstract Models of Embedded Systems (JS, EYK, CCS, PP), pp. 55–73.
ASE-2010-Balint #automation #behaviour #data type- Automatic inference of abstract type behavior (MB), pp. 499–504.
DAC-2010-BombieriFP #abstraction #embedded- Abstraction of RTL IPs into embedded software (NB, FF, GP), pp. 24–29.
DAC-2010-LaiJW #abstraction #learning #named- BooM: a decision procedure for boolean matching with abstraction and dynamic learning (CFL, JHRJ, KHW), pp. 499–504.
DATE-2010-CimattiFGKR #abstraction #integration #smt- Tighter integration of BDDs and SMT for Predicate Abstraction (AC, AF, AG, KK, MR), pp. 1707–1712.
DATE-2010-HsuYC #architecture #framework #refinement- An accurate system architecture refinement methodology with mixed abstraction-level virtual platform (ZMH, JCY, IYC), pp. 568–573.
DATE-2010-WuLCT #abstraction #automation #generative #multi #performance- Automatic generation of software TLM in multiple abstraction layers for efficient HW/SW co-simulation (MHW, WCL, CYC, RST), pp. 1177–1182.
DATE-2010-ZhangLL #approach #markov #modelling #simulation #using #verification- An abstraction-guided simulation approach using Markov models for microprocessor verification (TZ, TL, XL), pp. 484–489.
ITiCSE-2010-KoppelmanD #abstraction #education- Teaching abstraction in introductory courses (HK, BvD), pp. 174–178.
ESOP-2010-DSilva #abstract interpretation- Propositional Interpolation and Abstract Interpretation (VD), pp. 185–204.
TACAS-2010-ElmasQSST #abstraction #proving #reduction- Simplifying Linearizability Proofs with Reduction and Abstraction (TE, SQ, AS, OS, ST), pp. 296–311.
TACAS-2010-HahnHWZ #abstraction #infinity #modelling #named #probability #refinement- PASS: Abstraction Refinement for Infinite Probabilistic Models (EMH, HH, BW, LZ), pp. 353–357.
WRLA-2010-AsavoaeA #abstraction #framework #semantics #𝕂- Collecting Semantics under Predicate Abstraction in the 𝕂 Framework (IMA, MA), pp. 123–139.
MSR-2010-NagappanV #mining- Abstracting log lines to log event types for mining software system logs (MN, MAV), pp. 114–117.
WCRE-2010-LethbridgeFB #abstraction #incremental #named #refactoring- Umplification: Refactoring to Incrementally Add Abstraction to a Program (TCL, AF, OBB), pp. 220–224.
WCRE-2010-RupakhetiH #approach #java #similarity- An Abstraction-Oriented, Path-Based Approach for Analyzing Object Equality in Java (CRR, DH), pp. 205–214.
SAS-2010-AmatoPS #abstract domain #analysis #component- Deriving Numerical Abstract Domains via Principal Component Analysis (GA, MP, FS), pp. 134–150.
SAS-2010-BrauerK #abstraction #automation #using- Automatic Abstraction for Intervals Using Boolean Formulae (JB, AK), pp. 167–183.
SAS-2010-Chapoutot #abstract domain #float- Interval Slopes as a Numerical Abstract Domain for Floating-Point Variables (AC), pp. 184–200.
SAS-2010-GawlitzaS #polynomial #semantics- Computing Relaxed Abstract Semantics w.r.t. Quadratic Zones Precisely (TMG, HS), pp. 271–286.
SAS-2010-GurfinkelC #abstract domain #named- Boxes: A Symbolic Abstract Domain of Boxes (AG, SC), pp. 287–303.
SAS-2010-MalkisPR #abstraction #refinement #thread- Thread-Modular Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (AM, AP, AR), pp. 356–372.
SAS-2010-Might #for free- Abstract Interpreters for Free (MM), pp. 407–421.
SAS-2010-PredaGDCT #abstract interpretation #modelling #morphism- Modelling Metamorphism by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG, SKD, KC, GMT), pp. 218–235.
FLOPS-2010-Kiselyov #ml- Delimited Control in OCaml, Abstractly and Concretely: System Description (OK), pp. 304–320.
CIAA-2010-DiekertK #complexity #regular expression- Complexity Results and the Growths of Hairpin Completions of Regular Languages (Extended Abstract) (VD, SK), pp. 105–114.
DLT-2010-DartoisKL #infinity #word- Rankers over Infinite Words (Extended Abstract) (LD, MK, AL), pp. 148–159.
DLT-2010-Schluter #automaton #lookahead #on the- On Lookahead Hierarchies for Monotone and Deterministic Restarting Automata with Auxiliary Symbols (Extended Abstract) (NS), pp. 440–441.
ICALP-v1-2010-FakcharoenpholLN #algorithm #performance #problem- Faster Algorithms for Semi-matching Problems (Extended Abstract) (JF, BL, DN), pp. 176–187.
ICALP-v2-2010-GiacobazziR #abstraction- Example-Guided Abstraction Simplification (RG, FR), pp. 211–222.
ICFP-2010-HornM #automaton- Abstracting abstract machines (DVH, MM), pp. 51–62.
IFL-2010-SieczkowskiBB #automation #automaton #coq #formal method #reduction #semantics- Automating Derivations of Abstract Machines from Reduction Semantics: — A Generic Formalization of Refocusing in Coq (FS, MB, DB), pp. 72–88.
GT-VMT-2010-HassanMS #automaton #interactive #lightweight- A lightweight abstract machine for interaction nets (AH, IM, SS).
ICGT-2010-Zambon #abstraction #graph transformation #using #verification- Using Graph Transformations and Graph Abstractions for Software Verification (EZ), pp. 416–418.
CHI-2010-ShiraziSASH #comprehension- Understanding the impact of abstracted audio preview of SMS (ASS, AHS, FA, AS, JH), pp. 1735–1738.
SOFTVIS-2010-MyersD #abstraction #design #runtime- A map of the heap: revealing design abstractions in runtime structures (CM, DJD), pp. 63–72.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-CuzzocreaFP #abstraction #analysis #collaboration #effectiveness #flexibility #mining #process- Effective Analysis of Flexible Collaboration Processes by Way of Abstraction and Mining Techniques (AC, FF, LP), pp. 157–166.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-VegettiLH #abstraction- A Three Level Abstraction Hierarchy to Represent Product Structural Information (MV, HPL, GPH), pp. 299–308.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-Kristensen #abstraction #collaboration #message passing #using- Abstraction from Collaboration between Agents using Asynchronous Message-passing (BBK), pp. 86–92.
KR-2010-Baral #multi #reasoning- Reasoning about Actions and Change: From Single Agent Actions to Multi-Agent Actions (Extended Abstract) (CB).
KR-2010-BrewkaW #framework- Abstract Dialectical Frameworks (GB, SW).
ECMFA-2010-JohannesF #abstraction #composition #framework #modelling #network #reuse #using- Adding Abstraction and Reuse to a Network Modelling Tool Using the Reuseware Composition Framework (JJ, MAF), pp. 132–143.
ECMFA-2010-OnoTKSNF #abstraction #embedded #execution #modelling #performance- A Model-Based Method for Evaluating Embedded System Performance by Abstraction of Execution Traces (KO, MT, RK, YS, TN, NF), pp. 233–244.
ECOOP-2010-Dinsdale-YoungDGPV #concurrent- Concurrent Abstract Predicates (TDY, MD, PG, MJP, VV), pp. 504–528.
ECOOP-2010-Owens #abstraction #concurrent #implementation #reasoning- Reasoning about the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on x86-TSO (SO), pp. 478–503.
OOPSLA-2010-DavisK #abstraction- Registration-based language abstractions (SD, GK), pp. 754–773.
OOPSLA-2010-DilligDA #abstraction #axiom #invariant #memory management- Symbolic heap abstraction with demand-driven axiomatization of memory invariants (ID, TD, AA), pp. 397–410.
OOPSLA-2010-LiangTNS #abstraction #evaluation #precise- A dynamic evaluation of the precision of static heap abstractions (PL, OT, MN, MS), pp. 411–427.
OOPSLA-2010-StadenC #abstraction #multi #reasoning- Reasoning about multiple related abstractions with MultiStar (SvS, CC), pp. 504–519.
GPCE-2010-ClarkeHS #modelling- Abstract delta modeling (DC, MH, IS), pp. 13–22.
LOPSTR-2010-BacciC #first-order #functional #logic programming #source code- Abstract Diagnosis of First Order Functional Logic Programs (GB, MC), pp. 215–233.
PPDP-2010-Gacek #higher-order #specification #syntax- Relating nominal and higher-order abstract syntax specifications (AG), pp. 177–186.
QAPL-2010-BarsottiW #abstraction #automation #probability #random #verification- Automatic Probabilistic Program Verification through Random Variable Abstraction (DB, NW), pp. 34–47.
QAPL-2010-CacheraJ #abstract interpretation #cost analysis #injection #linear #modelling- Injecting Abstract Interpretations into Linear Cost Models (DC, AJ), pp. 64–81.
QAPL-2010-NdukwuMc #abstraction #approach #independence #probability #source code- An expectation transformer approach to predicate abstraction and data independence for probabilistic programs (UN, AM), pp. 129–143.
QAPL-2010-RabeS #game studies #markov- Optimal Time-Abstract Schedulers for CTMDPs and Markov Games (MNR, SS), pp. 144–158.
POPL-2010-MagillTLT #abstraction #automation #source code- Automatic numeric abstractions for heap-manipulating programs (SM, MHT, PL, YKT), pp. 211–222.
POPL-2010-SuterDK #abstraction #algebra #data type- Decision procedures for algebraic data types with abstractions (PS, MD, VK), pp. 199–210.
POPL-2010-VechevYY #synthesis- Abstraction-guided synthesis of synchronization (MTV, EY, GY), pp. 327–338.
RE-2010-GacituaSG #abstraction #effectiveness #identification #on the #requirements- On the Effectiveness of Abstraction Identification in Requirements Engineering (RG, PS, VG), pp. 5–14.
REFSQ-2010-SikoraDP #abstraction #consistency #multi #specification- Supporting the Consistent Specification of Scenarios across Multiple Abstraction Levels (ES, MD, KP), pp. 45–59.
SAC-OOPS-J-2008-LogozzoF10 #abstract domain #array #named #performance #relational #validation- Pentagons: A weakly relational abstract domain for the efficient validation of array accesses (FL, MF), pp. 796–807.
SAC-2010-OliverSF #abstraction #network #operating system- An operating system abstraction layer for portable applications in wireless sensor networks (RSO, IS, GF), pp. 742–748.
ICSE-2010-Elmas #abstraction #concurrent #named #proving #reduction #verification- QED: a proof system based on reduction and abstraction for the static verification of concurrent software (TE), pp. 507–508.
ICSE-2010-Hoste #abstraction #multi #re-engineering- Software engineering abstractions for the multi-touch revolution (LH), pp. 509–510.
LDTA-2010-CortesiH #dependence #graph #semantics #slicing- Dependence condition graph for semantics-based abstract program slicing (AC, RH), p. 4.
CC-2010-LogozzoV #abstract interpretation #agile #analysis #javascript #named #optimisation- RATA: Rapid Atomic Type Analysis by Abstract Interpretation — Application to JavaScript Optimization (FL, HV), pp. 66–83.
HPCA-2010-GenbruggeEE #abstraction #architecture #simulation- Interval simulation: Raising the level of abstraction in architectural simulation (DG, SE, LE), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2010-BuiYT #abstraction #distributed #named #python #using #workflow- Weaver: integrating distributed computing abstractions into scientific workflows using Python (PB, LY, DT), pp. 636–643.
ISMM-2010-Sewell #abstraction #memory management- Memory, an elusive abstraction (PS), pp. 51–52.
PPoPP-2010-Chakrabarti #abstraction #analysis #effectiveness #performance #source code- New abstractions for effective performance analysis of STM programs (DRC), pp. 333–334.
CAV-2010-AlbarghouthiGWC #analysis #symbolic computation- Abstract Analysis of Symbolic Executions (AA, AG, OW, MC), pp. 495–510.
CAV-2010-PulinaT #abstraction #approach #network #verification- An Abstraction-Refinement Approach to Verification of Artificial Neural Networks (LP, AT), pp. 243–257.
CAV-2010-SinghGP #abstraction #component #interface #learning- Learning Component Interfaces with May and Must Abstractions (RS, DG, CSP), pp. 527–542.
CSL-2010-FioreH #equation #higher-order #logic- Second-Order Equational Logic (Extended Abstract) (MPF, CKH), pp. 320–335.
CSL-2010-SchwentickZ #logic #order- Two-Variable Logic with Two Order Relations — (Extended Abstract) (TS, TZ), pp. 499–513.
ICLP-2010-Janhunen10 #constraints #revisited #semantics #source code- Sampler Programs: The Stable Model Semantics of Abstract Constraint Programs Revisited (TJ), pp. 94–103.
ICST-2010-GrassoFFBB #abstract interpretation #modelling #testing- Model Based Testing and Abstract Interpretation in the Railway Signaling Context (DG, AF, AF, CB, SB), pp. 103–106.
ICTSS-2010-AartsJU #abstraction #communication #generative #infinity #modelling #protocol #using- Generating Models of Infinite-State Communication Protocols Using Regular Inference with Abstraction (FA, BJ, JU), pp. 188–204.
IJCAR-2010-Bjorner #linear #quantifier- Linear Quantifier Elimination as an Abstract Decision Procedure (NB), pp. 316–330.
IJCAR-2010-Kapur #abstraction #induction #invariant- Induction, Invariants, and Abstraction (DK), p. 353.
LICS-2010-DanosFFHK #automation #difference #modelling #reduction #rule-based #semantics- Abstracting the Differential Semantics of Rule-Based Models: Exact and Automated Model Reduction (VD, JF, WF, RH, JK), pp. 362–381.
RTA-2010-Bahr #modelling #reduction- Abstract Models of Transfinite Reductions (PB), pp. 49–66.
TAP-2010-BueDKB #abstraction #behaviour #using- Building a Test-Ready Abstraction of a Behavioral Model Using CLP (PCB, FD, ADK, FB), pp. 167–182.
TAP-2010-JulliandSBM #abstraction #modelling #testing- Syntactic Abstraction of B Models to Generate Tests (JJ, NS, PCB, PAM), pp. 151–166.
VMCAI-2010-ChenMWC #abstract domain #linear- An Abstract Domain to Discover Interval Linear Equalities (LC, AM, JW, PC), pp. 112–128.
VMCAI-2010-Giacobazzi #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation-Based Protection (RG), pp. 23–24.
VMCAI-2010-JungKWY #abstraction #algorithm #invariant #learning- Deriving Invariants by Algorithmic Learning, Decision Procedures, and Predicate Abstraction (YJ, SK, BYW, KY), pp. 180–196.
VMCAI-2010-KingS #abstraction #automation- Automatic Abstraction for Congruences (AK, HS), pp. 197–213.
VMCAI-2010-LahiriMQ #thread- Abstract Threads (SKL, AM, SQ), pp. 231–246.
QoSA-2009-BjornanderGL #architecture #simulation #specification #state machine- Timed Simulation of Extended AADL-Based Architecture Specifications with Timed Abstract State Machines (SB, LG, KL), pp. 101–115.
CASE-2009-BermanK #abstraction #algorithm #assembly #scalability- Abstractions and algorithms for assembly tasks with large numbers of robots and parts (SB, VK), pp. 25–28.
CASE-2009-SenGupta- Extended abstract — bringing science to the art of workforce management in service industries (SS), pp. 59–64.
CASE-2009-SriramL #automation #standard- The role of standards in healthcare automation (Extended abstract) (RDS, BL), pp. 79–82.
CASE-2009-WangLNRKML #concurrent #parallel #source code #thread- Maximally permissive deadlock avoidance for multithreaded computer programs (Extended abstract) (YW, HL, AN, SAR, TK, SAM, SL), pp. 37–41.
DAC-2009-GluskaL #modelling #verification- Shortening the verification cycle with synthesizable abstract models (AG, LL), pp. 454–459.
DAC-2009-NanshiS #abstraction #constraints #refinement- Constraints in one-to-many concretization for abstraction refinement (KN, FS), pp. 569–574.
DAC-2009-ReddiGSWBC #challenge #hardware #reliability #stack- Software-assisted hardware reliability: abstracting circuit-level challenges to the software stack (VJR, SC, MSG, MDS, GYW, DMB), pp. 788–793.
DATE-2009-FummiPR #design #embedded #middleware- Networked embedded system applications design driven by an abstract middleware environment (FF, GP, NR), pp. 1024–1029.
DATE-2009-PurandareWK #abstraction #refinement #using- Strengthening properties using abstraction refinement (MP, TW, DK), pp. 1692–1697.
DATE-2009-ZabelM #injection #simulation- Increased accuracy through noise injection in abstract RTOS simulation (HZ, WM), pp. 1632–1637.
SIGMOD-2009-BrodskyBCEW #abstraction #database #programming #query- A decisions query language (DQL): high-level abstraction for mathematical programming over databases (AB, MMB, MC, NEE, XSW), pp. 1059–1062.
ITiCSE-2009-Schocken #abstraction #implementation #virtual machine- Virtual machines: abstraction and implementation (SS), pp. 203–207.
ITiCSE-2009-Sooriamurthi #abstraction #composition- Introducing abstraction and decomposition to novice programmers (RS), pp. 196–200.
WRLA-2008-HassN09 #abstraction #equation- Equational Abstractions for Reducing the State Space of Rewrite Theories (LHH, TN), pp. 139–154.
ESOP-2009-BuscemiM #distributed #process- Abstract Processes in Orchestration Languages (MGB, HCM), pp. 301–315.
ESOP-2009-FilipovicORY #abstraction #concurrent- Abstraction for Concurrent Objects (IF, PWO, NR, HY), pp. 252–266.
FoSSaCS-2009-AdamekMV #monad- A Description of Iterative Reflections of Monads (Extended Abstract) (JA, SM, JV), pp. 152–166.
FoSSaCS-2009-MurawskiT #abstraction #ml- Full Abstraction for Reduced ML (ASM, NT), pp. 32–47.
TACAS-2009-BakewellG #abstraction #composition #game studies #semantics- Compositional Predicate Abstraction from Game Semantics (AB, DRG), pp. 62–76.
ICSM-2009-SuttonHM #c++- Abstracting the template instantiation relation in C++ (AS, RH, JIM), pp. 559–562.
SCAM-2009-AchenbachO #abstraction #model checking #testing- Engineering Abstractions in Model Checking and Testing (MA, KO), pp. 137–146.
PLDI-2009-SrivastavaG #abstraction #using #verification- Program verification using templates over predicate abstraction (SS, SG), pp. 223–234.
SAS-2009-ChenMWC #abstract domain #linear- Interval Polyhedra: An Abstract Domain to Infer Interval Linear Relationships (LC, AM, JW, PC), pp. 309–325.
SAS-2009-DohKS #parsing #static analysis #string #using- Abstract Parsing: Static Analysis of Dynamically Generated String Output Using LR-Parsing Technology (KGD, HK, DAS), pp. 256–272.
SAS-2009-GrundR #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation of FIFO Replacement (DG, JR), pp. 120–136.
SAS-2009-HeizmannHP #abstraction #refinement- Refinement of Trace Abstraction (MH, JH, AP), pp. 69–85.
SAS-2009-Schmidt #abstract interpretation #perspective- Abstract Interpretation from a Topological Perspective (DAS), pp. 293–308.
SAS-2009-SeghirPW #abstraction #array #quantifier #refinement- Abstraction Refinement for Quantified Array Assertions (MNS, AP, TW), pp. 3–18.
STOC-2009-ChalopinG #graph- Every planar graph is the intersection graph of segments in the plane: extended abstract (JC, DG), pp. 631–638.
STOC-2009-ChengW #distance #problem #reduction- A deterministic reduction for the gap minimum distance problem: [extended abstract] (QC, DW), pp. 33–38.
STOC-2009-KleinbergPT #game studies #learning #multi- Multiplicative updates outperform generic no-regret learning in congestion games: extended abstract (RK, GP, ÉT), pp. 533–542.
STOC-2009-Peikert #problem #worst-case- Public-key cryptosystems from the worst-case shortest vector problem: extended abstract (CP), pp. 333–342.
CIAA-2009-GantyMR #abstraction #automaton #fixpoint #refinement- Fixpoint Guided Abstraction Refinement for Alternating Automata (PG, NM, JFR), pp. 155–164.
FM-2009-AhrendtBG #logic- Abstract Object Creation in Dynamic Logic (WA, FSdB, IG), pp. 612–627.
FM-2009-JaffarS #abstraction #recursion- Recursive Abstractions for Parameterized Systems (JJ, AES), pp. 72–88.
FM-2009-SchierlSHR #file system #memory management #specification- Abstract Specification of the UBIFS File System for Flash Memory (AS, GS, DH, WR), pp. 190–206.
FM-2009-SchriebWW #abstraction- Three-Valued Spotlight Abstractions (JS, HW, DW), pp. 106–122.
FM-2009-SunLRLD #abstraction #model checking #process- Fair Model Checking with Process Counter Abstraction (JS, YL, AR, SL, JSD), pp. 123–139.
FM-2009-Tonetta #abstraction #model checking- Abstract Model Checking without Computing the Abstraction (ST), pp. 89–105.
IFM-2009-Weiss #abstraction #calculus #logic- Predicate Abstraction in a Program Logic Calculus (BW), pp. 136–150.
ICFP-2009-MidtgaardJ #abstract interpretation #analysis #control flow- Control-flow analysis of function calls and returns by abstract interpretation (JM, TPJ), pp. 287–298.
EDOC-2009-DirgahayuSQ #abstraction #interactive- Abstractions of Interaction Mechanisms (TD, MvS, DACQ), pp. 173–182.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-MarkovicH #abstraction #modelling #process #towards- Towards Integrating Perspectives and Abstraction Levels in Business Process Modeling (IM, FH), pp. 286–291.
MoDELS-2009-JohannesZFCKP #composition- Abstracting Complex Languages through Transformation and Composition (JJ, SZ, MAF, AC, DSK, RFP), pp. 546–550.
MoDELS-2009-JohannesZFCKP #composition- Abstracting Complex Languages through Transformation and Composition (JJ, SZ, MAF, AC, DSK, RFP), pp. 546–550.
OOPSLA-2009-Cook #abstraction #comprehension #on the #revisited- On understanding data abstraction, revisited (WRC), pp. 557–572.
GPCE-2009-KongCY #parsing- Abstract parsing for two-staged languages with concatenation (SK, WC, KY), pp. 109–116.
PPDP-2009-FalaschiOP #abstract interpretation #concurrent #constraints #framework #source code- A framework for abstract interpretation of timed concurrent constraint programs (MF, CO, CP), pp. 207–218.
QAPL-2009-MuC #abstraction #data flow- An Interval-based Abstraction for Quantifying Information Flow (CM, DC), pp. 119–141.
POPL-2009-Monniaux #abstraction #automation #composition #constraints #linear- Automatic modular abstractions for linear constraints (DM), pp. 140–151.
POPL-2009-MontaguR #data type #modelling- Modeling abstract types in modules with open existential types (BM, DR), pp. 354–365.
SAC-2009-BeekMG #framework #named #verification- CMC-UMC: a framework for the verification of abstract service-oriented properties (MHtB, FM, SG), pp. 2111–2117.
SAC-2009-CheriniB #abstraction #reasoning- Local reasoning for abstraction and sharing (RC, JOB), pp. 552–557.
SAC-2009-LievensH #encapsulation #multi #symmetry- Symmetric encapsulated multi-methods to abstract over application structure (DL, WH), pp. 1873–1880.
SAC-2009-SharyginaTT #abstraction #performance #precise #verification- The synergy of precise and fast abstractions for program verification (NS, ST, AT), pp. 566–573.
SAC-2009-ZhaoZL #abstraction #multi #object-oriented #source code- Abstraction of multiple executions of object-oriented programs (CZ, KZ, YL), pp. 549–550.
ICSE-2009-CasoBGU #abstraction #contract #finite #using #validation- Validation of contracts using enabledness preserving finite state abstractions (GdC, VAB, DG, SU), pp. 452–462.
ICSE-2009-RaysideBSNMJ #abstraction #generative #implementation #similarity- Equality and hashing for (almost) free: Generating implementations from abstraction functions (DR, ZB, RS, JPN, AM, DJ), pp. 342–352.
LDTA-2008-FokkerS09 #abstract interpretation #attribute grammar #functional #source code #using- Abstract Interpretation of Functional Programs using an Attribute Grammar System (JF, SDS), pp. 117–133.
CGO-2009-CordesFM #abstract interpretation #analysis #modelling #performance #precise #slicing- A Fast and Precise Static Loop Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation, Program Slicing and Polytope Models (PL, DC, HF, PM), pp. 136–146.
CGO-2009-SchackelerS #abstraction- Procedural Abstraction with Reverse Prefix Trees (SS, WS), pp. 243–253.
HPDC-2009-YiMEJT #abstraction #clustering #manycore #parallel- Harnessing parallelism in multicore clusters with the all-pairs and wavefront abstractions (LY, CM, SJE, KJ, DT), pp. 1–10.
CADE-2009-LahiriQ #abstraction #algorithm #complexity- Complexity and Algorithms for Monomial and Clausal Predicate Abstraction (SKL, SQ), pp. 214–229.
CAV-2009-BaslerMWK #abstraction #concurrent- Symbolic Counter Abstraction for Concurrent Software (GB, MM, TW, DK), pp. 64–78.
CAV-2009-GhorbalGP #abstract domain- The Zonotope Abstract Domain Taylor1+ (KG, EG, SP), pp. 627–633.
CAV-2009-HenzingerMW #abstraction #infinity #markov- Sliding Window Abstraction for Infinite Markov Chains (TAH, MM, VW), pp. 337–352.
CAV-2009-JeannetM #abstract domain #library #named #static analysis- Apron: A Library of Numerical Abstract Domains for Static Analysis (BJ, AM), pp. 661–667.
CAV-2009-PerezRS #abstraction #declarative #network- Cardinality Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications (JANP, AR, AS), pp. 584–598.
ICLP-2009-King #abstraction #logic #reverse engineering- Untangling Reverse Engineering with Logic and Abstraction (AK), p. 37.
ICLP-2009-Raedt #learning #logic #probability #tutorial- Probabilistic Logic Learning — A Tutorial Abstract (LDR), p. 39.
LICS-2009-Dominguez #calculus #logic #polymorphism #similarity- Fully Abstract Logical Bisimilarity for a Polymorphic Object Calculus (LD), pp. 81–90.
LICS-2009-NainV #semantics- Trace Semantics is Fully Abstract (SN, MYV), pp. 59–68.
RTA-2009-Lopez-FraguasRS #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for Constructor Systems (FJLF, JRH, JSH), pp. 320–334.
TAP-2009-RatschanS #fault #hybrid #optimisation #quality- Finding Errors of Hybrid Systems by Optimising an Abstraction-Based Quality Estimate (SR, JGS), pp. 153–168.
VMCAI-2009-GulwaniSV #abstraction #constraints #invariant- Constraint-Based Invariant Inference over Predicate Abstraction (SG, SS, RV), pp. 120–135.
VMCAI-2009-KattenbeltKNP #abstraction #probability #refinement- Abstraction Refinement for Probabilistic Software (MK, MZK, GN, DP), pp. 182–197.
VMCAI-2009-KinderZV #abstract interpretation #control flow #framework #re-engineering- An Abstract Interpretation-Based Framework for Control Flow Reconstruction from Binaries (JK, FZ, HV), pp. 214–228.
VMCAI-2009-MightM #abstract interpretation #nondeterminism- A PosterioriSoundness for Non-deterministic Abstract Interpretations (MM, PM), pp. 260–274.
VMCAI-2009-Vafeiadis #abstraction #verification- Shape-Value Abstraction for Verifying Linearizability (VV), pp. 335–348.
ECSA-2008-BritoLR #abstraction #architecture #development #fault tolerance- Development of Fault-Tolerant Software Systems Based on Architectural Abstractions (PHSB, RdL, CMFR), pp. 131–147.
ASE-2008-HartKGCL #abstraction #proving #refinement- Augmenting Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement with Proof Templates (TEH, KK, AG, MC, DL), pp. 387–390.
ASE-2008-PostSKG #abstract interpretation #bound #model checking- Reducing False Positives by Combining Abstract Interpretation and Bounded Model Checking (HP, CS, AK, TG), pp. 188–197.
DAC-2008-ChenXY #abstraction #automation #evaluation #optimisation #refinement- Optimizing automatic abstraction refinement for generalized symbolic trajectory evaluation (YC, FX, JY), pp. 143–148.
DATE-2008-SchirnerD #modelling #scheduling #using- Introducing Preemptive Scheduling in Abstract RTOS Models using Result Oriented Modeling (GS, RD), pp. 122–127.
DocEng-2008-IorioFVLW #abstraction #layout- Higher-level layout through topological abstraction (ADI, LF, FV, JWL, TW), pp. 90–99.
ESOP-2008-Allamigeon #abstraction #array- Non-disjunctive Numerical Domain for Array Predicate Abstraction (XA), pp. 163–177.
ESOP-2008-BartheK #abstract interpretation- Certificate Translation in Abstract Interpretation (GB, CK), pp. 368–382.
ESOP-2008-ChawdharyCGSY #abstraction #ranking- Ranking Abstractions (AC, BC, SG, MS, HY), pp. 148–162.
ESOP-2008-CirilloJPR #distributed #named #trust- Tapido: Trust and Authorization Via Provenance and Integrity in Distributed Objects (Extended Abstract) (AC, RJ, CP, JR), pp. 208–223.
ESOP-2008-Coquand #functional #programming- Constructive Mathematics and Functional Programming (Abstract) (TC), pp. 146–147.
ESOP-2008-GiustoG #abstraction- Full Abstraction for Linda (CDG, MG), pp. 78–92.
FoSSaCS-2008-SelingerV #call-by #λ-calculus- A Linear-non-Linear Model for a Computational Call-by-Value λ Calculus (Extended Abstract) (PS, BV), pp. 81–96.
TACAS-2008-ClarkeTV #abstraction #concurrent #framework #model checking #proving- Proving Ptolemy Right: The Environment Abstraction Framework for Model Checking Concurrent Systems (EMC, MT, HV), pp. 33–47.
TACAS-2008-GulavaniCNR #abstract interpretation #automation- Automatically Refining Abstract Interpretations (BSG, SC, AVN, SKR), pp. 443–458.
TACAS-2008-KupferschmidHL #abstraction #model checking #performance- Fast Directed Model Checking Via Russian Doll Abstraction (SK, JH, KGL), pp. 203–217.
SCAM-2008-Zanardini #semantics #slicing- The Semantics of Abstract Program Slicing (DZ), pp. 89–98.
PEPM-2008-MastroeniZ #dependence #semantics #slicing #syntax- Data dependencies and program slicing: from syntax to abstract semantics (IM, DZ), pp. 125–134.
SAS-2008-CominiDV #abstract interpretation #on the #polymorphism #recursion #type system- On Polymorphic Recursion, Type Systems, and Abstract Interpretation (MC, FD, SV), pp. 144–158.
SAS-2008-GiacobazziM #abstract interpretation- Transforming Abstract Interpretations by Abstract Interpretation (RG, IM), pp. 1–17.
SAS-2008-MidtgaardJ #abstract interpretation #analysis #approach #control flow- A Calculational Approach to Control-Flow Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (JM, TPJ), pp. 347–362.
SAS-2008-NanzNN #abstraction #behaviour #concurrent- Modal Abstractions of Concurrent Behaviour (SN, FN, HRN), pp. 159–173.
SAS-2008-Perdrix #abstract interpretation #analysis #quantum- Quantum Entanglement Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (SP), pp. 270–282.
STOC-2008-AroraKKSTV #constraints #game studies #graph- Unique games on expanding constraint graphs are easy: extended abstract (SA, SK, AK, DS, MT, NKV), pp. 21–28.
STOC-2008-JainKN #bound #communication #complexity #theorem- Direct product theorems for classical communication complexity via subdistribution bounds: extended abstract (RJ, HK, AN), pp. 599–608.
AFL-2008-KaminskiZ #automaton #nondeterminism- Extending finite-memory automata with non-deterministic reassignment (Extended abstract) (MK, DZ), pp. 195–207.
AFL-2008-Paun- Membrane Computing: Recent Developments and Applications (Extended Abstract) (GP), pp. 350–351.
AFL-2008-Petre #assembly- Mathematics of gene assembly in ciliates (Abstract) (IP), pp. 54–55.
AFL-2008-Roska #algorithm- Cellular Wave Computers — Algorithms for million processor computers (Abstract) (TR), p. 352.
AFL-2008-Sakarovitch #automaton #transducer- The sequentialisation of automata and transducers (Abstract) (JS), pp. 56–57.
AFL-2008-Szathmary #natural language- In silico Evolutionary Developmental Neurobiology and the Origin of Natural Language (Abstract) (ES), p. 353.
ICALP-A-2008-BodlaenderDFH #kernel #on the #polynomial #problem- On Problems without Polynomial Kernels (Extended Abstract) (HLB, RGD, MRF, DH), pp. 563–574.
ICALP-A-2008-DietzfelbingerP #approximate #data type #retrieval- Succinct Data Structures for Retrieval and Approximate Membership (Extended Abstract) (MD, RP), pp. 385–396.
ICALP-A-2008-FialaGK #complexity #distance #problem- Computational Complexity of the Distance Constrained Labeling Problem for Trees (Extended Abstract) (JF, PAG, JK), pp. 294–305.
ICALP-A-2008-RazgonO #parametricity #satisfiability- Almost 2-SAT Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (Extended Abstract) (IR, BO), pp. 551–562.
ICALP-B-2008-BergerHY #abstraction #logic #mobile #process- Completeness and Logical Full Abstraction in Modal Logics for Typed Mobile Processes (MB, KH, NY), pp. 99–111.
SEFM-2008-Cortesi #abstract interpretation- Widening Operators for Abstract Interpretation (AC), pp. 31–40.
SEFM-2008-Giacobazzi #abstract interpretation #security- Abstract Interpretation in Code Security (RG), p. 3.
ICFP-2008-Chlipala #higher-order #parametricity #semantics #syntax- Parametric higher-order abstract syntax for mechanized semantics (AC), pp. 143–156.
GT-VMT-2006-HermannET08 #diagrams #graph grammar #inheritance #sequence chart #syntax #uml- A Typed Attributed Graph Grammar with Inheritance for the Abstract Syntax of UML Class and Sequence Diagrams (FH, HE, GT), pp. 261–269.
GT-VMT-2006-ManningP08 #automaton- The York Abstract Machine (GM, DP), pp. 231–240.
GT-VMT-2008-BaresiGMM #abstraction #graph transformation #using #verification- Using Graph Transformation Systems to Specify and Verify Data Abstractions (LB, CG, AM, MM).
ICGT-2008-BauerBKR #abstraction #graph- A Modal-Logic Based Graph Abstraction (JB, IB, MEK, AR), pp. 321–335.
ICGT-2008-Bonchi #semantics- Abstract Semantics by Observable Contexts (FB), pp. 478–480.
ICGT-2008-RiegerN #data type- Abstracting Complex Data Structures by Hyperedge Replacement (SR, TN), pp. 69–83.
SOFTVIS-2008-Almeida-MartinezUV #abstract syntax tree #named #syntax #visualisation- VAST: visualization of abstract syntax trees within language processors courses (FJAM, JUF, JÁVI), pp. 209–210.
SOFTVIS-2008-ParduhnSW #algorithm #graph #using #visualisation- Algorithm visualization using concrete and abstract shape graphs (SAP, RS, RW), pp. 33–36.
EDOC-2008-PolyvyanyySW #abstraction #approach #process- Process Model Abstraction: A Slider Approach (AP, SS, MW), pp. 325–331.
CIKM-2008-TsengSC #abstraction #detection #email #novel- A novel email abstraction scheme for spam detection (CYT, PCS, MSC), pp. 1393–1394.
ICML-2008-Schnall-LevinCB #algorithm #design #framework- Inverting the Viterbi algorithm: an abstract framework for structure design (MSL, LC, BB), pp. 904–911.
KR-2008-MartinezGS #framework- An Abstract Argumentation Framework with Varied-Strength Attacks (DCM, AJG, GRS), pp. 135–144.
BX-2008-Wang1 #abstraction #bidirectional- Translucent Abstraction: Safe Views Through Bidirectional Transformations (MW), p. 41.
MoDELS-2008-Kramer #abstraction #modelling- Abstraction and Modelling — A Complementary Partnership (JK), p. 158.
MoDELS-2008-Kramer #abstraction #modelling- Abstraction and Modelling — A Complementary Partnership (JK), p. 158.
GPCE-2008-KulkarniR #abstraction #code generation #component #generative #modelling #reuse- An abstraction for reusable MDD components: model-based generation of model-based code generators (VK, SR), pp. 181–184.
PPDP-2008-MeraLCH #automaton #estimation #execution #towards- Towards execution time estimation in abstract machine-based languages (EM, PLG, MC, MVH), pp. 174–184.
PPDP-2008-MoralesCH #automaton #generative #using- Comparing tag scheme variations using an abstract machine generator (JFM, MC, MVH), pp. 32–43.
QAPL-2008-KattenbeltKNP #abstraction #game studies #probability- Game-Based Probabilistic Predicate Abstraction in PRISM (MK, MZK, GN, DP), pp. 5–21.
QAPL-2008-PierroSW #abstract interpretation #analysis #precise #probability #relational- Relational Analysis and Precision via Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation (ADP, PS, HW), pp. 23–42.
QAPL-2008-Smith #abstract interpretation #imperative #probability #source code #using- Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation of Imperative Programs using Truncated Normal Distributions (MJAS), pp. 43–59.
POPL-2008-GulwaniMT #logic #quantifier- Lifting abstract interpreters to quantified logical domains (SG, BM, AT), pp. 235–246.
POPL-2008-ParkinsonB #abstraction #inheritance #logic- Separation logic, abstraction and inheritance (MJP, GMB), pp. 75–86.
POPL-2008-Pientka #higher-order #programming #syntax- A type-theoretic foundation for programming with higher-order abstract syntax and first-class substitutions (BP), pp. 371–382.
POPL-2008-Zeilberger #higher-order #syntax- Focusing and higher-order abstract syntax (NZ), pp. 359–369.
SAC-2008-LogozzoF #abstract domain #array #named #performance #relational #validation- Pentagons: a weakly relational abstract domain for the efficient validation of array accesses (FL, MF), pp. 184–188.
FSE-2008-Baldwin- A design-centric view of the economy: abstract (CB), p. 1.
ICSE-2008-ScaffidiMS #abstraction #named #reuse #validation- Topes: reusable abstractions for validating data (CS, BAM, MS), pp. 1–10.
SLE-2008-OverbeyJ #abstract syntax tree #generative #syntax- Generating Rewritable Abstract Syntax Trees (JLO, REJ), pp. 114–133.
CAV-2008-AbdullaBCHR #abstraction #memory management #source code- Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Dynamic Memory Heaps (PAA, AB, JC, FH, AR), pp. 341–354.
CAV-2008-BackesLMP #abstraction #analysis #protocol #security- The CASPA Tool: Causality-Based Abstraction for Security Protocol Analysis (MB, SL, MM, KP), pp. 419–422.
CAV-2008-BobaruPG #abstraction #automation #reasoning #refinement- Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning by Abstraction Refinement (MGB, CSP, DG), pp. 135–148.
CAV-2008-GulavaniG #abstract domain #abstraction #analysis- A Numerical Abstract Domain Based on Expression Abstraction and Max Operator with Application in Timing Analysis (BSG, SG), pp. 370–384.
CAV-2008-WilhelmW #abstract interpretation #validation- Abstract Interpretation with Applications to Timing Validation (RW, BW), pp. 22–36.
CSL-2008-Berardid #calculus- A Calculus of Realizers for EM1 Arithmetic (Extended Abstract) (SB, Ud), pp. 215–229.
CSL-2008-Eisinger #automaton #bound #integer #linear- Upper Bounds on the Automata Size for Integer and Mixed Real and Integer Linear Arithmetic (Extended Abstract) (JE), pp. 431–445.
ICLP-2008-Lierler #set- Abstract Answer Set Solvers (YL), pp. 377–391.
ICLP-2008-SivaLZ #case study #constraints #database #sql- A Case Study in Engineering SQL Constraint Database Systems (Extended Abstract) (SS, JJL, HZ), pp. 774–778.
ISSTA-2008-XuGM #abstraction #testing- Testing for buffer overflows with length abstraction (RGX, PG, RM), pp. 27–38.
LICS-2008-Fiore #higher-order #syntax- Second-Order and Dependently-Sorted Abstract Syntax (MPF), pp. 57–68.
LICS-2008-Kahlon #abstraction #analysis #approach #concurrent #data flow #source code- Parameterization as Abstraction: A Tractable Approach to the Dataflow Analysis of Concurrent Programs (VK), pp. 181–192.
LICS-2008-SprengerB #abstraction- Cryptographically-Sound Protocol-Model Abstractions (CS, DAB), pp. 115–129.
RTA-2008-BoichutCHK #abstraction #approximate #refinement- Finer Is Better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations (YB, RC, PCH, OK), pp. 48–62.
TAP-2008-Ferrara #abstract interpretation #memory management #static analysis- Static Analysis Via Abstract Interpretation of the Happens-Before Memory Model (PF), pp. 116–133.
VMCAI-2008-BouissouM #abstract interpretation #embedded #physics #source code- Abstract Interpretation of the Physical Inputs of Embedded Programs (OB, MM), pp. 37–51.
VMCAI-2008-Cousot #abstract interpretation #semantics- Abstract Interpretation of Non-monotone Bi-inductive Semantic Definitions (RC), pp. 1–3.
VMCAI-2008-DanosFFK #abstract interpretation #network- Abstract Interpretation of Cellular Signalling Networks (VD, JF, WF, JK), pp. 83–97.
VMCAI-2008-DimitrovaP #abstraction #lazy evaluation #protocol #question- Is Lazy Abstraction a Decision Procedure for Broadcast Protocols? (RD, AP), pp. 98–111.
VMCAI-2008-FecherH #abstraction #model checking- Model Checking for Action Abstraction (HF, MH), pp. 112–126.
VMCAI-2008-RanzatoRT #abstraction #algorithm #refinement- A Forward-Backward Abstraction Refinement Algorithm (FR, ORD, FT), pp. 248–262.
VMCAI-2008-Schmidt #abstract interpretation #logic- Internal and External Logics of Abstract Interpretations (DAS), pp. 263–278.
ASE-2007-BlancGK #abstraction #c++ #verification- Verifying C++ with STL containers via predicate abstraction (NB, AG, DK), pp. 521–524.
DAC-2007-PaulaH #effectiveness #simulation- An Effective Guidance Strategy for Abstraction-Guided Simulation (FMdP, AJH), pp. 63–68.
DATE-2007-EckerESSVH #abstraction #interactive #performance #representation #simulation- Interactive presentation: Impact of description language, abstraction layer, and value representation on simulation performance (WE, VE, LS, TS, MV, MH), pp. 767–772.
DATE-2007-Jerraya #architecture #implementation #modelling- HW/SW implementation from abstract architecture models (AAJ), pp. 1470–1471.
DATE-2007-PatelS #abstraction- Tackling an abstraction gap: co-simulating SystemC DE with bluespec ESL (HDP, SKS), pp. 279–284.
DATE-2007-SafarpourV #abstraction #automation #debugging #design #refinement- Abstraction and refinement techniques in automated design debugging (SS, AGV), pp. 1182–1187.
SIGMOD-2007-CastroMA #abstraction #framework #programming- ADO.NET entity framework: raising the level of abstraction in data programming (PC, SM, AA), pp. 1070–1072.
ITiCSE-2007-PecinovskyP #interface #order- Order of explanation should be interface: abstract classes — overriding (RP, JP), p. 338.
WRLA-2006-NeuhausserN07 #abstraction #erlang #maude #model checking #source code- Abstraction and Model Checking of Core Erlang Programs in Maude (MRN, TN), pp. 147–163.
WRLA-2006-OlveczkyM07a #abstraction #maude #realtime- Abstraction and Completeness for Real-Time Maude (PCÖ, JM), pp. 5–27.
WRLA-2006-Reilles07 #abstract syntax tree #canonical #syntax- Canonical Abstract Syntax Trees (AR), pp. 165–179.
ESOP-2007-BessonJT #abstract interpretation #proving- Small Witnesses for Abstract Interpretation-Based Proofs (FB, TPJ, TT), pp. 268–283.
ESOP-2007-FrancalanzaH #bisimulation #fault tolerance #proving- A Fault Tolerance Bisimulation Proof for Consensus (Extended Abstract) (AF, MH), pp. 395–410.
ESOP-2007-NanevskiAMB #data type #hoare #type system- Abstract Predicates and Mutable ADTs in Hoare Type Theory (AN, AA, GM, LB), pp. 189–204.
TACAS-2007-AmlaM #abstraction #model checking #refinement #satisfiability- Combining Abstraction Refinement and SAT-Based Model Checking (NA, KLM), pp. 405–419.
TACAS-2007-ArmandoBM #abstraction #array #linear #refinement #source code- Abstraction Refinement of Linear Programs with Arrays (AA, MB, JM), pp. 373–388.
TACAS-2007-BryantKOSSB #abstraction- Deciding Bit-Vector Arithmetic with Abstraction (REB, DK, JO, SAS, OS, BAB), pp. 358–372.
TACAS-2007-JainKSC #abstraction #named #refinement- VCEGAR: Verilog CounterExample Guided Abstraction Refinement (HJ, DK, NS, EMC), pp. 583–586.
TACAS-2007-KupferschmidDHFDPB #heuristic #model checking- Uppaal/DMC- Abstraction-Based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking (SK, KD, JH, BF, HD, AP, GB), pp. 679–682.
TACAS-2007-PandyaKL #abstraction #logic #on the- On Sampling Abstraction of Continuous Time Logic with Durations (PKP, SNK, KL), pp. 246–260.
TACAS-2007-SebastianiTV #abstraction #clustering #refinement- Property-Driven Partitioning for Abstraction Refinement (RS, ST, MYV), pp. 389–404.
WCRE-2007-EvansFM #abstraction #clone detection #detection- Clone Detection via Structural Abstraction (WSE, CWF, FM), pp. 150–159.
PEPM-2007-MoorHV #object-oriented #query- Object-oriented queries over software systems: (abstract of invited talk) (OdM, EH, MV), p. 91.
PLDI-2007-KothariGMG #abstraction #network #performance #programming #reliability- Reliable and efficient programming abstractions for wireless sensor networks (NK, RG, TDM, RG), pp. 200–210.
PLDI-2007-KulkarniPWRBC #abstraction #parallel- Optimistic parallelism requires abstractions (MK, KP, BW, GR, KB, LPC), pp. 211–222.
SAS-2007-BanterleG #abstract domain #hardware #implementation #performance- A Fast Implementation of the Octagon Abstract Domain on Graphics Hardware (FB, RG), pp. 315–332.
SAS-2007-BauerW #abstraction #communication #static analysis- Static Analysis of Dynamic Communication Systems by Partner Abstraction (JB, RW), pp. 249–264.
SAS-2007-CousotGR #abstraction- Fixpoint-Guided Abstraction Refinements (PC, PG, JFR), pp. 333–348.
SAS-2007-LalKRT #fault- Abstract Error Projection (AL, NK, TWR, TT), pp. 200–217.
SAS-2007-Monniaux #abstraction #source code- Optimal Abstraction on Real-Valued Programs (DM), pp. 104–120.
SAS-2007-ShohamG #abstraction #composition #verification- Compositional Verification and 3-Valued Abstractions Join Forces (SS, OG), pp. 69–86.
ICALP-2007-FioreH #equation- Equational Systems and Free Constructions (Extended Abstract) (MPF, CKH), pp. 607–618.
ICALP-2007-HasuoJU #category theory- Categorical Views on Computations on Trees (Extended Abstract) (IH, BJ, TU), pp. 619–630.
ICALP-2007-Laird #semantics- A Fully Abstract Trace Semantics for General References (JL), pp. 667–679.
SEFM-2007-Cousot #abstract interpretation #formal method- The Rôle of Abstract Interpretation in Formal Methods (PC), pp. 135–140.
CEFP-2007-Kluge #λ-calculus- Abstract λ-Calculus Machines (WEK), pp. 112–157.
ILC-2007-WozniakDW #abstraction #data type #policy- Dynamic ADTs: a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for data abstraction (GW, MD, SW), p. 26.
AGTIVE-2007-RangerGH #graph #interface- Defining Abstract Graph Views as Module Interfaces (UR, KG, MH), pp. 120–135.
DHM-2007-ChuangL #design #interface #usability- The Usability of Metaphors with Different Degree of Abstract in Interface Design (MCC, IL), pp. 343–352.
HCI-IDU-2007-Gomez-CarneroI #representation #using- Evaluator of User’s Actions (Eua) Using the Model of Abstract Representation Dgaui (SGC, JRI), pp. 463–471.
CAiSE-2007-AldredADH #abstraction #communication #distributed #process- Communication Abstractions for Distributed Business Processes (LA, WMPvdA, MD, AHMtH), pp. 409–423.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-KirikovaSGO #abstraction #analysis #flexibility #process- Analysis of Business Process Flexibility at Different Levels of Abstraction (MK, RS, JG, JO), pp. 389–396.
ECMDA-FA-2007-BrorkensK #abstraction #legacy #metamodelling #standard #tool support #xml- Improving the Interoperability of Automotive Tools by Raising the Abstraction from Legacy XML Formats to Standardized Metamodels (MB, MK), pp. 59–67.
MoDELS-2007-KrahnRV #syntax- Integrated Definition of Abstract and Concrete Syntax for Textual Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 286–300.
MoDELS-2007-KrahnRV #syntax- Integrated Definition of Abstract and Concrete Syntax for Textual Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 286–300.
ECOOP-2007-DoorenS #abstraction #inheritance #using- A Higher Abstraction Level Using First-Class Inheritance Relations (MvD, ES), pp. 425–449.
PADL-2007-PodelskiR #abstraction #logic #model checking #named #refinement- ARMC: The Logical Choice for Software Model Checking with Abstraction Refinement (AP, AR), pp. 245–259.
POPL-2007-BugliesiG #abstraction #implementation- Secure implementations of typed channel abstractions (MB, MG), pp. 251–262.
SAC-2007-Li #abstraction #parametricity #protocol #proving #verification- Mechanized proofs for the parameter abstraction and guard strengthening principle in parameterized verification of cache coherence protocols (YL), pp. 1534–1535.
CGO-2007-BirkbeckLA #abstraction #approach #matlab- A Dimension Abstraction Approach to Vectorization in Matlab (NB, JL, JNA), pp. 115–130.
CGO-2007-DrewekeWFSMP #abstraction #graph- Graph-Based Procedural Abstraction (AD, MW, IF, DS, TM, MP), pp. 259–270.
HPCA-2007-ClarkHYMF #hardware #lightweight #using- Liquid SIMD: Abstracting SIMD Hardware using Lightweight Dynamic Mapping (NC, AH, SY, SAM, KF), pp. 216–227.
LCTES-2007-Kastner #abstract interpretation #analysis #execution #worst-case- Safe worst-case execution time analysis by abstract interpretation of executable code (DK), p. 135.
SOSP-2007-KrohnYBCKKM #abstraction #data flow #standard- Information flow control for standard OS abstractions (MNK, AY, MZB, NC, MFK, EK, RM), pp. 321–334.
SOSP-2007-WangFHJ #abstraction #communication #web- Protection and communication abstractions for web browsers in MashupOS (HJW, XF, JH, CJ), pp. 1–16.
SMT-J-2006-BarrettST07 #data type #formal method #induction- An Abstract Decision Procedure for a Theory of Inductive Data Types (CB, IS, CT), pp. 21–46.
AMOST-2007-SatpathyR #abstraction #formal method #generative #model checking #modelling #refinement #testing- Test case generation from formal models through abstraction refinement and model checking (MS, SR), pp. 85–94.
CAV-2007-AlfaroR #abstraction #markov #process- Magnifying-Lens Abstraction for Markov Decision Processes (LdA, PR), pp. 325–338.
CAV-2007-AmitRRSY #abstraction #comparison #verification- Comparison Under Abstraction for Verifying Linearizability (DA, NR, TWR, MS, EY), pp. 477–490.
CAV-2007-BabicH #abstraction #verification- Structural Abstraction of Software Verification Conditions (DB, AJH), pp. 366–378.
CAV-2007-BallKS #abstraction- Leaping Loops in the Presence of Abstraction (TB, OK, MS), pp. 491–503.
CAV-2007-CimattiRST #abstraction #logic #satisfiability- Boolean Abstraction for Temporal Logic Satisfiability (AC, MR, VS, ST), pp. 532–546.
CAV-2007-GulwaniT #abstract domain #bytecode #low level- An Abstract Domain for Analyzing Heap-Manipulating Low-Level Software (SG, AT), pp. 379–392.
CAV-2007-JhalaM #abstraction #array #proving- Array Abstractions from Proofs (RJ, KLM), pp. 193–206.
CAV-2007-KatoenKLW #abstraction #markov- Three-Valued Abstraction for Continuous-Time Markov Chains (JPK, DK, ML, VW), pp. 311–324.
CAV-2007-Segelken #abstraction #automaton #hybrid #linear #model checking #modelling- Abstraction and Counterexample-Guided Construction of ω-Automata for Model Checking of Step-Discrete Linear Hybrid Models (MS), pp. 433–448.
CSL-2007-Abramsky #geometry #interactive #proving- Full Completeness: Interactive and Geometric Characterizations of the Space of Proofs (Abstract) (SA), pp. 1–2.
CSL-2007-Alfaro #approach #game studies- The Symbolic Approach to Repeated Games (Abstract) (LdA), p. 3.
CSL-2007-Beckmann #complexity #proving #source code- Proofs, Programs and Abstract Complexity (AB), pp. 4–5.
ICLP-2007-LiuPST #constraints #logic programming #source code- Logic Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms: The Role of Computations (LL, EP, TCS, MT), pp. 286–301.
ICLP-2007-Zhou #prolog- A Register-Free Abstract Prolog Machine with Jumbo Instructions (NFZ), pp. 455–457.
ISSTA-2007-ShohamYFP #abstraction #mining #specification #using- Static specification mining using automata-based abstractions (SS, EY, SF, MP), pp. 174–184.
LICS-2007-CalcagnoOY #logic- Local Action and Abstract Separation Logic (CC, PWO, HY), pp. 366–378.
LICS-2007-Tzevelekos #abstraction- Full abstraction for nominal general references (NT), pp. 399–410.
MBT-2007-OuimetL #automation #consistency #satisfiability #specification #state machine #using #verification- Automated Verification of Completeness and Consistency of Abstract State Machine Specifications using a SAT Solver (MO, KL), pp. 85–97.
RTA-2007-HaemmerleF #confluence- Abstract Critical Pairs and Confluence of Arbitrary Binary Relations (RH, FF), pp. 214–228.
TLCA-2007-Mazza #abstraction #combinator #interactive #symmetry- Edifices and Full Abstraction for the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM), pp. 305–320.
VMCAI-2007-FecherH #abstraction #precise- More Precise Partition Abstractions (HF, MH), pp. 167–181.
VMCAI-2007-KlaedtkeRS #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #verification- Language-Based Abstraction Refinement for Hybrid System Verification (FK, SR, ZS), pp. 151–166.
VMCAI-2007-Logozzo #abstract interpretation #analysis #composition #java #named #verification- Cibai: An Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analyzer for Modular Analysis and Verification of Java Classes (FL), pp. 283–298.
VMCAI-2007-PeronH #abstract domain #bound #constraints #matrix- An Abstract Domain Extending Difference-Bound Matrices with Disequality Constraints (MP, NH), pp. 268–282.
CBSE-2006-GrondinBV #automation #component #named- MaDcAr: An Abstract Model for Dynamic and Automatic (Re-)Assembling of Component-Based Applications (GG, NB, LV), pp. 360–367.
CBSE-2006-Lumpe #abstraction #component #framework #modelling #named #reasoning- GLoo: A Framework for Modeling and Reasoning About Component-Oriented Language Abstractions (ML), pp. 17–32.
ASE-2006-DenneyF #automation #certification #safety- Annotation Inference for Safety Certification of Automatically Generated Code (Extended Abstract) (ED, BF), pp. 265–268.
DAC-2006-DupenloupLM #abstraction #functional #verification- Transistor abstraction for the functional verification of FPGAs (GD, TL, RM), pp. 1069–1072.
DAC-2006-JerrayaBP #abstraction #interface #modelling #multi #programming- Programming models and HW-SW interfaces abstraction for multi-processor SoC (AAJ, AB, FP), pp. 280–285.
DAC-2006-NanshiS #simulation- Guiding simulation with increasingly refined abstract traces (KN, FS), pp. 737–742.
DATE-2006-FrehseKR #abstraction #refinement #using #verification- Verifying analog oscillator circuits using forward/backward abstraction refinement (GF, BHK, RAR), pp. 257–262.
ITiCSE-2006-PerrenetK #abstraction #algorithm #comprehension #concept #perspective #student- Levels of abstraction in students’ understanding of the concept of algorithm: the qualitative perspective (JP, EK), pp. 270–274.
ESOP-2006-GulwaniT #abstraction #linear- Assertion Checking over Combined Abstraction of Linear Arithmetic and Uninterpreted Functions (SG, AT), pp. 279–293.
FoSSaCS-2006-Laird #abstraction #nondeterminism- Bidomains and Full Abstraction for Countable Nondeterminism (JL), pp. 352–366.
FoSSaCS-2006-LuttgenV #process #semantics- Conjunction on Processes: Full-Abstraction Via Ready-Tree Semantics (GL, WV), pp. 261–276.
TACAS-2006-EsparzaKS #abstraction #automaton #refinement- Abstraction Refinement with Craig Interpolation and Symbolic Pushdown Systems (JE, SK, SS), pp. 489–503.
TACAS-2006-GulavaniR #abstract interpretation #refinement- Counterexample Driven Refinement for Abstract Interpretation (BSG, SKR), pp. 474–488.
TACAS-2006-GurfinkelC #abstraction #question #why- Why Waste a Perfectly Good Abstraction? (AG, MC), pp. 212–226.
TACAS-2006-KonigK #abstraction #analysis #graph transformation #refinement- Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement for the Analysis of Graph Transformation Systems (BK, VK), pp. 197–211.
TACAS-2006-LiS #abstraction #bound #model checking #performance #refinement- Efficient Abstraction Refinement in Interpolation-Based Unbounded Model Checking (BL, FS), pp. 227–241.
ICPC-2006-JetleyZI #analysis #slicing #using- Using Abstraction-driven Slicing for Postmortem Analysis of Software (RPJ, YZ, SPI), pp. 107–116.
SCAM-2006-HenriksenG #abstract interpretation #logic programming #source code- Abstract Interpretation of PIC Programs through Logic Programming (KSH, JPG), pp. 184–196.
WCRE-2006-KoschkeFF #clone detection #detection #syntax #using- Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Suffix Trees (RK, RF, PF), pp. 253–262.
WCRE-2006-LaitkorpiKS #approach #interface #uml- A UML-based Approach for Abstracting Application Interfaces to REST-like Services (ML, JK, TS), pp. 134–146.
PLDI-2006-FengSVXN #abstraction #assembly #composition #verification- Modular verification of assembly code with stack-based control abstractions (XF, ZS, AV, SX, ZN), pp. 401–414.
PLDI-2006-GulwaniT- Combining abstract interpreters (SG, AT), pp. 376–386.
SAS-2006-AmiranoffCF #abstract domain #relational- Beyond Iteration Vectors: Instancewise Relational Abstract Domains (PA, AC, PF), pp. 161–180.
SAS-2006-BalakrishnanR- Recency-Abstraction for Heap-Allocated Storage (GB, TWR), pp. 221–239.
SAS-2006-BouajjaniHRV #data type #model checking- Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking of Complex Dynamic Data Structures (AB, PH, AR, TV), pp. 52–70.
SAS-2006-CalcagnoDOY #abstraction #pointer #reachability- Beyond Reachability: Shape Abstraction in the Presence of Pointer Arithmetic (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 182–203.
SAS-2006-GotsmanBC #abstraction #analysis #interprocedural- Interprocedural Shape Analysis with Separated Heap Abstractions (AG, JB, BC), pp. 240–260.
SAS-2006-PueblaAH #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation with Specialized Definitions (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 107–126.
FLOPS-2006-Steele #abstraction #parallel #programming- Parallel Programming and Parallel Abstractions in Fortress (GLSJ), p. 1.
DLT-2006-GurevichW #question #state machine- Can Abstract State Machines Be Useful in Language Theory? (YG, CW), pp. 14–19.
ICALP-v1-2006-AlonSS #approximate #problem- Additive Approximation for Edge-Deletion Problems (Abstract) (NA, AS, BS), pp. 1–2.
SEFM-2006-Meyer- The Context of Object Computation (extended abstract) (BM), pp. 13–17.
ICFP-2006-DenielouL #abstraction #distributed #type system- Abstraction preservation and subtyping in distributed languages (PMD, JJL), pp. 286–297.
ICFP-2006-MightS #analysis #garbage collection- Improving flow analyses via ΓCFA: abstract garbage collection and counting (MM, OS), pp. 13–25.
ICFP-2006-ZiarekSJ #abstraction #composition #concurrent #functional #named #source code- Stabilizers: a modular checkpointing abstraction for concurrent functional programs (LZ, PS, SJ), pp. 136–147.
SOFTVIS-2006-Reiss #abstraction #execution #using #visualisation- Visualizing program execution using user abstractions (SPR), pp. 125–134.
AdaEurope-2006-MirandaS #c++ #interface- Abstract Interface Types in GNAT: Conversions, Discriminants, and C++ (JM, ES), pp. 179–190.
EDOC-2006-BendraouGB #abstraction #execution #modelling #named #process #uml- UML4SPM: An Executable Software Process Modeling Language Providing High-Level Abstractions (RB, MPG, XB), pp. 297–306.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-DaoHHRV #abstraction #mining #modelling #tool support #towards #uml- Towards Practical Tools for Mining Abstractions in UML Models (MD, MH, MRH, CR, PV), pp. 276–283.
KR-2006-Doyle #on the #process- On Mechanization of Thought Processes (Extended Abstract) (JD), p. 2.
SEKE-2006-SunZLT #component #composition #design #execution #framework #logic- Abstract Logic Tree based Framework for Component Based Solution Composition Design and Execution (WS, XZ, YL, ZT), pp. 268–273.
SEKE-2006-ZhaoGQC #abstraction #constraints #prolog #semantics- A Constraint-based Correct Call Pattern Semantics for Prolog as an Abstraction of Decorated Tree Semantics (LZ, TG, JQ, GC), pp. 359–362.
MoDELS-2006-ArevaloFHN #abstraction #approach #concept analysis #modelling- Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach (GA, JRF, MH, CN), pp. 513–527.
MoDELS-2006-ArevaloFHN #abstraction #approach #concept analysis #modelling- Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach (GA, JRF, MH, CN), pp. 513–527.
ECOOP-2006-Lieberman #abstraction- The Continuing Quest for Abstraction (HL), pp. 192–197.
LOPSTR-2006-MoralesCH #automaton #optimisation #prolog #towards- Towards Description and Optimization of Abstract Machines in an Extension of Prolog (JFM, MC, MVH), pp. 77–93.
SAC-2006-CaceresFOV #architecture #coordination #peer-to-peer #semantics- An abstract architecture for semantic service coordination in agent-based intelligent peer-to-peer environments (CC, AF, SO, MV), pp. 447–448.
SAC-2006-RuttiWS #abstraction #implementation #interface #protocol- Service interface: a new abstraction for implementing and composing protocols (OR, PTW, AS), pp. 691–696.
SAC-2006-Zanardini #bytecode #java- Abstract non-interference in a fragment of Java bytecode (DZ), pp. 1822–1826.
ICSE-2006-KramerH #abstraction #re-engineering- The role of abstraction in software engineering (JK, OH), pp. 1017–1018.
ICSE-2006-XieMY #automation #state machine- Automatic extraction of abstract-object-state machines from unit-test executions (TX, EM, HY), pp. 835–838.
HPDC-2006-YehAWCT #performance #using- Using File Grouping to Improve the Disk Performance (Extended Abstract) (TY, JA, JSW, IFC, KHT), pp. 365–366.
LCTES-2006-CoopriderR #abstract domain #embedded- Pluggable abstract domains for analyzing embedded software (NC, JR), pp. 44–53.
LCTES-2006-RegehrD #embedded- Deriving abstract transfer functions for analyzing embedded software (JR, UD), pp. 34–43.
PPoPP-2006-DeitzCCS #abstraction #reduction- Global-view abstractions for user-defined reductions and scans (SJD, DC, BLC, LS), pp. 40–47.
CAV-2006-JainIGSW #abstraction #invariant #refinement #using- Using Statically Computed Invariants Inside the Predicate Abstraction and Refinement Loop (HJ, FI, AG, IS, CW), pp. 137–151.
CAV-2006-KroeningW #abstraction- Counterexamples with Loops for Predicate Abstraction (DK, GW), pp. 152–165.
CAV-2006-LahiriNO #abstraction #performance #smt- SMT Techniques for Fast Predicate Abstraction (SKL, RN, AO), pp. 424–437.
CAV-2006-Lev-AmiIS #abstraction #analysis #performance #precise- Abstraction for Shape Analysis with Fast and Precise Transformers (TLA, NI, SS), pp. 547–561.
CAV-2006-McMillan #abstraction #lazy evaluation- Lazy Abstraction with Interpolants (KLM), pp. 123–136.
CAV-2006-PaulaH #flexibility #framework #named #simulation- EverLost: A Flexible Platform for Industrial-Strength Abstraction-Guided Simulation (FMdP, AJH), pp. 282–285.
CAV-2006-RoordaC #abstraction #evaluation #refinement #satisfiability- SAT-Based Assistance in Abstraction Refinement for Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (JWR, KC), pp. 175–189.
CSL-2006-Benton- Abstracting Allocation (NB), pp. 182–196.
CSL-2006-MartinMO #hoare #logic- Hoare Logic in the Abstract (UM, EAM, PO), pp. 501–515.
CSL-2006-Ong #approach #infinity #semantics #verification- Some Results on a Game-Semantic Approach to Verifying Finitely-Presentable Infinite Structures (Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 31–40.
ICLP-2006-AlbertAPH- Reduced Certificates for Abstraction-Carrying Code (EA, PAS, GP, MVH), pp. 163–178.
ISSTA-2006-GuoPME #data type- Dynamic inference of abstract types (PJG, JHP, SM, MDE), pp. 255–265.
ISSTA-2006-YorshBS #abstraction #exclamation #proving #testing #theorem proving- Testing, abstraction, theorem proving: better together! (GY, TB, MS), pp. 145–156.
LICS-2006-BallK #abstraction #framework #multi- An Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Multi-Agent Systems (TB, OK), pp. 379–388.
LICS-2006-ShohamG #abstraction #precise- 3-Valued Abstraction: More Precision at Less Cost (SS, OG), pp. 399–410.
VMCAI-2006-ArnoldMSS #abstraction #analysis- Combining Shape Analyses by Intersecting Abstractions (GA, RM, MS, RS), pp. 33–48.
VMCAI-2006-BalabanCP #abstraction #ranking #recursion #source code- Ranking Abstraction of Recursive Programs (IB, AC, AP), pp. 267–281.
VMCAI-2006-BinghamR #abstraction #logic #source code- A Logic and Decision Procedure for Predicate Abstraction of Heap-Manipulating Programs (JDB, ZR), pp. 207–221.
VMCAI-2006-ClarkeTV #abstraction #verification- Environment Abstraction for Parameterized Verification (EMC, MT, HV), pp. 126–141.
VMCAI-2006-GantyRB #abstract interpretation #framework- A Complete Abstract Interpretation Framework for Coverability Properties of WSTS (PG, JFR, LVB), pp. 49–64.
VMCAI-2006-GurfinkelWC #abstraction #model checking- Systematic Construction of Abstractions for Model-Checking (AG, OW, MC), pp. 381–397.
VMCAI-2006-JaffarSV #abstraction #composition- A CLP Method for Compositional and Intermittent Predicate Abstraction (JJ, AES, RV), pp. 17–32.
VMCAI-2006-LogozzoC #abstract interpretation #refactoring #semantics- Semantic Hierarchy Refactoring by Abstract Interpretation (FL, AC), pp. 313–331.
VMCAI-2006-Mine #abstract domain #precise- Symbolic Methods to Enhance the Precision of Numerical Abstract Domains (AM), pp. 348–363.
VMCAI-2006-RanzatoT #abstract interpretation- Strong Preservation of Temporal Fixpoint-Based Operators by Abstract Interpretation (FR, FT), pp. 332–347.
VMCAI-2006-RossignoliS #compilation #detection- Detecting Non-cyclicity by Abstract Compilation into Boolean Functions (SR, FS), pp. 95–110.
ASE-2005-VisserPP #abstraction #generative #using- Test input generation for red-black trees using abstraction (WV, CSP, RP), pp. 414–417.
DAC-2005-JainKSC #abstraction #refinement #verification #word- Word level predicate abstraction and refinement for verifying RTL verilog (HJ, DK, NS, EMC), pp. 445–450.
DAC-2005-ZhangPHS #abstraction #satisfiability #using- Dynamic abstraction using SAT-based BMC (LZ, MRP, MSH, TS), pp. 754–757.
DATE-2005-HeckmannF #abstract interpretation #embedded #safety- erifying Safety-Critical Timing and Memory-Usage Properties of Embedded Software by Abstract Interpretation (RH, CF), pp. 618–619.
ITiCSE-2005-PerrenetGK #abstraction #algorithm #comprehension #concept #student- Exploring students’ understanding of the concept of algorithm: levels of abstraction (JP, JFG, EK), pp. 64–68.
ESOP-2005-GiacobazziM #abstract interpretation #classification #modelling- Adjoining Declassification and Attack Models by Abstract Interpretation (RG, IM), pp. 295–310.
ESOP-2005-JeffreyR #java #semantics- Java Jr: Fully Abstract Trace Semantics for a Core Java Language (AJ, JR), pp. 423–438.
ESOP-2005-MauborgneR #abstract interpretation #clustering- Trace Partitioning in Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analyzers (LM, XR), pp. 5–20.
FoSSaCS-2005-JeffreyR #abstraction #polymorphism #π-calculus- Full Abstraction for Polymorphic π-Calculus (AJ, JR), pp. 266–281.
TACAS-2005-ClarkeKSY #abstraction #named #satisfiability- SATABS: SAT-Based Predicate Abstraction for ANSI-C (EMC, DK, NS, KY), pp. 570–574.
TACAS-2005-JainIGG #abstraction #locality- Localization and Register Sharing for Predicate Abstraction (HJ, FI, AG, MKG), pp. 397–412.
TACAS-2005-RanzatoT #abstract interpretation #algorithm #refinement- An Abstract Interpretation-Based Refinement Algorithm for Strong Preservation (FR, FT), pp. 140–156.
CSMR-2005-BernardiL #case study #diagrams #named- UsCaAb: A Tool for Abstracting Use Case Diagrams (MLB, GADL), p. 194.
CSMR-2005-Li #abstraction #architecture #design #object-oriented- Dynamic Model Design Recovery and Architecture Abstraction of Object Oriented Software (QL), pp. 284–287.
CSMR-2005-WardZH #abstraction #refinement #semantics #slicing- Conditioned Semantic Slicing via Abstraction and Refinement in FermaT (MPW, HZ, TH), pp. 178–187.
ICSM-IT-2005-Pacione #abstraction #analysis #named #network #visualisation- VANESSA: Visualisation Abstraction NEtwork for Software Systems Analysis (MJP), pp. 85–88.
IWPC-2005-OSheaE #abstraction #java- An Investigation of Java Abstraction Usage for Program Modifications (PO, CE), pp. 65–74.
MSR-2005-NeamtiuFH #abstract syntax tree #comprehension #evolution #source code #syntax #using- Understanding source code evolution using abstract syntax tree matching (IN, JSF, MWH), pp. 81–85.
SCAM-2005-HongLS #abstract interpretation #approach #model checking #slicing- Abstract Slicing: A New Approach to Program Slicing Based on Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking (HSH, IL, OS), pp. 25–34.
SCAM-2005-SchordanQ #attribute grammar #sequence #specification- Specifying Transformation Sequences as Computation on Program Fragments with an Abstract Attribute Grammar (MS, DJQ), pp. 97–106.
WCRE-2005-LiCHCY #abstraction #architecture #process- Architecture Recovery and Abstraction from the Perspective of Processes (QL, HC, SH, PC, ZY), pp. 57–66.
SAS-2005-BagnaraHMZ #abstraction- Widening Operators for Weakly-Relational Numeric Abstractions (RB, PMH, EM, EZ), pp. 3–18.
SAS-2005-CookPR #abstraction #refinement #termination- Abstraction Refinement for Termination (BC, AP, AR), pp. 87–101.
SAS-2005-DimovskiGL #approach #game studies #refinement #semantics- Data-Abstraction Refinement: A Game Semantic Approach (AD, DRG, RL), pp. 102–117.
SAS-2005-EsparzaGS #abstraction- Locality-Based Abstractions (JE, PG, SS), pp. 118–134.
SAS-2005-HuntM- The PER Model of Abstract Non-interference (SH, IM), pp. 171–185.
SAS-2005-JeannetGR #abstraction #relational- A Relational Abstraction for Functions (BJ, DG, TWR), pp. 186–202.
ICALP-2005-BaldamusPV #encoding #π-calculus- A Fully Abstract Encoding of the π-Calculus with Data Terms (MB, JP, BV), pp. 1202–1213.
ICALP-2005-PredaG #abstract interpretation #obfuscation #semantics- Semantic-Based Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG), pp. 1325–1336.
FM-2005-Bosnacki #abstraction #calculus #on the #μ-calculus- On Some Galois Connection Based Abstractions for the μ-Calculus (DB), pp. 366–381.
IFM-2005-GodefroidK #model checking- Software Model Checking: Searching for Computations in the Abstract or the Concrete (PG, NK), pp. 20–32.
SEFM-2005-GurovH #abstraction #composition #interface- Interface Abstraction for Compositional Verificatio (DG, MH), pp. 414–424.
SEFM-2005-NejatiGC #abstraction- Stuttering Abstraction for Model Checkin (SN, AG, MC), pp. 311–320.
SEFM-2005-PredaG #abstract interpretation #obfuscation- Control Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG), pp. 301–310.
SEFM-2005-Sifakis #component #framework- A Framework for Component-based Construction Extended Abstract (JS), pp. 293–300.
SOFTVIS-2005-JohannesSW #algorithm #analysis #animation #using #visualisation- Algorithm animation using shape analysis: visualising abstract executions (DJ, RS, RW), pp. 17–26.
EDOC-2005-AlmeidaDPQS #design #interactive #modelling #refinement- Abstract Interactions and Interaction Refinement in Model-Driven Design (JPAA, RMD, LFP, DACQ, MvS), pp. 273–286.
ICEIS-v4-2005-LokeLBG #abstraction #programming #workflow- Levels of Abstraction in Programming Device Ecology Workflows (SWL, SL, GB, BG), pp. 137–144.
SEKE-2005-CoyetteVFK #design #generative #user interface- Generating Abstract User Interfaces from an Informal Design (AC, JV, SF, MK), pp. 348–353.
SEKE-2005-Kjaergaard #abstraction #architecture #on the- On Abstraction Levels for Software Architecture Viewpoints (MBK), pp. 424–429.
OOPSLA-2005-LiuSGRL #abstraction- Incrementalization across object abstraction (YAL, SDS, MG, TR, YEL), pp. 473–486.
OOPSLA-2005-OderskyZ #abstraction #component #scalability- Scalable component abstractions (MO, MZ), pp. 41–57.
QAPL-2004-AlpuenteGPV05 #model checking #source code- Abstract Model Checking of tccp programs (MA, MdMG, EP, AV), pp. 19–36.
QAPL-2004-HankinW05 #program analysis #λ-calculus- λ-calculus and Quantitative Program Analysis: (Extended Abstract) (CH, HW), pp. 5–18.
QAPL-2004-Huth05 #abstraction #hybrid #logic- Abstraction and Probabilities for Hybrid Logics (MH), pp. 61–76.
GPCE-2005-CaretteK #abstraction #monad #multi #programming- Multi-stage Programming with Functors and Monads: Eliminating Abstraction Overhead from Generic Code (JC, OK), pp. 256–274.
GPCE-2005-CulpepperOF #abstraction #component #interface- Syntactic Abstraction in Component Interfaces (RC, SO, MF), pp. 373–388.
LOPSTR-2005-Fages #automaton #constraints #logic- Temporal Logic Constraints in the Biochemical Abstract Machine BIOCHAM (FF), pp. 1–5.
LOPSTR-2005-GallagherPA #abstract domain #type system- Converting One Type-Based Abstract Domain to Another (JPG, GP, EA), pp. 147–162.
PPDP-2005-FernandezG #abstraction #generative #locality- Nominal rewriting with name generation: abstraction vs. locality (MF, MG), pp. 47–58.
PPDP-2005-HermenegildoALP #abstraction- Abstraction carrying code and resource-awareness (MVH, EA, PLG, GP), pp. 1–11.
PPDP-2005-LiL #unification- Inverting abstract unification for set-sharing (XL, LL), pp. 129–138.
PPDP-2005-SchrijversSD #abstract interpretation #constraints- Abstract interpretation for constraint handling rules (TS, PJS, GJD), pp. 218–229.
POPL-2005-ParkinsonB #abstraction #logic- Separation logic and abstraction (MJP, GMB), pp. 247–258.
POPL-2005-PodelskiR #abstraction #termination- Transition predicate abstraction and fair termination (AP, AR), pp. 132–144.
POPL-2005-RinetzkyBRSW #abstraction #semantics- A semantics for procedure local heaps and its abstractions (NR, JB, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 296–309.
POPL-2005-SumiiP #abstraction #bisimulation #recursion- A bisimulation for type abstraction and recursion (ES, BCP), pp. 63–74.
SAC-2005-CarvalhoL #abstraction #composition #distributed #parallel #performance #programming- The # model: separation of concerns for reconciling modularity, abstraction and efficiency in distributed parallel programming (FHdCJ, RDL), pp. 1357–1364.
CC-2005-Zeller #abstraction- When Abstraction Fails (AZ), pp. 1–9.
CAV-2005-BallKY #abstraction- Abstraction for Falsification (TB, OK, GY), pp. 67–81.
CAV-2005-GuptaS #abstraction #bound #model checking #refinement- Abstraction Refinement for Bounded Model Checking (AG, OS), pp. 112–124.
CAV-2005-LahiriBC #abstraction- Predicate Abstraction via Symbolic Decision Procedures (SKL, TB, BC), pp. 24–38.
CAV-2005-LoginovRS #abstraction #induction #learning #refinement- Abstraction Refinement via Inductive Learning (AL, TWR, SS), pp. 519–533.
CAV-2005-PasareanuPV #model checking #refinement- Concrete Model Checking with Abstract Matching and Refinement (CSP, RP, WV), pp. 52–66.
CSL-2005-Berger #normalisation #theorem- An Abstract Strong Normalization Theorem (UB), pp. 27–35.
ICLP-2005-MoralesCPH #automaton #generative #implementation #performance- A Generator of Efficient Abstract Machine Implementations and Its Application to Emulator Minimization (JFM, MC, GP, MVH), pp. 21–36.
RTA-2005-AbbottGL #composition- Abstract Modularity (MA, NG, CL), pp. 46–60.
TLCA-2005-Felty #approach #semantics #tutorial- A Tutorial Example of the Semantic Approach to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code: Abstract (APF), p. 10.
TLCA-2005-Zanardini #higher-order- Higher-Order Abstract Non-interference (DZ), pp. 417–432.
VMCAI-2005-BalabanPZ #abstraction #analysis- Shape Analysis by Predicate Abstraction (IB, AP, LDZ), pp. 164–180.
VMCAI-2005-Bertrane #abstract interpretation #composition #source code #static analysis- Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of the Quasi-synchronous Composition of Synchronous Programs (JB), pp. 97–112.
VMCAI-2005-ChangL #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation with Alien Expressions and Heap Structures (BYEC, KRML), pp. 147–163.
VMCAI-2005-Cousot #abstraction #parametricity #programming #proving #termination- Proving Program Invariance and Termination by Parametric Abstraction, Lagrangian Relaxation and Semidefinite Programming (PC), pp. 1–24.
VMCAI-2005-DamsN #abstraction #automaton- Automata as Abstractions (DD, KSN), pp. 216–232.
VMCAI-2005-Feret #abstract domain #geometry- The Arithmetic-Geometric Progression Abstract Domain (JF), pp. 42–58.
VMCAI-2005-Hymans #abstract interpretation #fault #verification- Verification of an Error Correcting Code by Abstract Interpretation (CH), pp. 330–345.
VMCAI-2005-ManevichYRS #abstraction #canonical- Predicate Abstraction and Canonical Abstraction for Singly-Linked Lists (RM, EY, GR, SS), pp. 181–198.
VMCAI-2005-Pnueli #abstraction #liveness- Abstraction for Liveness (AP), p. 146.
CBSE-2004-Jonkers #interface #specification- Interface Specification: A Balancing Act (Extended Abstract) (HBMJ), pp. 5–6.
DAC-2004-AndrausS #abstraction #automation #modelling #verification- Automatic abstraction and verification of verilog models (ZSA, KAS), pp. 218–223.
DAC-2004-MangH #abstraction #analysis #refinement- Abstraction refinement by controllability and cooperativeness analysis (FYCM, PHH), pp. 224–229.
DAC-2004-SchueleS #abstraction #analysis #assembly #execution #source code- Abstraction of assembler programs for symbolic worst case execution time analysis (TS, KS), pp. 107–112.
DATE-v1-2004-BjesseK #abstraction #debugging #refinement #using- Using Counter Example Guided Abstraction Refinement to Find Complex Bugs (PB, JHK), pp. 156–161.
DATE-v1-2004-RaudvereSSJ #abstraction #polynomial #verification- Polynomial Abstraction for Verification of Sequentially Implemented Combinational Circuits (TR, AKS, IS, AJ), pp. 690–691.
DATE-v2-2004-RadulescuDGRW #abstraction #flexibility #interface #network #performance- An Efficient On-Chip Network Interface Offering Guaranteed Services, Shared-Memory Abstraction, and Flexible Network Configuration (AR, JD, KGWG, ER, PW), pp. 878–883.
SIGMOD-2004-RaoPZ #abstraction #canonical #optimisation- Canonical Abstraction for Outerjoin Optimization (JR, HP, CZ), pp. 671–682.
ITiCSE-2004-Stepney #education- Teaching post-classical computation: (extended abstract) (SS), p. 3.
ESOP-2004-Boudol #named #programming- ULM: A Core Programming Model for Global Computing: (Extended Abstract) (GB), pp. 234–248.
ESOP-2004-JiaW #distributed #proving #source code- Modal Proofs as Distributed Programs (Extended Abstract) (LJ, DW), pp. 219–233.
ESOP-2004-Mine #abstract domain #detection #fault #float #relational #runtime- Relational Abstract Domains for the Detection of Floating-Point Run-Time Errors (AM), pp. 3–17.
ESOP-2004-OHearn #concurrent #reasoning- Resources, Concurrency, and Local Reasoning (Abstract) (PWO), pp. 1–2.
ESOP-2004-PhillipsYE #automaton #calculus #distributed- A Distributed Abstract Machine for Boxed Ambient Calculi (AP, NY, SE), pp. 155–170.
ESOP-2004-RanzatoT #abstract interpretation- Strong Preservation as Completeness in Abstract Interpretation (FR, FT), pp. 18–32.
FoSSaCS-2004-Demri #constraints #integer #ltl- LTL over Integer Periodicity Constraints: (Extended Abstract) (SD), pp. 121–135.
TACAS-2004-BallCDR #abstraction #approximate- Refining Approximations in Software Predicate Abstraction (TB, BC, SD, SKR), pp. 388–403.
TACAS-2004-BeauquierCP #automation #first-order #logic #parametricity #protocol #state machine #verification- Automatic Parametric Verification of a Root Contention Protocol Based on Abstract State Machines and First Order Timed Logic (DB, TC, EP), pp. 372–387.
TACAS-2004-BehrmannBLP #abstraction #automaton #bound- Lower and Upper Bounds in Zone Based Abstractions of Timed Automata (GB, PB, KGL, RP), pp. 312–326.
TACAS-2004-QianN #abstraction #database #invariant #model checking- Guided Invariant Model Checking Based on Abstraction and Symbolic Pattern Databases (KQ, AN), pp. 497–511.
TACAS-2004-ShohamG #abstraction- Monotonic Abstraction-Refinement for CTL (SS, OG), pp. 546–560.
TACAS-2004-YorshRS #analysis- Symbolically Computing Most-Precise Abstract Operations for Shape Analysis (GY, TWR, SS), pp. 530–545.
ICSM-2004-Gueheneuc #diagrams #precise #uml- Abstract and Precise Recovery of UML Diagram Constituents (YGG), p. 523.
ICSM-2004-PinzgerFJG #source code- Abstracting Module Views from Source Code (MP, MF, MJ, HG), p. 533.
SCAM-2004-LakhotiaK #detection #obfuscation #stack- Abstracting Stack to Detect Obfuscated Calls in Binaries (AL, EUK), pp. 17–26.
PLDI-2004-FlattF #abstraction- Kill-safe synchronization abstractions (MF, RBF), pp. 47–58.
PLDI-2004-YahavR #abstraction #safety #using #verification- Verifying safety properties using separation and heterogeneous abstractions (EY, GR), pp. 25–34.
SAS-2004-ClarisoC #abstract domain- The Octahedron Abstract Domain (RC, JC), pp. 312–327.
SAS-2004-ManevichSRF #abstraction- Partially Disjunctive Heap Abstraction (RM, SS, GR, JF), pp. 265–279.
SAS-2004-Preda #evaluation #refinement- Completeness Refinement in Abstract Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (MDP), pp. 38–52.
SAS-2004-Rodriguez-CarbonellK #abstract interpretation #approach #automation #generative #invariant #polynomial- An Abstract Interpretation Approach for Automatic Generation of Polynomial Invariants (ERC, DK), pp. 280–295.
SAS-2004-ThompsonM #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation of Combinational Asynchronous Circuits (ST, AM), pp. 181–196.
STOC-2004-HalpernT #multi- Rational secret sharing and multiparty computation: extended abstract (JYH, VT), pp. 623–632.
FLOPS-2004-BuenoLH #abstract interpretation #analysis #multi #standard- Multivariant Non-failure Analysis via Standard Abstract Interpretation (FB, PLG, MVH), pp. 100–116.
FLOPS-2004-HagiyaTYS #abstraction #analysis #automaton #logic #using- Analysis of Synchronous and Asynchronous Cellular Automata Using Abstraction by Temporal Logic (MH, KT, MY, TS), pp. 7–21.
ICALP-2004-ChenDSY #sequence- Dynamic Price Sequence and Incentive Compatibility (Extended Abstract) (NC, XD, XS, ACCY), pp. 320–331.
ICALP-2004-DabrowskiP #equation #word- Solving Two-Variable Word Equations (Extended Abstract) (RD, WP), pp. 408–419.
ICALP-2004-DengL- A PTAS for Embedding Hypergraph in a Cycle (Extended Abstract) (XD, GL), pp. 433–444.
ICALP-2004-DvorakKP #consistency #constraints #problem- Locally Consistent Constraint Satisfaction Problems: (Extended Abstract) (ZD, DK, OP), pp. 469–480.
ICALP-2004-GasieniecKPX #multi #network- Deterministic M2M Multicast in Radio Networks: (Extended Abstract) (LG, EK, AP, QX), pp. 670–682.
ICALP-2004-GuruswamiI #linear- Linear-Time List Decoding in Error-Free Settings: (Extended Abstract) (VG, PI), pp. 695–707.
ICALP-2004-Toftdal #analysis #effectiveness #logic #theorem- A Calibration of Ineffective Theorems of Analysis in a Hierarchy of Semi-classical Logical Principles: (Extended Abstract) (MT), pp. 1188–1200.
IFM-2004-Boute #abstraction #formal method- Integrating Formal Methods by Unifying Abstractions (RTB), pp. 441–460.
IFM-2004-FariasMS #abstraction #performance- Efficient CSPZ Data Abstraction (AF, AM, AS), pp. 108–127.
SEFM-2004-PangPE #abstraction #parallel #process- Abstraction of Parallel Uniform Processes with Data (JP, JvdP, MVE), pp. 14–23.
EDOC-2004-AlmeidaDSP #development #framework #on the- On the Notion of Abstract Platform in MDA Development (JPAA, RMD, MvS, LFP), pp. 253–263.
ICEIS-v4-2004-RibeiroL #abstraction #multi #semantics #web- Multi-Agent Systems and the Semantic Web — The Semanticcore Agent-Based Abstraction Layer (MR, CJPdL), pp. 263–270.
ICML-2004-MannorMHK #abstraction #clustering #learning- Dynamic abstraction in reinforcement learning via clustering (SM, IM, AH, UK).
ICML-2004-SimsekB #abstraction #identification #learning #using- Using relative novelty to identify useful temporal abstractions in reinforcement learning (ÖS, AGB).
ICPR-v1-2004-LiBS #image #recognition #using- Object Class Recognition using Images of Abstract Regions (YL, JAB, LGS), pp. 40–43.
ICPR-v4-2004-TeleaSD #abstraction- Optimal Inference for Hierarchical Skeleton Abstraction (ACT, CS, SJD), pp. 19–22.
SIGIR-2004-Bot #algorithm #documentation #feedback #representation- Improving document representation by accumulating relevance feedback (abstract only): the relevance feedback accumulation algorithm (RSB), p. 602.
SIGIR-2004-Gnasa #information management #online #question- Sharing knowledge online (abstract only): a dream or reality? (MG), p. 602.
SIGIR-2004-Leidner- Toponym resolution in text (abstract only): “which sheffield is it?” (JLL), p. 602.
SIGIR-2004-Liu #community #information management- Supporting federated information sharing communities (abstract only) (BL), p. 602.
SIGIR-2004-Martin #natural language #reliability #verification #web- Reliability and verification of natural language text on the world wide web (abstract only) (MJM), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-Ogilvie #comprehension #generative #information retrieval #modelling #probability #using- Understanding combination of evidence using generative probabilistic models for information retrieval (abstract only) (PO), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-Sun #comprehension #representation- Discovering and representing the contextual and narrative structure of e-books to support reading and comprehension (abstract only) (YS), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-Trotman #approach #information retrieval- An artificial intelligence approach to information retrieval (abstract only) (AT), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-Yuan #framework #multi- Supporting multiple information-seeking strategies in a single system framework (abstract only) (XY), p. 604.
LOPSTR-2004-Ager #automaton #semantics- From Natural Semantics to Abstract Machines (MSA), pp. 245–261.
PPDP-2004-AntoyJ #formal method #implementation- Formalization and abstract implementation of rewriting with nested rules (SA, SJ), pp. 144–154.
POPL-2004-CousotC #abstract interpretation #framework- An abstract interpretation-based framework for software watermarking (PC, RC), pp. 173–185.
POPL-2004-GiacobazziM #abstract interpretation- Abstract non-interference: parameterizing non-interference by abstract interpretation (RG, IM), pp. 186–197.
POPL-2004-HenzingerJMM #abstraction #proving- Abstractions from proofs (TAH, RJ, RM, KLM), pp. 232–244.
RE-2004-BuhneHPWKW #abstraction #requirements- Defining Requirements at Different Levels of Abstraction (SB, GH, KP, MW, HK, TW), pp. 346–347.
FSE-2004-ChakiGS- Explaining abstract counterexamples (SC, AG, OS), pp. 73–82.
ICSE-2004-Kang #analysis #approximate #embedded #parametricity #realtime- Parametric Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems with Abstract Approximation Interpretation (EYK), pp. 39–41.
ICSE-2004-Zschaler #component #concept #non-functional #research #semantics #specification- Research Abstract: Semantic Concepts for the Specification of Non-Functional Properties of Component-Based Software (SZ), pp. 51–53.
OSDI-2004-MacCormickMNTZ #abstraction #framework #named- Boxwood: Abstractions as the Foundation for Storage Infrastructure (JM, NM, MN, CAT, LZ), pp. 105–120.
CAV-2004-BallCLZ #abstraction #automation #named #proving #refinement #theorem proving- Zapato: Automatic Theorem Proving for Predicate Abstraction Refinement (TB, BC, SKL, LZ), pp. 457–461.
CAV-2004-BouajjaniHV #model checking- Abstract Regular Model Checking (AB, PH, TV), pp. 372–386.
CAV-2004-GoelB #abstraction #functional #model checking #order #simulation- Symbolic Simulation, Model Checking and Abstraction with Partially Ordered Boolean Functional Vectors (AG, REB), pp. 255–267.
CAV-2004-KroeningOSS #satisfiability- Abstraction-Based Satisfiability Solving of Presburger Arithmetic (DK, JO, SAS, OS), pp. 308–320.
CSL-2004-GiacobazziM #proving- Proving Abstract Non-interference (RG, IM), pp. 280–294.
CSL-2004-Hyland #abstract interpretation #calculus #proving- Abstract Interpretation of Proofs: Classical Propositional Calculus (MH), pp. 6–21.
CSL-2004-Miller #quantifier- Bindings, Mobility of Bindings, and the “generic judgments”-Quantifier: An Abstract (DM), p. 24.
ICLP-2004-AlbertPH #abstract interpretation #certification #mobile- Abstract Interpretation-Based Mobile Code Certification (EA, GP, MVH), pp. 446–447.
ICLP-2004-Dershowitz #abstraction #termination- Termination by Abstraction (ND), pp. 1–18.
ICLP-2004-GallagherH #abstract domain- Abstract Domains Based on Regular Types (JPG, KSH), pp. 27–42.
IJCAR-2004-GilHSZ #algorithm #constraints #finite #order #performance #problem- Efficient Algorithms for Constraint Description Problems over Finite Totally Ordered Domains: Extended Abstract (ÀJG, MH, GS, BZ), pp. 244–258.
LICS-2004-AbramskyGMOS #abstraction #calculus #game studies- Nominal Games and Full Abstraction for the Nu-Calculus (SA, DRG, ASM, CHLO, IDBS), pp. 150–159.
LICS-2004-AlfaroGJ #abstraction #game studies #nondeterminism #precise- Three-Valued Abstractions of Games: Uncertainty, but with Precision (LdA, PG, RJ), pp. 170–179.
LICS-2004-DamsN #abstraction #branch #finite #model checking- The Existence of Finite Abstractions for Branching Time Model Checking (DD, KSN), pp. 335–344.
RTA-2004-Takai #abstract interpretation #term rewriting #using #verification- A Verification Technique Using Term Rewriting Systems and Abstract Interpretation (TT), pp. 119–133.
TestCom-2004-Schulz #consistency #protocol #testing- Derivation of Abstract Protocol Type Definitions for the Conformance Testing of Text-Based Protocols (SS), pp. 177–192.
VMCAI-2004-BartheBR #compilation #security- Security Types Preserving Compilation: (Extended Abstract) (GB, AB, TR), pp. 2–15.
VMCAI-2004-LahiriB #abstraction #invariant #quantifier- Constructing Quantified Invariants via Predicate Abstraction (SKL, REB), pp. 267–281.
VMCAI-2004-Sagiv #abstraction #canonical #on the #power of- On the Expressive Power of Canonical Abstraction (SS), p. 58.
ASE-2003-ChoiH #abstraction #model checking #reduction #requirements #specification #using- Model Checking Software Requirement Specifications using Domain Reduction Abstraction (YC, MPEH), pp. 314–317.
DAC-2003-SaifhashemiP #abstraction #framework #modelling- Verilog HDL, powered by PLI: a suitable framework for describing and modeling asynchronous circuits at all levels of abstraction (AS, HP), pp. 330–333.
DATE-2003-BraunWSLMN #abstraction #memory management #multi- Processor/Memory Co-Exploration on Multiple Abstraction Levels (GB, AW, OS, RL, HM, AN), pp. 10966–10973.
DATE-2003-CarbognaniLICB #modelling #precise #standard #using #verification- Qualifying Precision of Abstract SystemC Models Using the SystemC Verification Standard (FC, CKL, CNI, AC, PB), pp. 20088–20094.
DATE-2003-LindwerMBZMJC #concept- Ambient Intelligence Visions and Achievements: Linking Abstract Ideas to Real-World Concepts (ML, DM, TB, RZ, RM, SJ, EC), pp. 10010–10017.
DATE-2003-SayintaCPAD #abstraction #case study #using #verification- A Mixed Abstraction Level Co-Simulation Case Study Using SystemC for System on Chip Verification (AS, GC, MP, AA, WD), pp. 20095–20100.
DATE-2003-YooBBPJ #abstraction #hardware #modelling #performance #simulation- Building Fast and Accurate SW Simulation Models Based on Hardware Abstraction Layer and Simulation Environment Abstraction Layer (SY, IB, AB, YP, AAJ), pp. 10550–10555.
DATE-2003-YooJ #abstraction #hardware- Introduction to Hardware Abstraction Layers for SoC (SY, AAJ), pp. 10336–10337.
CSEET-2003-X03c- Abstraction — is it teachable? “The devil is in the detail”, p. 32.
FASE-2003-SharyginaB #abstraction #model checking- Model Checking Software via Abstraction of Loop Transitions (NS, JCB), pp. 325–340.
FoSSaCS-2003-AronsPZ #abstraction #probability #verification- Parameterized Verification by Probabilistic Abstraction (TA, AP, LDZ), pp. 87–102.
FoSSaCS-2003-MomiglianoA #higher-order #multi #syntax- Multi-level Meta-reasoning with Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (AM, SA), pp. 375–391.
FoSSaCS-2003-PowerT #abstraction #reasoning- Abstraction in Reasoning about Higraph-Based Systems (JP, KT), pp. 392–408.
TACAS-2003-AlurDI #abstraction #hybrid- Counter-Example Guided Predicate Abstraction of Hybrid Systems (RA, TD, FI), pp. 208–223.
TACAS-2003-BozgaLP #abstraction #protocol #verification- Pattern-Based Abstraction for Verifying Secrecy in Protocols (LB, YL, MP), pp. 299–314.
TACAS-2003-ClarkeFHKST #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #verification- Verification of Hybrid Systems Based on Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (EMC, AF, ZH, BHK, OS, MT), pp. 192–207.
TACAS-2003-GlusmanKMFV #abstraction #evaluation #industrial #multi #refinement- Multiple-Counterexample Guided Iterative Abstraction Refinement: An Industrial Evaluation (MG, GK, SMH, RF, MYV), pp. 176–191.
TACAS-2003-McMillanA #abstraction #automation- Automatic Abstraction without Counterexamples (KLM, NA), pp. 2–17.
PEPM-2003-PueblaH- Abstract specialization and its applications (GP, MVH), pp. 29–43.
SAS-2003-BaldanKK #abstraction #graph transformation #logic- A Logic for Analyzing Abstractions of Graph Transformation Systems (PB, BK, BK), pp. 255–272.
SAS-2003-FieldGRY #abstraction #complexity #type system #verification- Typestate Verification: Abstraction Techniques and Complexity Results (JF, DG, GR, EY), pp. 439–462.
SAS-2003-HermenegildoPBL #abstract interpretation #development #preprocessor #using- Program Development Using Abstract Interpretation (And The Ciao System Preprocessor) (MVH, GP, FB, PLG), pp. 127–152.
SAS-2003-KuncakR #abstraction #decidability- Existential Heap Abstraction Entailment Is Undecidable (VK, MCR), pp. 418–438.
SAS-2003-Monniaux #abstract interpretation #markov #process #source code- Abstract Interpretation of Programs as Markov Decision Processes (DM), pp. 237–254.
CIAA-2003-FanLLTWY #algorithm- An Optimal Algorithm for Maximum-Sum Segment and Its Application in Bioinformatics Extended Abstract (THF, SL, HIL, TST, TCW, AY), pp. 251–257.
FME-2003-Lettrari #abstraction #heuristic #object-oriented #using- Using Abstractions for Heuristic State Space Exploration of Reactive Object-Oriented Systems (ML), pp. 462–481.
ICFP-2003-LeiferPSW- Global abstraction-safe marshalling with hash types (JJL, GP, PS, KW), pp. 87–98.
ICFP-2003-Wand #aspect-oriented #comprehension- Understanding aspects: extended abstract (MW), pp. 299–300.
ICFP-2003-WashburnW #encoding #higher-order #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #syntax- Boxes go bananas: encoding higher-order abstract syntax with parametric polymorphism (GW, SW), pp. 249–262.
ICEIS-v3-2003-OrlovK #abstraction #editing- A Unified Tool for Editing Information of Different Levels of Abstraction (VO, AK), pp. 633–636.
KDD-2003-HoNKLNYT #abstraction #mining- Mining hepatitis data with temporal abstraction (TBH, TDN, SK, SQL, DN, HY, KT), pp. 369–377.
SEKE-2003-HuangL #abstraction #automation #graph #similarity #visualisation- Automatic Abstraction of Graphs Based on Node Similarity for Graph Visualization (XH, WL), pp. 111–118.
UML-2003-Egyed #abstraction #composition #reasoning #relational- Compositional and Relational Reasoning during Class Abstraction (AE), pp. 121–137.
ECOOP-2003-AldrichSCN #abstraction- Language Support for Connector Abstractions (JA, VS, CC, DN), pp. 74–102.
LOPSTR-2003-FischerV #prolog #syntax #synthesis- Adding Concrete Syntax to a Prolog-Based Program Synthesis System (Extended Abstract) (BF, EV), pp. 56–58.
PPDP-2003-AgerBDM #automaton #functional- A functional correspondence between evaluators and abstract machines (MSA, DB, OD, JM), pp. 8–19.
PPDP-2003-Rossberg #data type- Generativity and dynamic opacity for abstract types (AR), pp. 241–252.
PADL-2003-LiuM #java #named #pattern matching- JMatch: Iterable Abstract Pattern Matching for Java (JL, ACM), pp. 110–127.
ICSE-2003-HarderME #abstraction #testing- Improving Test Suites via Operational Abstraction (MH, JM, MDE), pp. 60–73.
LCTES-2003-PratapCSP #abstraction #embedded- Transport layer abstraction in event channels for embedded systems (RP, RC, DCS, EP), pp. 144–152.
LCTES-2003-SutterVBB #abstraction #on the- On the side-effects of code abstraction (BDS, HV, BDB, KDB), pp. 244–253.
CADE-2003-Clarke #abstraction #model checking #refinement #satisfiability- SAT-Based Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement in Model Checking (EMC), p. 1.
CADE-2003-MeseguerPM #abstraction #equation- Equational Abstractions (JM, MP, NMO), pp. 2–16.
CAV-2003-BoigelotHJ #automaton #hybrid #using- Hybrid Acceleration Using Real Vector Automata (Extended Abstract) (BB, FH, SJ), pp. 193–205.
CAV-2003-BoigelotLW #in the large #transducer- Iterating Transducers in the Large (Extended Abstract) (BB, AL, PW), pp. 223–235.
CAV-2003-ClarkeGTW #abstraction #how #performance- Making Predicate Abstraction Efficient: How to Eliminate Redundant Predicates (EMC, OG, MT, DW), pp. 126–140.
CAV-2003-GuptaGWYA #abstraction #satisfiability- Abstraction and BDDs Complement SAT-Based BMC in DiVer (AG, MKG, CW, ZY, PA), pp. 206–209.
CAV-2003-HenzingerJMQ #abstraction #refinement #thread- Thread-Modular Abstraction Refinement (TAH, RJ, RM, SQ), pp. 262–274.
CAV-2003-LahiriBC #abstraction #approach- A Symbolic Approach to Predicate Abstraction (SKL, REB, BC), pp. 141–153.
CAV-2003-MouraRS #bound #induction #model checking #verification- Bounded Model Checking and Induction: From Refutation to Verification (Extended Abstract, Category A) (LMdM, HR, MS), pp. 14–26.
CAV-2003-Namjoshi #abstraction #branch- Abstraction for Branching Time Properties (KSN), pp. 288–300.
CAV-2003-ShohamG #abstraction #framework #game studies- A Game-Based Framework for CTL Counterexamples and 3-Valued Abstraction-Refinement (SS, OG), pp. 275–287.
CSL-2003-Khoussainov #algebra #data type #on the #specification- On Algebraic Specifications of Abstract Data Types (BK), pp. 299–313.
ICLP-2003-ErdoganL #programming #set- Definitions in Answer Set Programming: (Extended Abstract) (STE, VL), pp. 483–484.
ICLP-2003-Serebrenik #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination Analysis of Logic Programs: Extended Abstract (AS), pp. 507–508.
ICLP-2003-SerebrenikD #logic programming #refactoring #source code- Refactoring Logic Programs: Extended Abstract (AS, BD), pp. 509–510.
LICS-2003-DershowitzK- Abstract Saturation-Based Inference (ND, CK), pp. 65–74.
LICS-2003-FrickGK #evaluation #query- Query Evaluation on Compressed Trees (Extended Abstract) (MF, MG, CK), p. 188–?.
LICS-2003-HughesG #linear #logic #multi #proving- Proof Nets for Unit-free Multiplicative-Additive Linear Logic (Extended abstract) (DJDH, RJvG), pp. 1–10.
LICS-2003-MillerT #proving- A Proof Theory for Generic Judgments: An extended abstract (DM, AFT), pp. 118–127.
SAT-2003-ArmandoC #analysis #protocol #satisfiability #security- Abstraction-Driven SAT-based Analysis of Security Protocols (AA, LC), pp. 257–271.
SAT-2003-BroeringL #algorithm #satisfiability- Width-Based Algorithms for SAT and CIRCUIT-SAT: (Extended Abstract) (EB, SVL), pp. 162–171.
SAT-2003-ClarkeTVW #abstraction #hardware #satisfiability #verification- SAT Based Predicate Abstraction for Hardware Verification (EMC, MT, HV, DW), pp. 78–92.
TLCA-2003-Hannay #abstraction #parametricity #relational- Abstraction Barrier-Observing Relational Parametricity (JEH), pp. 135–152.
TLCA-2003-Laird #domain model- A Fully Abstract Bidomain Model of Unary FPC (JL), pp. 211–225.
VMCAI-2003-Cousot #abstract interpretation #automation #verification- Automatic Verification by Abstract Interpretation (PC), pp. 20–24.
VMCAI-2003-DamsN #abstraction #analysis #model checking- Shape Analysis through Predicate Abstraction and Model Checking (DD, KSN), pp. 310–324.
VMCAI-2003-GiacobazziM #abstraction- Domain Compression for Complete Abstractions (RG, IM), pp. 146–160.
VMCAI-2003-GoriL #interpreter- Properties of a Type Abstract Interpreter (RG, GL), pp. 132–145.
VMCAI-2003-Masse #abstract interpretation #static analysis- Property Checking Driven Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis (DM), pp. 56–69.
VMCAI-2003-Monniaux #abstraction #using- Abstraction of Expectation Functions Using Gaussian Distributions (DM), pp. 161–173.
VMCAI-2003-Namjoshi #abstraction #proving- Lifting Temporal Proofs through Abstractions (KSN), pp. 174–188.
VMCAI-2003-PnueliZ #abstraction #model checking- Model-Checking and Abstraction to the Aid of Parameterized Systems (AP, LDZ), p. 4.
VMCAI-2003-Podelski #abstraction #model checking #refinement- Software Model Checking with Abstraction Refinement (AP), pp. 1–3.
VMCAI-2003-Rival #abstract interpretation #assembly #certification- Abstract Interpretation-Based Certification of Assembly Code (XR), pp. 41–55.
DAC-2002-FoltinFT #abstraction #concept #independence #modelling #performance- Efficient stimulus independent timing abstraction model based on a new concept of circuit block transparency (MF, BF, ST), pp. 158–163.
DATE-2002-LogothetisS #generative #modelling #realtime- Extending Synchronous Languages for Generating Abstract Real-Time Models (GL, KS), pp. 795–802.
ITiCSE-2002-Hazzan #abstraction #concept #learning- Reducing abstraction level when learning computability theory concepts (OH), pp. 156–160.
ESOP-2002-GoubaultMP #float #interpreter #precise- Asserting the Precision of Floating-Point Computations: A Simple Abstract Interpreter (EG, MM, SP), pp. 209–212.
TACAS-2002-BallPR #abstraction #model checking #refinement- Relative Completeness of Abstraction Refinement for Software Model Checking (TB, AP, SKR), pp. 158–172.
TACAS-2002-Ouaknine #abstraction #model checking- Digitisation and Full Abstraction for Dense-Time Model Checking (JO), pp. 37–51.
IWPC-2002-Quigley #abstraction #experience #visualisation- Experience with FADE for the Visualization and Abstraction of Software Views (AJQ), pp. 11–20.
WCRE-2002-BullTMG #abstraction #regular expression #relational #semantics- Semantic Grep: Regular Expressions + Relational Abstraction (RIB, AT, AJM, MWG), pp. 267–276.
SAS-2002-GallardoMP #ltl #model checking #refinement- Refinement of LTL Formulas for Abstract Model Checking (MdMG, PM, EP), pp. 395–410.
SAS-2002-GiacobazziR #abstract interpretation #model checking- States vs. Traces in Model Checking by Abstract Interpretation (RG, FR), pp. 461–476.
SAS-2002-Hymans #abstract interpretation #behaviour #safety- Checking Safety Properties of Behavioral VHDL Descriptions by Abstract Interpretation (CH), pp. 444–460.
SAS-2002-Jeannet #abstract interpretation #approximate #data type #representation- Representing and Approximating Transfer Functions in Abstract Interpretation of Hetereogeneous Datatypes (BJ), pp. 52–68.
SAS-2002-Masse #abstract interpretation #semantics- Semantics for Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analyzes of Temporal Properties (DM), pp. 428–443.
SAS-2002-Mine #abstract domain #graph #relational- A Few Graph-Based Relational Numerical Abstract Domains (AM), pp. 117–132.
SAS-2002-RanzatoT #model checking- Making Abstract Model Checking Strongly Preserving (FR, FT), pp. 411–427.
SAS-2002-Zanotti #abstract interpretation #security- Security Typings by Abstract Interpretation (MZ), pp. 360–375.
FLOPS-2002-Porto #abstraction #logic programming- Structural Abstraction and Application in Logic Programming (AP), pp. 275–289.
DLT-2002-Urvoy #graph #product line- Abstract Families of Graphs (TU), pp. 381–392.
FME-2002-FirleyG #abstraction #verification- Property Dependent Abstraction of Control Structure for Software Verification (TF, UG), pp. 511–530.
FME-2002-MotaBS #abstraction #process- Mechanical Abstraction of CSPZ Processes (AM, PB, AS), pp. 163–183.
FME-2002-Pahl #abstraction #analysis #refinement #using- Interference Analysis for Dependable Systems Using Refinement and Abstraction (CP), pp. 330–349.
IFM-2002-JeskeB- Minimally and Maximally Abstract Retrenchments (CJ, RB), pp. 380–400.
IFL-2002-EllmenreichL #named #parallel #programming #refinement- PolyAPM: Parallel Programming via Stepwise Refinement with Abstract Parallel Machines (NE, CL), pp. 118–133.
ICGT-2002-Hoffmann #abstraction #graph transformation- Abstraction and Control for Shapely Nested Graph Transformation (BH), pp. 177–191.
ICML-2002-Ryan #automation #behaviour #learning #modelling #using- Using Abstract Models of Behaviours to Automatically Generate Reinforcement Learning Hierarchies (MRKR), pp. 522–529.
ICPR-v2-2002-GibsonCT #abstraction #modelling #using #visual notation- Visual Abstraction of Wildlife Footage Using Gaussian Mixture Models and the Minimum Description Length Criterion (DPG, NWC, BTT), pp. 814–817.
KR-2002-KutzWZ- Connecting Abstract Description Systems (OK, FW, MZ), pp. 215–226.
ECOOP-2002-BentonCF #abstraction #c# #concurrent- Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C# (NB, LC, CF), pp. 415–440.
LOPSTR-2002-AlpuenteCEFL #functional #source code- Abstract Diagnosis of Functional Programs (MA, MC, SE, MF, SL), pp. 1–16.
LOPSTR-2002-Gruner #deduction- Abstract Partial Deduction Challenged (SG), pp. 258–259.
LOPSTR-2002-PeraltaG #abstraction #source code- Convex Hull Abstractions in Specialization of CLP Programs (JCP, JPG), pp. 90–108.
LOPSTR-2002-SimonKH #abstract domain #difference #linear- Two Variables per Linear Inequality as an Abstract Domain (AS, AK, JMH), pp. 71–89.
PPDP-2002-JonesG #analysis #generative #termination- Abstract and conclusions of PLI invited paper: program generation, termination, and binding-time analysis (NDJ, AJG), p. 1.
PADL-2002-GallagherP #abstract interpretation #analysis #automaton #finite #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code- Abstract Interpretation over Non-deterministic Finite Tree Automata for Set-Based Analysis of Logic Programs (JPG, GP), pp. 243–261.
POPL-2002-BanerjeeN #data access #independence #representation- Representation independence, confinement and access control [extended abstract] (AB, DAN), pp. 166–177.
POPL-2002-CousotC #abstract interpretation #design #framework #program transformation- Systematic design of program transformation frameworks by abstract interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 178–190.
POPL-2002-FlanaganQ #abstraction #verification- Predicate abstraction for software verification (CF, SQ), pp. 191–202.
POPL-2002-HenzingerJMS #abstraction #lazy evaluation- Lazy abstraction (TAH, RJ, RM, GS), pp. 58–70.
RE-2002-KnethenPKH #abstraction #requirements #traceability- Systematic Requirements Recycling through Abstraction and Traceability (AvK, BP, FK, FH), pp. 273–281.
SAC-2002-BarbutiBF #abstract interpretation #bytecode #java #security- Checking security of Java bytecode by abstract interpretation (RB, CB, NDF), pp. 229–236.
SAC-2002-GallardoMMR #abstraction #model checking #using #xml- Using XML to implement abstraction for Model Checking (MdMG, JM, PM, ER), pp. 1021–1025.
ICSE-2002-Raz #detection #research #semantics #specification- Research abstract for semantic detection in dynamic data feeds with incomplete specifications (OR), pp. 733–734.
ICSE-2002-RomanJH #abstraction #mobile #network- Network abstractions for context-aware mobile computing (GCR, CJ, QH), pp. 363–373.
CAV-2002-ClarkeGKS #abstraction #machine learning #satisfiability #using- SAT Based Abstraction-Refinement Using ILP and Machine Learning Techniques (EMC, AG, JHK, OS), pp. 265–279.
CAV-2002-CousotC #abstraction #on the #verification- On Abstraction in Software Verification (PC, RC), pp. 37–56.
CAV-2002-DamsHH #c- Abstracting C with abC (DD, WH, GJH), pp. 515–520.
CAV-2002-GodefroidJ #abstraction #automation #model checking #using- Automatic Abstraction Using Generalized Model Checking (PG, RJ), pp. 137–150.
CAV-2002-PnueliXZ #abstraction #liveness- Liveness with (0, 1, infty)-Counter Abstraction (AP, JX, LDZ), pp. 107–122.
CAV-2002-Thomas #game studies #infinity #tutorial #verification- Infinite Games and Verification (Extended Abstract of a Tutorial) (WT), pp. 58–64.
CSL-2002-McCusker #relational- A Fully Abstract Relational Model of Syntactic Control of Interference (GM), pp. 247–261.
ISSTA-2002-GrieskampGSV #finite #generative #state machine- Generating finite state machines from abstract state machines (WG, YG, WS, MV), pp. 112–122.
LICS-2002-JeffreyR #concurrent #semantics #testing- A Fully Abstract May Testing Semantics for Concurrent Objects (AJ, JR), pp. 101–112.
LICS-2002-LaplanteLMPR #abstraction #approach #model checking #probability #testing- Probabilistic Abstraction for Model Checking: An Approach Based on Property Testing (SL, RL, FM, SP, MdR), pp. 30–39.
LICS-2002-Leivant #abstraction #rank- Calibrating Computational Feasibility by Abstraction Rank (DL), p. 345–?.
SAT-2002-Clarke #abstraction #logic #model checking #refinement #satisfiability- SAT based abstraction refinement in temporal logic model checking (Keynote Talk) (EC), p. 26.
VMCAI-2002-BernardeschiF #abstract interpretation #bytecode #java #model checking #security- Combining Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking for Analysing Security Properties of Java Bytecode (CB, NDF), pp. 1–15.
VMCAI-2002-CoppoD #higher-order #mobile- A Fully Abstract Model for Higher-Order Mobile Ambients (MC, MDC), pp. 255–271.
VMCAI-2002-GoriL #abstract interpretation #empirical #type inference #verification- An Experiment in Type Inference and Verification by Abstract Interpretation (RG, GL), pp. 225–239.
VMCAI-2002-Tan #game studies- An Abstract Schema for Equivalence-Checking Games (LT), pp. 65–78.
VMCAI-2002-TipleaT #abstraction #simulation- A Simulation Preorder for Abstraction of Reactive Systems (FLT, AT), pp. 272–288.
ASE-2001-Erwig #data type #source code- Programs Are Abstract Data Types (ME), pp. 400–403.
ASE-2001-ShenCH #state machine #tool support #uml #validation- A UML Validation Toolset Based on Abstract State Machines (WS, KJC, JH), pp. 315–318.
DAC-2001-WangHLKZMD #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #simulation #verification- Formal Property Verification by Abstraction Refinement with Formal, Simulation and Hybrid Engines (DW, PHH, JL, JHK, YZ, HKTM, RFD), pp. 35–40.
DATE-2001-DasguptaCNKC #abstraction #component #linear- Abstraction of word-level linear arithmetic functions from bit-level component descriptions (PD, PPC, AN, SK, AC), pp. 4–8.
DATE-2001-Zhu #abstraction #design #named- MetaRTL: raising the abstraction level of RTL design (JZ), pp. 71–76.
VLDB-2001-AndreiV #communication #using- User-Optimizer Communication using Abstract Plans in Sybase ASE (MA, PV), pp. 29–38.
VLDB-2001-Sol #database #embedded #network #ubiquitous- Ambient Intelligence with the Ubiquitous Network, the Embedded Computer Devices and the Hidden Databases (abstract) (EJS), p. 14.
VLDB-2001-Wadler #relational #xml- Et tu, XML? The downfall of the relational empire (abstract) (PW), p. 15.
ITiCSE-2001-Koppelman #abstraction #education- Teaching abstraction explicitly (HK), p. 191.
ESOP-2001-Monniaux #abstract interpretation #probability #source code- Backwards Abstract Interpretation of Probabilistic Programs (DM), pp. 367–382.
FoSSaCS-2001-JensenS #abstract interpretation #analysis #object-oriented #source code- Class Analysis of Object-Oriented Programs through Abstract Interpretation (TPJ, FS), pp. 261–275.
FoSSaCS-2001-RocklHB #formal method #higher-order #induction #syntax #π-calculus- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax with Induction in Isabelle/HOL: Formalizing the π-Calculus and Mechanizing the Theory of Contexts (CR, DH, SB), pp. 364–378.
TACAS-2001-AndovaB #abstraction #algebra #probability #process- Abstraction in Probabilistic Process Algebra (SA, JCMB), pp. 204–219.
TACAS-2001-BallPR #abstraction #c #model checking #source code- Boolean and Cartesian Abstraction for Model Checking C Programs (TB, AP, SKR), pp. 268–283.
TACAS-2001-Castillo #analysis #modelling #state machine #tool support #validation- The ASM Workbench — A Tool Environment for Computer-Aided Analysis and Validation of Abstract State Machine Models Tool Demonstration (GDC), pp. 578–581.
TACAS-2001-LakhnechBBO #abstraction #incremental #verification- Incremental Verification by Abstraction (YL, SB, SB, SO), pp. 98–112.
TACAS-2001-PasareanuDV #java #model checking #source code- Finding Feasible Counter-examples when Model Checking Abstracted Java Programs (CSP, MBD, WV), pp. 284–298.
TACAS-2001-Velev #abstraction #automation #verification- Automatic Abstraction of Memories in the Formal Verification of Superscalar Microprocessors (MNV), pp. 252–267.
PASTE-2001-Griswold #slicing- Making slicing practical: the final mile (Abstract) (WGG), p. 1.
WCRE-2001-Mine #abstract domain- The Octagon Abstract Domain (AM), p. 310–?.
PLDI-2001-BallMMR #abstraction #automation #c #source code- Automatic Predicate Abstraction of C Programs (TB, RM, TDM, SKR), pp. 203–213.
PLDI-2001-Chilimbi #abstraction #locality #performance- Efficient Representations and Abstractions for Quantifying and Exploiting Data Reference Locality (TMC), pp. 191–202.
SAS-2001-Blanchet #encryption #prolog #protocol- Abstracting Cryptographic Protocols by Prolog Rules (BB), pp. 433–436.
SAS-2001-Feret #abstract interpretation #mobile #static analysis- Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis of Mobile Ambients (JF), pp. 412–430.
SAS-2001-GiacobazziQ #model checking- Incompleteness, Counterexamples, and Refinements in Abstract Model-Checking (RG, EQ), pp. 356–373.
SAS-2001-LeviM #abstract interpretation #framework #mobile- An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Analysing Mobile Ambients (FL, SM), pp. 395–411.
SAS-2001-Monniaux #analysis #probability #source code #termination- An Abstract Analysis of the Probabilistic Termination of Programs (DM), pp. 111–126.
STOC-2001-Yao #complexity- Some perspective on computational complexity (abstract) (ACCY), p. 600.
FLOPS-2001-AmatoS #analysis #compilation- Abstract Compilation for Sharing Analysis (GA, FS), pp. 311–325.
FLOPS-2001-DanvyR #haskell #syntax- A Simple Take on Typed Abstract Syntax in Haskell-like Languages (OD, MR), pp. 343–358.
FLOPS-2001-Hortala-GonzalezU #automaton #calculus #lazy evaluation- An Abstract Machine Based System for a Lazy Narrowing Calculus (MTHG, EU), pp. 216–232.
ICALP-2001-SangiorgiV #automaton #distributed- A Distributed Abstract Machine for Safe Ambients (DS, AV), pp. 408–420.
FME-2001-Aichernig #abstraction #testing- Test-Case Calculation through Abstraction (BKA), pp. 571–589.
SVIS-2001-Noble #abstraction #alias #encapsulation #visualisation- Visualising Objects: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Aliasing, and Ownership (JN), pp. 58–72.
SVIS-2001-WilhelmMS #algorithm #invariant #visualisation- Algorithm Explanation: Visualizing Abstract States and Invariants (RW, TM, RS), pp. 381–394.
CIKM-2001-EisensteinGSSZ #abstraction #database- Alternative Representations and Abstractions for Moving Sensors Databases (JE, SG, CS, GS, RZ), pp. 318–325.
MLDM-2001-SchmidtG #abstraction #reasoning- Temporal Abstractions and Case-Based Reasoning for Medical Course Data: Two Prognostic Applications (RS, LG), pp. 23–34.
SEKE-2001-JarzabekZ #abstraction #analysis #component #control flow #reuse- Enhacing component reuse with control flow abstraction analysis (SJ, HZ), pp. 171–178.
SEKE-2001-Mellor #abstraction #execution- Raising the Level of Abstraction: Model Execution and Translation (SJM), p. 1.
TOOLS-USA-2001-KhrissBP #integration #named- GAIL: The Gen-It (r) Abstract Integration Layer for B2B Application Integration Solutions (IK, MB, NP), pp. 73–82.
LOPSTR-2001-LeuschelG #deduction #model checking #using- Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction Using Regular Types and Its Application to Model Checking (ML, SG), pp. 91–110.
PPDP-2001-PenaR #abstraction #functional #parallel #programming- Parallel Functional Programming at Two Levels of Abstraction (RP, FR), pp. 187–198.
POPL-2001-Monniaux #analysis #monte carlo #probability #source code- An abstract Monte-Carlo method for the analysis of probabilistic programs (DM), pp. 93–101.
POPL-2001-Sewell #data type #distributed #version control- Modules, abstract types, and distributed versioning (PS), pp. 236–247.
SAC-2001-CunninghamW #abstraction #framework- Building a layered framework for the table abstraction (HCC, JW), pp. 668–674.
ESEC-FSE-2001-ChoiRH #abstraction #automation #constraints #model checking- Automatic abstraction for model checking software systems with interrelated numeric constraints (YC, SR, MPEH), pp. 164–174.
ICSE-2001-DwyerHJLPRZV #abstraction #finite #verification- Tool-Supported Program Abstraction for Finite-State Verification (MBD, JH, RJ, SL, CSP, R, HZ, WV), pp. 177–187.
LCTES-OM-2001-LarusP #performance #scheduling #using- Using Cohort Scheduling to Enhance Server Performance (Extended Abstract) (JRL, MP), pp. 182–187.
PPoPP-2001-Foster #challenge #parallel- Parallel computing in 2010: opportunities and challenges in a networked world (abstract) (ITF), p. 1.
PPoPP-2001-Kuck #distributed- Peer to peer and distributed computing (abstract) (DJK), p. 143.
SOSP-2001-RodriguesCL #abstraction #fault tolerance #named #using- BASE: Using Abstraction to Improve Fault Tolerance (RR, MC, BL), pp. 15–28.
CAV-2001-AsterothBA #model checking #modelling- Model Checking with Formula-Dependent Abstract Models (AA, CB, UA), pp. 155–168.
CAV-2001-ZhengMM #abstraction #automation #verification- Automatic Abstraction for Verification of Timed Circuits and Systems (HZ, EM, CJM), pp. 182–193.
CSL-2001-RobinsonR- An Abstract Look at Realizability (ER, GR), pp. 173–187.
CSL-2001-StarkN #logic #state machine- A Logic for Abstract State Machines (RFS, SN), pp. 217–231.
ICLP-2001-Cousot #abstract interpretation #design #program transformation #semantics- Design of Syntactic Program Transformations by Abstract Interpretation of Semantic Transformations (PC), pp. 4–5.
IJCAR-2001-Jones #analysis #graph #termination- Program Termination Analysis by Size-Change Graphs (Abstract) (NDJ), pp. 1–4.
IJCAR-2001-LetzS #calculus #named #proving #theorem proving- DCTP — A Disconnection Calculus Theorem Prover — System Abstract (RL, GS), pp. 381–385.
IJCAR-2001-Schulz- System Abstract: E 0.61 (SS), pp. 370–375.
LICS-2001-DasD #approximate- Successive Approximation of Abstract Transition Relations (SD, DLD), pp. 51–58.
LICS-2001-Gurevich #state machine- Logician in the Land of OS: Abstract State Machines in Microsoft (YG), pp. 129–136.
LICS-2001-Laird #exception #game studies #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics of Local Exceptions (JL), pp. 105–114.
ASE-2000-Egyed #abstraction #diagrams #semantics- Semantic Abstraction Rules for Class Diagrams (AE), pp. 301–304.
DAC-2000-CoudertMMS #framework- Web-based frameworks to enable CAD RD (abstract) (OC, ILM, CM, ES), p. 711.
DATE-2000-Balarin #abstraction #analysis #automation #worst-case- Automatic Abstraction for Worst-Case Analysis of Discrete Systems (FB), pp. 494–501.
DATE-2000-JangMH #model checking- Iterative Abstraction-Based CTL Model Checking (JYJ, IHM, GDH), pp. 502–507.
DATE-2000-LogothetisS #abstraction #realtime- Abstraction from Counters: An Application on Real-Time Systems (GL, KS), pp. 486–493.
PODS-2000-Gupta #information management #research #tutorial- Entrepreneurship for Information Systems Researchers (Abstract of Invited Tutorial) (AG0), p. 195.
SIGMOD-2000-Ramakrishnan- From Browsing to Interacting: DBMS Support for Responive Websites (Abstract) (RR), p. 573.
ITiCSE-2000-BurgosGGMMV #design #refinement #specification- Abstract solution design by specification refinement (JMB, JG, JG, JJM, SM, DV), p. 186.
ITiCSE-2000-Sooriamurthi #abstraction #functional #recursion #using- Using recursion as a tool to reinforce functional abstraction (poster session) (RS), p. 194.
ESOP-2000-HeatonHK #abstract domain- Abstract Domains for Universal and Existential Properties (AH, PMH, AK), pp. 150–164.
ESOP-2000-Hofmann #bound #functional #type system- A Type System for Bounded Space and Functional In-Place Update--Extended Abstract (MH0), pp. 165–179.
FoSSaCS-2000-Pinto #automaton #concurrent #interactive- Sequential and Concurrent Abstract Machines for Interaction Nets (JSP), pp. 267–282.
TACAS-2000-BaukusBLS #network #verification- Abstracting WS1S Systems to Verify Parameterized Networks (KB, SB, YL, KS), pp. 188–203.
WCRE-J-1997-GirardK00 #comparison #data type- A comparison of abstract data types and objects recovery techniques (JFG, RK), pp. 149–181.
CSMR-2000-CifuentesS #abstraction- Procedure Abstraction Recovery from Binary Code (CC, DS), pp. 55–64.
IWPC-2000-GirardW #approach #classification #data type #detection- Evaluating the Accessor Classification Approach to Detect Abstract Data Types (JFG, MW), pp. 87–95.
PEPM-2000-Das #case study #experience #scalability #source code #static analysis- Static Analysis of Large Programs: Some Experiences (Abstract of Invited Talk) (MD), p. 1.
PEPM-2000-Pfenning #logic #on the #staged- On the Logical Foundations of Staged Computation (Abstract of Invited Talk) (FP), p. 33.
PEPM-2000-SumiiK #approach #partial evaluation- Online-and-Offline Partial Evaluation: A Mixed Approach (Extended Abstract) (ES, NK), pp. 12–21.
PEPM-2000-Taha #formal method #ml #multi #reduction #semantics- A Sound Reduction Semantics for Untyped CBN Multi-stage Computation. Or, the Theory of MetaML is Non-trivial (Extended Abstract) (WT), pp. 34–43.
PEPM-2000-Walpole #case study #challenge #experience #operating system- Operating Systems Specialization: Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges (Abstract of Invited Talk) (JW), p. 83.
SAS-2000-AmatoL #abstract interpretation #calculus #semantics- Abstract Interpretation Based Semantics of Sequent Calculi (GA, GL), pp. 38–57.
SAS-2000-HenzingerMMR #abstract interpretation #game studies- Abstract Interpretation of Game Properties (TAH, RM, FYCM, JFR), pp. 220–239.
SAS-2000-Monniaux #abstract interpretation #probability #semantics- Abstract Interpretation of Probabilistic Semantics (DM), pp. 322–339.
SAS-2000-Saidi #abstraction #analysis #model checking- Model Checking Guided Abstraction and Analysis (HS), pp. 377–396.
SAS-2000-Scozzari #abstract domain #analysis #semantics- Abstract Domains for Sharing Analysis by Optimal Semantics (FS), pp. 397–412.
STOC-2000-Achlioptas #bound #random #satisfiability- Setting 2 variables at a time yields a new lower bound for random 3-SAT (extended abstract) (DA), pp. 28–37.
STOC-2000-AmbainisSV- Computing with highly mixed states (extended abstract) (AA, LJS, UVV), pp. 697–704.
STOC-2000-BihamBBMR #proving #quantum #security- A proof of the security of quantum key distribution (extended abstract) (EB, MB, POB, TM, VPR), pp. 715–724.
STOC-2000-CanettiGGM- Resettable zero-knowledge (extended abstract) (RC, OG, SG, SM), pp. 235–244.
STOC-2000-CarrV #random- Randomized metarounding (extended abstract) (RDC, SV), pp. 58–62.
STOC-2000-CharikarFGKRS #query- Query strategies for priced information (extended abstract) (MC, RF, VG, JMK, PR, AS), pp. 582–591.
STOC-2000-CrescenzoSY #on the #proving- On zero-knowledge proofs (extended abstract): “from membership to decision” (GDC, KS, MY), pp. 255–264.
STOC-2000-CzumajS #algorithm #approach #problem #satisfiability #scheduling- A new algorithm approach to the general Lovász local lemma with applications to scheduling and satisfiability problems (extended abstract) (AC, CS), pp. 38–47.
STOC-2000-FaginKKRRRST #random- Random walks with “back buttons” (extended abstract) (RF, ARK, JMK, PR, SR, RR, MS, AT), pp. 484–493.
STOC-2000-FeigeKN #approximate- Approximating the minimum bisection size (extended abstract) (UF, RK, KN), pp. 530–536.
STOC-2000-GoldsmithS #query- More theory revision with queries (extended abstract) (JG, RHS), pp. 441–448.
STOC-2000-GrossiV #array #string- Compressed suffix arrays and suffix trees with applications to text indexing and string matching (extended abstract) (RG, JSV), pp. 397–406.
STOC-2000-Istrail #3d #statistics- Statistical mechanics, three-dimensionality and NP-completeness: I. Universality of intracatability for the partition function of the Ising model across non-planar surfaces (extended abstract) (SI), pp. 87–96.
STOC-2000-KaoNT #optimisation #problem- The risk profile problem for stock portfolio optimization (extended abstract) (MYK, AN, SRT), pp. 228–234.
STOC-2000-MahajanV #graph- A new NC-algorithm for finding a perfect matching in bipartite planar and small genus graphs (extended abstract) (MM, KRV), pp. 351–357.
STOC-2000-MotwaniPSV #decidability #on the #problem- On the decidability of accessibility problems (extended abstract) (RM, RP, VAS, SV), pp. 306–315.
STOC-2000-NaorRR #pseudo- Pseudo-random functions and factoring (extended abstract) (MN, OR, AR), pp. 11–20.
STOC-2000-OrlinSS #combinator #optimisation #precise- epsilon-optimization schemes and L-bit precision: alternative perspectives in combinatorial optimization (extended abstract) (JBO, ASS, SS), pp. 565–572.
STOC-2000-PapadimitriouV #on the #problem- On the approximability of the traveling salesman problem (extended abstract) (CHP, SV), pp. 126–133.
STOC-2000-RothemundW #complexity #self- The program-size complexity of self-assembled squares (extended abstract) (PWKR, EW), pp. 459–468.
STOC-2000-Schulman #clustering- Clustering for edge-cost minimization (extended abstract) (LJS), pp. 547–555.
STOC-2000-Vygen #algorithm #on the- On dual minimum cost flow algorithms (extended abstract) (JV), pp. 117–125.
ICALP-2000-LuttgenM #modelling #semantics- Fully-Abstract Statecharts Semantics via Intuitionistic Kripke Models (GL, MM), pp. 163–174.
IFM-2000-BertC #finite- Construction of Finite Labelled Transistion Systems from B Abstract Systems (DB, FC), pp. 235–254.
ICFP-2000-HarperP- Advanced module systems: a guide for the perplexed (abstract of invited talk) (RH, BCP), p. 130.
ICFP-2000-Seger #functional #hardware #programming #verification- Combining functional programming and hardware verification (abstract of invited talk) (CJHS), p. 244.
KDD-2000-Buchanan #information management #source code #using- Informed knowledge discovery: using prior knowledge in discovery programs (invited talk, abstract only) (BGB), p. 3.
KDD-2000-Catlett #data mining #mining #privacy- Among those dark electronic mills: privacy and data mining (invited talk, abstract only) (JC), p. 4.
KDD-2000-Cutler #metric #named- E-metrics: tomorrow’s business metrics today (invited talk, abstract only) (MC), p. 6.
KDD-2000-GavrilovAIM #mining #question- Mining the stock market (extended abstract): which measure is best? (MG, DA, PI, RM), pp. 487–496.
KDD-2000-Goodnight- Decision support in the booming e-world (invited talk, abstract only) (JG), p. 5.
KDD-2000-Papadimitriou #data mining #mining #on the- On certain rigorous approaches to data mining (invited talk, abstract only) (CHP), p. 2.
KDD-2000-Stodder #data mining #mining- After the gold rush (invited talk, abstract only): data mining in the new economy (invited talk, abstract only) (DS), p. 7.
ECOOP-2000-EugsterGS #abstraction #distributed #interactive- Distributed Asynchronous Collections: Abstractions for Publish/Subscribe Interaction (PTE, RG, JS), pp. 252–276.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-MiaoYL #component- A Formalized Abstract Component Object Mode — Z-COM (HM, CY, LL), pp. 250–259.
TOOLS-USA-2000-ColbertL #embedded #realtime #uml- Building Real-Time Embedded Systems with MetaH and UML [Abstract] (EC, BAL), pp. 445–446.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Dedene #cobol #object-oriented- Object-Oriented COBOL, The Old, The Bad and The Ugly [Abstract] (GD), pp. 489–490.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kilov #specification- Business Specifications and RD-ODP [Abstract] (HK), pp. 409–410.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kotula #c++ #reliability- Constructing Reliable C++ Classes [Abstract] (JK), pp. 501–504.
TOOLS-USA-2000-McBreen #lessons learnt #programming- Applying the Lessons of eXtreme Programming [Abstract] (PM), pp. 421–422.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Pour00a #hardware #named #towards- JINI: Towards Seamless Connectivity of Hardware and Software Services [Abstract] (GP), pp. 463–464.
LOPSTR-2000-PierroW #abstract interpretation #on the #precise- On the precision of abstract interpretations (ADP, HW).
LOPSTR-J-2000-PierroW #abstract interpretation #precise- Measuring the Precision of Abstract Interpretations (ADP, HW), pp. 147–164.
PPDP-2000-Fages #concurrent #constraints #linear #logic #programming- Concurrent constraint programming and linear logic (abstract) (FF), p. 44.
PPDP-2000-KollerM #abstract interpretation #component #morphism #performance #using- Efficient abstract interpretation using component-wise homomorphisms (JK, MM), pp. 226–234.
PPDP-2000-Necula #design #implementation- Proof-carrying code: design, implementation and applications (abstract) (GCN), pp. 175–177.
PPDP-2000-Panangaden #logic #probability #process- From logic to stochastic processes (abstract only) (PP), pp. 1–2.
PPDP-2000-PierroW #abstract interpretation #concurrent #constraints #probability #programming #towards- Concurrent constraint programming: towards probabilistic abstract interpretation (ADP, HW), pp. 127–138.
PPDP-2000-PowerR #abstraction #logic- Logical relations, data abstraction, and structured fibrations (JP, ER), pp. 15–23.
POPL-2000-CousotC #abstract interpretation- Temporal Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 12–25.
ICRE-2000-GunterGJZ #requirements- A Reference Model for Requirements and Specifications-Extended Abstract (CAG, ELG, MJ, PZ), p. 189.
SAC-2000-TryfonaJ #abstraction #concept #modelling #using- Using Abstractions for Spatio-Temporal Conceptual Modeling (NT, CSJ), pp. 313–322.
ICSE-2000-Booch #future of- The future of software (abstract of invited presentation) (GB), p. 3.
ICSE-2000-Castells- Is the new economy socially sustainable? (abstract of invited presentation) (MC), p. 2.
ICSE-2000-Horn- Dot com versus bricks and mortar — the impact of portal technology (abstract of invited presentation) (CH), p. 4.
LCTES-2000-RunesonNS #abstraction #optimisation- Optimizing Code Size through Procedural Abstraction (JR, SON, JS), pp. 204–205.
CADE-2000-BachmairT #congruence- Abstract Congruence Closure and Specializations (LB, AT), pp. 64–78.
CAV-2000-BaumgartnerTASA #abstraction #algorithm #design #verification- An Abstraction Algorithm for the Verification of Generalized C-Slow Designs (JB, AT, AA, VS, FA), pp. 5–19.
CAV-2000-ClarkeGJLV #abstraction #refinement- Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (EMC, OG, SJ, YL, HV), pp. 154–169.
CAV-2000-NamjoshiK #abstraction #automation #program transformation- Syntactic Program Transformations for Automatic Abstraction (KSN, RPK), pp. 435–449.
CAV-2000-Pnueli #abstraction #composition #deduction #explosion #symmetry- Keynote Address: Abstraction, Composition, Symmetry, and a Little Deduction: The Remedies to State Explosion (AP), p. 1.
CL-2000-Miller #bibliography #perspective #syntax- Abstract Syntax for Variable Binders: An Overview (DM), pp. 239–253.
CSL-2000-PowerR #abstraction #logic- Logical Relations and Data Abstraction (JP, ER), pp. 497–511.
CSL-2000-Schulte #state machine- Translating Theory into Practice — Abstract State Machines within Microsoft (WS), p. 71.
ISSTA-2000-Clarke #finite #validation #verification- Finite state verification: An emerging technology for validating software systems (abstract only) (LAC), p. 146.
ISSTA-2000-Dill #java #model checking #source code- Model checking Java programs (abstract only) (DLD), p. 179.
ISSTA-2000-Pincus #analysis #case study #developer #experience #tool support- Analysis is necessary, but far from sufficient: Experiences building and deploying successful tools for developers and testers (abstract only) (JDP), p. 1.
ISSTA-2000-Wittenberg #component #testing- Progress in testing component-based software (abstract only) (CHW), p. 178.
DAC-1999-AbtsR #multi #scalability #using #verification- Verifying Large-Scale Multiprocessors Using an Abstract Verification Environment (DA, MR), pp. 163–168.
HT-1999-GarzottoMP #hypermedia #web- Abstract Tasks: A Tool for the Inspection of Web Sites and Off-Line Hypermedia (FG, MM, PP), pp. 157–163.
PODS-1999-Cosmadakis #complexity #query #recursion- Inherent Complexity of Recursive Queries (Extended Abstract) (SSC), pp. 148–154.
ESOP-1999-Hudak #functional #programming- Functional Reactive Programming (Abstract) (PH), p. 1.
FASE-1999-NottegarPD #evaluation #performance #semantics- Semantic-Driven Performance Evaluation (Extended Abstract) (CN, CP, PD), pp. 204–218.
FASE-1999-Weber #communication #information management- Continuous Engineering of Information and Communication Infrastructures (Extended Abstract) (HW), pp. 22–29.
TACAS-1999-RusuS #abstraction #on the #proving #safety #static analysis #theorem proving- On Proving Safety Properties by Integrating Static Analysis, Theorem Proving and Abstraction (VR, ES), pp. 178–192.
CSMR-1999-SousaPPA #clustering #database #reverse engineering- Clustering Relations into Abstract ER Schemas for Database Reverse Engineering (PMAS, MdLPdJ, GP, FBeA), pp. 169–177.
PEPM-1999-PueblaHG #abstract interpretation #framework #integration #partial evaluation- An Integration of Partial Evaluation in a Generic Abstract Interpretation Framework (GP, MVH, JPG), pp. 75–84.
SAS-1999-CansellM #specification- Abstract Animator for Temporal Specifications: Application to TLA (DC, DM), pp. 284–299.
SAS-1999-HansenJNN #abstract interpretation #mobile- Abstract Interpretation of Mobile Ambients (RRH, JGJ, FN, HRN), pp. 134–148.
SAS-1999-KollerM #abstract interpretation- A New Class of Functions for Abstract Interpretation (JK, MM), pp. 248–263.
SAS-1999-Monniaux #automaton #encryption #protocol- Abstracting Cryptographic Protocols with Tree Automata (DM), pp. 149–163.
STOC-1999-Ajtai #linear #nondeterminism- Determinism versus Non-Determinism for Linear Time RAMs (Extended Abstract) (MA), pp. 632–641.
STOC-1999-AlstrupBR #worst-case- Worst-Case and Amortised Optimality in Union-Find (Extended Abstract) (SA, AMBA, TR), pp. 499–506.
STOC-1999-CanettiO #what- Secure Computation with Honest-Looking Parties: What If Nobody Is Truly Honest? (Extended Abstract) (RC, RO), pp. 255–264.
STOC-1999-CharikarGTS #algorithm #approximate #problem- A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for the k-Median Problem (Extended Abstract) (MC, SG, ÉT, DBS), pp. 1–10.
STOC-1999-ChenM #approximate #multi #polynomial #scheduling- A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for General Multiprocessor Job Scheduling (Extended Abstract) (JC, AM), pp. 418–427.
STOC-1999-DinitzMR #complexity #symmetry- Bit Complexity of Breaking and Achieving Symmetry in Chains and Rings (Extended Abstract) (YD, SM, SR), pp. 265–274.
STOC-1999-GuhaMNS #performance- Efficient Recovery from Power Outage (Extended Abstract) (SG, AM, JN, BS), pp. 574–582.
STOC-1999-IshaiK #bound #information retrieval- Improved Upper Bounds on Information-Theoretic Private Information Retrieval (Extended Abstract) (YI, EK), pp. 79–88.
STOC-1999-NisanR #algorithm #design- Algorithmic Mechanism Design (Extended Abstract) (NN, AR), pp. 129–140.
STOC-1999-Rojas #complexity #geometry #on the- On the Complexity of Diophantine Geometry in Low Dimensions (Extended Abstract) (JMR), pp. 527–536.
STOC-1999-SudanTV #generative #pseudo- Pseudorandom Generators Without the XOR Lemma (Extended Abstract) (MS, LT, SPV), pp. 537–546.
STOC-1999-Trevisan #generative #pseudo #using- Construction of Extractors Using Pseudo-Random Generators (Extended Abstract) (LT), pp. 141–148.
FLOPS-1999-Hinze #programming- Polytypic Programming With Ease (Extended Abstract) (RH), pp. 21–36.
FLOPS-1999-Ogawa #abstract interpretation #automation #verification- Automatic Verification Based on Abstract Interpretation (MO), pp. 131–146.
FLOPS-1999-Ohori #automaton #logic #morphism- The Logical Abstract Machine: A Curry-Howard Isomorphism for Machine Code (AO), pp. 300–318.
DLT-1999-LopezN #induction- Substitutions from Rauzy induction (extended abstract) (LML, PN), pp. 200–209.
ICALP-1999-BednarczykB #morphism #petri net- General Morphisms of Petri Nets (Extended Abstract) (MAB, AMB), pp. 190–199.
ICALP-1999-BermanK #on the- On Some Tighter Inapproximability Results (Extended Abstract) (PB, MK), pp. 200–209.
FM-v1-1999-BarbutiFSV #abstraction #model checking #realtime- Formula Based Abstractions of Transition Systems for Real-Time Model Checking (RB, NDF, AS, GV), pp. 289–306.
FM-v1-1999-Schneider #abstraction #testing- Abstraction and Testing (SS), pp. 738–757.
FM-v2-1999-GradelS #state machine- Logspace Reducibility via Abstract State Machines (EG, MS), pp. 1738–1757.
FM-v2-1999-OcicaI #algebra #aspect-oriented #corba #syntax- Algebraic Aspects of the Mapping between Abstract Syntax Notation One and CORBA IDL (RO, DI), p. 1863.
FM-v2-1999-Wehrheim #abstraction- Data Abstraction for CSP-OZ (HW), pp. 1028–1047.
IFM-1999-Mery #automaton #requirements- Requirements for a Temporal B — Assigning Temporal Meaning to Abstract Machines... and to Abstract Systems (DM), pp. 395–414.
ICFP-1999-Huch #abstract interpretation #erlang #source code #using #verification- Verification of Erlang Programs using Abstract Interpretation and Model Mhecking (FH), pp. 261–272.
ICFP-1999-KfouryMTW #type system- Relating Typability and Expressiveness in Finite-Rank Intersection Type Systems (Extended Abstract) (AJK, HGM, FAT, JBW), pp. 90–101.
CHI-1999-SalzmanDL #multi #visualisation- VR’s Frames of Reference: A Visualization Technique for Mastering Abstract Multidimensional Information (MCS, CJD, RBL), pp. 489–495.
SIGAda-1999-Selic #design pattern #realtime- Architectural patterns for complex real-time systems (abstract of keynote address) (BS), p. 1.
CAiSE-1999-Oh #architecture #design #transaction #using- The Design of Cooperative Transaction Model by Using Client-Server Architecture (Abstract) (AsO), p. 269.
ACIR-1999-OakesP #automation #generative- The Automatic Generation of Templates for Automatic Abstracting (MPO, CDP).
ICML-1999-Bosch #abstraction #in memory #learning- Instance-Family Abstraction in Memory-Based Language Learning (AvdB), pp. 39–48.
ICML-1999-FiroiuC #markov #modelling #using- Abstracting from Robot Sensor Data using Hidden Markov Models (LF, PRC), pp. 106–114.
KDD-1999-Agrawal #data mining #mining- Data Mining: Crossing the Chasm (Invited talk, Abstract only) (RA), p. 2.
KDD-1999-Hackathorn #web- Farming the Web for Systematic Business Intelligence (Invited talk, Abstract only) (RDH), p. 3.
KDD-1999-Pregibon #named #statistics- 2001: A Statistical Odyssey (Invited talk, Abstract only) (DP), p. 4.
SIGIR-1999-Bouwmeester #information management #interface #speech- A Knowledge Management Tool for Speech Interfaces (poster abstract) (NB), pp. 293–294.
SIGIR-1999-BruzaSW- Fundamental Properties of Aboutness (poster abstract) (PB, DS, KFW), pp. 277–278.
SIGIR-1999-ClarkeCS #retrieval #source code- Searching Program Source Code with a Structured Text Retrieval System (poster abstract) (CLAC, AC, SES), pp. 307–308.
SIGIR-1999-CormackLP #precise #random- Estimating Precision by Random Sampling (poster abstract) (GVC, OL, CRP), pp. 273–274.
SIGIR-1999-Downie #effectiveness #music #retrieval- Music Retrieval as Text Retrieval: Simple Yet Effective (poster abstract) (JSD), pp. 297–298.
SIGIR-1999-Eastman #internet #precise- 30, 000 Hits may be Better than 300: Precision Anomalies in Internet Searches (poster abstract) (CME), pp. 313–314.
SIGIR-1999-Eguchi #adaptation #clustering #incremental #query #using- Adaptive Cluster-Based Browsing Using Incrementally Expanded Queries and its Effects (poster abstract) (KE), pp. 265–266.
SIGIR-1999-FidelE #behaviour #web- Web Searching Behavior of Aerospace Engineers (poster abstract) (RF, ENE), pp. 319–320.
SIGIR-1999-FranzM #information retrieval- Machine Translation and Monolingual Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (MF, JSM), pp. 295–296.
SIGIR-1999-FungL #approach #classification #image #retrieval- A New Approach for Image Classification and Retrieval (poster abstract) (CYF, KFL), pp. 301–302.
SIGIR-1999-GePS #word- Discovering Chinese Words from Unsegmented Text (poster abstract) (XG, WP, PS), pp. 271–272.
SIGIR-1999-GuptaDNG #algorithm #collaboration #evaluation #linear- Jester 2.0: Evaluation of an New Linear Time Collaborative Filtering Algorithm (poster abstract) (DG, MD, HN, KYG), pp. 291–292.
SIGIR-1999-Hirsh #process #research- Information Seeking at Different Stages of the RD Research Process (poster abstract) (SGH), pp. 285–286.
SIGIR-1999-HoashiMIH #query #word- Query Expansion Method Based on Word Contribution (poster abstract) (KH, KM, NI, KH), pp. 303–304.
SIGIR-1999-HoelscherS #web- Searching on the Web: Two Types of Expertise (poster abstract) (CH, GS), pp. 305–306.
SIGIR-1999-HoenkampSS #category theory #retrieval- Supporting Content Retrieval from WWW via “Basic Level Categories” (poster abstract) (EH, OS, LS), pp. 311–312.
SIGIR-1999-JonesSCKS #comparison #information retrieval #query- A Comparison of Query Translation Methods for English-Japanese Cross-Language Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (GJFJ, TS, NC, AK, KS), pp. 269–270.
SIGIR-1999-JourlinJJW #retrieval #speech- Improving Retrieval on Imperfect Speech Transcriptions (poster abstract) (PJ, SEJ, KSJ, PCW), pp. 283–284.
SIGIR-1999-LamY #adaptation #learning #online- An Intelligent Adaptive Filtering Agent Based on an On-Line Learning Model (poster abstract) (WL, KLY), pp. 287–288.
SIGIR-1999-LewisSS #classification #framework #named #online- ATTICS: A Software Platform for Online Text Classification (poster abstract) (DDL, DLS, AS), pp. 267–268.
SIGIR-1999-RoddenBSW #image #similarity #visualisation- Evaluating a Visualisation of Image Similarity (poster abstract) (KR, WB, DS, KRW), pp. 275–276.
SIGIR-1999-RoussinovTRC #automation #clustering #empirical #interactive #internet- Interactive Internet Search through Automatic Clustering (poster abstract): an empirical study (DR, KMT, MR, HC), pp. 289–290.
SIGIR-1999-RuizS #categorisation #network- Hierarchical Neural Networks for Text Categorization (poster abstract) (MER, PS), pp. 281–282.
SIGIR-1999-SongC #information retrieval- A General Language Model for Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (FS, WBC), pp. 279–280.
SIGIR-1999-TurpinM #information retrieval #statistics- Statistical Phrases for Vector-Space Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (AT, AM), pp. 309–310.
SIGIR-1999-WitbrockM #approach #generative #named #statistics #summary- Ultra-Summarization: A Statistical Approach to Generating Highly Condensed Non-Extractive Summaries (poster abstract) (MJW, VOM), pp. 315–316.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Romanovsky #programming- Abstract Object State and Version Recovery in N-Version Programming (AR), pp. 86–95.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-JacobsenKN #abstraction #architecture- Architecture = Abstractions over Software (EEJ, BBK, PN), p. 89–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Mikhajlova #framework #java #source code #specification #using- Specifying Java Frameworks Using Abstract Programs (AM), p. 136–?.
LOPSTR-1999-LeuschelM #abstract interpretation #infinity #model checking- Infinite State Model Checking by Abstract Interpretation and Program Specialisation (ML, TM), pp. 62–81.
PPDP-1999-BaldanCFP #abstract interpretation- A Simple and General Method for Integrating Abstract Interpretation in SICStus (DB, NC, GF, FP), pp. 207–223.
PPDP-1999-Pfenning #framework #logic- Logical and Meta-Logical Frameworks (Abstract) (FP), p. 206.
POPL-1999-WaddellD #abstraction- Extending the Scope of Syntactic Abstraction (OW, RKD), pp. 203–215.
SAC-1999-AnconaDG #mobile- Mobile Computing in Outdoor Environments (Extended Abstract) (MA, GD, VG), pp. 413–415.
ICSE-1999-Perry #evolution #semantics- Software Evolution and “light” Semantics (Extended Abstract) (DEP), pp. 587–590.
HPCA-1999-FalsafiW #abstraction #communication #parallel #programming #protocol #queue- Parallel Dispatch Queue: A Queue-Based Programming Abstraction to Parallelize Fine-Grain Communication Protocols (BF, DAW), pp. 182–192.
LCTES-1999-SchneiderF #abstract interpretation #behaviour #pipes and filters #predict- Pipeline Behavior Prediction for Superscalar Processors by Abstract Interpretation (JS, CF), pp. 35–44.
OSDI-1999-Keleher #abstraction #named- Tapeworm: High-Level Abstractions of Shared Accesses (PJK), pp. 201–214.
PPoPP-1999-RamachandranNHRK #abstraction #interactive #memory management #parallel #programming- Space-Time Memory: A Parallel Programming Abstraction for Interactive Multimedia Applications (UR, RSN, NH, JMR, KK), pp. 183–192.
CADE-1999-FeltyHR #abstraction #syntax #using- Formal Metatheory using Implicit Syntax, and an Application to Data Abstraction for Asynchronous Systems (APF, DJH, AR), pp. 237–251.
CADE-1999-FuchsF #testing- Abstraction-Based Relevancy Testing for Model Elimination (MF, DF), pp. 344–358.
CADE-1999-NadathurM #automaton #compilation #implementation #prolog #λ-calculus- System Description: Teyjus — A Compiler and Abstract Machine Based Implementation of lambda-Prolog (GN, DJM), pp. 287–291.
CADE-1999-Nipkow #programming language #proving #theorem proving- Invited Talk: Embedding Programming Languages in Theorem Provers (Abstract) (TN), p. 398.
CADE-1999-Schulz- System Abstract: E 0.3 (SS), pp. 297–301.
CAV-1999-AbdullaABBHL #abstraction #analysis #infinity #reachability #verification- Verification of Infinite-State Systems by Combining Abstraction and Reachability Analysis (PAA, AA, SB, AB, PH, YL), pp. 146–159.
CAV-1999-BaumgartnerHSA #abstraction #algorithm #model checking- Model Checking the IBM Gigahertz Processor: An Abstraction Algorithm for High-Performance Netlists (JB, TH, VS, AA), pp. 72–83.
CAV-1999-DasDP #abstraction #experience- Experience with Predicate Abstraction (SD, DLD, SP), pp. 160–171.
CAV-1999-Dill #hardware #verification- Alternative Approaches to Hardware Verification (abstract) (DLD), p. 1.
CAV-1999-SaidiS- Abstract and Model Check While You Prove (HS, NS), pp. 443–454.
CAV-1999-Spielmann #automation #state machine #verification- Automatic Verification of Abstract State Machines (MS), pp. 431–442.
CSL-1999-KestenP #abstraction #liveness #verification- Verifying Liveness by Augmented Abstraction (YK, AP), pp. 141–156.
LICS-1999-FiorePT #syntax- Abstract Syntax and Variable Binding (MPF, GDP, DT), pp. 193–202.
LICS-1999-GabbayP #approach #syntax- A New Approach to Abstract Syntax Involving Binders (MG, AMP), pp. 214–224.
LICS-1999-HarmerM #finite #game studies #nondeterminism #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Finite Nondeterminism (RH, GM), pp. 422–430.
LICS-1999-Hofmann #analysis #higher-order #semantics #syntax- Semantical Analysis of Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (MH0), pp. 204–213.
LICS-1999-MarzRS #abstraction- Full Abstraction and Universality via Realisability (MM, AR, TS), pp. 174–182.
TLCA-1999-MikamiA #automaton #case study #linear- A Study of Abramsky’s Linear Chemical Abstract Machine (SM, YA), pp. 243–257.
TLCA-1999-PollZ #data type #logic- A Logic for Abstract Data Types as Existential Types (EP, JZ), pp. 310–324.
ASE-1998-OHalloranS #exclamation #verification- Don’t Verify, Abstract! (CO, AS), pp. 53–62.
DAC-1998-Dill #simulation #verification #what- What’s Between Simulation and Formal Verification? (Extended Abstract) (DLD), pp. 328–329.
DATE-1998-HsiehL #abstraction #verification- Model Abstraction for Formal Verification (YWH, SPL), pp. 140–147.
HT-1998-CrampesVR #abstraction #adaptation- Adaptive Narrative Abstraction (MC, JPV, SR), pp. 97–105.
PODS-1998-SamaratiS- Generalizing Data to Provide Anonymity when Disclosing Information (Abstract) (PS, LS), p. 188.
VLDB-1998-Shaw #future of- Technology and the Future of Commerce and Finance (Abstract) (DES), p. 13.
ITiCSE-1998-HabermanSS #data type #development- Abstract data types as a project development organiser (BH, ZS, EYS), pp. 102–104.
ESOP-1998-Smolka #concurrent #constraints #functional #programming- Concurrent Constraint Programming Based on Functional Programming (Extended Abstract) (GS), pp. 1–11.
FoSSaCS-1998-AmadioC #analysis #type system- Analysis of a Guard Condition in Type Theory (Extended Abstract) (RMA, SCG), pp. 48–62.
TACAS-1998-AbdullaJ #network #process #verification- Verifying Networks of Timed Processes (Extended Abstract) (PAA, BJ), pp. 298–312.
TACAS-1998-DawsT #abstraction #model checking #reachability #realtime #using- Model Checking of Real-Time Reachability Properties Using Abstractions (CD, ST), pp. 313–329.
TACAS-1998-JensenL #abstraction #algorithm #proving #using- A Proof of Burns N-Process Mutual Exclusion Algorithm Using Abstraction (HEJ, NAL), pp. 409–423.
TACAS-1998-LiuRS #evaluation #fixpoint #performance- Fully Local and Efficient Evaluation of Alternating Fixed Points (Extended Abstract) (XL, CRR, SAS), pp. 5–19.
ICSM-1998-BaxterYMSB #abstract syntax tree #clone detection #detection #syntax #using- Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Trees (IDB, AY, LMdM, MS, LB), pp. 368–377.
ICSM-1998-YangLZ #abstraction #approach #problem #re-engineering #reverse engineering- Tackling the Abstraction Problem for Reverse Engineering in a System Re-engineering Approach (HY, XL, HZ), pp. 284–293.
SAS-1998-BodeiDP #abstract interpretation #concurrent #semantics- Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, PD, CP), pp. 168–183.
SAS-1998-Giacobazzi #abstract interpretation #tutorial- A Tutorial on Domain Theory in Abstract Interpretation (RG), pp. 349–350.
SAS-1998-GiacobazziRS #abstract interpretation #linear- Building Complete Abstract Interpretations in a Linear Logic-based Setting (RG, FR, FS), pp. 215–229.
SAS-1998-Lee #compilation #optimisation- Certifying, Optimizing Compilation (Abstract) (PL0), p. 381.
SAS-1998-Levi #model checking #semantics- A Symbolic Semantics for Abstract Model Checking (FL), pp. 134–151.
SAS-1998-SchmidtS #abstract interpretation #model checking #program analysis- Program Analysis as Model Checking of Abstract Interpretations (DAS, BS), pp. 351–380.
STOC-1998-Ajtai #np-hard #problem #random #reduction- The Shortest Vector Problem in L2 is NP-hard for Randomized Reductions (Extended Abstract) (MA), pp. 10–19.
STOC-1998-AjtaiFS #monad- The Closure of Monadic NP (Extended Abstract) (MA, RF, LJS), pp. 309–318.
STOC-1998-BellareCK #analysis #approach #authentication #composition #design #protocol- A Modular Approach to the Design and Analysis of Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols (Extended Abstract) (MB, RC, HK), pp. 419–428.
STOC-1998-BroderCFM #independence #permutation- Min-Wise Independent Permutations (Extended Abstract) (AZB, MC, AMF, MM), pp. 327–336.
STOC-1998-CrescenziGPPY #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Protein Folding (Extended Abstract) (PC, DG, CHP, AP, MY), pp. 597–603.
STOC-1998-DoolyGS #theory and practice- TCP Dynamic Acknowledgment Delay: Theory and Practice (Extended Abstract) (DRD, SAG, SDS), pp. 389–398.
STOC-1998-Feige #approximate- Approximating the Bandwidth via Volume Respecting Embeddings (Extended Abstract) (UF), pp. 90–99.
STOC-1998-FeigeS #bound #scheduling- Improved Bounds for Acyclic Job Shop Scheduling (Extended Abstract) (UF, CS), pp. 624–633.
STOC-1998-PeinadoL #embedded #generative #graph #random- Random Generation of Embedded Graphs and an Extension to Dobrushin Uniqueness (Extended Abstract) (MP, TL), pp. 176–185.
STOC-1998-Trevisan #query #testing- Recycling Queries in PCPs and in Linearity Tests (Extended Abstract) (LT), pp. 299–308.
FLOPS-1998-CurienH- Computing with Abstract Böhm Trees (PLC, HH), pp. 20–39.
FLOPS-1998-Miyoshi #logic- Rewriting Logic for Cyclic Sharing Structures (extended abstract) (HM), pp. 167–186.
ICALP-1998-Ben-AmramP #source code- CONS-Free Programs with Tree Input (Extended Abstract) (AMBA, HP), pp. 271–282.
ICALP-1998-BoigelotRW #automaton #integer #on the- On the Expressiveness of Real and Integer Arithmetic Automata (Extended Abstract) (BB, SR, PW), pp. 152–163.
ICALP-1998-Henzinger #game studies #model checking #multi- Model Checking Game Properties of Multi-agent Systems (Abstract) (TAH), p. 543.
ICALP-1998-JuknaZ #bound #branch #nondeterminism #on the #source code- On Branching Programs With Bounded Uncertainty (Extended Abstract) (SJ, SZ), pp. 259–270.
ICALP-1998-LiuS #algorithm #fixpoint #linear- Simple Linear-Time Algorithms for Minimal Fixed Points (Extended Abstract) (XL, SAS), pp. 53–66.
ICALP-1998-SantisCPY #image- Image Density is Complete for Non-Interactive-SZK (Extended Abstract) (ADS, GDC, GP, MY), pp. 784–795.
FM-1998-Borger #analysis #design #state machine #using- High Level System Design and Analysis Using Abstract State Machines (EB), pp. 1–43.
FM-1998-Castillo #architecture #state machine #tool support #towards- Towards Comprehensive Tool Support for Abstract State Machines: The ASM Workbench Tool Environment and Architecture (GDC), pp. 311–325.
ICFP-1998-Kiselyov98a #abstraction #c++ #functional- Functional Style in C++: Closures, Late Binding, and λ Abstractions (OK), p. 337.
ICFP-1998-McAdam #fault- Type Errors Confuse the Programmer (Poster Abstract) (BJM), p. 338.
TAGT-1998-GadducciHK #logic- A Fully Abstract Model for Graph-Interpreted Temporal Logic (FG, RH, MK), pp. 310–322.
CHI-1998-ChristelSTW #abstraction #evolution #multi #video- Evolving Video Skims into Useful Multimedia Abstractions (MGC, MAS, CRT, DBW), pp. 171–178.
AdaEurope-1998-Moody #abstraction #object-oriented #realtime- Object Oriented Abstractions for Real-Time Distributes Systems (SAM), pp. 112–127.
SIGAda-1998-HendrixCBM #abstraction #ada #incremental #refinement #visual notation- Visual Support for Incremental Abstraction and Refinement in Ada 95 (TDH, JHCI, LAB, KSM), pp. 152–157.
CIKM-1998-LiYC #abstraction #database #framework #mining #multi #named #sequence- MALM: A Framework for Mining Sequence Database at Multiple Abstraction Levels (CSL, PSY, VC), pp. 267–272.
ICML-1998-SuttonPS #learning- Intra-Option Learning about Temporally Abstract Actions (RSS, DP, SPS), pp. 556–564.
SIGIR-1998-MoensD #automation- Automatic Abstracting of Magazine Articles: The Creation of “Highlight” Abstracts (MFM, JD), pp. 359–360.
ECOOP-1998-AtkinsonJ #java #orthogonal #persistent- Providing Orthogonal Persistence for Java (Extended Abstract) (MPA, MJJ), pp. 383–395.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-JacobsenKN #abstraction #development #modelling- Models, Domains and Abstraction in Software Development (EEJ, BBK, PN), pp. 28–42.
ALP-PLILP-1998-CosmoLN #game studies #logic programming #semantics- A Game Semantics Foundation for Logic Programming (Extended Abstract) (RDC, JVL, SN), pp. 355–373.
ALP-PLILP-1998-HatcliffDL #analysis #staging #using- Staging Static Analyses Using Abstraction-Based Program Specialization (JH, MBD, SL), pp. 134–151.
ALP-PLILP-1998-LeviV #abstract interpretation #proving- Derivation of Proof Methods by Abstract Interpretation (GL, PV), pp. 102–117.
LOPSTR-1998-AvelloneFM #data type #source code #synthesis- Synthesis of Programs in Abstract Data Types (AA, MF, PM), pp. 81–100.
LOPSTR-1998-Richardson #named #proving #theorem proving- Abstract: Proof Planning with Program Schemas (JR), pp. 313–315.
LOPSTR-1998-Wolper #algorithm- Algorithms for Synthesizing Reactive Systems: A Perspective (Abstract) (PW), p. 308.
POPL-1998-RielyH #distributed #mobile #process- A Typed Language for Distributed Mobile Processes (Extended Abstract) (JR, MH), pp. 378–390.
POPL-1998-Schmidt #abstract interpretation #analysis #data flow #model checking- Data Flow Analysis is Model Checking of Abstract Interpretations (DAS), pp. 38–48.
REFSQ-1998-HaumerPW #abstraction #concept #modelling- Abstraction Guides: Interrelating Conceptual Models with Real World Scenes (PH, KP, KW), pp. 23–32.
SAC-1998-Sterling #clustering- Beowulf PC clusters: breaking the cost barrier to high end application computing (keynote address — abstract) (TLS), p. 1.
FSE-1998-AstleyA #abstraction #distributed #middleware #policy- Customizaton and Compositon of Distributed Objects: Middleware Abstractions for Policy Management (MA, GA), pp. 1–9.
CADE-1998-Pfenning #deduction #linear #logic #reasoning- Reasoning About Deductions in Linear Logic (Abstract of Invited Talk) (FP), pp. 1–2.
CADE-1998-Pnueli #deduction #verification- Deductive vs. Model-Theoretic Approaches to Formal Verification (Abstract of Invited Talk) (AP), p. 301.
CAV-1998-AbdullaJKP #approach #partial order #reduction #verification- A General Approach to Partial Order Reductions in Symbolic Verification (Extended Abstract) (PAA, BJ, MK, DP), pp. 379–390.
CAV-1998-BensalemLO #abstraction #automation #infinity- Computing Abstractions of Infinite State Systems Compositionally and Automatically (SB, YL, SO), pp. 319–331.
CAV-1998-ColonU #abstraction #finite #generative #using- Generating Finite-State Abstractions of Reactive Systems Using Decision Procedures (MC, TEU), pp. 293–304.
JICSLP-1998-Leuschel #abstract interpretation- Program Specialisation and Abstract Interpretation Reconciled (ML), pp. 220–234.
JICSLP-1998-MalesiuexRB #compilation #prolog- Abstract Compilation of λ-Prolog (FM, OR, PB), pp. 130–144.
LICS-1998-AbadiFG #abstraction #implementation- Secure Implementation of Channel Abstractions (MA, CF, GG), pp. 105–116.
LICS-1998-AbramskyHM #game studies #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for General References (SA, KH, GM), pp. 334–344.
LICS-1998-Viswanathan #abstraction #first-order #recursion #type system- Full Abstraction for First-Order Objects with Recursive Types and Subtyping (RV), pp. 380–391.
RTA-1998-Comon #consistency #proving- About Proofs by Consistency (Abstract) (HC), pp. 136–137.
RTA-1998-Klop #term rewriting- Origin Tracking in Term Rewriting (Abstract) (JWK), p. 1.
RTA-1998-Ohlebusch #equivalence #reduction #theorem- Church-Rosser Theorems for Abstract Reduction Modulo an Equivalence Relation (EO), pp. 17–31.
ASE-1997-CohenF #abstraction #automation #database #re-engineering #source code- Automatic High-Quality Reengineering of Database Programs by Temporal Abstraction (YC, YAF), pp. 90–97.
ASE-1997-GirardKS #approach #data type #detection- A Metric-based Approach to Detect Abstract Data Types and State Encapsulations (JFG, RK, GS), pp. 82–89.
ASE-1997-Welty #abstract syntax tree #comprehension #syntax- Augmenting Abstract Syntax Trees for Program Understanding (CAW), pp. 126–133.
DAC-1997-Dai #verification- Chip Parasitic Extraction and Signal Integrity Verification (Extended Abstract) (WWMD), pp. 717–719.
EDTC-1997-Schneider #abstraction #architecture #hardware #trade-off- A methodology for hardware architecture trade-off at different levels of abstraction (CS), pp. 537–541.
ICDAR-1997-KangK #classification #framework #multi #probability- Probabilistic Framework for Combining Multiple Classifiers at Abstract Level (HJK, JHK), pp. 870–874.
PODS-1997-AgrawalAS #algorithm #database- Epidemic Algorithms in Replicated Databases (Extended Abstract) (DA, AEA, RCS), pp. 161–172.
SIGMOD-1997-LivnyRBCDLMW97a #dataset #named #query #scalability #visual notation- DEVise: Integrated Querying and Visual Exploration of Large Datasets (Demo Abstract) (ML, RR, KSB, GC, DD, SL, JM, RKW), pp. 517–520.
VLDB-1997-Jamil #implementation #inheritance- Implementing Abstract Objects with Inheritance in Datalogneg (HMJ), pp. 56–65.
VLDB-1997-SeshadriLR #data type- The Case for Enhanced Abstract Data Types (PS, ML, RR), pp. 66–75.
TACAS-1997-RaskinS #abstraction #logic #realtime- Real-Time Logics: Fictitious Clock as an Abstraction of Dense Time (JFR, PYS), pp. 165–182.
ICSM-1997-YangLC #re-engineering #reverse engineering- Measuring Abstractness for Reverse Engineering in a Re-engineering Tool (HY, PL, WCC), p. 48–?.
WCRE-1997-GirardKS #architecture #comparison #comprehension #data type #detection #encapsulation- Comparison of Abstract Data Type and Abstract State Encapsulation Detection Techniques for Architectural Understanding (JFG, RK, GS), pp. 66–75.
SAS-1997-BaldanF #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation from Improving WAM Code (DB, GF), p. 364.
SAS-1997-BodeiP #abstract interpretation #concurrent- True Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, CP), pp. 202–216.
SAS-1997-BoigelotGWW #power of- The Power of QDDs (Extended Abstract) (BB, PG, BW, PW), pp. 172–186.
SAS-1997-CharlierF #abstract interpretation #on the #theory and practice- On the Desirable Link Between Theory and Practice in Abstract Interpretation (Extended Abstract) (BLC, PF), pp. 379–387.
SAS-1997-Cousot #abstract interpretation #semantics #static analysis- Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analysis Parameterized by Semantics (PC), pp. 388–394.
SAS-1997-Granger #analysis #congruence- Static Analyses of Congruence Properties on Rational Numbers (Extended Abstract) (PG), pp. 278–292.
SAS-1997-Harrison #abstract interpretation #compilation- Can Abstract Interpretation Become a Mainstream Compiler Technology? (Abstract) (LH), p. 395.
SAS-1997-Jones #abstract interpretation #bibliography #partial evaluation- Combining Abstract Interpretation and Partial Evaluation (Brief Overview) (NDJ), pp. 396–405.
SAS-1997-Marriott #abstract interpretation #approximate #formal method- Abstract Interpretation: A Theory of Approximate Computation (KM), pp. 367–378.
SAS-1997-Tzolovski #abstract interpretation #data flow #dependence- Data Dependence as Abstract Interpretations (ST), p. 366.
SAS-1997-Zartmann #abstract interpretation #functional #logic programming #source code- Denotational Abstract Interpretation of Functional Logic Programs (FZ), pp. 141–159.
STOC-1997-ArgeFGV #memory management #on the #sorting #string- On Sorting Strings in External Memory (Extended Abstract) (LA, PF, RG, JSV), pp. 540–548.
STOC-1997-Beaver #encryption- Commodity-Based Cryptography (Extended Abstract) (DB), pp. 446–455.
STOC-1997-BermanC #algorithm #online #problem- On-Line Algorithms for Steiner Tree Problems (Extended Abstract) (PB, CC), pp. 344–353.
STOC-1997-ChorG #information retrieval- Computationally Private Information Retrieval (Extended Abstract) (BC, NG), pp. 304–313.
STOC-1997-EdmondsCBD #execution #multi #scheduling- Non-clairvoyant Multiprocessor Scheduling of Jobs with Changing Execution Characteristics (Extended Abstract) (JE, DDC, TB, XD), pp. 120–129.
STOC-1997-FeigeK #game studies- Making Games Short (Extended Abstract) (UF, JK), pp. 506–516.
STOC-1997-HerlihyR #decidability #distributed- The Decidability of Distributed Decision Tasks (Extended Abstract) (MH, SR), pp. 589–598.
STOC-1997-LubyV #approximate- Approximately Counting Up To Four (Extended Abstract) (ML, EV), pp. 682–687.
STOC-1997-McCuaigRST- Permanents, Pfaffian Orientations, and Even Directed Circuits (Extended Abstract) (WM, NR, PDS, RT), pp. 402–405.
STOC-1997-Mulmuley #algebra #exclamation #proving- Is There an Algebraic Proof for P != NC? (Extended Abstract) (KM), pp. 210–219.
STOC-1997-NaorR #on the #permutation #pseudo- On the Construction of Pseudo-Random Permutations: Luby-Rackoff Revisited (Extended Abstract) (MN, OR), pp. 189–199.
STOC-1997-OstrovskyS- Private Information Storage (Extended Abstract) (RO, VS), pp. 294–303.
STOC-1997-PhillipsSTW #scheduling- Optimal Time-Critical Scheduling via Resource Augmentation (Extended Abstract) (CAP, CS, ET, JW), pp. 140–149.
STOC-1997-ShmoysTA #algorithm #approximate #problem- Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location Problems (Extended Abstract) (DBS, ÉT, KA), pp. 265–274.
STOC-1997-Trevisan #geometry- When Hamming Meets Euclid: The Approximability of Geometric TSP and MST (Extended Abstract) (LT), pp. 21–29.
DLT-1997-CaludeCK #automaton #simulation- Deterministic Automata: Simulation, Universality and Minimality. Extended Abstract (CSC, EC, BK), pp. 519–537.
ICALP-1997-BouajjaniH #analysis #reachability #set- Symbolic Reachability Analysis of FIFO Channel Systems with Nonregular Sets of Configurations (Extended Abstract) (AB, PH), pp. 560–570.
ICALP-1997-Bournez #bound #constant #power of- Some Bounds on the Computational Power of Piecewise Constant Derivative Systems (Extended Abstract) (OB), pp. 143–153.
ICALP-1997-CodenottiEGK- Checking Properties of Polynomials (Extended Abstract) (BC, FE, PG, RK), pp. 203–213.
ICALP-1997-EilamFZ #layout #network #problem- A Complete Characterization of the Path Layout Construction Problem for ATM Networks with Given Hop Count and Load (Extended Abstract) (TE, MF, SZ), pp. 527–537.
ICALP-1997-GiacobazziR #abstract domain- Refining and Compressing Abstract Domains (RG, FR), pp. 771–781.
ICALP-1997-Gianantonio #data type- An Abstract Data Type for Real Numbers (PDG), pp. 121–131.
ICALP-1997-GrossiI #algorithm #order #performance #problem- Efficient Splitting and Merging Algorithms for Order Decomposable Problems (Extended Abstract) (RG, GFI), pp. 605–615.
ICALP-1997-Milner #calculus #interactive #visual notation- Graphical Calculi for Interaction (Abstract) (RM), p. 1.
ICALP-1997-RielyH #distributed #process- Distributed Processes and Location Failures (Extended Abstract) (JR, MH), pp. 471–481.
ICALP-1997-RitterP #on the- On Explicit Substitution and Names (Extended Abstract) (ER, VdP), pp. 248–258.
ICALP-1997-Sangiorgi- The Name Discipline of Uniform Receptiveness (Extended Abstract) (DS), pp. 303–313.
ICALP-1997-SantisCP- Randomness-Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge (Extended Abstract) (ADS, GDC, GP), pp. 716–726.
ICFP-1997-CookL- Disposable Memo Functions (Extended Abstract) (BC, JL), p. 310.
ICFP-1997-FahndrichB #abstraction- Statically Checkable Pattern Abstractions (MF, JB), pp. 75–84.
ICFP-1997-Ostvold #functional #induction #recursion #source code #synthesis- Inductive Synthesis of Recursive Functional Programs (Poster Abstract) (BMØ), p. 323.
IFL-1997-BreitingerKLOP #automaton #distributed #named- DREAM: The DistRibuted Eden Abstract Machine (SB, UK, RL, YOM, RP), pp. 250–269.
CHI-1997-PedersenS #named #representation- AROMA: Abstract Representation of Presence Supporting Mutual Awareness (ERP, TS), pp. 51–58.
HCI-CC-1997-HolmL #abstraction #communication #modelling #multi- Combining Multiple Abstraction Mechanisms in Communication Modeling (PH, JL), pp. 93–96.
HCI-CC-1997-SavidisSE #design #incremental #interface #physics #polymorphism- Abstract Task Definition and Incremental Polymorphic Physical Instantiation: The Unified Interface Design Method (AS, CS, PLE), pp. 465–468.
HCI-SEC-1997-PedersenS #representation- Awareness Technology: Experiments with Abstract Representation (ERP, TS), pp. 933–936.
SIGIR-1997-AgostiBM #automation #information retrieval #named- ACHIRA: Automatic Construction of Hypertexts for Information Retrieval Applications (Abstract) (MA, LB, MM), p. 335.
SIGIR-1997-ChenHSS #categorisation #semantics- Semantic Search and Semantic Categorization (Abstract) (HC, AH, RRS, BRS), p. 335.
SIGIR-1997-ChenRS #visual notation- Visual SOM (Abstract) (HC, MR, TRS), p. 336.
ECOOP-1997-Gamma #design pattern- Going Beyond Objects with Design Patterns (Abstract) (EG), p. 530.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Normark #design #modelling #object-oriented #towards- Towards an Abstract Language for Dynamic Modeling in Object-Oriented Design (KN), pp. 120–131.
PLILP-1997-GiacobazziS #abstract interpretation- Intuitionistic Implication in Abstract Interpretation (RG, FS), pp. 175–189.
PLILP-1997-Xi #abstraction #evaluation- Evaluation Under λ Abstraction (HX), pp. 259–273.
POPL-1997-Cousot #abstract interpretation- Types as Abstract Interpretations (PC), pp. 316–331.
SAC-1997-Goldberg #learning- Virtual teams virtual projects = real learning (abstract only) (AG), p. 1.
SAC-1997-SolowayN #education #future of #learning #lessons learnt- The future of computers in education: learning 10 lessons from the past (abstract only) (ES, CAN), p. 2.
ESEC-FSE-1997-DwyerCH #abstraction #model checking #user interface #using #visual notation- Model Checking Graphical User Interfaces Using Abstractions (MBD, VC, LH), pp. 244–261.
ESEC-FSE-1997-Parnas #re-engineering- Software Engineering: An Unconsummated Marriage (Extended Abstract) (DLP), pp. 1–3.
ESEC-FSE-1997-PerryV- The Tale of Two Projects — Abstract (DEP, LGV), pp. 521–522.
ESEC-FSE-1997-Uhl #industrial #what- What we Expect from Software Engineers in the Industry (Abstract) (JU), p. 51.
ICSE-1997-Steele #evolution #java #web- Java and the Evolution of Web Software (Abstract) (GLSJ), p. 538.
ICSE-1997-Weiser #matter #people #re-engineering- Software Engineering That Matters to People (Abstract) (MW), p. 538.
ICSE-1997-Wile #syntax- Abstract Syntax from Concrete Syntax (DSW), pp. 472–480.
ICSE-1997-Yourdon #developer #re-engineering- Beyond Software Engineering: Ten Imperatives for the Successful Software Developer at the End of the Decade (Abstract) (EY), p. 538.
CADE-1997-DurandM #call-by #decidability #term rewriting- Decidable Call by Need Computations in term Rewriting (Extended Abstract) (ID, AM), pp. 4–18.
CADE-1997-HarlandP #constraints- Resource-Distribution via Boolean Constraint (Extended Abstract) (JH, DJP), pp. 222–236.
CAV-1997-BoigelotBR #analysis #hybrid #linear #reachability- An Improved Reachability Analysis Method for Strongly Linear Hybrid Systems (Extended Abstract) (BB, LB, SR), pp. 167–178.
CAV-1997-CeceF #effectiveness #source code- Programs with Quasi-Stable Channels are Effectively Recognizable (Extended Abstract) (GC, AF), pp. 304–315.
CAV-1997-GrafS #graph- Construction of Abstract State Graphs with PVS (SG, HS), pp. 72–83.
CAV-1997-PardoH #abstraction #automation #calculus #model checking #μ-calculus- Automatic Abstraction Techniques for Propositional μ-calculus Model Checking (AP, GDH), pp. 12–23.
CSL-1997-HartonasH #concurrent #functional #higher-order- Full Abstractness for a Functional/Concurrent Language with Higher-Order Value-Passing (Extended Abstract) (CH, MH), pp. 239–254.
ILPS-1997-Clarke #logic #model checking- Temporal Logic Model Checking (Abstract) (EMC), p. 3.
ILPS-1997-Dahl #logic programming #natural language- Logic Programming for Processing Natural Language (Abstract) (VD), pp. 41–42.
ILPS-1997-Gerth #model checking- Model Checking (Abstract) (RG), p. 39.
ILPS-1997-Hanus #declarative #multi #programming- Multi-Paradigm Declarative Programming (Abstract) (MH), pp. 43–45.
ILPS-1997-Hermenegildo #analysis #programming- Programming with Global Analysis (Abstract) (MVH), pp. 49–50.
ILPS-1997-Kifer #logic #transaction- Transaction Logic: An Introduction (Abstract) (MK), pp. 47–48.
ILPS-1997-Podelski #analysis #logic programming #source code- Set-Based Analysis of Logic Programs and Reactive Logic Programs (Abstract) (AP), pp. 35–36.
ILPS-1997-Smolka #constraints #programming- Constraint Programming in Oz (Abstract) (GS), pp. 37–38.
ILPS-1997-Tarau #internet #logic programming #tool support- Logic Programming Tools for Advanced Internet Programming (Abstract) (PT), pp. 33–34.
LICS-1997-AndersenH #diagrams- Boolean Expression Diagrams (Extended Abstract) (HRA, HH), pp. 88–98.
LICS-1997-CosmoK #normalisation #proving- Strong Normalization of Explicit Substitutions via Cut Elimination in Proof Nets (Extended Abstract) (RDC, DK), pp. 35–46.
LICS-1997-KanovichI #concurrent #linear #logic #process #specification- Temporal Linear Logic Specifications for Concurrent Processes (Extended Abstract) (MIK, TI), pp. 48–57.
LICS-1997-Laird #abstraction #functional- Full Abstraction for Functional Languages with Control (JL), pp. 58–67.
LICS-1997-McDowellM #higher-order #logic #reasoning #syntax- A Logic for Reasoning with Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (RM, DM), pp. 434–445.
LICS-1997-Rathke #fixpoint #induction #process- Unique Fixpoint Induction for Value-Passing Processes (Extended Abstract) (JR), pp. 140–148.
RTA-1997-OgataOF #automaton #named #order #term rewriting- TRAM: An Abstract Machine for Order-Sorted Conditioned Term Rewriting Systems (KO, KO, KF), pp. 335–338.
TLCA-1997-DespeyrouxPS #higher-order #recursion #syntax- Primitive Recursion for Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (JD, FP, CS), pp. 147–163.
PODS-1996-Egenhofer #database #research- Geographic Database Systems: Issues and Research Needs (Abstract) (MJE), p. 80.
PODS-1996-Manber #problem #research #web- Future Directions and Research Problems in the World Wide Web (Abstract) (UM), pp. 213–215.
SIGMOD-1996-BlottRS- An Open Storage System for Abstract Objects (SB, LR, HJS), pp. 330–340.
ESOP-1996-BakelBF #abstraction #normalisation #term rewriting- Rewrite Systems with Abstraction and β-Rule: Types, Approximants and Normalization (SvB, FB, MF), pp. 387–403.
ESOP-1996-GiacobazziR #abstract interpretation #composition #optimisation- Compositional Optimization of Disjunctive Abstract Interpretations (RG, FR), pp. 141–155.
TACAS-1996-Lamport #proving- Managing Proofs (Abstract) (LL), p. 34.
TACAS-1996-Rauzy #analysis #constraints #reduction #specification #using- Using the Constraint Language Toupie for “Software Cost Reduction” Specification Analysis (Abstract) (AR), p. 417.
ICSM-1996-Favre #perspective #preprocessor- Preprocessors from an Abstract Point of View (JMF), p. 329–?.
ICSM-1996-MortimerB #abstraction #maintenance #using- Maintenance and abstraction of program data using formal transformations (REM, KHB), p. 301–?.
WCRE-1996-Favre #perspective #preprocessor- Preprocessors from an Abstract Point of View (JMF), pp. 287–296.
WPC-1996-BailesBCJ #ada- Derivation and Presentation of an Abstract Program Space for Ada (PAB, PB, MC, DBJ), p. 230–?.
SAS-1996-Aiken #constraints #program analysis- Constraint-Based Program Analysis (Abstract) (AA), p. 1.
SAS-1996-AltFMW #abstract interpretation #behaviour #predict- Cache Behavior Prediction by Abstract Interpretation (MA, CF, FM, RW), pp. 52–66.
SAS-1996-Handjieva #abstract interpretation #named- STAN: A Static Analyzer for CLP(R) Based on Abstract Interpretation (MH), pp. 383–384.
SAS-1996-Venet #alias #analysis #source code- Abstract Cofibered Domains: Application to the Alias Analysis of Untyped Programs (AV), pp. 366–382.
STOC-1996-AfekMO #algorithm #complexity #convergence- Convergence Complexity of Optimistic Rate Based Flow Control Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (YA, YM, ZO), pp. 89–98.
STOC-1996-Ajtai #generative #problem- Generating Hard Instances of Lattice Problems (Extended Abstract) (MA), pp. 99–108.
STOC-1996-AllenderBO #complexity #equation #linear #matrix #rank- The Complexity of Matrix Rank and Feasible Systems of Linear Equations (Extended Abstract) (EA, RB, MO), pp. 161–167.
STOC-1996-AndrewsLMZ #automation #latency #network- Automatic Methods for Hiding Latency in High Bandwidth Networks (Extended Abstract) (MA, FTL, PTM, LZ), pp. 257–265.
STOC-1996-AwerbuchAFL #how #nondeterminism- Making Commitments in the Face of Uncertainty: How to Pick a Winner Almost Every Time (Extended Abstract) (BA, YA, AF, FTL), pp. 519–530.
STOC-1996-BasuPR #algebra #set- Computing Roadmaps of Semi-Algebraic Sets (Extended Abstract) (SB, RP, MFR), pp. 168–173.
STOC-1996-Beaver96a #adaptation- Adaptive Zero Knowledge and Computational Equivocation (Extended Abstract) (DB), pp. 629–638.
STOC-1996-BlumRV #algorithm #approximate #problem- A Constant-factor Approximation Algorithm for the k MST Problem (Extended Abstract) (AB, RR, SV), pp. 442–448.
STOC-1996-CheriyanT #algorithm #performance- Fast Algorithms for k-Shredders and k-Node Connectivity Augmentation (Extended Abstract) (JC, RT), pp. 37–46.
STOC-1996-Ma #fault tolerance #network #sorting- An O(n log n)-Size Fault-Tolerant Sorting Network (Extended Abstract) (YM), pp. 266–275.
STOC-1996-Naor #evaluation #generative- Evaluation May Be Easier Than Generation (Extended Abstract) (MN), pp. 74–83.
STOC-1996-NewmanS #communication #game studies- Public vs. Private Coin Flips in One Round Communication Games (Extended Abstract) (IN, MS), pp. 561–570.
STOC-1996-Ta-Shma #on the #random- On Extracting Randomness From Weak Random Sources (Extended Abstract) (ATS), pp. 276–285.
ICALP-1996-Billaud #fault- Fatal Errors in Conditional Expressions (Extended Abstract) (MB), pp. 146–157.
ICALP-1996-BradfordR #bound- Lower Bounds for Row Minima Searching (Extended Abstract) (PGB, KR), pp. 454–465.
ICALP-1996-Ganzinger #proving #theorem proving- Saturation-Based Theorem Proving (Abstract) (HG), pp. 1–3.
ICALP-1996-MitchellV #effectiveness #modelling #morphism #polymorphism #recursion #type system- Effective Models of Polymorphism, Subtyping and Recursion (Extended Abstract) (JCM, RV), pp. 170–181.
ICALP-1996-ShuklaHRS #complexity #finite #on the #problem #process #relational- On the Complexity of Relational Problems for Finite State Processes (Extended Abstract) (SKS, HBHI, DJR, RES), pp. 466–477.
FME-1996-Clement #abstraction- Data Reification without Explicit Abstraction Functions (TC), pp. 195–213.
ICFP-1996-GostanzaPN #data type #pattern matching- A New Look to Pattern Matching in Abstract Data Types (PPG, RP, MN), pp. 110–121.
CHI-1996-TweedieSDS #modelling- Externalising Abstract Mathematical Models (LT, RS, HD, HS), p. 406–?.
CAiSE-1996-Motschnig-PitrikM #abstraction #semantics- Semantics, Features, and Applications of the Viewpoint Abstraction (RMP, JM), pp. 514–539.
ICML-1996-Mannila #data mining #machine learning #mining- Data Mining and Machine Learning (Abstract) (HM), p. 555.
ICML-1996-Moore #learning- Reinforcement Learning in Factories: The Auton Project (Abstract) (AWM0), p. 556.
ICML-1996-Roverso #abstraction #knowledge base #multi #scalability- Analogy Access by Mapping Spreading and Abstraction in Large, Multifunctional Knowledge Bases (DR), pp. 418–426.
ICML-1996-Vapnik #statistics- Statistical Theory of Generalization (Abstract) (VV), p. 557.
KDD-1996-MannilaT96a #multi #set- Multiple Uses of Frequent Sets and Condensed Representations (Extended Abstract) (HM, HT), pp. 189–194.
KR-1996-Gottlob #complexity #power of- Complexity and Expressive Power of KR Formalisms (Invited Talk Abstract) (GG), pp. 647–649.
SIGIR-1996-Liddy #named- Posters: Abstracts (EDL), pp. 340–342.
SIGIR-1996-Rittberger- System Demonstrations: Abstracts (MR), pp. 338–339.
ECOOP-1996-KristensenM #abstraction #behaviour #named #process- Activities: Abstractions for Collective Behavior (BBK, DCMM), pp. 472–501.
OOPSLA-1996-GilL #abstraction- Environmental Acquisition — A New Inheritance-Like Abstraction Mechanism (JYG, DHL), pp. 214–231.
ALP-1996-Marchiori96a #abstract domain #first-order #logic #using- Prime Factorizations of Abstract Domains Using First Order Logic (EM), pp. 209–223.
ALP-1996-Volpe #abstraction #proving- Abstractions of Uniform Proofs (PV), pp. 224–237.
LOPSTR-1996-LeuschelS #how #logic programming- Logic Program Specialisation: How to Be More Specific (Abstract) (ML, DDS), p. 58.
LOPSTR-1996-PueblaH #parallel- Abstract Specialization and Its Application to Program Parallelization (GP, MVH), pp. 169–186.
PLILP-1996-Antoy #prolog- Needed Narrowing in Prolog (Extended Abstract) (SA), pp. 473–474.
PLILP-1996-Liu #database #deduction #programming language- The LOL Deductive Database Programming Language (Extended Abstract) (ML), pp. 454–468.
PLILP-1996-WeyerW #analysis #graph #prolog- Annotated Structure Shape Graphs for Abstract Analysis of Prolog (GW, WHW), pp. 92–106.
FSE-1996-GriswoldCBM #abstraction #scalability #tool support- Tool Support for Planning the Restructuring of Data Abstractions in Large Systems (WGG, MIC, RWB, JDM), pp. 33–45.
FSE-1996-Gunter #dependence- Abstracting Dependencies between Software Configuration Items (CAG), pp. 167–178.
FSE-1996-Jackson #problem- Problems, Methods, and Structures (Abstract) (MJ), p. 1.
FSE-1996-Petroski #concept- Engineering Bridges: From Concept to Reality (Abstract) (HP), p. 1.
FSE-1996-Rechtin #architecture- Software Systems Architecting (Abstract) (ER), p. 1.
ICSE-1996-Anderson #development #operating system- An Operating System Development: Windows 3 (Abstract) (CA), p. 101.
ICSE-1996-Binder #development- A Telecommunication Development: Siemens’ Digital Switching System, EWSD (Abstract) (HEB), p. 587.
ICSE-1996-Fischer #design- Domain-Oriented Design Environments (Extended Abstract) (GF), pp. 517–520.
ICSE-1996-GibbsB #challenge #concept #multi #programming #scalability- Large, Multimedia Programming — Concepts and Challenges (Abstract) (SJG, CB), pp. 439–440.
ICSE-1996-Hoare #how #proving #reliability- The Role of Formal Techniques: Past, Current and Future or How Did Software Get so Reliable without Proof? (Extended Abstract) (CARH), pp. 233–234.
ICSE-1996-Plattner #development #standard- A Standard Software Application Development: SAP R/3 (Abstract) (HP), p. 320.
ICSE-1996-Smith #development- Machine Support for Software Development (Abstract) (DRS), pp. 167–168.
CC-1996-BoucherF #compilation #implementation #paradigm #static analysis- Abstract Compilation: A New Implementation Paradigm for Static Analysis (DB, MF), pp. 192–207.
CADE-1996-Ganzinger #proving #theorem proving- Saturation-Based Theorem Proving: Past Successes and Future Potential (Abstract) (HG), p. 1.
CADE-1996-GanzingerW #monad #proving #theorem proving- Theorem Proving in Cancellative Abelian Monoids (Extended Abstract) (HG, UW), pp. 388–402.
CADE-1996-GiunchigliaV #abstraction #named #proving- ABSFOL: A Proof Checker with Abstraction (FG, AV), pp. 136–140.
CADE-1996-RitterPW- Proof-Terms for Classical and Intuitionistic Resolution (Extended Abstract) (ER, DJP, LAW), pp. 17–31.
CADE-1996-SagonasSW #automaton #source code- An Abstract Machine for Fixed-Order Dynamically Stratified Programs (KFS, TS, DSW), pp. 328–342.
CADE-1996-Scott #automation #deduction #what- What Can We Hope to Achieve From Automated Deduction? (Abstract) (DSS), p. 245.
CAV-1996-BoigelotG #communication #infinity #protocol #using #verification- Symbolic Verification of Communication Protocols with Infinite State Spaces Using QDDs (Extended Abstract) (BB, PG), pp. 1–12.
CAV-1996-CapellmannDFGNO #abstraction #behaviour #case study #detection #interactive #network #verification- Verification by Behaviour Abstraction — A Case Study of Service Interaction Detection in Intelligent Telephone Networks (CC, RD, FFV, RGE, UN, PO), pp. 466–469.
CAV-1996-EmersonN #automation #verification- Automatic Verification of Parameterized Synchronous Systems (Extended Abstract) (EAE, KSN), pp. 87–98.
CAV-1996-PistoreS #algorithm #refinement #π-calculus- A Partition Refinement Algorithm for the π-Calculus (Extended Abstract) (MP, DS), pp. 38–49.
CAV-1996-ShuklaHR #game studies #model checking #verification- HORNSAT, Model Checking, Verification and games (Extended Abstract) (SKS, HBHI, DJR), pp. 99–110.
CAV-1996-TripakisY #analysis #bisimulation- Analysis of Timed Systems Based on Time-Abstracting Bisimulation (ST, SY), pp. 232–243.
CSL-1996-Merkle #bound- Exact Pairs for Abstract Bounded Reducibilities (WM), pp. 349–368.
ISSTA-1996-Corbett #concurrent #modelling #realtime- Constructing Abstract Models of Concurrent Real-Time Software (JCC), pp. 250–260.
JICSLP-1996-AravindanBDFNNSS #logic programming #on the #paradigm #proving #theorem proving- On Merging Theorem Proving and Logic Programming Paradigms (Poster Abstract) (CA, PB, JD, UF, GN, IN, DS, FS), p. 546.
JICSLP-1996-Bornscheuer #generative #modelling- Generating Rational Models (Poster Abstract) (SEB), p. 547.
JICSLP-1996-BurgardCFKL #detection #logic programming #tool support- Logic Programming Tools Applied to Fire Detection in Hard-coal Mines (Poster Abstract) (WB, ABC, DF, AMK, SLK), p. 532.
JICSLP-1996-Chau #definite clause grammar #specification- Specification of Complex Systems with Definite Clause Grammar (Poster Abstract) (HLC), p. 544.
JICSLP-1996-DeransartPBS #hypermedia #logic programming #source code- A Hypertext Based Environment to Write Literate Logic Programs (Poster Abstract) (PD, PP, RdSB, JdS), p. 540.
JICSLP-1996-DobrohoczkiKN #prolog #visualisation- Colour Tagging for Prolog Visualization (Poster Abstract) (MD, AJK, EN), p. 548.
JICSLP-1996-Ducassen #prolog- Tracing Prolog without a Tracer (Poster Abstract) (MD, JN), p. 534.
JICSLP-1996-FileR #abstract domain- Complementation of Abstract Domains made Easy (GF, FR), pp. 348–362.
JICSLP-1996-FordanGN #constraints #optimisation #problem #using- Optimizing Constraint-Intensive Problems Using Early Projection (Poster Abstract) (AF, UG, AN), p. 537.
JICSLP-1996-FreireSW #database #logic programming- Logic Programming and Databases Integrated at Last? (Poster Abstract) (JF, TS, DSW), p. 538.
JICSLP-1996-JampelJG #framework- A General Framework for Integrating HCLP and PCSP (Poster Abstract) (MJ, JMJ, DRG), p. 543.
JICSLP-1996-Kolbe #3d #image #modelling #recognition- Recognition of 3D Objects in Aerial Images on Generic Models (Poster Abstract) (THK), p. 533.
JICSLP-1996-Luttringhaus-KappelS #lazy evaluation #performance #set- Applications of Efficient Lazy Set Expression (Poster Abstract) (SLK, DS), p. 531.
JICSLP-1996-Neumerkel96a #named #programming #prolog- GUPU: A Prolog Course Environment and its Programming Methodology (Poster Abstract) (UN), p. 549.
JICSLP-1996-Ngo #database #deduction #probability- Probabilistic Disjunctive Deductive Databases (Poster Abstract) (LN), p. 541.
JICSLP-1996-PettorossiPR #algorithm #deduction #how #specification #string- How to Extend Partial Deduction to Derive the KMP String-Matching Algorithm from a Naive Specification (Poster Abstract) (AP, MP, SR), p. 539.
JICSLP-1996-PontelliG- Dependent And-Parallelism Revisited (Poster Abstract) (EP, GG), p. 542.
JICSLP-1996-Puget #constraints #programming- Constraint Programming (Abstract) (JFP), p. 3.
JICSLP-1996-SagonasSW #automaton #semantics- An Abstract Machine for Computing the Well-Founded Semantics (KFS, TS, DSW), pp. 274–288.
JICSLP-1996-SchwitterF- Attempto Controlled English (ACE) A Seemingly Informal Bridgehead in Formal Territory (Poster Abstract) (RS, NEF), p. 536.
JICSLP-1996-TamuraK #compilation #linear #logic programming #programming language #resource management- Resource Management Method for a Compiler System of a Linear Logic Programming Language (Poster Abstract) (NT, YK), p. 545.
JICSLP-1996-WetzelKT #constraints #logic #named #programming- PROCALOG — Programming with Constraints and Abducibles in Logic (Poster Abstract) (GW, RAK, FT), p. 535.
LICS-1996-DanosHR #automaton #game studies #semantics- Game Semantics & Abstract Machines (VD, HH, LR), pp. 394–405.
LICS-1996-FioreMS #π-calculus- A Fully-Abstract Model for the π-Calculus (Extended Abstract) (MPF, EM, DS), pp. 43–54.
LICS-1996-McCusker #abstraction #game studies- Games and Full Abstraction for FPC (GM), pp. 174–183.
LICS-1996-Nieuwenhuis #decidability- Basic Paramodulation and Decidable Theories (Extended Abstract) (RN), pp. 473–482.
LICS-1996-Ong #category theory #proving #semantics- A Semantic View of Classical Proofs: Type-Theoretic, Categorical, and Denotational Characterizations (Preliminary Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 230–241.
LICS-1996-Selinger #finite #modelling- Order-Incompleteness and Finite λ Models (Extended Abstract) (PS), pp. 432–439.
LICS-1996-Stark #abstract domain #domain model #π-calculus- A Fully Abstract Domain Model for the π-Calculus (IS), pp. 36–42.
RTA-1996-Huet #design #proving- Design Proof Assistant (Abstract) (GPH), p. 153.
RTA-1996-Kesner #confluence #λ-calculus- Confluence Properties of Extensional and Non-Extensional λ-Calculi with Explicit Substitutions (Extended Abstract) (DK), pp. 184–199.
RTA-1996-Madlener #monad- Applications of Rewrite Techniques in Monoids and Rings (Abstract) (KM), p. 260.
RTA-1996-WaltersK #automaton #equation #named- EPIC: An Equational Language -Abstract Machine Supporting Tools- (HRW, JFTK), pp. 424–427.
DAC-1995-AltmeyerSS #framework #generative #modelling- Generating ECAD Framework Code from Abstract Models (JA, BS, MS), pp. 88–93.
DAC-1995-JainBJ #abstraction #automation- Automatic Clock Abstraction from Sequential Circuits (SJ, REB, AJ), pp. 707–711.
VLDB-1995-Korth #abstraction #concept #evolution #transaction- The Double Life of the Transaction Abstraction: Fundamental Principle and Evolving System Concept (HFK), pp. 2–6.
WCRE-1995-YehHR #data type- Recovering Abstract Data Types and Object Instances from a Conventional Procedural Language (ASY, DRH, HBR), pp. 227–236.
PEPM-1995-Cridlig #analysis #concurrent #model checking #semantics #using- Semantic Analysis of Shared-Memory Concurrent Languages using Abstract Model-Checking (RC), pp. 214–225.
PEPM-1995-Debray #abstract interpretation #low level #optimisation- Abstract Interpretation and Low-Level Code Optimization (SKD), pp. 111–121.
PEPM-1995-Deutsch #abstract interpretation #data type #induction #modelling #pointer #semantics- Semantic models and abstract interpretation techniques for inductive data structures and pointers (AD), pp. 226–229.
PEPM-1995-Goubault #automaton #higher-order #interpreter- Schedulers as Abstract Interpreter of Higher Dimensional Automata (EG), pp. 134–145.
PEPM-1995-Monsuez #abstract interpretation #strict #type inference #using- Using Abstract Interpretation to Define a Strictness Type Inference System (BM), pp. 122–133.
SAS-1995-CleavelandIY #abstraction #model checking- Optimality in Abstractions of Model Checking (RC, SPI, DY), pp. 51–63.
SAS-1995-CortesiFGPR #abstract interpretation- Complementation in Abstract Interpretation (AC, GF, RG, CP, FR), pp. 100–117.
SAS-1995-Monsuez #abstract interpretation #system f- System F and Abstract Interpretation (BM), pp. 279–295.
SAS-1995-Schmidt-SchausPS #calculus #reduction #using- Abstract Reduction Using a Tableau Calculus (MSS, SEP, MS), pp. 348–365.
SAS-1995-Schmidt #abstract interpretation #semantics- Natural-Semantics-Based Abstract Interpretation (Preliminary Version) (DAS), pp. 1–18.
SAS-1995-Vedrine #abstract interpretation #analysis #strict- Binding-Time Analysis and Strictness Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (FV), pp. 400–417.
SAS-1995-WolperB #approach #constraints- An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Presburger Arithmetic Constraints (Extended Abstract) (PW, BB), pp. 21–32.
STOC-1995-AfekDT #performance- Wait-free made fast (Extended Abstract) (YA, DD, DT), pp. 538–547.
STOC-1995-BshoutyT #fourier #on the- On the Fourier spectrum of monotone functions (Extended Abstract) (NHB, CT), pp. 219–228.
STOC-1995-DolevKKP #adaptation #named #network #performance- Bubbles: adaptive routing scheme for high-speed dynamic networks (Extended Abstract) (SD, EK, DK, DP), pp. 528–537.
STOC-1995-FerraginaG #data type #string- A fully-dynamic data structure for external substring search (Extended Abstract) (PF, RG), pp. 693–702.
STOC-1995-FranklinY #privacy- Secure hypergraphs: privacy from partial broadcast (Extended Abstract) (MKF, MY), pp. 36–44.
STOC-1995-GalilY #theorem- Short length versions of Menger’s theorem (Extended Abstract) (ZG, XY), pp. 499–508.
STOC-1995-GoldmannH- Monotone circuits for connectivity have depth (log n)2-o(1) (Extended Abstract) (MG, JH), pp. 569–574.
STOC-1995-HartI #performance- Fast protein folding in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic model within three-eights of optimal (Extended Abstract) (WEH, SI), pp. 157–168.
STOC-1995-KavrakiLMR #query #random- Randomized query processing in robot path planning (Extended Abstract) (LEK, JCL, RM, PR), pp. 353–362.
STOC-1995-MansourP- Many-to-one packet routing on grids (Extended Abstract) (YM, BPS), pp. 258–267.
STOC-1995-Pulleyblank #problem- Two Steiner tree packing problems (Extended Abstract) (WRP), pp. 383–387.
DLT-1995-Dorr #abstract interpretation #bound- Computing an Upper Bound for SVS(gg) by Abstract Interpretation (HD), pp. 279–288.
ICALP-1995-Ambos-Spies #approximate #on the #polynomial- On Optimal Polynomial Time Approximations: P-Levelability vs. Delta-Levelability (Extended Abstract) (KAS), pp. 384–392.
ICALP-1995-Ben-AmramG #algebra #bound #random- Lower Bounds on Algebraic Random Access Machines (Extended Abstract) (AMBA, ZG), pp. 360–371.
ICALP-1995-DiekertG #concurrent #termination- A Domain for Concurrent Termination: A Generalization of Mazurkiewicz Traces (Extended Abstract) (VD, PG), pp. 15–26.
ICALP-1995-GrecoSZ #automaton #logic programming #source code- The PushDown Method to Optimize Chain Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (SG, DS, CZ), pp. 523–534.
FPCA-1995-CousotC #abstract interpretation #constraints #formal method #program analysis- Formal Language, Grammar and Set-Constraint-Based Program Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 170–181.
FPCA-1995-MorrisettFH #memory management #modelling- Abstract Models of Memory Management (JGM, MF, RH), pp. 66–77.
ICML-1995-Croft #information retrieval #machine learning- Machine Learning and Information Retrieval (Abstract) (WBC), p. 587.
ICML-1995-Heckerman #learning #network- Learning With Bayesian Networks (Abstract) (DH), p. 588.
ECOOP-1995-Thomas #case study #experience- Experiences on The Road to Object Utopia (Abstract) (DAT), p. 1.
LOPSTR-1995-GallardoT #abstract interpretation #cost analysis #framework #logic- Studying the Cost of Logic Languages in an Abstract Interpretation Framework for Granularity Analysis (MdMG, JMT), pp. 91–105.
PLILP-1995-ChinK #deforestation- Better Consumers for Deforestation (Extended Abstract) (WNC, SCK), pp. 223–240.
PLILP-1995-Jones #programming- Programming with Constructor Classes (Abstract) (MPJ), p. 26.
PLILP-1995-MehlSS #automaton- An Abstract Machine for Oz (MM, RS, CS), pp. 151–168.
ESEC-1995-Bancilhon #database #why- Why We Need Object Databases (Abstract) (FB), pp. 3–4.
ESEC-1995-Jarzabek #named #specification- PQL: A Language for Specifying Abstract Program Views (SJ), pp. 324–342.
ESEC-1995-Schwartzel #industrial- Demands and Perspectives for Future Software Engineers: An Industrial Viewpoint (Abstract) (HS), pp. 1–2.
ESEC-1995-WarrenS #abstraction- Dynamic Configuration Abstraction (IW, IS), pp. 173–190.
FSE-1995-HoffmanS #abstraction #composition #development- State Abstraction and Modular Software Development (DH, PAS), pp. 53–61.
HPCA-1995-SivasubramaniamSRV #locality #network #parallel- Abstracting Network Characteristics and Locality Properties of Parallel Systems (AS, AS, UR, HV), pp. 54–63.
HPDC-1995-KohliAS #abstraction #distributed #named- Indigo: User-Level Support for Building Distributed Shared Abstractions (PK, MA, KS), pp. 130–137.
IWMM-1995-Wadler #static analysis- Static Analysis Refuses to Stay Still: Prospects of Static Analysis for Dynamic Allocation (Abstract) (PW), p. 117.
PPoPP-1995-BaderJ #algorithm #case study #component #image #parallel- Parallel Algorithms for Image Histogramming and Connected Components with an Experimental Study (Extended Abstract) (DAB, JJ), pp. 123–133.
CAV-1995-Bryant #multi #verification- Multipliers and Dividers: Insights on Arithmetic Circuits Verification (Extended Abstract) (REB), pp. 1–3.
CAV-1995-DingelF #abstraction #infinity #model checking #proving #reasoning #theorem proving #using- Model Checking for Infinite State Systems Using Data Abstraction, Assumption-Commitment Style reasoning and Theorem Proving (JD, TF), pp. 54–69.
CAV-1995-Emerson #calculus #model checking #tutorial #μ-calculus- Methods for μ-calculus Model Checking: A Tutorial (Abstract) (EAE), p. 141.
CAV-1995-HojatiB #abstraction #automation #hardware- Automatic Datapath Abstraction In Hardware Systems (RH, RKB), pp. 98–113.
CAV-1995-SokolskyS #model checking #realtime- Local Model Checking for Real-Time Systems (Extended Abstract) (OS, SAS), pp. 211–224.
ICLP-1995-KrallB #automaton #compilation #incremental #prolog- Incremental Global Compilation of Prolog with the Vienna Abstract Machine (AK, TB), pp. 333–347.
ICLP-1995-MulkersSJB #equation #on the- On the Practicality of Abstract Equation Systems (AM, WS, GJ, MB), pp. 781–795.
ILPS-1995-CominiLM #abstraction #composition- Compositionality in SLD-Derivations and their Abstractions (MC, GL, MCM), pp. 561–575.
ILPS-1995-DidierE #abstraction #term rewriting- Abstraction of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems (DB, RE), pp. 162–176.
ILPS-1995-GiacobazziR #abstract interpretation #dependence #functional #semantics- Functional Dependencies and Moore-Set Completions of Abstract Interpretations and Semantics (RG, FR), pp. 321–335.
ILPS-1995-JaffarMN #case study #logic programming #modelling- Logic Programming and Object Modelling: A Case Study (Abstract) (JJ, MJM, GN), p. 48.
ILPS-1995-JanssensBD #abstract interpretation #automaton #constraints #logic programming #source code- A Blueprint for an Abstract Machine for Abstract Interpretation of (Constraint) Logic Programs (GJ, MB, VD), pp. 336–350.
ILPS-1995-Kuchen #functional #implementation #logic programming #tutorial- Implementation Issues for Functional Logic Programming (Tutorial Abstract) (HK), pp. 612–613.
ILPS-1995-Liu #datalog #named #set #tuple- Relationlog: A Typed Extension to Datalog with Sets and Tuples (Extended Abstract) (ML), pp. 83–97.
ILPS-1995-Millroth #parallel #trade-off #tutorial- Tradeoffs Explicit and Omplicit Parallelism (Tutorial Abstract) (HM), p. 614.
ILPS-1995-Moss #logic #tutorial- Logic and Objects (Tutorial Abstract) (CM), pp. 609–611.
ILPS-1995-SchreyeLM #tutorial- Tutorial on Program Specialisation (Abstract) (DDS, ML, BM), pp. 615–616.
LICS-1995-AbramskyM #abstraction #game studies #lazy evaluation #λ-calculus- Games and Full Abstraction for the Lazy λ-Calculus (SA, GM), pp. 234–243.
LICS-1995-Andersen #model checking- Partial Model Checking (Extended Abstract) (HRA), pp. 398–407.
LICS-1995-ComonNR #constraints #order #theorem proving- Orderings, AC-Theories and Symbolic Constraint Solving (Extended Abstract) (HC, RN, AR), pp. 375–385.
LICS-1995-DowekHK #higher-order #unification- Higher-Order Unification via Explicit Substitutions (Extended Abstract) (GD, TH, CK), pp. 366–374.
LICS-1995-Jeffrey #concurrent #functional #monad #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Concurrent Functional Language with Monadic Types (AJ), pp. 255–264.
LICS-1995-LongoMS #logic #type system- A Logic of Subtyping (Extended Abstract) (GL, KM, SS), pp. 292–299.
LICS-1995-NadathurL #logic programming #proving- Uniform Proofs and Disjunctive Logic Programming (Extended Abstract) (GN, DWL), pp. 148–155.
LICS-1995-Piperno #normalisation- Normalization and Extensionality (Extended Abstract) (AP), pp. 300–310.
RTA-1995-Matiyasevich #logic #on the- On Some Mathematical Logic Contributions to Rewriting Techniques: Lost Heritage (Abstract) (YM), p. 1.
RTA-1995-Nipkow #higher-order #term rewriting- Higher-Order Rewrite Systems (Abstract) (TN), p. 256.
RTA-1995-Stickel #proving #term rewriting #theorem proving- Term Rewriting in Contemporary Resolution Theorem Proving (Abstract) (MES), p. 101.
TLCA-1995-DespeyrouxFH #coq #higher-order #syntax- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in Coq (JD, APF, AH), pp. 124–138.
TLCA-1995-RitterP #ml #standard #λ-calculus- A Fully Abstract Translation between a λ-Calculus with Reference Types and Standard ML (ER, AMP), pp. 397–413.
DAC-1994-ArnsteinT #abstraction #behaviour #synthesis #tool support- The Attributed-Behavior Abstraction and Synthesis Tools (LFA, DET), pp. 557–561.
DAC-1994-VerlindKJLM #abstraction #communication #performance #verification- A Time Abstraction Method for Efficient Verification of Communicating Systems (EV, TK, GGdJ, BL, HDM), pp. 609–614.
KBSE-1994-DekkerV #data type #recognition- Abstract Data Structure Recognition (RD, FV), pp. 133–140.
VLDB-1994-PirotteZMY #abstraction #named #ubiquitous- Materialization: A Powerful and Ubiquitous Abstraction Pattern (AP, EZ, DM, TY), pp. 630–641.
ESOP-J-1992-HankinH94 #abstract interpretation #approximate #fixpoint- Approximate Fixed Points in Abstract Interpretation (CH, SH), pp. 283–306.
ESOP-J-1992-HughesL94 #abstract interpretation- Reversing Abstract Interpretations (JH, JL), pp. 307–326.
ESOP-1994-Moreau #automaton #continuation #evaluation #functional #parallel #source code- The PCKS-Machine: An Abstract Machine for Sound Evaluation of Parallel Functional Programs with First-Class Continuations (LM), pp. 424–438.
ESOP-1994-OHearnR #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism- Fully Abstract Translations and Parametric Polymorphism (PWO, JGR), pp. 454–468.
ICSM-1994-CanforaCTM #data type #identification #precise #reuse- A Precise Method for Identifying Reusable Abstract Data Types in Code (GC, AC, MT, MM), pp. 404–413.
ICSM-1994-Khan #abstraction #design #multi- Design Extraction by Adiabatic Multi-Perspective Abstraction (JIK), pp. 191–200.
ICSM-1994-TanD #information management- Abstracting Plan-like Program Information: A Demonstration (EST, HGD), pp. 262–271.
SAS-1994-BoulangerB #abstract domain- A Systematic Construction of Abstract Domains (DB, MB), pp. 61–77.
SAS-1994-Getzinger #abstract interpretation #cost analysis #optimisation #prolog- The Costs and Benefits of Abstract Interpretation-driven Prolog Optimization (TWG), pp. 1–25.
SAS-1994-Halbwachs #abstract interpretation #programming- About Synchronous Programming and Abstract Interpretation (NH), pp. 179–192.
SAS-1994-Mauborgne #abstract interpretation #using- Abstract Interpretation Using TDGs (LM), pp. 363–379.
STOC-1994-AzarBKU- Balanced allocations (extended abstract) (YA, AZB, ARK, EU), pp. 593–602.
STOC-1994-BenalohT- Receipt-free secret-ballot elections (extended abstract) (JCB, DT), pp. 544–553.
STOC-1994-ChariRS #algorithm #approximate #probability- Improved algorithms via approximations of probability distributions (extended abstract) (SC, PR, AS), pp. 584–592.
STOC-1994-FeigeKN- A minimal model for secure computation (extended abstract) (UF, JK, MN), pp. 554–563.
STOC-1994-GoldreichOP #complexity- Computational complexity and knowledge complexity (extended abstract) (OG, RO, EP), pp. 534–543.
STOC-1994-JacquetS #algorithm #analysis #equation #functional- A functional equation often arising in the analysis of algorithms (extended abstract) (PJ, WS), pp. 780–789.
STOC-1994-PapadimitriouY #bound #complexity #on the- On complexity as bounded rationality (extended abstract) (CHP, MY), pp. 726–733.
STOC-1994-Patt-ShamirR #formal method- A theory of clock synchronization (extended abstract) (BPS, SR), pp. 810–819.
STOC-1994-VavasisY- An accelerated interior point method whose running time depends only on A (extended abstract) (SAV, YY), pp. 512–521.
STOC-1994-Wigderson #independence #power of- The amazing power of pairwise independence (abstract) (AW), pp. 645–647.
FME-1994-Jackson #infinity #model checking #specification- Abstract Model Checking of Infinite Specifications (DJ), pp. 519–531.
FME-1994-RitchieBH #automaton #case study #experience #using- Experiences in Using the Abstract Machine Notation in a GKS Case Study (BR, JB, HPH), pp. 93–104.
CHI-1994-Newman94a #analysis #human-computer #research #using- A Preliminary Analysis of the Products of HCI Research, Using Pro Forma Abstracts (WN), pp. 278–284.
CSCW-1994-FowlerBDKGLPG #abstraction #experience #hypermedia- Experience with the Virtual Notebook System: Abstraction in Hypertext (JF, DGB, RD, VK, HG, KBL, CP, GAG), pp. 133–143.
AdaEurope-1994-BarbeyB #ada #data type #specification #testing #using- Testing Ada Abstract Data Types Using Formal Specifications (SB, DB), pp. 76–89.
AdaEurope-1994-SotirovskiJK #data type- Beyond Abstract Data Types: Giving Life to Objects (DMS, SSJ, PK), pp. 111–120.
TRI-Ada-1994-Kempe #ada #data type- Abstract Data Types are Under Full Control with Ada 9X (MK), pp. 141–152.
CAiSE-1994-CauvetS #abstraction #concept #locality #modelling #object-oriented- Abstraction Forms in Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling: Localization, Aggregation and Generalization Extensions (CC, FS), pp. 149–171.
CAiSE-1994-Keszenheimer #abstraction #behaviour #evolution #maintenance- Utilizing Behavioral Abstractions to Facilitate Maintenance During Class Evolution (LMK), pp. 325–338.
CIKM-1994-RezendeH #abstraction #semantics #using- A Lock Method for KBMSs Using Abstraction Relationships’ Semantics (FdFR, TH), pp. 112–121.
ICML-1994-Pereira #bias #machine learning #natural language #problem- Frequencies vs. Biases: Machine Learning Problems in Natural Language Processing — Abstract (FCNP), p. 380.
KDD-1994-ChuC #abstraction #concept #database- Abstraction of High Level Concepts from Numerical Values in Databases (WWC, KC), pp. 133–144.
KR-1994-Carbonell #information management #learning #representation- Knowledge Representation Issues in Integrated Planning and Learning Systems (Abstract) (JGC), p. 633.
KR-1994-Padghamd #research- Systems vs. Theory vs. ... : KR&R Research Methodologies (Abstract) (LP), p. 649.
KR-1994-Schubert #information management #natural language #reasoning #representation- Exploiting Natural Language for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Abstract) (LKS), pp. 650–651.
KR-1994-Woods- Beyond Ignorance-Based Systems (Abstract) (WAW), p. 646.
SEKE-1994-SuzukiT #abstraction #behaviour #retrieval #using- Associative program retrieval using partially-ordered behavioral abstractions of a program (HS, NT), pp. 395–404.
SIGIR-1994-MiikeIOS #generative #retrieval- A Full-Text Retrieval System with a Dynamic Abstract Generation Function (SM, EI, KO, KS), pp. 152–161.
ECOOP-1994-Hursch #question- Should Superclasses be Abstract? (WLH), pp. 12–31.
ECOOP-1994-LopesL #concurrent #object-oriented- Abstracting Process-to-Function Relations in Concurrency Object-Oriented Applications (CVL, KJL), pp. 81–99.
OOPSLA-1994-Kristensen #abstraction #modelling #object-oriented- Complex Associations: Abstractions in Object-Oriented Modeling (BBK), pp. 272–286.
LOPSTR-1994-CominiLV #debugging #logic programming- Abstract Debugging of Logic Program (MC, GL, GV), pp. 440–450.
LOPSTR-1994-MarakakisG #data type #design #logic programming #source code #top-down #using- Schema-Based Top-Down Design of Logic Programs Using Abstract Data Types (EIM, JPG), pp. 138–153.
PLILP-1994-BoulangerBD #approach #using- Abstracting s-semantincs Using A Model-Theoretic Approach (DB, MB, MD), pp. 432–446.
PLILP-1994-JanssensBE- Abstracting Numerical Values in CLP(H, N) (GJ, MB, VE), pp. 400–414.
PLILP-1994-ZffanellaGL #concurrent #constraints #programming- Abstracting Synchronization in Concurrent Constraint Programming (EZ, RG, GL), pp. 57–72.
POPL-1994-CortesiCH #abstract domain #logic programming- Combinations of Abstract Domains for Logic Programming (AC, BLC, PVH), pp. 227–239.
ICRE-1994-GoldinB #abstraction #design #elicitation #evaluation #natural language #prototype #requirements- AbstFinder, a prototype abstraction finder for natural language text for use in requirements elicitation: design, methodology, and evaluation (LG, DMB), pp. 84–93.
ICRE-1994-MaidenS #abstraction #requirements #using- Requirements critiquing using domain abstractions (NAMM, AGS), pp. 184–193.
SAC-1994-ChangCG #abstract interpretation #bottom-up #execution #logic programming #source code- Abstract filters: improving bottom-up execution of logic programs by two-phase abstract interpretation (BMC, KMC, RG), pp. 388–393.
SAC-1994-KaraliH #data type #parallel #prolog- Abstract data type support in Prolog and its relation to parallelism (IK, CH), pp. 415–419.
SAC-1994-Silva-Lepe #graph #object-oriented #source code #specification- Abstracting graph-based specifications of object-oriented programs (ISL), pp. 447–451.
FSE-1994-BowdidgeG #automation #data type #encapsulation- Automated Support for Encapsulating Abstract Data Types (RWB, WGG), pp. 97–110.
ICSE-1994-Gaudel #specification- Formal Specification Techniques (Extended Abstract) (MCG), pp. 223–227.
CC-1994-CheathamGS #analysis #interpreter #tool support- A Suite of Analysis Tools Based on a General Purpose Abstract Interpreter (TC, HG, DCS), pp. 188–202.
CC-1994-JanssensS #abstract interpretation #constraints #implementation #logic programming #on the #source code- On the Implementation of Abstract Interpretation Systems for (Constraint) Logic Programs (GJ, WS), pp. 172–187.
CADE-1994-BeckertP #agile #named #proving #theorem proving- leanTAP: Lean Tableau-Based Theorem Proving (Extended Abstract) (BB, JP), pp. 793–797.
CADE-1994-Constable- Exporting and Refecting Abstract Metamathematics (RLC), p. 529.
CADE-1994-GollerLMS- SETHEO V3.2: Recent Developments — System Abstract (CG, RL, KM, JS), pp. 778–782.
CADE-1994-Jackson #algebra #type system- Exploring Abstract Algebra in Constructive Type Theory (PJ), pp. 590–604.
CADE-1994-Platek #proving #what- What is a Proof? (Abstract) (RP), p. 431.
CADE-1994-Schumann #bottom-up #named #preprocessor #proving #theorem proving #top-down- DELTA — A Bottom-up Preprocessor for Top-Down Theorem Provers — System Abstract (JS), pp. 774–777.
CAV-1994-BernholtzVW #approach #model checking- An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Branching-Time Model Checking (Extended Abstract) (OB, MYV, PW), pp. 142–155.
CAV-1994-DamsGDHKP #abstraction #adaptation #model checking #using- Model Checking Using Adaptive State and Data Abstraction (DD, RG, GD, RH, PK, HP), pp. 455–467.
CAV-1994-Graf #abstraction #distributed #memory management #using #verification- Verification of a Distributed Cache Memory by Using Abstractions (SG), pp. 207–219.
CAV-1994-OliveroSY #abstraction #hybrid #linear #using #verification- Using Abstractions for the Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems (AO, JS, SY), pp. 81–94.
ICLP-1994-BoulangerS #abstract interpretation #approach #compilation- Compiling Control Revisited: A New Approach based upon Abstract Interpretation (DB, DDS), pp. 699–713.
ICLP-1994-LaunchburyJ #lazy evaluation #thread- Lazy Funtional State Threads: An Abstract (JL, SLPJ), pp. 3–5.
ILPS-1994-CharlierRH #abstract interpretation #framework #prolog- An Abstract Interpretation Framework which Accurately Handles Prolog Search-Rule and the Cut (BLC, SR, PVH), pp. 157–171.
ILPS-1994-FileR #abstract interpretation #set- Improving Abstract Interpretations by Systematic Lifting to the Powerset (GF, FR), pp. 655–669.
ILPS-1994-Jones #abstract interpretation #functional #logic programming #partial evaluation- Abstract Interpretation and Partial Evaluation in Functional and Logic Programming (NDJ), pp. 17–22.
ILPS-1994-SwiftW94a #automaton #source code- An Abstract Machine for SLG Resolution: Definite Programs (TS, DSW), pp. 633–652.
ISSTA-1994-BertolinoM #bound #branch #testing- A Meaningful Bound for Branch Testing (Abstract) (AB, MM), p. 202.
ISSTA-1994-Forgacs #fault- The All Program Functions Criterion for Revealing Computation Errors (Abstract) (IF), p. 198.
ISSTA-1994-HowdenH #dependence #metric- Confidence Oriented Software Dependability Measurement (Abstract) (WEH, YH), p. 196.
ISSTA-1994-Marcus #composition #correctness #testing #verification- The Incorporation of Testing into Verification: Direct, Modular, and Hierarchical Correctness Degrees (Abstract) (LM), p. 197.
ISSTA-1994-MurrillM #approach #fault #semantics #using- An Experimental Approach to Analyzing Software Semantics Using Error Flow Information (Abstract) (BWM, LJM), p. 200.
ISSTA-1994-PollockBS #debugging- Debugging Optimized Code Via Tailoring (Abstract) (LLP, MPB, MLS), p. 201.
ISSTA-1994-Young #analysis #testing- State-Space Analysis as an Aid to Testing (Abstract) (MY), p. 203.
LICS-1994-Burstall #proving #refinement- Terms, Proofs, and Refinement (Extended abstract) (RMB), pp. 2–7.
LICS-1994-Hemaspaandra #complexity #logic- Complexity Transfer for Modal Logic (Extended Abstract) (EH), pp. 164–173.
LICS-1994-Jeffrey #concurrent #graph #reduction #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for Concurrent Graph Reduction (AJ), pp. 82–91.
SIGMOD-1993-Egenhofer #database #navigation #requirements #what- What’s Special about Spatial? Database Requirements for Vehicle Navigation in Geographic Space (Extended Abstract) (MJE), pp. 398–402.
SIGMOD-1993-Watters #calculus #relational- Interpreting a Reconstructed Relational Calculus (Extended Abstract) (AW), pp. 367–376.
VLDB-1993-AmatoGM #abstract interpretation #analysis #database #programming- Data Sharing Analysis for a Database Programming Lanaguage via Abstract Interpretation (GA, FG, GM), pp. 405–415.
CSM-1993-CanforaCMT #c #case study #data type #source code- Extracting Abstract Data Types from C Programs: A Case Study (GC, AC, MM, CJT), pp. 200–209.
CSM-1993-EdwardsM #lifecycle #logic #using- Abstracting the Logical Processing Life Cycle for Entities Using the RECAST Method (HME, MM), pp. 162–171.
WCRE-1993-CanforaCM #data type #identification #reuse #reverse engineering- A Reverse Engineering Method for Identifying Reusable Abstract Data Types (GC, AC, MM), pp. 73–82.
PEPM-1993-CodishMBBH #abstract interpretation- Improving Abstract Interpretations by Combining Domains (MC, AM, MB, MJGdlB, MVH), pp. 194–205.
PEPM-1993-Mycroft #abstract interpretation- Completeness and predicate-based abstract interpretation (AM), pp. 179–185.
PLDI-1993-Bourdoncle #debugging #higher-order #imperative- Abstract Debugging of Higher-Order Imperative Languages (FB), pp. 46–55.
WSA-1993-BertEO- Abstract Rewriting (DB, RE, BMØ), pp. 178–192.
WSA-1993-CharlierDMH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #fixpoint #optimisation #performance #prolog- Optimization Techniques for General Purpose Fixpoint Algorithms — Practical Efficiency for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (BLC, OD, LM, PVH), pp. 15–26.
WSA-1993-FergusonH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #performance #using- Fast Abstract Interpretation Using Sequential Algorithms (AF, JH), pp. 45–59.
WSA-1993-Fernandez #abstract interpretation #verification- Abstract Interpretation and Verification of Reactive Systems (JCF), pp. 60–71.
WSA-1993-HentenryckDCM #abstract interpretation #prolog- The Impact of Granularity in Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (PVH, OD, BLC, LM), pp. 1–14.
ICALP-1993-FranklinY #performance- Secure and Efficient Off-Line Digital Money (Extended Abstract) (MKF, MY), pp. 265–276.
ICALP-1993-Gupta #automaton #finite #product line- Finite Automata as Characterizations of Minor Closed Tree Families (Extended Abstract) (AG), pp. 359–370.
ICALP-1993-Hemachandra #complexity #fault tolerance- Fault-Tolerance and Complexity (Extended Abstract) (LAH), pp. 189–202.
ICALP-1993-JuedesLL- Computational Depth and Reducibility (Extended Abstract) (DWJ, JIL, JHL), pp. 277–288.
ICALP-1993-MaratheHR #approximate #complexity #problem #specification- The Complexity of Approximating PSPACE-Complete Problems for Hierarchical Specifications (Extended Abstract) (MVM, HBHI, SSR), pp. 76–87.
FME-1993-DoumencM #automaton #execution #parallel- The Parallel Abstract Machine: A Common Execution Model for FDTs (GD, JFM), pp. 285–293.
FME-1993-SaaltinkKPCM #abstraction- An EVES Data Abstraction Example (MS, SK, BP, DC, IM), pp. 578–596.
FPCA-1993-Nocker #analysis #reduction #strict #using- Strictness Analysis using Abstract Reduction (EN), pp. 255–265.
FPCA-1993-PurushothamanS #semantics- From Operational Definitions to Abstract Semantics (SP, JS), pp. 276–288.
INTERCHI-1993-BrownMS #graph #using- Browsing graphs using a fisheye view (abstract) (MHB, JRM, MS), p. 516.
INTERCHI-1993-CarlssonF #3d #tool support- Integrated CSCW tools within a shared 3D virtual environment (abstract) (CC, LEF), p. 513.
INTERCHI-1993-CowleyJ- Talking to machines (abstract) (CKC, DMJ), p. 522.
INTERCHI-1993-DavisHPW #hypermedia- Microcosm (abstract): an open hypermedia system (HCD, WH, AP, RW), p. 526.
INTERCHI-1993-GoldbergR93a- Touch-typing with a stylus (abstract) (DG, CR), p. 520.
INTERCHI-1993-HopperHB- The active badge system (abstract) (AH, AH, TB), pp. 533–534.
INTERCHI-1993-Kurlander #editing #visual notation- Graphical editing by example (abstract) (DK), p. 529.
INTERCHI-1993-McKerlieM #design #using- QOC in action (abstract): using design rationale to support design (DM, AM), p. 519.
INTERCHI-1993-Potter #automation #programming #user interface- Guiding automation with pixels (abstract): a technique for programming in the user interface (RP), p. 530.
INTERCHI-1993-SteffenE #interactive #using #visualisation- High interaction data visualization using Seesoft to visualize program change history (abstract) (JLS, SGE), p. 517.
INTERCHI-1993-Stock #interactive- The ALFRESCO interactive system (abstract) (OS), p. 523.
INTERCHI-1993-UedaMY #authoring #interactive- IMPACT (abstract): interactive motion picture authoring system for creative talent (HU, TM, SY), p. 525.
INTERCHI-1993-Verrips- Filtered suggestions (abstract) (JV), p. 467.
INTERCHI-1993-Wang #using- A groupware engine using UIMS methodologies (abstract) (LW), pp. 249–250.
INTERCHI-1993-WerthM- Tourmaline (abstract): macrostyles by example (AJW, BAM), p. 532.
TRI-Ada-1993-FergusonW #ada #framework #independence #syntax- Platform Independent Translations for a Compilable Ada Abstract Syntax (WDF, JKW), pp. 312–322.
TRI-Ada-1993-TurnerH #abstraction #ada #generative #verification- Ada Abstraction, Generation, Verification (JAT, TLH), pp. 323–329.
CAiSE-1993-Seltveit #approach #development #information management #scalability- An Abstraction-Based Rule Approach to Large-Scale Information Systems Development (AHS), pp. 328–351.
ICML-1993-Ellman #abstraction #approximate #clustering #constraints #synthesis- Synthesis of Abstraction Hierarchies for Constraint Satisfaction by Clustering Approximately Equivalent Objects (TE), pp. 104–111.
SEKE-1993-KhanM #abstraction #flexibility- Formalism for Hierarchical Organization and Flexible Abstraction of Program Knowledge (JIK, IM), pp. 301–303.
ECOOP-1993-GammaHJV #abstraction #design pattern #object-oriented #reuse- Design Patterns: Abstraction and Reuse of Object-Oriented Design (EG, RH, REJ, JMV), pp. 406–431.
ECOOP-1993-Lamming #challenge #memory management #research- Intimate Computing and the Memory Prothesis: A Challenge for Computer Systems Research? (Abstract) (MGL), pp. 1–3.
OOPSLA-1993-Taft #ada #object-oriented- Ada 9X: From Abstraction-Oriented to Object-Oriented (STT), pp. 127–136.
TOOLS-USA-1993-MiliL #abstraction #automation #object-oriented #reuse- Data Abstraction in SoftClass, an OO CASE Tool for Software Reuse (HM, HL), pp. 133–149.
LOPSTR-1993-BoulangerB #abstract interpretation #using- Using Abstract Interpretation for Goal Replacement (DB, MB), pp. 210–228.
LOPSTR-1993-MaddenHGB #automation #generative #performance #proving #source code #theorem proving- A General Technique for Automatically Generating Efficient Programs Through the Use of Proof Planning (Abstract) (PM, JH, IG, AB), pp. 64–66.
LOPSTR-1993-MartensS #finite- Some Further Issues in Finite Unfolding (Abstract) (BM, DDS), pp. 159–161.
LOPSTR-1993-TarauB #delphi- Memoing with Abstract Answers and Delphi Lemmas (PT, KDB), pp. 196–209.
LOPSTR-1993-Vargas-VeraRI #editing #prolog #source code- Combining Prolog Programs in a Techniques Editing System (Abstract) (MVV, DSR, RI), pp. 82–84.
PLILP-1993-ClarkH #graph- A Lattice of Abstract Graphs (DC, CH), pp. 318–331.
PLILP-1993-CorsiniMRC #abstract interpretation #bottom-up #constraints #finite #performance #prolog #theorem proving- Efficient Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Prolog by Means of Constraint Solving over Symbolic Finite Domains (MMC, KM, AR, BLC), pp. 75–91.
PLILP-1993-Dikovsky #complexity #prolog- Abstract Complexity of Prolog Based on WAM (AJD), pp. 365–377.
SAC-1993-HurschLM #abstraction #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Schema Extension and Abstraction (WLH, KJL, SM), pp. 54–62.
ESEC-1993-Bourdoncle #abstract interpretation #debugging #imperative #source code- Assertion-based Debugging of Imperative Programs by Abstract Interpretation (FB), pp. 501–516.
ESEC-1993-Harel- Computers are not Omnipotent (Abstract) (DH), p. 10.
CAV-1993-GodefroidP #dependence #partial order #verification- Refining Dependencies Improves Partial-Order Verification Methods (Extended Abstract) (PG, DP), pp. 438–449.
CAV-1993-Gordon #imperative #source code #verification- A Verifier and Timing Analyser for Simple Imperative Programs (Abstract) (MJCG), p. 320.
CAV-1993-HennessyL #logic #message passing #process- A Modal Logic for Message passing Processes (Extended Abstract) (MH, XL), pp. 359–370.
CAV-1993-Varaiya #automation #design #protocol- Protocol Design for an Automated Highway System (Abstract) (PV), p. 180.
ILPS-1993-AndreoliCP #abstract interpretation #linear #logic programming- Abstract Interpretation of Linear Logic Programming (JMA, TC, RP), pp. 295–314.
ISSTA-1993-Blum #design #source code- Designing Programs to Check Their Work (Abstract) (MB), p. 1.
ISSTA-1993-Jackson #analysis- Abstract Analysis with Aspect (DJ), pp. 19–27.
ISSTA-1993-Miller #testing- Exploitation of Software Test Technology (Abstract) (EFM), p. 159.
RTA-1993-Bachmair #proving #theorem proving- Rewrite Techniques in Theorem Proving (Abstract) (LB), p. 1.
RTA-1993-Gallier #proving- Proving Properties of Typed λ Terms: Realizability, Covers, and Sheaves (Abstract) (JHG), p. 136.
RTA-1993-Senizergues #decidability #problem #termination- Some Undecidable Termination Problems for Semi-Thue Systems (Abstract) (GS), p. 434.
TLCA-1993-GianantonioH- An Abstract Notion of Application (PDG, FH), pp. 124–138.
TLCA-1993-JungS- Studying the Fully Abstract Model of PCF within its Continuous Function Model (AJ, AS), pp. 230–244.
DAC-1992-Langeler #design #tutorial- Directions to Watch in Design Technology (Tutorial Abstract) (GL), p. 298.
KBSE-1992-MaidenS #abstraction #approach #requirements- Domain Abstractions in Requirements Engineering: A Exemplar Approach (NM, AS), p. 19.
ESOP-1992-GiacobazziR #abstract interpretation #bottom-up #detection- Detecting Determinate Computations by Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation (RG, LR), pp. 167–181.
ESOP-1992-HankinH #abstract interpretation #approximate #fixpoint- Approximate Fixed Points in Abstract Interpretation (CH, SH), pp. 219–232.
ESOP-1992-HughesL #abstract interpretation- Reversing Abstract Interpretations (JH, JL), pp. 269–286.
PEPM-1992-CheathamS #abstract interpretation- A Suite of Optimizers Based on Abstract Interpretation (TC, DCS), pp. 75–81.
PLDI-1992-HendrenHN #abstraction #analysis #data type #imperative #pointer #recursion #source code- Abstractions for Recursive Pointer Data Structures: Improving the Analysis of Imperative Programs (LJH, JH, AN), pp. 249–260.
PLDI-1992-Hoover #abstraction #incremental #named #programming- Alphonse: Incremental Computation as a Programming Abstraction (RH), pp. 261–272.
PLDI-1992-JaffarMSY #automaton- An Abstract Machine for CLP(R) (JJ, SM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 128–139.
STOC-1992-AttiyaF #correctness #multi- A Correctness Condition for High-Performance Multiprocessors (Extended Abstract) (HA, RF), pp. 679–690.
STOC-1992-AwerbuchKP #distributed #scheduling- Competitive Distributed Job Scheduling (Extended Abstract) (BA, SK, DP), pp. 571–580.
STOC-1992-AwerbuchPPS #adaptation #network- Adapting to Asynchronous Dynamic Networks (Extended Abstract) (BA, BPS, DP, MES), pp. 557–570.
STOC-1992-BarringtonBR #representation- Representing Boolean Functions as Polynomials Modulo Composite Numbers (Extended Abstract) (DAMB, RB, SR), pp. 455–461.
STOC-1992-BartalFR #algorithm #data transformation #distributed- Competitive Algorithms for Distributed Data Management (Extended Abstract) (YB, AF, YR), pp. 39–50.
STOC-1992-BellantoniC #recursion- A New Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Polytime Functions (Extended Abstract) (SB, SAC), pp. 283–293.
STOC-1992-DahlhausJPSY #complexity #multi- The Complexity of Multiway Cuts (Extended Abstract) (ED, DSJ, CHP, PDS, MY), pp. 241–251.
STOC-1992-FeigeL #matrix #on the #random- On the Hardness of Computing the Permanent of Random Matrices (Extended Abstract) (UF, CL), pp. 643–654.
STOC-1992-FeigeL92a #problem #proving- Two-Prover One-Round Proof Systems: Their Power and Their Problems (Extended Abstract) (UF, LL), pp. 733–744.
STOC-1992-FranklinY #communication #complexity- Communication Complexity of Secure Computation (Extended Abstract) (MKF, MY), pp. 699–710.
STOC-1992-GalilIS #testing- Fully Dynamic Planarity Testing (Extended Abstract) (ZG, GFI, NS), pp. 495–506.
STOC-1992-GathenS- Computing Frobenius Maps and Factoring Polynomials (Extended Abstract) (JvzG, VS), pp. 97–105.
STOC-1992-Kalai #algorithm #random- A Subexponential Randomized Simplex Algorithm (Extended Abstract) (GK), pp. 475–482.
STOC-1992-Kilian #performance #proving- A Note on Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Arguments (Extended Abstract) (JK), pp. 723–732.
STOC-1992-LeeY #online- Online Minimization of Transition Systems (Extended Abstract) (DL, MY), pp. 264–274.
STOC-1992-Lindell #algorithm- A Logspace Algorithm for Tree Canonization (Extended Abstract) (SL), pp. 400–404.
STOC-1992-LinV #approximate #constraints- epsilon-Approximations with Minimum Packing Constraint Violation (Extended Abstract) (JHL, JSV), pp. 771–782.
STOC-1992-MaggsS #algorithm #bound #network- Simple Algorithms for Routing on Butterfly Networks with Bounded Queues (Extended Abstract) (BMM, RKS), pp. 150–161.
STOC-1992-MayerOOY #self #symmetry- Self-Stabilizing Symmetry Breaking in Constant-Space (Extended Abstract) (AJM, YO, RO, MY), pp. 667–678.
STOC-1992-Rao #algorithm #graph #performance- Faster Algorithms for Finding Small Edge Cuts in Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SR), pp. 229–240.
STOC-1992-Safra #automaton #exponential- Exponential Determinization for ω-Automata with Strong-Fairness Acceptance Condition (Extended Abstract) (SS), pp. 275–282.
STOC-1992-VenkatesanR #matrix #problem- Average Case Intractability of Matrix and Diophantine Problems (Extended Abstract) (RV, SR), pp. 632–642.
WSA-1992-AmeurCFG #abstract interpretation #float- An Application of Abstract Interpretation to Floating Point Arithmetic (YAA, PC, JJF, AG), pp. 205–212.
WSA-1992-CharlierH #abstract interpretation #design #framework #on the- On the Design of Generic Abstract Interpretation Frameworks (BLC, PVH), pp. 229–246.
WSA-1992-CorsiniMR #calculus #finite #prolog #semantics #μ-calculus- The μ-Calculus over Finite Domains as an Abstract Semantics of Prolog (MMC, KM, AR), pp. 51–59.
WSA-1992-GiannottiL #abstract interpretation #specification #using- Using Abstract Interpretation for Gate splitting in LOTOS Specifications (FG, DL), pp. 194–204.
WSA-1992-Hanus #abstract interpretation #algorithm #logic programming #source code- An Abstract Interpretation Algorithm for Residuating Logic Programs (MH), pp. 304–312.
WSA-1992-ParrainDL #abstract interpretation #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards- Towards Optimization of Full Prolog Programs guided by Abstract Interpretation (AP, PD, PL), pp. 295–303.
ICALP-1992-ApostolicoBG #algorithm #parallel- Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Periods, Palindromes and Squares (Extended Abstract) (AA, DB, ZG), pp. 296–307.
ICALP-1992-Bundgen #algorithm #term rewriting- Buchberger’s Algorithm: The Term Rewriter’s Point of View (Extended Abstract) (RB), pp. 380–391.
ICALP-1992-CortesiFW #abstract interpretation #comparison- Comparison of Abstract Interpretations (AC, GF, WHW), pp. 521–532.
ICALP-1992-DietzfelbingerGMP #polynomial #reliability- Polynomial Hash Functions Are Reliable (Extended Abstract) (MD, JYG, YM, NP), pp. 235–246.
ICALP-1992-HoogersKT #petri net #semantics- A Trace Semantics for Petri Nets (Extended Abstract) (PWH, HCMK, PST), pp. 595–604.
ICALP-1992-MollerT #abstraction #behaviour- Behavioural Abstraction in TCCS (FM, CMNT), pp. 559–570.
ICALP-1992-Ong #lazy evaluation #modelling #λ-calculus- Lazy λ Calculus: Theories, Models and Local Structure Characterization (Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 487–498.
ICALP-1992-PeladeauP #on the- On Reverse and General Definite Tree Languages (Extended Abstract) (PP, AP), pp. 150–161.
ICALP-1992-Poutre #component #graph #maintenance- Maintenance of Triconnected Components of Graphs (Extended Abstract) (JALP), pp. 354–365.
ICALP-1992-Rabinovich #concurrent #finite- Checking Equivalences Between Concurrent Systems of Finite Agents (Extended Abstract) (AMR), pp. 696–707.
ICALP-1992-Shallit #linear #set- Numeration Systems, Linear Recurrences, and Regular Sets (Extended Abstract) (JS), pp. 89–100.
ICALP-1992-VaziraniY- Suboptimal Cuts: Their Enumeration, Weight and Number (Extended Abstract) (VVV, MY), pp. 366–377.
LFP-1992-MullerZ #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation in Weak Powerdomains (RM, YZ), pp. 119–126.
LFP-1992-TannenS #abstraction #on the- On Extending Computational Adequacy by Data Abstraction (VT, RS), pp. 161–169.
CHI-1992-Hill #constraints #paradigm #user interface #using- The abstraction-link-view paradigm: using constraints to connect user interfaces to applications (RDH), pp. 335–342.
CAiSE-1992-BudgenF #design #process- Augmenting the Design Process Transformations from Abstract Design Representations (DB, GF), pp. 378–393.
KR-1992-RaoG #architecture- An Abstract Architecture for Rational Agents (ASR, MPG), pp. 439–449.
ECOOP-1992-DodaniT #named #object-oriented #programming #type system- ACTS: A Type System for Object-Oriented Programming Based on Abstract and Concrete Classes (MD, CST), pp. 309–328.
ALP-1992-Ait-Kaci #calculus #object-oriented- Outline of an Object-Oriented Calculus of Higher Type (Abstract) (HAK), pp. 1–2.
ALP-1992-MiddeldorpH- Counterexamples to Completeness Results for Basic Narrowing (Extended Abstract) (AM, EH), pp. 244–258.
LOPSTR-1992-BoulangerB #abstract interpretation #logic programming #source code #using- Deriving Transformations for Logic Programs Using Abstract Interpretation (DB, MB), pp. 99–117.
LOPSTR-1992-Neugebauer #approach- The LOPS Approach: A Transformational Point of View (Extended Abstract) (GN), pp. 80–81.
LOPSTR-1992-ParrainDL #abstract interpretation #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards- Towards Optimization of Full Prolog Programs Guided by Abstract Interpretation (AP, PD, PL), pp. 228–241.
PLILP-1992-CousotC #abstract interpretation- Comparing the Galois Connection and Widening/Narrowing Approaches to Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 269–295.
PLILP-1992-EnglebertCRH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #evaluation #optimisation #prolog- Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithms For Prolog: Tow Optimization Techniques and Their Experimental Evaluation (VE, BLC, DR, PVH), pp. 310–325.
PLILP-1992-Hans #automaton- A Complete Indexing Scheme for WAM-based Abstract Machines (WH), pp. 232–244.
PLILP-1992-Muck #automaton #functional #logic programming #named #source code- CAMEL: An Extension of the Categorial Abstract Machine to Compile Functional/Logic Programs (AM), pp. 341–354.
PLILP-1992-VerschaetseS #abstract interpretation #linear- Deriving of Linear Size Relations by Abstract Interpretation (KV, DDS), pp. 296–310.
POPL-1992-CartwrightF #abstraction- Observable Sequentiality and Full Abstraction (RC, MF), pp. 328–342.
POPL-1992-ClarkeGL #abstraction #model checking- Model Checking and Abstraction (EMC, OG, DEL), pp. 342–354.
POPL-1992-CousotC #abstract interpretation #induction #semantics- Inductive Definitions, Semantics and Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 83–94.
POPL-1992-JagadeesanP #functional #higher-order #logic #semantics- Abstract Semantics for a Higher-Order Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, KP), pp. 355–366.
SOSP-WIP-1991-ChaseBLL92 #architecture #named- Opal: A Single Address Space System for 64-Bit Architectures (Abstract) (JSC, MBH, HML, EDL), p. 9.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Druschel92 #architecture #composition #kernel #orthogonal #why- Modularity and Protection are Orthogonal, or “Why µ-kernel Architectures are Flawed” (Abstract) (PD), p. 22.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Duchamp92 #mobile- Systems Software for Wireless Mobile Computing (Abstract) (DD), p. 10.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Finlayson92 #communication #kernel- Structuring and Communication in the Vanguard OS Kernel (Abstract) (RSF), p. 30.
SOSP-WIP-1991-GuyHPP92 #file system- The Ficus Replicated File System (Abstract) (RGG, JSH, TWPJ, GJP), p. 26.
SOSP-WIP-1991-HartyC92 #memory management #physics #using- Application-Controlled Physical Memory using External Page-Cache Management (Abstract) (KH, DRC), p. 19.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Herlihy92 #concurrent #implementation- A Methodology for Implementing Highly Concurrent Data Objects (Abstract) (MH), p. 12.
SOSP-WIP-1991-HillyerR92- The BBFS Filesystem Model (Abstract) (BH, BSR), p. 18.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Jeffay92 #network #operating system #video- Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (Abstract) (KJ), p. 16.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Jones92 #interface #tool support- A Toolkit for Interposing User Code at the System Interface (Abstract) (MBJ), p. 21.
SOSP-WIP-1991-KasshoekRST92 #distributed #protocol- FLIP; an Internetwork Protocol for Supporting Distributed Systems (Abstract) (MFK, RvR, HvS, AST), p. 29.
SOSP-WIP-1991-LaRowe92 #architecture #operating system #research- Operating Systems Research Related to the Galactica Net Architecture (Abstract) (RPLJ), p. 13.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Marzullo92 #tool support- A Toolkit for Building Reactive Systems or A Minute on Meta (Abstract) (KM), p. 23.
SOSP-WIP-1991-MassalinP92 #kernel #multi- A Lock-Free Multiprocessor OS Kernel (Abstract) (HM, CP), p. 8.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Neumann92- The Virtual System Project (Abstract) (BCN), p. 17.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Pasquale92- Project Sequoia 2000 (Abstract) (JP), p. 14.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Perl92 #performance- Performance Assertion Checking (Abstract) (SEP), p. 25.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Reiter92 #distributed #security- Integrating Security in a Group Oriented Distributed System (Abstract) (MKR), p. 27.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Renesse92 #design #implementation #multi- Design and Implementation of a Multicast Transport Service (Abstract) (RvR), p. 31.
SOSP-WIP-1991-WalpoleS92 #distributed #multi #scalability- Supporting Access to Stored Multimedia Data in Large Distributed Systems (Abstract) (JW, RS), p. 28.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Weihl92 #named #parallel #source code #tool support- Prelude: Tools for Building Portable Parallel Programs (Abstract) (WEW), p. 24.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Wiecek92 #virtual machine- VMS on Mach (Abstract) (CAW), p. 15.
SOSP-WIP-1991-WilkesCEJSSS92 #parallel- DataMesh Parallel Storage Servers (Abstract) (JW, CC, RE, DJ, BS, CS, AAS), p. 11.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Young92 #lazy evaluation #metadata #named #transaction- Episode: Lazy Transactions for Filesystem Meta-Data Updates (Abstract) (MWY), p. 20.
CC-1992-Andersen #automation #c #compilation #generative #partial evaluation- Partial Evaluation of C and Automatic Compiler Generation (Extended Abstract) (LOA), pp. 251–257.
CADE-1992-DoughertyJ #approach #combinator #higher-order #logic- A Combinatory Logic Approach to Higher-order E-unification (Extended Abstract) (DJD, PJ), pp. 79–93.
CADE-1992-FrischC #unification- An Abstract View of Sorted Unification (AMF, AGC), pp. 178–192.
CADE-1992-Schumann #logic #named #proving #theorem proving- KPROP — An AND-parallel Theorem Prover for Propositional Logic implemented in KL1 (System Abstract) (JS), pp. 740–742.
CADE-1992-Smullyan- Puzzles and Paradoxes (Abstract) (RMS), p. 208.
CAV-1992-De-LeonG #abstraction #composition #distributed #realtime #verification- Modular Abstractions for Verifying Real-Time Distributed Systems (HDL, OG), pp. 2–15.
JICSLP-1992-BigotDM #abstract interpretation #analysis #comprehension #using- Understanding Finiteness Analysis Using Abstract Interpretation (PAB, SKD, KM), pp. 735–749.
JICSLP-1992-CharlierH #abstract interpretation #prolog- Reexecution in Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (BLC, PVH), pp. 750–764.
LICS-1992-AikenW #constraints #set- Solving Systems of Set Constraints (Extended Abstract) (AA, ELW), pp. 329–340.
LICS-1992-ComonHJ #decidability #equation #problem- Decidable Problems in Shallow Equational Theories (Extended Abstract) (HC, MH, JPJ), pp. 255–265.
LICS-1992-GonthierLM #standard #theorem- An abstract standardisation theorem (GG, JJL, PAM), pp. 72–81.
LICS-1992-Sangiorgi #concurrent #lazy evaluation #λ-calculus- The Lazy λ Calculus in a Concurrency Scenario (Extended Abstract) (DS), pp. 102–109.
LICS-1992-Stark #calculus #data flow #network- A Calculus of Dataflow Networks (Extended Abstract) (EWS), pp. 125–136.
DAC-1991-Kazyonnov #automation #design- Design Automation in the Soviet Union: History and Status (Abstract) (GGK), p. 118.
VLDB-1991-DayalD #database- Active Database Systems (Abstract) (UD, KRD), p. 209.
VLDB-1991-Elmasri #modelling #using- Conecptual Modeling Using and Extended E-R Model (Abstract) (RE), p. 67.
PEPM-1991-CortesiF #abstract domain #abstract interpretation #analysis #logic programming #source code- Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs: An Abstract Domain for Groundness, Sharing, Freeness and Compoundness Analysis (AC, GF), pp. 52–61.
PEPM-1991-Hannan #automaton #staging- Staging Transformations for Abstract Machines (JH), pp. 130–141.
PEPM-1991-McNerney #abstract interpretation #compilation #correctness #using #verification- Verifying the Correctness of Compiler Transformations on Basic Blocks using Abstract Interpretation (TSM), pp. 106–115.
PEPM-1991-Muller #equation #logic #named #semantics- M-LISP: Its Natural Semantics and Equational Logic (Extended Abstract) (RM), pp. 234–242.
PLDI-1991-Pugh- Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts (WP), pp. 353–356.
STOC-1991-AngluinK #query- When Won’t Membership Queries Help? (Extended Abstract) (DA, MK), pp. 444–454.
STOC-1991-AslamD #bound #fault- Searching in the Presence of Linearly Bounded Errors (Extended Abstract) (JAA, AD), pp. 486–493.
STOC-1991-BarnesR #algorithm #polynomial #sublinear #using- Deterministic Algorithms for Undirected s-t Connectivity Using Polynomial Time and Sublinear Space (Extended Abstract) (GB, WLR), pp. 43–53.
STOC-1991-BeigelRS- PP Is Closed Under Intersection (Extended Abstract) (RB, NR, DAS), pp. 1–9.
STOC-1991-BroderFS- Finding Hidden Hamiltonian Cycles (Extended Abstract) (AZB, AMF, ES), pp. 182–189.
STOC-1991-CheriyanT #algorithm #parallel- Algorithms for Parallel k-Vertex Connectivity and Sparse Certificates (Extended Abstract) (JC, RT), pp. 391–401.
STOC-1991-CohenM #algorithm #difference #linear- Improved Algorithms for Linear Inequalities with Two Variables per Inequality (Extended Abstract) (EC, NM), pp. 145–155.
STOC-1991-DolevDN #encryption- Non-Malleable Cryptography (Extended Abstract) (DD, CD, MN), pp. 542–552.
STOC-1991-GalilI #algorithm #problem- Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Edge-Connectivity Problems (Extended Abstract) (ZG, GFI), pp. 317–327.
STOC-1991-Hagerup #integer #parallel #sorting- Constant-Time Parallel Integer Sorting (Extended Abstract) (TH), pp. 299–306.
STOC-1991-Kaltofen #effectiveness- Effective Noether Irreducibility Forms and Applications (Extended Abstract) (EK), pp. 54–63.
STOC-1991-KedemPRS #parallel #performance- Combining Tentative and Definite Executions for Very Fast Dependable Parallel Computing (Extended Abstract) (ZMK, KVP, AR, PGS), pp. 381–390.
STOC-1991-Ko #equation #polynomial- Integral Equations, Systems of Quadratic Equations, and Exponential-Time Completeness (Extended Abstract) (KIK), pp. 10–20.
STOC-1991-KushilevitzM #fourier #learning #using- Learning Decision Trees Using the Fourier Sprectrum (Extended Abstract) (EK, YM), pp. 455–464.
STOC-1991-MatiasV #parallel #probability- Converting High Probability into Nearly-Constant Time-with Applications to Parallel Hashing (Extended Abstract) (YM, UV), pp. 307–316.
STOC-1991-Nisan #bound #commutative- Lower Bounds for Non-Commutative Computation (Extended Abstract) (NN), pp. 410–418.
STOC-1991-Shapiro #category theory #concurrent- Separating Concurrent Languages with Categories of Language Embeddings (Extended Abstract) (EYS), pp. 198–208.
STOC-1991-YannakakisL #finite #state machine #testing- Testing Finite State Machines (Extended Abstract) (MY, DL), pp. 476–485.
WSA-1991-Clergerie #abstract interpretation #programming- A Tool for Abstract Interpretation: Dynamic Programming (EVdlC), pp. 151–156.
WSA-1991-CodognetF #abstraction #constraints- Computations, Abstractions and Constraints (abstract) (PC, GF), pp. 70–71.
WSA-1991-CousotC #abstract interpretation #functional #higher-order #relational #source code- Relational Abstract Interpretation of Higher Order Functional Programs (extended abstract) (PC, RC), pp. 33–36.
WSA-1991-CousotC91a #abstract interpretation #comparison- Comparison of the Galois Connection and Widening/Narrowing Approaches to Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 107–110.
WSA-1991-Monsuez #abstract interpretation #polymorphism- An Attempt to Find Polymorphic Types by Abstract Interpretation (BM), pp. 18–25.
ICALP-1991-AlurCD #model checking #probability #realtime- Model-Checking for Probabilistic Real-Time Systems (Extended Abstract) (RA, CC, DLD), pp. 115–126.
ICALP-1991-CulikD #generative #image #order- Balancing Order and Chaos in Image Generation (Extended Abstract) (KCI, SD), pp. 600–614.
ICALP-1991-HemachandraH- Collapsing Degrees via Strong Computation (Extended Abstract) (LAH, AH), pp. 393–404.
ICALP-1991-Loebl #graph #performance #polynomial- Efficient Maximal Cubic Graph Cuts (Extended Abstract) (ML), pp. 351–362.
VDME-1991-1-Guttag #approach #specification- The Larch Approach to Specification (Abstract) (JVG), p. 10.
VDME-1991-1-Milner #concurrent #process- Concurrent Processes as Objects (Abstract) (RM), p. 9.
FPCA-1991-Baraki #abstract interpretation #polymorphism- A Note on Abstract Interpretation of Polymorphic Functions (GB), pp. 367–378.
FPCA-1991-Hannan #automaton- Making Abstract Machines Less Abstract (JH), pp. 618–635.
CAiSE-1991-Wangler #abstraction- Attribute Abstraction (BW), pp. 416–440.
ML-1991-GiordanaSR #concept- Abstracting Concepts with Inverse Resolution (AG, LS, DR), pp. 142–146.
ECOOP-1991-Snyder #c++ #modelling- Modeling the C++ Object Model, An Application of an Abstract Object Model (AS), pp. 1–20.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Meyer91a #abstraction #re-engineering- Re-engineering software by isolating abstractions (BM), pp. 369–370.
LOPSTR-1991-Ameur #evaluation #functional #program transformation- Program Transformations Directed by the Evaluation of non Functional Properties (Extended Abstract) (YAA), pp. 297–299.
LOPSTR-1991-Eusterbrock #abstraction #learning #logic programming #source code- Speed-up Transformations of Logic Programs by Abstraction and Learning (JE), pp. 167–182.
LOPSTR-1991-JantkeG #induction #synthesis- Inductive Synthesis of Rewrite Rules as Program Synthesis (Extended Abstract) (KPJ, UG), pp. 65–68.
LOPSTR-1991-JiaoG #database #object-oriented #optimisation #prolog #query #using- Query Optimization in an Object-Oriented Database using Prolog (Extende Abstract) (ZJ, PMDG), pp. 332–334.
LOPSTR-1991-LecoutreDL #abstract interpretation #behaviour #logic programming #recursion #source code- Abstract Interpretation and Recursive Behaviour of Logic Programs (CL, PD, PL), pp. 147–166.
LOPSTR-1991-Popelinsky #prolog #source code #synthesis #towards- Towards Synthesis of Nearly Pure Prolog Programs (Extende Abstract) (LP), pp. 94–96.
LOPSTR-1991-ProiettiP #automation #logic programming #source code- An Automatic Transfomation Strategy for Avoiding Unnecessary Variables in Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (MP, AP), pp. 126–128.
LOPSTR-1991-Schaeck #algorithm #constraints #framework #logic programming- Global Search Algorithms and the Constraint Logic Programming Framework (Extended Abstract) (SS), pp. 252–253.
PLILP-1991-ChenW #abstraction #compilation #higher-order #logic programming- Compilation of Predicate Abstractions in Higher-Order Logic Programming (WC, DSW), pp. 287–298.
PLILP-1991-FileS #abstract interpretation #type checking- Abstract Interpretation for Type Checking (GF, PS), pp. 311–322.
PLILP-1991-Nilsson #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation: A Kind of Magic (UN), pp. 299–309.
POPL-1991-Riecke #functional- Fully Abstract Translations between Functional Languages (JGR), pp. 245–254.
POPL-1991-SekarMR #abstract interpretation #analysis #on the #strict- On the Power and Limitation of Strictness Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (RCS, PM, IVR), pp. 37–48.
ASPLOS-1991-CullerSSEW #automaton #hardware #parallel #thread- Fine-Grain Parallelism with Minimal Hardware Support: A Compiler-Controlled Threaded Abstract Machine (DEC, AS, KES, TvE, JW), pp. 164–175.
CSL-1991-Feferman #approach #data type- A New Approach to Abstract Data Types II: Computation on ADTs as Ordinary Computation (SF), pp. 79–95.
CSL-1991-Meinke #combinator #data type #equation #specification- Equational Specification of Abstract Types and Combinators (KM), pp. 257–271.
ICLP-1991-Ait-Kaci #automaton- Warren’s Abstract Machine (HAK), p. 939.
ICLP-1991-CharlierMH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #analysis #complexity- A Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithm and its Complexity Analysis (BLC, KM, PVH), pp. 64–78.
ICLP-1991-ChenW #abstraction #logic #multi #set- An Intensional Logic of (Multi-Arity) Set Abstractions (WC, DSW), pp. 97–110.
ICLP-1991-CodishDY #algorithm #alias #analysis #safety #unification- Derivation and Safety of an Abstract Unification Algorithm for Groundness and Aliasing Analysis (MC, DD, EY), pp. 79–93.
ICLP-1991-Cousot #abstract interpretation #logic programming #source code- Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs (PC), p. 940.
ICLP-1991-MuthukumarH #abstract interpretation- Combined Determination of Sharing and Freeness of Program Variables through Abstract Interpretation (KM, MVH), pp. 49–63.
ICLP-1991-VerschaetseS #logic programming #proving #source code #termination #using- Deriving Termination Proofs for Logic Programs, Using Abstract Procedures (KV, DDS), pp. 301–315.
ISLP-1991-BeierleMS #automaton #order #polymorphism- Extending the Warren Abstract Machine to Polymorphic Order-Sorted Resolution (CB, GM, HS), pp. 272–286.
ISLP-1991-Caseau #abstract interpretation #constraints #order- Abstract Interpretation of Constraints on Order-Sorted Domains (YC), pp. 435–452.
ISLP-1991-Ducasse #prolog- Abstract Views of Prolog Executions in Opium (MD), pp. 18–32.
IWPTS-1991-CorbiS #embedded #protocol #testing- Common Abstract Test Suite for the Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol Embedded Under Different Application Contexts (CC, GS), pp. 143–149.
LICS-1991-CortesiFW #abstract domain #analysis- Prop revisited: Propositional Formula as Abstract Domain for Groundness Analysis (AC, GF, WHW), pp. 322–327.
RTA-1991-Dougherty #algebra #λ-calculus- Adding Algebraic Rewriting to the Untyped λ Calculus (Extended Abstract) (DJD), pp. 37–48.
RTA-1991-KennawayKSV #orthogonal #reduction #term rewriting- Transfinite Reductions in Orthogonal Term Rewriting Systems (Extended Abstract) (RK, JWK, MRS, FJdV), pp. 1–12.
DAC-1990-Chakravarty #identification #on the- On Synthesizing and Identifying Stuck-Open Testable CMOS Combinational Circuits (extended abstract) (SC), pp. 736–739.
DAC-1990-WhitcombN #data type #synthesis- Abstract Data Types and High-Level Synthesis (GSW, ARN), pp. 680–685.
PLDI-1990-AmmarguellatH #abstract interpretation #automation #induction #recognition- Automatic Recognition of Induction Variables and Recurrence Relations by Abstract Interpretation (ZA, WLHI), pp. 283–295.
STOC-1990-AggarwalHL #diagrams #problem- Solving Query-Retrieval Problems by Compacting Voronoi Diagrams (Extended Abstract) (AA, MH, FTL), pp. 331–340.
STOC-1990-AroraLM #algorithm #network #online- On-line Algorithms for Path Selection in a Nonblocking Network (Extended Abstract) (SA, FTL, BMM), pp. 149–158.
STOC-1990-BeaverMR #complexity #protocol- The Round Complexity of Secure Protocols (Extended Abstract) (DB, SM, PR), pp. 503–513.
STOC-1990-Ben-DavidBKTW #algorithm #on the #online #power of- On the Power of Randomization in Online Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (SBD, AB, RMK, GT, AW), pp. 379–386.
STOC-1990-Blum #infinity #learning- Learning Boolean Functions in an Infinite Atribute Space (Extended Abstract) (AB), pp. 64–72.
STOC-1990-Cole #on the- On the Dynamic Finger Conjecture for Splay Trees (Extended Abstract) (RC0), pp. 8–17.
STOC-1990-EvenR #distributed #network- The Use of a Synchronizer Yields Maximum Computation Rate in Distributed Networks (Extended Abstract) (SE, SR), pp. 95–105.
STOC-1990-FischerMRT #problem- The Wakeup Problem (Extended Abstract) (MJF, SM, SR, GT), pp. 106–116.
STOC-1990-KedemPS #parallel #performance #robust- Efficient Robust Parallel Computations (Extended Abstract) (ZMK, KVP, PGS), pp. 138–148.
STOC-1990-PanconesiR #approximate #quantifier- Quantifiers and Approximation (Extended Abstract) (AP, DR), pp. 446–456.
STOC-1990-PapadimitriouSY #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Local Search (Extended Abstract) (CHP, AAS, MY), pp. 438–445.
STOC-1990-SchmidtS #analysis- The Analysis of Closed Hashing under Limited Randomness (Extended Abstract) (JPS, AS), pp. 224–234.
STOC-1990-VitterS #parallel- Optimal Disk I/O with Parallel Block Transfer (Extended Abstract) (JSV, EAMS), pp. 159–169.
STOC-1990-Yao- Coherent Functions and Program Checkers (Extended Abstract) (ACCY), pp. 84–94.
ICALP-1990-CourcoubetisY #markov #process- Markov Decision Processes and Regular Events (Extended Abstract) (CC, MY), pp. 336–349.
ICALP-1990-Hoffmann #on the #problem- On the Rectilinear Art Gallery Problem (Extended Abstract) (FH), pp. 717–728.
ICALP-1990-JainS #learning- Language Learning by a “Team” (Extended Abstract) (SJ, AS), pp. 153–166.
ICALP-1990-JerrumS #algorithm #approximate #polynomial- Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithms for Ising Model (Extended Abstract) (MJ, AS), pp. 462–475.
ICALP-1990-RabinovichT #communication- Communication among Relations (Extended Abstract) (AMR, BAT), pp. 294–307.
ICALP-1990-TuckerWZ #data type- Provable Computable Functions on Abstract Data Types (JVT, SSW, JIZ), pp. 660–673.
VDME-1990-Steensgaard-Madsen #data type- Adding Abstract Datatypes to Meta-IV (JSM), pp. 233–243.
LFP-1990-Cregut #automaton #normalisation- An Abstract Machine for λ-Terms Normalization (PC), pp. 333–340.
LFP-1990-DanvyF- Abstracting Control (OD, AF), pp. 151–160.
LFP-1990-HannanM #automaton #semantics- From Operational Semantics to Abstract Machines: Preliminary Results (JH, DM), pp. 323–332.
LFP-1990-SitaramF #abstraction #continuation #modelling #reasoning- Reasoning with Continuations II: Full Abstraction for Models of Control (DS, MF), pp. 161–175.
GG-1990-Courcelle #graph #logic- The Logical Exprssion of Graph Properties (Abstract) (BC), pp. 38–40.
CAiSE-1990-BrinkkemperH #concept #development #requirements #specification- The Conceptual Task Model: a Specification Technique between Requirements Engineering and Program Development (Extended abstract) (SB, AHMtH), pp. 228–250.
ML-1990-Flann #abstraction- Applying Abstraction and Simplification to Learn in Intractable Domains (NSF), pp. 277–285.
ALP-1990-DershowitzL #concurrent- An Abstract Concurrent Machine for Rewriting (ND, NL), pp. 318–331.
ALP-1990-Hanus #equation #logic programming #source code #specification- Logic Programs with Equational Type Specifications (Extended Abstract) (MH), pp. 70–85.
PLILP-1990-Bourdoncle #abstract interpretation #alias #interprocedural- Interprocedural Abstract Interpretation of Block Structured Languages with Nested Procedures, Aliasing and Recursivity (FB), pp. 307–323.
PLILP-1990-KrallN #automaton- The Vienna Abstract Machine (AK, UN), pp. 121–135.
POPL-1990-BerryB #automaton- The Chemical Abstract Machine (GB, GB), pp. 81–94.
POPL-1990-Burn #abstract interpretation #analysis- A Relationship Between Abstract Interpretation and Projection Analysis (GLB), pp. 151–156.
ICSE-1990-Basili #metric- Recent Advances in Software Measurement (Abstract for Talk) (VRB), pp. 44–49.
ICSE-1990-Biggerstaff #abstraction #concept #re-engineering- Human-Oriented Conceptual Abstractions in the Re-engineering of Software (TJB), p. 120.
ICSE-1990-ChoppyK #development #prototype #specification- Mixing Abstract and Concrete Modules: Specification, Development and Prototyping (CC, SK), pp. 173–184.
WAGA-1990-Rosendahl #abstract interpretation #attribute grammar #using- Abstract Interpretation Using Attribute Grammar (MR), pp. 143–156.
CC-1990-AlblasS #generative- An Attributed ELL(1)-Parser Generator (Abstract) (HA, JSK), pp. 208–209.
CC-1990-DesplandMR #generative #named #term rewriting #using- PAGODE: A Back End Generator Using Attribute Abstract Syntaxes and Term Rewritings (AD, MM, RR), pp. 86–105.
CC-1990-Dobler #hybrid #parsing #top-down- A Hybrid Top-Down Parsing Technique (Abstract) (HD), pp. 210–211.
CC-1990-FedeleL #compilation- Computer-Aided Building of a Compiler: An Example (Abstract) (CF, OL), pp. 212–214.
CC-1990-HartwigSS #ada #implementation #interface #specification- Specification and Implementation of a Tree-Abiding Interface for Ada (Extended Abstract) (MH, ES, RS), pp. 215–216.
CC-1990-HorvathAGF #comprehension #interface #multi #natural language #towards- Towards a Multilingual Natural Language Understanding Interface (Extended Abstract) (TH, ZA, TG, KF), pp. 217–218.
CC-1990-LammelF #attribute grammar- Mixed Dialogue Control Defined by an Attribute Grammar (Abstract) (UL, PF), pp. 219–221.
CC-1990-Lampe #concurrent #evaluation #named- MATE — A Metasystem with Concurrent Attribute Evaluation (Abstract) (JL), pp. 222–223.
CC-1990-Paakki #definite clause grammar #implementation- A Practical Implementation of DCGs (Abstract) (JP), pp. 224–225.
CC-1990-ShahmehriF #algorithm #debugging #imperative- Algorithmic Debugging for Imperative Languages with Side-Effects (Abstract) (NS, PF), pp. 226–227.
CADE-1990-BaralLM #logic programming #semantics #source code- Generalized Well-founded Semantics for Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (CB, JL, JM), pp. 102–116.
CADE-1990-Bibel #automation #deduction- Perspectives on Automated Deduction (Abstract) (WB), p. 426.
CADE-1990-Bundy #reasoning- A Science of Reasoning: Extended Abstract (AB), pp. 633–640.
CADE-1990-WakayamaP #abstraction #source code- Case-Free Programs: An Abstraction of Definite Horn Programs (TW, THP), pp. 87–101.
CADE-1990-Wolfram #named- ACE: The Abstract Clause Engine (DAW), pp. 679–680.
CLP-1990-ZhouTU90 #automaton #prolog- A Matching Tree Oriented Abstract Machine for Prolog (NFZ, TT, KU), pp. 159–173.
LICS-1990-Clote- ALOGTIME and a Conjecture of S. A. Cook (Extended Abstract) (PC), pp. 181–189.
LICS-1990-Comon #algebra #equation- Solving Inequations in Term Algebras (Extended Abstract) (HC), pp. 62–69.
LICS-1990-Courcelle #graph #higher-order #monad #on the #set- On the Expression of Monadic Second-Order Graph Properties Without Quantifications Over Sets of Edges (Extended Abstract) (BC), pp. 190–196.
LICS-1990-EmersonES #decidability #on the #performance- On the Limits of Efficient Temporal Decidability (Extended Abstract) (EAE, ME, JS), pp. 464–475.
LICS-1990-HeintzeJ #constraints #set- A Decision Procedure for a Class of Set Constraints (Extended Abstract) (NH, JJ), pp. 42–51.
LICS-1990-Jung #classification- The Classification of Continuous Domains (Extended Abstract) (AJ), pp. 35–40.
LICS-1990-Lewis #logic- A Logic of Concrete Time Intervals (Extended Abstract) (HRL), pp. 380–389.
NACLP-1990-AlkalajLS #automaton #development- FCP Sequential Abstract Machine Characteristics for the Systems Development Workload (LA, TL, EYS), pp. 321–339.
NACLP-1990-CodognetCC #abstract interpretation #concurrent #logic- Abstract Interpretation for Concurrent Logic Languages (CC, PC, MMC), pp. 215–232.
NACLP-1990-KempR #abstract interpretation #algebra #framework #source code- An Algebraic Framework for Abstract Interpretation of Definite Programs (RSK, GAR), pp. 516–530.
SIGMOD-1989-GyssensPG #approach #grammarware #modelling #towards- A Grammar-Based Approach Towards Unifying Hierarchical Data Models (Extended Abstract) (MG, JP, DVG), pp. 263–272.
SIGMOD-1989-HullS #complexity #database #object-oriented #on the #strict- On Accessing Object-Oriented Databases: Expressive Power, Complexity, and Restrictions (Extended Abstract) (RH, JS), pp. 147–158.
PLDI-1989-Boehm #abstraction #type inference- Type Inference in the Presence of Type Abstraction (HJB), pp. 192–206.
STOC-1989-AfratiC #query #recursion #strict- Expressiveness of Restricted Recursive Queries (Extended Abstract) (FNA, SSC), pp. 113–126.
STOC-1989-AlonBLP #communication #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Radio Communication (Extended Abstract) (NA, ABN, NL, DP), pp. 274–285.
STOC-1989-Awerbuch #algorithm #distributed- Distributed Shortest Paths Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (BA), pp. 490–500.
STOC-1989-AwerbuchBLP #adaptation #data type #distributed- Compact Distributed Data Structures for Adaptive Routing (Extended Abstract) (BA, ABN, NL, DP), pp. 479–489.
STOC-1989-BabaiNS #multi #protocol #pseudo #sequence- Multiparty Protocols and Logspace-hard Pseudorandom Sequences (Extended Abstract) (LB, NN, MS), pp. 1–11.
STOC-1989-BerkmanBGSV #problem- Highly Parallelizable Problems (Extended Abstract) (OB, DB, ZG, BS, UV), pp. 309–319.
STOC-1989-BorodinRT #bound #sequence #traversal- Lower Bounds on the Length of Universal Traversal Sequences (Detailed Abstract) (AB, WLR, MT), pp. 562–573.
STOC-1989-ChandraRRST #graph- The Electrical Resistance of a Graph Captures its Commute and Cover Times (Detailed Abstract) (AKC, PR, WLR, RS, PT), pp. 574–586.
STOC-1989-ChorK #privacy- A Zero-One Law for Boolean Privacy (extended abstract) (BC, EK), pp. 62–72.
STOC-1989-CookU #functional- Functional Interpretations of Feasibly Constructive Arithmetic (Extended Abstract) (SAC, AU), pp. 107–112.
STOC-1989-FellowsL #algorithm #on the #performance #polynomial- On Search, Decision and the Efficiency of Polynomial-Time Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (MRF, MAL), pp. 501–512.
STOC-1989-HastadLN #performance #using- Fast Computation Using Faulty Hypercubes (Extended Abstract) (JH, FTL, MN), pp. 251–263.
STOC-1989-ImpagliazzoLL #generative #pseudo- Pseudo-random Generation from one-way functions (Extended Abstracts) (RI, LAL, ML), pp. 12–24.
STOC-1989-KochLMRR #network- Work-Preserving Emulations of Fixed-Connection Networks (Extended Abstract) (RRK, FTL, BMM, SR, ALR), pp. 227–240.
STOC-1989-KurtzMR #morphism #random- The Isomorphism Conjecture Fails Relative to a Random Oracle (Extended Abstract) (SAK, SRM, JSR), pp. 157–166.
STOC-1989-RabinB #multi #protocol- Verifiable Secret Sharing and Multiparty Protocols with Honest Majority (Extended Abstract) (TR, MBO), pp. 73–85.
STOC-1989-RivestS #automaton #finite #sequence #using- Inference of Finite Automata Using Homing Sequences (Extended Abstract) (RLR, RES), pp. 411–420.
STOC-1989-SchmidtS #aspect-oriented #on the #performance- On Aspects of Universality and Performance for Closed Hashing (Extended Abstract) (JPS, AS), pp. 355–366.
ICALP-1989-AllenderH #bound- Lower Bounds for the Low Hierarchy (Extended Abstract) (EA, LAH), pp. 31–45.
ICALP-1989-Baeza-YatesG #performance #regular expression- Efficient Text Searching of Regular Expressions (Extended Abstract) (RABY, GHG), pp. 46–62.
ICALP-1989-BermanG #distributed- Asymptotically Optimal Distributed Consensus (Extended Abstract) (PB, JAG), pp. 80–94.
ICALP-1989-GrooteV #bisimulation #congruence #semantics- Structural Operational Semantics and Bisimulation as a Congruence (Extended Abstract) (JFG, FWV), pp. 423–438.
ICALP-1989-Kenyon-MathieuV #analysis #data type- General Methods for the Analysis of the Maximum Size of Dynamic Data Structures (Extended Abstract) (CKM, JSV), pp. 473–487.
ICALP-1989-MasonT #abstraction #programming- Programming, Transforming, and Providing with Function Abstractions and Memories (IAM, CLT), pp. 574–588.
ICALP-1989-RaghavanS #algorithm #memory management #online- Memory Versus Randomization in On-line Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (PR, MS), pp. 687–703.
ICALP-1989-TuckerZ #source code- Horn Programs and Semicomputable Relations on Abstract Structures (JVT, JIZ), pp. 745–760.
ICALP-1989-Zhang #information management- DI-Domains as Information Systems (Extended Abstract) (GQZ), pp. 773–788.
FPCA-1989-George #automaton #graph #parallel #reduction- An Abstract Machine for Parallel Graph Reduction (LG), pp. 214–229.
FPCA-1989-Hunt #abstract interpretation #set- Frontiers and Open Sets in Abstract Interpretation (SH), pp. 1–13.
FPCA-1989-SilbermannJ #abstraction #functional #logic programming #set- Set Abstraction in Functional and Logic Programming (FSKS, BJ), pp. 313–326.
CHI-1989-DeSoiLS #abstraction #behaviour #specification #user interface #visual notation- Graphical specification of user interfaces with behavior abstraction (JFD, WML, SVS), pp. 139–144.
ML-1989-Flann #abstraction #learning #problem- Learning Appropriate Abstractions for Planning in Formation Problems (NSF), pp. 235–239.
ML-1989-Knoblock #abstraction #learning- Learning Hierarchies of Abstraction Spaces (CAK), pp. 241–245.
ML-1989-MostowP #heuristic #optimisation- Discovering Admissible Search Heuristics by Abstracting and Optimizing (JM, AP), p. 240.
SEKE-1989-MohanK #abstraction #modelling #object-oriented #representation- Abstractions in Object-oriented Data Models: A Formalized Representation Scheme (LM, RLK), pp. 79–84.
ECOOP-1989-Yelland #object-oriented #semantics #towards- First Steps Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Object-Oriented Languages (PMY), pp. 347–364.
POPL-1989-GaifmanS #composition #logic programming #semantics #source code- Fully Abstract Compositional Semantics for Logic Programs (HG, EYS), pp. 134–142.
POPL-1989-Hickey #abstraction #constraints- CLP* and Constraint Abstraction (TJH), pp. 125–133.
POPL-1989-Jonsson #data flow #network- A Fully Abstract Trace Model for Dataflow Networks (BJ), pp. 155–165.
SOSP-1989-CoxF #abstraction #case study #experience #implementation #memory management #multi- The Implementation of a Coherent Memory Abstraction on a NUMA Multiprocessor: Experiences with PLATINUM (ALC, RJF), pp. 32–44.
CSL-1989-PrieseN #metric #semantics #using- Semantic for Abstract Fairness using Metric Spaces (LP, DN), pp. 355–368.
LICS-1989-Cosmadakis #recursion- Computing with Recursive Types (Extended Abstract) (SSC), pp. 24–38.
LICS-1989-EmersonJ #automaton #on the- On Simultaneously Determinizing and Complementing ω-Automata (Extended Abstract) (EAE, CSJ), pp. 333–342.
LICS-1989-JagadeesanPP #functional #logic #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, PP, KP), pp. 294–303.
LICS-1989-Lifschitz #reasoning- The Mathematics of Nonmonotonic Reasoning (Abstract) (VL), p. 242.
LICS-1989-Scott #logic- Domains and Logics (Extended Abstract) (DSS), pp. 4–5.
NACLP-1989-MuthukumarH #abstract interpretation #dependence- Determination of Variable Dependence Information through Abstract Interpretation (KM, MVH), pp. 166–185.
RTA-1989-Birkhoff #algebra #term rewriting- Term Rewriting and Universal Algebra in Historical Perspective (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (GB), p. 1.
RTA-1989-DarlingtonG #abstraction #evaluation #functional #programming #set #unification- Narrowing and Unification in Functional Programming — An Evaluation Mechanism for Absolute Set Abstraction (JD, YG), pp. 92–108.
RTA-1989-KaplanC- Abstract Rewriting with Concrete Operations (SK, CC), pp. 178–186.
DAC-1988-LathropHDAK #abstraction #functional #roadmap- Advances in Functional Abstraction from Structure (RHL, RJH, GD, KMA, RSK), pp. 708–711.
DAC-1988-Ross- Future Developments in Information Technology (abstract) (IMR), p. 1.
DAC-1988-WallaceS #named #verification- ATV: An Abstract Timing Verifier (DEW, CHS), pp. 154–159.
PODS-1988-HerlihyW #concurrent #data type #hybrid- Hybrid Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types (MH, WEW), pp. 201–210.
SIGMOD-1988-AbiteboulH #datalog- Data Functions, Datalog and Negation (Extended Abstract) (SA, RH), pp. 143–153.
SIGMOD-1988-KrishnamurthyRS #datalog #effectiveness #framework #safety #testing- A Framework for Testing Safety and Effective Computability of Extended Datalog (Extended Abstract) (RK, RR, OS), pp. 154–163.
SIGMOD-1988-VinesK #ada #framework #named #object-oriented- Gaia: An Object-Oriented Framework for an Ada Environment (Extended Abstract) (DV, TK), p. 206.
ESOP-1988-KaplanK #abstraction #concurrent #graph #named #programming- Garp: Graph Abstractions for Concurrent Programming (SMK, GEK), pp. 191–205.
PLDI-1988-BallanceBG #abstraction #analysis #editing #incremental #syntax- Grammatical Abstraction and Incremental Syntax Analysis in a Language-Based Editor (RAB, JB, SLG), pp. 185–198.
PLDI-1988-PfenningE #higher-order #syntax- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (FP, CE), pp. 199–208.
STOC-1988-AdlemanK #parallel #using- Using Smoothness to Achieve Parallelism (Abstract) (LMA, KK), pp. 528–538.
STOC-1988-BellareM #how- How to Sign Given Any Trapdoor Function (Extended Abstract) (MB, SM), pp. 32–42.
STOC-1988-Ben-OrGW #distributed #fault tolerance #theorem- Completeness Theorems for Non-Cryptographic Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computation (Extended Abstract) (MBO, SG, AW), pp. 1–10.
STOC-1988-Ben-OrT #algorithm #multi- A Deterministic Algorithm for Sparse Multivariate Polynominal Interpolation (Extended Abstract) (MBO, PT), pp. 301–309.
STOC-1988-BlumFM- Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge and Its Applications (Extended Abstract) (MB, PF, SM), pp. 103–112.
STOC-1988-ChaumCD #multi #protocol- Multiparty Unconditionally Secure Protocols (Extended Abstract) (DC, CC, ID), pp. 11–19.
STOC-1988-FiatNSS- Non-Oblivious Hashing (Extended Abstract) (AF, MN, JPS, AS), pp. 367–376.
STOC-1988-FiatNSSS #multi- Storing and Searching a Multikey Table (Extended Abstract) (AF, MN, AAS, JPS, AS), pp. 344–353.
STOC-1988-HalstenbergR #communication #on the- On Different Modes of Communication (Extended Abstract) (BH, RR), pp. 162–172.
STOC-1988-Istrail #polynomial #sequence #traversal- Polynomial Universal Traversing Sequences for Cycles Are Constructible (Extended Abstract) (SI), pp. 491–503.
STOC-1988-KalyanasundaramS #on the #power of- On the Power of White Pebbles (Extended Abstract) (BK, GS), pp. 258–266.
STOC-1988-KearnsL #fault #learning- Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors (Extended Abstract) (MJK, ML), pp. 267–280.
STOC-1988-KrizancPU #trade-off- A Time-Randomness Tradeoff for Oblivious Routing (Extended Abstract) (DK, DP, EU), pp. 93–102.
STOC-1988-PapadimitriouY88a #approximate #complexity #optimisation- Optimization, Approximation, and Complexity Classes (Extended Abstract) (CHP, MY), pp. 229–234.
STOC-1988-PapadimitriouY88b #algorithm #analysis #architecture #independence #parallel #towards- Towards an Architecture-Independent Analysis of Parallel Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (CHP, MY), pp. 510–513.
STOC-1988-PelegU #performance #trade-off- A Tradeoff between Space and Efficiency for Routing Tables (Extended Abstract) (DP, EU), pp. 43–52.
STOC-1988-Vaidya #geometry- Geometry Helps in Matching (Extended Abstract) (PMV), pp. 422–425.
STOC-1988-Yannakakis #combinator #linear #optimisation #problem #source code- Expressing Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Linear Programs (Extended Abstract) (MY), pp. 223–228.
ICALP-1988-ArnborgLS #graph #problem- Problems Easy for Tree-Decomposable Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SA, JL, DS), pp. 38–51.
ICALP-1988-KirchnerKM #semantics- Operational Semantics of OBJ-3 (Extended Abstract) (CK, HK, JM), pp. 287–301.
ICALP-1988-KirschenhoferPS- Do We Really Need to Balance Patricia Trees? (Extended Abstract) (PK, HP, WS), pp. 302–316.
ICALP-1988-KruskalRS #algorithm #complexity #parallel #performance- A Complexity Theory of Efficient Parallel Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (CPK, LR, MS), pp. 333–346.
ICALP-1988-LengauerW #analysis #graph #performance- Efficient Analysis of Graph Properties on Context-free Graph Languages (Extended Abstract) (TL, EW), pp. 379–393.
ICALP-1988-Tamassia #data type #graph- A Dynamic Data Structure for Planar Graph Embedding (Extended Abstract) (RT), pp. 576–590.
ICALP-1988-Watanabe #complexity #nondeterminism #on the- On ≤ᴾ₁₋tt-Sparseness and Nondeterministic Complexity Classes (Extended Abstract) (OW0), pp. 697–709.
VDME-1988-Abrial- The B Tool (Abstract) (JRA), pp. 86–87.
VDME-1988-Good #physics- Computing is a Physical Science (Abstract) (DIG), p. 1.
VDME-1988-JiangX #abstraction #execution #named #specification- NUSL: An Executable Specification Language Based on Data Abstraction (XJ, YX), pp. 124–138.
LFP-1988-FelleisenWFD #continuation #semantics- Abstract Continuations: A Mathematical Semantics for Handling Full Jumps (MF, MW, DPF, BFD), pp. 52–62.
LFP-1988-Reddy #object-oriented #semantics- Objects as Closures: Abstract Semantics of Object-Oriented Languages (USR), pp. 289–297.
LFP-1988-SussmanH #abstraction #named #tutorial- Tutorial: Abstraction in Numerical Methods (GJS, MH), pp. 1–7.
ECOOP-1988-HedinM #abstraction #interactive- The Mjølner Environment: Direct Interaction with Abstractions (GH, BM), pp. 41–54.
OOPSLA-1988-AksitT #abstraction- Data Abstraction Mechanisms in SINA/ST (MA, ART), pp. 267–275.
ALP-1988-BeierleP #data type #equation #logic programming #specification- Integrating Logic Programming and Equational Specification of Abstract Data Types (CB, UP), pp. 71–82.
ALP-1988-Dayantis #abstraction #composition #logic programming- Types, Modularisation and Abstraction in Logic Programming (GD), pp. 127–136.
ALP-1988-Giovannetti #programming language- Narrowing and Resolution in Logic-Functional programming Languages (Abstract) (EG), p. 30.
ALP-1988-Wolter #equation- Narrowing in Partial Conditional Equational Theories (Abstract) (UW), p. 244.
PLILP-1988-Nilsson #abstract interpretation #framework #logic programming #source code #towards- Towards a Framework for the Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs (UN), pp. 68–82.
PLILP-1988-SchreyeB #abstract interpretation #program transformation- An Application of Abstract Interpretation in Source Level Program Transformation (DDS, MB), pp. 35–57.
POPL-1988-GarlandG #data type #induction #reasoning- Inductive Methods for Reasoning about Abstract Data Types (SJG, JVG), pp. 219–228.
POPL-1988-MeyerS #semantics #towards- Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Local Variables (ARM, KS), pp. 191–203.
ICSE-1988-EmbleyW #ada #data type #quality- Assessing the Quality of Abstract Data Types Written in Ada (DWE, SNW), pp. 144–153.
ICSE-1988-Kishida #evolution #tool support- Evolution of Tools (Abstract) (KK), p. 2.
CCHSC-1988-Kastens #compilation #generative #interface #tool support- Abstract Interfaces for Compiler Generating Tools (UK), pp. 103–114.
PPEALS-1988-BurkeCFHSS #automation #empirical #parallel- Automatic Discovery of Parallelism: A Tool and an Experiment (Extended Abstract) (MGB, RC, JF, WCH, VS, DS), pp. 77–84.
CADE-1988-ButlerLO #automaton #compilation #performance #program transformation #prolog- Notes on Prolog Program Transformations, Prolog Style, and Efficient Compilation to The Warren Abstract Machine (RB, RL, RO), pp. 323–332.
JICSCP-1988-BiswasSY88 #automaton #logic programming #parallel #scalability #source code #strict- A Scalable Abstract Machine Model to Support Limited-OR (LOR) / Restricted-AND Parallelism (RAP) in Logic Programs (PB, SCS, DYYY), pp. 1160–1179.
JICSCP-1988-BrayshawE88 #abstraction #prolog- Adding Data and Procedure Abstraction to the Transparent Prolog Machine TPM (MB, ME), pp. 532–547.
JICSCP-1988-BruynoogheJ88 #abstract interpretation- An Instance of Abstract Interpretation Integrating Type and Mode Inferencing (MB, GJ), pp. 669–683.
JICSCP-1988-LichtensteinS88 #algorithm #debugging- Abstract Algorithmic Debugging (YL, EYS), pp. 512–531.
JICSCP-1988-MarriottS88 #abstract interpretation #bottom-up #logic programming #source code- Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs (KM, HS), pp. 733–748.
JICSCP-1988-Waern88 #abstract interpretation #implementation #prolog- An Implementation Technique for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (AW), pp. 700–710.
LICS-1988-DeganoNM #concurrent #consistency #on the #semantics- On the Consistency of “Truly Concurrent” Operational and Denotational Semantics (Extended Abstract) (PD, RDN, UM), pp. 133–141.
LICS-1988-GerthCLS #concurrent #prolog #semantics- Fully Abstract Denotational Semantics for Flat Concurrent Prolog (RG, MC, YL, EYS), pp. 320–335.
LICS-1988-Winskel #composition #petri net #proving- A Category of Labelled Petri Nets and Compositional Proof System (Extended Abstract) (GW), pp. 142–154.
DAC-1987-DevadasMN #abstraction #on the #verification- On the Verification of Sequential Machines at Differing Levels of Abstraction (SD, HKTM, ARN), pp. 271–276.
DAC-1987-HealeyK #generative #logic #network- Abstract Routing of Logic Networks for Custom Module Generation (STH, WJK), pp. 230–236.
DAC-1987-LathropHK #abstraction #functional #modelling #simulation- Functional Abstraction from Structure in VLSI Simulation Models (RHL, RJH, RSK), pp. 822–828.
DAC-1987-SouleB #abstraction #parallel #simulation #statistics- Statistics for Parallelism and Abstraction Level in Digital Simulation (LS, RB), pp. 588–591.
HT-1987-CampbellG #automaton #hypermedia #named- HAM: A General-Purpose Hypertext Abstract Machine (BC, JMG), pp. 21–32.
HT-1987-Garg #abstraction #hypermedia- Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext (PKG), pp. 375–395.
PODS-1987-Minker #database #deduction- Perspectives in Deductive Databases (Abstract) (JM), p. 135.
STOC-1987-AbadiFK #on the- On Hiding Information from an Oracle (Extended Abstract) (MA, JF, JK), pp. 195–203.
STOC-1987-Clarkson #algorithm #approximate- Approximation Algorithms for Shortest Path Motion Planning (Extended Abstract) (KLC), pp. 56–65.
STOC-1987-Fortnow #complexity- The Complexity of Perfect Zero-Knowledge (Extended Abstract) (LF), pp. 204–209.
STOC-1987-Frederickson #approach #graph- A New Approach to All Pairs Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (GNF), pp. 19–28.
STOC-1987-HastadLN #configuration management #fault- Reconfiguring a Hypercube in the Presence of Faults (Extended Abstract) (JH, FTL, MN), pp. 274–284.
STOC-1987-HastadLR #analysis #multi #protocol- Analysis of Backoff Protocols for Multiple Access Channels (Extended Abstract) (JH, FTL, BR), pp. 241–253.
STOC-1987-IwanoS #graph #infinity #testing- Testing for Cycles in Infinite Graphs with Periodic Structure (Extended Abstract) (KI, KS), pp. 46–55.
STOC-1987-NaorNS #algorithm #graph #parallel #performance- Fast Parallel Algorithms for Chordal Graphs (Extended Abstract) (JN, MN, AAS), pp. 355–364.
STOC-1987-PelegU #graph- Constructing Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs (Extended Abstract) (DP, EU), pp. 264–273.
STOC-1987-Vazirani #performance #using- Efficiency Considerations in Using Semi-random Sources (Extended Abstract) (UVV), pp. 160–168.
ICALP-1987-AggarwalV #complexity #problem #sorting- The I/O Complexity of Sorting and Related Problems (Extended Abstract) (AA, JSV), pp. 467–478.
ICALP-1987-BaetenG #abstraction #algebra #process- Another Look at Abstraction in Process Algebra (Extended Abstract) (JCMB, RJvG), pp. 84–94.
ICALP-1987-LandauSV #parallel- Parallel Construction of a Suffix Tree (Extended Abstract) (GML, BS, UV), pp. 314–325.
ICALP-1987-LevcopoulosLS #geometry #heuristic- Nearly Optimal Heuristics for Binary Search Trees with Geometric Generalizations (Extended Abstract) (CL, AL, JRS), pp. 376–385.
ICALP-1987-Marchetti-SpaccamelaV #algorithm #online #performance #problem- Efficient On-Line Algorithms for the Knapsack Problem (Extended Abstract) (AMS, CV), pp. 445–456.
ICALP-1987-Valiant #formal method #learning- Recent Developments in the Theory of Learning (Abstract) (LGV), p. 563.
FPCA-1987-Burn #evaluation #functional #parallel- Evaluation transformers — a model for the parallel evaluation of functional languages (extended abstract) (GLB), pp. 446–470.
FPCA-1987-FairbairnW #automaton #combinator #lazy evaluation #named- TIM: A simple, lazy abstract machine to execute supercombinatorics (JF, SW), pp. 34–45.
POPL-1987-HuizingGR #abstraction #realtime #semantics- Full Abstraction of a Real-Time Denotational Semantics for an Occam-like Language (CH, RG, WPdR), pp. 223–237.
POPL-1987-Jouvelot #abstract interpretation #parallel #semantics- Semantic Parallelization: A Practical Exercise in Abstract Interpretation (PJ), pp. 39–48.
POPL-1987-Nielson #abstract interpretation #analysis #strict- Strictness Analysis and Denotational Abstract Interpretation (FN), pp. 120–131.
POPL-1987-Wadler #abstraction #named #pattern matching- Views: A Way for Pattern Matching to Cohabit with Data Abstraction (PW), pp. 307–313.
ESEC-1987-CurrieFC #automaton #named- Ten15: An Abstract Machine for Portable Environments (IFC, JMF, PWC), pp. 138–148.
ICSE-1987-EmbleyW #data type #reuse- A Knowledge Structure for Reusing Abstract Data Types (DWE, SNW), pp. 360–368.
ICSE-1987-Kramer #data type #distributed #named #petri net #specification- SEGRAS — A Formal and Semigraphical Language Combining Petri Nets and Abstract Data Types for the Specification of Distributed Systems (BJK), pp. 116–125.
SOSP-1987-ChangM #architecture #programming- 801 Storage: Architecture and Programming (Extended Abstract) (AC, MFM), pp. 109–110.
SOSP-1987-HaskinMSC- Recovery Management in QuickSilver (Extended Abstract) (RLH, YM, WS, GC), pp. 107–108.
SOSP-1987-HowardKMNSSW #distributed #file system #performance- Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System (Extended Abstract) (JHH, MLK, SGM, DAN, MS, RNS, MJW), pp. 1–2.
SOSP-1987-JulLHB #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System (Extended Abstract) (EJ, HML, NCH, APB), pp. 105–106.
SOSP-1987-NelsonWO #file system #network- Caching in the Sprite Network File System (Extended Abstract) (MNN, BBW, JKO), pp. 3–4.
SOSP-1987-TerryS- Managing Stored Voice in the Etherphone System (Extended Abstract) (DBT, DCS), pp. 103–104.
LICS-1987-Emden #first-order #functional #logic #programming #relational- First-order Predicate Logic as a Common Basis for Relational and Functional Programming (Abstract) (MHvE), p. 179.
LICS-1987-HalpernW #abstraction- Full Abstraction and Expressive Completenes for FP (JYH, ELW), pp. 257–271.
LICS-1987-HarelPSS #on the #semantics- On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts (Extended Abstract) (DH, AP, JPS, RS), pp. 54–64.
LICS-1987-Milner #fixpoint- Some Uses of Maximal Fixed Points (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (RM), p. 3.
SLP-1987-BruynoogheJCD87 #abstract interpretation #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards- Abstract Interpretation: Towards the Global Optimization of Prolog Programs (MB, GJ, AC, BD), pp. 192–204.
SLP-1987-KimuraC87 #set- An Abstract KL1 Machine and Its Instruction Set (YK, TC), pp. 468–477.
SLP-1987-TouatiD87 #automaton #empirical- An Empirical Study of the Warren Abstract Machine (HJT, AMD), pp. 114–124.
SLP-1987-Warren87 #design #execution #implementation #prolog- The SRI Model for Or-Parallel Execution of Prolog: Abstract Design and Implementation Issues (DHDW), pp. 92–102.
DAC-1986-McFarland #behaviour #bottom-up #design #hardware #synthesis #using- Using bottom-up design techniques in the synthesis of digital hardware from abstract behavioral descriptions (MCM), pp. 474–480.
DAC-1986-WallaceS #modelling #plugin #verification- Plug-in timing models for an abstract timing verifier (DEW, CHS), pp. 683–689.
SIGMOD-1986-MossGG #abstraction- Abstraction in Recovery Management (JEBM, NDG, MHG), pp. 72–83.
VLDB-1986-Chen #database #distributed- The Management of Dynamically Distributed Database Windows (Extended Abstract) (QC), p. 248.
VLDB-1986-Lowenthal #database #research- Database Research at MCC (Abstract) (EIL), p. 436.
VLDB-1986-YaoY #relational- Relational Data Model with Cause-Effect Association (Abstract) (QY, RY), p. 375.
ESOP-1986-HankinBJ #approach #combinator #parallel #reduction- A Safe Approach to Parallel Combinator Reduction (Extended Abstract) (CH, GLB, SLPJ), pp. 99–110.
ESOP-1986-Sondergaard #abstract interpretation #logic programming #reduction #source code- An Application of Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs: Occur Check Reduction (HS), pp. 327–338.
STOC-1986-BlumerEHW #concept #geometry- Classifying Learnable Geometric Concepts with the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension (Extended Abstract) (AB, AE, DH, MKW), pp. 273–282.
STOC-1986-Cleve #security- Limits on the Security of Coin Flips when Half the Processors Are Faulty (Extended Abstract) (RC), pp. 364–369.
STOC-1986-HalpernV #complexity #reasoning- The Complexity of Reasoning about Knowledge and Time: Extended Abstract (JYH, MYV), pp. 304–315.
STOC-1986-KoLD #morphism #polynomial- A Note on One-Way Functions and Polynomial-Time Isomorphisms (Extended Abstract) (KIK, TJL, DZD), pp. 295–303.
STOC-1986-Siegel #aspect-oriented #data flow- Aspects of Information Flow in VLSI Circuits (Extended Abstract) (AS), pp. 448–459.
STOC-1986-Yannakakis #graph- Four Pages are Necessary and Sufficient for Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (MY), pp. 104–108.
ICALP-1986-Allender- Characterizations on PUNC and Precomputation (Extended Abstract) (EA), pp. 1–10.
ICALP-1986-DymondR #context-free grammar #memory management #parallel #recognition- Parallel RAMs with Owned Global Memory and Deterministic Context-Free Language Recognition (Extended Abstract) (PWD, WLR), pp. 95–104.
ICALP-1986-Lai #communication #detection #distributed #termination- A Termination Detector for Static and Dynamic Distributed Systems with Asynchronous Non-first-in-first-out Communication (Extended Abstract) (THL), pp. 196–205.
ICALP-1986-Lange #nondeterminism #reduction- Decompositions of Nondeterministic Reductions (Extended Abstract) (KJL), pp. 206–214.
ICALP-1986-Niwinski #fixpoint #on the- On Fixed-Point Clones (Extended Abstract) (DN), pp. 464–473.
ICALP-1986-Schnorr #algorithm #performance #reduction- A More Efficient Algorithm for Lattice Basis Reduction (Extended Abstract) (CPS), pp. 359–369.
ICALP-1986-Schoning #bound #recursion- Lower Bounds by Recursion Theoretic Arguments (Extended Abstract) (US), pp. 370–375.
ICALP-1986-Willard #bound #problem #query- Lower Bounds for Dynamic Range Query Problems That Permit Subtraction (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 444–453.
LFP-1986-Hudak #abstraction #semantics #summary- A Semantic Model of Reference Counting and its Abstraction (Detailed Summary) (PH), pp. 351–363.
LFP-1986-MaunyS #automaton #category theory #functional #implementation- Implementing Functional Languages in the Categorical Abstract Machine (MM, AS), pp. 266–278.
OOPSLA-1986-Olthoff #concept #data type #experience #object-oriented #programming #type system- Augmentation of Object-Oriented Programming by Concepts of Abstract Data Type Theory: The ModPascal Experience (WGO), pp. 429–443.
POPL-1986-BarringerKP #concurrent #logic- A Really Abstract Concurrent Model and its Temporal Logic (HB, RK, AP), pp. 173–183.
POPL-1986-GreifSW #abstraction #collaboration #distributed #editing- Atomic Data Abstractions in a Distributed Collaborative Editing System (IG, RS, WEW), pp. 160–172.
POPL-1986-Mitchell #abstraction #independence #representation- Representation Independence and Data Abstraction (JCM), pp. 263–276.
CADE-1986-Huet #proving- Mechanizing Constructive Proofs (Abstract) (GPH), p. 403.
CADE-1986-Plaisted86a #abstraction #using- Abstraction Using Generalization Functions (DAP), pp. 365–376.
ICLP-1986-Hermenegildo86 #automaton #execution #logic programming #source code #strict- An Abstract Machine for Restricted AND-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (MVH), pp. 25–39.
ICLP-1986-Levy86 #automaton #haskell #set- A GHC Abstract Machine and Instruction Set (JL), pp. 157–171.
ICLP-1986-Mellish86 #abstract interpretation #prolog #source code- Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs (CM), pp. 463–474.
LICS-1986-EmersonL #calculus #model checking #performance #μ-calculus- Efficient Model Checking in Fragments of the Propositional μ-Calculus (Extended Abstract) (EAE, CLL), pp. 267–278.
LICS-1986-Girard #semantics- Quantitative and Qualitative Semantics (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (JYG), p. 258.
LICS-1986-Nerode #research- A Logician Looks at Expert Systems: Areas for Mathematical Research (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (AN), p. 120.
LICS-1986-Robinson #functional #programming #reduction #relational- Merging Functional with Relational Programming in a Reduction Setting (Abstract of an Invited Lecture) (JAR), p. 2.
LICS-1986-Schlipf #how- How Uncomputable is General Circumscription? (Extended Abstract) (JSS), pp. 92–95.
DAC-1985-SchefferS #abstraction #analysis- Hierarchical analysis of IC artwork with user defined abstraction rules (LS, RS), pp. 293–298.
DAC-1985-ZaraRNS #automaton #data type #functional #modelling- An abstract machine data structure for non-procedural functional models (RVZ, KR, GN, HS), pp. 753–756.
SIGMOD-1985-BatoryK #concept #modelling- Modeling Concepts for VLSI CAD Objects (Abstract) (DSB, WK), p. 446.
SIGMOD-1985-Ullman #database #implementation #logic #query- Implementation of Logical Query Languages for Databases (Abstract) (JDU), p. 444.
STOC-1985-Buss #bound #polynomial- The Polynomial Hierarchy and Fragments of Bounded Arithmetic (Extended Abstract) (SRB), pp. 285–290.
STOC-1985-GoldwasserMR #complexity #interactive- The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems (Extended Abstract) (SG, SM, CR), pp. 291–304.
STOC-1985-Peleg #concurrent #logic- Concurrent Dynamic Logic (Extended Abstract) (DP), pp. 232–239.
STOC-1985-Vaidya #orthogonal #query #trade-off- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Orthogonal Range Queries (Extended Abstract) (PMV), pp. 169–174.
STOC-1985-Vazirani #communication #complexity #generative #sequence #towards- Towards a Strong Communication Complexity Theory or Generating Quasi-Random Sequences from Two Communicating Slightly-random Sources (Extended Abstract) (UVV), pp. 366–378.
STOC-1985-YaoY #approach #geometry #query- A General Approach to d-Dimensional Geometric Queries (Extended Abstract) (ACCY, FFY), pp. 163–168.
ICALP-1985-Ben-OrGMR #contract #protocol- A Fair Protocol for Signing Contracts (Extended Abstract) (MBO, OG, SM, RLR), pp. 43–52.
ICALP-1985-Bouge #csp #implementation- Repeated Synchronous Snapshots and Their Implementation in CSP (Extended Abstract) (LB), pp. 63–70.
ICALP-1985-Fortune #algorithm #performance- A Fast Algorithm for Polygon Containment by Translation (Extended Abstract) (SF), pp. 189–198.
ICALP-1985-GabowS #algorithm #performance- Efficient Algorithms for Graphic Matroid Intersection and Parity (Extended Abstract) (HNG, MFMS), pp. 210–220.
ICALP-1985-Jerrum #combinator #generative #random- Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures from a Uniform Distribution (Extended Abstract) (MJ), pp. 290–299.
ICALP-1985-LandauYG #algorithm #distributed #network- Distributed Algorithms in Synchronous Broadcasting Networks (Extended Abstract) (GML, MMY, ZG), pp. 363–372.
ICALP-1985-Li #bound- Lower Bounds by Kolmogorov-Complexity (Extended Abstract) (ML0), pp. 383–393.
ICALP-1985-SippuS #algorithm #design #on the #performance #relational- On the Use of Relational Expressions in the Design of Efficient Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (SS, ESS), pp. 456–464.
ICALP-1985-SistlaVW #automaton #logic #problem- The Complementation Problem for Büchi Automata with Applications to Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract) (APS, MYV, PW), pp. 465–474.
FPCA-1985-CousineauCM85 #automaton #category theory- The Categorical Abstract Machine (GC, PLC, MM), pp. 50–64.
POPL-1985-MitchellP #data type- Abstract Types Have Existential Type (JCM, GDP), pp. 37–51.
SOSP-1985-CarrieroG #kernel- The S/Net’s Linda Kernel (extended abstract) (NC, DG), p. 160.
SOSP-1985-FitzgeraldR #communication #integration #memory management- The Integration of Virtual Memory Management and Interprocess Communication in Accent (Abstract) (RPF, RFR), pp. 13–14.
SOSP-1985-KronenbergLS #clustering #distributed #named- VAXclusters: A Closely-Coupled Distributed System (Abstract) (NPK, HML, WDS), p. 1.
PODS-1984-StempleS #database #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Abstract Database Types (DWS, TS), pp. 248–257.
VLDB-1984-BatoryB #data type #framework #modelling- Molecular Objects, Abstract Data Types, and Data Models: A Framework (DSB, APB), pp. 172–184.
VLDB-1984-GinsburgT #query- Interval Queries on Object Histories: Extended Abstract (SG, KT), pp. 208–217.
VLDB-1984-KrishnamurthyM #approach #query- Query Processing on Personal Computers: A Pragmatic Approach (Extended Abstract) (RK, SPM), pp. 26–29.
STOC-1984-Alt #comparison- Comparison of Arithmetic Functions with Respect to Boolean Circuit Depth (Extended Abstract) (HA), pp. 466–470.
STOC-1984-BachMS- Sums of Divisors, Perfect Numbers, and Factoring (Extended Abstract) (EB, GLM, JS), pp. 183–190.
STOC-1984-Ben-OrKR #algebra #complexity #geometry- The Complexity of Elementary Algebra and Geometry (Preliminary Abstract) (MBO, DK, JHR), pp. 457–464.
STOC-1984-Clarkson #algorithm #approximate #geometry #performance- Fast Expected-Time and Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Minimum Spanning Trees (Extended Abstract) (KLC), pp. 342–348.
STOC-1984-Gonnet #equivalence #polynomial #random- Determining Equivalence of Expressions in Random Polynomial Time (Extended Abstract) (GHG), pp. 334–341.
STOC-1984-Maass #bound #nondeterminism #polynomial #turing machine- Quadratic Lower Bounds for Deterministic and Nondeterministic One-Tape Turing Machines (Extended Abstract) (WM), pp. 401–408.
STOC-1984-Mirzaian- Channel Routing in VLSI (Extended Abstract) (AM), pp. 101–107.
STOC-1984-VardiW #automaton #logic #source code- Automata Theoretic Techniques for Modal Logics of Programs (Extended Abstract) (MYV, PW), pp. 446–456.
ICALP-1984-AfratiPP #complexity #graph- The Complexity of Cubical Graphs (Extended Abstract) (FNA, CHP, GP), pp. 51–57.
ICALP-1984-Crochemore #linear #word- Linear Searching for a Square in a Word (Abstract) (MC), p. 137.
ICALP-1984-Jerrum #complexity #generative #sequence- The Complexity of Finding Minimum-Length Generator Sequences (Extended Abstract) (MJ), pp. 270–280.
ICALP-1984-Jung #complexity #matrix #on the #performance #probability #problem- On Probabilistic Tape Complexity and Fast Circuits for Matrix Inversion Problems (Extended Abstract) (HJ), pp. 281–291.
ICALP-1984-Mannila #algorithm #metric #sorting- Measures of Presortedness and Optimal Sorting Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (HM), pp. 324–336.
ICALP-1984-Vitter #complexity #interface- Computational Complexity of an Optical Disk Interface (Extended Abstract) (JSV), pp. 490–502.
ICALP-1984-Willard #algorithm #difference #problem #retrieval- Sampling Algorithms for Differential Batch Retrieval Problems (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 514–526.
LFP-1984-HaynesF #abstraction #process- Engines Build Process Abstractions (CTH, DPF), pp. 18–24.
POPL-1984-HoffmannO #equation #implementation #interpreter- Implementation of an Interpreter for Abstract Equations (CMH, MJO), pp. 111–121.
POPL-1984-Sherman #abstraction #named #novel- Paragon: Novel Uses of Type Hierarchies for Data Abstraction (MS), pp. 208–217.
ICSE-1984-Studer #concept #modelling- Abstract Models of Dialogue Concepts (RS), pp. 420–429.
CADE-1984-Kirchner84a #algorithm #data type #induction- A General Inductive Completion Algorithm and Application to Abstract Data Types (HK), pp. 282–302.
DAC-1983-MetosO #diagrams #implementation #physics- Binary Decision Diagrams: From abstract representations to physical implementations (JSM, JVO), pp. 567–570.
SIGMOD-1983-Bernstein #database- Database Theory: Where Has It Been? Where Is It Going? (Abstract) (PAB), p. 2.
SIGMOD-1983-Carey #algorithm #concurrent #database- An Abstract Model of Database Concurrency Control Algorithms (MJC), pp. 97–107.
SIGMOD-1983-Date #database #usability- Database Usability (Abstract) (CJD), p. 1.
VLDB-1983-IbarakiKM #concept- Disjoint-Interval Topological Sort: A Useful Concept in Serializability Theory (Extended Abstract) (TI, TK, TM), pp. 89–91.
VLDB-1983-KrishnamurthyMZ #named- Query-By-Example: Operations on Piecewise Continuous Data (Extended Abstract) (RK, SPM, MMZ), pp. 305–308.
VLDB-1983-Schiel- An Abstract Introduction to the Temporal-Hierarchic Data Model (THM) (US), pp. 322–330.
VLDB-1983-VassiliouCJ #how- How Does an Expert System Get its Data? (Extended Abstract) (YV, JC, MJ), pp. 70–72.
STOC-1983-Adleman #on the- On Breaking Generalized Knapsack Public Key Cryptosystems (Abstract) (LMA), pp. 402–412.
STOC-1983-BakerBL #algorithm #approximate- An Approximation Algorithm for Manhattan Routing (Extended Abstract) (BSB, SNB, FTL), pp. 477–486.
STOC-1983-Blum #how- How to Exchange (Secret) Keys (Extended Abstract) (MB), pp. 440–447.
STOC-1983-KanellakisCV #dependence #polynomial #problem- Unary Inclusion Dependencies have Polynomial Time Inference Problems (Extended Abstract) (PCK, SSC, MYV), pp. 264–277.
STOC-1983-Lenstra #finite #multi- Factoring Multivariate Polynomials over Finite Fields (Extended Abstract) (AKL), pp. 189–192.
STOC-1983-ODunlaingSY #approach #named- Retraction: A New Approach to Motion-Planning (Extended Abstract) (CÓ, MS, CKY), pp. 207–220.
STOC-1983-Yao- A 3-Space Partition and Its Applications (Extended Abstract) (FFY), pp. 258–263.
ICALP-1983-AptD #axiom #logic #using- An Axiomatization of the Intermittent Assertion Method Using Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract) (KRA, CD), pp. 15–27.
ICALP-1983-CohenLP #distributed #problem #symmetry- Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract) (SC, DJL, AP), pp. 128–136.
ICALP-1983-EdelsbrunnerW #on the #set- On the Number of Equal-Sized Semispaces of a Set of Points in the Plane (Extended Abstract) (HE, EW), pp. 182–187.
ICALP-1983-Ganzinger #compilation #composition #data type #semantics- Modular Compiler Descriptions Based on Abstract Semantic Data Types (Extended Abstract) (HG), pp. 237–249.
ICALP-1983-LehmannS #reasoning- Reasoning with Time and Chance (Extended Abstract) (DJL, SS), pp. 445–457.
ICALP-1983-MycroftN #abstract interpretation #using- Strong Abstract Interpretation Using Power Domains (Extended Abstract) (AM, FN), pp. 536–547.
ICALP-1983-SchoningB- Immunity (Extended Abstract) (US, RVB), pp. 653–661.
ICALP-1983-Vitanyi #on the #simulation- On the Simulation of Many Storage Heads by a Single One (Extended Abstract) (PMBV), pp. 687–694.
ICALP-1983-YannakakisKCP #clustering #graph- Cutting and Partitioning a Graph aifter a Fixed Pattern (Extended Abstract) (MY, PCK, SSC, CHP), pp. 712–722.
POPL-1983-DemersD #equation- Making Variables Abstract: An Equational Theory for Russell (AJD, JED), pp. 59–72.
POPL-1983-Kieburtz #data type #precise #specification #type system- Precise Typing of Abstract Data Type Specifications (RBK), pp. 109–116.
POPL-1983-KristensenMMN #abstraction #programming language- Abstraction Mechanisms in the BETA Programming Language (BBK, OLM, BMP, KN), pp. 285–298.
POPL-1983-Wegner #abstraction #ada #on the #unification- On the Unification of Data and Program Abstraction in Ada (PW), pp. 256–264.
RE-1983-PartschP #data type- Abstract Data Types as a Tool for Requirement Engineering (HP, PP), pp. 42–55.
SOSP-1983-BirrellN #implementation- Implementing Remote Procedure Calls (Abstract) (AB, BJN), p. 3.
SOSP-1983-LindsayHMWY #communication #database #distributed- Computation & Communication in R*: A Distributed Database Manager (Extended Abstract) (BGL, LMH, CM, PFW, RAY), pp. 1–2.
SIGMOD-1982-AntonacciDT #database- A Territorial Database Management System (Abstract) (FA, PD, AT), p. 213.
STOC-1982-BhattL #how- How to Assemble Tree Machines (Extended Abstract) (SNB, CEL), pp. 77–84.
STOC-1982-BorodinH #modelling #parallel #sorting- Routing, Merging and Sorting on Parallel Models of Computation (Extended Abstract) (AB, JEH), pp. 338–344.
STOC-1982-Immerman #polynomial #query #relational- Relational Queries Computable in Polynomial Time (Extended Abstract) (NI), pp. 147–152.
STOC-1982-Leighton #layout- A Layout Strategy for VLSI which Is Provably Good (Extended Abstract) (FTL), pp. 85–98.
STOC-1982-MehlhornS #distributed- Las Vegas Is better than Determinism in VLSI and Distributed Computing (Extended Abstract) (KM, EMS), pp. 330–337.
STOC-1982-Vardi #complexity #query #relational- The Complexity of Relational Query Languages (Extended Abstract) (MYV), pp. 137–146.
STOC-1982-Willard #maintenance- Maintaining Dense Sequential Files in a Dynamic Environment (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 114–121.
STOC-1982-Yao #query #trade-off- Space-Time Tradeoff for Answering Range Queries (Extended Abstract) (ACCY), pp. 128–136.
ICALP-1982-GoguenM #implementation #persistent- Universal Realization, Persistent Interconnection and Implementation of Abstract Modules (JAG, JM), pp. 265–281.
ICALP-1982-KrevnerY #precedence #theorem- An Iteration Theorem for Simple Precedence Languages (Extended Abstract) (YK, AY), pp. 360–368.
ICALP-1982-Niwinski #algebra #fixpoint #semantics- Fixed-Point Semantics for Algebraic (Tree) Grammars (Extended Abstract) (DN), pp. 384–396.
ICALP-1982-Plotkin #nondeterminism- A Powerdomain for Countable Non-Determinism (Extended Abstract) (GDP), pp. 418–428.
ICALP-1982-SannellaW #implementation #specification- Implementation of Parameterised Specifications (Extended Abstract) (DS, MW), pp. 473–488.
SIGIR-1982-Drewes #retrieval- Retrieval of Abstracts by Analogy (BD), pp. 238–250.
ICSE-1982-SakabeIH #data type #specification- Specification of Abstract Data Types with Partially Defined Operations (TS, YI, NH), pp. 218–224.
STOC-1981-HawrusikVY- Classes of Functions for Computing on Binary Trees (Extended Abstract) (FMH, KNV, AY), pp. 19–27.
STOC-1981-JosephY #modelling #performance #polynomial #source code- Fast Programs for Initial Segments and Polynomial Time Computation in Weak Models of Arithmetic (Preliminary Abstract) (DJ, PY), pp. 55–61.
STOC-1981-KimR- Digital Straightness and Convexity (Extended Abstract) (CEK, AR), pp. 80–89.
STOC-1981-King #metric #parallel- Measures of Parallelism in Alternating Computation Trees (Extended Abstract) (KNK), pp. 189–201.
STOC-1981-KleitmanLLM #graph- New Layouts for the Shuffle-Exchange Graph (Extended Abstract) (DJK, FTL, ML, GLM), pp. 278–292.
STOC-1981-PatersonRS #bound- Bounds on Minimax Edge Length for Complete Binary Trees (Extended Abstract) (MP, WLR, LS), pp. 293–299.
STOC-1981-Yao81a- The Entropic Limitations on VLSI Computations (Extended Abstract) (ACCY), pp. 308–311.
ICALP-1981-ItzhaikY #equivalence #linear- A Decision Procedure for the Equivalence of Two DPDAs, One of Which is Linear (Extended Abstract) (YI, AY), pp. 229–237.
ICALP-1981-King #automaton #finite #multi- Alternating Multihead Finite Automata (Extended Abstract) (KNK), pp. 506–520.
ICALP-1981-Loeckx #algorithm #data type #specification- Algorithmic Specifications of Abstract Data Types (JL), pp. 129–147.
ICALP-1981-Makowsky81a #logic #named #power of- Errata: Measuring the Expressive Power of Dynamic Logics: An Application of Abstract Model Theory (JAM), p. 551.
ICALP-1981-Subrahmanyam #data type #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism in Abstract Data Types (PAS), pp. 148–164.
SIGIR-1981-Fraenkel #classification #documentation #problem- Document Classification, Indexing and Abstracting May be Inherently Difficult Problems (ASF), pp. 77–82.
SIGIR-1981-StorerE #clustering #validation- Experiments on the Application of Clustering Techniques to Data Validation (Abstract) (WFS, CME), pp. 88–89.
POPL-1981-CartwrightHM #named #pointer- Paths: An Abstract Alternative to Pointers (RC, RH, PM), pp. 14–27.
ICSE-1981-BrittonPP #design #interface- A Procedure for Designing Abstract Interfaces for Device Interface Modules (KHB, RAP, DLP), pp. 195–206.
ICSE-1981-CunhaM #data type #programming- Resource = Abstract Data Type + Synchronization — A Methodology for Message Oriented Programming (PRFC, TSEM), pp. 263–272.
ICSE-1981-Dershowitz #abstraction #evolution #source code- The Evolution of Programs: Program Abstraction and Instantiation (ND), pp. 79–89.
ICSE-1981-SchwartzM #data type- The Finalization Operation for Abstract Types (RLS, PMMS), pp. 273–282.
DAC-1980-KimS #design #implementation- Issues in IC implementation of high level, abstract designs (JHK, DPS), pp. 85–91.
VLDB-1980-Brodie #abstraction #concept #database #modelling- Data Abstraction, Databases and Conceptual Modelling (MLB), pp. 105–108.
STOC-1980-Angluin #network- Local and Global Properties in Networks of Processors (Extended Abstract) (DA), pp. 82–93.
STOC-1980-Brown #implementation- Kraft Storage and Access for List Implementations (Extended Abstract) (DJB), pp. 100–107.
STOC-1980-ChazelleD #detection- Detection is Easier than Computation (Extended Abstract) (BC, DPD), pp. 146–153.
STOC-1980-Fagin #database #dependence #horn clause- Horn Clauses and Database Dependencies (Extended Abstract) (RF), pp. 123–134.
STOC-1980-HeintzS #testing- Testing Polynomials which Are Easy to Compute (Extended Abstract) (JH, CPS), pp. 262–272.
STOC-1980-Hoffmann #graph #morphism #testing- Testing Isomorphism on Cone Graphs (Extended Abstract) (CMH), pp. 244–251.
STOC-1980-KarpT #algorithm #linear #problem- Linear Expected-Time Algorithms for Connectivity Problems (Extended Abstract) (RMK, RET), pp. 368–377.
STOC-1980-Lloyd #constraints #scheduling- Critical Path Scheduling of Task Systems with Resource and Processor Constraints (Extended Abstract) (ELL), pp. 436–446.
STOC-1980-OvermarsV #maintenance- Dynamically Maintaining Configurations in the Plane (Detailed Abstract) (MHO, JvL), pp. 135–145.
STOC-1980-Reif #logic #probability #programming- Logics for Probabilistic Programming (Extended Abstract) (JHR), pp. 8–13.
STOC-1980-Storer #graph #grid- The Node Cost Measure for Embedding Graphs on the Planar Grid (Extended Abstract) (JAS), pp. 201–210.
STOC-1980-Strong #execution #graph- Vector Execution of Flow Graphs (Extended Abstract) (HRS), pp. 108–116.
ICALP-1980-EhrigKP #algebra #concept #correctness #data type #implementation #semantics #syntax- Algebraic Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept, Syntax, Semantics and Correctness (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 142–156.
ICALP-1980-HornungR #algebra #data type #semantics- Terminal Algebra Semantics and Retractions for Abstract Data Types (GH, PR), pp. 310–323.
ICALP-1980-LewisP #bound #symmetry- Symmetric Space-Bounded Computation (Extended Abstract) (HRL, CHP), pp. 374–384.
ICALP-1980-Makowsky #logic #power of- Measuring the Expressive Power of Dynamic Logics: An Application of Abstract Model Theory (JAM), pp. 409–421.
ICALP-1980-Vitanyi #on the #power of #realtime #specification- On the Power of Real-Time Machines Under Varying Specifications (Extended Abstract) (PMBV), pp. 658–671.
LISP-1980-Steele #abstraction #lisp- Strategies for Data Abstraction in LISP (BS), pp. 173–178.
SIGIR-1980-Paice #approach #automation #generative #identification #self- The Automatic Generation of Literature Abstracts: An Approach Based on the Identification of Self-Indicating Phrases (CDP), pp. 172–191.
POPL-1980-KapurM #abstraction #set- Expressiveness of the Operation Set of a Data Abstraction (DK, MKS), pp. 139–153.
POPL-1980-Musser #data type #induction #on the #proving- On Proving Inductive Properties of Abstract Data Types (DRM), pp. 154–162.
SDCG-1980-Gaudel #compilation #data type #specification- Specification of compilers as abstract data type representations (MCG), pp. 140–164.
CADE-1980-Plaisted #abstraction #proving #theorem proving- Abstraction Mappings in Mechanical Theorem Proving (DAP), pp. 264–280.
DAC-1979-LeinwandL #abstraction #design #functional #verification- Design verification based on functional abstraction (SML, TL), pp. 353–359.
SIGMOD-1979-Codd #database #relational- Extending the Data Base Relational Model to Capture More Meaning (Abstract) (EFC), p. 161.
SIGMOD-1979-MaierMS #dependence #testing- Testing Implications of Data Dependencies (Abstract) (DM, AOM, YS), p. 152.
SIGMOD-1979-RoweS #abstraction- Data Abstractions, Views and Updates in RIGEL (LAR, KAS), pp. 71–81.
SIGMOD-1979-Shipman #functional- The Functional Data Model and the Data Language DAPLEX (Abstract) (DWS), p. 59.
VLDB-1979-Herot- Spatial Management of Data (Abstract) (CFH), p. 16.
SCC-1979-Morris #abstraction #implementation- Data abstraction: A static implementation strategy (JBM), pp. 1–7.
STOC-1979-Angluin #set #string- Finding Patterns Common to a Set of Strings (Extended Abstract) (DA), pp. 130–141.
STOC-1979-Ladner #communication #complexity #csp #problem #process- The Complexity of Problems in Systems of Communicating Sequential Processes (Extended Abstract) (REL), pp. 214–223.
STOC-1979-Long #on the #polynomial- On γ-Reducibility versus Polynomial Time Many-One Reducibility (Extended Abstract) (TJL), pp. 278–287.
STOC-1979-Maier #database #relational- Minimum Covers in the Relational Database Model (Extended Abstract) (DM), pp. 330–337.
ICALP-1979-BertoniMM #invariant- A Characterization of Abstract Data as Model-Theoretic Invariants (AB, GM, PM), pp. 26–37.
ICALP-1979-Blattner #product line- Inherent Ambiguities in Families of Grammars (Extended Abstract) (MB), pp. 38–48.
ICALP-1979-BroyDPPW #data type #quantifier- Existential Quantifiers in Abstract Data Types (MB, WD, HP, PP, MW), pp. 73–87.
ICALP-1979-Deussen #algorithm #parsing- One Abstract Accepting Algorithm for all Kinds of Parsers (PD), pp. 203–217.
ICALP-1979-DuncanY #algorithm #correctness #proving- Studies in Abstract/Concrete Mappings in Proving Algorithm Correctness (AGD, LY), pp. 218–229.
ICALP-1979-Gallier #recursion- Recursion Schemes and Generalized Interpretations (Extended Abstract) (JHG), pp. 256–270.
ICALP-1979-KamimuraS #graph- DAGs and Chomsky Hierarchy (Extended Abstract) (TK, GS), pp. 331–337.
ICALP-1979-Karp #algorithm #analysis #graph #probability- Recent Advances in the Probabilistic Analysis of Graph-Theoretic Algorithms (Abstract) (RMK), pp. 338–339.
ICALP-1979-PapadimitriouY #complexity #problem #strict- The Complexity of Restricted Minimum Spanning Tree Problems (Extended Abstract) (CHP, MY), pp. 460–470.
ICALP-1979-Ruzzo #complexity #context-free grammar #on the #parsing #recognition- On the Complexity of General Context-Free Language Parsing and Recognition (Extended Abstract) (WLR), pp. 489–497.
ICALP-1979-Therien- Languages of Nilpotent and Solvable Groups (Extended Abstract) (DT), pp. 616–632.
FM-1979-BergG #data type #specification- Hierarchical Specification of Abstract Data Types (HKB, WKG), pp. 150–196.
FM-1979-BoydPW79a #abstraction #refinement- Abstraction and Refinement in RDM (DLB, AP, WTW), pp. 111–149.
ICSE-1979-KeramidisM #implementation #parallel #process #specification- Specification and Implementation of Parallel Activities on Abstract Objects (SK, LM), pp. 203–211.
SOSP-1979-WalkerKP #kernel #security #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of the UCLA Unix Security Kernel (Extended Abstract) (BJW, RAK, GJP), pp. 64–65.
DAC-1978-SnowST #design #trade-off- A technology-relative computer-aided design system: Abstract representations, transformations, and design tradeoffs (EAS, DPS, DET), pp. 220–226.
SIGMOD-1978-AhoSU #optimisation #performance #relational- Efficient Optimization of a Class of Relational Expressions (Abstract) (AVA, YS, JDU), p. 39.
SIGMOD-1978-HammerS #database #monitoring #performance- Efficient Monitoring of Database Assertions (Abstract) (MH, SKS), p. 159.
SIGMOD-1978-MenascePM #coordination #database #distributed #protocol- A Locking Protocol for Resource Coordination in Distributed Databases (Abstract) (DAM, GJP, RRM), p. 2.
SIGMOD-1978-MylopoulosBW #design #interactive- A Language Facility for Designing Interactive Database-Intensive Applications (Abstract) (JM, PAB, HKTW), p. 17.
VLDB-1978-Batory #on the- On Searching Transposed Files (Abstract) (DSB), p. 488.
VLDB-1978-BrodieS #data type #question #what- What is the Use of Abstract Data Types? (MLB, JWS), pp. 140–141.
VLDB-1978-KungL #concurrent #database #problem- A Concurrent Database Manipulation Problem: Binary Search Trees (Abstract) (HTK, PLL), p. 498.
VLDB-1978-Mason #analysis #architecture- A DBMS Architecture to Support Information Analysis (Abstract) (PJM), p. 332.
VLDB-1978-Smith78b #normalisation #syntax- A Normal Form for Abstract Syntax (JMS), pp. 156–162.
STOC-1978-EngelfrietRS #transducer- Tree Transducers, L Systems and Two-Way Machines (Extended Abstract) (JE, GR, GS), pp. 66–74.
STOC-1978-Lueker #graph #problem- Maximization Problems on Graphs with Edge Weights Chosen from a Normal Distribution (Extended Abstract) (GSL), pp. 13–18.
STOC-1978-StorerS #metaprogramming- The Macro Model for Data Compression (Extended Abstract) (JAS, TGS), pp. 30–39.
ICALP-1978-AltenkampM #named- Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Costs (Extended Abstract) (DA, KM), pp. 15–25.
ICALP-1978-CremersH #using- Mutual Exclusion of N Processors Using an O(N)-Valued Message Variable (Extended Abstract) (ABC, TNH), pp. 165–176.
ICALP-1978-EhrigKP #data type #implementation #specification- Stepwise Specification and Implementation of Abstract Data Types (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 205–226.
VDM-1978-Bjorner78a #abstraction #operating system #pl-i #specification #tutorial- Software Abstraction Principles: Tutorial Examples of: An Operating System Command Language Specification, and a PL/I-like On-Condition Language Definition (DB), pp. 337–374.
GG-1978-EhrichL #data type #specification- Constructive Specifications of Abstract Data Types by Replacements (HDE, VGL), pp. 180–191.
ICSE-1978-Thalmann #automaton #design #evolution- Evolution in the Design of Abstract Machines for Software Portability (DT), pp. 333–340.
SIGMOD-1977-Bubenko #approach #concept #design #modelling #named- IAM: An Inferential Abstract Modeling Approach to Design of Conceptual Schema (JABJ), pp. 62–74.
SIGMOD-1977-LohmanM #policy- Optimal Policy for Batch Operations: Backup, Checkpointing, Reorganization, and Updating (Abstract) (GML, JAM), p. 157.
SIGMOD-1977-RiesS #case study #database- A Study of the Effects of Locking Granularity in a Data Base Management System (Abstract) (DRR, MS), p. 121.
SIGMOD-1977-Schmidt- Some High-level Language Constructs for Data of Type Relation (Abstract) (JWS), p. 9.
SIGMOD-1977-WongE- Interval Hierarchies and Their Application to Predicate Files (Abstract) (KCW, ME), p. 168.
VLDB-1977-BerildN #database #design #named #simulation- CS4: A Tool for Database Design by Infological Simulation (Abstract) (SB, SN), p. 533.
VLDB-1977-Lipski #database #on the #semantics- On Semantic Issues Connected with Incomplete Information Data Bases (Abstract) (WLJ), p. 491.
VLDB-1977-MizumotoT #data type #implementation- Implementation of a Fuzzy-Set Theoretic Data Structure System (Abstract) (MM, MU, KT), p. 490.
STOC-1977-AdlemanM- Reducibility, Randomness, and Intractability (Abstract) (LMA, KLM), pp. 151–163.
STOC-1977-CarterW- Universal Classes of Hash Functions (Extended Abstract) (LC, MNW), pp. 106–112.
STOC-1977-FischerL #logic #source code- Propositional Modal Logic of Programs (Extended Abstract) (MJF, REL), pp. 286–294.
STOC-1977-KintalaF #nondeterminism #strict- Computations with a Restricted Number of Nondeterministic Steps (Extended Abstract) (CMRK, PCF), pp. 178–185.
STOC-1977-PetersonF #distributed #problem- Economical Solutions for the Critical Section Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract) (GLP, MJF), pp. 91–97.
ICALP-1977-BensonJ #composition #lr #parallel #parsing- Parallel Decomposition of LR(k) Parsers (Extended Abstract) (DBB, RDJ), pp. 76–86.
ICALP-1977-RozenbergV #finite- L Systems of Finite Index (Extended Abstract) (GR, DV), pp. 430–439.
POPL-1977-CousotC #abstract interpretation #approximate #fixpoint #source code #static analysis- Abstract Interpretation: A Unified Lattice Model for Static Analysis of Programs by Construction or Approximation of Fixpoints (PC, RC), pp. 238–252.
SOSP-1977-CheritonMMS #operating system #realtime- Thoth, a Portable Real-Time Operating System (Extended Abstract) (DRC, MAM, LSM, GRS), p. 171.
SOSP-1977-ReedK- Synchronization with Eventcounts and Sequencers (Extended Abstract) (DPR, RKK), p. 91.
VLDB-J-1975-NavatheF76 #abstraction #database #scalability- Restructuring for Large Data Bases: Three Levels of Abstraction (SBN, JPF), pp. 138–158.
SIGMOD-1976-GriffithsW #database #relational- An Authorization Mechanism for a Relational Data Base System (Abstract) (PPG, BWW), p. 51.
SIGMOD-1976-SeveranceL #database #difference #maintenance #scalability- Differential Files: Their Application to the Maintenance of Large Data Bases (Abstract) (DGS, GML), p. 43.
SIGMOD-1976-ShermanB #database #memory management #performance- Performance of a Data Base Manager in a Virtual Memory System (Abstract) (SWS, RSB), p. 31.
SIGMOD-1976-WongY #composition #named #query- Decomposition — A Strategy for Query Processing (Abstract) (EW, KY), p. 155.
VLDB-1976-SenkoA #abstraction #data access #physics- DIAM II and Levels of Abstraction — The Physical Device Level: A General Model for Access Methods (MES, EBA), pp. 79–94.
STOC-1976-Doeppner #abstraction #on the #parallel #source code- On Abstractions of Parallel Programs (TWDJ), pp. 65–72.
STOC-1976-GrahamHR #context-free grammar #on the #polynomial #recognition- On Line Context Free Language Recognition in Less than Cubic Time (Extended Abstract) (SLG, MAH, WLR), pp. 112–120.
STOC-1976-GuibasS #analysis- The Analysis of Double Hashing (Extended Abstract) (LJG, ES), pp. 187–191.
STOC-1976-HuntS #problem #reachability- Dichotomization, Reachability, and the Forbidden Subgraph Problem (Extended Abstract) (HBHI, TGS), pp. 126–134.
STOC-1976-Yao #algorithm #behaviour #on the #set- On the Average Behavior of Set Merging Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (ACCY), pp. 192–195.
ICSE-1976-Alford #realtime #requirements- A Requirements Engineering Methodology for Real-Time Processing Requirements (Abstract) (MWA), p. 69.
ICSE-1976-BallFLRR #bibliography- RIG, Rochester’s Intelligent Gateway: System Overview (Abstract) (JEB, JAF, JRL, RFR, PR), p. 132.
ICSE-1976-BellBD #approach #requirements- An Extendable Approach to Computer-Aided Software Requirements Engineering (Abstract) (TEB, DCB, MED), p. 70.
ICSE-1976-DavisV #development- The Software Development System (Abstract) (CGD, CRV), p. 60.
ICSE-1976-GerhartY #abstraction #backtracking #programming- Control Structure Abstractions of the Backtracking Programming Technique (Abstract) (SLG, LY), p. 391.
ICSE-1976-Gries #correctness #proving #source code- An Illustration of Current Ideas on the Derivation of Correctness Proofs and Correct Programs (Abstract) (DG), p. 200.
ICSE-1976-IrvineB #automation #data transformation #re-engineering- Automated Software Engineering Through Structured Data Management (Abstract) (CAI, JWB), p. 3.
ICSE-1976-JonesL #data access- A Language Extension for Controlling Access to Shared Data (Abstract) (AKJ, BL), p. 235.
ICSE-1976-McCabe #complexity- A Complexity Measure (Abstract) (TJM), p. 407.
ICSE-1976-Mills #development- Software Development (Abstract) (HDM), p. 388.
ICSE-1976-ParnasHW #design #operating system #product line #set #specification #system family- Design and Specification of the Minimal Subset of an Operating System Family (Abstract) (DLP, GH, HW), p. 123.
ICSE-1976-RamamoorthyHC #automation #generative #on the #testing- On the Automated Generation of Program Test Data (Abstract) (CVR, SBFH, WTC), p. 636.
ICSE-1976-ReynoldsY #induction #verification- Induction as the Basis for Program Verification (Abstract) (CR, RTY), p. 389.
ICSE-1976-RossS #analysis #requirements- Structured Analysis for Requirements Definition (Abstract) (DTR, KESJ), p. 1.
ICSE-1976-ShankarC #abstraction #specification- Dat Flow, Abstraction Levels and Specifications for Communications Switching Systems (KSS, CSC), pp. 585–591.
ICSE-1976-SilberschatzKB #concurrent #pascal #resource management- Extending Concurrent Pascal to Allow Dynamic Resource Management (Abstract) (AS, RBK, AJB), p. 236.
ICSE-1976-TeichroewH #analysis #documentation #information management #named- PSL/PSA: A Computer-Aided Technique for Structured Documentation and Analysis of Information Processing Systems (Abstract) (DT, EAHI), p. 2.
ICSE-1976-Wilkes #programming #re-engineering- Software Engineering and Structured Programming (Abstract) (MVW), p. 387.
ICSE-1976-WulfLS #source code #verification- An Introduction to the Construction and Verification of Alphard Programs (Abstract) (WAW, RLL, MS), p. 390.
SIGMOD-1975-AstrahanC #implementation #query- Implementation of a Structured English Query Language (Abstract) (MMA, DDC), p. 54.
SIGMOD-1975-Gerritsen #data type #design- A Preliminary System for the Design of DBTG Data Structures (Abstract) (RG), p. 166.
SIGMOD-1975-ShuHL #named- CONVERT: A High Level Translation Definition Language for Data Conversion (Abstract) (NCS, BCH, VYL), p. 111.
SIGMOD-1975-SmithC #algebra #database #interface #optimisation #performance #relational- Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Data Base Interface (Abstract) (JMS, PYTC), p. 64.
VLDB-1975-NavatheF #abstraction #database #scalability- Restructuring for Large Data Bases: Three Levels of Abstraction (SBN, JPF), p. 174.
STOC-1975-EhrenfeuchtR #formal method #on the #predict- On (Un)predictability of Formal Languages (Extended Abstract) (AE, GR), pp. 117–120.
STOC-1974-BookNP #bound #context-free grammar #linear #multi- Intersections of Linear Context-Free Languages and Reversal-Bounded Multipushdown Machines (Extended Abstract) (RVB, MN, MP), pp. 290–296.
STOC-1974-Hammer #ll- A New Grammatical Transformation into LL(k) Form (Extended Abstract) (MH), pp. 266–275.
STOC-1974-HyafilPV #algorithm #performance- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Optimal Desk Merge Patterns (Extended Abstract) (LH, FP, JV), pp. 216–229.
STOC-1974-Mehlhorn #polynomial #recursion- Polynomial and Abstract Subrecursive Classes (KM), pp. 96–109.
ICALP-1974-GellerGH #parsing- Production Prefix Parsing (Extended Abstract) (MMG, SLG, MAH), pp. 232–241.
STOC-1973-Greibach #context-free grammar #polynomial- Jump PDA’s, Deterministic Context-Free Languages Principal AFDLs and Polynomial Time Recognition-Extended Abstract (SAG), pp. 20–28.
SOSP-1973-BrunoCS #independence #scheduling- Scheduling Independent Tasks to Reduce Mean Finishing Time (Extended Abstract) (JLB, EGCJ, RS), pp. 102–103.
SOSP-1973-RitchieT- The UNIX Time-Sharing System (Abstract) (DR, KT), p. 27.
SIGFIDET-1972-Minsky- The Associative-Addressing Capability on Cylinder-Memories and Its Applications — An Abstract (NHM), p. 213.
STOC-1972-Hamlet #independence #problem #programming language- A Patent Problem for Abstract Programming Languages: Machine-Independent Computations (RGH), pp. 193–197.
STOC-1972-Savitch #automaton- Maze Recognizing Automata (Extended Abstract) (WJS), pp. 151–156.
ICALP-1972-Book #complexity #formal method- Complexity Classes of Formal Languages (Extended Abstract) (RVB), pp. 517–520.
ICALP-1972-HarrisonH #on the #product line- On a Family of Deterministic Grammars (Extended Abstract) (MAH, IMH), pp. 413–441.
ICALP-1972-PazR #approximate #automaton #linear #problem- Linear Automata — Approximation Problem (Extended Abstract) (AP, MR), pp. 99–102.
ICALP-1972-Wand #approach #recursion- A Concrete Approach to Abstract Recursion Definitions (MW), pp. 331–341.
STOC-1971-Berry- Block Structure: Retention or Deletion? (Extended Abstract) (DMB), pp. 86–100.
STOC-1971-Rosenberg #graph- Addressable Data Graphs: Extended Abstract (ALR), pp. 138–150.
SOSP-1971-BobrowBMT- TENEX, a Paged Time Sharing System for the PDP-10 (Abstract) (DGB, JDB, DLM, RST), pp. 1–10.
SOSP-1971-CoffmanR #case study #clustering #using- A Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model (Abstract) (EGCJ, TAR), pp. 122–129.
SOSP-1971-DenningS #set- Properties of the Working Set Model (Abstract) (PJD, SCS), pp. 130–140.
SOSP-1971-Gaines #concept #operating system- An Operating System Based on the Concept of a Supervisory Computer (Abstract) (RSG), pp. 17–23.
SOSP-1971-Habermann #communication #process- Synchronization of Communicating Processes (Abstract) (ANH), pp. 80–85.
SOSP-1971-SchroederS #architecture #hardware #implementation- A Hardware Architecture for Implementing Protection Rings (Abstract) (MDS, JHS), pp. 42–54.
SOSP-1971-TeoreyP #analysis #comparative #policy #scheduling- A Comparative Analysis of Disk Scheduling Policies (Abstract) (TJT, TBP), pp. 114–121.
STOC-1970-BookGW #bound- Tape- and Time-Bounded Turing Acceptors and AFLs: Extended Abstract (RVB, SAG, BW), pp. 92–99.
STOC-1970-LandweberR #complexity #recursion- Recursive Properties of Abstract Complexity Classes (Preliminary Version) (LHL, ELR), pp. 31–36.
STOC-1970-Rosenberg #graph- Data Graphs and Addressing Schemes: Extended Abstract (ALR), pp. 48–61.
STOC-1970-Ullian #product line #theorem- Three Theorems on Abstract Families of Languages (JSU), pp. 226–230.
STOC-1969-BookG #realtime- Quasi-Realtime Languages (Extended Abstract) (RVB, SAG), pp. 15–18.
STOC-1969-Chandler #product line- Abstract Families of Deterministic Languages (WJC), pp. 21–30.
STOC-1969-Cook #automaton- Variations on Pushdown Machines (Detailed Abstract) (SAC), pp. 229–231.
STOC-1969-Rose #product line- Abstract Families of Processors (GFR), pp. 9–14.
STOC-1969-Savitch #nondeterminism #simulation #turing machine- Deterministic Simulation of Non-Deterministic Turing Machines (Detailed Abstract) (WJS), pp. 247–248.