Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Maurer K.Kohler M.Verlage J.Münch G.Succi H.Holz B.Kötting S.Goldmann
Talks about:
process (3) support (2) softwar (2) synthesi (1) rational (1) internet (1) approach (1) integr (1) design (1) model (1)
Person: Barbara Dellen
DBLP: Dellen:Barbara
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSE-1999-MaurerSHKGD #internet #process
- Software Process Support over the Internet (FM, GS, HH, BK, SG, BD), pp. 642–645.
- KBSE-1996-DellenKM #design #modelling #process
- Integrating Software Process Models and Design Rationales (BD, KK, FM), p. 14.
- SEKE-1996-VerlageDMM #process #synthesis
- A Synthesis of Two Process Support Approaches (MV, BD, FM, JM), pp. 59–68.