1630 papers:
CBSE-2015-EscoffierLG #component #mobile- A Component Model to Manage the Heterogeneity and Dynamism in Mobile Applications (CE, PL, OG), pp. 85–90.
QoSA-2015-Bozhinoski #adaptation #mobile #multi #safety- Managing Safety and Adaptability in Mobile Multi-Robot Systems (DB), pp. 135–140.
QoSA-2015-KjaergaardK #architecture #mobile #on the- On Architectural Qualities and Tactics for Mobile Sensing (MBK, MK), pp. 63–72.
WICSA-2015-BarnettVT #architecture #concept #mobile- A Conceptual Model for Architecting Mobile Applications (SB, RV, AT), pp. 105–114.
WICSA-2015-NaabBLHEMCK #architecture #case study #design #ecosystem #experience #mobile #prototype #scalability #why- Why Data Needs more Attention in Architecture Design — Experiences from Prototyping a Large-Scale Mobile App Ecosystem (MN, SB, TL, SH, AE, DM, RC, FK), pp. 75–84.
CASE-2015-GonzalezMK #interactive #matlab #mobile- A Matlab-based interactive simulator for mobile robotics (RG, CM, MK), pp. 310–315.
CASE-2015-JiangDZZ #formal method #mobile #modelling #verification- Formal modeling and verification of secure mobile agent systems (MJ, ZD, MZ, YZ), pp. 545–550.
CASE-2015-JiYA #automation #mobile #network #re-engineering- Automatic calibration and trajectory reconstruction of mobile robot in camera sensor network (YJ, AY, HA), pp. 206–211.
CASE-2015-KanCLY #automation #health #internet #mobile #network #towards- Mobile sensing and network analytics for realizing smart automated systems towards health Internet of Things (CK, YC, FL, HY), pp. 1072–1077.
CASE-2015-KaoLJ #mobile- Application of potential field method and optimal path planning to mobile robot control (CCK, CML, JGJ), pp. 1552–1554.
CASE-2015-Lee #locality #mobile #reliability- A reliable range-free indoor localization method for mobile robots (YCL), pp. 720–727.
CASE-2015-NakhaeiniaPHK #architecture #hybrid #mobile #navigation- A hybrid control architecture for autonomous mobile robot navigation in unknown dynamic environment (DN, PP, TSH, BK), pp. 1274–1281.
DAC-2015-KadjoAKG #approach #cpu #energy #gpu #mobile #performance- A control-theoretic approach for energy efficient CPU-GPU subsystem in mobile platforms (DK, RA, MK, PVG), p. 6.
DAC-2015-LeeCC #mobile- Evaluating battery aging on mobile devices (JL, YC, HC), p. 6.
DAC-2015-PanthSDL #3d #clustering #mobile #power management #trade-off- Tier-partitioning for power delivery vs cooling tradeoff in 3D VLSI for mobile applications (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DATE-2015-KimKKC #manycore #mobile #named- M-DTM: migration-based dynamic thermal management for heterogeneous mobile multi-core processors (YGK, MK, JMK, SWC), pp. 1533–1538.
DATE-2015-SinglaKUO #mobile #power management #predict- Predictive dynamic thermal and power management for heterogeneous mobile platforms (GS, GK, AKU, ÜYO), pp. 960–965.
DATE-2015-YanF #design #energy #mobile #optimisation- Energy-efficient cache design in emerging mobile platforms: the implications and optimizations (KY, XF), pp. 375–380.
DATE-2015-ZhongLLZLZS #mobile #named- nCode: limiting harmful writes to emerging mobile NVRAM through code swapping (KZ, DL, LL, XZ, WL, QZ, EHMS), pp. 1305–1310.
DocEng-2015-CutterM #documentation #how #mobile #towards- Towards Mobile OCR: How to Take a Good Picture of a Document Without Sight (MPC, RM), pp. 75–84.
VLDB-2015-OhKLM #memory management #mobile #optimisation- SQLite Optimization with Phase Change Memory for Mobile Applications (GO, SK, SWL, BM), pp. 1454–1465.
ITiCSE-2015-SantosSFN #agile #development #framework #learning #mobile- Combining Challenge-Based Learning and Scrum Framework for Mobile Application Development (ARS, AS, PF, MN), pp. 189–194.
TACAS-2015-ArmandoBCCMMM #framework #mobile #named #security #static analysis #verification- SAM: The Static Analysis Module of the MAVERIC Mobile App Security Verification Platform (AA, GB, GC, GC, GDM, RM, AM), pp. 225–230.
FM-2015-KuritaIA #documentation #evolution #formal method #mobile #modelling- Practices for Formal Models as Documents: Evolution of VDM Application to “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware (TK, FI, KA), pp. 593–596.
CHI-2015-0005RSP #mobile #named #physics #process- CrowdMonitor: Mobile Crowd Sensing for Assessing Physical and Digital Activities of Citizens during Emergencies (TL, CR, TS, VP), pp. 4083–4092.
CHI-2015-AhmedMJ- Residual Mobilities: Infrastructural Displacement and Post-Colonial Computing in Bangladesh (SIA, NJM, SJJ), pp. 437–446.
CHI-2015-AlmuhimediSSAAG #case study #exclamation #mobile #privacy- Your Location has been Shared 5, 398 Times!: A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging (HA, FS, NMS, IA, AA, JG, LFC, YA), pp. 787–796.
CHI-2015-AlvinaZPARF #mobile #named #towards- OmniVib: Towards Cross-body Spatiotemporal Vibrotactile Notifications for Mobile Phones (JA, SZ, STP, MA, TR, MF), pp. 2487–2496.
CHI-2015-BalaamCJSG #mobile #named #women- FeedFinder: A Location-Mapping Mobile Application for Breastfeeding Women (MB, RC, EJ, SS, ATG), pp. 1709–1718.
CHI-2015-BentleyC #composition #mobile- The Composition and Use of Modern Mobile Phonebooks (FRB, YYC), pp. 2749–2758.
CHI-2015-BentleyCH #coordination #mobile- Reducing the Stress of Coordination: Sharing Travel Time Information Between Contacts on Mobile Phones (FRB, YYC, CH), pp. 967–970.
CHI-2015-BuschekLA #mobile #usability- Improving Accuracy, Applicability and Usability of Keystroke Biometrics on Mobile Touchscreen Devices (DB, ADL, FA), pp. 1393–1402.
CHI-2015-CarrascalC #interactive #mobile- An In-Situ Study of Mobile App & Mobile Search Interactions (JPC, KC), pp. 2739–2748.
CHI-2015-ChangLKS #behaviour #comprehension #gesture #mobile #scalability- Understanding Users’ Touch Behavior on Large Mobile Touch-Screens and Assisted Targeting by Tilting Gesture (YC, SL, KK, JS), pp. 1499–1508.
CHI-2015-CordeiroBCF #lightweight #mobile- Rethinking the Mobile Food Journal: Exploring Opportunities for Lightweight Photo-Based Capture (FC, EB, EC, JF), pp. 3207–3216.
CHI-2015-DergousoffM #crowdsourcing #gamification #mobile- Mobile Gamification for Crowdsourcing Data Collection: Leveraging the Freemium Model (KKD, RLM), pp. 1065–1074.
CHI-2015-HanXSCW #design #game studies #mobile #monitoring- Balancing Accuracy and Fun: Designing Camera Based Mobile Games for Implicit Heart Rate Monitoring (TH, XX, LS, JFC, JW), pp. 847–856.
CHI-2015-HazzardBB #mobile- Sculpting a Mobile Musical Soundtrack (AH, SB, GEB), pp. 387–396.
CHI-2015-HellerB #artificial reality #mobile #named #smarttech- AudioScope: Smartphones as Directional Microphones in Mobile Audio Augmented Reality Systems (FH, JOB), pp. 949–952.
CHI-2015-HinikerSSSLK #how #mobile- Texting while Parenting: How Adults Use Mobile Phones while Caring for Children at the Playground (AH, KS, HS, YCS, CPL, JAK), pp. 727–736.
CHI-2015-HolzBK #identification #mobile #named #using- Bodyprint: Biometric User Identification on Mobile Devices Using the Capacitive Touchscreen to Scan Body Parts (CH, SB, MK), pp. 3011–3014.
CHI-2015-JonesWBNT #collaboration #mobile #video- Mechanics of Camera Work in Mobile Video Collaboration (BJ, AW, SB, CN, AT), pp. 957–966.
CHI-2015-KimMP #mobile #volunteer- Exploring Barriers to the Adoption of Mobile Technologies for Volunteer Data Collection Campaigns (SK, JM, EP), pp. 3117–3126.
CHI-2015-KumarA #health #mobile- Mobile Phones for Maternal Health in Rural India (NK, RJA), pp. 427–436.
CHI-2015-LordHCBWMF #mobile- Demand in My Pocket: Mobile Devices and the Data Connectivity Marshalled in Support of Everyday Practice (CL, MH, AKC, OB, RW, JM, AF), pp. 2729–2738.
CHI-2015-LuL #gesture #mobile #performance- Gesture On: Enabling Always-On Touch Gestures for Fast Mobile Access from the Device Standby Mode (HL, YL), pp. 3355–3364.
CHI-2015-MariakakisGAPW #mobile #named #using- SwitchBack: Using Focus and Saccade Tracking to Guide Users’ Attention for Mobile Task Resumption (AM, MG, MTIA, SNP, JOW), pp. 2953–2962.
CHI-2015-NegulescuM #interactive #mobile- Grip Change as an Information Side Channel for Mobile Touch Interaction (MN, JM), pp. 1519–1522.
CHI-2015-OKaneRB #design #mobile- Concealing or Revealing Mobile Medical Devices?: Designing for Onstage and Offstage Presentation (AAO, YR, AEB), pp. 1689–1698.
CHI-2015-PritchardBVO #how #mobile #performance- How to Drive a London Bus: Measuring Performance in a Mobile and Remote Workplace (GWP, PB, JV, PO), pp. 1885–1894.
CHI-2015-SongPSKH #3d #estimation #gesture #interactive #mobile #video- Joint Estimation of 3D Hand Position and Gestures from Monocular Video for Mobile Interaction (JS, FP, GS, MK, OH), pp. 3657–3660.
CHI-2015-SuW #mobile- From Third to Surveilled Place: The Mobile in Irish Pubs (NMS, LW), pp. 1659–1668.
CHI-2015-VertanenMERK #mobile #named #performance #using- VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input (KV, HM, JE, SR, POK), pp. 659–668.
CHI-2015-WeigelLBOMS #flexibility #mobile #named #visual notation- iSkin: Flexible, Stretchable and Visually Customizable On-Body Touch Sensors for Mobile Computing (MW, TL, GB, AO, CM, JS), pp. 2991–3000.
CSCW-2015-FarrahiEC #community #mobile #predict- Predicting a Community’s Flu Dynamics with Mobile Phone Data (KF, RE, MC), pp. 1214–1221.
CSCW-2015-GiesbrechtCS #mobile- Back in Sight, Back in Mind: Picture-Centric Support for Mobile Counseling Sessions (TG, TC, GS), pp. 486–495.
CSCW-2015-HuangT0 #mobile #social- Emotion Map: A Location-based Mobile Social System for Improving Emotion Awareness and Regulation (YH, YT, YW), pp. 130–142.
CSCW-2015-KimL #comprehension #mobile- Dwelling Places in KakaoTalk: Understanding the Roles and Meanings of Chatrooms in Mobile Instant Messengers (DjK, YKL), pp. 775–784.
CSCW-2015-LundgrenFRT #case study #design #experience #interactive #mobile- Designing Mobile Experiences for Collocated Interaction (SL, JEF, SR, OT), pp. 496–507.
CSCW-2015-Thebault-Spieker #crowdsourcing #mobile- Avoiding the South Side and the Suburbs: The Geography of Mobile Crowdsourcing Markets (JTS, LGT, BH), pp. 265–275.
DHM-EH-2015-BonfantiGV #mobile- A Mobile Application for the Stereoacuity Test (SB, AG, AV), pp. 315–326.
DHM-EH-2015-GronliGS #mobile #visual notation- A Mobile Visual Diary for Personal Pain Management (TMG, GG, FS), pp. 435–440.
DHM-EH-2015-KimRCMLAIS #mobile #usability- Usability of Mobile Applications Supporting Training in Diagnostic Decision-Making by Radiologists (MSK, AABR, MAC, MKM, KJL, MRA, KLI, VS), pp. 448–454.
DHM-EH-2015-LimaAIA #mobile- Mobile Application to Aid in the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers (AGL, LA, ICI, LVA), pp. 465–473.
DUXU-DD-2015-FilhoPV15b #automation #mobile #testing #usability- Emotions Logging in Automated Usability Tests for Mobile Devices (JFF, WP, TV), pp. 428–435.
DUXU-DD-2015-Marcus #behaviour #mobile #persuasion- The Marriage Machine: Mobile Persuasion/Behavior Change (AM), pp. 513–523.
DUXU-IXD-2015-EndaraL #architecture #design #interface #mobile- Designing an Interface Agent-Based Architecture for Creating a Mobile System of Medical Care (AEE, CJPdL), pp. 606–615.
DUXU-IXD-2015-KurdiAAAAA #design #implementation #mobile- Design and Implementation of a Mobile Cloud Environmental Application for Riyadh City (HK, AAF, AAT, HAM, MAM, SAK), pp. 380–389.
DUXU-IXD-2015-LucenaMA #evolution #mobile #monitoring #named- MedData: A Mobile Application Designed for Medical Teams to Monitor Clinical Evolution of Inpatient in ICU Context (CAPdL, CRM, BAdA), pp. 672–681.
DUXU-UI-2015-Bahr #mobile #prototype #requirements #tool support #towards #user interface- Towards a Requirements Catalogue for Prototyping Tools of Mobile User Interfaces (BB), pp. 495–507.
DUXU-UI-2015-EshetB #design #development #mobile- Approaching Users and Context of Use in the Design and Development of Mobile Systems (EE, HB), pp. 508–519.
DUXU-UI-2015-Gatsou #interactive #mobile- The Importance of Metaphors for User Interaction with Mobile Devices (CG), pp. 520–529.
DUXU-UI-2015-KronbauerMS #analysis #evaluation #experience #interactive #mobile #user interface- Capture and Analysis of Interaction Data for the Evaluation of User Experience with Mobile Devices (AHK, DM, CASS), pp. 54–65.
DUXU-UI-2015-LaiH #mobile- Virtual Touchpad for Cursor Control of Touchscreen Thumb Operation in the Mobile Context (YRL, TKPH), pp. 563–574.
DUXU-UI-2015-MarczalJ #analysis #behaviour #mobile- Behavioural Variables Analysis in Mobile Environments (DM, PTAJ), pp. 118–130.
DUXU-UI-2015-NunesQ #mobile- Change News Reading Habit in the Information Age and Digital Mobile Devices (JN, MQ), pp. 487–494.
HCI-DE-2015-BhandariNC #comprehension #mobile #perspective #quality #visual notation- Understanding Visual Appeal and Quality Perceptions of Mobile Apps: An Emotional Perspective (UB, TN, KC), pp. 451–459.
HCI-DE-2015-GhoshP #approach #design #mobile- Designing of a Natural Voice Assistants for Mobile Through User Centered Design Approach (SG, JP), pp. 320–331.
HCI-DE-2015-HoroldMK #towards- Towards Paperless Mobility Information in Public Transport (SH, CM, HK), pp. 340–349.
HCI-DE-2015-StopkaPF #concept #requirements- User Requirements for Intermodal Mobility Applications and Acceptance of Operating Concepts (US, RP, KF), pp. 415–425.
HCI-IT-2015-HakodaKSST #bound #gesture #mobile #named #using- AirFlip: A Double Crossing In-Air Gesture Using Boundary Surfaces of Hover Zone for Mobile Devices (HH, TK, KS, BS, JT), pp. 44–53.
HCI-IT-2015-KurosawaST #mobile- Spatial Arrangement of Data and Commands at Bezels of Mobile Touchscreen Devices (TK, BS, JT), pp. 227–237.
HCI-IT-2015-OnishiST #mobile #scalability- Investigation of Transferring Touch Events for Controlling a Mobile Device with a Large Touchscreen (KO, BS, JT), pp. 250–261.
HCI-IT-2015-RemJ #design #user interface- Implications for Design of Personal Mobility Devices with Balance-Based Natural User Interfaces (AR, SGJ), pp. 363–375.
HCI-UC-2015-FrauCT #mobile #predict #probability #prototype #visualisation- Graphic Visualization of Probabilistic Traffic/Trajectory Predictions in Mobile Applications. A First Prototype and Evaluations for General Aviation Purposes (GF, FDC, DT), pp. 154–164.
HCI-UC-2015-HessBFHKMNRLT #approach #ecosystem #mobile- Building Mobile Software Ecosystems — A Practical Approach (SH, SB, JF, MH, FK, DM, MN, DR, TL, MT), pp. 165–177.
HIMI-IKC-2015-Bretschneider-Hagemes #development #low cost #mobile #multi #question #simulation- Development of a New Low Cost Driving Simulation for Assessing Multidimensional Task Loads Caused by Mobile ICT at Drivers’ Workplaces. — Objective-Fidelity Beats Equipment-Fidelity? (MBH), pp. 173–179.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ZengCLSHC #framework #mobile #query- Scene Feature Recognition-Enabled Framework for Mobile Service Information Query System (YCZ, YHC, TYL, MJS, PYH, GLC), pp. 64–74.
HIMI-IKD-2015-ZhangA #game studies #mobile #research- The Research of the Influence of Customer Perceived Value to Customer Satisfaction in Mobile Games (KZ, YA), pp. 678–687.
HIMI-IKD-2015-ZhangNZC #how #library #mobile- Search in One’s Hand: How Users Search a Mobile Library Catalog (TZ, XN, LZ, HlC), pp. 247–257.
LCT-2015-HiramatsuIISS #case study #communication #mobile #using- A Study to Activate Communication by Using SNS on Mobile Phone — An Essay Lesson at the Elementary School (YH, AI, KI, FS, FS), pp. 492–502.
LCT-2015-KlemkeKLS #education #game studies #learning #mobile #multi- Transferring an Educational Board Game to a Multi-user Mobile Learning Game to Increase Shared Situational Awareness (RK, SK, HL, MS), pp. 583–594.
LCT-2015-LiC #collaboration #design #interface #mobile- An Exploration of Mobile Collaborative Writing Interface Design (ML, YMC), pp. 97–105.
LCT-2015-PyperLWJ #mobile #personalisation- The Potential Use of the Flexilevel Test in Providing Personalised Mobile E-Assessments (AP, ML, PW, AJ), pp. 271–278.
LCT-2015-SalazarOD #adaptation #education #mobile #multi #personalisation #ubiquitous #using- Adaptive and Personalized Educational Ubiquitous Multi-Agent System Using Context-Awareness Services and Mobile Devices (OMS, DAO, NDD), pp. 301–312.
LCT-2015-Sirisaengtaksin #approach #design #education #mobile #online #recommendation #research- A Notification and Recommender Mobile App for Educational Online Discussion: A Design Research Approach (KS, LO, NA), pp. 325–336.
SCSM-2015-FilhoPV15a #chat #mobile- Enabling Continuous Emotional Status Display in Mobile Text Chat (JFF, WP, TV), pp. 12–19.
SCSM-2015-NguyenJP #design #framework #mobile #perspective #self #social- Designing a Social Mobile Platform for Diabetes Self-management: A Theory-Driven Perspective (HDN, XJ, DCCP), pp. 67–77.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Castanon-PugaSG #algorithm #data mining #fuzzy #logic #mining #mobile #using- Hybrid-Intelligent Mobile Indoor Location Using Wi-Fi Signals — Location Method Using Data Mining Algorithms and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (MCP, ASC, CGP, GLS, MFP, EAT), pp. 609–615.
ICEIS-v2-2015-CavallariAT #aspect-oriented #mobile- Organisational Aspects and Anatomy of an Attack on NFC/HCE Mobile Payment Systems (MC, LA, FT), pp. 685–700.
ICEIS-v3-2015-GhezziCRB #agile #approach #case study #comparative #design #mobile #performance- A Comparative Study on the Impact of Business Model Design & Lean Startup Approach versus Traditional Business Plan on Mobile Startups Performance (AG, AC, AR, RB), pp. 196–203.
ICEIS-v3-2015-NicastroPAMBT #approach #case study #guidelines #interface #mobile- A Semiotic-informed Approach to Interface Guidelines for Mobile Applications — A Case Study on Phenology Data Acquisition (FN, RP, BA, LPCM, CB, RdST), pp. 34–43.
ICEIS-v3-2015-RosaZ #mobile #network #privacy #social- Location-sharing Model in Mobile Social Networks with Privacy Guarantee (TAR, SDZ), pp. 44–54.
ECIR-2015-RavariMGCR #behaviour #mobile- User Behavior in Location Search on Mobile Devices (YNR, IM, AG, MC, MdR), pp. 728–733.
ECIR-2015-SchlottererSLG #mobile #retrieval- From Context-Aware to Context-Based: Mobile Just-In-Time Retrieval of Cultural Heritage Objects (JS, CS, WL, MG), pp. 805–808.
KDD-2015-WangYLXXCR #predict #using- Regularity and Conformity: Location Prediction Using Heterogeneous Mobility Data (YW, NJY, DL, LX, XX, EC, YR), pp. 1275–1284.
KDD-2015-ZhuPCZZ #modelling #network #social- Modeling User Mobility for Location Promotion in Location-based Social Networks (WYZ, WCP, LJC, KZ, XZ), pp. 1573–1582.
SEKE-2015-BritoSSS #integration #mobile #testing- Integration testing criteria for mobile robotic systems (MASB, MS, PSLS, SRSS), pp. 182–187.
SEKE-2015-ZhangGAU #analysis #mobile- Test Model and Coverage Analysis for Location-based Mobile Services (TZ, JG, OEKA, TU), pp. 80–86.
SEKE-2015-ZouCH #impact analysis #mobile #topic #user interface- Topic Matching Based Change Impact Analysis from Feature on User Interface of Mobile Apps (QZ, XC, YH), pp. 477–482.
SIGIR-2015-Liu #mobile- WeChat Search & Headline: Sogou Joins Force with Tencent on Mobile Search (CL), p. 1079.
SIGIR-2015-ParkLZW #mobile #retrieval- Leveraging User Reviews to Improve Accuracy for Mobile App Retrieval (DHP, ML, CZ, HW), pp. 533–542.
SAC-2015-BerardiEF0 #classification #mobile #multi- Multi-store metadata-based supervised mobile app classification (GB, AE, TF, FS), pp. 585–588.
SAC-2015-BergentiCG #framework #game studies #mobile #scalability #social- A scalable platform for mobile social gaming (FB, GC, DG), pp. 2239–2244.
SAC-2015-DAvanzoFGS #estimation #functional #metric #mobile- COSMIC functional measurement of mobile applications and code size estimation (LD, FF, CG, PS), pp. 1631–1636.
SAC-2015-GomesB #integration #mobile #network- Feasibility of information-centric networking integration into LTE mobile networks (AG, TB), pp. 627–633.
SAC-2015-GuetmiMIB #collaboration #editing #in the cloud #mobile- Mobile collaboration: a collaborative editing service in the cloud (NG, MDM, AI, LB), pp. 509–512.
SAC-2015-LiZL #mobile #network #personalisation #social- Integrating mobile sensing and social network for personalized health-care application (HL, QZ, KL), pp. 527–534.
SAC-2015-NaqviMRPHB #artificial reality #deployment #mobile- To cloud or not to cloud: a context-aware deployment perspective of augmented reality mobile applications (NZN, KM, AR, DP, DH, YB), pp. 555–562.
SAC-2015-ShahzadJKKKH #execution #in the cloud #mobile- Application-level task execution issues in mobile cloud computing (AS, HJ, PK, HK, BKK, JH), pp. 2285–2287.
SAC-2015-SilvaMFM #evaluation #metric #mobile- A scheduler for mobile cloud based on weighted metrics and dynamic context evaluation (FAS, PRMM, GF, RRMM), pp. 569–576.
SAC-2015-TsengHT #distributed #framework #javascript #migration #mobile #web- Migratom.js: a JavaScript migration framework for distributed web computing and mobile devices (TLT, SHH, CHT), pp. 798–801.
SAC-2015-VieiraHH #mobile #testing- A context simulator as testing support for mobile apps (VV, KH, MH), pp. 535–541.
ESEC-FSE-2015-LiTH #energy #mobile #named #web- Nyx: a display energy optimizer for mobile web apps (DL, AHT, WGJH), pp. 958–961.
ICSE-v1-2015-GuiMNH #developer #mobile- Truth in Advertising: The Hidden Cost of Mobile Ads for Software Developers (JG, SM, MN, WGJH), pp. 100–110.
ICSE-v1-2015-YangXALXE #behaviour #mobile #named #using- AppContext: Differentiating Malicious and Benign Mobile App Behaviors Using Context (WY, XX, BA, SL, TX, WE), pp. 303–313.
ICSE-v2-2015-BaresiGGMAA #interactive #middleware #mobile #named #proximity #social- SPF: A Middleware for Social Interaction in Mobile Proximity Environments (LB, LWG, SG, VPLM, JA, DA), pp. 79–88.
ICSE-v2-2015-BarnettVG #development #mobile- Bootstrapping Mobile App Development (SB, RV, JG), pp. 657–660.
ICSE-v2-2015-Beyer #api #developer #mobile #named #recommendation- DIETs: Recommender Systems for Mobile API Developers (SB), pp. 859–862.
ICSE-v2-2015-JagemarD #challenge #mobile #ubiquitous- Cognitively Sustainable ICT with Ubiquitous Mobile Services — Challenges and Opportunities (MJ, GDC), pp. 531–540.
HPCA-2015-ZhuHR #energy #mobile #scheduling #web- Event-based scheduling for energy-efficient QoS (eQoS) in mobile Web applications (YZ, MH, VJR), pp. 137–149.
ISMM-2015-KimKKJ #memory management #mobile #physics- Controlling physical memory fragmentation in mobile systems (SHK, SK, JSK, JJ), pp. 1–14.
ICST-2015-SantosC #agile #challenge #industrial #mobile #testing #using- Mobile Testing in Software Industry Using Agile: Challenges and Opportunities (AS, IC), pp. 1–2.
VMCAI-2015-CortesiFPT #mobile #policy #privacy #semantics #verification- Datacentric Semantics for Verification of Privacy Policy Compliance by Mobile Applications (AC, PF, MP, OT), pp. 61–79.
CASE-2014-ChangL #mobile #multi- Inverse observation model and multiple hypothesis tracking for indoor mobile robots (FMC, FLL), pp. 1200–1205.
CASE-2014-CunninghamKSWKBW #mobile #named- Jamster: A mobile dual-arm assistive robot with Jamboxx control (AC, WKH, US, DW, DK, JB, JTW), pp. 509–514.
CASE-2014-LyuYCCC #development #monitoring- Development of robotic walking-aid system with mobility assistance and remote monitoring (SRL, WTY, YSC, HHC, YLC), pp. 830–835.
DAC-2014-KimJC #energy #mobile- Content-centric Display Energy Management for Mobile Devices (DK, NJ, HC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LinKH #mobile #power management- Catch Your Attention: Quality-retaining Power Saving on Mobile OLED Displays (CHL, CKK, PCH), p. 6.
DAC-2014-PathaniaJPM #3d #cpu #game studies #gpu #mobile #power management- Integrated CPU-GPU Power Management for 3D Mobile Games (AP, QJ, AP, TM), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SarmaVD #distributed #middleware #mobile #perspective- Sense-making from Distributed and Mobile Sensing Data: A Middleware Perspective (SS, NV, ND), p. 6.
DAC-2014-TsengHPK #energy #manycore #mobile #scheduling- User-Centric Energy-Efficient Scheduling on Multi-Core Mobile Devices (PHT, PCH, CCP, TWK), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WietfeldID #mobile #performance- Resource Efficient Mobile Communications for Crowd-Sensing (CW, CI, BD), p. 6.
DATE-2014-BournoutianO #framework #mobile #optimisation- On-device objective-C application optimization framework for high-performance mobile processors (GB, AO), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-MercatiBPRB #android #mobile #reliability- A Linux-governor based Dynamic Reliability Manager for android mobile devices (PM, AB, FP, TSR, LB), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-PaternaZR #component #mobile- Ambient variation-tolerant and inter components aware thermal management for mobile system on chips (FP, JZ, TSR), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ShenCQ #mobile #probability- Battery aware stochastic QoS boosting in mobile computing devices (HS, QC, QQ), pp. 1–4.
VLDB-2014-YuanDZLNHWDY #distributed #mobile #named #scalability- OceanST: A Distributed Analytic System for Large-Scale Spatiotemporal Mobile Broadband Data (MY, KD, JZ, YL, BN, XH, FW, WD, QY), pp. 1561–1564.
ITiCSE-2014-ChenD #development #education #mobile- A teaching model for development of sensor-driven mobile applications (HC, KD), pp. 147–152.
ITiCSE-2014-GuoBQLH #assurance #education #security- Enhancing the information assurance and security (IAS) in CS education with mobile-device based hands-on labs (MG, PB, KQ, CTDL, XH), p. 343.
ITiCSE-2014-Kurkovsky #mobile- Interdisciplinary connections in a mobile computing and robotics course (SK), pp. 309–314.
ITiCSE-2014-SungS #development #mobile- Mobile application development classes for the mobile era (KS, AS), pp. 141–146.
WRLA-2014-LiuOM #ad hoc #framework #maude #mobile #network #realtime- A Framework for Mobile Ad hoc Networks in Real-Time Maude (SL, PCÖ, JM), pp. 162–177.
ICPC-2014-VasquezKMSPG #anti #java #matter #metric #mobile- Domain matters: bringing further evidence of the relationships among anti-patterns, application domains, and quality-related metrics in Java mobile apps (MLV, SK, CM, AS, DP, YGG), pp. 232–243.
MSR-2014-TiarksM #development #how #mobile #question #tutorial- How does a typical tutorial for mobile development look like? (RT, WM), pp. 272–281.
PLDI-2014-HsiaoPYPNCKF #concurrent #detection #mobile- Race detection for event-driven mobile applications (CHH, CP, JY, GP, SN, PMC, ZK, JF), p. 35.
ICALP-v2-2014-ChalopinJMW #energy #mobile- Data Delivery by Energy-Constrained Mobile Agents on a Line (JC, RJ, MM, PW), pp. 423–434.
ILC-2014-Castro-Castilla #development #mobile #multi- Multiplatform and Mobile App Development in Scheme with Gambit/SchemeSpheres (ÁCC), p. 4.
CHI-2014-AdamsBG #health #mobile #social- Staccato social support in mobile health applications (PA, EPSB, GG), pp. 653–662.
CHI-2014-AthukoralaLKJOTJ #behaviour #how #mobile- How carat affects user behavior: implications for mobile battery awareness applications (KA, EL, MvK, AJ, AJO, ST, GJ), pp. 1029–1038.
CHI-2014-Bergstrom-LehtovirtaO #functional #mobile #modelling- Modeling the functional area of the thumb on mobile touchscreen surfaces (JBL, AO), pp. 1991–2000.
CHI-2014-CairnsLWN #game studies #mobile- The influence of controllers on immersion in mobile games (PC, JL, WW, AIN), pp. 371–380.
CHI-2014-CarringtonHK #design #mobile #smarttech- Wearables and chairables: inclusive design of mobile input and output techniques for power wheelchair users (PC, AH, SKK), pp. 3103–3112.
CHI-2014-DimitriadisA #effectiveness #mobile #physics- Evaluating the effectiveness of physical shape-change for in-pocket mobile device notifications (PD, JA), pp. 2589–2592.
CHI-2014-GocTIK #3d #interactive #low cost #mobile- A low-cost transparent electric field sensor for 3d interaction on mobile devices (MLG, ST, SI, CK), pp. 3167–3170.
CHI-2014-HakkilaPSAGS #3d #exclamation #interactive #mobile- Let me catch this!: experiencing interactive 3D cinema through collecting content with a mobile phone (JH, MP, SS, FA, KG, AS), pp. 1011–1020.
CHI-2014-HellerKB #artificial reality #metric #mobile- Simplifying orientation measurement for mobile audio augmented reality applications (FH, AK, JOB), pp. 615–624.
CHI-2014-JacobsCM #mobile- My journey compass: a preliminary investigation of a mobile tool for cancer patients (MLJ, JC, EDM), pp. 663–672.
CHI-2014-KangasARIMR #feedback #gesture #mobile- Gaze gestures and haptic feedback in mobile devices (JK, DA, JR, PI, PM, RR), pp. 435–438.
CHI-2014-MeschtscherjakovWT #mobile- Mobile attachment causes and consequences for emotional bonding with mobile phones (AM, DW, MT), pp. 2317–2326.
CHI-2014-MeurerSRRW #dependence #mobile #social- Social dependency and mobile autonomy: supporting older adults’ mobility with ridesharing ict (JM, MS, DR, MR, VW), pp. 1923–1932.
CHI-2014-NgBW #interactive #mobile- Investigating the effects of encumbrance on one- and two- handed interactions with mobile devices (AN, SAB, JHW), pp. 1981–1990.
CHI-2014-OKaneRB #mobile- Gaining empathy for non-routine mobile device use through autoethnography (AAO, YR, AEB), pp. 987–990.
CHI-2014-ParkPN #communication #mobile #named- Wrigglo: shape-changing peripheral for interpersonal mobile communication (JP, YP, TJN), pp. 3973–3976.
CHI-2014-PielotOKO #mobile #predict- Didn’t you see my message?: predicting attentiveness to mobile instant messages (MP, RdO, HK, NO), pp. 3319–3328.
CHI-2014-ProcykNPTJ #chat #distance #mobile #streaming #using #video- Exploring video streaming in public settings: shared geocaching over distance using mobile video chat (JP, CN, CP, AT, TKJ), pp. 2163–2172.
CHI-2014-RaeMT- Bodies in motion: mobility, presence, and task awareness in telepresence (IR, BM, LT), pp. 2153–2162.
CHI-2014-RamakersSL #mobile #named #physics- Paddle: highly deformable mobile devices with physical controls (RR, JS, KL), pp. 2569–2578.
CHI-2014-RenLL #mobile #named- InkAnchor: enhancing informal ink-based note taking on touchscreen mobile phones (YR, YL, EL), pp. 1123–1132.
CHI-2014-ShiraziHDPWS #assessment #mobile #scalability- Large-scale assessment of mobile notifications (ASS, NH, TD, MP, DW, AS), pp. 3055–3064.
CHI-2014-ShklovskiMSB #mobile #privacy- Leakiness and creepiness in app space: perceptions of privacy and mobile app use (IS, SDM, HHS, HB), pp. 2347–2356.
CHI-2014-Smith-ClarkeMC #communication #mobile #network #using- Poverty on the cheap: estimating poverty maps using aggregated mobile communication networks (CSC, AJM, LC), pp. 511–520.
CHI-2014-SpindlerSMD #mobile- Pinch-drag-flick vs. spatial input: rethinking zoom & pan on mobile displays (MS, MS, MM, RD), pp. 1113–1122.
CHI-2014-WeigelMS #comprehension #how #mobile #people- More than touch: understanding how people use skin as an input surface for mobile computing (MW, VM, JS), pp. 179–188.
CHI-2014-WeirPRVK #mobile #nondeterminism- Uncertain text entry on mobile devices (DW, HP, SR, KV, POK), pp. 2307–2316.
CHI-2014-WinklerLDKR #interactive #mobile #multi #named- SurfacePhone: a mobile projection device for single- and multiuser everywhere tabletop interaction (CW, ML, DD, AK, ER), pp. 3513–3522.
CHI-2014-WinklerSDR #constant #mobile #pervasive- Pervasive information through constant personal projection: the ambient mobile pervasive display (AMP-D) (CW, JS, DD, ER), pp. 4117–4126.
CHI-2014-YeMOF #mobile #people #smarttech #visual notation- Current and future mobile and wearable device use by people with visual impairments (HY, MM, UO, LF), pp. 3123–3132.
CHI-2014-YurutenZP #mobile #predict #process- Predictors of life satisfaction based on daily activities from mobile sensor data (OY, JZ, PHZP), pp. 497–500.
CHI-2014-ZhangWKGS #mobile #security #towards- Effects of security warnings and instant gratification cues on attitudes toward mobile websites (BZ, MW, HK, EG, SSS), pp. 111–114.
CSCW-2014-HanSRC #community #mobile- Enhancing community awareness of and participation in local heritage with a mobile application (KH, PCS, MBR, JMC), pp. 1144–1155.
CSCW-2014-HwangYHYLMKS #mobile #named- TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay (IH, CY, CH, DY, YL, CM, JK, JS), pp. 1283–1296.
CSCW-2014-TeodoroONML #case study #experience #mobile #on-demand- The motivations and experiences of the on-demand mobile workforce (RT, PÖ, MN, WM, JL), pp. 236–247.
CSCW-2014-WhitePA #online #self- Digital mobilization in disaster response: the work & self-organization of on-line pet advocates in response to hurricane sandy (JW, LP, KMA), pp. 866–876.
CSCW-2014-XiaLSLDG #approach #mobile #replication- A partial replication approach for anywhere anytime mobile commenting (HX, TL, BS, GL, XD, NG), pp. 530–541.
DHM-2014-Harriehausen-Muhlabauter #mobile #navigation- Mobile Navigation for Limited Mobility Users (BHM), pp. 535–545.
DHM-2014-MirandaRV #analysis #development #memory management #mobile #testing- Analysis of Luria Memory Tests for Development on Mobile Devices (JAHM, EHR, AMV), pp. 546–557.
DUXU-DI-2014-AsciR #case study #comparative #mobile #user interface- Left vs. Right-Handed UX: A Comparative User Study on a Mobile Application with Left and Right-Handed Users (SA, KR), pp. 173–183.
DUXU-DI-2014-ChammasQM #analysis #design #interactive- An Analysis of Design Methodologies of Interactive System for Mobiles (AC, MQ, CRM), pp. 213–222.
DUXU-DI-2014-EschrichKKHG #mobile #using- Controlling Light Environments Using Segmented Light Sources and Mobile Devices (BE, DK, KK, JH, RG), pp. 533–540.
DUXU-DI-2014-GencerBZV #detection #machine learning #mobile- Detection of Churned and Retained Users with Machine Learning Methods for Mobile Applications (MG, GB, ÖZ, TV), pp. 234–245.
DUXU-DI-2014-GomezF #experience #mobile #user interface- Territorial Brand Graphic Interface Management in Mobile Applications Focused on User Experience (LSRG, VCF), pp. 323–333.
DUXU-DI-2014-HeiskalaPVHM #framework #information management #mobile #research- A Research Framework for the Smartphone-Based Contextual Study of Mobile Knowledge Work (MH, EP, MV, KH, HM), pp. 246–257.
DUXU-DI-2014-LeiXCLCZLG #gesture #human-computer #mobile #named- Gestures: The Reformer of the User’s Mental Model in Mobile HCI (TL, LX, KC, XL, YC, QZ, DL, SG), pp. 586–597.
DUXU-DI-2014-Marcus #behaviour #mobile- The Happiness Machine: Mobile Behavior Change (AM), pp. 258–268.
DUXU-DI-2014-MuukkonenHLV #mobile #process- Tracking Mobile Workers’ Daily Activities with the Contextual Activity Sampling System (HM, KH, SL, MV), pp. 289–300.
DUXU-DI-2014-OrlandiniCB #evaluation #interface #mobile #usability- Ergonomics and Usability in Sound Dimension: Evaluation of a Haptic and Acoustic Interface Application for Mobile Devices (GO, GAC, LMPB), pp. 193–202.
DUXU-DI-2014-PalomakiHVH #bibliography #mobile #perspective #process- Methods to Study Everyday Activities in a Mobile Work Context — A Literature Overview (EP, KH, MV, MH), pp. 301–312.
DUXU-DI-2014-PaulaMA #design #experience #mobile #quality #usability #user interface- Building a Quality Mobile Application: A User-Centered Study Focusing on Design Thinking, User Experience and Usability (DFOdP, BHXMM, CCA), pp. 313–322.
DUXU-DI-2014-ViverosRC #equivalence #mobile #navigation- Equivalence of Navigation Widgets for Mobile Platforms (AMV, EHR, DEVC), pp. 269–278.
DUXU-DP-2014-Darvishy #mobile- Accessibility of Mobile Platforms (AD), pp. 133–140.
DUXU-DP-2014-SpillersA #experience #health #mobile #motivation #social #user interface- Does Social User Experience Improve Motivation for Runners? — A Diary Study Comparing Mobile Health Applications (FS, SA), pp. 358–369.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-HammerschmidtS #interactive #mobile- Reading Digital Medicine Leaflets in Mobile Devices an Interactive Study Conducted in Brazil (CH, CGS), pp. 34–43.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-KamiyaKASNMF #design #using- Timeaxis Design of a Service System Growing Values of Mobility Using the M-V Model (KK, AK, JA, KS, HN, YM, SF), pp. 281–292.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-ShalashAAASA #mobile- A Mobile Application for Controlling Domestic Gas Cylinders Remotely (WMS, SAB, NAQ, MAM, BS, AA), pp. 347–356.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-WoldmariamGAG #design #mobile- Mobile Money System Design for Illiterate Users in Rural Ethiopia (MFW, GG, SA, TMG), pp. 482–491.
DUXU-TMT-2014-Al-RazganAA #heuristic #mobile #people #usability- Heuristics for Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Launchers for Elderly People (MSAR, HSAK, MDAS), pp. 415–424.
DUXU-TMT-2014-Beul-LeusmannSWKJZ #evaluation #information management #mobile #usability- Usability Evaluation of Mobile Passenger Information Systems (SBL, CS, MW, KHK, EMJ, MZ), pp. 217–228.
DUXU-TMT-2014-HastreiterKSW #collaboration #mobile #prototype #user interface- Developing UX for Collaborative Mobile Prototyping (IH, SK, TS, CW), pp. 104–114.
DUXU-TMT-2014-JoyceL #development #heuristic #mobile #smarttech #towards #usability- Towards the Development of Usability Heuristics for Native Smartphone Mobile Applications (GJ, ML), pp. 465–474.
DUXU-TMT-2014-KojoHV #mobile #self #testing- Customer Journey Mapping of an Experience-Centric Service by Mobile Self-reporting: Testing the Qualiwall Tool (IK, MH, JPV), pp. 261–272.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SakamotoM #elicitation #interactive #mobile #named #perspective #requirements- M4REMAIP: Method for Requirements Elicitation Based on Mobile Applications under an Interaction Perspective (SGS, LCdM), pp. 74–85.
HCI-AIMT-2014-HumayounRHE #gesture #interactive #mobile #multi #web- Adding Multi-Touch Gesture Interaction in Mobile Web Applications (SRH, FAR, SH, AE), pp. 48–57.
HCI-AIMT-2014-TsurudaHYI #mobile #using- Emotion Transmission System Using a Cellular Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector (YT, MH, HY, YI), pp. 707–714.
HCI-AS-2014-CharfiEK #evaluation #mobile #user interface #visual notation- Evaluation Based Graphical Controls: A Contribution to Mobile User Interface Early Evaluation (SC, HE, CK), pp. 114–123.
HCI-AS-2014-DutzHKGS #game studies #mobile #user interface- User Interfaces of Mobile Exergames (TD, SH, MK, SG, RS), pp. 244–255.
HCI-AS-2014-FacanhaVPCS #mobile #people #visual notation- Touchscreen Mobile Phones Virtual Keyboarding for People with Visual Disabilities (ARF, WV, MCP, MdBC, JS), pp. 134–145.
HCI-AS-2014-HimmelZWZ #challenge #design #energy- The Youth of Today Designing the Smart City of Tomorrow — Challenges to Future Mobility, Energy, and City Climate (SH, BSZ, WW, MZ), pp. 389–400.
HCI-AS-2014-JeonCY #case study #mobile- Developing a Location-Aware Mobile Guide System for GLAMs Based on TAPIR Sound Tag: A Case Study of the Lee Ungno Museum (JJ, GC, WSY), pp. 425–433.
HCI-AS-2014-KellerPBS #adaptation #mobile #semantics- An Adaptive Semantic Mobile Application for Individual Touristic Exploration (CK, RP, SB, TS), pp. 434–443.
HCI-AS-2014-Lopez-OrnelasAZ #recommendation- A Geo-collaborative Recommendation Tool to Help Urban Mobility (ÉLO, RAM, JSZH), pp. 466–472.
HCI-AS-2014-MaguireT #comparison #mobile- Comparison Test of Website Use with Mobile Phone and Laptop Computer (MM, MT), pp. 146–154.
HCI-AS-2014-OchoaMOHB #comprehension #interactive #mobile- Understanding the Interaction Support for Mobile Work in an Emergency Room (SFO, AM, NO, RH, JB), pp. 312–322.
HCI-AS-2014-Phillips #mobile- Mobile Users Are More Vigilant Than Situated Users (MGP), pp. 166–177.
HCI-AS-2014-SalgadoF #evaluation #heuristic #mobile #usability- Heuristic Evaluation of Mobile Usability: A Mapping Study (AdLS, APF), pp. 178–188.
HCI-AS-2014-Stopka #identification #mobile #requirements- Identification of User Requirements for Mobile Applications to Support Door-to-Door Mobility in Public Transport (US), pp. 513–524.
HCI-AS-2014-WienkenMHK- Model of Mobility Oriented Agenda Planning (TW, CM, SH, HK), pp. 537–544.
HCI-AS-2014-YoungCGC #metric #mobile #performance #physics #process- Snappy App: A Mobile Continuous Performance Test with Physical Activity Measurement for Assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ZY, MPC, MG, JC), pp. 363–373.
HCI-AS-2014-ZhouXDC #future of #interactive #interface #mobile #past present future- Where Is Mobile Projection Interaction Going? The Past, Present and Future of the Mobile Projected Interface (YZ, TX, BD, RC), pp. 189–198.
HCI-TMT-2014-MartinSPK #mobile #set- HCI-Patterns for Developing Mobile Apps and Digital Video-Assist-Technology for the Film Set (CM, AS, BP, AK), pp. 320–330.
HIMI-AS-2014-IizukaG #mobile #using- Basic Study on Personal Space while Using Mobile Devices in Public (SI, KG), pp. 404–412.
HIMI-DE-2014-MatsuyamaNKYI #crowdsourcing #development #mobile- Development of a Mobile Application for Crowdsourcing the Data Collection of Environmental Sounds (MM, RN, HK, JY, TI), pp. 514–524.
HIMI-DE-2014-ZimmerKS #concept #mobile #visualisation- A Visualization Concept for Mobile Faceted Search (BZ, RK, TS), pp. 128–136.
LCT-TRE-2014-BraunhoferEGR #learning #mobile #recommendation- Context Dependent Preference Acquisition with Personality-Based Active Learning in Mobile Recommender Systems (MB, ME, MG, FR), pp. 105–116.
LCT-TRE-2014-Garcia-PenalvoGO #development #mobile #people #repository- Mobile Apps for Older Users — The Development of a Mobile Apps Repository for Older People (FJGP, MÁCG, VMO), pp. 117–126.
LCT-TRE-2014-MartinWH #interactive #learning #mobile- Sensor Based Interaction Mechanisms in Mobile Learning (KUM, MW, WH), pp. 165–172.
LCT-TRE-2014-MorrealeGCHLLSB #design #integration #mobile #visual notation- Visual and Spatial Data Integration in Mobile Application Design (PM, AG, DC, SH, JL, NL, CS, JB), pp. 173–181.
LCT-TRE-2014-RouillardSDC #agile #game studies #mobile #prototype- Rapid Prototyping for Mobile Serious Games (JR, AS, BD, RC), pp. 194–205.
SCSM-2014-AhangamaLKP #analysis #mobile #monitoring- Revolutionizing Mobile Healthcare Monitoring Technology: Analysis of Features through Task Model (SA, YSL, SYK, DCCP), pp. 298–305.
SCSM-2014-AlvesMA #gamification #guidelines #mobile #network #social- Guidelines for the Gamification in Mobile Social Networks (FPA, CM, JCA), pp. 559–570.
SCSM-2014-BrockmannSL #mobile #taxonomy- Taxonomy of Enterprise-Related Mobile Applications (TB, SS, CL), pp. 37–47.
SCSM-2014-KamalNB #communication #distributed #mobile #product line #quote- “Presence in Absence”: Distributed Family Communication Practices for Familial Bonding via Mobile Communication Technology (FMK, NLMN, HB), pp. 474–485.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KannistoHPK #architecture #assessment #distributed #information management #mobile #performance #reasoning #rule-based- Distributed Knowledge Management Architecture and Rule Based Reasoning for Mobile Machine Operator Performance Assessment (PK, DH, LP, SK), pp. 440–449.
ICEIS-v1-2014-Malgorzata #algorithm #mobile #search-based- The Use of Genetic Algorithms in Mobile Applications (MPW), pp. 520–525.
ICEIS-v1-2014-MamcenkoG #mobile #predict #using- Customer Churn Prediction in Mobile Operator Using Combined Model (JM, JG), pp. 233–240.
ICEIS-v1-2014-Rios-AguilarLP #behaviour #information management #mobile #monitoring #using- Business Information System for the Control of Workforce Through Behaviour Monitoring Using Reactive and Terminal-based Mobile Location Technologies (SRA, FJLM, APS), pp. 30–38.
ICEIS-v2-2014-Hogler #evaluation #mobile #research- A Research Agenda for Mobile Systems Evaluation (TH), pp. 454–459.
ICEIS-v2-2014-HoosGKM #analysis #framework #identification #mobile #process- Improving Business Processes Through Mobile Apps — An Analysis Framework to Identify Value-added App Usage Scenarios (EH, CG, SK, BM), pp. 71–82.
CIKM-2014-YangQ #image #mobile #retrieval #scalability #verification- Spatial Verification for Scalable Mobile Image Retrieval (XY, XQ), pp. 1903–1906.
ICPR-2014-ChenDGYP #interactive #mobile- Stereovision-Only Based Interactive Mobile Robot for Human-Robot Face-to-Face Interaction (LC, ZD, SG, BY, MP), pp. 1840–1845.
ICPR-2014-FrucciGNRB #detection #mobile #named- IDEM: Iris DEtection on Mobile Devices (MF, CG, MN, DR, GSdB), pp. 1752–1757.
ICPR-2014-SinghCVJ #mobile #recognition- Currency Recognition on Mobile Phones (SS, SC, KV, CVJ), pp. 2661–2666.
KDD-2014-DongYTYC #mobile #network #social- Inferring user demographics and social strategies in mobile social networks (YD, YY, JT, YY, NVC), pp. 15–24.
KDD-2014-SongZSS #behaviour #predict #scalability- Prediction of human emergency behavior and their mobility following large-scale disaster (XS, QZ, YS, RS), pp. 5–14.
KDD-2014-ZhuXGC #mobile #privacy #recommendation #security- Mobile app recommendations with security and privacy awareness (HZ, HX, YG, EC), pp. 951–960.
KDIR-2014-UtkuA #mobile #recommendation- A Mobile Location-Aware Recommendation System (SU, CEA), pp. 176–183.
KEOD-2014-KruppS0 #mobile #ontology #policy #privacy #security- An Ontology for Enforcing Security and Privacy Policies on Mobile Devices (BK, NS, WZ), pp. 288–295.
RecSys-2014-GarcinGF #mobile #named #personalisation- Focal: a personalized mobile news reader (FG, FG, BF), pp. 369–370.
SEKE-2014-ChenX #automation #consistency #mobile #towards #web- Towards Automatic Consistency Checking between Web Application and its Mobile Application (XC, ZX), pp. 53–58.
SEKE-2014-FuadD #design #development #interactive #mobile #problem- Design and Development of a Mobile Classroom Response Software for Interactive Problem Solving (MMF, DD), pp. 49–52.
SEKE-2014-JuniorFJB #learning #mobile #product line #towards- Towards the Establishment of a Software Product Line for Mobile Learning Applications (VFJ, NFDF, EAdOJ, EFB), pp. 678–683.
SEKE-2014-SouzaA #estimation #mobile- Mobile Applications: The Paradox of Software Estimation (LSdS, GSdAJ), pp. 59–62.
SIGIR-2014-ArkhipovaG #mobile #performance #web- Evaluating mobile web search performance by taking good abandonment into account (OA, LG), pp. 1043–1046.
SIGIR-2014-LagunHWN #metric #mobile #towards- Towards better measurement of attention and satisfaction in mobile search (DL, CHH, DW, VN), pp. 113–122.
SIGIR-2014-ShokouhiJORD #mobile #query- Mobile query reformulations (MS, RJ, UO, KR, FD), pp. 1011–1014.
MoDELS-2014-VaupelTHSGG #development #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Applications Allowing Role-Driven Variants (SV, GT, JPH, RS, RG, MG), pp. 1–17.
MoDELS-2014-VaupelTHSGG #development #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Applications Allowing Role-Driven Variants (SV, GT, JPH, RS, RG, MG), pp. 1–17.
RE-2014-BruunHIJK #distributed #mobile #requirements- Handling design-level requirements across distributed teams: Developing a new feature for 12 Danish mobile banking apps (LB, MBH, JBI, JBJ, BK), pp. 335–343.
SAC-2014-A #authentication #health #mobile #network #privacy #research #student- Student research abstract: a privacy-preserving profile matching based authentication system for mobile health networks (DHA), pp. 196–197.
SAC-2014-AlharbiZ #predict #social- Exploring the significance of human mobility patterns in social link prediction (BA, XZ), pp. 604–609.
SAC-2014-AlnajemZ #evaluation #mobile- A copula-based risk evaluation method (C-REM) in a corporate mobile banking context (AAIA, NZ), pp. 1455–1462.
SAC-2014-ChangCHKL #analysis #behaviour #mobile- Application behavior analysis in resource consumption for mobile devices (SWC, SWC, PCH, TWK, CWL), pp. 1469–1474.
SAC-2014-CimanGG #animation #case study #development #mobile- Cross-platform mobile development: a study on apps with animations (MC, OG, NG), pp. 757–759.
SAC-2014-DaDR #middleware #mobile #named- Kalimucho: middleware for mobile applications (KD, MD, PR), pp. 413–419.
SAC-2014-Fernandez-MarquezSSYDZ #approach #mobile #self- Self-managing and self-organising mobile computing applications: a separation of concerns approach (JLFM, GDMS, GS, JY, SD, FZ), pp. 458–465.
SAC-2014-GriebeG #approach #automation #mobile #modelling #testing- A model-based approach to test automation for context-aware mobile applications (TG, VG), pp. 420–427.
SAC-2014-HongHKK #mobile #music #recommendation #smarttech- Context-aware music recommendation in mobile smart devices (JH, WSH, JHK, SWK), pp. 1463–1468.
SAC-2014-KimK #community #detection #mobile #network #social- A detection of overlapping community in mobile social network (PK, SK), pp. 175–179.
SAC-2014-LiuCM #ad hoc #approach #composition #mobile #network- A low-latency service composition approach in mobile ad hoc networks (CL, JC, FLM), pp. 509–511.
SAC-2014-LiWL #learning #mobile #online #recognition- Online learning with mobile sensor data for user recognition (HGL, XW, ZL), pp. 64–70.
SAC-2014-MengWK #adaptation #authentication #design #mobile- Design of touch dynamics based user authentication with an adaptive mechanism on mobile phones (YM, DSW, LfK), pp. 1680–1687.
SAC-2014-PengST #case study #development #mobile #network #social- Success factors in mobile social networking application development: case study of instagram (RP, DS, WTT), pp. 1072–1079.
SAC-2014-RibeiroS #domain-specific language #mobile #named- XIS-mobile: a DSL for mobile applications (AR, ARdS), pp. 1316–1323.
SAC-2014-ZhanLS #analysis #in the cloud #mobile- A green analysis of mobile cloud computing applications (KZ, CHL, PS), pp. 357–362.
FSE-2014-BanerjeeC0R #debugging #detection #energy #mobile- Detecting energy bugs and hotspots in mobile apps (AB, LKC, SC, AR), pp. 588–598.
ICSE-2014-ChenLHXZ #developer #mining #mobile #named- AR-miner: mining informative reviews for developers from mobile app marketplace (NC, JL, SCHH, XX, BZ), pp. 767–778.
ICSE-2014-NikzadCG #development #energy #middleware #mobile #named- APE: an annotation language and middleware for energy-efficient mobile application development (NN, OC, WGG), pp. 515–526.
ICSE-2014-ThomasBPN #mobile #privacy #requirements- Distilling privacy requirements for mobile applications (KT, AKB, BAP, BN), pp. 871–882.
ASPLOS-2014-LinWZ #mobile #named #operating system- K2: a mobile operating system for heterogeneous coherence domains (FXL, ZW, LZ), pp. 285–300.
ASPLOS-2014-SantosRSW #mobile #runtime #using- Using ARM trustzone to build a trusted language runtime for mobile applications (NS, HR, SS, AW), pp. 67–80.
OSDI-2014-ZhangSAAGKL #deployment #mobile- Customizable and Extensible Deployment for Mobile/Cloud Applications (IZ, AS, DVA, IA, SDG, AK, HML), pp. 97–112.
ICST-2014-ZaeemPK #automation #generative #mobile #testing- Automated Generation of Oracles for Testing User-Interaction Features of Mobile Apps (RNZ, MRP, SK), pp. 183–192.
CBSE-2013-DruilheAPDS #component #energy #performance- Components mobility for energy efficiency of digital home (RD, MA, JP, LD, LS), pp. 153–158.
QoSA-2013-Satyanarayanan #convergence #named- Cloudlets: at the leading edge of cloud-mobile convergence (MS), pp. 1–2.
CASE-2013-HanzG #abstraction #cyber-physical #mobile- An abstraction layer for controlling heterogeneous mobile cyber-physical systems (TH, MG), pp. 117–121.
CASE-2013-LaSC #mobile #network- Cooperative and active sensing in mobile sensor networks for scalar field mapping (HML, WS, JC), pp. 831–836.
CASE-2013-VenatorLN #architecture #hardware #industrial #mobile- Hardware and software architecture of ABBY: An industrial mobile manipulator (EV, GSL, WSN), pp. 324–329.
DAC-2013-LeeH #mobile- An optimized page translation for mobile virtualization (YCL, CwH), p. 6.
DATE-2013-HankMVK #network- Automotive ethernet: in-vehicle networking and smart mobility (PH, SM, OV, JVdK), pp. 1735–1739.
DATE-2013-JohnSVK- Semiconductor technologies for smart mobility management (RJ, MS, OV, KK), pp. 1749–1752.
DATE-2013-KimJC #estimation #mobile #runtime- Runtime power estimation of mobile AMOLED displays (DK, WJ, HC), pp. 61–64.
DATE-2013-LindwerP #integration #mobile- High-performance imaging subsystems and their integration in mobile devices (ML, MRP), p. 170.
DATE-2013-MockCRB #interactive #scalability- Interactions of large scale EV mobility and virtual power plants (RM, TSC, JR, LB), pp. 1725–1729.
DATE-2013-RajovicRVGPR #case study #energy #experience #mobile #performance- Experiences with mobile processors for energy efficient HPC (NR, AR, JV, IG, NP, AR), pp. 464–468.
DATE-2013-VermesanBJHBM #architecture #ecosystem #mobile- Smart, connected and mobile: architecting future electric mobility ecosystems (OV, LCJB, RJ, PH, RB, AM), pp. 1740–1744.
DATE-2013-ZafalonCV #industrial- e-Mobility the next frontier for automotive industry (RZ, GC, OV), pp. 1745–1748.
DocEng-2013-CunhaNP #mobile #named #video- MoViA: a mobile video annotation tool (BCRC, OJMN, MdGCP), pp. 219–222.
ICDAR-2013-KunzeKYK #documentation #eye tracking #image #mobile #retrieval #using #word- The Wordometer — Estimating the Number of Words Read Using Document Image Retrieval and Mobile Eye Tracking (KK, HK, KY, KK), pp. 25–29.
SIGMOD-2013-LapeineHHG #data analysis #interactive #mobile #query- Mobile interaction and query optimizationin a protein-ligand data analysis system (ML, KGH, EH, NMG), pp. 1291–1292.
VLDB-2013-MokbelS #data transformation #network #perspective #social- Mobility and Social Networking: A Data Management Perspective (MFM, MS), pp. 1196–1197.
ITiCSE-2013-Al-SubaihinA #developer #mobile- Raising awareness of mobile widgets among developers (AAAS, HSAK), p. 337.
ITiCSE-2013-Gordon #concept #mobile #programming- Concepts for mobile programming (AJG), pp. 58–63.
ITiCSE-2013-Kurkovsky #mobile #question #why- Mobile computing and robotics in one course: why not? (SK), pp. 64–69.
ITiCSE-2013-McDonald #mobile #predict- A location prediction project on mobile devices (CM), p. 320.
ITiCSE-2013-QianYGBT #authentication #learning #mobile #network #security- Mobile device based authentic learning for computer network and security (KQ, MY, MG, PB, LT), p. 335.
ITiCSE-2013-RowanD #bibliography #learning #mobile #using- A systematic literature review on using mobile computing as a learning intervention (MR, JD), p. 339.
FASE-2013-YangPX #approach #automation #generative #mobile- A Grey-Box Approach for Automated GUI-Model Generation of Mobile Applications (WY, MRP, TX), pp. 250–265.
CSMR-2013-MinelliL #lessons learnt #mobile- Software Analytics for Mobile Applications-Insights & Lessons Learned (RM, ML), pp. 144–153.
CSMR-2013-PengABCTR #framework #named #process- MDO: Framework for Context-Aware Process Mobility in Building-Maintenance Domain (TP, GA, DB, AC, TJT, MR), pp. 449–452.
ICSM-2013-KwonT #energy #mobile- Reducing the Energy Consumption of Mobile Applications Behind the Scenes (YWK, ET), pp. 170–179.
ICSM-2013-MinelliL #framework #mobile #named #visual notation- SAMOA — A Visual Software Analytics Platform for Mobile Applications (RM, ML), pp. 476–479.
MSR-2013-IacobH #feature model #mobile #online- Retrieving and analyzing mobile apps feature requests from online reviews (CI, RH), pp. 41–44.
MSR-2013-VasquezDP #analysis #development #mobile #stack overflow #using- An exploratory analysis of mobile development issues using stack overflow (MLV, BD, DP), pp. 93–96.
CEFP-2013-Granicz #development #f# #functional #mobile #web- Functional Web and Mobile Development in F# (AG), pp. 381–406.
GT-VMT-2013-MicallefC #case study #detection #modelling #risk management #visual notation- A Case Study on Graphically Modelling and Detecting Knowledge Mobility Risks (MM, CC).
CHI-2013-BardramFSFVK #design #health #mobile- Designing mobile health technology for bipolar disorder: a field trial of the monarca system (JEB, MF, KS, MFJ, MV, LVK), pp. 2627–2636.
CHI-2013-BentleyT #behaviour #mobile #power of- The power of mobile notifications to increase wellbeing logging behavior (FB, KT), pp. 1095–1098.
CHI-2013-BirdBKMF #constraints #development #matter #mobile- A matter of life and death: practical and ethical constraints in the development of a mobile verbal autopsy tool (JB, PB, KK, PM, EF), pp. 1489–1498.
CHI-2013-BrownML #analysis #mobile #video- iPhone in vivo: video analysis of mobile device use (BATB, MM, EL), pp. 1031–1040.
CHI-2013-CassidyAR #game studies #mobile #using- Using an open card sort with children to categorize games in a mobile phone application store (BC, DSA, JCR), pp. 2287–2290.
CHI-2013-ChengLWC13a #adaptation #mobile #named- iGrasp: grasp-based adaptive keyboard for mobile devices (LPC, HSL, CYW, MYC), pp. 3037–3046.
CHI-2013-ChengLWHLLCLC13a #automation #mobile #named- IrotateGrasp: automatic screen rotation based on grasp of mobile devices (LPC, MHL, CYW, FIH, YTL, HSL, YCC, MSL, MYC), pp. 3051–3054.
CHI-2013-CuiKHG #mobile #video- Front-camera video recordings as emotion responses to mobile photos shared within close-knit groups (YC, JK, JH, GG), pp. 981–990.
CHI-2013-FuccellaIM #editing #gesture #mobile #multi #performance- Gestures and widgets: performance in text editing on multi-touch capable mobile devices (VF, PI, BM), pp. 2785–2794.
CHI-2013-GoelJMPW #mobile #named #using- ContextType: using hand posture information to improve mobile touch screen text entry (MG, AJ, TM, SNP, JOW), pp. 2795–2798.
CHI-2013-HasanAI #mobile #named- Ad-binning: leveraging around device space for storing, browsing and retrieving mobile device content (KH, DA, PI), pp. 899–908.
CHI-2013-Hincapie-RamosI #interactive #mobile #named- CrashAlert: enhancing peripheral alertness for eyes-busy mobile interaction while walking (JDHR, PI), pp. 3385–3388.
CHI-2013-JokelaL #collaboration #comparative #evaluation #interactive #mobile- A comparative evaluation of touch-based methods to bind mobile devices for collaborative interactions (TJ, AL), pp. 3355–3364.
CHI-2013-KujalaM #case study #experience #mobile #usability- Emotions, experiences and usability in real-life mobile phone use (SK, TMS), pp. 1061–1070.
CHI-2013-KumarP #music- Mobiles, music, and materiality (NK, TSP), pp. 2863–2872.
CHI-2013-KumarR #mobile- The mobile media actor-network in urban India (NK, NR), pp. 1989–1998.
CHI-2013-LawsonJGLKVRM #metric #mobile #validation- Validating a mobile phone application for the everyday, unobtrusive, objective measurement of sleep (SWL, SJP, AG, CL, EK, SV, DR, KM), pp. 2497–2506.
CHI-2013-LeeKYSG #mobile- Analyzing crowd workers in mobile pay-for-answer q&a (UL, JK, EY, JS, MG), pp. 533–542.
CHI-2013-LopesB #feedback #mobile- Muscle-propelled force feedback: bringing force feedback to mobile devices (PL, PB), pp. 2577–2580.
CHI-2013-McMillanMC #guidelines #human-computer #mobile #scalability- Categorised ethical guidelines for large scale mobile HCI (DM, AM, MC), pp. 1853–1862.
CHI-2013-MusthagG #mobile- Labor dynamics in a mobile micro-task market (MM, DG), pp. 641–650.
CHI-2013-PeceSWJWKS #mobile #named- Panoinserts: mobile spatial teleconferencing (FP, WS, FW, SJ, TW, JK, AS), pp. 1319–1328.
CHI-2013-QuZ- Regularly visited patches in human mobility (YQ, JZ), pp. 395–398.
CHI-2013-RoudautKLS #flexibility #mobile #named #self #towards- Morphees: toward high “shape resolution” in self-actuated flexible mobile devices (AR, AK, ML, SS), pp. 593–602.
CHI-2013-SaNC #animation #mobile- Mobile advertising: evaluating the effects of animation, user and content relevance (MdS, VN, EFC), pp. 2487–2496.
CHI-2013-Shirali-ShahrezaPBG #interactive #mobile- SeeSay and HearSay CAPTCHA for mobile interaction (SSS, GP, RB, YG), pp. 2147–2156.
CHI-2013-SodhiJFBM #3d #collaboration #mobile #named- BeThere: 3D mobile collaboration with spatial input (RS, BRJ, DAF, BPB, GM), pp. 179–188.
CHI-2013-WarrC #mobile #web- Swipe vs. scroll: web page switching on mobile browsers (AW, EHC), pp. 2171–2174.
CHI-2013-WieseSB #mobile #named- Phoneprioception: enabling mobile phones to infer where they are kept (JW, TSS, AJBB), pp. 2157–2166.
CHI-2013-WycheM #mobile- Powering the cellphone revolution: findings from mobile phone charging trials in off-grid Kenya (SW, LLM), pp. 1959–1968.
CSCW-2013-Ames #mobile #multi- Managing mobile multitasking: the culture of iPhones on stanford campus (MGA), pp. 1487–1498.
CSCW-2013-KimMP #authoring #flexibility #framework #mobile #named #tool support- Sensr: evaluating a flexible framework for authoring mobile data-collection tools for citizen science (SK, JM, EP), pp. 1453–1462.
CSCW-2013-SaketPHZ #design #effectiveness #interface #mobile- Designing an effective vibration-based notification interface for mobile phones (BS, CP, YH, SZ), pp. 1499–1504.
CSCW-2013-ShaQDM #mobile- Trend makers and trend spotters in a mobile application (XS, DQ, MD, PM), pp. 1365–1374.
DUXU-CXC-2013-BlondonK #design #mobile- Designing Supportive Mobile Technology for Stable Diabetes (KSB, PVK), pp. 361–370.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Fei #design #interface #mobile- Designing for a Thumb: An Ideal Mobile Touchscreen Interface for Chinese Users (QF), pp. 44–53.
DUXU-CXC-2013-GronliGSH #mobile #named #visualisation- Paindroid: A Mobile Tool for Pain Visualization and Management (TMG, GG, FS, JH), pp. 401–406.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MarcusPL #design #learning #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Learning Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, YP, NL), pp. 247–256.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MouraVCBSTLK #exclamation #game studies #how #learning #mobile- Luz, Câmera, Libras!: How a Mobile Game Can Improve the Learning of Sign Languages (GdSM, LAV, AC, FB, DdS, JMXNT, CWML, JK), pp. 266–275.
DUXU-CXC-2013-RosaGP #design #mobile- Participatory Design for Mobile Application for Academic Management in a Brazilian University (JGSR, AG, MdOP), pp. 286–295.
DUXU-CXC-2013-TsueiCC #metric #mobile #usability- Measuring Usability of the Mobile Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement Application with Children (MT, HYC, BSC), pp. 304–310.
DUXU-CXC-2013-WilleMM #mobile #prototype- A Mobile Prototype for Clinical Emergency Calls (CW, TM, AM), pp. 480–487.
DUXU-NTE-2013-AltakrouriCS #interactive #mobile- Sharing Kinetic Interactions for Mobile Devices (BA, DC, AS), pp. 327–336.
DUXU-NTE-2013-FukatsuOKST #evaluation #mobile- Evaluation of Effects of Textures Attached to Mobile Devices on Pointing Accuracy (YF, TO, YK, BS, JT), pp. 255–263.
DUXU-NTE-2013-FukumotoI #algorithm #interactive #mobile #optimisation #search-based- A Proposal for Optimization Method of Vibration Pattern of Mobile Device with Interactive Genetic Algorithm (MF, TI), pp. 264–269.
DUXU-NTE-2013-InoueHNNN #interactive #mobile- Capturing Nursing Interactions from Mobile Sensor Data and In-Room Sensors (SI, KH, MN, YN, NN), pp. 280–289.
DUXU-NTE-2013-MarcusA #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Driving Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, SA), pp. 140–149.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ArningTZJ #architecture #elicitation #mobile #requirements- Eliciting User Requirements and Acceptance for Customizing Mobile Device System Architecture (KA, BT, MZ, EMJ), pp. 439–448.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ZhangD #analysis #interactive- User-Mobile Phone Interactions: A Postphenomenology Analysis (BZ, HD), pp. 171–180.
DUXU-WM-2013-BohmS #design #energy #mobile #performance #smarttech- Smart Metering with Smartphones: User-Centered Design of a Mobile Application in the Context of Energy Efficiency (SB, LS), pp. 631–640.
DUXU-WM-2013-CappielloMP #development #mobile- End-User Development of Mobile Mashups (CC, MM, MP), pp. 641–650.
DUXU-WM-2013-DamasioTHD #case study #experience #industrial #internet #mobile- The Adoption of Mobile Internet: Industry and Users Experiences (MJD, ITB, SH, PD), pp. 13–22.
DUXU-WM-2013-GencerBZV #framework #machine learning #mobile #using- A New Framework for Increasing User Engagement in Mobile Applications Using Machine Learning Techniques (MG, GB, ÖZ, TV), pp. 651–659.
DUXU-WM-2013-HeikkilaJR #mobile- User-Originated Innovation of Mobile Financial Services (PH, HJA, SR), pp. 660–665.
DUXU-WM-2013-Igler #approach #design #evaluation #mobile #prototype- Feature Evaluation for Mobile Applications: A Design Science Approach Based on Evolutionary Software Prototypes (BI), pp. 673–681.
DUXU-WM-2013-MarcusCNY #behaviour #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Innovation Machine: Mobile UX Design Combining Information and Persuasion Design to Change Behavior (AM, MC, CN, AY), pp. 67–76.
DUXU-WM-2013-MarcusSC #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Travel Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, TKS, LC), pp. 696–705.
DUXU-WM-2013-OzturkR13a #case study #mobile #usability- M-Commerce Usability: An Explorative Study on Turkish Private Shopping Apps and Mobile Sites (ÖÖ, KR), pp. 623–630.
DUXU-WM-2013-PrataMQ #mobile #testing #usability- Usability Testing of Mobile Applications Store: Purchase, Search and Reviews (WP, CRM, MQ), pp. 714–722.
DUXU-WM-2013-TrappY #mobile- Addressing Animated Transitions already in Mobile App Storyboards (MT, RY), pp. 723–732.
DUXU-WM-2013-Tussyadiah #approach #case study #experience #mobile- Meta-design Approach for Mobile Platforms Supporting Creative Tourism Experiences (IPT), pp. 733–739.
DUXU-WM-2013-WelchK #mobile #usability- Determining the Effect of Menu Element Size on Usability of Mobile Applications (SW, SJK), pp. 740–749.
HCI-AMTE-2013-BurzaccaP #evaluation #mobile #usability #web- Remote Usability Evaluation of Mobile Web Applications (PB, FP), pp. 241–248.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ErturanBTCYO #comprehension #mobile #representation- A Mobile Application Flow Representation for Mutual Understanding of IT and Healthcare Professionals (YNE, SB, GT, NEÇ, EY, EÖ), pp. 310–319.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HumayounEE #case study #framework #mobile #using- Developing Mobile Apps Using Cross-Platform Frameworks: A Case Study (SRH, SE, AE), pp. 371–380.
HCI-AS-2013-BergmansS #behaviour #mobile #persuasion #using- Reducing Speeding Behavior in Young Drivers Using a Persuasive Mobile Application (AB, SS), pp. 541–550.
HCI-AS-2013-CarvalhoLCAMCAL #mobile #process #re-engineering- Software Engineering in Telehealth, an Extension of Sana Mobile Applied to the Process of a Routine Hospital (AVdC, CJPdL, EJRC, PHCA, PAdSeSM, GRdC, FRLdA, GVCL), pp. 3–12.
HCI-AS-2013-DixonDD13a #design #health #implementation #mobile #testing- Designing, Implementing and Testing a Mobile Application to Assist with Pediatric-to-Adult Health Care Transition (JD, JD, SDD), pp. 66–75.
HCI-AS-2013-KimAK #experience #game studies #interactive #mobile- Extreme Motion Based Interaction for Enhancing Mobile Game Experience (YK, JgA, GJK), pp. 249–257.
HCI-AS-2013-KroesS #mobile #persuasion #using- Empowering Young Adolescents to Choose the Healthy Lifestyle: A Persuasive Intervention Using Mobile Phones (LK, SS), pp. 117–126.
HCI-AS-2013-NouriCZ #case study #collaboration #learning #mobile #performance- Mobile Inquiry-Based Learning — A Study of Collaborative Scaffolding and Performance (JN, TCP, KZ), pp. 464–473.
HCI-AS-2013-OnoIY #comparative #education #evaluation- A Comparative Evaluation of Podcasting-Based and Mobile-Based Material Distribution Systems in Foreign Language Teaching (YO, MI, MY), pp. 474–483.
HCI-AS-2013-StillwaterWN #bibliography #mobile- Mobile App Support for Electric Vehicle Drivers: A Review of Today’s Marketplace and Future Directions (TS, JW, MN), pp. 640–646.
HCI-III-2013-DavidCD #collaboration #mobile #user interface- Supportive User Interfaces for MOCOCO (Mobile, Contextualized and Collaborative) Applications (BD, RC, FD), pp. 29–38.
HCI-III-2013-LinWWJ #for free #human-computer #interface #mobile- A Mobile Brain-Computer Interface for Freely Moving Humans (YPL, YW, CSW, TPJ), pp. 448–453.
HCI-III-2013-TsurudaHYI #generative #mobile #using- Generation of Facial Expression Emphasized with Cartoon Techniques Using a Cellular-Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector (YT, MH, HY, YI), pp. 391–400.
HCI-IMT-2013-DavaasurenT #gesture #interactive #mobile #multi #named #smarttech- MOBAJES: Multi-user Gesture Interaction System with Wearable Mobile Device (ED, JT), pp. 196–204.
HCI-IMT-2013-GreeneTM #challenge #gesture #mobile #modelling #multi- Computational Cognitive Modeling of Touch and Gesture on Mobile Multitouch Devices: Applications and Challenges for Existing Theory (KKG, FPT, RJM), pp. 449–455.
HCI-IMT-2013-KuhnLS #concept #interactive #mobile- An Interaction Concept for Public Displays and Mobile Devices in Public Transport (RK, DL, TS), pp. 698–705.
HCI-UC-2013-Baguma #design #mobile #recommendation- Mobile Money Services in Uganda: Design Gaps and Recommendations (RB), pp. 249–258.
HCI-UC-2013-Kampf #configuration management #design #mobile #online- Reconfiguring the Corporate and Commons: Mobile and Online Activism as a Form of Socio-technical Design (CK), pp. 388–395.
HCI-UC-2013-SebilloTVGR #design #framework #interactive #mobile- A Framework for Community-Oriented Mobile Interaction Design in Emerging Regions (MS, GT, GV, PDG, MR), pp. 342–351.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ByerD #mobile #network- BARMOTIN- A Voice Controlled Mobile Tourism Information Network for Barbados (DB, CD), pp. 347–354.
HIMI-HSM-2013-EverardJM #mobile #product line- Enabling Access to Healthy Food Alternatives for Low-Income Families: The Role of Mobile Technology (AE, BMJ, SM), pp. 245–251.
HIMI-HSM-2013-JonesJ #design #mobile #navigation #performance- Assessing the Effects of Mobile OS Design on Single-Step Navigation and Task Performance (BMJ, NJ), pp. 383–390.
HIMI-HSM-2013-MoodyW #mobile #security #what- Security, But at What Cost? — An Examination of Security Notifications within a Mobile Application (GM, DW), pp. 391–399.
HIMI-HSM-2013-YamamotoNEN #development #mobile #tablet- Development of a Mobile Tablet PC with Gaze-Tracking Function (MY, HN, KE, TN), pp. 421–429.
HIMI-HSM-2013-YamanakaUIHSY #design- Web- and Mobile-Based Environment for Designing and Presenting Spatial Audiovisual Content (MY, MU, YI, SH, HS, TY), pp. 430–439.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-FlachsbartEH #human-computer #mobile #question- Are HCI Issues a Big Factor in Supply Chain Mobile Apps? (BF, CCE, MGH), pp. 450–456.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-LinL13b #assessment #comprehension #evaluation #mobile #performance #usability- Usability Evaluation of Comprehension Performance and Subjective Assessment on Mobile Text Advertising (YLL, CHL), pp. 501–510.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-ToumotoHH #development #evaluation #mobile- Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Search System for Science Experiments to Connect School Knowledge to Common Knowledge (TT, TH, TH), pp. 147–156.
ICEIS-v1-2013-BudiM #communication #mobile #scheduling- Scheduling Data Communication based Services on the Personal Mobile Devices (SB, VM), pp. 401–408.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CallegariJC #bibliography #challenge #health #mobile #roadmap- Technical Trends and Challenges in Mobile Health — A Systematic Review of Recent Available Literature (DAC, LCJ, ACdC), pp. 519–525.
ICEIS-v2-2013-MoreiraF #learning #mobile- A Blended Mobile Learning Context Oriented Model in a Cloud Environment applied to a RE Course (FM, MJF), pp. 539–544.
ICEIS-v2-2013-VitolsSB #development #mobile- Cross-platform Solution for Development of Mobile Applications (GV, IS, OB), pp. 273–277.
ICEIS-v3-2013-GoncalvesSNU #flexibility #framework #mobile #named #user interface- Flexinterface: A Framework to Provide Flexible Mobile Phone User Interfaces — Addressing the Elderly Diversity (VPG, SS, VPdAN, JU), pp. 143–150.
CIKM-2013-Eklund #challenge #game studies #lessons learnt #mobile #on the #perspective- On challenges with mobile e-health: lessons from a game-theoretic perspective (AME), pp. 1249–1252.
CIKM-2013-LiaoPPL #behaviour #mining #mobile #on the #predict #smarttech- On mining mobile apps usage behavior for predicting apps usage in smartphones (ZXL, YCP, WCP, PRL), pp. 609–618.
CIKM-2013-TianCZ #approach #database #hybrid #mobile #privacy #query- A hybrid approach for privacy-preserving processing of knn queries in mobile database systems (ST, YC, QZ), pp. 1161–1164.
CIKM-2013-ZhuXGC #detection #mobile #perspective #ranking- Ranking fraud detection for mobile apps: a holistic view (HZ, HX, YG, EC), pp. 619–628.
ECIR-2013-MorenoD #clustering #image #interface #mobile #using #web- Using Text-Based Web Image Search Results Clustering to Minimize Mobile Devices Wasted Space-Interface (JGM, GD), pp. 532–544.
KDD-2013-FuLLFHS #feedback #mobile #people #why- Why people hate your app: making sense of user feedback in a mobile app store (BF, JL, LL, CF, JIH, NMS), pp. 1276–1284.
KDD-2013-PapadimitriouE #bibliography #mining #mobile- Mining data from mobile devices: a survey of smart sensing and analytics (SP, TER), p. 1524.
MLDM-2013-ChatzilariLNK #case study #comparative #mobile #recognition #visual notation- A Comparative Study on Mobile Visual Recognition (EC, GL, SN, YK), pp. 442–457.
SEKE-2013-CorralSS #mobile #quality #using- Using a Partially Instantiated GQM to Measure the Quality of Mobile Applications (S) (LC, AS, GS), pp. 520–524.
SEKE-2013-JuniorF #experience #mobile #web- SIGAA Mobile — A sucessful experience of constructing a mobile application from a existing web system (GSdAJ, IdMBF), pp. 510–515.
SIGIR-2013-GuoJLYA #interactive #mining #mobile #predict #web- Mining touch interaction data on mobile devices to predict web search result relevance (QG, HJ, DL, SY, EA), pp. 153–162.
SIGIR-2013-YankovBS #mobile #ranking- Interoperability ranking for mobile applications (DY, PB, RS), pp. 857–860.
OOPSLA-2013-KansalSBMMZ #abstraction #energy #latency #mobile #performance- The latency, accuracy, and battery (LAB) abstraction: programmer productivity and energy efficiency for continuous mobile context sensing (AK, TSS, AJBB, KSM, TM, RZ), pp. 661–676.
ER-BR-2013-SerranoS #mobile #non-functional #pervasive #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous, Pervasive and Mobile Computing: A Reusable-Models-based Non-Functional Catalogue (MS, MS).
SAC-2013-ChenPX- Constructing and comparing user mobility profiles for location-based services (XC, JP, RX), pp. 261–266.
SAC-2013-ChoCC #ad hoc #mobile #network #trust- Composite trust-based public key management in mobile ad hoc networks (JHC, KSC, IRC), pp. 1949–1956.
SAC-2013-FilhoB #learning #mobile #requirements- A requirements catalog for mobile learning environments (NFDF, EFB), pp. 1266–1271.
SAC-2013-HeitkotterMK #development #mobile #modelling- Cross-platform model-driven development of mobile applications with md2 (HH, TAM, HK), pp. 526–533.
SAC-2013-SpreitzenbarthFESH #android #named- Mobile-sandbox: having a deeper look into android applications (MS, FCF, FE, TS, JH), pp. 1808–1815.
SAC-2013-TangHHC #mobile #named- iLauncher: an intelligent launcher for mobile apps based on individual usage patterns (LYT, PCH, JLH, MSC), pp. 505–512.
SAC-2013-WilkePRPGA #energy #mobile- Comparing mobile applications’ energy consumption (CW, CP, SR, GP, SG, UA), pp. 1177–1179.
SAC-2013-YiSLC #mobile #process #towards- Towards a total recall: an activity tracking and recall mechanism for mobile devices (SY, JS, YL, HJC), pp. 570–572.
ESEC-FSE-2013-DuboisBWH #middleware #mobile #named #peer-to-peer #resource management- ShAir: extensible middleware for mobile peer-to-peer resource sharing (DJD, YB, KW, HH), pp. 687–690.
ICSE-2013-Ardito #adaptation #energy #mobile #self- Energy aware self-adaptation in mobile systems (LA), pp. 1435–1437.
ICSE-2013-HaoLHG #energy #mobile #program analysis #using- Estimating mobile application energy consumption using program analysis (SH, DL, WGJH, RG), pp. 92–101.
HPCA-2013-ZhuR #energy #mobile #web- High-performance and energy-efficient mobile web browsing on big/little systems (YZ, VJR), pp. 13–24.
PPoPP-2013-CascavalFMPRRWB #manycore #mobile #named #parallel #web- ZOOMM: a parallel web browser engine for multicore mobile devices (CC, SF, PMO, WP, MR, BR, MW, VB), pp. 271–280.
SOSP-2013-RavindranathPMB #mobile #named- Timecard: controlling user-perceived delays in server-based mobile applications (LR, JP, RM, HB), pp. 85–100.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-SimantaLMHS #architecture #mobile- A Reference Architecture for Mobile Code Offload in Hostile Environments (SS, GAL, EJM, KH, MS), pp. 282–286.
ASE-2012-Lutz0D #collaboration #mobile #requirements #using- Using mobile devices for collaborative requirements engineering (RL, SS, SD), pp. 298–301.
CASE-2012-CaoZF #approach #mobile #search-based- Point stabilization of mobile robots by genetic sliding mode approach with neural dynamics model on uneven surface (ZC, YZ, YF), pp. 1150–1155.
CASE-2012-KaneshigeNUMT #algorithm #mobile #online- An algorithm for on-line path planning of autonomous mobile overhead traveling crane based on obstacle information (AK, SN, SU, TM, KT), pp. 914–919.
CASE-2012-LiuSJT #automation #hybrid #mobile- A Floyd-Dijkstra hybrid application for mobile robot path planning in life science automation (HL, NS, SJ, KT), pp. 279–284.
CASE-2012-SuhYO #algorithm #locality #mobile #network- A cooperative localization algorithm for mobile sensor networks (JS, SY, SO), pp. 1126–1131.
CASE-2012-TataraLOC #adaptation #framework #interactive #mobile #network #self- Locally communicative interaction framework for adaptively self-organizing mobile sensor networks (KT, GL, HO, NYC), pp. 1138–1143.
DAC-2012-ChajiJ #low cost- Generic low-cost characterization of Vth and mobility variations in LTPS TFTs for non-uniformity calibration of active-matrix OLED displays (GRC, JJ), pp. 182–187.
DAC-2012-ChenZCZX #mobile #scalability #streaming #video- Quality-retaining OLED dynamic voltage scaling for video streaming applications on mobile devices (XC, JZ, YC, MZ, CJX), pp. 1000–1005.
DAC-2012-DonohooOPA #embedded #energy #mobile- Exploiting spatiotemporal and device contexts for energy-efficient mobile embedded systems (BKD, CO, SP, CA), pp. 1278–1283.
DATE-2012-GomonyWAWG #mobile #realtime- DRAM selection and configuration for real-time mobile systems (MDG, CW, BA, NW, KG), pp. 51–56.
DATE-2012-Meder #challenge #mobile- The mobile society — chances and challenges for micro- and power electronics (KM), p. 1.
HT-2012-CostabelloVDG #data access #framework #mobile #named #web- SHI3LD: an access control framework for the mobile web of data (LC, SV, ND, FG), pp. 311–312.
SIGMOD-2012-GotzNG #mobile #named #personalisation- MaskIt: privately releasing user context streams for personalized mobile applications (MG, SN, JG), pp. 289–300.
VLDB-2012-AbbadiM #in the cloud #network #social- Social Networks and Mobility in the Cloud (AEA, MFM), pp. 2034–2035.
VLDB-2012-ElmoreDAA #database #mobile #named #peer-to-peer- InfoPuzzle: Exploring Group Decision Making in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Databases (AJE, SD, DA, AEA), pp. 1998–2001.
CSEET-2012-TillmannMHFX #education #mobile #student #using- Engage Your Students by Teaching Computer Science Using Only Mobile Devices with TouchDevelop (NT, MM, JdH, MF, TX), pp. 87–89.
ITiCSE-2012-Kurkovsky #development #game studies #mobile- Mobile game development projects in CS 1 (SK), p. 388.
ITiCSE-2012-MalekoHD #case study #experience #learning #mobile #programming #social- Novices’ perceptions and experiences of a mobile social learning environment for learning of programming (MM, MH, DJD), pp. 285–290.
ITiCSE-2012-TillmannB #education #mobile #programming- Teaching programming on a mobile device (NT, JB), p. 404.
ITiCSE-2012-TillmannMHFBSX #education #future of #mobile #programming- The future of teaching programming is on mobile devices (NT, MM, JdH, MF, JB, AS, TX), pp. 156–161.
ICSM-2012-KhomhYZ #adaptation #android #empirical #linux #mobile- Adapting Linux for mobile platforms: An empirical study of Android (FK, HY, YZ), pp. 629–632.
WCRE-2012-JoorabchiM #mobile #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering iOS Mobile Applications (MEJ, AM), pp. 177–186.
SEFM-2012-CiobanuKS #semantics- A Timed Mobility Semantics Based on Rewriting Strategies (GC, MK, LJS), pp. 141–155.
CHI-2012-AminiBKTK #mobile- Trajectory-aware mobile search (SA, AJBB, JK, JT, AKK), pp. 2561–2564.
CHI-2012-BauerCGSWWK #mobile #named #recommendation- ShutEye: encouraging awareness of healthy sleep recommendations with a mobile, peripheral display (JSB, SC, BG, JWS, EW, NFW, JAK), pp. 1401–1410.
CHI-2012-BoariFFC #mobile- Augmenting spatial skills with mobile devices (DB, MF, DSF, KC), pp. 1611–1620.
CHI-2012-DaviesB #mobile- The case of the missed icon: change blindness on mobile devices (TD, AKB), pp. 1451–1460.
CHI-2012-DearmanGT #mobile #using- Determining the orientation of proximate mobile devices using their back facing camera (DD, RTG, KNT), pp. 2231–2234.
CHI-2012-Densmore #mobile- Claim mobile: when to fail a technology (MD), pp. 1833–1842.
CHI-2012-EscobedoNBHRGTH #mobile #named #social- MOSOCO: a mobile assistive tool to support children with autism practicing social skills in real-life situations (LE, DHN, LAB, SHH, AR, DGR, MT, GRH), pp. 2589–2598.
CHI-2012-FerreiraH- Appreciating plei-plei around mobiles: playfulness in Rah island (PF, KH), pp. 2015–2024.
CHI-2012-GoelFW #mobile #named #using- WalkType: using accelerometer data to accomodate situational impairments in mobile touch screen text entry (MG, LF, JOW), pp. 2687–2696.
CHI-2012-GuptaTCB #crowdsourcing #mobile #named- mClerk: enabling mobile crowdsourcing in developing regions (AG, WT, EC, RB), pp. 1843–1852.
CHI-2012-HaqueKAALDRHS #mobile #monitoring- Findings of e-ESAS: a mobile based symptom monitoring system for breast cancer patients in rural Bangladesh (MMH, FAK, MA, SIA, RL, RD, DR, SH, RS), pp. 899–908.
CHI-2012-HartswoodPTBARS #problem #reuse- Problems of data mobility and reuse in the provision of computer-based training for screening mammography (MH, RP, PT, LB, SA, MR, RS), pp. 909–918.
CHI-2012-HeinrichsSHM #formal method #interactive #mobile #towards- Toward a theory of interaction in mobile paper-digital ensembles (FH, DS, JH, MM), pp. 1897–1900.
CHI-2012-HenzeRB #behaviour #mobile #type system #using- Observational and experimental investigation of typing behaviour using virtual keyboards for mobile devices (NH, ER, SB), pp. 2659–2668.
CHI-2012-JoshiKC #mobile #scalability- Looking at you: fused gyro and face tracking for viewing large imagery on mobile devices (NJ, AK, MFC), pp. 2211–2220.
CHI-2012-KjeldskovSPP #case study #mobile #using- Using mobile phones to support sustainability: a field study of residential electricity consumption (JK, MBS, JP, RP), pp. 2347–2356.
CHI-2012-KumarRTAK #game studies #mobile #speech #using- Improving literacy in developing countries using speech recognition-supported games on mobile devices (AK, PR, AT, RA, MK), pp. 1149–1158.
CHI-2012-LeeKYYK #case study #comprehension #mobile- Understanding mobile Q&A usage: an exploratory study (UL, HK, EY, MY, JK), pp. 3215–3224.
CHI-2012-LicoppeI #case study #mobile #quote- “Timid encounters”: a case study in the use of proximity-based mobile technologies (CL, YI), pp. 2759–2768.
CHI-2012-LiuHDMB #artificial reality #feedback #mobile #realtime- Evaluating the benefits of real-time feedback in mobile augmented reality with hand-held devices (CL, SH, JD, WEM, MBL), pp. 2973–2976.
CHI-2012-MorrisonMRSC #approach #hybrid #mobile- A hybrid mass participation approach to mobile software trials (AM, DM, SR, SS, MC), pp. 1311–1320.
CHI-2012-NakagawaKK #mobile #named #user interface- MimicTile: a variable stiffness deformable user interface for mobile devices (YN, AK, YK), pp. 745–748.
CHI-2012-NicolauJ #comprehension #type system #using- Touch typing using thumbs: understanding the effect of mobility and hand posture (HN, JAJ), pp. 2683–2686.
CHI-2012-OlssonS #artificial reality #case study #experience #mobile- Narratives of satisfying and unsatisfying experiences of current mobile augmented reality applications (TO, MS), pp. 2779–2788.
CHI-2012-RudeckB #mobile #named #physics- Rock-paper-fibers: bringing physical affordance to mobile touch devices (FR, PB), pp. 1929–1932.
CHI-2012-SchwarzKHDW #ad hoc #mobile #scalability #using- Phone as a pixel: enabling ad-hoc, large-scale displays using mobile devices (JS, DK, CH, PD, AW), pp. 2235–2238.
CHI-2012-VardoulakisKMSGT #mobile #using- Using mobile phones to present medical information to hospital patients (LPV, AKK, DM, GS, JG, DST), pp. 1411–1420.
CHI-2012-VihavainenMLC #automation #collaboration #mobile #video- Video as memorabilia: user needs for collaborative automatic mobile video production (SV, SM, LAL, IDDC), pp. 651–654.
CHI-2012-YiCFZ #interactive #mobile- Exploring user motivations for eyes-free interaction on mobile devices (BY, XC, MF, SZ), pp. 2789–2792.
CSCW-2012-BaumerKFAGPRNOG #design #health #mobile #persuasion #social- Prescriptive persuasion and open-ended social awareness: expanding the design space of mobile health (EPSB, SJK, JEF, PA, ALG, JPP, DR, JN, CMO, GKG), pp. 475–484.
CSCW-2012-OregliaK #mobile- A gift from the city: mobile phones in rural China (EO, JK), pp. 137–146.
CSCW-2012-TakayamaG #mobile- Mixing metaphors in mobile remote presence (LT, JG), pp. 495–504.
CSCW-2012-VaatajaE #challenge #mobile- Briefing news reporting with mobile assignments: perceptions, needs and challenges (HV, PE), pp. 485–494.
EDOC-2012-FesehayeGNW #interactive #mobile- Impact of Cloudlets on Interactive Mobile Cloud Applications (DF, YG, KN, GW), pp. 123–132.
ICEIS-J-2012-PolasikGWKPT12a #empirical #mobile #performance- Time Efficiency of Point-of-Sale Payment Methods: Empirical Results for Cash, Cards and Mobile Payments (MP, JG, GW, JK, KP, NT), pp. 306–320.
ICEIS-v2-2012-PolasikGWKPT #analysis #mobile #process- Chronometric Analysis of a Payment Process for Cash, Cards and Mobile Devices (MP, JG, GW, JK, KP, NT), pp. 220–229.
ICEIS-v3-2012-GoncalvesNUS #approach #flexibility #mobile #user interface- An Analitic Approach to Evaluate Flexible Mobile User Interfaces for the Elderly (VPG, VPdAN, JU, SS), pp. 91–96.
CIKM-2012-KaratzoglouBCB #mobile #recommendation- Climbing the app wall: enabling mobile app discovery through context-aware recommendations (AK, LB, KC, MB), pp. 2527–2530.
CIKM-2012-ZhuCCXT #classification #information management #mobile- Exploiting enriched contextual information for mobile app classification (HZ, HC, EC, HX, JT), pp. 1617–1621.
ICPR-2012-ArthMS #locality #mobile- Exploiting sensors on mobile phones to improve wide-area localization (CA, AM, DS), pp. 2152–2156.
ICPR-2012-HartlR #artificial reality #mobile- Rectangular target extraction for mobile augmented reality applications (AH, GR), pp. 81–84.
ICPR-2012-MotlicekSWMM #authentication #mobile #modelling #using #variability- Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using session variability modelling (PM, LES, RW, CM, SM), pp. 1100–1103.
ICPR-2012-ZhaoZWL #detection #graph #mobile #robust- Robust mobile spamming detection via graph patterns (YZ, ZZ, YW, JL), pp. 983–986.
KDD-2012-ShiA #dataset #mobile #recommendation- GetJar mobile application recommendations with very sparse datasets (KS, KA), pp. 204–212.
KDD-2012-YuanZX #using- Discovering regions of different functions in a city using human mobility and POIs (JY, YZ, XX), pp. 186–194.
KDIR-2012-NeumannS #mobile #web- Guided Exploratory Search on the Mobile Web (GN, SS), pp. 65–74.
SEKE-2012-DingS #architecture #collaboration #mobile #using- Proactive Two Way Mobile Advertisement Using a Collaborative Client Server Architecture (WD, XS), pp. 768–773.
SEKE-2012-JangidPE #analysis #mobile #predict #sentiment #using- A Mobile Application for Stock Market Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis (KJ, PP, ME), pp. 13–18.
SIGIR-2012-LvLW #heuristic #mobile #ranking- An exploration of ranking heuristics in mobile local search (YL, DL, QW), pp. 295–304.
SIGIR-2012-Sakai #evaluation #information retrieval #mobile #towards #what- Towards zero-click mobile IR evaluation: knowing what and knowing when (TS), pp. 1157–1158.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-CorralSSSV #development #mobile #named #process #proximity- DroidSense: A Mobile Tool to Analyze Software Development Processes by Measuring Team Proximity (LC, AS, GS, JS, JV), pp. 17–33.
RE-2012-TunBPYHON #mobile #privacy #requirements- Privacy arguments: Analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications (TTT, AKB, BAP, YY, CBH, IO, BN), pp. 131–140.
SAC-2012-GomiI #3d #dataset #image #mobile #multi #named- MINI: a 3D mobile image browser with multi-dimensional datasets (AG, TI), pp. 989–996.
SAC-2012-MaiaFFCAT #framework #mobile #social- Framework for building intelligent mobile social applications (MEFM, JBFF, CABdQF, RC, RMCA, FT), pp. 525–530.
SAC-2012-ObaidAMS #database #execution #mobile #query- Query execution on a mobile database system (AO, AMA, HM, NS), pp. 569–571.
SAC-2012-PaivaPR #mobile- Topological inference through mobile devices (MAP, MP, RJFR), pp. 574–575.
SAC-2012-RahmanOMCA #development #mobile- Let EcoDrive be your guide: development of a mobile tool to reduce carbon footprint and promote green transport (FR, CO, KM, JC, SIA), pp. 519–524.
SAC-2012-RodoperBJT #framework #mobile #performance #security- An efficient security framework for mobile WiMAX (MR, AB, EJ, WT), pp. 1494–1501.
SAC-2012-TreiberSDS #ad hoc #mobile #twitter #workflow- Creating mobile ad hoc workflows with Twitter (MT, DS, SD, CS), pp. 1998–2000.
SAC-2012-WangZHHZWT #mining #mobile #recommendation- Context-aware role mining for mobile service recommendation (JW, CZ, CH, LH, LZ, RKW, JT), pp. 173–178.
SAC-2012-YinC #interactive #mobile #named #open source- MobiSpatial: open source for mobile spatial interaction (JY, JDC), pp. 572–573.
FSE-2012-CugolaGPT #adaptation #declarative #mobile #named- SelfMotion: a declarative language for adaptive service-oriented mobile apps (GC, CG, LSP, GT), p. 7.
FSE-2012-TillmannMHFB #development #mobile #named- TouchDevelop: app development on mobile devices (NT, MM, JdH, MF, SB), p. 39.
ICSE-2012-Schuchardt #mobile- Moving mobile applications between mobile devices seamlessly (VS), pp. 1595–1598.
ASPLOS-2012-LymberopoulosRSMN #mobile #named #web- PocketWeb: instant web browsing for mobile devices (DL, OR, KS, AM, AN), pp. 1–12.
OSDI-2012-RavindranathPAMOS #mobile #monitoring #named #performance- AppInsight: Mobile App Performance Monitoring in the Wild (LR, JP, SA, RM, IO, SS), pp. 107–120.
OSDI-2012-TangABBGS #mobile #named- CleanOS: Limiting Mobile Data Exposure with Idle Eviction (YT, PA, SB, AB, RG, NS), pp. 77–91.
ICST-2012-EldhS #case study #challenge #industrial #mobile #robust #testing- Robustness Testing of Mobile Telecommunication Systems: A Case Study on Industrial Practice and Challenges (SE, DS), pp. 895–900.
ICST-2012-FrankeKWP #consistency #lifecycle #mobile #testing- Testing Conformance of Life Cycle Dependent Properties of Mobile Applications (DF, SK, CW, NP), pp. 241–250.
CASE-2011-BohlouliMBK #adaptation #fuzzy #mobile- Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller for Wheeled Mobile Robots (RB, YM, RB, JK), pp. 285–290.
CASE-2011-ChoiYSMKCC #automation #development #framework #mobile- Development of robotic laboratory automation platform with intelligent mobile agents for clinical chemistry (BC, WSY, SHS, HM, JK, WC, HC), pp. 708–713.
CASE-2011-DAngeloLL- A new electrically driven walking frame for both passive and active mobility support (LTD, AL, TCL), pp. 816–821.
CASE-2011-DjebraniBA #feedback #mobile #modelling- Modelling and feedback control of an omni-directional mobile manipulator (SD, AB, FA), pp. 785–791.
CASE-2011-HeoOP #locality #mobile #using- A localization system of mobile robots using artificial landmarks (DHH, ARO, THP), pp. 139–144.
CASE-2011-JamesBHACC #mining #mobile #using- Tele-operation of a mobile mining robot using a panoramic display: an exploration of operators sense of presence (CAJ, TPB, KH, LA, CC, AC), pp. 279–284.
DATE-2011-KimYLAJ #3d #analysis #embedded #mobile #performance- A quantitative analysis of performance benefits of 3D die stacking on mobile and embedded SoC (DK, SY, SL, JHA, HJ), pp. 1333–1338.
DATE-2011-YipYLD #challenge #design #memory management #mobile- Challenges in designing high speed memory subsystem for mobile applications (TGY, PY, ML, DD), pp. 509–510.
DRR-2011-LiuZ #image #mobile #using- Segmenting texts from outdoor images taken by mobile phones using color features (ZL, HZ), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-YinHSN #detection #documentation #robust- Robust Vanishing Point Detection for MobileCam-Based Documents (XCY, HWH, JS, SN), pp. 136–140.
ICDAR-2011-ZouLLW #mobile- Overlapped Handwriting Input on Mobile Phones (YZ, YL, YL, KW), pp. 369–373.
SIGMOD-2011-JinMZD #database #interface #named #web- MOBIES: mobile-interface enhancement service for hidden web database (XJ, AM, NZ, GD), pp. 1263–1266.
CSEET-2011-Tanuan #case study #design #experience #mobile #programming- Design and delivery of a modern mobile application programming course — An experience report (MT), pp. 237–246.
ITiCSE-2011-Garcia-CabotGMG #adaptation #education #mobile- Adaptation of educational contents to mobile devices (AGC, EG, LdM, JAG), p. 359.
ITiCSE-2011-Mahmoud #development #education #mobile- Best practices in teaching mobile application development (QHM), p. 333.
ITiCSE-2011-Mahmoud11a #approach #mobile #programming- A mobile web-based approach to introductory programming (QHM), p. 334.
WCRE-2011-FrankeEKW #lifecycle #mobile #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering of Mobile Application Lifecycles (DF, CE, SK, CW), pp. 283–292.
ICALP-v2-2011-Cord-LandwehrDFHKKKKMHRSWWW #algorithm #approach #convergence #mobile- A New Approach for Analyzing Convergence Algorithms for Mobile Robots (ACL, BD, MF, MH, BK, AK, PK, SK, MM, FMadH, CR, KS, DW, CW, DW), pp. 650–661.
CHI-2011-AshbrookBW #mobile #named- Nenya: subtle and eyes-free mobile input with a magnetically-tracked finger ring (DA, PB, SW), pp. 2043–2046.
CHI-2011-BahamondezWS #education #mobile #multi- Utilizing multimedia capabilities of mobile phones to support teaching in schools in rural panama (EdCVB, CW, AS), pp. 935–944.
CHI-2011-BalaamEFRHWNAHRMB #design #motivation- Motivating mobility: designing for lived motivation in stroke rehabilitation (MB, SRE, GF, TR, AMH, AW, TN, LA, EH, IR, SM, JHB), pp. 3073–3082.
CHI-2011-BoringGWBSB #interactive #mobile #multi #video- Multi-user interaction on media facades through live video on mobile devices (SB, SG, AW, AMB, JS, AB), pp. 2721–2724.
CHI-2011-BragdonNLH #analysis #design #gesture #mobile- Experimental analysis of touch-screen gesture designs in mobile environments (AB, EN, YL, KH), pp. 403–412.
CHI-2011-ChangL #framework #migration #mobile #using- Deep shot: a framework for migrating tasks across devices using mobile phone cameras (THC, YL), pp. 2163–2172.
CHI-2011-CowanL #interactive #mobile #named #using- ShadowPuppets: supporting collocated interaction with mobile projector phones using hand shadows (LGC, KAL), pp. 2707–2716.
CHI-2011-EdgeSCZL #learning #mobile #named- MicroMandarin: mobile language learning in context (DE, ES, KC, JZ, JAL), pp. 3169–3178.
CHI-2011-FerreiraH #lessons learnt- Bodily orientations around mobiles: lessons learnt in vanuatu (PF, KH), pp. 277–286.
CHI-2011-GrandhiSJ #mobile- Telling calls: facilitating mobile phone conversation grounding and management (SAG, RPS, QJ), pp. 2153–2162.
CHI-2011-KarueiMFMKE #detection #mobile- Detecting vibrations across the body in mobile contexts (IK, KEM, ZFF, RM, SK, MEZ), pp. 3267–3276.
CHI-2011-KumarMO #mobile- The times they are a-changin‘: mobile payments in India (DK, DBM, JO), pp. 1413–1422.
CHI-2011-LaheyGBV #comprehension #flexibility #gesture #mobile #named- PaperPhone: understanding the use of bend gestures in mobile devices with flexible electronic paper displays (BL, AG, WB, RV), pp. 1303–1312.
CHI-2011-LeeT #mobile #quote #social- “Now, I have a body”: uses and social norms for mobile remote presence in the workplace (MKL, LT), pp. 33–42.
CHI-2011-LuceroHJ #collaboration #mobile #named- Pass-them-around: collaborative use of mobile phones for photo sharing (AL, JH, TJ), pp. 1787–1796.
CHI-2011-LuL #gesture #mobile #user interface #using- Gesture avatar: a technique for operating mobile user interfaces using gestures (HL, YL), pp. 207–216.
CHI-2011-MatthewsD #mobile #using- In the mood: engaging teenagers in psychotherapy using mobile phones (MM, GD), pp. 2947–2956.
CHI-2011-OlwalLZ #mobile #named #personalisation- OldGen: mobile phone personalization for older adults (AO, DL, EZ), pp. 3393–3396.
CHI-2011-PasqueroH #feedback #interactive #mobile- Tactile feedback can assist vision during mobile interactions (JP, VH), pp. 3277–3280.
CHI-2011-PazminoL #case study #mobile- An exploratory study of input modalities for mobile devices used with museum exhibits (PJP, LL), pp. 895–904.
CHI-2011-RaijGKS #mobile #privacy #risk management #smarttech- Privacy risks emerging from the adoption of innocuous wearable sensors in the mobile environment (AR, AG, SK, MBS), pp. 11–20.
CHI-2011-RobinsonRJJSN #interface #mobile #named #towards- TapBack: towards richer mobile interfaces in impoverished contexts (SR, NR, MJ, AJ, SS, AAN), pp. 2733–2736.
CHI-2011-RuizL #gesture #interactive #mobile #named- DoubleFlip: a motion gesture delimiter for mobile interaction (JR, YL), pp. 2717–2720.
CHI-2011-RuizLL #gesture #interactive #mobile- User-defined motion gestures for mobile interaction (JR, YL, EL), pp. 197–206.
CHI-2011-ShiraziRSKMS #mobile #realtime- Real-time nonverbal opinion sharing through mobile phones during sports events (ASS, MR, RS, SGK, AM, AS), pp. 307–310.
CHI-2011-SuzukiBYJNAF #mobile #modelling- Variation in importance of time-on-task with familiarity with mobile phone models (SS, VB, NY, BEJ, YN, TA, SF), pp. 2551–2554.
CHI-2011-Vazquez-AlvarezB #interface #mobile #multi- Eyes-free multitasking: the effect of cognitive load on mobile spatial audio interfaces (YVA, SAB), pp. 2173–2176.
CHI-2011-VihavainenMSCC #collaboration #human-computer #mobile #music #social #video- We want more: human-computer collaboration in mobile social video remixing of music concerts (SV, SM, LS, FC, IDDC), pp. 287–296.
CHI-2011-WilsonHBH #feedback #mobile- Some like it hot: thermal feedback for mobile devices (GW, MH, SAB, SAH), pp. 2555–2564.
CHI-2011-WoelferIHFG #mobile #people #safety- Improving the safety of homeless young people with mobile phones: values, form and function (JPW, AI, DGH, BF, BTG), pp. 1707–1716.
CHI-2011-ZhouPWWZ #collaboration #education #evaluation #mobile #music #named- MOGCLASS: evaluation of a collaborative system of mobile devices for classroom music education of young children (YZ, GP, XW, YW, SZ), pp. 523–532.
CSCW-2011-BalesLG #communication #mobile #named- CoupleVIBE: mobile implicit communication to improve awareness for (long-distance) couples (EB, KAL, WGG), pp. 65–74.
CSCW-2011-GergleC #collaboration #eye tracking #mobile #using #what- See what I’m saying?: using Dyadic Mobile Eye tracking to study collaborative reference (DG, ATC), pp. 435–444.
CSCW-2011-LiuHTCGPH #communication #mobile #social- Improving communication and social support for caregivers of high-risk infants through mobile technologies (LSL, SHH, MT, KGC, SG, SYP, GRH), pp. 475–484.
CSCW-2011-WesterlundNH #coordination #mobile- Express location: supporting coordination of mobile delivery work (MW, MN, LEH), pp. 729–732.
DUXU-v1-2011-BaltrunasLPR #mobile #recommendation- Context-Aware Places of Interest Recommendations for Mobile Users (LB, BL, SP, FR), pp. 531–540.
DUXU-v1-2011-BergerKEM #mobile #personalisation- Moody Mobile TV: Exploring TV Clips with Personalized Playlists (AB, RK, ME, AM), pp. 541–548.
DUXU-v1-2011-BuettnerS #how #mobile #web- Mobile Web and Native Apps: How One Team Found a Happy Medium (KB, AMS), pp. 549–554.
DUXU-v1-2011-HongK #guidelines #mobile #smarttech #usability #web- Mobile Web Usability: Developing Guidelines for Mobile Web via Smart Phones (SH, SCK), pp. 564–572.
DUXU-v1-2011-HuangW #analysis #gesture #interactive #mobile #usability- Usability Analysis in Gesture Operation of Interactive E-Books on Mobile Devices (CHH, CMW), pp. 573–582.
DUXU-v1-2011-HungYVK #mobile #research- Mobile QWERTY User Research (YSH, SY, SV, NEK), pp. 583–592.
DUXU-v1-2011-KashiwaseKKFYJ #mobile- Comparisons on Kansei Factors of Attractiveness between Initial and Long Term Use of Mobile Phone (NK, KK, HK, SF, MY, HJ), pp. 593–601.
DUXU-v1-2011-KisoKKYJF #mobile #usability- Clarification of Kansei Elements of Attractiveness Related to Usability for Long Term Mobile Phone Users (HK, NK, KK, MY, HJ, SF), pp. 602–610.
DUXU-v1-2011-LeeR #architecture #collaboration #concept #learning #mobile- Suggested Collaborative Learning Conceptual Architecture and Applications for Mobile Devices (KL, AR), pp. 611–620.
DUXU-v1-2011-Masita-MwangiRA #design #guidelines #interactive #mobile #self- Enhancing Interactions of Self-help Groups in Africa through Mobile Solutions: Design Guidelines (MMM, FRB, PA), pp. 621–629.
DUXU-v1-2011-OzturkR #experience #how #mobile #network #social #user interface- How to Improve User Experience in Mobile Social Networking: A User-Centered Study with Turkish Mobile Social Network Site Users (ÖÖ, KR), pp. 521–530.
DUXU-v1-2011-RamanenRES #mobile- User Studies on Mobile Ticketing (JR, SR, ME, AS), pp. 630–639.
DUXU-v1-2011-SampanesSRW #mobile- Photo Diaries — A Peek into a Mobile Worker’s Life (ACS, MS, LRH, BKW), pp. 640–647.
DUXU-v1-2011-SeoLL #development #experience #mobile- An Experience Sampling System for Context-Aware Mobile Application Development (JS, SL, GL), pp. 648–657.
DUXU-v1-2011-TambasciaDM #authentication #mobile #multimodal- Methodology for Evaluating Multimodal Biometric Authentication on Mobile Devices (CdAT, RED, EMDM), pp. 668–677.
DUXU-v1-2011-WebbOMPC #mobile #testing- Oracle Mobile User Assistance Testing (ENW, UO, RM, LP, MC), pp. 687–695.
DUXU-v1-2011-YamagishiJKKF #mobile- Proposal for Indices to Assess Attractiveness on Initial Use of Mobile Phones (MY, HJ, KK, HK, SF), pp. 696–705.
DUXU-v2-2011-BolchiniF #experience #mobile #prototype- The Fusing of “Paper-in-Screen”: Reducing Mobile Prototyping Artificiality to Increase Emotional Experience (DB, AF), pp. 548–556.
DUXU-v2-2011-KeatingGKPV #artificial reality #design #experience #mobile #tool support #user interface- Designing the AR Experience: Tools and Tips for Mobile Augmented Reality UX Design (GK, DG, AK, NP, AV), pp. 135–141.
DUXU-v2-2011-KimL11a #behaviour #mobile #research- Ethnographic Research of User Behavior of Mobile Devices of China, Korea, India, and The Netherlands (DK, KPL), pp. 294–302.
DUXU-v2-2011-Marcus #design #health #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Health Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM), pp. 598–607.
DUXU-v2-2011-Sauter #approach #interface #mobile #towards- Implied Aesthetics: A Sensor-Based Approach towards Mobile Interfaces (DS), pp. 645–654.
DUXU-v2-2011-SnyderSWR #mobile- Personas on the Move: Making Personas for Today’s Mobile Workforce (MS, ACS, BKW, LRH), pp. 313–320.
HCD-2011-AryanaBN #communication #mobile- Possibilities for Cultural Customization of Mobile Communication Devices: The Case of Iranian Mobile Users (BA, CB, AN), pp. 177–186.
HCD-2011-FujitaK #design #development #interface #mobile- Design and Development of Eyes- and Hands-Free Voice Interface for Mobile Phone (KF, TK), pp. 207–216.
HCD-2011-ImJY #design #development #mobile- Guideline Development of Mobile Phone Design for Preventing Child Abuse (JI, ECJ, JY), pp. 243–252.
HCI-DDA-2011-SeoCH #comparison #mobile #performance- Imaged Based Codes Performance Comparison for Mobile Environments (JS, JHC, TDH), pp. 653–659.
HCI-ITE-2011-ParkAK #interactive #interface #mobile- Gaze-Directed Hands-Free Interface for Mobile Interaction (GsP, JgA, GJK), pp. 304–313.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CasillasM #documentation #process- Field to File: A Tool for Activity Documentation Work in Remote Mobility Environments (RC, ALM), pp. 3–12.
HCI-MIIE-2011-Chen #challenge #experience #mobile #roadmap- Trends, Challenges and Promises of Rich Experience on Mobile Devices (YC), pp. 13–20.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ChenCSL #design #mobile #volunteer- Finding Suitable Candidates: The Design of a Mobile Volunteering Matching System (WCC, YMC, FES, CLL), pp. 21–29.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ChiangT11a #behaviour #mobile #network #smarttech #social #twitter- The Effort of Social Networking on Social Behavior — Integrating Twitter, Mobile Devices, and Wearable Clothing as an Example (CWC, KT), pp. 30–37.
HCI-MIIE-2011-DonkerB #mobile- Computer Support of Team Work on Mobile Devices (HD, MB), pp. 38–47.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ForutanpourR #collaboration #mobile #named #using- ProJest: Enabling Higher Levels of Collaboration Using Today’s Mobile Devices (BF, JR), pp. 48–58.
HCI-MIIE-2011-GaoG #mobile #representation- The Effect of Time Orientation and Representation of Points of Interests on the Use of Mobile Tour Guide (FG, QG), pp. 59–68.
HCI-MIIE-2011-HyrkkanenN #functional #how #identification #mobile #physics #question- The Virtual Workplace of a Mobile Employee — How Does Vischer’s Model Function in Identifying Physical, Functional and Psychosocial Fit? (UH, SN), pp. 69–75.
HCI-MIIE-2011-KolskiUROD #evaluation #interactive- Interaction in Mobility: The Evaluation of Interactive Systems Used by Travellers in Transportation Contexts (CK, GU, JMR, KMdO, BD), pp. 301–310.
HCI-MIIE-2011-MajimaNMHNHA #evaluation #learning #mobile- Evaluation of Continuous Practice by Mobile Learning in Nursing Practical Training (YM, YN, YM, MH, YN, SH, HA), pp. 84–91.
HCI-MIIE-2011-RiahiRM #generative #human-computer #mobile #specification #verification #xml- XML in Formal Specification, Verification and Generation of Mobile HCI (IR, MR, FM), pp. 92–100.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ShibuyaNM #diagrams #documentation #float #mobile #performance- An Efficient Document Browsing Method with Floating Diagram Window on Mobile Device (YS, KN, KM), pp. 101–106.
HCI-MIIE-2011-TsaiSL #flexibility #mobile- Mobile Reminder for Flexible and Safe Medication Schedule for Home Users (PHT, CSS, JWSL), pp. 107–116.
HCI-UA-2011-GeorgeS #collaboration #game studies #learning- Introducing Mobility in Serious Games: Enhancing Situated and Collaborative Learning (SG, AS), pp. 12–20.
HIMI-v1-2011-KobayashiAY #case study #interactive #mobile- Study on Haptic Interaction with Digital Map on Mobile Device (DK, YA, SY), pp. 443–449.
HIMI-v2-2011-KwackKC #analysis #mobile- Economic Analysis of SON-Enabled Mobile WiMAX (SK, JK, JC), pp. 268–277.
HIMI-v2-2011-XuB #interactive #mobile #navigation #usability- Usability Issues in Introducing Capacitive Interaction into Mobile Navigation (SX, KB), pp. 430–439.
IDGD-2011-Chen11c #mobile #research- Mobile Research: Benefits, Applications, and Outlooks (GC), pp. 11–16.
IDGD-2011-Dai #communication #development #interactive #mobile- New Development of Mobile Instant Messaging: Virtual Body Communication Interaction (LD), pp. 483–489.
IDGD-2011-GongMC #collaboration #network #ubiquitous- Mobilized Collaborative Services in Ubiquitous Network (MG, EM, FC), pp. 504–513.
IDGD-2011-WangG #development #experience #mobile #network #research #user interface- The User’s Emotional Elements Research of Mobile Network Products Development Guided by User Experience (YW, QG), pp. 332–340.
IDGD-2011-YangLD #behaviour #case study #internet #mobile- A Case Study: Behavior Study of Chinese Users on the Internet and Mobile Internet (YY, HL, GD), pp. 585–593.
EDOC-2011-TongBKPL #architecture #challenge #embedded #enterprise #industrial #mobile #process- Enterprise Architecture for Addressing Business Transformation Challenges: The Case of Embedded Mobile Provisioning Process in the Telecommunications Industry (MT, HB, MK, JP, GL), pp. 35–43.
ICEIS-J-2011-ChangS11a #analysis #mobile #process #research #simulation- Research on Grid-Based Mobile Business Process and Analysis on Process Simulation (DC, LS), pp. 349–361.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChangLZ #e-commerce #grid #mobile #process #research #simulation- Simulation Research on the Mobile e-Commerce Process of Non-grid and Grid based on Arena (DC, YL, SZ), pp. 486–494.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LingEL #framework #internet #mobile- A New Framework of Location-based Services in Mobile Internet (XL, HE, LL), pp. 539–544.
ICEIS-v4-2011-ChangS #mobile #process #research #simulation- Research on Grid-based Mobile Business Process and Simulation (DC, LS), pp. 86–93.
ICEIS-v4-2011-NguyenD #approach #information management #mobile #performance- An Efficient Cooperative Cache Approach in Mobile Information System (TTMN, TTBD), pp. 153–159.
ICEIS-v4-2011-SivasankariMKVP #energy #mobile #multi #network #performance- Multiple Mobile Synchronised Sinks (MMSS) for Energy Efficiency and Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks (HS, VM, KS, KRV, LMP), pp. 76–85.
CIKM-2011-KrishnaswamyGG #data type #mining #mobile #roadmap #ubiquitous- Advances in data stream mining for mobile and ubiquitous environments (SK, JG, MMG), pp. 2607–2608.
CIKM-2011-LiBY #ad hoc #architecture #clustering #mobile #network- A cluster based mobile peer to peer architecture in wireless ad hoc networks (HL, KB, JY), pp. 2393–2396.
CIKM-2011-LymberopoulosZKBL #mobile #predict- Location-aware click prediction in mobile local search (DL, PZ, ACK, KB, JL), pp. 413–422.
KDD-2011-ChoML #network #social- Friendship and mobility: user movement in location-based social networks (EC, SAM, JL), pp. 1082–1090.
KDD-2011-LathiaC #mining- Mining mobility data to minimise travellers’ spending on public transport (NL, LC), pp. 1181–1189.
KDD-2011-TrasartiPNG #mining- Mining mobility user profiles for car pooling (RT, FP, MN, FG), pp. 1190–1198.
KDD-2011-WangPSGB #predict #social- Human mobility, social ties, and link prediction (DW, DP, CS, FG, ALB), pp. 1100–1108.
KDD-2011-ZhengSTLLC #challenge #data mining #information management #mining #mobile- Applying data mining techniques to address disaster information management challenges on mobile devices (LZ, CS, LT, TL, SL, SCC), pp. 283–291.
KDIR-2011-KomninosPSG #information management #mobile #reduction- Context Dimensionality Reduction for Mobile Personal Information Access (AK, AP, VS, JDG), pp. 493–498.
KMIS-2011-SongP #mobile #visualisation- A Metro Map Metaphor for Knowledge Visualization — Customer Needs in Mobile Application Services (BS, YP), pp. 375–378.
RecSys-2011-BraunhoferKR #mobile #music #recommendation- Recommending music for places of interest in a mobile travel guide (MB, MK, FR), pp. 253–256.
RecSys-2011-Tschersich #design #guidelines #mobile #recommendation- Design guidelines for mobile group recommender systems to handle inaccurate or missing location data (MT), pp. 359–362.
RecSys-2011-WoerndlHBG #mobile #recommendation- A model for proactivity in mobile, context-aware recommender systems (WW, JH, RB, DGV), pp. 273–276.
SEKE-2011-Lin #mobile- Applications & Services Exploration for the Broadband Mobile Systems (keynote) (BSL).
SIGIR-2011-Chang #information management #mobile #retrieval- Sensor-aided mobile information management and retrieval (EYC), pp. 1333–1334.
SIGIR-2011-GuoYA #detection #interactive #mobile- Detecting success in mobile search from interaction (QG, SY, EA), pp. 1229–1230.
SIGIR-2011-InagakiBCM #mobile #using #web- Enhancing mobile search using web search log data (YI, JB, YC, MM), pp. 1201–1202.
Onward-2011-CorralSSGR #development #evolution #mobile #multi #paradigm- Evolution of Mobile Software Development from Platform-Specific to Web-Based Multiplatform Paradigm (LC, AS, GS, AG, PR), pp. 181–183.
Onward-2011-TillmannMHF #mobile #named #programming- TouchDevelop: programming cloud-connected mobile devices via touchscreen (NT, MM, JdH, MF), pp. 49–60.
OOPSLA-2011-HemelV #mobile #programming #web- Declaratively programming the mobile web with Mobl (ZH, EV), pp. 695–712.
PADL-2011-MantadelisPJVB #ad hoc #mobile #network- Analysing a Publish/Subscribe System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with ProbLog (TM, KP, GJ, YV, YB), pp. 34–37.
RE-2011-Regnell #evolution #mobile #problem #scalability- Large-scale feature evolution: Problems and solutions from the mobile domain (BR), p. 323.
SAC-2011-BoixCSCMD #interactive #mobile #named #network #social- Flocks: enabling dynamic group interactions in mobile social networking applications (EGB, ALC, CS, TVC, WDM, TD), pp. 425–432.
SAC-2011-BouidghaghenTB #approach #mobile #reasoning- Inferring situation-based interests for mobile users: a case based reasoning approach (OB, LT, MB), pp. 1166–1167.
SAC-2011-MaioranaCGN #authentication #mobile- Keystroke dynamics authentication for mobile phones (EM, PC, NGC, AN), pp. 21–26.
SAC-2011-MajchrzakJLU #integration #mobile #social #towards #web- Towards better social integration through mobile web 2.0 ambient assisted living devices (TAM, AJ, ML, FÜ), pp. 821–822.
SAC-2011-SinhaTKWG #analysis #mobile #resource management- Resource-aware ECG analysis on mobile devices (AS, HT, SK, ABW, MMG), pp. 1012–1013.
SAC-2011-SohrMN #aspect-oriented #mobile #security- Software security aspects of Java-based mobile phones (KS, TM, AN), pp. 1494–1501.
SAC-2011-TsaiCHH #api #mobile #reduction #rest- Transmission reduction between mobile phone applications and RESTful APIs (CLT, HWC, JLH, CLH), pp. 445–450.
SLE-2011-Wojciechowski #communication #concurrent #scripting language- Typed First-Class Communication Channels and Mobility for Concurrent Scripting Languages (PTW), pp. 378–387.
PLEASE-2011-RosaL #component #composition #mobile #product line #reuse- Smart composition of reusable software components in mobile application product lines (REVDSR, VFdLJ), pp. 45–49.
SPLC-2011-Pohjalainen #agile #bottom-up #case study #experience #mobile #modelling #network #product line- Bottom-up Modeling for a Software Product Line: An Experience Report on Agile Modeling of Governmental Mobile Networks (PP), pp. 323–332.
HPCA-2011-AndersonFCE #architecture #javascript #mobile- Checked Load: Architectural support for JavaScript type-checking on mobile processors (OA, EF, LC, SJE), pp. 419–430.
SOSP-2011-AndrusDHLN #architecture #mobile #named #smarttech- Cells: a virtual mobile smartphone architecture (JA, CD, AVH, OL, JN), pp. 173–187.
ICST-2011-FrankeW #framework #mobile #quality #testing- Providing a Software Quality Framework for Testing of Mobile Applications (DF, CW), pp. 431–434.
ICST-2011-SaifanDBP #consistency #implementation #mobile #runtime- Implementing and Evaluating a Runtime Conformance Checker for Mobile Agent Systems (AAS, JD, JSB, EP), pp. 269–278.
ICTSS-2011-ShinboH #communication #detection #empirical #mobile- An Empirical Study on Applying Anomaly Detection Technique to Detecting Software and Communication Failures in Mobile Data Communication Services (HS, TH), pp. 195–208.
CASE-2010-AngererPA #configuration management #mobile #named #using- MobComm: Using BDI-agents for the reconfiguration of mobile commissioning robots (SA, RP, RA), pp. 822–827.
CASE-2010-CesettiSBALCL #development #flexibility #framework #mobile #testing- Development of a flexible test platform for household appliance testing based on mobile agents (AC, CPS, GDB, GA, LL, CC, SL), pp. 855–860.
CASE-2010-ChoiYSMKCC #automation #flexibility #framework #mobile #testing- Robotic laboratory automation platform based on mobile agents for flexible clinical tests (BC, WSY, SHS, HM, JK, WC, HRC), pp. 186–191.
CASE-2010-FreitasGLH #configuration management #mobile #multi #optimisation- Multi-objective optimization for kinematic reconfiguration of mobile robots (GMF, GG, FCL, LH), pp. 686–691.
CASE-2010-HassanzadehMB #algorithm #mobile #optimisation- Mobile robot path planning based on shuffled frog leaping optimization algorithm (IH, KM, MAB), pp. 680–685.
CASE-2010-ZengB #mobile #predict- Collision avoidance for nonholonomic mobile robots among unpredictable dynamic obstacles including humans (LZ, GMB), pp. 940–947.
DAC-2010-LeeSC #data access #fine-grained #mobile- Fine-grained I/O access control based on Xen virtualization for 3G/4G mobile devices (SML, SBS, JDC), pp. 108–113.
DATE-2010-Aue #internet #mobile #power management #using- Low power mobile internet devices using LTE technology (VA), p. 794.
DATE-2010-BellasiBCFS #framework #mobile #multi #power management- Constrained Power Management: Application to a multimedia mobile platform (PB, SB, MC, WF, DS), pp. 989–992.
DATE-2010-JalierLJSBT #mobile- Heterogeneous vs homogeneous MPSoC approaches for a Mobile LTE modem (CJ, DL, AAJ, GS, PB, LT), pp. 184–189.
HT-2010-HansenG #framework #mobile #named- UrbanWeb: a platform for mobile context-awaresocial computing (FAH, KG), pp. 195–200.
VLDB-2010-KimJW #adaptation #mobile- Adaptive Logging for Mobile Device (YSK, HJ, KGW), pp. 1481–1492.
VLDB-2010-PestiLBIW #mobile #named #network #query #scalability- RoadTrack: Scaling Location Updates for Mobile Clients on Road Networks with Query Awareness (PP, LL, BB, AI, MW), pp. 1493–1504.
VLDB-2010-YiuUST #detection #mobile #performance #policy #proximity #self- Efficient Proximity Detection among Mobile Users via Self-Tuning Policies (MLY, LHU, SS, KT), pp. 985–996.
ITiCSE-2010-MarcosHGGMGBOGVME #learning #mobile #online- A mobile learning tool to deliver online questionnaires (LdM, JRH, EG, AGC, JJM, JMG, RB, SO, JAG, EV, MMM, SE), p. 319.
FASE-2010-BerardinelliCM #analysis #mobile #modelling #performance- Performance Modeling and Analysis of Context-Aware Mobile Software Systems (LB, VC, ADM), pp. 353–367.
ICALP-v2-2010-ChalopinD #mobile- Rendezvous of Mobile Agents without Agreement on Local Orientation (JC, SD), pp. 515–526.
ICALP-v2-2010-ClementiMS #modelling- Modelling Mobility: A Discrete Revolution (AEFC, AM, RS), pp. 490–501.
CHI-2010-BidwellRMH #design #mobile- Designing with mobile digital storytelling in rural Africa (NJB, TR, GM, SH), pp. 1593–1602.
CHI-2010-BlomVSGAA #mobile #safety #security- Fear and the city: role of mobile services in harnessing safety and security in urban use contexts (JB, DV, MS, JG, KA, RA), pp. 1841–1850.
CHI-2010-BoringBBGB #interactive #mobile #video- Touch projector: mobile interaction through video (SB, DB, AB, SG, PB), pp. 2287–2296.
CHI-2010-CostanzaPZNFHH #interface #mobile #named #network- SensorTune: a mobile auditory interface for DIY wireless sensor networks (EC, JP, GZ, JN, JF, JH, JPH), pp. 2317–2326.
CHI-2010-CramerESGW #mobile #social #trust- Trying too hard: effects of mobile agents’ (Inappropriate) social expressiveness on trust, affect and compliance (HSMC, VE, TvS, MG, BJW), pp. 1471–1474.
CHI-2010-FlorLJPKC #case study #mobile #process- The case of the disappearing Ox: a field study of mobile activity and context logging (GdlF, PL, MJ, JP, RK, AC), pp. 473–482.
CHI-2010-GitauMD #challenge #internet- After access: challenges facing mobile-only internet users in the developing world (SG, GM, JD), pp. 2603–2606.
CHI-2010-GunaratneB #mobile #named- Newport: enabling sharing during mobile calls (JG, AJBB), pp. 343–352.
CHI-2010-HarrisonH #interactive #low cost #mobile #multi #named- Minput: enabling interaction on small mobile devices with high-precision, low-cost, multipoint optical tracking (CH, SEH), pp. 1661–1664.
CHI-2010-HuangSDWKAL #learning #mobile #music- Mobile music touch: mobile tactile stimulation for passive learning (KH, TS, EYLD, GW, DK, CA, RL), pp. 791–800.
CHI-2010-HuhtalaSMIH #case study #mobile #user interface- Animated UI transitions and perception of time: a user study on animated effects on a mobile screen (JH, AHS, JM, MI, JH), pp. 1339–1342.
CHI-2010-IlinkinK #case study #evaluation #mobile- Evaluation of text entry methods for Korean mobile phones, a user study (II, SK), pp. 2023–2026.
CHI-2010-KarkkainenVV #case study #mobile #process- I don’t mind being logged, but want to remain in control: a field study of mobile activity and context logging (TK, TV, KVVM), pp. 163–172.
CHI-2010-KarlsonIMRLT #mobile #smarttech- Mobile taskflow in context: a screenshot study of smartphone usage (AKK, STI, BM, GR, KL, JCT), pp. 2009–2018.
CHI-2010-KumarTSCKC #case study #learning #mobile- An exploratory study of unsupervised mobile learning in rural India (AK, AT, GS, DC, MK, JC), pp. 743–752.
CHI-2010-LiuLRLWL #how #mobile- How socio-economic structure influences rural users’ acceptance of mobile entertainment (JL, YL, PLPR, HL, XW, DL), pp. 2203–2212.
CHI-2010-LiuR #mobile #predict- Predicting Chinese text entry speeds on mobile phones (YL, KJR), pp. 2183–2192.
CHI-2010-RamachandranCDC #health- Mobile-izing health workers in rural India (DR, JC, PDD, EC), pp. 1889–1898.
CHI-2010-RicoB #gesture #interface #mobile #social- Usable gestures for mobile interfaces: evaluating social acceptability (JR, SAB), pp. 887–896.
CHI-2010-SchwarzHHM #mobile #multi- Cord input: an intuitive, high-accuracy, multi-degree-of-freedom input method for mobile devices (JS, CH, SEH, JM), pp. 1657–1660.
CHI-2010-SmythKMT #mobile- Where there’s a will there’s a way: mobile media sharing in urban india (TNS, SK, IM, KT), pp. 753–762.
CHI-2010-SongGGF #interactive #mobile #named #using- MouseLight: bimanual interactions on digital paper using a pen and a spatially-aware mobile projector (HS, FG, TG, GWF), pp. 2451–2460.
CHI-2010-StewartRKE #mobile- Characteristics of pressure-based input for mobile devices (CDS, MR, SGK, GE), pp. 801–810.
CHI-2010-TianLWWLKSDC #game studies #learning #mobile- Let’s play chinese characters: mobile learning approaches via culturally inspired group games (FT, FL, JW, HW, WL, MK, VS, GD, JC), pp. 1603–1612.
CHI-2010-WangZC #gesture #mobile #named #predict #problem- SHRIMP: solving collision and out of vocabulary problems in mobile predictive input with motion gesture (JW, SZ, JFC), pp. 15–24.
CHI-2010-Weilenmann #how #interactive #learning #mobile- Learning to text: an interaction analytic study of how an interaction analytic study of how seniors learn to enter text on mobile phones (AW), pp. 1135–1144.
CHI-2010-YeeDQ #game studies #mobile- Investigating narrative in mobile games for seniors (SLCYY, HBLD, FKHQ), pp. 669–672.
CSCW-2010-ShaoLG #algorithm #mobile #sequence- A sequence transformation algorithm for supporting cooperative work on mobile devices (BS, DL, NG), pp. 159–168.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-ObermeierB #ad hoc #constraints #mobile #network #transaction- Constraint Checking for Non-blocking Transaction Processing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (SO, SB), pp. 166–175.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-RezigM #standard #towards- Towards Location-based Services Standardization — An Application based on Mobility and Geo-Location (EKR, VM), pp. 310–315.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-FardounVGRG #mobile #tool support- New Era of m-Learning Tools — Creation of MPrinceTool a Mobile Educative Tool (HF, PGV, JEG, GSR, EdlG), pp. 161–167.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-Mital #mobile #privacy- Consumer Privacy Being Raided and Invaded — The Negative Side of Mobile Advertising (MM), pp. 117–123.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-MaximianoF #case study #mobile- Mobile e-Learning — Support Services Case Study (CM, VBF), pp. 106–113.
CIKM-2010-CaoBYCT #approach #effectiveness #mining #mobile- An effective approach for mining mobile user habits (HC, TB, QY, EC, JT), pp. 1677–1680.
CIKM-2010-HaLSL #comprehension #embedded #mobile #named- EUI: an embedded engine for understanding user intents from mobile devices (JH, JHL, KSS, SL), pp. 1935–1936.
CIKM-2010-TianWWRCM #detection #mobile #topic- Topic detection and organization of mobile text messages (YT, WW, XW, JR, CC, JM), pp. 1877–1880.
ICPR-2010-BanderaMM #incremental #learning #mobile #visual notation- Incremental Learning of Visual Landmarks for Mobile Robotics (AB, RM, RVM), pp. 4255–4258.
ICPR-2010-FraundorferWP #locality #mobile #using #visual notation #word- Combining Monocular and Stereo Cues for Mobile Robot Localization Using Visual Words (FF, CW, MP), pp. 3927–3930.
ICPR-2010-HaberdarS #detection #framework #mobile #refinement #using #video- Disparity Map Refinement for Video Based Scene Change Detection Using a Mobile Stereo Camera Platform (HH, SKS), pp. 3890–3893.
ICPR-2010-RochollKH #mobile #recognition #robust- Robust 1D Barcode Recognition on Mobile Devices (JCR, SK, GH), pp. 2712–2715.
ICPR-2010-ShamiliBA #detection #distributed #machine learning #mobile #using- Malware Detection on Mobile Devices Using Distributed Machine Learning (ASS, CB, TA), pp. 4348–4351.
ICPR-2010-SungCCB #3d #estimation #mobile- Coarse-to-Fine Particle Filter by Implicit Motion Estimation for 3D Head Tracking on Mobile Devices (HS, KC, SC, HB), pp. 3615–3618.
KDD-2010-GeXTXGP #energy #mobile #recommendation- An energy-efficient mobile recommender system (YG, HX, AT, KX, MG, MJP), pp. 899–908.
KDD-2010-LiuLNFL #clustering #towards- Towards mobility-based clustering (SL, YL, LMN, JF, ML), pp. 919–928.
KDD-2010-WangCSX #algorithm #mining #mobile #network #social- Community-based greedy algorithm for mining top-K influential nodes in mobile social networks (YW, GC, GS, KX), pp. 1039–1048.
KEOD-2010-GarridoGDR #assessment- Knowledge Mobilization to Support Environmental Impact Assessment — A Model and an Application (JG, JGR, MD, IR), pp. 193–199.
KEOD-2010-KehagiasT #ontology- An Ontology for Mobility Impaired user Needs and Services (DK, DT), pp. 408–411.
KEOD-2010-TiwariAMK #mobile #using #web #web service- Dynamic Discovery of Web Services using Mobile Agents (GT, RA, SM, DSK), pp. 497–500.
RecSys-2010-BaglioniBBCFVP #lightweight #mobile #privacy #recommendation- A lightweight privacy preserving SMS-based recommendation system for mobile users (EB, LB, LB, UMC, LF, AV, GP), pp. 191–198.
SEKE-2010-FeitosaFOWN #development #embedded #mobile #re-engineering- Software Engineering in the Embedded Software and Mobile Robot Software Development: A Systematic Mapping (DF, KRF, LBRdO, DW, EYN), pp. 738–741.
SEKE-2010-Satoh #mobile- Mobile Agents for Active Media (IS), pp. 503–508.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-CarretonMCM #ad hoc #distributed #mobile #network #programming- Loosely-Coupled Distributed Reactive Programming in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (ALC, SM, TVC, WDM), pp. 41–60.
RE-2010-SeyffGM #mobile #tool support #using- Using Mobile RE Tools to Give End-Users Their Own Voice (NS, FG, NAMM), pp. 37–46.
SAC-2010-BechikhSG #mobile #multi #optimisation #using- Searching for knee regions in multi-objective optimization using mobile reference points (SB, LBS, KG), pp. 1118–1125.
SAC-2010-ChuaLGTA #game studies #mobile #resource management #usability- Evaluating the usability of a mobile content sharing game (AYKC, CSL, DHLG, KTT, NA), pp. 597–598.
SAC-2010-CostaMB #consistency #database #distributed #mobile #protocol- A distributed protocol for ensuring replicated database consistency in mobile computing environments (AC, JMM, AB), pp. 1688–1693.
SAC-2010-HedgecockVLKAST #mobile #monitoring #network- Mobile air pollution monitoring network (WH, PV, ÁL, XDK, AA, ASS, AT), pp. 795–796.
SAC-2010-LiuCGT #energy #mobile #performance- Energy efficient management scheme for heterogeneous secondary storage system in mobile computers (SL, XC, XG, DT), pp. 251–257.
SAC-2010-MaiaCCA #mobile- Considerations on developing mobile applications based on the Capuchin project (MEFM, CC, RC, RMCA), pp. 575–579.
SAC-2010-PelosiP #mobile #named- SMaC: spatial map caching technique for mobile devices (GP, GP), pp. 1829–1830.
SAC-2010-RosswogG #clustering #detection #mobile- Efficiently detecting clusters of mobile objects in the presence of dense noise (JR, KG), pp. 1095–1102.
SAC-2010-StammAMZ #mobile- Mobile intelligent interruptions management (MIIM): a context aware unavailability system (KS, SIA, PM, SZ), pp. 599–600.
SAC-2010-WeiC #adaptation #mobile #semantics #towards- Towards semantic-based adaptation decisions for context-aware mobile computing (EJYW, ATSC), pp. 563–567.
SAC-2010-WibisonoLZ #ad hoc #collaboration #framework #mobile #network- Collaborative context management framework for mobile ad hoc network environments (WW, SL, ABZ), pp. 558–562.
SAC-2010-ZaplataL #as a service #mobile #process #towards- Towards mobile process as a service (SZ, WL), pp. 372–379.
SLE-2010-GonzalezCMCLG #framework #mobile #named #programming- Subjective-C — Bringing Context to Mobile Platform Programming (SG, NC, KM, AC, JCL, JG), pp. 246–265.
SPLC-2010-MarinhoLFRMADVAT #mobile #product line- A Software Product Line for the Mobile and Context-Aware Applications Domain (FGM, FL, JBFF, LSR, MEFM, SBdA, VLLD, WV, RMCA, ET), pp. 346–360.
LCTES-2010-LiZ #embedded #mobile #performance- An efficient code update scheme for DSP applications in mobile embedded systems (WL, YZ), pp. 105–114.
ICST-2010-NguyenWR #graph #named- GraphSeq: A Graph Matching Tool for the Extraction of Mobility Patterns (MDN, HW, NR), pp. 195–204.
ASE-2009-Balagtas-FernandezH #analysis #framework #mobile #usability- A Methodology and Framework to Simplify Usability Analysis of Mobile Applications (FTBF, HH), pp. 520–524.
ASE-2009-Meads #approach #mobile- A Holistic Approach to Mobile Service Provisioning (AJDM), pp. 698–702.
DATE-2009-Berkel #manycore #mobile- Multi-core for mobile phones (CHvB), pp. 1260–1265.
DATE-2009-FacchiniCVPCDBM #3d #evaluation #mobile #performance- System-level power/performance evaluation of 3D stacked DRAMs for mobile applications (MF, TC, AV, MP, FC, WD, LB, PM), pp. 923–928.
HT-2009-ChinS #case study #mobile #web #web service- A user study of mobile web services and applications from the 2008 Beijing Oympics (AC, JPS), pp. 343–344.
ICDAR-2009-KimLK #mobile #using- Scene Text Extraction Using Focus of Mobile Camera (EK, SL, JHK), pp. 166–170.
SIGMOD-2009-KumarPCMS #health #lightweight #mobile #named- ELMR: lightweight mobile health records (AK, AP, JC, AM, LS), pp. 1035–1038.
SIGMOD-2009-WangYGYTWLP #case study #communication #data mining #mining #mobile #named- MobileMiner: a real world case study of data mining in mobile communication (TW, BY, JG, DY, ST, HW, KL, JP), pp. 1083–1086.
VLDB-2009-SarigolRSA #ad hoc #mobile #network #social- Enabling social networking in ad hoc networks of mobile phones (ES, OR, PS, GA), pp. 1634–1637.
VLDB-2009-WangL #mobile #network #privacy- Privacy-Aware Mobile Services over Road Networks (TW, LL), pp. 1042–1053.
ITiCSE-2009-Draganova #learning #mobile- Use of mobile phone technologies in learning (CD), p. 399.
ITiCSE-2009-Kurkovsky #development #game studies #mobile- Making the case for mobile game development (SK), p. 401.
ITiCSE-2009-MahmoudNNPSWD #education #mobile- An academic kit for integrating mobile devices into the CS curriculum (QHM, TN, RN, PP, RS, MW, DD), pp. 40–44.
FASE-2009-RajamaniJPR #mobile #network #nondeterminism #query- Inquiry and Introspection for Non-deterministic Queries in Mobile Networks (VR, CJ, JP, GCR), pp. 401–416.
FoSSaCS-2009-BonchiGM #mobile #semantics- Reactive Systems, Barbed Semantics, and the Mobile Ambients (FB, FG, GVM), pp. 272–287.
ICALP-v2-2009-ClementiPS #named- MANETS: High Mobility Can Make Up for Low Transmission Power (AEFC, FP, RS), pp. 387–398.
ICALP-v2-2009-GuerraouiR #mobile- Names Trump Malice: Tiny Mobile Agents Can Tolerate Byzantine Failures (RG, ER), pp. 484–495.
CHI-2009-EcklesWCTBF #mobile #self #social- Social responses in mobile messaging: influence strategies, self-disclosure, and source orientation (DE, DW, CC, AT, MBF, BJF), pp. 1651–1654.
CHI-2009-FroehlichDKMCHL #mobile #named- UbiGreen: investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits (JF, TD, PVK, JM, SC, BLH, JAL), pp. 1043–1052.
CHI-2009-FrohlichRRBFEWJH #development #mobile #named- StoryBank: mobile digital storytelling in a development context (DMF, DR, KR, RB, MF, EAE, DW, MJ, WH), pp. 1761–1770.
CHI-2009-GarzonisJJO #mobile- Auditory icon and earcon mobile service notifications: intuitiveness, learnability, memorability and preference (SG, SLJ, TJ, EO), pp. 1513–1522.
CHI-2009-KarlsonBS #comprehension #mobile- Can I borrow your phone?: understanding concerns when sharing mobile phones (AKK, AJBB, SES), pp. 1647–1650.
CHI-2009-KeranenBK #gesture #interface #mobile #music- Gravity sphere: gestural audio-tactile interface for mobile music exploration (JK, JB, JK), pp. 1531–1534.
CHI-2009-KratzB #feedback #gesture #mobile #recognition #visual notation- Unravelling seams: improvoing mobile gesture recognition with visual feedback techniques (SGK, RB), pp. 937–940.
CHI-2009-MedhiGT #comparison #mobile- A comparison of mobile money-transfer UIs for non-literate and semi-literate users (IM, SNNG, KT), pp. 1741–1750.
CHI-2009-MorrisonOPLJRNJ #artificial reality #case study #comparative #mobile- Like bees around the hive: a comparative study of a mobile augmented reality map (AM, AO, PP, SL, GJ, GR, JN, AJ), pp. 1889–1898.
CHI-2009-NasanenOL #mobile #social- Mobile media in the social fabric of a kindergarten (JN, AO, AL), pp. 2167–2176.
CHI-2009-RothT #mobile #multi- Bezel swipe: conflict-free scrolling and multiple selection on mobile touch screen devices (VR, TT), pp. 1523–1526.
CHI-2009-SongGFGKAK #mobile #named #visual notation- PenLight: combining a mobile projector and a digital pen for dynamic visual overlay (HS, TG, GWF, FG, AK, RA, GK), pp. 143–152.
CHI-2009-TakayamaSLWCNN #design #mobile- Bringing design considerations to the mobile phone and driving debate (LT, JAGS, BL, NW, AC, AN, CN), pp. 1643–1646.
CHI-2009-TangC #communication #mobile #question- A mobile voice communication system in medical setting: love it or hate it? (CT, MSTC), pp. 2041–2050.
CHI-2009-TsaiKDCHS #feedback #mobile- Who’s viewed you?: the impact of feedback in a mobile location-sharing application (JYT, PGK, PHD, LFC, JIH, NMS), pp. 2003–2012.
CHI-2009-WiltseN #collaboration #mobile #named #web- PlayByPlay: collaborative web browsing for desktop and mobile devices (HW, JN), pp. 1781–1790.
HCD-2009-AnastassovaM #case study #elicitation #interactive #mobile #prototype #requirements #visual notation- Elicitation of User Requirements for Mobile Interaction with Visual and RFID Tags: A Prototype-Based Exploratory Study (MA, OMI), pp. 159–166.
HCD-2009-ChuangO #correlation #design #mobile #using- A Photo Correlation Map Using Mobile AP II for Scenario-Based Design (YLC, MO), pp. 177–183.
HCD-2009-Hong #design #mobile #research- User Research and User Centered Design; Designing, Developing, and Commercializing Widget Service on Mobile Handset (SMH), pp. 854–861.
HCD-2009-KimJK #mobile- User Needs of Mobile Phone Wireless Search: Focusing on Search Result Pages (YJK, SJJ, MJK), pp. 446–451.
HCD-2009-KohlsdorfLB #bibliography #evaluation #mobile- A Mobile Application for Survey Reports: An Evaluation (DK, ML, MB), pp. 212–220.
HCD-2009-LinHS #design #interface #mobile- Exploring the Interface Design of Mobile Phone for the Elderly (CJL, TLH, WJS), pp. 476–481.
HCD-2009-LiuL #adaptation #mobile #people- User Value Based Product Adaptation: A Case of Mobile Products for Chinese Urban Elderly People (JL, XL), pp. 492–500.
HCD-2009-LiuLCLW #concept #design #development #mobile #research- Design for China Migrant Workers: A Case of User Research and Mobile Product Concepts Development (XL, JL, JC, YL, XW), pp. 482–491.
HCD-2009-LoveHA #case study #design #industrial #mobile #process #requirements- Accommodating Real User and Organisational Requirements in the Human Centered Design Process: A Case Study from the Mobile Phone Industry (SL, PH, MA), pp. 758–764.
HCD-2009-MoranC #comprehension #documentation #process- Understanding Activity Documentation Work in Remote Mobility Environments (ALM, RC), pp. 1023–1032.
HCD-2009-Seland #design #game studies #mobile #using- Empowering End Users in Design of Mobile Technology Using Role Play as a Method: Reflections on the Role-Play Conduction (GS), pp. 912–921.
HCD-2009-Varsaluoma #evaluation #heuristic #mobile- Scenarios in the Heuristic Evaluation of Mobile Devices: Emphasizing the Context of Use (JV), pp. 332–341.
HCD-2009-YousefiSH #design #mobile- Human Centered Design of Mobile Machines by a Virtual Environment (HY, AMS, HH), pp. 1099–1108.
HCI-AUII-2009-FarajMV #mobile #named- BigKey: A Virtual Keyboard for Mobile Devices (KAF, MM, NV), pp. 3–10.
HCI-AUII-2009-MahlerHW #interactive #interface #mobile- Mobile Interfaces in Tangible Mnemonics Interaction (TDM, MH, MW), pp. 58–66.
HCI-AUII-2009-OchoaAG #collaboration #comprehension #mobile #requirements- Understanding the Relationship between Requirements and Context Elements in Mobile Collaboration (SFO, RA, LAG), pp. 67–76.
HCI-AUII-2009-SaariKSRR #information management #mobile- A Mobile and Desktop Application for Enhancing Group Awareness in Knowledge Work Teams (TS, KK, MS, NR, MR), pp. 95–104.
HCI-AUII-2009-SuzukiNABYF #comparison #empirical #interactive #mobile #modelling #sequence- Empirical Comparison of Task Completion Time between Mobile Phone Models with Matched Interaction Sequences (SS, YN, TA, VB, NY, SF), pp. 114–122.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BeinhauerH #evaluation #mobile #multimodal #using- Using Acoustic Landscapes for the Evaluation of Multimodal Mobile Applications (WB, CH), pp. 3–11.
HCI-NT-2009-Balagtas-FernandezH #development #evaluation #interface #mobile- Evaluation of User-Interfaces for Mobile Application Development Environments (FTBF, HH), pp. 204–213.
HCI-NT-2009-DahlAS #mobile #simulation #usability- Evaluating Mobile Usability: The Role of Fidelity in Full-Scale Laboratory Simulations with Mobile ICT for Hospitals (YD, OAA, DS), pp. 232–241.
HCI-NT-2009-QueirozF #approach #evaluation #mobile #multi #user interface- A Multidimensional Approach for the Evaluation of Mobile Application User Interfaces (JERdQ, DdSF), pp. 242–251.
HCI-NT-2009-RajK #agile #consistency #design pattern #interactive #library #mobile #named #process #user interface- RUCID: Rapid Usable Consistent Interaction Design Patterns-Based Mobile Phone UI Design Library, Process and Tool (AR, VK), pp. 677–686.
HCI-NT-2009-Ryu #automation #evaluation #mobile #usability- Mobile Phone Usability Questionnaire (MPUQ) and Automated Usability Evaluation (YSR), pp. 349–351.
HCI-VAD-2009-SaC #development #learning #mobile #personalisation #tool support- Supporting End-User Development of Personalized Mobile Learning Tools (MdS, LC), pp. 217–225.
HCI-VAD-2009-SaitoMQS #development #education #mobile- Development of a Simulator of Abacus: Ancient Analog Calculator on a Mobile Phone as a Teaching Material (KS, YM, VQ, HS), pp. 204–208.
HCI-VAD-2009-SuLHC #learning #mobile- Developing a Usable Mobile Flight Case Learning System in Air Traffic Control Miscommunications (KWS, KYL, PHH, ITC), pp. 770–777.
HIMI-DIE-2009-DavcevAI #information management #mobile #user interface- A Mobile User Interface for Business Knowledge Management (BKM) (DD, MA, DI), pp. 22–30.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KimP #metric #mobile #performance #user interface- A Business Performance Measurement Model for Mobile User Interface (MJK, JP), pp. 87–93.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TarasewichNS #mobile #privacy #security- Exploring Employee Perspectives on Information Privacy and Security in the Mobile Environment (PT, BN, MS), pp. 171–180.
HIMI-II-2009-AndoM #how #interactive #mobile #motivation #question #student- How Mobile Interaction Motivates Students in a Class? (AA, KM), pp. 621–631.
HIMI-II-2009-BaekPY #approach #comprehension #mobile- Understanding Key Attributes in Mobile Service: Kano Model Approach (SIB, SKP, WSY), pp. 355–364.
HIMI-II-2009-ChanLLH #mobile #requirements #user interface- Discovering User Interface Requirements of Search Results for Mobile Clients by Contextual Inquiry (DLC, RWPL, HVL, EKSH), pp. 365–374.
HIMI-II-2009-GiakoumisTKBH #approach #mobile #towards- An Integrated Approach towards the Homogeneous Provision of Geographically Dispersed Info-Mobility Services to Mobile Users (DG, DT, DK, EB, GH), pp. 385–394.
HIMI-II-2009-HadaS #development #mobile #process #using- Development of an Annotation-Based Classroom Activities Support Environment Using Digital Appliance, Mobile Device and PC (YH, MS), pp. 642–649.
HIMI-II-2009-HasegawaOWMM #estimation #mobile #using- Legible Character Size on Mobile Terminal Screens: Estimation Using Pinch-in/Out on the iPod Touch Panel (SH, MO, TW, SM, MM), pp. 395–402.
HIMI-II-2009-LeeHH09a #development #mobile- Location-Based Mixed-Map Application Development for Mobile Devices (HHL, KRH, KSH), pp. 403–412.
HIMI-II-2009-OmoriHWMM #mobile #readability- Influence of Vertical Length of Characters on Readability in Mobile Phones (MO, SH, TW, SM, MM), pp. 430–438.
HIMI-II-2009-ShibuyaNMKT #3d #distance #empirical #evaluation #mobile- Empirical Evaluation of Throwing Method to Move Object for Long Distance in 3D Information Space on Mobile Device (YS, KN, KM, IK, YT), pp. 468–475.
HIMI-II-2009-WatanabeOHMM #mobile #using- Usefulness of Mobile Information Provision Systems Using Graphic Text -Visibility of Graphic Text on Mobile Phones (TW, MO, SH, SM, MM), pp. 476–485.
IDGD-2009-Breuer #mobile #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous Society — Cultural Factors Driving Mobile Innovations and Adoption in Japan (HB), pp. 328–336.
IDGD-2009-ChavanAKK #how #mobile #women- How Mobile Money Can Drive Financial Inclusion for Women at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) in Indian Urban Centers (ALC, SA, AK, PK), pp. 475–484.
IDGD-2009-Eagle #crowdsourcing #mobile #named- txteagle: Mobile Crowdsourcing (NE), pp. 447–456.
IDGD-2009-EuneL #behaviour #difference #mobile- Cultural Dimensions in User Preferences and Behaviors of Mobile Phones and Interpretation of National Cultural Differences (JE, KPL), pp. 29–38.
IDGD-2009-MedhiRT- Mobile-Banking Adoption and Usage by Low-Literate, Low-Income Users in the Developing World (IM, AR, KT), pp. 485–494.
IDGD-2009-Rampoldi-HniloWSS #case study #enterprise #future of #mobile- The Future of Enterprise Is with the Mobile Workforce: An International Field Study (LRH, BKW, MS, ACS), pp. 308–315.
IDGD-2009-RangaswamyS #mobile #personalisation- Personalizing the Shared Mobile Phone (NR, SS), pp. 395–403.
IDGD-2009-Singh09a #design #mobile- Mobile Remittances: Design for Financial Inclusion (SS), pp. 515–524.
OCSC-2009-LiuLWW #design #mobile #scalability #social- Mobile Social Service Design for Large-Scale Exhibition (HL, YL, WW, BW), pp. 72–81.
OCSC-2009-ReisBM #education #interface #mobile- Mobile Phone Interfaces for Informal Education (JCdR, RB, MCM), pp. 515–524.
OCSC-2009-WillisR #mobile #student- Leveraging Mobile Devices to Develop Intercultural Competency for Digital Students (MW, EMR), pp. 545–553.
OCSC-2009-WongCKP #game studies #mobile- Intercultural Socializing via Mobile Games for Backpackers (CYW, KC, CWK, SAP), pp. 641–650.
CAiSE-2009-SpindlerGN #development #framework #mobile #social- Development Framework for Mobile Social Applications (AdS, MG, MCN), pp. 275–289.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-TroianoBAC #algorithm #layout #mobile #optimisation #search-based #web- Web Form Page in Mobile Devices — Optimization of Layout with a Simple Genetic Algorithm (LT, CB, RA, GC), pp. 118–123.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-GruhnK #analysis #mobile #modelling #process- Modelling, Analysis and Improvement of Mobile Business Processes with the MPL Method (VG, AK), pp. 89–94.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-HaslingerJD #correlation #information management #mobile- Correlation of Context Information for Mobile Services (SH, MJ, SD), pp. 69–76.
ICEIS-J-2009-GhezziRB #classification #mobile- A Technology Classification Model for Mobile Content and Service Delivery Platforms (AG, FR, RB), pp. 600–614.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-DolmacHD #architecture #design #development #framework #information management #mobile #web- Mobile Device Location Information Acquisition Framework for Development of Location Information Web Applications — Design and Architecture (AD, SH, SD), pp. 74–81.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-GruhnH #adaptation #information management #middleware #mobile- An Adaptive Middleware for Mobile Information Systems (VG, MH), pp. 108–113.
CIKM-2009-ChenCSLZ #information retrieval #mobile #network #peer-to-peer #performance- Efficient information retrieval in mobile peer-to-peer networks (LC, BC, HTS, WL, XZ), pp. 967–976.
CIKM-2009-LeeLKL #mobile #named #web- AnchorWoman: top-k structured mobile web search engine (WL, JJHL, YKK, CKSL), pp. 2089–2090.
CIKM-2009-MaHR #framework #incremental #mobile #named #predict- iLoc: a framework for incremental location-state acquisition and prediction based on mobile sensors (YM, RH, DR), pp. 1367–1376.
CIKM-2009-PenevW #framework #mobile- Framework for timely and accurate ads on mobile devices (AP, RKW), pp. 1067–1076.
KMIS-2009-FilipeF #process #student- A Student Personal System for Bologna Process Mobility (PPF, JCF), pp. 194–199.
RecSys-2009-JannachH #case study #effectiveness #internet #mobile #recommendation- A case study on the effectiveness of recommendations in the mobile internet (DJ, KH), pp. 205–208.
RecSys-2009-QuerciaC #mobile #named #recommendation #using- FriendSensing: recommending friends using mobile phones (DQ, LC), pp. 273–276.
SEKE-2009-GaoVSX #2d #mobile- A 2D-barcode Based Mobile Advertising Solution (JZG, HV, SS, JX), pp. 466–472.
SEKE-2009-RetkowitzAN #smarttech #towards- Towards Mobility Support in Smart Environments (DR, IA, MN), pp. 603–608.
SIGIR-2009-LiHT #internet #mobile- Good abandonment in mobile and PC internet search (JL, SBH, AT), pp. 43–50.
ECMDA-FA-2009-DanielePS #approach #behaviour #mobile #modelling- An MDA-Based Approach for Behaviour Modelling of Context-Aware Mobile Applications (LD, LFP, MvS), pp. 206–220.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BoixCVMD #ad hoc #mobile #network- A Leasing Model to Deal with Partial Failures in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (EGB, TVC, JV, WDM, TD), pp. 231–251.
SAC-2009-BatistaR #ad hoc #framework #middleware #mobile #network #specification- High-level specification of a middleware framework for mobile ad hoc networks: spontaneousware case (VdFB, NSR), pp. 221–222.
SAC-2009-ConceicaoMC #mobile #modelling #predict- A nonlinear mobile robot modeling applied to a model predictive controller (ASC, APM, JPC), pp. 1186–1187.
SAC-2009-DelicatoSPOBP #adaptation #aspect-oriented #composition #mobile #using- Using aspects and dynamic composition to provide context-aware adaptation for mobile applications (FCD, ILAS, PFP, ALSO, TVB, LP), pp. 456–460.
SAC-2009-FilhoNLA #framework #memory management #mobile #using #visualisation- A framework for text visualization using memory traffic management for mobile devices (JBFF, JdSRN, CRFL, RMCA), pp. 1847–1848.
SAC-2009-FranqueiraLE #framework #mobile #modelling #multi #simulation- Multi-step attack modelling and simulation (MsAMS) framework based on mobile ambients (VNLF, RHCL, PvE), pp. 66–73.
SAC-2009-LeePR #ad hoc #mobile #network #realtime- A real-time message scheduler support for dual-sink mobile ad-hoc sensor networks (JL, GLP, SuR), pp. 305–309.
SAC-2009-LeoniGLM #adaptation #mobile #online #process- On-line adaptation of sequential mobile processes running concurrently (MdL, GDG, YL, MM), pp. 1345–1352.
SAC-2009-LiuLC #2d #mobile- Two-dimensional non-photorealistic drawings on mobile devices (DSML, CHL, CIC), pp. 1843–1844.
SAC-2009-MaiaSSPA #mobile- Seamless access of home theater personal computers for mobile devices (LFM, DFSS, RSS, AP, HOdA), pp. 167–171.
SAC-2009-MikkonenT #case study #experience #framework #kernel #mobile #web- Creating a mobile web application platform: the lively kernel experiences (TM, AT), pp. 177–184.
SAC-2009-ParkKLKK #network #realtime #using- A mobility management scheme using SCTP-SIP for real-time services across heterogeneous networks (HP, MK, SL, SK, YK), pp. 196–200.
SAC-2009-PhilipA #ad hoc #maintenance #network- Mobility aware path maintenance in ad hoc networks (SJP, VA), pp. 201–206.
SAC-2009-StellerK #mobile #performance #pervasive #reasoning- Efficient mobile reasoning for pervasive discovery (LS, SK), pp. 1247–1251.
SAC-2009-Zheng #framework #mobile- Scene map on wireless mobile platform (JYZ), pp. 217–218.
LICS-2009-BengtsonJPV #calculus #logic #mobile #named #process- Psi-calculi: Mobile Processes, Nominal Data, and Logic (JB, MJ, JP, BV), pp. 39–48.
TestCom-FATES-2009-WangYXZGWLGZL #consistency #mobile #network #testing- TTCN-3 Based Conformance Testing of Mobile Broadcast Business Management System in 3G Networks (ZW, XY, YX, RZ, SG, XW, SL, SG, LZ, PL), pp. 163–178.
TLCA-2009-MostrousY #communication #higher-order #mobile #optimisation #process- Session-Based Communication Optimisation for Higher-Order Mobile Processes (DM, NY), pp. 203–218.
WICSA-2008-DagtasNWH #architecture #lightweight #mobile- An Integrated Lightweight Software Architecture for Mobile Business Applications (SD, YN, HW, LH), pp. 41–50.
ASE-2008-Balagtas-FernandezH #development #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Applications (FTBF, HH), pp. 509–512.
ASE-2008-KhambatiGWH #development #health #mobile #modelling- Model-Driven Development of Mobile Personal Health Care Applications (AK, JCG, JW, JGH), pp. 467–470.
CASE-2008-BaalbakiLX #mobile- Joint location and configuration of mobile service robots for hospitals (HB, ML, XX), pp. 615–620.
CASE-2008-ChoiJSKRKKSACC #automation #development #flexibility #framework #mobile #using- Development of flexible laboratory automation platform using Mobile Agents in the clinical laboratory (BC, SMJ, SHS, JK, SR, MCK, JK, WHS, KTA, WC, HRC), pp. 918–923.
CASE-2008-Holzmuller-LaueRNKAGTS #automation #flexibility #framework #integration #mobile #process- Flexible R&D integration platform of process informatics for automated medical applications and mobile data acquisition (SHL, KR, SN, SK, DA, BG, KT, RS), pp. 621–626.
CASE-2008-HuT #mobile- Compressive mobile sensing for robotic mapping (SH, JT), pp. 139–144.
CASE-2008-KimCY #mobile- Fusion of direction sensing RFID and sonar for mobile robot docking (MK, NYC, WY), pp. 709–714.
CASE-2008-LiuL #analysis #interactive #mobile- Track-stair and vehicle-manipulator interaction analysis for tracked mobile manipulators climbing stairs (YL, GL), pp. 157–162.
CASE-2008-SchiffKBDASG #mobile #navigation #network- Actuator networks for navigating an unmonitored mobile robot (JS, APK, DB, VD, RA, DS, KG), pp. 53–60.
DAC-2008-KimKKLY #framework #mobile #recognition- Vision platform for mobile intelligent robot based on 81.6 GOPS object recognition processor (DK, KK, JYK, SL, HJY), pp. 96–101.
DAC-2008-SavolainenR #design #interface #mobile #performance #standard- Standard interfaces in mobile terminals: increasing the efficiency of device design and accelerating innovation (RS, TR), p. 592.
DATE-2008-ChakrabortySP #layout #optimisation- Layout Level Timing Optimization by Leveraging Active Area Dependent Mobility of Strained-Silicon Devices (AC, SXS, DZP), pp. 849–855.
DATE-2008-ClothH #design #embedded #evaluation #mobile #predict- Quantitative Evaluation in Embedded System Design: Predicting Battery Lifetime in Mobile Devices (LC, BRH), pp. 90–91.
DATE-2008-KazmierskiZA #approximate #mobile #modelling #performance #using- Efficient circuit-level modelling of ballistic CNT using piecewise non-linear approximation of mobile charge density (TJK, DZ, BMAH), pp. 146–151.
CSEET-2008-WangOM #concept #evaluation #game studies #mobile- An Evaluation of a Mobile Game Concept for Lectures (AIW, TØ, OKMS), pp. 197–204.
ITiCSE-2008-Esponda #mobile #on the fly- Electronic voting on-the-fly with mobile devices (ME), pp. 93–97.
ICALP-B-2008-BergerHY #abstraction #logic #mobile #process- Completeness and Logical Full Abstraction in Modal Logics for Typed Mobile Processes (MB, KH, NY), pp. 99–111.
FM-2008-KuritaCN #development #mobile #specification- Application of a Formal Specification Language in the Development of the “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware for Embedding in Mobile Phone (TK, MC, YN), pp. 425–429.
GT-VMT-2008-Gruner #graph transformation #mobile #network- Graph Transformation Model of a Triangulated Network of Mobile Units (SG).
ICGT-2008-DerbelMG #graph #implementation #mobile- Mobile Agents Implementing Local Computations in Graphs (BD, MM, SG), pp. 99–114.
ICGT-2008-GadducciM #distributed #implementation #mobile- A Decentralized Implementation of Mobile Ambients (FG, GVM), pp. 115–130.
CHI-2008-AshbrookCLSP #named- Quickdraw: the impact of mobility and on-body placement on device access time (DA, JC, KL, TS, NJP), pp. 219–222.
CHI-2008-BellottiBCDFIKNPPRRSW #mobile #recommendation- Activity-based serendipitous recommendations with the Magitti mobile leisure guide (VB, JBB, EHhC, ND, JF, EI, THK, MWN, KP, BP, PR, MR, DJS, AW), pp. 1157–1166.
CHI-2008-CostabileALABP #challenge #exclamation #learning #mobile- Explore! possibilities and challenges of mobile learning (MFC, ADA, RL, CA, PB, TP), pp. 145–154.
CHI-2008-HeyerBV #empirical #mobile #social- Cross-channel mobile social software: an empirical study (CH, MB, SV), pp. 1525–1534.
CHI-2008-HogganBJ #effectiveness #feedback #mobile- Investigating the effectiveness of tactile feedback for mobile touchscreens (EEH, SAB, JJ), pp. 1573–1582.
CHI-2008-HuangT #design #interactive #mobile #paradigm- Breaking the disposable technology paradigm: opportunities for sustainable interaction design for mobile phones (EMH, KNT), pp. 323–332.
CHI-2008-JokelaLK #editing #mobile #multi- Mobile multimedia presentation editor: enabling creation of audio-visual stories on mobile devices (TJ, JL, HK), pp. 63–72.
CHI-2008-KamvarB #comprehension #mobile #query- Query suggestions for mobile search: understanding usage patterns (MK, SB), pp. 1013–1016.
CHI-2008-KangWA #interactive #mobile #social #using #video- Social copresence in anonymous social interactions using a mobile video telephone (SHK, JHW, SKA), pp. 1535–1544.
CHI-2008-LiBH #mobile #named- Blindsight: eyes-free access to mobile phones (KAL, PB, KH), pp. 1389–1398.
CHI-2008-NaamanNK #case study #mobile- Photos on the go: a mobile application case study (MN, RN, VK), pp. 1739–1748.
CHI-2008-SohnLGH #mobile- A diary study of mobile information needs (TS, KAL, WGG, JDH), pp. 433–442.
CSCW-2008-TangC #deployment #mobile- Evaluating the deployment of a mobile technology in a hospital ward (CT, MSTC), pp. 205–214.
CAiSE-2008-AliDG #information management #mobile #variability- Location-Based Variability for Mobile Information Systems (RA, FD, PG), pp. 575–578.
EDOC-2008-PreteC #mobile #reliability- Reliable Discovery and Selection of Composite Services in Mobile Environments (LDP, LC), pp. 171–180.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-GezerYTOA #framework #mobile #scheduling- A Bi-Criteria Scheduling Framework for the Supply Chain Management of Mobile Providers (GG, IOY, HMT, TÖ, RA), pp. 364–369.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-ReisSC #design #mobile #multimodal- Designing Mobile Multimodal Artefacts (TR, MdS, LC), pp. 78–85.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-MonteiroFBM #analysis #information management #mobile #towards- An Analysis Pattern for Mobile Geographic Information Systems toward Municipal Urban Administration (BRM, JLF, JLB, WSM), pp. 311–318.
ICEIS-J-2008-KangasharjuK08a #mobile- Binary Serialization for Mobile XForms Services (JK, OK), pp. 241–252.
ICEIS-J-2008-ReisSC08a #design #mobile #multimodal- Designing Universally Accessible Mobile Multimodal Artefacts (TR, MdS, LC), pp. 334–347.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-BrockeTW #e-commerce #mobile- Making Use of Mobile Devices in E-Commerce — Overcoming Organizational Barriers through User Participation (JvB, BT, DW), pp. 168–173.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-KangasharjuK #data transfer #mobile #using #xml- Using Bit-Efficient XML to Optimize Data Transfer of XForms-Based Mobile Services (JK, OK), pp. 5–11.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-SturmDS #mobile- Engineering Mobile Agents (AS, DD, OS), pp. 79–84.
CIKM-2008-LeeSZL #mobile #query- Valid scope computation for location-dependent spatial query in mobile broadcast environments (KCKL, JS, BZ, WCL), pp. 1231–1240.
CIKM-2008-PanXM #mobile #privacy- Protecting location privacy against location-dependent attack in mobile services (XP, JX, XM), pp. 1475–1476.
ECIR-2008-ShtykhCJ #interface #mobile #web- Slide-Film Interface: Overcoming Small Screen Limitations in Mobile Web Search (RYS, JC, QJ), pp. 622–626.
ICPR-2008-XuKB #adaptation #mobile- Information-based gaze control adaptation to scene context for mobile robots (TX, KK, MB), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-SeshadriMSBFL #graph #mobile- Mobile call graphs: beyond power-law and lognormal distributions (MS, SM, AS, JB, CF, JL), pp. 596–604.
RecSys-2008-SchifanellaPGR #ad hoc #collaboration #mobile #named #network #self- MobHinter: epidemic collaborative filtering and self-organization in mobile ad-hoc networks (RS, AP, CG, GR), pp. 27–34.
SEKE-2008-FilhoSPLA #middleware #mobile #named #pervasive- Wings4Symbian: A Pervasive Computing Middleware for Symbian OS Mobile Devices (OCSF, DFSS, AP, EL, HOdA), pp. 887–892.
SEKE-2008-HondaCD #mobile #named- Mobile-FIRST: a Mobile Agent Based First Responder System (JH, HHC, DD), pp. 565–568.
SEKE-2008-Rajapakse #mobile #taxonomy- Techniques for De-fragmenting Mobile Applications: A Taxonomy (DCR), pp. 923–928.
SIGIR-2008-YasukawaY #clustering #mobile- Clustering search results for mobile terminals (MY, HY), p. 880.
ECMDA-FA-2008-BelaundeF #development #mobile- Realizing an MDA and SOA Marriage for the Development of Mobile Services (MB, PF), pp. 393–405.
REFSQ-2008-SeyffGGM #mobile #requirements- Mobile Discovery of Requirements for Context-Aware Systems (NS, FG, PG, NAMM), pp. 183–197.
SAC-2008-CattelanP #framework #mobile #multi #peer-to-peer- Supporting multimedia capture in mobile computing environments through a peer-to-peer platform (RGC, MdGCP), pp. 1649–1650.
SAC-2008-CorreaIZF #analysis #image #mobile #using- Medical image analysis using mobile devices (BC, EI, AZ, MF), pp. 1380–1384.
SAC-2008-CorreiaKK #mobile #named- Borboleta: a mobile telehealth system for primary homecare (RC, FK, RK), pp. 1343–1347.
SAC-2008-DasD #evaluation #mobile- Performability evaluation of mobile client-server systems (OD, AD), pp. 2197–2201.
SAC-2008-FilhoPRA #memory management #mobile #visualisation- A strategy for memory traffic management of bitmap fonts for text visualization in mobile devices (JBFF, HSP, RR, RMCA), pp. 449–450.
SAC-2008-FlhoME #development #mobile #network- Supporting the development of context-aware agent-based systems for mobile networks (JVF, MAdGM, ME), pp. 1872–1873.
SAC-2008-GoncalvesFG #architecture #mobile- A service architecture for sensor data provisioning for context-aware mobile applications (BG, JGPF, GG), pp. 1946–1952.
SAC-2008-Hosokawa #mobile- A location-aware information browser implemented on BREW-based mobile phones (YH), pp. 1878–1883.
SAC-2008-KimuraG #api #named- TIPS: wrapping the sockets API for seamless IP mobility (BYLK, HCG), pp. 1940–1945.
SAC-2008-LeeKRG #framework #mobile- A generic mobile agent framework for ambient intelligence (YCL, ESK, SR, BG), pp. 1866–1871.
SAC-2008-LuizPBR #approach #mobile #programming #search-based #using- A new approach to control a population of mobile robots using genetic programming (AL, FP, GB, MR), pp. 1602–1606.
SAC-2008-PawarWBMHH #architecture #middleware #mobile #multi- Context-aware middleware architecture for vertical handover support to multi-homed nomadic mobile services (PP, KW, BJvB, PM, AvH, HJH), pp. 481–488.
SAC-2008-RezendeRL #ad hoc #architecture #mobile #network- Publish/subscribe architecture for mobile ad hoc networks (CGR, BPSR, AAFL), pp. 1913–1917.
SAC-2008-SantanaGSADGP #mobile #network #peer-to-peer- Improving network management with mobile agents in peer-to-peer networks (RLS, DGG, JNdS, RMCA, EPDJ, LZG, LP), pp. 1874–1875.
SAC-2008-SobralB #hybrid #mobile #realtime- A wireless hybrid contention/TDMA-based MAC for real-time mobile application (MMS, LBB), pp. 284–288.
SAC-2008-SoonRT #approach #collaboration #mobile- An approach to mobile collaborative mapping (CJS, PR, DT), pp. 1929–1934.
SAC-2008-TavaresV #mobile- A remote display system for Java-based mobile applications (ALCT, MTdOV), pp. 1918–1922.
SAC-2008-WangRPT #collaboration #mobile #wiki- An audio wiki supporting mobile collaboration (LW, PR, BP, DT), pp. 1889–1896.
SAC-2008-WendtGSWNM #analysis #mobile #optimisation #smarttech- System level power profile analysis and optimization for smart cards and mobile devices (MW, MG, CS, RW, UN, AM), pp. 1884–1888.
SAC-2008-YeLC #adaptation #mobile #network- Adaptive caching with heterogeneous devices in mobile peer to peer network (FY, QL, EC), pp. 1897–1901.
SAC-2008-YuMCWL #mobile #named- CityWalker: a mobile GPS for walking travelers (THY, YSM, KLC, HCW, YCL), pp. 1962–1963.
ICSE-2008-JurjensSB #analysis #mobile #modelling #security- Model-based security analysis for mobile communications (JJ, JS, PB), pp. 683–692.
SPLC-2008-AlvesCA #case study #development #experience #game studies #mobile #product line- Experiences with Mobile Games Product Line Development at Meantime (VA, TC, CFA), pp. 287–296.
CAV-2008-KobayashiS #hybrid #mobile #process #type system- A Hybrid Type System for Lock-Freedom of Mobile Processes (NK, DS), pp. 80–93.
ICST-2008-HargassnerHKPR #framework #mobile- A Script-Based Testbed for Mobile Software Frameworks (WH, TH, CK, JP, GR), pp. 448–457.
ICST-2008-Vemuri #mobile #predict #testing- Testing Predictive Software in Mobile Devices (VRV), pp. 440–447.
ECSA-2007-GruhnS #information management #mobile #process- From Mobile Business Processes to Mobile Information Systems (VG, CS), pp. 296–299.
CASE-2007-ArsandVH #health #mobile #people #self #usability- Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary (EÅ, RV, GH), pp. 863–868.
CASE-2007-EhrenbergFS #mobile- Inventory Management with an RFID-equipped Mobile Robot (IE, CF, SES), pp. 1020–1026.
CASE-2007-KimCAY #mobile #using- RFID-enabled Target Tracking and Following with a Mobile Robot Using Direction Finding Antennas (MK, NYC, HSA, WY), pp. 1014–1019.
CASE-2007-KwokNH #mobile #multi- PSO-Based Cooperative Control of Multiple Mobile Robots in Parameter-Tuned Formations (NMK, VTN, QPH), pp. 332–337.
CASE-2007-LuimulaSPPAL #mobile #ubiquitous #using- Improving the Remote Control of a Mobile Robot Using Positioning and Ubiquitous Techniques (ML, KS, TP, SP, JA, AL), pp. 1027–1033.
DATE-2007-Furuyama #challenge #mobile #question- Keynote address: Challenges of digital consumer and mobile SoC’s: more Moore possible? (TF), p. 1.
DATE-2007-WangC #energy #mobile #realtime- Minimum-energy LDPC decoder for real-time mobile application (WW, GC), pp. 343–348.
ICDAR-2007-TonouchiK #mobile #online #recognition #using- Text Input System Using Online Overlapped Handwriting Recognition for Mobile Devices (YT, AK), pp. 754–758.
ICDAR-2007-YinSNFFKT #documentation #image #mobile #multi- A Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images (XCY, JS, SN, KF, YF, KK, HT), pp. 574–578.
SIGMOD-2007-BrettleckerS #data type #framework #mobile #reliability- The OSIRIS-SE (stream-enabled) infrastructure for reliable data stream management on mobile devices (GB, HS), pp. 1097–1099.
SIGMOD-2007-Nori #database #embedded #mobile- Mobile and embedded databases (AN), pp. 1175–1177.
WRLA-2006-DuranRV07 #distributed #implementation #maude #mobile- A Distributed Implementation of Mobile Maude (FD, AR, AV), pp. 113–131.
FASE-2007-PadbergHEMBE #ad hoc #architecture #consistency #maintenance #mobile #network- Maintaining Consistency in Layered Architectures of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (JP, KH, HE, TM, EB, CE), pp. 383–397.
IFM-2007-BraghinSB #automation #mobile #policy #security #verification- Automated Verification of Security Policies in Mobile Code (CB, NS, KBA), pp. 37–53.
IFM-2007-KarkinskyST- Combining Mobility with State (DK, SAS, HT), pp. 373–392.
AGTIVE-2007-LevendovszkyLMM #mobile #tool support- Introducing the VMTS Mobile Toolkit (TL, LL, GM, TM), pp. 587–592.
CHI-2007-AhernEGKNN #mobile #online #privacy- Over-exposed?: privacy patterns and considerations in online and mobile photo sharing (SA, DE, NG, SK, MN, RN), pp. 357–366.
CHI-2007-AmesN #mobile #online #why- Why we tag: motivations for annotation in mobile and online media (MA, MN), pp. 971–980.
CHI-2007-BallagasMRB #interface #mobile #prototype #ubiquitous- iStuff mobile: rapidly prototyping new mobile phone interfaces for ubiquitous computing (RB, FM, RR, JOB), pp. 1107–1116.
CHI-2007-BrewsterCB #feedback #interactive #mobile- Tactile feedback for mobile interactions (SAB, FC, LMB), pp. 159–162.
CHI-2007-HachetPTG #agile #mobile- “Jump and refine” for rapid pointing on mobile phones (MH, JP, FT, PG), pp. 167–170.
CHI-2007-HolleisOHS #interactive #mobile- Keystroke-level model for advanced mobile phone interaction (PH, FO, HH, AS), pp. 1505–1514.
CHI-2007-JacucciOIES #mobile #named- Comedia: mobile group media for active spectatorship (GJ, AO, TI, JE, AS), pp. 1273–1282.
CHI-2007-JonesBHX #mobile #novel- Questions not answers: a novel mobile search technique (MJ, GB, RH, PLX), pp. 155–158.
CHI-2007-LandgrenN #case study #interactive #mobile- A study of emergency response work: patterns of mobile phone interaction (JL, UN), pp. 1323–1332.
CHI-2007-MakelaBGH #case study #interactive #mobile #visual notation- Mobile interaction with visual and RFID tags: a field study on user perceptions (KM, SB, DG, JH), pp. 991–994.
CHI-2007-OHaraMV #mobile #video- Consuming video on mobile devices (KO, ASM, AV), pp. 857–866.
CHI-2007-OulasvirtaS #mobile #multi- Mobile kits and laptop trays: managing multiple devices in mobile information work (AO, LS), pp. 1127–1136.
CHI-2007-WhiteMF #automation #design #identification #mobile #user interface- Designing a mobile user interface for automated species identification (SW, DM, SF), pp. 291–294.
CHI-2007-WilliamsonMH #interactive #mobile #multimodal #named- Shoogle: excitatory multimodal interaction on mobile devices (JW, RMS, SH), pp. 121–124.
CHI-2007-WobbrockCM #mobile- An alternative to push, press, and tap-tap-tap: gesturing on an isometric joystick for mobile phone text entry (JOW, DHC, BAM), pp. 667–676.
HCI-AS-2007-ErikssonA #mobile #multi- Multi-users and Multi-contextuality — A Mobile Tourism Setting (CIE, MÅ), pp. 48–57.
HCI-AS-2007-HongJ #algorithm #design #development #education #mobile- Design and Development of Mixed Mobile Education System Based on SIFT Algorithm (KH, KJ), pp. 255–263.
HCI-AS-2007-KoJK #behaviour #comprehension #internet #mobile- Understanding Influence of Mobile Internet Services on Life Behavior of Mobile Users (SMK, YGJ, DK), pp. 944–953.
HCI-AS-2007-RoibasSS #mobile- Travelling Stories: Mobile Applications for Storytellers (ACR, NS, RS), pp. 869–880.
HCI-AS-2007-SanchezSS #game studies #learning #mobile- Mobile Game-Based Methodology for Science Learning (JS, AS, MS), pp. 322–331.
HCI-AS-2007-Skattor #mobile- Ideas for Mobile Services Created and Explored in an Ethnographical Study (BS), pp. 1019–1028.
HCI-AS-2007-SkattorBEH #framework #mobile- A Framework for Mobile Services Supporting Mobile Non-office Workers (BS, LB, TE, PH), pp. 742–751.
HCI-AS-2007-TanC #mobile #quality- The Effects of Mobile Service Quality and Technology Compatibility on Users’ Perceived Playfulness (FBT, JPCC), pp. 1029–1038.
HCI-AS-2007-UszkoreitXLSALMHW #information management #mobile #multi- A Successful Field Test of a Mobile and Multilingual Information Service System COMPASS2008 (HU, FX, WL, JS, IA, JL, CM, BH, MW), pp. 1047–1056.
HCI-IDU-2007-AsanoSSWGR #design #mobile #web- Tips for Designing Mobile Phone Web Pages for the Elderly (YA, HS, HS, LW, QG, PLPR), pp. 675–680.
HCI-IDU-2007-DavidCDM #collaboration #mobile #named #process- ORCHESTRA: Formalism to Express Static and Dynamic Model of Mobile Collaborative Activities and Associated Patterns (BTD, RC, OD, GM), pp. 1082–1091.
HCI-IDU-2007-KimSCH #interactive #mobile #usability- A Usability Test of Exchanging Context in a Conference Room Via Mobile Device Interactions (DYK, SS, CC, TDH), pp. 862–871.
HCI-IPT-2007-BasapurXAL #mobile- User Expectations from Dictation on Mobile Devices (SB, SX, MA, YSL), pp. 217–225.
HCI-IPT-2007-CheongKH #evaluation #image #interface #mobile #usability- Usability Evaluation of Designed Image Code Interface for Mobile Computing Environment (CC, DCK, TDH), pp. 241–251.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChungCHL #gender #mobile #recognition- The Effects of Gender Culture on Mobile Phone Icon Recognition (SC, CC, XH, JJL), pp. 252–259.
HCI-IPT-2007-DuarteCM #mobile- Playback of Rich Digital Books on Mobile Devices (CD, LC, FM), pp. 270–279.
HCI-IPT-2007-GalludLTP #experience #interactive #mobile #using- Using Mobile Devices to Improve the Interactive Experience of Visitors in Art Museums (JAG, MDL, RT, VMRP), pp. 280–287.
HCI-IPT-2007-HamHFWPSB #mobile #modelling #usability- Model-Based Approaches to Quantifying the Usability of Mobile Phones (DHH, JH, PF, WW, SP, CS, MB), pp. 288–297.
HCI-IPT-2007-HeBPC #mobile- Accelerated Rendering of Vector Graphics on Mobile Devices (GH, BB, ZP, XC), pp. 298–305.
HCI-IPT-2007-Hinske #implementation #mobile- Pulling Digital Data from a Smart Object: Implementing the PullMe-Paradigm with a Mobile Phone (SH), pp. 306–310.
HCI-IPT-2007-HuaP #data access #mobile- WAP Access Methods on Mobile Phones (ZH, CYP), pp. 320–325.
HCI-IPT-2007-JeonKB #mobile #using- Interacting with a Tabletop Display Using a Camera Equipped Mobile Phone (SJ, GJK, MB), pp. 336–343.
HCI-IPT-2007-JokelaKM #design #editing #evaluation #mobile #video- Mobile Video Editor: Design and Evaluation (TJ, MK, KM), pp. 344–353.
HCI-IPT-2007-JungC #feedback #mobile #power management- Perceived Magnitude and Power Consumption of Vibration Feedback in Mobile Devices (JJ, SC), pp. 354–363.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimJPNC #design #evaluation #mobile- Application of a Universal Design Evaluation Index to Mobile Phones (MK, ESJ, SP, JN, JC), pp. 364–373.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimL07a #comprehension #development #interactive #mobile- Development of Interactive Logger for Understanding User’s Interaction with Mobile Phone (DK, KPL), pp. 394–400.
HCI-IPT-2007-Lee07a #mobile #tool support- Support Zooming Tools for Mobile Devices (KBL), pp. 408–417.
HCI-IPT-2007-LeeP #mobile- An Improved Model to Evaluate Menu Hierarchies for Mobile Phones (JL, DP), pp. 401–407.
HCI-IPT-2007-ParkJ #automation #detection #documentation #image #mobile #using #word- Automatic Word Detection System for Document Image Using Mobile Devices (AP, KJ), pp. 438–444.
HCI-IPT-2007-ReponenLI #mobile #social #video- Mobile Phone Video Camera in Social Context (ER, JL, JI), pp. 460–469.
HCI-IPT-2007-RichardsDP #mobile- Developing a Motion-Based Input Model for Mobile Devices (MR, TD, BP), pp. 470–479.
HCI-IPT-2007-RyuML #3d #mobile- Measuring Presence in Mobile 3D (HJR, RM, BL), pp. 681–688.
HCI-IPT-2007-SaC #design #evaluation #mobile #prototype #requirements- Designing for Mobile Devices: Requirements, Low-Fi Prototyping and Evaluation (MdS, LC), pp. 260–269.
HCI-IPT-2007-SuhPYCW #interactive #mobile #personalisation #ubiquitous- Context-Aware Mobile AR System for Personalization, Selective Sharing, and Interaction of Contents in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (YS, YP, HY, YC, WW), pp. 966–974.
HCI-IPT-2007-YoshidaMS #interactive #mobile #using #visual notation- Mobile Magic Hand: Camera Phone Based Interaction Using Visual Code and Optical Flow (YY, KM, TS), pp. 513–521.
HCI-MIE-2007-HanKYJ #mobile #recursion #segmentation- Frame Segmentation Used MLP-Based X-Y Recursive for Mobile Cartoon Content (EH, KK, HY, KJ), pp. 872–881.
HCI-MIE-2007-HanYYJ #analysis #automation #image #mobile #semantics #using- Automatic Mobile Content Conversion Using Semantic Image Analysis (EH, JY, HY, KJ), pp. 298–307.
HCI-MIE-2007-LaarniLKR #mobile #usability- Usability of Hybridmedia Services — PC and Mobile Applications Compared (JL, LL, JK, NR), pp. 918–925.
HCI-MIE-2007-Marcus #communication #mobile #user interface- m-LoCoS UI: A Universal Visible Language for Global Mobile Communication (AM), pp. 144–153.
HCI-MIE-2007-MarcusP #mobile #social #user interface #video- m-YouTube Mobile UI: Video Selection Based on Social Influence (AM, ÁP), pp. 926–932.
HCI-MIE-2007-RoibasS #comprehension #how #interactive #mobile- Beyond Mobile TV: Understanding How Mobile Interactive Systems Enable Users to Become Digital Producers (ACR, RS), pp. 801–810.
HIMI-IIE-2007-HasegawaOFM #mobile #readability- Readability of Characters on Liquid Crystal Displays in Mobile Phones (SH, MO, KF, MM), pp. 510–517.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Kim07a #internet #mobile #network #social #ubiquitous #web #web service- Mobile Social Networking Based on Mobile Internet and Ubiquitous Web Services (YBK), pp. 536–545.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KimCE07a #generative #mobile #user interface- Dynamic Cell Phone UI Generation for Mobile Agents (GSK, HjC, YIE), pp. 563–571.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KochHLP #agile #mobile #precise- Rapid and Precise Mobile Data Processing for Fire Brigades and Rescue Services (SAFeR/GÜTER/SHARE) (RK, RH, BSL, JP), pp. 1050–1059.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MiyaoSHFTO #mobile #multi- Multilingual Disaster Information for Mobile Phones in Japan (MM, KS, SH, KF, ST, KO), pp. 592–599.
HIMI-IIE-2007-OmoriHFM #evaluation #mobile #visual notation- Visibility Evaluation of Characters on Liquid Crystal Displays in Mobile Phones, and Visual Function (MO, SH, KF, MM), pp. 600–607.
HIMI-IIE-2007-RheeSLLKS #collaboration #community #mobile- Media Sharing and Collaboration Within Mobile Community: Self Expression and Socialization (YR, KPS, JL, JL, DK, YS), pp. 137–146.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ShinPCC #ad hoc #energy #human-computer #mobile #network #performance- Energy Efficient Route Discovery for Mobile HCI in Ad-Hoc Networks (KS, KP, MYC, HC), pp. 635–644.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Sonntag #design #implementation #interactive #interface #mobile #multimodal #semantics #web- Interaction Design and Implementation for Multimodal Mobile Semantic Web Interfaces (DS), pp. 645–654.
HIMI-IIE-2007-TamuraA #interactive #mobile- Society of Mobile Interactions (HT, MA), pp. 655–663.
HIMI-IIE-2007-TsengLH #learning #mobile- A Mobile Environment for Chinese Language Learning (CCT, CHL, WLH), pp. 485–489.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ViljamaaVA #architecture #mobile #multi #towards- Towards an Optimal Information Architecture Model for Mobile Multimedia Devices (TPV, TV, AA), pp. 664–673.
HIMI-IIE-2007-WakitaAT #metric #mobile #prototype #using- Methodology for Constructing a Prototype Site for Finding Employment SPI Measures Using Mobile Phones (SW, MA, TT), pp. 983–993.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Wang07a #adaptation #generative #mobile #multi #named- Mach: A Content Generating Engine for Adaptive Multimedia Applications in the Mobile Environment (CW), pp. 674–681.
HIMI-MTT-2007-KimCE #adaptation #implementation #migration #mobile #ubiquitous #user interface- The Implementation of Adaptive User Interface Migration Based on Ubiquitous Mobile Agents (GSK, HjC, YIE), pp. 659–668.
HIMI-MTT-2007-KimK #ad hoc #mobile #network #performance- Distance-Based Bloom Filter for an Efficient Search in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (BK, KK), pp. 471–479.
HIMI-MTT-2007-LeeLKC #analysis #correlation #human-computer #mobile- Correlation Analysis of Available Bandwidth Estimators for Mobile HCI (DL, CL, JK, JWC), pp. 687–696.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkB07a #design #mobile #user interface- An Experimental Examination of Customer Preferences on User Interface Design of Mobile Services (HP, SB), pp. 171–179.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkK07a #case study #effectiveness #mobile- A Case Study on Effective Application of Inquiry Methods to Find Out Mobile Phone’s New Function (SP, YK), pp. 163–170.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkKXKHJ #mobile #user interface- A Mobile Terminal User Interface for Intelligent Robots (JHP, GOK, XDP, KHK, SHH, JWJ), pp. 903–911.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkPLC #adaptation #framework #human-computer #mobile #network #power management- A Network Framework on Adaptive Power Management in HCI Mobile Terminals (HP, KP, TJL, HC), pp. 728–737.
OCSC-2007-ChenRM #information management #mobile #process- The Need for Technology to Support Creative Information Sharing Whilst Mobile: Identified Activities and Relationship Groups (YC, TR, VM), pp. 50–59.
OCSC-2007-HerreraONBAF #community #education #mobile- A Mobile Portfolio to Support Communities of Practice in Science Education (OAH, SFO, HAN, MB, RGA, DAF), pp. 416–425.
OCSC-2007-KolkoJR #mobile #social- Mobile Social Software for the Developing World (BEK, EJJ, EJR), pp. 385–394.
AdaEurope-2007-MosteoM #ada #architecture #mobile #named #research- Sancta: An Ada 2005 General-Purpose Architecture for Mobile Robotics Research (ARM, LM), pp. 221–234.
CAiSE-2007-Abrahamsson #agile #development #information management #mobile- Agile Software Development of Mobile Information Systems (PA), pp. 1–4.
EDOC-2007-GruhnK #analysis #automation #framework #mobile- An Analysis Framework for Mobile Workforce Automation (VG, AK), pp. 193–201.
EDOC-2007-PajunenC #mobile #workflow- Developing Workflow Engine for Mobile Devices (LP, SC), pp. 279–286.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-BlunnCCWD #information management #mobile- Mobile Decision Making and Knowledge Management: Supporting Geoarchaeologists in the Field (MB, JC, DEC, CW, DD), pp. 57–62.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HosbondNA #mobile- Opting for Innovation in Mobile Applications (JHH, PAN, IA), pp. 23–30.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-EijkKSR #ad hoc #communication #mobile- A WE-Centric Service for Mobile Police Officers to Support Communication in Ad-Hoc Groups (RvE, NdK, MS, ER), pp. 61–67.
ICEIS-J-2007-HosbondNA07a #mobile- Shaping Mobile Applications for the Future (JHH, PAN, IA), pp. 266–275.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-BentoP #collaboration #editing #mobile- Supporting Asynchronous Collaborative Editing in Mobile Computing Environments (MB, NMP), pp. 343–350.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-YamashitaTISKH #mobile- Context Awareness of Mobile Content Delivery Based on Fine Location Estimate (TY, DT, NI, AS, KK, KH), pp. 185–190.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-ZhangJLF #performance- An Efficient System for EJB Mobilization (LZ, BJ, LL, YF), pp. 173–178.
RecSys-2007-NguyenR #evaluation #game studies #interactive #mobile #recommendation- Replaying live-user interactions in the off-line evaluation of critique-based mobile recommendations (QNN, FR), pp. 81–88.
SIGIR-2007-ChenBLCZ #mobile #retrieval #tool support- A full-text retrieval toolkit for mobile desktop search (WC, JB, KL, CC, CZ), p. 905.
SIGIR-2007-CormackHS #mobile #re-engineering- Feature engineering for mobile (SMS) spam filtering (GVC, JMGH, EPS), pp. 871–872.
SIGIR-2007-DiasJFC #interface #mobile- Mobile interface of the memoria project (RJD, RMJ, RF, NC), p. 904.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-VallejosCBMDM #message passing- The Message-Oriented Mobility Model (JV, TVC, EGB, SM, JD, WDM), pp. 363–382.
RE-2007-AlvesRD #case study #challenge #development #game studies #mobile #requirements- Challenges in Requirements Engineering for Mobile Games Development: The Meantime Case Study (CFA, GR, ALGD), pp. 275–280.
RE-2007-HeblerTP #mobile #requirements- Blind User Requirements Engineering for Mobile Services (SH, TT, KP), pp. 205–208.
RE-2007-SeyffGGM #mobile #requirements- The Mobile Scenario Presenter: A Tool for in situ Requirements Discovery with Scenarios (NS, FG, PG, NAMM), pp. 365–366.
REFSQ-2007-RegnellHB #analysis #mobile #non-functional #performance #quality #requirements- A Quality Performance Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Non-functional Requirements Applied to the Mobile Handset Domain (BR, MH, RBS), pp. 277–291.
SAC-2007-AcharyaKY #mobile- DAYS mobile: a location based data broadcast service for mobile users (DA, VK, GCY), pp. 901–905.
SAC-2007-DombroviakR #mobile #pervasive #taxonomy- A taxonomy of mobile and pervasive applications (KMD, RR), pp. 1609–1615.
SAC-2007-FariasLCPF #development #metamodelling #mobile- A MOF metamodel for the development of context-aware mobile applications (CRGdF, MML, CZC, RMP, JGPF), pp. 947–952.
SAC-2007-JunJ #ad hoc #automation #mobile #network #protocol- Automated routing protocol selection in mobile ad hoc networks (TJ, CJ), pp. 906–913.
SAC-2007-KanzakiHN #ad hoc #mobile #network #performance #protocol- An efficient TDMA slot assignment protocol in mobile ad hoc networks (AK, TH, SN), pp. 891–895.
SAC-2007-KimHC #implementation #mobile #multi #performance- An efficient implementation of RC4 cipher for encrypting multimedia files on mobile devices (HK, JH, SC), pp. 1171–1175.
SAC-2007-KimKK #energy #mobile- Energy-efficient disk replacement and file placement techniques for mobile systems with hard disks (YJK, KTK, JK), pp. 693–698.
SAC-2007-KimmSS #algorithm #evaluation #linux #mobile #scalability- Evaluation of interval-based dynamic voltage scaling algorithms on mobile Linux system (HK, SYS, COS), pp. 1141–1145.
SAC-2007-KimuraTN #artificial reality #mobile- System support for mobile augmented reality services (HK, ET, TN), pp. 1616–1623.
SAC-2007-KumarMS #mobile #policy- A weighted cache replacement policy for location dependent data in mobile environments (AK, MM, AKS), pp. 920–924.
SAC-2007-MinCN #energy #interactive #mobile- Energy management for interactive applications in mobile handheld systems (JHM, HC, JN), pp. 795–799.
SAC-2007-MonteiroBL #consistency #mobile- A mechanism for replicated data consistency in mobile computing environments (JMM, AB, SL), pp. 914–919.
SAC-2007-NoordendeBT #mobile #security #using- Guarding security sensitive content using confined mobile agents (Gv'N, FMTB, AST), pp. 48–55.
SAC-2007-PreuveneersB #adaptation #mobile #self #towards- Towards context-aware and resource-driven self-adaptation for mobile handheld applications (DP, YB), pp. 1165–1170.
SAC-2007-ShriramS #adaptation #architecture #information management #middleware #mobile- Adaptive middleware architecture for information sharing on mobile phones (RS, VS), pp. 800–804.
SAC-2007-TengC #community #mining #mobile- Mining communities of acquainted mobile users on call detail records (WGT, MCC), pp. 957–958.
SAC-2007-TreeprapinKHN #mobile #network- A mobile sensor control method for sparse sensor networks (KT, AK, TH, SN), pp. 886–890.
SAC-2007-YanWZ #ad hoc #mobile #network #protocol- Dual agreement virtual subnet protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks (KQY, SCW, GYZ), pp. 953–954.
SAC-2007-YiYC #mobile #multi #using- Tracking multiple mobile objects using IEEE 802.15.4-based ultrasonic sensor devices (SY, JY, HC), pp. 1638–1639.
ESEC-FSE-2007-CalegariMRM #generative #mobile #named #performance #testing- CTG: a connectivity trace generator for testing the performance of opportunistic mobile systems (RC, MM, FR, CM), pp. 415–424.
SPLC-2007-WhiteSWN #automation #mobile #product line- Automating Product-Line Variant Selection for Mobile Devices (JW, DCS, EW, AN), pp. 129–140.
HPDC-2007-DarbyT #grid #mobile #peer-to-peer- Peer-to-peer checkpointing arrangement for mobile grid computing systems (PJDI, NFT), pp. 211–212.
HPDC-2007-ImranRLL #coordination #grid #mobile- A proxy-based uncoordinated checkpointing scheme with pessimistic message logging for mobile grid systems (NI, IR, YKL, SL), pp. 237–238.
LCTES-2007-Engelsma #case study #experience #perspective #tool support- Enabling seamless mobility: an enablers, experiences and tools perspective (JE), p. 136.
TestCom-FATES-2007-KawakamiKRBPSS #automation #framework #mobile #object-oriented #reuse #testing- An Object-Oriented Framework for Improving Software Reuse on Automated Testing of Mobile Phones (LK, AK, DR, DB, OP, RPeS, LCVdS), pp. 199–211.
TLCA-2007-MostrousY #higher-order #mobile #process #type system- Two Session Typing Systems for Higher-Order Mobile Processes (DM, NY), pp. 321–335.
CASE-2006-HuangCC #mobile #safety- Mobile Diagnosis based on RFID for Food Safety (HPH, CSC, TYC), pp. 357–362.
CASE-2006-LengC #analysis #implementation #mobile- Velocity Analysis of Omnidirectional Mobile Robot and System Implementation (CL, QC), pp. 81–86.
CASE-2006-RenZMP #mobile- Stable Motion Planning for Dynamic Nonholonomic Mobile Robots (JR, HZ, KAM, RVP), pp. 200–205.
DAC-2006-AroraRRSJC #architecture #mobile #multi #security- Software architecture exploration for high-performance security processing on a multiprocessor mobile SoC (DA, AR, SR, MS, NKJ, STC), pp. 496–501.
DAC-2006-HattoriIIYKSYNYKTHAHTSMYHMYHTYIKMYITAAO #mobile #power management- Hierarchical power distribution and power management scheme for a single chip mobile processor (TH, TI, MI, EY, HK, GS, TY, KN, HY, TK, YT, MH, HA, IH, KT, YS, NM, YY, TH, YM, KY, KH, ST, SY, TI, YK, HM, TY, NI, RT, NA, TA, KO), pp. 292–295.
DAC-2006-InoueIKSE #architecture #mobile #named- VIRTUS: a new processor virtualization architecture for security-oriented next-generation mobile terminals (HI, AI, MK, JS, ME), pp. 484–489.
DAC-2006-IranliLP #mobile #power management- Backlight dimming in power-aware mobile displays (AI, WL, MP), pp. 604–607.
DAC-2006-LiuCLLW #design #mobile #video- Design of a 125muW, fully-scalable MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC video decoder for mobile applications (TML, CCC, CYL, TAL, SZW), pp. 288–289.
DAC-2006-MochockiLCH #3d #estimation #mobile- Signature-based workload estimation for mobile 3D graphics (BM, KL, SC, XSH), pp. 592–597.
DAC-2006-Paradiso #mobile- Systems for human-powered mobile computing (JAP), pp. 645–650.
DAC-2006-ZhongWS #design #energy #mobile #multi #named- SMERT: energy-efficient design of a multimedia messaging system for mobile devices (LZ, BW, MJS), pp. 586–591.
DATE-2006-CorneaND #mobile #optimisation- Software annotations for power optimization on mobile devices (RC, AN, NDD), pp. 684–689.
DATE-2006-LambretteH #industrial #mobile #named- SoC: fuelling the hopes of the mobile industry (UL, BAH), p. 727.
DATE-2006-MochockiLC #3d #analysis #mobile- Power analysis of mobile 3D graphics (BM, KL, SC), pp. 502–507.
DATE-DF-2006-FummiQRT #mobile #modelling #network #simulation- Modeling and simulation of mobile gateways interacting with wireless sensor networks (FF, DQ, FR, MT), pp. 106–111.
DATE-DF-2006-SohnWYY #design #fixpoint #mobile #multi- Design and test of fixed-point multimedia co-processor for mobile applications (JHS, JHW, JY, HJY), pp. 249–253.
SIGMOD-2006-BychkovskyCGHHMSZBM #data transformation #mobile- Data management in the CarTel mobile sensor computing system (VB, KC, MG, HH, BH, AM, ES, YZ, HB, SM), pp. 730–732.
SIGMOD-2006-LeeLWZX #data access #mobile- CS cache engine: data access accelerator for location-based service in mobile environments (KCKL, WCL, JW, BZ, JX), pp. 787–789.
SIGMOD-2006-SignerNGBDW #data access #database #mobile- Paper-based mobile access to databases (BS, MCN, MG, RB, CD, NW), pp. 763–765.
CHI-2006-BellCBHSTBRB #game studies #mobile- Interweaving mobile games with everyday life (MB, MC, LB, MH, SS, PT, BB, DR, SB), pp. 417–426.
CHI-2006-BioccaTOX #3d #artificial reality #mobile- Attention funnel: omnidirectional 3D cursor for mobile augmented reality platforms (FB, AT, CBO, FX), pp. 1115–1122.
CHI-2006-BlaskoNF #interactive #mobile #prototype #string- Prototyping retractable string-based interaction techniques for dual-display mobile devices (GB, CN, SF), pp. 369–372.
CHI-2006-HalveyKS- Time based patterns in mobile-internet surfing (MH, MTK, BS), pp. 31–34.
CHI-2006-KamvarB #behaviour #case study #mobile #scalability- A large scale study of wireless search behavior: Google mobile search (MK, SB), pp. 701–709.
CHI-2006-KarlsonRRCS #interface #mobile #named- FaThumb: a facet-based interface for mobile search (AKK, GGR, DCR, MC, GS), pp. 711–720.
CHI-2006-LukPLMLH #design #interactive #mobile #prototype #using- A role for haptics in mobile interaction: initial design using a handheld tactile display prototype (JL, JP, SL, KEM, VL, VH), pp. 171–180.
CHI-2006-MarentakisB #feedback- Effects of feedback, mobility and index of difficulty on deictic spatial audio target acquisition in the horizontal plane (GNM, SAB), pp. 359–368.
CHI-2006-OHaraBL #mobile #video- Everyday practices with mobile video telephony (KO, AB, ML), pp. 871–880.
CHI-2006-ParikhJSGT #approach #documentation #mobile- Mobile phones and paper documents: evaluating a new approach for capturing microfinance data in rural India (TSP, PJ, KS, KG, KT), pp. 551–560.
CHI-2006-RotoPKV #mobile #named #visualisation #web- Minimap: a web page visualization method for mobile phones (VR, AP, AK, EV), pp. 35–44.
CHI-2006-SalovaaraJOSKKT #mobile- Collective creation and sense-making of mobile media (AS, GJ, AO, TS, PK, EK, ST), pp. 1211–1220.
CHI-2006-YehLKGLKSP #biology #mobile #named #research- ButterflyNet: a mobile capture and access system for field biology research (RBY, CL, SRK, FG, BL, BK, JAS, AP), pp. 571–580.
CSCW-2006-FonoC #collaboration #composition #game studies #mobile #multi #named #social- Sandboxes: supporting social play through collaborative multimedia composition on mobile phones (DF, SC), pp. 163–166.
CSCW-2006-RollandHM #concept #integration- Conceptualizing common information spaces across heterogeneous contexts: mutable mobiles and side-effects of integration (KHR, VH, EM), pp. 493–500.
EDOC-2006-SzydloSZ #adaptation #component- Policy-based Context-aware Adaptable Software Components for Mobility Computing (TS, RS, KZ), pp. 483–487.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-OngSKO #data transformation #evaluation #mobile- Data Management System Evaluation for Mobile Messaging Services (DCCO, RS, SK, RO), pp. 226–231.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-StojanovicDPN #mobile #network #query- Continuous Range Query Processing for Network Constrained Mobile Objects (DS, SDK, ANP, AN), pp. 63–70.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-DoyleWBW #interface #mobile #multimodal #personalisation- A Multimodal Interface for Personalising Spatial Data in Mobile GIS (JD, JW, MB, DCW), pp. 71–78.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-BrzezinskiKK #mobile #protocol #safety- Safety of Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery Protocol for Mobile Systems with RYW Session Guarantee (JB, AK, JK), pp. 118–123.
ECIR-2006-CarpinetoPMR #clustering #mobile- Mobile Clustering Engine (CC, ADP, SM, GR), pp. 155–166.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChenCPKA #capacity #mobile #realtime- A Moving Object Tracked by A Mobile Robot with Real-Time Obstacles Avoidance Capacity (CHC, CC, DLP, AK, MAA), pp. 1091–1094.
ICPR-v3-2006-MouragnonLDDS #mobile- Monocular Vision Based SLAM for Mobile Robots (EM, ML, MD, FD, PS), pp. 1027–1031.
ICPR-v4-2006-HannukselaSH #interactive #mobile #recognition- Motion-Based Handwriting Recognition for Mobile Interaction (JH, PS, JH), pp. 397–400.
ICPR-v4-2006-MitaniTKF #analysis #mobile #recognition- Environment Recognition Based on Analysis of Human Actions for Mobile Robot (MM, MT, AK, KF), pp. 782–786.
ICPR-v4-2006-ShibuyaU #image #mobile #self #standard #using- Self-Localization of a Mobile Robot Using Compressed Image Data of Average and Standard Deviation (NS, KU), pp. 614–617.
SEKE-2006-Ding #architecture #mobile- A Formal Architectural Model For Mobile Service Systems (ZD), pp. 670–675.
SEKE-2006-JiangAYCA #automation #implementation #mobile- Automating the Implementation of Mobile Applications and Services (MJ, AA, ZY, RC, JA), pp. 526–531.
SEKE-2006-StenderKA #multi #runtime- Mobility-based Runtime Load Balancing in Multi-Agent Systems (JS, SK, SA), pp. 688–696.
SIGIR-2006-OtterbacherRK #mobile #summary- News to go: hierarchical text summarization for mobile devices (JO, DRR, OK), pp. 589–596.
ECOOP-2006-Yonezawa #concurrent #mobile- Early Concurrent/Mobile Objects (AY), pp. 198–202.
QAPL-2005-NicolaKLM06 #logic #performance #towards- Towards a Logic for Performance and Mobility (RDN, JPK, DL, MM), pp. 161–175.
RE-2006-MaidenSGOM #mobile #requirements #tool support- Making Mobile Requirements Engineering Tools Usable and Useful (NAMM, NS, PG, OO, KM), pp. 26–35.
SAC-2006-BonnetEV #ad hoc #mobile #network #using- Quiescent consensus in mobile ad-hoc networks using eventually storage-free broadcasts (FB, PDE, EV), pp. 670–674.
SAC-2006-CabriFLQ- Strong agent mobility for aglets based on the IBM JikesRVM (GC, LF, LL, RQ), pp. 90–95.
SAC-2006-DoyleB #effectiveness #interactive #mobile #speech- Combining speech and pen input for effective interaction in mobile geospatial environments (JD, MB), pp. 1182–1183.
SAC-2006-KramerMH #case study #elicitation #mobile #using- Field study on methods for elicitation of preferences using a mobile digital assistant for a dynamic tour guide (RK, MM, KtH), pp. 997–1001.
SAC-2006-LeeYKKK #ad hoc #distributed #mobile #network- Distributed IPv6 addressing technique for mobile ad-hoc networks (DL, JY, HK, KK, KK), pp. 1156–1160.
SAC-2006-MadhukarA #adaptation #database #energy #mobile #performance- An adaptive energy efficient cache invalidation scheme for mobile databases (AM, RA), pp. 1122–1126.
SAC-2006-McLoughlinOBW #mobile #named- MEDIC: MobilE Diagnosis for Improved Care (EM, DO, MB, DCW), pp. 204–208.
SAC-2006-MikalsenPFSPC #adaptation #distributed #middleware- Distributed context management in a mobility and adaptation enabling middleware (MADAM) (MM, NP, JF, ES, GAP, AC), pp. 733–734.
SAC-2006-PhanTB #benchmark #metric #mobile #performance #protocol- A benchmark on soap’s transport protocols performance for mobile applications (TKAP, ZT, PB), pp. 1139–1144.
SAC-2006-RodriguesBM #3d #interactive #mobile #visualisation- Interactive Mobile 3D Graphics for on-the-go visualization and walkthroughs (MAFR, RGB, NCM), pp. 1002–1007.
SAC-2006-Roth #detection #mobile- Detecting identifiable areas in mobile environments (JR), pp. 986–991.
SAC-2006-YoussefAA #mobile #privacy #semantics- Semantically enhanced enforcement of mobile consumer’s privacy preferences (MY, NRA, VA), pp. 1172–1176.
SAC-2006-ZhaiLL #data access #mobile #statistics #streaming- Statistical buffering for streaming media data access in a mobile environment (JZ, XL, QL), pp. 1161–1165.
ICSE-2006-MoriISI #detection #mobile- A tool for analyzing and detecting malicious mobile code (AM, TI, TS, TI), pp. 831–834.
LCTES-2006-ZhangP #mobile- Minimizing downtime in seamless migrations of mobile applications (KZ, SP), pp. 12–21.
OSDI-2006-FordSLRKM #mobile #persistent- Persistent Personal Names for Globally Connected Mobile Devices (BF, JS, CLL, SCR, MFK, RM), pp. 233–248.
PPoPP-2006-FernandesPS #mobile #source code- Mobile MPI programs in computational grids (RF, KP, PS), pp. 22–31.
ISSTA-2006-LenceviciusM #mobile #performance- Performance assertions for mobile devices (RL, EM), pp. 225–232.
VMCAI-2006-ChangCN #framework #program analysis #safety- A Framework for Certified Program Analysis and Its Applications to Mobile-Code Safety (BYEC, AC, GCN), pp. 174–189.
WICSA-2005-AliPRC #aspect-oriented #calculus #mobile- Introducing Ambient Calculus in Mobile Aspect-Oriented Software (NA, JP, IR, JÁC), pp. 233–234.
DocEng-2005-LemloumaL #interactive #mobile #pretty-printing- Content interaction and formatting for mobile devices (TL, NL), pp. 98–100.
ICDAR-2005-KogaMKTYY- Camera-based Kanji OCR for Mobile-phones: Practical Issues (MK, RM, TK, TT, MY, TY), pp. 635–639.
ICDAR-2005-LuoZPLX #mobile- Camera based mixed-lingual card reader for mobile device (XPL, LXZ, GP, JL, BHX), pp. 665–669.
ICDAR-2005-Narayanaswami #mobile- Form Factors for Mobile Computing and Device Symbiosis (CN), p. 335.
ESOP-2005-BusiZ #mobile #reachability- Deciding Reachability in Mobile Ambients (NB, GZ), pp. 248–262.
ESOP-2005-MakholmW #calculus #mobile #polymorphism #process #reduction #type system- Instant Polymorphic Type Systems for Mobile Process Calculi: Just Add Reduction Rules and Close (HM, JBW), pp. 389–407.
PLDI-2005-NiKSI #ad hoc #mobile #network #programming- Programming ad-hoc networks of mobile and resource-constrained devices (YN, UK, AS, LI), pp. 249–260.
IFM-2005-KristensenWN #ad hoc #mobile #modelling #network #protocol #prototype- Model-Based Prototyping of an Interoperability Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (LMK, MW, PCN), pp. 266–286.
SFM-2005-BettiniN #distributed #mobile #programming- Mobile Distributed Programming in X-Klaim (LB, RDN), pp. 29–68.
SFM-2005-CorradiniM #middleware #mobile #named- Hermes: Agent-Based Middleware for Mobile Computing (FC, EM), pp. 234–270.
SFM-2005-GerlaCLZCYD #ad hoc #network- Dealing with Node Mobility in Ad Hoc Wireless Network (MG, LJC, YZL, BZ, JC, GY, SD), pp. 69–106.
SFM-2005-Grassi #analysis #mobile #performance- Performance Analysis of Mobile Systems (VG), pp. 107–154.
CHI-2005-ChoiLKJ #design #mobile- A qualitative cross-national study of cultural influences on mobile data service design (BC, IL, JK, YJ), pp. 661–670.
CHI-2005-CostanzaIA #interface #mobile #towards #using- Toward subtle intimate interfaces for mobile devices using an EMG controller (EC, SAI, RA), pp. 481–489.
CHI-2005-GongT #design #mobile- Alphabetically constrained keypad designs for text entry on mobile devices (JG, PT), pp. 211–220.
CHI-2005-HoI #mobile #using- Using context-aware computing to reduce the perceived burden of interruptions from mobile devices (JH, SSI), pp. 909–918.
CHI-2005-JungPB #design #evaluation #mobile #named- DeDe: design and evaluation of a context-enhanced mobile messaging system (YJ, PP, JB), pp. 351–360.
CHI-2005-OulasvirtaTRK #human-computer #interactive #mobile- Interaction in 4-second bursts: the fragmented nature of attentional resources in mobile HCI (AO, ST, VR, JK), pp. 919–928.
CHI-2005-ShklovskiM #lens- Exploring technology adoption and use through the lens of residential mobility (IS, SDM), pp. 621–630.
SOFTVIS-2005-FrishmanT #mobile #visualisation- Visualization of mobile object environments (YF, AT), pp. 145–154.
EDOC-2005-JonesRB #enterprise #health #mobile #modelling- Modelling mobile health systems: an application of augmented MDA for the extended healthcare enterprise. (VJ, AR, EB), pp. 58–69.
ICEIS-v4-2005-BoppH #architecture #distributed #kernel #mobile- A Microkernel Architecture for Distributed Mobile Environments (TB, TH), pp. 151–156.
ICEIS-v4-2005-GruhnH #hybrid #information management #mobile- Hybrid Application Support for Mobile Information Systems (VG, MH), pp. 232–237.
ICEIS-v4-2005-SannaVPM #communication #lightweight #mobile #protocol- Lightweight Client-Pull Protocol for Mobile Communication (SS, EDV, AP, CM), pp. 227–231.
ICEIS-v4-2005-SongLN #database #mobile- A new Model for Database Service Discovery in Mobile Agent System (LS, XL, JN), pp. 214–219.
ICEIS-v4-2005-YiZZ #ad hoc #architecture #detection #mobile #network #using- An Architecture for Intrusion Detection and Active Response Using Autonomous Agents in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (PY, SZ, YZ), pp. 220–226.
ICEIS-v5-2005-IslamARR #distance #learning #mobile- Mobile Telephone Technology as a Distance Learning Tool (YMI, MA, ZR, MR), pp. 226–232.
ECIR-2005-ChurchKS #evaluation #mobile- An Evaluation of Gisting in Mobile Search (KC, MTK, BS), pp. 546–548.
ECIR-2005-SyedW #framework #information retrieval #mobile #named #social- IRMAN: Software Framework for IR in Mobile Social Cyberspaces (ZS, FW), pp. 561–563.
SEKE-2005-DingXDCH #design #mobile #modelling- Design an Interoperable Mobile Agent System Based on Predicate Transition Net Models (JD, DX, YD, PJC, XH), pp. 560–565.
SEKE-2005-HanCD #mobile- Secure Electronic Commerce with Mobile Agents (SH, EC, TSD), pp. 777–782.
SEKE-2005-ParkKYH #development #embedded #mobile- Development of an Embedded Spatial MMDBMS for Spatial Mobile Devices (JWP, JJK, JKY, KJH), pp. 683–688.
SIGIR-2005-RadevKO #mobile #summary- Hierarchical text summarization for WAP-enabled mobile devices (DRR, OK, JO), p. 679.
OOPSLA-2005-AhernY #formal method #java- Formalising Java RMI with explicit code mobility (AA, NY), pp. 403–422.
PADL-2005-YangDRS #compilation #mobile #model checking #performance #process- A Provably Correct Compiler for Efficient Model Checking of Mobile Processes (PY, YD, CRR, SAS), pp. 113–127.
RE-2005-JordanSN #case study #evolution #requirements- The Extravehicular Mobility Unit: Case Study in Requirements Evolution (NCJ, JHS, DJN), pp. 434–438.
SAC-2005-Chefrour #adaptation #component #mobile- Developing component based adaptive applications in mobile environments (DC), pp. 1146–1150.
SAC-2005-CostaSB #adaptation #architecture #middleware #mobile- A reflective middleware architecture to support adaptive mobile applications (CMdC, MdSS, GB), pp. 1151–1154.
SAC-2005-CosterS #collaboration #incremental #mobile- Incremental collaborative filtering for mobile devices (RC, MS), pp. 1102–1106.
SAC-2005-DaoudM #analysis #mobile #reliability- Reliability analysis of mobile agent-based systems (MD, QHM), pp. 92–93.
SAC-2005-FortinoR #architecture #component #coordination #mobile #multi- Multi-coordination of mobile agents: a model and a component-based architecture (GF, WR), pp. 443–450.
SAC-2005-Guillen-ScholtenABB #calculus #coordination #mobile- MoCha-pi, an exogenous coordination calculus based on mobile channels (JGS, FA, FSdB, MMB), pp. 436–442.
SAC-2005-Hara #ad hoc #mobile #network- Location management of data items in mobile ad hoc networks (TH), pp. 1174–1175.
SAC-2005-LiWLC #mobile #realtime #transaction- Mobile real-time read-only transaction processing in data broadcast environments (GL, HW, YL, JC), pp. 1176–1177.
SAC-2005-MongaS #mobile- A generic serializer for mobile devices (MM, AS), pp. 981–985.
SAC-2005-Nakayama #communication #mobile- Alternative source coding model for mobile text communication (TN), pp. 1139–1145.
SAC-2005-NicolaLM #analysis #formal method #mobile #modelling- Formal modeling and quantitative analysis of KLAIM-based mobile systems (RDN, DL, MM), pp. 428–435.
SAC-2005-OSullivanS #configuration management #mobile- Agent technology and reconfigurable computing for mobile devices (TO, RS), pp. 963–969.
SAC-2005-RamosGVM #framework #information management #mobile #named #ubiquitous #web- PUMAS: a framework based on ubiquitous agents for accessing web information systems through mobile devices (ACR, JG, MVO, HM), pp. 1003–1008.
SAC-2005-RothPP #distributed #mobile- A distributed content-based search engine based on mobile code (VR, UP, JP), pp. 66–73.
SAC-2005-ToKS #exclamation #mobile #network- Mobile agents for network management: when and when not! (HHT, SK, BS), pp. 47–53.
SAC-2005-YonekiB #communication #mobile #peer-to-peer- Dynamic group communication in mobile peer-to-peer environments (EY, JB), pp. 986–992.
SPLC-2005-AlvesMCBR #evolution #game studies #mobile #product line- Extracting and Evolving Mobile Games Product Lines (VA, PMJ, LC, PB, GR), pp. 70–81.
SPLC-2005-ZhangJ #experience #industrial #mobile #performance #product line #reuse- Reuse without Compromising Performance: Industrial Experience from RPG Software Product Line for Mobile Devices (WZ, SJ), pp. 57–69.
COCV-J-2005-AmmeRF #mobile- Quantifying the Benefits of SSA-Based Mobile Code (WA, JvR, MF), pp. 103–119.
AMOST-2005-BinderH #mobile #testing- The advanced mobile application testing environment (RVB, JEH), p. 1.
ICLP-2005-KleemannS #mobile #personalisation- Decision Support for Personalization on Mobile Devices (TK, AS), pp. 404–406.
WICSA-2004-IssarnyTLS #architecture #distributed #mobile- Software Architecture for Mobile Distributed Computing (VI, FT, JL, FS), pp. 201–210.
WICSA-2004-OliveiraWFL #approach #architecture #case study- An Architectural Approach to Mobility — The Handover Case Study (CO, MW, JLF, AL), pp. 305–310.
ASE-2004-GuoH #mobile #modelling #simulation- Modeling and Simulation of Context-Aware Mobile Systems (PG, RH), pp. 430–433.
ASE-2004-Seyff #collaboration #mobile #requirements #tool support- Collaborative Tools for Mobile Requirements Acquisition (NS), pp. 426–429.
DAC-2004-Hopkins #approach #framework #mobile #multi- Nomadic platform approach for wireless mobile multimedia (MH), p. 408.
DAC-2004-KejariwalGNDG #algorithm #clustering #energy #mobile- Proxy-based task partitioning of watermarking algorithms for reducing energy consumption in mobile devices (AK, SG, AN, ND, RG), pp. 556–561.
DATE-DF-2004-BerensKW #architecture #mobile- Channel Decoder Architecture for 3G Mobile Wireless Terminals (FB, GK, NW), pp. 192–197.
DATE-v1-2004-NikitovicB #mobile #power management- A Low Power Strategy for Future Mobile Terminals (MN, MB), pp. 702–703.
DATE-v2-2004-KhawamBPAAAW #array #configuration management #implementation #mobile #performance #video- Efficient Implementations of Mobile Video Computations on Domain-Specific Reconfigurable Arrays (SK, SB, AP, IA, NA, TA, FW), pp. 1230–1235.
DATE-2005-Hillman04 #power management #reduction #using- Using Mobilize Power Management IP for Dynamic & Static Power Reduction in SoC at 130 nm (DH), pp. 240–246.
FoSSaCS-2004-HennessyRY #mobile #named- safeDpi: A Language for Controlling Mobile Code (MH, JR, NY), pp. 241–256.
CSMR-2004-Rosso #architecture #lessons learnt #mobile #performance #process #product line- The Process of and the Lessons Learned from Performance Tuning of a Product Family Software Architecture for Mobile Phones (CDR), pp. 270–278.
ICALP-2004-DengS #algebra #mobile #process #towards- Towards an Algebraic Theory of Typed Mobile Processes (YD, DS), pp. 445–456.
SEFM-2004-TangW #mobile #process #towards- Towards Mobile Processes in Unifying Theories (XT, JW), pp. 44–53.
CHI-2004-GozaADS #framework- Telepresence control of the NASA/DARPA robonaut on a mobility platform (SMG, ROA, MAD, IMS), pp. 623–629.
CHI-2004-LinLK #comprehension #lifecycle #mobile- Understanding the micronote lifecycle: improving mobile support for informal note taking (ML, WGL, TSK), pp. 687–694.
CHI-2004-LyonsSPFLDL #mobile #type system- Twiddler typing: one-handed chording text entry for mobile phones (KL, TS, DP, JF, AL, AD, EWL), pp. 671–678.
CHI-2004-SvanaesS #design #game studies #mobile #prototype- Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems (DS, GS), pp. 479–486.
CHI-2004-WigdorB #comparison #concurrent #mobile- A comparison of consecutive and concurrent input text entry techniques for mobile phones (DW, RB), pp. 81–88.
CSCW-2004-BardramH #architecture #mobile #social- The AWARE architecture: supporting context-mediated social awareness in mobile cooperation (JEB, TRH), pp. 192–201.
CSCW-2004-PaekABDKLTW #interactive #mobile #towards- Toward universal mobile interaction for shared displays (TP, MA, SB, SMD, TTK, RL, KT, AW), pp. 266–269.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Mahmoud #architecture #enterprise #mobile- A Responsibility-Driven Architecture for Mobile Enterprise Applications (QHM), pp. 125–129.
ICEIS-v4-2004-EssmannHB #architecture #collaboration #component #mobile #network- A Network Component Architecture for Collaboration in Mobile Settings (BE, TH, TB), pp. 337–343.
ICEIS-v4-2004-KangT #diagrams #mobile #modelling #process #uml- Modelling Mobile Agent Applications by Extended UML Activity Diagram (MK, KT), pp. 519–522.
ICEIS-v4-2004-KleinSF #resource management- Resource Sharing and Load Balancing Based on Agent Mobility (GK, AS, AEFS), pp. 350–355.
ICEIS-v4-2004-MahmoudXL #evaluation #mobile #research- Evaluation of Recent Research in Mobile Agent Platforms for Mobile Devices (QHM, ZX, XL), pp. 331–336.
ICEIS-v4-2004-MazhelisP #classification #detection- Combining One-Class Classifiers for Mobile-User Substitution Detection (OM, SP), pp. 130–137.
ICEIS-v4-2004-SharifiVD #communication #mobile- Seamless Communication and Access to Information for Mobile Users in a Wireless Environment (GS, JV, RD), pp. 122–129.
ICEIS-v4-2004-SutandiyoCLK #mobile #named- MGAIA: Extending the GAIA Methodology to Model Mobile Agent Systems (WS, MBC, SWL, SK), pp. 515–518.
ICEIS-v4-2004-YuM #e-commerce #framework #mobile- A Web-Enabled Mobile Agent Platform for E-Commerce and M-Commerce: “The Havana Platform” (LY, QHM), pp. 425–429.
ICEIS-v5-2004-PengV #automation #mobile #navigation- Automatic Navigation Among Mobile DTV Services (CP, PV), pp. 140–145.
CIKM-2004-ChenZ #formal method #logic programming #mobile #multi- An extended logic programming based multi-agent system formalization in mobile environments (JC, YZ), pp. 166–167.
ICML-2004-EliazarP #learning #mobile #modelling #probability- Learning probabilistic motion models for mobile robots (AIE, RP).
ICPR-v3-2004-GrossK #mobile #probability #robust #scalability #self- Robust Omniview-based Probabilistic Self-Localization for Mobile Robots in Large Maze-like Environments (HMG, AK), pp. 266–269.
ICPR-v3-2004-ShimizuYWSTN #detection #mobile- Moving Object Detection with Mobile Stereo Omni-directional System (SOS) based on Motion Compensatory Inter-frame Depth Subtraction (SS, KY, CW, YS, HT, YN), pp. 248–251.
ICPR-v4-2004-TanakaOKK #locality #mobile #probability #using- Probabilistic Localization for Mobile Robots using Incomplete Maps (KT, NO, EK, YK), pp. 709–712.
UML-2004-GrassiMS #mobile #uml- A UML Profile to Model Mobile Systems (VG, RM, AS), pp. 128–142.
LOPSTR-2004-Moody #locality #logic- Logical Mobility and Locality Types (JM), pp. 69–84.
POPL-2004-Yoshida #dependent type #higher-order #mobile #process- Channel dependent types for higher-order mobile processes (NY), pp. 147–160.
RE-2004-Minakata #embedded #mobile #requirements #ubiquitous- Requirements for Ubiquitous/Embedded Products — Digital TV, Mobile Phones and Consumer Products (IM), p. 3.
SAC-2004-BamasakZ #mobile- A secure method for signature delegation to mobile agents (OB, NZ), pp. 813–818.
SAC-2004-BerfieldBC #mobile #streaming- Profile and context filtering of streaming data for a mobile personal assistant (AB, JB, PKC), pp. 1615–1616.
SAC-2004-CarvalhoCSBF #mobile #network #security #using- Using mobile agents as roaming security guards to test and improve security of hosts and networks (MMC, TBC, NS, MRB, KMF), pp. 87–93.
SAC-2004-DivitiniFS #collaboration #mobile #named- UbiCollab: collaboration support for mobile users (MD, BAF, HS), pp. 1191–1195.
SAC-2004-LiLZW #mobile #named- MIRES: an information exchange system for mobile phones (QL, XL, JZ, WL), pp. 1196–1200.
SAC-2004-MadirajuS #approach #constraints #database #mobile- A mobile agent approach for global database constraint checking (PM, RS), pp. 679–683.
SAC-2004-ParkerC #policy #protocol- Extending invalid-access prevention policy protocols for mobile-client data caching (SP, ZC), pp. 1171–1176.
SAC-2004-StraubH #mobile #recommendation- An anonymous bonus point system for mobile commerce based on word-of-mouth recommendation (TS, AH), pp. 766–773.
SAC-2004-TangMC #embedded #fixpoint #implementation #mobile #performance #using #verification- Efficient implementation of fingerprint verification for mobile embedded systems using fixed-point arithmetic (TYT, YSM, KCC), pp. 821–825.
SAC-2004-TorrensHPF #mobile #towards- Towards an intelligent mobile travel assistant (MT, PH, PP, BF), pp. 1208–1209.
FSE-2004-Capra #mobile #trust- Engineering human trust in mobile system collaborations (LC), pp. 107–116.
ICSE-2004-SeyffGMT #mobile #requirements #tool support- Requirements Engineering Tools Go Mobile (NS, PG, NAMM, AT), pp. 713–714.
LCTES-2004-AntochiJVL #3d #benchmark #metric #mobile #named- GraalBench: a 3D graphics benchmark suite for mobile phones (IA, BHHJ, SV, PL), pp. 1–9.
CSL-2004-Miller #quantifier- Bindings, Mobility of Bindings, and the “generic judgments”-Quantifier: An Abstract (DM), p. 24.
ICLP-2004-AlbertPH #abstract interpretation #certification #mobile- Abstract Interpretation-Based Mobile Code Certification (EA, GP, MVH), pp. 446–447.
TestCom-2004-DibuzST #mobile #performance- BCMP Performance Test with TTCN-3 Mobile Node Emulator (SD, TS, ZT), pp. 50–59.
DAC-2003-RongP #approach #markov #mobile #network- Extending the lifetime of a network of battery-powered mobile devices by remote processing: a markovian decision-based approach (PR, MP), pp. 906–911.
DATE-2003-RaghunathanRHQ #challenge #design #mobile- Securing Mobile Appliances: New Challenges for the System Designer (AR, SR, SH, JJQ), pp. 10176–10183.
HT-2003-HongPRH #adaptation #mobile- Pocket News: news contents adaptation for mobile user (YSH, ISP, JTR, HSH), pp. 79–80.
SIGMOD-2003-GotoK #integration #mobile #using- Integration of Electronic Tickets and Personal Guide System for Public Transport using Mobile Terminals (KG, YK), pp. 642–646.
VLDB-2003-HageJPST #data transformation #mobile- Integrated Data Management for Mobile Services in the Real World (CH, CSJ, TBP, LS, IT), pp. 1019–1030.
VLDB-2003-Kuhn #database #semistructured data- The Zero-Delay Data Warehouse: Mobilizing Heterogeneous Databases (EK), pp. 1035–1040.
ITiCSE-2003-RosslingBTC #education #mobile- Mobile computing in education (GR, HB, CT, CMC), p. 227.
FASE-2003-MerzWZ #logic #mobile #refinement #specification- A Spatio-Temporal Logic for the Specification and Refinement of Mobile Systems (SM, MW, JZ), pp. 87–101.
FASE-2003-ScottBM #mobile #policy #security- Spatial Security Policies for Mobile Agents in a Sentient Computing Environment (DJS, ARB, AM), pp. 102–117.
FoSSaCS-2003-HennessyMR #behaviour #distributed #towards- Towards a Behavioural Theory of Access and Mobility Control in Distributed Systems (MH, MM, JR), pp. 282–298.
ICALP-2003-GorlaP #resource management- Resource Access and Mobility Control with Dynamic Privileges Acquisition (DG, RP), pp. 119–132.
ICALP-2003-MerroN #bisimulation #mobile #proving- Bisimulation Proof Methods for Mobile Ambients (MM, FZN), pp. 584–598.
FME-2003-KuhnO #state machine- Interacting State Machines for Mobility (TAK, DvO), pp. 698–718.
SEFM-2003-Sangiorgi #mobile #process #using- Taming Mobile Processes Using Types (DS), p. 64–?.
SFM-2003-MurphyPR #architecture #mobile- Software Architecture for Mobile Computing (ALM, GPP, GCR), pp. 182–206.
CHI-2003-AokiRSTWW #mobile #multi #social- The mad hatter’s cocktail party: a social mobile audio space supporting multiple simultaneous conversations (PMA, MR, MHS, JDT, DW, AW), pp. 425–432.
CHI-2003-BergTH #design #generative #mobile- Mobile phones for the next generation: device designs for teenagers (SB, AST, RHRH), pp. 433–440.
CHI-2003-FlinthamBAHCGTAR #artificial reality #case study #experience #game studies #mobile #online- Where on-line meets on the streets: experiences with mobile mixed reality games (MF, SB, RA, TH, AC, CG, NT, MA, JRF), pp. 569–576.
CHI-2003-KaikkonenR #html #mobile #navigation- Navigating in a mobile XHTML application (AK, VR), pp. 329–336.
CHI-2003-NewcombPS #mobile- Mobile computing in the retail arena (EN, TP, JTS), pp. 337–344.
CAiSE-2003-BraynerF #configuration management #database #mobile- Sharing Mobile Databases in Dynamically Configurable Environments (AB, JdAMF), pp. 724–737.
ICEIS-v2-2003-HashemGH #ad hoc #algorithm #mobile #network #search-based- A Quality-Of-Service-Aware Genetic Algorithm for the Source Routing in Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks (MH, SG, MH), pp. 589–599.
ICEIS-v4-2003-BamasakZ #mobile #towards- Towards a Secure Mobile Agent Based M-Commerce System (OB, NZ), pp. 408–412.
ICEIS-v4-2003-BouzidP #mobile- Agent-Based Generic Services and Their Application for the Mobile Workforce (MB, JP), pp. 161–166.
ICEIS-v4-2003-CamponovoP #analysis #mobile- Business Model Analysis Applied to Mobile Business (GC, YP), pp. 173–183.
ICEIS-v4-2003-PennacchioR #automation #e-commerce #mobile #using- Automatic E-Commerce Using a Mobile Agents Model (SP, FMR), pp. 468–472.
ICEIS-v4-2003-PhillipsH #mobile #performance #simulation- Simulation Study of TCP Performance Over Mobile IPV4 and Mobile IPV6 (DP, JH), pp. 224–231.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Roth #collaboration #framework #mobile- The Resource Framework for Mobile Applications: Enabling Collaboration Between Mobile Users (JR), pp. 87–94.
CIKM-2003-HuangCP #mobile- Exploring group mobility for replica data allocation in a mobile environment (JLH, MSC, WCP), pp. 161–168.
SEKE-2003-ChakiFGJKV #framework #mobile- Integrating Publish/Subscribe into a Mobile Teamwork Support Platform (SC, PF, HCG, SJ, EK, HV), pp. 510–517.
ECOOP-2003-ShriraT #collaboration #mobile #named- MX: Mobile Object Exchange for Collaborative Applications (LS, HT), pp. 126–150.
RE-2003-KaiyaSMK #analysis #java #mobile #policy #requirements #security #trade-off- Trade-off Analysis between Security Policies for Java Mobile Codes and Requirements for Java Application (HK, KS, YM, KK), pp. 357–358.
SAC-2003-AdwankarV #enterprise #mobile #network #pervasive- Mobile Agent based Pervasive Systems Manager for Enterprise Network (SA, VV), pp. 886–892.
SAC-2003-CabriFL #mobile- Enabling Mobile Agents to Dynamically Assume Roles (GC, LF, LL), pp. 56–60.
SAC-2003-FrancescoP #authentication #mobile #protocol #reliability- Authenticity in a Reliable Protocol for Mobile Computing (NDF, MP), pp. 318–324.
SAC-2003-GeorgousopoulosR #mobile #modelling- Combining State and Model-based Approaches for Mobile Agent Load Balancing (CG, OFR), pp. 878–885.
SAC-2003-LaiTB #mobile #performance- Cost Efficient Broadcast Based Cache Invalidation for Mobile Environments (KYL, ZT, PB), pp. 871–877.
SAC-2003-SelfD #design #multi #specification- Designing and Specifying Mobility within the Multiagent Systems Engineering Methodology (ALS, SAD), pp. 50–55.
SAC-2003-TsengT #mining #mobile #performance #web- An Efficient Method for Mining Associated Service Patterns in Mobile Web Environments (SMT, CFT), pp. 455–459.
SAC-2003-XiaH #configuration management #database #design #mobile #protocol- A Dynamic Data/Currency Protocol for Mobile Database Design and Reconfiguration (YX, AH), pp. 550–556.
SAC-2003-ZhangHH #mobile #named #ubiquitous- UbiData: Ubiquitous Mobile File Service (JZ, AH, JH), pp. 893–900.
ESEC-FSE-2003-RanL #architecture #mobile #runtime- Making sense of runtime architecture for mobile phone software (AR, RL), pp. 367–370.
SOSP-2003-PatelWWLS #mobile #protocol #using- Upgrading transport protocols using untrusted mobile code (PP, AW, DW, JL, TS), pp. 1–14.
SOSP-2003-YuanN #cpu #energy #mobile #multi #realtime #scheduling- Energy-efficient soft real-time CPU scheduling for mobile multimedia systems (WY, KN), pp. 149–163.
VMCAI-2003-BraghinCFLP #analysis #complexity #mobile- Complexity of Nesting Analysis in Mobile Ambients (CB, AC, RF, FLL, CP), pp. 86–101.
VMCAI-2003-YangRS #encoding #logic #mobile #model checking #process #using #π-calculus- A Logical Encoding of the pi-Calculus: Model Checking Mobile Processes Using Tabled Resolution (PY, CRR, SAS), pp. 116–131.
WICSA-2002-SousaG #architecture #framework #named #ubiquitous- Aura: an Architectural Framework for User Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (JPS, DG), pp. 29–43.
DAC-2002-Berthet #design #industrial #mobile #multi- Going mobile: the next horizon for multi-million gate designs in the semi-conductor industry (CB), pp. 375–378.
DAC-2002-ParkMJ #framework #information management #mobile #personalisation #smarttech- The wearable motherboard: a framework for personalized mobile information processing (PMIP) (SP, KM, SJ), pp. 170–174.
VLDB-2002-GotoK #database #mobile #using- A New Passenger Support System for Public Transport using Mobile Database Access (KG, YK), pp. 908–919.
VLDB-2002-LamKR #mobile #monitoring #named #realtime #using- RTMonitor: Real-Time Data Monitoring Using Mobile Agent Technologies (KyL, AK, KR), pp. 1063–1066.
ESOP-2002-CharatonikGT #mobile- Finite-Control Mobile Ambients (WC, ADG, JMT), pp. 295–313.
ESOP-2002-Feret #analysis #dependence #mobile- Dependency Analysis of Mobile Systems (JF), pp. 314–330.
WRLA-2002-DuranV #maude #mobile- A Conference Reviewing System in Mobile Maude (FD, AV), pp. 127–143.
CSMR-2002-Raghavan #approach #mobile #re-engineering- A Practical Reengineering Approach for Mobile Terminal Software (GR), p. 193–?.
ICSM-2002-FriedrichNK #distributed #maintenance #mobile- Maintenance of Distributed Systems with Mobile Agents (MF, GN, WK), pp. 659–666.
FME-2002-UmeduTYNHT #mobile #multi- A Language for Describing Wireless Mobile Applications with Dynamic Establishment of Multi-way Synchronization Channels (TU, YT, KY, AN, TH, KT), pp. 607–624.
AFP-2002-FournetFMS02 #concurrent #distributed #mobile #named #programming- JoCaml: A Language for Concurrent Distributed and Mobile Programming (CF, FLF, LM, AS), pp. 129–158.
ICGT-2002-Milner #graph #interactive #mobile- Bigraphs as a Model for Mobile Interaction (RM), pp. 8–13.
CHI-2002-AokiGHSTW #mobile- Sotto voce: exploring the interplay of conversation and mobile audio spaces (PMA, REG, AH, MHS, JDT, AW), pp. 431–438.
CHI-2002-IsaacsWR #interactive #mobile #named- Hubbub: a sound-enhanced mobile instant messenger that supports awareness and opportunistic interactions (EI, AW, DR), pp. 179–186.
CHI-2002-PirhonenBH #gesture #mobile- Gestural and audio metaphors as a means of control for mobile devices (AP, SAB, CH), pp. 291–298.
CHI-2002-TaylorH #case study #mobile- Age-old practices in the “new world”: a study of gift-giving between teenage mobile phone users (AST, RHRH), pp. 439–446.
CSCW-2002-Jouppi #mobile #towards- First steps towards mutually-immersive mobile telepresence (NPJ), pp. 354–363.
CSCW-2002-PalenS #mobile- Voice-mail diary studies for naturalistic data capture under mobile conditions (LP, MCS), pp. 87–95.
CAiSE-2002-Wilson #data type #information management #mobile- A High-Performance Data Structure for Mobile Information Systems (JNW), pp. 392–403.
ICEIS-2002-Sihvonen #middleware #mobile #requirements- Profile Negotiation Requirements in a Mobile Middleware Service Environment (MS), pp. 1009–1015.
ICEIS-2002-VasiuM #design #mobile #requirements- Design Requirements for Mobile Agent Systems (LV, AM), pp. 1070–1079.
ICEIS-2002-VontasKAKHMV #enterprise #mobile- Integrating Mobile Agent Infrastructures in Operational ERP Systems (AV, PK, CA, AK, PH, YM, MV), pp. 1107–1110.
ICEIS-2002-WeghornGW #internet #mobile #network- Linking Mobile Network Services to Internet Mail (HW, CG, DW), pp. 795–798.
CIKM-2002-Hara #information management #mobile- Cooperative caching by mobile clients in push-based information systems (TH), pp. 186–193.
CIKM-2002-LamLW #mobile #performance #xml- Efficient synchronization for mobile XML data (FL, NL, RKW), pp. 153–160.
ICPR-v2-2002-BredecheCH #detection #mobile- Wrapper for Object Detection in an Autonomous Mobile Robot (NB, YC, LH), pp. 749–752.
ICPR-v2-2002-Gutmann #locality #mobile- Markov-Kalman Localization for Mobile Robots (JSG), pp. 601–604.
ICPR-v2-2002-JoganLWB #locality #mobile- Mobile Robot Localization Under Varying Illumination (MJ, AL, HW, HB), pp. 741–744.
ICPR-v2-2002-SatoK #gesture #markov #modelling #multi #recognition- Extension of Hidden Markov Models to Deal with Multiple Candidates of Observations and its Application to Mobile-Robot-Oriented Gesture Recognition (YS, TK), p. 515–?.
ICPR-v2-2002-YangDWZ #estimation #mobile #realtime #using- Real-Time Pose Estimation for Outdoor Mobile Robots Using Range Data (MY, BD, HW, BZ), pp. 593–596.
ICPR-v2-2002-YeungB #analysis #mobile #towards- Towards Log-Polar Fixation for Mobile Robots — Analysis of Corner Tracking on the Log-Polar Camera (AY, NB), pp. 300–303.
ICPR-v3-2002-ArmangueAS #constraints #difference #estimation #mobile- Differential Epipolar Constraint in Mobile Robot Egomotion Estimation (XA, HA, JS), pp. 599–602.
ICPR-v3-2002-SunPKA #3d #mobile #re-engineering #using- 3D Reconstruction of Indoor and Outdoor Scenes Using a Mobile Range Scanner (YS, JKP, AK, MAA), pp. 653–656.
SEKE-2002-DustdarG #architecture #collaboration #distributed #mobile- Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems (SD, HCG), pp. 521–522.
SEKE-2002-KirdaFRG #architecture #mobile- A service architecture for mobile teamwork (EK, PF, GR, HCG), pp. 513–518.
PPDP-2002-Palamidessi #calculus #distributed #mobile #programming- Mobile calculi for distributed programming (CP), pp. 74–75.
SAC-2002-Abu-GhazalehP #execution #mobile #performance #towards #verification- Verification caching: towards efficient and secure mobile code execution environments (NBAG, DSP), pp. 964–968.
SAC-2002-BarrettMSR #ad hoc #communication #framework #generative #modelling #network #simulation- A mobility and traffic generation framework for modeling and simulating ad hoc communication networks (CLB, MVM, JPS, SSR), pp. 122–126.
SAC-2002-BettiniNL #mobile #programming- Software update via mobile agent based programming (LB, RDN, ML), pp. 32–36.
SAC-2002-BinderR #java #mobile #question #using- Secure mobile agent systems using Java: where are we heading? (WB, VR), pp. 115–119.
SAC-2002-BrazierOSW #generative #migration #mobile- Agent factory: generative migration of mobile agents in heterogeneous environments (FMTB, BJO, MvS, NJEW), pp. 101–106.
SAC-2002-BurnsideCMMDR #mobile #protocol #security- Proxy-based security protocols in networked mobile devices (MB, DEC, TM, AM, SD, RLR), pp. 265–272.
SAC-2002-ChanLMLHL #concept #documentation #mobile #multi #navigation #summary #using- Multiple related document summary and navigation using concept hierarchies for mobile clients (DLC, RWPL, WKM, HVL, EKSH, QL), pp. 627–632.
SAC-2002-FerreiraD #embedded #mobile- Blinded-key signatures: securing private keys embedded in mobile agents (LCF, RD), pp. 82–86.
SAC-2002-HuyS #transaction- Agent-based mobility add-in feature for Object Transaction Service (OTS) (HPH, SS), pp. 68–75.
SAC-2002-LauzacC #database #information management #mobile #personalisation- Personalizing information gathering for mobile database clients (SWL, PKC), pp. 49–56.
SAC-2002-Moreau #fault tolerance #mobile #pointer- A fault-tolerant directory service for mobile agents based on forwarding pointers (LM), pp. 93–100.
SAC-2002-SweeneyCT #mobile #summary #using- Mobile delivery of news using hierarchical query-biased summaries (SOS, FC, AT), pp. 634–639.
SAC-2002-TanM #mobile #security- Certificates for mobile code security (HKT, LM), pp. 76–81.
SAC-2002-WhittakerV #mobile- Neutralizing windows-based malicious mobile code (JAW, ADV), pp. 242–246.
FSE-2002-CapraEM #approach #mobile- A micro-economic approach to conflict resolution in mobile computing (LC, WE, CM), pp. 31–40.
FSE-2002-JulienR #ad hoc #mobile #programming- Egocentric context-aware programming in ad hoc mobile environments (CJ, GCR), pp. 21–30.
FSE-2002-LopesFW #architecture- Architectural primitives for distribution and mobility (AL, JLF, MW), pp. 41–50.
ICSE-2002-Capra #middleware #mobile- Mobile computing middleware for context-aware applications (LC), pp. 723–724.
ICSE-2002-RomanJH #abstraction #mobile #network- Network abstractions for context-aware mobile computing (GCR, CJ, QH), pp. 363–373.
ICSE-2002-ZachariadisCME #information management #middleware #mobile #named- XMIDDLE: information sharing middleware for a mobile environment (SZ, LC, CM, WE), p. 712.
TestCom-2002-Ahtiainen #formal method #mobile #protocol #testing- Applying Formal Method in Mobile Protocol Testing (AA), p. 187–?.
TestCom-2002-MarcheQG #mobile #testing- Testing Mobile Agents (MM, YMQ, RG), pp. 95–110.
VMCAI-2002-CoppoD #higher-order #mobile- A Fully Abstract Model for Higher-Order Mobile Ambients (MC, MDC), pp. 255–271.
ASE-2001-Xia #mobile #verification- Verify Properties of Mobile Code (SX), p. 440.
DAC-2001-QiuWP #mobile #multi #power management- Dynamic Power Management in a Mobile Multimedia System with Guaranteed Quality-of-Service (QQ, QW, MP), pp. 834–839.
DocEng-2001-Satoh #documentation #mobile- Mobile agent-based compound documents (IS), pp. 76–84.
HT-2001-HarperGS #prototype #tool support #visual notation- Prototype mobility tools for visually impaired surfers (SH, CAG, RS), pp. 33–34.
FoSSaCS-2001-CharatonikDGMT #complexity #mobile #model checking- The Complexity of Model Checking Mobile Ambients (WC, SDZ, ADG, SM, JMT), pp. 152–167.
PLDI-2001-AmmeDFR #named #representation #type safety- SafeTSA: A Type Safe and Referentially Secure Mobile-Code Representation Based on Static Single Assignment Form (WA, ND, MF, JvR), pp. 137–147.
SAS-2001-Feret #abstract interpretation #mobile #static analysis- Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis of Mobile Ambients (JF), pp. 412–430.
SAS-2001-LeviM #abstract interpretation #framework #mobile- An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Analysing Mobile Ambients (FL, SM), pp. 395–411.
CHI-2001-BlySN #mobile- Quiet calls: talking silently on mobile phones (SAB, TS, LN), pp. 174–187.
CHI-2001-JamesR #mobile #performance #predict- Text input for mobile devices: comparing model prediction to actual performance (CLJ, KMR), pp. 365–371.
CHI-2001-TangYBKLB #mobile- ConNexus to awarenex: extending awareness to mobile users (JCT, NY, JB, MVK, FCL, JRB), pp. 221–228.
ICEIS-v1-2001-KG #enterprise #information management #mobile #question- Knowledge Transfer as Enterprise Perpetuum Mobile? (AK, AG), pp. 522–525.
ICEIS-v1-2001-SierraRLG #analysis #image #machine learning #mobile #order #recognition- Machine Learning Approaches for Image Analysis: Recognition of Hand Orders by a Mobile Robot (BS, IR, EL, UG), pp. 330–335.
ICEIS-v2-2001-CurranP #mobile #streaming- Active Proxies for Streaming Media to Mobile Devices (KC, GP), pp. 1133–1138.
ICEIS-v2-2001-HarroudAK #mobile #personalisation- Agent-Based Personalized Services for Mobile Users over a VPN (HH, MA, AK), pp. 1110–1117.
ICEIS-v2-2001-WagnerBK #middleware #mobile #multi #online #xml- An XML-Based Multimedia Middleware for Mobile Online Auctions (MW, WTB, WK), pp. 934–944.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Weghorn #email #mobile- Notification and Routing of Electronic Mail to Mobile Phone Devices (HW), p. 1188–?.
CIKM-2001-HouSZW #database #mobile- An Optimal Construction of Invalidation Reports for Mobile Databases (WCH, MS, HZ, HW), pp. 458–465.
CIKM-2001-HuangPC #mobile #on-demand- Binary Interpolation Search for Solution Mapping on Broadcast and On-demand Channels in a Mobile Computing Environment (JLH, WCP, MSC), pp. 434–441.
CIKM-2001-MazumdarPC #mobile- Caching Constrained Mobile Data (SM, MP, PKC), pp. 442–449.
CIKM-2001-YeeODN #database #maintenance #mobile #scalability- Scaling Replica Maintenance In Intermittently Synchronized Mobile Databases (WGY, EO, MJD, SBN), pp. 450–457.
ICML-2001-LiuECBT #3d #mobile #modelling #using- Using EM to Learn 3D Models of Indoor Environments with Mobile Robots (YL, RE, DC, WB, ST), pp. 329–336.
KDD-T-2001-KarguptaJ #data mining #distributed #mining #mobile #ubiquitous- Data mining “to go”: ubiquitous KDD for mobile and distributed environments (HK, AJ), pp. 186–263.
UML-2001-GrassiM #analysis #architecture #mobile #modelling #performance #uml- UML Modelling and Performance Analysis of Mobile Software Architectures (VG, RM), pp. 209–224.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-BelleFVD #case study #experience #mobile #multi- Experiences in Mobile Computing: The CBorg Mobile Multi-Agent System (WVB, JF, KV, TD), pp. 7–18.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-Pree #mobile- Mobile Computing’s Impact on Software Construction (WP), p. 4.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Moore- Technology to Go-Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Mobility in the Wireless Era (DM), p. 357.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Pour01a #architecture #mobile- Jini-Based Mobile Agent Architecture for Human Planetary Exploration (GP), pp. 337–346.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Schultz #using- Using Mobility as a Competitive Weapon (ES), p. 9.
POPL-2001-AbadiF #communication #mobile- Mobile values, new names, and secure communication (MA, CF), pp. 104–115.
POPL-2001-UnyapothS #communication #framework #mobile- Nomadic pict: correct communication infrastructure for mobile computation (AU, PS), pp. 116–127.
SAC-2001-BurgeBG #mobile #ubiquitous- A ubiquitous stable storage for mobile computing devices (LLBI, SB, MG), pp. 401–404.
SAC-2001-DowellB #graph #mobile #monte carlo #network #random #simulation #validation- Connectivity of random graphs and mobile networks: validation of Monte Carlo simulation results (LJD, MLB), pp. 77–81.
SAC-2001-FerrariT #calculus #debugging #mobile- A debugging calculus for mobile ambients (GLF, ET).
SAC-2001-HaginoHTN #mobile- Location management of mobile hosts by grouping routers (HH, TH, MT, SN), pp. 373–380.
SAC-2001-LeeLS #adaptation #mobile #semantics- Adaptive semantic data broadcast in a mobile environment (KCKL, HVL, AS), pp. 393–400.
SAC-2001-MinhA #communication #distributed #mobile #network #replication- User profile replication with caching for distributed location management in mobile communication networks (HNM, HRvA), pp. 381–386.
ICSE-2001-CabriLZ #coordination- Engineering Mobile-Agent Applications via Context-Dependent Coordination (GC, LL, FZ), pp. 371–380.
ICSE-2001-Smolko #architecture #consistency #design #distributed #evaluation #mobile- Design and Evaluation of the Mobile Agent Architecture for Distributed Consistency Management (DS), pp. 799–800.
CSL-2001-CharatonikT #decidability #mobile #model checking- The Decidability of Model Checking Mobile Ambients (WC, JMT), pp. 339–354.
ESOP-2000-NielsonNS #analysis #mobile- A Kleene Analysis of Mobile Ambients (FN, HRN, SS), pp. 305–319.
FASE-2000-FradetIR #mobile #non-functional- Analyzing Non-functional Properties of Mobile Agents (PF, VI, SR), pp. 319–333.
FoSSaCS-2000-QuagliaW #mobile #on the #process- On Synchronous and Asynchronous Mobile Processes (PQ, DW), pp. 283–296.
FoSSaCS-2000-Zimmer #algorithm #mobile #type system- Subtyping and Typing Algorithms for Mobile Ambients (PZ), pp. 375–390.
SAS-2000-Feret #analysis #mobile- Confidentiality Analysis of Mobile Systems (JF), pp. 135–154.
ICALP-2000-CachinCKM #mobile- One-Round Secure Computation and Secure Autonomous Mobile Agents (CC, JC, JK, JM), pp. 512–523.
ICALP-2000-Konig #mobile #process #type system- Analysing Input/Output-Capabilities of Mobile Processes with a Generic Type System (BK0), pp. 403–414.
CHI-2000-SilfverbergMK #mobile #predict- Predicting text entry speed on mobile phones (MS, ISM, PK), pp. 9–16.
CSCW-2000-FagrellFS #architecture #information management #mobile #named- FieldWise: a mobile knowledge management architecture (HF, KF, JS), pp. 211–220.
CSCW-2000-KuzuokaOYSM #mobile #named- GestureMan: a mobile robot that embodies a remote instructor’s actions (HK, SO, KY, KS, MM), pp. 155–162.
CSCW-2000-KuzuokaOYYMS #mobile #named- GestureMan: a mobile robot that embodies a remote instructor’s actions (HK, SO, KY, AY, MM, KS), p. 354.
CSCW-2000-LitiuP #adaptation #component #framework #mobile #using- Developing adaptive groupware applications using a mobile component framework (RL, AP), pp. 107–116.
CSCW-2000-PalenSY #behaviour #mobile- Going wireless: behavior & practice of new mobile phone users (LP, MCS, EY), pp. 201–210.
EDOC-2000-BeppuNKCHO #mobile- A Directory Server for Mobile Agents Interoperability (YB, SN, FK, KC, TH, AO), p. 144–?.
EDOC-2000-Ishigaki #enterprise #information management #mobile- Mobile Data Communications and Enterprise Information Systems (SI), p. 182.
EDOC-2000-TuKL #framework #mobile- A Rule Management Framework for Negotiating Mobile Agents (MTT, CPK, WL), pp. 135–143.
ICEIS-2000-HeathC #communication #mobile #multi- Application of a Virtual Connection Tree over Multiple Access Techniques for 3G Mobile Communication Systems (AH, RAC), pp. 531–532.
ICML-2000-NikovskiN #learning #mobile #modelling #navigation #probability- Learning Probabilistic Models for Decision-Theoretic Navigation of Mobile Robots (DN, IRN), pp. 671–678.
ICPR-v1-2000-ShimizuS #mobile #navigation #pointer #visual notation- Visual Navigation of Uncalibrated Mobile Robots from Uncalibrated Stereo Pointers (YS, JS), pp. 1346–1349.
ICPR-v4-2000-Salas #memory management #mobile #visual notation- Visual Memory Maps for Mobile Robots (JS), pp. 4681–4684.
ICPR-v4-2000-Uchida #authentication #interface #mobile- Fingerprint-Based User-Friendly Interface and Pocket-PID for Mobile Authentication (KU), pp. 4205–4209.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-MinyiMS #mobile #network- Cooperative Mobile Agents in Dynamic Network Environment (WM, ZM, YS), pp. 162–167.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-TaoJY #adaptation #mobile #modelling #network #research #security #self- The Research on Dynamic Self-Adaptive Network Security Model Based on Mobile Agent (JT, LJr, QY), pp. 134–139.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-WuWW #internet #mobile #modelling #novel #workflow- A Novel Workflow Management Model Based on Mobile Agents for Internet Electronic Commerce (GW, QW, HW), pp. 182–187.
TOOLS-USA-2000-NebeshT00a #mobile- Introduction to Mobile Agent Systems and Applications (DN, RT), pp. 457–458.
POPL-2000-CardelliG #logic #mobile- Anytime, Anywhere: Modal Logics for Mobile Ambients (LC, ADG), pp. 365–377.
POPL-2000-NielsonN #analysis #mobile- Shape Analysis for Mobile Ambients (HRN, FN), pp. 142–154.
SAC-2000-AnconaDGMG #mobile- Mobile Computing in a Hospital: the WARD-IN-HAND Project (MA, GD, VG, FM, MG), pp. 554–556.
SAC-2000-ArbabBB #component #coordination #mobile- A Coordination Lanuage for Mobile Components (FA, MMB, FSdB), pp. 166–173.
SAC-2000-BellavistaCS #framework #mobile- A Mobile Agent Infrastructure for the Mobility Support (PB, AC, CS), pp. 539–546.
SAC-2000-BellavistaCT #mobile- The Mobile Agent Technology to Support and to Access Museum Information (PB, AC, AT), pp. 1006–1013.
SAC-2000-CabriLZ #coordination #mobile #xml- XML Dataspaces for Mobile Agent Coordination (GC, LL, FZ), pp. 181–188.
SAC-2000-GhiniPS #mobile #network- Integrating Notification Services in Computer Network and Mobile Telephony (VG, GP, PS), pp. 549–553.
SAC-2000-LohHTN #concurrent #database #hybrid #mobile- A Hybrid Method for Concurrent Updates on Disconnected Databases in Mobile Computing Environments (YHL, TH, MT, SN), pp. 563–565.
SAC-2000-LokeRZ #mobile- Enabling Awareness in Dynamic Mobile Agent Environments (SWL, AR, ABZ), pp. 547–548.
SAC-2000-MouelA #mobile- Distribution over Mobile Environments (FLM, FA), pp. 568–569.
SAC-2000-OkudaAIYT #flexibility #mobile #network- A Dynamic Flexible Grouping over COBRA-based Network and its Application to Mobile Computing (TO, SA, TI, HY, XT), pp. 692–696.
FoSE-2000-RomanPM #re-engineering #roadmap- Software engineering for mobility: a roadmap (GCR, GPP, ALM), pp. 241–258.
ICSE-2000-Paralic #mobile #programming- Contribution to simplifying the mobile agent programming (MP), pp. 716–718.
ICSE-2000-Picco #comprehension #tutorial- Understanding code mobility (tutorial session) (GPP), p. 834.
ICSE-2000-PiccoMR #mobile- Developing mobile computing applications with LIME (GPP, ALM, GCR), pp. 766–769.
CL-2000-EchahedS #declarative #mobile #process #programming- Combining Mobile Processes and Declarative Programming (RE, WS), pp. 300–314.
CL-2000-GilbertP #concurrent #constraints #process #programming- Concurrent Constraint Programming with Process Mobility (DRG, CP), pp. 463–477.
PODS-1999-KolliosGT #mobile #on the- On Indexing Mobile Objects (GK, DG, VJT), pp. 261–272.
SIGMOD-1999-BonnetBCCCHKMMOSS- The Cornell Jaguar System: Adding Mobility to PREDATOR (PB, KB, ZC, VC, RC, TMH, RK, DM, TM, IO, PS, HS), pp. 580–581.
FoSSaCS-1999-GordonC #equation #mobile- Equational Properties of Mobile Ambients (ADG, LC), pp. 212–226.
SAS-1999-HansenJNN #abstract interpretation #mobile- Abstract Interpretation of Mobile Ambients (RRH, JGJ, FN, HRN), pp. 134–148.
ICALP-1999-CardelliGG #mobile- Mobility Types for Mobile Ambients (LC, ADG, GG), pp. 230–239.
AGTIVE-1999-PlasmeijerE #functional #graph grammar #mobile- Term Graph Rewriting and Mobile Expressions in Functional Languages (MJP, MCJDvE), pp. 1–13.
CHI-1999-GoldsteinBAT #interface #mobile #type system- Non-Keyboard QWERTY Touch Typing: A Portable Input Interface for The Mobile User (MG, RB, GA, ST), pp. 32–39.
CHI-1999-PuertaCOM #interface #mobile #named- MOBILE: User-Centered Interface Building (ARP, EC, TO, JM), pp. 426–433.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Brewster #interface #mobile- Sound in the interface to a mobile computer (SAB), pp. 43–47.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HickeyKA #distributed #mobile #using- Mobile virtual participation in a distributed meeting using an omni-directional camera system (SH, KK, SA), pp. 533–537.
HCI-CCAD-1999-InmanL #education #using- Teaching orientation and mobility skills to blind children using simulated acoustical environments (DPI, KL), pp. 1090–1094.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MeleES #case study #user interface- The impact of mobility on user interfaces for subjects who are motor impaired: case study in a wireless LAN environment (IVM, KE, AS), pp. 1018–1022.
HCI-CCAD-1999-OppermannS #adaptation #learning #mobile- Adaptive mobile museum guide for information and learning on demand (RO, MS), pp. 642–646.
HCI-CCAD-1999-RuuskaV #communication #design #mobile #research- Contextual research for technological innovation — satisfying user needs in the design of mobile communication devices (SR, KVVM), pp. 28–32.
HCI-CCAD-1999-SchmidtBG #adaptation #mobile #user interface- Sensor-based adaptive mobile user interfaces (AS, MB, HWG), pp. 251–255.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YamaokaH #collaboration #mobile- Mobile and seamless collaboration in engineering company (TY, MH), pp. 353–356.
HCI-EI-1999-JohnsonC #mobile #roadmap #usability- Mobile and Stationary Usability Labs: Technical Issues, Trends and Perspectives (RJ, EC), pp. 1123–1127.
HCI-EI-1999-LeungPM #mobile- Pointing Accuracy with Mobile Pen-based Devices for On-the-move Applications (YKL, CP, KM), pp. 218–222.
HCI-EI-1999-SakaiN #automation #documentation #image #mobile- OCR-Oriented Automatic Document Orientation Correcting Technique for Mobile Image Scanners (KS, TN), pp. 223–227.
AdaEurope-1999-Tuosto #ada #coordination #implementation #network- An Ada95 Implementation of a Network Coordination Language with Code Mobility (ET), pp. 199–210.
EDOC-1999-StefanoBS #internet #mobile- Naming and locating mobile agents in an Internet environment (ADS, LLB, CS), pp. 153–161.
ICML-1999-BurgardFJMT #mobile #scalability #using- Sonar-Based Mapping of Large-Scale Mobile Robot Environments using EM (WB, DF, HJ, CM, ST), pp. 67–76.
OOPSLA-1999-IsmailH #evaluation #mobile #paradigm #performance- A Performance Evaluation of the Mobile Agent Paradigm (LI, DH), pp. 306–313.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-ChenHM #mobile #named- JMSAS: A Mobile Software Agent System (CC, JH, ZM), pp. 89–97.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-CabriLRZ #architecture #coordination #design #implementation #mobile #programmable- Design and Implementation of a Programmable Coordination Architecture for Mobile Agents (GC, LL, GR, FZ), pp. 10–19.
TOOLS-USA-1999-CrichtonDW #data access #mobile #trust- When to Trust Mobile Objects: Access Control in the Jini(tm) Software System (CC, JD, JW), pp. 116–125.
TOOLS-USA-1999-FosterNMF #mobile #performance #workflow- Performance Tuning Mobile Agent Workflow Applications (SSF, BAN, DM, MJF), pp. 8–17.
POPL-1999-CardelliG #mobile- Types for Mobile Ambients (LC, ADG), pp. 79–92.
POPL-1999-RielyH #mobile #trust #type system- Trust and Partial Typing in Open Systems of Mobile Agents (JR, MH), pp. 93–104.
SAC-1999-AnconaDG #mobile- Mobile Computing in Outdoor Environments (Extended Abstract) (MA, GD, VG), pp. 413–415.
SAC-1999-BoudrigaHO #integration #mobile #network- Intelligent Services Integration in Mobile ATM Networks (NB, OH, MSO), pp. 91–97.
SAC-1999-CremoniniOZ #framework #interactive #mobile #modelling #network- Modelling Network Topology and Mobile Agent Interaction: An Integrated Framework (MC, AO, FZ), pp. 410–412.
SAC-1999-GellersenBS #mobile- Environment-Mediated Mobile Computing (HWG, MB, AS), pp. 416–418.
SAC-1999-HuizingaA #file system #mobile- Mobile File System Support with Virtual Device Drivers (DMH, CA), pp. 373–381.
SAC-1999-JacobsenJ #distributed #mobile #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous Devices United: Enabling Distributed Computing Through Mobile Code (KJ, DJ), pp. 399–404.
SAC-1999-PreguicaMDS #flexibility #mobile- Flexible Data Storage for Mobile Computing (NMP, JLM, HJLD, JPFS), pp. 405–407.
SAC-1999-SahaiM #independence #mobile- Mobile Agents for Location Independent Computing (AS, CM), pp. 408–409.
SAC-1999-SegarraA #file system #mobile #named #using- MFS: A Mobile File System Using Generic System Services (MTS, FA), pp. 419–420.
ESEC-FSE-1999-MascoloPR #fine-grained- A Fine-Grained Model for Code Mobility (CM, GPP, GCR), pp. 39–56.
ICSE-1999-Ben-ShaulGGHL #component #development #mobile #named- FarGo: A System for Mobile Component-Based Application Development (IBS, HG, YG, OH, BL), pp. 658–659.
ICSE-1999-DangK #mobile #model checking #using- Using the ASTRAL Model Checker to Analyze Mobile IP (ZD, RAK), pp. 132–142.
ICSE-1999-Mascolo #analysis #mobile #prototype #specification- Specification, Analysis, and Prototyping of Mobile Systems (CM), pp. 724–725.
ICSE-1999-Murphy #algorithm #development #mobile- Algorithm Development in the Mobile Environment (ALM), pp. 728–729.
ICSE-1999-PiccoMR #named- LIME: Linda Meets Mobility (GPP, ALM, GCR), pp. 368–377.
SOSP-1999-FlinnS #adaptation #energy #mobile- Energy-aware adaptation for mobile applications (JF, MS), pp. 48–63.
DATE-1998-RassauYCLECW #2d #implementation #mobile #parallel- Smart Pixel Implementation of a 2-D Parallel Nucleic Wavelet Transform for Mobile Multimedia Communications (AMR, TCBY, HC, SL, KE, WAC, TDW), pp. 191–195.
FoSSaCS-1998-CardelliG #mobile- Mobile Ambients (LC, ADG), pp. 140–155.
TACAS-1998-RegensburgerB #mobile #verification- Formal Verification of SDL Systems at the Siemens Mobile Phone Department (FR, AB), pp. 439–455.
SAS-1998-Venet #automation #communication #mobile- Automatic Determination of Communication Topologies in Mobile Systems (AV), pp. 152–167.
ICFP-1998-Moreau #distributed #garbage collection #mobile- A Distributed Garbage Collector with Diffusion Tree Reorganisation and Mobile Objects (LM), pp. 204–215.
CHI-1998-KawachiyaI #mobile #named- NaviPoint: An Input Device for Mobile Information Browsing (KK, HI), pp. 1–8.
CSCW-1998-LuffH #collaboration- Mobility in Collaboration (PL, CH), pp. 305–314.
CIKM-1998-DirckzeG #mobile #multi #transaction- A Toggle Transaction Management Technique for Mobile Multidatabases (RAD, LG), pp. 371–377.
CIKM-1998-PitouraF #mobile #performance- An Efficient Hierarchical Scheme for Locating Highly Mobile Users (EP, IF), pp. 218–225.
ECOOP-1998-Lange #distributed #future of #mobile #question- Mobile Objects and Mobile Agents: The Future of Distributed Computing? (DBL), pp. 1–12.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-WeiHH #challenge #communication #mobile- Challenges of Communication in Mobile Computing (JW, TH, TH), p. 196–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-ZengSS #migration #mobile- The Code Migration of Mobile Agents System (XZ, YS, RS), p. 181–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-ZhongZ #database #design #distributed #mobile #transaction- A Web-Based Design for the Mobile Transaction Management of a Distributed Database System (JZ, WZ), pp. 372–386.
ALP-PLILP-1998-Wakeling #compilation #functional #haskell #java #lazy evaluation #mobile #source code #virtual machine- Mobile Haskell: Compiling Lazy Functional Programs for the Java Virtual Machine (DW), pp. 335–352.
POPL-1998-RielyH #distributed #mobile #process- A Typed Language for Distributed Mobile Processes (Extended Abstract) (JR, MH), pp. 378–390.
SAC-1998-Baggio #adaptation #mobile- System support for transparency and network-aware adaptation in mobile environments (AB), pp. 405–408.
SAC-1998-BusettaR #architecture #mobile- An architecture for mobile BDI agents (PB, KR), pp. 445–452.
SAC-1998-KottkampZ #database #mobile #query- Location-aware query processing in mobile database systems (HEK, OZ), pp. 416–423.
SAC-1998-LeeSL #incremental #mobile- Incremental view update for a mobile data warehouse (KCKL, AS, HVL), pp. 394–399.
SAC-1998-Murthy #mobile #paradigm #transaction #workflow- Transactional workflow paradigm: its application to mobile computing (VKM), pp. 424–432.
SAC-1998-StanskiGZ #documentation #migration #mobile #replication #web- Document archiving, replication and migration container for mobile Web users (PS, SG, ABZ), pp. 400–404.
SAC-1998-YeadonDFB #mobile #video- Supporting video in heterogeneous mobile environments (NJY, ND, AF, GSB), pp. 439–444.
FSE-1998-FongC #architecture #composition #mobile #proving #verification- Proof Linking: An Architecture for Modular Verification of Dynamically-Linked Mobile Code (PWLF, RDC), pp. 222–230.
ICSE-1998-BaldiP #design #mobile #network #paradigm #trade-off- Evaluating the Tradeoffs of Mobile Code Design Paradigms in Network Management Applications (MB, GPP), pp. 146–155.
ASPLOS-1998-KrintzCLZ #execution #mobile #source code #strict #using- Overlapping Execution with Transfer Using Non-Strict Execution for Mobile Programs (CK, BC, HBL, BGZ), pp. 159–169.
CAV-1998-FerrariGMPR #mobile #process #verification- Verifying Mobile Processes in the HAL Environment (GLF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 511–515.
LICS-1998-ParrowV #calculus #mobile #process #symmetry- The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and Symmetry in Mobile Processes (JP, BV), pp. 176–185.
TACAS-1997-FerrariFGMPR #automation #mobile #process #verification- An Automated Based Verification Environment for Mobile Processes (GLF, GF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 275–289.
HCI-SEC-1997-AnkerA #approach #communication #development #mobile #multi- Mobile Multimedia Communication: A Task- and User-Centered Approach to Future Systems Development (FWGvdA, AGA), pp. 651–654.
HCI-SEC-1997-Vaananen-Vainio-MattilaH #communication #mobile #user interface- Mobile Communication User Interfaces for Everyone (KVVM, SH), pp. 815–818.
EDOC-1997-GriffelTMMLS #contract #mobile- Electronic contract negotiation as an application niche for mobile agents (FG, MTT, MM, MM, WL, MMdS), p. 354–?.
EDOC-1997-ThanhA #matter- Mobility Support: A Mutil-Domain Bridging Matter (DVT, JAA), pp. 348–353.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-PasalaR #collaboration #constraints #design pattern #flexibility #mobile #named- PolyConstraints: A Design Pattern for Flexible Collaboration in Heterogeneous Mobile Environments (AP, DJR), pp. 166–175.
SAC-1997-LeongS #adaptation #database #mobile #on the- On adaptive caching in mobile databases (HVL, AS), pp. 302–309.
SAC-1997-MortonB #mobile- Utilizing mobile computing in the Wishard Memorial Hospital ambulatory service (SM, OAB), pp. 287–294.
SAC-1997-NeumannM #database #deduction #distributed #mobile- Mobile computing within a distributed deductive database (KN, MM), pp. 318–322.
SAC-1997-WalbornC #mobile #transaction- PRO-MOTION : Management of Mobile Transactions (GDW, PKC), pp. 101–108.
SAC-1997-Zukunft #adaptation #database #mobile #rule-based- Rule based adaptation in mobile database systems (OZ), pp. 310–317.
ESEC-FSE-1997-PiccoRM #mobile- Expressing Code Mobility in Mobile UNITY (GPP, GCR, PJM), pp. 500–518.
ICSE-1997-CarzanigaPV #design #distributed #mobile #paradigm- Designing Distributed Applications with Mobile Code Paradigms (AC, GPP, GV), pp. 22–32.
HPDC-1997-DasSJA #mobile #network- Cellular Mobile Networks (SKD, SKS, RJ, PA), pp. 254–263.
HPDC-1997-HuL #adaptation #mobile- Adaptive Cache Invalidation Methods in Mobile Environments (QH, DLL), pp. 264–273.
HPDC-1997-LeeHL #mobile- Channel Allocation Methods for Data Dissemination in Mobile Computing Environments (WCL, QH, DLL), pp. 274–281.
SOSP-1997-KuenningP #automation #mobile- Automated Hoarding for Mobile Computers (GHK, GJP), pp. 264–275.
SOSP-1997-NobleSNTFW #adaptation #agile- Agile Application-Aware Adaptation for Mobility (BN, MS, DN, JET, JF, KRW), pp. 276–287.
PLDI-1996-Adl-TabatabaiLLW #independence #mobile #performance #source code- Efficient and Language-Independent Mobile Programs (ARAT, GL, SL, RW), pp. 127–136.
SAS-1996-BorgiaDPLT #comprehension #mobile #semantics- Understanding Mobile Agents via a Non-Interleaving Semantics for Facile (RB, PD, CP, LL, BT), pp. 98–112.
ICALP-1996-BodeiDP #distributed #mobile #process- Mobile Processes with a Distributed Environment (CB, PD, CP), pp. 490–501.
CSCW-1996-BellottiB #collaboration #design #distributed- Walking away from the Desktop Computer: Distributed Collaboration and Mobility in a Product Design Team (VB, SAB), pp. 209–218.
TRI-Ada-1996-Gramp #architecture #communication #comparison #mobile- A Comparison of Different Tasking Architectures Used in Mobile Satellite Communication Ground Station Software (KJG), pp. 23–28.
ICPR-1996-HolderTM #mobile #navigation #using- Mobile robot navigation by wall following using a rotating ultrasonic scanner (MBH, MMT, SBM), pp. 298–302.
ICPR-1996-StellaCD #mobile #nondeterminism #self- Self-location of a mobile robot with uncertainty by cooperation of a heading sensor and a CCD TV camera (ES, GC, AD), pp. 303–307.
ICPR-1996-VeelaertP #flexibility #mobile #navigation- Mobile robot navigation based on flexibility maps of the environment (PV, HP), pp. 146–150.
ICPR-1996-WeberVS #behaviour #mobile- Insect inspired behaviours for the autonomous control of mobile robots (KW, SV, MVS), pp. 156–160.
ICPR-1996-YagiNYY #estimation #image #mobile #using- Rolling motion estimation for mobile robot by using omnidirectional image sensor HyperOmniVision (YY, WN, KY, MY), pp. 946–950.
ICPR-1996-YangT #geometry #locality #mobile #modelling- Mobile robot localization by geometric hashing and model-based scene matching (YBY, HTT), pp. 181–185.
ICPR-1996-ZanardiHC #interactive #learning #mobile- Mutual learning or unsupervised interactions between mobile robots (CZ, JYH, PC), pp. 40–44.
SEKE-1996-PrakashS #mobile #towards- A Dynamic Apporach Towards Location Management in Mobile Computing Systems (RP, MS), pp. 488–495.
ICSE-1996-RomanMP #interactive #mobile #reasoning- Assertional Reasoning about Pairwise Transient Interactions in Mobile Computing (GCR, PJM, JYP), pp. 155–164.
HPDC-1996-Sapaty #mobile- Mobile Processing in Open Systems (PS), pp. 182–191.
ICALP-1995-DeganoP #mobile #process- Causality for Mobile Processes (PD, CP), pp. 660–671.
ICALP-1995-KhullerRR #named- Graphbots: Mobility in Discrete Spaces (SK, ER, AR), pp. 593–604.
ICALP-1995-Sangiorgi #calculus- Internal Mobility and Agent-Passing Calculi (DS), pp. 672–683.
CIKM-1995-ElmagarmidJB #algorithm #mobile #performance #reliability #transaction- An Efficient and Reliable Reservation Algorithm for Mobile Transactions (AKE, JJ, OAB), pp. 90–95.
SAC-1995-Tunstel #fuzzy #mobile #navigation #representation- Fuzzy spatial map representation for mobile robot navigation (ET), pp. 586–589.
SOSP-1995-JosephdTGK #information management #mobile #named #tool support- Rover: A Toolkit for Mobile Information Access (ADJ, AFd, JAT, DKG, MFK), pp. 156–171.
SOSP-1995-MummertES #mobile- Exploiting Weak Connectivity for Mobile File Access (LBM, ME, MS), pp. 143–155.
SOSP-1995-SteensgaardJ #concurrent #thread- Object and Native Code Thread Mobility Among Heterogeneous Computers (BS, EJ), pp. 68–78.
SIGMOD-1994-BarbaraI #mobile- Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments (DB, TI), pp. 1–12.
SIGMOD-1994-HuangSW #mobile #replication- Data Replication for Mobile Computers (YH, APS, OW), pp. 13–24.
CIKM-1994-PitouraB #information management #mobile- Building Information Systems for Mobile Environments (EP, BKB), pp. 371–378.
POPL-1994-HondaY #combinator #mobile #process #representation- Combinatory Representation of Mobile Processes (KH, NY), pp. 348–360.
CAV-1994-VictorM #π-calculus- The Mobility Workbench — A Tool for the π-Calculus (BV, FM), pp. 428–440.
HCI-ACS-1993-KeranRS #automation #mining #mobile #perspective- Automation of Mobile Equipment in Mining: A Human Factors Perspective (CMK, RFR, TJS), pp. 307–312.
VLDB-1992-ImielinskiB #distributed #mobile #query- Querying in Highly Mobile Distributed Environments (TI, BRB), pp. 41–52.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Duchamp92 #mobile- Systems Software for Wireless Mobile Computing (Abstract) (DD), p. 10.
IWPTS-1992-KosterD #consistency #mobile #network #testing- ISO Conformance Testing of the GSM Mobile Network System (RK, MD), pp. 263–273.
SOSP-1987-JulLHB #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System (Extended Abstract) (EJ, HML, NCH, APB), pp. 105–106.