Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Cluet D.S.P.Jr. ∅ S.Amer-Yahia J.Siméon K.Smaga
Talks about:
data (3) object (2) applic (2) multivalu (1) framework (1) algorithm (1) techniqu (1) theoret (1) practic (1) general (1)
Person: Claude Delobel
DBLP: Delobel:Claude
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SIGMOD-1998-CluetDSS #exclamation
- Your Mediators Need Data Conversion! (SC, CD, JS, KS), pp. 177–188.
- VLDB-1998-Amer-YahiaCD #database #relational
- Bulk-Loading Techniques for Object Databases and an Application to Relational Data (SAY, SC, CD), pp. 534–545.
- SIGMOD-1992-CluetD #framework #object-oriented #optimisation #query
- A General Framework for the Optimization of Object-Oriented Queries (SC, CD), pp. 383–392.
- VLDB-1979-ParkerD #algorithm #dependence #multi
- Algorithmic Applications for a new Result on Multivalued Dependencies (DSPJ, CD), pp. 67–74.
- VLDB-1978-Delobel #aspect-oriented #database #modelling
- Data Base Theory and Modeling — Theoretical and Practical Aspects (CD), p. 112.