Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.J.Popek R.A.Kemmerer C.S.Kline G.Thiel J.Lilienkamp R.Silva R.English J.M.Chow D.A.Edwards G.Rudisin
Talks about:
distribut (3) system (2) specif (2) kernel (2) verif (2) secur (2) locus (2) unix (2) ucla (2) transpar (1)
Person: Bruce J. Walker
DBLP: Walker:Bruce_J=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- HPDC-1993-LilienkampWS #distributed
- Accessing Remote Special Files in a Distributed Computing Envinronment (JL, BJW, RS), pp. 244–251.
- SOSP-1983-WalkerPEKT #distributed #operating system
- The LOCUS Distributed Operating System (BJW, GJP, RE, CSK, GT), pp. 49–70.
- SOSP-1981-PopekWCERT #distributed #named #network #reliability
- LOCUS — A Network Transparent, High Reliability Distributed System (GJP, BJW, JMC, DAE, CSK, GR, GT), pp. 169–177.
- SOSP-1979-WalkerKP #kernel #security #specification #verification
- Specification and Verification of the UCLA Unix Security Kernel (BJW, RAK, GJP), pp. 64–65.
- SOSP-J-1979-WalkerKP80 #kernel #security #specification #verification
- Specification and Verification of the UCLA Unix Security Kernel (BJW, RAK, GJP), pp. 118–131.