Tag #abstraction
861 papers:
- POPL-2020-ClairambaultV #quantum #λ-calculus
- Full abstraction for the quantum lambda-calculus (PC, MdV), p. 28.
- POPL-2020-GuoJJZWJP #refinement #synthesis
- Program synthesis by type-guided abstraction refinement (ZG, MJ, DJ, JZ, ZW, RJ, NP), p. 28.
- POPL-2020-LiuRSGCKY #timeline #verification
- Virtual timeline: a formal abstraction for verifying preemptive schedulers with temporal isolation (ML0, LR, ZS, RG, DC, JEK, MKY), p. 31.
- ASPLOS-2020-HanelAXKL #data-driven #memory management #named #streaming
- Vortex: Extreme-Performance Memory Abstractions for Data-Intensive Streaming Applications (CH, AA, DX, JK, DL), pp. 623–638.
- FM-2019-BeringerA #c #composition #source code #verification
- Abstraction and Subsumption in Modular Verification of C Programs (LB, AWA), pp. 573–590.
- IFM-2019-OortwijnH #automation #concurrent #message passing #verification
- Practical Abstractions for Automated Verification of Message Passing Concurrency (WO, MH), pp. 399–417.
- IFM-2019-WangAKS #execution #modelling #testing #visualisation
- Visualization and Abstractions for Execution Paths in Model-Based Software Testing (RW, CA, LMK, VS), pp. 474–492.
- AIIDE-2019-DiamantiT #adaptation #automation #refinement #simulation
- Automatic Abstraction and Refinement for Simulations with Adaptive Level of Detail (MD, DT), pp. 17–23.
- AIIDE-2019-SturtevantSTG
- Pathfinding and Abstraction with Dynamic Terrain Costs (NRS, DS, BT, TG), pp. 80–86.
- CoG-2019-ChenYL #game studies #learning #object-oriented #video
- Object-Oriented State Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning for Video Games (YC, HY, YL), pp. 1–4.
- PLDI-2019-AndersonPDC #approach #network #optimisation #robust
- Optimization and abstraction: a synergistic approach for analyzing neural network robustness (GA, SP, ID, SC), pp. 731–744.
- POPL-2019-SmithHA #probability
- Trace abstraction modulo probability (CS, JH, AA), p. 31.
- ASE-2019-AfzalACCDDKV #generative #testing #verification
- VeriAbs : Verification by Abstraction and Test Generation (MA, AA, AC, BC, PD, AD, SK, RV), pp. 1138–1141.
- ASE-2019-ZhangYD #automation #concurrent
- Automating Non-Blocking Synchronization In Concurrent Data Abstractions (JZ, QY, DD), pp. 735–747.
- ICSE-2019-GuSMC0YZLS #android #refinement #testing #user interface
- Practical GUI testing of Android applications via model abstraction and refinement (TG, CS, XM, CC, CX0, YY0, QZ, JL0, ZS), pp. 269–280.
- ICSE-2019-HeoOY #online #program analysis #resource management
- Resource-aware program analysis via online abstraction coarsening (KH, HO, HY), pp. 94–104.
- FASE-2019-DimovskiLW #game studies #model checking #refinement #variability
- Variability Abstraction and Refinement for Game-Based Lifted Model Checking of Full CTL (ASD, AL, AW), pp. 192–209.
- CAV-2019-CeskaK #analysis #network
- Semi-quantitative Abstraction and Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks (MC0, JK), pp. 475–496.
- CAV-2019-RoussanalySM #algorithm #automaton #refinement
- Abstraction Refinement Algorithms for Timed Automata (VR, OS, NM), pp. 22–40.
- CAV-2019-ReynoldsNBT #constraints #smt #string
- High-Level Abstractions for Simplifying Extended String Constraints in SMT (AR, AN, CWB, CT), pp. 23–42.
- TAP-2019-AndreAGR #automaton #testing
- Repairing Timed Automata Clock Guards through Abstraction and Testing (ÉA, PA, AG, MR), pp. 129–146.
- VMCAI-2019-AndreFMS #algorithm #industrial #model checking #parametricity #using #verification
- Verification of an Industrial Asynchronous Leader Election Algorithm Using Abstractions and Parametric Model Checking (ÉA, LF, JMM, RS), pp. 409–424.
- ECSA-2018-SprayS #architecture #embedded
- Abstraction Layered Architecture: Writing Maintainable Embedded Code (JS, RS), pp. 131–146.
- ICPC-2018-FengDJD #comprehension #execution
- Hierarchical abstraction of execution traces for program comprehension (YF, KD, JAJ, AvD), pp. 86–96.
- ICSME-2018-KlusenerMKW #identification
- Reducing Code Duplication by Identifying Fresh Domain Abstractions (SK, AJM, JK, HvW), pp. 569–578.
- FM-2018-Lowe #component
- View Abstraction for Systems with Component Identities (GL), pp. 505–522.
- AIIDE-2018-MoraesMLN #combinator #multi
- Action Abstractions for Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit Tree Search (ROM, JRHM, LHSL, MAN), pp. 74–80.
- ICML-2018-AbelALL #learning
- State Abstractions for Lifelong Reinforcement Learning (DA, DA, LL, MLL), pp. 10–19.
- ICML-2018-HoltzenBM #composition #probability #source code
- Sound Abstraction and Decomposition of Probabilistic Programs (SH, GVdB, TDM), pp. 2004–2013.
- ICML-2018-LiangLNMFGGJS #distributed #learning #named
- RLlib: Abstractions for Distributed Reinforcement Learning (EL, RL, RN, PM, RF, KG, JG, MIJ, IS), pp. 3059–3068.
- ICPR-2018-SoleymaniDKDN #identification #multimodal #network
- Multi-Level Feature Abstraction from Convolutional Neural Networks for Multimodal Biometric Identification (SS, AD, HK, JMD, NMN), pp. 3469–3476.
- Onward-2018-Steimann
- Fatal abstraction (FS), pp. 125–130.
- OOPSLA-2018-ChouKA #algebra #compilation
- Format abstraction for sparse tensor algebra compilers (SC, FK, SPA), p. 30.
- PLDI-2018-GuSKWKS0CR #concurrent
- Certified concurrent abstraction layers (RG, ZS, JK, X(W, JK, VS, HC0, DC, TR), pp. 646–661.
- POPL-2018-KrishnaSW #composition #concurrent #data type
- Go with the flow: compositional abstractions for concurrent data structures (SK, DES, TW), p. 31.
- POPL-2018-WangDS #refinement #synthesis #using
- Program synthesis using abstraction refinement (XW0, ID, RS), p. 30.
- PPDP-2018-Terao #higher-order #lazy evaluation #verification
- Lazy Abstraction for Higher-Order Program Verification (TT), p. 13.
- SAS-2018-RothenbergDH #incremental #using #verification
- Incremental Verification Using Trace Abstraction (BCR, DD, MH), pp. 364–382.
- SAS-2018-Zuleger #induction #invariant #proving #termination
- Inductive Termination Proofs with Transition Invariants and Their Relationship to the Size-Change Abstraction (FZ), pp. 423–444.
- ASE-2018-Yin0LW #constraints #memory management #modelling #refinement #scheduling
- Scheduling constraint based abstraction refinement for weak memory models (LY, WD0, WL, JW0), pp. 645–655.
- ESOP-2018-AbdullaJT #analysis #concurrent
- Fragment Abstraction for Concurrent Shape Analysis (PAA, BJ, CQT), pp. 442–471.
- CAV-2018-McMillan #model checking
- Eager Abstraction for Symbolic Model Checking (KLM), pp. 191–208.
- CAV-2018-WangADM #learning #synthesis
- Learning Abstractions for Program Synthesis (XW0, GA, ID, KLM), pp. 407–426.
- CAV-2018-BouajjaniEMT #reasoning #reduction #source code #using
- Reasoning About TSO Programs Using Reduction and Abstraction (AB, CE, SOM, ST), pp. 336–353.
- IJCAR-2018-HernandezK #framework #reasoning #scalability
- An Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Reasoning with Large Theories (JCLH, KK), pp. 663–679.
- VMCAI-2018-AminofRSWZ #algorithm #distributed #model checking
- Parameterized Model Checking of Synchronous Distributed Algorithms by Abstraction (BA, SR, IS, JW, FZ), pp. 1–24.
- VMCAI-2018-BaumannDMHV #automation #source code #verification
- Automatic Verification of RMA Programs via Abstraction Extrapolation (CB, AMD, YM, TH, MTV), pp. 47–70.
- VMCAI-2018-DongolJRA #composition #on the
- On abstraction and compositionality for weak-memory linearisability (BD, RJ, JR, AA), pp. 183–204.
- FSCD-2017-CastellanCW #concurrent
- Observably Deterministic Concurrent Strategies and Intensional Full Abstraction for Parallel-or (SC, PC, GW), p. 16.
- SEFM-2017-TomascoN0TP #design #memory management #modelling #using
- Using Shared Memory Abstractions to Design Eager Sequentializations for Weak Memory Models (ET, TLN, BF0, SLT, GP), pp. 185–202.
- ECOOP-2017-CruzRST
- Type Abstraction for Relaxed Noninterference (RC, TR, BPS, ÉT), p. 27.
- ECOOP-2017-StievenartNMR #source code #static analysis
- Mailbox Abstractions for Static Analysis of Actor Programs (QS, JN, WDM, CDR), p. 30.
- Onward-2017-FrancoHWDE #performance
- You can have it all: abstraction and good cache performance (JF, MH, TW, SD, SE), pp. 148–167.
- LOPSTR-2017-AngelisFPP #relational #verification
- Predicate Pairing with Abstraction for Relational Verification (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 289–305.
- POPL-2017-AminR17a #named #programming
- LMS-Verify: abstraction without regret for verified systems programming (NA, TR), pp. 859–873.
- POPL-2017-Crary #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism
- Modules, abstraction, and parametric polymorphism (KC), pp. 100–113.
- QAPL-2017-Vandin
- Language-based Abstractions for Dynamical Systems (AV), pp. 15–24.
- SAS-2017-FacchinettiPS
- Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction (LF, ZP, SFS0), pp. 106–127.
- SAS-2017-MukherjeePSDR #performance #semantics #source code #thread
- Thread-Local Semantics and Its Efficient Sequential Abstractions for Race-Free Programs (SM, OP, SS, DD, NR), pp. 253–276.
- SAS-2017-SharmaR #framework
- A New Abstraction Framework for Affine Transformers (TS, TWR), pp. 342–363.
- GPCE-2017-Perard-GayotWMS #algorithm #named #performance #traversal
- RaTrace: simple and efficient abstractions for BVH ray traversal algorithms (APG, MW, RM, PS, RL, SH), pp. 157–168.
- CASE-2017-WareS #parallel #synthesis
- Time optimal synthesis based upon sequential abstraction and maximizing parallelism (SW, RS), pp. 926–931.
- CASE-2017-YamazakiNS #composition #first-order #hybrid #petri net #problem
- A decomposition method with discrete abstraction for simultaneous traffic signal control and route selection problem with first-order hybrid Petri Nets (RY, TN, SS), pp. 352–357.
- FASE-2017-DimovskiW #model checking #refinement #variability
- Variability-Specific Abstraction Refinement for Family-Based Model Checking (ASD, AW), pp. 406–423.
- ICST-2017-DarkeCCV #bound #model checking #performance #proving #safety #using
- Efficient Safety Proofs for Industry-Scale Code Using Abstractions and Bounded Model Checking (PD, BC, AC, RV), pp. 468–475.
- TAP-2017-DamianiHL #analysis #product line #refinement
- Abstraction Refinement for the Analysis of Software Product Lines (FD, RH, ML), pp. 3–20.
- VMCAI-2017-AbalBW #c #debugging #effectiveness #source code
- Effective Bug Finding in C Programs with Shape and Effect Abstractions (IA, CB, AW), pp. 34–54.
- VMCAI-2017-BlazyBY
- Structuring Abstract Interpreters Through State and Value Abstractions (SB, DB, BY), pp. 112–130.
- VMCAI-2017-DSilvaKS #concurrent #independence #modelling
- Independence Abstractions and Models of Concurrency (VD, DK, MS), pp. 151–168.
- VMCAI-2017-DSilvaS #logic #subclass
- Complete Abstractions and Subclassical Modal Logics (VD, MS), pp. 169–186.
- VMCAI-2017-KonnovWSS #algorithm #distributed #fault tolerance
- Accuracy of Message Counting Abstraction in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms (IVK0, JW, FS, LS), pp. 347–366.
- VMCAI-2017-MonatM #abstract interpretation #concurrent #precise #relational #source code #thread #using
- Precise Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation of Concurrent Programs Using Relational Interference Abstractions (RM, AM), pp. 386–404.
- CBSE-2016-MubeenNSLGL #distributed #embedded #legacy #modelling
- Modeling of Legacy Distributed Embedded Systems at Vehicle Abstraction Level (SM, TN, MS, JL, MG, KLL), pp. 7–12.
- WICSA-2016-MubeenN #analysis #component #distributed #embedded #on the
- On Timing Analysis of Component-Based Vehicular Distributed Embedded Systems at Various Abstraction Levels (SM, TN), pp. 277–278.
- SCAM-2016-Quante #framework #interpreter
- A Program Interpreter Framework for Arbitrary Abstractions (JQ), pp. 91–96.
- FM-2016-DimovskiBW #analysis #variability
- Finding Suitable Variability Abstractions for Family-Based Analysis (ASD, CB, AW), pp. 217–234.
- FM-2016-SogokonGJ #difference #equation
- Decoupling Abstractions of Non-linear Ordinary Differential Equations (AS, KG, TTJ), pp. 628–644.
- SEFM-2016-Agha #analysis #concurrent #modelling #problem #semantics #tool support
- Abstractions, Semantic Models and Analysis Tools for Concurrent Systems: Progress and Open Problems - (Extended Abstract) (GA), pp. 3–8.
- SEFM-2016-Yavuz #approximate #fixpoint
- Combining Predicate Abstraction with Fixpoint Approximations (TY), pp. 104–120.
- ICML-2016-AbelHL #approximate #behaviour
- Near Optimal Behavior via Approximate State Abstraction (DA, DEH, MLL), pp. 2915–2923.
- Onward-2016-AfshariS #refinement
- Building white-box abstractions by program refinement (MA, ZS), pp. 74–81.
- OOPSLA-2016-ZuoFKXL #automation #debugging #refinement #statistics
- Low-overhead and fully automated statistical debugging with abstraction refinement (ZZ0, LF, SCK, G(X, SL), pp. 881–896.
- LOPSTR-2016-FangS #analysis #memory management
- Hierarchical Shape Abstraction for Analysis of Free List Memory Allocators (BF0, MS), pp. 151–167.
- POPL-2016-GrigoreY #probability #refinement
- Abstraction refinement guided by a learnt probabilistic model (RG, HY), pp. 485–498.
- ASPLOS-2016-DidonaDKGNR #memory management #named #performance #transaction
- ProteusTM: Abstraction Meets Performance in Transactional Memory (DD, ND, AMK, RG, RN, PR0), pp. 757–771.
- CGO-2016-BrownLRSSAO #parallel #performance
- Have abstraction and eat performance, too: optimized heterogeneous computing with parallel patterns (KJB, HL, TR, AKS, CDS, CRA, KO), pp. 194–205.
- FASE-2016-BolignanoJS #memory management #modelling
- Modeling and Abstraction of Memory Management in a Hypervisor (PB, TJ, VS), pp. 214–230.
- CAV-2016-DanielCGTM #infinity
- Infinite-State Liveness-to-Safety via Implicit Abstraction and Well-Founded Relations (JD, AC, AG, ST, SM), pp. 271–291.
- CAV-2016-PrabhakarS #analysis #refinement
- Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement for Stability Analysis (PP, MGS), pp. 495–512.
- VMCAI-2016-BakstJ #data type #linked data #open data
- Predicate Abstraction for Linked Data Structures (AB, RJ), pp. 65–84.
- VMCAI-2016-GanjeiREP #lazy evaluation
- Lazy Constrained Monotonic Abstraction (ZG, AR, PE, ZP), pp. 147–165.
- VMCAI-2016-PelegSY #data-driven
- D^3 : Data-Driven Disjunctive Abstraction (HP, SS, EY), pp. 185–205.
- CBSE-2015-RuchkinSG #architecture #hybrid #source code
- Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs (IR, BRS, DG), pp. 65–74.
- ICSME-2015-NittaM #why
- Delta extraction: An abstraction technique to comprehend why two objects could be related (NN, TM), pp. 61–70.
- FM-2015-0009ZZZ #hybrid
- Abstraction of Elementary Hybrid Systems by Variable Transformation (JL, NZ, HZ, LZ), pp. 360–377.
- FM-2015-ChimdyalwarDCVC #bound #model checking #static analysis #using
- Eliminating Static Analysis False Positives Using Loop Abstraction and Bounded Model Checking (BC, PD, AC, SV, AC), pp. 573–576.
- SEFM-2015-JonesY #reasoning #using
- Reasoning about Separation Using Abstraction and Reification (CBJ, NY), pp. 3–19.
- CHI-2015-Gilbert
- Open Book: A Socially-inspired Cloaking Technique that Uses Lexical Abstraction to Transform Messages (EG), pp. 477–486.
- HCI-DE-2015-Teixeira-FariaI #complexity #component #interactive #visual notation
- Reduce Complexity by Increasing Abstraction in Interactive Visual Components (PMTF, JRI), pp. 426–437.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-WatanabeTA #development #learning #source code
- Development of a Learning Support System for Reading Source Code by Stepwise Abstraction (KW, TT, TA), pp. 387–394.
- ICML-2015-JiangKS #learning #modelling
- Abstraction Selection in Model-based Reinforcement Learning (NJ, AK, SS), pp. 179–188.
- ECOOP-2015-BurckhardtLPF #protocol #robust #sequence
- Global Sequence Protocol: A Robust Abstraction for Replicated Shared State (SB, DL, JP, MF), pp. 568–590.
- ECOOP-2015-DimovskiBW #analysis #precise #variability
- Variability Abstractions: Trading Precision for Speed in Family-Based Analyses (ASD, CB, AW), pp. 247–270.
- OOPSLA-2015-BlackshearCS #control flow
- Selective control-flow abstraction via jumping (SB, BYEC, MS), pp. 163–182.
- OOPSLA-2015-UpadhyayaR #concurrent #effectiveness #java #message passing #thread #virtual machine
- Effectively mapping linguistic abstractions for message-passing concurrency to threads on the Java virtual machine (GU, HR), pp. 840–859.
- POPL-2015-BonchiSZ #graph
- Full Abstraction for Signal Flow Graphs (FB, PS, FZ), pp. 515–526.
- POPL-2015-GuKRSWWZG #specification
- Deep Specifications and Certified Abstraction Layers (RG, JK, TR, ZS, X(W, SCW, HZ, YG), pp. 595–608.
- SAS-2015-MonniauxA #array
- A Simple Abstraction of Arrays and Maps by Program Translation (DM, FA), pp. 217–234.
- ASE-2015-LerchSBM #analysis #bound #data flow #scalability
- Access-Path Abstraction: Scaling Field-Sensitive Data-Flow Analysis with Unbounded Access Paths (T) (JL, JS, EB, MM), pp. 619–629.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-SunXLLQ #learning #named #testing #validation
- TLV: abstraction through testing, learning, and validation (JS, HX, YL, SWL, SQ), pp. 698–709.
- CASE-2015-AicherRV #automation #simulation #towards #verification
- Towards finding the appropriate level of abstraction to model and verify automated production systems in discrete event simulation (TA, SR, BVH), pp. 1048–1053.
- DAC-2015-BalajiFDGA #architecture #cyber-physical #modelling
- Models, abstractions, and architectures: the missing links in cyber-physical systems (BB, MAAF, NDD, RKG, YA), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-BombieriFPS #verification
- RTL property abstraction for TLM assertion-based verification (NB, RF, GP, FS), pp. 85–90.
- DATE-2015-MadhukarSWKM #lazy evaluation #using #verification
- Verifying synchronous reactive systems using lazy abstraction (KM, MS, BW, DK, RM), pp. 1571–1574.
- HPDC-2015-ZhouLLPZ #graph #parallel #performance
- Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Resource Aware Graph Parallel Abstractions (YZ, LL, KL, CP, QZ), pp. 179–190.
- PPoPP-2015-YouWTC #framework #named
- VirtCL: a framework for OpenCL device abstraction and management (YPY, HJW, YNT, YTC), pp. 161–172.
- ESOP-2015-CernyHKRZ #analysis #execution #worst-case
- Segment Abstraction for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (PC, TAH, LK, AR, JZ), pp. 105–131.
- ESOP-2015-CoxCR #multi #source code
- Desynchronized Multi-State Abstractions for Open Programs in Dynamic Languages (AC, BYEC, XR), pp. 483–509.
- TACAS-2015-SoudjaniGA #probability #process
- FAUST 2 : Formal Abstractions of Uncountable-STate STochastic Processes (SEZS, CG, AA), pp. 272–286.
- CAV-2015-KonnovVW #algorithm #distributed #model checking #smt
- SMT and POR Beat Counter Abstraction: Parameterized Model Checking of Threshold-Based Distributed Algorithms (IK, HV, JW), pp. 85–102.
- CAV-2015-Tiwari
- Time-Aware Abstractions in HybridSal (AT), pp. 504–510.
- CAV-2015-DesaiSQBE #approximate #distributed
- Approximate Synchrony: An Abstraction for Distributed Almost-Synchronous Systems (AD, SAS, SQ, DB, JCE), pp. 429–448.
- CAV-2015-KuwaharaSU0 #functional #higher-order #source code #termination
- Predicate Abstraction and CEGAR for Disproving Termination of Higher-Order Functional Programs (TK, RS, HU, NK), pp. 287–303.
- ISSTA-2015-GuiSLD #assessment #communication #distributed #refinement #reliability
- Reliability assessment for distributed systems via communication abstraction and refinement (LG, JS, YL, JSD), pp. 293–304.
- LICS-2015-KobayashiL #model checking #refinement
- Automata-Based Abstraction Refinement for μHORS Model Checking (NK, XL), pp. 713–724.
- VMCAI-2015-BackesR #analysis #clustering #graph transformation #infinity
- Analysis of Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems by Cluster Abstraction (PB, JR), pp. 135–152.
- VMCAI-2015-BjornerG
- Property Directed Polyhedral Abstraction (NB, AG), pp. 263–281.
- VMCAI-2015-DanMVY #effectiveness #memory management #modelling #verification
- Effective Abstractions for Verification under Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 449–466.
- VMCAI-2015-LiuR #array
- Abstraction of Arrays Based on Non Contiguous Partitions (JL, XR), pp. 282–299.
- VMCAI-2015-PrabhakarS #analysis #hybrid
- Foundations of Quantitative Predicate Abstraction for Stability Analysis of Hybrid Systems (PP, MGS), pp. 318–335.
- JCDL-2014-RahebI #library #modelling
- Modeling abstractions for dance digital libraries (KER, YEI), pp. 431–432.
- EDM-2014-SmithWML #mining #named #sketching
- SKETCHMINER: Mining Learner-Generated Science Drawings with Topological Abstraction (AS, ENW, BWM, JCL), pp. 288–291.
- RTA-TLCA-2014-BaeM
- Predicate Abstraction of Rewrite Theories (KB, JM), pp. 61–76.
- ICFP-2014-MarlowBCP #concurrent #data access #performance
- There is no fork: an abstraction for efficient, concurrent, and concise data access (SM, LB, JC, JP), pp. 325–337.
- AIIDE-2014-AversaV #personalisation
- Belief-Driven Pathfinding through Personalized Map Abstraction (DA, SV).
- GRAPHITE-2014-Ziegert #graph transformation
- Graph Transformation Planning via Abstraction (SZ), pp. 71–83.
- HIMI-AS-2014-NarumiOKTH #comprehension
- Switching the Level of Abstraction in Digital Exhibitions to Provide an Understanding of Mechanisms (TN, HO, RK, TT, MH), pp. 567–576.
- EDOC-2014-GarciaV #architecture #framework #implementation #process
- Object-Business Process Mapping Frameworks: Abstractions, Architecture, and Implementation (RG, MTV), pp. 160–169.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-BelgamoHZRF #case study #visualisation
- Code Inspection Supported by Stepwise Abstraction and Visualization — An Experimental Study (AB, EMH, AZ, RSR, SF), pp. 39–48.
- KR-2014-LomuscioM #atl #multi #specification #verification
- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Multi-Agent Systems Against ATL Specifications (AL, JM).
- SEKE-2014-ChenM #evolution
- Change and Role as First-Class Abstractions for Realising Dynamic Evolution (YC, XM), pp. 443–446.
- SKY-2014-OsetinskyY #case study #effectiveness #legacy #using
- Working More Effectively with Legacy Code Using Domain Knowledge and Abstractions: A Case Study (IO, RY), pp. 63–70.
- ECOOP-2014-OkurED #low level #parallel
- Converting Parallel Code from Low-Level Abstractions to Higher-Level Abstractions (SO, CE, DD), pp. 515–540.
- ECOOP-2014-PintoDG #logic #named
- TaDA: A Logic for Time and Data Abstraction (PdRP, TDY, PG), pp. 207–231.
- OOPSLA-2014-WangCC #compilation #verification
- Compiler verification meets cross-language linking via data abstraction (PW, SC, AC), pp. 675–690.
- PLDI-2014-HuangMR #concurrent #control flow #detection #predict
- Maximal sound predictive race detection with control flow abstraction (JH, POM, GR), p. 36.
- PLDI-2014-ZhangMGNY #analysis #datalog #on the #refinement
- On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog (XZ, RM, RG, MN, HY), p. 27.
- POPL-2014-ChongDK #parallel #reasoning
- A sound and complete abstraction for reasoning about parallel prefix sums (NC, AFD, JK), pp. 397–410.
- POPL-2014-RamsayNO #approach #higher-order #model checking #refinement
- A type-directed abstraction refinement approach to higher-order model checking (SJR, RPN, CHLO), pp. 61–72.
- PPDP-2014-Ramsay #recursion #safety
- Exact Intersection Type Abstractions for Safety Checking of Recursion Schemes (SJR), pp. 175–186.
- QAPL-2014-BraitlingFHWBH #automaton #game studies #markov #named #refinement
- MeGARA: Menu-based Game Abstraction and Abstraction Refinement of Markov Automata (BB, LMFF, HH, RW, BB, HH), pp. 48–63.
- SAS-2014-BakhirkinBP #analysis #approximate
- Backward Analysis via over-Approximate Abstraction and under-Approximate Subtraction (AB, JB, NP), pp. 34–50.
- SAS-2014-ToubhansCR #abstract domain #combinator #memory management
- An Abstract Domain Combinator for Separately Conjoining Memory Abstractions (AT, BYEC, XR), pp. 285–301.
- ASE-2014-KusanoW #optimisation #partial order #reduction
- Assertion guided abstraction: a cooperative optimization for dynamic partial order reduction (MK, CW), pp. 175–186.
- FSE-2014-CordyHLSDL #behaviour #modelling #product line #refinement
- Counterexample guided abstraction refinement of product-line behavioural models (MC, PH, AL, PYS, BD, ML), pp. 190–201.
- FSE-2014-MileaJK #detection #refactoring #scalability
- Vector abstraction and concretization for scalable detection of refactorings (NAM, LJ, SCK), pp. 86–97.
- SAC-2014-RockiBS #future of #performance #programming #question
- The future of accelerator programming: abstraction, performance or can we have both? (KR, MB, RS), pp. 886–895.
- DAC-2014-PrussKE #equivalence #scalability #using #verification
- Equivalence Verification of Large Galois Field Arithmetic Circuits using Word-Level Abstraction via Gröbner Bases (TP, PK, FE), p. 6.
- DATE-2014-SchlichtmannKAEGGHNW #design
- Connecting different worlds — Technology abstraction for reliability-aware design and Test (US, VK, JAA, AE, CGD, MG, AH, SRN, NW), pp. 1–8.
- OSDI-2014-KimHZHWWS #gpu #named #network #source code
- GPUnet: Networking Abstractions for GPU Programs (SK, SH, XZ, YH, AW, EW, MS), pp. 201–216.
- OSDI-2014-SpahnBLBGK #data transformation #fine-grained #named #operating system
- Pebbles: Fine-Grained Data Management Abstractions for Modern Operating Systems (RS, JB, ML, SB, RG, GEK), pp. 113–129.
- ESOP-2014-Fu #analysis #memory management
- Targeted Update — Aggressive Memory Abstraction Beyond Common Sense and Its Application on Static Numeric Analysis (ZF), pp. 534–553.
- FASE-2014-MudduluruR #incremental #performance #static analysis #using
- Efficient Incremental Static Analysis Using Path Abstraction (RM, MKR), pp. 125–139.
- TACAS-2014-CimattiGMT #modulo theories
- IC3 Modulo Theories via Implicit Predicate Abstraction (AC, AG, SM, ST), pp. 46–61.
- CAV-2014-BirgmeierBW #induction
- Counterexample to Induction-Guided Abstraction-Refinement (CTIGAR) (JB, ARB, GW), pp. 831–848.
- CAV-2014-CoxCS #library #named #parametricity #reuse #set
- QUICr: A Reusable Library for Parametric Abstraction of Sets and Numbers (AC, BYEC, SS), pp. 866–873.
- CAV-2014-HansenLLN0 #automaton #partial order #reduction #women
- Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend: Partial Order Reduction for Timed Automata with Abstractions (HH, SWL, YL, TKN, JS), pp. 391–406.
- CAV-2014-LeeS #approximate #bound #reachability #scalability #verification
- Unbounded Scalable Verification Based on Approximate Property-Directed Reachability and Datapath Abstraction (SL, KAS), pp. 849–865.
- TAP-2014-ArcainiGR #model checking #testing
- An Abstraction Technique for Testing Decomposable Systems by Model Checking (PA, AG, ER), pp. 36–52.
- ICSM-2013-AnandEKSBK #analysis #bytecode #framework #memory management #stack
- An Accurate Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables (KA, KE, AK, MS, RB, ADK), pp. 90–99.
- SCAM-2013-KiwelekarJ #object-oriented #ontology #programming
- Ontological interpretation of object-oriented programming abstractions (AWK, RKJ), pp. 189–198.
- IFM-2013-AlbertCPR #distributed #quantifier
- Quantified Abstractions of Distributed Systems (EA, JC, GP, GRD), pp. 285–300.
- IFL-2013-DanvyTZ
- Circularity and λ Abstraction: From Bird to Pettorossi and back (OD, PT, IZ), p. 85.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-BevacquaCFGP #adaptation #approach #predict #process
- A Data-adaptive Trace Abstraction Approach to the Prediction of Business Process Performances (AB, MC, FF, MG, LP), pp. 56–65.
- ECOOP-2013-HeuleKMS #generative #logic #verification
- Verification Condition Generation for Permission Logics with Abstract Predicates and Abstraction Functions (SH, ITK, PM, AJS), pp. 451–476.
- ECOOP-2013-SummersD #recursion #semantics
- A Formal Semantics for Isorecursive and Equirecursive State Abstractions (AJS, SD), pp. 129–153.
- OOPSLA-2013-ChongDKKQ #analysis #gpu #invariant #kernel
- Barrier invariants: a shared state abstraction for the analysis of data-dependent GPU kernels (NC, AFD, PHJK, JK, SQ), pp. 605–622.
- OOPSLA-2013-KansalSBMMZ #energy #latency #mobile #performance
- The latency, accuracy, and battery (LAB) abstraction: programmer productivity and energy efficiency for continuous mobile context sensing (AK, TSS, AJBB, KSM, TM, RZ), pp. 661–676.
- PADL-2013-RodriguesASF #analysis #composition #declarative #multi #using
- A Declarative Compositional Timing Analysis for Multicores Using the Latency-Rate Abstraction (VR, BA, SMdS, MF), pp. 43–59.
- PEPM-2013-SulzmannNZ #correctness #traceability
- Traceability and evidence of correctness of EDSL abstractions (MS, JNF, AZ), pp. 71–74.
- PLDI-2013-ZhangNY #analysis #data flow #parametricity
- Finding optimum abstractions in parametric dataflow analysis (XZ, MN, HY), pp. 365–376.
- POPL-2013-AtkeyJK #algebra
- Abstraction and invariance for algebraically indexed types (RA, PJ, AK), pp. 87–100.
- POPL-2013-BattyDG #c #c++ #concurrent #library
- Library abstraction for C/C++ concurrency (MB, MD, AG), pp. 235–248.
- POPL-2013-CernyHR #refinement
- Quantitative abstraction refinement (PC, TAH, AR), pp. 115–128.
- POPL-2013-LoschP
- Full abstraction for nominal Scott domains (SL, AMP), pp. 3–14.
- SAS-2013-DanMVY #memory management #modelling
- Predicate Abstraction for Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 84–104.
- SAC-OOPS-J-2009-LievensH13 #encapsulation #implementation #multi #symmetry
- Abstraction over implementation structure with symmetrically encapsulated multimethods (DL, WH), pp. 953–968.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-PhamW #algebra #data type #named #reasoning
- RADA: a tool for reasoning about algebraic data types with abstractions (THP, MWW), pp. 611–614.
- ICSE-2013-BakZCADWR #modelling
- Example-driven modeling: model = abstractions + examples (KB, DZ, KC, MA, ZD, AW, DR), pp. 1273–1276.
- SAC-2013-ChenLWW #source code #static analysis
- Static analysis of list-manipulating programs via bit-vectors and numerical abstractions (LC, RL, XW, JW), pp. 1204–1210.
- SAC-2013-KolbR #adaptation #data flow #process
- Data flow abstractions and adaptations through updatable process views (JK, MR), pp. 1447–1453.
- GPCE-2013-Richard-FoyBJ #performance #programming #web
- Efficient high-level abstractions for web programming (JRF, OB, JMJ), pp. 53–60.
- CASE-2013-HanzG #cyber-physical #mobile
- An abstraction layer for controlling heterogeneous mobile cyber-physical systems (TH, MG), pp. 117–121.
- DAC-2013-XiongW #constraints #grid #power management #verification
- Constraint abstraction for vectorless power grid verification (XX, JW), p. 6.
- DATE-2013-Belov0MM #satisfiability
- Core minimization in SAT-based abstraction (AB, HC, AM, JMS), pp. 1411–1416.
- DATE-2013-MishchenkoEBBMN #named #revisited
- GLA: gate-level abstraction revisited (AM, NE, RKB, JB, HM, PKN), pp. 1399–1404.
- PDP-2013-RenesseJNJ
- Secure Abstraction with Code Capabilities (RvR, HDJ, NN, DJ), pp. 542–546.
- FASE-2013-BapodraH #graph transformation #probability
- Abstraction and Training of Stochastic Graph Transformation Systems (MB, RH), pp. 312–326.
- FoSSaCS-2013-Clouston #set
- Generalised Name Abstraction for Nominal Sets (RC), pp. 434–449.
- TACAS-2013-BansalKWZ
- Structural Counter Abstraction (KB, EK, TW, DZ), pp. 62–77.
- CADE-2013-BaumgartnerW
- Hierarchic Superposition with Weak Abstraction (PB, UW), pp. 39–57.
- CAV-2013-HerbreteauSW #automaton #lazy evaluation
- Lazy Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 990–1005.
- CAV-2013-KomuravelliGCC #automation #bound #model checking #smt
- Automatic Abstraction in SMT-Based Unbounded Software Model Checking (AK, AG, SC, EMC), pp. 846–862.
- CAV-2013-LaarmanODLP #automaton #manycore #using
- Multi-core Emptiness Checking of Timed Büchi Automata Using Inclusion Abstraction (AL, MCO, AED, KGL, JvdP), pp. 968–983.
- CAV-2013-PrabhakarS #hybrid #model checking
- Abstraction Based Model-Checking of Stability of Hybrid Systems (PP, MGS), pp. 280–295.
- ICST-2013-CzemerinskiBU #behaviour #black box
- Behaviour Abstraction Coverage as Black-Box Adequacy Criteria (HC, VAB, SU), pp. 222–231.
- VMCAI-2013-DSilvaK #syntax
- Abstraction of Syntax (VD, DK), pp. 396–413.
- VMCAI-2013-Ranzato
- Complete Abstractions Everywhere (FR), pp. 15–26.
- QoSA-2012-HaitzerZ #architecture #automation #component #lifecycle
- DSL-based support for semi-automated architectural component model abstraction throughout the software lifecycle (TH, UZ), pp. 61–70.
- ITiCSE-2012-CookDHHJKS #approach #education #modelling
- A systematic approach to teaching abstraction and mathematical modeling (CTC, SDS, JOH, JEH, DPJ, JK, MS), pp. 357–362.
- ICPC-2012-NunezK #case study #comprehension #user study
- Understanding registration-based abstractions: A quantitative user study (JJN, GK), pp. 93–102.
- WCRE-2012-NodaKA #execution
- Execution Trace Abstraction Based on Meta Patterns Usage (KN, TK, KA), pp. 167–176.
- LATA-2012-Bozzelli #constraints #termination
- Strong Termination for Gap-Order Constraint Abstractions of Counter Systems (LB), pp. 155–168.
- FM-2012-AartsHKOV #automaton #learning #refinement
- Automata Learning through Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement (FA, FH, HK, PO, FWV), pp. 10–27.
- IFM-2012-HoomanMW #detection #fault #industrial #modelling #using
- Early Fault Detection in Industry Using Models at Various Abstraction Levels (JH, AJM, HvW), pp. 268–282.
- SEFM-2012-Jones #concurrent #formal method
- Abstraction as a Unifying Link for Formal Approaches to Concurrency (CBJ), pp. 1–15.
- SEFM-2012-OuchaniMD #diagrams #performance #probability #process
- Efficient Probabilistic Abstraction for SysML Activity Diagrams (SO, OAM, MD), pp. 263–277.
- SFM-2012-CasoBGU #validation
- Abstractions for Validation in Action (GdC, VAB, DG, SU), pp. 192–218.
- ICGT-2012-RensinkZ #graph
- Pattern-Based Graph Abstraction (AR, EZ), pp. 66–80.
- ECIR-2012-CoelhoR #image #retrieval
- Image Abstraction in Crossmedia Retrieval for Text Illustration (FC, CR), pp. 329–339.
- KR-2012-BackstromJ
- Abstracting Abstraction in Search with Applications to Planning (CB, PJ).
- KR-2012-BelardinelliLP #verification
- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Artifact-Centric Systems (FB, AL, FP).
- MoDELS-2012-BrancoTCKV #process #workflow
- Matching Business Process Workflows across Abstraction Levels (MCB, JT, KC, JMK, HV), pp. 626–641.
- Onward-2012-LohSC #composition
- Managed data: modular strategies for data abstraction (AL, TvdS, WRC), pp. 179–194.
- OOPSLA-2012-ParizekL #java #source code
- Predicate abstraction of Java programs with collections (PP, OL), pp. 75–94.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-MarrD #concurrent #identification #implementation #multi #virtual machine
- Identifying a Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-language Virtual Machines (SM, TD), pp. 171–186.
- POPL-2012-CretinR #on the #power of
- On the power of coercion abstraction (JC, DR), pp. 361–372.
- POPL-2012-NaikYCS #testing
- Abstractions from tests (MN, HY, GC, MS), pp. 373–386.
- SAS-2012-AbdullaACLR #automation #integer #source code
- Automatic Fence Insertion in Integer Programs via Predicate Abstraction (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 164–180.
- SAS-2012-ThakurER #algorithm
- Bilateral Algorithms for Symbolic Abstraction (AVT, ME, TWR), pp. 111–128.
- FSE-2012-AthanasopoulosZV #quality
- Service selection for happy users: making user-intuitive quality abstractions (DA, AZ, PV), p. 32.
- ICSE-2012-CordyCPSHL #model checking #product line
- Simulation-based abstractions for software product-line model checking (MC, AC, GP, PYS, PH, AL), pp. 672–682.
- SAC-2012-MenezesOV #composition #coordination #pervasive
- Dynamic composition of coordination abstractions for pervasive systems: the case of LogOp (RM, AO, MV), pp. 1557–1559.
- GPCE-2012-RaysideMLYXJ
- Synthesizing iterators from abstraction functions (DR, VM, FL, AY, KX, DJ), pp. 31–40.
- SLE-2012-Sloane #analysis #attribute grammar
- Profile-Based Abstraction and Analysis of Attribute Grammar Evaluation (AMS), pp. 24–43.
- CASE-2012-ShoaeiFL #automaton #finite
- Abstractions for nonblocking supervisory control of Extended Finite Automata (MRS, LF, BL), pp. 364–370.
- DAC-2012-AadithyaR #automation #automaton #generative #logic #named
- DAE2FSM: automatic generation of accurate discrete-time logical abstractions for continuous-time circuit dynamics (KVA, JSR), pp. 311–316.
- DAC-2012-KengV #debugging #design #refinement #satisfiability
- Path directed abstraction and refinement in SAT-based design debugging (BK, AGV), pp. 947–954.
- DAC-2012-UrdahlSWK #composition #concurrent #verification
- System verification of concurrent RTL modules by compositional path predicate abstraction (JU, DS, MW, WK), pp. 334–343.
- DATE-2012-LuMS #modelling #prototype #transaction
- Accurately timed transaction level models for virtual prototyping at high abstraction level (KL, DMG, US), pp. 135–140.
- FASE-2012-LongCMM #refinement
- Language-Theoretic Abstraction Refinement (ZL, GC, RM, RM), pp. 362–376.
- FoSSaCS-2012-DArgenioL #bisimulation #congruence #probability #specification
- Probabilistic Transition System Specification: Congruence and Full Abstraction of Bisimulation (PRD, MDL), pp. 452–466.
- FoSSaCS-2012-MazzaR #combinator #interactive #modelling #symmetry
- Full Abstraction for Set-Based Models of the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM, NJR), pp. 316–330.
- TACAS-2012-Wonisch #contest
- Block Abstraction Memoization for CPAchecker — (Competition Contribution) (DW), pp. 531–533.
- CAV-2012-AlbertiBGRS #array #named #smt
- SAFARI: SMT-Based Abstraction for Arrays with Interpolants (FA, RB, SG, SR, NS), pp. 679–685.
- CAV-2012-BerdineCIW #analysis
- Diagnosing Abstraction Failure for Separation Logic-Based Analyses (JB, AC, SI, CMW), pp. 155–173.
- CAV-2012-FredriksonJJRPSY #performance #policy #refinement #runtime #using
- Efficient Runtime Policy Enforcement Using Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (MF, RJ, SJ, TWR, PAP, HS, VY), pp. 548–563.
- CAV-2012-KomuravelliPC #probability #refinement
- Assume-Guarantee Abstraction Refinement for Probabilistic Systems (AK, CSP, EMC), pp. 310–326.
- CAV-2012-ZutshiST #relational
- Timed Relational Abstractions for Sampled Data Control Systems (AZ, SS, AT), pp. 343–361.
- ICST-2012-JuzgadoVSAR #branch #clustering #effectiveness #equivalence #testing
- Comparing the Effectiveness of Equivalence Partitioning, Branch Testing and Code Reading by Stepwise Abstraction Applied by Subjects (NJJ, SV, MS, SA, IR), pp. 330–339.
- IJCAR-2012-Brock-NannestadS #monad
- Truthful Monadic Abstractions (TBN, CS), pp. 97–110.
- LICS-2012-HerbreteauSW #automaton
- Better Abstractions for Timed Automata (FH, BS, IW), pp. 375–384.
- VMCAI-2012-BozzelliP #constraints #verification
- Verification of Gap-Order Constraint Abstractions of Counter Systems (LB, SP), pp. 88–103.
- VMCAI-2012-ZuffereyWH
- Ideal Abstractions for Well-Structured Transition Systems (DZ, TW, TAH), pp. 445–460.
- WICSA-2011-Selic
- Making Abstraction Concrete (BS), p. 1.
- CSEET-2011-OffuttLAX #design #education #using #web
- Using abstraction and Web applications to teach criteria-based test design (JO, NL, PA, WX), pp. 227–236.
- CSMR-2011-AlawnehH #communication #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
- Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to the Abstraction of Traces of Inter-Process Communication (LA, AHL), pp. 211–220.
- ICALP-v2-2011-GotsmanY
- Liveness-Preserving Atomicity Abstraction (AG, HY), pp. 453–465.
- IFM-J-2009-Weiss11 #calculus #logic
- Predicate abstraction in a program logic calculus (BW), pp. 861–876.
- FDG-2011-Fernandez-Vara #game studies
- From “open mailbox” to context mechanics: shifting levels of abstraction in adventure games (CFV), pp. 131–138.
- HCI-DDA-2011-Teixeira-FariaI #component #user interface #visual notation
- Complex Components Abstraction in Graphical User Interfaces (PMTF, JRI), pp. 309–318.
- HIMI-v1-2011-WuS #source code #visualisation
- Visualizing Programs on Different Levels of Abstractions (JHW, JS), pp. 66–75.
- CAiSE-2011-SmirnovRW #approach #process #semantics
- A Semantic Approach for Business Process Model Abstraction (SS, HAR, MW), pp. 497–511.
- SEKE-2011-TsuiGDJ #development
- Measuring Levels of Abstraction in Software Development (FT, AG, SD, EJ), pp. 466–469.
- ECMFA-2011-AlferezACFKKKMMRZ #aspect-oriented #development
- Aspect-Oriented Model Development at Different Levels of Abstraction (MA, NA, SC, FF, JK, JK, MEK, SM, GM, EER, GZ), pp. 361–376.
- OOPSLA-2011-PintoDDGW #concurrent
- A simple abstraction for complex concurrent indexes (PdRP, TDY, MD, PG, MJW), pp. 845–864.
- AdaEurope-2011-Rodriguez-LopezG #architecture #middleware #paradigm
- Architecting a Common Bridge Abstraction over Different Middleware Paradigms (IRL, MGV), pp. 132–146.
- PLDI-2011-KobayashiSU #higher-order #model checking
- Predicate abstraction and CEGAR for higher-order model checking (NK, RS, HU), pp. 222–233.
- PLDI-2011-KupersteinVY #memory management #modelling
- Partial-coherence abstractions for relaxed memory models (MK, MTV, EY), pp. 187–198.
- PLDI-2011-LiangN #refinement #scalability
- Scaling abstraction refinement via pruning (PL, MN), pp. 590–601.
- POPL-2011-GuptaPR #concurrent #multi #refinement #source code #thread #verification
- Predicate abstraction and refinement for verifying multi-threaded programs (AG, CP, AR), pp. 331–344.
- POPL-2011-LiangTN #learning
- Learning minimal abstractions (PL, OT, MN), pp. 31–42.
- POPL-2011-RivalC
- Calling context abstraction with shapes (XR, BYEC), pp. 173–186.
- POPL-2011-SinhaW #on the
- On interference abstractions (NS, CW), pp. 423–434.
- POPL-2011-WeirichVJZ #generative
- Generative type abstraction and type-level computation (SW, DV, SLPJ, SZ), pp. 227–240.
- SAS-2011-AvniK #framework #query
- An Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Trigger Querying (GA, OK), pp. 263–279.
- SAS-2011-EsparzaG #probability
- Probabilistic Abstractions with Arbitrary Domains (JE, AG), pp. 334–350.
- SAS-2011-GorogiannisKO #abduction #complexity
- The Complexity of Abduction for Separated Heap Abstractions (NG, MIK, PWO), pp. 25–42.
- SAS-2011-ZulegerGSV #analysis #bound #imperative #source code
- Bound Analysis of Imperative Programs with the Size-Change Abstraction (FZ, SG, MS, HV), pp. 280–297.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-Baluda #automation #refinement #testing
- Automatic structural testing with abstraction refinement and coarsening (MB), pp. 400–403.
- ICSE-2011-AthanasopoulosZVI #mining
- Mining service abstractions (DA, AZ, PV, VI), pp. 944–947.
- ICSE-2011-CasoBGU #behaviour #validation
- Program abstractions for behaviour validation (GdC, VAB, DG, SU), pp. 381–390.
- SAC-2011-BabichCPK #case study #eclipse #fault #object-oriented #predict #using
- Using a class abstraction technique to predict faults in OO classes: a case study through six releases of the Eclipse JDT (DB, PJC, JFP, BMGK), pp. 1419–1424.
- GPCE-J-2005-CaretteK11 #monad #multi #programming
- Multi-stage programming with functors and monads: Eliminating abstraction overhead from generic code (JC, OK), pp. 349–375.
- DAC-2011-NguyenWSK #hardware
- Formal hardware/software co-verification by interval property checking with abstraction (MDN, MW, DS, WK), pp. 510–515.
- HPCA-2011-JacobsonBBAE #architecture #modelling #scalability
- Abstraction and microarchitecture scaling in early-stage power modeling (HMJ, AB, PB, EA, RJE), pp. 394–405.
- PDP-2011-KarantasisP #clustering #gpu #memory management #programming
- Programming GPU Clusters with Shared Memory Abstraction in Software (KIK, EDP), pp. 223–230.
- SOSP-2011-RossbachCSRW #named #operating system
- PTask: operating system abstractions to manage GPUs as compute devices (CJR, JC, MS, BR, EW), pp. 233–248.
- FoSSaCS-2011-GhicaM #game studies #semantics
- Synchronous Game Semantics via Round Abstraction (DRG, MNM), pp. 350–364.
- TACAS-2011-CimattiNR #lazy evaluation #partial order #reduction
- Boosting Lazy Abstraction for SystemC with Partial Order Reduction (AC, IN, MR), pp. 341–356.
- TACAS-2011-KupferschmidW #database
- Abstractions and Pattern Databases: The Quest for Succinctness and Accuracy (SK, MW), pp. 276–290.
- TACAS-2011-PodelskiR #invariant #termination
- Transition Invariants and Transition Predicate Abstraction for Program Termination (AP, AR), pp. 3–10.
- CAV-2011-DonaldsonKKW #concurrent #source code #symmetry
- Symmetry-Aware Predicate Abstraction for Shared-Variable Concurrent Programs (AFD, AK, DK, TW), pp. 356–371.
- CAV-2011-SankaranarayananT #hybrid #relational
- Relational Abstractions for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (SS, AT), pp. 686–702.
- CSL-2011-BucciarelliCEM #calculus #testing
- Full Abstraction for Resource Calculus with Tests (AB, AC, TE, GM), pp. 97–111.
- TAP-2011-DegiovanniPAF #automation #generative #requirements #specification #testing
- Abstraction Based Automated Test Generation from Formal Tabular Requirements Specifications (RD, PP, NA, MFF), pp. 84–101.
- VMCAI-2011-HowarSM #automation #automaton #learning #refinement
- Automata Learning with Automated Alphabet Abstraction Refinement (FH, BS, MM), pp. 263–277.
- ITiCSE-2010-KoppelmanD #education
- Teaching abstraction in introductory courses (HK, BvD), pp. 174–178.
- WCRE-2010-LethbridgeFB #incremental #named #refactoring
- Umplification: Refactoring to Incrementally Add Abstraction to a Program (TCL, AF, OBB), pp. 220–224.
- ICALP-v2-2010-GiacobazziR
- Example-Guided Abstraction Simplification (RG, FR), pp. 211–222.
- ICGT-2010-Zambon #graph transformation #using #verification
- Using Graph Transformations and Graph Abstractions for Software Verification (EZ), pp. 416–418.
- SOFTVIS-2010-MyersD #design #runtime
- A map of the heap: revealing design abstractions in runtime structures (CM, DJD), pp. 63–72.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-CuzzocreaFP #analysis #collaboration #effectiveness #flexibility #mining #process
- Effective Analysis of Flexible Collaboration Processes by Way of Abstraction and Mining Techniques (AC, FF, LP), pp. 157–166.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-VegettiLH
- A Three Level Abstraction Hierarchy to Represent Product Structural Information (MV, HPL, GPH), pp. 299–308.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2010-Kristensen #collaboration #message passing #using
- Abstraction from Collaboration between Agents using Asynchronous Message-passing (BBK), pp. 86–92.
- ECMFA-2010-JohannesF #composition #framework #modelling #network #reuse #using
- Adding Abstraction and Reuse to a Network Modelling Tool Using the Reuseware Composition Framework (JJ, MAF), pp. 132–143.
- ECMFA-2010-OnoTKSNF #embedded #execution #modelling #performance
- A Model-Based Method for Evaluating Embedded System Performance by Abstraction of Execution Traces (KO, MT, RK, YS, TN, NF), pp. 233–244.
- ECOOP-2010-Owens #concurrent #implementation #reasoning
- Reasoning about the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on x86-TSO (SO), pp. 478–503.
- OOPSLA-2010-DavisK
- Registration-based language abstractions (SD, GK), pp. 754–773.
- OOPSLA-2010-DilligDA #axiom #invariant #memory management
- Symbolic heap abstraction with demand-driven axiomatization of memory invariants (ID, TD, AA), pp. 397–410.
- OOPSLA-2010-LiangTNS #evaluation #precise
- A dynamic evaluation of the precision of static heap abstractions (PL, OT, MN, MS), pp. 411–427.
- OOPSLA-2010-StadenC #multi #reasoning
- Reasoning about multiple related abstractions with MultiStar (SvS, CC), pp. 504–519.
- POPL-2010-MagillTLT #automation #source code
- Automatic numeric abstractions for heap-manipulating programs (SM, MHT, PL, YKT), pp. 211–222.
- POPL-2010-SuterDK #algebra #data type
- Decision procedures for algebraic data types with abstractions (PS, MD, VK), pp. 199–210.
- QAPL-2010-BarsottiW #automation #probability #random #verification
- Automatic Probabilistic Program Verification through Random Variable Abstraction (DB, NW), pp. 34–47.
- QAPL-2010-NdukwuMc #approach #independence #probability #source code
- An expectation transformer approach to predicate abstraction and data independence for probabilistic programs (UN, AM), pp. 129–143.
- SAS-2010-BrauerK #automation #using
- Automatic Abstraction for Intervals Using Boolean Formulae (JB, AK), pp. 167–183.
- SAS-2010-MalkisPR #refinement #thread
- Thread-Modular Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (AM, AP, AR), pp. 356–372.
- RE-2010-GacituaSG #effectiveness #identification #on the #requirements
- On the Effectiveness of Abstraction Identification in Requirements Engineering (RG, PS, VG), pp. 5–14.
- REFSQ-2010-SikoraDP #consistency #multi #specification
- Supporting the Consistent Specification of Scenarios across Multiple Abstraction Levels (ES, MD, KP), pp. 45–59.
- ICSE-2010-Elmas #concurrent #named #proving #reduction #verification
- QED: a proof system based on reduction and abstraction for the static verification of concurrent software (TE), pp. 507–508.
- ICSE-2010-Hoste #multi #re-engineering
- Software engineering abstractions for the multi-touch revolution (LH), pp. 509–510.
- SAC-2010-OliverSF #network #operating system
- An operating system abstraction layer for portable applications in wireless sensor networks (RSO, IS, GF), pp. 742–748.
- DAC-2010-BombieriFP #embedded
- Abstraction of RTL IPs into embedded software (NB, FF, GP), pp. 24–29.
- DAC-2010-LaiJW #learning #named
- BooM: a decision procedure for boolean matching with abstraction and dynamic learning (CFL, JHRJ, KHW), pp. 499–504.
- DATE-2010-CimattiFGKR #integration #smt
- Tighter integration of BDDs and SMT for Predicate Abstraction (AC, AF, AG, KK, MR), pp. 1707–1712.
- DATE-2010-WuLCT #automation #generative #multi #performance
- Automatic generation of software TLM in multiple abstraction layers for efficient HW/SW co-simulation (MHW, WCL, CYC, RST), pp. 1177–1182.
- HPCA-2010-GenbruggeEE #architecture #simulation
- Interval simulation: Raising the level of abstraction in architectural simulation (DG, SE, LE), pp. 1–12.
- HPDC-2010-BuiYT #distributed #named #python #using #workflow
- Weaver: integrating distributed computing abstractions into scientific workflows using Python (PB, LY, DT), pp. 636–643.
- ISMM-2010-Sewell #memory management
- Memory, an elusive abstraction (PS), pp. 51–52.
- PPoPP-2010-Chakrabarti #analysis #effectiveness #performance #source code
- New abstractions for effective performance analysis of STM programs (DRC), pp. 333–334.
- TACAS-2010-ElmasQSST #proving #reduction
- Simplifying Linearizability Proofs with Reduction and Abstraction (TE, SQ, AS, OS, ST), pp. 296–311.
- TACAS-2010-HahnHWZ #infinity #modelling #named #probability #refinement
- PASS: Abstraction Refinement for Infinite Probabilistic Models (EMH, HH, BW, LZ), pp. 353–357.
- WRLA-2010-AsavoaeA #framework #semantics #𝕂
- Collecting Semantics under Predicate Abstraction in the 𝕂 Framework (IMA, MA), pp. 123–139.
- CAV-2010-PulinaT #approach #network #verification
- An Abstraction-Refinement Approach to Verification of Artificial Neural Networks (LP, AT), pp. 243–257.
- CAV-2010-SinghGP #component #interface #learning
- Learning Component Interfaces with May and Must Abstractions (RS, DG, CSP), pp. 527–542.
- ICTSS-2010-AartsJU #communication #generative #infinity #modelling #protocol #using
- Generating Models of Infinite-State Communication Protocols Using Regular Inference with Abstraction (FA, BJ, JU), pp. 188–204.
- IJCAR-2010-Kapur #induction #invariant
- Induction, Invariants, and Abstraction (DK), p. 353.
- TAP-2010-BueDKB #behaviour #using
- Building a Test-Ready Abstraction of a Behavioral Model Using CLP (PCB, FD, ADK, FB), pp. 167–182.
- TAP-2010-JulliandSBM #modelling #testing
- Syntactic Abstraction of B Models to Generate Tests (JJ, NS, PCB, PAM), pp. 151–166.
- VMCAI-2010-JungKWY #algorithm #invariant #learning
- Deriving Invariants by Algorithmic Learning, Decision Procedures, and Predicate Abstraction (YJ, SK, BYW, KY), pp. 180–196.
- VMCAI-2010-KingS #automation
- Automatic Abstraction for Congruences (AK, HS), pp. 197–213.
- SIGMOD-2009-BrodskyBCEW #database #programming #query
- A decisions query language (DQL): high-level abstraction for mathematical programming over databases (AB, MMB, MC, NEE, XSW), pp. 1059–1062.
- ITiCSE-2009-Schocken #implementation #virtual machine
- Virtual machines: abstraction and implementation (SS), pp. 203–207.
- ITiCSE-2009-Sooriamurthi #composition
- Introducing abstraction and decomposition to novice programmers (RS), pp. 196–200.
- SCAM-2009-AchenbachO #model checking #testing
- Engineering Abstractions in Model Checking and Testing (MA, KO), pp. 137–146.
- CIAA-2009-GantyMR #automaton #fixpoint #refinement
- Fixpoint Guided Abstraction Refinement for Alternating Automata (PG, NM, JFR), pp. 155–164.
- FM-2009-JaffarS #recursion
- Recursive Abstractions for Parameterized Systems (JJ, AES), pp. 72–88.
- FM-2009-SchriebWW
- Three-Valued Spotlight Abstractions (JS, HW, DW), pp. 106–122.
- FM-2009-SunLRLD #model checking #process
- Fair Model Checking with Process Counter Abstraction (JS, YL, AR, SL, JSD), pp. 123–139.
- FM-2009-Tonetta #model checking
- Abstract Model Checking without Computing the Abstraction (ST), pp. 89–105.
- IFM-2009-Weiss #calculus #logic
- Predicate Abstraction in a Program Logic Calculus (BW), pp. 136–150.
- DiGRA-2009-Long #game studies
- Abstractions of a meaningless act: (spending) time in the gaming world [Abstract] (VL).
- EDOC-2009-DirgahayuSQ #interactive
- Abstractions of Interaction Mechanisms (TD, MvS, DACQ), pp. 173–182.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2009-MarkovicH #modelling #process #towards
- Towards Integrating Perspectives and Abstraction Levels in Business Process Modeling (IM, FH), pp. 286–291.
- OOPSLA-2009-Cook #comprehension #on the #revisited
- On understanding data abstraction, revisited (WRC), pp. 557–572.
- PLDI-2009-SrivastavaG #using #verification
- Program verification using templates over predicate abstraction (SS, SG), pp. 223–234.
- POPL-2009-Monniaux #automation #composition #constraints #linear
- Automatic modular abstractions for linear constraints (DM), pp. 140–151.
- QAPL-2009-MuC #data flow
- An Interval-based Abstraction for Quantifying Information Flow (CM, DC), pp. 119–141.
- SAS-2009-HeizmannHP #refinement
- Refinement of Trace Abstraction (MH, JH, AP), pp. 69–85.
- SAS-2009-SeghirPW #array #quantifier #refinement
- Abstraction Refinement for Quantified Array Assertions (MNS, AP, TW), pp. 3–18.
- ICSE-2009-CasoBGU #contract #finite #using #validation
- Validation of contracts using enabledness preserving finite state abstractions (GdC, VAB, DG, SU), pp. 452–462.
- ICSE-2009-RaysideBSNMJ #generative #implementation #similarity
- Equality and hashing for (almost) free: Generating implementations from abstraction functions (DR, ZB, RS, JPN, AM, DJ), pp. 342–352.
- SAC-2009-CheriniB #reasoning
- Local reasoning for abstraction and sharing (RC, JOB), pp. 552–557.
- SAC-2009-SharyginaTT #performance #precise #verification
- The synergy of precise and fast abstractions for program verification (NS, ST, AT), pp. 566–573.
- SAC-2009-ZhaoZL #multi #object-oriented #source code
- Abstraction of multiple executions of object-oriented programs (CZ, KZ, YL), pp. 549–550.
- CASE-2009-BermanK #algorithm #assembly #scalability
- Abstractions and algorithms for assembly tasks with large numbers of robots and parts (SB, VK), pp. 25–28.
- CGO-2009-SchackelerS
- Procedural Abstraction with Reverse Prefix Trees (SS, WS), pp. 243–253.
- DAC-2009-NanshiS #constraints #refinement
- Constraints in one-to-many concretization for abstraction refinement (KN, FS), pp. 569–574.
- DATE-2009-PurandareWK #refinement #using
- Strengthening properties using abstraction refinement (MP, TW, DK), pp. 1692–1697.
- HPDC-2009-YiMEJT #clustering #manycore #parallel
- Harnessing parallelism in multicore clusters with the all-pairs and wavefront abstractions (LY, CM, SJE, KJ, DT), pp. 1–10.
- WRLA-2008-HassN09 #equation
- Equational Abstractions for Reducing the State Space of Rewrite Theories (LHH, TN), pp. 139–154.
- ESOP-2009-FilipovicORY #concurrent
- Abstraction for Concurrent Objects (IF, PWO, NR, HY), pp. 252–266.
- FoSSaCS-2009-MurawskiT #ml
- Full Abstraction for Reduced ML (ASM, NT), pp. 32–47.
- TACAS-2009-BakewellG #composition #game studies #semantics
- Compositional Predicate Abstraction from Game Semantics (AB, DRG), pp. 62–76.
- CADE-2009-LahiriQ #algorithm #complexity
- Complexity and Algorithms for Monomial and Clausal Predicate Abstraction (SKL, SQ), pp. 214–229.
- CAV-2009-BaslerMWK #concurrent
- Symbolic Counter Abstraction for Concurrent Software (GB, MM, TW, DK), pp. 64–78.
- CAV-2009-HenzingerMW #infinity #markov
- Sliding Window Abstraction for Infinite Markov Chains (TAH, MM, VW), pp. 337–352.
- CAV-2009-PerezRS #declarative #network
- Cardinality Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications (JANP, AR, AS), pp. 584–598.
- ICLP-2009-King #logic #reverse engineering
- Untangling Reverse Engineering with Logic and Abstraction (AK), p. 37.
- VMCAI-2009-GulwaniSV #constraints #invariant
- Constraint-Based Invariant Inference over Predicate Abstraction (SG, SS, RV), pp. 120–135.
- VMCAI-2009-KattenbeltKNP #probability #refinement
- Abstraction Refinement for Probabilistic Software (MK, MZK, GN, DP), pp. 182–197.
- VMCAI-2009-Vafeiadis #verification
- Shape-Value Abstraction for Verifying Linearizability (VV), pp. 335–348.
- ECSA-2008-BritoLR #architecture #development #fault tolerance
- Development of Fault-Tolerant Software Systems Based on Architectural Abstractions (PHSB, RdL, CMFR), pp. 131–147.
- DocEng-2008-IorioFVLW #layout
- Higher-level layout through topological abstraction (ADI, LF, FV, JWL, TW), pp. 90–99.
- ICALP-B-2008-BergerHY #logic #mobile #process
- Completeness and Logical Full Abstraction in Modal Logics for Typed Mobile Processes (MB, KH, NY), pp. 99–111.
- RTA-2008-BoichutCHK #approximate #refinement
- Finer Is Better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations (YB, RC, PCH, OK), pp. 48–62.
- GT-VMT-2008-BaresiGMM #graph transformation #using #verification
- Using Graph Transformation Systems to Specify and Verify Data Abstractions (LB, CG, AM, MM).
- ICGT-2008-BauerBKR #graph
- A Modal-Logic Based Graph Abstraction (JB, IB, MEK, AR), pp. 321–335.
- EDOC-2008-PolyvyanyySW #approach #process
- Process Model Abstraction: A Slider Approach (AP, SS, MW), pp. 325–331.
- CIKM-2008-TsengSC #detection #email #novel
- A novel email abstraction scheme for spam detection (CYT, PCS, MSC), pp. 1393–1394.
- BX-2008-Wang1 #bidirectional
- Translucent Abstraction: Safe Views Through Bidirectional Transformations (MW), p. 41.
- MoDELS-2008-Kramer #modelling
- Abstraction and Modelling — A Complementary Partnership (JK), p. 158.
- MoDELS-2008-Kramer #modelling
- Abstraction and Modelling — A Complementary Partnership (JK), p. 158.
- POPL-2008-ParkinsonB #inheritance #logic
- Separation logic, abstraction and inheritance (MJP, GMB), pp. 75–86.
- QAPL-2008-KattenbeltKNP #game studies #probability
- Game-Based Probabilistic Predicate Abstraction in PRISM (MK, MZK, GN, DP), pp. 5–21.
- SAS-2008-NanzNN #behaviour #concurrent
- Modal Abstractions of Concurrent Behaviour (SN, FN, HRN), pp. 159–173.
- ASE-2008-HartKGCL #proving #refinement
- Augmenting Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement with Proof Templates (TEH, KK, AG, MC, DL), pp. 387–390.
- ICSE-2008-ScaffidiMS #named #reuse #validation
- Topes: reusable abstractions for validating data (CS, BAM, MS), pp. 1–10.
- GPCE-2008-KulkarniR #code generation #component #generative #modelling #reuse
- An abstraction for reusable MDD components: model-based generation of model-based code generators (VK, SR), pp. 181–184.
- DAC-2008-ChenXY #automation #evaluation #optimisation #refinement
- Optimizing automatic abstraction refinement for generalized symbolic trajectory evaluation (YC, FX, JY), pp. 143–148.
- PDP-2008-AldinucciTVZ #clustering
- The VirtuaLinux Storage Abstraction Layer for Ef?cient Virtual Clustering (MA, MT, MV, PZ), pp. 619–627.
- ESOP-2008-Allamigeon #array
- Non-disjunctive Numerical Domain for Array Predicate Abstraction (XA), pp. 163–177.
- ESOP-2008-ChawdharyCGSY #ranking
- Ranking Abstractions (AC, BC, SG, MS, HY), pp. 148–162.
- ESOP-2008-GiustoG
- Full Abstraction for Linda (CDG, MG), pp. 78–92.
- TACAS-2008-ClarkeTV #concurrent #framework #model checking #proving
- Proving Ptolemy Right: The Environment Abstraction Framework for Model Checking Concurrent Systems (EMC, MT, HV), pp. 33–47.
- TACAS-2008-KupferschmidHL #model checking #performance
- Fast Directed Model Checking Via Russian Doll Abstraction (SK, JH, KGL), pp. 203–217.
- CAV-2008-AbdullaBCHR #memory management #source code
- Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Dynamic Memory Heaps (PAA, AB, JC, FH, AR), pp. 341–354.
- CAV-2008-BackesLMP #analysis #protocol #security
- The CASPA Tool: Causality-Based Abstraction for Security Protocol Analysis (MB, SL, MM, KP), pp. 419–422.
- CAV-2008-BobaruPG #automation #reasoning #refinement
- Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning by Abstraction Refinement (MGB, CSP, DG), pp. 135–148.
- CAV-2008-GulavaniG #abstract domain #analysis
- A Numerical Abstract Domain Based on Expression Abstraction and Max Operator with Application in Timing Analysis (BSG, SG), pp. 370–384.
- ISSTA-2008-XuGM #testing
- Testing for buffer overflows with length abstraction (RGX, PG, RM), pp. 27–38.
- LICS-2008-Kahlon #analysis #approach #concurrent #data flow #source code
- Parameterization as Abstraction: A Tractable Approach to the Dataflow Analysis of Concurrent Programs (VK), pp. 181–192.
- LICS-2008-SprengerB
- Cryptographically-Sound Protocol-Model Abstractions (CS, DAB), pp. 115–129.
- VMCAI-2008-DimitrovaP #lazy evaluation #protocol #question
- Is Lazy Abstraction a Decision Procedure for Broadcast Protocols? (RD, AP), pp. 98–111.
- VMCAI-2008-FecherH #model checking
- Model Checking for Action Abstraction (HF, MH), pp. 112–126.
- VMCAI-2008-RanzatoRT #algorithm #refinement
- A Forward-Backward Abstraction Refinement Algorithm (FR, ORD, FT), pp. 248–262.
- SIGMOD-2007-CastroMA #framework #programming
- ADO.NET entity framework: raising the level of abstraction in data programming (PC, SM, AA), pp. 1070–1072.
- SIGITE-2007-ChaKL #problem #using
- Using puzzles: problem-solving and abstraction (SC, DK, WGL), pp. 135–140.
- WCRE-2007-EvansFM #clone detection #detection
- Clone Detection via Structural Abstraction (WSE, CWF, FM), pp. 150–159.
- TLCA-2007-Mazza #combinator #interactive #symmetry
- Edifices and Full Abstraction for the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM), pp. 305–320.
- ILC-2007-WozniakDW #data type #policy
- Dynamic ADTs: a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for data abstraction (GW, MD, SW), p. 26.
- AIIDE-2007-Sturtevant
- Memory-Efficient Abstractions for Pathfinding (NRS), pp. 31–36.
- DiGRA-2007-Juul
- A Certain Level of Abstraction (JJ).
- CAiSE-2007-AldredADH #communication #distributed #process
- Communication Abstractions for Distributed Business Processes (LA, WMPvdA, MD, AHMtH), pp. 409–423.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-KirikovaSGO #analysis #flexibility #process
- Analysis of Business Process Flexibility at Different Levels of Abstraction (MK, RS, JG, JO), pp. 389–396.
- ECMDA-FA-2007-BrorkensK #legacy #metamodelling #standard #tool support #xml
- Improving the Interoperability of Automotive Tools by Raising the Abstraction from Legacy XML Formats to Standardized Metamodels (MB, MK), pp. 59–67.
- ECOOP-2007-DoorenS #inheritance #using
- A Higher Abstraction Level Using First-Class Inheritance Relations (MvD, ES), pp. 425–449.
- PADL-2007-PodelskiR #logic #model checking #named #refinement
- ARMC: The Logical Choice for Software Model Checking with Abstraction Refinement (AP, AR), pp. 245–259.
- PLDI-2007-KothariGMG #network #performance #programming #reliability
- Reliable and efficient programming abstractions for wireless sensor networks (NK, RG, TDM, RG), pp. 200–210.
- PLDI-2007-KulkarniPWRBC #parallel
- Optimistic parallelism requires abstractions (MK, KP, BW, GR, KB, LPC), pp. 211–222.
- POPL-2007-BugliesiG #implementation
- Secure implementations of typed channel abstractions (MB, MG), pp. 251–262.
- SAS-2007-BauerW #communication #static analysis
- Static Analysis of Dynamic Communication Systems by Partner Abstraction (JB, RW), pp. 249–264.
- SAS-2007-CousotGR
- Fixpoint-Guided Abstraction Refinements (PC, PG, JFR), pp. 333–348.
- SAS-2007-Monniaux #source code
- Optimal Abstraction on Real-Valued Programs (DM), pp. 104–120.
- SAS-2007-ShohamG #composition #verification
- Compositional Verification and 3-Valued Abstractions Join Forces (SS, OG), pp. 69–86.
- ASE-2007-BlancGK #c++ #verification
- Verifying C++ with STL containers via predicate abstraction (NB, AG, DK), pp. 521–524.
- SAC-2007-Li #parametricity #protocol #proving #verification
- Mechanized proofs for the parameter abstraction and guard strengthening principle in parameterized verification of cache coherence protocols (YL), pp. 1534–1535.
- CGO-2007-BirkbeckLA #approach #matlab
- A Dimension Abstraction Approach to Vectorization in Matlab (NB, JL, JNA), pp. 115–130.
- CGO-2007-DrewekeWFSMP #graph
- Graph-Based Procedural Abstraction (AD, MW, IF, DS, TM, MP), pp. 259–270.
- DATE-2007-EckerESSVH #interactive #performance #representation #simulation
- Interactive presentation: Impact of description language, abstraction layer, and value representation on simulation performance (WE, VE, LS, TS, MV, MH), pp. 767–772.
- DATE-2007-PatelS
- Tackling an abstraction gap: co-simulating SystemC DE with bluespec ESL (HDP, SKS), pp. 279–284.
- DATE-2007-SafarpourV #automation #debugging #design #refinement
- Abstraction and refinement techniques in automated design debugging (SS, AGV), pp. 1182–1187.
- SOSP-2007-KrohnYBCKKM #data flow #standard
- Information flow control for standard OS abstractions (MNK, AY, MZB, NC, MFK, EK, RM), pp. 321–334.
- SOSP-2007-WangFHJ #communication #web
- Protection and communication abstractions for web browsers in MashupOS (HJW, XF, JH, CJ), pp. 1–16.
- WRLA-2006-NeuhausserN07 #erlang #maude #model checking #source code
- Abstraction and Model Checking of Core Erlang Programs in Maude (MRN, TN), pp. 147–163.
- WRLA-2006-OlveczkyM07a #maude #realtime
- Abstraction and Completeness for Real-Time Maude (PCÖ, JM), pp. 5–27.
- TACAS-2007-AmlaM #model checking #refinement #satisfiability
- Combining Abstraction Refinement and SAT-Based Model Checking (NA, KLM), pp. 405–419.
- TACAS-2007-ArmandoBM #array #linear #refinement #source code
- Abstraction Refinement of Linear Programs with Arrays (AA, MB, JM), pp. 373–388.
- TACAS-2007-BryantKOSSB
- Deciding Bit-Vector Arithmetic with Abstraction (REB, DK, JO, SAS, OS, BAB), pp. 358–372.
- TACAS-2007-JainKSC #named #refinement
- VCEGAR: Verilog CounterExample Guided Abstraction Refinement (HJ, DK, NS, EMC), pp. 583–586.
- TACAS-2007-PandyaKL #logic #on the
- On Sampling Abstraction of Continuous Time Logic with Durations (PKP, SNK, KL), pp. 246–260.
- TACAS-2007-SebastianiTV #clustering #refinement
- Property-Driven Partitioning for Abstraction Refinement (RS, ST, MYV), pp. 389–404.
- A-MOST-2007-SatpathyR #formal method #generative #model checking #modelling #refinement #testing
- Test case generation from formal models through abstraction refinement and model checking (MS, SR), pp. 85–94.
- CAV-2007-AlfaroR #markov #process
- Magnifying-Lens Abstraction for Markov Decision Processes (LdA, PR), pp. 325–338.
- CAV-2007-AmitRRSY #comparison #verification
- Comparison Under Abstraction for Verifying Linearizability (DA, NR, TWR, MS, EY), pp. 477–490.
- CAV-2007-BabicH #verification
- Structural Abstraction of Software Verification Conditions (DB, AJH), pp. 366–378.
- CAV-2007-BallKS
- Leaping Loops in the Presence of Abstraction (TB, OK, MS), pp. 491–503.
- CAV-2007-CimattiRST #logic #satisfiability
- Boolean Abstraction for Temporal Logic Satisfiability (AC, MR, VS, ST), pp. 532–546.
- CAV-2007-JhalaM #array #proving
- Array Abstractions from Proofs (RJ, KLM), pp. 193–206.
- CAV-2007-KatoenKLW #markov
- Three-Valued Abstraction for Continuous-Time Markov Chains (JPK, DK, ML, VW), pp. 311–324.
- CAV-2007-Segelken #automaton #hybrid #linear #model checking #modelling
- Abstraction and Counterexample-Guided Construction of ω-Automata for Model Checking of Step-Discrete Linear Hybrid Models (MS), pp. 433–448.
- ISSTA-2007-ShohamYFP #mining #specification #using
- Static specification mining using automata-based abstractions (SS, EY, SF, MP), pp. 174–184.
- LICS-2007-Tzevelekos
- Full abstraction for nominal general references (NT), pp. 399–410.
- VMCAI-2007-FecherH #precise
- More Precise Partition Abstractions (HF, MH), pp. 167–181.
- VMCAI-2007-KlaedtkeRS #hybrid #refinement #verification
- Language-Based Abstraction Refinement for Hybrid System Verification (FK, SR, ZS), pp. 151–166.
- CBSE-2006-Lumpe #component #framework #modelling #named #reasoning
- GLoo: A Framework for Modeling and Reasoning About Component-Oriented Language Abstractions (ML), pp. 17–32.
- ITiCSE-2006-PerrenetK #algorithm #comprehension #concept #perspective #student
- Levels of abstraction in students’ understanding of the concept of algorithm: the qualitative perspective (JP, EK), pp. 270–274.
- FLOPS-2006-Steele #parallel #programming
- Parallel Programming and Parallel Abstractions in Fortress (GLSJ), p. 1.
- ICFP-2006-DenielouL #distributed #type system
- Abstraction preservation and subtyping in distributed languages (PMD, JJL), pp. 286–297.
- ICFP-2006-ZiarekSJ #composition #concurrent #functional #named #source code
- Stabilizers: a modular checkpointing abstraction for concurrent functional programs (LZ, PS, SJ), pp. 136–147.
- AIIDE-2006-McDonaldLFH #framework #people
- An Abstraction Framework for Cooperation Among Agents and People in a Virtual World (DDM0, AL, WF, TSH), pp. 54–59.
- AIIDE-2006-SturtevantB #collaboration #using
- Improving Collaborative Pathfinding Using Map Abstraction (NRS, MB), pp. 80–85.
- SOFTVIS-2006-Reiss #execution #using #visualisation
- Visualizing program execution using user abstractions (SPR), pp. 125–134.
- EDOC-2006-BendraouGB #execution #modelling #named #process #uml
- UML4SPM: An Executable Software Process Modeling Language Providing High-Level Abstractions (RB, MPG, XB), pp. 297–306.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2006-DaoHHRV #mining #modelling #tool support #towards #uml
- Towards Practical Tools for Mining Abstractions in UML Models (MD, MH, MRH, CR, PV), pp. 276–283.
- SEKE-2006-ZhaoGQC #constraints #prolog #semantics
- A Constraint-based Correct Call Pattern Semantics for Prolog as an Abstraction of Decorated Tree Semantics (LZ, TG, JQ, GC), pp. 359–362.
- MoDELS-2006-ArevaloFHN #approach #concept analysis #modelling
- Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach (GA, JRF, MH, CN), pp. 513–527.
- MoDELS-2006-ArevaloFHN #approach #concept analysis #modelling
- Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach (GA, JRF, MH, CN), pp. 513–527.
- ECOOP-2006-Lieberman
- The Continuing Quest for Abstraction (HL), pp. 192–197.
- PLDI-2006-FengSVXN #assembly #composition #verification
- Modular verification of assembly code with stack-based control abstractions (XF, ZS, AV, SX, ZN), pp. 401–414.
- SAS-2006-CalcagnoDOY #pointer #reachability
- Beyond Reachability: Shape Abstraction in the Presence of Pointer Arithmetic (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 182–203.
- SAS-2006-GotsmanBC #analysis #interprocedural
- Interprocedural Shape Analysis with Separated Heap Abstractions (AG, JB, BC), pp. 240–260.
- ICSE-2006-KramerH #re-engineering
- The role of abstraction in software engineering (JK, OH), pp. 1017–1018.
- SAC-2006-RuttiWS #implementation #interface #protocol
- Service interface: a new abstraction for implementing and composing protocols (OR, PTW, AS), pp. 691–696.
- DAC-2006-DupenloupLM #functional #verification
- Transistor abstraction for the functional verification of FPGAs (GD, TL, RM), pp. 1069–1072.
- DAC-2006-JerrayaBP #interface #modelling #multi #programming
- Programming models and HW-SW interfaces abstraction for multi-processor SoC (AAJ, AB, FP), pp. 280–285.
- DATE-2006-FrehseKR #refinement #using #verification
- Verifying analog oscillator circuits using forward/backward abstraction refinement (GF, BHK, RAR), pp. 257–262.
- PPoPP-2006-DeitzCCS #reduction
- Global-view abstractions for user-defined reductions and scans (SJD, DC, BLC, LS), pp. 40–47.
- ESOP-2006-GulwaniT #linear
- Assertion Checking over Combined Abstraction of Linear Arithmetic and Uninterpreted Functions (SG, AT), pp. 279–293.
- FoSSaCS-2006-Laird #nondeterminism
- Bidomains and Full Abstraction for Countable Nondeterminism (JL), pp. 352–366.
- TACAS-2006-EsparzaKS #automaton #refinement
- Abstraction Refinement with Craig Interpolation and Symbolic Pushdown Systems (JE, SK, SS), pp. 489–503.
- TACAS-2006-GurfinkelC #question #why
- Why Waste a Perfectly Good Abstraction? (AG, MC), pp. 212–226.
- TACAS-2006-KonigK #analysis #graph transformation #refinement
- Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement for the Analysis of Graph Transformation Systems (BK, VK), pp. 197–211.
- TACAS-2006-LiS #bound #model checking #performance #refinement
- Efficient Abstraction Refinement in Interpolation-Based Unbounded Model Checking (BL, FS), pp. 227–241.
- CAV-2006-JainIGSW #invariant #refinement #using
- Using Statically Computed Invariants Inside the Predicate Abstraction and Refinement Loop (HJ, FI, AG, IS, CW), pp. 137–151.
- CAV-2006-KroeningW
- Counterexamples with Loops for Predicate Abstraction (DK, GW), pp. 152–165.
- CAV-2006-LahiriNO #performance #smt
- SMT Techniques for Fast Predicate Abstraction (SKL, RN, AO), pp. 424–437.
- CAV-2006-Lev-AmiIS #analysis #performance #precise
- Abstraction for Shape Analysis with Fast and Precise Transformers (TLA, NI, SS), pp. 547–561.
- CAV-2006-McMillan #lazy evaluation
- Lazy Abstraction with Interpolants (KLM), pp. 123–136.
- CAV-2006-RoordaC #evaluation #refinement #satisfiability
- SAT-Based Assistance in Abstraction Refinement for Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (JWR, KC), pp. 175–189.
- ISSTA-2006-YorshBS #exclamation #proving #testing #theorem proving
- Testing, abstraction, theorem proving: better together! (GY, TB, MS), pp. 145–156.
- LICS-2006-BallK #framework #multi
- An Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Multi-Agent Systems (TB, OK), pp. 379–388.
- LICS-2006-ShohamG #precise
- 3-Valued Abstraction: More Precision at Less Cost (SS, OG), pp. 399–410.
- VMCAI-2006-ArnoldMSS #analysis
- Combining Shape Analyses by Intersecting Abstractions (GA, RM, MS, RS), pp. 33–48.
- VMCAI-2006-BalabanCP #ranking #recursion #source code
- Ranking Abstraction of Recursive Programs (IB, AC, AP), pp. 267–281.
- VMCAI-2006-BinghamR #logic #source code
- A Logic and Decision Procedure for Predicate Abstraction of Heap-Manipulating Programs (JDB, ZR), pp. 207–221.
- VMCAI-2006-ClarkeTV #verification
- Environment Abstraction for Parameterized Verification (EMC, MT, HV), pp. 126–141.
- VMCAI-2006-GurfinkelWC #model checking
- Systematic Construction of Abstractions for Model-Checking (AG, OW, MC), pp. 381–397.
- VMCAI-2006-JaffarSV #composition
- A CLP Method for Compositional and Intermittent Predicate Abstraction (JJ, AES, RV), pp. 17–32.
- ITiCSE-2005-PerrenetGK #algorithm #comprehension #concept #student
- Exploring students’ understanding of the concept of algorithm: levels of abstraction (JP, JFG, EK), pp. 64–68.
- CSMR-2005-Li #architecture #design #object-oriented
- Dynamic Model Design Recovery and Architecture Abstraction of Object Oriented Software (QL), pp. 284–287.
- CSMR-2005-WardZH #refinement #semantics #slicing
- Conditioned Semantic Slicing via Abstraction and Refinement in FermaT (MPW, HZ, TH), pp. 178–187.
- ICSM-IT-2005-Pacione #analysis #named #network #visualisation
- VANESSA: Visualisation Abstraction NEtwork for Software Systems Analysis (MJP), pp. 85–88.
- IWPC-2005-OSheaE #java
- An Investigation of Java Abstraction Usage for Program Modifications (PO, CE), pp. 65–74.
- WCRE-2005-LiCHCY #architecture #process
- Architecture Recovery and Abstraction from the Perspective of Processes (QL, HC, SH, PC, ZY), pp. 57–66.
- FM-2005-Bosnacki #calculus #on the #μ-calculus
- On Some Galois Connection Based Abstractions for the μ-Calculus (DB), pp. 366–381.
- SEFM-2005-GurovH #composition #interface
- Interface Abstraction for Compositional Verificatio (DG, MH), pp. 414–424.
- SEFM-2005-NejatiGC
- Stuttering Abstraction for Model Checkin (SN, AG, MC), pp. 311–320.
- DiGRA-2005-Jordan
- Ascending Abstraction: Form and Content in Go and Nethack (WJ).
- ICEIS-v4-2005-LokeLBG #programming #workflow
- Levels of Abstraction in Programming Device Ecology Workflows (SWL, SL, GB, BG), pp. 137–144.
- SEKE-2005-Kjaergaard #architecture #on the
- On Abstraction Levels for Software Architecture Viewpoints (MBK), pp. 424–429.
- Incrementalization across object abstraction (YAL, SDS, MG, TR, YEL), pp. 473–486.
- OOPSLA-2005-OderskyZ #component #scalability
- Scalable component abstractions (MO, MZ), pp. 41–57.
- QAPL-2004-Huth05 #hybrid #logic
- Abstraction and Probabilities for Hybrid Logics (MH), pp. 61–76.
- POPL-2005-ParkinsonB #logic
- Separation logic and abstraction (MJP, GMB), pp. 247–258.
- POPL-2005-PodelskiR #termination
- Transition predicate abstraction and fair termination (AP, AR), pp. 132–144.
- POPL-2005-RinetzkyBRSW #semantics
- A semantics for procedure local heaps and its abstractions (NR, JB, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 296–309.
- POPL-2005-SumiiP #bisimulation #recursion
- A bisimulation for type abstraction and recursion (ES, BCP), pp. 63–74.
- PPDP-2005-FernandezG #generative #locality
- Nominal rewriting with name generation: abstraction vs. locality (MF, MG), pp. 47–58.
- PPDP-2005-HermenegildoALP
- Abstraction carrying code and resource-awareness (MVH, EA, PLG, GP), pp. 1–11.
- SAS-2005-BagnaraHMZ
- Widening Operators for Weakly-Relational Numeric Abstractions (RB, PMH, EM, EZ), pp. 3–18.
- SAS-2005-CookPR #refinement #termination
- Abstraction Refinement for Termination (BC, AP, AR), pp. 87–101.
- SAS-2005-EsparzaGS
- Locality-Based Abstractions (JE, PG, SS), pp. 118–134.
- SAS-2005-JeannetGR #relational
- A Relational Abstraction for Functions (BJ, DG, TWR), pp. 186–202.
- ASE-2005-VisserPP #generative #using
- Test input generation for red-black trees using abstraction (WV, CSP, RP), pp. 414–417.
- SAC-2005-CarvalhoL #composition #distributed #parallel #performance #programming
- The # model: separation of concerns for reconciling modularity, abstraction and efficiency in distributed parallel programming (FHdCJ, RDL), pp. 1357–1364.
- GPCE-2005-CaretteK #monad #multi #programming
- Multi-stage Programming with Functors and Monads: Eliminating Abstraction Overhead from Generic Code (JC, OK), pp. 256–274.
- GPCE-2005-CulpepperOF #component #interface
- Syntactic Abstraction in Component Interfaces (RC, SO, MF), pp. 373–388.
- CC-2005-Zeller
- When Abstraction Fails (AZ), pp. 1–9.
- DAC-2005-JainKSC #refinement #verification #word
- Word level predicate abstraction and refinement for verifying RTL verilog (HJ, DK, NS, EMC), pp. 445–450.
- DAC-2005-ZhangPHS #satisfiability #using
- Dynamic abstraction using SAT-based BMC (LZ, MRP, MSH, TS), pp. 754–757.
- FoSSaCS-2005-JeffreyR #polymorphism #π-calculus
- Full Abstraction for Polymorphic π-Calculus (AJ, JR), pp. 266–281.
- TACAS-2005-ClarkeKSY #named #satisfiability
- SATABS: SAT-Based Predicate Abstraction for ANSI-C (EMC, DK, NS, KY), pp. 570–574.
- TACAS-2005-JainIGG #locality
- Localization and Register Sharing for Predicate Abstraction (HJ, FI, AG, MKG), pp. 397–412.
- CAV-2005-BallKY
- Abstraction for Falsification (TB, OK, GY), pp. 67–81.
- CAV-2005-GuptaS #bound #model checking #refinement
- Abstraction Refinement for Bounded Model Checking (AG, OS), pp. 112–124.
- CAV-2005-LahiriBC
- Predicate Abstraction via Symbolic Decision Procedures (SKL, TB, BC), pp. 24–38.
- CAV-2005-LoginovRS #induction #learning #refinement
- Abstraction Refinement via Inductive Learning (AL, TWR, SS), pp. 519–533.
- VMCAI-2005-BalabanPZ #analysis
- Shape Analysis by Predicate Abstraction (IB, AP, LDZ), pp. 164–180.
- VMCAI-2005-Cousot #parametricity #programming #proving #termination
- Proving Program Invariance and Termination by Parametric Abstraction, Lagrangian Relaxation and Semidefinite Programming (PC), pp. 1–24.
- VMCAI-2005-DamsN #automaton
- Automata as Abstractions (DD, KSN), pp. 216–232.
- VMCAI-2005-ManevichYRS #canonical
- Predicate Abstraction and Canonical Abstraction for Singly-Linked Lists (RM, EY, GR, SS), pp. 181–198.
- VMCAI-2005-Pnueli #liveness
- Abstraction for Liveness (AP), p. 146.
- SIGMOD-2004-RaoPZ #canonical #optimisation
- Canonical Abstraction for Outerjoin Optimization (JR, HP, CZ), pp. 671–682.
- IFM-2004-Boute #formal method
- Integrating Formal Methods by Unifying Abstractions (RTB), pp. 441–460.
- IFM-2004-FariasMS #performance
- Efficient CSPZ Data Abstraction (AF, AM, AS), pp. 108–127.
- SEFM-2004-PangPE #parallel #process
- Abstraction of Parallel Uniform Processes with Data (JP, JvdP, MVE), pp. 14–23.
- FLOPS-2004-HagiyaTYS #analysis #automaton #logic #using
- Analysis of Synchronous and Asynchronous Cellular Automata Using Abstraction by Temporal Logic (MH, KT, MY, TS), pp. 7–21.
- ICEIS-v4-2004-RibeiroL #multi #semantics #web
- Multi-Agent Systems and the Semantic Web — The Semanticcore Agent-Based Abstraction Layer (MR, CJPdL), pp. 263–270.
- ICML-2004-MannorMHK #clustering #learning
- Dynamic abstraction in reinforcement learning via clustering (SM, IM, AH, UK).
- ICML-2004-SimsekB #identification #learning #using
- Using relative novelty to identify useful temporal abstractions in reinforcement learning (ÖS, AGB).
- ICPR-v4-2004-TeleaSD
- Optimal Inference for Hierarchical Skeleton Abstraction (ACT, CS, SJD), pp. 19–22.
- PLDI-2004-FlattF
- Kill-safe synchronization abstractions (MF, RBF), pp. 47–58.
- PLDI-2004-YahavR #safety #using #verification
- Verifying safety properties using separation and heterogeneous abstractions (EY, GR), pp. 25–34.
- POPL-2004-HenzingerJMM #proving
- Abstractions from proofs (TAH, RJ, RM, KLM), pp. 232–244.
- SAS-2004-ManevichSRF
- Partially Disjunctive Heap Abstraction (RM, SS, GR, JF), pp. 265–279.
- RE-2004-BuhneHPWKW #requirements
- Defining Requirements at Different Levels of Abstraction (SB, GH, KP, MW, HK, TW), pp. 346–347.
- DAC-2004-AndrausS #automation #modelling #verification
- Automatic abstraction and verification of verilog models (ZSA, KAS), pp. 218–223.
- DAC-2004-MangH #analysis #refinement
- Abstraction refinement by controllability and cooperativeness analysis (FYCM, PHH), pp. 224–229.
- DAC-2004-SchueleS #analysis #assembly #execution #source code
- Abstraction of assembler programs for symbolic worst case execution time analysis (TS, KS), pp. 107–112.
- DATE-v1-2004-BjesseK #debugging #refinement #using
- Using Counter Example Guided Abstraction Refinement to Find Complex Bugs (PB, JHK), pp. 156–161.
- DATE-v1-2004-RaudvereSSJ #polynomial #verification
- Polynomial Abstraction for Verification of Sequentially Implemented Combinational Circuits (TR, AKS, IS, AJ), pp. 690–691.
- DATE-v2-2004-RadulescuDGRW #flexibility #interface #network #performance
- An Efficient On-Chip Network Interface Offering Guaranteed Services, Shared-Memory Abstraction, and Flexible Network Configuration (AR, JD, KGWG, ER, PW), pp. 878–883.
- OSDI-2004-MacCormickMNTZ #framework #named
- Boxwood: Abstractions as the Foundation for Storage Infrastructure (JM, NM, MN, CAT, LZ), pp. 105–120.
- TACAS-2004-BallCDR #approximate
- Refining Approximations in Software Predicate Abstraction (TB, BC, SD, SKR), pp. 388–403.
- TACAS-2004-BehrmannBLP #automaton #bound
- Lower and Upper Bounds in Zone Based Abstractions of Timed Automata (GB, PB, KGL, RP), pp. 312–326.
- TACAS-2004-QianN #database #invariant #model checking
- Guided Invariant Model Checking Based on Abstraction and Symbolic Pattern Databases (KQ, AN), pp. 497–511.
- TACAS-2004-ShohamG
- Monotonic Abstraction-Refinement for CTL (SS, OG), pp. 546–560.
- CAV-2004-BallCLZ #automation #named #proving #refinement #theorem proving
- Zapato: Automatic Theorem Proving for Predicate Abstraction Refinement (TB, BC, SKL, LZ), pp. 457–461.
- CAV-2004-GoelB #functional #model checking #order #simulation
- Symbolic Simulation, Model Checking and Abstraction with Partially Ordered Boolean Functional Vectors (AG, REB), pp. 255–267.
- ICLP-2004-Dershowitz #termination
- Termination by Abstraction (ND), pp. 1–18.
- LICS-2004-AbramskyGMOS #calculus #game studies
- Nominal Games and Full Abstraction for the Nu-Calculus (SA, DRG, ASM, CHLO, IDBS), pp. 150–159.
- LICS-2004-AlfaroGJ #game studies #nondeterminism #precise
- Three-Valued Abstractions of Games: Uncertainty, but with Precision (LdA, PG, RJ), pp. 170–179.
- LICS-2004-DamsN #branch #finite #model checking
- The Existence of Finite Abstractions for Branching Time Model Checking (DD, KSN), pp. 335–344.
- VMCAI-2004-LahiriB #invariant #quantifier
- Constructing Quantified Invariants via Predicate Abstraction (SKL, REB), pp. 267–281.
- VMCAI-2004-Sagiv #canonical #on the #power of
- On the Expressive Power of Canonical Abstraction (SS), p. 58.
- CSEET-2003-X03c #named
- Abstraction — is it teachable? “The devil is in the detail”, p. 32.
- FME-2003-Lettrari #heuristic #object-oriented #using
- Using Abstractions for Heuristic State Space Exploration of Reactive Object-Oriented Systems (ML), pp. 462–481.
- TLCA-2003-Hannay #parametricity #relational
- Abstraction Barrier-Observing Relational Parametricity (JEH), pp. 135–152.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-OrlovK #editing
- A Unified Tool for Editing Information of Different Levels of Abstraction (VO, AK), pp. 633–636.
- KDD-2003-HoNKLNYT #mining
- Mining hepatitis data with temporal abstraction (TBH, TDN, SK, SQL, DN, HY, KT), pp. 369–377.
- SEKE-2003-HuangL #automation #graph #similarity #visualisation
- Automatic Abstraction of Graphs Based on Node Similarity for Graph Visualization (XH, WL), pp. 111–118.
- UML-2003-Egyed #composition #reasoning #relational
- Compositional and Relational Reasoning during Class Abstraction (AE), pp. 121–137.
- ECOOP-2003-AldrichSCN
- Language Support for Connector Abstractions (JA, VS, CC, DN), pp. 74–102.
- SAS-2003-BaldanKK #graph transformation #logic
- A Logic for Analyzing Abstractions of Graph Transformation Systems (PB, BK, BK), pp. 255–272.
- SAS-2003-FieldGRY #complexity #type system #verification
- Typestate Verification: Abstraction Techniques and Complexity Results (JF, DG, GR, EY), pp. 439–462.
- SAS-2003-KuncakR #decidability
- Existential Heap Abstraction Entailment Is Undecidable (VK, MCR), pp. 418–438.
- ASE-2003-ChoiH #model checking #reduction #requirements #specification #using
- Model Checking Software Requirement Specifications using Domain Reduction Abstraction (YC, MPEH), pp. 314–317.
- ICSE-2003-HarderME #testing
- Improving Test Suites via Operational Abstraction (MH, JM, MDE), pp. 60–73.
- DAC-2003-SaifhashemiP #framework #modelling
- Verilog HDL, powered by PLI: a suitable framework for describing and modeling asynchronous circuits at all levels of abstraction (AS, HP), pp. 330–333.
- DATE-2003-BraunWSLMN #memory management #multi
- Processor/Memory Co-Exploration on Multiple Abstraction Levels (GB, AW, OS, RL, HM, AN), pp. 10966–10973.
- DATE-2003-SayintaCPAD #case study #using #verification
- A Mixed Abstraction Level Co-Simulation Case Study Using SystemC for System on Chip Verification (AS, GC, MP, AA, WD), pp. 20095–20100.
- DATE-2003-YooBBPJ #hardware #modelling #performance #simulation
- Building Fast and Accurate SW Simulation Models Based on Hardware Abstraction Layer and Simulation Environment Abstraction Layer (SY, IB, AB, YP, AAJ), pp. 10550–10555.
- DATE-2003-YooJ #hardware
- Introduction to Hardware Abstraction Layers for SoC (SY, AAJ), pp. 10336–10337.
- LCTES-2003-PratapCSP #embedded
- Transport layer abstraction in event channels for embedded systems (RP, RC, DCS, EP), pp. 144–152.
- LCTES-2003-SutterVBB #on the
- On the side-effects of code abstraction (BDS, HV, BDB, KDB), pp. 244–253.
- FASE-2003-SharyginaB #model checking
- Model Checking Software via Abstraction of Loop Transitions (NS, JCB), pp. 325–340.
- FoSSaCS-2003-AronsPZ #probability #verification
- Parameterized Verification by Probabilistic Abstraction (TA, AP, LDZ), pp. 87–102.
- FoSSaCS-2003-PowerT #reasoning
- Abstraction in Reasoning about Higraph-Based Systems (JP, KT), pp. 392–408.
- TACAS-2003-AlurDI #hybrid
- Counter-Example Guided Predicate Abstraction of Hybrid Systems (RA, TD, FI), pp. 208–223.
- TACAS-2003-BozgaLP #protocol #verification
- Pattern-Based Abstraction for Verifying Secrecy in Protocols (LB, YL, MP), pp. 299–314.
- TACAS-2003-ClarkeFHKST #hybrid #refinement #verification
- Verification of Hybrid Systems Based on Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (EMC, AF, ZH, BHK, OS, MT), pp. 192–207.
- TACAS-2003-GlusmanKMFV #evaluation #industrial #multi #refinement
- Multiple-Counterexample Guided Iterative Abstraction Refinement: An Industrial Evaluation (MG, GK, SMH, RF, MYV), pp. 176–191.
- TACAS-2003-McMillanA #automation
- Automatic Abstraction without Counterexamples (KLM, NA), pp. 2–17.
- CADE-2003-Clarke #model checking #refinement #satisfiability
- SAT-Based Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement in Model Checking (EMC), p. 1.
- CADE-2003-MeseguerPM #equation
- Equational Abstractions (JM, MP, NMO), pp. 2–16.
- CAV-2003-ClarkeGTW #how #performance
- Making Predicate Abstraction Efficient: How to Eliminate Redundant Predicates (EMC, OG, MT, DW), pp. 126–140.
- CAV-2003-GuptaGWYA #satisfiability
- Abstraction and BDDs Complement SAT-Based BMC in DiVer (AG, MKG, CW, ZY, PA), pp. 206–209.
- CAV-2003-HenzingerJMQ #refinement #thread
- Thread-Modular Abstraction Refinement (TAH, RJ, RM, SQ), pp. 262–274.
- CAV-2003-LahiriBC #approach
- A Symbolic Approach to Predicate Abstraction (SKL, REB, BC), pp. 141–153.
- CAV-2003-Namjoshi #branch
- Abstraction for Branching Time Properties (KSN), pp. 288–300.
- CAV-2003-ShohamG #framework #game studies
- A Game-Based Framework for CTL Counterexamples and 3-Valued Abstraction-Refinement (SS, OG), pp. 275–287.
- SAT-2003-ClarkeTVW #hardware #satisfiability #verification
- SAT Based Predicate Abstraction for Hardware Verification (EMC, MT, HV, DW), pp. 78–92.
- VMCAI-2003-DamsN #analysis #model checking
- Shape Analysis through Predicate Abstraction and Model Checking (DD, KSN), pp. 310–324.
- VMCAI-2003-GiacobazziM
- Domain Compression for Complete Abstractions (RG, IM), pp. 146–160.
- VMCAI-2003-Monniaux #using
- Abstraction of Expectation Functions Using Gaussian Distributions (DM), pp. 161–173.
- VMCAI-2003-Namjoshi #proving
- Lifting Temporal Proofs through Abstractions (KSN), pp. 174–188.
- VMCAI-2003-PnueliZ #model checking
- Model-Checking and Abstraction to the Aid of Parameterized Systems (AP, LDZ), p. 4.
- VMCAI-2003-Podelski #model checking #refinement
- Software Model Checking with Abstraction Refinement (AP), pp. 1–3.
- ITiCSE-2002-Hazzan #concept #learning
- Reducing abstraction level when learning computability theory concepts (OH), pp. 156–160.
- IWPC-2002-Quigley #experience #visualisation
- Experience with FADE for the Visualization and Abstraction of Software Views (AJQ), pp. 11–20.
- WCRE-2002-BullTMG #regular expression #relational #semantics
- Semantic Grep: Regular Expressions + Relational Abstraction (RIB, AT, AJM, MWG), pp. 267–276.
- FME-2002-FirleyG #verification
- Property Dependent Abstraction of Control Structure for Software Verification (TF, UG), pp. 511–530.
- FME-2002-MotaBS #process
- Mechanical Abstraction of CSPZ Processes (AM, PB, AS), pp. 163–183.
- FME-2002-Pahl #analysis #refinement #using
- Interference Analysis for Dependable Systems Using Refinement and Abstraction (CP), pp. 330–349.
- FLOPS-2002-Porto #logic programming
- Structural Abstraction and Application in Logic Programming (AP), pp. 275–289.
- ICGT-2002-Hoffmann #graph transformation
- Abstraction and Control for Shapely Nested Graph Transformation (BH), pp. 177–191.
- ICPR-v2-2002-GibsonCT #modelling #using #visual notation
- Visual Abstraction of Wildlife Footage Using Gaussian Mixture Models and the Minimum Description Length Criterion (DPG, NWC, BTT), pp. 814–817.
- ECOOP-2002-BentonCF #c# #concurrent
- Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C# (NB, LC, CF), pp. 415–440.
- LOPSTR-2002-PeraltaG #source code
- Convex Hull Abstractions in Specialization of CLP Programs (JCP, JPG), pp. 90–108.
- POPL-2002-FlanaganQ #verification
- Predicate abstraction for software verification (CF, SQ), pp. 191–202.
- POPL-2002-HenzingerJMS #lazy evaluation
- Lazy abstraction (TAH, RJ, RM, GS), pp. 58–70.
- RE-2002-KnethenPKH #requirements #traceability
- Systematic Requirements Recycling through Abstraction and Traceability (AvK, BP, FK, FH), pp. 273–281.
- ICSE-2002-RomanJH #mobile #network
- Network abstractions for context-aware mobile computing (GCR, CJ, QH), pp. 363–373.
- SAC-2002-GallardoMMR #model checking #using #xml
- Using XML to implement abstraction for Model Checking (MdMG, JM, PM, ER), pp. 1021–1025.
- DAC-2002-FoltinFT #concept #independence #modelling #performance
- Efficient stimulus independent timing abstraction model based on a new concept of circuit block transparency (MF, BF, ST), pp. 158–163.
- TACAS-2002-BallPR #model checking #refinement
- Relative Completeness of Abstraction Refinement for Software Model Checking (TB, AP, SKR), pp. 158–172.
- TACAS-2002-Ouaknine #model checking
- Digitisation and Full Abstraction for Dense-Time Model Checking (JO), pp. 37–51.
- CAV-2002-ClarkeGKS #machine learning #satisfiability #using
- SAT Based Abstraction-Refinement Using ILP and Machine Learning Techniques (EMC, AG, JHK, OS), pp. 265–279.
- CAV-2002-CousotC #on the #verification
- On Abstraction in Software Verification (PC, RC), pp. 37–56.
- CAV-2002-GodefroidJ #automation #model checking #using
- Automatic Abstraction Using Generalized Model Checking (PG, RJ), pp. 137–150.
- CAV-2002-PnueliXZ #liveness
- Liveness with (0, 1, infty)-Counter Abstraction (AP, JX, LDZ), pp. 107–122.
- LICS-2002-LaplanteLMPR #approach #model checking #probability #testing
- Probabilistic Abstraction for Model Checking: An Approach Based on Property Testing (SL, RL, FM, SP, MdR), pp. 30–39.
- LICS-2002-Leivant #rank
- Calibrating Computational Feasibility by Abstraction Rank (DL), p. 345–?.
- SAT-2002-Clarke #logic #model checking #refinement #satisfiability
- SAT based abstraction refinement in temporal logic model checking (EC), p. 26.
- VMCAI-2002-TipleaT #simulation
- A Simulation Preorder for Abstraction of Reactive Systems (FLT, AT), pp. 272–288.
- ITiCSE-2001-Koppelman #education
- Teaching abstraction explicitly (HK), p. 191.
- FME-2001-Aichernig #testing
- Test-Case Calculation through Abstraction (BKA), pp. 571–589.
- GT-VMT-2001-KothM #diagrams #editing
- Abstraction in Graph-Transformation Based Diagram Editors (OK, MM), pp. 295–301.
- SVIS-2001-Noble #alias #encapsulation #visualisation
- Visualising Objects: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Aliasing, and Ownership (JN), pp. 58–72.
- CIKM-2001-EisensteinGSSZ #database
- Alternative Representations and Abstractions for Moving Sensors Databases (JE, SG, CS, GS, RZ), pp. 318–325.
- MLDM-2001-SchmidtG #reasoning
- Temporal Abstractions and Case-Based Reasoning for Medical Course Data: Two Prognostic Applications (RS, LG), pp. 23–34.
- SEKE-2001-JarzabekZ #analysis #component #control flow #reuse
- Enhacing component reuse with control flow abstraction analysis (SJ, HZ), pp. 171–178.
- SEKE-2001-Mellor #execution
- Raising the Level of Abstraction: Model Execution and Translation (SJM), p. 1.
- PLDI-2001-BallMMR #automation #c #source code
- Automatic Predicate Abstraction of C Programs (TB, RM, TDM, SKR), pp. 203–213.
- PLDI-2001-Chilimbi #locality #performance
- Efficient Representations and Abstractions for Quantifying and Exploiting Data Reference Locality (TMC), pp. 191–202.
- PPDP-2001-PenaR #functional #parallel #programming
- Parallel Functional Programming at Two Levels of Abstraction (RP, FR), pp. 187–198.
- ESEC-FSE-2001-ChoiRH #automation #constraints #model checking
- Automatic abstraction for model checking software systems with interrelated numeric constraints (YC, SR, MPEH), pp. 164–174.
- ICSE-2001-DwyerHJLPRZV #finite #verification
- Tool-Supported Program Abstraction for Finite-State Verification (MBD, JH, RJ, SL, CSP, R, HZ, WV), pp. 177–187.
- SAC-2001-CunninghamW #framework
- Building a layered framework for the table abstraction (HCC, JW), pp. 668–674.
- DAC-2001-WangHLKZMD #hybrid #refinement #simulation #verification
- Formal Property Verification by Abstraction Refinement with Formal, Simulation and Hybrid Engines (DW, PHH, JL, JHK, YZ, HKTM, RFD), pp. 35–40.
- DATE-2001-DasguptaCNKC #component #linear
- Abstraction of word-level linear arithmetic functions from bit-level component descriptions (PD, PPC, AN, SK, AC), pp. 4–8.
- DATE-2001-Zhu #design #named
- MetaRTL: raising the abstraction level of RTL design (JZ), pp. 71–76.
- SOSP-2001-RodriguesCL #fault tolerance #named #using
- BASE: Using Abstraction to Improve Fault Tolerance (RR, MC, BL), pp. 15–28.
- TACAS-2001-AndovaB #algebra #probability #process
- Abstraction in Probabilistic Process Algebra (SA, JCMB), pp. 204–219.
- TACAS-2001-BallPR #c #model checking #source code
- Boolean and Cartesian Abstraction for Model Checking C Programs (TB, AP, SKR), pp. 268–283.
- TACAS-2001-LakhnechBBO #incremental #verification
- Incremental Verification by Abstraction (YL, SB, SB, SO), pp. 98–112.
- TACAS-2001-Velev #automation #verification
- Automatic Abstraction of Memories in the Formal Verification of Superscalar Microprocessors (MNV), pp. 252–267.
- CAV-2001-ZhengMM #automation #verification
- Automatic Abstraction for Verification of Timed Circuits and Systems (HZ, EM, CJM), pp. 182–193.
- CSMR-2000-CifuentesS
- Procedure Abstraction Recovery from Binary Code (CC, DS), pp. 55–64.
- ECOOP-2000-EugsterGS #distributed #interactive
- Distributed Asynchronous Collections: Abstractions for Publish/Subscribe Interaction (PTE, RG, JS), pp. 252–276.
- PPDP-2000-PowerR #logic
- Logical relations, data abstraction, and structured fibrations (JP, ER), pp. 15–23.
- SAS-2000-Saidi #analysis #model checking
- Model Checking Guided Abstraction and Analysis (HS), pp. 377–396.
- ASE-2000-Egyed #diagrams #semantics
- Semantic Abstraction Rules for Class Diagrams (AE), pp. 301–304.
- SAC-2000-TryfonaJ #concept #modelling #using
- Using Abstractions for Spatio-Temporal Conceptual Modeling (NT, CSJ), pp. 313–322.
- DATE-2000-Balarin #analysis #automation #worst-case
- Automatic Abstraction for Worst-Case Analysis of Discrete Systems (FB), pp. 494–501.
- DATE-2000-LogothetisS #realtime
- Abstraction from Counters: An Application on Real-Time Systems (GL, KS), pp. 486–493.
- LCTES-2000-RunesonNS #optimisation
- Optimizing Code Size through Procedural Abstraction (JR, SON, JS), pp. 204–205.
- CAV-2000-BaumgartnerTASA #algorithm #design #verification
- An Abstraction Algorithm for the Verification of Generalized C-Slow Designs (JB, AT, AA, VS, FA), pp. 5–19.
- CAV-2000-ClarkeGJLV #refinement
- Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (EMC, OG, SJ, YL, HV), pp. 154–169.
- CAV-2000-NamjoshiK #automation #program transformation
- Syntactic Program Transformations for Automatic Abstraction (KSN, RPK), pp. 435–449.
- CAV-2000-Pnueli #composition #deduction #explosion #symmetry
- Keynote Address: Abstraction, Composition, Symmetry, and a Little Deduction: The Remedies to State Explosion (AP), p. 1.
- CSL-2000-PowerR #logic
- Logical Relations and Data Abstraction (JP, ER), pp. 497–511.
- ADL-1999-ChristelHWC #library #video
- Adjustable Filmstrips and Skims as Abstractions for a Digital Video Library (MGC, AGH, AW, SAC), pp. 98–104.
- FM-v1-1999-BarbutiFSV #model checking #realtime
- Formula Based Abstractions of Transition Systems for Real-Time Model Checking (RB, NDF, AS, GV), pp. 289–306.
- FM-v1-1999-Schneider #testing
- Abstraction and Testing (SS), pp. 738–757.
- FM-v2-1999-Wehrheim
- Data Abstraction for CSP-OZ (HW), pp. 1028–1047.
- ICML-1999-Bosch #in memory #learning
- Instance-Family Abstraction in Memory-Based Language Learning (AvdB), pp. 39–48.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-JacobsenKN #architecture
- Architecture = Abstractions over Software (EEJ, BBK, PN), p. 89–?.
- POPL-1999-WaddellD
- Extending the Scope of Syntactic Abstraction (OW, RKD), pp. 203–215.
- HPCA-1999-FalsafiW #communication #parallel #programming #protocol #queue
- Parallel Dispatch Queue: A Queue-Based Programming Abstraction to Parallelize Fine-Grain Communication Protocols (BF, DAW), pp. 182–192.
- OSDI-1999-Keleher #named
- Tapeworm: High-Level Abstractions of Shared Accesses (PJK), pp. 201–214.
- PPoPP-1999-RamachandranNHRK #interactive #memory management #parallel #programming
- Space-Time Memory: A Parallel Programming Abstraction for Interactive Multimedia Applications (UR, RSN, NH, JMR, KK), pp. 183–192.
- TACAS-1999-RusuS #on the #proving #safety #static analysis #theorem proving
- On Proving Safety Properties by Integrating Static Analysis, Theorem Proving and Abstraction (VR, ES), pp. 178–192.
- CADE-1999-FeltyHR #syntax #using
- Formal Metatheory using Implicit Syntax, and an Application to Data Abstraction for Asynchronous Systems (APF, DJH, AR), pp. 237–251.
- CAV-1999-AbdullaABBHL #analysis #infinity #reachability #verification
- Verification of Infinite-State Systems by Combining Abstraction and Reachability Analysis (PAA, AA, SB, AB, PH, YL), pp. 146–159.
- CAV-1999-BaumgartnerHSA #algorithm #model checking
- Model Checking the IBM Gigahertz Processor: An Abstraction Algorithm for High-Performance Netlists (JB, TH, VS, AA), pp. 72–83.
- CAV-1999-DasDP #experience
- Experience with Predicate Abstraction (SD, DLD, SP), pp. 160–171.
- CSL-1999-KestenP #liveness #verification
- Verifying Liveness by Augmented Abstraction (YK, AP), pp. 141–156.
- LICS-1999-MarzRS
- Full Abstraction and Universality via Realisability (MM, AR, TS), pp. 174–182.
- HT-1998-CrampesVR #adaptation
- Adaptive Narrative Abstraction (MC, JPV, SR), pp. 97–105.
- ICSM-1998-YangLZ #approach #problem #re-engineering #reverse engineering
- Tackling the Abstraction Problem for Reverse Engineering in a System Re-engineering Approach (HY, XL, HZ), pp. 284–293.
- ICFP-1998-Kiselyov98a #c++ #functional
- Functional Style in C++: Closures, Late Binding, and λ Abstractions (OK), p. 337.
- CHI-1998-ChristelSTW #evolution #multi #video
- Evolving Video Skims into Useful Multimedia Abstractions (MGC, MAS, CRT, DBW), pp. 171–178.
- CIKM-1998-LiYC #database #framework #mining #multi #named #sequence
- MALM: A Framework for Mining Sequence Database at Multiple Abstraction Levels (CSL, PSY, VC), pp. 267–272.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1998-JacobsenKN #development #modelling
- Models, Domains and Abstraction in Software Development (EEJ, BBK, PN), pp. 28–42.
- AdaEurope-1998-Moody #object-oriented #realtime
- Object Oriented Abstractions for Real-Time Distributes Systems (SAM), pp. 112–127.
- SIGAda-1998-HendrixCBM #ada #incremental #refinement #visual notation
- Visual Support for Incremental Abstraction and Refinement in Ada 95 (TDH, JHCI, LAB, KSM), pp. 152–157.
- REFSQ-1998-HaumerPW #concept #modelling
- Abstraction Guides: Interrelating Conceptual Models with Real World Scenes (PH, KP, KW), pp. 23–32.
- FSE-1998-AstleyA #distributed #middleware #policy
- Customizaton and Compositon of Distributed Objects: Middleware Abstractions for Policy Management (MA, GA), pp. 1–9.
- DATE-1998-HsiehL #verification
- Model Abstraction for Formal Verification (YWH, SPL), pp. 140–147.
- TACAS-1998-DawsT #model checking #reachability #realtime #using
- Model Checking of Real-Time Reachability Properties Using Abstractions (CD, ST), pp. 313–329.
- TACAS-1998-JensenL #algorithm #proving #using
- A Proof of Burns N-Process Mutual Exclusion Algorithm Using Abstraction (HEJ, NAL), pp. 409–423.
- CAV-1998-BensalemLO #automation #infinity
- Computing Abstractions of Infinite State Systems Compositionally and Automatically (SB, YL, SO), pp. 319–331.
- CAV-1998-ColonU #finite #generative #using
- Generating Finite-State Abstractions of Reactive Systems Using Decision Procedures (MC, TEU), pp. 293–304.
- LICS-1998-AbadiFG #implementation
- Secure Implementation of Channel Abstractions (MA, CF, GG), pp. 105–116.
- LICS-1998-Viswanathan #first-order #recursion #type system
- Full Abstraction for First-Order Objects with Recursive Types and Subtyping (RV), pp. 380–391.
- DL-1997-ChristelWT #library #multi #video
- Multimedia Abstractions for a Digital Video Library (MGC, DBW, CRT), pp. 21–29.
- ICFP-1997-FahndrichB
- Statically Checkable Pattern Abstractions (MF, JB), pp. 75–84.
- HCI-CC-1997-HolmL #communication #modelling #multi
- Combining Multiple Abstraction Mechanisms in Communication Modeling (PH, JL), pp. 93–96.
- PLILP-1997-Xi #evaluation
- Evaluation Under λ Abstraction (HX), pp. 259–273.
- ASE-1997-CohenF #automation #database #re-engineering #source code
- Automatic High-Quality Reengineering of Database Programs by Temporal Abstraction (YC, YAF), pp. 90–97.
- ESEC-FSE-1997-DwyerCH #model checking #user interface #using #visual notation
- Model Checking Graphical User Interfaces Using Abstractions (MBD, VC, LH), pp. 244–261.
- EDTC-1997-Schneider #architecture #hardware #trade-off
- A methodology for hardware architecture trade-off at different levels of abstraction (CS), pp. 537–541.
- TACAS-1997-RaskinS #logic #realtime
- Real-Time Logics: Fictitious Clock as an Abstraction of Dense Time (JFR, PYS), pp. 165–182.
- CAV-1997-PardoH #automation #calculus #model checking #μ-calculus
- Automatic Abstraction Techniques for Propositional μ-calculus Model Checking (AP, GDH), pp. 12–23.
- LICS-1997-Laird #functional
- Full Abstraction for Functional Languages with Control (JL), pp. 58–67.
- ICSM-1996-MortimerB #maintenance #using
- Maintenance and abstraction of program data using formal transformations (REM, KHB), p. 301–?.
- FME-1996-Clement
- Data Reification without Explicit Abstraction Functions (TC), pp. 195–213.
- CAiSE-1996-Motschnig-PitrikM #semantics
- Semantics, Features, and Applications of the Viewpoint Abstraction (RMP, JM), pp. 514–539.
- ICML-1996-Roverso #knowledge base #multi #scalability
- Analogy Access by Mapping Spreading and Abstraction in Large, Multifunctional Knowledge Bases (DR), pp. 418–426.
- ECOOP-1996-KristensenM #behaviour #named #process
- Activities: Abstractions for Collective Behavior (BBK, DCMM), pp. 472–501.
- OOPSLA-1996-GilL
- Environmental Acquisition — A New Inheritance-Like Abstraction Mechanism (JYG, DHL), pp. 214–231.
- ALP-1996-Volpe #proving
- Abstractions of Uniform Proofs (PV), pp. 224–237.
- FSE-1996-GriswoldCBM #scalability #tool support
- Tool Support for Planning the Restructuring of Data Abstractions in Large Systems (WGG, MIC, RWB, JDM), pp. 33–45.
- TAPSOFT-J-1995-HofmannS96 #behaviour #higher-order #logic #on the
- On Behavioural Abstraction and Behavioural Satisfaction in Higher-Order Logic (MH, DS), pp. 3–45.
- ESOP-1996-BakelBF #normalisation #term rewriting
- Rewrite Systems with Abstraction and β-Rule: Types, Approximants and Normalization (SvB, FB, MF), pp. 387–403.
- CADE-1996-GiunchigliaV #named #proving
- ABSFOL: A Proof Checker with Abstraction (FG, AV), pp. 136–140.
- CAV-1996-CapellmannDFGNO #behaviour #case study #detection #interactive #network #verification
- Verification by Behaviour Abstraction — A Case Study of Service Interaction Detection in Intelligent Telephone Networks (CC, RD, FFV, RGE, UN, PO), pp. 466–469.
- LICS-1996-McCusker #game studies
- Games and Full Abstraction for FPC (GM), pp. 174–183.
- VLDB-1995-Korth #concept #evolution #transaction
- The Double Life of the Transaction Abstraction: Fundamental Principle and Evolving System Concept (HFK), pp. 2–6.
- SAS-1995-CleavelandIY #model checking
- Optimality in Abstractions of Model Checking (RC, SPI, DY), pp. 51–63.
- ESEC-1995-WarrenS
- Dynamic Configuration Abstraction (IW, IS), pp. 173–190.
- FSE-1995-HoffmanS #composition #development
- State Abstraction and Modular Software Development (DH, PAS), pp. 53–61.
- DAC-1995-JainBJ #automation
- Automatic Clock Abstraction from Sequential Circuits (SJ, REB, AJ), pp. 707–711.
- HPDC-1995-KohliAS #distributed #named
- Indigo: User-Level Support for Building Distributed Shared Abstractions (PK, MA, KS), pp. 130–137.
- TAPSOFT-1995-HofmannS #behaviour #higher-order #logic #on the
- On Behavioral Abstraction and Behavioural Satisfaction in Higher-Order Logic (MH0, DS), pp. 247–261.
- CAV-1995-DingelF #infinity #model checking #proving #reasoning #theorem proving #using
- Model Checking for Infinite State Systems Using Data Abstraction, Assumption-Commitment Style reasoning and Theorem Proving (JD, TF), pp. 54–69.
- CAV-1995-HojatiB #automation #hardware
- Automatic Datapath Abstraction In Hardware Systems (RH, RKB), pp. 98–113.
- ILPS-1995-CominiLM #composition
- Compositionality in SLD-Derivations and their Abstractions (MC, GL, MCM), pp. 561–575.
- ILPS-1995-DidierE #term rewriting
- Abstraction of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems (DB, RE), pp. 162–176.
- LICS-1995-AbramskyM #game studies #lazy evaluation #λ-calculus
- Games and Full Abstraction for the Lazy λ-Calculus (SA, GM), pp. 234–243.
- VLDB-1994-PirotteZMY #named #ubiquitous
- Materialization: A Powerful and Ubiquitous Abstraction Pattern (AP, EZ, DM, TY), pp. 630–641.
- ICSM-1994-Khan #design #multi
- Design Extraction by Adiabatic Multi-Perspective Abstraction (JIK), pp. 191–200.
- CSCW-1994-FowlerBDKGLPG #experience #hypermedia
- Experience with the Virtual Notebook System: Abstraction in Hypertext (JF, DGB, RD, VK, HG, KBL, CP, GAG), pp. 133–143.
- CAiSE-1994-CauvetS #concept #locality #modelling #object-oriented
- Abstraction Forms in Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling: Localization, Aggregation and Generalization Extensions (CC, FS), pp. 149–171.
- CAiSE-1994-Keszenheimer #behaviour #evolution #maintenance
- Utilizing Behavioral Abstractions to Facilitate Maintenance During Class Evolution (LMK), pp. 325–338.
- CIKM-1994-RezendeH #semantics #using
- A Lock Method for KBMSs Using Abstraction Relationships’ Semantics (FdFR, TH), pp. 112–121.
- KDD-1994-ChuC #concept #database
- Abstraction of High Level Concepts from Numerical Values in Databases (WWC, KC), pp. 133–144.
- SEKE-1994-SuzukiT #behaviour #retrieval #using
- Associative program retrieval using partially-ordered behavioral abstractions of a program (HS, NT), pp. 395–404.
- OOPSLA-1994-Kristensen #modelling #object-oriented
- Complex Associations: Abstractions in Object-Oriented Modeling (BBK), pp. 272–286.
- ICRE-1994-GoldinB #design #elicitation #evaluation #natural language #prototype #requirements
- AbstFinder, a prototype abstraction finder for natural language text for use in requirements elicitation: design, methodology, and evaluation (LG, DMB), pp. 84–93.
- ICRE-1994-MaidenS #requirements #using
- Requirements critiquing using domain abstractions (NAMM, AGS), pp. 184–193.
- DAC-1994-ArnsteinT #behaviour #synthesis #tool support
- The Attributed-Behavior Abstraction and Synthesis Tools (LFA, DET), pp. 557–561.
- DAC-1994-VerlindKJLM #communication #performance #verification
- A Time Abstraction Method for Efficient Verification of Communicating Systems (EV, TK, GGdJ, BL, HDM), pp. 609–614.
- CAV-1994-DamsGDHKP #adaptation #model checking #using
- Model Checking Using Adaptive State and Data Abstraction (DD, RG, GD, RH, PK, HP), pp. 455–467.
- CAV-1994-Graf #distributed #memory management #using #verification
- Verification of a Distributed Cache Memory by Using Abstractions (SG), pp. 207–219.
- CAV-1994-OliveroSY #hybrid #linear #using #verification
- Using Abstractions for the Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems (AO, JS, SY), pp. 81–94.
- FME-1993-SaaltinkKPCM
- An EVES Data Abstraction Example (MS, SK, BP, DC, IM), pp. 578–596.
- ICML-1993-Ellman #approximate #clustering #constraints #synthesis
- Synthesis of Abstraction Hierarchies for Constraint Satisfaction by Clustering Approximately Equivalent Objects (TE), pp. 104–111.
- SEKE-1993-KhanM #flexibility
- Formalism for Hierarchical Organization and Flexible Abstraction of Program Knowledge (JIK, IM), pp. 301–303.
- ECOOP-1993-GammaHJV #design pattern #object-oriented #reuse #using
- Design Patterns: Abstraction and Reuse of Object-Oriented Design (EG, RH, REJ, JMV), pp. 406–431.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-MiliL #automation #object-oriented #reuse
- Data Abstraction in SoftClass, an OO CASE Tool for Software Reuse (HM, HL), pp. 133–149.
- TRI-Ada-1993-TurnerH #ada #generative #verification
- Ada Abstraction, Generation, Verification (JAT, TLH), pp. 323–329.
- SAC-1993-HurschLM #object-oriented
- Object-Oriented Schema Extension and Abstraction (WLH, KJL, SM), pp. 54–62.
- TAPSOFT-1993-GrafL #composition #parallel
- Property Preserving Abstractions under Parallel Composition (SG, CL), pp. 644–657.
- ICALP-1992-MollerT #behaviour
- Behavioural Abstraction in TCCS (FM, CMNT), pp. 559–570.
- LFP-1992-TannenS #on the
- On Extending Computational Adequacy by Data Abstraction (VT, RS), pp. 161–169.
- PLDI-1992-HendrenHN #analysis #data type #imperative #pointer #recursion #source code
- Abstractions for Recursive Pointer Data Structures: Improving the Analysis of Imperative Programs (LJH, JH, AN), pp. 249–260.
- PLDI-1992-Hoover #incremental #named #programming
- Alphonse: Incremental Computation as a Programming Abstraction (RH), pp. 261–272.
- POPL-1992-CartwrightF
- Observable Sequentiality and Full Abstraction (RC, MF), pp. 328–342.
- POPL-1992-ClarkeGL #model checking
- Model Checking and Abstraction (EMC, OG, DEL), pp. 342–354.
- KBSE-1992-MaidenS #approach #requirements
- Domain Abstractions in Requirements Engineering: A Exemplar Approach (NM, AS), p. 19.
- CAV-1992-De-LeonG #composition #distributed #realtime #verification
- Modular Abstractions for Verifying Real-Time Distributed Systems (HDL, OG), pp. 2–15.
- CAiSE-1991-Wangler
- Attribute Abstraction (BW), pp. 416–440.
- TOOLS-USA-1991-Meyer91a #re-engineering
- Re-engineering software by isolating abstractions (BM), pp. 369–370.
- LOPSTR-1991-Eusterbrock #learning #logic programming #source code
- Speed-up Transformations of Logic Programs by Abstraction and Learning (JE), pp. 167–182.
- PLILP-1991-ChenW #compilation #higher-order #logic programming
- Compilation of Predicate Abstractions in Higher-Order Logic Programming (WC, DSW), pp. 287–298.
- WSA-1991-CodognetF #constraints
- Computations, Abstractions and Constraints (PC, GF), pp. 70–71.
- CAAP-1991-Aceto
- Full Abstraction for Series-Parallel Pomsets (LA), pp. 1–25.
- ICLP-1991-ChenW #logic #multi #set
- An Intensional Logic of (Multi-Arity) Set Abstractions (WC, DSW), pp. 97–110.
- LFP-1990-SitaramF #continuation #modelling #reasoning
- Reasoning with Continuations II: Full Abstraction for Models of Control (DS, MF), pp. 161–175.
- ML-1990-Flann
- Applying Abstraction and Simplification to Learn in Intractable Domains (NSF), pp. 277–285.
- ICSE-1990-Biggerstaff #concept #re-engineering
- Human-Oriented Conceptual Abstractions in the Re-engineering of Software (TJB), p. 120.
- CADE-1990-WakayamaP #source code
- Case-Free Programs: An Abstraction of Definite Horn Programs (TW, THP), pp. 87–101.
- ICALP-1989-MasonT #programming
- Programming, Transforming, and Providing with Function Abstractions and Memories (IAM, CLT), pp. 574–588.
- RTA-1989-DarlingtonG #evaluation #functional #programming #set #unification
- Narrowing and Unification in Functional Programming — An Evaluation Mechanism for Absolute Set Abstraction (JD, YG), pp. 92–108.
- FPCA-1989-SilbermannJ #functional #logic programming #set
- Set Abstraction in Functional and Logic Programming (FSKS, BJ), pp. 313–326.
- CHI-1989-DeSoiLS #behaviour #specification #user interface #visual notation
- Graphical specification of user interfaces with behavior abstraction (JFD, WML, SVS), pp. 139–144.
- ML-1989-Flann #learning #problem
- Learning Appropriate Abstractions for Planning in Formation Problems (NSF), pp. 235–239.
- ML-1989-Knoblock #learning
- Learning Hierarchies of Abstraction Spaces (CAK), pp. 241–245.
- SEKE-1989-MohanK #modelling #object-oriented #representation
- Abstractions in Object-oriented Data Models: A Formalized Representation Scheme (LM, RLK), pp. 79–84.
- PLDI-1989-Boehm #type inference
- Type Inference in the Presence of Type Abstraction (HJB), pp. 192–206.
- POPL-1989-Hickey #constraints
- CLP* and Constraint Abstraction (TJH), pp. 125–133.
- SOSP-1989-CoxF #case study #experience #implementation #memory management #multi
- The Implementation of a Coherent Memory Abstraction on a NUMA Multiprocessor: Experiences with PLATINUM (ALC, RJF), pp. 32–44.
- VDME-1988-JiangX #execution #named #specification
- NUSL: An Executable Specification Language Based on Data Abstraction (XJ, YX), pp. 124–138.
- LFP-1988-SussmanH #named #tutorial
- Tutorial: Abstraction in Numerical Methods (GJS, MH), pp. 1–7.
- ECOOP-1988-HedinM #interactive
- The Mjølner Environment: Direct Interaction with Abstractions (GH, BM), pp. 41–54.
- OOPSLA-1988-AksitT
- Data Abstraction Mechanisms in SINA/ST (MA, ART), pp. 267–275.
- ALP-1988-Dayantis #composition #logic programming
- Types, Modularisation and Abstraction in Logic Programming (GD), pp. 127–136.
- PLDI-1988-BallanceBG #analysis #editing #incremental #syntax
- Grammatical Abstraction and Incremental Syntax Analysis in a Language-Based Editor (RAB, JB, SLG), pp. 185–198.
- DAC-1988-LathropHDAK #functional #roadmap
- Advances in Functional Abstraction from Structure (RHL, RJH, GD, KMA, RSK), pp. 708–711.
- ESOP-1988-KaplanK #concurrent #graph #named #programming
- Garp: Graph Abstractions for Concurrent Programming (SMK, GEK), pp. 191–205.
- JICSCP-1988-BrayshawE88 #prolog
- Adding Data and Procedure Abstraction to the Transparent Prolog Machine TPM (MB, ME), pp. 532–547.
- HT-1987-Garg #hypermedia
- Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext (PKG), pp. 375–395.
- ICALP-1987-BaetenG #algebra #process
- Another Look at Abstraction in Process Algebra (JCMB, RJvG), pp. 84–94.
- POPL-1987-HuizingGR #realtime #semantics
- Full Abstraction of a Real-Time Denotational Semantics for an Occam-like Language (CH, RG, WPdR), pp. 223–237.
- POPL-1987-Wadler #named #pattern matching
- Views: A Way for Pattern Matching to Cohabit with Data Abstraction (PW), pp. 307–313.
- DAC-1987-DevadasMN #on the #verification
- On the Verification of Sequential Machines at Differing Levels of Abstraction (SD, HKTM, ARN), pp. 271–276.
- DAC-1987-LathropHK #functional #modelling #simulation
- Functional Abstraction from Structure in VLSI Simulation Models (RHL, RJH, RSK), pp. 822–828.
- DAC-1987-SouleB #parallel #simulation #statistics
- Statistics for Parallelism and Abstraction Level in Digital Simulation (LS, RB), pp. 588–591.
- CFLP-1987-Piperno #algorithm #combinator #logic
- A Compositive Abstraction Algorithm for Combinatory Logic (AP), pp. 39–51.
- LICS-1987-HalpernW
- Full Abstraction and Expressive Completenes for FP (JYH, ELW), pp. 257–271.
- SIGMOD-1986-MossGG
- Abstraction in Recovery Management (JEBM, NDG, MHG), pp. 72–83.
- LFP-1986-Hudak #semantics #summary
- A Semantic Model of Reference Counting and its Abstraction (Detailed Summary) (PH), pp. 351–363.
- POPL-1986-GreifSW #collaboration #distributed #editing
- Atomic Data Abstractions in a Distributed Collaborative Editing System (IG, RS, WEW), pp. 160–172.
- POPL-1986-Mitchell #independence #representation
- Representation Independence and Data Abstraction (JCM), pp. 263–276.
- CADE-1986-Plaisted86a #using
- Abstraction Using Generalization Functions (DAP), pp. 365–376.
- DAC-1985-SchefferS #analysis
- Hierarchical analysis of IC artwork with user defined abstraction rules (LS, RS), pp. 293–298.
- CAAP-1985-Castellani #bisimulation #morphism
- Bisimulations and Abstraction Homomorphisms (IC), pp. 223–238.
- LFP-1984-HaynesF #process
- Engines Build Process Abstractions (CTH, DPF), pp. 18–24.
- POPL-1984-Sherman #named #novel
- Paragon: Novel Uses of Type Hierarchies for Data Abstraction (MS), pp. 208–217.
- POPL-1983-KristensenMMN #programming language
- Abstraction Mechanisms in the BETA Programming Language (BBK, OLM, BMP, KN), pp. 285–298.
- POPL-1983-Wegner #ada #on the #unification
- On the Unification of Data and Program Abstraction in Ada (PW), pp. 256–264.
- ICSE-1981-Dershowitz #evolution #source code
- The Evolution of Programs: Program Abstraction and Instantiation (ND), pp. 79–89.
- VLDB-1980-Brodie #concept #database #modelling
- Data Abstraction, Databases and Conceptual Modelling (MLB), pp. 105–108.
- LISP-1980-Steele #lisp
- Strategies for Data Abstraction in LISP (BS), pp. 173–178.
- POPL-1980-KapurM #set
- Expressiveness of the Operation Set of a Data Abstraction (DK, MKS), pp. 139–153.
- CADE-1980-Plaisted #proving #theorem proving
- Abstraction Mappings in Mechanical Theorem Proving (DAP), pp. 264–280.
- SIGMOD-1979-RoweS
- Data Abstractions, Views and Updates in RIGEL (LAR, KAS), pp. 71–81.
- FM-1979-BoydPW79a #refinement
- Abstraction and Refinement in RDM (DLB, AP, WTW), pp. 111–149.
- SCC-1979-Morris #implementation
- Data abstraction: A static implementation strategy (JBM), pp. 1–7.
- DAC-1979-LeinwandL #design #functional #verification
- Design verification based on functional abstraction (SML, TL), pp. 353–359.
- VDM-1978-Bjorner78a #operating system #pl-i #specification #tutorial
- Software Abstraction Principles: Tutorial Examples of: An Operating System Command Language Specification, and a PL/I-like On-Condition Language Definition (DB), pp. 337–374.
- VLDB-J-1975-NavatheF76 #database #scalability
- Restructuring for Large Data Bases: Three Levels of Abstraction (SBN, JPF), pp. 138–158.
- VLDB-1976-SenkoA #data access #physics
- DIAM II and Levels of Abstraction — The Physical Device Level: A General Model for Access Methods (MES, EBA), pp. 79–94.
- ICSE-1976-GerhartY #backtracking #programming
- Control Structure Abstractions of the Backtracking Programming Technique (SLG, LY), p. 391.
- ICSE-1976-ShankarC #specification
- Dat Flow, Abstraction Levels and Specifications for Communications Switching Systems (KSS, CSC), pp. 585–591.
- STOC-1976-Doeppner #on the #parallel #source code
- On Abstractions of Parallel Programs (TWDJ), pp. 65–72.
- VLDB-1975-NavatheF #database #scalability
- Restructuring for Large Data Bases: Three Levels of Abstraction (SBN, JPF), p. 174.