10 papers:
SAC-2012-ViroliPMS #coordination #ecosystem #modelling #pervasive #semantics- Pervasive ecosystems: a coordination model based on semantic chemistry (MV, DP, SM, GS), pp. 295–302.
CASE-2011-ChoiYSMKCC #automation #development #framework #mobile- Development of robotic laboratory automation platform with intelligent mobile agents for clinical chemistry (BC, WSY, SHS, HM, JK, WC, HC), pp. 708–713.
HCI-UA-2011-AdamsS #learning- A Web-Based Learning Environment to Support Chemistry (CA, CS), pp. 3–11.
QoSA-2009-LiKWHGGJMMNNW #adaptation #composition #quantum- Adaptive Application Composition in Quantum Chemistry (LL, JPK, MSW, KAH, AG, MSG, CLJ, LCM, HM, HN, BN, TLW), pp. 194–211.
CHI-2007-FjeldFEDBVJ #comparative #education #evaluation #user interface- Tangible user interface for chemistry education: comparative evaluation and re-design (MF, JF, ME, FD, KB, BMV, PJ), pp. 805–808.
CHI-2004-SchraefelHMSPF #pervasive- Breaking the book: translating the chemistry lab book into a pervasive computing lab environment (MMCS, GVH, HRM, GS, TRP, JGF), pp. 25–32.
KR-2004-BarkerCCCFIMPRTY- A Question-Answering System for AP Chemistry: Assessing KR&R Technologies (KB, VKC, SYC, PC, JF, DJI, SM, BWP, PR, DT, PZY), pp. 488–497.
HPDC-2001-SchuchardtMS #authoring #data transformation #distributed #open data #problem #version control- Open Data Management Solutions for Problem Solving Environments: Application of Distributed Authoring and Versioning to the Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment (KS, JDM, EGS), p. 228–?.
SIGIR-1991-Lesk #library- The CORE Electronic Chemistry Library (ML), pp. 93–112.
NACLP-1990-JourdanV #constraints #logic programming #reasoning- Constraint Logic Programming Applied to Hypothetical Reasoning in Chemistry (JJ, REVP), pp. 154–172.