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Collaborated with:
A.M.Smith Kenneth Chang Nick Junius Nathan Altice Isaac Karth Jesse Harder J.Whitehead
Talks about:
explor (2) framework (1) qualiti (1) generat (1) amplifi (1) tutori (1) theori (1) system (1) reveal (1) effort (1)

Person: Batu Aytemiz

DBLP DBLP: Aytemiz:Batu

Contributed to:

AIIDE 20182018
CoG 20192019
DiGRA 20192019

Wrote 3 papers:

AIIDE-2018-AytemizKHSW #framework #named
Talin: A Framework for Dynamic Tutorials Based on the Skill Atoms Theory (BA, IK, JH, AMS, JW), pp. 138–144.
CoG-2019-ChangAS #assurance #automation #named #quality #testing #using
Reveal-More: Amplifying Human Effort in Quality Assurance Testing Using Automated Exploration (KC, BA, AMS), pp. 1–8.
DiGRA-2019-AytemizJA #game studies #how
Exploring How Changes in Game Systems Generate Meaning (BA, NJ, NA).

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.