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Travelled to:
1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Sweden
2 × Brazil
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
G.Valença A.Finkelstein L.Duboc V.Alves T.Camara G.Ramalho A.L.G.Damasceno J.Lemos G.N.Rodrigues T.Sotero J.Mendes V.Heimann S.Jansen S.Brinkkemper C.Bonfim W.Nunes X.Franch R.S.S.Guizzardi
Talks about:
requir (5) engin (5) studi (3) challeng (2) meantim (2) develop (2) experi (2) mobil (2) game (2) case (2)

Person: Carina Frota Alves

DBLP DBLP: Alves:Carina_Frota

Contributed to:

RE 20142014
ER@BR 20132013
SAC 20122012
SAC 20082008
SPLC 20082008
RE 20072007
SEKE 20022002

Wrote 8 papers:

RE-2014-ValencaAHJB #case study #collaboration #contest #ecosystem #requirements
Competition and collaboration in requirements engineering: A case study of an emerging software ecosystem (GV, CFA, VH, SJ, SB), pp. 384–393.
ER-BR-2013-BonfimNDAFG #portuguese
Integrando Aspectos de Sustentabilidade à Engenharia de Sistemas (CB, WN, LD, CFA, XF, RSSG).
ER-BR-2013-ValencaA #portuguese #requirements
Um Modelo para Negociação de Requisitos em Ecossistemas de Software (GV, CFA).
SAC-2012-LemosADR #requirements
A systematic mapping study on creativity in requirements engineering (JL, CFA, LD, GNR), pp. 1083–1088.
SAC-2008-AlvesVSM #experience #information management #process #requirements
Requirements engineering process improvement: a knowledge transfer experience (CFA, GV, TS, JM), pp. 619–623.
SPLC-2008-AlvesCA #case study #development #experience #game studies #mobile #product line
Experiences with Mobile Games Product Line Development at Meantime (VA, TC, CFA), pp. 287–296.
RE-2007-AlvesRD #case study #challenge #development #game studies #mobile #requirements
Challenges in Requirements Engineering for Mobile Games Development: The Meantime Case Study (CFA, GR, ALGD), pp. 275–280.
SEKE-2002-AlvesF #challenge #off the shelf #perspective #requirements
Challenges in COTS decision-making: a goal-driven requirements engineering perspective (CFA, AF), pp. 789–794.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.