Tag #independence
582 papers:
FDG-2019-AraujoCSST #game studies #overview #state of the art #towards- Towards a game-independent model and data-structures in digital board games: an overview of the state-of-the-art (LJPdA, MC, JES, VS, AT), p. 8.
ECIR-p1-2019-GhaderyMSFS #approach #detection #named- LICD: A Language-Independent Approach for Aspect Category Detection (EG, SM, MJS, HF, AS), pp. 575–589.
ICML-2019-ShenHCD #network #testing- Conditional Independence in Testing Bayesian Networks (YS, HH, AC, AD), pp. 5701–5709.
MoDELS-2019-Morin0 #modelling #platform- Model-Based, Platform-Independent Logging for Heterogeneous Targets (BM, NF0), pp. 172–182.
ESEC-FSE-2019-AnBPY #framework #search-based- PyGGI 2.0: language independent genetic improvement framework (GA, AB, JP, SY), pp. 1100–1104.
CADE-2019-NiemetzPRZBT #proving #smt #towards- Towards Bit-Width-Independent Proofs in SMT Solvers (AN, MP, AR, YZ, CWB, CT), pp. 366–384.
ICSME-2018-FrickWP #algorithm #named #visualisation- DiffViz: A Diff Algorithm Independent Visualization Tool for Edit Scripts (VF, CW, MP0), pp. 705–709.
DLT-2018-GusevJP #automaton- Dynamics of the Independence Number and Automata Synchronization (VVG, RMJ, DP), pp. 379–391.
CIG-2018-YangO #evaluation #game studies #learning #realtime- Learning Map-Independent Evaluation Functions for Real-Time Strategy Games (ZY, SO), pp. 1–7.
DiGRA-2018-Jacevic #game studies- Indie Game: The Movie: The Paper - Documentary Films and the Subfield of Independent Games (MJ).
CIKM-2018-ZhangYCW #recognition- Ready for Use: Subject-Independent Movement Intention Recognition via a Convolutional Attention Model (DZ, LY, KC, SW), pp. 1763–1766.
ECIR-2018-0001MPJNJ18a #automation #exclamation #keyword- YAKE! Collection-Independent Automatic Keyword Extractor (RC0, VM, AP, AMJ, CN, AJ), pp. 806–810.
ICML-2018-ParascandoloKRS #learning- Learning Independent Causal Mechanisms (GP, NK, MRC, BS), pp. 4033–4041.
ECOOP-2018-Gascon-SamsonJG #javascript #migration #named #platform- ThingsMigrate: Platform-Independent Migration of Stateful JavaScript IoT Applications (JGS, KJ, SG, ARA, KP), p. 33.
SAS-2018-AlurDS #gpu #source code- Block-Size Independence for GPU Programs (RA, JD, NS), pp. 107–126.
ASE-2018-BeyerF #concurrent #model checking #multi #thread- Domain-independent multi-threaded software model checking (DB, KF), pp. 634–644.
ICST-2018-WalterSPR #clustering #execution #order #performance- Improving Test Execution Efficiency Through Clustering and Reordering of Independent Test Steps (BW, MS, MP, SR), pp. 363–373.
ICPC-2017-AzadmaneshHV #comprehension #data flow #tool support- Language-independent information flow tracking engine for program comprehension tools (MRA, MH, MLVdV), pp. 346–355.
ICML-2017-Jitkrittum0G #adaptation #kernel- An Adaptive Test of Independence with Analytic Kernel Embeddings (WJ, ZS0, AG), pp. 1742–1751.
ICML-2017-VaswaniKWGLS #learning #online- Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization (SV, BK, ZW, MG, LVSL, MS), pp. 3530–3539.
ECMFA-2017-GogollaHNW #diagrams #uml #verification- Formulating Model Verification Tasks Prover-Independently as UML Diagrams (MG, FH, PN, RW), pp. 232–247.
ESEC-FSE-2017-BagherzadehHD #debugging #development #modelling #platform #realtime- Model-level, platform-independent debugging in the context of the model-driven development of real-time systems (MB, NH, JD), pp. 419–430.
ICST-2017-FazziniFCO #android #encoding #framework #named #platform #testing- Barista: A Technique for Recording, Encoding, and Running Platform Independent Android Tests (MF, ENdAF, SRC, AO), pp. 149–160.
VMCAI-2017-DSilvaKS #abstraction #concurrent #modelling- Independence Abstractions and Models of Concurrency (VD, DK, MS), pp. 151–168.
CSEET-2016-OkuboNTU #design #development #process #validation #verification- Applying an Instructional Design Process to Development of an Independent Verification and Validation Training Program (NO, KN, ST, YU), pp. 237–240.
FSCD-2016-CoquandM #markov #type system- The Independence of Markov's Principle in Type Theory (TC, BM), p. 18.
CIKM-2016-ChodpathumwanAT #database #graph #representation #similarity #towards- Towards Representation Independent Similarity Search Over Graph Databases (YC, AA, AT, YS), pp. 2233–2238.
ICML-2016-RogersVLG #testing- Differentially Private Chi-Squared Hypothesis Testing: Goodness of Fit and Independence Testing (MG, HWL, RMR, SPV), pp. 2111–2120.
ICPR-2016-0001PL #correlation #verification- Compact correlated features for writer independent signature verification (AD0, UP0, JL0), pp. 3422–3427.
ICPR-2016-BayramogluKH #classification #image #learning- Deep learning for magnification independent breast cancer histopathology image classification (NB, JK, JH), pp. 2440–2445.
ICPR-2016-CamgozHKB #3d #gesture #network #recognition #using- Using Convolutional 3D Neural Networks for User-independent continuous gesture recognition (NCC, SH, OK, RB), pp. 49–54.
ICPR-2016-HilsenbeckMKHA #recognition- Hierarchical Hough forests for view-independent action recognition (BH, DM, HK, WH0, MA), pp. 1911–1916.
ICPR-2016-ZhengCZZL #network #using- Text-independent voice conversion using deep neural network based phonetic level features (HZ, WC, TZ, SZ, ML0), pp. 2872–2877.
KDD-2016-SinghSA #machine learning #using- Question Independent Grading using Machine Learning: The Case of Computer Program Grading (GS, SS, VA), pp. 263–272.
ECSA-2015-RademacherPS #design #domain-specific language #framework #web #web service- Design of a Domain-Specific Language Based on a Technology-Independent Web Service Framework (FR, MP, SS), pp. 357–371.
VLDB-2015-ChodpathumwanAT #graph #named #representation #towards- Universal-DB: Towards Representation Independent Graph Analytics (YC, AA, AT, YS), pp. 2016–2027.
VLDB-2015-LiuLYXW #graph #set #towards- Towards Maximum Independent Sets on Massive Graphs (YL, JL, HY, XX, ZW), pp. 2122–2133.
ICALP-v2-2015-AchlioptasS #graph #symmetry- Symmetric Graph Properties Have Independent Edges (DA, PS), pp. 467–478.
FM-2015-DuLT #ltl #monitoring #policy #runtime- Trace-Length Independent Runtime Monitoring of Quantitative Policies in LTL (XD, YL, AT), pp. 231–247.
TLCA-2015-WangC #type system- A Proof-theoretic Characterization of Independence in Type Theory (YW, KC), pp. 332–346.
DiGRA-2015-Guevara-Villalobos #problem- Independent gamework and identity: Problems and subjective nuances (OGV).
SCSM-2015-KinclNPS #analysis #sentiment- Language-Independent Sentiment Analysis with Surrounding Context Extension (TK, MN, JP, PS), pp. 158–168.
CIKM-2015-GuidoGLR #on the- On Query-Update Independence for SPARQL (NG, PG, NL, CR), pp. 1675–1678.
ICML-2015-HuangGS #analysis #component- Deterministic Independent Component Analysis (RH, AG, CS), pp. 2521–2530.
SEKE-2015-MagalhaesAM #approach #framework #model transformation #on the #platform #specification- On the Specification of Model Transformations through a Platform Independent Approach (APM, AMSA, RSPM), pp. 558–561.
ESEC-FSE-2015-JensenSSC #debugging #javascript #memory management #named #platform- MemInsight: platform-independent memory debugging for JavaScript (SHJ, MS, KS, SC), pp. 345–356.
SAC-2015-SunyaevB #empirical #testing- Truth and myth of independent software testing: a controlled human experiment (AS, DB), pp. 1722–1728.
DAC-2015-BeckertE #design #realtime- Designing time partitions for real-time hypervisor with sufficient temporal independence (MB, RE), p. 6.
STOC-2015-BansalGG #graph #on the #set- On the Lovász Theta function for Independent Sets in Sparse Graphs (NB, AG, GG), pp. 193–200.
STOC-2015-BarakCK #bound- Sum of Squares Lower Bounds from Pairwise Independence (BB, SOC, PKK), pp. 97–106.
STOC-2015-ChristianiPT - From Independence to Expansion and Back Again (TC, RP, MT), pp. 813–820.
TACAS-2015-KantLMPBD #model checking #named- LTSmin: High-Performance Language-Independent Model Checking (GK, AL, JM, JvdP, SB, TvD), pp. 692–707.
DocEng-2014-CabralLMFASR #framework #platform #summary- A platform for language independent summarization (LdSC, RDL, RFM, FF, BTÁ, SJS, MR), pp. 203–206.
HT-2014-KoidlCW #personalisation- Cross-site personalization: assisting users in addressing information needs that span independently hosted websites (KK, OC, VW), pp. 66–76.
PODS-2014-FanGL #big data #on the #query- On scale independence for querying big data (WF, FG, LL), pp. 51–62.
PODS-2014-HuQT - Independent range sampling (XH, MQ, YT), pp. 246–255.
VLDB-2014-Markl #big data #data analysis #declarative- Breaking the Chains: On Declarative Data Analysis and Data Independence in the Big Data Era (VM), pp. 1730–1733.
VLDB-2014-ShirakawaHN #named #realtime #twitter- MLJ: Language-Independent Real-Time Search of Tweets Reported by Media Outlets and Journalists (MS, TH, SN), pp. 1605–1608.
VLDB-2014-WeiYLJ #approach #permutation #query #reachability- Reachability Querying: An Independent Permutation Labeling Approach (HW, JXY, CL, RJ), pp. 1191–1202.
EDM-2014-SameiOKNDBSGG #assessment- Domain Independent Assessment of Dialogic Properties of Classroom Discourse (BS, AO, SK, MN, SKD, NB, XS, MG, ACG), pp. 233–236.
ICALP-v1-2014-MekaRRR #performance #pseudo- Fast Pseudorandomness for Independence and Load Balancing — (RM, OR, GNR, RDR), pp. 859–870.
ICALP-v2-2014-0002HKSV #online #set #worst-case- Online Independent Set Beyond the Worst-Case: Secretaries, Prophets, and Periods (OG, MH, TK, TS, BV), pp. 508–519.
FDG-2014-Juul #authentication #game studies- High-tech low-tech authenticity: The creation of independent style at the Independent Games Festival (JJ).
FDG-2014-OsbornM #difference #game studies #metric- A game-independent play trace dissimilarity metric (JCO, MM).
CAiSE-2014-KalamatianosK #reduction #streaming- Schema Independent Reduction of Streaming Log Data (TK, KK), pp. 394–408.
EDOC-2014-WitternLBB #as a service- Feature-Based Configuration of Vendor-Independent Deployments on IaaS (EW, AL, SB, TB), pp. 128–135.
ICEIS-v1-2014-OliveiraB #platform #process #specification #towards- ETL Patterns on YAWL — Towards to the Specification of Platform-independent Data Warehousing Populating Processes (BCdSO, OB), pp. 299–307.
ICEIS-v2-2014-PanfilenkoEML #impact analysis #model transformation #platform #recommendation #requirements- Recommendations for Impact Analysis of Model Transformations — From the Requirements Model to the Platform-independent Model (DVP, AE, CM, PL), pp. 428–434.
CIKM-2014-CuiYH - Non-independent Cascade Formation: Temporal and Spatial Effects (BC, SJY, CH), pp. 1923–1926.
CIKM-2014-HannulaKL #on the- On Independence Atoms and Keys (MH, JK, SL), pp. 1229–1238.
ICML-c1-2014-JainT #bound #learning- (Near) Dimension Independent Risk Bounds for Differentially Private Learning (PJ, AGT), pp. 476–484.
ICML-c2-2014-ChwialkowskiG #kernel #process #random- A Kernel Independence Test for Random Processes (KC, AG), pp. 1422–1430.
ICML-c2-2014-VinnikovS #component- K-means recovers ICA filters when independent components are sparse (AV, SSS), pp. 712–720.
ICPR-2014-ChatbriKK #approach #documentation #image #query- An Application-Independent and Segmentation-Free Approach for Spotting Queries in Document Images (HC, PWK, KK), pp. 2891–2896.
ICPR-2014-KacheleS #recognition #set- Cascaded Fusion of Dynamic, Spatial, and Textural Feature Sets for Person-Independent Facial Emotion Recognition (MK, FS), pp. 4660–4665.
ICPR-2014-MasiFBM #component #recognition- Pose Independent Face Recognition by Localizing Local Binary Patterns via Deformation Components (IM, CF, ADB, GGM), pp. 4477–4482.
ICPR-2014-PinheiroRCJS #fuzzy #robust #verification- Type-2 Fuzzy GMMs for Robust Text-Independent Speaker Verification in Noisy Environments (HNBP, TIR, GDCC, IJT, JS), pp. 4531–4536.
ICPR-2014-SariE #analysis #detection #fault #using- Texture Defect Detection Using Independent Vector Analysis in Wavelet Domain (LS, AE), pp. 1639–1644.
ICPR-2014-SchneiderSS #estimation- Manifold Alignment for Person Independent Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation (TS, BS, RS), pp. 1167–1172.
ICPR-2014-WangYLZF #recognition #using- Micro-expression Recognition Using Dynamic Textures on Tensor Independent Color Space (SW, WJY, XL, GZ, XF), pp. 4678–4683.
RecSys-2014-Christakopoulou #recommendation- Moving beyond linearity and independence in top-N recommender systems (EC), pp. 409–412.
RecSys-2014-Stettinger #named #towards- Choicla: towards domain-independent decision support for groups of users (MS), pp. 425–428.
ECMFA-2014-PfeifferRW #traceability- Language-Independent Traceability with Lässig (RHP, JR, AW), pp. 148–163.
OOPSLA-2014-BrutschyF0 #developer #static analysis- Static analysis for independent app developers (LB, PF, PM), pp. 847–860.
FSE-2014-BinkleyGHIKY #named #slicing- ORBS: language-independent program slicing (DB, NG, MH, SSI, JK, SY), pp. 109–120.
SAC-2014-Khan #research #standard #student- Student research abstract: an optimized handover scheme based on media independent handover standard IEEE 802.21 (MK), pp. 717–718.
SAC-2014-Sechting #framework #platform- A platform independent scheduler framework (CRS), pp. 1552–1553.
SAC-2014-ZiadiHPZT #approach #product line #towards- Towards a language-independent approach for reverse-engineering of software product lines (TZ, CH, MP, MZ, YLT), pp. 1064–1071.
DAC-2014-BeckertNEP #realtime- Sufficient Temporal Independence and Improved Interrupt Latencies in a Real-Time Hypervisor (MB, MN, RE, SMP), p. 6.
DAC-2014-RahmanXFZST #generative #named #random- TI-TRNG: Technology Independent True Random Number Generator (MTR, KX, DF, XZ, JS, MT), p. 6.
DATE-2014-HaddadTBF #modelling #on the #probability- On the assumption of mutual independence of jitter realizations in P-TRNG stochastic models (PH, YT, FB, VF), pp. 1–6.
OSDI-2014-ZhaiCWF #as a service #correlation- Heading Off Correlated Failures through Independence-as-a-Service (EZ, RC, DIW, BF), pp. 317–334.
PDP-2014-DamP #network #process- Location Independent Routing in Process Network Overlays (MD, KP), pp. 715–724.
ESOP-2014-CockxPD #similarity- Overlapping and Order-Independent Patterns — Definitional Equality for All (JC, FP, DD), pp. 87–106.
ISSTA-2014-ShachamYGABSV #verification- Verifying atomicity via data independence (OS, EY, GGG, AA, NGB, MS, MTV), pp. 26–36.
ISSTA-2014-ZhangJWMLEN #empirical- Empirically revisiting the test independence assumption (SZ, DJ, JW, KM, WL, MDE, DN), pp. 385–396.
SAT-2014-IgnatievMM #on the #satisfiability #set- On Reducing Maximum Independent Set to Minimum Satisfiability (AI, AM, JMS), pp. 103–120.
ICDAR-2013-KchaouKO #identification #online- Text-Independent Writer Identification on Online Arabic Handwriting (MGK, SK, JMO), pp. 428–432.
ICDAR-2013-SuDPL13a #novel #recognition #set- A Novel Baseline-independent Feature Set for Arabic Handwriting Recognition (BS, XD, LP, CL), pp. 1250–1254.
SIGMOD-2013-ArmbrustLKFFP #incremental- Generalized scale independence through incremental precomputation (MA, EL, TK, AF, MJF, DAP), pp. 625–636.
CSMR-2013-GhaithWPM #analysis #detection #performance #testing- Profile-Based, Load-Independent Anomaly Detection and Analysis in Performance Regression Testing of Software Systems (SG, MW, PP, JM), pp. 379–383.
ICSM-2013-AsaduzzamanRSP #approach #hybrid #named #source code- LHDiff: A Language-Independent Hybrid Approach for Tracking Source Code Lines (MA, CKR, KAS, MDP), pp. 230–239.
AIIDE-2013-SchenkLCGDMDZSCS #framework #platform #using- ScriptEase II: Platform Independent Story Creation Using High-Level Patterns (KS, AL, MC, EG0, JD, RM, ND, RZ, DS, MC, JS).
VS-Games-2013-Clark-Casey - Transferring a Virtual Environment Client Session between Independent Opensimulator Installations (JCC), pp. 1–3.
CHI-2013-HongYKAA #network #social #using- Investigating the use of circles in social networks to support independence of individuals with autism (HH, SY, JGK, GDA, RIA), pp. 3207–3216.
CIKM-2013-IdaNM #online #topic- Domain-dependent/independent topic switching model for online reviews with numerical ratings (YI, TN, TM), pp. 229–238.
ICML-c2-2013-ChangKKZ #analysis #canonical #correlation #kernel- Canonical Correlation Analysis based on Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion and Centered Kernel Target Alignment (BC, UK, RK, JZ), pp. 316–324.
ICML-c3-2013-CurtinMRAGI #algorithm- Tree-Independent Dual-Tree Algorithms (RRC, WBM, PR, DVA, AGG, CLI), pp. 1435–1443.
MLDM-2013-MartineauCF #algorithm #named #topic- TISA: Topic Independence Scoring Algorithm (JCM, DC, TF), pp. 555–570.
PADL-2013-KlintP #2d #declarative #library- A Library for Declarative Resolution-Independent 2D Graphics (PK, AvdP), pp. 1–18.
ASE-2013-Fard #behaviour #detection #distributed #using- Detecting and fixing emergent behaviors in Distributed Software Systems using a message content independent method (FHF), pp. 746–749.
ASE-2013-KwonZX #execution #framework #named #platform- PIEtrace: Platform independent executable trace (YK, XZ, DX), pp. 48–58.
ASE-2013-SchaeferDS #framework #named #testing #towards- Crushinator: A framework towards game-independent testing (CS, HD, BMS), pp. 726–729.
SLE-2013-WachsmuthKVGV #analysis #incremental- A Language Independent Task Engine for Incremental Name and Type Analysis (GW, GDPK, VAV, DMG, EV), pp. 260–280.
CC-2013-WhelanLK #architecture #data flow #information management- Architecture-Independent Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (RW, TL, DRK), pp. 144–163.
DATE-2013-CastellanaF #analysis #liveness #scheduling #synthesis- Scheduling independent liveness analysis for register binding in high level synthesis (VGC, FF), pp. 1571–1574.
STOC-2013-Chan #approximate- Approximation resistance from pairwise independent subgroups (SOC), pp. 447–456.
STOC-2013-ChawlaHMS #scheduling- Prior-independent mechanisms for scheduling (SC, JDH, DLM, BS), pp. 51–60.
STOC-2013-Li #exponential- New independent source extractors with exponential improvement (XL), pp. 783–792.
STOC-2013-Thorup #set #similarity- Bottom-k and priority sampling, set similarity and subset sums with minimal independence (MT), pp. 371–380.
CSL-2013-GallianiHK #logic- Hierarchies in independence logic (PG, MH, JK), pp. 263–280.
ICST-2013-ErikssonLO #empirical #framework #platform #testing- Transformation Rules for Platform Independent Testing: An Empirical Study (AE, BL, JO), pp. 202–211.
DocEng-2012-JunediGL #analysis #revisited #xml- XML query-update independence analysis revisited (MJ, PG, NL), pp. 95–98.
JCDL-2012-ParkEF #approach #canonical #hybrid #representation- A hybrid two-stage approach for discipline-independent canonical representation extraction from references (SHP, RWE, EAF), pp. 285–294.
VLDB-2012-Bidoit-TolluCU #detection #type system #xml- Type-Based Detection of XML Query-Update Independence (NBT, DC, FU), pp. 872–883.
ICALP-v1-2012-GeorgiadisT #order- Dominators, Directed Bipolar Orders, and Independent Spanning Trees (LG, RET), pp. 375–386.
ICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykL - A Machine-Independent Characterization of Timed Languages (MB, SL), pp. 92–103.
ICALP-v2-2012-Dowek - A Theory Independent Curry-De Bruijn-Howard Correspondence (GD), pp. 13–15.
CSCW-2012-HongKAA12a #design #network #social- Designing a social network to support the independence of young adults with autism (HH, JGK, GDA, RIA), pp. 627–636.
ICML-2012-JanzaminA #composition #markov- High-Dimensional Covariance Decomposition into Sparse Markov and Independence Domains (MJ, AA), p. 60.
ICPR-2012-AiDHC #analysis #component #feature model #multi- Multiple feature selection and fusion based on generalized N-dimensional independent component analysis (DA, GD, XHH, YWC), pp. 971–974.
ICPR-2012-HuangL #analysis #automation #component #detection- Automated mitosis detection based on eXclusive Independent Component Analysis (CHH, HKL), pp. 1856–1859.
ICPR-2012-LiXLL #recognition- Combination of global and local baseline-independent features for offline Arabic handwriting recognition (NL, XX, WL, KML), pp. 713–716.
ICPR-2012-TangS #learning #network #performance #testing #using- Efficient and accurate learning of Bayesian networks using chi-squared independence tests (YT, SNS), pp. 2723–2726.
ICPR-2012-ZhangLMA #detection #statistics- A viewpoint-independent statistical method for fall detection (ZZ, WL, VM, VA), pp. 3626–3630.
KEOD-2012-GirardiAG #framework #ontology #using- An Ontology-based Data Acquisition Infrastructure — Using Ontologies to Create Domain-independent Software Systems (DG, KA, MG), pp. 155–160.
MLDM-2012-ChanguelL #machine learning #metadata #problem- Content Independent Metadata Production as a Machine Learning Problem (SC, NL), pp. 306–320.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-JezekBH - Enhancing OSGi with Explicit, Vendor Independent Extra-Functional Properties (KJ, PB, LH), pp. 108–123.
CASE-2012-JeongC #algorithm #quality- Independent contact region (ICR) based in-hand motion planning algorithm with guaranteed grasp quality margin (HJ, JC), pp. 1089–1094.
CASE-2012-TonkeL #clustering #scheduling- Scheduling of a dual-armed cluster tool with two independent robot arms (DT, TEL), pp. 200–205.
PDP-2012-HadjidoukasLD #library #parallel #platform #runtime- A Runtime Library for Platform-Independent Task Parallelism (PEH, EL, VVD), pp. 229–236.
FASE-2012-SalayFC #modelling #refinement #using- Language Independent Refinement Using Partial Modeling (RS, MF, MC), pp. 224–239.
ICLP-J-2012-Vidal #logic programming #partial evaluation #source code- Annotation of logic programs for independent AND-parallelism by partial evaluation (GV), pp. 583–600.
ICST-2012-JagannathKLM #metric- Evaluating Machine-Independent Metrics for State-Space Exploration (VJ, MK, YL, DM), pp. 320–329.
DocEng-2011-CardosoJLRC #performance- An efficient language-independent method to extract content from news webpages (ETC, IVJ, ESL, RR, PC), pp. 121–128.
ICDAR-2011-ChaabouniBKAA #identification #modelling #multi #online- Multi-fractal Modeling for On-line Text-Independent Writer Identification (AC, HB, MK, AMA, HEA), pp. 623–627.
ICDAR-2011-KurbielKE #analysis #component #novel #preprocessor- A Novel Preprocessing Method for Hectography Prints Based on Independent Component Analysis (TK, IVK, SE), pp. 1145–1149.
ICDAR-2011-SaabniE #using- Language-Independent Text Lines Extraction Using Seam Carving (RS, JES), pp. 563–568.
ICDAR-2011-XuDPL #grid #recognition- An Improved Method Based on Weighted Grid Micro-structure Feature for Text-Independent Writer Recognition (LX, XD, LP, XL), pp. 638–642.
ICDAR-2011-ZhaoLL #detection #robust- A Robust Color-Independent Text Detection Method from Complex Videos (YZ, TL, WL), pp. 374–378.
JCDL-2011-NascimentoLSG #framework #recommendation #research- A source independent framework for research paper recommendation (CN, AHFL, ASdS, MAG), pp. 297–306.
TPDL-2011-FreireBC #approach #recognition- A Language Independent Approach for Named Entity Recognition in Subject Headings (NF, JLB, PC), pp. 52–61.
VLDB-2011-TzoumasDJ #estimation #lightweight #modelling #visual notation- Lightweight Graphical Models for Selectivity Estimation Without Independence Assumptions (KT, AD, CSJ), pp. 852–863.
ICALP-v1-2011-FeigeR #set- Recoverable Values for Independent Sets (UF, DR), pp. 486–497.
ICALP-v1-2011-KakimuraM #robust- Robust Independence Systems (NK, KM), pp. 367–378.
ICALP-v2-2011-BeeckenMS #algebra #testing- Algebraic Independence and Blackbox Identity Testing (MB, JM, NS), pp. 137–148.
DiGRA-2011-Grace #design #game studies- The Poetics of Game Design, Rhetoric and the Independent Game (LDG).
DiGRA-2011-Guevara-Villalobos #community #game studies- Cultures of independent game production: Examining the relationship between community and labour (OGV).
CHI-2011-AzenkotPBFLW #safety- Enhancing independence and safety for blind and deaf-blind public transit riders (SA, SP, AB, EF, REL, JOW), pp. 3247–3256.
CHI-2011-DenefKO #monitoring- Rigid structures, independent units, monitoring: organizing patterns in frontline firefighting (SD, DVK, RO), pp. 1949–1958.
EDOC-2011-AgaramL #development #framework- An Engine-Independent Framework for Business Rules Development (MKA, CL), pp. 75–84.
CIKM-2011-BaigLLW #multi #privacy- Cloning for privacy protection in multiple independent data publications (MMB, JL, JL, HW), pp. 885–894.
CIKM-2011-HsuC #analysis #component #privacy- Privacy preservation by independent component analysis and variance control (CMH, MSC), pp. 925–930.
CIKM-2011-LinTC #classification #sentiment #using #word- Language-independent sentiment classification using three common words (ZL, ST, XC), pp. 1041–1046.
CIKM-2011-ZhaoYX #information management #learning #web- Max margin learning on domain-independent web information extraction (BZ, XY, EPX), pp. 1305–1310.
SEKE-2011-YooLJC #named #source code- FBDtoVerilog: A Vendor-Independent Translation from FBDs into Verilog Programs (JY, JHL, SJ, SDC), pp. 48–51.
PLDI-2011-AnselMETCSSBY #compilation #self- Language-independent sandboxing of just-in-time compilation and self-modifying code (JA, PM, ÚE, ET, BC, DLS, DS, CB, BY), pp. 355–366.
POPL-2011-RamseyD #composition #dependent type #low level #type system #using- Resourceable, retargetable, modular instruction selection using a machine-independent, type-based tiling of low-level intermediate code (NR, JD), pp. 575–586.
DATE-2011-LiMY - Redressing timing issues for speed-independent circuits in deep submicron age (YL, TSTM, AY), pp. 1376–1381.
PDP-2011-KermarrecLT #convergence #random- Converging Quickly to Independent Uniform Random Topologies (AMK, VL, CT), pp. 159–166.
FoSSaCS-2011-Mio #calculus #probability #μ-calculus- Probabilistic Modal μ-Calculus with Independent Product (MM), pp. 290–304.
CSL-2011-MoreNS #axiom #concurrent #semantics- Concurrency Semantics for the Geiger-Paz-Pearl Axioms of Independence (SMM, PN, BS), pp. 443–457.
ICLP-J-2011-GuzmanCCH #backtracking #parallel- Parallel backtracking with answer memoing for independent and-parallelism (PCdG, AC, MC, MVH), pp. 555–574.
ECSA-2010-RytterJ - Independently Extensibile Contexts (MR, BNJ), pp. 327–334.
HT-2010-GippB #approach #detection #identification- Citation based plagiarism detection: a new approach to identify plagiarized work language independently (BG, JB), pp. 273–274.
SIGMOD-2010-KimWS #approach #memory management #performance- Page-differential logging: an efficient and DBMS-independent approach for storing data into flash memory (YRK, KYW, IYS), pp. 363–374.
VLDB-2010-AlexeHPT #correlation #named- MapMerge: Correlating Independent Schema Mappings (BA, MAH, LP, WCT), pp. 81–92.
VLDB-2010-BenediktC #xml- Destabilizers and Independence of XML Updates (MB, JC), pp. 906–917.
SCAM-2010-BrixtelFLBR #clone detection #detection- Language-Independent Clone Detection Applied to Plagiarism Detection (RB, MF, BL, CB, RR), pp. 77–86.
ICALP-v1-2010-HalldorssonHLS #algorithm #set #streaming- Streaming Algorithms for Independent Sets (BVH, MMH, EL, MS), pp. 641–652.
ICALP-v1-2010-PatrascuT #linear #on the- On the k-Independence Required by Linear Probing and Minwise Independence (MP, MT), pp. 715–726.
ICALP-v1-2010-RubinfeldX #testing- Testing Non-uniform k-Wise Independent Distributions over Product Spaces (RR, NX), pp. 565–581.
CHI-2010-BirnholtzJ #comprehension #interactive #privacy- Independence and interaction: understanding seniors’ privacy and awareness needs for aging in place (JPB, MJR), pp. 143–152.
CHI-2010-QuinnT #effectiveness #performance #usability- Attractive phones don’t have to work better: independent effects of attractiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency on perceived usability (JMQ, TQT), pp. 353–362.
CIKM-2010-SongH #graph #rdf- Domain-independent entity coreference in RDF graphs (DS, JH), pp. 1821–1824.
ECIR-2010-KellyJ #query #retrieval- Biometric Response as a Source of Query Independent Scoring in Lifelog Retrieval (LK, GJFJ), pp. 520–531.
ICML-2010-HuangG #learning #ranking- Learning Hierarchical Riffle Independent Groupings from Rankings (JH, CG), pp. 455–462.
ICPR-2010-AiHRC #adaptation #classification #component #image- Adaptive Color Independent Components Based SIFT Descriptors for Image Classification (DA, XHH, XR, YWC), pp. 2436–2439.
ICPR-2010-ChandaFPW #identification- Text Independent Writer Identification for Bengali Script (SC, KF, UP, TW), pp. 2005–2008.
ICPR-2010-GhiasiS #identification #performance- An Efficient Method for Offline Text Independent Writer Identification (GG, RS), pp. 1245–1248.
ICPR-2010-SaeidiMKTCJF #identification #speech- Signal-to-Signal Ratio Independent Speaker Identification for Co-channel Speech Signals (RS, PM, TK, ZHT, MGC, SHJ, PF), pp. 4565–4568.
ICPR-2010-SethP #parametricity- A Test of Granger Non-causality Based on Nonparametric Conditional Independence (SS, JCP), pp. 2620–2623.
ICPR-2010-TosunWSRM #analysis #component #image- Joint Independent Component Analysis of Brain Perfusion and Structural Magnetic Resonance Images in Dementia (DT, MW, NS, HJR, BLM), pp. 2720–2723.
ICPR-2010-ZiaratbanF #adaptation- An Adaptive Script-Independent Block-Based Text Line Extraction (MZ, KF), pp. 249–252.
KR-2010-KelveyMNS #dependence #functional- Independence and Functional Dependence Relations on Secrets (RK, SMM, PN, BS).
QAPL-2010-NdukwuMc #abstraction #approach #probability #source code- An expectation transformer approach to predicate abstraction and data independence for probabilistic programs (UN, AM), pp. 129–143.
ASE-2010-BagheriSS #architecture- Architectural style as an independent variable (HB, YS, KJS), pp. 159–162.
SAC-2010-EtienMLB #model transformation- Combining independent model transformations (AE, AM, TL, XB), pp. 2237–2243.
SAC-2010-HarshN #approach #architecture #multi #network- Mode independent session directory service architecture: a unified approach for ASM and SSM multicast networks (PH, REN), pp. 647–654.
DAC-2010-ShihC #performance #synthesis- Fast timing-model independent buffered clock-tree synthesis (XWS, YWC), pp. 80–85.
DATE-2010-BaudischBS #parallel #source code #thread- Multithreaded code from synchronous programs: Extracting independent threads for OpenMP (DB, JB, KS), pp. 949–952.
DATE-2010-Kheradmand-BoroujeniPL #novel #process- AVGS-Mux style: A novel technology and device independent technique for reducing power and compensating process variations in FPGA fabrics (BKB, CP, YL), pp. 339–344.
OSDI-2010-KushmanK #automation- Enabling Configuration-Independent Automation by Non-Expert Users (NK, DK), pp. 223–236.
PDP-2010-BasileLV #policy #specification #towards- Towards a Network-Independent Policy Specification (CB, AL, MV), pp. 649–653.
STOC-2010-BravermanO #dataset- Measuring independence of datasets (VB, RO), pp. 271–280.
TAP-2010-GogollaHK #automation #invariant #ocl #proving #testing #visualisation- Proving and Visualizing OCL Invariant Independence by Automatically Generated Test Cases (MG, LH, MK), pp. 38–54.
DRR-2009-BeusekomSB #detection #documentation #image- Resolution Independent Skew and Orientation Detection for document images (JvB, FS, TMB), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2009-LiD #difference #using #verification- Improving semi-text-independent method of writer verification using difference vector (XL, XD), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-BukhariSB09a #segmentation #using- Script-Independent Handwritten Textlines Segmentation Using Active Contours (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 446–450.
ICDAR-2009-LiST #identification #online- Hierarchical Shape Primitive Features for Online Text-independent Writer Identification (BL, ZS, TT), pp. 986–990.
ICDAR-2009-LiT #identification #online #sequence- Online Text-independent Writer Identification Based on Temporal Sequence and Shape Codes (BL, TT), pp. 931–935.
ICDAR-2009-MoghaddamRC #approach #classification #multi #segmentation #set #using- Restoration and Segmentation of Highly Degraded Characters Using a Shape-Independent Level Set Approach and Multi-level Classifiers (RFM, DRH, MC), pp. 828–832.
VLDB-2009-BenediktC #analysis #xml- Schema-Based Independence Analysis for XML Updates (MB, JC), pp. 61–72.
ICALP-v1-2009-AgnarssonHL #algorithm #problem #set- SDP-Based Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set Problems on Hypergraphs (GA, MMH, EL), pp. 12–23.
CIG-2009-MehtaC #approach #evaluation #natural language #user interface- Evaluation of a domain independent approach to natural language processing for game-like user interfaces (MM0, AC), pp. 225–232.
DiGRA-2009-ReynoC #game studies #platform #specification- A Platform-Independent Model for Videogame Gameplay Specification (EMR, JÁCC).
FDG-2009-ThomasY #framework #game studies #learning #towards- Toward a domain-independent framework to automate scaffolding of task-based learning in digital games (JMT, RMY), pp. 331–332.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Valle-AgudoCCR #generative #interactive- Breaking of the Interaction Cycle: Independent Interpretation and Generation for Advanced Dialogue Management (DdVA, FJCG, DCF, JRE), pp. 674–683.
CIKM-2009-SunMG #graph #information retrieval #mining- Independent informative subgraph mining for graph information retrieval (BS, PM, CLG), pp. 563–572.
CIKM-2009-TermehchyW #effectiveness #keyword #xml- Effective, design-independent XML keyword search (AT, MW), pp. 107–116.
ECIR-2009-PengO #information retrieval #web- Selective Application of Query-Independent Features in Web Information Retrieval (JP, IO), pp. 375–387.
ICML-2009-PutthividhyaAN #modelling #topic- Independent factor topic models (DP, HTA, SSN), pp. 833–840.
ICML-2009-Tillman #distributed #learning- Structure learning with independent non-identically distributed data (RET), pp. 1041–1048.
KDD-2009-WangCWPBGZ #question- Can we learn a template-independent wrapper for news article extraction from a single training site? (JW, CC, CW, JP, JB, ZG, WVZ), pp. 1345–1354.
SIGIR-2009-OlssonO #retrieval #robust #speech- Combining LVCSR and vocabulary-independent ranked utterance retrieval for robust speech search (JSO, DWO), pp. 91–98.
SIGIR-2009-ZhangSHW #web- Template-independent wrapper for web forums (QZ, YS, XH, LW), pp. 794–795.
MoDELS-2009-GerthKE #modelling #process- Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models (CG, JMK, GE), pp. 152–166.
SPLC-2009-HartmannTM #feature model #modelling- Supplier independent feature modelling (HH, TT, AAJM), pp. 191–200.
SPLC-2009-OLearyRRT #case study #experience #process #research- Important issues and key activities in product derivation: experiences from two independent research projects (PO, RR, IR, ST), pp. 121–130.
MoDELS-2009-GerthKE #modelling #process- Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models (CG, JMK, GE), pp. 152–166.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-KastnerATKB #approach #correctness #product line- Guaranteeing Syntactic Correctness for All Product Line Variants: A Language-Independent Approach (CK, SA, ST, MK, DSB), pp. 175–194.
POPL-2009-AhmedDR #representation- State-dependent representation independence (AA, DD, AR), pp. 340–353.
ASE-2009-ChenMJR #monitoring #parametricity #performance- Efficient Formalism-Independent Monitoring of Parametric Properties (FC, POM, DJ, GR), pp. 383–394.
ESEC-FSE-2009-HannaBR #automation #automaton #behaviour #composition #verification- Behavioral automata composition for automatic topology independent verification of parameterized systems (YH, SB, HR), pp. 325–334.
ICSE-2009-ApelKL #automation #composition #named- FEATUREHOUSE: Language-independent, automated software composition (SA, CK, CL), pp. 221–231.
SLE-2009-HemelV #domain-specific language #framework #named #platform- PIL: A Platform Independent Language for Retargetable DSLs (ZH, EV), pp. 224–243.
FASE-2009-OldevikHM #confluence #product line- Confluence in Domain-Independent Product Line Transformations (JO, ØH, BMP), pp. 34–48.
STOC-2009-AustrinH - Randomly supported independence and resistance (PA, JH), pp. 483–492.
ICLP-2009-Ashley-RollmanLGPC #scalability- A Language for Large Ensembles of Independently Executing Nodes (MPAR, PL, SCG, PP, JC), pp. 265–280.
TAP-2009-GogollaKH #consistency #modelling #ocl #uml- Consistency, Independence and Consequences in UML and OCL Models (MG, MK, LH), pp. 90–104.
ECSA-2008-TangKL #architecture #overview #perspective #towards- Towards Independent Software Architecture Review (AT, FCK, MFL), pp. 306–313.
SIGMOD-2008-BohmFP #clustering #component #using- Outlier-robust clustering using independent components (CB, CF, CP), pp. 185–198.
VLDB-2008-LiuCBC #physics #sql #towards #xml #xquery- Towards a physical XML independent XQuery/SQL/XML engine (ZHL, SC, TB, HJC), pp. 1356–1367.
WCRE-2008-GrantCS #analysis #automation #component #concept #using- Automated Concept Location Using Independent Component Analysis (SG, JRC, DBS), pp. 138–142.
DLT-2008-CaludeZ #sequence- Algorithmically Independent Sequences (CSC, MZ), pp. 183–195.
ICALP-C-2008-NaorSW - History-Independent Cuckoo Hashing (MN, GS, UW), pp. 631–642.
CIG-2008-Boeing - Morphology independent dynamic locomotion control for virtual characters (AB), pp. 283–289.
GT-VMT-2006-Varro08 #database #graph transformation #implementation #plugin #query #using- Implementing an EJB3-Specific Graph Transformation Plugin by Using Database Independent Queries (GV), pp. 121–132.
GT-VMT-2008-BiermannM #analysis #configuration management #rule-based- Independence Analysis of Firing and Rule-based Net Transformations in Reconfigurable Object Nets (EB, TM).
ICGT-2008-BonchiGH #parallel- Parallel and Sequential Independence for Borrowed Contexts (FB, FG, TH), pp. 226–241.
CHI-2008-CarmienF #assessment #design- Design, adoption, and assessment of a socio-technical environment supporting independence for persons with cognitive disabilities (SC, GF), pp. 597–606.
ICPR-2008-ChoiGCC #analysis #kernel- Kernel oriented discriminant analysis for speaker-independent phoneme spaces (HC, RGO, SC, YC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-JhaN #layout #representation- Wang Notation Tool: Layout independent representation of tables (PJ, GN), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LuGZ #interface- Subject-independent brain computer interface through boosting (SL, CG, HZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MunizCR #classification #using- Use of band ratioing for building illumination independent texture classification systems (RM, JAC, MRS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YangQ #analysis #component #detection #network #using- A network intrusion detection method using independent component analysis (DY, HQ), pp. 1–4.
RecSys-2008-Domingues #adaptation #analysis #framework #monitoring #platform #web- An independent platform for the monitoring, analysis and adaptation of web sites (MAD), pp. 299–302.
SEKE-2008-NakaoaTM #case study #validation #verification- Estimating the Effort of Independent Verification and Validation in the Context of Mission-critical Software Systems — A Case Study (HN, AT, JM), pp. 167–172.
PADL-2008-CasasCH #execution #implementation #strict #towards- Towards a High-Level Implementation of Execution Primitives for Unrestricted, Independent And-Parallelism (AC, MC, MVH), pp. 230–247.
QAPL-2008-LambertP #bytecode #framework #java #platform #virtual machine- Platform Independent Timing of Java Virtual Machine Bytecode Instructions (JML, JFP), pp. 97–113.
RE-2008-RamasubramaniamH #requirements #towards- Pattern Oriented Requirements towards Independent Software Vendors (KSR, ASH), pp. 253–258.
SAC-2008-EinseleIH #recognition #word- A language-independent, open-vocabulary system based on HMMs for recognition of ultra low resolution words (FE, RI, JH), pp. 429–433.
SAC-2008-LecueDL #composition #semantics #towards #web #web service- Towards the composition of stateful and independent semantic web services (FL, AD, AL), pp. 2279–2285.
SAC-2008-PavelecJBO #identification #using- Author identification using writer-dependent and writer-independent strategies (DP, EJRJ, LVB, LSO), pp. 414–418.
DAC-2008-HamersE #automation #identification- Automated hardware-independent scenario identification (JH, LE), pp. 954–959.
HPCA-2008-MalikASWF #parallel #predict- Branch-mispredict level parallelism (BLP) for control independence (KM, MA, SSS, KMW, MIF), pp. 62–73.
ICLP-2008-CasasCH #implementation #nondeterminism #strict- A High-Level Implementation of Non-deterministic, Unrestricted, Independent And-Parallelism (AC, MC, MVH), pp. 651–666.
ECSA-2007-SanzACM #architecture #framework #modelling #platform #uml- UML Profile for the Platform Independent Modelling of Service-Oriented Architectures (MLS, CJA, CEC, EM), pp. 304–307.
ECDL-2007-CoruboloWH #collaboration #distributed #research- Location and Format Independent Distributed Annotations for Collaborative Research (FC, PBW, JH), pp. 495–498.
ICDAR-2007-BulacuSB #identification #verification- Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification on Offline Arabic Handwriting (MB, LS, AB), pp. 769–773.
SIGMOD-2007-AtzeniCG #named- MIDST: model independent schema and data translation (PA, PC, GG), pp. 1134–1136.
ITiCSE-2007-Bower #analysis #concept #online- Independent, synchronous and asynchronous an analysis of approaches to online concept formation (MB), pp. 141–145.
CIAA-J-2006-CzeizlerK07 #equation #on the #word- On Non-Periodic Solutions of Independent Systems of Word Equations over Three Unknowns (EC, JK), pp. 873–897.
ICALP-2007-MoranNS #information management- Deterministic History-Independent Strategies for Storing Information on Write-Once Memories (TM, MN, GS), pp. 303–315.
HCI-IDU-2007-TranMC #memory management #using- Using Memory Aid to Build Memory Independence (QTT, EDM, GC), pp. 959–965.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-KraftM #api #statistics- Statistics API: DBMS-independent access and management of dbms statistics in heterogeneous environments (TK, BM), pp. 5–12.
ECIR-2007-MasegosaJJ #predict- Evaluating Query-Independent Object Features for Relevancy Prediction (ARM, HJ, JMJ), pp. 283–294.
ICML-2007-ZhangC #analysis #component- Nonlinear independent component analysis with minimal nonlinear distortion (KZ, LC), pp. 1127–1134.
SEKE-2007-HofmeisterW #architecture #design #platform #using- Designing a Platform-Independent Use-Case for a Composite Application using a Reference Architecture (HH, GW), pp. 227–231.
SIGIR-2007-MamouRS #detection- Vocabulary independent spoken term detection (JM, BR, OS), pp. 615–622.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-CicchettiRP #approach #difference #metamodelling #representation- A Metamodel Independent Approach to Difference Representation (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 165–185.
LOPSTR-2007-CasasCH #algorithm #logic programming #source code #strict- Annotation Algorithms for Unrestricted Independent And-Parallelism in Logic Programs (AC, MC, MVH), pp. 138–153.
CASE-2007-CheongS - Computing All Independent Form-Closure Grasp Regions of a Rectilinear Polyhedron (JSC, AFvdS), pp. 288–294.
STOC-2007-AlonAKMRX #testing- Testing k-wise and almost k-wise independence (NA, AA, TK, KM, RR, NX), pp. 496–505.
STOC-2007-PaghPR #constant #linear- Linear probing with constant independence (AP, RP, MR), pp. 318–327.
CSMR-2006-BrandKVV #framework #pretty-printing- A Language Independent Framework for Context-sensitive Formatting (MvdB, ATK, JJV, NPV), pp. 103–112.
ICALP-v1-2006-LeeLT - Deterministic Extractors for Independent-Symbol Sources (CJL, CJL, SCT), pp. 84–95.
ICALP-v2-2006-GennaroM #set- Independent Zero-Knowledge Sets (RG, SM), pp. 34–45.
FM-2006-Boute #formal method #problem #using- Using Domain-Independent Problems for Introducing Formal Methods (RTB), pp. 316–331.
ICPR-v1-2006-BuenaposadaM #animation #performance #using- Performance driven facial animation using illumination independent appearance-based tracking (JMB, EM), pp. 303–306.
ICPR-v1-2006-HuangM #detection #realtime #towards- Toward A Speaker-Independent Real-Time Affect Detection System (RH, CM), pp. 1204–1207.
ICPR-v1-2006-XingmingH #algorithm #detection- An Illumination Independent Eye Detection Algorithm (XZ, HZ), pp. 392–395.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenW #analysis #component #segmentation #using- Texture Segmentation Using Independent Component Analysis of Gabor Features (YC, RW), pp. 147–150.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiuHZ #robust #verification- Robust Local Scoring Function for Text-Independent Speaker Verification (ML, TSH, ZZ), pp. 1146–1149.
ICPR-v2-2006-ScarpaH #clustering #segmentation- Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Spectral-Spatial-Independent Clustering (GS, MH), pp. 151–154.
ICPR-v2-2006-SenerU #analysis #component #invariant #normalisation #using- A New Affine Invariant Curve Normalization Technique Using Independent Component Analysis (SS, MU), p. 48.
ICPR-v2-2006-TsaiTCY #analysis #component #design #detection #fault #image- Independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast textured images (DMT, YHT, SMC, CHY), pp. 231–234.
ICPR-v3-2006-YamazakiCX #analysis #component #image #kernel #using- Separating Reflections from Images Using Kernel Independent Component Analysis (MY, YWC, GX), pp. 194–197.
ICPR-v4-2006-WangWLJK #analysis #classification #component #using- Content-Based Audio Classification Using Support Vector Machines and Independent Component Analysis (JCW, JFW, CBL, KTJ, WHK), pp. 157–160.
PLDI-2006-JohnsonE #algorithm #composition- Context-sensitive domain-independent algorithm composition and selection (TAJ, RE), pp. 181–192.
CASE-2006-LuL #evaluation #reliability #safety- Reliability evaluation of standby safety systems due to independent and common cause failures (LL, GL), pp. 264–269.
DAC-2006-SinghS #analysis #component #correlation #parametricity #statistics #using- Statistical timing analysis with correlated non-gaussian parameters using independent component analysis (JS, SSS), pp. 155–160.
DATE-DF-2006-AkselrodAA #architecture #debugging #framework #multi #platform #security- Platform independent debug port controller architecture with security protection for multi-processor system-on-chip ICs (DA, AA, YA), pp. 30–35.
STOC-2006-Rao #constant- Extractors for a constant number of polynomially small min-entropy independent sources (AR), pp. 497–506.
STOC-2006-Weitz #set- Counting independent sets up to the tree threshold (DW), pp. 140–149.
LICS-2006-HaymanW #concurrent #logic- Independence and Concurrent Separation Logic (JH, GW), pp. 147–156.
WICSA-2005-VasconcelosW #approach #architecture #clustering #set #towards- Towards a Set of Application Independent Clustering Criteria within an Architecture Recovery Approach (APVdV, CW), pp. 235–236.
ICDAR-2005-ChenL #algorithm #analysis #component #segmentation- Independent Component Analysis Segmentation Algorithm (YC, GL), pp. 680–684.
ICDAR-2005-FinkP #feature model #on the #recognition- On Appearance-Based Feature Extraction Methods for Writer-Independent Handwritten Text Recognition (GAF, TP), pp. 1070–1074.
ICDAR-2005-HaritJC #geometry #graph #image #representation #retrieval #word- Improved Geometric Feature Graph: A Script Independent Representation of Word Images for Compression, and Retrieval (GH, RJ, SC), pp. 421–425.
ICDAR-2005-SternbyF #adaptation #graph #online #recognition- The Recognition Graph — Language Independent Adaptable On-line Cursive Script Recognition (JS, CF), pp. 14–18.
CSMR-2005-DraheimLW #reverse engineering #source code #web- A Source Code Independent Reverse Engineering Tool for Dynamic Web Sites (DD, CL, GW), pp. 168–177.
PASTE-2005-StroutMH #program analysis- Representation-independent program analysis (MMS, JMMC, PDH), pp. 67–74.
ICML-2005-PoczosL #analysis #using- Independent subspace analysis using geodesic spanning trees (BP, AL), pp. 673–680.
KDD-2005-ManeSH #classification #using- Estimating missed actual positives using independent classifiers (SM, JS, SYH), pp. 648–653.
MLDM-2005-HanCY #analysis #component #feature model #image #using- Aquaculture Feature Extraction from Satellite Image Using Independent Component Analysis (JGH, KHC, YKY), pp. 660–666.
MLDM-2005-OhnishiI #analysis #component #detection #using- Dominant Plane Detection Using Optical Flow and Independent Component Analysis (NO, AI), pp. 497–506.
SIGIR-2005-CraswellRZT #query- Relevance weighting for query independent evidence (NC, SER, HZ, MJT), pp. 416–423.
SIGIR-2005-KellyDF #query- The loquacious user: a document-independent source of terms for query expansion (DK, VDD, XF), pp. 457–464.
SIGIR-2005-LinM #feedback- Assessing the term independence assumption in blind relevance feedback (JJL, GCM), pp. 635–636.
ECMDA-FA-2005-BurmesterGS #architecture #framework #modelling #platform #realtime- Model-Driven Architecture for Hard Real-Time Systems: From Platform Independent Models to Code (SB, HG, WS), pp. 25–40.
CC-2005-ConditN #slicing- Data Slicing: Separating the Heap into Independent Regions (JC, GCN), pp. 172–187.
PDP-2005-BeaumontLMR #memory management #platform #scheduling- Independent and Divisible Tasks Scheduling on Heterogeneous Star-shaped Platforms with Limited Memory (OB, AL, LM, YR), pp. 179–186.
STOC-2005-BarakKSSW #graph #simulation- Simulating independence: new constructions of condensers, ramsey graphs, dispersers, and extractors (BB, GK, RS, BS, AW), pp. 1–10.
SAT-J-2004-GummadiNV05 #algorithm #satisfiability #set #using- Algorithms for Satisfiability Using Independent Sets of Variables (RG, NSN, VR), pp. 133–144.
ICLP-2005-StuckeyBMMSSWW #modelling #performance- The G12 Project: Mapping Solver Independent Models to Efficient Solutions (PJS, MJGdlB, MJM, KM, JKS, ZS, MW, TW), pp. 9–13.
TestCom-2005-BatoriA #framework #modelling #platform #testing #using- Using TTCN-3 for Testing Platform Independent Models (GB, DA), pp. 304–317.
DRR-2004-MaoKT #design #documentation #evaluation #performance- Style-independent document labeling: design and performance evaluation (SM, JK, GRT), pp. 14–22.
ICALP-2004-NikoletseasRS #graph #performance #random #scalability #set- The Existence and Efficient Construction of Large Independent Sets in General Random Intersection Graphs (SEN, CR, PGS), pp. 1029–1040.
IFM-2004-WangRL #csp #reachability- Relating Data Independent Trace Checks in CSP with UNITY Reachability under a Normality Assumption (XW, AWR, RL), pp. 247–266.
ICGT-2004-HabelH #graph transformation #parallel- Parallel Independence in Hierarchical Graph Transformation (AH, BH), pp. 178–193.
ICPR-v1-2004-ChengLLC #classification #component #kernel #using- Texture Classification Using Kernel Independent Component Analysi (JC, QL, HL, YWC), pp. 620–623.
ICPR-v2-2004-EdenC #image #statistics- Local Straightness: A Contrast Independent Statistical Edge Measure for Color and Gray Level Images (JE, HIC), pp. 451–454.
ICPR-v2-2004-LachaudT - Resolution Independent Deformable Model (JOL, BT), pp. 237–240.
ICPR-v2-2004-LindgrenH #component #image #learning #representation- Learning High-level Independent Components of Images through a Spectral Representation (JTL, AH), pp. 72–75.
ICPR-v2-2004-SenerG #analysis #component #using- Blind Audio Watermark Decoding Using Independent Component Analysis (SS, BG), pp. 875–878.
ICPR-v3-2004-JainH #classification #component #gender- Integrating Independent Components and Support Vector Machines for Gender Classification (AJ, JH), pp. 558–561.
KR-2004-FriedlandAWMSMASICPBC #analysis #platform #towards- Towards a Quantitative, Platform-Independent Analysis of Knowledge Systems (NSF, PGA, MJW, GM, NS, PM, JA, SS, DJI, VKC, BWP, KB, PC), pp. 507–515.
SAC-2004-Jorgensen #component #incremental #integration #java- Language support for incremental integration of independently developed components in Java (BNJ), pp. 1316–1322.
SAC-2004-PrigourisPMHM #network- A network independent broker for obtaining the position of nomadic users (NP, GP, GFM, SH, LFM), pp. 1206–1207.
SAC-PL-J-2004-Jorgensen #alias #component #integration #multi- Integration of Independently Developed Components through Aliased Multi-Object Type Widening (BNJ), pp. 55–76.
GPCE-2004-LawallMM #component #design #domain-specific language #on the- On Designing a Target-Independent DSL for Safe OS Process-Scheduling Components (JLL, AFLM, GM), pp. 436–455.
DATE-v1-2004-RamaniAMS #graph #symmetry- Breaking Instance-Independent Symmetries in Exact Graph Coloring (AR, FAA, ILM, KAS), pp. 324–331.
STOC-2004-Feige #bound #graph #on the #random- On sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance, and estimating the average degree in a graph (UF), pp. 594–603.
SAT-2004-GummadiNV #algorithm #satisfiability #set #using- Algorithms for Satisfiability using Independent Sets of Variables (RG, NSN, VR), pp. 56–63.
CSEET-2003-X03e #education #re-engineering- Undergraduate software engineering education options: independent programmes, specialisations or subjects, p. 34.
TLCA-2003-LazicN #on the #semantics- On a Semantic Definition of Data Independence (RL, DN), pp. 226–240.
EDOC-2003-AlmeidaSPQ #approach #concept #design #platform- A Systematic Approach to Platform-Independent Design Based on the Service Concept (JPAA, MvS, LFP, DACQ), pp. 112–123.
ICEIS-v1-2003-EzeifeU #profiling- Data Position and Profiling in Domain-Independent Warehouse Cleaning (CIE, AU), pp. 232–238.
SEKE-2003-YanZZ - A Database-Independent Strategy for Confidence Determination (XY, CZ, SZ), pp. 621–625.
SIGIR-2003-JiZ #programming #segmentation #using- Domain-independent text segmentation using anisotropic diffusion and dynamic programming (XJ, HZ), pp. 322–329.
SIGIR-2003-ZhaiCL #evaluation #metric #retrieval #topic- Beyond independent relevance: methods and evaluation metrics for subtopic retrieval (CZ, WWC, JDL), pp. 10–17.
UML-2003-MullerSB #framework #modelling #platform #web- Platform Independent Web Application Modeling (PAM, PS, JB), pp. 220–233.
OOPSLA-2003-LaffertyC #aspect-oriented #programming- Language-independent aspect-oriented programming (DL, VC), pp. 1–12.
DAC-2003-KouroussisN #grid #power management #verification- A static pattern-independent technique for power grid voltage integrity verification (DK, FNN), pp. 99–104.
DATE-2003-ZhangM #implementation #satisfiability #using #validation- Validating SAT Solvers Using an Independent Resolution-Based Checker: Practical Implementations and Other Applications (LZ, SM), pp. 10880–10885.
PPoPP-2003-SaundersR #adaptation #communication #framework #library #named #platform- ARMI: an adaptive, platform independent communication library (SS, LR), pp. 230–241.
ESOP-2003-GenaimK #analysis #logic programming #scheduling #source code- Goal-Independent Suspension Analysis for Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling (SG, AK), pp. 84–98.
FASE-2003-SchroderM #hoare #logic- Monad-Independent Hoare Logic in HASCASL (LS, TM), pp. 261–277.
STOC-2003-ItohTT #on the #permutation #strict- On the sample size of k-restricted min-wise independent permutations and other k-wise distributions (TI, YT, JT), pp. 710–719.
CSL-2003-Bradfield - Parity of Imperfection of Fixing Independence (JCB), pp. 72–85.
SAT-2003-BaumerS #algorithm #probability #satisfiability- Improving a Probabilistic 3-SAT Algorithm by Dynamic Search and Independent Clause Pairs (SB, RS), pp. 150–161.
VISSOFT-2002-Sajaniemi #comprehension #editing #multi- View Definitions for Language-Independent Multiple-View Program Comprehension and Editing (JS), pp. 3–12.
CAiSE-2002-HarrenT #framework #modelling #process- A Framework for Tool-Independent Modeling of Data Acquisition Processes for Data Warehousing (AH, HT), pp. 733–736.
EDOC-2002-BurtBROA #framework #modelling #platform #quality- Quality of Service Issues Related to Transforming Platform Independent Models to Platform Specific Models (CCB, BRB, RRR, AMO, MA), p. 212–?.
ICPR-v2-2002-AmerDM #realtime #recognition- Context-Independent Real-Time Event Recognition: Application to Key-Image Extraction (AA, ED, AM), pp. 945–948.
ICPR-v2-2002-El-MaraghiJ #coordination #image- Saturated Independent Color Coordinates for Image Alignment (TFEM, ADJ), pp. 685–688.
ICPR-v2-2002-LuoWH #component #graph- The Independent and Principal Component of Graph Spectra (BL, RCW, ERH), pp. 164–167.
ICPR-v3-2002-ChenZL #analysis #component #detection #segmentation- Edge Detection and Texture Segmentation Based on Independent Component Analysis (YWC, XYZ, HL), pp. 351–354.
ICPR-v3-2002-MaragoudakisKF #performance #segmentation- Incorporating Conditional Independence Assumption with Support Vector Machines to Enhance Handwritten Character Segmentation Performance (MM, EK, NF), pp. 911–914.
ICPR-v3-2002-NakaiSSS #online #recognition- Pen Pressure Features for Writer-Independent On-Line Handwriting Recognition Based on Substroke HMM (MN, TS, HS, SS), pp. 220–223.
ICPR-v3-2002-QianCZ #approach #estimation #multi- A Bayesian Approach to Simultaneous Motion Estimation of Multiple Independently Moving Objects (GQ, RC, QZ), p. 309–?.
KDD-2002-TejadaKM #identification #learning #string- Learning domain-independent string transformation weights for high accuracy object identification (ST, CAK, SM), pp. 350–359.
ECOOP-2002-IchisugiT #difference- Difference-Based Modules: A Class-Independent Module Mechanism (YI, AT), pp. 62–88.
OOPSLA-2002-MeziniO #component #on-demand- Integrating independent components with on-demand remodularization (MM, KO), pp. 52–67.
POPL-2002-BanerjeeN #data access #representation- Representation independence, confinement and access control [extended abstract] (AB, DAN), pp. 166–177.
SAC-2002-ButenkoPSSS #graph #set- Finding maximum independent sets in graphs arising from coding theory (SB, PMP, IS, VS, PS), pp. 542–546.
DAC-2002-FoltinFT #abstraction #concept #modelling #performance- Efficient stimulus independent timing abstraction model based on a new concept of circuit block transparency (MF, BF, ST), pp. 158–163.
DATE-2002-MolinaMH #multi- Multiple-Precision Circuits Allocation Independent of Data-Objects Length (MCM, JMM, RH), pp. 909–913.
STOC-2002-Roughgarden #network- The price of anarchy is independent of the network topology (TR), pp. 428–437.
WICSA-2001-Ommering #deployment- Techniques for Independent Deployment to Build Product Populations (RCvO), p. 55–?.
ECDL-2001-RadevBZR #identification #interactive #summary #topic- Interactive, Domain-Independent Identification and Summarization of Topically Related News Articles (DRR, SBG, ZZ, RSR), pp. 225–238.
ICDAR-2001-MaragoudakisKFK #how #segmentation- How Conditional Independence Assumption Affects Handwritten Character Segmentation (MM, EK, NF, GKK), pp. 246–250.
ICDAR-2001-MartiB #recognition #segmentation #word- Text Line Segmentation and Word Recognition in a System for General Writer Independent Handwriting Recognition (UVM, HB), pp. 159–163.
CSEET-2001-JovanovicSS #question #re-engineering #source code- Independent Accreditation for Software Engineering Programs? (VMJ, DS, LS), pp. 75–76.
ICSM-2001-ZelkowitzR #maintenance #safety #validation #verification- The Role of Independent Verification and Validation in Maintaining a Safety Critical Evolutionary Software in a Complex Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program (MVZ, IR), pp. 118–126.
TLCA-2001-Leiss #higher-order #representation- Second-Order Pre-Logical Relations and Representation Independence (HL), pp. 298–314.
CHI-2001-DuhPF #visual notation- An “independent visual background” reduced balance disturbance envoked by visual scene motion: implication for alleviating simulator sickness (HBLD, DEP, TAF), pp. 85–89.
CIKM-2001-FeldmanALASR #information management- A Domain Independent Environment for Creating Information Extraction Modules (RF, YA, YL, KA, YS, BR), pp. 586–588.
SEKE-2001-Tubio #concept #modelling- Development-Paradigm Independent Conceptual Models (ÓDT), pp. 137–144.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-Menkhaus #architecture- Architecture for Client-Independent Web-Based Applications (GM), pp. 32–40.
RE-2001-RidaoDL - Domain Independent Regularities in Scenarios (MR, JHD, JCSdPL), pp. 120–127.
ICSE-2001-Kirda #web #web service- Web Engineering Device Independent Web Services (EK), pp. 795–796.
FASE-2001-ReedS #specification- Combining Independent Specifications (JNR, JS), pp. 45–59.
STOC-2001-NaorT #data type #named- Anti-presistence: history independent data structures (MN, VT), pp. 492–501.
ICALP-2000-Broder #permutation #theory and practice- Min-wise Independent Permutations: Theory and Practice (AZB), p. 808.
ICALP-2000-KrivelevichV #approximate- Approximating the Independence Number and the Chromatic Number in Expected Polynominal Time (MK, VHV), pp. 13–24.
ICALP-2000-Libkin #constraints #quantifier- Variable Independence, Quantifier Elimination, and Constraint Representations (LL), pp. 260–271.
ICPR-v1-2000-KornDH #analysis #approach #image- Weather Independent Flight Guidance: Analysis of MMW Radar Images for Approach and Landing (BK, HUD, PH), pp. 1350–1353.
ICPR-v2-2000-AlexandreCK #classification #using- Combining Independent and Unbiased Classifiers Using Weighted Average (LAA, ACC, MSK), pp. 2495–2498.
ICPR-v2-2000-HansenH #bias #composition #exponential #fault #product line- General Bias/Variance Decomposition with Target Independent Variance of Error Functions Derived from the Exponential Family of Distributions (JVH, TH), pp. 2207–2210.
ICPR-v2-2000-KunchevaWSD #classification #question- Is Independence Good For Combining Classifiers? (LIK, CJW, CAS, RPWD), pp. 2168–2171.
ICPR-v2-2000-UgenaAA #network #recognition #speech- Speaker-Independent Speech Recognition by Means of Functional-Link Neural Networks (AU, FdA, MEA), pp. 6018–6021.
ICPR-v3-2000-KorhonenHS #modelling #visual notation- Intensity Independent Color Models and Visual Tracking (MK, JH, OS), pp. 3604–3608.
ICPR-v4-2000-LuSR - Script-Independent, HMM-Based Text Line Finding for OCR (ZL, RMS, CR), pp. 4551–4554.
ICPR-v4-2000-RyuLK #analysis #documentation #geometry #layout- Parameter-Independent Geometric Document Layout Analysis (DSR, SWL, SMK), pp. 4397–4400.
KDD-2000-KittsFV #named #performance #recommendation- Cross-sell: a fast promotion-tunable customer-item recommendation method based on conditionally independent probabilities (BK, DF, MV), pp. 437–446.
KR-2000-AmorBDGP #framework #nondeterminism- Independence in qualitative uncertainty frameworks (NBA, SB, DD, HG, HP), pp. 235–246.
ICSE-2000-Liu #automation #platform #testing- Platform-independent and tool-neutral test descriptions for automated software testing (CL), pp. 713–715.
SAC-2000-ColeZ #coordination #graph #process- Activity Graphs: A Model-Independent Intermediate Layer for Skeletal Coordination (MC, AZ), pp. 255–261.
CSL-2000-Bradfield #concurrent #logic #named- Independence: Logics and Concurrency (JCB), pp. 247–261.
ICDAR-1999-SrinivasanRB #component- The Independent Components of Characters are “Strokes” (SHS, KRR, SB), pp. 414–417.
VLDB-1999-DeutschPT #constraints #optimisation #physics- Physical Data Independence, Constraints, and Optimization with Universal Plans (AD, LP, VT), pp. 459–470.
ICSM-1999-DucasseRD #approach #detection- A Language Independent Approach for Detecting Duplicated Code (SD, MR, SD), pp. 109–118.
AGTIVE-1999-Mens #evolution #graph grammar- Conditional Graph Rewriting as a Domain-Independent Formalism for Software Evolution (TM), pp. 127–143.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KleinS #people #research- Independent living for elder and handicapped people — results of a research project (BK, BS), pp. 957–960.
KDD-1999-SyedLS #case study- A Study of Support Vectors on Model Independent Example Selection (NAS, HL, KKS), pp. 272–276.
MLDM-1999-PengB #analysis #image #retrieval- Independent Feature Analysis for Image Retrieval (JP, BB), pp. 103–115.
SIGAda-1999-BuhlerF #ada #corba #framework #information management #java #platform- Applying Ada, Java and CORBA for making a command and control information system platform independent (GB, HF), pp. 83–88.
SIGAda-1999-Carlisle #development #implementation #user interface- A truly implementation independent GUI development tool (MCC), pp. 47–52.
SAC-1999-SahaiM #mobile- Mobile Agents for Location Independent Computing (AS, CM), pp. 408–409.
DAC-1999-SalekLP #generative #named #using- MERLIN: Semi-Order-Independent Hierarchical Buffered Routing Tree Generation Using Local Neighborhood Search (AHS, JL, MP), pp. 472–478.
DATE-1999-ONilsJ #implementation #operating system #protocol #specification #synthesis- Operating System Sensitive Device Driver Synthesis from Implementation Independent Protocol Specification (MO, AJ), pp. 562–567.
HPCA-1999-RotenbergJS #case study- A Study of Control Independence in Superscalar Processors (ER, QJ, JES), pp. 115–124.
HPDC-1999-SchnaidtHFKJ #adaptation #message passing #monitoring #performance- Passive, Domain-Independent, End-to-End Message Passing Performance Monitoring to Support Adaptive Applications in MSHN (MCS, DAH, JF, TK, DSJ), pp. 337–338.
STOC-1999-BlomerS #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Computing Short Linearly Independent Vectors and Short Bases in a Lattice (JB, JPS), pp. 711–720.
VLDB-1998-ArunJ #architecture #interface #kernel #named- KODA — The Architecture And Interface of a Data Model Independent Kernel (GA, AJ), pp. 671–674.
VLDB-1998-Vieille - From Data Independence to Knowledge Independence: An on-going Story (LV), pp. 650–654.
ICALP-1998-Telle #constraints #set- Independent Sets with Domination Constraints (MMH, JK, JAT), pp. 176–187.
ACIR-1998-Smeaton #data fusion #effectiveness #information retrieval- Independence of Contributing Retrieval Strategies in Data Fusion for Effective Information Retrieval (AFS).
CIKM-1998-ChenR #data flow #multi- Integrating Information from Multiple Independently Developed Data Sources (IMAC, DR), pp. 242–250.
ICML-1998-LittmanJK #corpus #learning #representation- Learning a Language-Independent Representation for Terms from a Partially Aligned Corpus (MLL, FJ, GAK), pp. 314–322.
ICPR-1998-GovindanDKP #analysis #classification #component- Independent component analysis applied to electrogram classification during atrial fibrillation (AG, GD, JK, JP), pp. 1662–1664.
ICPR-1998-HyvarinenOHH #analysis #component #feature model #image- Image feature extraction by sparse coding and independent component analysis (AH, EO, POH, JH), pp. 1268–1273.
ICPR-1998-PanditKM #verification- Selection of speaker independent feature for a speaker verification system (MP, JK, JM), pp. 1034–1036.
KDD-1998-BerchtoldJR #data mining #diagrams #mining #visual notation- Independence Diagrams: A Technique for Visual Data Mining (SB, HVJ, KAR), pp. 139–143.
KR-1998-LangM #complexity #logic- Complexity Results for Independence and Definability in Propositional Logic (JL, PM), pp. 356–367.
ASPLOS-1998-StroutCFS - Schedule-Independent Storage Mapping for Loops (MMS, LC, JF, BS), pp. 24–33.
DAC-1998-KorupoluLW #logic- Exact Tree-based FPGA Technology Mapping for Logic Blocks with Independent LUTs (MRK, KKL, DFW), pp. 708–711.
PDP-1998-HillJSV #architecture #parallel #performance #profiling #using- Portable and architecture independent parallel performance tuning using a call-graph profiling tool (JMDH, SAJ, CJS, VPV), pp. 286–294.
STOC-1998-BroderCFM #permutation- Min-Wise Independent Permutations (AZB, MC, AMF, MM), pp. 327–336.
VLDB-1997-PoosalaI #estimation- Selectivity Estimation Without the Attribute Value Independence Assumption (VP, YEI), pp. 486–495.
ICALP-1997-BroersmaKKM #graph #set- Independent Sets in Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs (HB, TK, DK, HM), pp. 760–770.
KDD-1997-HinkeRRG #mining #roadmap- Target-Independent Mining for Scientific Data: Capturing Transients and Trends for Phenomena Mining (THH, JAR, HSR, SJG), pp. 187–190.
DAC-1997-SemenovYPPC #synthesis- Synthesis of Speed-Independent Circuits from STG-Unfolding Segment (ALS, AY, EP, MAP, JC), pp. 16–21.
EDTC-1997-CortadellaKKLY #composition- Technology mapping of speed-independent circuits based on combinational decomposition and resynthesis (JC, MK, AK, LL, AY), pp. 98–105.
EDTC-1997-WalkerG97a #distributed #simulation- Exploiting temporal independence in distributed preemptive circuit simulation (PW, SG), pp. 378–382.
EDTC-1997-WolfK #generative- Application independent module generation in analog layouts (MW, UK), p. 624.
PDP-1997-PasettoV #evaluation #modelling #source code- Machine-independent analytical models for cost evaluation of template-based programs (DP, MV), pp. 485–492.
SOSP-1997-JonesRR #constraints #cpu #performance #predict #process #scheduling- CPU Reservations and Time Constraints: Efficient, Predictable Scheduling of Independent Activities (MBJ, DR, MCR), pp. 198–211.
PODS-1996-ChomickiGK - Variable Independence and Aggregation Closure (JC, DQG, GMK), pp. 40–48.
ICALP-1996-Razborov #bound #proving- Lower Bounds for Propositional Proofs and Independence Results in Bounded Arithmetic (AAR), pp. 48–62.
ICML-1996-DomingosP #classification- Beyond Independence: Conditions for the Optimality of the Simple Bayesian Classifier (PMD, MJP), pp. 105–112.
ICPR-1996-KasprzakC #analysis #component #image- Hidden image separation from incomplete image mixtures by independent component analysis (WK, AC), pp. 394–398.
ICPR-1996-SchwartzLMRZ #recognition #speech #using- Language-independent OCR using a continuous speech recognition system (RMS, CL, JM, CR, YZ), pp. 99–103.
KR-1996-BacchusG - Utility Independence in a Qualitative Decision Theory (FB, AJG), pp. 542–552.
KR-1996-Jaeger #representation- Representation Independence of Nonmonotonic Inference Relations (MJ), pp. 461–472.
SEKE-1996-KarallB #case study #re-engineering #visualisation- Case Study: EasyCODE — A Language Independent Visualization Tool for Reengineering (OK, SB), pp. 353–360.
ALP-1996-BandaHM #logic- Independence in Dynamically Scheduled Logic Languages (MJGdlB, MVH, KM), pp. 47–61.
PLDI-1996-Adl-TabatabaiLLW #mobile #performance #source code- Efficient and Language-Independent Mobile Programs (ARAT, GL, SL, RW), pp. 127–136.
PLILP-1996-BandaBH #towards- Towards Independent And-Parallelism in CLP (MJGdlB, FB, MVH), pp. 77–91.
POPL-1996-EnglerHK #code generation #performance- ‘C: A Language for High-Level, Efficient, and Machine-Independent Dynamic Code Generation (DRE, WCH, MFK), pp. 131–144.
TRI-Ada-1996-DwyerCR #ada #concurrent- An Application-Independent Concurrency Skeleton in Ada 95 (MBD, MJC, ER), pp. 179–192.
TRI-Ada-1996-NeedhamDGPZME #ada #design #eiffel #inheritance #modelling #named #object-oriented- ADAM: A Language-Independent, Object-Oriented, Design Environment for Modeling Inheritance and Relationship Variants in Ada 95, C++, and Eiffel (DMN, SAD, KEG, TJP, PZ, MM, HJCE), pp. 99–113.
TRI-Ada-1996-Westley #ada #development #named #platform #tool support #user interface #visual notation- TASH: A Free Platform-Independent Graphical User Interface Development Toolkit for Ada (TJW), pp. 165–178.
ICSE-1996-Minsky #evolution #monitoring #online- Independent On-Line Monitoring of Evolving Systems (NHM), pp. 134–143.
DAC-1996-SunDH #equation #geometry #parametricity #performance #using- Fast Parameters Extraction of General Three-Dimension Interconnects Using Geometry Independent Measured Equation of Invariance (WS, WWMD, WHI), pp. 371–376.
HPCA-1996-ParkA #concurrent- A Topology-Independent Generic Methodology for Deadlock-Free Wormhole Routing (HP, DPA), pp. 191–200.
PDP-1996-Goubareni #network #process #simulation- Simulation of Chaotic Iterative Processes in Speed-Independent Computing Networks (NMG), pp. 27–32.
ICDAR-v1-1995-MankeFW #online #recognition #scalability- NPen/sup ++/: a writer independent, large vocabulary on-line cursive handwriting recognition system (SM, MF, AW), pp. 403–408.
ICSM-1995-ShimomuraOCO - An independent software-modification method (TS, YO, TC, TO), pp. 214–221.
RTA-1995-OttoND #equation #unification- Some Independent Results for Equational Unification (FO, PN, DJD), pp. 367–381.
PLDI-1995-LarusS #editing #execution #named- EEL: Machine-Independent Executable Editing (JRL, ES), pp. 291–300.
PODS-1994-FaloutsosK #analysis #concept #using- Beyond Uniformity and Independence: Analysis of R-trees Using the Concept of Fractal Dimension (CF, IK), pp. 4–13.
VLDB-1994-TsatalosSI #physics- The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence (OGT, MHS, YEI), pp. 367–378.
SIGIR-1994-ApteDW #automation #categorisation #learning #modelling #towards- Towards Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorisation Models (CA, FD, SMW), pp. 23–30.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Migeon #database #relational- A Dossier Server: an Independent Service Bus Between Object Applications and Relational Data Bases (MM), pp. 455–465.
SAS-1994-GrasH #strict #using- Extracting Non-Strict Independent And-Parallelism Using Sharing and Freeness Information (DCG, MVH), pp. 297–313.
FSE-1994-LevyS #approach #specification- A Language-Independent Approach to Specification Construction (NL, GS), pp. 76–86.
DAC-1994-KondratyevKLVY #implementation- Basic Gate Implementation of Speed-Independent Circuits (AK, MK, BL, PV, AY), pp. 56–62.
EDAC-1994-DufourN #design #process- An Optimizable Model for Process Independent Symbolic Design (JCD, JFN), p. 660.
STOC-1994-HalldorssonR #approximate #bound #graph #set- Greed is good: approximating independent sets in sparse and bounded-degree graphs (MMH, JR), pp. 439–448.
STOC-1994-Wigderson #power of- The amazing power of pairwise independence (AW), pp. 645–647.
ICLP-1994-AraujoR #distributed #execution #named #parallel #prolog- PDP: Prolog Distributed Processor for Independent AND/OR Parallel Execution of Prolog (LA, JJR), pp. 142–156.
ICLP-1994-McCainT #logic programming #source code- Language Independence and Language Tolerance in Logic Programs (NM, HT), pp. 38–57.
LICS-1994-Reddy - Passivity and Independence (USR), pp. 342–352.
ICDAR-1993-Ho #learning #recognition- Recognition of handwritten digits by combining independent learning vector quantizations (TKH), pp. 818–821.
VLDB-1993-LevyS #query- Queries Independent of Updates (AYL, YS), pp. 171–181.
WCRE-1993-CutilloFV #component #identification #scalability #source code- Identification and Extraction of “Domain Independent” Components in Large Programs (FC, PF, GV), pp. 83–92.
HCI-SHI-1993-BroomeA #information management- Knowledge Acquisition for a Domain-Independent Intelligent Training System (RWB, MFA), pp. 338–343.
INTERCHI-1993-HudsonH #approach #specification- A synergistic approach to specifying simple number independent layouts by example (SEH, CNH), pp. 285–292.
ICML-1993-Gil #performance- Efficient Domain-Independent Experimentation (YG), pp. 128–134.
ICML-1993-Tan #learning #multi- Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Independent versus Cooperative Agents (MT), pp. 330–337.
SEKE-1993-Pirlein #knowledge base #reuse #scalability- Reusing a Large Domain-Independent Knowledge Base (TP), pp. 474–482.
LOPSTR-1993-OlmedillaBH #automation- Automatic Exploitation of Non-Determinate Independent And-Parallelism in the Basic Andorra Model (MO, FB, MVH), pp. 177–195.
TRI-Ada-1993-FergusonW #ada #framework #platform #syntax- Platform Independent Translations for a Compilable Ada Abstract Syntax (WDF, JKW), pp. 312–322.
DAC-1993-Mehendale #design #evaluation #logic #named- MIM: Logic Module Independent Technology Mapping for Design and Evaluation of Antifuse-based FPGAs (MM), pp. 219–223.
ILPS-1993-BandaHM #constraints #logic programming #source code- Independence in Constraint Logic Programs (MJGdlB, MVH, KM), pp. 130–146.
HT-ECHT-1992-LandowK #hypermedia #web- Where’s the Hypertext? The Dickens Web as a System-Independent Hypertext (GPL, PK), pp. 149–160.
KR-1992-FreitagF #problem- Focusing on Independent Diagnosis Problems (HF, GF), pp. 521–531.
ECOOP-1992-AloiaBR #database #physics- Supporting Physical Independence in an Object Database Server (NA, SB, FR), pp. 396–412.
PLILP-1992-KuchenMH #implementation- Independent AND-Parallel Implementation of Narrowing (HK, JJMN, MVH), pp. 24–38.
ICSE-1992-Devanbu #named- GENOA: A Customizable Language- and Front-End Independent Code Analyzer (PTD), pp. 307–317.
DAC-1992-Boyer #constraints #graph #process- Process Independent Constraint Graph Compaction (DGB), pp. 318–322.
DAC-1992-WakabayashiT #dependence #scheduling- Global Scheduling Independent of Control Dependencies Based on Condition Vectors (KW, HT), pp. 112–115.
STOC-1992-AmirBF #2d- Alphabet Independent Two Dimensional Matching (AA, GB, MF), pp. 59–68.
STOC-1992-EvenGLNV #approximate- Approximations of General Independent Distributions (GE, OG, ML, NN, BV), pp. 10–16.
STOC-1992-Kelsen #complexity #on the #parallel #set- On the Parallel Complexity of Computing a Maximal Independent Set in a Hypergraph (PK), pp. 339–350.
PODS-1991-Roy #clustering #complexity #query #relational #semantics- Semantic Complexity of Classes of Relational Queries and Query Independent Data Partitioning (SR), pp. 259–267.
SIGMOD-1991-RichardsonS #aspect-oriented #multi #named- Aspects: Extending Objects to Support Multiple, Independent Roles (JER, PMS), pp. 298–307.
KDD-1991-Schaffer #evaluation #on the- On Evaluation of Domain-Independent Scientific Function-Finding Systems (CS), pp. 93–106.
ML-1991-Gil #effectiveness #framework- A Domain-Independent Framework for Effective Experimentation in Planning (YG), pp. 13–17.
STOC-1991-Maurer #encryption #security- Perfect Cryptographic Security from Partially Independent Channels (UMM), pp. 561–571.
ISLP-1991-GuptaCYH #named- IDIOM: Integrating Dependent And-, Independent And-, and Or-parallelism (GG, VSC, RY, MVH), pp. 152–166.
ISLP-1991-ShenH #simulation- A Simulation Study of Or- and and Independent And-parallelism (KS, MVH), pp. 135–151.
PODS-1990-Elkan #database #logic #query- Independence of Logic Database Queries and Updates (CE), pp. 154–160.
SIGMOD-1990-AtzeniT #performance- Efficient Updates to Independent Schemes in the Weak Instance Model (PA, RT), pp. 84–93.
CHI-1990-ZandenM #automation #user interface #visual notation- Automatic, look-and-feel independent dialog creation for graphical user interfaces (BTVZ, BAM), pp. 27–34.
SEKE-1990-Al-SukairiH #compilation #linear #recursion- Query-Independent Compilation of Linear Recursions (AAS, LJH), pp. 177–182.
CLP-1990-HermenegildoG90 #performance #prolog- &-Prolog and its Performance: Exploiting Independent And-Parallelism (MVH, KJG), pp. 253–268.
CLP-1990-HermenegildoR90 #strict- Non-Strict Independent And-Parallelism (MVH, FR), pp. 237–252.
CLP-1990-MuthukumarH90 #automation #definite clause grammar #logic programming #parallel #source code- The DCG, UDG, and MEL Methods for Automatic Compile-time Parallelization of Logic Programs for Independent And-parallelism (KM, MVH), pp. 221–236.
ML-1989-Aha #concept #incremental #learning- Incremental, Instance-Based Learning of Independent and Graded Concept Descriptions (DWA), pp. 387–391.
AS-1989-LassezM #constraints- Independence of Negative Constraints (JLL, KM), pp. 19–27.
NACLP-1989-HermenegildoR #correctness #logic programming #on the #performance #source code- On the Correctness and Efficiency of Independent And-Parallelism in Logic Programs (MVH, FR), pp. 369–389.
DAC-1988-BurchNYH #analysis #estimation #reliability- Pattern-Independent Current Estimation for Reliability Analysis of CMOS Circuits (RB, FNN, PY, DEH), pp. 294–299.
STOC-1988-PapadimitriouY88b #algorithm #analysis #architecture #parallel #towards- Towards an Architecture-Independent Analysis of Parallel Algorithms (CHP, MY), pp. 510–513.
JICSCP-1988-KaleRS88 #execution #logic programming #memory management #parallel #source code- A Memory Organization Independent Binding Environment for AND and OR Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (LVK, RR, WWS), pp. 1223–1240.
VLDB-1987-AtzeniC #database #dependence #functional- Independent Database Schemes under Functional and Inclusion Dependencies (PA, EPFC), pp. 159–166.
ASPLOS-1987-RashidTYGBBBC #architecture #memory management #multi- Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures (RFR, AT, MY, DBG, RVB, DLB, WJB, JC), pp. 31–39.
DAC-1987-ChenC #compilation #design- A Design Rule Independent Cell Compiler (JSJC, DYC), pp. 466–471.
PODS-1986-Naughton #database #deduction #recursion- Data Independent Recursion in Deductive Databases (JFN), pp. 267–279.
GG-1986-Jeffs #graph grammar- Embedding Rule Independent Theory of Graph Grammars (JJ), pp. 299–308.
SIGIR-1986-YuL - Non-Binary Independence Model (CTY, TCL), pp. 265–268.
POPL-1986-Mitchell #abstraction #representation- Representation Independence and Data Abstraction (JCM), pp. 263–276.
DAC-1986-BootehsazC #approach #layout- A technology independent approach to hierarchical IC layout extraction (AB, RAC), pp. 425–431.
PODS-1985-BancilhonS #algebra #database #probability- Algebraic Versus Probabilistic Independence in Data Bases (FB, NS), pp. 149–153.
DAC-1985-Bergmann #design- Generalised CMOS-a technology independent CMOS IC design style (NB), pp. 273–278.
DAC-1985-RoyalHB #case study #process- A case study in process independence (NR, JH, IB), pp. 591–596.
DAC-1985-SmtihD #approach #file system- The VIVID system approach to technology independence: the matster technology file system (PS, SWD), pp. 76–81.
STOC-1985-Luby #algorithm #parallel #problem #set- A Simple Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem (ML), pp. 1–10.
SIGMOD-1984-KellerU #database #on the- On Complementary and Independent Mappings on Databases (AMK, JDU), pp. 143–148.
DAC-1984-ChuS #generative #multi- A technology independent MOS multiplier generator (KcC, RS), pp. 90–97.
DAC-1984-LuellauHB #algorithm- A technology independent block extraction algorithm (FL, TH, EB), pp. 610–615.
STOC-1984-FranzblauK #algorithm #generative #set- An Algorithm for Constructing Regions with Rectangles: Independence and Minimum Generating Sets for Collections of Intervals (DSF, DJK), pp. 167–174.
STOC-1984-KarpW #algorithm #parallel #performance #problem #set- A Fast Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem (RMK, AW), pp. 266–272.
PODS-1983-ChanM #database- Independent and Separable Database Schemes (EPFC, AOM), pp. 288–296.
SIGMOD-1983-HoneymanS - A New Characterization of Independence (PH, ES), pp. 92–96.
DAC-1983-Smith #layout- Technology-independent circuit layout (RJSI), pp. 390–393.
DAC-1983-Warner #industrial- Importance of device independence to the CADCAM industry (JRW), pp. 277–278.
PODS-1982-GrahamY #database- Independent Database Schemas (MHG, MY), pp. 199–204.
SIGMOD-1982-MaierRSSW #logic #query #relational #towards- Toward Logical Data Independence: A Relational Query Language Without Relations (DM, DR, SCS, JS, DSW), pp. 51–60.
VLDB-1981-BancilhonS #component #database- Independent Components of Databases (FB, NS), pp. 398–408.
VLDB-1981-BeeriO #algorithm #concurrent #detection- A Resource Class Independent Deadlock Detection Algorithm (CB, RO), pp. 166–178.
VLDB-1981-TanakamK #database #distributed #integration #logic #relational- Logical Integration of Locally Independent Relational Databases into a Distributed Database (KT, YK), pp. 131–141.
STOC-1981-Leivant #complexity #parametricity #polymorphism #programming language #theorem- The Complexity of Parameter Passing in Polymorphic Procedures (or: Programming Language Theorems Independent of Very Strong Theories) (DL), pp. 38–45.
SIGMOD-1980-AllchinKW #named- FLASH: A Language-Independent, Portable File Access System (JEA, AMK, GW), pp. 151–156.
STOC-1980-JosephY #question- Independence Results in Computer Science? (DJ, PY), pp. 58–69.
STOC-1980-Plaisted #on the- On the Distribution of Independent Formulae of Number Theory (DAP), pp. 39–44.
SIGMOD-1979-BiskupDB #database- Synthesizing Independent Database Schemas (JB, UD, PAB), pp. 143–151.
POPL-1979-Fraser - A Compact, Machine-Independent Peephole Optimizer (CWF), pp. 1–6.
SCC-1979-CattellNL #code generation #compilation- Code generation in a machine-independent compiler (RGGC, JMN, BWL), pp. 65–75.
SCC-1979-Frailey #optimisation- An intermediate language for source and target independent code optimization (DJF), pp. 188–200.
SCC-1979-PerkinsS #optimisation #pascal- Machine-independent PASCAL code optimization (DRP, RLS), pp. 201–207.
SCC-1979-Sites - Machine-independent register allocation (RLS), pp. 221–225.
Best-of-PLDI-1979-CattellNL #code generation #compilation- Code generation in a machine-independent compiler (with retrospective) (RGGC, JMN, BWL), pp. 1–13.
STOC-1979-ODonnell #programming language #theorem- A Programming Language Theorem Which Is Independent of Peano Arithmetic (MO), pp. 176–188.
VLDB-1977-TohKS #multi #physics- Multi-Level Structures of the DBTG Data Model for an Achievement of Physical Data Independence (TT, SK, KS), pp. 403–414.
SIGMOD-1976-Schneider #relational- A Relational View of the Data Independent Accessing Model (LSS), pp. 75–90.
DIPL-1976-Cohen - Target computer independent optimizaton procedure for for metacompilers (PMC), pp. 321–334.
SIGFIDET-1974-AstrahanG #algorithm- A Search Path Selection Algorithm for the Data Independent Accessing Model (DIAM) (MMA, SPG), pp. 367–388.
SIGFIDET-1974-Stonebraker #functional- A Functional View of Data Independence (MS), pp. 63–81.
DAC-1973-Bernstein #fortran #programming- Programming for FORTRAN compatibility and machine independence (SB), pp. 68–78.
SOSP-1973-BrunoCS #scheduling- Scheduling Independent Tasks to Reduce Mean Finishing Time (JLB, EGCJ, RS), pp. 102–103.
SIGFIDET-1972-AstrahanAFS #concept- Concepts of a Data Independent Accessing Model (MMA, EBA, PLF, MES), pp. 349–362.
SIGFIDET-1972-AstrahanAFS72a #specification- Specifications in a Data Independent Accessing Model (MMA, EBA, PLF, MES), pp. 363–382.
SIGFIDET-1972-Collmeyer #architecture #database- Implications of Data Independence on Architecture of Database Management Systems (AJC), pp. 307–321.
SIGFIDET-1972-KochG #cobol #fortran- An Independent Data Definition Facility for COBOL and FORTRAN (HSK, MHG), pp. 57–65.
STOC-1972-Hamlet #problem #programming language- A Patent Problem for Abstract Programming Languages: Machine-Independent Computations (RGH), pp. 193–197.
SIGFIDET-1971-DateH #logic- File Definition and Logical Data Independence (CJD, PH), pp. 117–138.
SIGFIDET-1971-DateH71a #physics- Storage Structure and Physical Data Independence (CJD, PH), pp. 139–168.
SOSP-1969-PooleW - Machine independent software (PCP, WMW), pp. 19–24.