938 papers:
DAC-2015-IsmailLS #performance #worst-case- Improving worst-case cache performance through selective bypassing and register-indexed cache (MI, DL, GES), p. 6.
DATE-2015-MuzaffarYSE #power management- A pulsed-index technique for single-channel, low-power, dynamic signaling (SM, JY, AS, IAME), pp. 1485–1490.
DRR-2015-ClawsonB #automation- Intelligent indexing: a semi-automated, trainable system for field labeling (RC, WAB).
DRR-2015-StalnakerZ #retrieval #using- Math expression retrieval using an inverted index over symbol pairs (DS, RZ), p. 940207.
SIGMOD-2015-ChangLQYZ #algorithm #component- Index-based Optimal Algorithms for Computing Steiner Components with Maximum Connectivity (LC, XL, LQ, JXY, WZ), pp. 459–474.
SIGMOD-2015-ChenGLJCZ #metric #nondeterminism #query- Indexing Metric Uncertain Data for Range Queries (LC, YG, XL, CSJ, GC, BZ), pp. 951–965.
SIGMOD-2015-PetrakiIM #in memory- Holistic Indexing in Main-memory Column-stores (EP, SI, SM), pp. 1153–1166.
VLDB-2015-FinisBK0MF- Indexing Highly Dynamic Hierarchical Data (JF, RB, AK, TN, NM, FF), pp. 986–997.
VLDB-2015-KatsarouNT #performance #query #scalability- Performance and Scalability of Indexed Subgraph Query Processing Methods (FK, NN, PT), pp. 1566–1577.
VLDB-2015-LoroGKPB #logic- Indexing and Selecting Hierarchical Business Logic (AL, AG, DK, DP, PB), pp. 1656–1667.
VLDB-2015-MakreshanskiLS #hardware #memory management #transaction- To Lock, Swap, or Elide: On the Interplay of Hardware Transactional Memory and Lock-Free Indexing (DM, JJL, RS), pp. 1298–1309.
VLDB-2015-NagarkarCB #query- Compressed Spatial Hierarchical Bitmap (cSHB) Indexes for Efficiently Processing Spatial Range Query Workloads (PN, KSC, AB), pp. 1382–1393.
VLDB-2015-ShuklaTRGSZSGWB- Schema-Agnostic Indexing with Azure DocumentDB (DS, ST, KR, MG, AS, SZ, KS, MGG, AW, SB, RF, MN, MK, JH, SS, JJL, DBL), pp. 1668–1679.
FoSSaCS-2015-BizjakB #logic #probability- Step-Indexed Logical Relations for Probability (AB, LB), pp. 279–294.
CHI-2015-LyuLZYMWSK- Measuring Photoplethysmogram-Based Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index to Assess Cognitive Load and Stress (YL, XL, JZ, CY, CM, TW, YS, KiK), pp. 857–866.
HCI-IT-2015-HaraUO #smarttech- Effect of Button Size and Location When Pointing with Index Finger on Smartwatch (KH, TU, NO), pp. 165–174.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SirohiS #multitenancy #optimisation #performance #query #sql- Context-sensitive Indexes in RDBMS for Performance Optimization of SQL Queries in Multi-tenant/Multi-application Environments (AKS, VS), pp. 259–270.
ECIR-2015-DehghaniAMK #automation- Sources of Evidence for Automatic Indexing of Political Texts (MD, HA, MM, JK), pp. 568–573.
ECIR-2015-EsuliF #categorisation- Distributional Correspondence Indexing for Cross-Language Text Categorization (AE, AMF), pp. 104–109.
KDD-2015-ZoumpatianosLPG #query- Query Workloads for Data Series Indexes (KZ, YL, TP, JG), pp. 1603–1612.
ECMFA-2015-BarmpisSK #incremental #scalability #towards- Towards Incremental Updates in Large-Scale Model Indexes (KB, SMS, DSK), pp. 137–153.
SAC-2015-BritoE #branch #named #performance #query- BranchGuide: an indexing technique for efficient, lossless processing of branching path queries (TBV, GEdS), pp. 1086–1092.
SAC-2015-ChengKWT #scalability #semantics #throughput #web- High throughput indexing for large-scale semantic web data (LC, SK, TEW, GT), pp. 416–422.
SAC-2015-SharmaMDH #trust- Bi-directional trust index computation in resource marketplace (AS, TM, PD, VGH), pp. 2305–2311.
CSL-2015-DuparcFH #ambiguity #on the- On Unambiguous Regular Tree Languages of Index (0, 2) (JD, KF, SH), pp. 534–548.
CASE-2014-OhnishiY #performance- Switching control of DC-DC converters with Electric Double-Layer Capacitor based on control performance index (YO, TY), pp. 188–193.
CASE-2014-YangXZL #3d #recognition- Scaled Indexing of General Shapes for complicated 3D motion recognition (JY, HX, XZ, YL), pp. 236–241.
DAC-2014-CuiCBC #optimisation #set- A Swap-based Cache Set Index Scheme to Leverage both Superpage and Page Coloring Optimizations (ZC, LC, YB, MC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KuanCHL #database #embedded #multi- Space-Efficient Multiversion Index Scheme for PCM-based Embedded Database Systems (YHK, YHC, PCH, KyL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-AndradesRC #design #detection- Signature indexing of design layouts for hotspot detection (CA, MAR, CCC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-BanagaayaAST #network #order #reduction- Implicit index-aware model order reduction for RLC/RC networks (NB, GA, WHAS, CT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-LamWCHHPZ #garbage collection #memory management #multi- Garbage collection for multi-version index on flash memory (KyL, JW, YHC, JWH, PCH, CKP, CJZ), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-Matsunaga #algorithm #generative #parallel #synthesis- Synthesis algorithm of parallel index generation units (YM), pp. 1–6.
DRR-2014-MaXA #algorithm #machine learning #segmentation #video- A machine learning based lecture video segmentation and indexing algorithm (DM, BX, GA), p. ?–8.
HT-2014-ChengKWT #architecture #distributed #memory management #performance #rdf #scalability- A two-tier index architecture for fast processing large RDF data over distributed memory (LC, SK, TEW, GT), pp. 300–302.
SIGMOD-2014-KhanYDK #query #towards- Towards indexing functions: answering scalar product queries (AK, PY, BD, DK), pp. 241–252.
SIGMOD-2014-LevandoskiLSBD #hardware- Indexing on modern hardware: hekaton and beyond (JJL, DBL, SS, AB, CD), pp. 717–720.
SIGMOD-2014-ZaschkeZN #multi- The PH-tree: a space-efficient storage structure and multi-dimensional index (TZ, CZ, MCN), pp. 397–408.
SIGMOD-2014-ZoumpatianosIP #big data #interactive- Indexing for interactive exploration of big data series (KZ, SI, TP), pp. 1555–1566.
VLDB-2014-AthanassoulisA #approximate #named- BF-Tree: Approximate Tree Indexing (MA, AA), pp. 1881–1892.
VLDB-2014-GankidiTPHD- Indexing HDFS Data in PDW: Splitting the data from the index (VRG, NT, JMP, AH, DJD), pp. 1520–1528.
VLDB-2014-JiangFWX #distance #network #query- Hop Doubling Label Indexing for Point-to-Point Distance Querying on Scale-Free Networks (MJ, AWCF, RCWW, YX), pp. 1203–1214.
VLDB-2014-LiuCHLS #approximate #named #nearest neighbour #performance- SK-LSH: An Efficient Index Structure for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (YL, JC, ZH, HL, HTS), pp. 745–756.
VLDB-2014-LiuHRLJWCL #effectiveness #grid #multi #smarttech- DGFIndex for Smart Grid: Enhancing Hive with a Cost-Effective Multidimensional Range Index (YL, SH, TR, WL, HAJ, KW, JC, JL), pp. 1496–1507.
VLDB-2014-WangMO #lightweight- Lightweight Indexing of Observational Data in Log-Structured Storage (SW, DM, BCO), pp. 529–540.
VLDB-2014-ZhangCT #database #performance- An Efficient Publish/Subscribe Index for ECommerce Databases (DZ, CYC, KLT), pp. 613–624.
VLDB-2015-SunWQZL14 #approximate #named #nearest neighbour #query- SRS: Solving c-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Queries in High Dimensional Euclidean Space with a Tiny Index (YS, WW, JQ, YZ, XL), pp. 1–12.
AFL-2014-FernauFH #distributed #finite #hybrid- Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems of Finite Index Working in Hybrid Modes (HF, RF, MH), pp. 246–260.
ICALP-v1-2014-AmirCLL #on the- On Hardness of Jumbled Indexing (AA, TMC, ML, NL), pp. 114–125.
ICALP-v1-2014-KoppartyKS #finite #performance- Efficient Indexing of Necklaces and Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields (SK, MK, MES), pp. 726–737.
IFL-2014-AmorimGAH #linear #type checking- Really Natural Linear Indexed Type Checking (AAdA, MG, EJGA, JH), p. 5.
CAiSE-2014-PolyvyanyyRH #modelling #performance #process #retrieval #using- Indexing and Efficient Instance-Based Retrieval of Process Models Using Untanglings (AP, MLR, AHMtH), pp. 439–456.
CIKM-2014-AnandMBB #optimisation #query- Phrase Query Optimization on Inverted Indexes (AA, IM, SJB, KB), pp. 1807–1810.
CIKM-2014-QinSFZW #3d #linked data #open data- Indexing Linked Data in a Wireless Broadcast System with 3D Hilbert Space-Filling Curves (YQ, QZS, NJGF, WEZ, HW), pp. 1775–1778.
CIKM-2014-RamadanC #realtime- Forest-Based Dynamic Sorted Neighborhood Indexing for Real-Time Entity Resolution (BR, PC), pp. 1787–1790.
ECIR-2014-CatenaMO #on the #performance- On Inverted Index Compression for Search Engine Efficiency (MC, CM, IO), pp. 359–371.
ECIR-2014-Koolen #exclamation #ll #quote- “User Reviews in the Search Index? That’ll Never Work!” (MK), pp. 323–334.
ICPR-2014-GaurHC #design #distance #image #kernel #multi- Design of Multi-kernel Distance Based Hashing with Multiple Objectives for Image Indexing (VG, EH, SC), pp. 2637–2642.
ICPR-2014-HaoXPSK #automation #semantics #topic #using- Automated Chinese Essay Scoring from Topic Perspective Using Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing (SH, YX, HP, KS, DK), pp. 3092–3097.
ICPR-2014-XiaoCJF #recognition #using- Position-Based Action Recognition Using High Dimension Index Tree (QX, JC, JJ, WF), pp. 4400–4405.
KMIS-2014-AngiusCMPS #classification #semantics #social #web- Classification and Indexing of Web Content Based on a Model of Semantic Social Bookmarking (AA, GC, DM, FEP, GS), pp. 313–318.
SIGIR-2014-OttavianoV- Partitioned Elias-Fano indexes (GO, RV), pp. 273–282.
SIGIR-2014-PetriMC #hybrid- Score-safe term-dependency processing with hybrid indexes (MP, AM, JSC), pp. 899–902.
LOPSTR-2014-MoralesH #prolog- Pre-indexed Terms for Prolog (JFM, MVH), pp. 317–331.
HPCA-2014-KarnagelDRLLSL #database #in memory #performance #transaction- Improving in-memory database index performance with Intel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions (TK, RD, RR, KL, TL, BS, WL), pp. 476–487.
DocEng-2013-NguyenOC #multimodal- Bag of subjects: lecture videos multimodal indexing (NVN, JMO, FC), pp. 225–226.
DocEng-2013-YuanM #repository #retrieval- Cross language indexing and retrieval of the cypriot digital antiquities repository (DY, PM), pp. 235–236.
DRR-2013-ClawsonBCPKRB #automation #recognition- Automated recognition and extraction of tabular fields for the indexing of census records (RC, KB, GC, MP, DJK, JR, WAB).
DRR-2013-NayefB13a #performance #retrieval- Efficient symbol retrieval by building a symbol index from a collection of line drawings (NN, TMB).
DRR-2013-SchusterHME #documentation #how #rule-based- Rule-based versus training-based extraction of index terms from business documents: how to combine the results (DS, MH, KM, DE).
ICDAR-2013-SethN- Segmenting Tables via Indexing of Value Cells by Table Headers (SCS, GN), pp. 887–891.
SIGMOD-2013-ChenCC #performance #query- An efficient query indexing mechanism for filtering geo-textual data (LC, GC, XC), pp. 749–760.
SIGMOD-2013-Cohen #distance #edit distance #using- Indexing for subtree similarity-search using edit distance (SC), pp. 49–60.
SIGMOD-2013-KaufmannMVFKFM #data type #query #timeline- Timeline index: a unified data structure for processing queries on temporal data in SAP HANA (MK, AAM, PV, PMF, DK, FF, NM), pp. 1173–1184.
SIGMOD-2013-MaasKHL #in memory #named- BUZZARD: a NUMA-aware in-memory indexing system (LMM, TK, DH, WL), pp. 1285–1286.
SIGMOD-2013-SametSA #database #game studies- Indexing methods for moving object databases: games and other applications (HS, JS, MA), pp. 169–180.
SIGMOD-2013-SidirourgosK- Column imprints: a secondary index structure (LS, MLK), pp. 893–904.
VLDB-2013-Bartos #modelling #similarity- Universal Indexing of Arbitrary Similarity Models (TB), pp. 1392–1397.
VLDB-2013-LiC #performance #query- Efficient Indexing for Diverse Query Results (LL, CYC), pp. 745–756.
VLDB-2013-LiuSW #performance #query- A Performance Study of Three Disk-based Structures for Indexing and Querying Frequent Itemsets (GL, AS, LW), pp. 505–516.
VLDB-2013-Rao0HT #keyword #named #performance- Bitlist: New Full-text Index for Low Space Cost and Efficient Keyword Search (WR, LC, PH, ST), pp. 1522–1533.
VLDB-2013-SchalerGSSKS #named- QuEval: Beyond high-dimensional indexing a la carte (MS, AG, RS, SS, VK, GS), pp. 1654–1665.
VLDB-2013-WangWPWH #adaptation #segmentation- A Data-adaptive and Dynamic Segmentation Index for Whole Matching on Time Series (YW, PW, JP, WW, SH), pp. 793–804.
VLDB-2013-YuanMG #graph #mining- Mining and Indexing Graphs for Supergraph Search (DY, PM, CLG), pp. 829–840.
TACAS-2013-Minamide #automaton- Weighted Pushdown Systems with Indexed Weight Domains (YM), pp. 230–244.
ICALP-v1-2013-KucherovN #constant #realtime- Full-Fledged Real-Time Indexing for Constant Size Alphabets (GK, YN), pp. 650–660.
LATA-2013-NakamuraI #automaton #linear #stack- Eliminating Stack Symbols in Push-Down Automata and Linear Indexed Grammars (KN, KI), pp. 444–455.
LATA-2013-Shamir- Pumping, Shrinking and Pronouns: From Context Free to Indexed Grammars (ES), pp. 516–522.
CSCW-2013-HansenSCRG #bibliography #crowdsourcing #quality- Quality control mechanisms for crowdsourcing: peer review, arbitration, & expertise at familysearch indexing (DLH, PJS, DC, MR, JG), pp. 649–660.
HCI-AS-2013-TakahashiISUSHO #biology #eye tracking #using- Proposal for Driver Distraction Indexes Using Biological Signals Including Eye Tracking (NT, SI, HS, SU, YS, KH, MO), pp. 647–653.
CIKM-2013-BastB #performance #semantics- An index for efficient semantic full-text search (HB, BB), pp. 369–378.
CIKM-2013-CraneTO #maintenance- Maintaining discriminatory power in quantized indexes (MC, AT, RAO), pp. 1221–1224.
CIKM-2013-PalBP #named #query- RCached-tree: an index structure for efficiently answering popular queries (MP, AB, DP), pp. 1173–1176.
CIKM-2013-ZhongLTZ #named #network #performance- G-tree: an efficient index for KNN search on road networks (RZ, GL, KLT, LZ), pp. 39–48.
ECIR-2013-EickhoffLV #retrieval- Exploiting User Comments for Audio-Visual Content Indexing and Retrieval (CE, WL, APdV), pp. 38–49.
KDD-2013-YenCLLL #classification #coordination #linear #memory management #scalability- Indexed block coordinate descent for large-scale linear classification with limited memory (IEHY, CFC, TWL, SWL, SDL), pp. 248–256.
MLDM-2013-BrownPD #algorithm #search-based- Dynamic-Radius Species-Conserving Genetic Algorithm for the Financial Forecasting of Dow Jones Index Stocks (MSB, MJP, HD), pp. 27–41.
SEKE-2013-Al-MsiedeenSHUVS #concept analysis #mining #object-oriented #semantics #source code #using- Mining Features from the Object-Oriented Source Code of a Collection of Software Variants Using Formal Concept Analysis and Latent Semantic Indexing (RAM, ADS, MH, CU, SV, HES), pp. 244–249.
SIGIR-2013-ArroyueloGOS #documentation #identifier #performance- Document identifier reassignment and run-length-compressed inverted indexes for improved search performance (DA, SG, MO, VS), pp. 173–182.
SIGIR-2013-ChenL- An information-theoretic account of static index pruning (RCC, CJL), pp. 163–172.
SIGIR-2013-Hasibi #query- Indexing and querying overlapping structures (FH), p. 1144.
SIGIR-2013-RossiMCS #performance #query #using- Fast document-at-a-time query processing using two-tier indexes (CR, ESdM, ALC, ASdS), pp. 183–192.
QAPL-2013-Tranquilli- Indexed Labels for Loop Iteration Dependent Costs (PT), pp. 19–33.
POPL-2013-AtkeyJK #abstraction #algebra- Abstraction and invariance for algebraically indexed types (RA, PJ, AK), pp. 87–100.
LICS-2013-FacchiniMS #automaton #problem- Rabin-Mostowski Index Problem: A Step beyond Deterministic Automata (AF, FM, MS), pp. 499–508.
CASE-2012-ReeseWLDOOBE #modelling- Early warning system modeling for patient bispectral index prognosis in anesthesia and the operating room (JR, YW, LL, HD, EO, MSO, VLB, GE), pp. 297–302.
DATE-2012-Sasao #generative- Row-shift decompositions for index generation functions (TS), pp. 1585–1590.
DRR-2012-EsserSMBS #approach #automation #documentation- Automatic indexing of scanned documents: a layout-based approach (DE, DS, KM, MB, AS).
DRR-2012-MaA #segmentation #video- Lecture video segmentation and indexing (DM, GA).
DRR-2012-SchellenbergYZ #retrieval- Layout-based substitution tree indexing and retrieval for mathematical expressions (TS, BY, RZ).
HT-2012-DellschaftS #quality #recommendation- Measuring the influence of tag recommenders on the indexing quality in tagging systems (KD, SS), pp. 73–82.
PODS-2012-GrossiO #maintenance #sequence #string- The wavelet trie: maintaining an indexed sequence of strings in compressed space (RG, GO), pp. 203–214.
PODS-2012-Tao #2d #constant- Indexability of 2D range search revisited: constant redundancy and weak indivisibility (YT), pp. 131–142.
SIGMOD-2012-DingWJHW #keyword #optimisation #taxonomy- Optimizing index for taxonomy keyword search (BD, HW, RJ, JH, ZW), pp. 493–504.
SIGMOD-2012-JimenezSTP #automation #named- Kaizen: a semi-automatic index advisor (IJ, HS, QTT, NP), pp. 685–688.
SIGMOD-2012-PengYZWY #difference #multi #named #privacy- DP-tree: indexing multi-dimensional data under differential privacy (abstract only) (SP, YY, ZZ, MW, YY), p. 864.
SIGMOD-2012-SidlauskasSJ #in memory #parallel #query- Parallel main-memory indexing for moving-object query and update workloads (DS, SS, CSJ), pp. 37–48.
VLDB-2012-ChubakR #performance #query- Efficient Indexing and Querying over Syntactically Annotated Trees (PC, DR), pp. 1316–1327.
VLDB-2012-GraefeHIKM #adaptation #concurrent- Concurrency Control for Adaptive Indexing (GG, FH, SI, HAK, SM), pp. 656–667.
VLDB-2012-HalimIKY #adaptation #database #in memory #probability #robust #towards- Stochastic Database Cracking: Towards Robust Adaptive Indexing in Main-Memory Column-Stores (FH, SI, PK, RHCY), pp. 502–513.
VLDB-2012-JiangBCL #named #parallel #scalability- MOIST: A Scalable and Parallel Moving Object Indexer with School Tracking (JJ, HB, EYC, YL), pp. 1838–1849.
VLDB-2012-NguyenHZW #clustering- Boosting Moving Object Indexing through Velocity Partitioning (TN, ZH, RZ, PW), pp. 860–871.
VLDB-2012-SchnaitterP #automation- Semi-Automatic Index Tuning: Keeping DBAs in the Loop (KS, NP), pp. 478–489.
CSMR-2012-IslamMSS #multi #semantics #testing- A Multi-Objective Technique to Prioritize Test Cases Based on Latent Semantic Indexing (MMI, AM, AS, GS), pp. 21–30.
ICSM-2012-IslamMSKS #algorithm #named #search-based #semantics #sorting #testing- MOTCP: A tool for the prioritization of test cases based on a sorting genetic algorithm and Latent Semantic Indexing (MMI, AM, AS, FBK, GS), pp. 654–657.
MSR-2012-CapiluppiSY #developer- Developing an h-index for OSS developers (AC, AS, AY), pp. 251–254.
LATA-2012-GagieGKNP #grammarware #performance #self- A Faster Grammar-Based Self-index (TG, PG, JK, YN, SJP), pp. 240–251.
ICEIS-v1-2012-ZianiRO #approach #constraints #mining #multi- A Constraint-based Mining Approach for Multi-attribute Index Selection (BZ, FR, YO), pp. 93–98.
CIKM-2012-ChenLTH- Information preservation in static index pruning (RCC, CJL, CMT, JH), pp. 2487–2490.
CIKM-2012-EmrichKMRZ #nondeterminism- Indexing uncertain spatio-temporal data (TE, HPK, NM, MR, AZ), pp. 395–404.
CIKM-2012-GyllstromEVM #css #javascript #web- The downside of markup: examining the harmful effects of CSS and javascript on indexing today’s web (KG, CE, APdV, MFM), pp. 1990–1994.
CIKM-2012-HustonCC #sketching- Sketch-based indexing of n-words (SH, JSC, WBC), pp. 1864–1868.
CIKM-2012-KimCS #graph- Impact neighborhood indexing (INI) in diffusion graphs (JHK, KSC, MLS), pp. 2184–2188.
CIKM-2012-LeeH #distributed #robust- Robust distributed indexing for locality-skewed workloads (MWL, SwH), pp. 1342–1351.
CIKM-2012-LiYWK #graph #proximity #scalability- Density index and proximity search in large graphs (NL, XY, ZW, AK), pp. 235–244.
CIKM-2012-MaRHMHZCL #performance- An efficient index for massive IOT data in cloud environment (YM, JR, WH, XM, XH, YZ, YC, CL), pp. 2129–2133.
CIKM-2012-ThonangiB0 #concurrent- A practical concurrent index for solid-state drives (RT, SB, JY), pp. 1332–1341.
CIKM-2012-TsatsaronisVN #documentation #named #semantics #using- SemaFor: semantic document indexing using semantic forests (GT, IV, KN), pp. 1692–1696.
ECIR-2012-AkerFSG #image #summary- Investigating Summarization Techniques for Geo-Tagged Image Indexing (AA, XF, MS, RJG), pp. 472–475.
ECIR-2012-AtilganAU #keyword #on the #xml- On the Size of Full Element-Indexes for XML Keyword Search (DA, ISA, ÖU), pp. 556–560.
ICPR-2012-CoustatyUO #image- Extraction of light and specific features for historical image indexing and matching (MC, SU, JMO), pp. 1326–1329.
ICPR-2012-KhouryVD #3d #retrieval- Indexed heat curves for 3D-model retrieval (REK, JPV, MD), pp. 1964–1967.
KDD-2012-SchifanellaCCA #dependence #named #web- D-INDEX: a web environment for analyzing dependences among scientific collaborators (CS, LDC, MC, MAA), pp. 1520–1523.
KDIR-2012-dAciernoLSV #performance #retrieval- An Efficient Strategy for Spatio-temporal Data Indexing and Retrieval (Ad, ML, AS, MV), pp. 227–232.
KEOD-2012-GhezaielLA #concept #documentation #ontology- Ontology Enrichment based on Generic Basis of Association Rules for Conceptual Document Indexing (LBG, CCL, MBA), pp. 53–65.
MLDM-2012-CarvalhoPS #classification #image #using- Classification of Breast Tissues in Mammographic Images in Mass and Non-mass Using McIntosh’s Diversity Index and SVM (PMdSC, ACdP, ACS), pp. 482–494.
SIGIR-2012-AnandBBS #maintenance- Index maintenance for time-travel text search (AA, SJB, KB, RS), pp. 235–244.
SIGIR-2012-ArroyueloGMOS #ranking #trade-off- To index or not to index: time-space trade-offs in search engines with positional ranking functions (DA, SG, MM, MO, TS), pp. 255–264.
SIGIR-2012-HeS #documentation #optimisation #version control- Optimizing positional index structures for versioned document collections (JH, TS), pp. 245–254.
SIGIR-2012-JunqueiraLM #distributed #replication- Reactive index replication for distributed search engines (FPJ, VL, MM), pp. 831–840.
PADL-2012-HaveC #performance #program transformation #using- Efficient Tabling of Structured Data Using Indexing and Program Transformation (CTH, HC), pp. 93–107.
POPL-2012-CaveP #data type #programming- Programming with binders and indexed data-types (AC, BP), pp. 413–424.
SAC-2012-BlankH #information retrieval #metric #multi #performance- Inverted file-based indexing for efficient multimedia information retrieval in metric spaces (DB, AH), pp. 900–905.
SAC-2012-MorelliALMM- Autonomous re-indexing (ETM, ACA, SL, JMM, JCM), pp. 893–897.
SAC-2012-SakkopoulosPSTPS #deployment #distributed #framework #named- DREAM: a distributed fRamework for customized dEployment of a vAriety of indexing engines over million-node overlays (ES, AP, SS, DT, GP, AS), pp. 853–858.
IJCAR-2012-Schulz- Fingerprint Indexing for Paramodulation and Rewriting (SS), pp. 477–483.
LICS-2012-Hoshino #call-by #combinator #semantics- Step Indexed Realizability Semantics for a Call-by-Value Language Based on Basic Combinatorial Objects (NH), pp. 385–394.
CASE-2011-KaoCW #case study- Preliminary study of run-to-run control utilizing virtual metrology with reliance index (CAK, FTC, WMW), pp. 256–261.
DAC-2011-KungHSS #optimisation- Thermal signature: a simple yet accurate thermal index for floorplan optimization (JK, IH, SSS, YS), pp. 108–113.
ICDAR-2011-AugereauJD #documentation #feedback #image #industrial- Document Images Indexing with Relevance Feedback: An Application to Industrial Context (OA, NJ, JPD), pp. 1190–1194.
ICDAR-2011-HassanCG #distance #documentation #edit distance #image #using- Document Image Indexing Using Edit Distance Based Hashing (EH, SC, MG), pp. 1200–1204.
ICDAR-2011-NguyenCO #approach #classification- Bags of Strokes Based Approach for Classification and Indexing of Drop Caps (TTHN, MC, JMO), pp. 349–353.
ICDAR-2011-SaldarriagaC #network #online #using #word- Indexing On-line Handwritten Texts Using Word Confusion Networks (SPS, MC), pp. 197–201.
PODS-2011-ShengT #problem- FIFO indexes for decomposable problems (CS, YT), pp. 25–35.
PODS-2011-WeiY #query #summary- Beyond simple aggregates: indexing for summary queries (ZW, KY), pp. 117–128.
SIGMOD-2011-ChenLOW #named #performance #realtime #twitter- TI: an efficient indexing mechanism for real-time search on tweets (CC, FL, BCO, SW), pp. 649–660.
SIGMOD-2011-HanPLKY #analysis #graph #performance- iGraph in action: performance analysis of disk-based graph indexing techniques (WSH, MDP, JL, RK, JXY), pp. 1241–1242.
SIGMOD-2011-LarsonCHOPRSZ #sql- SQL server column store indexes (PÅL, CC, ENH, AO, SLP, SR, AS, QZ), pp. 1177–1184.
SIGMOD-2011-SadoghiJ #named- BE-tree: an index structure to efficiently match boolean expressions over high-dimensional discrete space (MS, HAJ), pp. 637–648.
SIGMOD-2011-YuKKHH- Exact indexing for support vector machines (HY, IK, YK, SwH, WSH), pp. 709–720.
VLDB-2011-AoZWSWLLL #algorithm #parallel #performance #using- Efficient Parallel Lists Intersection and Index Compression Algorithms using Graphics Processing Units (NA, FZ, DW, DSS, GW, XL, JL, SL), pp. 470–481.
VLDB-2011-ChenVWOO #framework #in the cloud- A Framework for Supporting DBMS-like Indexes in the Cloud (GC, HTV, SW, BCO, MTÖ), pp. 702–713.
VLDB-2011-DashPA #interactive #named #scalability- CoPhy: A Scalable, Portable, and Interactive Index Advisor for Large Workloads (DD, NP, AA), pp. 362–372.
VLDB-2011-FontouraJLVZZ #evaluation #query- Evaluation Strategies for Top-k Queries over Memory-Resident Inverted Indexes (MF, VJ, JL, SV, XZ, JYZ), pp. 1213–1224.
VLDB-2011-IdreosMKG #adaptation #in memory #what- Merging What’s Cracked, Cracking What’s Merged: Adaptive Indexing in Main-Memory Column-Stores (SI, SM, HAK, GG), pp. 585–597.
VLDB-2011-NarasayyaPS #automation- Automatic Workload Driven Index Defragmentation (VRN, HP, MS), pp. 1407–1409.
VLDB-2012-LinJZXL11 #performance #privacy #query- A MovingObject Index for Efficient Query Processing with Peer-Wise Location Privacy (DL, CSJ, RZ, LX, JL), pp. 37–48.
VLDB-2012-RohPKSL11 #optimisation #parallel- B+-tree Index Optimization by Exploiting Internal Parallelism of Flash-based Solid State Drives (HR, SP, SK, MS, SWL), pp. 286–297.
VLDB-2012-RuttenbergS11 #distance #using- Indexing the Earth Mover’s Distance Using Normal Distributions (BER, AKS), pp. 205–216.
FoSSaCS-2011-SchwinghammerBS #metric #recursion- A Step-Indexed Kripke Model of Hidden State via Recursive Properties on Recursively Defined Metric Spaces (JS, LB, KS), pp. 305–319.
WCRE-2011-KeivanlooRC #clone detection #multi #realtime- Internet-scale Real-time Code Clone Search Via Multi-level Indexing (IK, JR, PC), pp. 23–27.
CIAA-J-2010-ZdarekM11 #2d- Tree-Based 2D Indexing (JZ, BM), pp. 1893–1907.
HCI-DDA-2011-KimuraFKINOT #similarity- Appearance Similarity Index for Medicinal Ampoule Labels (MK, YF, AK, HI, KN, MO, FT), pp. 588–597.
HCI-DDA-2011-NabetaHIKOT #similarity- The Similarity Index of Character Shape of Medicine Names Based on Character Shape Similarity (II) (KN, AH, HI, MK, MO, FT), pp. 628–636.
ICEIS-v1-2011-GongG #evaluation #internet #performance #research- Research on the Evaluation Index System and Method for Intelligent Performance of Smart Space based on Internet of Things Technology (XG, TG), pp. 301–307.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MoreauO #performance- Efficient Indexing of Lines with the Mqr-tree (MM, WO), pp. 314–319.
ICEIS-v4-2011-CuiZH- The Impact of the Concentration Rate of the International Container Liner Market on Chinese Container Freight Index (LC, YZ, MH), pp. 611–616.
CIKM-2011-BjorklundGGG #keyword #network #social- Workload-aware indexing for keyword search in social networks (TAB, MG, JG, NG), pp. 535–544.
CIKM-2011-Bradford #implementation #scalability #semantics- Implementation techniques for large-scale latent semantic indexing applications (RBB), pp. 339–344.
CIKM-2011-ClaudeFMN #documentation- Indexes for highly repetitive document collections (FC, AF, MAMP, GN), pp. 463–468.
CIKM-2011-DengLPCX #ad hoc #database #graph #predict #query #reachability- Predicting the optimal ad-hoc index for reachability queries on graph databases (JD, FL, YP, BC, JX), pp. 2357–2360.
CIKM-2011-ElsayedLM #approximate #performance #retrieval- When close enough is good enough: approximate positional indexes for efficient ranked retrieval (TE, JJL, DM), pp. 1993–1996.
CIKM-2011-FontouraGJV #encoding- Efficiently encoding term co-occurrences in inverted indexes (MF, MG, VJ, SV), pp. 307–316.
CIKM-2011-GurajadaK #maintenance #online- Index tuning for query-log based on-line index maintenance (SG, PSK), pp. 1997–2000.
CIKM-2011-LadwigT #algorithm #database #keyword- Index structures and top-k join algorithms for native keyword search databases (GL, TT), pp. 1505–1514.
CIKM-2011-OttavianoG- Semi-indexing semi-structured data in tiny space (GO, RG), pp. 1485–1494.
CIKM-2011-SafadiQ #ranking #retrieval #video- Re-ranking by local re-scoring for video indexing and retrieval (BS, GQ), pp. 2081–2084.
CIKM-2011-ShanZHYYL #performance #query- Efficient phrase querying with flat position index (DS, WXZ, JH, RY, HY, XL), pp. 2001–2004.
CIKM-2011-TangWLMP #network #privacy- Privacy preserving indexing for eHealth information networks (YT, TW, LL, SM, BP), pp. 905–914.
CIKM-2011-TsangC #query #regular expression #robust- A robust index for regular expression queries (DT, SC), pp. 2365–2368.
CIKM-2011-XieY #graph #named #performance #scalability- CP-index: on the efficient indexing of large graphs (YX, PSY), pp. 1795–1804.
CIKM-2011-YangZJ #graph #multi #named #query- DELTA: indexing and querying multi-labeled graphs (JY, SZ, WJ), pp. 1765–1774.
ECIR-2011-CampinasDT #named #self- SkipBlock: Self-indexing for Block-Based Inverted List (SC, RD, GT), pp. 555–561.
ECIR-2011-JonassenB #performance- Efficient Compressed Inverted Index Skipping for Disjunctive Text-Queries (SJ, SEB), pp. 530–542.
ECIR-2011-SafadiQ #multi #ranking #retrieval- Re-ranking for Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval (BS, GQ), pp. 708–711.
ECIR-2011-ThotaC #statistics #testing- Within-Document Term-Based Index Pruning with Statistical Hypothesis Testing (SLT, BC), pp. 543–554.
KDIR-2011-Osuna-OntiverosLS #approach #clustering #documentation #semantics- A Semantic Clustering Approach for Indexing Documents (DOO, ILA, VSS), pp. 288–293.
KDIR-2011-ShishiboriLK #metric- An Improved Method to Select Candidates on Metric Index VP-tree (MS, SSL, KK), pp. 314–319.
SIGIR-2011-AnandBBS #performance- Temporal index sharding for space-time efficiency in archive search (AA, SJB, KB, RS), pp. 545–554.
SIGIR-2011-BroschartS #hybrid #novel #performance #retrieval- A novel hybrid index structure for efficient text retrieval (AB, RS), pp. 1175–1176.
SIGIR-2011-DingGIKN #quality- Indexing strategies for graceful degradation of search quality (SD, SG, SI, KK, AN), pp. 575–584.
SIGIR-2011-DingS #documentation #performance #retrieval #using- Faster top-k document retrieval using block-max indexes (SD, TS), pp. 993–1002.
SIGIR-2011-HuggettR #generative- The Meta-Dex Suite: generating and analyzing indexes and meta-indexes (MH, ER), pp. 1285–1286.
SIGIR-2011-MartinHRF #music #retrieval #towards- Towards an indexing method to speed-up music retrieval (BM, PH, MR, PF), pp. 1167–1168.
SIGIR-2011-PatilTSHVC #string- Inverted indexes for phrases and strings (MP, SVT, RS, WKH, JSV, SC), pp. 555–564.
SIGIR-2011-WangXLC #semantics- Regularized latent semantic indexing (QW, JX, HL, NC), pp. 685–694.
ECOOP-2011-PothierT #debugging #query #scalability- Summarized Trace Indexing and Querying for Scalable Back-in-Time Debugging (GP, ÉT), pp. 558–582.
OOPSLA-2011-PintoDDGW #abstraction #concurrent- A simple abstraction for complex concurrent indexes (PdRP, TDY, MD, PG, MJW), pp. 845–864.
POPL-2011-BirkedalRSSTY #modelling #recursion- Step-indexed kripke models over recursive worlds (LB, BR, JS, KS, JT, HY), pp. 119–132.
ISMM-2011-AfekDM #memory management- Cache index-aware memory allocation (YA, DD, AM), pp. 55–64.
CSL-2011-SchwinghammerB #nondeterminism #reasoning #relational- Step-Indexed Relational Reasoning for Countable Nondeterminism (JS, LB), pp. 512–524.
ISSTA-2011-TateishiPT #analysis #higher-order #logic #monad #string- Path- and index-sensitive string analysis based on monadic second-order logic (TT, MP, OT), pp. 166–176.
LICS-2011-BirkedalMSS- First Steps in Synthetic Guarded Domain Theory: Step-Indexing in the Topos of Trees (LB, REM, JS, KS), pp. 55–64.
RTA-2011-KochemsO #analysis #functional #linear #reachability #using- Improved Functional Flow and Reachability Analyses Using Indexed Linear Tree Grammars (JK, CHLO), pp. 187–202.
DATE-2010-AlpaslanDKMHW #simulation- NIM- a noise index model to estimate delay discrepancies between silicon and simulation (EA, JD, BK, AKM, WMH, PvdW), pp. 1373–1376.
SIGMOD-2010-AgrawalAK #on the #set- On indexing error-tolerant set containment (PA, AA, RK), pp. 927–938.
SIGMOD-2010-WangWGLO #multi- Indexing multi-dimensional data in a cloud system (JW, SW, HG, JL, BCO), pp. 591–602.
SIGMOD-2010-ZhangHOS #distance #edit distance #named #similarity #string- Bed-tree: an all-purpose index structure for string similarity search based on edit distance (ZZ, MH, BCO, DS), pp. 915–926.
VLDB-2010-FuscoSV #named #network #on the fly #streaming- Net-Fli: On-the-fly Compression, Archiving and Indexing of Streaming Network Traffic (FF, MPS, MV), pp. 1382–1393.
VLDB-2010-HanLPY #framework #graph #named- iGraph: A Framework for Comparisons of Disk-Based Graph Indexing Techniques (WSH, JL, MDP, JXY), pp. 449–459.
VLDB-2010-KellarisM- Shortest Path Computation on Air Indexes (GK, KM), pp. 747–757.
VLDB-2010-KimuraHRMZ #correlation #database #design #named- CORADD: Correlation Aware Database Designer for Materialized Views and Indexes (HK, GH, AR, SM, SBZ), pp. 1103–1113.
VLDB-2010-KimuraMZ #database #named #nondeterminism- UPI: A Primary Index for Uncertain Databases (HK, SM, SBZ), pp. 630–637.
VLDB-2010-LiH0LY- Tree Indexing on Solid State Drives (YL, BH, JY, QL, KY), pp. 1195–1206.
VLDB-2010-WuJOW #performance- Efficient B-tree Based Indexing for Cloud Data Processing (SW, DJ, BCO, KLW), pp. 1207–1218.
VLDB-2010-YildirimCZ #graph #named #reachability #scalability- GRAIL: Scalable Reachability Index for Large Graphs (HY, VC, MJZ), pp. 276–284.
VLDB-2010-ZhangS #memory management- The HV-tree: a Memory Hierarchy Aware Version Index (RZ, MS), pp. 397–408.
VLDB-2010-ZhangYJ #approximate #graph #named #scalability- SAPPER: Subgraph Indexing and Approximate Matching in Large Graphs (SZ, JY, WJ), pp. 1185–1194.
VLDB-2011-LiuC10 #named #performance- ZINC: Efficient Indexing for Skyline Computation (BL, CYC), pp. 197–207.
VLDB-2011-RiceT10 #graph #network #query #strict- Graph Indexing of Road Networks for Shortest Path Queries with Label Restrictions (MNR, VJT), pp. 69–80.
ICSM-2010-HummelJHC #clone detection #detection #distributed #incremental #scalability- Index-based code clone detection: incremental, distributed, scalable (BH, EJ, LH, MC), pp. 1–9.
ICSM-2010-SerebrenikB #metric- Theil index for aggregation of software metrics values (AS, MvdB), pp. 1–9.
CIAA-2010-ZdarekM #2d- A Note on a Tree-Based 2D Indexing (JZ, BM), pp. 300–309.
ICALP-v1-2010-GrossiOR #string #trade-off- Optimal Trade-Offs for Succinct String Indexes (RG, AO, RR), pp. 678–689.
SEFM-2010-ScannielloRT #architecture #empirical #evaluation #semantics #using- Architecture Recovery Using Latent Semantic Indexing and K-Means: An Empirical Evaluation (GS, MR, GT), pp. 103–112.
CHI-2010-OulasvirtaB #flexibility #multimodal- A simple index for multimodal flexibility (AO, JBL), pp. 1475–1484.
CHI-2010-Rantanen- Indexicality of language and the art of creating treasures (MR), pp. 301–304.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MajdoubiTG #modelling #representation #semantics- Thesaurus based Semantic Representation in Language Modeling for Medical Article Indexing (JM, MT, FG), pp. 65–74.
CIKM-2010-AlmeidaTL #metric #named #performance #similarity- BP-tree: an efficient index for similarity search in high-dimensional metric spaces (JA, RdST, NJL), pp. 1365–1368.
CIKM-2010-CaiP #graph #named #query #reachability #scalability- Path-hop: efficiently indexing large graphs for reachability queries (JC, CKP), pp. 119–128.
CIKM-2010-ChubakR #natural language- Index structures for efficiently searching natural language text (PC, DR), pp. 689–698.
CIKM-2010-GMLPG #trade-off- Relevance-index size tradeoff in contextual advertising (PKG, KPL, MP, SG), pp. 1721–1724.
CIKM-2010-HeZS #documentation #version control- Improved index compression techniques for versioned document collections (JH, JZ, TS), pp. 1239–1248.
CIKM-2010-KulkarniC #distributed #documentation #policy- Document allocation policies for selective searching of distributed indexes (AK, JC), pp. 449–458.
CIKM-2010-PickensCG #feedback- Reverted indexing for feedback and expansion (JP, MC, GG), pp. 1049–1058.
CIKM-2010-YanSZSW #performance #proximity- Efficient term proximity search with term-pair indexes (HY, SS, FZ, TS, JRW), pp. 1229–1238.
ECIR-2010-AltingovdeAU #retrieval #using #xml- XML Retrieval Using Pruned Element-Index Files (ISA, DA, ÖU), pp. 306–318.
ICPR-2010-AkuneVT #database #named- MONORAIL: A Disk-Friendly Index for Huge Descriptor Databases (FA, EV, RdST), pp. 4145–4148.
ICPR-2010-BayramogluA #image #recognition #using- Shape Index SIFT: Range Image Recognition Using Local Features (NB, AAA), pp. 352–355.
ICPR-2010-KaramanBMDDG #monitoring #process #smarttech- Human Daily Activities Indexing in Videos from Wearable Cameras for Monitoring of Patients with Dementia Diseases (SK, JBP, RM, VD, JFD, YG), pp. 4113–4116.
ICPR-2010-LobranoTGR #decidability- A Score Decidability Index for Dynamic Score Combination (CL, RT, GG, FR), pp. 69–72.
ICPR-2010-MicoO #algorithm #constant #nearest neighbour #performance- A Constant Average Time Algorithm to Allow Insertions in the LAESA Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Index (LM, JO), pp. 3911–3914.
ICPR-2010-PullaKJ #image #performance #retrieval #semantics- Efficient Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval (CP, PSK, CVJ), pp. 3276–3279.
ICPR-2010-RathgebU10a #database #generative- Iris-Biometric Hash Generation for Biometric Database Indexing (CR, AU), pp. 2848–2851.
ICPR-2010-TakH #image #retrieval- Tertiary Hash Tree: Indexing Structure for Content-Based Image Retrieval (YT, EH), pp. 3167–3170.
ICPR-2010-ThurauB- Reverse Indexing for Reading Graffiti Tags (CT, CB), pp. 3021–3024.
ICPR-2010-ZhangW #clustering #named- ARImp: A Generalized Adjusted Rand Index for Cluster Ensembles (SZ, HSW), pp. 778–781.
KDIR-2010-DoucetA #evaluation #statistics- Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of Indexing Phrases (AD, HAM), pp. 141–149.
KDIR-2010-Simac-LejeuneRL #video- Spatio-temporal Block Model for Video Indexation Assistance (ASL, MR, PL), pp. 475–480.
KEOD-2010-ChatterjeeB #documentation #network #random #summary #using- Single Document Text Summarization using Random Indexing and Neural Networks (NC, AB), pp. 171–176.
SAC-2010-GroppeG #database #scalability #semantics #sorting #web- External sorting for index construction of large semantic web databases (SG, JG), pp. 1373–1380.
SAC-2010-LecerfC #documentation #layout #ranking #retrieval #scalability- Scalable indexing for layout based document retrieval and ranking (LL, BC), pp. 28–32.
FSE-2010-SumnerZ #memory management- Memory indexing: canonicalizing addresses across executions (WNS, XZ), pp. 217–226.
HPCA-2010-FarooqCJ #predict- Value Based BTB Indexing for indirect jump prediction (MUF, LC, LKJ), pp. 1–11.
IJCAR-2010-BensaidCP #graph #integer- Perfect Discrimination Graphs: Indexing Terms with Integer Exponents (HB, RC, NP), pp. 369–383.
DocEng-2009-Brailsford #automation- Automated re-typesetting, indexing and contentenhancement for scanned marriage registers (DFB), pp. 29–38.
DocEng-2009-BrunoFGMS #web- Indexing by permeability in block structured web pages (EB, NF, HG, JLM, MS), pp. 70–73.
ICDAR-2009-CoustatyOPV #composition- Drop Caps Decomposition for Indexing a New Letter Extraction Method (MC, JMO, RP, NV), pp. 476–480.
ICDAR-2009-HassanCG #documentation #image #recognition- Shape Descriptor Based Document Image Indexing and Symbol Recognition (EH, SC, MG), pp. 206–210.
ICDAR-2009-MarinaiMS #clustering #order #using- Mathematical Symbol Indexing Using Topologically Ordered Clusters of Shape Contexts (SM, BM, GS), pp. 1041–1045.
ICDAR-2009-RoyPL #approach #detection #documentation #recognition- Seal Detection and Recognition: An Approach for Document Indexing (PPR, UP, JL), pp. 101–105.
PODS-2009-AgarwalCTY #nondeterminism- Indexing uncertain data (PKA, SWC, YT, KY), pp. 137–146.
PODS-2009-Arge #performance #tutorial #worst-case- Worst-case efficient range search indexing: invited tutorial (LA), pp. 175–176.
PODS-2009-PaghS- Secondary indexing in one dimension: beyond b-trees and bitmap indexes (RP, SRS), pp. 177–186.
PODS-2009-Yi #bound #query- Dynamic indexability and lower bounds for dynamic one-dimensional range query indexes (KY), pp. 187–196.
SIGMOD-2009-BeckmannS #comparison- A revised r*-tree in comparison with related index structures (NB, BS), pp. 799–812.
SIGMOD-2009-HadjieleftheriouKS #approximate #incremental #maintenance #normalisation #string- Incremental maintenance of length normalized indexes for approximate string matching (MH, NK, DS), pp. 429–440.
SIGMOD-2009-JinXRF #named #query #reachability- 3-HOP: a high-compression indexing scheme for reachability query (RJ, YX, NR, DF), pp. 813–826.
SIGMOD-2009-KanagalD #correlation #database #probability- Indexing correlated probabilistic databases (BK, AD), pp. 455–468.
VLDB-2009-AggarwalXY #graph #named- GConnect: A Connectivity Index for Massive Disk-resident Graphs (CCA, YX, PSY), pp. 862–873.
VLDB-2009-AgrawalGSDS #adaptation- Lazy-Adaptive Tree: An Optimized Index Structure for Flash Devices (DA, DG, RKS, YD, SS), pp. 361–372.
VLDB-2009-BhattacharjeeLMMRLMTS #performance- Efficient Index Compression in DB2 LUW (BB, LL, TM, GAM, KAR, SL, CM, ZT, RS), pp. 1462–1473.
VLDB-2009-SchnaitterPG #analysis #design #interactive #modelling #physics- Index Interactions in Physical Design Tuning: Modeling, Analysis, and Applications (KS, NP, LG), pp. 1234–1245.
VLDB-2009-TzoumasYJ- Workload-Aware Indexing of Continuously Moving Objects (KT, MLY, CSJ), pp. 1186–1197.
VLDB-2009-WhangBSVVYG- Indexing Boolean Expressions (SW, CB, JS, SV, EV, RY, HGM), pp. 37–48.
VLDB-2009-ZhangCJOZ #effectiveness #nondeterminism #predict #query- Effectively Indexing Uncertain Moving Objects for Predictive Queries (MZ, SC, CSJ, BCO, ZZ), pp. 1198–1209.
VLDB-2009-ZhangOPT #similarity #towards- Similarity Search on Bregman Divergence: Towards Non-Metric Indexing (ZZ, BCO, SP, AKHT), pp. 13–24.
MSR-2009-Mockus #scalability #source code #towards #version control- Amassing and indexing a large sample of version control systems: Towards the census of public source code history (AM), pp. 11–20.
ICFP-2009-BentonH #compilation #correctness- Biorthogonality, step-indexing and compiler correctness (NB, CKH), pp. 97–108.
HIMI-II-2009-BaeLLCKB #estimation- An End-to-End Proactive TCP Based on Available Bandwidth Estimation with Congestion Level Index (SB, DL, CL, JC, JK, SB), pp. 124–130.
HIMI-II-2009-OkadaAF- Investigation on Relation between Index of Difficulty in Fitts’ Law and Device Screen Sizes (HO, TA, RF), pp. 423–429.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-BrisaboaCLS #documentation #process #workflow- Defining a Workflow Process for Textual and Geographic Indexing of Documents (NRB, ACP, MRL, DS), pp. 78–83.
ICEIS-J-2009-ChenPZQ #case study #hybrid- A Study of Indexing Strategies for Hybrid Data Spaces (CC, SP, QZ, GQ), pp. 149–159.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-ClariziaCSN #probability #semantics #web- Semantic Indexing of Web Pages Via Probabilistic Methods — In Search of Semantics Project (FC, FC, MDS, PN), pp. 134–140.
CIKM-2009-AltingovdeOU #query #web- Exploiting query views for static index pruning in web search engines (ISA, RO, ÖU), pp. 1951–1954.
CIKM-2009-BaiWGCSQCW #semantics- Supervised semantic indexing (BB, JW, DG, RC, KS, YQ, OC, KQW), pp. 187–196.
CIKM-2009-BjorklundGGT- Inverted indexes vs. bitmap indexes in decision support systems (TAB, NG, JG, ØT), pp. 1509–1512.
CIKM-2009-ChristenGH #realtime- Similarity-aware indexing for real-time entity resolution (PC, RWG, DH), pp. 1565–1568.
CIKM-2009-FletcherB #graph #performance #rdf #scalability- Scalable indexing of RDF graphs for efficient join processing (GHLF, PWB), pp. 1513–1516.
CIKM-2009-GobelHNB #hybrid- A hybrid index structure for geo-textual searches (RG, AH, RN, DB), pp. 1625–1628.
CIKM-2009-GurajadaK #clustering #maintenance #online #using- On-line index maintenance using horizontal partitioning (SG, PSK), pp. 435–444.
CIKM-2009-HeYS #documentation #version control- Compact full-text indexing of versioned document collections (JH, HY, TS), pp. 415–424.
CIKM-2009-KurasawaFTA #clustering #metric #similarity- Maximal metric margin partitioning for similarity search indexes (HK, DF, AT, JA), pp. 1887–1890.
CIKM-2009-LeeM #query #relational #xml- Bitmap indexes for relational XML twig query processing (KHL, BM), pp. 465–474.
CIKM-2009-LiFW #database #keyword- Structure-aware indexing for keyword search in databases (GL, JF, JW), pp. 1453–1456.
CIKM-2009-MadduriW #performance- Efficient joins with compressed bitmap indexes (KM, KW), pp. 1017–1026.
CIKM-2009-MouzaLRS #algebra #n-gram #named #string #using- AS-index: a structure for string search using n-grams and algebraic signatures (CdM, WL, PR, TJES), pp. 295–304.
CIKM-2009-NaLM- Dynamic in-page logging for flash-aware B-tree index (GJN, SWL, BM), pp. 1485–1488.
CIKM-2009-WuBTJDS #algebra #comparison #named- ASIC: algebra-based structural index comparison (YW, SB, TT, SJ, DD, MS), pp. 2111–2112.
ECIR-2009-AltingovdeOU09a- A Practitioner’s Guide for Static Index Pruning (ISA, RO, ÖU), pp. 675–679.
ECIR-2009-BaiWCG #semantics- Supervised Semantic Indexing (BB, JW, RC, DG), pp. 761–765.
ECIR-2009-SarigiannisPB #case study #distributed #query #web- A Study of the Impact of Index Updates on Distributed Query Processing for Web Search (CS, VP, RABY), pp. 595–602.
ECIR-2009-ZhengC- Entropy-Based Static Index Pruning (LZ, IJC), pp. 713–718.
KDD-2009-WangSAL #fault #learning #network- Learning, indexing, and diagnosing network faults (TW, MS, DA, LL), pp. 857–866.
KDIR-2009-PaquetV #2d #3d #multi #product line #realtime- Finding Protein Family Similarities in Real Time through Multiple 3D and 2D Representations, Indexing and Exhaustive Searching (EP, HLV), pp. 127–133.
KDIR-2009-SciarroneS #multi #ontology #reuse #semantics- Ontological Warehousing on Semantically Indexed Data — Reusing Semantic Search Engine Ontologies to Develop Multidimensional Schemas (FS, PS), pp. 315–318.
KEOD-2009-MoulinL #approach #distributed #ontology #semantics- Ontologies based Approach for Semantic Indexing in Distributed Environments (CM, CL), pp. 420–423.
MLDM-2009-NunesSP #detection #image #using- Detection of Masses in Mammographic Images Using Simpson’s Diversity Index in Circular Regions and SVM (APN, ACS, ACdP), pp. 540–553.
MLDM-2009-SilvaSNPJN #classification #geometry #image #metric #using- Lung Nodules Classification in CT Images Using Simpson’s Index, Geometrical Measures and One-Class SVM (CAdS, ACS, SMBN, ACdP, GBJ, RAN), pp. 810–822.
SEKE-2009-HuangCPHP #automation #information management #using- Automated Nursing Knowledge Management Using Indexing (SH, SC, ASP, SH, MP), pp. 93–96.
SIGIR-2009-Lin #documentation #pipes and filters #similarity- Brute force and indexed approaches to pairwise document similarity comparisons with MapReduce (JJL), pp. 155–162.
SIGIR-2009-MamouMSS #image #performance #retrieval- A unified inverted index for an efficient image and text retrieval (JM, YM, MSS, BS), pp. 814–815.
SIGIR-2009-McCreadieMO #on the #pipes and filters- On single-pass indexing with MapReduce (RM, CM, IO), pp. 742–743.
SIGIR-2009-WangSH #concept #representation #video- Concept representation based video indexing (MW, YS, XSH), pp. 654–655.
SIGIR-2009-YanDS #web- Compressing term positions in web indexes (HY, SD, TS), pp. 147–154.
SAC-2009-LeeKLY #approximate #database #network- Approximate indexing in road network databases (SCL, SWK, JL, JSY), pp. 1568–1572.
SAC-2009-SiqueiraCTC- A spatial bitmap-based index for geographical data warehouses (TLLS, RRC, VCT, CDdAC), pp. 1336–1342.
ICLP-2009-Sarna-StarostaS- Attributed Data for CHR Indexing (BSS, TS), pp. 357–371.
ICLP-2009-VazCF- User Defined Indexing (DV, VSC, MF), pp. 372–386.
LICS-2009-AltenkirchM- Indexed Containers (TA, PM), pp. 277–285.
LICS-2009-DreyerAB #logic- Logical Step-Indexed Logical Relations (DD, AA, LB), pp. 71–80.
ASE-2008-JiangNCJC #automation #evolution #incremental #semantics #traceability- Incremental Latent Semantic Indexing for Automatic Traceability Link Evolution Management (HJ, TNN, IXC, HJ, CKC), pp. 59–68.
SIGMOD-2008-ChenOTN #named #self- ST2B-tree: a self-tunable spatio-temporal b+-tree index for moving objects (SC, BCO, KLT, MAN), pp. 29–42.
SIGMOD-2008-ElghandourAZCBBZ #xml- An xml index advisor for DB2 (IE, AA, DCZ, FC, AB, KSB, CZ), pp. 1267–1270.
SIGMOD-2008-FangFNRS #sql- Spatial indexing in microsoft SQL server 2008 (YF, MF, GN, MR, AES), pp. 1207–1216.
SIGMOD-2008-MitraWH #clustering #documentation #lifecycle- Query-based partitioning of documents and indexes for information lifecycle management (SM, MW, WWH), pp. 623–636.
SIGMOD-2008-ShaullSX #named- Skippy: a new snapshot indexing method for time travel in the storage manager (RS, LS, HX), pp. 637–648.
SIGMOD-2008-WuLOT #query #retrieval- Just-in-time query retrieval over partially indexed data on structured P2P overlays (SW, JL, BCO, KLT), pp. 279–290.
VLDB-2008-BiveinisS #in memory #performance #towards- Towards efficient main-memory use for optimum tree index update (LB, SS), pp. 1617–1622.
VLDB-2008-ChenJL #benchmark #metric- A benchmark for evaluating moving object indexes (SC, CSJ, DL), pp. 1574–1585.
VLDB-2008-DudaFKZ #crawling #named #web- AJAXSearch: crawling, indexing and searching web 2.0 applications (CD, GF, DK, CZ), pp. 1440–1443.
VLDB-2008-LometHNZ #transaction- Transaction time indexing with version compression (DBL, MH, RVN, RZ), pp. 870–881.
VLDB-2008-PerlmanBK- Organizing and indexing non-convex regions (EAP, RCB, MMK), pp. 1500–1503.
VLDB-2008-ShahabiTX #performance #query- Indexing land surface for efficient kNN query (CS, LAT, SX), pp. 1020–1031.
VLDB-2008-WeissKB #data transformation #named #semantics #web- Hexastore: sextuple indexing for semantic web data management (CW, PK, AB), pp. 1008–1019.
VLDB-2008-ZerrN #distributed #documentation #framework #privacy- Privacy preserving document indexing infrastructure for a distributed environment (SZ, WN), pp. 1638–1643.
ITiCSE-2008-DicksonAH #automation- Automatic creation of indexed presentations from classroom lectures (PED, WRA, ARH), pp. 12–16.
CSMR-2008-SpekKL #architecture #concept #semantics #towards #using- Towards Recovering Architectural Concepts Using Latent Semantic Indexing (PvdS, SK, PvdL), pp. 253–257.
PLDI-2008-XinSZ #execution #performance- Efficient program execution indexing (BX, WNS, XZ), pp. 238–248.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-KompaoreMT #information retrieval #query- Combining Indexing Methods and Query Sizes in Information Retrieval in French (DK, JM, LT), pp. 149–154.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-BohmWHL08a #integration #process- Message Indexing for Document-Oriented Integration Processes (MB, UW, DH, WL), pp. 137–142.
CIKM-2008-BarskySTU #using- A new method for indexing genomes using on-disk suffix trees (MB, US, AT, CU), pp. 649–658.
CIKM-2008-Bradford #empirical #scalability #semantics- An empirical study of required dimensionality for large-scale latent semantic indexing applications (RBB), pp. 153–162.
CIKM-2008-Coetzee #n-gram #named- TinyLex: static n-gram index pruning with perfect recall (DC), pp. 409–418.
CIKM-2008-ErcegovacJLMS #query- Supporting sub-document updates and queries in an inverted index (VE, VJ, NL, MRM, EJS), pp. 659–668.
CIKM-2008-FormanK #classification #feature model #performance- Extremely fast text feature extraction for classification and indexing (GF, EK), pp. 1221–1230.
CIKM-2008-KormilitsinCFS #algorithm #heuristic- View and index selection for query-performance improvement: quality-centered algorithms and heuristics (MK, RC, YF, MFS), pp. 1329–1330.
CIKM-2008-NguyenS08a #correlation #order #query #rank- Polyhedral transformation for indexed rank order correlation queries (PN, NS), pp. 1477–1478.
CIKM-2008-NguyenYF #adaptation #distributed #network #peer-to-peer- Adaptive distributed indexing for structured peer-to-peer networks (LTN, WGY, OF), pp. 1241–1250.
CIKM-2008-ShiNC #using- Relating dependent indexes using dempster-shafer theory (LS, JYN, GC), pp. 429–438.
CIKM-2008-TanMG #documentation #metadata #web- Metadata extraction and indexing for map search in web documents (QT, PM, CLG), pp. 1367–1368.
CIKM-2008-ValleCP #database #multi #scalability- High-dimensional descriptor indexing for large multimedia databases (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 739–748.
CIKM-2008-YinPM #named #summary- PBFilter: indexing flash-resident data through partitioned summaries (SY, PP, XM), pp. 1333–1334.
CIKM-2008-ZhuSYW #process #query #question- Can phrase indexing help to process non-phrase queries? (MZ, SS, NY, JRW), pp. 679–688.
ECIR-2008-WuKT #information retrieval- Book Search Experiments: Investigating IR Methods for the Indexing and Retrieval of Books (HW, GK, MT), pp. 234–245.
ICML-2008-KolterCNGD #learning #programming- Space-indexed dynamic programming: learning to follow trajectories (JZK, AC, AYN, YG, CD), pp. 488–495.
ICPR-2008-ZhangN #image #performance #retrieval #visual notation- Tile-based image visual codeword extraction for efficient indexing and retrieval (ZZ, ON), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-ShiehK #mining #named- iSAX: indexing and mining terabyte sized time series (JS, EJK), pp. 623–631.
SIGIR-2008-JiangN #using #video #visual notation- Bag-of-visual-words expansion using visual relatedness for video indexing (YGJ, CWN), pp. 769–770.
SIGIR-2008-LehtonenD #documentation #hypermedia- XML-aided phrase indexing for hypertext documents (ML, AD), pp. 843–844.
SIGIR-2008-QuanCLX #adaptation #scalability #semantics- Adaptive label-driven scaling for latent semantic indexing (XQ, EC, QL, HX), pp. 827–828.
SIGIR-2008-SkobeltsynJPB #named #web- ResIn: a combination of results caching and index pruning for high-performance web search engines (GS, FJ, VP, RABY), pp. 131–138.
ICSE-2008-LuciaOT #semantics #traceability- Adams re-trace: traceability link recovery via latent semantic indexing (ADL, RO, GT), pp. 839–842.
CSL-2008-HamanoT #linear #logic #multi- An Indexed System for Multiplicative Additive Polarized Linear Logic (MH, RT), pp. 262–277.
ICDAR-2007-BanerjeeHC #concept #database #documentation #image #query #semantics #word- Word image based latent semantic indexing for conceptual querying in document image databases (SB, GH, SC), pp. 1208–1212.
ICDAR-2007-CaoG #modelling #retrieval- Vector Model Based Indexing and Retrieval of Handwritten Medical Forms (HC, VG), pp. 88–92.
ICDAR-2007-ChellapillaP #retrieval #robust- Redundant Bit Vectors for Robust Indexing and Retrieval of Electronic Ink (KC, JCP), pp. 387–391.
ICDAR-2007-LladosS #documentation #word- Indexing Historical Documents by Word Shape Signatures (JL, GS), pp. 362–366.
ICDAR-2007-TabboneZ #documentation #visual notation- An Indexing Method for Graphical Documents (ST, DZ), pp. 789–793.
ICDAR-2007-ZhangL #recognition- A New Vectorial Signature for Quick Symbol Indexing, Filtering and Recognition (WZ, WL), pp. 536–540.
PODS-2007-Machlin #array #equivalence #multi #query #safety- Index-based multidimensional array queries: safety and equivalence (RM), pp. 175–184.
SIGMOD-2007-ChengKNL #database #graph #named #query #towards- Fg-index: towards verification-free query processing on graph databases (JC, YK, WN, AL), pp. 857–872.
SIGMOD-2007-CrainiceanuLMGS #named #performance #robust- P-ring: an efficient and robust P2P range index structure (AC, PL, AM, JG, JS), pp. 223–234.
SIGMOD-2007-DongH- Indexing dataspaces (XD, AYH), pp. 43–54.
SIGMOD-2007-PhoophakdeeZ- Genome-scale disk-based suffix tree indexing (BP, MJZ), pp. 833–844.
SIGMOD-2007-RamanQHNCYL #adaptation #lazy evaluation- Lazy, adaptive rid-list intersection, and its application to index anding (VR, LQ, WH, IN, YLC, KHY, FLL), pp. 773–784.
SIGMOD-2007-TrisslL #graph #performance #query #scalability- Fast and practical indexing and querying of very large graphs (ST, UL), pp. 845–856.
VLDB-2007-BhattacharyaMS #distributed #modelling #named #network #query #statistics #using- MIST: Distributed Indexing and Querying in Sensor Networks using Statistical Models (AB, AM, AKS), pp. 854–865.
VLDB-2007-BrochhausS #named- IndeGS: Index Supported Graphics Data Server for CFD Data Postprocessing (CB, TS), pp. 1354–1357.
VLDB-2007-Chen0LLY #performance #similarity- Indexable PLA for Efficient Similarity Search (QC, LC, XL, YL, JXY), pp. 435–446.
VLDB-2007-ChenYYHZG #graph #towards- Towards Graph Containment Search and Indexing (CC, XY, PSY, JH, DQZ, XG), pp. 926–937.
VLDB-2007-IwuchukwuN #incremental #scalability #towards- K-Anonymization as Spatial Indexing: Toward Scalable and Incremental Anonymization (TI, JFN), pp. 746–757.
VLDB-2007-LangBMW #multi- Increasing Buffer-Locality for Multiple Index Based Scans through Intelligent Placement and Index Scan Speed Control (CAL, BB, TM, KW), pp. 1298–1309.
VLDB-2007-LvJWCL #multi #performance #similarity- Multi-Probe LSH: Efficient Indexing for High-Dimensional Similarity Search (QL, WJ, ZW, MC, KL), pp. 950–961.
VLDB-2007-TatikondaPG #named #programming #query #xml- LCS-TRIM: Dynamic Programming Meets XML Indexing and Querying (ST, SP, MG), pp. 63–74.
VLDB-2007-ZhaoYY #graph- Graph Indexing: Tree + Delta >= Graph (PZ, JXY, PSY), pp. 938–949.
ICSM-2007-LiuZHB #approach- Indexing Noncrashing Failures: A Dynamic Program Slicing-Based Approach (CL, XZ, YZ, JH, BKB), pp. 455–464.
SCAM-2007-MolinaS #approximate #open source #performance #source code #using- Fast Approximate Matching of Programs for Protecting Libre/Open Source Software by Using Spatial Indexes (AJMM, TS), pp. 111–122.
PEPM-2007-FogartyPST #exclamation #named- Concoqtion: indexed types now! (SF, EP, JGS, WT), pp. 112–121.
DHM-2007-XiangZ07a #database #performance #retrieval #scalability- Motion Retrieval Based on an Efficient Index Method for Large-Scale Mocap Database (JX, HZ), pp. 234–242.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimJPNC #design #evaluation #mobile- Application of a Universal Design Evaluation Index to Mobile Phones (MK, ESJ, SP, JN, JC), pp. 364–373.
HCI-MIE-2007-KimSK #network #using- Emotion-Based Textile Indexing Using Neural Networks (NYK, YS, EYK), pp. 349–357.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-BottcherSK #xml- XML index compression by DTD subtraction (SB, RS, NK), pp. 86–94.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-GorawskiF #hybrid #named- STAH-TREE: Hybrid index for spatio temporal aggregation (MG, MF), pp. 113–118.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-GroppeGL #order #using- Using an index of precomputed joins in order to speed up SPARQL processing (SG, JG, VL), pp. 13–20.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-SantosB #clustering #named #optimisation- PIN: A partitioning and indexing optimization method for olap (RJS, JB), pp. 170–177.
CIKM-2007-ButtcherC #random- Index compression is good, especially for random access (SB, CLAC), pp. 761–770.
CIKM-2007-CaiHZH #locality- Regularized locality preserving indexing via spectral regression (DC, XH, WVZ, JH), pp. 741–750.
CIKM-2007-ChevalletLL #concept #multi- Domain knowledge conceptual inter-media indexing: application to multilingual multimedia medical reports (JPC, JHL, DTHL), pp. 495–504.
CIKM-2007-GuoCXW #maintenance #online #performance #using- Efficient on-line index maintenance for dynamic text collections by using dynamic balancing tree (RG, XC, HX, BW), pp. 751–760.
CIKM-2007-JouiniJ #database #multi- Indexing multiversion databases (KJ, GJ), pp. 915–918.
CIKM-2007-LempelMOSPS- Just in time indexing for up to the second search (RL, YM, SOK, DS, YP, RS), pp. 97–106.
CIKM-2007-TsegayTZ #effectiveness- Dynamic index pruning for effective caching (YT, AT, JZ), pp. 987–990.
ECIR-2007-AyacheQG #classification #multi #semantics- Classifier Fusion for SVM-Based Multimedia Semantic Indexing (SA, GQ, JG), pp. 494–504.
ECIR-2007-BoyerB #natural language #web- Natural Language Processing for Usage Based Indexing of Web Resources (AB, AB), pp. 517–524.
ECIR-2007-HerscoviciLY #documentation #performance #sequence #version control- Efficient Indexing of Versioned Document Sequences (MH, RL, SY), pp. 76–87.
ECIR-2007-LiomaO #information retrieval- Light Syntactically-Based Index Pruning for Information Retrieval (CL, IO), pp. 88–100.
ECIR-2007-MartinetS #documentation #using- Using Visual-Textual Mutual Information and Entropy for Inter-modal Document Indexing (JM, SS), pp. 549–556.
ECIR-2007-YakiciC #effectiveness- Investigation of the Effectiveness of Cross-Media Indexing (MY, FC), pp. 637–644.
ECIR-2007-ZhangZC #performance #scalability #using- Efficient Construction of FM-index Using Overlapping Block Processing for Large Scale Texts (DZ, YZ, JC), pp. 113–123.
KDD-2007-BhagwatEM #clustering #corpus #documentation #scalability #similarity- Content-based document routing and index partitioning for scalable similarity-based searches in a large corpus (DB, KE, PM), pp. 105–112.
MLDM-2007-FranceC #development #evaluation #metric #reduction- Development of an Agreement Metric Based Upon the RAND Index for the Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, with Applications to Mapping Customer Data (SLF, JDC), pp. 499–517.
MLDM-2007-HanKK #performance #sequence #using- Efficient Subsequence Matching Using the Longest Common Subsequence with a Dual Match Index (TSH, SKK, JK), pp. 585–600.
MLDM-2007-SaittaRS #bound #clustering- A Bounded Index for Cluster Validity (SS, BR, IFCS), pp. 174–187.
SIGIR-2007-Efron #semantics- Model-averaged latent semantic indexing (ME), pp. 755–756.
SIGIR-2007-FerraginaV- Compressed permuterm index (PF, RV), pp. 535–542.
SIGIR-2007-HuDGX #classification #documentation #locality- Locality discriminating indexing for document classification (JH, WD, JG, WX), pp. 689–690.
SIGIR-2007-NtoulasC #correctness #policy- Pruning policies for two-tiered inverted index with correctness guarantee (AN, JC), pp. 191–198.
SIGIR-2007-Potthast #detection #similarity #wiki- Wikipedia in the pocket: indexing technology for near-duplicate detection and high similarity search (MP), p. 909.
SIGIR-2007-SkobeltsynLZRA #retrieval #web- Web text retrieval with a P2P query-driven index (GS, TL, IPZ, MR, KA), pp. 679–686.
SIGIR-2007-TurunenK #documentation #network #retrieval- Indexing confusion networks for morph-based spoken document retrieval (VTT, MK), pp. 631–638.
SIGIR-2007-ZhangZW #detection- New event detection based on indexing-tree and named entity (KZ, JZ, LGW), pp. 215–222.
SAC-2007-DingZ #web- Log-based indexing to improve web site search (C(D, JZ), pp. 829–833.
SAC-2007-NangP #feedback #multi #performance #retrieval- An efficient indexing structure for content based multimedia retrieval with relevance feedback (JN, JP), pp. 517–524.
SAC-2007-WuJN #approach- An approach for indexing, storing and retrieving domain knowledge (HW, HJ, XN), pp. 1381–1382.
ICSE-2007-Zualkernan #learning #programming #using- Using Soloman-Felder Learning Style Index to Evaluate Pedagogical Resources for Introductory Programming Classes (IAZ), pp. 723–726.
ICLP-2007-CostaSL #prolog- Demand-Driven Indexing of Prolog Clauses (VSC, KFS, RL), pp. 395–409.
CASE-2006-SunZF #convergence #parallel- Convergence of parallel dynamic iteration methods for nonlinear DAEs of index-2 (WS, JHZ, XGF), pp. 129–133.
DATE-2006-VandierendonckML #configuration management- Application-specific reconfigurable XOR-indexing to eliminate cache conflict misses (HV, PM, JDL), pp. 357–362.
HT-2006-JensenM #corpus #multi #retrieval #web- Different indexing strategies for multilingual web retrieval: experiments with the EuroGOV corpus (NJ, TM), pp. 169–170.
SIGMOD-2006-ChoKS #metadata #xpath- Meta-data indexing for XPath location steps (SC, NK, DS), pp. 455–466.
SIGMOD-2006-LiHKR #authentication #database #outsourcing- Dynamic authenticated index structures for outsourced databases (FL, MH, GK, LR), pp. 121–132.
SIGMOD-2006-ShenSN #database #multi #music #named- InMAF: indexing music databases via multiple acoustic features (JS, JS, AHHN), pp. 778–780.
VLDB-2006-0002OIA #documentation #named #xml- FIX: Feature-based Indexing Technique for XML Documents (NZ, MTÖ, IFI, AA), pp. 259–270.
VLDB-2006-AugstenBG #approximate #incremental- An Incrementally Maintainable Index for Approximate Lookups in Hierarchical Data (NA, MHB, JG), pp. 247–258.
VLDB-2006-BastMSTW #named #query- IO-Top-k: Index-access Optimized Top-k Query Processing (HB, DM, RS, MT, GW), pp. 475–486.
VLDB-2006-HuLL #distance #network- Distance Indexing on Road Networks (HH, DLL, VCSL), pp. 894–905.
VLDB-2006-Keogh #database #mining #scalability- A Decade of Progress in Indexing and Mining Large Time Series Databases (EJK), p. 1268.
VLDB-2006-KeoghWXLV #distance #metric- LB_Keogh Supports Exact Indexing of Shapes under Rotation Invariance with Arbitrary Representations and Distance Measures (EJK, LW, XX, SHL, MV), pp. 882–893.
VLDB-2006-PandaRPGC #approximate- Indexing for Function Approximation (BP, MR, SBP, JG, LPC), pp. 523–534.
VLDB-2006-VenkateswaranLKJ #database #sequence- Reference-based Indexing of Sequence Databases (JV, DL, TK, CMJ), pp. 906–917.
VLDB-2006-XinCH #query #robust #towards- Towards Robust Indexing for Ranked Queries (DX, CC, JH), pp. 235–246.
VLDB-2006-ZhangZWSP #feedback #image #interactive #using- Using High Dimensional Indexes to Support Relevance Feedback Based Interactive Images Retrival (JZ, XZ, WW, BS, JP), pp. 1211–1214.
ESOP-2006-Ahmed #logic #quantifier #recursion- Step-Indexed Syntactic Logical Relations for Recursive and Quantified Types (AJA), pp. 69–83.
ICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMRGA #identification #probability #ranking #semantics- Combining Probabilistic Ranking and Latent Semantic Indexing for Feature Identification (DP, AM, VR, YGG, GA), pp. 137–148.
MSR-2006-CanforaC #fine-grained #impact analysis #repository- Fine grained indexing of software repositories to support impact analysis (GC, LC), pp. 105–111.
MSR-2006-SigonneauR #automation #component #file system #logic #multi #re-engineering- Software engineering applications of logic file system: application to automated multi-criteria indexation of software components (BS, OR), pp. 87–93.
DLT-J-2005-BesC06 #linear #order #theorem #word- A Kleene Theorem for Languages of Words Indexed by Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 519–542.
ICALP-v1-2006-ColeKL #performance- Suffix Trays and Suffix Trists: Structures for Faster Text Indexing (RC, TK, ML), pp. 358–369.
ICALP-v1-2006-Golynski #bound #rank- Optimal Lower Bounds for Rank and Select Indexes (AG), pp. 370–381.
IFL-2006-BerneckyHSTGS- Index Vector Elimination — Making Index Vectors Affordable (RB, SH, SBS, KT, CG, AVS), pp. 19–36.
CHI-2006-MarentakisB #feedback- Effects of feedback, mobility and index of difficulty on deictic spatial audio target acquisition in the horizontal plane (GNM, SAB), pp. 359–368.
CIKM-2006-BaiKCS #functional #image #information retrieval- IR principles for content-based indexing and retrieval of functional brain images (BB, PBK, NDC, DS), pp. 828–829.
CIKM-2006-BoydellS #community #personalisation #using #web- Capturing community search expertise for personalized web search using snippet-indexes (OB, BS), pp. 277–286.
CIKM-2006-ButtcherC #approach #retrieval- A document-centric approach to static index pruning in text retrieval systems (SB, CLAC), pp. 182–189.
CIKM-2006-TerrovitisPVS- A combination of trie-trees and inverted files for the indexing of set-valued attributes (MT, SP, PV, TKS), pp. 728–737.
CIKM-2006-TheodoratosSDPS #graph #heuristic #query- Heuristic containment check of partial tree-pattern queries in the presence of index graphs (DT, SS, TD, PP, TKS), pp. 445–454.
CIKM-2006-ZhuangZLC #database #interactive #scalability #towards- Towards interactive indexing for large Chinese calligraphic character databases (YZ, YZ, QL, LC), pp. 884–885.
ECIR-2006-ButtcherC #approach #hybrid #maintenance #retrieval- A Hybrid Approach to Index Maintenance in Dynamic Text Retrieval Systems (SB, CLAC), pp. 229–240.
ECIR-2006-ChakrabortiLWW #named #semantics- Sprinkling: Supervised Latent Semantic Indexing (SC, RL, NW, SNKW), pp. 510–514.
ECIR-2006-ChangP #performance #query- Efficient Phrase Querying with Common Phrase Index (MC, CKP), pp. 61–71.
ECIR-2006-HoenkampD #semantics- A Fingerprinting Technique for Evaluating Semantics Based Indexing (EH, SvD), pp. 397–406.
ECIR-2006-ZhouZH #approach #concept #information retrieval #modelling #using- Using Concept-Based Indexing to Improve Language Modeling Approach to Genomic IR (XZ, XZ, XH), pp. 444–455.
ICPR-v1-2006-AdachiKO #estimation #fault #reliability- Reliability index of optical flow that considers error margin of matches and stabilizes camera movement estimation (EA, TK, NO), pp. 699–702.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiYW #metric #symmetry- Fingerprint Indexing Based On Symmetrical Measurement (JL, WYY, HW), pp. 1038–1041.
ICPR-v2-2006-MoghaddamS #algorithm #image #retrieval- Gabor Wavelet Correlogram Algorithm for Image Indexing and Retrieval (HAM, MST), pp. 925–928.
ICPR-v2-2006-ParetiV- Ancient Initial Letters Indexing (RP, NV), pp. 756–759.
ICPR-v3-2006-LeukenVT #similarity- Selecting vantage objects for similarity indexing (RHvL, RCV, RT), pp. 453–456.
ICPR-v4-2006-FengC #invariant #using- Fingerprint Indexing Using Ridge Invariants (JF, AC), pp. 433–436.
ICPR-v4-2006-KarthikJ #image #performance #retrieval- Efficient Region Based Indexing and Retrieval for Images with Elastic Bucket Tries (PSK, CVJ), pp. 169–172.
SIGIR-2006-BastW #performance- Type less, find more: fast autocompletion search with a succinct index (HB, IW), pp. 364–371.
SIGIR-2006-BoydellS #personalisation #pseudo #web- Community-based snippet-indexes for pseudo-anonymous personalization in web search (OB, BS), pp. 617–618.
SIGIR-2006-ButtcherCL #hybrid #maintenance- Hybrid index maintenance for growing text collections (SB, CLAC, BL), pp. 356–363.
SAC-2006-ItoOMK #adaptation #network #peer-to-peer #reliability #retrieval- An adaptive index allocation scheme for reliable data retrieval and provision in peer-to-peer networks (AI, TO, KM, YK), pp. 697–704.
SAC-2006-PettovelloF #graph #named #xml #xpath- MTree: an XML XPath graph index (PMP, FF), pp. 474–481.
SAC-2006-RouguiRAGM #documentation #modelling #retrieval #scalability #set- Hierarchical organization of a set of Gaussian mixture speaker models for scaling up indexing and retrieval in audio documents (JER, MR, DA, MG, JMM), pp. 1369–1373.
DATE-2005-PomeranzR05a #detection #fault #heuristic- The Accidental Detection Index as a Fault Ordering Heuristic for Full-Scan Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 1008–1013.
DocEng-2005-LeydierBE #documentation- Textual indexation of ancient documents (YL, FLB, HE), pp. 111–117.
ICDAR-2005-LeydierBE- Omnilingual Segmentation-freeWord Spotting for Ancient Manuscripts Indexation (YL, FLB, HE), pp. 533–537.
SIGMOD-2005-ChenLL #on the #pattern matching #using #xml- On Boosting Holism in XML Twig Pattern Matching using Structural Indexing Techniques (TC, JL, TWL), pp. 455–466.
SIGMOD-2005-DeHaanLZ #sql- Stacked indexed views in microsoft SQL server (DD, PÅL, JZ), pp. 179–190.
SIGMOD-2005-FischerKD #adaptation #agile #named- AGILE: Adaptive Indexing for Context-Aware Information Filters (JPD, PMF, DK), pp. 215–226.
SIGMOD-2005-LeeOH #database #graph #named #scalability #video- STRG-Index: Spatio-Temporal Region Graph Indexing for Large Video Databases (JL, JHO, SH), pp. 718–729.
SIGMOD-2005-LiuZWM #database- A system for analyzing and indexing human-motion databases (GL, JZ, WW, LM), pp. 924–926.
SIGMOD-2005-ShenZH #database #effectiveness #scalability #sequence #towards #video- Towards Effective Indexing for Very Large Video Sequence Database (HTS, BCO, XZ), pp. 730–741.
SIGMOD-2005-ZhuH- Fossilized Index: The Linchpin of Trustworthy Non-Alterable Electronic Records (QZ, WWH), pp. 395–406.
VLDB-2005-AbererDHS #network- Indexing Data-oriented Overlay Networks (KA, AD, MH, RS), pp. 685–696.
VLDB-2005-ChoKS #metadata #named #xml- MIX: A Meta-data Indexing System for XML (SC, NK, DS), pp. 1326–1329.
VLDB-2005-JinKLT #approximate #retrieval- Indexing Mixed Types for Approximate Retrieval (LJ, NK, CL, AKHT), pp. 793–804.
VLDB-2005-KimWLL #n-gram #named #performance- n-Gram/2L: A Space and Time Efficient Two-Level n-Gram Inverted Index Structure (MSK, KYW, JGL, MJL), pp. 325–336.
VLDB-2005-RaseticSEN #performance- A Trajectory Splitting Model for Efficient Spatio-Temporal Indexing (SR, JS, JE, MAN), pp. 934–945.
VLDB-2005-TaoCXNKP #multi #nondeterminism #probability- Indexing Multi-Dimensional Uncertain Data with Arbitrary Probability Density Functions (YT, RC, XX, WKN, BK, SP), pp. 922–933.
VLDB-2005-WangWLJLL #performance #query #using #xml- Efficient Processing of XML Path Queries Using the Disk-based F&B Index (WW, HW, HL, HJ, XL, JL), pp. 145–156.
DLT-2005-BesC #linear #order #theorem #word- A Kleene Theorem for Languages of Words Indexed by Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 158–167.
DLT-2005-EpifanioGM #approximate- Languages with Mismatches and an Application to Approximate Indexing (CE, AG, FM), pp. 224–235.
ICFP-2005-AhmedFM- A step-indexed model of substructural state (AJA, MF, GM), pp. 78–91.
CHI-2005-IqbalAZB #comprehension #execution #towards- Towards an index of opportunity: understanding changes in mental workload during task execution (STI, PDA, XSZ, BPB), pp. 311–320.
ICEIS-v1-2005-HammerschmidtKL #problem #xml- The Index Update Problem for XML Data in XDBMS (BCH, MK, VL), pp. 27–34.
ICEIS-v1-2005-XuePQZ #database #hybrid #scalability #string- The Hybrid Digital Tree: A New Indexing Technique for Large String Databases (QX, SP, GQ, QZ), pp. 115–121.
CIKM-2005-BotevEFLS- Static score bucketing in inverted indexes (CB, NE, MF, NL, EJS), pp. 311–312.
CIKM-2005-ButtcherC #information management #information retrieval #query #trade-off- Indexing time vs. query time: trade-offs in dynamic information retrieval systems (SB, CLAC), pp. 317–318.
CIKM-2005-LesterMZ #clustering #geometry #online #performance- Fast on-line index construction by geometric partitioning (NL, AM, JZ), pp. 776–783.
CIKM-2005-MekaS #distributed #named #network- DIST: a distributed spatio-temporal index structure for sensor networks (AM, AKS), pp. 139–146.
CIKM-2005-PrasadK #performance #query #sequence #using #xml- Efficient indexing and querying of XML data using modified Prüfer sequences (KHP, PSK), pp. 397–404.
CIKM-2005-TanLZLL #performance- Balancing performance and confidentiality in air index (QT, WCL, BZ, PL, DLL), pp. 800–807.
CIKM-2005-VlachosVYA #invariant- Rotation invariant indexing of shapes and line drawings (MV, ZV, PSY, VA), pp. 131–138.
CIKM-2005-ZhouXWGM #hybrid #web- Hybrid index structures for location-based web search (YZ, XX, CW, YG, WYM), pp. 155–162.
KDD-2005-DasguptaKRT #semantics- Variable latent semantic indexing (AD, RK, PR, AT), pp. 13–21.
KDD-2005-WangLLMZ #using #web- Web object indexing using domain knowledge (MW, ZL, LL, WYM, NZ), pp. 294–303.
MLDM-2005-BichindaritzA #concept #mining- Concept Mining for Indexing Medical Literature (IB, SA), pp. 682–691.
SIGIR-2005-CaiH #locality #orthogonal- Orthogonal locality preserving indexing (DC, XH), pp. 3–10.
SIGIR-2005-HoenkampD #semantics- Evaluating semantic indexing techniques through cross-language fingerprinting (EH, SvD), pp. 609–610.
SIGIR-2005-HuangHW #information management #information retrieval- A dual index model for contextual information retrieval (XH, YRH, MW), pp. 613–614.
SIGIR-2005-WuO #email #retrieval #thread- Indexing emails and email threads for retrieval (YW, DWO), pp. 665–666.
SIGIR-2005-YuYT #multi #semantics- Multi-label informed latent semantic indexing (KY, SY, VT), pp. 258–265.
SAC-2005-BustosKS- A pivot-based index structure for combination of feature vectors (BB, DAK, TS), pp. 1180–1184.
SAC-2005-XiaPLCS- Indexing continuously changing data with mean-variance tree (YX, SP, SL, RC, RS), pp. 1125–1132.
CC-2005-BartonTBA- Generalized Index-Set Splitting (CB, AT, BB, JNA), pp. 106–120.
SOSP-2005-CohenZGSKF #clustering- Capturing, indexing, clustering, and retrieving system history (IC, SZ, MG, JS, TK, AF), pp. 105–118.
SIGMOD-2004-CrainiceanuLMGS #framework #peer-to-peer- An Indexing Framework for Peer-to-Peer Systems (AC, PL, AM, JG, JS), pp. 939–940.
SIGMOD-2004-Faloutsos #mining- Indexing and Mining Streams (CF), p. 969.
SIGMOD-2004-GraefeZ #transaction- Transaction support for indexed views (GG, MJZ).
SIGMOD-2004-KaushikKNR #integration #on the- On the Integration of Structure Indexes and Inverted Lists (RK, RK, JFN, RR), pp. 779–790.
SIGMOD-2004-MengJCW #framework #named #query- XSeq: An Index Infrastructure for Tree Pattern Queries (XM, YJ, YC, HW), pp. 941–942.
SIGMOD-2004-NgC- Indexing Spatio-Temporal Trajectories with Chebyshev Polynomials (YC, RTN), pp. 599–610.
SIGMOD-2004-PatelCC #named #performance #predict- STRIPES: An Efficient Index for Predicted Trajectories (JMP, YC, VPC), pp. 637–646.
SIGMOD-2004-TaoFPL #predict- Prediction and Indexing of Moving Objects with Unknown Motion Patterns (YT, CF, DP, BL), pp. 611–622.
SIGMOD-2004-YanYH #approach #graph- Graph Indexing: A Frequent Structure-based Approach (XY, PSY, JH), pp. 335–346.
SIGMOD-2004-YiHSY #incremental #maintenance #xml- Incremental Maintenance of XML Structural Indexes (KY, HH, IS, JY), pp. 491–502.
VLDB-2004-ChengXPSV #nondeterminism #performance #probability #query- Efficient Indexing Methods for Probabilistic Threshold Queries over Uncertain Data (RC, YX, SP, RS, JSV), pp. 876–887.
VLDB-2004-FontouraSZRN #algorithm #intranet #performance- High Performance Index Build Algorithms for Intranet Search Engines (MF, EJS, JYZ, SR, AN), pp. 1158–1169.
VLDB-2004-HoreMT #privacy #query- A Privacy-Preserving Index for Range Queries (BH, SM, GT), pp. 720–731.
VLDB-2004-JensenLO #performance #query- Query and Update Efficient B+-Tree Based Indexing of Moving Objects (CSJ, DL, BCO), pp. 768–779.
VLDB-2004-MendelzonRV #documentation #xml- Indexing Temporal XML Documents (AOM, FR, AAV), pp. 216–227.
VLDB-2004-PalCSSGZ #database #relational #xml- Indexing XML Data Stored in a Relational Database (SP, IC, GS, OS, LG, VVZ), pp. 1134–1145.
VLDB-2004-PalpanasCGKZ #database #scalability- Indexing Large Human-Motion Databases (EJK, TP, VBZ, DG, MC), pp. 780–791.
STOC-2004-ColeGL #fault #taxonomy- Dictionary matching and indexing with errors and don’t cares (RC, LAG, ML), pp. 91–100.
ICALP-2004-SahinalpU #problem #similarity #string- Hardness of String Similarity Search and Other Indexing Problems (SCS, AU), pp. 1080–1098.
CAiSE-2004-TsinarakiPC #integration #ontology #owl #semantics- Integration of OWL Ontologies in MPEG-7 and TV-Anytime Compliant Semantic Indexing (CT, PP, SC), pp. 398–413.
ICEIS-v2-2004-BahloulM #documentation #framework #ontology- Ontology-Based Framework for Document Indexing (DB, YA, PM), pp. 269–274.
CIKM-2004-GedikWYL #adaptation #query- Motion adaptive indexing for moving continual queries over moving objects (BG, KLW, PSY, LL), pp. 427–436.
CIKM-2004-HoreHIM #constraints- Indexing text data under space constraints (BH, HH, BRI, SM), pp. 198–207.
CIKM-2004-WuCY #performance #query- Interval query indexing for efficient stream processing (KLW, SKC, PSY), pp. 88–97.
CIKM-2004-ZouLC #query #using #xml- Using a compact tree to index and query XML data (QZ, SL, WWC), pp. 234–235.
ECIR-2004-CachedaPO #analysis #architecture #distributed #performance- Performance Analysis of Distributed Architectures to Index One Terabyte of Text (FC, VP, IO), pp. 394–408.
ECIR-2004-WeigelMBS #information retrieval #performance #xml- Content-Aware DataGuides: Interleaving IR and DB Indexing Techniques for Efficient Retrieval of Textual XML Data (FW, HM, FB, KUS), pp. 378–393.
ICPR-v1-2004-Rivero-MorenoB #feature model- Texture Feature Extraction and Indexing by Hermite Filters (CJRM, SB), pp. 684–687.
ICPR-v2-2004-KoskelaLO #clustering #image #metric #retrieval- Entropy-Based Measures for Clustering and SOM Topology Preservation Applied to Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval (MK, JL, EO), pp. 1005–1009.
ICPR-v2-2004-ManabeTC #metric- Measurement of Shape and Refractive Index of Transparent Object (YM, MT, KC), pp. 843–846.
ICPR-v2-2004-ValasoulisL #image #probability #retrieval- Probabilistic Shape-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval (KV, AL), pp. 969–972.
ICPR-v3-2004-FanG #learning- Hierarchical Object Indexing and Sequential Learning (XF, DG), pp. 65–68.
ICPR-v3-2004-GaoLT #identification #music- Indexing with Musical Events and Its Application to Content-Based Music Identification (SG, CHL, QT), pp. 846–849.
ICPR-v3-2004-RicardCB #3d #retrieval- ART Extension for Description, Indexing and Retrieval of 3D Objects (JR, DC, AB), pp. 79–82.
ICPR-v4-2004-LimJ #classification #image- Cascading Classifiers for Consumer Image Indexing (JHL, JSJ), pp. 897–900.
ICPR-v4-2004-WongCSI #3d #clustering #modelling #retrieval- Indexing and Retrieval of 3D Models by Unsupervised Clustering with Hierarchical SOM (HSW, KKTC, YS, HHSI), pp. 613–616.
KDD-2004-MamoulisCKHTC #mining #query- Mining, indexing, and querying historical spatiotemporal data (NM, HC, GK, MH, YT, DWC), pp. 236–245.
KDD-2004-YanVS #predict- Predicting prostate cancer recurrence via maximizing the concordance index (LY, DV, OS), pp. 479–485.
SIGIR-2004-HeCLM #documentation #locality #representation- Locality preserving indexing for document representation (XH, DC, HL, WYM), pp. 96–103.
SIGIR-2004-KokiopoulouS #information retrieval #polynomial #semantics- Polynomial filtering in latent semantic indexing for information retrieval (EK, YS), pp. 104–111.
SIGIR-2004-LiuZC #configuration management #information retrieval #ranking #xml- Configurable indexing and ranking for XML information retrieval (SL, QZ, WWC), pp. 88–95.
SIGIR-2004-SilvestriOP #clustering #documentation #identifier- Assigning identifiers to documents to enhance the clustering property of fulltext indexes (FS, SO, RP), pp. 305–312.
SIGIR-2004-TangDX #on the #peer-to-peer #scalability #semantics- On scaling latent semantic indexing for large peer-to-peer systems (CT, SD, ZX), pp. 112–121.
SAC-2004-ChenC #database #graph #object-oriented- Signature file hierarchies and signature graphs: a new index method for object-oriented databases (YC, YC), pp. 724–728.
SAC-2004-SilvestriPO #documentation #identifier #web- Assigning document identifiers to enhance compressibility of Web Search Engines indexes (FS, RP, SO), pp. 600–605.
SAC-2004-WuCY #performance- VCR indexing for fast event matching for highly-overlapping range predicates (KLW, SKC, PSY), pp. 740–747.
HPCA-2004-JayasenaEAD- Stream Register Files with Indexed Access (NJ, ME, JHA, WJD), pp. 60–72.
HPCA-2004-KharbutliISL #using- Using Prime Numbers for Cache Indexing to Eliminate Conflict Misses (MK, KI, YS, JL), pp. 288–299.
CAV-2004-LahiriB #bound #verification- Indexed Predicate Discovery for Unbounded System Verification (SKL, REB), pp. 135–147.
DAC-2003-Givargis #embedded #reduction- Improved indexing for cache miss reduction in embedded systems (TG), pp. 875–880.
ICDAR-2003-JainN #documentation #online #retrieval- Indexing and Retrieval of On-line Handwritten Documents (AKJ, AMN), p. 655–?.
ICDAR-2003-LucasPD #image #performance #recognition #word- Fast Lexicon-Based Word Recognition in Noisy Index Card Images (SML, GP, ACD), pp. 462–466.
ICDAR-2003-MarinaiMS #documentation #retrieval #word- Indexing and retrieval of words in old documents (SM, EM, GS), pp. 223–227.
PODS-2003-AggarwalA #nearest neighbour #on the- On nearest neighbor indexing of nonlinear trajectories (CCA, DA), pp. 252–259.
PODS-2003-HeerenJP #using- Optimal indexing using near-minimal space (CH, HVJ, LP), pp. 244–251.
SIGMOD-2003-ChaudhuriGS #query- Factorizing Complex Predicates in Queries to Exploit Indexes (SC, PG, SS), pp. 361–372.
SIGMOD-2003-QunLO #adaptation #summary- D(k)-Index: An Adaptive Structural Summary for Graph-Structured Data (CQ, AL, KWO), pp. 134–144.
SIGMOD-2003-ShenNSHS #database #image #named #novel #performance #reduction #scalability- CMVF: A Novel Dimension Reduction Scheme for Efficient Indexing in A Large Image Database (JS, AHHN, JS, DQH, QZS), p. 657.
SIGMOD-2003-WangPFY #named #query #xml- ViST: A Dynamic Index Method for Querying XML Data by Tree Structures (HW, SP, WF, PSY), pp. 110–121.
SIGMOD-2003-ZhuS #query- Warping Indexes with Envelope Transforms for Query by Humming (YZ, DS), pp. 181–192.
VLDB-2003-BawaBA #documentation #network #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Indexing of Documents on the Network (MB, RJBJ, RA), pp. 922–933.
VLDB-2003-HardingLM #named #using #xml- XISS/R: XML Indexing and Storage System using RDBMS (PJH, QL, BM), pp. 1073–1076.
VLDB-2003-JiangWL #documentation #xml- Holistic Twig Joins on Indexed XML Documents (HJ, WW, HL, JXY), pp. 273–284.
VLDB-2003-QianZXP #multi- The ND-Tree: A Dynamic Indexing Technique for Multidimensional Non-ordered Discrete Data Spaces (GQ, QZ, QX, SP), pp. 620–631.
VLDB-2003-Ramanan #bisimulation #query #simulation #xml- Covering Indexes for XML Queries: Bisimulation — Simulation = Negation (PR), pp. 165–176.
VLDB-2003-SattlerGS #named- QUIET: Continuous Query-driven Index Tuning (KUS, IG, ES), pp. 1129–1132.
VLDB-2003-ZhouR- Buffering Accesses to Memory-Resident Index Structures (JZ, KAR), pp. 405–416.
CIAA-2003-Castano #lr #parsing- LR Parsing for Global Index Languages (GILs) (JMC), pp. 269–281.
CAiSE-2003-RizziS #constraints #design- View Materialization vs. Indexing: Balancing Space Constraints in Data Warehouse Design (SR, ES), pp. 502–519.
ICEIS-v2-2003-KrolikowskiMP #data mining #mining #query- Set-Oriented Indexes for Data Mining Queries (ZK, MM, JP), pp. 316–323.
ICEIS-v3-2003-TianZC #case study #enterprise- Study on Chinese Enterprise E-Readiness Index and Application (YT, YZ, JC), pp. 468–473.
CIKM-2003-AbelloK #graph- Hierarchical graph indexing (JA, YK), pp. 453–460.
CIKM-2003-KhoussainovK #automation #distributed #web- Automated index management for distributed web search (RK, NK), pp. 386–393.
CIKM-2003-ShanksW #categorisation #linear- Index construction for linear categorisation (VRS, HEW), pp. 334–341.
ECIR-2003-CuiWC #documentation #flexibility #retrieval- Hierarchical Indexing and Flexible Element Retrieval for Structured Document (HC, JRW, TSC), pp. 73–87.
ECIR-2003-ShinKKK #automation #database #music #performance- Automatic Construction of Theme Melody Index from Music Database for Fast Content-Based Retrievals (CHS, KIK, KCK, YSK), pp. 605–612.
KDD-2003-VlachosHGK #distance #metric #multi- Indexing multi-dimensional time-series with support for multiple distance measures (MV, MH, DG, EJK), pp. 216–225.
SEKE-2003-JiehanL- Relative Index Term Frequency (RITF) Method (ZJ, HL), pp. 427–431.
SIGIR-2003-AgunF #component #hardware #named- HAT: a hardware assisted TOP-DOC inverted index component (SKA, OF), pp. 447–448.
SIGIR-2003-HayashiOBMMMHHI #multi #speech- Speech-based and video-supported indexing of multimedia broadcast news (YH, KO, KB, OM, YM, SM, MH, TH, NI), pp. 441–442.
SIGIR-2003-MuM #retrieval #statistics #video #visual notation- Statistical visual feature indexes in video retrieval (XM, GM), pp. 395–396.
SAC-2003-Gee #semantics #using- Using Latent Semantic Indexing to Filter Spam (KRG), pp. 460–464.
SAC-2003-MolinariPP #documentation #html- An Indexing Model of HTML Documents (AM, RAMP, GP), pp. 834–840.
SAC-2003-OhTJ #video- Hierarchical Video Indexing Based on Changes of Camera and Object Motions (JHO, MT, NJ), pp. 917–921.
ICSE-2003-MarcusM #semantics #traceability #using- Recovering Documentation-to-Source-Code Traceability Links using Latent Semantic Indexing (AM, JIM), pp. 125–137.
CADE-2003-RiazanovV #performance #relational #retrieval #standard- Efficient Instance Retrieval with Standard and Relational Path Indexing (AR, AV), pp. 380–396.
ICLP-2003-Pientka #higher-order- Higher-Order Substitution Tree Indexing (BP), pp. 377–391.
SIGMOD-2002-ChungMS #adaptation #named #xml- APEX: an adaptive path index for XML data (CWC, JKM, KS), pp. 121–132.
SIGMOD-2002-KanthRA #comparison #using- Quadtree and R-tree indexes in oracle spatial: a comparison using GIS data (KVRK, SR, DA), pp. 546–557.
SIGMOD-2002-KaushikBNK #branch #query- Covering indexes for branching path queries (RK, PB, JFN, HFK), pp. 133–144.
SIGMOD-2002-TheobaldW #ontology #retrieval #using #xml- The XXL search engine: ranked retrieval of XML data using indexes and ontologies (AT, GW), p. 615.
VLDB-2002-ChanGR #named #performance #regular expression- RE-Tree: An Efficient Index Structure for Regular Expressions (CYC, MNG, RR), pp. 263–274.
VLDB-2002-ChienVZTZ #documentation #performance #xml- Efficient Structural Joins on Indexed XML Documents (SYC, ZV, DZ, VJT, CZ), pp. 263–274.
VLDB-2002-CosleyLP #framework #named #recommendation #testing #using- REFEREE: An Open Framework for Practical Testing of Recommender Systems using ResearchIndex (DC, SL, DMP), pp. 35–46.
VLDB-2002-KaushikBNS- Updates for Structure Indexes (RK, PB, JFN, PS), pp. 239–250.
VLDB-2002-Keogh- Exact Indexing of Dynamic Time Warping (EJK), pp. 406–417.
VLDB-2002-Mohan02a #performance #using- An Efficient Method for Performing Record Deletions and Updates Using Index Scans (CM), pp. 940–949.
VLDB-2002-TaoP #adaptation- Adaptive Index Structures (YT, DP), pp. 418–429.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-ParkP #data type #using- Using indexed data structures for program specialization (JGP, MSP), pp. 61–69.
PEPM-2002-LiuS #data type #optimisation #recursion #using- Program optimization using indexed and recursive data structures (YAL, SDS), pp. 108–118.
ICEIS-2002-MarirZO #database #logic #online #retrieval #video- An Integrated Object Database and Description Logic System for Online Content and Event-Based Indexing and Retrieval of a Car Park Surveillance Video (FM, KZ, KO), pp. 129–139.
CIKM-2002-ChongSDFYJTKJ- A mapping mechanism to support bitmap index and other auxiliary structures on tables stored as primary B±trees (EIC, JS, SD, CF, AY, MJ, ATT, RK, RJ), pp. 625–628.
CIKM-2002-FuhrG #documentation #retrieval #xml- Index compression vs. retrieval time of inverted files for XML documents (NF, NG), pp. 662–664.
ECIR-2002-DuffingS #database #image- Organising and Searching Partially Indexed Image Databases (GD, MS), pp. 22–40.
ECIR-2002-OardE #retrieval- Translation-Based Indexing for Cross-Language Retrieval (DWO, FE), pp. 324–333.
ICPR-v2-2002-TeraguchiMESE #agile #generative #personalisation #video- Rapid Generation of Event-Based Indexes for Personalized Video Digests (MT, KM, TE, SiS, ME), pp. 1041–1044.
ICPR-v3-2002-BrunoP #retrieval #video- Video Structuring, Indexing and Retrieval Based on Global Motion Wavelet Coefficients (EB, DP), pp. 287–290.
ICPR-v4-2002-Heisterkamp #database #feedback #image #semantics- Building a Latent Semantic Index of an Image Database from Patterns of Relevance Feedback (DRH), pp. 134–137.
SIGIR-2002-BahleWZ #performance #query- Efficient phrase querying with an auxiliary index (DB, HEW, JZ), pp. 215–221.
SIGIR-2002-Gery #web- Non-linear reading for a structured web indexation (MG), pp. 379–380.
SIGIR-2002-Hurst #authoring #on the fly- Indexing, searching, and retrieving of recorded live presentations with the AOF (authoring on the fly) search engine (WH), p. 447.
SIGIR-2002-RauberPM #music- Content-based music indexing and organization (AR, EP, DM), pp. 409–410.
SIGIR-2002-ScholerWYZ #evaluation #performance #query- Compression of inverted indexes for fast query evaluation (FS, HEW, JY, JZ), pp. 222–229.
SIGIR-2002-TakedaU #adaptation #string #using- Selecting indexing strings using adaptation (YT, KU), pp. 427–428.
SIGIR-2002-VermaB #named #performance #query- K-tree/forest: efficient indexes for boolean queries (RMV, SB), pp. 433–434.
SAC-2002-CooperSS #parallel #semistructured data- A parallel index for semistructured data (BFC, NS, MS), pp. 890–896.
SAC-2002-FuTS #algorithm #similarity- Node splitting algorithms in tree-structured high-dimensional indexes for similarity search (YF, JCT, SRS), pp. 766–770.
LICS-2002-Varacca- The Powerdomain of Indexed Valuations (DV), p. 299–?.
ICDAR-2001-DowntonTWHLBSR #architecture #design #legacy- Constructing Web-Based Legacy Index Card Archives — Architectural Design Issues and Initial Data Acquisition (ACD, ACT, GJW, ACH, SML, GWB, MJS, GSR), pp. 854–858.
ICDAR-2001-LecoqNGT #benchmark #metric- Benchmarking Commercial OCR Engines for Technical Drawings Indexing (JCL, LN, OG, ÉT), pp. 138–1204.
ICDAR-2001-LucasTCDR #recognition #robust #word- Robust Word Recognition for Museum Archive Card Indexing (SML, ACT, SJC, ACD, SR), pp. 144–148.
ICDAR-2001-NajmanGB #recognition #using- Indexing Technical Drawings Using Title Block Structure Recognition (LN, OG, SB), pp. 587–591.
ICDAR-2001-TabboneWT- Indexing of Technical Line Drawings Based on F-Signatures (ST, LW, KT), pp. 1220–1224.
PODS-2001-FerraginaKMS #2d #string- Two-dimensional Substring Indexing (PF, NK, SM, DS).
VLDB-2001-ChaHKK #concurrent #in memory #multi- Cache-Conscious Concurrency Control of Main-Memory Indexes on Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems (SKC, SH, KK, KK), pp. 181–190.
VLDB-2001-CooperSFHS #performance #semistructured data- A Fast Index for Semistructured Data (BFC, NS, MJF, GRH, MS), pp. 341–350.
VLDB-2001-HuntAI #biology #database #scalability #sequence- A Database Index to Large Biological Sequences (EH, MPA, RWI), pp. 139–148.
VLDB-2001-KahveciS #database #performance #string- Efficient Index Structures for String Databases (TK, AKS), pp. 351–360.
VLDB-2001-LiM #query #xml- Indexing and Querying XML Data for Regular Path Expressions (QL, BM), pp. 361–370.
VLDB-2001-OoiYTJ #distance #performance- Indexing the Distance: An Efficient Method to KNN Processing (CY, BCO, KLT, HVJ), pp. 421–430.
VLDB-2001-SundaraHCAS #documentation #framework #using #xml- Developing an Indexing Scheme for XML Document Collection using the Oracle8i Extensibility Framework (SS, YH, TC, NA, JS), pp. 701–702.
ICALP-2001-AgarwalAPV #framework- A Framework for Index Bulk Loading and Dynamization (PKA, LA, OP, JSV), pp. 115–127.
CIKM-2001-KimAY #effectiveness #metric #nearest neighbour- Effective Nearest Neighbor Indexing with the Euclidean Metric (SWK, CCA, PSY), pp. 9–16.
CIKM-2001-QiuL- Index Filtering and View Materialization in ROLAP Environment (SGQ, TWL), pp. 334–340.
CIKM-2001-WuOS #comparison #performance- A Performance Comparison of bitmap indexes (KW, EJO, AS), pp. 559–561.
CIKM-2001-XiaKCRB #concurrent #data access #database #in memory #memory management #version control- Dynamic Versioning Concurrency Control for Index-Based Data Access in Main Memory Database Systems (YX, SHK, SKC, KWR, HYB), pp. 550–552.
KDD-2001-KeoghCP #approach #database #named #scalability- Ensemble-index: a new approach to indexing large databases (EJK, SC, MJP), pp. 117–125.
SEKE-2001-TalensBD #multi #reuse- Object Indexes to Implement a Case Base for Reuse in a Multi-Domain Context (GT, DB, ID), pp. 95–101.
SIGIR-2001-Broch- Cite Me, Cite My References? (Scholarly Use of the ACM SIGIR Proceedings Based on Two Citation Indexes) (EB), pp. 446–447.
SIGIR-2001-Hoenkamp #performance #semantics- Unitary Operators for Fast Latent Semantic Indexing (FLSI) (EH), pp. 400–401.
SIGIR-2001-RipplingerS #automation #multi #named- AUTINDEX: An Automatic Multilingual Indexing System (BR, PS), p. 452.
SIGIR-2001-SakaiJ #information retrieval #summary- Generic Summaries for Indexing in Information Retrieval (TS, KSJ), pp. 190–198.
SIGIR-2001-SofferCCFFHM #information retrieval- Static Index Pruning for Information Retrieval Systems (AS, DC, DC, RF, EF, MH, YSM), pp. 43–50.
SIGIR-2001-StentL #segmentation #using- Using Event Segmentation to Improve Indexing of Consumer Photographs (AS, ACL), pp. 59–65.
PPDP-2001-GiavittoM #approximate #data type #declarative- Declarative Definition of Group Indexed Data Structures and Approximation of Their Domains (JLG, OM), pp. 150–161.
POPL-2001-ShieldsM- Type-indexed rows (MS, EM), pp. 261–275.
SAC-2001-BandiniM #design #fuzzy #reasoning #retrieval- Application of fuzzy indexing and retrieval in case based reasoning for design (SB, SM), pp. 462–466.
SAC-2001-SabharwalS #database #fourier #image #using- Indexing image databases using wavelet and discrete fourier transform (CLS, SRS), pp. 434–439.
SAC-2001-SongNC #similarity- A cell-based index structure for similarity search in high-dimensional feature spaces (KTS, HJN, JWC), pp. 264–268.
IJCAR-2001-NieuwenhuisHRV #evaluation #on the #proving #theorem proving- On the Evaluation of Indexing Techniques for Theorem Proving (RN, TH, AR, AV), pp. 257–271.
PODS-2000-AgarwalAE- Indexing Moving Points (PKA, LA, JE), pp. 175–186.
PODS-2000-YuOB #approach #performance- Indexing the Edges — A Simple and Yet Efficient Approach to High-Dimensional Indexing (BCO, KLT, CY, SB), pp. 166–174.
SIGMOD-2000-AnnamalaiCD #image- Indexing Images in Oracle8i (MA, RC, SD), pp. 539–547.
SIGMOD-2000-ChangBCLLS #linear #optimisation #query- The Onion Technique: Indexing for Linear Optimization Queries (YCC, LDB, VC, CSL, MLL, JRS), pp. 391–402.
SIGMOD-2000-JagadishKS #effectiveness #multi #on the #string- On Effective Multi-Dimensional Indexing for Strings (HVJ, NK, DS), pp. 403–414.
SIGMOD-2000-OhHP #database #effectiveness #performance #scalability #video- Efficient and Cost-effective Techniques for Browsing and Indexing Large Video Databases (JHO, KAH), pp. 415–426.
SIGMOD-2000-PonnekantiK #online- Online Index Rebuild (NP, HK), pp. 529–538.
SIGMOD-2000-SaltenisJLL- Indexing the Positions of Continuously Moving Objects (SS, CSJ, STL, MAL), pp. 331–342.
VLDB-2000-AgrawalCN #automation #database #sql- Automated Selection of Materialized Views and Indexes in SQL Databases (SA, SC, VRN), pp. 496–505.
VLDB-2000-ChakrabartiM #approach #reduction- Local Dimensionality Reduction: A New Approach to Indexing High Dimensional Spaces (KC, SM), pp. 89–100.
VLDB-2000-SakuraiYUK #approximate #using- The A-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Spaces Using Relative Approximation (YS, MY, SU, HK), pp. 516–526.
VLDB-2000-SrinivasanDFCJYKTDB- Oracle8i Index-Organized Table and Its Application to New Domains (JS, SD, CF, EIC, MJ, AY, RK, ATT, SD, JB), pp. 285–296.
VLDB-2000-YiF #performance #sequence- Fast Time Sequence Indexing for Arbitrary Lp Norms (BKY, CF), pp. 385–394.
STOC-2000-GrossiV #array #string- Compressed suffix arrays and suffix trees with applications to text indexing and string matching (extended abstract) (RG, JSV), pp. 397–406.
CIKM-2000-FerhatosmanogluTAA #approximate #set- Vector Approximation based Indexing for Non-uniform High Dimensional Data Sets (HF, ET, DA, AEA), pp. 202–209.
CIKM-2000-KangDR #inheritance- Indexing Inheritance and Aggregation (UTK, KCD, SR), pp. 110–118.
CIKM-2000-Koudas #performance- Space Efficient Bitmap Indexing (NK), pp. 194–201.
CIKM-2000-LiFK #retrieval- Structural Join Index Driven Complex Object Retrieval: Mechanisms and Selection (QL, CWF, KK), pp. 150–157.
CIKM-2000-LohKW #approach #database #normalisation #sequence- Index Interpolation: An Approach to Subsequence Matching Supporting Normalization Transform in Time-Series Databases (WKL, SWK, KYW), pp. 480–487.
CIKM-2000-SakuraiYUK- The Subspace Coding Method: A New Indexing Scheme for High-Dimensional Data (YS, MY, SU, HK), pp. 210–218.
ICPR-v1-2000-WangHH #video- Memory-Based Moving Object Extraction for Video Indexing (RW, PH, TSH), pp. 1811–1814.
ICPR-v2-2000-FischerBB #database #image #symmetry- Symmetry Based Indexing of Diatoms in an Image Database (SF, MB, HB), pp. 2895–2898.
ICPR-v2-2000-PanditKLC #case study #comparative #segmentation- A Comparative Study of Different Segmentation Approaches for Audio Track Indexing (MP, JK, YL, EC), pp. 2467–2470.
ICPR-v2-2000-VillelaA #network #recognition #using- Object Recognition by Indexing Using Neural Networks (PRV, JHSA), pp. 6001–6004.
ICPR-v3-2000-Gros #image #modelling- Color Illumination Models for Image Matching and Indexing (PG), pp. 3580–3583.
ICPR-v3-2000-KobatakeJHSY #adaptation #convergence- Nonlinear Adaptive Convergence Index Filters and Their Characteristics (HK, JW, YH, AS, YY), pp. 3526–3529.
ICPR-v3-2000-NaphadeH #framework #probability #semantics #using #video- Semantic Video Indexing Using a Probabilistic Framework (MRN, TSH), pp. 3083–3088.
ICPR-v4-2000-FabletB #statistics #using- Statistical Motion-Based Object Indexing Using Optic Flow Field (RF, PB), pp. 4287–4290.
ICPR-v4-2000-LimCL #video- Text Extraction in MPEG Compressed Video for Content-Based Indexing (YKL, SHC, SWL), pp. 4409–4412.
KDD-2000-AggarwalY #similarity- The IGrid index: reversing the dimensionality curse for similarity indexing in high dimensional space (CCA, PSY), pp. 119–129.
SIGIR-2000-BaekLR #query #semantics- Latent semantic indexing model for boolean query formulation (DHB, HSL, HCR), pp. 310–312.
SIGIR-2000-Ogawa #documentation #n-gram #performance #pseudo #ranking #retrieval- Pseudo-frequency method: an efficient document ranking retrieval method for n-gram indexing (YO), pp. 321–323.
SAC-2000-LiSBH #network #process- Capturing and Indexing Computer-based Activities With Virtual Network Computing (SFL, MDS, JB, AH), pp. 601–603.
CC-2000-LinP #analysis #array #compilation #optimisation- Analysis of Irregular Single-Indexed Array Accesses and Its Applications in Compiler Optimizations (YL, DAP), pp. 202–218.
ICDAR-1999-FangWLTKTW #approach #verification- A Smoothness Index based Approach for Off-line Signature Verification (BF, YYW, CHL, YYT, PCKK, KWT, YKW), pp. 785–787.
ICDAR-1999-HeJLZ #documentation #image #retrieval- Content-based Index and Retrieval Method of Chinese Document Images (YH, ZJ, BL, HZ), pp. 685–688.
ICDAR-1999-Syeda-Mahmood #image #keyword- Extracting Indexing Keywords from Image Structures in Engineering Drawings (TFSM), pp. 471–474.
PODS-1999-ArgeSV #2d #on the- On Two-Dimensional Indexability and Optimal Range Search Indexing (LA, VS, JSV), pp. 346–357.
PODS-1999-KolliosGT #mobile #on the- On Indexing Mobile Objects (GK, DG, VJT), pp. 261–272.
SIGMOD-1999-AggarwalWY #similarity- A New Method for Similarity Indexing of Market Basket Data (CCA, JLW, PSY), pp. 407–418.
SIGMOD-1999-KanthRSB- Indexing Medium-dimensionality Data in Oracle (KVRK, SR, JS, JB), pp. 521–522.
VLDB-1999-ChenCFGJMTW- High Level Indexing of User-Defined Types (WC, JHC, YCF, JG, MJ, NMM, BTT, YW), pp. 554–564.
VLDB-1999-DattaRT #named #novel #performance- Curio: A Novel Solution for Efficient Storage and Indexing in Data Warehouses (AD, KR, HMT), pp. 730–733.
VLDB-1999-GohOST #named- GHOST: Fine Granularity Buffering of Indexes (CHG, BCO, DS, KLT), pp. 339–350.
VLDB-1999-JermaineDO #novel- A Novel Index Supporting High Volume Data Warehouse Insertion (CJ, AD, EO), pp. 235–246.
VLDB-1999-Kornacker- High-Performance Extensible Indexing (MK), pp. 699–708.
VLDB-1999-Norvag #database #object-oriented #persistent- The Persistent Cache: Improving OID Indexing in Temporal Object-Oriented Database Systems (KN), pp. 66–77.
VLDB-1999-RaoR #in memory #memory management- Cache Conscious Indexing for Decision-Support in Main Memory (JR, KAR), pp. 78–89.
ICEIS-1999-ShinKHJKP #network- Client Cache-Index Forwarding for Reducing Network Traffic over Wireless Network for the WWW (HSS, GHK, SJH, ARJ, GHK, MSP), pp. 717–724.
ACIR-1999-MeussS #documentation #retrieval- Improving Index Structures for Structured Document Retrieval (HM, CMS).
CIKM-1999-ChangS #distributed #performance #semantics- Performance and Implications of Semantic Indexing in a Distributed Environment (CTKC, BRS), pp. 391–398.
CIKM-1999-HuLL #clustering #scheduling- Indexing Techniques for Wireless Data Broadcast Under Data Clustering and Scheduling (QH, WCL, DLL), pp. 351–358.
CIKM-1999-JangKS #documentation #effectiveness- An Effective Mechanism for Index Update in Structured Documents (HJ, YK, DS), pp. 383–390.
CIKM-1999-KangSLL- Indexing field values in field oriented systems: interval Quadtree (MAK, SS, KJL, RL), pp. 335–342.
CIKM-1999-LawrenceBG #retrieval- Indexing and Retrieval of Scientific Literature (SL, KDB, CLG), pp. 139–146.
KDD-1999-BennettFG #approximate #nearest neighbour #query- Density-Based Indexing for Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Queries (KPB, UMF, DG), pp. 233–243.
SIGIR-1999-Ding #probability #semantics #similarity- A Similarity-based Probability Model for Latent Semantic Indexing (CHQD), pp. 58–65.
SIGIR-1999-Hofmann #probability #semantics- Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing (TH), pp. 50–57.
SAC-1999-KocberberC #information retrieval #multi #performance- Compressed Multi-Framed Signature Files: An Index Structure for Fast Information Retrieval (SK, FC), pp. 221–226.
SAC-1999-Sabharwal #approach #database #hybrid #image #implementation- An Implementation of Hybrid Approach to Indexing Image Databases (CLS), pp. 421–426.
PODS-1998-KoutsoupiasT #2d #bound- Tight Bounds for 2-Dimensional Indexing Schemes (EK, DST), pp. 52–58.
PODS-1998-PapadimitriouRTV #analysis #probability #semantics- Latent Semantic Indexing: A Probabilistic Analysis (CHP, PR, HT, SV), pp. 159–168.
PODS-1998-SamoladasM #bound #multi #query #theorem- A Lower Bound Theorem for Indexing Schemes and Its Application to Multidimensional Range Queries (VS, DPM), pp. 44–51.
SIGMOD-1998-BerchtoldK #database #tutorial- High-Dimensional Index Structures, Database Support for Next Decade’s Applications (Tutorial) (SB, DAK), p. 501.
SIGMOD-1998-ChanI #design #evaluation- Bitmap Index Design and Evaluation (CYC, YEI), pp. 355–366.
SIGMOD-1998-ChaudhuriN #analysis- AutoAdmin “What-if” Index Analysis Utility (SC, VRN), pp. 367–378.
SIGMOD-1998-ChaudhuriN98a #sql- Microsoft Index Tuning Wizard for SQL Server 7.0 (SC, VRN), pp. 553–554.
VLDB-1998-BliujuteJSS- R-Tree Based Indexing of Now-Relative Bitemporal Data (RB, CSJ, SS, GS), pp. 345–356.
VLDB-1998-Moerkotte- Small Materialized Aggregates: A Light Weight Index Structure for Data Warehousing (GM), pp. 476–487.
STOC-1998-KhannaZ #on the- On Indexed Data Broadcast (SK, SZ), pp. 463–472.
ACIR-1998-Duffing #automation #image #interactive #retrieval- Text-Image Interaction for Image Retrieval and Semi-Automatic Indexing (GD).
ACIR-1998-Kluck #database #retrieval #testing- German Indexing and Retrieval Test Data Base (GIRT) — Some Results of the Pre-test (MK).
CIKM-1998-ChenA #database #documentation- Layered Index Structures in Document Database Systems (YC, KA), pp. 406–413.
CIKM-1998-ChiuehBK #image #multi- Multi-Resolution Indexing for Shape Images (TcC, AB, KK), pp. 297–305.
CIKM-1998-KimC #clustering #performance #query- Sibling Clustering of Tree-Based Spatial Indexes for Efficient Spatial Query Processing (KK, SKC), pp. 398–405.
CIKM-1998-LukF #database #object-oriented- Triple-Node Hierarchies for Object-Oriented Database Indexing (FHWL, AWCF), pp. 386–397.
CIKM-1998-ThomasianCL #approximate #clustering #composition- Clustering and Singular Value Decomposition for Approximate Indexing in High Dimensional Spaces (AT, VC, CSL), pp. 201–207.
ICPR-1998-BouthemyF #metric #video- Motion characterization from temporal cooccurrences of local motion-based measures for video indexing (PB, RF), pp. 905–908.
ICPR-1998-ChouS #probability #relational- Probabilistic relational indexing (YYC, LGS), pp. 1331–1335.
ICPR-1998-ComaniciuMF #image #retrieval- Shape-based image indexing and retrieval for diagnostic pathology (DC, PM, DJF), pp. 902–904.
ICPR-1998-GargiAK #database #video- Indexing text events in digital video databases (UG, SA, RK), pp. 916–918.
ICPR-1998-HiranoHOMTE #3d #image- Three dimensional concentration index-a local feature for analyzing three dimensional digital line patterns and its application to chest X-ray CT images (YH, JiH, HO, YM, JiT, KE), pp. 1040–1043.
ICPR-1998-LebourgeoisJA #towards #video- Towards a description for video indexation (FL, JMJ, PCA), pp. 912–915.
ICPR-1998-ShearerVB #algorithm #performance #video- An efficient least common subgraph algorithm for video indexing (KS, SV, HB), pp. 1241–1243.
KDD-1998-MorzyZ #retrieval- Group Bitmap Index: A Structure for Association Rules Retrieval (TM, MZ), pp. 284–288.
SIGIR-1998-Bakel #documentation #information retrieval #knowledge-based- Modern Classical Document Indexing: A Linguistic Contribution to Knowledge-Based IR (BvB), pp. 333–334.
SIGIR-1998-LaiT #image #retrieval #using- Using Global Colour Features for General Photographic Image Indexing and Retrieval (TSL, JT), pp. 349–350.
SIGIR-1998-OgawaM #evaluation #n-gram #optimisation #query- Optimizing Query Evaluation in n-gram Indexing (YO, TM), pp. 367–368.
SIGIR-1998-Williams #approach #database #named- Cafe: An Indexed Approach to Searching Genomic Databases (HEW), p. 389.
HT-1997-CunliffeTT #hypermedia #navigation #semantics- Query-based Navigation in Semantically Indexed Hypermedia (DC, CT, DT), pp. 87–95.
HT-1997-IpC #retrieval #video- Hypertext-Assisted Video Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval (HHSI, SLC), pp. 232–233.
ICDAR-1997-ArikiT #classification #recognition- Indexing and Classification of TV News Articles Based on Telop Recognition (YA, TT), pp. 422–427.
ICDAR-1997-EspositoMSAG #library #machine learning #semantics- Information Capture and Semantic Indexing of Digital Libraries through Machine Learning Techniques (FE, DM, GS, CDA, GdG), pp. 722–727.
PODS-1997-HellersteinKP #analysis #on the- On the Analysis of Indexing Schemes (JMH, EK, CHP), pp. 249–256.
SIGMOD-1997-BozkayaO #metric- Distance-Based Indexing for High-Dimensional Metric Spaces (TB, ZMÖ), pp. 357–368.
SIGMOD-1997-KatayamaS #nearest neighbour #query- The SR-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Queries (NK, SS), pp. 369–380.
SIGMOD-1997-ONeilQ #performance #query- Improved Query Performance with Variant Indexes (PEO, DQ), pp. 38–49.
SIGMOD-1997-ShivakumarG #database #evolution #named- Wave-Indices: Indexing Evolving Databases (NS, HGM), pp. 381–392.
VLDB-1997-BerckenSW #approach #multi- A Generic Approach to Bulk Loading Multidimensional Index Structures (JVdB, BS, PW), pp. 406–415.
VLDB-1997-ChaudhuriN #performance #sql- An Efficient Cost-Driven Index Selection Tool for Microsoft SQL Server (SC, VRN), pp. 146–155.
HCI-SEC-1997-ZhuL #hypermedia #information retrieval- Decision Support for Indexing and Information Retrieval: Implications for Hypertext Systems (WZ, MRL), pp. 747–750.
CAiSE-1997-GoncalvesSM #clustering #web- Digital Neighbourhoods: Partitioning the Web for Information Indexing and Searching (PFG, ACS, SRdLM), pp. 289–302.
ACIR-1997-OunisH #approach #information retrieval #logic #relational- A Logical Relational Approach for Information Retrieval Indexing (IO, TWCH).
CIKM-1997-BozkayaYO #sequence- Matching and Indexing Sequences of Different Lengths (TB, NY, ZMÖ), pp. 128–135.
CIKM-1997-ChangKC #database #image #query #representation- A Spatial Match Representation Scheme for Indexing and Querying in Iconic Image Databases (JWC, YJK, KJC), pp. 169–176.
CIKM-1997-Henrich #object-oriented- The Update of Index Structures in Object-Oriented DBMS (AH), pp. 136–143.
CIKM-1997-LinR #navigation #using- Using a Sequential Index in Terrain-Aided Navigation (LL, TR), pp. 177–184.
SIGIR-1997-OgawaM #statistics #word- Overlapping Statistical Word Indexing: A New Indexing Method for Japanese Text (YO, TM), pp. 226–234.
SAC-1997-WeiqiY #multi- Spatial index based on multiple interval segments (XW, YF), pp. 152–154.
SIGMOD-1996-AchyutuniON #database #online #parallel- Two Techniques for On-Line Index Modification in Shared Nothing Parallel Databases (KJA, EO, SBN), pp. 125–136.
VLDB-1996-BerchtoldKK- The X-tree : An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data (SB, DAK, HPK), pp. 28–39.
CIKM-1996-LinRSB #sequence- Indexing Values of Time Sequences (LL, TR, MS, DZB), pp. 223–232.
CIKM-1996-SyuLD #information retrieval #network #semantics- Incorporating Latent Semantic Indexing into a Neural Network Model for Information Retrieval (IS, SDL, ND), pp. 145–153.
ICPR-1996-ArdizzoneCGV #database #image #video- Content-based indexing of image and video databases by global and shape features (EA, MLC, VDG, CV), pp. 140–144.
ICPR-1996-ArdizzoneCM #retrieval #video- Motion and color-based video indexing and retrieval (EA, MLC, DM), pp. 135–139.
ICPR-1996-BimboP96a #image #using #visual notation- Image indexing using shape-based visual features (ADB, PP), pp. 351–355.
ICPR-1996-CorridoniB #video- Structured digital video indexing (JMC, ADB), pp. 125–129.
ICPR-1996-Syeda-MahmoodC #image- Indexing colored surfaces in images (TFSM, YQC), pp. 8–12.
SIGIR-1996-JonesFJY #documentation #multi- Retrieving Spoken Documents by Combining Multiple Index Sources (GJFJ, JTF, KSJ, SJY), pp. 30–38.
SAC-1996-NascimentoD #database #transaction- Indexing a transaction-decision time database (MAN, MHD), pp. 166–172.
CADE-1996-Graf- Path Indexing for AC-Theories (PG), pp. 718–732.
CADE-1996-GrafM- Advanced Indexing Operations on Substitution Trees (PG, CM), pp. 553–567.
ICDAR-v2-1995-SametS #retrieval- A map acquisition, storage, indexing, and retrieval system (HS, AS), pp. 992–996.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Srihari #automation #retrieval- Automatic indexing and content-based retrieval of captioned photographs (RKS), pp. 1165–1168.
ICDAR-v2-1995-WiedenhiferHD #automation- Post-processing of OCR results for automatic indexing (LW, HGH, AD), pp. 592–596.
SIGMOD-1995-ArefBV- The Handwritten Trie: Indexing Electronic Ink (WGA, DB, PV), pp. 151–162.
SIGMOD-1995-Faloutsos #database #multi #tutorial- Indexing Multimedia Databases (Tutorial) (CF), p. 467.
SIGMOD-1995-FaloutsosL #algorithm #dataset #multi #named #performance #visualisation- FastMap: A Fast Algorithm for Indexing, Data-Mining and Visualization of Traditional and Multimedia Datasets (CF, KIL), pp. 163–174.
SIGMOD-1995-RamaswamyK- OODB Indexing by Class-Division (SR, PCK), pp. 139–150.
VLDB-1995-GoyalHSS #concurrent #database #realtime- Index Concurrency Control in Firm Real-Time Database Systems (BG, JRH, SS, VS), pp. 146–157.
CIKM-1995-BertinoSS- Enhanced Nested-Inherited Index for OODBMS (EB, SS, BS), pp. 58–65.
CIKM-1995-HughesW #database #problem- The Index Suggestion Problem for Object Database Applications (EH, MW), pp. 50–57.
SIGIR-1995-DeFazioDSSCC #information retrieval #using- Integrating IR and RDBMS Using Cooperative Indexing (SD, AMD, LAS, JS, WBC, JPC), pp. 84–92.
SIGIR-1995-OgawaI #documentation #using- A New Character-based Indexing Organization using Frequency Data for Japanese Documents (YO, MI), pp. 121–129.
PLILP-1995-DawsonRR #design #implementation #logic programming #performance #source code- Design and Implementation of Jump Tables for Fast Indexing of Logic Programs (SD, CRR, IVR), pp. 133–150.
SAC-1995-BangL #database #named #performance- SMR-tree: an efficient index structure for spatial databases (KSB, HL), pp. 46–50.
CAV-1995-KrishnanPBV #automaton #game studies- The Rabin Index and Chain Automata, with Applications to Automatas and Games (SCK, AP, RKB, PV), pp. 253–266.
RTA-1995-Graf- Substitution Tree Indexing (PG), pp. 117–131.
SIGMOD-1994-ImielinskiVB #energy #performance- Energy Efficient Indexing on Air (TI, SV, BRB), pp. 25–36.
SIGMOD-1994-SwamiS #finite- Estimating Page Fetches for Index Scans with Finite LRU Buffers (ANS, KBS), pp. 173–184.
VLDB-1994-BrownCC #incremental #information retrieval #performance- Fast Incremental Indexing for Full-Text Information Retrieval (EWB, JPC, WBC), pp. 192–202.
VLDB-1994-ChawatheCY #on the- On Index Selection Schemes for Nested Object Hierarchies (SSC, MSC, PSY), pp. 331–341.
VLDB-1994-Chiueh #image- Content-Based Image Indexing (TcC), pp. 582–593.
VLDB-1994-KilgerM #multi #set- Indexing Multiple Sets (CK, GM), pp. 180–191.
VLDB-1994-SreenathS #database #object-oriented #performance- The hcC-tree: An Efficient Index Structure for Object Oriented Databases (BS, SS), pp. 203–213.
VLDB-1994-XieH #database #object-oriented #performance- Join Index Hierarchies for Supporting Efficient Navigations in Object-Oriented Databases (ZX, JH), pp. 522–533.
CIKM-1994-JiangLB- Re-Evaluating Indexing Schemes for Nested Objects (YhJ, XL, BKB), pp. 439–446.
CIKM-1994-KouramajianKEW #database #incremental- The Time Index+: An Incremental Access Structure for Temporal Databases (VK, IK, RE, SW), pp. 296–303.
CIKM-1994-ZhaoZ #approach #database #graph #roadmap #traversal- Spatial Data Traversal in Road Map Databases: A Graph Indexing Approach (JLZ, AZ), pp. 355–362.
SIGIR-1994-Hull #problem #retrieval #semantics #using- Improving Text Retrieval for the Routing Problem using Latent Semantic Indexing (DAH), pp. 282–291.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-ChoenniBBC #database #object-oriented- Index Configurations in Object-Oriented Databases (SC, EB, HMB, TC), pp. 119–133.
SAC-1994-SabharwalB #database #image- A perfect hash function for image database indexing (CLS, SKB), pp. 534–538.
CADE-1994-Graf- Extended Path-Indexing (PG), pp. 514–528.
ICDAR-1993-MarcelliLP #recognition- A structural indexing method for character recognition (AM, NL, TP), pp. 175–178.
ICDAR-1993-ZidouriCS #classification #documentation #image- Classification of compound document image patterns by MCR stroke index (ABCZ, SC, MS), pp. 753–756.
PODS-1993-KanellakisRVV #constraints #modelling- Indexing for Data Models with Constraints and Classes (PCK, SR, DEV, JSV), pp. 233–243.
SIGMOD-1993-BrantM- Index Support for Rule Activation (DAB, DPM), pp. 42–48.
DLT-1993-Georgescu #context-free grammar #on the- On the Index of Pure Context-free Grammars and Languages (GG), pp. 60–69.
HCI-ACS-1993-FujigakiM- Longitudinal Observations of Stress Index Among Software Engineers (YF, KM), pp. 691–696.
CIKM-1993-Mineau #documentation #multi- Facilitating the Creation of a Multiple Index on Graph-Described Documents by Transforming Their Descriptions (GWM), pp. 132–138.
CIKM-1993-SegevZ #maintenance #performance- Efficient Maintenance of Rule-Derived Data through Join Pattern Indexing (AS, JLZ), pp. 194–205.
CIKM-1993-Sussna #ambiguity #for free #network #semantics #using #word- Word Sense Disambiguation for Free-text Indexing Using a Massive Semantic Network (MS), pp. 67–74.
SIGIR-1993-FujiiC #comparison #retrieval- A Comparison of Indexing Techniques for Japanese Text Retrieval (HF, WBC), pp. 237–246.
SIGIR-1993-LinoffS #database #scalability- Compression of Indexes with Full Positional Information in Very Large Text Databases (GL, CS), pp. 88–95.
SIGIR-1993-OgawaBH #keyword #ranking #string #word- Simple Word Strings as Compound Keywords: An Indexing and Ranking Method for Japanese Texts (YO, AB, MH), pp. 227–236.
SIGIR-1993-TzerasH #automation #network- Automatic Indexing Based on Bayesian Inference Networks (KT, SH), pp. 22–34.
OOPSLA-1993-Driesen #array- Selector Table Indexing & Sparse Arrays (KD), pp. 259–270.
SIGMOD-1992-Davidson #online #parallel- Parallel Index Building in Informix OnLine 6.0 (WD), p. 103.
SIGMOD-1992-LowOL #named- H-trees: A Dynamic Associative Search Index for OODB (CCL, BCO, HL), pp. 134–143.
SIGMOD-1992-MohanL #concurrent #named #performance #using- ARIES/IM: An Efficient and High Concurrency Index Management Method Using Write-Ahead Logging (CM, FEL), pp. 371–380.
SIGMOD-1992-MohanN #algorithm #scalability- Algorithms for Creating Indexes for Very Large Tables Without Quiescing Updates (CM, IN), pp. 361–370.
VLDB-1992-ChanOL- Extensible Buffer Management of Indexes (CYC, BCO, HL), pp. 444–454.
VLDB-1992-ZobelMS #database #performance- An Efficient Indexing Technique for Full Text Databases (JZ, AM, RSD), pp. 352–362.
CHI-1992-WilcoxSB #editing- Wordspotting for Voice Editing and Audio Indexing (LW, IES, MAB), pp. 655–656.
SIGIR-1992-Allen #difference- Cognitive Differences in End User Searching of a CD-ROM Index (BA), pp. 298–309.
SIGIR-1992-BartellCB #multi #scalability #semantics- Latent Semantic Indexing is an Optimal Special Case of Multidimensional Scaling (BTB, GWC, RKB), pp. 161–167.
PLILP-1992-Hans #automaton- A Complete Indexing Scheme for WAM-based Abstract Machines (WH), pp. 232–244.
ASPLOS-1992-WheelerB #consistency- Consistency Management for Virtually Indexed Caches (BW, BNB), pp. 124–136.
JICSLP-1992-ChenRR #algorithm #execution #multi #prolog- Multistage Indexing Algorithms for Speeding Prolog Execution (TC, IVR, RR), pp. 639–653.
HT-1991-Boy #documentation #hypermedia- Indexing Hypertext Documents in Context (GAB), pp. 51–61.
SIGMOD-1991-KolovsonS #multi- Segment Indexes: Dynamic Indexing Techniques for Multi-Dimensional Interval Data (CPK, MS), pp. 138–147.
SIGIR-1991-Cleverdon #testing- The Significance of the Cranfield Tests on Index Languages (CWC), pp. 3–12.
SIGIR-1991-DanzigANO #distributed #information retrieval #scalability- Distributed Indexing: A Scalable Mechanism for Distributed Information Retrieval (PBD, JSA, JN, KO), pp. 220–229.
SIGIR-1991-FuhrP #probability- Combining Model-Oriented and Description-Oriented Approaches for Probabilistic Indexing (NF, UP), pp. 46–56.
VLDB-1990-CliftonG #database #hypermedia- Indexing in a Hypertext Database (CC, HGM), pp. 36–49.
VLDB-1990-ElmasriWK- The Time Index: An Access Structure for Temporal Data (RE, GTJW, YJK), pp. 1–12.
VLDB-1990-Jagadish #on the- On Indexing Line Segments (HVJ), pp. 614–625.
VLDB-1990-Mohan #concurrent #multi #named #transaction- ARIES/KVL: A Key-Value Locking Method for Concurrency Control of Multiaction Transactions Operating on B-Tree Indexes (CM), pp. 392–405.
SIGIR-1990-Burkowski #retrieval #set- Surrogate Subsets: A Free Space Management Strategy for the Index of a Text Retrieval System (FJB), pp. 211–226.
SIGIR-1990-CuttingP #maintenance #optimisation- Optimizations for Dynamic Inverted Index Maintenance (DRC, JOP), pp. 405–411.
SIGIR-1990-FuhrB #documentation #feedback #probability- Probabilistic Document Indexing from Relevance Feedback Data (NF, CB), pp. 45–61.
POPL-1990-RameshRW #prolog- Automata-Driven Indexing of Prolog Clauses (RR, IVR, DSW), pp. 281–291.
HT-1989-BernsteinCMSL #hypermedia- Indexing and Hypertext (MB, JC, NM, RMS, MCVL), pp. 387–390.
ICALP-1989-MehlhornP #source code- Two Versus One Index Register and Modifiable Versus Non-modifiable Programs (KM, WJP), pp. 603–609.
KR-1989-SubramanianW #calculus- Making Situation Calculus Indexical (DS, JW), pp. 467–474.
ML-1989-BarlettaK #empirical #learning- Improving Explanation-Based Indexing with Empirical Learning (RB, RK), pp. 84–86.
SIGIR-1989-BerrutC #approach #multi- Indexing Medical Reports in a Multimedia Environment: The RIME Experimental Approach (CB, YC), pp. 187–197.
SIGIR-1989-MaarekS #library- Full Text Indexing Based on Lexical Relations An Application: Software Libraries (YSM, FAS), pp. 198–206.
SIGIR-1989-StanfillTW #algorithm #information retrieval #parallel- A Parallel Indexed Algorithm for Information Retrieval (CS, RT, DLW), pp. 88–97.
NACLP-1989-DemoenMC #prolog- Indexing Prolog Clauses (BD, AM, AC), pp. 1001–1012.
VLDB-1988-KentSR #database #multi #scalability- A Superimposed Coding Scheme Based on Multiple Block Descriptor Files for Indexing Very Large Data Bases (AJK, RSD, KR), pp. 351–359.
VLDB-1988-LynchS #database- Extended User-Defined Indexing with Application to Textual Databases (CAL, MS), pp. 306–317.
SIGIR-1988-BiebricherFLSK #automation #research- The Automatic Indexing System AIR/PHYS — From Research to Application (PB, NF, GL, MS, GK), pp. 333–342.
SIGIR-1988-JonesdK #alloy #named #statistics- ALLOY: An Amalgamation of Expert, Linguistic and Statistical Indexing Methods (LPJ, Cd, SK), pp. 191–199.
VLDB-1987-Sacco #finite- Index Access with a Finite Buffer (GMS), pp. 301–309.
VLDB-1987-SellisRF #multi- The R+-Tree: A Dynamic Index for Multi-Dimensional Objects (TKS, NR, CF), pp. 507–518.
SIGIR-1987-Fagan #automation #documentation #retrieval- Automatic Phrase Indexing for Document Retrieval: An Examination of Syntactic and Non-Syntactic Methods (JLF), pp. 91–101.
SIGIR-1987-Humphrey #interactive #knowledge-based- Illustrated Description of an Interactive Knowledge-Based Indexing System (SMH), pp. 73–90.
ICLP-1987-Carlsson87 #implementation- Freeze, Indexing, and Other Implementation Issues in the WAM (MC), pp. 40–58.
VLDB-1986-LehmanC #case study #database #in memory #memory management- A Study of Index Structures for Main Memory Database Management Systems (TJL, MJC), pp. 294–303.
SIGIR-1986-BerrutP #automation #parsing- Solving Grammatical Ambiguities within a Surface Syntactical Parser for Automatic Indexing (CB, PP), pp. 123–130.
SIGIR-1986-Deppisch #named #retrieval- S-Tree: A Dynamic Balanced Signature Index for Office Retrieval (UD), pp. 77–87.
SIGIR-1986-Fuhr #modelling #probability #retrieval- Two Models of Retrieval with Probabilistic Indexing (NF), pp. 249–257.
SIGIR-1986-Kwok #component #documentation- An Interpretation of Index Term Weighting Schemes Based on Document Components (KLK), pp. 275–283.
SIGIR-1986-OzkarahanC #automation #documentation- An Automatic and Tunable Document Indexing System (EAO, FC), pp. 234–243.
SIGIR-1986-Voorhees #clustering #performance- The Efficiency of Inverted Index and Cluster Searches (EMV), pp. 164–174.
ICLP-1986-RamamohanaraoS86 #database #prolog #scalability- A Superimposed Codeword Indexing Scheme for Very Large Prolog Databases (KR, JS), pp. 569–576.
VLDB-1985-DadamLPS #concurrent #information management #maintenance- Selective Deferred Index Maintenance & Concurrency Control in Integrated Information Systems (PD, VYL, UP, GS), pp. 142–150.
SIGIR-1985-DAmoreM #theory and practice- One-Time Complete Indexing of Text: Theory and Practice (RJD, CPM), pp. 155–164.
SIGIR-1985-Kwok #automation #documentation #probability #similarity- Experiments with Cited Titles for Automatic Document Indexing and Similarity Measure in a Probabilistic Context (KLK), pp. 165–178.
PODS-1984-Burkhard #maintenance- Index Maintenance for Non-Uniform Record Distributions (WAB), pp. 173–179.
SIGMOD-1984-Guttman #named- R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching (AG), pp. 47–57.
SIGMOD-1984-Kriegel #comparison #multi #performance #retrieval- Performance Comparison of Index Structures for Multi-Key Retrieval (HPK), pp. 186–196.
ICALP-1984-AbiteboulG #sequence #tuple- Tuple Sequences and Indexes (SA, SG), pp. 41–50.
SIGIR-1984-FuhrK #automation #evaluation #retrieval #rule-based- Retrieval Test Evaluation of a Rule Based Automatic Index (AIR/PHYS) (NF, GK), pp. 391–408.
SLP-1984-WiseP84 #prolog #word- Indexing Prolog Clauses via Superimposed Code Words and Filed Encoded Words (MJW, DMWP), pp. 203–210.
PODS-1983-Burkhard #maintenance- Interpolation-Based Index Maintenance (WAB), pp. 76–89.
ICALP-1983-Gabarro #complexity- Initial Index: A New Complexity Function for Languages (JG), pp. 226–236.
SIGMOD-1982-DongH #approximate #dependence #order- Applying Approximate Order Dependency to Reduce Indexing Space (JD, RH), pp. 119–127.
SIGIR-1982-Knorz #approach #automation- A Decision Theory Approach to Optimal Automatic Indexing (GK), pp. 174–193.
SIGMOD-1981-Batory #comparison #performance- B+ Trees and Indexed Sequential Files: A Performance Comparison (DSB), pp. 30–39.
SIGMOD-1981-Robinson #multi #scalability- The K-D-B-Tree: A Search Structure For Large Multidimensional Dynamic Indexes (JTR), pp. 10–18.
PS-1981-Steensgaard-MadsenHPEKNASGCG #generative- KWIC-index generation (JSM, JWH, MSP, HE, HJK, LSN, JRA, IHS, RMG, DC, JAG), pp. 47–117.
SIGIR-1981-Fraenkel #classification #documentation #problem- Document Classification, Indexing and Abstracting May be Inherently Difficult Problems (ASF), pp. 77–82.
ICSE-1981-Hulten #data access- An Index Organization for Applications with Highly Skewed Access Patterns (CH), pp. 71–78.
SIGIR-1980-LeaS #runtime #using- An Associative File Store Using Fragments for Run-Time Indexing and Compression (RML, EJS), pp. 280–295.
SIGIR-1980-RobertsonRP #modelling #probability- Probabilistic Models of Indexing and Searching (SER, CJvR, MFP), pp. 35–56.
ICALP-1979-Janko- Hierarchic Index Sequential Search with Optimal Variable Block Size and Its Minimal Expected Number of Comparisons (WJ), pp. 304–315.
ICALP-1979-RozenbergV #finite- Extending the Notion of Finite Index (GR, DV), pp. 479–488.
STOC-1978-Kozen #recursion- Indexing of Subrecursive Classes (DK), pp. 287–295.
ICALP-1977-RozenbergV #finite- L Systems of Finite Index (Extended Abstract) (GR, DV), pp. 430–439.
SIGMOD-1976-HammerC #adaptation #database #self- Index Selection in a Self-Adaptive Data Base Management System (MH, AC), pp. 1–8.
SIGMOD-1975-Schkolnick #optimisation- Secondary Index Optimization (MS), pp. 186–192.
VLDB-1975-FarleyS #database #execution #query #relational- Query Execution and Index Selection for Relational Data Bases (GF, SAS), p. 519.
SIGFIDET-1974-BehymerOM #analysis- Analysis of Indexed Sequential and Direct Access File Organizations (JAB, RAO, AGM), pp. 389–417.
SIGFIDET-1972-Stonebraker #performance #retrieval #using- Retrieval Efficiency Using Combined Indexes (MS), pp. 243–256.
DAC-1971-Beretvas #data transformation #multi- Multiply indexed data management (TB), pp. 358–366.
SIGFIDET-1970-BayerM #maintenance #order #scalability- Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes (RB, EMM), pp. 107–141.
STOC-1970-Rounds #proving #theorem- Tree-Oriented Proofs of Some Theorems on Context-Free and Indexed Languages (WCR), pp. 109–116.