Travelled to:
1 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Clark K.S.Murray J.A.Thompson K.Barker V.K.Chaudhri D.J.Israel S.Y.Chaw J.Fan S.Mishra P.Romero D.Tecuci P.Z.Yeh N.S.Friedland P.G.Allen M.J.Witbrock G.Matthews N.Salay P.Miraglia J.Angele S.Staab
Talks about:
knowledg (3) system (2) technolog (1) chemistri (1) question (1) platform (1) independ (1) quantit (1) pattern (1) control (1)
Person: Bruce W. Porter
DBLP: Porter:Bruce_W=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- KR-2004-BarkerCCCFIMPRTY
- A Question-Answering System for AP Chemistry: Assessing KR&R Technologies (KB, VKC, SYC, PC, JF, DJI, SM, BWP, PR, DT, PZY), pp. 488–497.
- KR-2004-FriedlandAWMSMASICPBC #analysis #independence #towards
- Towards a Quantitative, Platform-Independent Analysis of Knowledge Systems (NSF, PGA, MJW, GM, NS, PM, JA, SS, DJI, VKC, BWP, KB, PC), pp. 507–515.
- KR-2000-ClarkTP
- Knowledge Patterns (PC, JAT, BWP), pp. 591–600.
- ML-1989-MurrayP #integration
- Controlling Search for the Consequences of New Information During Knowledge Integration (KSM, BWP), pp. 290–295.