Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
J.Cai M.Chang J.Edmonds K.Lam J.Wang Y.Chang J.Hsieh P.Huang C.J.Zhu
Talks about:
index (3) phrase (2) effici (2) queri (2) reachabl (1) version (1) connect (1) collect (1) memori (1) garbag (1)
Person: Chung Keung Poon
DBLP: Poon:Chung_Keung
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2014-LamWCHHPZ #garbage collection #memory management #multi
- Garbage collection for multi-version index on flash memory (KyL, JW, YHC, JWH, PCH, CKP, CJZ), pp. 1–4.
- CIKM-2010-CaiP #graph #named #query #reachability #scalability
- Path-hop: efficiently indexing large graphs for reachability queries (JC, CKP), pp. 119–128.
- ECIR-2006-ChangP #performance #query
- Efficient Phrase Querying with Common Phrase Index (MC, CKP), pp. 61–71.
- STOC-1995-EdmondsP #bound
- A nearly optimal time-space lower bound for directed st-connectivity on the NNJAG model (JE, CKP), pp. 147–156.