Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × Norway
2 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Reed U.Srivastava S.Pandey S.Chopra R.Kumar A.Tomkins K.Elmeleegy P.Agrawal D.Kifer K.Dhamdhere A.Manjhi B.M.Maggs T.C.Mowry A.Tomasic S.Roy J.Cho S.Chakrabarti M.Fontoura V.Josifovski S.Vassilvitskii A.Ailamaki C.Garrod A.Ailamaki A.Gates O.Natkovich P.Kamath S.Narayanam S.Srinivasan G.Chiou L.Chitnis F.Liu Y.Han M.Larsson A.Neumann V.B.N.Rao V.Sankarasubramanian S.Seth C.Tian T.ZiCornell X.Wang
Talks about:
data (5) dataflow (4) distribut (3) monitor (3) web (3) pig (3) inspector (2) framework (2) scalabl (2) search (2)
Person: Christopher Olston
DBLP: Olston:Christopher
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- SIGMOD-2014-ElmeleegyOR #distributed #memory management #named #pipes and filters #using
- SpongeFiles: mitigating data skew in mapreduce using distributed memory (KE, CO, BR), pp. 551–562.
- SIGMOD-2011-OlstonCCLHLNRSSTZW #named #workflow
- Nova: continuous Pig/Hadoop workflows (CO, GC, LC, FL, YH, ML, AN, VBNR, VS, SS, CT, TZ, XW), pp. 1081–1090.
- SIGMOD-2011-OlstonR #debugging #distributed #framework #monitoring
- Inspector gadget: a framework for custom monitoring and debugging of distributed dataflows (CO, BR), pp. 1221–1224.
- VLDB-2011-OlstonR #debugging #distributed #framework #monitoring
- Inspector Gadget: A Framework for Custom Monitoring and Debugging of Distributed Dataflows (CO, BR), pp. 1237–1248.
- SIGMOD-2009-OlstonCS #data flow #generative #source code
- Generating example data for dataflow programs (CO, SC, US), pp. 245–256.
- VLDB-2009-GatesNCKNORSS #data flow #experience #pipes and filters
- Building a HighLevel Dataflow System on top of MapReduce: The Pig Experience (AG, ON, SC, PK, SN, CO, BR, SS, US), pp. 1414–1425.
- SIGMOD-2008-OlstonRSKT
- Pig latin: a not-so-foreign language for data processing (CO, BR, US, RK, AT), pp. 1099–1110.
- VLDB-2008-AgrawalKO #scalability #scheduling
- Scheduling shared scans of large data files (PA, DK, CO), pp. 958–969.
- VLDB-2008-FontouraJKOTV #taxonomy #using
- Relaxation in text search using taxonomies (MF, VJ, RK, CO, AT, SV), pp. 672–683.
- VLDB-2008-GarrodMAMMOT #query #scalability #web
- Scalable query result caching for web applications (CG, AM, AA, BMM, TCM, CO, AT), pp. 550–561.
- SIGMOD-2006-ManjhiAMMOT #data-driven #scalability #security #web
- Simultaneous scalability and security for data-intensive web applications (AM, AA, BMM, TCM, CO, AT), pp. 241–252.
- VLDB-2005-PandeyROCC #random #ranking
- Shuffling a Stacked Deck: The Case for Partially Randomized Ranking of Search Engine Results (SP, SR, CO, JC, SC), pp. 781–792.
- VLDB-2004-PandeyDO #algorithm #monitoring #named #web
- WIC: A General-Purpose Algorithm for Monitoring Web Information Sources (SP, KD, CO), pp. 360–371.