28 papers:
DAC-2013-TrivediCM #case study #power management- Exploring tunnel-FET for ultra low power analog applications: a case study on operational transconductance amplifier (ART, SC, SM), p. 6.
DATE-2013-HellwegeHPP #analysis #metric #reliability- Reliability analysis for integrated circuit amplifiers used in neural measurement systems (NH, NH, DPD, SP), pp. 713–716.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-OmoriTU #3d #experience- A Method of Viewing 3D Horror Contents for Amplifying Horror Experience (NO, MT, RU), pp. 228–237.
KDD-2013-MelvilleCLPMSAA- Amplifying the voice of youth in Africa via text analytics (PM, VC, RDL, JP, MM, SS, RA, SA), pp. 1204–1212.
STOC-2012-HuynhN #communication #complexity #on the #proving #trade-off- On the virtue of succinct proofs: amplifying communication complexity hardness to time-space trade-offs in proof complexity (TH, JN), pp. 233–248.
ICSE-2012-ZhangE #exception #testing #validation- Amplifying tests to validate exception handling code (PZ, SGE), pp. 595–605.
DATE-2009-Diaz-MadridNHDR #pipes and filters #reduction- Power reduction of a 12-bit 40-MS/s pipeline ADC exploiting partial amplifier sharing (JÁDM, HN, HH, GDA, RRM), pp. 369–373.
DATE-2009-GoyalSC #novel #self- A novel self-healing methodology for RF Amplifier circuits based on oscillation principles (AG, MS, AC), pp. 1656–1661.
DATE-2009-LarcherBGIBG #configuration management #standard- A MEMS reconfigurable quad-band Class-E Power Amplifier for GSM standard (LL, RB, MG, JI, MB, AG), pp. 364–368.
DATE-2009-LinHL #design- Enhanced design of filterless class-D audio amplifier (CWL, BSH, YCL), pp. 1397–1402.
CHI-2009-HoffmannAPWFW #community #information management- Amplifying community content creation with mixed initiative information extraction (RH, SA, KP, FW, JF, DSW), pp. 1849–1858.
ESEC-FSE-2007-JoshiSS #effectiveness #predict #testing- Predictive testing: amplifying the effectiveness of software testing (PJ, KS, MS), pp. 561–564.
DAC-2006-NieuwoudtRM #named #optimisation #synthesis- SOC-NLNA: synthesis and optimization for fully integrated narrow-band CMOS low noise amplifiers (AN, TR, YM), pp. 879–884.
DATE-2006-MoezE #distributed #process- A 10-GHz 15-dB four-stage distributed amplifier in 0.18 µm CMOS process (KKM, MIE), pp. 405–409.
DATE-DF-2006-SaponaraT #design- Mixed-signal design of a digital input power amplifier for automotive audio applications (SS, PT), pp. 212–216.
FASE-2006-HallstromST #design pattern #implementation #specification- Amplifying the Benefits of Design Patterns: From Specification Through Implementation (JOH, NS, BT), pp. 214–229.
DATE-2005-KherijiDCM #approach #optimisation #testing- Optimising Test Sets for a Low Noise Amplifier with a Defect-Oriented Approach (RK, VD, JLC, SM), pp. 170–171.
DAC-2004-VanderhaegenB #automation #design #geometry #programming #using- Automated design of operational transconductance amplifiers using reversed geometric programming (JPV, RWB), pp. 133–138.
DATE-v1-2004-SrinivasanBCC #metric #performance #using- Efficient Test Strategy for TDMA Power Amplifiers Using Transient Current Measurements: Uses and Benefit (GS, SB, SC, AC), pp. 280–285.
STOC-2004-HealyVV #nondeterminism #using- Using nondeterminism to amplify hardness (AH, SPV, EV), pp. 192–201.
DATE-2002-Hieu #analysis #design #feedback #linear #optimisation- Optimization Techniques for Design of General and Feedback Linear Analog Amplifier with Symbolic Analysis (TcH), p. 1104.
DATE-2002-VandersteenWDV #evaluation #performance- High-Frequency Nonlinear Amplifier Model for the Efficient Evaluation of Inband Distortion Under Nonlinear Load-Pull Conditions (GV, PW, SD, FV), pp. 586–590.
DATE-2002-WilsonRZBK #behaviour #fault #modelling #using- Behavioural Modelling of Operational Amplifier Faults Using VHDL-AMS (PRW, JNR, MZ, ADB, YK), p. 1133.
DATE-1999-ChoiB #array #design- OTA Amplifiers Design on Digital Sea-of-Transistors Array (JHC, SB), pp. 776–777.
DATE-1999-RayaneVN #detection #embedded- A One-Bit-Signature BIST for Embedded Operational Amplifiers in Mixed-Signal Circuits Based on the Slew-Rate Detection (IR, JVM, MN), p. 792–?.
DATE-1999-VerhoevenS #feedback- Systematic Biasing of Negative Feedback Amplifiers (CJMV, AvS), pp. 318–322.
SAC-1997-KozaBAK #evolution #programming #search-based #using- Evolution using genetic programming of a low-distortion, 96 decibel operational amplifier (JRK, FHBI, DA, MAK), pp. 207–216.
ISSTA-1993-HamletV #fault #reliability #testing- Faults on Its Sleeve: Amplifying Software Reliability Testing (RGH, JMV), pp. 89–98.