Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Burd M.Munro
Talks about:
modul (3) reusabl (2) extract (2) granular (1) program (1) legaci (1) consid (1) analys (1) cobol (1) larg (1)
Person: Clazien D. Wezeman
DBLP: Wezeman:Clazien_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICSM-1996-BurdMW #cobol #reuse #scalability #source code
- Analysing Large COBOL Programs: the extraction of reusable modules (EB, MM, CDW), pp. 238–243.
- WCRE-1996-BurdMW #legacy #reuse
- Extracting Reusable Modules from Legacy Code: Considering the Issues of Module Granularity (EB, MM, CDW), p. 189–?.