1243 papers:
ECSA-2015-RostWNLS #agile #architecture #case study #development #experience #industrial- Distilling Best Practices for Agile Development from Architecture Methodology — Experiences from Industrial Application (DR, BW, MN, TL, HS), pp. 259–267.
CASE-2015-ForsmanR #process- Chemical process control practice — Some examples and observations (KF, JR), pp. 892–893.
CASE-2015-LiangSQLY #agile #assessment #development #using- Criteria for lean practice selection: Development an assessment tool using the rooted arborescence (YL, SS, LQ, YL, GY), pp. 237–242.
DAC-2015-DunbarQ- A practical circuit fingerprinting method utilizing observability don’t care conditions (CD, GQ), p. 6.
DAC-2015-Peeters #architecture #security- SoC security architecture: current practices and emerging needs (EP), p. 6.
DAC-2015-YaoHC #constraints #named- PACOR: practical control-layer routing flow with length-matching constraint for flow-based microfluidic biochips (HY, TYH, YC), p. 6.
DATE-2015-DeyCAM #analysis #difference #fault- Improved practical differential fault analysis of grain-128 (PD, AC, AA, DM), pp. 459–464.
SIGMOD-2015-ChuBS #database #evaluation #parallel #performance #query #theory and practice- From Theory to Practice: Efficient Join Query Evaluation in a Parallel Database System (SC, MB, DS), pp. 63–78.
SIGMOD-2015-HuangCZJX #named #realtime #recommendation- TencentRec: Real-time Stream Recommendation in Practice (YH, BC, WZ, JJ, YX), pp. 227–238.
VLDB-2015-AkidauBCCFLMMPS #approach #bound #correctness #data flow #latency- The Dataflow Model: A Practical Approach to Balancing Correctness, Latency, and Cost in Massive-Scale, Unbounded, Out-of-Order Data Processing (TA, RB, CC, SC, RFM, RL, SM, DM, FP, ES, SW), pp. 1792–1803.
VLDB-2015-PapadopoulosPTT #authentication #pattern matching #proving- Practical Authenticated Pattern Matching with Optimal Proof Size (DP, CP, RT, NT), pp. 750–761.
ESOP-2015-TerauchiU #approach #refinement- Relaxed Stratification: A New Approach to Practical Complete Predicate Refinement (TT, HU), pp. 610–633.
ICSME-2015-DongAS #fault #static analysis #using- Practical and accurate pinpointing of configuration errors using static analysis (ZD, AA, KS), pp. 171–180.
ICSME-2015-PawelkaJ #case study #identifier #natural language- Is this code written in English? A study of the natural language of comments and identifiers in practice (TP, EJ), pp. 401–410.
MSR-2015-ThongtanunamMHI #bibliography #code review #empirical- Investigating Code Review Practices in Defective Files: An Empirical Study of the Qt System (PT, SM, AEH, HI), pp. 168–179.
SANER-2015-Cordy #txl- TXL source transformation in practice (JRC), pp. 590–591.
SANER-2015-KnodelNBV #risk management- Software risk management in practice: Shed light on your software product (JK, MN, EB, JV), pp. 592–594.
SANER-2015-MoralesMK #bibliography #case study #code review #design #quality- Do code review practices impact design quality? A case study of the Qt, VTK, and ITK projects (RM, SM, FK), pp. 171–180.
SANER-2015-Rahman- Investigating modern release engineering practices (MTR), pp. 607–608.
PEPM-2015-Krishnamurthi #challenge- Desugaring in Practice: Opportunities and Challenges (SK), pp. 1–2.
FM-2015-BringerCML #architecture #design #privacy #reasoning- Privacy by Design in Practice: Reasoning about Privacy Properties of Biometric System Architectures (JB, HC, DLM, RL), pp. 90–107.
FM-2015-KuritaIA #documentation #evolution #formal method #mobile #modelling- Practices for Formal Models as Documents: Evolution of VDM Application to “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware (TK, FI, KA), pp. 593–596.
ICFP-2015-Pavlinovic0W #fault #locality #smt- Practical SMT-based type error localization (ZP, TK, TW), pp. 412–423.
ICFP-2015-PloegC #exclamation- Practical principled FRP: forget the past, change the future, FRPNow! (AvdP, KC), pp. 302–314.
ICFP-2015-StuckiRUB #sequence- RRB vector: a practical general purpose immutable sequence (NS, TR, VU, PB), pp. 342–354.
GaM-2015-HeussnerPCM #concurrent #graph #object-oriented #towards #verification- Towards Practical Graph-Based Verification for an Object-Oriented Concurrency Model (AH, CMP, CC, BM), pp. 32–47.
CHI-2015-0001GH #challenge #design #framework #human-computer- Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap: Lessons and Challenges of Applying the Attachment Framework for Sustainable HCI Design (CR, SG, EMH), pp. 1305–1314.
CHI-2015-CecchinatoCB #bound #difference #email- Working 9-5?: Professional Differences in Email and Boundary Management Practices (MEC, ALC, JB), pp. 3989–3998.
CHI-2015-Clarke #design- The Work of Mad Men that Makes the Methods of Math Men Work: Practically Occasioned Segment Design (MFC), pp. 3275–3284.
CHI-2015-EntwistleRVBA #framework #human-computer #research- Beyond the Individual: The Contextual Wheel of Practice as a Research Framework for Sustainable HCI (JME, MKR, NV, RSB, MSA), pp. 1125–1134.
CHI-2015-GrayTG #design #user interface- Flow of Competence in UX Design Practice (CMG, ALT, SG), pp. 3285–3294.
CHI-2015-HarboeH- Real-World Affinity Diagramming Practices: Bridging the Paper-Digital Gap (GH, EMH), pp. 95–104.
CHI-2015-HillmanW #approach #social #social media- Situated Social Media Use: A Methodological Approach to Locating Social Media Practices and Trajectories (TH, AW), pp. 4057–4060.
CHI-2015-JacobsZ #collaboration #design #hybrid #tool support- Hybrid Practice in the Kalahari: Design Collaboration through Digital Tools and Hunter-Gatherer Craft (JJ, AZ), pp. 619–628.
CHI-2015-JonesCDTPDH #delphi #information management #using- “For Telling” the Present: Using the Delphi Method to Understand Personal Information Management Practices (WJ, RC, AD, JT, MAPQ, JDD, BMH), pp. 3513–3522.
CHI-2015-LordHCBWMF #mobile- Demand in My Pocket: Mobile Devices and the Data Connectivity Marshalled in Support of Everyday Practice (CL, MH, AKC, OB, RW, JM, AF), pp. 2729–2738.
CHI-2015-ManciniHAG #detection #interface #multi- Re-Centering Multispecies Practices: A Canine Interface for Cancer Detection Dogs (CM, RH, BA, CG), pp. 2673–2682.
CHI-2015-MaurielloNF #automation #comprehension #energy- Understanding the Role of Thermography in Energy Auditing: Current Practices and the Potential for Automated Solutions (MLM, LN, JEF), pp. 1993–2002.
CHI-2015-MullerHHW #design- Practice-based Design of a Neighborhood Portal: Focusing on Elderly Tenants in a City Quarter Living Lab (CM, DH, TH, VW), pp. 2295–2304.
CHI-2015-SmithBNHVBWO #gesture- Exploring Gesture Sonification to Support Reflective Craft Practice (TS, SJB, BN, JH, AV, JB, PCW, PO), pp. 67–76.
CHI-2015-WatkinsSL- Digital Collections and Digital Collecting Practices (RDW, AS, SEL), pp. 3423–3432.
CSCW-2015-MoghaddamNB #design #distributed #named- Procid: Bridging Consensus Building Theory with the Practice of Distributed Design Discussions (RZM, ZN, BPB), pp. 686–699.
CSCW-2015-RinglandWDH- Making “Safe”: Community-Centered Practices in a Virtual World Dedicated to Children with Autism (KER, CTW, LD, GRH), pp. 1788–1800.
CSCW-2015-SteinhardtJ- Anticipation Work: Cultivating Vision in Collective Practice (SBS, SJJ), pp. 443–453.
CSCW-2015-YoungL #research- (Re)defining Land Change Science through Synthetic Research Practices (ALY, WGL), pp. 431–442.
DUXU-DD-2015-HertleinHVSW #human-computer #usability #what- Practice What We Preach — Checking the Usability of HCI Conference Websites (FH, BH, MV, TS, CW), pp. 295–305.
DUXU-IXD-2015-PanY #design- A Practice on Wayfinding System Design with Service Design Thinking (JP, ZY), pp. 400–411.
DUXU-IXD-2015-RibeiroM #case study #community #design #education #health- Origins and Perspectives on Designing Virtual Communities of Practice for Permanent Education: A Case Study in the Collective Health Sector (CER, CRM), pp. 94–103.
DUXU-UI-2015-HeidtKBR #difference #gender #human-computer- Incommensurable Writings — Examining the Status of Gender Difference Within HCI Coding Practices (MH, KK, AB, PR), pp. 196–205.
HCI-DE-2015-Alessandrini #challenge #interactive #physics #programming #prototype- Practices, Technologies, and Challenges of Constructing and Programming Physical Interactive Prototypes (AA), pp. 132–142.
HCI-IT-2015-MaikeNGB #heuristic- Heuristics for NUI Revisited and Put into Practice (VRMLM, LdSBN, SKG, MCCB), pp. 317–328.
HCI-UC-2015-HessBFHKMNRLT #approach #ecosystem #mobile- Building Mobile Software Ecosystems — A Practical Approach (SH, SB, JF, MH, FK, DM, MN, DR, TL, MT), pp. 165–177.
HCI-UC-2015-LopesGCSO #community #evaluation #heuristic- Heuristic to Support the Sociability Evaluation in Virtual Communities of Practices (LAL, DFG, TAC, EMS, TFdO), pp. 3–14.
HIMI-IKC-2015-FilhoHTJM #smarttech #using- Using Wearable and Contextual Computing to Optimize Field Engineering Work Practices (RSSF, CLH, AT, JJ, PM), pp. 522–533.
LCT-2015-OnoOIY #case study #communication- Voice-Based Computer Mediated Communication for Individual Practice to Increase Speaking Proficiency: Construction and Pilot Study (YO, AO, MI, MY), pp. 115–123.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Hasheela #comparison #enterprise #scalability- On-premise ERP Organizational Post-implementation Practices — Comparison between Large Enterprises and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (VH), pp. 243–250.
ICEIS-v2-2015-BenincaHGLBM #bibliography #information management- Knowledge Management Practices in GSD — A Systematic Literature Review Update (RdAB, EHMH, EVCG, GCLL, RB, YM), pp. 365–373.
ICEIS-v2-2015-FilhoVC #experience #process- Applying Knowledge Codification in a Post-mortem Process — A Practical Experience (ESdSF, DV, TC), pp. 153–165.
SEKE-2015-GomedeSB #approach #lifecycle- A Practical Approach to Software Continuous Delivery Focused on Application Lifecycle Management (EG, RTDS, RMdB), pp. 320–325.
SIGIR-2015-Alonso #lessons learnt #quality #scalability- Practical Lessons for Gathering Quality Labels at Scale (OA), pp. 1089–1092.
ECOOP-2015-TakikawaFDFFTF #towards #type system- Towards Practical Gradual Typing (AT, DF, ED, MF, RBF, STH, MF), pp. 4–27.
SAC-2015-PianiniVB #named #programming- Protelis: practical aggregate programming (DP, MV, JB), pp. 1846–1853.
ICSE-v1-2015-GousiosZSD #challenge #development #perspective- Work Practices and Challenges in Pull-Based Development: The Integrator’s Perspective (GG, AZ, MADS, AvD), pp. 358–368.
ICSE-v1-2015-KalliamvakouDBS #collaboration #development #git #open source #using- Open Source-Style Collaborative Development Practices in Commercial Projects Using GitHub (EK, DED, KB, LS, DMG), pp. 574–585.
ICSE-v2-2015-BarnBR #on the #re-engineering- On the Role of Value Sensitive Concerns in Software Engineering Practice (BSB, RB, FR), pp. 497–500.
ICSE-v2-2015-Berghe #analysis #security #towards- Towards a Practical Security Analysis Methodology (AvDB), pp. 883–886.
ICSE-v2-2015-CzerwonkaGT #bibliography #code review #debugging #how- Code Reviews Do Not Find Bugs. How the Current Code Review Best Practice Slows Us Down (JC, MG, JT), pp. 27–28.
ICSE-v2-2015-Franch #requirements #state of the art- Software Requirements Patterns — A State of the Art and the Practice (XF), pp. 943–944.
ICSE-v2-2015-Hanakawa #contest #learning #motivation #re-engineering #student- Contest Based Learning with Blending Software Engineering and Business Management: For Students’ High Motivation and High Practice Ability (NH), pp. 360–369.
ICSE-v2-2015-LeeKW0 #design- Software Design Studio: A Practical Example (JL, GK, JW, CB), pp. 389–397.
ICSE-v2-2015-Morrison #evaluation #framework #security- A Security Practices Evaluation Framework (PM), pp. 935–938.
ICSE-v2-2015-PecchiaCCC #assessment #development #industrial #process- Industry Practices and Event Logging: Assessment of a Critical Software Development Process (AP, MC, GC, DC), pp. 169–178.
SLE-2015-LaurentM #parsing expression grammar- Parsing expression grammars made practical (NL, KM), pp. 167–172.
CC-2015-AfroozehI #gll #parsing #performance- Faster, Practical GLL Parsing (AA, AI), pp. 89–108.
HPDC-2015-PatkiLSMRSS #performance #resource management- Practical Resource Management in Power-Constrained, High Performance Computing (TP, DKL, AS, MM, BR, MS, BRdS), pp. 121–132.
LCTES-2015-StilkerichLES #analysis #embedded #realtime- A Practical Getaway: Applications of Escape Analysis in Embedded Real-Time Systems (IS, CL, CE, MS), p. 11.
PPoPP-2015-BensonB #framework #matrix #parallel #performance- A framework for practical parallel fast matrix multiplication (ARB, GB), pp. 42–53.
SOSP-2015-HawblitzelHKLPR #distributed #named #proving- IronFleet: proving practical distributed systems correct (CH, JH, MK, JRL, BP, MLR, STVS, BZ), pp. 1–17.
ICLP-J-2015-StulovaMH #runtime- Practical run-time checking via unobtrusive property caching (NS, JFM, MVH), pp. 726–741.
ISSTA-2015-GligoricEM #dependence #testing- Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies (MG, LE, DM), pp. 211–222.
ISSTA-2015-GongPSS #javascript #named- DLint: dynamically checking bad coding practices in JavaScript (LG, MP, MS, KS), pp. 94–105.
ISSTA-2015-YueAZ #automation #framework #generative #named #natural language #testing- RTCM: a natural language based, automated, and practical test case generation framework (TY, SA, MZ), pp. 397–408.
WICSA-2014-GalsterB #architecture #empirical #information management- Empirical Study of Architectural Knowledge Management Practices (MG, MAB), pp. 239–242.
WICSA-2014-KnodelN #architecture #evaluation #industrial- Software Architecture Evaluation in Practice: Retrospective on More Than 50 Architecture Evaluations in Industry (JK, MN), pp. 115–124.
ASE-2014-ParkKB #empirical #fault- An empirical study on reducing omission errors in practice (JP, MK, DHB), pp. 121–126.
ASE-2014-TillmannHX #automation #generative #testing- Transferring an automated test generation tool to practice: from pex to fakes and code digger (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 385–396.
DAC-2014-LiuCHWXY #3d #design- Design Methodologies for 3D Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits: a Practical 12-bit SAR ADC Design Case (WL, GC, XH, YW, YX, HY), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WangSYHC #functional- Practical Functional and Washing Droplet Routing for Cross-Contamination Avoidance in Digital Microfluidic Biochips (QW, YS, HY, TYH, YC), p. 6.
HT-2014-ChelaruHNS #communication #network- Recognizing skill networks and their specific communication and connection practices (SC, EH, KDN, PS), pp. 13–23.
SIGMOD-2014-IleanaCDK #constraints #query- Complete yet practical search for minimal query reformulations under constraints (II, BC, AD, YK), pp. 1015–1026.
SIGMOD-2014-QardajiYL #named- PriView: practical differentially private release of marginal contingency tables (WHQ, WY, NL), pp. 1435–1446.
SIGMOD-2014-TangXS #complexity #performance- Influence maximization: near-optimal time complexity meets practical efficiency (YT, XX, YS), pp. 75–86.
ITiCSE-2014-SimonCSCJ #student- Student perceptions of the acceptability of various code-writing practices (S, BC, JS, AC, CJ), pp. 105–110.
ITiCSE-2014-TollOWE #challenge #education #programming #student- The challenge of teaching students the value of programming best practices (DT, TO, AW, ME), p. 347.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-KnodelN #architecture #industrial- Mitigating the Risk of software change in practice: Retrospective on more than 50 architecture evaluations in industry (Keynote paper) (JK, MN), pp. 2–17.
ICSME-2014-BellomoENO #performance- Evolutionary Improvements of Cross-Cutting Concerns: Performance in Practice (SB, NAE, RLN, IO), pp. 545–548.
ICSME-2014-Shihab #predict #quality- Practical Software Quality Prediction (ES), pp. 639–644.
ICSME-2014-SteidlDPHU #quality- Continuous Software Quality Control in Practice (DS, FD, MP, RH, BUM), pp. 561–564.
STOC-2014-AlistarhCS #algorithm #concurrent #question- Are lock-free concurrent algorithms practically wait-free? (DA, KCH, NS), pp. 714–723.
AFL-2014-BerglundDM #backtracking #behaviour #regular expression- Analyzing Catastrophic Backtracking Behavior in Practical Regular Expression Matching (MB, FD, BvdM), pp. 109–123.
FM-2014-EstlerFNPM #contract- Contracts in Practice (HCE, CAF, MN, MP, BM), pp. 230–246.
FM-2014-RouxG #comparison #invariant #polynomial- Computing Quadratic Invariants with Min- and Max-Policy Iterations: A Practical Comparison (PR, PLG), pp. 563–578.
FM-2014-SanatiMM #decidability #guidelines #logic #metric #using- Analyzing Clinical Practice Guidelines Using a Decidable Metric Interval-Based Temporal Logic (MYS, WM, TSEM), pp. 611–626.
ICFP-2014-BergstromFLRS #effectiveness #higher-order #optimisation- Practical and effective higher-order optimizations (LB, MF, ML, JHR, NS), pp. 81–93.
ICFP-2014-OhoriUHNSMI #development #enterprise #industrial- SML# in industry: a practical ERP system development (AO, KU, KH, SN, TS, TM, YI), pp. 167–173.
GT-VMT-2014-ZambonR #problem #towards- Solving the N-Queens Problem with GROOVE — Towards a Compendium of Best Practices (EZ, AR).
CHI-2014-ChoeLLPK #comprehension- Understanding quantified-selfers’ practices in collecting and exploring personal data (EKC, NBL, BL, WP, JAK), pp. 1143–1152.
CHI-2014-DalsgardD #concept #human-computer #research #theory and practice- Between theory and practice: bridging concepts in HCI research (PD, CD), pp. 1635–1644.
CHI-2014-FastSWBB #ide #programming- Emergent, crowd-scale programming practice in the IDE (EF, DS, LW, JRB, MSB), pp. 2491–2500.
CHI-2014-Gray #design #evolution #user interface- Evolution of design competence in UX practice (CMG), pp. 1645–1654.
CHI-2014-GrimpeHJ #design #human-computer #policy #towards- Towards a closer dialogue between policy and practice: responsible design in HCI (BG, MH, MJ), pp. 2965–2974.
CHI-2014-KierasH #modelling #predict #towards #visual notation- Towards accurate and practical predictive models of active-vision-based visual search (DEK, AJH), pp. 3875–3884.
CHI-2014-KuuttiB #human-computer #research #towards- The turn to practice in HCI: towards a research agenda (KK, LJB), pp. 3543–3552.
CHI-2014-MentisCS #learning- Learning to see the body: supporting instructional practices in laparoscopic surgical procedures (HMM, AC, SDS), pp. 2113–2122.
CHI-2014-PritchardVBTO #how- Digitally driven: how location based services impact the work practices of London bus drivers (GWP, JV, PB, LT, PO), pp. 3617–3626.
CHI-2014-UrMHL #programming #smarttech- Practical trigger-action programming in the smart home (BU, EM, MPYH, MLL), pp. 803–812.
CSCW-2014-ForteDMA #network #online #social #student #what- What do teens ask their online social networks?: social search practices among high school students (AF, MD, RMM, DEA), pp. 28–37.
CSCW-2014-JacksonGP #design #policy #social- The policy knot: re-integrating policy, practice and design in cscw studies of social computing (SJJ, TG, SP), pp. 588–602.
CSCW-2014-LingelR #quote #tool support- “It’s in your spinal cord, it’s in your fingertips”: practices of tools and craft in building software (JL, TR), pp. 295–304.
CSCW-2014-MassimiHS #quote- “Real, but Glossy”: technology and the practical pursuit of magic in modern weddings (MM, RHRH, AS), pp. 854–865.
CSCW-2014-MugarOHCJ #online- Planet hunters and seafloor explorers: legitimate peripheral participation through practice proxies in online citizen science (GM, CSØ, KDH, KC, CBJ), pp. 109–119.
CSCW-2014-MurphyRX #case study #collaboration #privacy- Privacy practices in collaborative environments: a study of emergency department staff (ARM, MCR, HX), pp. 269–282.
CSCW-2014-OleksikMJ #collaboration #design- Study of electronic lab notebook design and practices that emerged in a collaborative scientific environment (GO, NMF, RJ), pp. 120–133.
CSCW-2014-Quinones- Cultivating practice & shepherding technology use: supporting appropriation among unanticipated users (PAQ), pp. 305–318.
DUXU-DI-2014-HusseinMT #development #human-computer #process #user interface #web- HCI Knowledge for UX Practices in the Web Development Process (IH, MM, AOMT), pp. 116–126.
DUXU-TMT-2014-BergerHE #design #interactive #prototype #towards- Towards a Vocabulary of Prototypes in Interaction Design — A Criticism of Current Practice (AB, MH, ME), pp. 25–32.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SilvaMLO #quality #usability #user interface- Evaluating Quality and Usability of the User Interface: A Practical Study on Comparing Methods with and without Users (CMS, VM, RL, MLLRO), pp. 318–328.
HCI-AS-2014-BovetR #experience #game studies- Assembling the Collective Experience of a Serious Game Mediation as an Interactional Practice (AB, MR), pp. 571–580.
HCI-TMT-2014-BorumBF #case study #tool support- The Resilience of Analog Tools in Creative Work Practices: A Case Study of LEGO Future Lab’s Team in Billund (NB, EPB, SRFM), pp. 23–34.
HCI-TMT-2014-Fross #architecture- Ergonomics in the Practice of Project Architect on Selected Examples (KF), pp. 77–85.
HCI-TMT-2014-SiliMMGP #automation #generative #question #user interface #what- A Practical Solution for the Automatic Generation of User Interfaces — What Are the Benefits of a Practical Solution for the Automatic Generation of User Interfaces? (MS, CCM, MM, MG, MP), pp. 445–456.
HIMI-AS-2014-TomotoH- Report on Practice of Note-Rebuilding Support System (TT, TH), pp. 127–136.
HIMI-DE-2014-BannaiKA #education #game studies #interface- Food Practice Shooter: A Serious Game with a Real-World Interface for Nutrition and Dietary Education (YB, TK, NA), pp. 139–147.
SCSM-2014-KamalNB #communication #distributed #mobile #product line #quote- “Presence in Absence”: Distributed Family Communication Practices for Familial Bonding via Mobile Communication Technology (FMK, NLMN, HB), pp. 474–485.
AdaEurope-2014-IliasovLR #approach #formal method- Practical Formal Methods in Railways — The SafeCap Approach (AI, IL, AR), pp. 177–192.
ICEIS-v2-2014-EstacioP #distributed #programming #set- A Set of Practices for Distributed Pair Programming (BJdSE, RP), pp. 331–338.
ICEIS-v3-2014-BuchdidPB #design #game studies- Playing Cards and Drawing with Patterns — Situated and Participatory Practices for Designing iDTV Applications (SBB, RP, MCCB), pp. 14–27.
ICEIS-v3-2014-RavasanRH #approach #framework #fuzzy #process #using- A Practical Framework for Business Process Management Suites Selection Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach (AZR, SR, HH), pp. 295–302.
CIKM-2014-DuQF #approach #fine-grained #owl- A Practical Fine-grained Approach to Resolving Incoherent OWL 2 DL Terminologies (JD, GQ, XF), pp. 919–928.
ICML-c1-2014-DenilMF #random- Narrowing the Gap: Random Forests In Theory and In Practice (MD, DM, NdF), pp. 665–673.
ICML-c2-2014-GaboardiAHRW #query- Dual Query: Practical Private Query Release for High Dimensional Data (MG, EJGA, JH, AR, ZSW), pp. 1170–1178.
ICML-c2-2014-SeldinS #algorithm #probability- One Practical Algorithm for Both Stochastic and Adversarial Bandits (YS, AS), pp. 1287–1295.
KDD-2014-BonchiGL #clustering #correlation #theory and practice- Correlation clustering: from theory to practice (FB, DGS, EL), p. 1972.
KDD-2014-PoaloH #case study #modelling #predict- Predictive modeling in practice: a case study from sprint (TDP, JH), p. 1517.
KMIS-2014-Muthaiyah #implementation #information management #theory and practice- Knowledge Management Technology Implementation — Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (SM), pp. 393–399.
KR-2014-LudwigK #difference #logic- Practical Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC TBoxes with Applications to Logical Difference (ML, BK).
SEKE-2014-ParkSHSHB #algorithm #resource management #search-based #using- Practical Human Resource Allocation in Software Projects Using Genetic Algorithm (JP, DS, GH, DS, JH, DHB), pp. 688–694.
SIGIR-2014-Carterette #information retrieval #statistics #testing #theory and practice- Statistical significance testing in information retrieval: theory and practice (BC), p. 1286.
MoDELS-2014-LiebelMTLH #embedded #modelling- Assessing the State-of-Practice of Model-Based Engineering in the Embedded Systems Domain (GL, NM, MT, AL, JH), pp. 166–182.
MoDELS-2014-LiebelMTLH #embedded #modelling- Assessing the State-of-Practice of Model-Based Engineering in the Embedded Systems Domain (GL, NM, MT, AL, JH), pp. 166–182.
OOPSLA-2014-AltidorS #java #refactoring- Refactoring Java generics by inferring wildcards, in practice (JA, YS), pp. 271–290.
POPL-2014-SergeyVJ #analysis #composition #higher-order #theory and practice- Modular, higher-order cardinality analysis in theory and practice (IS, DV, SLPJ), pp. 335–348.
REFSQ-2014-AbeleinP #communication #developer #scalability- State of Practice of User-Developer Communication in Large-Scale IT Projects — Results of an Expert Interview Series (UA, BP), pp. 95–111.
SAC-2014-Umatani #calculus #implementation- Practical implementation techniques of ambient calculus in conventional dynamic languages (SU), pp. 1345–1351.
FSE-2014-BaltesD #diagrams #sketching- Sketches and diagrams in practice (SB, SD), pp. 530–541.
FSE-2014-YingR #summary- Selection and presentation practices for code example summarization (ATTY, MPR), pp. 460–471.
FSE-2014-ZhouM #mining- Mining micro-practices from operational data (MZ, AM), pp. 845–848.
CGO-2014-YanXYR #detection #memory management #named- LeakChecker: Practical Static Memory Leak Detection for Managed Languages (DY, G(X, SY, AR), p. 87.
HPCA-2014-PeraisS- Practical data value speculation for future high-end processors (AP, AS), pp. 428–439.
OSDI-2014-BangertZ #generative #named #parsing- Nail: A Practical Tool for Parsing and Generating Data Formats (JB, NZ), pp. 615–628.
PPoPP-2014-DrachslerVY #concurrent #logic- Practical concurrent binary search trees via logical ordering (DD, MTV, EY), pp. 343–356.
PPoPP-2014-TimnatP #data type #simulation- A practical wait-free simulation for lock-free data structures (ST, EP), pp. 357–368.
ICST-2014-WojciakT #case study #combinator #concurrent #maintenance #testing- System Level Combinatorial Testing in Practice — The Concurrent Maintenance Case Study (PW, RTB), pp. 103–112.
VMCAI-2014-Romano #float #integer #testing- Practical Floating-Point Tests with Integer Code (AR), pp. 337–356.
ECSA-2013-AngelovTK #architecture #design- Software Reference Architectures — Exploring Their Usage and Design in Practice (SA, JJMT, RJK), pp. 17–24.
ECSA-2013-DimechB #approach #architecture #consistency #development #maintenance- Maintaining Architectural Conformance during Software Development: A Practical Approach (CD, DB), pp. 208–223.
ECSA-2013-MiesbauerW #bibliography #classification #design- Classification of Design Decisions — An Expert Survey in Practice (CM, RW), pp. 130–145.
ASE-2013-ChenJ #named #parallel #refactoring- JFlow: Practical refactorings for flow-based parallelism (NC, REJ), pp. 202–212.
DATE-2013-DarbelL #power management- SoC low-power practices for wireless applications (ND, SL), p. 778.
DATE-2013-ElfadelMA #formal method #industrial #manycore- Closed-loop control for power and thermal management in multi-core processors: formal methods and industrial practice (IME, RM, DA), pp. 1879–1881.
DATE-2013-ObergMSK #framework #hardware #testing- A practical testing framework for isolating hardware timing channels (JO, SM, TS, RK), pp. 1281–1284.
DATE-2013-PigorschS #locality- Lemma localization: a practical method for downsizing SMT-interpolants (FP, CS), pp. 1405–1410.
SIGMOD-2013-KoutrisUBHS #query #towards- Toward practical query pricing with QueryMarket (PK, PU, MB, BH, DS), pp. 613–624.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhuMXLTZ #distance #network #query #theory and practice #towards- Shortest path and distance queries on road networks: towards bridging theory and practice (ADZ, HM, XX, SL, YT, SZ), pp. 857–868.
VLDB-2013-BajajS #authentication #named #query #sql- CorrectDB: SQL Engine with Practical Query Authentication (SB, RS), pp. 529–540.
VLDB-2013-KellarisP #difference #privacy- Practical Differential Privacy via Grouping and Smoothing (GK, SP), pp. 301–312.
CSEET-2013-InagaWYKFYOKTK #development #education #effectiveness- Team characteristics for maximizing the educational effectiveness of practical lectures on software intensive systems development (SI, HW, YY, KK, YF, SY, MO, TK, MT, TK), pp. 264–268.
CSEET-2013-StettinaZBK #education #re-engineering #towards- Academic education of software engineering practices: towards planning and improving capstone courses based upon intensive coaching and team routines (CJS, ZZ, TB, BRK), pp. 169–178.
ITiCSE-2013-CrescenziEK #student #theory and practice- From theory to practice: NP-completeness for every CS student (PC, EE, VK), pp. 16–21.
TFPIE-2013-Tobin-HochstadtH- From Principles to Practice with Class in the First Year (STH, DVH), pp. 1–15.
CSMR-2013-Bauer #reuse- Facts and Fallacies of Reuse in Practice (VB), pp. 431–434.
CSMR-2013-PerezMK #case study #industrial #quality- A Pilot Study on Software Quality Practices in Belgian Industry (JP, TM, FK), pp. 395–398.
ICSM-2013-Hegedus #maintenance- Revealing the Effect of Coding Practices on Software Maintainability (PH), pp. 578–581.
ICSM-2013-LeTL #fault #locality #theory and practice- Theory and Practice, Do They Match? A Case with Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (TDBL, FT, DL), pp. 380–383.
ICSM-2013-RajlichH #question- Which Practices Are Suitable for an Academic Software Project? (VR, JH), pp. 440–443.
MSR-2013-RaemaekersNDV #locality #testing- Testing principles, current practices, and effects of change localization (SR, GFN, AvD, JV), pp. 257–266.
WCRE-2013-ChenSB13a #c #detection #memory management #named- MemBrush: A practical tool to detect custom memory allocators in C binaries (XC, AS, HB), pp. 477–478.
PEPM-2013-Hu #aspect-oriented #bidirectional #graph transformation- Practical aspects of bidirectional graph transformations (ZH), pp. 1–2.
PLDI-2013-CohenP #bound #towards- Limitations of partial compaction: towards practical bounds (NC, EP), pp. 309–320.
LATA-2013-HaberHMMR #performance #regular expression- Efficient Submatch Extraction for Practical Regular Expressions (SH, WH, PKM, MM, PR), pp. 323–334.
IFM-2013-GiachinoGLLW #analysis #concurrent #theory and practice- Deadlock Analysis of Concurrent Objects: Theory and Practice (EG, CAG, CL, ML, PYHW), pp. 394–411.
ICFP-2013-BernardyC #context-free grammar #divide and conquer #parsing #performance- Efficient divide-and-conquer parsing of practical context-free languages (JPB, KC), pp. 111–122.
ICFP-2013-CheneyLW #query- A practical theory of language-integrated query (JC, SL, PW), pp. 403–416.
CHI-2013-BaumerAKLSSW #case study #experience #facebook- Limiting, leaving, and (re)lapsing: an exploration of facebook non-use practices and experiences (EPSB, PA, VDK, TCL, MES, VSS, KW), pp. 3257–3266.
CHI-2013-BirdBKMF #constraints #development #matter #mobile- A matter of life and death: practical and ethical constraints in the development of a mobile verbal autopsy tool (JB, PB, KK, PM, EF), pp. 1489–1498.
CHI-2013-ComberHHMO #design- Food practices as situated action: exploring and designing for everyday food practices with households (RC, JH, AvH, PM, PO), pp. 2457–2466.
CHI-2013-DenefBK #social #social media #twitter- Social media and the police: tweeting practices of british police forces during the August 2011 riots (SD, PSB, NAK), pp. 3471–3480.
CHI-2013-HillmanNPO #network #quote #social- “Shared joy is double joy”: the social practices of user networks within group shopping sites (SH, CN, CP, EO), pp. 2417–2426.
CHI-2013-LeongW #music #social- Revisiting social practices surrounding music (TWL, PCW), pp. 951–960.
CHI-2013-Moncur #research- The emotional wellbeing of researchers: considerations for practice (WM), pp. 1883–1890.
CHI-2013-RoedlS #design #research- Design research at CHI and its applicability to design practice (DR, ES), pp. 1951–1954.
CHI-2013-TanenbaumWDT- Democratizing technology: pleasure, utility and expressiveness in DIY and maker practice (JT, AMW, AD, KT), pp. 2603–2612.
CHI-2013-ThiemeWJMLWOM #design #women- Design to promote mindfulness practice and sense of self for vulnerable women in secure hospital services (AT, JW, PJ, JCM, SEL, PCW, PO, TDM), pp. 2647–2656.
CSCW-2013-ChenX #comprehension #privacy- Privacy management in dynamic groups: understanding information privacy in medical practices (YC, HX), pp. 541–552.
CSCW-2013-GrayEVL #facebook- Who wants to know?: question-asking and answering practices among facebook users (RG, NBE, JV, CL), pp. 1213–1224.
CSCW-2013-ParkPC #design #documentation #locality #named- Local-universality: designing EMR to support localized informal documentation practices (SYP, KP, YC), pp. 55–66.
CSCW-2013-PiperDH #comprehension #documentation #education- Going digital: understanding paper and photo documentation practices in early childhood education (AMP, SD, JDH), pp. 1319–1328.
CSCW-2013-Snyder #collaboration- Drawing practices in image-enabled collaboration (JS), pp. 741–752.
DHM-SET-2013-MazzolaMBPAPP #process- Explicit Tracking in the Diagnostic Process for Hand Dermatological Practices (LM, SM, SB, FP, FA, ODP, PP), pp. 248–257.
DUXU-CXC-2013-HassB #testing #usability- Usability Testing Medical Devices: A Practical Guide to Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Success (CH, DB), pp. 407–416.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Wang13b #interactive- The Interactive Media between Human and the Sacred — An Example for Taiwanese Spiritual Practice (PFW), pp. 121–128.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Flanagan #feedback #how #interface- Haptic Interface Aesthetics — “Feedback Loops, Live Coding and How to Harness the Potential of Embodied Estrangement in Artistic Practices and Aesthetic Theories within Interface Culture” (PJF), pp. 58–67.
DUXU-PMT-2013-GreenwoodJ- Customer Recruitment: Ethical, Legal and Practical Issues (KG, AJ), pp. 273–282.
HCI-AS-2013-JokelaLN #usability- Usability in RFP’s: The Current Practice and Outline for the Future (TJ, JL, MN), pp. 101–106.
HCI-AS-2013-Rauch #enterprise #gamification #using- Best Practices for Using Enterprise Gamification to Engage Employees and Customers (MR), pp. 276–283.
HCI-UC-2013-BelliniBNP #network #recommendation- A Static and Dynamic Recommendations System for Best Practice Networks (PB, IB, PN, MP), pp. 259–268.
HIMI-D-2013-Zempo #effectiveness #modelling #standard #usability- Effective Practice of HCD by Usability Modeling and Standardization (HZ), pp. 393–399.
HILT-2013-Logozzo #contract #specification #verification- Practical specification and verification with code contracts (FL), pp. 7–8.
ICEIS-v2-2013-TrindadeGG #collaboration #community #concept #design #framework- Conceptual Framework for Design of Collaborative Environments — Cultivating Communities of Practices for Deaf Inclusion (DdFGT, CG, LSG), pp. 206–215.
CIKM-2013-Fagin #theory and practice- Applying theory to practice (RF), pp. 3–4.
ECIR-2013-RadlinskiH #evaluation #online #retrieval- Practical Online Retrieval Evaluation (FR, KH), pp. 878–881.
ICML-c2-2013-AroraGHMMSWZ #algorithm #modelling #topic- A Practical Algorithm for Topic Modeling with Provable Guarantees (SA, RG, YH, DMM, AM, DS, YW, MZ), pp. 280–288.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-AlwazaePK #classification #verification- Verifying the Usefulness of a Classification System of Best Practices (MMSA, EP, HK), pp. 405–412.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GengUA #algorithm #mining- Trajectory Pattern Mining in Practice — Algorithms for Mining Flock Patterns from Trajectories (XG, TU, HA), pp. 143–151.
KEOD-2013-MendesRB #development #information management #ontology #representation- Development and Population of an Elaborate Formal Ontology for Clinical Practice Knowledge Representation (DM, IPR, CFB), pp. 286–292.
SEKE-2013-SouzaV #agile #product line- Selecting Agile Practices for Developing Software Product Lines (S) (DSdS, PV), pp. 220–225.
SIGIR-2013-GaoYSL #internet #theory and practice- Internet advertising: theory and practice (BG, JY, DS, TYL), p. 1135.
ICMT-2013-KramerKSMKBJ #weaving- Achieving Practical Genericity in Model Weaving through Extensibility (MEK, JK, JRHS, BM, JK, OB, JMJ), pp. 108–124.
ICMT-2013-WieberS #approach #graph transformation #testing- Systematic Testing of Graph Transformations: A Practical Approach Based on Graph Patterns (MW, AS), pp. 205–220.
POPL-2013-Goodman #probability #programming- The principles and practice of probabilistic programming (NDG), pp. 399–402.
RE-2013-Cousins #architecture #challenge #industrial #requirements- Starchitects and Jack-Hammers: Requirements engineering challenges and practices in the construction industry (keynote) (FC), p. 2.
RE-2013-SaitoTHKA #quality #requirements #specification- Requirements clinic: Third party inspection methodology and practice for improving the quality of software requirements specifications (SS, MT, MH, TK, MA), pp. 290–295.
RE-2013-YuAMFC #industrial #state of the art- Practical applications of i∗ in industry: The state of the art (ESKY, DA, GM, XF, JC), pp. 366–367.
REFSQ-2013-BouillonMP #bibliography #requirements #traceability- A Survey on Usage Scenarios for Requirements Traceability in Practice (EB, PM, IP), pp. 158–173.
REFSQ-2013-Herrmann #requirements- Requirements Engineering in Practice: There Is No Requirements Engineer Position (AH), pp. 347–361.
SAC-2013-CohenA #composition #refactoring- Practical use of static composition of refactoring operations (JC, AA), pp. 1700–1705.
ESEC-FSE-2013-MadsenLF #framework #javascript #library #static analysis- Practical static analysis of JavaScript applications in the presence of frameworks and libraries (MM, BL, MF), pp. 499–509.
ESEC-FSE-2013-RigbyB #bibliography #convergence- Convergent contemporary software peer review practices (PCR, CB), pp. 202–212.
ICSE-2013-BellomoNO #agile #case study- A study of enabling factors for rapid fielding: combined practices to balance speed and stability (SB, RLN, IO), pp. 982–991.
ICSE-2013-BouwersDVa #metric- Software metrics: pitfalls and best practices (EB, AvD, JV), pp. 1491–1492.
ICSE-2013-PaganoB #case study #evolution- User involvement in software evolution practice: a case study (DP, BB), pp. 953–962.
ICSE-2013-Petre #uml- UML in practice (MP), pp. 722–731.
ICSE-2013-WangPXZ #feature model #interactive #multi- Improving feature location practice with multi-faceted interactive exploration (JW, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 762–771.
ICSE-2013-Zhang #semantics- Practical semantic test simplification (SZ), pp. 1173–1176.
SPLC-2013-ClementsRY- Barriers for SPL practice and paths to get over them (PCC, JR, KY), p. 289.
SPLC-2013-MarijanGSH #product line #testing- Practical pairwise testing for software product lines (DM, AG, SS, AH), pp. 227–235.
ASPLOS-2013-OhKJLA #automation- Practical automatic loop specialization (TO, HK, NPJ, JWL, DIA), pp. 419–430.
CGO-2013-ChoKWLLM #concurrent #source code- Practical lock/unlock pairing for concurrent programs (HKC, TK, YW, SL, HL, SAM), p. 12.
LCTES-2013-JangKL #algorithm #parallel- Practical speculative parallelization of variable-length decompression algorithms (HJ, CK, JWL), pp. 55–64.
SOSP-2013-CuiSLLBXYGB #named #reliability #runtime #thread- Parrot: a practical runtime for deterministic, stable, and reliable threads (HC, JS, YHL, HL, BB, XX, JY, GAG, REB), pp. 388–405.
CAV-2013-ArmoniFJ #approach- SVA and PSL Local Variables — A Practical Approach (RA, DF, NJ), pp. 197–212.
ICLP-J-2013-Balduccini- ASP with non-herbrand partial functions: a language and system for practical use (MB), pp. 547–561.
ICLP-J-2013-LiangK #analysis #logic programming #scalability #source code- A practical analysis of non-termination in large logic programs (SL, MK), pp. 705–719.
ISSTA-2013-RadoiD #concurrent #detection #java #parallel- Practical static race detection for Java parallel loops (CR, DD), pp. 178–190.
ISSTA-2013-WeiR #analysis #javascript- Practical blended taint analysis for JavaScript (SW, BGR), pp. 336–346.
ASE-2012-YuLCZ #debugging #fault- Practical isolation of failure-inducing changes for debugging regression faults (KY, ML, JC, XZ), pp. 20–29.
CASE-2012-LiZH #realtime- A practical method for motor imagery based real-time prosthesis control (YNL, XDZ, ZXH), pp. 1052–1056.
CASE-2012-ParkBPB #development- Development of an anthropomorphic robot hand aimed at practical use for wide service robot application (SWP, JHB, JHP, MB), pp. 431–435.
CASE-2012-ParkM #behaviour #bound #clustering #hybrid #linear #performance #tool support- Performance bounds for hybrid flow lines: Fundamental behavior, practical features and application to linear cluster tools (KP, JRM), pp. 371–376.
VLDB-2012-BailisVFHS #bound- Probabilistically Bounded Staleness for Practical Partial Quorums (PB, SV, MJF, JMH, IS), pp. 776–787.
VLDB-2012-GetoorM #challenge- Entity Resolution: Theory, Practice & Open Challenges (LG, AM), pp. 2018–2019.
CSEET-2012-DingLLS #collaboration #in the cloud #re-engineering #research- Research on Remote Collaborative Engineering Practices for Master of Software Engineering Based on Cloud Computing Environment (QD, XL, YL, ZS), pp. 110–114.
CSEET-2012-LiuML #education #re-engineering- The Exploration and Practice of Gradually Industrialization Model in Software Engineering Education — A Factual Instance of the Excellent Engineer Plan of China (SL, PM, DL), pp. 23–31.
ITiCSE-2012-SchaferMB #student- Best practices for time-management of student groups with heterogeneous effort (AS, MM, RB), p. 377.
ICSM-2012-SuvorovNHZA #case study #empirical #kernel #linux- An empirical study of build system migrations in practice: Case studies on KDE and the Linux kernel (RS, MN, AEH, YZ, BA), pp. 160–169.
ICSM-2012-ZhangPXZ #developer #what #why- Cloning practices: Why developers clone and what can be changed (GZ, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 285–294.
MSR-2012-Zhang #case study #experience- MSR 2012 keynote: Software analytics in practice — Approaches and experiences (DZ), p. 1.
SEFM-2012-BicknellRBCS #approach #using #verification- A Practical Approach for Closed Systems Formal Verification Using Event-B (BB, JR, MJB, JC, CFS), pp. 323–332.
ICFP-2012-Chitil #contract #lazy evaluation- Practical typed lazy contracts (OC), pp. 67–76.
ICGT-2012-GolasLEG #flexibility #formal method #graph grammar #towards- Toward Bridging the Gap between Formal Foundations and Current Practice for Triple Graph Grammars — Flexible Relations between Source and Target Elements (UG, LL, HE, HG), pp. 141–155.
CHI-2012-DombrowskiVHM #case study- The labor practices of service mediation: a study of the work practices of food assistance outreach (LD, AV, GRH, MM), pp. 1977–1986.
CHI-2012-EscobedoNBHRGTH #mobile #named #social- MOSOCO: a mobile assistive tool to support children with autism practicing social skills in real-life situations (LE, DHN, LAB, SHH, AR, DGR, MT, GRH), pp. 2589–2598.
CHI-2012-FolstadLH #analysis #bibliography #evaluation #usability- Analysis in practical usability evaluation: a survey study (AF, EL, KH), pp. 2127–2136.
CHI-2012-KratzMS #gesture- Making gestural input from arm-worn inertial sensors more practical (LK, DM, TSS), pp. 1747–1750.
CHI-2012-WeibelFEFHH #research- Digital pen and paper practices in observational research (NW, AF, CE, WF, EH, JDH), pp. 1331–1340.
CSCW-2012-KolkoHBSGKN #adaptation #collaboration- Adapting collaborative radiological practice to low-resource environments (BEK, AH, WB, KS, WG, MK, RN), pp. 97–106.
CSCW-2012-LingelTSN- Practices of information and secrecy in a punk rock subculture (JL, AT, JS, MN), pp. 157–166.
CSCW-2012-Meum #process- Electronic medication management: a socio — technical change process in clinical practice (TM), pp. 877–886.
CSCW-2012-Rosner12a #collaboration- The material practices of collaboration (DKR), pp. 1155–1164.
CAiSE-2012-MartinCM #assessment #empirical #process- Process Redesign for Liquidity Planning in Practice: An Empirical Assessment (JM, TC, AM), pp. 581–596.
CAiSE-2012-PastorE #code generation #modelling #requirements- Full Model-Driven Practice: From Requirements to Code Generation (OP, SE), pp. 701–702.
ICEIS-v2-2012-HanadaOKM #java #ml #ocl #uml- Practical Application of a Translation Tool from UML/OCL to Java Skeleton with JML Annotation (KH, KO, SK, KM), pp. 389–394.
CIKM-2012-ThonangiB0 #concurrent- A practical concurrent index for solid-state drives (RT, SB, JY), pp. 1332–1341.
ICML-2012-AvronKKS #performance #probability- Efficient and Practical Stochastic Subgradient Descent for Nuclear Norm Regularization (HA, SK, SPK, VS), p. 46.
ICPR-2012-AbazaHB #metric #quality #recognition- Quality metrics for practical face recognition (AA, MAFH, TB), pp. 3103–3107.
KDD-2012-SatoKN #process- Practical collapsed variational bayes inference for hierarchical dirichlet process (IS, KK, HN), pp. 105–113.
KMIS-2012-Chai-ArayalertN #approach #information management #towards- Towards a Semiotic Approach to Practice-oriented Knowledge Transfer (SCA, KN), pp. 119–124.
KMIS-2012-CrawfordBSMM #information management #re-engineering- Knowledge Management and Creativity Practices in Software Engineering (BC, CLdlB, RS, SM, EM), pp. 277–280.
KMIS-2012-Grim-YefsahD #information management #outsourcing- Knowledge Transfer in Practice — A Socio-technical System for the Transition in Outsourcing (MGY, JD), pp. 223–228.
KR-2012-GrastienHT #theory and practice- Conflict-Based Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems: Theory and Practice (AG, PH, ST).
KR-2012-KazakovKS #logic #product line #reasoning- Practical Reasoning with Nominals in the EL Family of Description Logics (YK, MK, FS).
SEKE-2012-BagheriSS #named #synthesis #trade-off- Spacemaker: Practical Formal Synthesis of Tradeoff Spaces for Object-Relational Mapping (HB, KJS, SHS), pp. 688–693.
ECOOP-2012-OliveiraC #algebra- Extensibility for the Masses — Practical Extensibility with Object Algebras (BCdSO, WRC), pp. 2–27.
ECOOP-2012-WestbrookZBS #parallel- Practical Permissions for Race-Free Parallelism (EMW, JZ, ZB, VS), pp. 614–639.
OOPSLA-2012-MullerC #concurrent #towards- Towards a practical secure concurrent language (SM, SC), pp. 57–74.
PADL-2012-BalducciniL #aspect-oriented #tool support- Practical and Methodological Aspects of the Use of Cutting-Edge ASP Tools (MB, YL), pp. 78–92.
RE-2012-Cleland-HuangMMA #recommendation #traceability- Breaking the big-bang practice of traceability: Pushing timely trace recommendations to project stakeholders (JCH, PM, MM, SA), pp. 231–240.
SAC-PL-J-2009-J-BiggarVG12 #compilation #scripting language- A practical solution for achieving language compatibility in scripting language compilers (PB, EdV, DG), pp. 971–989.
SAC-2012-WeiWRR #artificial reality #challenge #framework- Examining the practical challenges of an Augmented Reality cyber-infrastructure framework (CW, CNW, RR, JR), pp. 531–536.
FSE-2012-AcharyaR #impact analysis #industrial #slicing- Practical change impact analysis based on static program slicing for industrial software systems (MA, BR), p. 13.
ICSE-2012-AndronickJKKSZZ #perspective #process #scalability #verification- Large-scale formal verification in practice: A process perspective (JA, DRJ, GK, RK, MS, HZ, LZ), pp. 1002–1011.
ICSE-2012-BavotaLFOZ #approach #education #project management #re-engineering- Teaching software engineering and software project management: An integrated and practical approach (GB, ADL, FF, RO, CZ), pp. 1155–1164.
ICSE-2012-GreilerDS #case study #plugin #testing- Test confessions: A study of testing practices for plug-in systems (MG, AvD, MADS), pp. 244–254.
ICSE-2012-ReissBL #programming- Code Bubbles: A practical working-set programming environment (SPR, JNB, JJLJ), pp. 1411–1414.
ICSE-2012-Sprenger #case study #experience #how #industrial #re-engineering- How software engineering can benefit from traditional industries — A practical experience report (Invited industrial talk) (TS), p. 1000.
ICSE-2012-WrightP- Release engineering practices and pitfalls (HKW, DEP), pp. 1281–1284.
ICSE-2012-YuanPZ #open source- Characterizing logging practices in open-source software (DY, SP, YZ), pp. 102–112.
ICSE-2012-ZhangX #tutorial- Software analytics in practice: Mini tutorial (DZ, TX), p. 997.
ICSE-2012-ZhangYZFZZO #api #automation #parametricity #recommendation- Automatic parameter recommendation for practical API usage (CZ, JY, YZ, JF, XZ, JZ, PO), pp. 826–836.
CSL-2012-Lynce #named #satisfiability- Satisfiability: where Theory meets Practice (Invited Talk) (IL), pp. 12–13.
ICST-2012-EldhS #case study #challenge #industrial #mobile #robust #testing- Robustness Testing of Mobile Telecommunication Systems: A Case Study on Industrial Practice and Challenges (SE, DS), pp. 895–900.
ICST-2012-RamlerKP #combinator #design #lessons learnt- Combinatorial Test Design in the TOSCA Testsuite: Lessons Learned and Practical Implications (RR, TK, WP), pp. 569–572.
ICST-2012-YuL #debugging #fault #towards- Towards Practical Debugging for Regression Faults (KY, ML), pp. 487–490.
RTA-2012-Anai #algebra #geometry- Computational Real Algebraic Geometry in Practice (Invited Talk) (HA), p. 1.
SMT-2012-Biere #aspect-oriented #satisfiability- Practical Aspects of SAT Solving (AB), p. 1.
VLDB-2011-ZhangM0 #matrix #revisited #theory and practice- Storing Matrices on Disk: Theory and Practice Revisited (YZ, KM, JY), pp. 1075–1086.
CSEET-2011-DingLZGSW #education #re-engineering #research- Research and practice on software engineering undergraduate curriculum NJU-SEC2006 (ED, BL, DZ, JG, DS, HW), pp. 492–496.
CSEET-2011-LiB #education #process #re-engineering #research #validation #verification- Making winners for both education and research: Verification and validation process improvement practice in a software engineering course (QL, BWB), pp. 304–313.
CSEET-2011-MacekK #development #student- The practical method of motivating students to iterative software development (OM, MK), pp. 512–516.
CSEET-2011-Sun #challenge #education #re-engineering- The challenge and practice of creating Software Engineering curriculum (YS), pp. 497–501.
ITiCSE-2011-Harrach #feedback #research- Best practices for peer feedback in interdisciplinary research groups (SH), p. 348.
ITiCSE-2011-Mahmoud #development #education #mobile- Best practices in teaching mobile application development (QHM), p. 333.
ITiCSE-2011-SheardD #student- Computing student practices of cheating and plagiarism: a decade of change (JS, MD), pp. 233–237.
ITiCSE-2011-VihavainenPLK #scalability- Extreme apprenticeship method: key practices and upward scalability (AV, MP, ML, JK), pp. 273–277.
FoSSaCS-2011-Kobayashi #algorithm #automaton #higher-order #linear #model checking #recursion- A Practical Linear Time Algorithm for Trivial Automata Model Checking of Higher-Order Recursion Schemes (NK0), pp. 260–274.
CSMR-2011-JurgensHDFSW #testing- Regression Test Selection of Manual System Tests in Practice (EJ, BH, FD, MF, CS, AW), pp. 309–312.
CSMR-2011-SalehieLTDLM #testing- Prioritizing Requirements-Based Regression Test Cases: A Goal-Driven Practice (MS, SL, LT, RD, SL, MM), pp. 329–332.
ICSM-2011-KuhnK #combinator #detection #fault #testing- Practical combinatorial (t-way) methods for detecting complex faults in regression testing (RK, RK), p. 599.
SAS-2011-BlackshearCSS #analysis #precise- The Flow-Insensitive Precision of Andersen’s Analysis in Practice (SB, BYEC, SS, MS), pp. 60–76.
FM-2011-BowenR #case study #community #formal method- From a Community of Practice to a Body of Knowledge: A Case Study of the Formal Methods Community (JPB, SR), pp. 308–322.
SFM-2011-SteffenHM #automaton #learning #perspective- Introduction to Active Automata Learning from a Practical Perspective (BS, FH, MM), pp. 256–296.
ICFP-2011-OhoriU #database #ml #programming language #standard- Making standard ML a practical database programming language (AO, KU), pp. 307–319.
AGTIVE-2011-Kocsis- Best Practices to Model Business Services in Complex IT Environments (ZK), p. 1.
CHI-2011-ChilanaKWGF #bibliography #usability- Post-deployment usability: a survey of current practices (PKC, AJK, JOW, TG, GWF), pp. 2243–2246.
CHI-2011-DantecFCBEKE #ubiquitous #women- Publics in practice: ubiquitous computing at a shelter for homeless mothers (CALD, RGF, JC, MB, JBE, WAK, WKE), pp. 1687–1696.
CHI-2011-GoodmanSW #comprehension #design #interactive- Understanding interaction design practices (EG, ES, RW), pp. 1061–1070.
CHI-2011-KimP #reuse- Practices in the creative reuse of e-waste (SK, EP), pp. 2395–2404.
CHI-2011-LinehanKLC #design #education #game studies #guidelines- Practical, appropriate, empirically-validated guidelines for designing educational games (CL, BK, SWL, GC), pp. 1979–1988.
CHI-2011-PierceP #interactive- Second-hand interactions: investigating reacquisition and dispossession practices around domestic objects (JP, EP), pp. 2385–2394.
CHI-2011-ShklovskiK #internet #online- Online contribution practices in countries that engage in internet blocking and censorship (IS, NK), pp. 1109–1118.
CSCW-2011-BagalkotS #collaboration #named #towards- MagicMirror: towards enhancing collaborative rehabilitation practices (NB, TS), pp. 593–596.
CSCW-2011-LiaoPLY #enterprise- Enterprise blogging in a global context: comparing Chinese and American practices (QL, SP, JCL, CY), pp. 35–44.
CSCW-2011-Masih #requirements #towards- Towards requirements engineering for a tumour removing robot: work-practice observation of surgical teams performing brain tumour surgery (AM), pp. 677–680.
CSCW-2011-WulfRPS #case study #design #framework #research- Engaging with practices: design case studies as a research framework in CSCW (VW, MR, VP, GS), pp. 505–512.
DUXU-v1-2011-BevanR #question #standard #usability- ISO 20282: Is a Practical Standard for the Usability of Consumer Products Possible? (NB, SR), pp. 119–127.
DUXU-v2-2011-MirandaHB11a #interactive #physics- Prospecting a New Physical Artifact of Interaction for iDTV: Results of Participatory Practices (LCdM, HHH, MCCB), pp. 167–176.
HCI-MIIE-2011-MajimaNMHNHA #evaluation #learning #mobile- Evaluation of Continuous Practice by Mobile Learning in Nursing Practical Training (YM, YN, YM, MH, YN, SH, HA), pp. 84–91.
HIMI-v1-2011-JeonKLW #analysis #security #smarttech- A Practical Analysis of Smartphone Security (WJ, JK, YL, DW), pp. 311–320.
IDGD-2011-HaiS #design #education #social- Design for All: Social Innovation and Service Design Education and Practice in China (JH, KWMS), pp. 514–523.
IDGD-2011-WelkerGS #design #evaluation #web- Designing Web Marketing that Works for Users: Finding Best Practices through Evaluation and Conversation (KW, FYG, SS), pp. 407–416.
ICEIS-J-2011-LemnaruP #classification #problem- Imbalanced Classification Problems: Systematic Study, Issues and Best Practices (CL, RP), pp. 35–50.
ICEIS-v2-2011-ChenGC #enterprise #recommendation- Enterprise Knowledge Practice and Recommendation based on HOTP Model (BC, YG, DC), pp. 444–450.
ICEIS-v2-2011-MaZ #research- Research and Practice of Group Decision Systems (SqM, YZ), pp. 287–290.
ICEIS-v2-2011-YeL #theory and practice- Analyzing Data from AVL/APC System for Improving Transit Management — Theory and Practice (YY, JL), pp. 267–274.
ICEIS-v3-2011-PereiraAPFS #development- SOA Practices and Patterns Applied in Global Software Development (MZP, JLNA, RP, MF, CRBdS), pp. 286–292.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Naderipour #ad hoc #industrial #mining #process #using- Mining of Ad-hoc Business Processes using Microsoft Sharepoint, Nitro & Prom 6.0 — An Industrial Practice (FN), pp. 413–418.
CIKM-2011-CachedaCFF #algorithm #analysis #dataset #nearest neighbour- Improving k-nearest neighbors algorithms: practical application of dataset analysis (FC, VC, DF, VF), pp. 2253–2256.
CIKM-2011-ClaudeL #graph #social #web- Practical representations for web and social graphs (FC, SL), pp. 1185–1190.
KDIR-2011-Liebowitz #information management- Knowledge Management and e-Learning: Putting Theory into Practice (JL), p. 5.
KEOD-2011-OgawaISAH #knowledge base #workflow- Acquisition of Service Practical Knowledge based on Ontologized Medical Workflow (TO, MI, MS, KA, KH), pp. 118–130.
KEOD-2011-PhamS #reasoning- Practical Goal-based Reasoning in Ontology-driven Applications (HP, DS), pp. 99–109.
KEOD-2011-PhamSD #composition #framework #workflow- A Practical Ontology-driven Workflow Composition Framework (HP, DS, RD), pp. 242–248.
KMIS-2011-BerkaniCN #community #online #semantics- Semantics and Knowledge Capitalization in Online Communities of Practice of e-Learning (LB, AC, ON), pp. 96–104.
KMIS-2011-Grim-YefsahRT #information management #outsourcing- Changing Provider in an Outsourced Information System Project — Good Practices for Knowledge Transfer (MGY, CRS, VTG), pp. 318–321.
KMIS-2011-MendesR11a #development #ontology #semantics- The BRIDG Model as the Most Authoritative Resource in Shared Semantics for Ontologies Development in Healthcare Practice (DM, IPR), pp. 379–383.
KMIS-2011-UrdzikovaJ #research- Complaints Management in Terms of Business Practice in Slovakia — Research Results (JU, MJ), pp. 302–305.
MLDM-2011-Bouguessa #approach #clustering #transaction- A Practical Approach for Clustering Transaction Data (MB), pp. 265–279.
SEKE-2011-VilainM #agile #case study- Neglecting Agile Principles and Practices: A Case Study (PV, AJBM), pp. 596–601.
SEKE-2011-XueJYPZ #industrial #scalability #variability- Scalability of Variability Management: An Example of Industrial Practice and Some Improvements (YX, SJ, PY, XP, WZ), pp. 705–710.
SIGIR-2011-RadlinskiY #evaluation #online #retrieval- Practical online retrieval evaluation (FR, YY), pp. 1301–1302.
BX-2011-Czarnecki #theory and practice- Model Synchronization: Theory and Practice (KC), p. 52.
BX-2011-Terwilliger #bidirectional #database #research- Bidirectional Transformations in Database Research and Practice (JT), p. 50.
MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
POPL-2011-TovP- Practical affine types (JAT, RP), pp. 447–458.
RE-2011-Berntsson-SvenssonGRTSFA #quality #requirements- Prioritization of quality requirements: State of practice in eleven companies (RBS, TG, BR, RT, AS, RF, AA), pp. 69–78.
RE-2011-FranqueiraTYWN #security- Risk and argument: A risk-based argumentation method for practical security (VNLF, TTT, YY, RW, BN), pp. 239–248.
REFSQ-2011-BakalovaDHW #agile #requirements #what- Agile Requirements Prioritization: What Happens in Practice and What Is Described in Literature (ZB, MD, AH, RW), pp. 181–195.
REFSQ-2011-Maiden #requirements #research- Delivering Requirements Research into Practice (NAMM), pp. 1–3.
SAC-2011-HauptPH #approach #programming language #type system- Type harvesting: a practical approach to obtaining typing information in dynamic programming languages (MH, MP, RH), pp. 1282–1289.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Bodden #approach #monitoring #runtime- Stateful breakpoints: a practical approach to defining parameterized runtime monitors (EB), pp. 492–495.
ICSE-2011-AcharyaR #impact analysis #industrial #slicing- Practical change impact analysis based on static program slicing for industrial software systems (MA, BR), pp. 746–755.
ICSE-2011-AdlerBRSSUZ #analysis #scalability #test coverage- Code coverage analysis in practice for large systems (YA, NB, OR, OS, NS, SU, AZ), pp. 736–745.
ICSE-2011-ArcuriB #algorithm #random #re-engineering #statistics #testing #using- A practical guide for using statistical tests to assess randomized algorithms in software engineering (AA, LCB), pp. 1–10.
ICSE-2011-BoehmV #challenge #estimation #research- Impact of software resource estimation research on practice: a preliminary report on achievements, synergies, and challenges (BWB, RV), pp. 1057–1065.
ICSE-2011-CadarGKPSTV #assessment #execution #symbolic computation #testing- Symbolic execution for software testing in practice: preliminary assessment (CC, PG, SK, CSP, KS, NT, WV), pp. 1066–1071.
ICSE-2011-HutchinsonRW #industrial #modelling- Model-driven engineering practices in industry (JH, MR, JW), pp. 633–642.
ICSE-2011-ZhangJHHZ #process #simulation- Impact of process simulation on software practice: an initial report (HZ, DRJ, DH, LH, LZ), pp. 1046–1056.
PLEASE-2011-Li #evolution #identification #product line- Identifying best practice by analyzing the evolution of the FISCAN MTMSIS software product line (DL), pp. 40–44.
CC-2011-MaKA #memory management #multi- Practical Loop Transformations for Tensor Contraction Expressions on Multi-level Memory Hierarchies (WM, SK, GA), pp. 266–285.
CGO-2011-BrueningZ #memory management- Practical memory checking with Dr. Memory (DB, QZ), pp. 213–223.
HPCA-2011-QureshiSLF #detection #online- Practical and secure PCM systems by online detection of malicious write streams (MKQ, AS, LL, MF), pp. 478–489.
LCTES-2011-Cullmann #analysis #novel #persistent #theory and practice- Cache persistence analysis: a novel approachtheory and practice (CC), pp. 121–130.
SOSP-2011-GuoWZHYZ #interface #model checking #reduction- Practical software model checking via dynamic interface reduction (HG, MW, LZ, GH, JY, LZ), pp. 265–278.
CAV-2011-DudkaPV #data type #logic #named #using- Predator: A Practical Tool for Checking Manipulation of Dynamic Data Structures Using Separation Logic (KD, PP, TV), pp. 372–378.
CAV-2011-RamosE #equivalence #verification- Practical, Low-Effort Equivalence Verification of Real Code (DAR, DRE), pp. 669–685.
ICST-2011-CzerwonkaDNTT #analysis #case study #experience #named #predict- CRANE: Failure Prediction, Change Analysis and Test Prioritization in Practice — Experiences from Windows (JC, RD, NN, AT, AT), pp. 357–366.
ICST-2011-LuoDQ #concurrent #detection #manycore #performance- Multicore SDK: A Practical and Efficient Deadlock Detector for Real-World Applications (ZDL, RD, YQ), pp. 309–318.
LICS-2011-Kobayashi #higher-order #model checking #theory and practice- Higher-Order Model Checking: From Theory to Practice (NK0), pp. 219–224.
RTA-2011-Tiwari- Rewriting in Practice (AT), pp. 3–8.
TLCA-2011-Tiwari- Rewriting in Practice (AT), pp. 6–8.
VMCAI-2011-ChengRKB #embedded #fault tolerance #game studies #synthesis #theory and practice #using- Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems Using Games: From Theory to Practice (CHC, HR, AK, CB), pp. 118–133.
VMCAI-2011-Logozzo #abstract interpretation #verification- Practical Verification for the Working Programmer with CodeContracts and Abstract Interpretation — (Invited Talk) (FL), pp. 19–22.
ECSA-2010-Webber #rest- REST in Practice (JW), p. 7.
QoSA-2010-GloahecFS #architecture- Good Architecture = Good (ADL + Practices) (VLG, RF, SS), pp. 167–182.
CASE-2010-AllenT #consistency #detection #fault #industrial #nondeterminism- Event-based fault detection of manufacturing cell: Data inconsistencies between academic assumptions and industry practice (LVA, DMT), pp. 426–432.
CASE-2010-AnandFLM #distributed #implementation #network #using- A practical implementation of distributed system control over an asynchronous Ethernet network using time stamped data (DMA, JGF, YSLB, JRM), pp. 515–520.
CASE-2010-NazeemR #approach #design #resource management- A practical approach to the design of maximally permissive liveness-enforcing supervisors for complex resource allocation systems (AN, SR), pp. 451–458.
CASE-2010-ThayerE #approach- Developing a practical approach to measuring sustainability for the proceedings of the 2010 IEEE society spring conference (JT, DEE), pp. 162–167.
DAC-2010-TruongB #architecture #design #manycore #modelling- Circuit modeling for practical many-core architecture design exploration (DT, BMB), pp. 627–628.
DATE-2010-JaffariA #estimation #monte carlo- Practical Monte-Carlo based timing yield estimation of digital circuits (JJ, MA), pp. 807–812.
ICSM-2010-Dig #parallel #refactoring #tutorial- A practical tutorial on refactoring for parallelism (DD), pp. 1–2.
PASTE-2010-AyewahP #analysis #null- Null dereference analysis in practice (NA, WP), pp. 65–72.
PASTE-2010-MizushimaMY #constant #parsing- Packrat parsers can handle practical grammars in mostly constant space (KM, AM, YY), pp. 29–36.
SCAM-2010-BastenS #ambiguity #detection #named- AMBIDEXTER: Practical Ambiguity Detection (BB, TvdS), pp. 101–102.
SAS-2010-AlbertAGPD #analysis #approach- From Object Fields to Local Variables: A Practical Approach to Field-Sensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP, DVRD), pp. 100–116.
IFL-2010-HinzeHJ #theory and practice- Theory and Practice of Fusion (RH, TH, DWHJ), pp. 19–37.
CHI-2010-ChilanaWK #comprehension #usability- Understanding usability practices in complex domains (PKC, JOW, AJK), pp. 2337–2346.
CHI-2010-SaponasTMTL #interface- Making muscle-computer interfaces more practical (TSS, DST, DM, JT, JAL), pp. 851–854.
CHI-2010-TerryKL #community #open source #usability- Perceptions and practices of usability in the free/open source software (FoSS) community (MAT, MK, BL), pp. 999–1008.
CSCW-2010-KeeganG #social #social media- Egalitarians at the gate: one-sided gatekeeping practices in social media (BK, DG), pp. 131–134.
AdaEurope-2010-GraydonKY #case study #dependence- Practical Limits on Software Dependability: A Case Study (PJG, JCK, XY), pp. 83–96.
CAiSE-2010-KrastevaID #agile #approach #development- Experience-Based Approach for Adoption of Agile Practices in Software Development Projects (IK, SI, AD), pp. 266–280.
EDOC-2010-NezhadBGSS #approach #process- IT Support Conversation Manager: A Conversation-Centered Approach and Tool for Managing Best Practice IT Processes (HRMN, CB, SG, SS, SS), pp. 247–256.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-RousseauCH #collaboration- A Practical Application of SOA — A Collaborative Marketplace (SR, OC, SH), pp. 332–336.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-Looso- A Generic Method for Best Practice Reference Model Application (SL), pp. 149–158.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-LopesSVS #concept #development #framework- A Conceptual Framework for the Development of Applications Centred on Context and Evidence-based Practice (ECL, US, VV, ACS), pp. 60–69.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-SetiawanS #analysis #process- Socialization of Work Practice through Business Process Analysis (MAS, SWS), pp. 165–170.
CIKM-2010-RaghavanI #probability #retrieval #theory and practice- Probabilistic first pass retrieval for search advertising: from theory to practice (HR, RI), pp. 1019–1028.
ICML-2010-KalyanakrishnanS #multi #performance #theory and practice- Efficient Selection of Multiple Bandit Arms: Theory and Practice (SK, PS), pp. 511–518.
ICPR-2010-ManjunathMS #classification #database #relational- A Practical Heterogeneous Classifier for Relational Databases (GM, MNM, DS), pp. 3316–3319.
ICPR-2010-RomeroTV #analysis #corpus #image- Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images: Results on the GERMANA Corpus and Analysis of Improvements Needed for Practical Use (VR, AHT, EV), pp. 2017–2020.
ICPR-2010-SuXCWM #concept #identification- EEG-based Personal Identification: from Proof-of-Concept to A Practical System (FS, LX, AC, YW, JM), pp. 3728–3731.
KEOD-2010-GrutterWD #development #lessons learnt #ontology- Practical Ontology Development — Some Lessons Learnt (RG, BW, CD), pp. 467–470.
KMIS-2010-Kenfack #collaboration #communication #community #information management- JADE Agent is Intermediation System (JAIS) for Knowledge Emergence in Community of Practices — Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing (CK), pp. 372–377.
KMIS-2010-Rodriguez-EliasRVM #approach #information management- Integrating Current Practices and Information Systems in KM Initiatives — A Knowledge Management Audit Approach (OMRE, CERG, AV, AIMG), pp. 71–80.
SEKE-2010-TibermacineSGFS #automation #evolution #towards- Towards an Automation of Software Evolution Good Practices (CT, SS, VLG, RF, SS), pp. 339–344.
MoDELS-v1-2010-GuerraLKP #named #theory and practice- Inter-modelling: From Theory to Practice (EG, JdL, DSK, RFP), pp. 376–391.
RE-2010-KomssiKPTM #challenge #development #documentation- Persuading Software Development Teams to Document Inspections: Success Factors and Challenges in Practice (MK, MK, MP, JT, TM), pp. 283–288.
RE-2010-SavolainenKV #agile #development #requirements- Transition to Agile Development — Rediscovery of Important Requirements Engineering Practices (JS, JK, AV), pp. 289–294.
SAC-2010-EspinozaBG #approach #formal method #reuse #traceability- A formal approach to reuse successful traceability practices in SPL projects (AE, GB, JG), pp. 2352–2359.
FSE-2010-BadreddinL #case study #industrial #prototype #research- A study of applying a research prototype tool in industrial practice (OBB, TCL), pp. 353–356.
FSE-2010-LiCK #analysis #detection #effectiveness- Practical and effective symbolic analysis for buffer overflow detection (LL, CC, NK), pp. 317–326.
ICSE-2010-ArtziDTP #fault #locality #web- Practical fault localization for dynamic web applications (SA, JD, FT, MP), pp. 265–274.
ICSE-2010-BudnikCK #automation #testing #theory and practice- Bridging the Gap Between the Theory and Practice of Software Test Automation (CJB, WKC, GMK), pp. 445–446.
ICSE-2010-CohenU #combinator #design- Combinatorial test design in practice (MBC, SU), pp. 495–496.
ICSE-2010-DeissenboeckHJ #clone detection #detection- Code clone detection in practice (FD, BH, EJ), pp. 499–500.
ICSE-2010-KornstaedtR #development #eclipse #float #framework- Staying afloat in an expanding sea of choices: emerging best practices for eclipse rich client platform development (AK, ER), pp. 59–67.
ICSE-2010-MedvidovicT #architecture #theory and practice- Software architecture: foundations, theory, and practice (NM, RNT), pp. 471–472.
ICSE-2010-TillmannHX #testing #theory and practice- Parameterized unit testing: theory and practice (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 483–484.
ICSE-2010-WangZ #case study #development #multi #policy- Penalty policies in professional software development practice: a multi-method field study (YW, MZ), pp. 39–47.
ICSE-2010-Wieringa #design- Design science methodology: principles and practice (RW), pp. 493–494.
SPLC-2010-GustavssonE #architecture #industrial #product line- Architecting Automotive Product Lines: Industrial Practice (HG, UE), pp. 92–105.
SPLC-2010-Schmid #comparison #development #distributed #modelling #variability- Variability Modeling for Distributed Development — A Comparison with Established Practice (KS), pp. 151–165.
SPLC-2010-UbayashiNH #embedded #product line #reliability- Context-Dependent Product Line Practice for Constructing Reliable Embedded Systems (NU, SN, MH), pp. 1–15.
CC-2010-NaeemLR #algorithm- Practical Extensions to the IFDS Algorithm (NAN, OL, JR), pp. 124–144.
HPDC-2010-MontanerSD #low cost #memory management- A practical way to extend shared memory support beyond a motherboard at low cost (HM, FS, JD), pp. 155–166.
PPoPP-2010-BronsonCCO #concurrent- A practical concurrent binary search tree (NGB, JC, HC, KO), pp. 257–268.
CAV-2010-Malacaria #data flow #question #theory and practice- Quantitative Information Flow: From Theory to Practice? (PM), pp. 20–22.
CAV-2010-Rybalchenko #constraints #theorem proving #theory and practice #verification- Constraint Solving for Program Verification: Theory and Practice by Example (AR), pp. 57–71.
CSL-2010-Rybalchenko #constraints #theorem proving #theory and practice #verification- Constraint Solving for Program Verification: Theory and Practice by Example (AR), p. 51.
ICTSS-2010-ShinboTAHS #network #performance #testing- Practical End-to-End Performance Testing Tool for High Speed 3G-Based Networks (HS, AT, SA, TH, KS), pp. 205–220.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-Babar #agile #architecture #case study #challenge #development #using- An exploratory study of architectural practices and challenges in using agile software development approaches (MAB), pp. 81–90.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-SavolainenM #architecture #comparison #research- Layered architecture revisited — Comparison of research and practice (JS, VM), pp. 317–320.
CASE-2009-SudarsanSS #industrial #metric #standard- Metrics, standards and industry best practices for sustainable manufacturing systems (RS, RDS, PS), pp. 472–477.
DAC-2009-FengZYTZ #algorithm #performance- Provably good and practically efficient algorithms for CMP dummy fill (CF, HZ, CY, JT, XZ), pp. 539–544.
VLDB-2009-ArenasPRR #theory and practice- Inverting Schema Mappings: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (MA, JP, JLR, CR), pp. 1018–1029.
VLDB-2009-CohenDDHW #analysis #big data- MAD Skills: New Analysis Practices for Big Data (JC, BD, MD, JMH, CW), pp. 1481–1492.
VLDB-2009-FriedmanPC #approach #named #pipes and filters #polymorphism #self #sql- SQL/MapReduce: A practical approach to self-describing, polymorphic, and parallelizable user-defined functions (EF, PMP, JC), pp. 1402–1413.
CSEET-2009-Kumar #approach #education #re-engineering- Innovative Teaching of Software Engineering: Practical Approach with Labs (SK), pp. 284–287.
CSEET-2009-SaurabhK #re-engineering- Software Engineering: A System Dynamics Simulated Pedagogical Practice (KS, BK), pp. 280–283.
ITiCSE-2009-Gibson #reuse- Software reuse and plagiarism: a code of practice (JPG), pp. 55–59.
ESOP-2009-StricklandTF #morphism #polymorphism- Practical Variable-Arity Polymorphism (TSS, STH, MF), pp. 32–46.
ICPC-2009-LiuM #static analysis- Practical static analysis for inference of security-related program properties (YL, AM), pp. 50–59.
ICSM-2009-HuangSWSW #industrial #legacy #mining #preprocessor- Preprocessing the noise in legacy user permission assignment data for role mining — An industrial practice (CH, JS, XW, YS, DW), pp. 403–406.
ICSM-2009-Mordal-ManetBDDWLBV #industrial #quality- The squale model — A practice-based industrial quality model (KMM, FB, SD, SD, HW, JL, FB, PV), pp. 531–534.
PLDI-2009-RoyPBMW #data flow #distributed #fine-grained #named- Laminar: practical fine-grained decentralized information flow control (IR, DEP, MDB, KSM, EW), pp. 63–74.
SAS-2009-SridharanF #analysis #complexity- The Complexity of Andersen’s Analysis in Practice (MS, SJF), pp. 205–221.
FM-2009-BicarreguiFLW #bibliography #formal method #industrial #perspective- Industrial Practice in Formal Methods: A Review (JB, JSF, PGL, JCPW), pp. 810–813.
FM-2009-VakkalankaVGK #execution #semantics #theory and practice- Reduced Execution Semantics of MPI: From Theory to Practice (SSV, AV, GG, RMK), pp. 724–740.
CEFP-2009-Kennedy #theory and practice- Types for Units-of-Measure: Theory and Practice (AK), pp. 268–305.
CHI-2009-HerringCKB #comprehension #design #exclamation #how #why- Getting inspired!: understanding how and why examples are used in creative design practice (SRH, CCC, JK, BPB), pp. 87–96.
CHI-2009-HuangHTNMMR #case study #chat #communication #social- Of social television comes home: a field study of communication choices and practices in tv-based text and voice chat (EMH, GH, JT, AN, NM, CJM, GR), pp. 585–594.
CHI-2009-KlasnjaCJGLPW #privacy #quote- “When I am on Wi-Fi, I am fearless”: privacy concerns & practices in everyday Wi-Fi use (PVK, SC, JJ, BG, LL, PP, DW), pp. 1993–2002.
CHI-2009-OleksikWTRKSMJ #lightweight #process- Lightweight tagging expands information and activity management practices (GO, MLW, CST, EMR, GK, GS, NMF, RJ), pp. 279–288.
CHI-2009-ReichlingW #automation #generative #recommendation- Expert recommender systems in practice: evaluating semi-automatic profile generation (TR, VW), pp. 59–68.
CHI-2009-SharminBCH #comprehension #design #information management #process #reuse- Understanding knowledge management practices for early design activity and its implications for reuse (MS, BPB, CC, KH), pp. 2367–2376.
CHI-2009-SnibbeR #interactive #multi #social- Social immersive media: pursuing best practices for multi-user interactive camera/projector exhibits (SSS, HR), pp. 1447–1456.
DHM-2009-KuramotoIST #comparison #education #physics #realtime #self- Augmented Practice Mirror: A Self-learning Support System of Physical Motion with Real-Time Comparison to Teacher’s Model (IK, YI, YS, YT), pp. 123–131.
HCD-2009-ItoIH #education- Practice of Promoting HCD Education by a Consumer-Electronics Manufacturer (JI, AI, TH), pp. 594–600.
HCI-AUII-2009-DetweilerB #guidelines #online #towards #trust- Trust in Online Technology: Towards Practical Guidelines Based on Experimentally Verified Theory (CD, JB), pp. 605–614.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SunSCC #multimodal- Building a Practical Multimodal System with a Multimodal Fusion Module (YS, Y(S, FC, VC), pp. 93–102.
HCI-VAD-2009-MitsuishiKHG #concept #distance #interactive #realtime- The Concept of IMPRESSION: An Interactive Instruction System and Its Practice for Real-Time Distance Lessons between U.S. and Japan (TM, FK, YH, KG), pp. 176–185.
HCI-VAD-2009-Peters #experience #performance- Influence of Real-World Ten-Pin Bowling Experience on Performance during First-Time Nintendo Wii Bowling Practice (KAP), pp. 396–405.
HIMI-DIE-2009-GarciaV #performance- Effects of Practice with Foot- and Hand-Operated Secondary Input Devices on Performance of a Word-Processing Task (FPG, KPLV), pp. 505–514.
HIMI-DIE-2009-MistrzykR #industrial #modelling- Practical Use of Task Models for Building and Modeling Operations Chart in the Industrial Production (TM, AR), pp. 140–148.
HIMI-DIE-2009-RottermannV #word- Reversing the Simon Effect with Prior Practice of Noncorresponding Location Words (AR, KPLV), pp. 287–295.
HIMI-DIE-2009-VuRR- The Effects of Practice and Speed Stress with Different Stimulus-Response Mappings (KPLV, AR, RR), pp. 709–717.
IDGD-2009-KondratovaG #design #development #interface #research- Cultural Interface Design Advisor Tool: Research Methodology and Practical Development Efforts (IK, IG), pp. 259–265.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-VinhasAM #realtime- Business Intelligence based on a Wi-Fi Real Time Positioning Engine — A Practical Application in a Major Retail Company (VV, PA, PM), pp. 11–16.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-MansourH #approach #database #framework #rule-based #using #xml- A Rule-based Approach and Framework for Managing Best Practices — An XML-based Management using Pure Database System Utilities (EM, HH), pp. 109–115.
ICEIS-J-2009-CunhaAM #data mining #mining #reuse- Knowledge Reuse in Data Mining Projects and Its Practical Applications (RCLVC, PJLA, SRdLM), pp. 317–324.
ICEIS-J-2009-StruskaP #named #testing- BORM-points: Introduction and Results of Practical Testing (ZS, RP), pp. 590–599.
CIKM-2009-ChenPBSM #data mining #exclamation #lessons learnt #mining- Practical lessons of data mining at Yahoo! (YC, DP, PB, AS, AM), pp. 1047–1056.
KMIS-2009-BunVKV #challenge #community- Communities of Practice and the Challenge of Management Support (EB, PdV, GLK, WV), pp. 186–193.
KMIS-2009-DzhusupovaOJ #challenge- Organizing and Managing Knowledge for e-Government — Issues, Practices and Challenges (ZD, AKO, TJ), pp. 206–211.
KMIS-2009-Garrot-Lavoue #community #framework #information management #web- Interconnection of Communities of Practice — A Web Platform for Knowledge Management (ÉGL), pp. 13–20.
KMIS-2009-SaadaouiM #approach #development- Improving Software Development in SME through Knowledge Sharing — A Practical Approach (SS, FFM), pp. 313–317.
KMIS-2009-SerranoA #approach #implementation #information management #towards- Knowledge Management Implementation Methodology — Towards a Practical Approach (DBS, RMdA), pp. 305–308.
MoDELS-2009-BendixE #industrial #perspective #requirements- Requirements for Practical Model Merge — An Industrial Perspective (LB, PE), pp. 167–180.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #case study #domain-specific language- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
MoDELS-2009-BendixE #industrial #perspective #requirements- Requirements for Practical Model Merge — An Industrial Perspective (LB, PE), pp. 167–180.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #case study #domain-specific language- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
ECOOP-2009-BierhoffBA #api #protocol- Practical API Protocol Checking with Access Permissions (KB, NEB, JA), pp. 195–219.
GPCE-2009-WehrT #experience #interface- JavaGI in the battlefield: practical experience with generalized interfaces (SW, PT), pp. 65–74.
PADL-2009-EastlundF #towards- Toward a Practical Module System for ACL2 (CE, MF), pp. 46–60.
POPL-2009-HawblitzelP #automation #garbage collection #verification- Automated verification of practical garbage collectors (CH, EP), pp. 441–453.
RE-2009-DecreusSP #challenge #modelling #process- Practical Challenges for Methods Transforming i* Goal Models into Business Process Models (KD, MS, GP), pp. 15–23.
RE-2009-Zowghi #challenge #education #requirements- Requirements Engineering Education and Training: Key Challenges and Practical Solutions (DZ), p. 358.
REFSQ-2009-Berntsson-SvenssonGR #embedded #quality #requirements- Quality Requirements in Practice: An Interview Study in Requirements Engineering for Embedded Systems (RBS, TG, BR), pp. 218–232.
SAC-2009-BiagioniDPS #distributed- Practical distributed voter-verifiable secret ballot system (EB, YD, WP, KS), pp. 16–21.
SAC-2009-BiggarVG #compilation #scripting language- A practical solution for scripting language compilers (PB, EdV, DG), pp. 1916–1923.
SAC-2009-IorioRVZ #community #web- Where are your manners?: Sharing best community practices in the web 2.0 (ADI, DR, FV, SZ), pp. 681–687.
SAC-2009-JungHKY #evaluation #memory management #reliability- A practical evaluation of large-memory data processing on a reliable remote memory system (HJ, HH, SGK, HYY), pp. 343–344.
SAC-2009-KerschbaumDSB #communication #complexity #multi #on the #protocol- On the practical importance of communication complexity for secure multi-party computation protocols (FK, DD, AS, DB), pp. 2008–2015.
ESEC-FSE-2009-Bronsard #constraints #framework- Practical framework constraints (FB), pp. 273–276.
ESEC-FSE-2009-Petre #design- Insights from expert software design practice (MP), pp. 233–242.
GTTSE-2009-Selic #design #modelling #perspective #re-engineering #theory and practice- The Theory and Practice of Modeling Language Design for Model-Based Software Engineering — A Personal Perspective (BS), pp. 290–321.
SLE-2009-HerrmannsdoerferRW #evolution- Language Evolution in Practice: The History of GMF (MH, DR, GW), pp. 3–22.
SPLC-2009-ClementsFK #community #product line- Consolidating community consensus in product line practice (PCC, SRF, CWK), pp. 303–304.
ASPLOS-2009-MontesinosHKT #interface #multi #named- Capo: a software-hardware interface for practical deterministic multiprocessor replay (PM, MH, STK, JT), pp. 73–84.
CGO-2009-CuthbertsonVBAS #approach #hardware #monitoring #optimisation #performance #virtual machine- A Practical Approach to Hardware Performance Monitoring Based Dynamic Optimizations in a Production JVM (JC, SV, KB, AA, EK, US), pp. 190–199.
HPCA-2009-WenischFAFM #memory management #metadata #streaming- Practical off-chip meta-data for temporal memory streaming (TFW, MF, AA, BF, AM), pp. 79–90.
LCTES-2009-ZouABL #embedded #flexibility #graph #realtime #theory and practice- PTIDES on flexible task graph: real-time embedded systembuilding from theory to practice (JZ, JSA, DFB, EAL), pp. 31–40.
PPoPP-2009-VoVDGKT #source code #verification- Formal verification of practical MPI programs (AV, SSV, MD, GG, RMK, RT), pp. 261–270.
CADE-2009-Korovin #automation #reasoning #theory and practice- Instantiation-Based Automated Reasoning: From Theory to Practice (KK), pp. 163–166.
CAV-2009-DilligDA #integer #linear #proving- Cuts from Proofs: A Complete and Practical Technique for Solving Linear Inequalities over Integers (ID, TD, AA), pp. 233–247.
ICST-2009-Chowdhary #testing- Practicing Testability in the Real World (VC), pp. 260–268.
CBSE-2008-GamaD #approach #framework- A Practical Approach for Finding Stale References in a Dynamic Service Platform (KG, DD), pp. 246–261.
ECSA-2008-ChristensenH #architecture #industrial #prototype- Architectural Prototyping in Industrial Practice (HBC, KMH), pp. 196–209.
CASE-2008-ChenFCWL #industrial- Practical industrial robot zero offset calibration (HC, TAF, SC, JW, XL), pp. 516–521.
CASE-2008-LiuYGB #certification #functional #safety- Functional safety certification: Practice and issues (JL, CY, FG, SB), pp. 412–417.
DAC-2008-DavisTYZ #configuration management #hardware #satisfiability- A practical reconfigurable hardware accelerator for Boolean satisfiability solvers (JDD, ZT, FY, LZ), pp. 780–785.
DAC-2008-GolsonC #implementation #physics #theory and practice- Flow engineering for physical implementation: theory and practice (SG, PC), p. 1.
DAC-2008-KwonYHMCE #approach #memory management #parallel- A practical approach of memory access parallelization to exploit multiple off-chip DDR memories (WCK, SY, SMH, BM, KMC, SKE), pp. 447–452.
DAC-2008-ReyNKKAHCS #question- DFM in practice: hit or hype? (JCR, NSN, ABK, FK, RA, CH, LC, VS), pp. 898–899.
DATE-2008-AsianVR #implementation #network- Practical Implementation of a Network Analyzer for Analog BIST Applications (MJBA, DV, AR), pp. 80–85.
DATE-2008-CertnerLPTAD #approach #parallel #performance #predict #source code- A Practical Approach for Reconciling High and Predictable Performance in Non-Regular Parallel Programs (OC, ZL, PP, OT, FA, ND), pp. 740–745.
DATE-2008-StrakaMBK #aspect-oriented #metric #quality- Theoretical and Practical Aspects of IDDQ Settling-Impact on Measurement Timing and Quality (BS, HARM, JB, SK), pp. 1310–1315.
DocEng-2008-KerneTDK #documentation #framework #object-oriented #xml- A concise XML binding framework facilitates practical object-oriented document engineering (AK, ZOT, BD, MK), pp. 62–65.
SIGMOD-2008-CecchetCA #database #middleware #replication #theory and practice- Middleware-based database replication: the gaps between theory and practice (EC, GC, AA), pp. 739–752.
VLDB-2008-AguileraGS #distributed #scalability- A practical scalable distributed B-tree (MKA, WMG, MAS), pp. 598–609.
ITiCSE-2008-Connolly #design #development #education #multi #using- Complecto mutatio: teaching software design best practices using multi-platform development (RWC), p. 345.
ITiCSE-2008-FullerK #student- Assessing students’ practice of professional values (UF, BK), pp. 88–92.
ITiCSE-2008-PetkovicTT #assessment #comparison- Assessment and comparison of local and global SW engineering practices in a classroom setting (DP, GDT, RT), pp. 78–82.
ITiCSE-2008-Sheridan-RossGF #education- Practical tips for creating podcasts in higher education (JSR, AG, JF), p. 311.
ESOP-2008-PoswolskyS #dependent type #encoding #higher-order #programming- Practical Programming with Higher-Order Encodings and Dependent Types (AP, CS), pp. 93–107.
ICSM-2008-JiangZZZ #industrial #maintenance #product line- Maintaining software product lines — an industrial practice (MJ, JZ, HZ, YZ), pp. 444–447.
PEPM-2008-PietrzakCPH #analysis #composition #prolog #source code #verification- A practical type analysis for verification of modular prolog programs (PP, JC, GP, MVH), pp. 61–70.
PEPM-2008-PopeeaXC #array #bound #precise- A practical and precise inference and specializer for array bound checks elimination (CP, DNX, WNC), pp. 177–187.
PLDI-2008-BondhugulaHRS #automation #locality- A practical automatic polyhedral parallelizer and locality optimizer (UB, AH, JR, PS), pp. 101–113.
CHI-2008-Morris #bibliography #collaboration #web- A survey of collaborative web search practices (MRM), pp. 1657–1660.
CHI-2008-OHara #comprehension- Understanding geocaching practices and motivations (KO), pp. 1177–1186.
CHI-2008-SzentgyorgyiTL #game studies #social- Renegade gaming: practices surrounding social use of the Nintendo DS handheld gaming system (CS, MAT, EL), pp. 1463–1472.
CSCW-2008-Christensen #architecture #design #logic- The logic of practices of stigmergy: representational artifacts in architectural design (LRC), pp. 559–568.
CSCW-2008-EricksonDKH #named- Assistance: the work practices of human administrative assistants and their implications for it and organizations (TE, CMD, WAK, MEH), pp. 609–618.
CSCW-2008-IraniHD #online #visual notation- Situated practices of looking: visual practice in an online world (LI, GRH, PD), pp. 187–196.
AdaEurope-2008-Evequoz #concurrent #performance #using #word- Practical, Fast and Simple Concurrent FIFO Queues Using Single Word Synchronization Primitives (CE), pp. 59–72.
CAiSE-2008-MuehlenR #how #modelling #process- How Much Language Is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation (MzM, JR), pp. 465–479.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-Portillo-RodriguezSVP #community #trust- A Model to Rate Trust in Communities of Practice (JPR, JPS, AV, MP), pp. 193–198.
ICEIS-J-2008-BoglSPW08a #automation #identification #modelling #semantics- Semantic Annotation of EPC Models in Engineering Domains to Facilitate an Automated Identification of Common Modelling Practices (AB, MS, GP, NW), pp. 155–171.
ICPR-2008-JunejoF- Practical pure pan and pure tilt camera calibration (INJ, HF), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-TubiioLR #bibliography #elicitation #perspective- Obtaining Well-Founded Practices about Elicitation Techniques by Means of an Update of a Previous Systematic Review (ÓDT, ML, FR), pp. 769–772.
ECMDA-FA-2008-ClavelSBE #experience #industrial #modelling #security- Model-Driven Security in Practice: An Industrial Experience (MC, VTdS, CB, ME), pp. 326–337.
ECMDA-FA-2008-MarzulloPLSB #approach #assessment #performance #profiling- A Practical MDA Approach for Autonomic Profiling and Performance Assessment (FPM, RNP, DGL, JMdS, JRB), pp. 110–120.
MoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling- Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
MoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling- Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
ECOOP-2008-LienhardGN #debugging #object-oriented- Practical Object-Oriented Back-in-Time Debugging (AL, TG, ON), pp. 592–615.
OOPSLA-2008-DistefanoP #java #named #towards #verification- jStar: towards practical verification for java (DD, MJP), pp. 213–226.
OOPSLA-2008-MuscheviciPTN #multi- Multiple dispatch in practice (RM, AP, EDT, JN), pp. 563–582.
GPCE-2008-SavgaRGA #framework- Practical refactoring-based framework upgrade (IS, MR, SG, UA), pp. 171–180.
RE-2008-BreauxABD #case study #industrial #requirements- Legal Requirements, Compliance and Practice: An Industry Case Study in Accessibility (TDB, AIA, KB, MD), pp. 43–52.
RE-2008-Monzon #approach #product line #requirements #reuse- A Practical Approach to Requirements Reuse in Product Families of On-Board Systems (AM), pp. 223–228.
RE-2008-SmithG #requirements- Gameplay to Introduce and Reinforce Requirements Engineering Practices (RS, OG), pp. 95–104.
RE-2008-UusitaloKKD #requirements #testing- Linking Requirements and Testing in Practice (EJU, MK, MK, AMD), pp. 265–270.
REFSQ-2008-Daneva #concept #enterprise #estimation #simulation- Integrating Portfolio Management and Simulation Concepts in the ERP Project Estimation Practice (MD), pp. 147–152.
SAC-2008-AndresAN #experience #formal method #information management #using- Using formal methods to develop a complex information system: a practical/theoretical experience (CA, RGA, MN), pp. 848–849.
SAC-2008-DennyM #lr #parsing- IELR(1): practical LR(1) parser tables for non-LR(1) grammars with conflict resolution (JED, BAM), pp. 240–245.
ICSE-2008-RigbyGS #bibliography #case study #open source- Open source software peer review practices: a case study of the apache server (PCR, DMG, MADS), pp. 541–550.
ICSE-2008-StapelLK #design #programming- Best practices in extreme programming course design (KS, DL, EK), pp. 769–776.
ICSE-2008-StoreyRBMS #debugging #developer #game studies #how- TODO or to bug: exploring how task annotations play a role in the work practices of software developers (MADS, JR, RIB, DM, JS), pp. 251–260.
SLE-2008-LiangD #evaluation #model transformation #txl #using- A Practical Evaluation of Using TXL for Model Transformation (HL, JD), pp. 245–264.
SLE-2008-Nilsson-NymanEH #semiparsing #using- Practical Scope Recovery Using Bridge Parsing (ENN, TE, GH), pp. 95–113.
SPLC-2008-Dalgarno08a #product line- Product Line Scoping in Practice (AMD), p. 363.
SPLC-2008-KrsekZRCD #case study #experience #product line #scalability- Experiences of Large Banks: Hurdles and Enablers to the Adoption of Software Product Line Practices in Large Corporate Organisations (MK, JvZ, RR, BC, ND), pp. 161–169.
SPLC-2008-Krueger08b #product line- Pragmatic Methods for Commercial Software Product Line Engineering Practice (CWK), p. 376.
SPLC-2008-KruegerCB #product line- HomeAway’s Transition to Software Product Line Practice: Engineering and Business Results in 60 Days (CWK, DC, RB), pp. 297–306.
ISMM-2008-JungY #detection #memory management #summary- Practical memory leak detector based on parameterized procedural summaries (YJ, KY), pp. 131–140.
PPoPP-2008-BrevnovDKYSCMS #case study #experience #java #memory management #transaction- Practical experiences with Java software transactional memory (EB, YD, BK, DY, VS, DyC, VM, SS), pp. 287–288.
CAV-2008-Bjesse #approach #industrial #model checking #word- A Practical Approach to Word Level Model Checking of Industrial Netlists (PB), pp. 446–458.
ISSTA-2008-PapiACPE #java- Practical pluggable types for java (MMP, MA, TLCJ, JHP, MDE), pp. 201–212.
QoSA-2007-BabarBG #architecture #empirical #evaluation #industrial- Factors Influencing Industrial Practices of Software Architecture Evaluation: An Empirical Investigation (MAB, LB, IG), pp. 90–107.
WICSA-2007-Bondi #performance #reliability #requirements- Best Practices for Writing and Managing Performance, Reliability, and Availability Requirements (ABB), p. 42.
ASE-2007-LagardeETG #concept #design #domain model #modelling #uml- Improving uml profile design practices by leveraging conceptual domain models (FL, HE, FT, SG), pp. 445–448.
ICDAR-2007-FuDLL #classification #effectiveness #recognition- An Effective and Practical Classifier Fusion Strategy for Improving Handwritten Character Recognition (QF, XD, TL, CL), pp. 1038–1042.
SIGMOD-2007-TrisslL #graph #performance #query #scalability- Fast and practical indexing and querying of very large graphs (ST, UL), pp. 845–856.
VLDB-2007-BernsteinH #model management #theory and practice- Model Management and Schema Mappings: Theory and Practice (PAB, HH), pp. 1439–1440.
VLDB-2007-ConsensBLA #information retrieval #web #xml- XML retrieval: db/ir in theory, web in practice (MPC, RABY, ML, SAY), pp. 1437–1438.
VLDB-2007-LuMZBWPY #named #ontology #reasoning- SOR: A Practical System for Ontology Storage, Reasoning and Search (JL, LM, LZ, JSB, CW, YP, YY), pp. 1402–1405.
CSEET-2007-Armarego07a- Beyond PBL: Preparing Graduates for Professional Practice (JA), pp. 175–183.
CSEET-2007-FrezzaT #behaviour #developer #testing- Testing as a Mental Discipline: Practical Methods for Affecting Developer Behavior (STF, MHT), pp. 355–356.
CSEET-2007-KanerP #education #learning #testing- Practice and Transfer of Learning in the Teaching of Software Testing (CK, SP), pp. 157–166.
ITiCSE-2007-Deibel #case study #experience #student- Studying our inclusive practices: course experiences of students with disabilities (KD), pp. 266–270.
ITiCSE-2007-Sheridan-Ross #multi #student- Practical tips for engaging students in team formation for multi-discipline computing projects (JSR), p. 360.
FASE-2007-DarvasL #implementation #reasoning- Practical Reasoning About Invocations and Implementations of Pure Methods (ÁD, KRML), pp. 336–351.
ICSM-2007-OsterlieW #debugging- Debugging Integrated Systems: An Ethnographic Study of Debugging Practice (TØ, AIW), pp. 305–314.
PEPM-2007-OchoaP #partial evaluation- Poly-controlled partial evaluation in practice (CO, GP), pp. 164–173.
PLDI-2007-CheremPR #analysis #detection #memory management #using- Practical memory leak detection using guarded value-flow analysis (SC, LP, RR), pp. 480–491.
PLDI-2007-LattnerLA #analysis #points-to- Making context-sensitive points-to analysis with heap cloning practical for the real world (CL, AL, VSA), pp. 278–289.
CIAA-J-2006-BastienCFR07 #exponential- Reducing Simple Grammars: Exponential against Highly-Polynomial Time in Practice (CB, JC, WF, WR), pp. 715–725.
CIAA-2007-Vardi #automaton #linear #model checking- Linear-Time Model Checking: Automata Theory in Practice (MYV), pp. 5–10.
LATA-2007-BourdailletG #sequence- Practical block sequence alignment with moves (JB, JGG), pp. 199–210.
AGTIVE-2007-AschenbrennerG #graph #graph grammar #using- Transforming Scene Graphs Using Triple Graph Grammars — A Practice Report (NA, LG), pp. 32–43.
CHI-2007-AvrahamiFH #bias #estimation- Biases in human estimation of interruptibility: effects and implications for practice (DA, JF, SEH), pp. 50–60.
CHI-2007-KumarPW #named #using- EyePoint: practical pointing and selection using gaze and keyboard (MK, AP, TW), pp. 421–430.
CHI-2007-LjungbladH- Transfer scenarios: grounding innovation with marginal practices (SL, LEH), pp. 737–746.
CHI-2007-MillerE #case study- Give and take: a study of consumer photo-sharing culture and practice (ADM, WKE), pp. 347–356.
CHI-2007-OHaraKGBSKR #social- Social practices in location-based collecting (KO, TK, MG, LB, BS, GK, JR), pp. 1225–1234.
CHI-2007-SinghCDAF #design #security #social- Password sharing: implications for security design based on social practice (SS, AC, CD, GA, MF), pp. 895–904.
CHI-2007-ToupsK #coordination #design #education- Implicit coordination in firefighting practice: design implications for teaching fire emergency responders (ZOT, AK), pp. 707–716.
HCI-AS-2007-KuramotoSST #motivation- An Entertainment System for Improving Motivation in Repeated Practice of Musical Instruments (IK, YS, YS, YT), pp. 278–283.
HCI-AS-2007-PengKLC #approach #tablet- The Practices of Scenario Observation Approach in Defining Medical Tablet PC Applications (CYP, WSK, YZL, WKC), pp. 518–524.
HCI-AS-2007-Yeh #3d- The Practice of Combining Cinematic Narrative with 3D Gameplay (CSIY), pp. 381–390.
HCI-IDU-2007-HuangLC #analysis #usability- The Practices of Usability Analysis to Wireless Facility Controller for Conference Room (DHH, YZL, WKC), pp. 490–498.
HCI-IDU-2007-HuHLC- The Practices of Scenario Study to Home Scenario Control (YHH, YTH, YZL, WKC), pp. 827–834.
HIMI-IIE-2007-VuGNSCCP #online #privacy #question #what- Examining User Privacy Practices While Shopping Online: What Are Users Looking for? (KPLV, FPG, DN, JS, BC, VC, RWP), pp. 792–801.
HIMI-MTT-2007-JungSL #collaboration #design #visualisation- Folksonomy-Based Collaborative Tagging System for Classifying Visualized Information in Design Practice (HoJ, MsS, KPL), pp. 298–306.
OCSC-2007-CetinVF #analysis #development #distributed #human-computer- An Analysis of Involvement of HCI Experts in Distributed Software Development: Practical Issues (GÇ, DV, SF), pp. 32–40.
OCSC-2007-HerreraONBAF #community #education #mobile- A Mobile Portfolio to Support Communities of Practice in Science Education (OAH, SFO, HAN, MB, RGA, DAF), pp. 416–425.
OCSC-2007-MarzialiC #communication #community #online- An E-Health Community of Practice: Online Communication in an E-Health Service Delivery Environment (EM, TC), pp. 395–405.
CAiSE-2007-BlaauboerSA #requirements #traceability- Deciding to Adopt Requirements Traceability in Practice (FB, KS, MNA), pp. 294–308.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Custers #problem #profiling- Risk Profiling of Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding — Practical Problems of Current Information Strategies (BHMC), pp. 90–94.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Demigha #ontology #requirements #standard- An Ontology Supporting the Daily Practice Requirements of Radiologists-Senologists with the Standard BI-Rads (SD), pp. 243–249.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-ErfurthRSHS #concept #development #domain-specific language #modelling #representation- Concepts of Model Driven Software Development in Practice — Generic Model Representation and DSL Interpretation (CE, WR, CS, DH, SS), pp. 278–286.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-SandkuhlOSSK #case study #experience #industrial #ontology #recommendation- Ontology Construction in Practice — Experiences and Recommendations from Industrial Cases (KS, AÖ, AVS, NS, AK), pp. 250–256.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-SteenbergenBB #architecture #development #enterprise- An Instrument for the Development of the Enterprise Architecture Practice (MvS, MvdB, SB), pp. 14–22.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-NoortHB #information management- Unconscious Emotional Information Processing: Theoretical Consequences and Practical Applications (MvdN, KH, PB), pp. 207–214.
ICEIS-J-2007-NetjesMRA07a #approach #process- Performing Business Process Redesign with Best Practices: An Evolutionary Approach (MN, SLM, HAR, WMPvdA), pp. 199–211.
ICEIS-J-2007-SteenbergenBB07a #approach #architecture #enterprise- A Balanced Approach to Developing the Enterprise Architecture Practice (MvS, MvdB, SB), pp. 240–253.
CIKM-2007-TamashiroTV #integration #query #towards- Towards practically feasible answering of regular path queries in lav data integration (MT, AT, SV), pp. 381–390.
ICML-2007-ZhangTK #clustering- Maximum margin clustering made practical (KZ, IWT, JTK), pp. 1119–1126.
KDD-2007-KohaviHS #web- Practical guide to controlled experiments on the web: listen to your customers not to the hippo (RK, RMH, DS), pp. 959–967.
KDD-2007-Sculley #feedback #learning- Practical learning from one-sided feedback (DS), pp. 609–618.
SEKE-2007-VilainFM #agile #framework #process- A Framework for Selecting Agile Practices and Defining Agile Software Processes (PV, PBF, TLM), pp. 25–28.
SIGIR-2007-LalmasBFFJ #community #comprehension #information management- Bridging the digital divide: understanding information access practices in an indian village community (ML, RB, MF, DMF, MJ), pp. 741–742.
ECMDA-FA-2007-BarberoJGB #approach- A Practical Approach to Model Extension (MB, FJ, JG, JB), pp. 32–42.
MoDELS-2007-BrownDJ #design #implementation- A Practical Perspective on the Design and Implementation of Service-Oriented Solutions (AWB, MD, SKJ), pp. 390–404.
MoDELS-2007-BrownDJ #design #implementation- A Practical Perspective on the Design and Implementation of Service-Oriented Solutions (AWB, MD, SKJ), pp. 390–404.
PPDP-2007-Lucas #proving #termination- Practical use of polynomials over the reals in proofs of termination (SL), pp. 39–50.
RE-2007-HeitmeyerJBA #development #lessons learnt- RE Theory Meets Software Practice: Lessons from the Software Development Trenches (CLH, RDJ, RB, MA), pp. 265–268.
RE-2007-Jacobson #process- Enough of RE Processes — Let’s Do Practices (IJ).
SAC-2007-LawleyR #declarative #implementation #model transformation- Implementing a practical declarative logic-based model transformation engine (ML, KR), pp. 971–977.
ESEC-FSE-2007-El-SheikhT #bibliography #development #web- A survey of web engineering practice in small Jordanian web development firms (AES, HT), pp. 481–490.
ESEC-FSE-2007-PatelBS #capacity #case study #using- A case study in assessing and improving capacity using an anatomy of good practice (MP, AB, KS), pp. 509–512.
ICSE-2007-DuimAS #education #re-engineering- Good Practices for Educational Software Engineering Projects (LvdD, JA, MS), pp. 698–707.
ICSE-2007-GrahamKW #architecture #trade-off- Agility and Experimentation: Practical Techniques for Resolving Architectural Tradeoffs (TCNG, RK, CW), pp. 519–528.
ICSE-2007-HonidenTYTW #architecture #development #re-engineering #tool support- Top SE: Educating Superarchitects Who Can Apply Software Engineering Tools to Practical Development in Japan (SH, YT, NY, KT, HW), pp. 708–718.
SPLC-2007-BeucheBDFGHJJKMW #product line #requirements #tool support #using- Using Requirements Management Tools in Software Product Line Engineering: The State of the Practice (DB, AB, HD, AF, HG, GH, DJ, IJ, RTK, TvdM, AW), pp. 84–96.
CC-2007-CheremR #analysis #lightweight #summary- A Practical Escape and Effect Analysis for Building Lightweight Method Summaries (SC, RR), pp. 172–186.
SOSP-2007-HaeberlenKD #distributed #named- PeerReview: practical accountability for distributed systems (AH, PK, PD), pp. 175–188.
SAT-2007-GomesHSS #theory and practice- Short XORs for Model Counting: From Theory to Practice (CPG, JH, AS, BS), pp. 100–106.
QoSA-2006-BucchiaroneMP #analysis #architecture #process- A Practical Architecture-Centric Analysis Process (AB, HM, PP), pp. 127–144.
QoSA-2006-Stafford #documentation- Documentation Principles and Practices That You Can Live with (JAS), pp. 3–4.
DAC-2006-AlpertKSW- Timing-driven Steiner trees are (practically) free (CJA, ABK, CCNS, QW), pp. 389–392.
DAC-2006-Gluska #verification- Practical methods in coverage-oriented verification of the merom microprocessor (AG), pp. 332–337.
DAC-2006-PomplSHNS #analysis #aspect-oriented #design #reliability- Practical aspects of reliability analysis for IC designs (TP, CS, MH, HN, JS), pp. 193–198.
DAC-2006-SingheeFMR #probability #statistics #tool support #towards- Probabilistic interval-valued computation: toward a practical surrogate for statistics inside CAD tools (AS, CFF, JDM, RAR), pp. 167–172.
DATE-2006-Liu- A practical method to estimate interconnect responses to variabilities (FL), pp. 545–546.
DATE-DF-2006-CarvalhoPJF #algorithm #fault tolerance #implementation- A practical implementation of the fault-tolerant daisy-chain clock synchronization algorithm on CAN (FCC, CEP, ETSJ, EPdF), pp. 189–194.
SIGMOD-2006-Cohen #theory and practice- User-defined aggregate functions: bridging theory and practice (SC), pp. 49–60.
SIGMOD-2006-Jonas #experience #scalability- Identity resolution: 23 years of practical experience and observations at scale (JJ), p. 718.
CSEET-2006-FrezzaT #behaviour #student #testing- Testing as a Mental Discipline: Practical Methods for Affecting Student Behavior (STF, MHT), p. 241.
CSEET-2006-ThompsonE #education #industrial #re-engineering- Workshop on Best Practice in Software Engineering: The Role of Industry in Software Engineering Education and Training (JBT, HME), p. 247.
ITiCSE-2006-PetkovicTT #comparison #education #evaluation #re-engineering- Teaching practical software engineering and global software engineering: evaluation and comparison (DP, GDT, RT), pp. 294–298.
TACAS-2006-JhalaM #approach #refinement- A Practical and Complete Approach to Predicate Refinement (RJ, KLM), pp. 459–473.
ICSM-2006-XingS #case study #eclipse #how #refactoring- Refactoring Practice: How it is and How it Should be Supported — An Eclipse Case Study (ZX, ES), pp. 458–468.
PLDI-2006-FeiM #execution #monitoring #named #runtime- Artemis: practical runtime monitoring of applications for execution anomalies (LF, SPM), pp. 84–95.
PLDI-2006-NeamtiuHSO #c- Practical dynamic software updating for C (IN, MWH, GS, MO), pp. 72–83.
FLOPS-2006-BartheFPR #coq #proving #reasoning #recursion- Defining and Reasoning About Recursive Functions: A Practical Tool for the Coq Proof Assistant (GB, JF, DP, VR), pp. 114–129.
CIAA-2006-BastienCFR #exponential- Reducing Simple Grammars: Exponential Against Highly-Polynomial Time in Practice (CB, JC, WF, WR), pp. 90–101.
ICFP-2006-Shapiro #concurrent #proving #source code- Practical proofs of concurrent programs (MS), p. 123.
CHI-2006-KristensenKP #design- Participatory design in emergency medical service: designing for future practice (MK, MK, LP), pp. 161–170.
CHI-2006-MamykinaMK #health- Investigating health management practices of individuals with diabetes (LM, EDM, DRK), pp. 927–936.
CHI-2006-OHaraBL #mobile #video- Everyday practices with mobile video telephony (KO, AB, ML), pp. 871–880.
CSCW-2006-CrabtreeOTCCG- The practical indispensability of articulation work to immediate and remote help-giving (AC, JO, PT, SC, TC, AG), pp. 219–228.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-LinHST #named #scheduling- LOGICRUNCHER — A Logistics Planning and Scheduling Decision Support System for Emerging EMS and 3PL Business Practices (RJL, JH, NSK, BT), pp. 176–181.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-CuaresmaVRVR #experience- A Practical Experience with NDT — The System to Measure the Grade of Handicap (MJEC, DV, JJGR, JTV, MMR), pp. 212–217.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-DaoHHRV #abstraction #mining #modelling #tool support #towards #uml- Towards Practical Tools for Mining Abstractions in UML Models (MD, MH, MRH, CR, PV), pp. 276–283.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-Weghorn #internet #network- Technology for Least-Cost Network Routing via Bluetooth and its Practical Application — Replacing Internet Access through Wireless Phone Networks by BT Data Links (HW), pp. 394–402.
CIKM-2006-SchutzeVP #classification #performance- Performance thresholding in practical text classification (HS, EV, JOP), pp. 662–671.
CIKM-2006-YangDB- Practical private data matching deterrent to spoofing attacks (YY, RHD, FB), pp. 852–853.
ICML-2006-GreeneC #clustering #documentation #kernel #problem- Practical solutions to the problem of diagonal dominance in kernel document clustering (DG, PC), pp. 377–384.
ICPR-v4-2006-LuC06a #3d #analysis #metric #using- Practical 3-D Shape Measurement Using Optimal Intensity-Modulated Projection and Intensity-Phase Analysis Techniques (CL, GC), pp. 870–873.
SEKE-2006-KimRK #component #quality- A Practical Quality Model for Evaluating Business Components (JHK, SYR, SDK), pp. 309–314.
ECMDA-FA-2006-CuadradoMT #model transformation #named- RubyTL: A Practical, Extensible Transformation Language (JSC, JGM, MMT), pp. 158–172.
MoDELS-2006-ZitoDD #question #uml- Package Merge in UML 2: Practice vs. Theory? (AZ, ZD, JD), pp. 185–199.
MoDELS-2006-ZitoDD #question #uml- Package Merge in UML 2: Practice vs. Theory? (AZ, ZD, JD), pp. 185–199.
PPDP-2006-LindahlS #type inference- Practical type inference based on success typings (TL, KFS), pp. 167–178.
PADL-2006-MacLartyS #debugging #declarative- Controlling Search Space Materialization in a Practical Declarative Debugger (IM, ZS), pp. 31–44.
RE-2006-BorgPS #capacity #requirements #scalability- Good Practice and Improvement Model of Handling Capacity Requirements of Large Telecommunication Systems (AB, MP, KS), pp. 240–245.
RE-2006-Young #requirements- Putting Requirements Theory into Practice at Northrop Grumman (RY), p. 263.
SAC-2006-KotsovinosW #named #scalability #trust- BambooTrust: practical scalable trust management for global public computing (EK, AW), pp. 1893–1897.
ICSE-2006-JiangS #c #correctness #named #source code #type system #validation- Osprey: a practical type system for validating dimensional unit correctness of C programs (LJ, ZS), pp. 262–271.
ICSE-2006-KobayashiKSP #agile #analysis #effectiveness #interactive- Analysis of the interaction between practices for introducing XP effectively (OK, MK, MS, EP), pp. 544–550.
ICSE-2006-Lange #modelling #quality #uml- Improving the quality of UML models in practice (CFJL), pp. 993–996.
ICSE-2006-OgasawaraIM #approach #development #process #scalability- Practical approach to development of SPI activities in a large organization: Toshiba’s SPI history since 2000 (HO, TI, TM), pp. 595–599.
ICSE-2006-RundleD #agile #using- Using return on investment to compare agile and plan-driven practices in undergraduate group projects (PJR, RGD), pp. 649–654.
ICSE-2006-SisonJORH #case study- Software practices in five ASEAN countries: an exploratory study (RS, SJ, SHO, WR, NNH), pp. 628–631.
SPLC-2006-JohnKLM #product line- A Practical Guide to Product Line Scoping (IJ, JK, TL, DM), pp. 3–12.
SPLC-2006-KircherSG #approach #challenge #product line- Transitioning to a Software Product Family Approach — Challenges and Best Practices (MK, CS, IG), pp. 163–171.
CGO-2006-HundtMC #layout #optimisation- Practical Structure Layout Optimization and Advice (RH, SM, DRC), pp. 233–244.
HPDC-2006-BuissonAP #adaptation #parallel #performance- Performance and Practicability of Dynamic Adaptation for Parallel Computing (JB, FA, JLP), pp. 331–332.
PPoPP-2006-JoinerGMP #education #parallel- Teaching parallel computing to science faculty: best practices and common pitfalls (DAJ, PG, TM, CP), pp. 239–246.
WICSA-2005-Clements #architecture #documentation- Software Architecture Documentation in Practice Session Report (PCC), pp. 257–258.
WICSA-2005-LungZG #architecture #what- Reflection on Software Architecture Practices — What Works, What Remains to Be Seen, and What Are the Gaps (CHL, MZ, NG), pp. 221–222.
WICSA-2005-WoodsH #architecture- Architecture Description Languages in Practice Session Report (EW, RH), pp. 243–246.
DAC-2005-WeiR #configuration management #implementation #power management #trade-off- Implementing low-power configurable processors: practical options and tradeoffs (JW, CR), pp. 706–711.
DATE-2005-Wu #testing- SOC Testing Methodology and Practice (CWW), pp. 1120–1121.
DRR-2005-RusuG #challenge #image #on the- On the challenges that handwritten text images pose to computers and new practical applications (AIR, VG), pp. 84–91.
ICDAR-2005-KogaMKTYY- Camera-based Kanji OCR for Mobile-phones: Practical Issues (MK, RM, TK, TT, MY, TY), pp. 635–639.
PODS-2005-BlumDMN #framework #privacy- Practical privacy: the SuLQ framework (AB, CD, FM, KN), pp. 128–138.
PODS-2005-Gottlob #algorithm- Computing cores for data exchange: new algorithms and practical solutions (GG), pp. 148–159.
SIGMOD-2005-BabcockC #approach #query #robust #towards- Towards a Robust Query Optimizer: A Principled and Practical Approach (BB, SC), pp. 119–130.
VLDB-2005-BernsteinDHIJMOSWW #database- Database Publication Practices (PAB, DJD, AH, ZGI, CSJ, HM, MTÖ, RTS, KYW, JW), pp. 1241–1246.
CSEET-2005-NikulaJSK #education #framework #industrial- Establishing the Current Practice in Industry as the Baseline for Educational Infrastructure: Case South-East Finland (UN, SJ, TS, MK), pp. 173–180.
CSEET-2005-ThompsonF #question #re-engineering- Best Practice: Is this the Cinderella Area of Software Engineering? (JBT, AJF), pp. 137–144.
CSEET-2005-Zeid #development #education #framework #object-oriented- Best Practices for Teaching Object-Oriented Framework Development (AZ), p. 257.
ITiCSE-2005-Mikulecky #education- Knowledge sharing as an innovative educational practice: educating knowledge technologies (PM), p. 355.
ITiCSE-2005-Vinha #learning #reuse #theory and practice- Reusable learning objects: theory to practice (AV), p. 413.
WRLA-2004-BragaM05 #composition #semantics- Modular Rewriting Semantics in Practice (CB, JM), pp. 393–416.
ICSM-2005-Chapin #evolution- Continuous Evolution: Practices and Issues (NC), p. 717.
ICSM-2005-OBrienBE #empirical #theory and practice- Empirically Studying Software Practitioners — Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (MPO, JB, CE), pp. 433–442.
FM-2005-Pretschner #modelling #testing- Model-Based Testing in Practice (AP), pp. 537–541.
CHI-2005-HornbaekF #development #problem #usability- Comparing usability problems and redesign proposals as input to practical systems development (KH, EF), pp. 391–400.
CHI-2005-VoidaGDEN #music- Listening in: practices surrounding iTunes music sharing (AV, REG, ND, WKE, MWN), pp. 191–200.
CHI-2005-WilliamsJFW- Children and emerging wireless technologies: investigating the potential for spatial practice (MW, OJ, CF, LW), pp. 819–828.
CAiSE-2005-ChenC #information management #metric #perspective- Measurement Practices for Knowledge Management: An Option Perspective (APC, MYC), pp. 387–399.
ICEIS-v1-2005-Mattsson #database #encryption #enterprise #implementation- A Practical Implementation of Transparent Encryption and Separation of Duties in Enterprise Databases — Protection against External and Internal Attacks on Databases (UTM), pp. 146–153.
ICEIS-v4-2005-JuretaKF #online- Best Practices Agent Patterns for On-Line Auctions (IJ, MK, SF), pp. 188–199.
CIKM-2005-ChenSZL #web- A practical system of keyphrase extraction for web pages (MC, JTS, HJZ, KYL), pp. 277–278.
CIKM-2005-HerzogLD #information management- SyynX solutions: practical knowledge management in a medical environment (CH, GL, MD), pp. 556–559.
ICML-2005-DrakeV #learning- A practical generalization of Fourier-based learning (AD, DV), pp. 185–192.
LSO-2005-FaegriDJLV #community #product line- Exploring Communities of Practice for Product Family Engineering (TEF, TD, LJ, PL, HvV), pp. 87–91.
LSO-2005-Fajtak #learning- Kick-off Workshops and Project Retrospectives: A Good Learning Software Organization Practice (FFF), pp. 112–114.
MLDM-2005-FerrandizB05a #dataset #evaluation- Supervised Evaluation of Dataset Partitions: Advantages and Practice (SF, MB), pp. 600–609.
PADL-2005-SaadP #framework #hybrid #logic programming #probability #towards- Towards a More Practical Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programming Framework (ES, EP), pp. 67–82.
RE-2005-AlexanderRM #industrial #process #requirements #what- What Influences the Requirements Process in Industry? A Report on Industrial Practice (IFA, SR, NAMM), pp. 411–415.
RE-2005-FanmuyPRDBWB #question #requirements- Are Requirements Engineering best practices the same for all industries? (GF, FP, JR, JD, SB, MW, PB), p. 448.
ICSE-2005-Zundorf #development #modelling- Story driven modeling: a practical guide to model driven software development (AZ), pp. 714–715.
CGO-2005-BondM #profiling- Practical Path Profiling for Dynamic Optimizers (MDB, KSM), pp. 205–216.
CGO-2005-GuoBTORA #analysis #low level #pointer- Practical and Accurate Low-Level Pointer Analysis (BG, MJB, ST, GO, ER, DIA), pp. 291–302.
ICLP-2005-NadathurL #higher-order #on the fly #unification- Practical Higher-Order Pattern Unification with On-the-Fly Raising (GN, NL), pp. 371–386.
TLCA-2005-BartheGP #polymorphism #termination #type system- Practical Inference for Type-Based Termination in a Polymorphic Setting (GB, BG, FP), pp. 71–85.
CBSE-2004-BertolinoM #component #performance- CB-SPE Tool: Putting Component-Based Performance Engineering into Practice (AB, RM), pp. 233–248.
DAC-2004-LiuPP #library #power management #question #what- Practical repeater insertion for low power: what repeater library do we need? (XL, YP, MCP), pp. 30–35.
DAC-2004-ZhaiBSF #scalability- Theoretical and practical limits of dynamic voltage scaling (BZ, DB, DS, KF), pp. 868–873.
HT-2004-MooreGBA #case study #hypermedia- Practical applitudes: case studies of applications of the ZigZag hypermedia system (AM, JG, TJB, HA), pp. 143–152.
PODS-2004-GottlobKBHF #theory and practice- The Lixto Data Extraction Project — Back and Forth between Theory and Practice (GG, CK, RB, MH, SF), pp. 1–12.
SIGMOD-2004-ArgeBHY #performance #worst-case- The Priority R-Tree: A Practically Efficient and Worst-Case Optimal R-Tree (LA, MdB, HJH, KY), pp. 347–358.
SIGMOD-2004-KosugiSM #named- SoundCompass: A Practical Query-by-Humming System (NK, YS, MM), pp. 881–886.
VLDB-2004-KoudasMS #database #flexibility #scalability #string- Flexible String Matching Against Large Databases in Practice (NK, AM, DS), pp. 1078–1086.
VLDB-2004-TataHP- Practical Suffix Tree Construction (ST, RAH, JMP), pp. 36–47.
VLDB-2004-TopaloglouDJMST #biology #data transformation #research- Biological Data Management: Research, Practice and Opportunities (TT, SBD, HVJ, VMM, EWS, MT), pp. 1233–1236.
ITiCSE-2004-McKennaL #concept #learning- Constructivist or instructivist: pedagogical concepts practically applied to a computer learning environment (PM, BL), pp. 166–170.
TACAS-2004-BardinFL #automaton #performance- FASTer Acceleration of Counter Automata in Practice (SB, AF, JL), pp. 576–590.
PLDI-2004-KodumalA #constraints #reachability #set- The set constraint/CFL reachability connection in practice (JK, AA), pp. 207–218.
AFP-2004-McBride04 #dependent type #named #programming- Epigram: Practical Programming with Dependent Types (CM), pp. 130–170.
CSCW-2004-BarrettKMHTP #analysis #tool support- Field studies of computer system administrators: analysis of system management tools and practices (RB, EK, PPM, EMH, LT, MP), pp. 388–395.
ICEIS-v1-2004-HezzahT #approach #design #enterprise #representation- Design and Representation of the Time Dimension in Enterprise Data Warehouses — A Business Related Practical Approach (AH, AMT), pp. 416–424.
ICEIS-v2-2004-PachonVRST #industrial #process- Practical Application of KDD Techniques to an Industrial Process (VP, JMV, FR, JCRS, JMT), pp. 309–314.
ICEIS-v3-2004-CaceresMC #agile #development #framework #information management #modelling #web- Integrating Agile and Model-Driven Practices in a Methodological Framework for the Web Information Systems Development (PC, EM, VdC), pp. 523–526.
ICEIS-v3-2004-CheungHY #problem- The Delegation Problem and Practical PKI-Based Solutions (VLSC, LCKH, SMY), pp. 73–84.
ICEIS-v3-2004-PerkinsC #authentication #case study #collaboration #design #industrial #process #social- E-Systems Design Through the Study of Authentic Work Practice — Social Activity Theory and the Case of University — Industry Collaboration (JP, SC), pp. 317–324.
CIKM-2004-ChuangC #approach #generative #topic- A practical web-based approach to generating topic hierarchy for text segments (SLC, LFC), pp. 127–136.
ICPR-v3-2004-NakaiTHOO #detection- A Practical Stereo Scheme for Obstacle Detection in Automotive Use (HN, NT, HH, YO, KO), pp. 346–350.
LSO-2004-Doran #agile #information management- Agile Knowledge Management in Practice (HDD), pp. 137–143.
LSO-2004-MontoniMRT #approach #community #information management #multi- Knowledge Acquisition and Communities of Practice: An Approach to Convert Individual Knowledge into Multi-organizational Knowledge (MM, RM, ARR, GHT), pp. 110–121.
OOPSLA-2004-BirkaE #type system- A practical type system and language for reference immutability (AB, MDE), pp. 35–49.
OOPSLA-2004-Millstein- Practical predicate dispatch (TDM), pp. 345–364.
RE-2004-Lamsweerde #requirements #research- Goal-Oriented Requirements Enginering: A Roundtrip from Research to Practice (AvL), pp. 4–7.
SAC-2004-Przelaskowski- Compression of mammograms for medical practice (AP), pp. 249–253.
FSE-2004-LevesonW #embedded #reuse- Making embedded software reuse practical and safe (NGL, KAW), pp. 171–178.
FSE-2004-SouzaRCMP #api #collaboration #development #how #multi- How a good software practice thwarts collaboration: the multiple roles of APIs in software development (CRBdS, DFR, LTC, DRM, JFP), pp. 221–230.
ICSE-2004-BaxterPM #evolution #program transformation #scalability- DMS®: Program Transformations for Practical Scalable Software Evolution (IDB, CWP, MM), pp. 625–634.
ICSE-2004-Card #re-engineering #statistics- Statistical Techniques for Software Engineering Practice (DNC), pp. 722–723.
SPLC-2004-NiemelaMT #architecture #evaluation #product line- Practical Evaluation of Software Product Family Architectures (EN, MM, AT), pp. 130–145.
SPLC-2004-StegerTBMPSF #case study #experience- Introducing PLA at Bosch Gasoline Systems: Experiences and Practices (MS, CT, BB, AM, OP, WS, SF), pp. 34–50.
CC-2004-McPeakN #generative #glr #named #parsing #performance- Elkhound: A Fast, Practical GLR Parser Generator (SM, GCN), pp. 73–88.
HPDC-2004-FosterGG #grid- The Grid2003 Production Grid: Principles and Practice (ITF, JG, SG, NM, ENM, AR, DS, AV, JS, SY, DA, RB, WD, JS, DY, IL, SS, CS, YX, MAA, EB, JA, LATB, ME, IF, LG, GEG, AH, JK, NK, RP, VS, JW, YW, KB, LS, JH, MA, LG, JH, FL, SP, RQ, SCS, GF, Jv, KC, KK, DS, HP, SC, KRJ, DEK, JL, DO, IS, BT, MG, RM, JL, TM, DB, CD, DE, RG, MM, YS, JSV, MW, YZ, XZ, PA, RC, BK, CP, JLR, AZ, SM, CTJ, JEP, TLT, HS, BC, ED, LF, CK, GM, NO, KV, KD, PM, MS, DB, PC, AD, CK, EP, AR, SK, BM, BB, PS), pp. 236–245.
DATE-2003-OgawaNCSWNST #approach #architecture #optimisation #transaction- A Practical Approach for Bus Architecture Optimization at Transaction Level (OO, SBdN, PC, KS, YW, HN, TS, YT), pp. 20176–20181.
DATE-2003-ZhangM #implementation #independence #satisfiability #using #validation- Validating SAT Solvers Using an Independent Resolution-Based Checker: Practical Implementations and Other Applications (LZ, SM), pp. 10880–10885.
ICDAR-2003-SimardSP #analysis #documentation #network #visual notation- Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Visual Document Analysis (PYS, DS, JCP), pp. 958–962.
CSEET-2003-BarbosaMLG #design #testing- Introducing Testing Practices into Objects and Design Course (EFB, JCM, RJL, MG), p. 279–?.
CSEET-2003-GnatzKPS #approach #education #re-engineering- A Practical Approach of Teaching Software Engineering (MG, LK, FP, TS), pp. 120–128.
CSEET-2003-StrooperCNS #education #re-engineering- Teaching Software Engineering Fundamentals to Practicing Engineers (PAS, DAC, SN, TS), pp. 36–43.
ITiCSE-2003-BarrosEDPS #programming #using- Using lab exams to ensure programming practice in an introductory programming course (JPB, LE, RD, RP, ES), pp. 16–20.
ITiCSE-2003-DiGianoGHC #co-evolution #design- Consolidating Ed-tech co-design best practices through the TRAILS project (CD, MG, JH, MC), p. 245.
ITiCSE-2003-Nodelman #learning #programming #theory and practice- Learning computer graphics by programming: linking theory and practice (VN), p. 261.
ITiCSE-2003-SheardD #question #student #what- Influences on cheating practice of graduate students in IT courses: what are the factors? (JS, MD), pp. 45–49.
ITiCSE-2003-TaylorP #source code- Putting ITiCSE into practice through NSF funding programs (HGT, JCP), p. 234.
IWPC-2003-Cordy03a #automation #industrial #maintenance- Comprehending Reality — Practical Barriers to Industrial Adoption of Software Maintenance Automation (JRC), pp. 196–206.
PLDI-2003-HeineL #c #c++ #detection #memory management- A practical flow-sensitive and context-sensitive C and C++ memory leak detector (DLH, MSL), pp. 168–181.
SIGAda-2003-Potratz #ada #comparison #embedded #implementation #java #realtime- A practical comparison between Java and Ada in implementing a real-time embedded system (EP), pp. 71–83.
ICEIS-v1-2003-BarkerD #database #implementation- Extended Protected Databases: A Practical Implementation (SB, PD), pp. 456–459.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BonacinB #design #towards- Designing Towards Supporting and Improving Co-Operative Organisational Work Practices (RB, MCCB), pp. 233–238.
ICEIS-v3-2003-SaeedA #analysis- Analysis of Level of Involvement of Six Best Practices of RUP in OOSP (MS, FA), pp. 523–526.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Zhao #analysis- Analysis of Business to Business Electronic Markets in China: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives (JZ), pp. 377–385.
KDD-2003-Piatetsky-ShapiroKR #array #data analysis- Capturing best practice for microarray gene expression data analysis (GPS, TK, SR), pp. 407–415.
SEKE-2003-MunchHD #clustering- A Practical Way to Use Clustering and Context Knowledge for Software Project Planning (JM, JH, AD), pp. 377–384.
PPDP-2003-PopeN #aspect-oriented #debugging #declarative #haskell- Practical aspects of declarative debugging in Haskell 98 (BP, LN), pp. 230–240.
RE-2003-MeadK #requirements- Requirements Engineering in Practice: Making the Business Case for Requirements Engineering (NRM, NK), p. 342.
RE-2003-NakamuraM #lessons learnt- Practical Lessons from 40 System Integrating Projects (TN, SM), p. 298.
SAC-2003-Cerrito #estimation #kernel #using #visualisation- Data Visualization Using Kernel Density Estimation to Examine Patterns of Physician Practice (PBC), pp. 275–279.
ICSE-2003-Card #metric- Practical Software Measurement (DNC), pp. 738–739.
ICSE-2003-ConstantineL #agile #approach #re-engineering #usability #user interface- Usage-Centered Software Engineering: An Agile Approach to Integrating Users, User Interfaces, and Usability into Software Engineering Practice (LLC, LADL), pp. 746–747.
CC-2003-LeagueST #compilation #java #precise- Precision in Practice: A Type-Preserving Java Compiler (CL, ZS, VT), pp. 106–120.
SOSP-2003-SekarVBBD #approach #execution- Model-carrying code: a practical approach for safe execution of untrusted applications (RS, VNV, SB, SB, DCD), pp. 15–28.
LICS-2003-Kwiatkowska #model checking #probability #theory and practice- Model checking for probability and time: from theory to practice (MZK), p. 351–?.
TestCom-2003-Bergengruen #perspective #testing- UMTS Terminal Testing: A Practical Perspective (OB), pp. 10–19.
WICSA-2002-Riva #architecture #re-engineering- Architecture Reconstruction in Practice (CR), pp. 159–173.
WICSA-2002-SmolanderP #architecture- Practical Rationale for Describing Software Architecture (KS, TP), pp. 113–125.
DAC-2002-AnastasakisDMS #performance- A practical and efficient method for compare-point matching (DA, RFD, HKTM, TS), pp. 305–310.
DATE-2002-ZhaoMB #compilation #design #modelling #set #using- Practical Instruction Set Design and Compiler Retargetability Using Static Resource Models (QZ, BM, TB), pp. 1021–1026.
VLDB-2002-CosleyLP #framework #named #recommendation #testing #using- REFEREE: An Open Framework for Practical Testing of Recommender Systems using ResearchIndex (DC, SL, DMP), pp. 35–46.
VLDB-2002-IlyasAE- Joining Ranked Inputs in Practice (IFI, WGA, AKE), pp. 950–961.
CSEET-2002-GooldH #re-engineering- Foundation Software Engineering Practices for Capstone Projects and Beyond (AG, PH), p. 140–?.
CSEET-2002-KroneJS #case study #education #industrial- When Theory Meets Practice: Enriching the CS Curriculum through Industrial Case Studies (JK, DWJ, MS), pp. 207–214.
CSEET-2002-Sebern #development #industrial- The Software Development Laboratory: Incorporating Industrial Practice in an Academic Environment (MJS), pp. 118–127.
CSEET-2002-WilliamsLHMMN #agile #re-engineering- Workshop 3: Integrating Agile Practices into Software Engineering Courses (LAW, MJL, GWH, MM, NRM, JFN), pp. 263–264.
ITiCSE-2002-SheardDMMW #student- Cheating and plagiarism: perceptions and practices of first year IT students (JS, MD, SM, IM, MW), pp. 183–187.
CSMR-2002-Raghavan #approach #mobile #re-engineering- A Practical Reengineering Approach for Mobile Terminal Software (GR), p. 193–?.
ICSM-2002-Wu #case study #re-engineering- Case Study on Software Engineering Practices with Parnas Tables (ZLW), p. 572.
WCRE-2002-StoermerOV #architecture #re-engineering- Practice Patterns for Architecture Reconstruction (CS, LO, CV), pp. 151–160.
PLDI-2002-FahndrichD #imperative #linear #programming- Adoption and Focus: Practical Linear Types for Imperative Programming (MF, RD), pp. 13–24.
IFL-2002-ArkelGS- Fusion in Practice (DvA, JHGvG, SS), pp. 51–67.
CHI-2002-MullerC #community #design #requirements #towards- Design as a minority discipline in a software company: toward requirements for a community of practice (MJM, KC), pp. 383–390.
CHI-2002-TaylorH #case study #mobile- Age-old practices in the “new world”: a study of gift-giving between teenage mobile phone users (AST, RHRH), pp. 439–446.
CHI-2002-VredenburgMSC #bibliography #design- A survey of user-centered design practice (KV, JYM, PWS, TC), pp. 471–478.
Ada-2002-Thom #ada #exclamation #integration #modelling #programming language #standard #uml #using- Conformity! A Practical Integration of Standards — A Case for using the Unified Modelling Language (UML) with the Ada Programming Language (FT), pp. 29–36.
AdaEurope-2002-CzarneckiHRVR #ada #analysis #approach #data flow #named- DataFAN: A Practical Approach to Data Flow Analysis for Ada 95 (KC, MH, ER, FV, AR), pp. 231–244.
CAiSE-2002-ArjonaCRT #semantics #web- A Practical Agent-Based Method to Extract Semantic Information from the Web (JLA, RC, ARC, MT), pp. 697–700.
CAiSE-2002-SmolanderP #architecture #communication- Describing and Communicating Software Architecture in Practice: Observations on Stakeholders and Rationale (KS, TP), pp. 117–133.
ICEIS-2002-JahankhaniA #e-commerce- E-Commerce Business Practices in the EU (HJ, SAA), pp. 929–936.
ICEIS-2002-Vellido #analysis #e-commerce #network- Neural Networks for B2C E-Commerce Analysis: Some Elements of Best Practice (AV), pp. 439–445.
ICPR-v3-2002-Sakano #how #learning #query #search-based- Genetic Translator: How to Apply Query Learning to Practical OCR (HS), pp. 184–187.
SEKE-2002-KarlstromR #programming- Decision support for extreme programming introduction and practice selection (DK, PR), pp. 835–841.
UML-2002-MiguelJS #case study #experience- Practical Experiences in the Application of MDA (MdM, JJ, SS), pp. 128–139.
ECOOP-2002-CheonL #approach #ml #testing- A Simple and Practical Approach to Unit Testing: The JML and JUnit Way (YC, GTL), pp. 231–255.
RE-2002-Doernemann #risk management- Tool-Based Risk Management Made Practical (HD), p. 192.
RE-2002-Hardiman #named #requirements- REDEST — 14 Best Practice SME Experiments with Innovative Requirements Gathering Techniques (SH), p. 191.
RE-2002-KauppinenKAL #how #requirements- Introducing Requirements Engineering: How to Make a Cultural Change Happen in Practice (MK, SK, TA, LL), pp. 43–51.
RE-2002-NawrockiJWW #programming #requirements- Extreme Programming Modified: Embrace Requirements Engineering Practices (JRN, MJ, BW, AW), pp. 303–310.
SAC-2002-GurrH #modelling #requirements- Modelling organisational practice in user requirements (CAG, GH), pp. 716–720.
SAC-2002-Huang #divide and conquer #parallel #theory and practice- Grid-enabled parallel divide-and-conquer: theory and practice (CHH), pp. 865–869.
ICSE-2002-ChandraGP #case study #industrial #model checking- Software model checking in practice: an industrial case study (SC, PG, CP), pp. 431–441.
ICSE-2002-ErdogmusBHRS #re-engineering- Software engineering economics: background, current practices, and future directions (MHE, BWB, WH, DJR, KJS), pp. 683–684.
ICSE-2002-GortonL #assessment #component #quality- Software component quality assessment in practice: successes and practical impediments (IG, AL), pp. 555–558.
ICSE-2002-Hazra #enterprise- Building enterprise portals: principles to practice (TKH), pp. 623–633.
ICSE-2002-Wong- Use of software inspection inputs in practice (YKW), pp. 725–726.
HPDC-2002-ThainL #fault #grid #theory and practice- Error Scope on a Computational Grid: Theory and Practice (DT, ML), pp. 199–208.
OSDI-2002-NavarroIDC #operating system- Practical, Transparent Operating System Support for Superpages (JN, SI, PD, ALC), pp. 89–104.
CADE-2002-Horrocks #logic #reasoning #theory and practice- Reasoning with Expressive Description Logics: Theory and Practice (IH), pp. 1–15.
CAV-2002-ColonS #proving #termination- Practical Methods for Proving Program Termination (MC, HS), pp. 442–454.
ICLP-2002-CoqueryF #morphism #named #parametricity #polymorphism #type system- TCLP: Overloading, Subtyping and Parametric Polymorphism Made Practical for CLP (EC, FF), p. 480.
TestCom-2002-VriesBF #automation #testing- Automated Testing in Practice: The Highway Tolling System (RGdV, AB, JF), pp. 219–234.
DAC-2001-AlpertHSV #resource management- A Practical Methodology for Early Buffer and Wire Resource Allocation (CJA, JH, SSS, PV), pp. 189–194.
DAC-2001-SanieCHM #design #standard- A Practical Application of Full-Feature Alternating Phase-Shifting Technology for a Phase-Aware Standard-Cell Design Flow (MS, MC, PH, VM), pp. 93–96.
CSEET-2001-DickPM #performance #re-engineering #student- Improving Student Performance in Software Engineering Practice (MD, MP, JM), pp. 143–152.
CSEET-2001-PostemaMD #education #evolution #re-engineering- Including Practical Software Evolution in Software Engineering Education (MP, JM, MD), p. 127–?.
ITiCSE-2001-HoldenY #education- Innovative teaching practices in computing education: the TLA project (JH, AY), p. 174.
ITiCSE-2001-McCaugheyA #community #education #learning #network- The learning and teaching support network promoting best practice in the information and computer science academic community (AM, SA), p. 175.
ICSM-2001-Kajko-Mattsson #documentation #maintenance- The State of Documentation Practice within Corrective Maintenance (MKM), pp. 354–363.
PASTE-2001-Griswold #slicing- Making slicing practical: the final mile (Abstract) (WGG), p. 1.
FLOPS-2001-AlbertHV #declarative #multi- A Practical Partial Evaluator for a Multi-Paradigm Declarative Language (EA, MH, GV), pp. 326–342.
CAiSE-2001-PerssonS #case study #enterprise #modelling #why- Why Enterprise Modelling? An Explorative Study into Current Practice (AP, JS), pp. 465–468.
ICEIS-v1-2001-SpremicS- Strategic IS Planning Practices (MS, IS), pp. 151–156.
TOOLS-USA-2001-ArsanjaniP01a #design #implementation- Best Practices in Business Rule Design and Implementation (AA, GP), pp. 407–408.
RE-2001-Hooks #requirements #what- What Happens With Good Requirements Practices (IH), p. 268.
RE-2001-Suchman #design- Practice-Based Design (LAS), p. 11.
ESEC-FSE-2001-MorisawaT #architecture #distributed #product line- An architectural style of product lines for distributed processing systems, and practical selection method (YM, KT), pp. 11–20.
ESEC-FSE-2001-Ran #architecture #concept- Fundamental concepts for practical software architecture (AR), pp. 328–329.
ICSE-2001-Ran #architecture #concept #tutorial- Tutorial on Fundamental Concepts for Practical Software Architecture (AR), pp. 722–723.
CC-2001-TiceG #generative #robust- A Practical, Robust Method for Generating Variable Range Tables (CT, SLG), pp. 102–117.
HPDC-2001-CzajkowskiDKT #resource management #visual notation- Practical Resource Management for Grid-Based Visual Exploration (KC, AKD, CK, MT), p. 416–?.
CAV-2001-ChocklerKKV #approach #model checking- A Practical Approach to Coverage in Model Checking (HC, OK, RPK, MYV), pp. 66–78.
ICLP-2001-MazurRJB #aspect-oriented #garbage collection- Practical Aspects for a Working Compile Time Garbage Collection System for Mercury (NM, PR, GJ, MB), pp. 105–119.
IJCAR-2001-HaarslevMW #approach #logic #motivation- The Description Logic ALCNHR+ Extended with Concrete Domains: A Practically Motivated Approach (VH, RM, MW), pp. 29–44.
LICS-2001-Abiteboul #semistructured data #theory and practice- Semistructured Data: from Practice to Theory (SA), pp. 379–386.
CBSE-2000-BurgHHMPSW- Exploring a Comprehensive CBD Method: Use of CBD/e in Practice (WDB, JSH, DPH, KM, ASP, SS, RW), p. 9.
CBSE-2000-CrnkovicLL #component #re-engineering- State of the Practice: Component-Based Software Engineering Course (IC, ML, FL), p. 13.
ASE-2000-MenziesS #assessment #case study #query #risk management #scalability- Practical Large Scale What-If Queries: Case Studies with Software Risk Assessment (TM, ES), p. 165–?.
DAC-2000-ChenKRZ #synthesis- Practical iterated fill synthesis for CMP uniformity (YC, ABK, GR, AZ), pp. 671–674.
DAC-2000-YouVMX #approach #design #multi- A practical approach to parasitic extraction for design of multimillion-transistor integrated circuits (EY, LV, JM, WX), pp. 69–74.
DATE-2000-LennardSJHH #design #question #standard- Standards for System-Level Design: Practical Reality or Solution in Search of a Question? (CKL, PS, GGdJ, AH, PH), pp. 576–583.
SIGMOD-2000-GoldmanW #approach #database #named #query #web- WSQ/DSQ: A Practical Approach for Combined Querying of Databases and the Web (RG, JW), pp. 285–296.
VLDB-2000-Bowker- Work and Information Practices in the Sciences of Biodiversity (GCB), pp. 693–696.
VLDB-2000-CeriCW #constraints- Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Success and Lingering Issues (10-Year Award) (SC, RC, JW), pp. 254–262.
CSEET-2000-Manderson #industrial #re-engineering- Graduate Software Engineering in Practice: First Industrial Contact (RM), p. 192.
PLDI-2000-CierniakLS #java #optimisation- Practicing JUDO: Java under dynamic optimizations (MC, GYL, JMS), pp. 13–26.
ICALP-2000-Broder #independence #permutation #theory and practice- Min-wise Independent Permutations: Theory and Practice (AZB), p. 808.
IFM-2000-Jonkers #interface #named #specification #towards- ISpec: Towards Practical and Sound Interface Specifications (HBMJ), pp. 116–135.
ICFP-2000-SasanoHTO #algorithm #linear #problem- Make it practical: a generic linear-time algorithm for solving maximum-weightsum problems (IS, ZH, MT, MO), pp. 137–149.
CHI-2000-LinNHL #design #named #tool support #web- DENIM: finding a tighter fit between tools and practice for Web site design (JL, MWN, JIH, JAL), pp. 510–517.
CSCW-2000-PalenSY #behaviour #mobile- Going wireless: behavior & practice of new mobile phone users (LP, MCS, EY), pp. 201–210.
AdaEurope-2000-RybinSFK #case study #experience #named- ASIS-for-GNAT: A Report of Practical Experiences (SR, AS, VF, AK), pp. 125–137.
CAiSE-2000-Daneva #enterprise #metric #requirements #reuse- Practical Reuse Measurement in ERP Requirements Engineering (MD), pp. 309–324.
CAiSE-2000-KaindlM #question #research #why- Why Is It So Difficult to Introduce RE Research Results into Mainstream RE Practice? (HK, JM), pp. 7–12.
EDOC-2000-OkuboMNHU #case study #collaboration #design #distributed #experience- Practical Experiences of Designing a Distributed Collaborative System (TO, TM, YN, HH, SU), p. 21–?.
ICML-2000-SmartK #learning- Practical Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Spaces (WDS, LPK), pp. 903–910.
ICPR-v1-2000-KimH #self- A Practical Self-Calibration Method of Rotating and Zooming Cameras (HK, KSH), pp. 1354–1357.
ICPR-v3-2000-LiuH00a #detection #implementation- Two Practical Issues in Canny’s Edge Detector Implementation (GL, RMH), pp. 3680–3682.
ICPR-v4-2000-Hata #visual notation- Practical Visual Inspection Techniques — Optics, Micro-Electronics and Advanced Software Technology (SH), pp. 4114–4117.
KR-2000-HorrocksT #axiom #reasoning #theory and practice- Reasoning with Axioms: Theory and Practice (IH, ST), pp. 285–296.
KR-2000-PeaseCLF #information management #knowledge base #performance #representation- Practical Knowledge Representation and the DARPA High Performance Knowledge Bases Project (AP, VKC, FL, AF), pp. 717–724.
SIGIR-2000-OhML #categorisation #hypermedia #incremental #using- A practical hypertext categorization method using links and incrementally available class information (HJO, SHM, MHL), pp. 264–271.
OOPSLA-2000-SundaresanHRVLGG #java- Practical virtual method call resolution for Java (VS, LJH, CR, RVR, PL, EG, CG), pp. 264–280.
TOOLS-USA-2000-NadaLSRDT #assessment #reuse- Software Reuse Technology Practices and Assessment Tool-Kit (NN, L, MtS, DCR, ED, ST), p. 307–?.
GCSE-2000-Bassett #adaptation #component #theory and practice- The Theory and Practice of Adaptive Components (PB), pp. 1–14.
PADL-2000-DemoenS #experience #garbage collection- Heap Garbage Collection in XSB: Practice and Experience (BD, KFS), pp. 93–108.
ICRE-2000-AntonA #certification #requirements #what- What Do You Mean I’ve Been Practicing without a License? Certification and Licensing of Requirements Engineering Professionals (AIA, JMA), p. 151.
ICRE-2000-Daneva #metric #requirements #reuse- Establishing Reuse Measurement Practices in SAP Requirements Engineering (MD), pp. 168–177.
ICRE-2000-Greenspan #question #requirements #why- Why is it so Easy to Introduce Requirements Engineering Technology Transfer Panels into Mainstream Practice? (SJG), pp. 69–70.
ICRE-2000-Heitmeyer #requirements #research- Transferring Research Results in Requirements to Practice: Obstacles and Incentives (CLH), pp. 71–72.
ICRE-2000-Kaindl #question #requirements #research #why- Why is it so Difficult to Introduce Requirements Engineering Research Results into Mainstream Requirements Engineering Practice? (HK), pp. 67–68.
ICRE-2000-Leite #question #research- Is there a Gap between RE Research and RE Practice? (JCSdPL), pp. 73–74.
ICRE-2000-Mead #question #requirements #research #why- Why is it so Difficult to Introduce Requirements Engineering Research Results into Mainstream Requirements Engineering Practice? (NRM), pp. 75–76.
ICRE-2000-Mead00a #certification #requirements #what- What Do You Mean I’m Practicing without a License? Certification and Licensing of Requirements Engineering Professionals (NRM), p. 152.
ICRE-2000-Siddiqi #research- Obstacles and Incentives in Introducing RE Research Results into RE Practice (JIAS), p. 77–?.
SAC-2000-Rine #modelling #re-engineering- Message from the Track Chair: Improving Software Engineering Management Practice Through Modeling and Experimentation with Enabling Technologies (DCR), pp. 849–850.
ICSE-2000-Curtis00a #lessons learnt #process #tutorial- Software process improvement (tutorial session): best practices and lessons learned (BC), p. 828.
ICSE-2000-KautzHT #enterprise #process- Applying and adjusting a software process improvement model in practice: the use of the IDEAL model in a small software enterprise (KK, HWH, KT), pp. 626–633.
ICSE-2000-NishiyamaIN #effectiveness- Technology transfer macro-process: a practical guide for the effective introduction of technology (TN, KI, TN), pp. 577–586.
ICSE-2000-OsterweilBEGKM #re-engineering #research #why- Why don’t we get more (self?) respect: the positive impact of software engineering research upon practice (LJO, BWB, ME, VG, JK, EFM), p. 660.
CADE-2000-Seger #float #model checking #proving #theorem proving- Connecting Bits with Floating-Point Numbers: Model Checking and Theorem Proving in Practice (CJHS), p. 235.
CSL-2000-Schulte #state machine- Translating Theory into Practice — Abstract State Machines within Microsoft (WS), p. 71.
DAC-1999-BrunvandNY #design #interface- Practical Advances in Asynchronous Design and in Asynchronous/Synchronous Interfaces (EB, SMN, KYY), pp. 104–109.
DAC-1999-EcklMZL #approach #multi- A Practical Approach to Multiple-Class Retiming (KE, JCM, PZ, CL), pp. 237–242.
DAC-1999-HashimotoOT #design #power management #reduction- A Practical Gate Resizing Technique Considering Glitch Reduction for Low Power Design (MH, HO, KT), pp. 446–451.
HT-1999-KaindlKD #generative #taxonomy- Semiautomatic Generation of Glossary Links: A Practical Solution (HK, SK, PSND), pp. 3–12.
VLDB-1999-PedersenJD #online- Extending Practical Pre-Aggregation in On-Line Analytical Processing (TBP, CSJ, CED), pp. 663–674.
CSEET-1999-AbowdCHP #process- Putting the Personal Software Process into Practice (PA, DC, GWH, RP), p. 34–?.
ITiCSE-1999-Utting #education #learning- Gathering and disseminating good practice at teaching and learning conferences (IU), p. 202.
FM-v1-1999-Butler #approach #csp #named- csp2B: A Practical Approach to Combining CSP and B (MJB), pp. 490–508.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Tielsch #health #interface #network #safety- Call center — interface between companies’ practice and the competence network of safety and health at work in North-Rhine-Westfalia (RT), pp. 1332–1336.
HCI-EI-1999-Itoh #internet #usability- Effects of the Internet marketplace on the usability practice (MI), pp. 923–927.
CAiSE-1999-RezendeHOPR #approach #database #distributed- A Practical Approach to Access Heterogeneous and Distributed Databases (FdFR, UH, GdSO, RCGP, JR), pp. 317–332.
ICEIS-1999-SecoCGMS #development #experience #information management- Guide to Develop an Euromethod Compatible Information System Methodology: A Practical Experience of its Development (AdAS, AdMC, JGG, JLM, LFS), p. 777.
CIKM-1999-DolinPBA #automation #classification #evaluation #information retrieval- Practical evaluation of IR within automated classification systems (RD, JP, MB, RA), pp. 322–329.
SEKE-1999-HoudekB #approach #evolution #experience- Transferring and Evolving Experience: A Practical Approach and Its Application to Software Inspections (FH, CB), pp. 210–226.
OOPSLA-1999-TipLSS #experience #java- Practical Experience with an Application Extractor for Java (FT, CL, PFS, DS), pp. 292–305.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-ChristensenDHST #architecture #design #evolution- Design and Evolution of Software Architecture in Practice (MC, CHD, KMH, ES, MT), pp. 2–15.
POPL-1999-Myers #data flow #named- JFlow: Practical Mostly-Static Information Flow Control (ACM), pp. 228–241.
POPL-1999-XiP #dependent type #programming- Dependent Types in Practical Programming (HX, FP), pp. 214–227.
ICSE-1999-DalalJKLLPH #modelling #testing- Model-Based Testing in Practice (SRD, AJ, NK, JML, CML, GCP, BMH), pp. 285–294.
ICSE-1999-HolzmannS #verification- A Practical Method for Verifying Event-Driven Software (GJH, MHS), pp. 597–607.
ICSE-1999-Statz #metric- Practical Software Measurement (JS), pp. 667–668.
ICSE-1999-WiledenK- Software Interoperability: Principles and Practice (JCW, AK), pp. 675–676.
OSDI-1999-CastroL #fault tolerance- Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (MC, BL), pp. 173–186.
CAV-1999-Brinksma #consistency #formal method #testing- Formal Methods for Conformance Testing: Theory Can Be Practical (EB), pp. 44–45.
ICLP-1999-Muller #constraints #graph- Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views (TM), p. 615.
TLCA-1999-EidorffHMNST #approach #problem- AnnoDomini in Practice: A Type-Theoretic Approach to the Year 2000 Problem (PHE, FH, CM, HN, MHS, MT), pp. 6–13.
DAC-1998-CuletuAM- A Practical Repeater Insertion Method in High Speed VLSI Circuits (JC, CA, JM), pp. 392–395.
DAC-1998-IenneG #case study #design #experience #question #standard #tool support- Practical Experiences with Standard-Cell Based Datapath Design Tools: Do We Really Need Regular Layouts? (PI, AG), pp. 396–401.
DAC-1998-NagarajCHY #analysis #approach- A Practical Approach to Static Signal Electromigration Analysis (NSN, FC, HH, DY), pp. 572–577.
SIGMOD-1998-AndersonBKW #consistency #question #replication- Replication, Consistency, and Practicality: Are These Mutually Exclusive? (TAA, YB, HFK, AW), pp. 484–495.
VLDB-1998-RezendeS #database #middleware #research- Bridging Heterogeneity: Research and Practice of Database Middleware Technology (FdFR, GS), p. 699.
ITiCSE-1998-Grove #motivation #process #programming #using- Using the personal software process to motivate good programming practices (RFG), pp. 98–101.
TACAS-1998-StevensS #game studies #model checking #using- Practical Model-Checking Using Games (PS, CS), pp. 85–101.
CSMR-1998-Kutscha #case study #experience #re-engineering- The Task Artifact Cycle: Some Experiences from Reengineering Practice (SK), p. 234.
CSMR-1998-ZedanY #approach #re-engineering- A Sound and Practical Approach To The Re-Engineering Of Time-Critical Systems (HZ, HY), pp. 220–223.
ICSM-1998-Singer #maintenance- Practices of Software Maintenance (JS), pp. 139–145.
IWPC-1998-SingerL #design #re-engineering- Studying Work Practices to Assist Tool Design in Software Engineering (JS, TCL), pp. 173–179.
STOC-1998-DoolyGS #theory and practice- TCP Dynamic Acknowledgment Delay: Theory and Practice (Extended Abstract) (DRD, SAG, SDS), pp. 389–398.
FM-1998-Yamane #design #realtime #simulation- A Practical Hierarchical Design by Timed Simulation Relations for Real-Time Systems (SY), pp. 151–167.
CHI-1998-SumnerT #case study #design #experience #learning- New Media, New Practices: Experiences in Open Learning Course Design (TS, JT), pp. 432–439.
CSCW-1998-HouseBS #information management #set #trust- Cooperative Knowledge Work and Practices of Trust: Sharing Environmental Planning Data Sets (NAVH, MHB, LRS), pp. 335–343.
EDOC-1998-Moniz #data-driven #interface #middleware #object-oriented- Developing practical, object-oriented middleware interfaces for data-intensive applications (DLM), pp. 174–182.
CIKM-1998-ZhouPL #implementation #process #transaction #workflow- Dynamic Restructuring of Transactional Workflow Activities: A Practical Implementation Method (TZ, CP, LL), pp. 378–385.
UML-1998-Allen #framework #uml- A Practical Framework for Applying UML (PA), pp. 419–433.
UML-1998-Desfray #automation #concept #design pattern #tool support- Automation of Design Pattern: Concepts, Tools and Practices (PD), pp. 120–131.
OOPSLA-1998-Litvinov #morphism #polymorphism #static typing #towards #type system- Contraint-Based Polymorphism in Cecil: Towards a Practical and Static Type System (VL), pp. 388–411.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-DengH #approach #named #object-oriented #testing- BATOOM: A Practical Approach to Testing Object-Oriented Software (YD, ZH), p. 328–?.
TOOLS-USA-1998-MaY #diagrams #reduction- Practical Rules for Reduction on the Number of States of a State Diagram (JM, SY), p. 46–?.
ICRE-1998-ForsgrenD #case study #experience #industrial #requirements- Requirements Engineering In Control Center Procurement Projects Practical Experiences from the Power Industry (PF, AD), pp. 224–232.
ICRE-1998-SommervilleSV #approach #elicitation #requirements- Viewpoints for Requirements Elicitation: A Practical Approach (IS, PS, SV), pp. 74–81.
ICRE-1998-WeidenhauptPJH #development- Scenario Usage in System Development: A Report on Current Practice (KW, KP, MJ, PH), p. 222–?.
REFSQ-1998-LamSJ #requirements #set- Managing Requirements Change: A Set of Good Practices (WL, VS, SJ), pp. 85–97.
IWTCS-1998-SchmittEKGH #generative #named #testing- Autolink — Putting SDL-Based Test Generation Into Practice (MSI, AE, BK, JG, DH), pp. 227–244.
JICSLP-1998-DecorteS #analysis #termination- Termination Analysis: Some Practical Properties of the Norm and Level Mapping Space (SD, DDS), pp. 235–249.
ASE-1997-Caldwell- Moving Proofs-As-Programs into Practice (JLC), pp. 10–17.
ASE-1997-SchumannF #component #named #retrieval- NORA/HAMMR: Making Deduction-Based Software Component Retrieval Practical (JS, BF), pp. 246–254.
DAC-1997-CongHKNSY #2d #analysis- Analysis and Justification of a Simple, Practical 2 1/2-D Capacitance Extraction Methodology (JC, LH, ABK, DN, NS, SHCY), pp. 627–632.
DAC-1997-KahngT #bound- More Practical Bounded-Skew Clock Routing (ABK, CWAT), pp. 594–599.
EDTC-1997-GibsonA #concurrent #design #verification- Practical concurrent ASIC and system design and verification (IG, CA), pp. 532–536.
HT-1997-Marshall #hypermedia- Looking Forward: Five Practices for Safer Hypertext (Keynote) (CCM), p. 241.
HT-1997-MarshallS #hypermedia- Spatial Hypertext and the Practice of Information Triage (CCM, FMSI), pp. 124–133.
ICDAR-1997-Miletzki #recognition- Character Recognition in Practice Today and Tomorrow (UM), pp. 902–907.
CSEET-1997-BudgenB #education #empirical #encapsulation #re-engineering- Encapsulating Empirical Practices within the Software Engineering Curriculum (DB, PB), pp. 111–119.
CSEET-1997-Ganesan #re-engineering- Software Engineering: On Theory Versus Practice (RG), pp. 84–85.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-PetreP #internet #problem #programming- Programming practical work and problem sessions via the Internet (MP, BAP), pp. 125–128.
SAS-1997-CharlierF #abstract interpretation #on the #theory and practice- On the Desirable Link Between Theory and Practice in Abstract Interpretation (Extended Abstract) (BLC, PF), pp. 379–387.
SAS-1997-Ryder #analysis- Practical Compile-Time Analysis (BGR), pp. 406–412.
STOC-1997-LubyMSSS- Practical Loss-Resilient Codes (ML, MM, MAS, DAS, VS), pp. 150–159.
WIA-1997-Watson #automaton #optimisation- Practical Optimizations for Automata (BWW), pp. 232–240.
WIA-1997-Wood #theory and practice- WIA and Theory and Practice (DW), pp. 1–6.
FME-1997-DevauchelleLV #named #specification- PICGAL: Practical Use of Formal Specification to Develop a Complex Critical System (LD, PGL, HV), pp. 221–236.
ICFP-1997-MarlowW #erlang #type system- A Practical Subtyping System For Erlang (SM, PW), pp. 136–149.
CHI-1997-MullerWML #human-computer #research #social #towards- Toward an HCI Research and Practice Agenda Based on Human Needs and Social Responsibility (MJM, CW, WJMJ, LFL), pp. 155–161.
HCI-SEC-1997-AsiuM #design #reasoning #theory and practice- The Role of Case-Based Reasoning in Instructional Design: Theory and Practice (BA, MDM), pp. 153–156.
HCI-SEC-1997-Corso #design #interactive #usability- Microsoft Interactive Media Products: Worldwide Usability and Design Practices (JGC), pp. 513–516.
HCI-SEC-1997-HolmquistA #approach #scalability #set #visualisation- Flip Zooming: A Practical Focus+Context Approach to Visualizing Large Data Sets (LEH, CA), pp. 763–766.
HCI-SEC-1997-Okamoto #information management #interface #people #theory and practice #towards- Toward Rehabilitation Cognitive Engineering-Gap Between Theory and Practice in the Human Interface of Information Processing Devices for People with Disabilities (AO), pp. 551–554.
HCI-SEC-1997-Strijland #interface #research- Human Interface Research and Practice at Apple Computer (PFS), pp. 543–546.
CAiSE-1997-EbertSU #automation- Meta-CASE in Practice: a Case for KOGGE (JE, RS, IU), pp. 203–216.
CIKM-1997-KimC #approach #database #execution #static analysis- A Practical Approach to Static Analysis and Execution of Rules in Active Databases (SKK, SC), pp. 161–168.
UML-1997-SchroffT #uml- Conventions for the Practical Use of UML (AS, AT), pp. 262–270.
ECOOP-1997-OnoderaN #optimisation #smalltalk- Optimizing Smalltalk by Selector Code INdexing Can Be Practical (TO, HN), pp. 302–323.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-NguyenD #approach #modelling #object-oriented- A Practical Formally-Based Approach to Object-Oriented Modeling of Control Systems (KN, TSD), pp. 404–415.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Hoffman #analysis #object-oriented- A Practical Notation for Object Oriented Analysis with a Formal Meaning (JH), pp. 225–237.
POPL-1997-OderskyW #java- Pizza into Java: Translating Theory into Practice (MO, PW), pp. 146–159.
RE-1997-Harel- Will I Be Pretty, Will I Be Rich? Some Thoughts on Theory vs. Practice in Systems Engineering (DH), p. 184–?.
RE-1997-Miller #how #question #requirements #research- How Can Requirements Engineering Research Become Requirements Engineering Practice? (SM), p. 260.
ICSE-1997-BaresiOP #industrial #specification- Introducing Formal Specification Methods in Industrial Practice (LB, AO, MP), pp. 56–66.
ICSE-1997-Musa #testing #tutorial- Software-Reliability-Engineered Testing Practice (Tutorial) (JDM), pp. 628–629.
ICSE-1997-WiledenK #tutorial- Software Interoperability: Principles and Practice (Tutorial) (JCW, AK), pp. 631–632.
CADE-1997-BjornerSU #first-order #integration #reasoning- A Practical Integration of First-Order Reasoning and Decision Procedures (NB, MES, TEU), pp. 101–115.
CADE-1997-Matthews #implementation #induction #using- A Practical Implementation of Simple Consequence Relations Using Inductive Definitions (SM), pp. 306–320.
CADE-1997-YangFZ #algorithm #geometry- A Practical Symbolic Algorithm for the Inverse Kinematics of 6R Manipulators with Simple Geometry (LY, HF, ZZ), pp. 73–86.
CAV-1997-Marschner #challenge #industrial #tool support #verification- Practical Challenges for Industrial Formal Verification Tools (FEM), pp. 1–2.
CSL-1997-Klarlund- Mona & Fido: The Logic-Automaton Connection in Practice (NK), pp. 311–326.
ICLP-1997-KagedalD #approach #array #reuse- A Practical Approach to Structure Reuse of Arrays in Single Assignment Languages (AK, SKD), pp. 18–32.
TLCA-1997-Stark #equation- Names, Equations, Relations: Practical Ways to Reason about new (IS), pp. 336–353.
HT-1996-ClearyB #automation #hypermedia- Practical Methods for Automating Linking in Structured Hypermedia Systems (CC, RB), pp. 31–41.
PODS-1996-GrumbachS #constraints #database #towards- Towards Practical Constraint Databases (SG, JS), pp. 28–39.
VLDB-1996-Kleewein #database- Practical Issues with Commercial Use of Federated Databases (JK), p. 580.
CSEE-1996-Grady #industrial #lessons learnt #re-engineering- Lessons from Industrial Adoption of Software Engineering Practices (RBG), pp. 216–217.
ITiCSE-1996-KnoxWJKKLMPR #education #guidelines- Use of laboratories in computer science education: guidelines for good practice: report of the working group on computing laboratories (DK, UW, DTJ, EBK, JK, AL, JPM, VKP, KAR), pp. 167–181.
ESOP-1996-Jones #problem #semantics- Some Practical Problems and Their Influence on Semantics (CBJ), pp. 1–17.
ICSM-1996-SlaughterB #case study #development #maintenance- A study of the effects of software development practices on software maintenance effort (SS, RDB), pp. 197–205.
PLDI-1996-DawsonRW #case study #logic programming #program analysis #using- Practical Program Analysis Using General Purpose Logic Programming Systems — A Case Study (SD, CRR, DSW), pp. 117–126.
ICALP-1996-Chen #approximate #graph #problem- Practical Approximation Schemes for Maximum Induced-Subgraph Problems on K_{3, 3}-free or K_5-free Graphs (ZZC), pp. 268–279.
WIA-1996-Raymond- WIA and the Practice of Theory in Computer Science (DRR), pp. 1–5.
FME-1996-BoigelotG #analysis #model checking #protocol #using- Model Checking in Practice: An Analysis of the ACCESS.bus Protocol using SPIN (BB, PG), pp. 465–478.
CHI-1996-SolowayJKQRSSSES #case study #design #learning- Learning Theory in Practice: Case Studies of Learner-Centered Design (ES, SLJ, JK, CQ, JR, JS, SJS, SS, JE, NS), pp. 189–196.
CSCW-1996-BowersOP- Practically Accomplishing Immersion: Cooperation in and for Virtual Environments (JB, JO, JP), pp. 380–389.
CSCW-1996-DiekmannL #community- Group Memories: A Knowledge Medium for Communities of Practice (doctoral colloquium) (BD, SNL), p. 445.
CSCW-1996-HeathL #documentation- Documents and Professional Practice: “Bad” Organisational Reasons for “Good” Clinical Records (CH, PL), pp. 354–363.
CSCW-1996-HiltzT #collaboration #learning #network #online #theory and practice #tutorial- Asynchronous Learning Networks: The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Learning Online (Tutorial) (SRH, MT), p. 5.
CSCW-1996-KatzenbergPM #evolution #protocol- Computer Support for Clinical Practice: Embedding and Evolving Protocols of Care (BK, FP, JPM), pp. 364–369.
AdaEurope-1996-EmeryHR #architecture #case study #experience- Experiences Applying a Practical Architectural Method (DEE, RFHI, TBR), pp. 471–484.
KR-1996-Williams #approach #towards- Towards a Practical Approach to Belief Revision: Reason-Based Change (MAW), pp. 412–420.
ECOOP-1996-BoylandC #compilation #type safety- Type-Safe Compilation of Covariant Specialization: A Practical Case (JB, GC), pp. 3–25.
ECOOP-1996-GaweckiM #perspective #quantifier #type system- Integrating Subtyping, Matching and Type Quantification: A Practical Perspective (AG, FM), pp. 26–47.
LOPSTR-1996-JorgensenLM #deduction- Conjunctive Partial Deduction in Practice (JJ, ML, BM), pp. 59–82.
POPL-1996-Ashley #analysis #flexibility #higher-order- A Practical and Flexible Flow Analysis for Higher-Order Languages (JMA), pp. 184–194.
FSE-1996-ZhangRL #alias #analysis #composition #pointer #towards- Program Decomposition for Pointer Aliasing: A Step Toward Practical Analyses (SZ, BGR, WL), pp. 81–92.
CADE-1996-EglyR #normalisation #on the- On the Practical Value of Different Definitional Translations to Normal Form (UE, TR), pp. 403–417.
CAV-1996-Gonthier #concurrent #garbage collection #safety #verification- Verifying the Safety of a Practical Concurrent Garbage Collector (GG), pp. 462–465.
SIGMOD-1995-IoannidisP #estimation #query- Balancing Histogram Optimality and Practicality for Query Result Size Estimation (YEI, VP), pp. 233–244.
VLDB-1995-BargaP #composition #implementation #modelling #transaction- A Practical and Modular Implementation of Extended Transaction Models (RSB, CP), pp. 206–217.
VLDB-1995-DidriksenGD #approach #database- Database De-Centralization — A Practical Approach (TD, CAGL, ED), pp. 654–665.
CSEE-1995-Card #education #metric- Teaching Practical Principles of Software Measurement (DNC), p. 443.
TACAS-1995-HenriksenJJKPRS #higher-order #logic #monad #named- Mona: Monadic Second-Order Logic in Practice (JGH, JLJ, MEJ, NK, RP, TR, AS), pp. 89–110.
DLT-1995-Galvez #lr #parsing #stack- A Practical Small LR Parser with Action Decision Through Minimal Stack Suffix Scanning (JFG), pp. 460–465.
CHI-1995-BellottiSMH #design #human-computer #modelling #multi- Multidisciplinary Modeling in HCI Design ...In Theory and in Practice (VB, SBS, AM, NH), pp. 146–153.
CHI-1995-Franzke #interactive #research- Turning Research into Practice: Characteristics of Display-Based Interaction (MF), pp. 421–428.
CHI-1995-HarperS #collaboration #tool support- Collaborative Tools and the Practicalities of Professional Work at the International Monetary Fund (RHRH, AS), pp. 122–129.
CHI-1995-Hershmann #constraints #design #user interface- The Effects of Practical Business Constraints on User Interface Design (DH), pp. 531–537.
CHI-1995-KaratD #education #usability- Practical Education for Improving Software Usability (JK, TD), pp. 162–169.
CHI-1995-WiedenbeckZM #empirical #online- End-User Training: An Empirical Study Comparing On-Line Practice Methods (SW, PLZ, DSM), pp. 74–81.
AdaEurope-1995-Brown #ada #safety- The Practical Application of Safety Techniques on an Ada Based Project (RB), pp. 51–57.
ICML-1995-Wang #approach #incremental #learning- Learning by Observation and Practice: An Incremental Approach for Planning Operator Acquisition (XW), pp. 549–557.
KDD-1995-KetterlinGK #approach #clustering #concept #database- Conceptual Clustering in Structured Databases: A Practical Approach (AK, PG, JJK), pp. 180–185.
OOPSLA-1995-Helm- Patterns in Practice (RH), pp. 337–341.
RE-1995-EmamM #case study #development #information management #requirements- A field study of requirements engineering practices in information systems development (KEE, NHM), pp. 68–80.
ICLP-1995-MulkersSJB #equation #on the- On the Practicality of Abstract Equation Systems (AM, WS, GJ, MB), pp. 781–795.
ILPS-1995-GallagherBS #logic programming #modelling #source code #static analysis- Practical Model-Based Static Analysis for Definite Logic Programs (JPG, DB, HS), pp. 351–365.
HT-ECHT-1994-MadiganCGVB #guidelines- Repertory Hypergrids: An Application to Clinical Practice Guidelines (DM, CRC, JG, OV, JB), pp. 117–125.
PODS-1994-Gonnet #database #experience #named #tutorial- Tutorial: Text Dominated Databases, Theory Practice and Experience (GHG), pp. 301–302.
PODS-1994-Harel #summary- Will I be Pretty, Will I be Rich? Some Thoughts on Theory vs. Practice in Systems Engineering (Summary) (DH), pp. 1–3.
SIGMOD-1994-Hellerstein- Practical Predicate Placement (JMH), pp. 325–335.
VLDB-1994-GutierrezPST #database #graph #persistent- Database Graph Views: A Practical Model to Manage Persistent Graphs (AG, PP, HS, JMT), pp. 391–402.
CSEE-1994-CardowW #approach #education #reuse- A Practical Approach to Teaching Software Reuse (JEC, WDWJ), pp. 517–525.
CSEE-1994-GrechenigB #reuse- Introducing a Software Reuse Culture in Practice (TG, SB), pp. 527–539.
CSEE-1994-HabraD #re-engineering #student- Putting into Practice Advanced Software Engineering Techniques through Students Project (NH, ED), pp. 303–316.
ICSM-1994-CherinkaOCR #automation #perspective #process- Issues in Software Process Automation — From a Practical Perspective (RC, CMO, LAC, JR), pp. 109–118.
ICSM-1994-RegelsonA #debugging #legacy- Debugging Practices for Complex Legacy Software Systems (ER, AA), pp. 137–143.
ICSM-1994-Wilson #energy #evolution- Software Evolution in Practice for the U.S. Department of Energy (EFW), pp. 434–436.
LFP-1994-WrightC #type system- A Practical Soft Type System for Scheme (AKW, RC), pp. 250–262.
TAGT-1994-BlosteinFG #graph grammar- Issues in the Practical Use of Graph Rewriting (DB, HF, AG), pp. 38–55.
TRI-Ada-1994-WelkerS #ada #approach #re-engineering- Software Reengineering in Ada: A Practical Approach (KDW, MWS), pp. 248–254.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-DoesburgEKW #case study #experience- Practical Experiences with OMT (ED, DE, AK, JW), pp. 75–87.
SAC-1994-RitschelPG #classification #multi #rating- Rating of pattern classifications in multi-layer perceptrons: theoretical background and practical results (WR, TP, RG), pp. 142–144.
ICSE-1994-GarlanA #architecture- Software Architecture: Practice, Potential, and Pitfalls (DG, DEP), pp. 363–364.
CC-1994-PineoS #approach #debugging- A Practical Approach to the Symbolic Debugging of Parallelized Code (PPP, MLS), pp. 339–356.
CADE-1994-MullerW #composition #higher-order #theory and practice- Theory and Practice of Minimal Modular Higher-Order E-Unification (OM, FW), pp. 650–664.
CAV-1994-BeerBGGY #hardware #verification- Methodology and System for Practical Formal Verification of Reactive Hardware (IB, SBD, DG, RG, MY), pp. 182–193.
ICLP-1994-DumortierJ #towards- Towards a Practical Full Mode Inference System for CLP(H, N) (VD, GJ), pp. 569–583.
ILPS-1994-ChiuL #constraints #logic programming #theorem proving #towards- Towards Practical Interval Constraint Solving in Logic Programming (CKC, JHML), pp. 109–123.
DAC-1993-Duvall #design #statistics- Practical Statistical Design of Complex Integrated Circuit Products (SGD), pp. 561–565.
DAC-1993-MogakiSKH #approach #layout- Cooperative Approach to a Practical Analog LSI Layout System (MM, YS, MK, TH), pp. 544–549.
ICDAR-1993-Lemarie #implementation #network #recognition- Practical implementation of a radial basis function network for handwritten digit recognition (BL), pp. 412–415.
ICDAR-1993-WatanabeLS #comprehension #documentation #framework #information management #representation #towards- Toward a practical document understanding of table-form documents: its framework and knowledge representation (TW, QL, NS), pp. 510–515.
SIGMOD-1993-CurewitzKV- Practical Prefetching via Data Compression (KMC, PK, JSV), pp. 257–266.
VLDB-1993-BrodskyJM #constraints #database #towards- Toward Practical Constraint Databases (AB, JJ, MJM), pp. 567–580.
VLDB-1993-Cohen #database #query #scalability- A Practical Issue Concerning Very Large Data Bases: The Need for Query Governors (GC), pp. 705–706.
VLDB-1993-Grefen #approach #declarative #specification #theory and practice #transaction- Combining Theory and Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative Approach to the Specification of a Transaction Modification Subsystem (PWPJG), pp. 581–591.
WCRE-1993-WardB #program transformation #reverse engineering- A Practical Program Transformation System for Reverse Engineering (MW, KB), pp. 212–221.
PLDI-1993-DuesterwaldGS #analysis #array #data flow #framework #optimisation- A Practical Data Flow Framework for Array Reference Analysis and its Use in Optimizations (ED, RG, MLS), pp. 68–77.
PLDI-1993-WahbeLG #design #implementation- Practical Data Breakpoints: Design and Implementation (RW, SL, SLG), pp. 1–12.
WSA-1993-CharlierDMH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #fixpoint #optimisation #performance #prolog- Optimization Techniques for General Purpose Fixpoint Algorithms — Practical Efficiency for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (BLC, OD, LM, PVH), pp. 15–26.
WSA-1993-Roy #challenge #logic programming #source code #static analysis- Challenges in Developing Useful and Practical Static Analysis for Logic Programs (PVR), p. 111.
FME-1993-Barrett #model checking- Model Checking in Practice — The T9000 Virtual Channel Processor (GB), pp. 129–147.
HCI-SHI-1993-AndersonJBA- The Use of Computer Simulated Cases to Study Factors that Influence Clinical Practice Styles (JGA, SJJ, CB, MMA), pp. 742–747.
HCI-SHI-1993-WojtkowskiW #authoring #development #multi #tool support- Multimedia Development Platforms and Authoring Tools: Practical and Theoretical Frontiers (WW, WGW), pp. 537–542.
INTERCHI-1993-MaguireD #industrial #metric #usability- Usability measurement: its practical value to the computer industry (MCM, AD), pp. 145–148.
CAiSE-1993-BrunetCMS #analysis #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Analysis in Practice (JB, CC, DM, FS), pp. 293–308.
RE-1993-HarkerED #challenge #evolution #re-engineering #requirements- The change and evolution of requirements as a challenge to the practice of software engineering (SH, KDE, JED), pp. 266–272.
RE-1993-LubarsPR #bibliography #modelling #requirements- A review of the state of the practice in requirements modeling (MDL, CP, CR), pp. 2–14.
RE-1993-White #requirements- Requirements engineering in systems engineering practice (SMW), pp. 192–193.
ESEC-1993-HagelsteinRW #requirements- Formal Requirements Made Practical (JH, DR, PW), pp. 127–144.
FSE-1993-Wood #approach #calculus #re-engineering #refinement #using- A Practical Approach to Software Engineering Using Z and the Refinement Calculus (KRW), pp. 79–88.
ICSE-1993-GerhartCR #formal method #industrial #using- Observations on Industrial Practice Using Formal Methods (SLG, DC, TR), pp. 24–33.
ICSE-1993-LichterSZ #industrial #prototype #theory and practice- Prototyping in Industrial Software Projects — Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice (HL, MSH, HZ), pp. 221–229.
ILPS-1993-BandaH #analysis #approach #source code- A Practical Approach to the Global Analysis of CLP Programs (MJGdlB, MVH), pp. 437–455.
ISSTA-1993-CorbettA #bound #concurrent #realtime- A Practical Technique for Bounding the Time Between Events in Concurrent Real-Time Systems (JCC, GSA), pp. 110–116.
VLDB-1992-DeWittNSS #parallel- Practical Skew Handling in Parallel Joins (DJD, JFN, DAS, SS), pp. 27–40.
WSA-1992-BandaH- A Practical Application of Sharing and Freeness Inference (MJGdlB, MVH), pp. 118–125.
CHI-1992-NilsenJOP- Method engineering: from data to model to practice (EN, HSJ, JSO, PGP), pp. 313–320.
CHI-1992-RectorHFKNNRW #development #experience- User centered development of a general practice medical workstation: the PEN&PAD experience (ALR, BH, MF, SK, PDN, WAN, DR, AW), pp. 447–453.
AdaEurope-1992-BayassiBJL #ada #distributed #paradigm- A Practical Use of the Ada Rendez-Vous Paradigm in Distributed Systems (MB, HB, JFJ, PL), pp. 312–324.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BurgerBVTSB #ada #distributed #source code- A Practical Tool for Distributing Ada Programs: TeleSoft’s Distributed Ada Configuration Tool (TB, JBB, RAV, RT, GS, KHB), pp. 484–492.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Waterman- A Practical Look at SAMeDL (DW), pp. 398–406.
KR-1992-Brachman #information management #representation- “Reducing” CLASSIC to Practice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Reality (RJB), pp. 247–258.
KR-1992-SchragBC #reasoning- Managing Disjunction for Practical Temporal Reasoning (RS, MB, JC), pp. 36–46.
ML-1992-KiraR #approach #feature model- A Practical Approach to Feature Selection (KK, LAR), pp. 249–256.
ECOOP-1992-OxhojPS #type inference- Making Type Inference Practical (NO, JP, MIS), pp. 329–349.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Reenskaug #design #smalltalk- Intermediate Smalltalk, Practical Design and Impelementation (TR), p. 437.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-MaE #approach #library #relational #using- A Practical Approach to Class Library Management Using a Relational DBMS (JM, JME), pp. 165–173.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Murphy #inheritance #multi- Practical Applications of Multiple Inheritance in an OODB (JM), pp. 225–231.
IWPTS-1992-Briere #testing- Testing in Practice — OSI Test Center (MHLB), pp. 19–29.
JICSLP-1992-Heintze #analysis #aspect-oriented #set- Practical Aspects of Set Based Analysis (NH), pp. 765–779.
DAC-1991-FangCFC #multi #problem- Constrained via Minimization with Practical Considerations for Multi-Layer VLSI/PCB Routing Problems (SCF, KEC, WSF, SJC), pp. 60–65.
PLDI-1991-GoffKT #dependence #testing- Practical Dependence Testing (GG, KK, CWT), pp. 15–29.
VDME-1991-1-WingZ #specification- Unintrusive Ways to Integrate Formal Specifications in Practice (JMW, AMZ), pp. 545–569.
CHI-1991-WroblewskiMH #named- DETENTE: practical support for practical action (DAW, TPM, WCH), pp. 195–202.
OOPSLA-1991-ChambersU #object-oriented- Making Pure Object-Oriented Languages Practical (CC, DU), pp. 1–15.
ESEC-1991-Jackson #industrial #perspective #re-engineering- The Impact of Software Engineering Researches on Industrial Practice — a Personal View (CJ), pp. 472–479.
ICSE-1991-HihnH #bibliography #estimation- Cost Estimation of Software Intensive Projects: A Survey of Current Practices (JH, HHa), pp. 276–287.
SOSP-1991-LampsonABW #authentication #distributed #theory and practice- Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice (BWL, MA, MB, EW), pp. 165–182.
DAC-1990-SuzukiO #design #online- A Practical Online Design Rule Checking System (GS, YO), pp. 246–252.
SIGMOD-1990-KiernanMS #database #deduction- Making Deductive Databases a Practical Technology: A Step Forward (GK, CdM, ES), pp. 237–246.
SIGMOD-1990-LiptonNS #adaptation #estimation- Practical Selectivity Estimation through Adaptive Sampling (RJL, JFN, DAS), pp. 1–11.
STOC-1990-KleinST #algorithm #approximate #concurrent #performance- Leighton-Rao Might Be Practical: Faster Approximation Algorithms for Concurrent Flow with Uniform Capacities (PNK, CS, ÉT), pp. 310–321.
CAiSE-1990-SmolanderTL #case study #how #tool support- How to Combine Tools and Methods in Practice — a Field Study (KS, VPT, KL), pp. 195–214.
SEKE-1990-DeckH #re-engineering #theory and practice- Cleanroom Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (MDD, PAH), pp. 71–77.
ICSE-1990-HirayamaSYT #lifecycle #metric #modelling #quality- Practice of Quality Modeling and Measurement on Software Life-Cycle (MH, HS, AY, JT), pp. 98–107.
CC-1990-Paakki #definite clause grammar #implementation- A Practical Implementation of DCGs (Abstract) (JP), pp. 224–225.
CLP-1990-Paakki90 #attribute grammar #compilation- A Logic-Based Modification of Attribute Grammars for Practical Compiler Writing (JP), pp. 203–217.
CLP-1990-SchreyeVB90 #detection #graph #horn clause #query #strict #using- A Practical Technique for Detecting Non-terminating Queries for a Restricted Class of Horn Clauses, Using Directed, Weighted Graphs (DDS, KV, MB), pp. 649–663.
PODS-1989-MannilaR #algorithm #normalisation #testing- Practical Algorithms for Finding Prime Attributes and Testing Normal Forms (HM, KJR), pp. 128–133.
PODS-1989-Wang #maintenance #question- Can Constant-time Maintainability Be More Practical? (KW), pp. 120–127.
ECOOP-1989-MullerP #object-oriented #programming #rest- Four Steps and a Rest in Putting an Object-Oriented Programming Environment to Practical Use (GM, AKP), pp. 271–282.
ESEC-1989-Wordsworth #experience #interface #programming #specification- Practical Experience of Formal Specification: A Programming Interface for Communications (JW), pp. 140–158.
ICSE-1989-DeMarcoL #development #state of the art- Software Development: State of the Art vs. State of the Practice (TD, TL), pp. 271–275.
ICSE-1989-HumphreyKK #re-engineering- The State of Software Engineering Practice: A Preliminary Report (WSH, DHK, TCK), pp. 277–288.
NACLP-1989-FosterT #named #parallel #programming- Strand: A Practical Parallel Programming Tool (ITF, ST), pp. 497–512.
TAV-1989-Moriconi #approach #configuration management #semantics- A Practical Approach to Semantic Configuration Management (MM), pp. 103–113.
SEI-1988-MooreP- Meeting the Training Needs of Practicing Software Engineers at Texas Instruments (FLM, PRP), pp. 32–44.
PLDI-1988-CoutantMR #approach #debugging #named- DOC: A Practical Approach to Source-Level Debugging of Globally Optimized Code (DSC, SM, MR), pp. 125–134.
ML-1988-Etzioni #approach #learning #reliability- Hypothesis Filtering: A Practical Approach to Reliable Learning (OE), pp. 416–429.
ML-1988-Wu #named #reduction- Reduction: A Practical Mechanism of Searching for Regularity in Data (YHW), pp. 374–380.
POPL-1988-Felleisen #theory and practice- The Theory and Practice of First-Class Prompts (MF), pp. 180–190.
JICSCP-1988-WarrenHD88 #analysis #logic programming #on the #source code- On the Practicality of Global Flow Analysis of Logic Programs (RW, MVH, SKD), pp. 684–699.
DAC-1987-Masurkar #re-engineering #requirements- Requirements for a Practical Software Engineering Environment (VM), pp. 67–73.
DAC-1987-McGehee- A Practical Moat Router (RKM), pp. 216–222.
HCI-CE-1987-HanniganH #design- Human Factors in Office Product Design: European Practice (SH, VH), pp. 225–232.
POPL-1987-Jouvelot #abstract interpretation #parallel #semantics- Semantic Parallelization: A Practical Exercise in Abstract Interpretation (PJ), pp. 39–48.
SLP-1987-KishimotoHKH87 #evaluation #source code- An Evaluation of the FGHC via Practical Application Programs (MK, AH, KK, AH), pp. 516–525.
SIGMOD-1986-RosenthalHDM #approach #recursion #traversal- Traversal Recursion: A Practical Approach to Supporting Recursive Applications (AR, SH, UD, FM), pp. 166–176.
ESOP-1986-Naftalin #empirical #semantics- An Experiment in Practical Semantics (MN), pp. 144–159.
ICALP-1986-SpirakisT #algorithm #performance- A Very Fast, Practical Algorithm for Finding a Negative Cycle in a Digraph (PGS, AKT), pp. 397–406.
GG-1986-Kaul #graph grammar #precedence- Practical Applications of Precedence Graph Grammars (MK), pp. 326–342.
CSCW-1986-CashmanS #complexity #theory and practice- Achieving sustainable complexity through information technology: theory and practice (PMC, DS), pp. 307–317.
CSCW-1986-FosterS #named #theory and practice- Cognoter: theory and practice of a colab-orative tool (GF, MS), pp. 7–15.
CRAI-1986-Goodenough #ada #compilation #testing #theory and practice #validation- Ada Compiler Validation: An Example of Software Testing Theory and Practice (JBG), pp. 195–232.
FPCA-1985-ClackJ85 #analysis #approach #strict- Strictness Analysis — A Practical Approach (CDC, SLPJ), pp. 35–49.
FPCA-1985-Nikhil85 #morphism #polymorphism- Practical Polymorphism (RSN), pp. 319–333.
SIGIR-1985-DAmoreM #theory and practice- One-Time Complete Indexing of Text: Theory and Practice (RJD, CPM), pp. 155–164.
ICSE-1985-ParnasW #design- Active Design Reviews: Principles and Practices (DLP, DMW), pp. 132–136.
LFP-1984-StoyeCN #agile #combinator #reduction- Some Practical Methods for Rapid Combinator Reduction (WRS, TJWC, ACN), pp. 159–166.
ICSE-1984-Donzeau-GougeLM #syntax- Practical Applications of a Syntax Directed Program Manipulation Environment (VDG, BL, BM), pp. 346–357.
SIGMOD-1983-Gray #data transformation #problem- Practical Problems in Data Management — A Position Paper (JG), p. 3.
SIGIR-1983-Eastman #algorithm #evaluation #multi- Current Practice in The Evaluation of Multikey Search Algorithms (CME), pp. 197–204.
POPL-1983-ClarkeES #approach #automation #concurrent #finite #logic #specification #using #verification- Automatic Verification of Finite State Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications: A Practical Approach (EMC, EAE, APS), pp. 117–126.
POPL-1983-LampsonS #polymorphism- Practical Use of a Polymorphic Applicative Language (BWL, EES), pp. 237–255.
POPL-1983-NagleJ #automation #embedded #proving #realtime #verification- Practical Program Verification: Automatic Program Proving for Real-Time Embedded Software (JN, SJ), pp. 48–58.
VLDB-1982-Kent #design- Choices in Practical Data Design (WK), pp. 165–180.
VLDB-1982-Leiss #database #statistics- Randomizing, A Practical Method for Protecting Statistical Databases Against Compromise (ELL), pp. 189–196.
SCC-1982-BurkeF #fault- A Practical Method for Syntactic Error Diagnosis and Recovery (MGB, GAF), pp. 67–78.
SCC-1982-KrummeA #code generation- A Practical Method for Code Generation Based on Exhaustive Search (DWK, DHA), pp. 185–196.
SIGIR-1982-FraenkelMP #question- Is Text Compression by Prefizes and Suffixes Practical? (ASF, MM, YP), pp. 289–311.
POPL-1982-SippiS #fault #lr #parsing- Practical Error Recovery in LR Parsing (SS, ESS), pp. 177–184.
VLDB-1981-Curtice #assessment #problem- Data Dictionaries: An Assessment of Current Practice and Problems (RMC), pp. 564–570.
VLDB-1981-Hainaut #database #design #tool support- Theoretical and Practical Tools for Data Base Design (JLH), pp. 216–224.
VLDB-1981-Kent- Data Model Theory Meets a Practical Application (WK), pp. 13–22.
DAC-1980-SingletonC #automation #design #scalability- Practical automated design of LSI for large computers (JPS, NRC), pp. 556–559.
SIGMOD-1980-LuskOP #database #design #implementation #using- A Practical Design Methodology for the Implementation of IMS Databases, Using the Entity-Relationship Model (ELL, RAO, BDP), pp. 9–21.
VLDB-1980-Swartwout #database- Database Theory and its Relationship to Practice (DES), p. 361.
SDCG-1980-Ganzinger #attribute grammar #semantics- Transforming denotational semantics into practical attribute grammars (HG), pp. 1–69.
DAC-1979-GiambiasiMM #named #network #scalability #simulation- SILOG: A practical tool for large digital network simulation (NG, AM, DM), pp. 263–271.
SCC-1979-GrahamHJ #fault #lr- Practical LR error recovery (SLG, CBH, WNJ), pp. 168–175.
ICALP-1979-Wegner #approach #decidability #two-level grammar- Bracketed Two-Level Grammars — A Decidable and Practical Approach to Language Definitions (LMW), pp. 668–682.
ICSE-1979-HutchingsMETW #on the #re-engineering- On CADES-Software Engineering in Practice (AFH, RWM, AEE, BRT, PNW), pp. 136–144.
DAC-1978-ShahY #cost analysis #design- A practical technique for benefit-cost analysis of Computer-Aided Design and Drafting Systems (RRS, GYY).
SIGMOD-1978-Berlin #evaluation- DBMS Selection and Evaluation: Perspectives and Practical Issues (BB), pp. 37–38.
VLDB-1978-Delobel #aspect-oriented #database #modelling- Data Base Theory and Modeling — Theoretical and Practical Aspects (CD), p. 112.
VLDB-1978-Smith #database #design #theory and practice- Comments on the paper “Data Base Design in Theory and Practice” by Bo Sundgren (JMS), pp. 17–18.
VLDB-1978-Sundgren #database #design #theory and practice- Data Base Design in Theory and Practice (BS), pp. 3–16.
VLDB-1978-Theys #database #design #theory and practice- Comments on the Paper “Data Base Design in Theory and Practice” (MT), pp. 19–20.
STOC-1978-Pratt #logic- A Practical Decision Method for Propositional Dynamic Logic: Preliminary Report (VRP), pp. 326–337.
POPL-1978-Johnson #compilation #theory and practice- A Portable Compiler: Theory and Practice (SCJ), pp. 97–104.
DAC-1977-Gebert #architecture #design- Computer-aided design and practice in city college school of architecture (GAG), pp. 277–278.
DAC-1977-Magnhagen #case study #design #experience #probability #simulation- Practical experiences from signal probability simulation of digital designs (BM), pp. 216–219.
SIGMOD-1977-Lomet #algorithm #concurrent #database- A Practical Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm for Data Base Systems (DBL), pp. 122–127.
ICSE-1976-Carrow #programming #theory and practice- Structured Programming: From Theory to Practice (JCC), pp. 370–372.
SOSP-J-1975-Millen76 #kernel #security #validation- Security Kernel Validation in Practice (JKM), pp. 243–250.
DAC-1975-Whitney- Practical results with CADSYS (DEW), pp. 220–223.
POPL-1973-GrahamR #fault- Practical Syntactic Error Recovery (SLG, SPR), pp. 52–58.
SIGFIDET-1972-BachmanB #architecture #process- Architecture Definition Technique: Its Objectives Theory, Process, Facilities and Practice (CWB, JB), pp. 257–305.
DAC-1971-Sides #architecture #information management- An information system in architectural practices (CDSJ), p. 285.
DAC-1969-DoutyC #design #generative- A discipline for generating practical optimal structural designs (RTD, JWC), pp. 155–168.
SOSP-1969-NeedhamH #design #operating system #theory and practice- Theory and practice in operating system design (RMN, DFH), pp. 8–12.